1977 Road Committee Minutes ST./THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1977. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING on December 7, 1977 at 10:00 A.M. All members ~xcept Reeve Wilson were present. Frank Clarke of Ministry of Transportation and CVliu.uunicationsal so present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of November 9 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS _ 1. A heavy snowfall - up to 1 foot - had hit Central Elgin and South Dorchester in the past: day. Sanders and Snow Plows were also operative, except Grader 14 which had the transmission out. All snow fence that the County owned was up. 2. Road 30 construction had been completed for the season and paved. 3. Earth exca,ration would be complete on Road 31 by the weekend and would be followed by granular base, but would not likely be paved this year. 4. Guide Rail had been erected on Road 52 and the road pavement marked. 5. Paving had been completed at the intersection of Roads 29 & 31. 6. Fencing was underway on Road 16. 7. Work for the City of St. Thomas at Woodworth Ave. had been completed for the time being. 8. Ditching was underway on Road 24 East of Dexter. 9. Construction of the Fulton Street Drain in Vienna was underway. 10. Approximately 600 ft. of storm drain would be placed on Chatham Street (Road 39). 11. Road 20 at Port Stanley had been reopened to traffic north of Warren Street. 12. A washout on the shoulder on Road 24 at the top of Port Bruce Hill had been repaired. 13. The Night Crew started on November 27. 14. A Sign Repair Programme would start shortly. 15. Rural Employment Incentives Programme funds had been expended and the crews laid off and the County could receive $ 900 - $ 1000 more if the Townships did not use their entire allocation. 16. Rural Employment Incentives Programme work continued in Vienna, Bayham & Malahide. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1977. PAGE 2. 17. OntariO Municipal Board had rejected the application of E. Atcheson to future severances into 3 pieces the lot purchased from the County in Lot 7, concession 18. That the 2 Dodge PickUP Trucks rented from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler ~ould v, south'vvold. be purchased from them at the end of the rental period (approximatelY 19. That only approximatelY $ 75,000 of November accounts could be paid, as ~th December 15). 20. All of the Ministry of Transportation and communications subsidy Allocation ~ages outstanding, until the end of the year. 21. That the personnel committee ~ould recommend to county Council that ~age would be spent. increaseS to County Road personnel be approximatelY 6% to conform ~ith A.I.B. 22. That Ontario Hydro had narro~ed their choice for a ne~ line bet~een St. Thomas guide lineS. and London to 2 locations, but favoured a line bet~een the northeast corner of St. Thomas and the Buchanan Transformer Station, roughly parallel and to the ~est of Radio & RUbrey Roads. Spring Tender Call to link county Road 52 ~ith the portion of centennial Ave. north of Righ~aY 3 construction by the Ministry of Transportation and communications in 1977. No decision had been made on a tender call date for the portion of the Express~aY bet~een Talbotville and Road 26. Righ~ay 3 at centennial Ave. The Engineer ~aS instructed to ~ite the Ministry of Transportation and communications and request the earlY spring installation of the signalS as ~ell as earlY completion of that portion of the Express~aY that ~ould link up County Road 52 & Road 30 to Talbotville and High~aY 3 east 23. The Ministry of Transportation and communications ~aS considering an earlY 24. No decision had been made for timing of the installation of traffic signal s on of St. ThomaS. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1977. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _ PAYLIST NUMBER 56 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 57 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 58 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 55 AMOUNTING TO $ 37,296.16 374. 23 137,158.04 39,231.00 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - 1. Ministry of Transportation and Communications authorizing supplementary subsidy allocation of $ 7,000 for Drainage Assessments. 2. Ontario Municipal Board with decision denying appeal of Paul Hambly against a decision of County Land Division Committee. 3. Various Municipalities with Zoning By-Laws. 4. Board of Education requesting to know if the County had any plans to improve the safety conditions on Centennial Ave. between Centennial School and Bodkin Ave. The Engineer was instructed to write to the Board of Education stating that the County has no funds at the present time to improve the road shoulders for pedestrian safety. 5. Township of Sandwich West requesting endsoration of a resolution regarding the fining of vehicle owners for the illegal passing of school buses. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE ENDORSE THE RESOLUTION OF SANDWICH WEST REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT TO HAVE THE OWNER OF A VEHICLE FINED RATHER THAN THE OPERATOR OF THE VEHICLE FOR ILLEGALLY PASSING A SCHOOL BUS IF THE OPERATOR OF THE VEHICLE CANNOT BE IIDENTIFIED. CARRIE D." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1977. PAGE 4. 6. Donald Leitch requesting signs to be erected denoting Largie and Campbellton. CUUl1uittee felt that they could not get into a progrannne of signing Cvul1uunities which were not of a significant size to attract a reasonable amount of traffic. It was suggested that the Federal Heritage Progrannne might be of some assistance. 7. Ministry of Transportation and Cuul1uunications regarding sale of their old garage property on ~3 West of Wallacetown. The Engineer felt that the County was not interested in the purchase of the property. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER. DINNER ...... CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS - 1. From the Ministry of the Environment requesting the. County to close a part of Road 39 to enable the Ministry of the Environment to build a Sewerage Treatment Plant on the road and adjacent lands. The Connnittee felt that closure of the road was undersirable as it was used as a public access to the Lake Erie Beach and there was sufficient land to the west belonging to the Ministry of Natural Resources which could be utilized for the Plant. The EnginBBr was advised to assist the Village and the Ministry of the Environment to help obtain sufficient land from the Ministry of Natural Resources for the Plant. 2. Board of Ed.ucation requesting school bus turning signs on Road 20 at Stan Smith's corner and Road 45 at Dennis Side Road in Bayham Township. Connnittee agreed to the request. 3. From Extendicare Ltd. regarding water from their parking lot on Road 23 and the Engineer's reply stating that if further problems ensued a Municipal Drain would likely be required with Extendicare being assessed for the rnajority of the costs. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1977. PAGE 5. 4. From Walmsley Bros. stating they would honour the completion of their Asphalt Paving Contract in the Spring of 1978 at the same unit prices. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING PIPE FROM KOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CANADA AT THE PRICES INDICATED - 500 FEET OF 18" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 4.28 PER FOOT 60 OF 12" DIAMETER COUPLERS @ $ 2.87 EACH 800 FEET OF 6" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 1.47 PER FOOT 2000 FEET OF 8" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 1.95 PER FOOT 1000 FEET OF 10" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 2.41 PER FOOT 2000 FEET OF 12" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 2.87 PER FOOT 1000 FEET OF 15" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 3.57 PER FOOT 500 FEET OF 18" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 4. 28 PER FOOT 100 FEET OF 24" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 6.48 PER FOOT 140 FEET OF 30" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 8.21 PER FOOT 40 FEET OF 36" DIAMETER PIPE @ $ 10.31 PER FOOT 40 OF 6" COUPLERS @ N. C. 100 OF 8" COUPLERS @ N. C. 40 OF 10" COUPLERS @ N. C. 60 OF 12" COUPLERS @ $ 2.87 EACH 80 OF 15" COUPLERS @ $ 3.57 EACH 20 OF 18" COUPLERS @ $ 4.28 EACH. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ENTER INTO A COST SHARING ARRANGEMENT WITH THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA TO CONSTRUCT A DRAIN ON FULTON STREET AND APPROXIMATELY 280 FEET OF DRAIN ON MAIN STREET UNDER THE FOLLOWING FINANCIAL ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1977. PAGE 6. CONDITIONS. (A) THAT THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA WOULD OBTAIN AND PAY FOR (IF NECESSARY) ANY EASEMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE DRAIN EAST OF MAIN ST., (B) THAT THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA CONTRIBUTE APPROXIMATELY $ 4'1000 OF THE COST OF THE DRAINS ON MAIN ST. AND EAST OF MAIN ST. TO OTTER CREEK, (C) THAT THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA CONTRIBUTE 20% OF THE COST OF THE WORK ON FULTON STREET WEST OF THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF MAIN STREET. CARRIED. " THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT the Land Appraisal of H. Axford's property had been received and amounted to $ 10,441. The Engineer was instructed to ascertain if H. Axford was still interested in the property exchange, and if SO'I have the County Solicitor send the necessary notices to D. Siple stating that the County was prepared to proceed. The Engineer reported that new Bridge Weight, Road Consolidation and Through Highway By-Laws were required to bring the By-Laws into step with present County usage. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY-LAWS BE PASSED RESTRICTING WEIGHTS ON COUNTY BRIDGES AND THAT THE LIST OF BRIDGES BE IDENTICAL WITH PRESENT BY-LAWS EXCEPT THAT CARR'S BRIDGE BE REMOVED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A ROAD REVERSION AND ASSUMPTION BY-LAW BE PASSED TO INCORPORATE THE CONSTRUCTION CHANGES AND REVERSIONS ON ROAD 30, 31, 52 AND TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE ASSUMPTION OF FORMER COUNTY ROAD 52 BETWEEN HIGHWAY 3 AND ROAD 26 BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED." S't. 'tRoMf'.S, oN'tAR10, DECEMBER 7, 1977. "PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. lZ. CoolZ , ,.1\'M'C''!I.1D rt'O cQUl'lT'l COUNC1L 'J:l\A't A Rf,V1.SED 'tRROUG\\ R1G1:l\'lAY TllAT \>1B RBCO~.u:~I:>l." J. By_LA"II BE PASSED 'to CoNl'O~ 'to pR\?SEN't USAGE. CARRIBD." \>1. R. CAVERLY it appea-red that in 1911, but that Qqe~head, Needs be inc~eased by a~~~0~imate1Y $ 123,000 of . . 1 1 k fo~ 1918 stating 't1:\E ENG1NEER R\?POR'tED BR1El'LY on the f1.nanc1.a out 00 . . . 1918 ~ou1d ~eroain constant ~ith those construction A110cat1.ons l.n Study u~date and Maintenance Allocations ~ou1d thiS amount it a~~ea~ed that the CountY LevY ~ou1d inc~ease by about $ ~5,000. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: "II. R. CAVERLY 't1:lA't "\lE ADJOUBN 'to 10:00 A.M., J p,NUARY 11, 1918. CARRIBD ." ~ CliAIRMAN \ \ coUNTY OF BLG1N ROAD Cmfr11tTBB .......... ~ . - FIRST REPORT .........-- -----... DECEMBER SESSION 1977 Page 1. TO T1:l.B -WARDEN AND MEMBBRS OF BLG1N COUNTY COUNC1L. 1. The Ministry of Transportation and CQfl1llIUnications haS appro"Ved the yOUR ROAD COMMltTBB REPORTS AS FOLLOVlS - County of Blgin resolution passed in september 1977 appropriating the sum of $ 7,000 sUbsidy for Drainage Assessments. 2. Rot Mix Asphalt pa"Ving haS been completed on Road 30 (Radio Road). A fe~ days work remainS on County Road 31 (Dale~ood Dri"Ve) before it can be reopened to traffic. 1. That By_La~S be passed restricting the ~eight of "Vehicles passing VIE RECOMMEND .. o"Ver bridgeS. The ~eightS limit on bridgeS is the ssme as in pre"ViouS By_La~S eXcept that Carr's bridge on Road 52 is omitted as it haS been replaced by a di"Version of Road 52. 2. That a By_La~ be passed to emend the consolidated County Road system By_La~ to incorporate the di"Version of Road 30, 31 & 52 that occurred in the past 2 yearS due to road construction and to take intO consideration the assumption of Road 52, bet~een Talbot"Ville and Road 26, by the Ministry of Transportation and CQfl1llIUnicatiOns. 3. That a By_La", be passed to designate through high~ays in the County. AS the present By_La~ haS been emended a number of timeS and se"Veral more amendmentS ~ould be required because of road construction during 1977 it ~aS felt that a ne~ By_La~ ~aS required. an emendment to the Righ~aY Traffic Act to ha"Ve the owner, of a "Vehicle, that passes a school buS illegallY' :fined if it is possible for the school buS dri"Ver to properlY identifY the "Vehicle. At the present time the ... continued ... 4. That ~e endor.se the resolution of the TownshiP of Sand~ich -West requesting COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1977 I Page 2. school bus driver must not only identify the vehicle, but must also be able to identify the operator to have a charge lai.d for illegally passing a school bus. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9, 1977. PAGE 1. November 9, 1977. All members were present except Warden Cook and Reeve Bradfield. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT TRE Municipal Building at 9 :30 A.M., Also p~esent F. cla~ke. TRE MINUTES OF TRE Meeting of october 4 were read and approved. TRE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLL~S: (1) All earthwork except 1 day hauling from Road 30 and the completion of the (2) ToP soil work on Road 52 west of the CNR tracks had been completed. carmichael fill on Road 52 & 31 & 30 had been completed. (3) Sand base work waS underway on the north end of Road 30 and it waS hoped (4) Storm Drain and Guide Rail work were being completed as fast as earth that paving would be underway in 2 weeks. g~ading permitted. (5) Sand piles at DUtton and Rodney had been completed. (6) A culvert on the Graham Drain on Road 8 south of DUtton had been replaced. (7) The expansion joint on the WardSVille Bridge waS being repaired. (8) Work on Elm Street for the CitY of St. Thomas had been completed. (9) Gordon Wiseman waS crushing at pleasant Valley Pit. More pit Run Gravel had been stockpiled. Enough gravel would be crushed to complete construction on Road 52 and for gravel resurfacing neJ<t spring. had been altered to provide for better service. Some discUssion on routes ensued and the Township of Bayham waS requested to sand Road 38 on a time (10) Sanders and SnowplowS were being prepared for winter and routes in East Elgin (12) 2 days pavement marking for Oxford waS underway and approximatelY 2 dayS work ~emained fo~ Elgin. (13) Drains on Jane Street in Rodney for the Village had been completed. and mate~ial basis. (11) The last round of sweeping was underway. (14) Work waS underWay in Vienna on a stOrm drain for the Village. would sta~t ea~ly next week. (16) TestS fo~ sand base fo~ Road 16 we~e being made. (15 ) S't. 't1:lQMAS, oNTARIO, NOVEMBER 9, 1977. 'PAGE 2. Excavation fo~ the ~oodwo~th Ave. Culve~t fo~ the city of St. Thomas "MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED B'H J. B. ~ILSoN THAT T1:lE FOLLcM1NG 1'AYLISTS BE A1'1'ROVJ!.D FOR 1'AYMENT: 1'A'lLIST N\Th1BER 49 A}10UNTING TO $ 35,312.44 1'AYLIS't N\Th1BER 50 A}10uNTING TO $ 43,606.12 1'AYLIST N\Th1BER 51 A}10uNT1NG TO $ 222.49 pAYL1ST NUMBER 52 A}10uNT1NG 'to $ 36,B69.09 pAYLIST N\Th1BER 53 l\MouNTU1G TO $ 214.49 l' AYLI ST N\Th1BER 54 A}10uNTING TO $ 216, B 96 · 45 pA'lLIS't N\Th1BBR . A}10uNTING TO $ 40,35B. 90. (l CARR1ED ." (1 ) COBRESpoNDENCE ~AS READ "FRoM E' t Geo~ge Ke~~' Ministe~ of Envi~O~ent, in ~eply to the County ng~nee~ s conce~n ~ega~ding southwold Land "Fill Site. Onta~io MUnicipal Boa~d with copy of ~epo~t ~ejecting appeal of Geo~ge 1:lobden appealing Land Division's ~efusal to g~ant land division on Road 14. Va~ioUS To'ilt\shiP By_LaWS fo~ ~ezoning and applications to CQIllntittee of (2) (3 ) AdjUstment. E~i~onment canada ~equesting ent~ance to Kaufman p~ope~tY' Road 42 and the Enginee~'s lette~ to To'ilt\shiP of Bayham ~ega~ding ga~bage diSpOsal on (4 ) the p~ope~tY. cent~al Elgin Planning Boa~d minuteS ~ega~ding indust~ial expansion at inte~section of UighwaY 3 and centennial Ave. no~th of Uighway 3. Onta~io MUnicipal Boa~d Notice ~ega~ding application of Elf~iede AtcheSon of appeal against decision of the Land DiVision CQIllntittee in tu~ning do'ilt\ he~ application to subdivide a po~tion of Lot 1, concession V, southwold, o~iginallY pu~chased f~am the CountY of Elgin. CQIllntittee inst~ucted the Enginee~ to ~ep~esent the inte~estS of the CountY at the hea~ing. (5 ) (6 ) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9, 1977. PAGE 3. (7) Elgin County Board of Education regarding safety on centennial Ave. The (8) county of Lambton requesting endorsement of a resolution opposing the matter waS laid over until Warden cook would be in attendance- city of Windsor request to have the Ministry of Transportation and communications alter the contributions of separated Cities to Suburban Road conlInission. "MOVED BY: D. R. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO cOUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF COUNTY OF LAMBTON OPPOSING Aff'{ AMENDMENT TO THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMJ'ROVEMF.N'I Ac:r. WITH REGARD TO THE FINANCING OF SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS BE ENDORSED AND THAT THE MlNISTER OF TRANSPORTATIOlt AND coMMUNICATIONS BE SO INFOJU.jED. CARRIED" · (9) Village of DUtton requesting parking restrictions on county Road 8. "MOVl~D BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A ~_LAW BE PASSED PROHIBITING p/>.RJUNG ON cQUNTY ROAD 8 AS FOLLOWS: 1. ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDE OF ROAD 8 SOUTH OF MARY STREET FROM 2. ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDE OF ROAD 8 NORTH OF MARY FROM THE THE INTERSEc:r.ION OF MARY STREET SOUTHEJU.,Y FOR 23 METRES. INTERSEc:r.ION OF MARY STREET NORTHERLY FOR 18 METRES. 3 _ ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDE OF ROAD 8 NORTH OF SHACKLETON STREET FROM THE INTERSECTION OF SHACKLETON NORTHERLY FOR 8 METRES. CARRIED" · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9, 1977. PAGE 4. (10) Clark Equipment requesting use of the County Pleasant Valley Pit for the evaluation of equipment. Approval was given subject to the project not disturbing adjacent property, neighbours and County operations. (11) Ontario Good Roads Association requesting resolution and long service awards. (12) Solicitors for Ross Campbell requesting the County of Elgin to give his client title to a portion of Lot 6, Concession A, :8, F, Dunwich near the Tates Bridge. The Engineer stated that he was willing to recvllJJ.uend a quit c1aiTI~ release reserving under the County the right to travel over the property to repair and maintain the Tates Bridge. Reeve Campbell stated that the Township of Dunwich would close the original road allowance between Lots 6 & 7 to complete the transfer. TENDERS FOR DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRUCKS were as attached. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LTD. FOR 4 FORD F350 PICKUP TRUCKS AS PER THEIR TENDER AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT A NET PRICE, INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX OF $ 23,689.80 WITH COUNTY TRUCKS # 51, 52, 53 & 61 AS TRADE-INS. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRI ED" . COMMITTEE AGREED THAT THE firm of T. J. Insulation should insulate the County Engineer's Building for the sum of$ 390.00. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on progress with land purchase on Road 38. The Engineer reported that B. A. Aldis Appriasers had valued the property that H. Axford wished to purchase on Road 45 at $ 9,000 subject to various terms and conditions imposed by the County of Elgin, and that he was awaiting Mr. Aldis' report on the value of road widening offered by Mr. Axford in return for the road widening. / / / ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9, 1977. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE Fulton Street Drain on Road 41 in Vienna stating that the County had been engaged by the Village to place an outlet across prf,vate property from Main Street to Otter Creek and approximately 250 feet of 12" pipe on Main Street for the Village. It was reported that the Village had agreed to contribute $ 4,000 to these outlets which were estimated at approximately $ 6,500. Because of the drainage of Village streets, etc., into the drain, the cost of the remainder of the drain would be increased approximately 20%. Corrnnittee agreed to the installation of the drain on the condition that the Village pay $ 4,000 toward the cost of the outlet and the work on Main Street and 20% of the total cost of the remainder of the work on Fulton Street. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 7, 1977 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED" . ~~. '/ ~ CHAIRMAN .,....- ~ 'tENDERS 110R 4 DOUBLE Cf',1? J'~CK1JJ'. 'tRUCKS ~ J'~tce is Net afte~ t~ade~ins and includes J'~ovincial Sales 'tax. 'Fot'd 'F350 1. l1ea~n l1o~d SaleS Ltd., 1012 Talbot Street, St. 'thomaS' Onta~io. 'Ford 'F350 2. oak~idge l1o~d SaleS Ltd., 601 oxfo~d St~eet \'lest, London, Ontario. l't6tl 1 T8 GMC TC20943 3. ~ighland J'ontiaC BUick Ltd., 200 Main street, DUtton, ontario. GMC TC30943 4. E. L. l1o~dham ~tO~S Ltd., 241 1;'U~nival Road, RodneY, Ontario. 'Ford 350 5. ~ighbU~1 l1o~d Sales Ltd., 1365 DUndaS Street, London, onta-rio. GMC TC20943 6. Disb-ro~e Motors, 827 Talbot Street, St. 'thQ1l\as, Qntario. GMCCC30943 1. ~ike ~utchinson Ltd., 118 Talbot street, Ayll:n.er, ontario ~ 'Ford 350 B. 'ta~get l1o~d SaleS, 351 'talbot St~eet E., Aylmer, Ontario. l'tovember 1, 1977. $ 23,689.80 $ 23,'145.44 $ 24,169.16 $ 24;117.00 $ 25,032.01 $ 25,2.50.03 $ 26,279.20 $ 28, 161 .60 .r 1" COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDERS FOR 1+ DOlJBLE CAB PICKUP TRlJCKS ALTERNATE "B" Price is Net: without trade and includes Provincial Sales Tax. 1. Highland Pontiac Bui.ck Ltd., 200 Main Street, Dutton, Ontario. 2. Oakridge Ford Sales Ltd.~ 601 Oxford Street West, London, Ontario. N6H ITS 3. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 4. Mike Hutchinson Ltd., 118 Talbot Street, Aylmer, Ontario. 5. Disbrowe Motors, 827 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 6. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas St., London, Ontario. 7. E. L. Fordham Motors Ltd., 241 Furniva1 Road, Rodney, Ontario. 8. Target Ford Sales, 357 Talbot Street E., Aylmer, Ontario. November 1, 1977. $ 27,379.16 $ 27,597.44 $ 28l,290.80 $ 28,,419.20 $ 28" 4 7 4 . 8 4 $ 28,,659.31 $ 28,902.84 $ 30,259.60 ,~t>~,,!-~""-~' ROAD CO~1ITTEE REPORT 1\ ~RE~ NOVEMBER SESSION 197 7 "to 'tUEWtJUlEN ANQ. MEMBERS OF 'tUE co,lll'IY OF ELG1~ CQ'U~C11, yQ'UR ROW CO~l't'1'EE REPOR'tS pS FOLLOWS: 1. "the Resolut.ion of the Count1 of Latnbton opposing any alllendtnent WE RECOMMEND 'tRAT to t.he PubHc "transportation and \lighwaY 1tnpro"etnent Act ,.nth ~gard to the fins.ncing of suburban Road CO\l1!llissions be endorsed and that the Minist.er of TranspOrtation and CO!lll\unications be so info -rroed. Resolution of the City of Windsor requesting a reduction in The Resolution of t.he countY of Larobtonis in response to a citiesl contributions to suburban Road commissions. 2. A By Law be passed to atnend the COUnt.Y Pa1;\dng By Law on CQunty Road B in Dutton as follOWS ~ That parking be pr<:)hibited as follows:~ 1. On the east and west side of Road 8 south of Mary Street fr<:)1lI the intersection of Mary Street southerlY for 23 llIet~s. 2. On t.he east and west. side of Road 8 north 0 f Mary from the intersectiQn Qf Mary St.~et nort.herlY for 18 metres. 3. On the east. and west side of Road 8 nQrth of Shackleton St~et fr<:)1l\ the int.ersection of ShackletOn northerlY for 8 met res. All Of Which 1s RespectfullY Subtnitted. ------ CUAIR"MAN \~ " 'I' ROAP COMMITTEE REPORT ~ I~""'" ':::::; FIRST REPORT - ~ .. OCTOBER SESSION 1977 TQ THE VlAR!)EN AN!) MEM1\ERS OF THE ELGIN COUNT{ COUNCIL: 1. A base coat of asphalt pa~ing haS been placed on Road 52 between Vlellington ROlld (Road 25) and Radio ROlld (Road 30). The old carr's bridge hlls been closed to trllffic. Vlork continues on Road 31 (!)lIlewood !)ri~e) 8< Road 30 (Radio Road) in concession Xl, Yarmout~, lInd it is e~ected that lIn lISphalt base coat will be placed on both roads in mid 2. The Ministry of 't1:ansportlltion lInd communicatiOns haS reported to us November. thllt they ha~e calculated the annual daily uSllge of countY Roads in 1916 lit 243,805 ~ehicle miles of tra~el (dailY)' (lIPpro~iml\telY 89 million ~ehicle miles yellrlY) which is lIPproximlltelY 11% increllse o~er 3. Land purchase lInd Engineering work is underwllY on Road 38 between 1975. HighwaY 3 8< HighwaY 19 in M$lahide and Bayham Townships. It is not known at this time whether there will be funds to start any construction work in 1978. (1) That the Resolution of the United countieS of Stormont, oundas 8< WE Rf;:COMt4END: Glengllrry requesting the Ministry of Transportation and cororounicatiOns to allocate supplementllry subSidY monies to widen narrow road allowances to ~6 feet be filed. All of Vlhich IS RespectfUllY submitted. .......... -- CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 4, 1977. PAGE 1. ~, Municipal Building. All members and F. clarke present. cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMlTTEE MEt on October 4 at 9:30 A.M. at the THE MINUTES OF 'IRE MEETING of september 14 were read and approved. (1) Members of southwold Council and the Engineer would meet with representatives TRE~~NEERHEPO~~TRAT from the Ministry of the Environment in the p.M. to diSCUSS possible conditions for a licence for St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. to operate the (2) That the Rural EmPloyment Incentives programme waS continUing, but that the southwo1d Landfill site. village of Rodney waS unable to use their money and that he would try to find a municipality that waS interested in using it. as the Ministry of Transportation and communications had run out of money. property purchase for the west end portion had also not been completed. (3) No further contractS would be called on the St. Thomas Expressway until spring (4) -Walmsley BroS. had completed repairs to Road 34 in Belmont. (5) Peters BroS. had completed repairs on Road 3 in Rodney and the cost would be (6) MetriC speed signS had been erected and a few underlays purchased to convert charged to the Ministry of the Environment. (7) A tree marking programme and sign repair programme were underway. the remaining 30, 35 and 40 signS to 50 and 80 J.{m signs. (8) pavement marking had been completed for OXford county and City of St. Thomas' (9) Most work had been completed at the Middlemiss Bridge. moving waS being carried on althOUgh the heaVY rains of the past month had (10) paving waS underway on Road 52, culvert installation on Road 29 and some earth (11) The heaVY rains had al so been the caUse of a number of plUgged drains. seriouslY slowed work. (12) The people pass for the Kettle creek conservation Authority had been completed on Road 52. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 4'1 1977. PAGE 2. (13) A small grading, gravel and paving job waS underway on Elm Street at Manor (14) The Village of Rodney had requested the county to install stOrm drains and Road for the City of St. Thomas. culvertS on Jane Street in Rodney. (15) Fence waS being erected on Road 16 west of Fingal. (16) Guide Rail and bridge repair work were being carried out under the Rural (17) Jim ~CartneY had retired, RoY LaForge waS still off sick and Gordon Bediord EmplOyment lncentives Frogramme' (18) lt would be necessary to take on several cas>lal workers for regular work in was in the hospital for a hernia operation. the winter as the County did not have enough operators for winter control, as a sander and snowplow had been added since last winter. THE ENG1NEER REFORTED THAT Gordon ~iseman had requested an additional 2~ per ton for completion of his gravel crushing contract. committee agreed to make Mr. ~iseman a lump sum amount for moving back in (as his original contract called for one move in and he had been requested by the county to move out without completing the contract) rather than an amount of 2~ per ton to cover the increase in price of fuel since he bid the contract. "MOVElIl BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. W1LSON THAT THE FQLLOW1NG FA'lL1STS BE APFROVED FOR FAYMEN'I FA'lL1ST # 45 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 38,982.35 FA'lL1ST # 46 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 2,695.83 FA'lL1ST # 48 AMOON'I1NG TO $ 70,678.16. CARRIED. n (1) A copY of a letter to Extendicare, Fort Stanley, stating that the grading of CORRESFONDENCE WAS READ - the parking lot did not conform to their original proposals and that the drainage from the lot would have to be changed. ST. TROM1\8 ~ ONTAR10, OCTOBER 4~l 1977. 'PAGE 3. '" (2) A coPy of letter to Raldimand-Norfolk Region stating that no funds could be (3) Fram the united countieS of Stormont, DUndas and GlengarrY requesting committed for work on the Elgin_Norfolk Towuline. supplementary Ministry of Transportation and communications By_LaWS to cover widening of roads to a: minimum 66 foot allowance. "MOVED BY: J. B. m.LSON SECONDED BY: 1J. R. CAVERLY THAT >IE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY cQUNC1L THAT THE RESOL1.lT10N OF TllE UN1TED cQUNT1.BS OF STOBl1oNT, lJ\JNDAS AND GLENGARRY RE S\JJ'J'LBM.ENTARY SUBS1.D'l MoN1.ES TO >l1DEN ROAD ALL~ANCE TO 66 FEET BE nLED. CARR1ED." (4) Fram the County of Elgin Road Department ];illplOyees' Association requesting the county contribute $ 200.00 to JameS McCartney upon hiS retirement. "MOVED BY: D. R. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S.J. GLOVER THAT >IE }lAlG!. A CONTR1.:B1.lT10N 01' $ 200.00 TO JAMES MccARTNEY UJ'ON (5) Fram Ontario llydro with notice of meeting re location for proposed 230 Rv R1S RET1REMENT. CARR1ED." (6) From the Manager of Liquor control Board StOre in Belmont requesting the paving of Road 37 between llighway 74 and the store. The Engineer waS instructed to replY to the Manager that there were no plans for il!lProvements line fram St. ThomaS to London. in the foreseeable future. TllE ENG1NEER REJ'ORTED \:lU Land purchase on Road 16 and 38 stating that several contactS had been made on Road 38 and property purchased. acquired fram them to build Road 45 and a cut off corner not used for road allowance. Mr. Siple waS of the opinion that the property should be returned to him for the sum Mr. & Mrs. DUrward Siple in attendance with regard to property ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 4, 1977. PAGE 4. of $ 1.00 rather than sold to Mr. Harry Axford. committee diScUssed the matter and felt that an appraisal of the property under discUssion should be made. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON T1IAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO 1IAVE APPRAISED THE ROAD WIDENING ON R\DADS 28 & 56 OWNED BY H. AJ{FORD T1IAT HE OFFERED TO THE cQ\JNTY OF ELGIN IN EXCHANGE FOR LAND OWNED BY THE cOUNTY ON ROAD 45. THE ENGINEER REcOMMENDED that becaUse of the extended time required CARRI ED." for delivery of double cab truckS that tenders should be called no~ so that delivery could be made before spring. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECQl!1DEO BY: D. K. COOK T1IAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO cALL TENDERS FOR 4 - 1 TON DOUBLE CAB TRUCKS FOR 1978 DELIVERY AND PAYMENT. THE PROTECTION OF THE Lake Erie shore line east of the port Bur~ell CARRIED ." village limit in Bayham ~aS diSCUssed and Reeves Green and Bradfield agreed that the matter ~ould be diSCUssed further at local council meetingS. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER T1IAT WE ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 9 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." .~ l , ./v A> , >~ ,~- (..;Jl/l .'- - ..."' cHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at 9:30 A.M. on September 14, 1977 at the Municipal BUilding. All members present, Frank Clarke also. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF August 10 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT the Environmental Hearing Board had reconnnended to the Ministry of the Environment that the application of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. to operate a Solid Waste Disposal Site in Southwold Township be approved. As no reaili conditions were attached to the Board's reconnnenda~ion the Engineer had written to the Ministry of the Envirolmnent requesting that the terms agreed to with regard to the access road be made a condition of the licence to opel~ate if the Minister approved the site. THE I~GINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications had assumed Road 52 between Talbotville and Road 26 as a King's Highway and part of the St. Thomas Expressway, but it was not known when a contract would be called for construction of the Expressway between Talbotville and the termination of construction west of Albert Andrews Farms. The Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuu.nications would pay the County for maintenance of the road for the time being. (2) The Ministry of the Environment had issued a work order for repair of Borden Ave., Road 34 in Belmont and the work would be undertaken by Walmsley Bros.>shQ.ttly;'. (3) The Rural Employment Incentives Progrannne was continuing. It was noted that Aldborough Township had spent their allocation, but that Dunwich and South Dorchester would be under spent. It was expected that the under expenditures would be picked up by the other Municipalities and by the County. THE ]~NGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Metric Sp'~ed Sign Replacement Progrannne was underway and would be cVl.upleted in approximately a week. (2) Grass cutting had been cvmpleted. ... continued ... ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 2. (3) Repairs on the Middlemiss Bridge were nearly completed. (4) Guide Rail repairs under the Rural Employment 1\ncentives prograron\e waS continUing. Repairs had also been made to Meeks, GilletS and Jamestown (5) construction waS continuing on Road 52 & 31 with crushed gravel nearlY Bridges under the programme. completed on Road 52. considerable triron\ing and top soil work remained. A base coat of asphalt would be placed on Road 52 as soon as possible to lower maintenance co$ts. The top coat of asphalt would not be placed thiS year due to lack of funds. (6) pavement Marking waS underway for OXford County betWeen rains. (7) The second application of calcium chloride on gravel roads had been completed. (8) A truck for sanding had been purchased from Thompson Transport. (10) Storm drains at the court Rouse were being repaired and one had been plugged (9) Sanders were being sand blasted and fibreg~ass~d~' (11) The City of St. Thomas had requested the County to install a 180 foot long so badly it had to be replaced. (12) The Ministry of Transportation and communications Auditors had audited the multi plate culvert on Woodworth Ave. (13) Township of Yarmouth had passed a rezoning by-laW for the property purchased County Records. (14) The Ministry of the En~ronment had issued an emergency work order for the from the \fuitneys. repair of' Road 3 in Rodney where the pavement had settled in 2 locations because of sewer construction. and his n;lme had been removed from the countY' s Seniority List. (15) Glen Robbins had been offered light work by the Workmen'S compensation Board (16) F. Fishle'igh and R. LaForge were still off sick. (17) J. McCartney would retire the end of the month after more than 20 years service with the county. ... conti.nued ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT JAMES MCCARTNEY BE GIVElSI A COUNTY WATCH UPON RETIREMENT. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT additional regular help would likely have to be hired for winter maintenance as a snowplow and a sander had been added since last year and there were less persons available because of retirements and illness. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYL~BTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST # 41 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 42 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 43 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 44 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 39 AMOUNTING TO $ 41,191.48 842.80 43 , 081 .67 228,059.03 42,692.67 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) Ministry iQf Transportation and CV11LllLunications with approval of Supplementary Subsidy Allocation for Winter Maintenance. (2) Land Severance Notices from serveral Municipalities. (3) Spriet & Associates stating that it was unlikely that the Summers Drain on Road 40 CiQuld be bored. (4) Middlemarch Women's Institute requesting that Middlemarch be signed. Committee agreed to the request. (5) County of Middlesex asking that the County of Elgin consider a 90 km speed on Wellington Road. Committee felt that the present 80 l<m speed corresponded with the rest of the road system and should not be changed. (6) City of London with resolution requesting changes in appointment methods for Suburban Road Commissioners. ... continued ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 4. "MOVED B'll VI. R. CAVERL'l SECONDED B'll D. K. COOK TRAT VIE RECOMMEND TO c01JNT'l cOUNCIL TRAT THE RBSOWTION OF THE ClT'l OF LONDON RB THE APPOINTMENT aF SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONERS BE FILED. CARRIED." (7) M. J. Hennessey with invoice for services. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BYI D. K. MCLEAN TRAT 1!lHEhACBOUNT OF M. J. HENNESSEY & ASSOCIATES IN AMOUNT OF $ 800 RE SERVlCES FOR APpEARING BEFORB THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING BOARD BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED." "MOVED B'll S. J. GLOVER SECONDED B'll D. K. COOK TRAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF lUNG SEAGRAVE LTD. FOR A MODEL HDTQ_80 1l'lDRAULICALL'l DRIVEN _ 8 _ 10 CU. 'lD. SANDER MOUNTED AND INCLUDING PROVlNClAL SALES TA)( AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 6,639.95 SUBJECT TO l41NISTR'l OF TRANSPORTATION AND cQMMIJNI CATION S APPROVAL. CARRIED." " "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED B'll J. B. WILSON TRATWE PURCHASE A USED MODEL F_1000 1969 FORD TRUCK FROM. BILL THOMPSON TRANSPORT LTD. AT $ 5,000 PLUS PROVlNCIAL SALES TA)(. SUBJECT TO MINISTR'l OF TRANSPORTATION AND cQMMIJNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED_" ... continued ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR INTERIM SUBSIDY FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CO:MMUNICA,[:I~NS AS NECESSARY. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SEca~DED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO FOR PARTS 11 & 12 REFERENCE PLAN 11 R 1316. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT a new deed would be required to E. P. Financial Developments as the County was filing an Expropriation Plan to provide a clear deed to the property sold them. "MOVES BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVEREY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE ]~ARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO E. P. FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS LTD. FOR PART 1 PLAN D CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Galion Manufacturing had agreed to sell to the County the roller that the County had rented for surface treatment work, and if they purchased it they would ignore the rental. The Engineer recvLLuuended purchase as the old roller was 16 years old and required major repa.irs and new tires. A new roller now listed over $ 26,000. 1 'MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: W. R . CAVERLY THAT WE PURCHASE A USED 1976 MODEL GALlON ROLLER (9 WHEEL RUBBER TIRED) FROM GALlON MANUFACTURING CO. AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 18,500 PLUS PROVlNCIAL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ... continued ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 6. It w'as agreed that the Engineer be empowered to sell the old roller and the old pavement marking equipment and truck. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT he had met with John Moffat, Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Head Office and Cam Brown, Regional Municipal Engineer with regard to Financial help and the County construction priorities. The only funds available for 1977 might be some unculllJ.Ldtted second tier drainage assessment money. The Engineer reculllJ.uended that in as much that to;t1al Drainage ,Expendituresccould be incurred in 1977 that would be about ~; 14,000 in excess of the approved by-law that an additional subsidy application be made. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOIDTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO APPROPRIATE THE ADDITIONAL SUM OF $ 7,000 IN SUBSIDY MONEY FOR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY ROADS IN 1977. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER A GENERAL DISCUSSION took place on construction priorities. The Engineer stated that very little, if any, of 1978 Construction Allocation would remain after cleanup work was completed on those roads north of St. Thomas presently under construction arid the construction of Road 16 between Fingal and Burwells Corners. Land Purchase on Road 16 was cL/mplete as was most of the engineering work. After discussion it was decided to inform Haldimand-Norfolk Region that no funds could be cUlllJ.uitted to the Norfolk-Elgin Townline for the foreseeable future. It was decided that work on Road 38 should take the next priority and that Road 32 should be left in obeyance for the time being. ... continued ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977. PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY ROAD INSPECTION BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, LEAVING THE COURT HOUSE AT 9 :00 A.M'I CARRIED." THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER WERE authorized to meet with the Ministry of the Environment regarding condition for approval of the Solid Waste Disposal Site in Southwold Township. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 4 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." X-/h~- L/ ' 0~v{.~~/ CHAIRMAN cQUNT'i 01' ELG1.N CQIJNC1.L 1.NSPEcT1.0N - NO'lt:l>fBER 2 1977 Lea~e cou~t RoUse at 9:00 A.~. Righ..aY 4 to Talbot~ille. 1'o~~ Road 52 f~Q1l\ Talbot~ille to Road 26 - assumed by ~inist~Y of T~anspo~tatiOn and c~unications as a po~tion of the St. Thomas ~ountY is being paid fo~ maintenance. ~_' _"~te~ly to Road 30 1. 2. 3. noting _ (1) Ne" c~ossing Rettle c~eek (2) CloSure of Ca~~'s B~idge. Road 31 const~uction noting - (1) 1.nte~sectiOn i11lP~o~ementS at Road 29 4. 5. 6. 8. To.,oshiP of Yartllouth - coffee and donuts. centennial A~e. (Road 28) & Elm St~eet (Road 56). iJide"'t""g:,Qil.Etj(\,st~eet - f~Q1l\ R. I\)<fo~d' s. const~uction Elm St~eet at ),1ano~ Road. '\Io~k pe~fOrtlled by CountY of Repaired 1977 .. 7. 9. Elgin fo~ the CitY of St. Thomas. a (R d 22) St Thomas Subu~ban Road C~ission - 1'ai~~~e" A~e. oa · to Road 45 Road 45 _ Resu~facing f~Q1l\ Road 36 to cook'S Co~ne~ 1911. Road 36 to Pleasant valley pit. Road 36 to Road 35. Road 35 to Righ..aY 3 - past sp~ing..ate~ pa~k. Te~~ace Lodge _ inspection and lunch. Righ..a)T 13 to Road 32. a~ound _ police college. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 11. Road 32 to police college Road 32 to Road 52 to sp~ingfield. 18. 19. Road 40 to Righ..a)T 3. Righ..ay 3 to '\Iillis '\Iea~e~'s p~oposed subdi~iSion. .._ continued ... 20. com'lTl 011 ]1.l.G1.N C01JNC1.L 1.NSPBC'r1.0N ~ NOVB1'l-B"ER 2 1977 ~:. 21. 1:ligh"ay 3 to Road 38. 22. Road 38 to 1:ligh"aY 19. Bngineering and Land purchase under"ay. 1:ligh"aY 19 to Vienna. countY Road 41 ~ repairs and drainage required. 1:ligh"aY 19 to port BUr"ell. Dredge. ? 23. 24. 25 · 26. 27. 28. 29. Road 42 ~ Brosion at Little Otter creek, east of port BUr"ell. Road 42 to Norfolk ~ownline (Road 55). Road 55 (Road 26 1:laldimand~Norfolk) to Road 45. Road 45 to Road 40 noting calton Bridge ~ ne" bridge bearings Road 45 to 1:ligh.mY 4 ~ inspect county Garage if time. RetUrn to court 1:l0Use at 5:00 p.M. 30. -requ'i;red. .~ \;l'j 1#: ,..,~"!t'W~~~~~'l\" . A"..""",;ow.\)m\"'''''''~~'''I/'~W~I~Q>_1;IrNl.t!,~~Ii~\;;>.'''r.''''''''l'>lt/l:''''''''~'<I~''''''~'""'~<f~'r COUNT~ OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTE~ FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1977 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: 'YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Construction is proceeding favourably on Road 31 and Road 52. Most of the work other than some trimming and top soil work will be cVUljJleted this fall. A base course of asphalt pavement will be laid. The top COUrse "of asphalt pavement will not be laid until 1978 because of lack of funds this year. 2. The County's request for an additional allocation of $ 1.4,122..56 on behalf of various municipalities under the R\Jral Employment Incentives Progrannne of the Ministry of Agriculture & Food W(,lS approved and the work is underway. A very good response was received to the initial (,lllocation of $ 42~ 000 with most of the work in b.oth the County and T()wnshi,ps being completed. 3. The Mosquito Abatement Programme for encephalitis control was conclu<;ted for the season on August:. 22. WE RECOMMEND: (1) That Council inspection of the County Road System be held on November 2 leaving the Court Rousa at 9:00 A.M. The inspecti.ot1wl11 primarily note W'ork this year on roads north of St" Thomas and road conditions in East Elgin. (2 ) That a By-LaT,y be passed confinning By-Law 77-22 of the Township of Southwald to close a portion of the road used in lieu of the Lake R.oad in Lot 12 South of the Lake Road. (3),That By~L(,lwS be passed with regard to the metric speed zone changeover as follows - (A) A By-Law which will in effect amend By-Law 2209 by (1) deleting Schedule B (60 MPH), (2 ) stating all distances and speeds ... continued .". - ",- ,:",'l COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1977 Page 2. in Schedule A in metric measurements, (3) amend the zones on Road 14 in Iona Station, Road 40 South of Highway 3, Road 45 in Mount Salem, Road 48 in l~yons and Road 38 in Straffordville. (B) A By-Law which will in effE~ct amend By-Law 2210 by (I) stating all distances and speeds in metric mE~asurements, (2) del~ting a portion of references to Road 38.. (4) That the resolution of the R~gion of Durham asking the Ministry of Transportation and COmmunications for additional subsidy allocation to chang~ the road signs to metric units be endorsed. (5) That the resolution of the City of London requesting the Province to enact legislation to change the term of Suburban Road Cvu/lui ssions from the pr~sent 5 year term to a 2 year term and to allow the appointment of members of Municipal Council s to Suburban Road Cvu/luissions be filed. (6) Thgt a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed to the Provi.nce of Ontgrio for Parts 11 & 12, Reference Plan 11 R 1316. The pa-rt s r€!pre sent widening on County Road 52 between County Road 26 (Bostick Roald) an4 Talbotville that the County has acquired on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation and CVllImunications. The County 'will be reimbursed their costs for the widening acquired. The Ministry of Transportati.on and Communications has recently assumed; Road 52 bet1ween the Bostick Road and Talbotville in order to rebuild it as part of the St. Thomas Expressway. The County is presently being paid by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for any maintenance required on this portion of the road. (7) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Land Expropriation Plan covering Part 6, Reference Plan 11 R 986 on Road 8 in ~ Dutton. This property was sold this spring to E. P. Financial Developments Ltd. and their solicitors have questioned the County's title to the property as it was acquired by several deeds. The County has been ... continued ... coUNtt OF t~GIN ROAD C~~T~E ,', .... ,....-. .....' - ...... - ~,- ~ - FIRST REPORT ~ --=---- SEPTEMBER SESSION 1977 Page 3. r~qu~sted to p1.ac~ atl EltpropriatiOtl 1'\atl otl th~ property to clear title prior to th~ tratlshr to E. 1;'. Financial Dev~lopment Ltd. We furth~r rec~etld that a By~LaW be passed authorizitlg the Wardetl atld Clerk to sigtl a deed with the corrected description to E. 1;'. Financial Development (8) That a resolution be passed requestitlg the Ministt:Y of TransportatiOn Ltd. and communications to appropt:iate th~ additiOtla1 sum of $ 7,000 in subsiiiY \!\OneY fOt: J;l'rainage ASS~ssm~nts on County Roads in 1977. W~ have pr~viouslY r~c~ived aPproval of th~ allocation of $ 20,000 subsiiiY mon~Y for drainage from the Ministry of TransportatiOn anii comntunications. (Total eltp~niiitur~ $ 40,000 as the subsidy rat~ is Sifk.) Rowev~r W~ anticipate that Township itlvoice s will be t:~nder~d for appt:oximatel Y '$ 54,0.00. tf wer~c~iv~ appt:oval for the additional funds w~ will be abl~ to paY these accounts, is not, th~ ~xc~ss QV'et: $ 40,000 cannot b~ pa.id until 1978.. All Of W1;\ich Is R~sP~ctfullY submitt~d. ...- .-' -- CHAJRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10, 1977. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building on August 10, at 9:30 A.M. All members present except Warden Cook. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF July 13 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Rural Employment Incentives Programme was underway, but no information was available as to whether or not any more funds would be available. 2. Construct:lon was underway on Centennial Ave. north of Highway 3 by the Ministry of Transportation and CvulJ.uunications. 3. H. Axford had accepted the County Land Transfer proposition and the County Solicitor was sending Mr. Siple the legal notices. 4. The Health Unit had been able to obtain sufficient Ministry of Health funds to carry their 'Mosquito ~bagement Programme until mid September. 5. A meeting had been held in Belmont with the Ministry of the Environment regarding the repair of Borden Ave. and it appeared that the Ministry of the Environment would order the Contractor to repair approximately 800 feet of broken pavement. 6. Surface Treatment would be completed in about a week. 7. Weed Cutting would end around Labour Day. 8. The second application of calcium chloride on gravel roads was underway. 9. Annual repairs had been made to Walker and Tates Bridges, and work was underway at Middlemiss. 10. Construction was continuing on Road 30 and 52 with good progress having been made. 11. Pavement Marking would be completed on County Roads next week with work remaining for St. Thomas and Oxford County. 12. Gord Wiseman had cLl1upleted gravel crushing for the time being. 13. No one had heard further from Pot Calor the C.N.R. and it was believed that they would not pursue their rezoning application for land on County Road 11 and 2&. ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10, 19rJi7. PAGE 2. 14. Money for ",ork ",as rapidlY running out and other than conunitroentS for a Sander, used Truck and Radio Unit, nO equiproent would be purchased. AS trolch work as possible would be done with county equiproent. Money for Equiproent Rentals would run out by roid septerober and it waS likely that late Fall bills could not be paid until 1978. "MOVED BY: D. R. MCLE~ SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TWS TEE FOLLOW'lNG PA'lL1STSJ',BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PA'lL1ST # 35 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 49,929.40 PA'lL1ST # 37 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 42,671.31 PA'lL1ST # 38 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 337.28 PA'lL1ST # 40 AMOONT1NG TO $ 356,516.92. CARRIED .n Malahide called for the open cutting of Road 40 and reconunended to Committee that the crossing be bored if possible. conunittee felt that all roajor roads with THE ENG1NEER NOTED TUT TEE REPORT of the ~. B. Surotners Drain in good paveroent should be bored. n) VarioUs MunicipalitieS with zoning By.t.aws. (2) Ministry of Transportation and conununications noting surplus property on CORRESPONDENCE ~AS :RJ'.AD FROM Road 8, 25 and 52. The Engineer stated he felt the county had nO interest (3) Township of southwold requesting the County to pass a confirming By.LaW to in any of the property. close part of the road used in lieU of the Lake Road. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. ~lLSON TUT ~E RECQMM.END TO cOlJNT'l COWC1L TUT A B'l-LA~ BE PASSED CONF1RM1NG B'l.LA~ 77.22 OF TEE TOIffiSlI1P OF SOUTRVlOLD TO CLOSE A PORT1ON OF THE ROAD 13SED 11'1 L1EU OF TEE LAKE ROAD 11'1 Lor 12 sOUTE OF THE TJARE ROAD. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10,1977. PAGE 3. "MOVr:D BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO coUNTY cOUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTilORIZING TilE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A LAND PLAN ON cOUNTY ROAD 8 IN DUTTON. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE pURCHASE 100 L.F. AND 5 COlJPLERS OF 30" C.I.P. FROM KOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CANADA LTD. AT A PRICE OF $ 8. 20 PER Fr. CARRIED. " Causyns requested that the County of Elgin appropriate their share of funds A DELEGATION FROM TilE Township of Norfo1~ led by Councillor Robert for the improvement of the Elgin _ Norfolk Town1ine. committee, though indicating a lack of funds for the project, stated they would discUSS the matter further. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TilKf WE PURCHASE 3 MOBILE RADIOS FROM CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED AT A QUOTED PRICE OF $ 3,019.50; 8 DEeOaIN~ 1JN'l'ES AT A QUOTED PRICE OF $ 2,321.84; 5 CONNECTORS @ $ 15.00 EACR AND ONE ENCODER AT A PRICE OF $ 285.00. ALL pLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CoMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." Frink Canada .. Hydraulic Drive - 10 _ 12 cu. yd. Capacity $ 9,122.11 King Seagrave - Hydraulic Dtfve - 8 _ 10 cu. yd. Capacity $ 6,639.95 _ Motor Drive $ 8,015.48 TilE ENGINEER REPORTED on Sander Tenders as follows: ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10, 1977. PAGE 4. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ~FTER DINNER . . . . . . . THE METRIC SPEED CONVERSION SYSTEM was reported on and discussed. It was decided that Road 38 from Centennial Ave. to the C.P.R. tracks should revert to a 50 Km/hr., (30 mph) zone with the approach zones remaining at 60 Km/hr. (40 mph). "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R.CCAVERLY THAT WE RECOMM:END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING BY-LAWS BE PASSED - (A) A BY-LAW WHICH WILL IN EFFECT AMEND BY-LAW 2209 BY (1) DELETING SCHEDULE B (60 MPH), (2) STATING ALL DISTANCES AND SPEEDS IN SCHEDULE A IN METRIC MEASUREMENTS, (3) AMEND THE ZONES ON ROAD 14 IN IONA STATION, ROAD 40 SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 3, ROAD 45 IN, MOUNT SALEM, ROAD 48 IN LYONS AND ROAD 38 IN STRAFFORDVILLE. (B) A BY-LAW WHICH WILL IN EFFECT AMEND BY-LAW 2210 BY (1) STATING ALL DISTANCES AND SPEEDS IN METRIC MEASUREMENTS, (2) DELETING A PORTION OF REFERENCES TO ROAD 38. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMM:END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOL'UrTION OF THE REGION OF DURHAM ASKING FOR ADDITIONAL SUBSIDY ALLOCATION TO CHANGE ROAD SIGNS TO METRIC UNIT BE ENDORSED. CARRIED." S1:. 1:1.1.()1oIAS. oN1: ARlO · AUGUS't 10, 1977. 'PAGE 5. diSCUssed. 1 ointment ~tb tbe ~inister and corontunicatiOns personnel. ",itb an eventua aPP of 1:ransportatiOn and corontunicatiOns. ",itb a request for additiOnal funds. io~itieS which waS 1:1.1.1'. m<Gl~BBR l'Rf.Sml'!:BD 1:1.1.1'. attacbed Report on pr 1:be Bngineer ",as autborized to contact ~inistrY of 1:ransportation ", tt'M.OVED B"l: S. J. GLOVER SBCoNDBD Wi: D. R. ~CLB.M1 1:W\1: ,,11'. p,])JO~ 1:0 SBvrn-lBBR 14. A1: 9 :30 A.~. CARRIED ." /) /J / / f'~~ ! C1:\AI~ ..' 4 ~ ;"! COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PRIORITIES ~ 1977 DRAF:r August 1977. 1. County Weeds -, money enough to cut to approximately September 1. Should be no real problem, most roads cut fairly well. Dry weather in May and June helped. 2. Gravel Resurfacing - some mileage left to gravel in Southwold and Yarmouth. Gravel is crushed and paid for. Can be haule~lby County Trucks in October ap.d early No\tember. (County Trucks to work on Road 30, 31 and 52 until construction completed.) Trucks cap. be kept busy piling sand for winter control and piling gravel at Pleasant Va1le~y. 3. Surface Treatmep.t work - completed. 4. Hot Mix Patchi.ng - worst spots and roads completed - no funds for asphalt anyhow. 5. Necessary repairs will be completed on Walkers, Tates and Middlemiss Bridges ... expansion Joint on Wardsville to be cVlUpleted. 6. Guiq.e Rail and Cleanup will proceed as f\lnds are available from R.E.I.P. in August. Most work in September will be assisting in Metric Sign$ Conversiop. Prograrn,me. Lots of work to do ... labour being used for higher priority work. 7.. Winter M(lintenance - I extra plow and I extra sander this winter should help. Need for salt storage in Dutton as soon as possible. One in East Elgin would be an asset. St./Thomas Suburba.n Cvulluission Expenditures- Question - Over E}~ep.diture for 1977 ? Advanta.ges - 1. Reduce County Rate for 1977. County Costs have been increased by - (a) County's Bhare of additional winter allocatiop. ... approximately 12,000 (b) Reduced by County share of land sales over original 8,000 estimated 3.000 Net Deficient POBition 9,000 ... continued... ~,' PAGE 2. DRAFT ....- ,ERIORITIES - 1977 AlJgust 1977. /llllount of over expenditure needed on suburbGIn roads is $ 72,000 to transfer this cost to the City in 1978. 2. Will allow the County to pro.:;eed with Construction on County Roads in 11i}78 as neady all the City .:;ontdbution in 1978 (23,000 :t) will be needed to payoff 1977 deficit, c~lete any minor work on Road 3Q and maintain the present syst~, the surplus to 1979 would be ~11. This will allow the County to carryon its priority work on County Roads without having to finance Suburban ProjectS. (l) Merely putting off this years COU1;.ty debts to a higher Roac1 'LeVY in 1978. ~sadvant;:a.ies - If it is de.:;ided not to pla.:;e the C......ission in a deft.:;it p~~tion it will be Gensja1 - ..' " . ',Iitt/!IIJIIf ne.:;ellllarY to deCide on a plan of action for the COQUll.ission fllt' 1978, i~ - carry a surplUs to 1979.. "'I, r..... Si Elttend the suwrban !lystel\l to allow the C..,....ission to spend th~.:f!ir money on maintenance only, or to start a construction proje.:;t (Road 22 Fairview Ave.). COUNTY' fRIOR.I.TIES FOR 1978 & B~Y'OND (a) c~letion of work Road 30, 31 and 52. tt appears unlikely i!t this point that, all work "1111 be c~leted on these. roads ehis Fall. At best s~ top soil and seeding w9rkwould remain and at worst, sOtl\e fill, granular base and paving on Road 31 at ehe fill north of CaPllichae1's and on Radio Road north of Patterson culvert. A ;Budget for 1978 is only a guess at t,his point - $ 75,000. (b) tt, appears unlikely that some. of the late Fall invoices and particularly salt and sand billS can be paid this ye.ar. Although we are r.e.questing additional maintenance funds for 1978, the likelihood of getting th~ appears slim at this point, Add $ 60,000. . . . c~ntinued . . . <" uMrr ~- PAGE 3. ~- ~ AugUst 1971. PRIORItIES - 1977 - ...- ]'U1;1ds a'ITailab1e for 1978 _ assU1l\ing present M.T.C. construction Allocations MethOds $ 945,000 P 1 us appt:oJ(itll.llte 1 Y $ 100,000 ft:om ove t:Mad All ocat ion (re Labour overhead, etc.). Reduce Funds a'ITailable by (a) unfi1;1iShed construction ($ 75,000) (b) Mone~ for Maintena1;1Ce ($ 60,000), (c) SurveYs on 1;1eW work, land purchase, etc. ($ 60,000. ) Money a'ITailable for construction $ 850,000. 1978 construction --- - Finga1 to ROad 14 _ our Needs StudY l'stimate is $ 600,000 (updated 1977). LikelY cost in 'lTicinity of $ 600,000. Most fencing will be completed thiS Fall. some ll~pe in stock for dt:ainage. some deep 4,raj.ns might be done thiS Fall if con4itions are ideal. Road 31. _ Needs study Cost RighwaY 73 to vol ice College Gate Vol ice College Gate to Road 52 $ 260,000 $ 1.35,000 $ 490,000 Likely cost i1;1 vicinity of $ 600,000. A deciSion 01;1 whether to do constt:uction north of Road between Concession Vlll and 1lt to Road 52 will be required. Road 38 _ Needs Study cost $ 202,000 (a) Righway 3 to Ricblnond 82,000 (b) Ricblnond ROad 38 No EstiJllate (c) Richmond Road 43 23,000 (d) ReSurface Ricblnond Rill (e) l'ast of Richmond Rill to Strafford'ITille 510,000 (!) straffot:dVil1e Ut:ban ~est of RighwaY 19 No Estimate ----- - Total Estimate $ 817,000 Likely Cost ? PRIORITIES - 1977 PAGE 4. DRAFT August 1977 Expenditure on Road 52 from Road 30 to approximately 0.8 miles West of Road 25 1975 1976 1977 (Estimate) (To end of June $ 165,000) $ 80,835 $ 489,050 $ 575,000 $ L,144,885 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 13, 1977. 'PAGE 1. at ~:30 A.M. All members were present, Frank Clarke also. coUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE Municipal BUilding on July 13 THE M'lN\lTES OF THB MEETING OF June 20 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WOR1<- TO DATE as folloWS: (1) The Rural Employment Incentive progra1l!llles in the amount of $ 42,000 for the (2) The Ministry of Transportation and CQIl\lllunications had started work on the county and Townships had been approved. centennial Ave. portion of the Expressway, but it waS doubtful if a contr~ct for th>l' westerly portion would be let before fall. (3) Paving in West Elgin would be completed on WednesdaY' (4) All Grader laid asphalt patching had been completed. (5) Priming would be done this week and surface treatment would start next week. (6) Gordon Wiseman waS crushing gravel and gravel waS being draglined from under- (7) construction waS continuing on Road 52 and Road 30. (8) The Garage Roof had been completed. (10) The Deck had been placed on the Dunwich Township Bridge over Talbot Creek. (9) Pavement Marking for Oxford County would be completed this week. (11) Annual Repairs to Walker' s Bridge would start next week. (12) Repairs and painting of guide rail and cleanup work under the Rural EmPloyment Incentive progra1l!llle waS underway. Jackson Baker, county Weed Inspector in attendance. Weed control waS water and piled. discUssed and it waS felt that a general diScUssion of prioritieS for Weed control in the future should take place at the next meeting. ST _ THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 13, 1.977. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY TRATTHE FOLLOWlNG PAYL1STS BE Al?PROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYL1ST # 31 AMOUNTING TO $ 2,111.54 PAYL1ST # 32 AMOUNTING TO $ 39,446.64 PAYL1ST # 33 AMOUNTING TO $ 230.55 PAYL1ST # 34 AMOUNTING TO $ 53.00 PAYL1ST # 36 AMOUNTING TO $ 394,147.0B. CARRIED_" ~ by the County in Lot 7, Range 11 W.R.R., south~old for road ~idenm~ggon Road 2B and 56 ~hich ~aS diScUssed. committee ~ere in agreement ~ith the offer and the THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE OFFER of H. f,J<ford to exchange lands o_ed Engineer ~aS instructed to have the County Solicitor give the necessary n~tices to the Siples so that the transaction could be completed. approximatelY lB acreS of land in LotS 25 and 26, concession 111, south~old, south east of High~aY 401 and had so informed the Ministry of transportation and THE ENGINEER REPORTED TRAT the county of Elgin ~aS not interested in corro:nunications .. Township Zoning By_La~ ~hich ~ould rezone land at the intersection of Road 26 and 11. He felt that the entrance to the property should be off Road 11 rather than THE ENGINEER REPORTED TRAT he had entered an objection on a south~old Road 26 as approximatelY 400 feet of Road 26 ~ould have to be rebuilt if the entrance ~aS off Road 26. He also felt that trUcks would have a tendency to use southwold To_ship Road to go across to Wellington Road rather than use Highway 4. committee concurred with the objection. Other To_ship Zoning By-LaWS and Notices of Ontario Municipal Board Hearings were noted. speed limit through Richmond, Eden and StraffordlTille on county Roads. The Engineer waS instrUcted to replY to the Township and to take measurementS to see CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE TOWNSHIP OF BAymlI1 requesting a 30 mph if an area of StraffordVille qualified as a built up area under the Highway Traffic Act for a 30 mph zone. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JULY 13, 1977. PAGE 3. PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL Sanding Equipment was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW TANDEM SANDER AND TO PURCHASE A USED TANDEM TRUCK. CARRI ED',PJ CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED FROM Jack Elley of the Health Unit stating that funds under the present Mosquito Control Programme would run out around August 20 and wondering if the County would continue the Programme until summer end. The CVl1LLUi.ttee felt that the Ministry of Heal th should be approached for additional funds as the Health Unit felt that the Programme should be continued. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST 10, A1?79:AID A~'JM.A CARRIED" . of~ '-' / ~/?/7~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 20, 1977. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT the Municipal Building at 9:30 A.M. on June 20, 1977. All members present and also Frank Clarke. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of June 1 and 14 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER STME'ED THAT the Environmental Hearing Board had sat on June 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and 16 to hear the evidence on the application of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. for a Waste Disposal Site in Southwold. He felt that it was unlikely that a decision would be forthcoming until mid Fall. The aI~lj),ltt.yhad requested that if the site was approved that access be limited to the Townline Road from Highway 4 and that St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. contributE~ $ 10,000 per year (escalating with the cost of living) toward the maintenancE~ of the access road and that the funds be paid to the appropriate road authoritYl. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. had agreed to these terms before the Hearing Board. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The A.I.B. had approved the 1977 wage settlement for hourly rated workers and the hack pay of 10ct per hour would be paid in the next 3 weeks. 2. Walmsley Brothers had completed Road 45 east of Highway 4, patching on roads 28, 56, 36:~ 24 and 20, and work for the Village of Port Stanley, and would start again in approximately 1 week. 3. Hot Mix Asphalt repairs had been made to Roads 24, 42 and 38, and work on Road 47 w~s underway. 4. Repairs had been completed on Elm Street and Centennial. 5. Gravel was being stockpiled at Pleasant Valley and Gordon Wiseman would start crushing on Thursday. 6. Shouldering had been completed on those roads paved. \ \ \ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 20, 1977. PAGE 2. 7. Ditching and Stripping had been completed to A. Andrews on Road 52, the culvert installed at campbe11s, and backfilling was underway. Permits had been received for the Carmichael Borrow Pit and stripping was underway. Sand base was being hauled on the east approach of the Kettle Creek culvert and work was underway on the completion of the culvert headwa11s. 8. Pavement Marking was completed in Elgin and work was underway in oxford. 9. Grass cutting would start shortly. 10. 2 Pickup Trucks had been leased from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Ltd. and one would be used by the 2 &mp10ye~S engaged in Mosquito control work for the Health Unit. 11. The abutmentS at the Dunwich Township Bridge had been readied for the deck which was expected in early July. 12. Work on the Court House Garage Roof would start within 2 weeks as the roof trusses had been received. 13. David FerguSon who owned land on Road 30 near the Bucke property had agreed to allow the County to enter on to his property so that work could proceed on Road 30. 14. A settlement ( $ 1001 ) had been reached with JameS Ferguson for loss of crop and loss of profit on his lease (3 years) on the Campbell property, Lot 4, Concession X, Yarmouth. The Engineer pointed out the settlement was too high in his opinion, but that little could be done about it. 15. That Harry Axford had been requested to forward to the County in writing, his best offer for the cut off corner in Lot 7, Range 11 West River Road, Southwold. \ \ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 20, 1977. PAGE 3. 16. That the Retroactive Wage Increase authorized by the A.I.B. would increase the subsidy allocation for Winter Maintenance that the County would be eligible to, somewhat over the $ 30,000 authPnized at the June 1 meeting. HMOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO MAKE A FURTHER SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION OF $ 30,500 (SUBSIDY) FOR SPECIAL WINTER MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION (1977) AND THE RESOLUTION OF JUNE 1, 1977 RE WINTER MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONS BE RESCINDED. CARRIED." HAROLD BUCK of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in attendance regarding the Rural Employment Incentives Programme. The Programme was discussed at some length with Mr. Buck answering member querie s. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE cOUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE TOWNSHIPS MAKE APPLICATION TO THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD FOR AN ALLOCATION OF $ 42,000 FOR VARIOUS MUNICIPAL PROJECTS l\LLCMED UNDER THE PROGRAMME. CARRIED." (The Programmes as amended and applied for are attached.) HMOVED BY: D. K. MCEEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 27 AMOUNTING TO $ 38,242.36 PAYLIST # 29 AMOUNTING TO $ 106,874.32 PAYLIST # 30 AMOUNTING TO $ 40,786.05. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 20, 1977. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED Quotations for Prime Emulsion and Peastone Supply. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF TCG MATERIALS FOR WASHED 1/4 PEASTONE DELIVERED TO WHITE STATION AT $ 3.95 PER TON AND DELIVERED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTA%ID~N AND COMMUNICATIONS PATROL YARD AT IONA FOR $ 3.90 PER TON. ALL SUBJECT TO MillNISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY OF ,~ANADA FOR THE SUPPLY OF APPROXIMATELY 140,000 GALLONS OF RSIK ASPHALT EMULSION AT A QUOTED PRICE OF 32.96 CENTS PER GALLON, F.O.B. THEIR FACTORY AT LONG BRANCH. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SEcrn~DED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF IMPERIAL OIL lli'IDD. FOR THE SUPPLY OF APPROXIMATELY 20,000 GALLONS OF ASPHALT PRIME AT A QUOTED PRICE OF 42.2 CENTS PER GALLON, F.O.B. THEIR LONDON TERMINAL. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 20, 1977. PAGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ: (1) From the Ministry of Transportation and CVlllLuunications with approval of supplementary allocation of $ 20,000 subsidy for drainage assessnents. (2) Ministry of Government Services exercising their option for an easement for the water pipe line to Vienna over part of Lot 10, Concession I, Bayham. (3) Various Municipalities with Notices of Meetings of Committee of Adjustment and with Zoning By-Laws. (4) Ontario Municipal Board with appointments for hearing of appeals from Land Division CVlll1uittee decisions. (5) Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding policy on land sales to Municipalities. (6) Ministry of Transportation and Cvul1uunications regarding use of Road 38 east of Straffordvi11e as a haul route to Ministry of Transportation and Communications contract on Highway 19. "MOVED BY: W. R . CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO JULY 13 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRI ED." t'~ ,.. t.// f:~~~ v../ (!~ .. .~1LJ ( CHAIRMAN r'~ ~' ~ WJNl C1J' t>.L l~CF.N'fl'l~ l'R()G~1? ~. l.~ . f b~ush f~om ice stOrm of 1916. 1?1:0". ee.C~t # 1 ~ cleanUP 0 , ".. " '" nick up jU.l\.k, etc. ~ RoadSide Ma,ntel\ance, ,c, r ' ' . Repai~ and painting of guide ~a,l, etc. 1 ~ 11 _ 135 ~an DaJs Sorome~ and ea~ Y ra ~eek @ $ 3.15 pe~ hou~ 3 \1.elpe~s 9 ~eeks @ 44 hOu~s pe~ 'od ~ 1'luS 2ff/o 'fO'fhL l'RoJ1?C'f coS'f . '.. nd lnsulation ~ Repai~S, 1'\ll.intenance, l'a,nt,ng a of communitY cent~e. 1 f 11 ~ 105 1'\ll.n DaYS Suroll\e~ and ea~ Y a . @ ~ 4 20 ne-r hout: k @ 40 hoU~s ~ .' .' SuperviSO~ 1 ~ee S @ $ 3 15 each pe~ hou~ 2 \1.elpe~s 1 ~eeks @ 40 hoU~s · 'f<1<ffiS\1.1J' Of SOU'f\1. j)ORC\1.1?S'f1?R 2. ~ 'od ~ 1?luS 20"/0 'fO'fhL l'RoJ1?C'f COS'f :::;; $ 3,142.20 148 .44 -------- ~~ 4,490.64 ;::::: -" $ 1,116.00 ;::::: 1,164.00 -.;......---- $ 2,940.00 ;::::: 58B.OO -------- $ 3,528.00 'fOVlNSll1l' Of So\J'fWlOLD f b~ush and t~eeS along ~oadside " l'~o\e~ ~ cleanUP 0 " f Guide Rail, B~io.ge Ra1.hngs, ~. Repai~ and l'a1.nt1.ng 0 SignS, etc. 4.~ .d Su~er and ea~lY fall. ~ .,,~' " h' \1.all ~ 32 1'\ll.n DayS. l'~o\e~ ~ Repa1.n~1.ng 'fo,,:S s1.~ 8 hOU~s @ $ 4. 20 pe~ hoU~ ~ Supe~V1.S0~ 8 aY' @ $ 3 15 pe~ hour 3 \1.e1pe~s 8 daYS @ 8 hours · . d n. . 1: - 32 ~an Da"js .' '10.' M intenance an ",epa1. l'~o\eC:!:....1L1 ~ l'a1.~ B~1. 1.ng 0. a@ 8 hOU~s @$4.2. J pe~ houJ: ~ SupeJ:V1.SoJ: 8 aYs . @ $ 3 15 peJ: houJ: 3 \1.elpeJ:s 8 daYS @ 8 hoUJ:s · shi Landfill Site ~ 24 1'\ll.n DaYS l'J:oie~ ~ cleanu~ at 'fo,,: ~ B hOurS @ $.4.20 pe1: hou1: ~ superv1.S0~ 6 aYs . @ $ 3 15 peJ: houJ: 3 \1.elpeJ:s 6 daYS @ 8 hOU~s · 3. 'od ~ b ~ 160 1'\ll.n DayS. septem~eJ: thJ:OUgh NOV~ ~u~s @ $ 4.20 yeJ: hOu~ Superv1.SoJ: 8 ~eeks @ . @ $ 3 15 peJ: houJ: 3 '\1.elpeJ:s 8 ~eeks @ 40 hoUJ:s . · 'fO'fhL l'RoJ1?C'f coS'f 1'10.5 2ff/o ;::::: $ 1,344.00 ;::::: 3,024.00 -.;......---- $ 4,368.00 :::;; 813.60 -------- $ 5,241.60 -- $ 268.80 604.80 :::;; 268.80 604.80 :::;; 201.60 1-\053.60 . . . continued ... Recapitulation r! COUNTY OF ELGIN MUNICIPAL INCENTIVE PROGRAMME Township of Yarmouth Township of South Dorchester Township of Southwo1d Township of Dunwich Township of A1dborough Township of Bayham Township of Malahidc County of Elgin Page 4. $ 4,490.64 $ 3 ,528 . 00 $ 5,241.60 $ 5,110.56 $ 5,171.04 $ 5,241.60 $ 5,211.36 $ 33, 99l~.80 $ 8,005.20 $ 42,000.00 \ \\,t ~~~ i.._~-=-~ <"\ COUNTY OF ELGIN . ~URAL EMl'LOYMEN'f INCElITIVES PROGRAMME REQUEST OF ADDITIONAL AL~OCATION, 1. ,TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE, Pro;ect # 1 "'1 .- "Period September - October Paint and repair Fair Ground Buildings 40 Man Days. 1 Supervisor 10 days @ 8 hou~s @ $ 4.20 pe~ hou~ 3 Helpers 10 days @ 8 hours @ $ 3.15 per hour plus 20% Allowance TOTAL PROJECT COST 2. COUNTY OF ELGIN P~oject # ~ _ Continuance of project # 1 under Rural Employment lncentives p~ogramme cleanup of ~oadside brush, deb~is, and ~epair of guide ran, signs, bridges, etc. Period - October _ November - 160 Man Days. 1 superV'isO~ 8 weeks @ 44 hours @ $ 4.20 per hou~ 3 Helpers 8 weeks @ 44 hours @ $ 3.15 pe~ hou~ pl us 20'/0 Allowance TOTAL PROJECT COST 3. JOWNSHIP OF BAYHAl1 froject #-1 ~ continuance of Projects unde~ Ru~at Employment lncentives Prog~amme, ~emoval of ~oadside b~ush, debris and repair of guide rail, etc. ~riod, October, November - 30 Man DayS. 1 Supervisor 2 weeks @ 44 hours @ $ 4.20 per hour 2 Helpe~s 2 weeks @ 44 hou~s @ $ 3.15 peJ: hour plus 20% Allowance TOTAL PROJECT COST ... continued ... ~e 1. = $ 336.00 = 756.00 - $ 1, 092. 00 218.40 $ 1,310.40 = $ 1,478.40 = 3 , 3 26 .40 $ 4,804.80 960.96 $ 5,765.76 = $ 369.60 = 554.40, $ 924.00 < \ 184.80 $ 1,108.80 R1JRAL EMl'LOYMF.N'f lNC1?N'f1'l1?S PROGRAMME - - " -- COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ ~- ,---- ~9UES'f 0",- ADJ?l'f1!!l~ ALL~'f1ill! ~;e i;.. 4. VILLAGE OF VIENNA ..----- - - .. !roie~# 1 ~ Repair and paint park buildings and pa~k pavillion, remove debris in OtteJ: creek to help p~event silting and Hooding, ~e11Ioval of brush and deb~iS along ~0ao.sides, ~ater courses and OtteJ: CJ:eek. 'Period - . July ~ september - 60 Man DayS. 1 suyeJ:Viso~ 20 dayS @ 8 hoUJ:s @ $ 4.20 peJ: hou~ 2 Helpers 20 days @ 8 hou~s @ $ 3.15 pe~ boU~ = $ 672.00 = 1 ,008 .00 $ 1,680.00 336.00 plus 20% Allowance - $ 2,016.00 < TOTAL COST OF PROJECT 5" VILLAGE OF RODNEY ...-. .-.. - ~oiect # 1. ~ RepaiJ: of MUnicipal D~ains Paint and J:epai~ faiJ: Ground BUildings 'Period september _ october - 40 Man DayS. 1 superviso~ 10 dayS @ 8 houJ:s @ $ 4.20 per houJ: 3 \1.elpers 10 dayS @ 8 houJ:s @ $ 3.15 peJ: hoU~ = $ 336.00 = 756.00 ~ pluS 20% Allowance $ 1,092" 00 218.40 ---- $ 1,310.40 TOTAL COST OF PROJECT 6 . ~L!\<i!-.9f .10&1; . S'f.@L~ !rS!.iect #...J. ~ Repai~ and painting of Guide Rail, cleanUp 0 t b~ush and debJ:is along roadsides and MUnicipal Drains. Paint and repair MUnicipal Band Shell, Build fence on MUnicipal St~eetS. plus 20% Allowance = $ 664.00 :::::: 1,512.00 - - $ 2,176.00 435.20 -' $ 2,611.20 Period -- July .. september 1 supeJ:Visor 20 dayS @ 8 hou~s @ $ 4.15 per hoU~ 3 Helpers 20 daYS @ 8 hours @ $ 3.15 peJ: hoU~ TOTAL COST OF PROJECT ... continued ... Recapitulation COUNTY OF ELGIN RURAL EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVES PROGRAMME REQUEST OF ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION Township of Ma1ahide County of Elgin Township of Bayham Village of Vienna Village of Rodney Village of Port Start1ey Total $ 1,310.40 $ 5,765.76 $ 1,108.80 $ 2,016.00 $ 1,310.40 $ 2,611.20 $ 14,122.56 ~e 3. r II ~ i QUOTATIONS FOR PRIMER ANt) EHULSION (Cents Per Gallon) FOB f4'act? ry PRIMER GQlf C.anad~ Li.mited, Clarkson, Onta rio 43.5 Imperial Oil ldmited l...ondo n, Ont R r$o 42..2 EMtrLSIONCATIONIC RS lK 1. Fltntk,ote Co.pf Canada Ltd., Long Br~nch, Ontario 32.96 2~ Chfavron A~ph~lt Ltd., Toronto, Ontario 36.0 3. T....1. Pounder, Brampton, Ontario 40.0 4. Nor-John Contr'1:ictit1g Ltd., N ia8araFal1 s, Ontario 33.4 Delivered Quotation '. .5. 'R.E. l.aw C ro shed S tone Limited, Port Colborne, Ontario 33.4 June 1977. Fr'ei~ht 5..5 6l,4 6.0 6.7 6.7 'fotal 38.4~ 42.4 46 .0. 40..1 39.0 4G.l ' t} QUOTATIONS FOR PEA STONE - 1977 .......11I........,. ~I..,.,.~.........'~~..............I_... "'..........'.,...1..._".. 1. TCG Materials Ltd., P. O. Box 189, Station B, London, Ontario. Delivered to White Station Delivered to Iona 2. Aggregates Division, J. F. Marshall & Sons Ltd., Box 210, Markham, Ontario. Delivered to White Station Delivered to Iona 3. N. J. Spivak, London, Ontario. Delivered to White Station Delivered to Iona $ 3.95 per ton $ 3.90 per ton $ 4.35 per ton $ 4.35 per ton $ 4.50 per ton $ 4.60 per ton ",~"A':'P ~ .; COmn'l of 1?LG1N RO!\D cOJ:1lol1.'f'f1?1? ~ JUNE SESSION 1917 \i \ ,~ 1'age 1. 'to 't\1.~ Yl!\RDF.N AND Mm\B1?RS Of 1?LG1N c()Ul\'t'l COUl'lC1L: 1. 'l()\JR RO!\D cQl>lM1'f'f1?1?' R1?l'OR'tS !\S fOLLOVlS: Ylalmsley BJ:otheJ:s have completed a pOJ:tion of theiJ: !\sphalt l'aVing cont~act,~ith wOJ:k being compl.eted on Road 45 1?ast of \1.igh~aY 4, ) . d 20 ~, 36 and 1?lm StJ:eet & centennial !\ve. along ~ith ~oJ:k Roa s . , ~~, , for the 'lillage of 1'0J:t StanleY' d .t~e~ ~aS allo~ed US to complete most of the st~iPping 'the J:ecent J:Y ~ea " · " and ditching ~oJ:k on Road 31 and Road 52. , h d that tJ:affic ~i1l and culveJ:t & sand base ~oJ:k is unde~~aY' lt 1.S ope be able to use the ne~ Road 52 oveJ: the Rattle CJ:eek ~ithin a month. cut and fill ~ork ~emainS 2. 3. , ' h s app~oved the countY's 'the Minist~Y of 't~anspoJ:tatiOn and c~Un1.cat1.0nS a . , f $ 20 000 (sUbsidY) foJ: d1:ainage J:equest foJ: a supplementaJ:Y allocat1.on 0 ' assessments. 'that the countY Road DepaJ:tment ~ill act as a co_OJ:dinatoJ: foJ: RU~al 0. b th pJ:ovincial MinistJ:Y of Jl:nlp 1 oytt1ent 1. ncent i ve s l'crog~ aroll\e p J:opo se Y . e . f' 42 000 ~ill be divided !\gJ:icultuJ:C & food. 'the countY allocat1.on 0 ~ ' bet~een the countY and the 'townshipS' l'J:Ovincial'S funds ~ll be focrWaJ:deo. to the countY and the county ~ll , J:al cleanUP of ~oJ:k paY the 'townshipS' Most pJ:oposeo. p~oJectS aJ:e a gene and painting and maintenance of public buildings, 4. '. , that the Minist1:Y of 'tJ:anspoJ:tatiOn (1) 'that a J:esolution be passed J:equest1.ng , f $ 30 500 subsidY and ConJlllUn1:catiOns make a supplelllenta~Y allocat1.on 0 ' . (1911) 'thiS is in addition foJ: special ~inteJ: maintenance allocat1.on · . f . 1 400 (SUbsidY) J:equested at the WlJ:ch Session of to an allocat1.0n 0 ~ , 'WE RECOMMEND: ,\ ... continued ... ,i COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE' FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 1977 Page 2. County Council. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has changed the method of computation of subsidy available and it appears that the County is eligible for approximately $ 37,900 in subsidy on extra e:x:penditures of approximately $ 50,500 for winter control in 1977. (2) That the Township of Malahide be informed that in the County Road Cvuuuittee opinion; the road between Concession VIII and IX Ma1ahid.~ between County Road 32 and Highway 73 does not meet the criterae of the Ministry of Transportation and COITnllunicHtlons as [l County Road. The Committee is of the opinion that the Ontario Police College is adequately served by existing County Road 32 and in the long run the present connection to County Road 52 is a better connection than an' other parallel connection westerly to Highway 73. We have been informed by Ministry of Natural Resources that they expect to attract up to 2,000 vehicles per day at certain times of the'year to their Wildlife Santuary and viewing area near the Police College. All OfW11ich Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN t,. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 14, 1977. PAGE 1. ~ County Enginee~ts Office. l\ll membeJ:S ~ere present except Reeve Bradfield and cOUNTY Of 1?LG1N ROhD COMM1't'tE1? MEt l\'t 9 :30,.MM~'~ J'!iN1? 14, 19;; in the CaveJ:ly. Also in attendance the County Solicito~, MU~raY \1.ennessey. Hea~ing on the applicatiOn of the St. 'thamas Sanita~y Collection services Ltd. to have Lot 21, 22, 23, Ooncession 111, south~old declared a Land fill Disposal MR. 1'IBNN1?SSE'l AND 'tHE ENG1NEER REl'OR't1?D on the 1?nviJ:onmental Boad Area. offered to cont~ibute the sum of $ 10,000 pe~ yeaJ: towa~d the cost of maintaining the pJ:oposed access J:oad bet~een High~ay 4 and the pJ:oposed site and that St. 'they ~epo~ted that St. 'thamas Sanita~y collection ServiceS Ltd. h~~e 'thomas Sanita~y Collection services Ltd. had indicated to the hea~ing that they ~ould not J:equiJ:e immediate ~econstruction and ~ould be pJ:epa~ed to accept a g~avel road fo~ some time in the futuJ:e. to the 1?nviJ:onmental HeaJ:ing fo~ a betteJ: agJ:eement ~aS diSCUssed at some length. 'the questiOn of accepting this offe~ or attempting to making a ~equest ttMffiT1?D BY: J. B. WlLSON S1?CONDED BY: S. J. GLffiT1?R 'tIlA't 't1'lB GOUN'tY SOL1C1'tOR B1? 1?l.Il'OVlER1?D 'to N1?GOG1A'tE V11'fH S't. 'tHOW\S SAN1't!ill.Y COLLEC'flON SERVIC1?S L't1J. 'to N1?GQG1l\'t1? 't\1.1? BES't 1'0SSlBLE l\G1'IB1?MEN't V11'fH 'tHEl1 V11'tH R1?GhRD 'to ROl\D COS'tS. CARRIED." SUggesting that the land exchange bet~een the county and Mr. AKfoJ:d could continue if the county council ~oUld pass a ~esolution stating that the land need not be CORRESl'ONDENC1? V1l\S READ fJ:om l'eteJ: J. Gloin J:epresenting HaJ:ry AKford offeJ:ed to Mr. Siple fJ:om ~hom it ~aS acquired based on the best offe~ ~eceived by the County fo~ the pJ:opeJ:ty. Mr. Hennessey stated that he ~ss of the opinion that the County should offe~ the propeJ:ty to Mr. Siple based on Mr. AKfo~dts best offer. s't. 't\1.QMl\S, ON't!\R1 0 , JUNE 14, 1971. 'PAGE 2. 'the 1?ngineeJ: ~s instJ:ucted to inform Mr. Gloin of the solicitOJ:'S opinion. l\ BR11?f D1 S CIJ S S 1 ON Of 't\1.1? 1lJJR!\L J?Ml'LO"fr!ENT l'R QGRf\Ml11? "a 5 held ~i t h ~ega~d to the ~ate of ~ageS that could be paid foJ: the l'~ogJ:arome and the 1?nginee~ J:equested to claJ:ify the "age ~ate "nth MJ:. Buck of the fOo~ & Ag~icultU~al BJ:anch of the l'J:ovincial GoveJ:1l1l'ent. 't\1.1? F.NG1N1?1?R REl'OR't1?D that G~adeJ: \1.ot Mix l'atching ~aS be&ng caJ:J:ied out on County Roads 24 and 42, and ~oJ:k ~ould staJ:t sho~tlY on Road 38 bet~een \1.igh~aY 3 and \1.igh~aY 19. 11l1? 111?Ef1~G l\DJo\JRN1?D 'to June 20, at 9 :30 l\.'M.' ~~.~A --f.;7'" , cl11\lRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 1, 1977. PAGE 1. ~ at 9 :30 h.M. hn membeJ:S p~esent e1<cept WaJ:den Cook and Reeve J. B. Wnson. hlso cOUNT{ Of 1?LG1N ROAD cQMM:1rt1?1? ME't h't 'IR1? WJN1C1PAL BU1LD1NG ON JIJl'l1? 1 p~esent, Frank ClaJ:ke, Ministry of 'fXanspo~tation and communications. 'tHE Mlmrt1?S Of 't1:lB M1?1?'t1NG of 1'\ll.y n ~eJ:e J:ead and approved. CORRESl'ONDENtl1? WhS RRhD fROM James Sno", Ministe~ of 'transpo~tation and communications with a J:evised policY on winter Maintenance hllocations for 1911. 'the 1?ngineer J:epo~ted that the total hllocation "ould be appJ:01<imatelY $ 50,000 "ith subsidy at the county normal subsidy rate of 15%. He stated that an application should be made to the Ministry of 'transpo~tatiOn and communications for $ 40,000 allocation ($ 30,000 subsidy) ~hich ~ould be in addition to the county's $ 10,000 ($ 1,500 subsidy) allocation J:equest of Ma~ch. "MOV1?D BY: w. R.t;GAVERLY SECOND1?D BY: S. J. GLOV1?R 't1li\'t WE RRCQMMFND 'to COUNT{ cOUNC1L 't1li\'t h RESOLIJ'flON B1? l'hSSED REQUES't1NG 't\1.1? MlN1S'tRY Of TRANSl'OR'th'flON AND CoMM\JN1Ch'flONS 'to tMl<E h S1Jl'l'Ll!.l1F.'N'fhRY ALLOGA'flON Of $ 30,000 ( SUBS1 DY ) fOR Sp1?C1AL WlNT1?R tMIN'tFNANC1? ALLOGA't10N (1917). CARRIED." $ 800,000. He also ~epo~ted that it ~aS rumouJ:ed that the County supplemBntaJ:Y J:equest fOJ: $ 20,000 (SUbsidy) on MUnicipal D~ainage hssessnentS ~ould be ~educed 'tHE ENG1NE1?R RRl'OR't1?D that expendituJ:es to date totaled appro1<imatelY to $ 15,000 by the MiniStJ:Y of 't~anspoJ:tation and communicatiOns. 1. Walmsley BroS. "ere paving on Road 45 "est of Road 36. 2. Application of Calcium GhloJ:ide ~aS nearly completed, but that recent dry 'tllE f,NG1:N1?1?R R1?l'OR'tED ON nlE WORK 'to DA't1? as f on o~s : "eather "ould make a second applicatiOn likely by late July. ST. TROMAB, ONTARIO, JUNE 1, 1977. PAGE 2. 3. crushed Gravel patching had been completed on Road 16, 26, 29 & 52. 4. Excavation of soft spotS waS underway on Road 22, and 1?lm StJ:eet and centennial. 5. l'ave1llCnt 1'\ll.J:king waS under~aY' 6. StJ:ipping of gravel had been cmmpleted at 1'1eaSant 'lalley l'it and some pit run g~avel stockpiled. 'the neW exit road had been completed and the frontage pUJ:chased from 1ilhitneys last year fenced. Gordon vliseman ~aS expected in 2 to 3 ~eeks to CJ:ush gJ:avel. 1. RepaiJ:s had been completed to l'atteJ:son CulveJ:t and an agreement with 8. Shouldering, trimming and top soil woJ:k had been completed on Road 34 in Armco ~ould be J:eached as to payment fOJ: the J:epai~ cost. Belmont and ~est to the Kettle Creek BJ:idge. 'the Minist~y of the Environment had been contacted with ~egard to the settlementS in the pavement in the 'lillage and demands made that ~ork rectified ~ithout cost to the County of 9. Wo~k waS continuing on Road 52 ~ith sCJ:apeJ: wo~k on the east side of the Elgin. Kettle CJ:eek culveJ:tS neaJ:ly completed. h st:r\1ctuJ:al l'ipe culvert \$ssbeing assembled on Road 52 just "rest of Road 31. hPplicatiOns fOJ: Wayside l'its had been made on the carmichael prope~ty and fOJ: a pond on the vandenbroek property. " ~~ Removal of tree trunks cut in the past 2~s ~ould be completed on Thu~sdaY' work had been completed on a nU1l\ber of jobs fJ:om p~eviouS yea~S including Road 4 at Rodney, Road 2 at corn~alls, Road 2 at Skippe~ts and Road 15 in 10. 11. 12. 1t ~ould be necessaJ:Y to place an expropJ:iation plan on paJ:t of land in DUtton Dutton. that ~aS to be sold to 1?. 1'. financial DevelopmentS so that the county could 13. The Road Depa~tment had been asked to place a ne~ ~oof on the Cou~t Rouse give a clear title. garage. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 1, 1977. PAGE 3. 14. The Road Department might be requested to place some pipe for Terrace Lodge and look after Tenders for Paving driveways and parking lots. THE ENGINEER REVIEWED the attached list of proposed surface treatment work and answered member queries. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYL$$TS BE APPROVED FOR PAY'Mm1W PAYLIST # 25 AMOUNTING TO $ 39,335.32 PAYLIST # 26 AMOUNTING TO $ 3,973.41 PAYLIST # 28 AMOUNTING TO $ 93,014.35. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: (1) From the Ministry of the Environment stating that the Environmental Hearing Board would reconvene on June 6 to hear the Application of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. for a Waste Disposal Site in Southwo1d. (2) From Township of Yarmouth with Notice of Minor Variance. (3) From Township of Yarmouth with several Rezoning By-Laws. The Engineer noted that one of the By-Laws wo allow the building of a church on St. George Street contravened the County's Set Back By-Law and an objection had been registered. (4) F~mm the 'fi11age of Port Stanley and Township of Southwo1d with Rezoning By-Laws. (5) From the County of Victoria regarding the Provincial Mineral Aggregate Report. The Engineer requested the report be tabled until he could obtain further information. CORRESPONDENCE TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS regarding the use of Road 38 east of Straffordvi11e was read. The Engineer .4 expressed t~ concern that sustained trucking would cause severe damage to the r oa d. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 1, 1977. PAGE 4. Mr. ]q. Axford of Southwo1d Township in attendance and expressed an interest in acquiring a portion of Lot 7, Range II West River Road, Southwo1d, area 2.5 acres being a cut off corner in the construction of County Road 45. The discussion centered around a trade for the lands for lands owned by Mr. Axford that would be needed by the County to widen County Roads 28 and 56. THE COMMITTEE ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER Reeve Bradfield and Frank Clarke absent. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority had requested the County to purchase and install at the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority's cost a pedestrian underpass on Road 52 near Kettle Creek. The culvert would be of a minimum size and approximately 60 feet in length. :r'he Engineer reported that the Central Elgin Planning Board had approved the Draft Plan of the Hazelwood Subdivision. The Engineer reported that the Western Division of the Suburban Roads Commission Association of Ontario would meet on June 8 in Barrie. QUOTATTONS FOR EMULSION AND PEA STONE for Surface Treatment were being solicited and 1;vou1d be reported on at the next meeting. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that land purchase from Da.vid Ferguson on Road 30 was still being attempted. An attempt to settle the lease of Jim Ferguson on the Della Campbell land was being made and negotiations were continuing with Mr. D. McColl, Solicitor for Mr. Ferguson. Committee discussed Mr. H. Axford's offer and agreed to exchange properties subject to further approval of terms and conditions and subject to any legal problems. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 1, 1977. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED there was nothing to report on the St. Thomas Expressway. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE Ministry of Natural Resources stating that the Ministry were going to build a road from County Road 32 to their Wildlife Viewing Station behind the Police College and expected tha.t up to 2,000 cars per day might be expected on certain days in March and April. THE REQUEST OF MALAHIDE TOWNSHIP to have the County assume the road between Concession VIII and IX was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECBMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE BE INFORMED THAT THE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSION VIII & IX, MAlrAHIDE FROM HIGHWAY 73 TO ROAD 32 DOES NOT MEET THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' CRITERAE AS A COUNTY ROAD. CARRIED." THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Rural Beautification Employment Programme was discussed at length. It was pointed out that $ 42,000 had been allocated for County use. It was decided to ask the Townships to study the Programme and submit their request to the next Road CVlll1L1ittee Meeting. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO 9:30 A.M., JUNE 20, 1977. (NEXT MEETING 9:30 A.M., JULY 13.) CARRIED." df7~' (%~~ v CHAIRMAN COUNTY Of 1?LG1N ROAD 1JErAR'tMENT =- ~ ~_.--:- -;;::: ~1?S1?N't!\'f10N <?F !\!!AR~ MA,'l 18, 19"_ 1. Onta~io Good Roads Association "C. S. AndeJ:son" Road School Diploma ---- --- John Hoffman 2. Onta~io Good Roads Association T. J. Mahonev Road School D1.." 0 loma __ ' ."-- ____ ..;;;.IO.~ Keith player Ronald Zellas 3. 20 Year Pin and Certificates - -- JameS McCartney Robert Moore 4. 10 Year certificateS - .. ~ Robert Doyle James LaForge Ronald Zellas George Fickling Lewi 5 Sllla 11 George Cook Wayne o'Connor COUNTY COUNCIL . .--- ''fl.. ~: L ' :A.C. e ~".& ~ H.L.& @. ~ . c ;::.~ }.f. L. '-\ ~ r..h\ Y{1.\c.i h...\c.l...lbE~ '~ . 7~ -14;(. < <: \ 1'L! \-tl. Co,,", c kAc7 . A 1?~.n.7 (\) :\V1!~T Lon"l\! \-\~;L. '-\ ,A.c.. ' . .. - . , ?~ft-r! lZ) K040 \ (p \-\. L.. e) \~\. L. ~ A.C. ';-PAtl.\J(~) 1{Ot)\14. \Z, \-\ . L. ""\- I :A.C. JYI3~"ii(",,) -D4TTc>.z , ~ . L. \~ . L. Lt, A.~. lr~z#9.o !~ it q ~ ' q~ . 1 f ., _ i ?')'~ ,",2. .11 . 'ilt 770: ~.: J../?) ~-~2. ut>. I' """v' , / ; _ . o~: .3 <q I ~ 417. . " ' I P. --1;). ~r ~:, <1' o~ IB 9s- : .:sir 00 ~ 7~- '717f : L)~,~..oi 1 ':-7' J ,?'L ~ ,i 4> t.; B~- , \ ,9 ~~.' 71 I; :<g>/Si;~~ s<..\ ,,/'\ f'/( r::) It.''(, o~ \Q'l-l.' ~A",,\\ "~ ,-\"'0 :2(0 (P: /.y. 53' ~ ... 8j',:/'3 , I :~.~~.~ . + 9)j~1'.~' .' ~ /~- ~~ 7 '?( 77. . 4; 000 :~11~- :Jf::j8~~ /0. /0 /0./0 ~?; Y" ;) ~3 ; /1./1 II,:J.~ ""'?J 71 2B~ \\. \ / ~ /STJ 8'7'-~-3 : :1 : Lf-t~- :2 ~ . '\ /i.3~ 8:>1- 6--a #; /4>~~"'? 17 71 ~/~IL :Co~1l<:ACT 'A , \~. \L, B \..\. L. ~ Ac i. , Wl!~ ,:14 . t,. ~ 1-1. L. 4- A. ,~;~ .r-I.. C(..\n~ ~'J~~\~T\iQ ~~ ,H. L L\ A.C. . 'Ro r.\ t> 26 \-\ . C. '-\- . :.. A.~. .~ " t ; ;3 Q-~O ~3 ~-o 710& . ~ t!f.30 , ?3~ , . 6,/.:~ '"3 . :.ff : /o'T '2 ~'~ IO'~ ' 7j?' ,&2.0;; 1/7'::)- . II 8.. ~"':.) )>.80 :7,g.0 ei'~~ ; ~.-. . ,""'~ .~ I~~ /o.~'7 /o.o/f 77.7;; .'<~~~-~-;:~f..'tf'-......'';tl-~ -, '12 ?> 0 : 7~L8. \q~~. . ;\ \ ~. \ A .c.. , w ~ l fl\ ~L.= "t = ?Cf <JO + 7 % -:: ,. e; <<; ,;~-3' ~ / ~ ~ ""If/. 1 c. :1.' :~ 1.:Jc.v/",q No T> ~ 7i, + 7 1<.' .;.. I .; '. '/ If.' . · C P\ '/ \.{ '1 t:t ~ go . r~ -t '/ 70 ~ 8~ . ~ 3 ~ ~N.D ~ fl- u ~ \...y. ~ C'A j((9/1 4~ " \"' .'-1~"'o ~ 1L. ''It\<;A;. U ~ \J\.4. U 1> - ~ 1~ " YAt2. Tl~)t'.o~, ';;;)T~ NItS, - S "T'R\!ti 7~ - 'AQ.~ K.R 'Q;~+n~c.~ ?~n.~. (\ )~O(.\p t)2J' "50 a,At (1 i'll"\ . H.t. B H.1-.,-\ .A.c. /2~-o .Y.J ,.30 . /.3,50 o/~~-3. : ~a IY-; . i3i'~"~ . . , '-%-77ql CO..-l.Tn. A c. : 'B \.\. L. B \-\ . L~ ~ A.c. 40 ~-o' l:/o2~ , ~'1~. If .~.l.,B H ,t., '-\ ' ;, A.C. ' \~ . l. g \~ .).....Li\ A..C-. :. \ '2..~o, . ~\ ;'.00 . \ ':'t!1 ~.~ . i :\-\.:L.& ' l-\.L., if' ; A:.c.: . c:3 ~ -0 ' :3~o i ~(~~ , t' , ~,9o: , 8"~o 8t:~-:3 . '*r;.L CojI'o4Tn~'--"1". ~', f!: I ~ " ',.};. '"~$i': /t~3~ t1)'1 \ ? .~-~ ,. /4/. .:)'"'70 \...., 'S'O'. .; I .~.lI0~(... -;:.' 19,7 I ., \ l ~ ~ ~ .' ~~ . j". . _~-o ..;.;:u.... B.c.? ,-'-0., /. J' .J,.. J.'!' ~_~..;., .' "",\,, ~.? 2 ~, \., : ,. ,,' . .' ~ J ~ L> g .:J.o. ..-c.. ....L. . - . .... ~ ~j L ~.,1~~'. . . to .\.~ J 0 :',1- i/}jJO 7 . ~."O ;. +t ,,:).j'B. b <> , 7'1.7' .g?,: rr 7~. gf I;. . ~L ,. '~i~D:l'Q) l'1": .~'T . 10,2.\ ;,.:~.$~-J o~r{,J~~.. 10 :rl . ~.tO} .;;l ~ \.,:'7~ -. 7'1, "l\'L2w..j \ { . ;00 , ,; l41. J 18 .!~..o;' 1/ 10.of.6 la: ,,~ TI'i'11 .; .( '.'1.;1 0 ~ ~ . O't:>> ; ,. ,.' I I '.' , .. . . . . .. . ~l ~ 1 ~ ,I c1",,~; '. ::\\. "7(",:{.'\~, iJ.] t' l' Z>. ,';' . " . I' / c., J! /G, ,~(, 71.?1 , .- ";)-0 <"') Co.~" , , '00 zSJ 7;)..~. : . . . 2- _ .3 :...Xl}).,. 0. . '~;l.. TI i~} t &''1 '~ :11, . . ~~. 'f: s't. 't\1.ow.s, 0l1'tl\.R10, MAY. 11, 1911. PAGE 1. ~aJ 11. MinistJ:Y of 'tJ:anspo~tatiOn and communicatiOns. hn members e:><cept ReeveS GJ:een and BJ:adfield in attendance. cOUN't'l Of 1?LG1~ ROt>Jl C~'t't1?1? 1>\1?'t h't T\1.1? WJN1C11'lIL B\llLD1NGS h't 9 s30 h.M., b-l so f. Cl arke, \1.O'f ~}t hS1'1\,I\L'I: l'hV1NG 'tf,ND1?RS ~eJ:e opened and sumrnaJ:ized as attacbeo.. ~N\l'f1?S Of 't1:1B 1>\1?B't1~G Of hl'R1L 13 ~eJ:e J:ead and app-roved. 'the 1?ngineeJ: J:epo-rted on the ~ork to date stating ~ (1) hn hg-reement had been fOJ:~aJ:ded to \1.aJ:old V1hite \1.omes (London) Limited foJ: dJ:ainage on thei~ lot on centennial hve. flo~eJ:s had been deliveJ:ed to Mrs. CaJ:J:oll and Mrs. caveJ:1Y foJ: theiJ: -recent kindnesses to,Road committee. hn hpplication to the 'to~shiP of 'laJ:mouth foJ: J:ezoning to l'it & QUa-rJ:Y pJ:opeJ:tY the countY pJ:opeJ:tY at 1'1easant 'lalleY l'it ~ould be made shoJ:tlY. Joe Livingstone bad been engaged as a licensed mechanic. RobeJ:t McCJ:eadY, Keith \1.01boJ:n and hHan Moon had been appointed 'tJ:Uck !)-riveJ:s. LeS GileS had'! asl<ed to be J:elieved of tJ:ucl< o.J:iving dutieS and had J:eveJ:ted to (2) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) claSS 111. GeoJ:ge fickling and fJ:ank fishleigh weJ:e still off because of illness. RepaiJ:S to pawetl1ent and GJ:aveHing continued on Road 16, 26, 28 and 29. fencing ~aS undeJ:~aY on Roads 16 and 52. d R ad 52 and 30 and g-rading ~ould st.aJ:t ne:><\: ~eel<. some ~o-rl< ~aS\ un erwaY on 0 CleanUP ~oJ:k to continue in RodneY and DUtton, and otheJ: small jobS in ~est Blgin. l'atcbing ~as undeJ:~aY on the poJ:t BuJ:Well and 1'1ayeJ:s BJ:idges. calciUtll Chloride ~as being appued to gJ:avel -roads, l'avement maJ:king ~ould sta~t ne:><t ~eek. (1 ) (8 ) (9 ) (10) (11 ) (12) (13 ) (14 ) (15 ) (16 ) (11 ) Most sign ~orl< ~aS completed. h ne~ e:><it J:pad ~aS being constJ:Ucted at the 1'1easant 'lalleY l'it. 'tJ:ee tJ:unks ~ould be picked up ne:><t ~eek. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11, 1977. PAGE 2. (18) Ministry of Transportation and CVlLl1uunications Contractors were going to haul over Road 3 and 6 for work on Highway 2, but no adverse effects were anticipated. (19) Ministry of Transportation and CVl1l1l1unications Contractors had requested permission to haul over Road 38 east of Straffordvi11e, but the County had suggested alternative routes be used because of the potential breakup. (20) Repairs to pavements on Road 28 and 56 would start shortly. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED A REVISED MAINTENANCE BUDGET as attached and pointed out that heavy rep!air to pavement cost s had cut spending in other allocations, a1 though an increaise in maintenance allocations would be forthcoming on Winter Control Expenditures. COMMITTEE FELT THAT ROAD INSPECTION had been quite useful. COMMITTBE ADJOURNED TO Road 52 at the Kettle Creek Culvert to meet representatives of Kettle Creek Conservati'Qn Authority, Tom Prout, Bob Martin and Lester Longhurst, to discuss an underpass under the County Road near the culvert. AFTER THE MEETING, COMMITTEE WENT TO DINNER. AFTER DINNER. . .. F. Clarke absent. "MOVED BYi: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - PAYLIST iNUMBER 20 AMOUNTING TO $ 32,454.01 PAYLIST iNUMBER 21 AMOUNTING TO $ 588.51 PAYLIST !NUMBER 22 AMOUNTING TO $ 33,751.29 PAYLIST ,NUMBER 23 AMOUNTING TO $ 452.98 PAYLIST !NUMBER 24 AMOUNTING TO $ 83,488.05. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ,ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. FOR THE FOLLOWING CONTRAC~S FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING, SUBJECT TO MI1~ISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMuNICATIONS APPROVAL - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11, 1977 PAGE 3. CONTRACT A - $ 96,016.25 CONTRACT B - $ 189, 3 28 .50 CONTRACT C - $ 118,592.50 CONTRACT D - $ 10,150.00. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED Quotations for Gravel Crushing at Pleasant Valley Pit as attached. "MOVED BY:: D. K. MODEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF GORDON WISEMAN OF WOODSTOCK FOR CRUSHING GRAVEL AT THE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT IN 1977 AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF 58 CENTS PER TON, SUBJECT TO 11INISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRI ED." CORRESPONDENOE1':WAS READ FROM - (1) University of Western Ontario stating their Dialogue on Environmental Assessment Ac.t had been cancelled due to lack of interest. (2) Township of Southwo1d with notices of applications for m:inor variances to the CVUl1uittee of Adjustment. (3) Township of Southwo1d requesting the County to pass a By.-Law confirming road closing. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED CONFIRMING BY-LAW # 77-11 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD TO CLOSE A PORTION OF THE ROAD ALLOWANGE BETWEEN LOTS 14 & 15, RANGE II NORTH OF THE LAKE ROAD. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11, 1977. PAGE 4. (4) 'township of Mono regaJ:ding the proposed Pit & QUarry hct Legislation. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK TlIAT W1? REcOMMEND 'to cOUNT'l COWelL TlIAT RESOLUT1ON Of 'tHE 'tOWNSH11' Of MONO iRE PITS & QUhRR11?S BE flL1?D. CARRIED ." l'ROl'OSED 'tRUCKING RA'tES for 1911 were presented as attached. "MOVED BY: J. B. 'WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER 't1lA't 't\1.1? J'.NGIN1?ER'S l'ROl'OSAL fOR nmclClNG RA't1?S FOR 1911 BE hl'PRO'lED. CARRIED." Financial Developments Ltd. at the $ 26,000 ~equested by committee. 'tHE J'.NGlNEER REl'OR'tED that the 3 lotS at Dutton had been sold to 1?. 1'. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDEID BY: D. K. COOK 'tllAT W1? RECOMMEND 'to COUN'tY COWC1L 't1lA't h J5'l~Ll\.W B1? l'hSS1?D hU't\1.0R1Z1NG 'tHE W ARJ!)EN AND CL1?RK TO SlGN D1?1?DS 'to 1?. 1'. flNANC1AL DEV'1?LOPl1EN'tS L'tD. FOR pART 6 & 8, l'lJIN UR~986 lN 'tHE VlLLl\.GE Of IJUTTON. THE SALE l'R1CE TO BE $ 19,000 LESS REAL 1?SThT1? cOMM1SS1ON. CARRIED ." , 'MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDEID BY: S. J. GLOVER TlIAT WE RECOMMEND 'to COUNTY COUl'lC1L TlIAT A BY~LhW B1? l'hSS1?D lUlT1lOR'l'.ZlNG 'tIlE WARDJ'.N AND CLERK 'to SlGN A DE1?D 'to l'ATR1Clh 1?. WALSH hND 1?. 1'. flNANC1J\L DEVELOPMENTS LTD. FOR l'ART #5, PLAN UR_986 IN 'tH1? VlLLl\.G1? Of DUT'tON. T1lE SAL1? l'R1CE 'to B1? $ 1,000 LESS REAL 1?S'th't1? COMMlSS10N. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11, 1977. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED A DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION prepared by James F. MacLaren for George Hazelwood which was examined. The propos1ed Subdivision is between County Road 23 and Highway 4 in Port Stanley. The Engineer pointed out the location of a proposed road between Highway 4 and Road 23 and stated the proposed grade was in the order of 8%. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDEID BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WITH REGARD TO THE PROPOSED HAZELWOOD SUBDIVISION IN PORT STANLEY (SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF ENGINEERING) WE (a) APPROVE THE LOCATION AND GRADE OF THE PROPOSED ROAD BETWEEN HIGHWAY 4 AND ROAD 23. (b) REQUEST DEDICATION TO THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY OF THE PROPOSED ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN HIGHWAY 4 AND ROAD 23. (c) REQUEST THAT THE SUBDIVISION UNDER- TAKE TO BUILD THE ROAD BETWEEN HIGHWAY 4 AND ROAD 23 TO COUNTY ROAD STANDARIDS. CARRIED.' , THE PROPOSED UNDERPASS ON ROAD 52 AT KETTLE CREEK for the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority was discussed and it was reported that the underpass would not be subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and CV1Ll1uunications as the Ministry of Transyortation and CV1Ll1uunications regarded it as a sidewalk. "MOVED m[: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT AS THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS WILL NOT SUBSIDIZE AN UNDERPASS ON ROAD 52 WE INFORM THE KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY THAT THE COUNTY WILL NOT CONSTRUCT THE UNDERPASS. CARRIED." ST. TUOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY. 11, 1977. 'PAGE 6. of Natu~al ResouJ:ces regaJ:ding use of hylmer ~ildlife hrea and requested discUssion on the matter of the asSumption of concession '1111, Malahide be tabled until he had 'tH1? -eNG1N1?1?R R1?l'OR't1?D 't1:1A't he ~aS a~aiting a letter from the Ministry further information. speed By~La~ on Cllunty Roads to the varioUs 'townshipS foJ: theiJ: commentS J:egarding 'tH1? f,NG1N1?1?R ~AS lNSTR\lC'tED to send information on the County' s pJ:e sent any changeS. lIMO'lED 1l'i: D. R. CooR S1?COND1?D Wi: D. R. MCLEAN 't1:1A't ~E hDJOUJU' 'to JUN1? 1 h't 9 :30 h.M. CARRIED ." d ~~ !/ ~' ' -1::::Y ..<.-/ '- - - cl:lAIRMAN i ,t(.~. A.C. e ~'..& ~~ /-f.C S ~ G. 0 ;;:~. j./. L. '\ UK', V(l.\C~ If-:\.Cl.J,bt:~ tra .~J(. COt-\IR:RC. A' P"Hl. T (I) \VIE loT Lon..., 'Pr~rcr (Z) KOCl D \ (p 'Pfl~\ \~) 1<OD~Il:\ "PA~I :(~) n~T\",z Cql~Trtr'<lci ',3' --Vfl:ll.': 0) 1{"",0 It'::i t:11"'i' 'Pr:\llLT l2.) -ROI'Il> 't'" Wl!~" \-rL:r~ \.\" \... U. A.c. \-\. L. e. \-\. L. ~ A.C. I-\.L. "t A.C. \~.L. '-t A.e. CO<.(N, ,'(. ,,\."' EL':I'>'( , 5~'~"""1 r<l~'{ o\. \-\0' t/I Ill; ~"d..:~." \q,y\ CO"'-i'n.Y:'cT; , . ~. I LJ~bH[..:'{ l,lR';'~ l.i.t'4.\. "'T Tl.3.......t;) ~ n.. "1>f\\c.~ \..3 rat \..J "'" U. Qr-tA""" "--<' 4c..o :Zt.c.. ,-\000 ~11'" :Jf:';iB.~ ZB~ n., : If.'-''- 2-.\.,\ -1"n;L COI<l.TRAC.T:A \.I,.L B I<I.\.-. '-t Ac H.l,. e. ~():So .3350 -$lOG>, '1 &2"; 11. L. i.t 117<:'- A.c.' Ile.'",,~ C"\t1.~ (.~.~\T.T~_':::..._~ooo {.r. lhn:, (~)Ro'l1\) 2"1 fhl1.' lit) 'Ra", l> ~o fhl1.1 (5) "K"",o'!, 22.) 2e., .3(., ~ ..,-"" Pr-l11,' (c,,) pp,~, '5T(.I",lu,\ - 'S IRl!'ti I~ - AQc: 1'1.1'\ J.j.1.., U, A.C. H.l, '-t. A.c.. H.L."" A.c.. "/2.~o 73.e Iqa,-,; \ \ '\. I 2&,(,,0 1~-"t.(P H.\.. & /2~-o H.L. .... I 17:'- A.C. 1'i:3.o \-1..1-.1.\ ~?l ~' A.c... ;Zo. I /7'- 'ij'~- 81."-3 !P /0."" /0.10 8,,/.;)'3 <::.) gZl\ .... ~.l;a3n."~ 9. )I tl.otl -y. 0, y 00 .'" ~S/~::J. 7 .~.~ ..:l A; ?...LIr. ~ Il -iLl, ::J&'f.?-o .~ !o~.~'b i J.1j~ ~;) '! ~ ~~ 7;6-t. ~~_. ~. ro..i. Ilq ; 8 o:t, b .d<+ : , . i . I' r j J. /;"/0: ~~-~.:. J.. L. ";1 ; jLij ~3~, or:'" "'" '3, \:, ,J,-~-; "" 3"~~~.-f :1.~- '9S; ~-":;f.:l.~~ . a,~oB~1"" :\ \'i a-I lilj oc \o~ oO'if '.'Z. ~, \ c? o1~'~ " It.. ~~~.~:' :-d3~:r~. :'-;.' ::l3B!3\ 14-.7ksi31 ~a,:g:A (' ~'D _ ~ 0;. o(~ '1. ~-2. .;a2~is .02 I' I/.~o $0) Q~re..:~,: 81.""3 . i'?o'I4"lE.:S~ . L_d~J.i._;'I8 .18 -;;;,,:; L Co.4.In. A c" 'P; ; . C~;"{In."'C\ 'c' "?r::lTt.:t ll) ~OAi> ~20 \-\,L, ~ /.fo~-o ~.9o I-\.L.-\ iO::!~ 8"~. A.c. "n~.'t et.~:\ }/(-l{l..\ (2)' "RoRO ;;J. \ \~.L.s i,"\,,,, ~.'i~ H .l. '\ 1.2"P; <J .'10 :.:! A.C. l'z.o~ 8y03 r. , . I I ...; i ! I' :?r:irL': l3) '-<dAD ;'!'o \-\.l. B \2.00 fI.'fo , I I>' .1-. w.. \~c.o g. ~o I A:c. \....".(" ~y.<i!. m_.! 'I- ~ i ! \ I Co l4,;"f R (\C'\ t:> 7"'1'" "f. BAy H r'l ''\ 4/,.,,1J Co.....TR'<-\<..,.C. \-\.l. :e:, l-\ .L. 'i A..C. .3::'-0 .3~o 1 ;o-r'?' %",f, Co'o.llR"',,-, '-p' /t. :S7:> 8'7-~'-3 .1 li:j'it - e.;/. O'S II # "1.30 7'.30 e,Y"~ # 5'.80 1" go 8'1..3 .3" .~ /1.= 8;1"-3 , II.'."" 81 ~-3 # /.;1.30 /3,30 8j'"-''' 1'1''''. 8'1'~-'" It.,.r~ ~~-.!.ro I~~c.;h.;?-.o '~I:olj;l.?9 't/i 19(;J>~0~ \.: (,,'19. p::' _ _,s-o:1 ~'-bq '9-iJ ! .. r # :_.:2 Tt_~ w. si i ' ~C.I bfk~ , -=1 ~-/ &' J, P,' ~"..... ~210. 0,\ . 'It \\~.\?,"t. $''\ \~ '1';1 ,,'v- ,'-: ',,~' -~\t;3in, r. 13'.:r..il9,.<;,!. . 1J ,jS')11 a, ~,!!;: , . \Ol!!<>~q.b.... :\ 1.,i.:;:iQ.' .::.: \::z.\&.l1L' ~i . ..#, JI'"6:-7ir;,;:-c.oz', i I . #~ij~iJ!~~ , : . IJ/~?J 1./~7> :8f.5'3 ,.. "..! _.~ ,J ..- 6, ~7;1.1>. f)" o7~~' do 3.' 1.5...1 ' ~e, .1. ; 1 fI I~. c,-//,""d8; : .~ . '1 A.C.. -. i WR'~,,,"'L..:\.: ?'1QO +77<.: ~~)'i.",.5 -;;<o.(,qN'r> .. 7'i ,". <j- 7"1., - #1"1..71 CI\~'4.~f'l . ,50.,,,,Q1. ..1'8f>.~3 I ~L"';~~ L1.....,,, 'f&,",OLSn.. "n\4!, l.'A\.L..".,., /.:,-5'7 77.71 7. .';;Z.~O .:1.. '''' c, . "'" ~:B, 2..1 'I IJlI 7'7 '1;/0. .~ 11.:>'8. ;"2, ~-e,2. ,,.. 7'p' r ~"Id,.,-4'~~ ,. ~:;,..:'c.'1");!, /895' oS 7~0. 7~~ 7'J7/ '1: 30.0.) 1 c.~,u1. /~~".? lDy ~ ". a.~- 7171 \. 9 <;?~2. , . 5?1..J5 ..J ,L."i. I~ /011, .3<-,\1:". :,>,,: IO"~' .J1. to];)..,. ::'-Or 7'77'..d.2..,-':jJJ:.. 'I '\ . '# _~, ::I??O. "1',\ /~.:n SS:'f7:J..7."- lo.1r J;;l, ;.J.(p 1. ere, : 77.7/ 9 'i~::!.' (."t. ,;,""" .3, s,G,o. "'. .L- $' ,~~. 5 ';'0. '12 /.1.7y It,7Z3\"" 'l~' 7"1.7/ ~. 88'2. '" \: 1 .dt../.,l.2'1 /I!' ,;U, o<>~.a:.~ 7?71 _493. 7~ # _.a I i-if t. . 8'- 1~.(,.5- c$.~,ao'l.o-o: ",..1\ I ;I._La.1 't\ ~-i.I1. lJ ~ 0 .1L I 'I.:f~ 1"/"-. 1~."71 If"-o 1.'e' .-;,. If', "\ 1';;1.. ~-" lC,o;J1.s'". \\, ~'le,.";~ :. 'I' 8!:,1. .,-,c> \. (... <>2.,.",. k2 Si'~$L'.J." I' "~'l \. 'l?td:Jr:.. 10 .,.,- '1/, :/07. ,;" /0'\>- if', :i".3B. Co" 7''(7' in. n~. '6/ I HJ:o. (. \9.. ~~/ /0.2.\ :\~, 0:;'-,. n; ; .n ' . .;.. 1 /0 : .I:5,Gl;;J.I']'~i' 1 ?'7.1 I -----1.2u3 i 1 . 0,0: ,: VI. 198 .'~i'o: /0.... "/:2, 0'/(" ..00' /o.')..{ !I:':l, ~/;)'...o~ /9.11 ; II. 71..:-'-. ,"I 1/ '~7. i13. '."\'. I -'.3_?>_._(t'lJ_.~i3 /1;,.1'; . j; "Go'- . ~'<> /(.,.~(. .:5,7;).(.,.0<' . 71,"71 .3.2~:.l.o'CI f! I"I.I...~';' ';':2, I T' J. , CA Yl./9/-l 4""\ "It.\~ ?J1"\O\S'I1.- L)'(qLu.c: fI. " ,. ,-- :! II' -'!' ,. ',- ; It /~.'2. It.. '? . 8.s,73 ~~ '8'17'DO $/ g 'Ii. ,,'0 ~.;!>,-.;o. G.f ; /:;//97', '7 Cj'hi : t'n.\c.l! ; ~to.(OI.!n. O~\.A..l..t::: iii: .1 .,;".i'~:.;I:! . " .') ..1 i .1" j, . j ~ , !.. .; 'oj ".'1 ~; .. \" r . ! ..! ; ! 'totals fo~ 1916 and estimates foJ: 1971 include l'ay~oll BUJ:den. 'totalS foJ: 1914 and 1915 do not include l'aYJ:oll BUJ:den. 1 7 ,625 15,117 19,861 23 ,000 4,758 7,668 Nil Nil 39 , 229 21,224- 46 ,401 35,00'0 17,565 22,588 59,525 35,0'00 comm: Of 1?1"G1N ROhD D1?l' AR'ttolJ?NT ~ ~ 12~ 01?BRAT10N 5,398 h ~ l\J:idges & cul'Ve1!tS Otte-r C-reel<. B .. 1 GraSs cutting B ~ 1 h Yleed spJ:ayi.ng B-2 T~ee cutting B _ 4 Drainage B ~ 5 Road Maintenance 4'03 1,'000 61,071 B .. 6 T-ree 1?lanting B ~ 1 Drainage hssessmentS (Maint.) C ~ 1 RepaiJ:s 'to l'a'Vement 3,975 c ~ 3 Shoulde~ & Roadside Maintenance 13,338 Sboulde~ Maintenance c _ 2 sweeping c _ 4 SUJ:face 'tJ:eat~ent D ~ 2 G~ading GJ:avel Roads D ~ 3 DUst contJ:ol D ~ 5 GJ:avel ResuJ:facing 'Winte-r cont~ol B Ylinte~ cont~ol special hSsistance F ~ 1 l'avement 1'\ll.~k:l.ng f _ 2 SignS f _ 3 Guide Rail f ~ 4 Rail~oad CJ:os.sing l'J:otection f .. 5 ~et~iC SignS TOTAL COUNTY & SA 22,000 20,000 14,0'00 8,'00'0 ------ ------ 192,'00'0 817,'0'00 ~. 1915 1916 BST1MATB 1977 EST1MATB MAY 1, 1917 20,00'0 15,000 16,903 22,374 5,0'00 23 , '00'0 Nil 55,0'00 40,0'00 1'0,0'0'0 361 Nil Nil 218 813 1,'000 4'0,631 81,561 90,'000 1'0,110 1 a, 1 23 12,'000 11 ,129 15,936 18,0'00 1,000 110,0'00 1'0,00'0 35,489 12,266 30,183 15 ,095 53,161 57 ,3'0'0 65,00'0 11,848 16,141 18,0'0'0 46 ,100 35 ,447 42,0'00 86,042 42,191 45,'000 139,358 251,332 310,000 175,688 15,932 11 ,946 13,889 16 ,428 2,408 4,668 16,832 1 9 ,095 14,854 1 7 , '000 20,'000 5,00'0 29,236 2,564 19,986 ------ ------ 482,144 541,813 ------- 138,251 Nil 10,000 60,000 16,000 42,000 4'0,00'0 290,000 20,000 11,'0'00 22,0'0'0 3,000 841,000 871,000 'h' nO. GJ:ave 11 ing on , . included 5~ouldeJ:ing, D1.tC 1.ng a 191~ ~oadside Ma1.ntenance ;Jell inl!,ton Road. OVl'~h('ad itemS incll,\o.ing ~ 1914 and 15 a po~tion of all Coun~. . ?aYJ:oH'O BUJ:den ~as chaJ:ged to Subu~ban Roa 6. . 1 h .d di~ectlY to ope~atiOns and On Y a 1'0 1916 l'ay~oll BI,\~den ~aS c aJ:1e d to subUJ:ba'O Roads. J:tion of othe~ O>1eJ:head itemS -.las c a~ge pO . 1911 ~ SUB\lRBAN ROt>.D c()W!l.~SS IoN 1911 B\lDGr:r Re'Vi sed rrO'tt\LS fOR 1976 ~ 'L'On 'l (\7 7 1" C L\l D 1? "h '{ROLL B\lRD J?N · AN\l BS'tI~'t1?S c '''' 7 ". ES't1w-. 'tB 1977 1914 1915 1976 01'BRA't10N ------- 11l\- 166 4<)4 1,000 4,610 20,B05 4,225 ,,000 2,107 11,348 10 ,029 11,000 1,314 B94 111 2,000 10,800 9,596 22,1.49 25,000 4,881 2,325 3,812 5,000 ----- ----- ----- ~ 25 ,026 45,134 40,886 49,000 p.. ... Bridges &. culve~tS Roadside Maintenance 13 .. \1.atd 'top Maintenance C ... Loose 'top ~ainte'Oance D ... vn.nte-r cont'ro1 special !\Ssistance SatetJ Devices E ... f ... ~ 1974 1975 1916 ove~head, superintendence, ctC~ t '2, <)7 t, \'J,\)l)'/ q,\52 DRhWt>.G1? ~ .. . ... . ~ '~6e' .' '. of 'tJ:anspoJ:tat1.on Dtainage hsses~ent ~~d M~~i~atiOns subsidY (ea) 'lineden D~ive Drain hgainst Road 2.6 Sh McBane p-cain d) hgainst ROad 25 (;Jelungton Roa (b) 11a: 1l)17 ES't1.MA.'LE MAY. " 1911 500 4,500 12,000 3,000 20,000 10,000 4,000 ----- 54,000 LABOUR 1C}17 \.\ ,00\) $ 3,800 $~ $ 6 ,000 ~ ---=- ~1?L C~\lO'fh'tlON~ h't l'L1?hSl>J.'l'f 'lALl$'l Gw.~L 1'1't _ <"\c. CONC'ESS10N V ~aJ 11, 1977. , t l~ 20 000 ~equiJ:ed by mid JulY QUant i ty J:equiJ:e 0. 50,000 tOn. A:pp~O){1.ma e J ' h 1 1911 and anotheJ: 20,000 by mid septembeJ: "nth the balance by Decem eJ:' · 1. Go~don \'Ii sE%ll>n Lt 0... R. R. # 1, ~oodstock, Onta~io. 5Set. tOn 2. RaY weland Ltd., R. R. # 6, London, Onta~io. 75et. tOn 3. 'lick Ruckl-e GonstCCUction, B~ o"Vffi sV'i 11 e, Onta~io · unable to mee~ mid JulY completion date. 4. Johnston B~Os. (Both~eH) Ltd., Both~ell, Onta~io. Both cJ:usheJ:s fully engaged foJ: enti~e season. /0 Yr;0v0 ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT -.. - .-.-.....--..-;..--..........-- ... -,.w_ ~ PROPOSAL FOR TRUCKING RATES FOR 19.1-7 (E~FECTIVE NAY 1.L 1977) Single Ax=le RATES PER HOUR Proposed 1973 1974 1972 ]976 1977 7.60 8.75 1. 0.50 lL.50 12.50 11.50 13..00 15.25 164.75 18.00 TAndem TON MILE RATES Prpposed ).973 1974 1.975 19 ~76 1977 Stockpi l.e 22c 25c 290 32e 34c Under 1 Hi Ie 28C 32C 37<; 41C; 44c 1 - 3 Mfl e s 35e; 40<:; 46c 51C 55e 4 Hi1e Average 43<:; 50c 58C; 6 ~~C; 69c; 5 Hi.1e Average 50c S8C; 67C; 71+C; 80C 6 Nile .Av~rl1ge 57c 66c 76c 8l~C 90e; 7 Hile Average 64c 74e; 8.5c 9:3c 1.00 8 Ni Ie Aver:a.ge 70c 81e 930 1.02 1.10 9 Mile Average 76c'; 88c 1..01 1.11 1.20 10 Mile Average 820. 95C 1.09 1.20 1.30 10 - 20 Hiles 82c' 95c 1.09 1.20 1.30 plus plus plus plus pl1J.s 6C ton 6~C 7.!2, C 8(; 8~o mile ton ton ton ton roi 1. e mile mil~a mile Over 20 Miles 1.42 1. .60 1.84 2.00 2.15 plus plus plus plus plus 5C 5>iC 6c 6~(~ 70 ton ton ton ton ton m:i.le mile mile mile mile 1 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1977 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Gordon Wiseman Ltd. of Woodstock has been engaged to crush approximately 50,000 tons of gravel at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit in 1977 with approximat1e1y 20,000 tons to be completed by mid July., Mr. Wiseman's bid of 58 cents per ton was the lowest of 2 bids received. Two other Firms requested to quote were unable to meet the delivery date. 2. A Tender has been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd. of London for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving as follows: Contract (A) including work on County Road 16, and for the Villages of West Lorne, Dutton and Rodney at $ 96,016.25. Contract (B) including work on Road 45, 20, 24, Patching on Roads 28, 36 and 56, and for the Village of Port Stanley at $ 189,328.50. Contract (C) for Paving after Granular Base on Roads 52, 30 and 31 at $ 118,592.50. Contract (D) for Paving for the Township of Bayham at $ 10,150.00. Walmsley Bros. were the lowest of 3 bids received. WE RECOMMEND: (1) That the Resolution of the Township of Mono re proposled Pit & Quarry Legislation by the Province of Ontario be filed. (2) That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law Number 77-11 of the Township of Southwo1d to close a portion of the road allowance between Lot 14 and 15 in Range II North of the Lake Road. (3) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to Patricia E. Walsh and E. P. Financial Developments Ltd. for Part #5 Reference Plan 11R-986 in the Village of Dutton. The sale price was $ 7,000 with real estate cv~uission due M. H. Beaudry Ltd. ../' ( COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ,., .......... FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1977 Page 2. (4) That a By~Law be passed authorizing the Wa~den and Clerk to sign Deeds to E. P. Financial Development Ltd. for Pa~ts 6 and 8 Refe~ence Plan llR-986 in the Village of Dutton. 'the sale p~ice was $ 19,000 fo~ both lots with real estate commission due to M. H. Beaudry Ltd. All Of Which Is Respectfully submitted. CHAIRMAN couN'fy Of m.Gl~ RQhD C.0Mlt1.....1!~ ~....- ~ 1\1'R1L SBSS1~ 1911 'to 't\1.1? 'ilARDF.N Al'lD MEl'iBf,RS ,Of 'l'-W1N cOUl'l'l"l CoUl'lC1L: y()\JR ROhD cQMb11'J"f1?1? RE1'OR'tS !\S fOL1,.QVlS: 'the foHo"nng equipment haS been pu~chaSeo. ~ (1) 2 1'1~outh aut~obiles, (2) Dodge 3/4 tOn tJ:uck. (3) fo~d 2 tOn cab and chassis, (4) John DeeJ:e JD510 Bac~oe. , . t which ~aS eitheJ: 'the above itemS aH J:eplace pJ:esent co~ntY eqU1.pmen 1. sold o-r t~a~ed in. D~tJ:ec Ltd. of M,S~.~~~u~a. pJ:esent equipment (1941 "intage) foJ: to lQcate. Delivery of the eC\~ipment , t to the citY of LOndon ~hic1:' is e>tPected in deliveJ:Y of ne~ eC\U1.1J'<<'en to the countY is dependant on June. . t the last Road committee ~eting ~eJ:e received ~ Delegat1.ons a .' ' _~ Vienna ~ho J:eC\uested that Road 41 be asphalt 2. next 'Week. ,. H tende~s fo~ !\SphaJt l'aving foJ: 'the 1?nglneeJ: haS been authO~1.:t;ed to ca , d 1 0.' 1911 - being (1) d~ o~ ~hich constJ:uction l.S sche u e l.U (a) 'those roa v ~. 't . hi (2) Road 31 in yarmouth Road 30 in concession Zl, yarmouth o~s p, 3. "" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ,- FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1977 PAGE 2. Township, (3) RQad 52 in Southwold and Yarmouth Township, (b) Asphalt Resu~facing on portion of (1) Road 45 in Yarmouth and Southwo1d Township, (2) Road 20 in Southwo1d Township near Port Stanley, (3) Road 24 in Malahide Township (Port Bruce Hill), (4) Road 16 in Dunwich from Road 8 westerly for approximately 3 miles. (c) Asphalt patching on various roads which have b~oken up in the Spring breakup. (d) Work for various local Municipalities. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitteq. CHAIRMAN s't. 't\1.oW'>s, 0t'I'tl\R10 , A1?R1.L 13, 1911. 'PAGE 1. ",&1TKl1.C1.'n AL "B\J1.LD1.NG AT. CO'''''l 'f'f1?1? l'!Et h't 't1lE t'lu" < C01JNT'l Of 1?LG1N ROhD ,r"" t Reeve J. B. ~ilson. -1 13 1911 hll membeJ:s ~eJ:e pJ:esent e~cep 9:30 h.M. on AFJ:1. ' · hlso present f~ank ClaJ:ke. the 'f\1.1? l'fLN\l't1?S Of 't1lE M1?1?'tl~G Of w-RCll 30 ~eJ:e J:ead and appJ:oved. sno~ fence ~aS being J:e1uvy"d. 1'\ll.chineJ:1 J:epaiJ: J:ero.ained heaV'f' . \.1. d to RepaiJ:s to pavementS cont1.n e Road 16 ~est of fingal, 1?lm StJ:eet and Road 38 and Road 29. _ good conditione Most gJ:avel J:oads ~eJ:e nO~ l.n d :t.N Ca-r as :t.Ne11 as 0. of the ne~ Backhoe an one ne De\iveJ:Y bad beenma e the ne~ fOJ:d DumP 'tJ:Uc\<., RepaiJ:S t.o dJ:ainS ~eJ:e continuing. ' 'l outh 'to""",,shiP foJ: J:et;on1.ng An eaJ:1Y application ~ould be made to arm 1 itS at 1'1easant ~alley l'it. foJ: the gJ:a'Ve I' , , eO. that they ~eJ:e J:esponsible foJ: ~epa1.J:s 1'$tec constJ:uctiOn bad been l.nfoJ:1l' to Road 34 in Belmont. (9) RepaiJ:S 1;i.0 signS ~eJ:e continuing. (1 ) (2) (3 ) (4- ) (5 ) (6 ) (1 ) (8 ) ST. T\1.QW..S, 0N'tAR10, A'PR1L 13, 1977. 'PAGE 2. (10) Norman GloveJ: and Jim LafoJ:ge had been appointed as class '1 fOJ:emen and Yrank JoneS had J:eveJ:ted to class lV Stockkeepe~ at his own J:equest . d' 1 a~~~1.'se 'truck DiJ:VeJ: and BUlldozeJ: Ope~atoJ: positiOns act1.ng on me l.ca uv · had been posted. . 1, R d 24 at J l'heiffer ~ould J:equiJ:e a GJ:adall or stmilaJ: Dra1.nage ~OJ:~ on oa · (11 ) ditching device. "~OVED BY: 'N". R. CAVERLY S1?CmlD1?D B'1: S. J. GLO'l1?R 'tllA't, 't1JF. fOLLQVl1NG l'h"iL1S'tS BE tJ'l'RO'l1?D fOR l'h~'t: l'h'{l.llS't # 12 1Il:1o\JN'tl~G 'to $ 34,556.13 l'h'iU1S't # 13 1Il:10\lNT1NG't0 $ 35,285.91 l'A'iU1S't # 14 1Il:10\lNT1NG 'to $ 110.22 l'h"iL1S't # 15 1Il:1()1.lN'flNG 'to $ 33,015.84 l'h'1U1S't # 16 1Il:1()\Jl1'tlNG 'to $ 1,692.41 l'h'{l.llS't # 11 1Il:10UN'tl~G 'to $ 35,336.69 l'h'iL1S't # 18 1Il:10UN'tlNG 'to $ 106.63 l' h'iU1S't # 1 9 1Il:10\lNT1~G 'to $ 98,09 2. 61 · CARR lED ." COlUtESl'mlDENC1? VlhS RfJ>D fRoM ~ (1) R. 1<.. Mc~eil J:egaJ:ding speeding on Road 45. 'fhe 1?nginee~ stated he ~ould (2) bJ:ing the matteJ: to the attention of the O. 1'. 1'. 't C G Ma~eJ:ial Ltd. stating that they ~ould not opeJ:ate theiJ: fairvie~ hve. asphalt plant in 1911. MiniStJ:Y of 'tJ:anspoJ:tatiOt\ and C<)llll1lunications advising of meeting on hpJ:il 14 ~ith 1'\inisteJ: JameS Sno~' MinistJ:Y of 'tJ:anspoJ:tation and c()!llltlllnicatiOns stating J:epaiJ:S ~oulo. be made to the lightS at Road 14 and Righ~aY 3. Lo~eJ: 'fhames 'lalley conservation huthoJ:itY regaJ:ding meeting on ApJ:il 21 to diSCUSS the 1911 flooding. MinistJ:Y of 'tJ:anspoJ:tation and C<)Illl1IunicatiOns J:egaJ:ding MetJ:ic Signs and (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) BJ_Lal.NS. S't. T\1.QM!\S, ON'tll.R10, APRIL 13, 1977. PAGE 3. James Sno", stating he pJ:oposed to intJ:oduce MetJ:ic Sign LegislatiOt\ at the SpJ:i~ session of the legislatUre. 'to~ship iof south~old and Uayhoe constJ:uction J:egaJ:ding entJ:ances off Road 16 ~t the tOp of fingal hill. h DBL1?Gh'tl0N fROM 'tHE 't<1<ffiSll1l' Of Bl\'{\J.M'i i\ND ~1.l1D1? 't<1<ffiS\1.11' (1 ) (8 ) J D ' .. schafllJ: 1'\ll.)t Mitchell and MuJ:J:ay BenneJ: in incl uding 1?>t Jl,ee'l1e · enn1. s, "" ' d ~d'l'~g t~e condition of Road 38 bet~een \1.igh~aY 3 and StJ:afford'l1ille. atten ance J:ega. ,," h geneJ:al disOUssion ensued :with J:egaJ:d to pJ:ioJ:itieS and finances, 'the 1?ngineeJ: ~~_ 0 "",~11 committee to assist ~ith ideaS fit on J:equested that the 'to~shiP set up ~ ""~- any J:elocation necessaJ:Y' 'the delegation requested that the committee J:epoJ:t to countY Council, noting that the delegation had met with the committee. 'tHE \ENG1N1?1?R l'R1?SF.N't1?D QUO'fh'tl0NS foJ: Diesel fUel and Gasoline and commented that the discountS offered ~eJ:e appJ:o)timatelY double the discountS offeJ:ed :when quotations ~~e J:equested 2 yeaJ:s ago. "~OVED Wi: SECO~D1?D B'it D. R. GOOR 't\1.l\! ~1? hCC1?1"f 'tHE QUO'th'tl0N Of l'ErROflNh G1\l'1t>J)h L'tD. fOR GhSOL1NE h't 14.01 cF.N'tS l'1?R GALLoN 1~CL\lD1NG !\l.L 'tA1t1?S B1?l1ilG h D1SCO\lNT Of 12.49 cF.N'tS fROM 'ti\NR ~hGoN l'R1C1? i\ND fOR Dl1?S1?L J'\l1?L h't 61.3 cF.NTS l'ER GALLoN fROM 'ti\NR ~hGON l'R1C1? B1?l~G h D1SCOllN't Of 12.8 cF.N'tS fROM TANt<. \r1AGON PRICE. s. J. GLOVER CARRIED_" 'tl\1? }!E1?'tlNG ADJ()IJRN1?D fOR Dlm<1?R at Reeve caveJ: 1 y' s h()1l1e at !\y lmeJ: · Chairman CaJ:J:oll e>tpJ:essed the appJ:eciation of the committee.<ftO. the ~etuJ:n . 1 h'l1 Road 56 1?lm Street, and t J: ip . coroll\i t tee i nspec te 0. Road 28,) centenn1.a e. , ; the St. hnne l'aJ:iSh centJ:e. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 13, 1977. PAGE 4. TH1? ME1?T1NG RESUMED. Road lnspection waS disCUssed. "MOVED BY: W. R. CA'l1?RLY SECOND1?D Jl'{: D. K. MCL:EAN 'tHAT THE Sl'R1NG ROAD lNSncr10N B1? H1?LD ON APR1lL 28 - EAST ELGIN APR1lL 26 - WEST ELGIN LE/I.\UNG 'tHE Co\JR't HOUSE BOT\1. DhYS A't ~: 00 h.M. CARRIED ." and ~sphalt for pavement repaiJ:s stating that a conside~able amount of patching ~ould be required on Road 36. 28 and 56. Resurfacing waS ~equired on pOJ:tions TH1? 1?NG1NEER R1?l'OR'tED on construction, hsphalt l'aving, Resu~facing of Roads 20, 24 and 45 and availaQle funds left fJ:om resu~facing should be spent on Road 16 in ])un~ich 'township coroll\enging on Road 8. "}lOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER S1?CONDED BY: W. R. GA.\TERLY T\1.A't 'tHE ENG1NE1?R BE EMl'QVl1?RED 'to GilLL 'tEND1?RS fOR HO'f MlX hSl'HAL't l'h\UNG FOR MY LOCAL M{JN1Cll'AL1T'l SO W1S\1.1NG IN 'tHE COUNT'l'S GEt{ERAL HOT MIX TENDER. CARRIED." "Movt;lD Jl'{: D. K. MCLEAN S 1?GOND1?D BY: S. J. GLO\TER THAT TH1? f,NG1N1?ER BE EMl'QVl1?RED 'to CALL TEND1?RS fOR HO'f MIX hSl'HAL't l'A\Ii1NG fOR 'tHE fOLLOWlNG CONS'tRUC'flON l'ROJECTS - (h) ROhD 52 FROM WEST1?RLY L1MI't Of 1916 WORK NE/l.R GOOD1NG'S l'ROP1?RTY WEll't1?RLY 'to THE L1MI't OF MlN1STRY OF 'tRANSl'OR'th'flON MD cQMMUl'llGA.'flONS WORK WES't Of ALBBRT MDREWS Ho\JSE, (B) ROAD 30 'tHROUGH CONC1?SS10N Xl, YhRMOUTH. (C) ROAD 31. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 13, 1977. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SEC@NDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR ASPHALT RESURFACING ON THE FOLLOWING ROADS - (1) ROAD 45 FROM ROAD 36 WESTERLY APPROXIMATELY 2. 7 MILES, YARMOUTH. (2) ROAD 45 FROM EAST RIVER ROAD E~STERLY APPROXIMATELY 0.6 MILES IN SOUTHWOLD & YARMOUTH. (3) ROAD 20 IN 2 LOCATIONS FROM PROPERTY OF GORDON HOPPER NORTH WESTERLY APPROXIMATELY 1.2 MILES, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP. (4) ROAD 24 IN YARMOUTH AND MALAHIDE TOWNSHIP IN 2 LOCATIONS INCLUDING THE PORT BRUCE HILL APPROXIMATELY 0.8 MILES. (5) RO~D 16 IN DUNWICH TOWNSHIP FROM ROAD 8 EASTERLY FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.0 MILES. (6) ASPHALT PATCHING AS REQUIRED INCLUDING ROADS 36, 56, 28, 22 AND 45. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER STATED THAT A PRICE for a pedestrian underpass was worth approximately $ 75 per foot for the material alone. COmfilittee felt they should look at the underpass at Springwater before making any de.cision on Road 52. THE; ENGINEER REPORTED THAT AN OFFER of $ 23,000 for the 3 lots in Dutton had been received against the County's asking price of $ 28,000. Committee decided that a counter request of $ 26,000 should be made, but a little less could be acceptable. IT WAS DECIDED TO REVIEW the County Speed By-Law before a new Metric By-Law was pais sed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 13, 1977. PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SEcmNDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 11 ~T 9:30 A.M. (REGULAR MEETING). CARRIED." ~ ~/)/?A V I CHAIRMAN.. --0 I COUNTY OF ELGIN GASOLINE TENDER April 7, 1977. SUPPLIER TANK WAGON PROVINCIAL FEDERAL PRICE DISCOUNT TAX TAX NET 57.50 12.49 .19 .10 74.01 Petrofina Canada Ltd., 461 Second St., London, Ontario. Gulf Qi1 Canada Limited, 477 Mt. Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ontario. 58.50 12.0 .19 .10 75.50 Sterling, :, 59.50 12.5 .19 .10 76.00 Box 2963, 263 Bathurst Street, London, Ontario. BP Oil Limited, 57.50 9.65 .19 .10 76.85 660 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. Shell Canada Limited, 56.5 8.5 .19 .10 77.0 3701 Che s swood Dr .., Suite 215, Downsview, Ontario. .. Arrow Petroleums Limited, 58.5 9.8 .19 .10 77.7 246 Waterloo St., London, Ontario. N6B 2N4 Texaco Canada Limited, 57.8 9.0 .19 .10 77.8 493 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Lacey Fuel s, 58.2 8.90 .19 .10 78.3 265 First Avenue, St. Thoma $, Ontar:to. Imperial Oil Limited, 57.5 ? 8.0 ? .19 .10 78.5 1 Duncan. Mill Road, Don Mill s., Ontario.. M3B 122 Present Supplier Sterling Fuels (February 28) Tank Wagon Price Discount Provincial Tax Federal Tax 55.1 5.9 19 ef- lO ef- Net 78.2 Increase tn Tank Wagon Price since February 28 approximately l~.l~ef-. .* ii, SUPPLIER Petrofina Canada Ltd., 461 Second Street, London, Ontario. Sterling, Box 2963, 263 Bathurst Street, London, Ontario. Gulf Oil Canada Limited, 477 Mt. Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ontario. Shell Canada Limited, 3701 Chesswood Dr., Suite 215, Downsview, Ontario. Imperial Oil Limited, 1 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario. Arrow Petroleums Limited, 246 Waterloo Street, P. O. .Box 2844, London, Ontario. BP Oil Limited, 660 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. Texaco, 493 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Lacey Fuels, 265 First Avenue, St. Thomas; Ontario. COUNTY OF ELGIN DIESEL FUEL TENDER TANK WAGON PRICE DISCOUNT 55.1 12.8 57,,3 . 13.2 56.4 12.2 54.10 8.5 \. 55.3 ? 9.2 ?? 56.6 10.4 55.2 8.95 55.3 9.0 55.7 8.0 Present Supplier - Sterling Fuel (March 31, 1977) Tank Wagon Price 56.7 Discount 7.3t Provincial Tax 25 t Net 74.4 PROVINCIAL TAX .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ., .25 .25 .25 .25 April 7, 1977. NET 67.3 69.1 69.2 70.6 71.10 71.2 71 . 25 71.3 72.7 ,I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION WEST ELGIN APRIL 26, 1977 LEAVE COURT HOUSE AT 9:00 A.M. 1. Road 56 and 28 - Elm Street and Centennial - Axford property - widening - Hot Mix Asphalt Paving - Imprevement Road 28 and Highway 3 intersection. 2. Centennial Ave. to Road 30 and 52. - Expressway route. - M.T.C. Contract - Highway 3 to County Road 30. 3. Inspect Road 52 Culvert if possible. - Carr's Bridge. - Exchange of lands to Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. 4. Road 31 - Construction. 5. Road 29 - Poor condition. 6. Expre.$'Sway Route - Wellington Road. 7. Road 52 - Construction to Albert Andrews. 8. To Ta1botvi11e. 9. Highway 4 to Westminster Town1ine. 10. Townline Road to Sanitary Landfill Site. 11. Road 19 to Highway 3. 12. Road 20 north of Shedden - Lots for Sale. 13. Road 14 - Middlemiss Bridge. 14. Road 9 to Campbell ton and Tates Bridge. DINNER. '. ~ R01>Jl lNSl'1?C'tl0N 'W1?S't ELG1N ~ "C' 2. ~ 15. Vlalker Bridge. 1:ligh~aY 2 ,to "'aJ:dsviHe ~ ne~ bea~ings bJ:idge. 16. 11. Road 3 to\RodneJ. 18. Road 4 ~est of RodneY' Road 2 to !'West LoJ:ne and j)Utton. 19. 20. DUtton LotS sold. 21. Road 8 to ~oad 16. Road 16 ~est end ~ J:esu~facing foJ: 3 mileS. Road 16 ~ \constJ:uctiOn needed fJ:()I1I Road 14 to fingal. 'to Road 45\ ~ l'J:opeJ:tY ~ A><f oJ: d. ResuJ:faciUg Kettle CJ:eek Culve~t. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Ga-rage if time. RetuJ:n via' RobbinS BJ:idge and Road 33. 21. t; ,.1 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION - EAST ELGIN APRIL 28't 1977 1. Road 22 SA - Fairview Ave. (Suburban Road from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 27) 2. Road 22 to Road 24. 3. Road 24 and Road 23 to Port Stan1ey~ 4. Road 20 to Top of Stacey Hill - Resurfacing 1977. 5. Meek Bridge - Yarmouth Road to Union. 6. Road 27 to Road 36 (Sparta). 7. Road 36 to Pleasant Valley Pit. 8. I Township Road toiRoad 35. 9. To Springwater - underpass. 10. Road 45 to Road 40. . 11. Road 40 to Highway 3. 12. Road 38 to Straffordvi11e. 13. Road 41 Vienna. 14. Erosion along Lake Bank and washout East of Port BurwE~ll. 15. DINNER - Port Burwell. 16. Road 42 to Road 43. 17. Road 43 - Cook & Phi11more Bridges. 18. Aylmer Terrace Lodge. 19. Road 32 to Police College. 20. Concession VIII Ma1ahide. 21. Road 52 to Road 30. 22. Road 52 Culvert - Meeting Kettle Greek Conservation Authority. 23. (If time - Road 30 - Patterson Culvert and north.) S't. 'f\1.oM!\S, ON'tAR10, MARCE 30, 1977. "PAGE 1. co\JWfl Of 1?LG1~ ROAD c()Ml{r:rrB1? ~ at the Municipal Building on Ma~ch 30, 1911 at 9:30 h.M. hll membeJ:s pJ:esent. 't1:lE MiLNU'l:J?S Of 't1:lE lo\BEtlNG Of MaJ:ch 2 and 16 ~e~e J:ead and app~oved. 't1:lE f,NG1N1?1?R Rf,l'OR't1?D ON 't1:lE VlORl<. TO Dh't1? hS fOLLOVlS: 'that he ha.d met with Sgt. Money of the St. Thomas 0.1'.1'. J:egaJ:ding speeding (1 ) on. coun.tJ Roads. 'tha.t Vlinte~ contJ:ol costS foJ: the winte~ ~uld e~ceed the $ 265,000 and thUS be oveJ: the estimated amount of $ 10,000 oveJ: 1916 and that a ne~ e>tPendituJ:\e by~la~ ~ould be ~equiJ:ed in due couJ:se, but the MinistJ:Y of 'fJ:anspo~t~tion and communicatiOns ~ould p~otect the countY's actual (2) e1C.pen.ditu:re · Snowfence \lNould be J:emoved ne~t ~eek as ~ould sno~ plo~s and sandeJ:s f~om l'lo~s ~eJ:e being painted as time permitted. truckS. fUJ:the~ infoJ:matiOn ~as e>tPected sho~tlY f~om the MinistJ:Y of 'tJ:anspo~tatiOn and communicatiOns ~egaJ:ding the Big Otte~ CJ:eek B~idge on Road 45. h forma\ APplication foJ: Rezoning fof the forme~ Vlhitney and RiggS pJ:opeJ:tieS , h' in LOtS ~4 and 25, concession '1, Yarmouth ~ould be made to yaJ:mouth 'towns l.p short1 J. planS wou]d be submitted to the MinistJ:Y of NatuJ:al ResOu~ces fo~ a l'it & QUa~~ licence on the pJ:opeJ:tieS as soon as possible as well. 'the 'township had J:equested that the countY move the pJ:esent e~it ~oad to the bJ:o~ of the hill ppposite Vlhitney's gate. 'this ~ould p~ovide a roach safeJ: e~it and ~ould be done as soon as possible in the spJ:ing. (3 ) (4 ) (5) 't~ee cutting ~as continuing on countY Roads and in the 1'1easant vaHey l'it. (6 ) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 30, 1977. PAGE 2. \1) Some breakup of gravel and pavement was underway with the worst being Road 16 between Finga1 and Road 14, on Elm Street and Centennial, and on Road 22 north of Road 27. (S) Sign Mamnt!enance work was continuing. (9) Drains and Culverts were being repaired. (10) Removal of old fence and fencing work would start as soon as possible on Road 52 and 31 and 16. (11) The Village of West Lorne had requested the County to place a number of drains for them. (12) Frank Fish1eigh, George Fickling and Art Gordon were still off because of i11ness~ (13) A posting had been made for 2 Class V Foremen and posting for Machine Operators would follow. (14) Vehicle and equipment repairs were heav~ with repairs necessary to Truck #63 transmission and the tandem carriers on Grader #1.5. (15) The Township of Yarmouth CVlll1uittee of Adjustment had .approved a minor variance for a lot owned by Harold White Homes Ltd. on Road 28 with the stipu1aticm that the drainage be approved by the County. (16) Mac McLaws had indicated that he would not be crushing gravel this summer and the Engineer reported that Wilf Turner of New Sarum was interested in acquin,ing a crusher to crush for the County and the Township of Yarmouth with and for Davis Bros. The Engineer stated that negotiations with Mr. Turner woa1d continue. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 30, 1977. PAGE 3. (11) That he had met ~ith R. Gibson of the 1'1anning Board and ~epresentatiOn of James McLaren ~epresenting Mr. Bert Hazel~ood ~ith ~egard to the pJ:oposed Razel~ood ,subdivision between County Road 23 and Righ~ay 4 in 1'0~t Stanley and that a report ~ould be forthcoming fo~ the next meeting. LYL1? 'WELLS Of 'tHE FRANK COVlAN \I','lilSURllNC1? COl'1l'AN'l IN h'ITf,NDANC1? and ~evie~ed the CQunty lnsu~ance as pe~ the attached ~eport. TRE MEET1NG ADJOURN1?D FOR D1l'lNER. AFTER DINNER '..... "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON 'tH!\'t ',W1? ~'t~ fOLLOVllNG lNSURllNCE 1'0L1C1ES W1TR TIlE FRANK COWAN COMPANY, MUN1Cll'AL nhB1Ll'f'l, NON QVlN1?D hUTO, AU'tmiO't1V1? fL1?E't, NON L1CJ?NSED 1?QU1J'l1J?N't fl,OhT1?R, RJJll0 fl,Oh'tER, BOlLER AND MACR1NER'l l'tlL1C'l, BOND, 'l.ALUhBL1? l' AP1?RS, OFfl C1? CON'tEN'fS, M()\T1NG 1'1?RMl TS1NSuRANCE AND GARAGE INSURANCE. CARRIED .n (1) To Ron. James Sno~ regarding Metric Signing. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ - (2) F~om the 'township of Malahide ~equesting the County of Elgin to assume concession lX between Righ~aY 13 and county Road 32 as a County road. hfter some discUssion the 1?nginee~ ~aS instructed to inform the 'township that the Road committee ~ould examine the J:oad during their SpJ:ing Road (3) Onta~io Municipal BoaJ:d ~egaJ:ding a hearing for an appeal from the committee Inspection. of hdjUstments of 1'0rt Stanley fo~ pJ:operty o;med by K. Welch and C. Richardson. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 30, 1977. PAGE 4. (4) Township of Yarmouth with Zoning By-Law for property on Millions Side Road and ~ezoning property owned by the Davis Bros. for a gravel pit. (5) St. Thomas-Elgin Hospital requesting di~ectional signs on Road 28 and 45. Committee agreed that the signs should be erected. (6) Town of Aylmer with copies of correspondence requesting the Ministry of Transportation and communications speed up the Expressway between Highway 73 and Highway 3 east of Aylmer. (7) Fearn Ford Sales requesting additional payment to make up for an e~ror in their tender for the tandem ~~uck pu~chased from them by the County. After discussion the Engineer was instructed to advise Fearn Ford that nO additional payment could be made. (8) John Pheiffer, Road 24, regarding drainage problems. The Engineer was instructed to investigate and report. THE ENGINEER PRESEN'tED QUOTAT10NS as attached for Grader Blades, Calcium Chloride and Pavement Marking Beads. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TRA't WE ACCEPT THE QUO'tATION OF ALL1ED CHEMICAL CANADA LTD. AT $ 92.50 PER TON FOR SUPPLYING AND DELIVEKINGCBAGGED CALCIUM CHLORIDE TO THE COumY GARAGE AT WHITE STATION, SUllJECT TO MINIS'tRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF POLLARD BROS. LTD. AT $ 19.15 PER FLAKE TON EQUIVALENT fOR SUPPLYING AND APPLYING BULK AND LlQUID CALC1UM CHLOlHDE IN 1977. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMl1N1CAT10NS APPROVAL. CARRIED." S't. 't\1.oM!\S, oN'tWO, 1-11\RCR 30, 1977. 'PAGE 5. "MO\11?1il Wi: D. R. CooR S1?CO~D1?D BY: S. J. GLO'l'ER 't\1.A't ''W1? hC Cf.l''t 'tJ:11. QUO'fh'tl oN Of 'E'LEJt~ 0.- 1.1 't1? Of CPil:1hDh 1. 'tD. h't 15.68 cf,N'tS l'1?R LB. fOR DROl' oN GLhSS l'h~'t 'W'Jl.R1NG B1?hDS, SUBJJ\'.Gr 'to M1~lS'tRY Of 'tB>>1Sl'OR'th'tl0~ Pil:1D CO~lCh'tl0NS ~l'RO'lt>.L. (hl'l'ROX1W,'t1? QUPil:1Tl'fi 30,000 LBS.) CAR.R.1 ED ." "~OVED BY ': S1?COJilD1?D BY: D. R. COOK 't\1.A't 'W1? hCC1?l''t 'tJ:11. Q\lO'fh'tl0N Of V hLLE'l BJfll1?S L'tD. fOR 400 6' :>< 6" :>< 5" GRhD1?R BVD1? S h't $ 14. 1 0 J?1I. C\1. D1?L W1?R1?D , oN't1'Jl.10 SA.l,f.S 't1>$ y.1CtRh, SUBJ1?Gr 'to M1~lS'tRY Of 'tB>>1Sl'OR'th'tl0N tJ'lD CO~l CA.'tl0NS ~l'RO\1hL. J. B. VfI1$ON TIl1? 1?~G1N1?1?R l'Rf.SBN't1?D 'tBND1?RS fOR 'f]UlCRS !JIll BhC1lll01? as attached and 'll'ng to pUJ:chase the 1912 ~ \ 'ton Dodge l'ickuP J:epoJ:ted that (lameS Lafo-.:ge ~aS ~1. 1. . f ~ 825 00 but that nO one ~as inteJ:ested in 't-,:Uck #54. ('t-,:Uck #5') at a pJ:1.ce 0 ~ · , 0. th t onlY' the John peeJ:e \1.oe 'the 2 Backhoe rrendeJ:s ~e-.:e J:evie\4ed and l.t ~aS note a CARR1ED." met specifications. "~OVED B'l ': S1?COND1?D BY: S. J. GLO\11?R 't\1.A't vm. S f.J.,L cQ\lN'fi 'tRueR # 51 'to J A}11?S LpJ'ORG 1? fOR $ 8 25 · 00 O~ .. Pil:1 1 S Vffi1?l$ lS" BhS1S m'ON JU',C1?ll''t Of h NJ?W 1'1Cl<!l1' 'tRUCR. CARRIED." D. lZ. ~CLEAN ,,~O\T;'ED B'l ': Sf.cQ~D1?D BY: J. B. VllLSON 't\1.A't 'W1? hGC1?l''t 'tJ:11. Tf,ND1?R Of s't. 't\1.oM!\S l'LYM.o\J't\1. C\1.RYSL1?R h't 't\1.1?lR 'tf,NDf.R1?D l'Rl c1? Of $ 6,048.65 (lNCLUD1NG sAL1?S 't 1>$) fOR h DODG1? D200 hS l'1?R 'tJ:11.1R 'tBND1?R tJ'lD cQ\lN'fi Of 1?LG1~ Sl'1?Clf1Ch'tloNS' SuBJ1?C't 'to M1~1 S'tRY Of 'tRPil:1Sl'OR'th'tloN Pil:1D c~l Ch'tl0~S ~l'RO\1 i\L · CARR1ED." Vf. R. cA VERL 'l S't. 't\1.0W>>S, ON'thRl0. MARC1:l 30, 1977. 'PAGE 6. "MOVED BY ~ S1?COND1?D B'l: 'W. R. Ch'l1?RL'l 't11A't vm hCC1?1?'f t1:lE 'tf,ND1?R Of Ohl<R1llGE fORD St>.L1?S LtD. fOR h fORD f600' ChB AND C11A5S1S lNCLUD1NG ALL1500 h't~540 't'RAllSJ{15510N hS l'1?R cQUN1t'l Sl'1?Cl f1 G!\ 'tl 00 S h't 't\1.1?lR 't1?~D1?RED l'Rl C1? Of $ 1,824. 1 0 'Wl 'tH 't1:lEcOtm'f'l 'tRUGR # 54 ('W'l't\1.o\J't BOD'l) hS h 'tRAD1?~ IN, hLL sUBJ1?ct 'to M.U\l\S'tR'l Of 't'RAllSl'OR'th'tl00 AND C~lG!\tl005 pJ'l'RO'l J>,L. CARR1ED." s. J. GLOVER ,,~OV'EJD BY ~ S1?CO:ND1?D B'l: J. B. m,LSON 'tHAt vm hCC1?1?'f 't\1.1? 'tENDER Of R1?NhSH 'tRActOR AND 1?QU'Ll'Mf,N't 1. 'tD. h't 't1:lE1!R IllU O'fED l'Rl C1? Of $ 18,366. 55 fOR h J 011l'l DE1?R1? JD510 Bh cl<J:\01? LOMl1?R 'W'l't1l 'tH1? c01Jl'l'f'{ 'tRAC'tOR #21 (JD51 0) hS h 'tRAD1?~ IN, t>.LL S\lBJ,Ect 'to J{1~lS'tR'l Of 't'RAllSl'OR'th'tl00 AND C~lCh'tl005 l\Pl'RO'lAL. CARR1 'ED ." D. K. COOK 't\1.1? \ENG1NE1?R NO'f1?D 'tw:r h ReSolution ~aS necessaJ:Y so that Ministcry " 1 could be obtained on the l'avement of 'tcranspoJ:ta~ion and commun1.cat1.ons appcrova tI1aJ:keJ: pucrchased fcrQl\\ j)OmtJ:ec Ltd. "MOIT~D l3'l: D. R. MCLEAN S1?C0ND1?D l3'l: 5. J. GLO\11?R 't11A't Vl1? l'\lRCHAS1? 'l'R0l1 DOl1'tR1?C L'tD. Of M15S1SShUGh 't1:lE US1?D Cl'f'{ Of LONWOO C600 fORD 'tR\lCR AND l'h~~'t }\ARR1NG 1?QU11'M1?N't fOR $ 1,000 l'LU$ l'ROI11NClt>.L St>.L1?S 'tNt. 5\lBJ1?C't 'to ~lS'tR'l Of 't'RAllSl'OR'th'tl00 AND cQM}l.Il'Nl Ch'tl ON S pJ'l'ROIT J>,L · CARRl 'ED ." h D~L1?Gh'tl ON fROl1 'flU!. 1Ol'rrl.J? CREER CO~ S 1?R'l h'tl ON hU'f\1.0Rl'f'{, 'tQl\\ 1'J: out, Bob MaJ:tin and LeSteJ: LonghuJ:st met with Coroll\ittee cregacrding acceSs at Road 52 1 t f a pedestJ:ian ~alkWaY ~aS . f the St ~bomas Reservoi~' 'the P acemen 0 cross'lng 0 . · d. 1 th lt "as decided to vie~ the p~oblem o.ucring Spcring Road o.i scU s se at sQl\\e eng · lnspection. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 30, 1977. PAGE 7. Sale. of Lots in Dutton and on Road 20 north of Shedden was discussed. ( \ "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J.~. WILSON THAT WE LIST WITH KEITH AND PINCOMBE THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF LOT 7, CONCESSION V, SOUTHWOLD AS SHOWN ON PLAN 11R-967 PARTF 11 AND PART 12 AT $ 10,000 EACH. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE LIST WITH BEAUDRY REAL ESTATE LTD. THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF PLAN 11R-986 IN DUTTON, PART 5 AND PART 6 FOR $ 8,000 EACH AND PART 8 AT $ 12,000. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 13 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." .(;) /~ ~.~/I~ v I CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1977 The following is a list of Policies in effect on County Buildings, Property and Liability. Unless otherwise stated Policies are through the Frank Cowan Company and are due January 29, 1977 and have been under a Binder Policy to keep them in effect until the Committee has reviewed them. Although a number of Policies have not increased in the rate charged, a considerable increase 20 - 25% has since last year in fleet rates. This increase along with the increase in value of the insured building, machinery, etc. has again increased the County total insurance bill. Last year the CVlll1uiittee in an effort to reduce cost s decided to increase the deductible por!tion of some of the greater cost Insurance Policies. Along with Fleet Insurance the Municipal Liabil ity Pol icies havle increased steeply. 1. Mup.icioa1 .Liabi1itv. Limits per claim $ 5,000,000. The County's general liability Policy protects, roads, non licensed .. equipment, the Court House Block and contains libel and slander clause. The Elgin Manor and any Spraying Liability is insured under other Policies. In 1976 the cost of the entire policy was $ 4,473.55 'while in 1977 it will be $ 6,941.71. The Road Department portion in 1976 was $ 599.62 non subidized against the County 300 miles of road and $ 2,810.68 liability charged against 29 pieces of non licensed equipment which was subsidized. The Road Department costs will follow the general liability increase. The 1977 Policy contains the Employer's Liability Clause which covers the County in the case an employee is not considered a workman under the Workmen's Compensation Board. Previously this coverage had been provided with the c.ompensation insurance, but the Frank Cowan Company no longer writes tha.t type of a policy. ... continued ... i! Insuranc.e Rev\iew 1977 --' .F_~e 2 2. Non Owned Auto LiabHity limitS, $. 5,000,000 p~otects County against dat1lllge suits, etc. involving: vehicles not owned by the County but working for the County (e. g. pr!ivate dt.llDP trucks, private ca~s, etc.). LiabHity for licensed vehicles borrowed or acqui~ed by the County is $. 50,000. Cost in 1\976 was $ 257. and is the same in 1977. 3 . ~utomot iv:e Fl ejS. Last year.' s Com\llittee in art effort to reduce the increasing cost of ;A.UtOlllO ti ve Flee,t ~o licY adopted a $. 500 de duc t ib 1 e all per il s PQ u,cy · Although ,our merit rating ort both collision and comprehensive is very good the gene~al increases (2) in insurance rates since last year will increaSe "costsconsiderab~y, Last year's Prel)\ium was $. 7,917 with one truck beiirtg added during the year and several vehicles traded for newer and mo~e :e,cpensive models. The 1971 cost for Fleet InsU~ance of 28 vehicles:and a float is $. 10,058. The insured value of the vehicles is $ 343,000. ., We have ~eviewed the GUaranteed Amounts and have not raised them frOlll last year but will review them this $p~ing as various vehicles are re.p1aced,and make any changes neceSsa:t::'Y. 4. Non Licensed Eq~ipmertt Floater All Non Ilicensed Equipment, Snow PlowS, Tools, etc. are protected against fire, wind, collision, upset, theft, etc. by a subscription Policy with a value of over 1 million through Frank Cowan Company- In an eHect to reduce 'the cost last year a $. 1,000 Deductible Clause was put into effect per occurrence. The ~ates are .8 of l'l'. of the u'sted value of the equipment including SrtOW 1'10w Equipment and .72 of 1% on $. 50,000 worth of tools, unlisted equipment, stock, etc. and $. BO yearly on $. 50,000 worth of leased o~ borrowed equipment. Equipment costs have soa~ed in the past year (particularly graders) and increase in the listed value of the equipment has been necessary. To ... continued ... /). Insurance Review 1977 Page 3. 4. No~ Licensed Equipment Floater continued reduce the cost of insurance some of our older pi(~ces of equipment have been reduced' 'in value to the value of a similar piece of used equipment. (Examples - Grader #13, Steel Wheeled Roller, etc.) Total value of listed is approximately $ 1,046,500 plus $ 94,500 in Snow Plowing Equipment. 5. Radio Floater Separate Floater Policy insuring Mobiles, Base Station and Tower. Premium is $, 640 as in 1975 and 1976. No deductible. (Savings insignificant) 6. Surveying Equipment Floater Present Policy in force until January 1978. 7. Boiler and M:ac.hinery Policy (Also known as EngineertngPolicy) Thi$ Policy insures boilers, pressure tanks, such as in the Garage Boiler, pressure tanks on the air compressor and paint sprayer. There .. was a Liability limit of $ 5,000,000 and a $ 200,00 property damage clause on our property if an explosion occurred. The General Accident Company is no longer writing Boiler Insurance and is replaced by the Quarantee Company. The general incrE~ase in rates will result in a charge increase from $ 203 to $ 423. 8. Weed Spray PP1icy This Policy was not used in 1976 but a similar policy was used for mosquito spraying liability. 9. Bond Blanket Bond in amount of$ 50,000 on all County Emp10YE~es for protection of Gounty against theft, vandalism, etc. Our share of the cost in 1977 will be $ 138.77 as in 1976. 10. Valuable Pap,ers Total of $ 100,000 on valuable papers throughout the County. Road Department pays on $ 45,000 of this'. Premium about $ 95 annually. Policy provides for costs of replacing records, resurveying costs, etc. if records are damaged or destroyed. ... continued .G. Page 4. -- .... Insurance Review 1977 - .- 11. Office contents . -- ...- On 1?ngineeJ:'s Office, 19 Stanley St~eet, Floater as paJ:t of CouJ:t \1.ouse insu~ance. GontentS insuJ:ed for $ 20,000. 12. !:!2'\Ti ng l'e1j!l1i t -.1 s sU2I'ce lnsU~nce, h continu~ng policy ~hich pJ:otectS County against all suitS becaUse of issuance of moving pennitS, etc. Cost $ 6.00 per pennit issued (paid for by applicant). 13. ~ur~ce_on ~untY GaJ:a~ p-rotectiqn against fiJ:e, wind, malicious actS, etc. ~ith eztended coverage from damage f~om falling ~adio to~e~. Last yea~ a $ 1,000 Deductible Clause ~aS added to J:educe costs. RateS aJ:e as follo~S ~ county Ga~age, Main Ga~age 20~ per $ 100 coVe~age other county 1\Uildings at White Station 85~ per $ 100 cove~age and Rodney Ga~age 68~ peJ: $ 100 coverage. .. coverage is as follOWS - Main GaJ:age White Station $ 351,500 (up from $ 325,000 in 1916). OtheJ: 1\Uildings remain at 1916 values. $ 100,000 Range-r Building Small Storage Building 25,000 Salt Storage Building 10,000 ..1:2- ' 00--9. Rodney Garage TOTA.L of All Buildings $ 502,500 14. ~oJ:~en'..:L- compensat i ~ hS the fJ:ank Cowan Company is no longe~ writing workmen' s compensation l'olicies insurance must be obtained fJ:om the Wo~kmen's Compensation BoaJ:o.. We have been assessed a J:ate of $ 1.55 pe~ hund~ed on all employees for an estimated payroll of $ 115,000 (policY $ 12,012.50). We expect incJ:eaSes. Compensation limit is no~ $ 15,000 peJ: peJ:son yeaJ:1Y (ie, the Boa~d will pay up to, 3/4 of eroployee'S ~ageS ~ith the uppe~ limit being $ u,250 yearlY. A. BAGS COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF QUOTATIONS FOR CALCIUM CHLORIDE Allied Chemical Canada Ltd., P. O. Box 65, Toronto, Ontario. MaZ 5N3 Bag (100 1bs.) in 25 ton lots delivered to County Garage, White Station (1976 Price $ 88.80 and 1975 Price $ 82.40) B. LIQUID CALCIUH in Tank Truck Loads Miller Paving Ltd., Box 250, UnionviL1e, Ontario. L3 R 2V3 Pollard Bros. Ltd., Harrow, Ontario. (1976 Price $ 73.50 per ton and 1975 Price $ 66.15 per ton) c. BULK CALCIUM GHLORIDE in Truck Load Lots Pollard Bros. Ltd., Harrow, Ontario. (Last year's price $ 73.50 per ton) $ 95.20 per ton $ 80.00 per ton (Flake equivalent) r$ 79.15 per ton (Flake equivalent) $ 79.15 per ton (Flake equivalent) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SU'M)fARY OF QUOTATIONS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT, (Including Federal Sales Tax) Price Per Gallon:, Federal Sales Tax Included, in 45 Gallon Drums. 1. IBIS Products Ltd., 21 Munham Gate, Sc~rborough, Ontario. M1 P 2B3 $ 3.70 Less 1% - 10 Days 2. Niagara Paint & Chemical Company Limited, P. O. Box 40:2, Station B, Hamil ton, Ont.ario. L8L 7W4 $ 3.93 3. Sherwin Williams, 1 Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario. M4M 3C1 $ 4.19 4. Canadian Industries Ltd., P. O. Box 150, Concord, Ontario. L4K 1 B6 $ 5.00 5. Glidden Paint & Decorating Centers, 571 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. $ 5.10 6. R. E. Lee Paint Company Limited, St. George, Ontario. NOE 1NO $ 5.19 ~~t COUNTY OF ELGIN =-- ~-----. TENDER FOR 1?ICKUP TRUCK -- - --~- N1?T hFI1?R 'tRAD1? INCLUDING l'ROV1NC1AL SAL1?S 'tfJ{ ALTERNATIVE "A" ;:.::;;;.-----~ I 1. Dunn MotoJ:S (hylme~) LtC., Aylmer, Ontario. 2. St. 'thoro.a S 1'1 ymOU th Ch~Y S 1 eJ: Ltd. 275 ~ellington Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 3. Middlesex Moto-rs, 100 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. 4. oak~idge Fo~d Sales Ltd., 601 O}~ford St-reet W., London, OntariO. 5. HighbUJ:Y fo~d Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas St-reet, London, Onta:cio. 6. Miller Motor Sales, Rodney, Qntario · M ~\ Dodge D200 Dodge D200 Ford F250 Ford F250 Ford F250 ~I.Sh 3Q. 1:2]2 $ 5,240.86 $ 5,296.50 $ 5,333.39 $ 5,[.\-54.58 $ 5,491.24 $ 5, 7 51 . 25 r" v ~ coUNTY OF ELG1N ~ ...-=:;.,.. =:= TENDER FOR PIcKUP TRUCK - .-. . -- OU'tR1G1IT 1'1JRG1!t\S1? lNCUJD1NG l'ROV1NC1!\L ShLES 't!\X ALTERNATIVE "B" -.=.-- ,..~ 1. St. Thom~s 1'1ymouth ChTysleJ: Ltd., 275 ~el1ington Street, St. Thomas, ontario. 2. Dunn UotO\TS (hylmeT) Ltd., Aylmer, ontario. 3. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., IJondon, Ontario. 4. oa\<ddge ',foJ:d Sales Ltd., 601 Oxford Street W., London, OntariO. ~. 1:l.ig,htu~yYOTd sales 1.,td., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Qntario. 6. Mil1e-r Motor Sales, RodneY, Qnta-rio<t March 30, 1977. $ 6,048.65 $ 6,096.86 $ 6,135.89 $ 6,203.58 $ 6, 240 . 24 , $ 6,339.15 COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR DOUBLE CAB TRUCK CAB & CHASSIS March 30, 1977. AL TERNATIVE "A" NET AFTER TRADE INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX 'l'. 1. Oakridge Ford Sales Ltd., 601 Oxford Street W., London, Ontario. Ford 600 $ 7,824.70 (4 Speed Auto Transmission) ~,. 2. Highbury Ford~Sa1es Ltd., 1365 Dundais Street, London, Ontario. Ford F600 $ 8,346.00 3. Miller Motor Sales, Rodney, Ontario. Ford F600 $ 8,3.51.35 4. Middlesex :Motors, 100 Queens Ave., London, ontario. Ford F600 $ 8,636.83 5. International Harvester Co. of Canada Ltd. , 1712 Dundas Street E., London, Orl.tario. International $ 9,634.09 r l ~l- COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR DOUBLE CAB TRUCK CAB & CHASSIS ALTERNATIVE "Bit OUTRIGHT PURCHASE INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX 1. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. 2. Miller Motor Sales Rodney, Ontario. 3. Oakridge Ford Sales Ltd., 601 Oxford Street W., London, Ontario. 4. Midd1esexiMotors, 100 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. 5. International Harvester Co. of Canada Ltd., 1712 Dundas Street E., London, Ontario. (4 Speed Transmission Auto) F600 (4 Speed Transmission Au to) March 30, 1977 $ 9,309.00 $ 9,367.85 $ 9,429.69 $ 9,385.83 $ 10,436.59 r- COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR BACKHOE - LOADER NET AFTER TRADE-IN INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX 1. Renash Tractor & Equipment Ltd., Box 670, Lambeth, Ontario. Jd.hn Deere Model JD510 2. London Ford Equipment Sales Ltd., P. O. Box: 108, Hyde Park, London, Ontario. Ford 750 Backhoe & Loader (Does not meet spec:i..fications) ~. ! March 30, 1977 $ 18,366.55 $ 17,548.00 ,. COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR BACKHOE LOADER COMPARISON OF TENDERS SPECIF'IGATIONS JOHN DEERE FORD MOTOR 255 cu. in. displacement min. 269 cu. i.n. 256 cu. i.n. REAR TIRES 18.4 x 28 ~ 12 ply 18.4 x 28 12 ply 18.4 x 28 10 ply B,RAKES Power Hydraulic Power Hydraulic Mechanical Wet Disc LQADER LIFT 6,000 lb." 6,000 lb. 5,800 lb. PUMP 60 gallons per minute 28 gallons per minute ,. LIFT 102" min. 102 inch 103 1/4 inch REACH 27" 28 inch 45 1/2 inch HOE Digging Force 12,500 12,662 lb. 11,500 lb. 60 gallons per 44 gallons per minute minute 13 ft. ~ 3 in. 12 ft. ~ 8~ in. 13 ft. - 4 in. 9 ft. - 11~ in. Pump 53 ga11onr-; per minute Loading Height 12 ft. Stabilizer Reach - riain Points, Rear Tires, Brakes, Hoe Digging Force and Stabilizer Reach. f'~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF QUOTATIONS FOR CULVERT PIPE QUOTATION "A" 6 to 18 inch diameter 1. Koppers International Canada Ltd., P. O. Box 426, Waterloo, Ontario. N2J 4A9 2. Canada Culvert & ME~tal Produc.ts Ltd., P. O. Box: 578, Maple, Ontario. $ 54,269.00 LOJ 1EO Less 2% - 30 days or 3. Westee1 Rosco Ltd., P. O. Box 6155, Station D, London, Ontario. 4. Armco Canada Ltd., P. O. Box 310, Etobicoke, Ontario.o M9C 4V2 5. Corrugated Pipe Company Limited, 362 Lor~e Ave. East, P. O. Box 176, Stratford, Ontario., N5A 6 Tl 6. Fawcett Metal Prodl.lcts Ltd., P. O. Box 304, Waterloo, Ontario. 7. E. S. Hubbell & Sons Ltd., Thamesvi11e, 'I' Ontario. March 14, 1977 $ 49,777.50 $ 53,183.62 $ 53,920.00 $ 56,514.00 $ 58,229.70 $ 6 2, 843 . 40 $ 64,410.20 . ,I' 3 cOIW'f'l Of 1?LGIN ROAD D1?l' tut'fM,EN't - :;:: =- .:::=. ." / ~OTA1!ON ~ 36" to 72' X 44" 1. KPppe~S lnternational Canada Ltd. P. o. BoX 426, WaterloO, ontario. N 2J 4A9 2. Westeel RosCO Limited, P. O. BoX 6155, Station D, London, Ontario. N5V' 2Y3 3. E. S. \1.ubbell & Sons Ltd., Tharoesvil1e, Ontario. 4. co~J:ugated l'ipe CQ1t\pany Limited, 362 Lorne Ave. East, Bo}( 176, Stratford, ontario. N5A 6 T1 5. Canada culvert & Metal ProductS Ltd., P. o. 'BOX 578, ~ple, Ontario. $ 6,366.60 LOJ lEO LesS 1:/. ~ 30 dayS o~ 6. ArmcO Canada Ltd., P. o. BoX 310, Etobicoke, ontario. M9C 4V'2 1. fawcett Metal ProductS Ltd., P. o. BOX 304, WaterloO, Onta-rio. March 14, 1977. $ 5,44.1.65 $ 5,97 3 . 20 $ 6,080.90 $6,193..98 $ 6,239.27 $ 6,284.03 $ 6, 4L~6 . 19 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT MARCH SESSION 1977 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: Yom~ ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a ReBolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Commullications to approve the sum of $ 7,400 in subsidy money for extra Winter Control costs from January 1, 1977 to April 30, 1977. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has adopted a policy that will allow Municipalities extra costs if their costs are over 20% of cost of the highest of 3 proceeding years. We expect to be approximately $ 10,000 over the 20% over our 1976 costs. SubSidy will be paid on the average subsidy of the previous year (which in our case amounts to approximately $ 7,400). 2. That a By..Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement granting the Minister of the Environment the right to place a watHr pipeline on a portion of Lot 10, Concession I, Bayham. Thi.s is a cut off corner of land on Road 42 near Port Burwe 11 and wi 11 bE:' crossed by the Ministry of the Environment water pipeline to Vienna. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ":'\t ~ '. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTE~ - SECOND REPORT MARCH SESSION 1977 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: (1) That a Budget for the Mosquito Abatement Programme for the control of encephalitis be set at $ 5,000 for 1977. (2) That a Budget for Solid Waste be set at $ 3,000 for 1977. All Of Which Is Respectfully Subnitted. CHAIRMAN L 1~~1 '11'\ I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1977 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: Tenders have been called for a new 1/2 Ton Truck and a new 2 Ton Cab and Chassis to replace present County Vehicles and for a Tractor Backhoe with the County 1972 John Deere Model 510 as a trade-in. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Budget of St. Thomas Suburban Road CVlluuission in amount of $ 173,000 be approved. Construction on Road 30 (Radio Road) from the St. Thomas City Limits to Concession XIII, Yarmouth is estimated at $ 107,000. As the CVll11uission will not have sufficient funds to complete the work, the remainder of work is in the County portion of the Budget. Maintenance costs of the system are estimated at $ 49,000 and Overhead at $ 11,000. Drainage Assessments on CVll11llission Roads are estimated at $6,000 and Non Subsidizable Expenditures at $ 800. 2. That the County Levy for County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads be $ 6.55,000 in 1977. This compares with $ 603,000 in 1976, $ 580,000 in 1975, $ 540,000 in 1973 and $ 707,000 in 1972. 3. That the rebate to Urban Municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in p;l~;t Y('d.rs. 4. That a Resolution be passed adopting the following Proposed Statement of Work and Expenditures for 1977 and that the Statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Trar!sportation and CVll1111Unications for approval. COUNTY CONSTRUCTION NOTE: Labour Payroll Burden is included in estimates. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys 2. Land Purchase 3. Ownership Costs, etc. on Accounts Receivable 4. Reduction i.n Stock Balance 5. Road 2 .. West Lorne to Rodney, A1dborough Township, Dr'ainage, etc. 6. Road 3 .. Hi.ghway 3 to Lake Erie, A1dborough Township. Drainage and Relocation of Utilities, etc. 7. Road 4 .. Queen Street W., Rodney Sidewalk and Cleanup 8. Roads 8 & 13 .. Dutton, Cleanup 9. Road 34 .. Belmont, Cleanup 10. Road 34 .. From Belmont Westerly to Kettle Bridge in Yarmouth Township and Westminster Township. (County of Elgin share) 11. Road 36 .. Highway 3 to Sparta, Yarmouth TOWTlship, shouldering, seeding and cleanup. 12. Road 30 .. Yarmouth Township, completion of project from St. Thomas Limits to Concession XIII not covered in St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ~udget. 13. Road 52 .. In Yarmouth Township, completion of project from Road 25 (Wellington Road) to Road 30 (Radio Road), grading, granular base, paving, etc. 14. Road 52 .. In Southwo1d Township, from Wellington Road Westerly approximately .8 miles, grading, granular base, paving, etc. 15. Road 31 .. In Yarmouth Township from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 52 including Road 29 inter- section, grading, granular base, paving, etc. 16. Road 16 .. In Southwo1d Township from Finga1 Westerly, clearing, drainage, etc. TOTAL $ 3,000 50,000 22,000 CR. 35,000 CR. 1,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 3,000 4,000 75,000 475,000 100,000 300,000 20 ,000 $ 988,000 COUNTY MAINTENANCE NOTE: Labour~Payroll Burden is. included in the estimates. OPERATION Bridge s & Cu1 v'~rt s Grass Cutting Weed Spraying Tree Cutting Drainage Tree Planting Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) Repairs To Pavement Sweeping Shoulder & Roadside Maintenance Surface Trc8tm~nt Grading Gravel Roads Dust Control Gravel Resurtacing Winter Control Pavement Marking Signs Guide Rail Railroad Crossing Protection Metric Sign Conversion TOTAL ESTIMATE 1977 $ 20,000 23,000 Nil 35,000 35,000 Nil 1 , 000 90,000 1 2,000 18,000 65,Of)() 18,000 42,000 45,000 310,000 17,000 20,000 5,000 22,000 14,000 $ 792,000 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES County Road Construction TOTAL 988,000 107,OUU 792,000 185,000 310,000 125,000 49,000 11,000 41,000 40,000 $ 2,648,000 St. Thomas Surban ROild C()nstructlon County Road Maintenance County Overhead Asphalt Resurfacing on County Roads (to be designated after Spring break up) New and Used Machinery (County) St. Thomas Suburban Road Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road Overhead Urban Rebates (50% Subsidy item) Drainage Assesffinents, County and Suburban Road (see recownendation #5 below) (50% Subsidy item) SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS County Road Levy $ 655,000 1977 Construction of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Road CvuI11d ssion 22,500 Sale of Property (estimated) 16,000 Ministry of Trallsportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation 1,945,000 Mini.stry of Transportation and Communications Drainage Assessment Subsidy 20,000 TOTAL $ 2,658,500 The excess of Receipts over Expenditures will allow for the County share of extra allocations anticipated for winter maintenance costs anticipated over and above expenditures detailed above. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Rate on operations is estimated at 75,.3% compared to 73.8% in 1976 and 73.0% in 1975. Non Subsidizable items are expected to be offset from rentals from the Sweeper which was purchased in 1974 (rentals are subsidized, but original purchase was not). \: r' l": Total Expenditu1'es in 1977 a1'e estimated at $ 3,000,000 including Accounts Receivable. 5. That a Re~olution be passed 1'equesting the Minist1'Y of T1'anspo1'tation and CommunicatIons to app1'ove the SUm of $ 20,000 in subsidy money fo1' Drainage Assessments on County and St. Thomas SUbu1'ban Road Commission Roads in 1977. (Subsidy Rate for Drainage Assessment under this Supplementary Programme is 50%.) All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, MARCH 16, 1977. PAGE 1. BUilding in conjunction ~ith County council. All MembeJ:S present. cQ\JN\fY Of 1?LGlN ROhD COMMl't'tE1? m:'t on MaJ:ch 16 at the Municipal (1) WinteJ: ContJ:ol since the last meeting had been nearly nil. 'tHE ENG1NEER REl'OR'tED ON WORK 'to DhT1? as foUo~s: (2) 'tree cutt,ing ",as continuing and as there ~aS no Winter control ~ork (3) flooding on March 12 ~ 13 on the Kettle, CatfiSh and Otter ",as slight. IL# flooding on the 'thameS ~aS seJ:iouS ~ith 1968 and 1949rbeing approached. OJ: otheJ: .suitable const~uction work the BUdget ~ould be overspent. formulae fo~ extra Winter control money ~ould result in little or no ext~a money, but recommended that an application be made so that the County of Elgin might be 'tHE \ENG1N1?ER REl'OR't1?D 'tHAT 'tH1? MiniStJ:Y of Transportation and communications considered if ,the formulae ~aS changed. "MO'lED BY: D. K. MCLJ?AN SECONDED :BY: S. J. GLO'l1?R 'tHA.T W1? RECOMMEND 'to COUNTY COlWC1L 'tHA.'t A RESOUIT1ON B1? l'hSS1?D REQ\lEST1NG 'tH1? M.1N1S'tRY Of TRANSl'ORTA'tlON hND cQMM1JNICh'flONS TO ilI'l'RO'lE 'tHE SlIM Of $ 1,400 IN SUBS1DY MONE'[ fOR EJITAA W1N't1?R CONTROL COS'tS FROM JANUhRY 1, 1911 'to ilI'R1L 30, 1917. CARRIED." behalf of the Ministry of the Envi~onment wished an easement for the 'lienna ~ater line on a cut off corner of Lot 10, Concession 1, Bayham, on Road 42. 'tHE ENG1NE1?R R1?l'OR'tED 'tHA't 'tH1? Minister of Government SeJ:vices on t1MOVED BY: J. B. W1LSON S1?COND1?D BY: W. R. ChVERLY 'tHA.T WE REcOMMEND 'to cQ\JN'tY COlWC1L THhT h :BY~UW B1? l'hSSED h\J'fHOR1Z1NG THK WARDEN AND CL1?RK 'to Slc:N hN AGREEMENT GRAN'flNG THE MIN1STER Of 'tHE EN\T1LRom11?N't THE RIGHT 'to l'UC1? A MT1?R 1'11'EL1NE ON h 1'0R'flON Of LO't 10, CONCESS10N t, BAYHAM. CARR1ED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 16, 1977. PAGE 2. QU01~ATIaNS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT AND CULVERT PIPE were as a t.tached. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SEC0NDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF IBIS PRODUCTS LTD. AT $ 3.70 PER GALLON FOR YELLOW TRAFFIC PAINT SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. (APPROXIMATE QUANTITY 3,500 GALLONS IN 45 GjALLON DRUMS.) (LESS 1% - 10 DAYS.) CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF KOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CANADA LTD. FOR PART A & B AT $ 49,777.50 AND $ 5,447.65 RESPECTIVELY OF THE COUNTY REQUEST OF MARCH 1977 QUOTATION FOR CULVERT PIPE. ALL SUBJECT TO MIN1ISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COmIDNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT HE HAD BEEN ABLE TO purchase the used City of London Pavement Marker ftiom Domtrec Ltd. at $ 7,000 plus Provincial Sales Tax and had also purchased 5 traffic counters at $ 200 each from Domtrec as well. WARDEN COOK AGREED to assist in the opening of Truck and Tractor Tenders on March 28, 1977. THE' MEETING ADJOURNED TO MARCH 30, 1977. L-,,/ ~ ./. (.;/ // ,/ ( /f!"'V1fi1 (Z {:r /I/l~ ..... I CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 2, 1977. PAGE 1. March 2, 1971. hll members present, also Frank Clarke, Minist~y of Transportation COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD cOMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building at 10 A.M., and Communications. TIJE'MINUTES OF 'tHE MEE'flNGS OF Februa~y nand 16 we~e read and approved. (1) Although Minter control had been light for the past 2 weeks total costs THE ,ENG1NEER REl'ORTED ON WORK AS FOLLOVlS: from January 1 we~e estimated at $ 245,000 and from last septembe~ at $ 305,000 compared to $ 300,000 for 1915 - 16. (2) 'tree Cutting ~aS continuing. (3) Sign work ~as continuing with metric speed tabs having been completed. (4) Renovations to the office were underway with the front entrance~ doo~S, halls and stairs being done including carpeting. lt ~as also likely that the kitchen ceiling would have to be done as the old ceiling had come loose from the ceiling joist. (5) Yearly medica1s were underway and medicals for Driver's Licence Conve~sion ~ou1d be unde~taken at the same time. (6) A l'it & Quarry licence and ~ezoning fo~ the prope~ty pu~chased from the Whitneys ~ould be applied for shortly. (1) 'the Minist~y of 't~ansportation and communications inspection of the Big Otte~ Creek bridge on Road 45 had been postponed to Spring. (B) All Needs Study Sheets othe~ than Spring breakup information had been fOJ:wa~ded to the MinistJ:Y of Transportation and communications. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 2, 1977. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECC)NDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAY1~IST NUMBER 9 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST NUMBER 10 AMOUNTING TO PAY1~IST NUMBER 11 AMOUNTING TO $ 28,938.12 $ 34,436.08 $ 73,866.99 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) Ontario Good Roads Association regarding Road Schools at Guelph in May. ( r.", The Engineer reported that 4 applications for the T. J. Mahony School and 2 for the C. S. Anderson School had been made. (2) From RoaQs and Transportation Association of Canada stating Convention information would l;eon be forthcoming. (3) Ministry of Natural Resources enclosing information regarding Aggregate Supply and the Pit & Quarry Act. The Engineer stated he would make a reply in the forthcoming week. (4) St. Thomc'9.s-E1gin General Hospital with thanks for snow plowing help for their ambulances in the snow storm of January 31. (5) University of Western Ontario with information on a forthcoming meeting on Environmental Assessment on May 12 and 13 in London. The Engineer was authorized to attend. (6) Kettle Creek Conservation Authority with invitation to Maple Syrup Day at Lake Whittaker. (7) Township of Yarmouth regarding granting of a variance for building set back on Road '28 with condition that drainage conditions be approved by the County. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 2, 1977. PAGE 3. (8) Village of Rodney with Zoning By-Law. (9) Region of Haldimand-Norfolk requesting considering of construction on Elgin~Norfolk Townline between Road 42 and 45. The Engineer waS instructed to ~eply' that the Elgin Road Cw..ittee felt the p~oject to be of a very low prio~ity' and that funds for it ~ould not be available in the forseeable future. THE I ENGINEER PRESENTED THE httached Revised Report and Budget for Solid Waste for 1917. The Budget and the Mosquito control Budget ~ere discussed. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER 'tRA!r WE RECOMMEND TO cOUNTY COUNC1L THAT A CQ\JNTY LE'l'l OF $ 3,000 BE SET fOR SOL1D WASTE D1Sl'OSAL FOR 1917. CARRIED." "MOViED BY: W. R.CCAVERLY SEOONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COml'tY COmlC1L THA't A COUNTY LE'l'l OF $ 5,000 BE ISE't FOR A MOSQU1TO ABhTEMEN'f l'ROGRAMME IN 1971. CARRIED." THE BUDGET OF 'tHE St. Thomas Suburban Road commission (as attached) was discussed. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AF']~ER DINNER AFTER DINNER cOMM1'tTEE DISCUSSED both the County and Suburban Budget agreeing that approximately $ 10,000 extra should be raised in the County Levy to meet the County share of any extra appropriation by the Min~stry of T~anspo~tation and communications for Winter control. S1?COND1?D BY: D. \(. Cj)O\( 'tW\.'t ~1? R1?G~f,ND 'to cO\l1'l'r'l cO\l1'lC1L 'fW\'t h R1?SOLU'fl0N B1? l'hSSBD R1?Q\l1?S'tlNG 't\1.1? MlN1S'tRY Of 't~Sl'OR'th'tl O~ hND c()11l1ffi'll Ch'tl ON S 'to Al'l'ROPRlh't1? 't11.B SmI Of $ 20,000 IN S\lBSl DY MO~1?Y fOR DR!\lNhG1? hSS1?SSM,BN'tS ON cO\l1'l'r'l hND S't. 't11.QW.S SUB\lRBAN C0}\M1SS1ON ROADS "MOV;ED BY.: IN 1917. S't. 't11.QMI\.S, ON'tAR10, MARCH 2,1977. 'PAGE 4. v:J. R . CAVERLY. CARR1ED." "MOVED BY.: D. lZ. COOlZ S1?<i)OND1?D BY: D. \(. MCL'E./IN 'fW\'t ~1? R1?C~f,ND TO cO\l1'l'r'l GO\l1'lC1L 't1:l;\'t 'f11.1? ROl\D Lf.'l'l fOR 1911 B1? $ 6 5 5 , 0 0 0 hND 't1:l;\ 't 't11J!, \lRBhN R1?Bh't 1? S RBMi'lN h't 25% hS IN folU11?R Y.EARS. CARR1ED ." "MOVED BY.: J. B. mLSON S1?COND1?D J3'{: ~. R. Ch'l[1?RLY 'fW\'t ~1? R1?C~J?1lD 'to COIlN'r'l COIJNC1L 't1:l;\'t h R1?SOLU'flON B1? l'hSS1?D ADOJ"!:lNG 't\1.1? h'f'fhC11J!,D l'ROl'OS1?D S'th't1?~ Of ~0R1Z hND mtl'f,ND1'f\lR1?S fOR 1911 hND 't11J!, S'th'tBMJ?N'f B1? fORVlARD1?D 'to 't11J!, MlN1S'tRY Of 't~Sl'OR'th'tlON hND c()11l1ffi'll Ch'tl0NS fOR Al'l'RO'l AL · CARR1ED ." "MOVED BY.: s. J. GLOVER S1?cOND1?D BY: D. \(. MCL'E./IN 'tl-lA't 'f11.1? B\lDGf.'t Of S't. 't11.0}\!\S S\lBURBAN RoPJl co}\M1SS10N IN p.}iOmi't Of $ 161 ,000 FOR CONS'tRUC'tl0N hND }\!\1N'tf,NhNC1? Of S't. 'f11.0}\!\S S\J!~UBJ'>hN ROl\DS SYS'tlU1, $ 6,000 fOR DR!\lNhG1? hSS1?SSMf,N'tS hND fOR $ 800 fOR NON S\lBS1D1ZABL1? l'tBMS fOR 1911 B1? Al'l'RO'l1?D hND ~1? RW~f,ND 't11J!, B\lDGf.'t 'to cO\l1'l'r'l cO\l1'lC1L fOR Al'l'RO'lAL. CARR1ED ." S't. 't\1.OMAS, 0N'!AR10, MAR-Cll 2, 1971. 'PAGB 5. 't1:1J!, l'RO'tEC'tl0~ Of 't11B Ltu<E 'i\ANR fJ:Oll\ the east end of p-resent b-reak~ateJ: in 1'0J:t BUrWell easteJ:1Y to the Little OtteJ: CJ:eek ~aS diScUssed and the Reeves of YoJ:t BUrWell and Bayham ag-reed to obtain mo-re infoJ:lll"tion as to whethe~ oJ: not additional pJ:ope-rty o~e-rs ~eJ:e inteJ:ested in shaJ:it\\l, the costs. 't1:1J!, BNG1N1?1?R R1?l'OR't1?D that nothing fUJ:theJ: ~ad been hea-rd fJ:Oll\ \1.aJ:-ry A$foJ:d ~ith J:egaJ:d to the pUJ:chase of a cut off cOJ:neJ: on Road 45 in southWold 'Lo'WO-ship. 1't ~iIS D1?C1D1?D 'to R1?QU1?S't the 'to~shiP of wn"dch to have countY Road 2 bOJ:ed foJ: the c-rossing of GURR Municipal DJ:ain J:atheJ: than by the open cut method pJ:oposed in the urainage ~epo-rt. 't\1.1? f,NG1~1?1?R 1AhS R1?Q\l1?S'tED to -replY to James Sno~, MiniSteJ: of the .. ith -regaJ:d to his lette-r on MinistJ:Y of T-ranspoJ:tation and cororoun1.cat1.ons ~ metJ:ic signS and J:educed speed limitS on countY J:oads. ]1lJRCRhS1? Of NB1A AND US1?D eq,uipment ~aS discUssed. ttMOVBD Wi: S1?CO~D1?D BY: J. B. '\l1LSON 'tlth't 't\1.1? f,NG1l'I1?1?R B1? 1?l'll'QVl1?R1?D 'to ChLL 'tf,ND1?RS fOR h 'tRhC'tOR BhC1O:l0E LOlIDER '\l1't\1. cOUNTi TR1\.CTOR #21 AS A 'tR1\.DE~ 'IN. CAIUn.BD ." D. l<.. ~CLBAN ttMOVBD BY.: SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER 'fHl\'t 't1:1J!, f,NG1N1?1?R y,1? 1?l'll'QVl1?R1?D 'to Gl\LL 'tf,ND1?RS fOR 'tR\lClZS 'to R1?l'LhCE cojJl1'tY 'tR\lClZS # 54 ANn 51 AND 'tRh't t>.L't1?RNh'tlV1? 'tf,NDERS BE Ct>.LL1?D '\l1'tR ~D 1Al'tROU'f 'tR1\.D1?~ lNS, D. l<.. COOl<. carried. ' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 2, 1977. PAGE 6. "MO~lED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SE~~ONDED BY: D. K. COOK TW\T THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SOLICIT PRICES FOR 2 ADDITIONAL RAIDIO UNITS FROM CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE PURCHASE A USED WILTSIE WRAILER SERIAL # 197014 FROM DON FEICK OF 35 ERIE STREET, ST. THOMAS, FOR $ 1,500 PLUS PROVINCIAL SAl~ES TAX. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH DOMTREC LTD. FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE USED CITY OF LONDON 1966 FORD TRUCK AND PAVEMENT MARKING EQUIPMENT AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $ 7,500. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL FOR QUOTATIONS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT, CALCIUM CHLORIDE, GLASS PAVEMENT BEADS, AND GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL, AND CORRUGATED PIPE. CARRIED." MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 30 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." ~ ~.'\ .. J Ii / A~- ~f v CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN e1P;~ 1977 BUDGET SOLID WASTE Rpvi. seq March 2, 1977. After consultation with the County Treasurer and County Auditor we find that the Solicitor's invoice for past work in amount of $ 3,016.50 will be regar'ded as a charge against the 1976 Budget rather than the 1977 Budget. In view of the projected lengthy Hearing on the Application of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. and our requirement for information on road costs, etc. and the possibility that our Solicitor may have to atten.d a large portion of the Hearing we SUggE'st that a Budget of $ 3~OOO be adopted for 1977. R. G. MOORE, CO{1NTY [i:NGINI~ER. .:1 Ii >>, ..,i ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT ffrr; jo I/' ~7. ~ II II J. i;!. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a Statement of Expenditures for 1976 and a Proposed Budget for 1977. 1976's operations resulted in a small decrease ($ 350 .:t) in the deficit of the. City of St. Thomas. Again in 1976 portions of Road 30 were assumed and reverted for construction purposes. This will again be necessary in 1977 as the $ 101,000 budget for the. project will fall apout $ 90,000 short of completing the road. This amount has been placed in the County Budget to allow for the completion of the road. Later in 1977 a programme for 1978 will have to be decided upon in conjunction with the County of Elgin Road COlll1ldttee. Maiatenance Expenditures especially for winter control and maintenance of pavements are expected to be considerably higher than normal again in 1977. Although it is too early to be certain, all signs point to an extremely bad spring breakup because of the depth of frost. As the Suburban Roads must be opened first and maintained to a high standard average costs per mile are much higher than the County Roads. An increase in Safety Devices is shown to take care of the cost of erecting metric road signs. Unfortunately routine maintenance will suffer (such as grass cutting, guid.e rail, bridge painting, etc.). Drainage Assessments against Suburban Roads include Vineden Drive Drain on Road 25. p.artial1y completed in 1976 and McBane Drain which will include the boring of Wellington Road in Concession XI Yarmouth. The anticipated deficit to 1978 will remain constant from 1976 at approximately $ 2,000. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. /") /.. /" 'J ~:,./ f4. /., ,1:. ' . II d) \ ./~"~"~"-~" R. G~ Mt)OltE, /BI./SC." P. Eng., SECRETARY &ENG!NEER OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. s't. 't1:\OW-S S\lB\lRBA-tl ROAD C~ SS 1.0N 1971 B\lDG\'.'t ~ Re'\1i sed 'Feb'ru.~ 1. 1911_. /' ~ ' 0. 30 (RadiO Road). ~ork includes fe~C1.ng, (a) Roa snouldeJ:ing, StOrm DJ:ainS, G~ad1.ng, Gl!avel Base and l'aVing. Land j>UJ:cnase Road 22 and 30 afteJ: J:ental including SUJ:veying. $ 1.01,000.00 ~ $ 107 ,000.00 (b) 't'RAl!Sl'OR'th'tlO1'1 ~D c~1.Ch'tt01'1S l't~MS ~O't S\lBS1P1Z~D B'l 't\1.l!. M1Nl$'tR'l OF $ 650.00 c~ittee MembeJ: feeS and 1?~enses . d '\.~.i C f,){.nendi tu.-re s . ,'bilit~ luSuJ:ance an "' s .r MembeJ:sh1.1!>S, ,,1.a J $ ~ 800.00 ChLC\llJ'.'tl ON Of f\l\.0\lN't l1.t>'{hBL1? B'l Cl 'fi Of S't. 't\1.QlII!\S · , . d c~unicattonS subS1.dy J:ate ~he MinistJ:Y of 'tJ:anspoJ:tat1.Qn an $ 20,624. ;0 and ~aintenance , f St 'thomas on Drainage hdd: !\mount pai1able bY the c,tY 0 · .S 25~ of estimated cost Assess~e~t$ ~ 10 'di 0. b~ the MinistJ:Y of NidI 50% of lt1ems Not subS' ze J . d C ~unications 'tJ:ansPQJ:t1at1.on aU o~. . f gt Tho~aS f 1911 l'J:Og~amme to C1.ty 0 · Esti~ated cost 0 1,500.00 ~ 22,524.50 '11 ad'Usted asses~ent foJ: 1/2 Millon the Ministe~1.a Y j 1911 will p~oduce Less Deficit b;om 1976 22,350.00 ~ $ 20 ,614. 23 $ 1,850. 21 , 0. f ~aJ:d to 1918 AntiCipated Deficit to be caJ:r1.e oJ: ~(' STi. 'tHOM1\S SUBURBAN ROAD cOMl11SS10N 19;; BUDG1?T - - - - ,-' ,Revi!ed Feb!UarL 1,1911 MAINTE]ANCE. 'to'thLS fOR 1916 AND EsnM1\TES FOR 19;; lNCL\lDE l'AYROLL BURD1?N. ESTIMATE LABOUR OPERATION 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 ---. ~ - - --' A ... Bridges & culverts 714 166 49~ 1,000 B - Roadside Mainte'Uapce 4,610 20,805 4,225 5,000 C - Hard Top MafntenapcC 2,707 11 , 3/+8 10,029 11,000 D ... Loose ToP Maintenance 1,314 894 117 2,000 E ... Winter control 10,800 9,596 22,149 '25,000 F ... Safety Devices 4,B81 2,325 3,872 5,000 - - . .- ....-. - ....- 25,026 45 ,134 40,886 49,000 I 19/5 Roadside Maintenance included Shouldering, Ditching and G~avelling on We11ingtop Road.. OVERHEAD - ln 19/4 and 15 a po~tion of all County Ove~head items including Pay~oll Burden was ch~~ged to Subu~ban Roads. In 1976 1'0iyroll 13U~den ~Ois cha~ged di~ectly to operations an<1 only a po~d.on of other OveJ:head items ~aS cha~ged to Subu~ban Roads. 1974 1975 1976 1977 LABOUR 1977 - ---- overhead, s~perintepdence, etc. 12,974 12,092 9,152 11,000 DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS -,.. ~ ...--. . Drainage Asses$11\ent 50% Mitdstry of 't~anspo~tatiOn and Communications Subsidy (a) Vineden Drive Drain A.gainst Road 26 SA $ 3,800 (b) McBane Drain Against Road 25 (Wellington Road) $ 2z}00, $ 6,000 J' 'i'!; , ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1976 CONSTRUCTION (a) Road 30 .. (Radio Road) from the St. Thomas City Limits northerly in the Township of Yarmouth, Grading, Granular Base, Culverts, etc. (b) Land purchase.. Road 22 and 30 (less rentals). TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1. Bridges & Culverts 2. Winter Control 3. Surface T~eatment 4. Repairs Tc, Pavement 5. Grading, Shoulders, etc. 6. Grass Cutting 7. Tree Cutting 8. Pavement Harking 9. Signs 10. Drainage 11. Sweeping 12. Railroad Protection 13. Traffic Count 14. Overhead and Superintendence TOTAL NOTE: .. Payroll Burden pro r~ted to labour charges for Construction and Maintenance items, an Overhead and Superintendence charge transferred from County Road Overhead and Superintendence. $ .. .. !9 Z! 3-!:9.: 3-!: .. _ _ -__..!!9!:~.:33..__ $ 108,288.46 $ -.._....-!:2!:.:9]___ ___.?.?.!!~2.: !~__.. ....__!.!Z9.?.:~2___ 7,205.05 .......--..--...-.----... 1,162.35 ---....--.....-----..- ___..l.!::~~~~..__ -___3!.~:2~~Z_.._ -..__:!.~~~~2Z__.. 358.72 ...----...-__.__IiIrfI:___ 367.14 -..-........--.......--..-.- 76.75 ........--...-------..."'" ..--..!!.!:~~.:2~..__ 352.35 .....~.._--_....._--_.. ..--_~!~99~~2_.... $ 50,040.47 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Committee Member Fee and Expenses Membership Insurance and Miscellaneous TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION $ 610.00 ~--~----~-~~--- 103.98 .....-...----.......-..... $ 713.98 $ 1 C)9,O~2~91 ;. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1977 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: That in regqrd to the Application of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. to establish a Solid Waste Disposal Site on a portion of Lots 21, 22, 23, Concession III, Southwo1d the County of Elgin take the following pos:tt:l,on ,,It the propo$(~d herlt"ing by tllf' Knvtronwental ASGf'SSIT10nt Board. That: we request tlw Environmental Heari.ng Board to recvnull(:~nd to the Minister of the Environment that if he approves the Proposed Site as a Solid Waste Disposq1 Site he imposes the following conditions as one of the requirernents. 1. All truck access is to be via Town1ine Road between the Site and Highway 4.. 2. If at any future time the County agrees, wishes or is forced to assume the Town1ine Road between the Site and Highway 4 the following conditions apply. (a) MaintenaI'lce That the operator of the Site pay 50% of the normal maintenance charge (including vehicle ownership charges) on the road. Nonna1 maintenance to be limited to 10% over the average cost of maintaining an average mile of similar surfaced county roads in Elgin County. Operator of the Site to pay all charges over normal maintenance. County to be sole judge of maintenance work required. Maintenance costs arc payable - 50/0 of estimated cost by June 1 of any year. Remaining estimated cost by December 1 of any year. Rebates or further charges payable by March 1 of following year. p. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1977 - PAGE 2. (b) Construction When in the County's opinion construction of the road is appropriate the operator of the site is to pay all costs of construction including but not limited to Land Purchase, Design, Supervision and Inspection of Construction and Construction, etc. All Design Standards, Consultants, Contractors, etc., are to be approved by the County. County may appoint an Inspector or Inspectors to look after the County's interests in the work and the cost of such i,nspection is to be paid by the site operator to the County. (c) Performan<::e Bond The ~~ite operator shall provide prior to January 1 of any year a Performance Bond to secure payment of any costs of construction, maintenance, etc., to the County of Elgin relative to any work contemplated during that year. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN 1.: COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1977 TOTRE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The severe storm of January 28 resulted in the County being forced to rent con$iderab1e outside equipment in order to open up and widen back County Roads. A portion of Road 32 north of the Ay1mE~r Pol ice College has not be,en opened to date. In use beside 10 County owned Snow PloW's and 2 Counity owned Front End Loaders were 2 hired Bulldozers and 8 hired Front End Loaders. The hired equipment was used for varying lengths of time with all work being completed by February 11 (last Friday). 2. We h<;l.ve put'chaseda LTS 8000 Ford Truck from Fearn Ford Sales Ltd. of St. Thomas at $ 23;696.~0 plus sales tax being the lowest of 12 tenders. This truck will be used as a replacement for Truck # 37 (1968 Int:ernational) Qnour disitributor in the Summer. In ordet' to receivE~ year round use from . the tt'Qckwe have purchased Ii dump box and snow plow from Frink ()f Canada at $ 13,600. The purchase of this unit will allow us to Use our 1964 Ga1ion Grader as a standby unit rather than for full time service. WER!ECOMMEND: Th~t'a. By-Law be passed confirming ay..Law II 77...6 of Dunwich Township to clQ$~ a PlH!:t 'h.'ln 01:rolild {it 1, ()wanc(~ botW(;\(Hl l~()t r1 ] 2 and131,n. Con(:(~ ~Hdon V south of A. the travelled road (Curr:te Road County Road a) is some 200 or 300 feet distance from the original road allowance. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 16, 1977. THE .COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building at 11:00 A.M., February 16, 1977 in conjunction with County Council. All members present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT - (1) The drive frame on the One Way Plow for Grader #15 (age unknown) had disintregated and that it hadebeen necessary to purchase a new one at a cost of over $ 1,000. (2) That it was rumoured that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications were going to increase the allocations and subsidy for winter maintenance. (3) That hired equipment costs from January 31 to February 11 for SnoW Plowing and push!ng back snow were over $ 15,000. (4) That the County's 1975 Dodge Cars 2 & 3 would be purchased by County employees. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD., 275 WELLINGTON STREET, ST. THOMAS, FOR 2 PLYMOUTH GRAN FURY AUTOMOBILES INCLUDING POLICE PACKAGE AND RADIAL TIRES AT $ 10,374.15 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE SELL THE COUNTY 1975 DODGE CARS # 2 ANa 3 TO COUNTY EMPLOYEES AT $ 1,850 EACH ON A "AS IS" "WHERE IS" BASIS WHEN WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF :2 NEW AUTOMOBILES PURCHASED FROM ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. CARRIED .ff THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO MARCH 2, 1977 AT 10 :00 A.M. ,~~_ 0~-LrY ~ / '-- .... CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 11, 1977. PAGE 1. February 11 at 10:00 A.M. hll members present. cOUNT'! Of ELG1N ROhD COMM1Tf1?1? MF.'f at the Municipal Building on 'tHE }l1mJ'tES OF TllB MEF.'flNG OF JJ>.NUhRY 21 ~ere read and approved. 'fl{E J?NG1N1?ER R1?l'OR't1?D ON 'fl{E woRK 'to DA't1? hS FOLLOWS: 1. Sign ~o~k ~aS progJ:essing slo~ly as nearly all help waS ~oJ:king on ~ihter control. 2. No trees h~d been cut in the past 10 dayS. 3. The stor1ll of January 31 had requiJ:ed aU the effo~tS of the County' s 10 plo~s and 2 f~ont 1?nd LOaders plus Front 1?nd Loaders f;;oOtll McLa~S (2) AxfoJ:d and ,Strickland, Tractors frOtll JeJ:ry l'ilkington and Ron l'hillips and Bulldozers frOtll Strickland and Higgs to open the J:oads on february 1 and februa~Y 2. Since that time Loaders had been rented from Walmsley BJ:OS. (2) and Johnston BroS. and an additional Loader frOtll Axford to widen back 4. Road 32 nOJ:th of the police college gate to~m.~house had not been opened. the roads. 5. Frank fishleigh and George Fickling ~eJ:e still off sick. 6. Ministry of TranspoJ:tation and communications had called tender for hsphalt Resurfacing on Highway 19 between Tillsonburg and 1'0rt Burwell. 1't WAS DEC1DED T\1.h't MA1LBOX ~epairs could not be made becaUse of the severity of the storm. ~ould request an adjOu~nroent of the EnviJ:onmental HeaJ:ing BoaJ:d that ~aS scheduled to begin hea~ings Feb~ua~Y 15 on the Application of St. 'thoroas Sanita~y Collection 'fl{E J?NGIN1?ER R1?l'OR'tED 'tHAT SOLiJC1'fORS for the Township of southwold Services Ltd. for a Solid Waste Site in Concession 111 southwold. The 1?ngineer also J:eported that Solicitors fo~ St. 'thoroas Sanitary Collection Se~vices Ltd. ~ould agree to the a.,djournment. committee considered their position at the hearing. S't. 't1lQMl\.S, oN'tAR10 · FEBRUAR~ 11, 1977. PAGE 2. t '~OVBD B~ ': S1?CO~D1?D B'l: S. J. GLO\T1?R 't1J.!\'t Vl1? R1?C~f,ND 'to COWC1L 't\1.A.'t 't\1.1? h'J:'thC\1.1?D 1'0Sl'tl0~ B1? 'th'\{E'N h't 't1l1? nt'llRoNMEN'thL BOARD 1JEAR1NG oN 't\1.1? I\1'l'L1Ch'tloN Of S't. 't1lQMl\.S S;..Nl'tAR'l COLL1?C'tl0N SBR'\T1C1?S L'tD. fOR 1\1'1'RcNhL Of h SOL1D VlhS'tB D1S?OSt>.L Sl'tB 1~ LO'fS 21, 22, 23, CONC1?SSloN 111, S(}\l't\1.I.'lOLD. Vl1? REQ\l1?S't T\1E J?N'I11R~'tt>.L 1l1!.PJl1NG BOARD 'to )l.1!.CO~m1D 'to 'flUl M1N1S't1?R 0'1' 't\1.1? f,N'\T1RoN~'t 't\1.A.'t lf \1.1? 1\1'1'RO'l1?S 't\1.1? l'ROl'OSBD Sl't1? AS h SOL1D VlhS't1? D1Sl'OSt>.L Sl't1? \1.1? nll'OS1?S 't\1.1? fOLLQVllNG CoND1'f1oNS hS ON1? Of 't\1.1? )l.1!.Q1J1Rm1J?N'tS. 1. hLL 'tRUCR hCC1?SS lS 'to B1? '\T1h 't()lilJ:1L1N1? ROl\D B1?'fVl1?1?N 't\1.1? Sl't1? AND 1\lGllWA~ 4. 2. lf h't ;..N'l f\J'tIl)l.1!. 'tl}1f. 't\1.1? C01JN'f'l hG)l.1!.BS, VllS1l1?S OR lS fORCED 'to hSSUMJ!. 't\1.1? 't<1<ffiL1N1? ROAD BJ?'fVlJ?'F.N 't1l1? Sl't1? AND 1l1Gl1.\'Ih'l 4 't11l' fOLLQVl1.t\lG CO~Dl 'tl O~S 1\1'1'1. 'l · D. R. COOR ~ 't\1.A.'t 't1l1? 01'f,RA'tOR Of 't\1.1? Sl't1? l' h'l 50% Of 't\1.1? NO'[UI!\L l:I!\l~'tm1;..NC1? c\1.A.RG1?S (l~CUlD11'G 'l1?\1.1CL1? <1<ffi1?RS1U.l' c\1.A.RG1?S) ON T\1E ROhD. NO'[UI!\L l:I!\l~'tf,Ni\NCB 'to BB L1M1't1?D 'to 10% cN1?R q;\1.1? h'l1?RAG1? cOS't Of l:I!\11''thlNl~G i\N h'l1?RAG1? M1L1? Of SlM1LAR S\lRl"hC1?D cQ\lNTl ROhDS 11' ELG1.N COUNT~. 01'1?RA'tOR Of T\1E Sl't1? 'to l' h'l hLL c\1.A.RG1?S cN1?R NO'[UI!\L l:I!\lN'tf,Ni\NC1?. cQ\lNTl 'to B1? SOL1? JUDG1? Of l:I!\lN'tm1i\NC1? VlORR )l.1!.Q1Jl)l.1!.D. l:I!\lN't1?Ni\NC1? COS'tS AR1? l'h'lhBLB ~ 50% Of 1?S'tll:1!\'t1?D COS't B'l JWB 1 Of /!J,fi '{1?I\R. RJ?WI.l~l~G 1?S'tll:1!\'t1?D cOS't B'l D1?Cf}lJl1?R 1 Of /!J,fi 'l1?AR. )l.1!.Bt>'t1?S OR fIJR't\1.1?R c\1.A.RG1?S l'A'lhBL1? B'l WJtC1l 1 Of fOLLQVllNG 'if,AR. ~S~C'floN- Vlllm1 IN 't\1.1? cQ\lN'f'l'S 01'1NloN CoNS'tR\lC'tloN Of T\1E ROl\D lS 1\1'1'ROl'Rlh't1? ~ 't1lB 01'1?RA'tOR Of 't\1.1? Sl't1? lS 'to l'h'l hLL COS'tS Of CO~S'tR1JC'tloN 1~OL\lD1NG Btl'f ~O'f L1Ml'tBD 'to LJ\ND l'URC1lhS1?, DBS1GN, S\l1'1?R'\T1 Sl O~ ;..ND lNSiP1?C'fl0N Of CONS'tR\lC'tloN ;..ND CO~S'tR\lC'fl0N, 1?'tC. S't. 'f\1..()}\!\S, ONTAR10. FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 'PAGE 3. hL1, D1?SlG~ S'tANDARDS, CO~SUL'tAN'tS, CON'fRhC'tORS, J?'tC., ARE 'to B1? hl'l'RO'J'ED B'l 'tJIE cQ\JN'f'l. c()\Jl'lT'l J.I1l\'l PJ'l'OlN't AN l~Sl'1?crOR OR l~Sl'1?crORS 'to 1.001.<. t>.f't1?R 'tll1? cOUM'f'l'S lNt1?R1?S'tS 1~ 'tJIE 1ilORlZ AND 'tllE cOS't Of S\lCll l~Sl'1?crlON lS 'to B1? l' hlD B'l TJIE S1'fE 01'1?Rh'tOR TO 'tJIE cQIJN'f'l. ~ 'tll1? SlT1? 01'1?Rh'tOR s1:lALL l'RO'lJ'lD1? l'Rl0R 'to JANUAJI;'{ 1 Of I$l 'l1?AR h l'1?RfORMf\NC1? BOND 'to S1?C1.lR1? l' h~ Of I$l COS'tS Of CONS'tB1lC'tl0~' J.I1l\lN'tf,NANC1?, 1?'tC., 'to 't\1.1? coUN'f'l Of 1?'LG1N R1?Lh'tW1? 'to I$l1ilORlZ CON'tf,l11'V>- 't1?D D1.lR l~G 't\J.1\'t '{EAR. _ :.1?'J'E Ch 'J'ER1,'l AND 'tll1? f,NG1N1?1?R R1?l' OR't 1?D that an 0 the I: ot __.. .......1-^ CARRIED ." 1'1 o~ing 1'\ll. t ch held in 1?lg in county in L '10~' ,... ~.- suitable sites ~ould lik.elY be available and maps, matcheS, pens, etc. would be handed out. R1?EV1? BRhDfl1?LD REl'OR'tED that the 'lillage of 1'0J:t BUrwell had agJ:eed , f ~ 130 000 fJ:oro. the fedeI:al Government to pUI:chase a dJ:edge to accept a g~ant 0 ~ ' to dJ:edge 1'0I:t BUJ:~ell llaJ:bout. "~OVED BY: \fl. R. CAVERLY S1?CONDED B'l: D. 1.<.. MCL'f.AN 't\J.1\ 't 'f\1..1? fOLLQVllNG l' h '{l.1 S't S B1? !\1'l'RO'J'ED fOR l' h~ : Yh'lL1.S't # 4 J\M,Q\JN'tlNG 'to $ 31,;12.36 l'h'{l.lS't # 5 J\M,()\Jl'lT1NG 'to $ 419.11 1? h'l1J1S't # 6 J\M,Q\JN'tlNG 'to $ 961 · 46 l'h'l1J1S't # 1 J\M,Q\JN'tl~G 'to $ 40,181.96 l'h'l1J1S't # 8 J\M,OIll'l'tlNG TO $ 81,202.04 CARRIED." 'tll1? 'l'IEET1~G hDJ~1?D fOR D1m1ER. AYt'E.R DINNER ....... S't. 't11oMAS, ON'tp,R10 · FEBRUARY 11, 1977. PAGE 9-. 't\1.1? f,NG1~1?1?R 'PR1?SEN't1?D ~D R1?'IJ1.~D 't1:1E h't'tAC\1.1?D 'tf,NDER foJ: a Tandem Truck. "MO\T1?D y;'[: S. J. GLO\T1?R S1?COND1?D y;'[: D. R. COOR 'tlJ./l.'t 'il1? j>\JRClJ./I.S1? h fORD L'tS 8000 'tR\lCR fRoM f~ fORD St>.L1?S L'tD., S't. l!:\1.oMAS hS l'1?R C~ Sl'1?Clf1G!\'tl0~S ~D 't1:1E1R 'tf,ND1?R gr. 'f1l1?lR 'tf,ND1?R1?D l'Rl C1? Of $ 23, 9 69 .10 J'l,\lS l'R 0\T1N C1AL ShL1?S 't JI)t · S\l]lJ 1? G'f 'to WLN1S'tR'{ Of 'tRl\NSl'OR:Jlh'tlON ~D c~lcAT1ONS liPl'RO\ThL. CARRIED" · 't1:1E f,NG1N1?1?R REcOMMJ?ND1?D 'tlJ./l.'t a ])U1tll? Body and Sno~ 1'10~ be pUJ:chased fo~ the T~uck so that yeaJ: ~ound use coald be made of it. 'the 'truck ~ould be used as a Snow 'Plo~ in place of GJ:adeJ: #13 ~ich ~aS pu~chased in 1964. '''MOVED BY: S1?COND1?D y;'[: D. R. MCLE~ 'tlJ./l.'t 'il1? j>\JRClJ./I.S1? fROM fR1NlZ cNlhDh L'tD. hS l'1?R 't1:1E1R QUO'th'tl0N Of f1?BmJhR'{ 1 h fR1NlZ MOD1?L 410 \1.j)Ol<BR ON1? 'ilh'{ l'LOVl, 'tOR LOR DR1'1E, Cp,R"P,lD1? S1101?S ~D G1J'f'flNG 1?DGE, fRONT lVJUl1?SS, MOD1?L 1 00 CLOS1?D 'tOVlER, MOD1?L 301~12 'il1NG, RAC1~1? DR1'11?, ~D h 10B3 DUM!' BO)t 15 CIlB1C '{p,RD l~S'thLLED h't h l'R1C1? Of $ 13,600 l'LUS l'R()Il1~C1AL SAL1?S 'tJl)t. cARRIED." 'N. R. CAVE"BLY l't'ilhS D1?G1D1?D'tlJ./l.'t 't111? cOUN'f'l cARS that ~eJ:e Scheduled' to be tJ:ao.ed in be offeJ:ed to countY EmPlOyees at the t~ade~in diffeJ:ence if any emPlOyees weJ:e inteJ:ested. 't11E 1?NG1~1?1?R R1?l'OR't1?D 'tlJ./l.'t \1.1? 1:llID inspected the used 1966 l'avetllent MaJ:king machine that had belonged to the city of London and nO~ belonged to S 1 Ltd O~ Oakville. 'the machine ~aS much bette~ than the CountY's Domt~eC a eS .' , ' . t could be pu~chased at 1948 equipment and he ~ould asce~ta1.n l.f the eqU1.pmen reasonable cost~~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 11, 1977. PAGE .5;. THE INV01CE OF THE COUNTY SOL1CITOR, M. J. Hennessey, for his work to date on Solid Wasce waS discussed. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE APl'RO'lE FOR l'AYMEN't THE ACCOUNT OF M. J. HENNESSEY &. ASSOC1ATES lN AMOUN't Of $ 3,016.50 fOR SER'lICES 'to THE COUN'tY TO BEBRUARY 1/17 FOR NEGOT1!\TING A SOL1D WASTE CONTRACT AND APPEARANCES AT AN ENV1RONMENTl\L HEARING IN DUTTON, E'fC. CARRIED." (1) Township of Yarmouth regarding va~iance requested by Harold White CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: Homes Ltd. 'the Enginee~ stated that the variance requested met the (2) Ministry of Transportation and Communications rejecting the County of County By-Law. Elgin application for an additional allocation of $ 1,000 in Subsidy. (3) G~and 'lalley Conservation Authority with notice of a meeting on Land (4) M~s. E. Pearce regarding the intersection of Roads 35 and 45. Drainage. (5) MrS. A. J. Smith regarding entrances blocked with sno~. (6) Ed~ard Ball, Road 2& regarding lack of plowing service on January 31. The Enginee~ waS instructed to reply to Mr. Ball. (1) Township of Dunwich requesting approval for a By_LaW to close a po~tion of road in Concession ~ S of A. HMOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO cOUNTY COUNCIL 'tHAT A BY~LAW BE l'ASSED CONFIRMING By.LAW #77-6 OF THE TOWNSHll' OF DUNWICH 'to CLOSE PAR't OF THE ORIGINlIL ROAD l\LLaYlANCE BETWEEN LarS 12 & 13, CONCESSION V, S6t!'lH OF A DUNWICH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 11, 1977. PAGE 61'- THE :ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED BUDGETS FOR Roads, Solid Waste and Mosquito Abatement which were discussed. Burlington at :the end of the month and Cu,w..ittee felt that the County should be It waS noted that a Conference on Mosquito Control would be held in represented. l1MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10 :00 A.M., MARCH 2. CARRIED ." /~ /D /d /;7) ~"")~j ~ (~." 11 /) /) ~>~/ . ~ ." I CHAIRMAN " Ji "':t ~ ~~ IJyp coUN'r'l OF 1Wl1.~ ROAD DEl'ARTMEN't "'" """, ---,-,""-'''''''' ----,,' February 7, 1977 'tEND~RS FOR 2 AU'fQMOB1LES (hL'tERNhTE h) p~ices are Net after T~ade and Include Tax & ~i~en~e. 1. Dunn MotOr s (Ay lmeJ: ) ~t d. , John Street, Aylmer, Ontario. $ 6,714.00 Dodge Royal MonacO lncludingRao.ial 'tires and police l'ackage 2. St. 'thQ1llas 1'1yro.oUth ChJ:ysle~ Ltd., 275 Wellington Street, St. ThomaS, Ontario. $ 7,699.t4 ln~ludes ?olice Pa~kage and R~dial 'ti~es Plymouth Gra:p. F\1:ry 3. Hi ghbU~Y 'ford Sal e s ~t d. , 1365 Dundas St., London, Ontario. $ 7,784.,00 Ford LTD 4. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot Stre~t, St. T.homas, Ontario.. $ 7,831..08 Ford LTD 5. MiddleseX MotorS Ltd., 100 Queenis Ave., London, ontario. $ 8, 222 it! 70 M~rcury MarquiS 6 . Du t ton l'o,rd Mcrcu~Y Sale s Ltd.. 2.6'7 C\1t'ri~' Rd. II outton, ()p.tario.. $ 8,640.00 Ford uro 1. ~a~ry Snider Motors Ltd., 586 Main st., Exeter, Ontario. $ 8,854.00 Ford L'tD 8. Talbot Me.rcury, Talbot Street, St. ThomaS, Ontario. $ 9,885.48 Mercury MarquiS 9. 'Hut chi nsori Motor s Ltd., 188 'tal bot St., Aylme-r, Ontario. $ 7,567.86 Chevrolet Impala , ,- 'tf,N\)ER Ov 2 1\\110l'101~11,E$ hL'tll.RNh'tl'lTI, 1\ 1'~ices are Ne,t foJ: outJ:ight pu~chase of vehicles \,., lncludi~g saleS Ta~ a~d Licence ~ith nO tJ:ade~in' 1. St. 'th(l1l\llS 1'1)'UlOUth Chrysler Ltd., 275 vtell ington St., St. 1~hP\l14;t f;l, Ont tilJ;; ',~ \,h ~ncludi~g 1'o11.c<'\ l'sc"'age a~d ~adisl d.'res. 2. DU~n Mc)tO~S (M"mer) Ltd., John Street, Aylmer, Ont.ar'io... 3. Righbury ford Sales Ltd., 1365 DUndas St., LOndon,Ont.a.riOIll 4. Fearn ford sales Ltd., 1012 Ta.lbot Street, St. Th01llaS, ontario... 5. DUtton ford ~J:curY SaleS Ltd., 267 currie Rd., DUtton, ontario. 6. Oalq:idge f-ord sales Ltd. 601 Osforo. s~eet w., London, Ont.ario. 7 III Middlese'}C. Motors, 100 QUeens'Ave., 'London, On:tario. 8. LaJ:t:Y snider MotorS Ltd., 586 Main Street, E)tetct', Ontario. 9. Talbot M.er.ct1'tY Talbot Str.eet, St. Thomas, ontario. 1.0. Mike l:h1tChinsonLtd" lB8 Talbot St. vt., AJlmer, ontario. \:;'e h~;\.H.l't. y 7, 1911. $ iO;3~ll\.t' $ 10,126.50 $ 11,041.50 $ 11,255.08 $ 11,315.00 $ 11,439 .12 $ 11,4B6.20 $ 11, 550 " 40 $ 11,597048 $ 11,131,.39 ~,~~ ~ --- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~ February 1977. BUDGET MOSQUITO A~ATEMENT PROGRAMME In 19,76 Net County Costs were $ 6,935. As most of the mapping has been reasonably cumplE~ted and there is a rumour that the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit would be subsidized for the use of student staff, we suggest an Interi.m Budget of :1>> 5,000 to take care of costs of Training Schools, Ministry of the Environrnent Licencing, Vehicle 'rrf.r\rel aud Regld.l~l:' I!inplQyeos (Ray Colllilrd and Gary Gor-don) tluat might have to be assigned to the programme. If an outbreak of encephelitis occurred the costs could very well increase. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN 'I. \ '( r IV~~ ~~ ---- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT February 1977. 1977 BUDGET - SOLID WASTE Solicitor's Fe.es incurred 1975& 76 and not billed to 1977 $ 3,000..00 Solicitor's Fees 1977 1,500..00 Miscellaneous 500..00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 5,000,,00 , i '" ".. I' ()/, ~ ;, 11- ~ r~' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1977 February 1977. TO THE CHAImmN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE: Atta.ched to this report is a proposed Budg~t. To c,vUlply with Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications ,I pro6edure started in December 1976 with the Payroll Burden of County Employees included in the budgeted amOUli,lt. COUNTY MAINTENANCE It appears that 1977 will be a repeat of 1976, even more so. The financial killer is Winter control and as at the present time we are running $ 50,000 over our 1976 levels a "break" is necessary for us to remain below our budgeted amount of $ 310,000. Although it is too soon to tell, all indications point to a heavy spring break up with its companion problems of costly repairs to pavem~nt!S, surface treatment and gravel resurfacing. The only betterment progrannne we are proceeding with in 1977 will be metric signs_ All other maintenance items have been cut to a low standard of service. We have not budgeted for weed spraying and grass cutting in 1977 will be less than in 1976. Sweeping will be curtailed" although we expect the Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications to increase the rental rate we can allow ourselves for our sweeper, thus increasing the Budget cost but at the same time increasing our revenues which will help offset our non-subsidized expenditures. Any increase in maintenance costs in any category will have to come from our construction as all maintenance items have been cut lower than possible. The combinati.on of severe witl'ters and a lack of construction ':~ money is taki.ng its toll on the County Roads as many of the older pavements are requiring added maintenance to keep them in service until we can re- construct them. ... continued ... '\ ~t~ "'............ 'J:L'~'''~":,, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~t\ 1977 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION Total s for Estilrnates include Payroll Burden.. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys 2. Land purchase ($60,151 in 1976) 3. Ownership Costs~ etc. on Accou,nts Receivable \$ 26,400 in 1976) Reduction in Stock balance ($ 8,000 in 197~) 4. 5. ' Road 2 We st Lorne t.o Rodney, Al dborough . ' Township Drainage 6. Road 3 ... ~ighway 3 ti:) Lake Erie, Aldborough Township. Drainage Relocation of Utilities 7. Road 4 ... Queen Street W., Rodney Sidewalk and Cleanup 8. Roads 8& 13 ... Dutton, Cleanup 9. Road 34 ... Belmont, Cleanup 10. Road 34 ... Belmont, Westerly to Kettle Bridge in Yarmouth Township and Westminster Township. (County of Elgin share) Road 36 ... Uighway 3 to Sparta, Yarmouth Township shouldering, seeding and cleanup 11. l2. Road 30 .. Completion of project from St. Thomas to Concession XIII not covered in St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget. PROJECT ESTIMATE $ . 3 000 ___..2..--- 50 000 _---1...--- __~~19.Qg- __22.l~~gQ- ... ~.!!~~22... ... _...~.!.~~22_ _......~.!.999_ ___~.!.~~~9- ___~!~~22- ___~.!.~~2~. ___~!~~22- ......Z~.!.~99- 13. Road 52 ... In Yarmouth Township, completion of project from.Road 25 (Wellington Road) to Road 30 (Radio Road), grading, 475 000 granular base, paving, etc. ---....!........... 14. Road 52 _ In Southwo1d Township, from Wellington Road Westerly approximately .8 miles, grading, granular base, paving, etc. _!~~!~~~9_ 15. Road 31- In Yarmouth Township from St. Thomas City L.imits to Road 52 including Road 29 intersection, grading, granular base, 300 1000 . t ' pav~ng, e c. ----....---- 16. Road 16 _ In Southwold Township from Fingal westerly, grading, granular base, etc. __ZQ~QQQ- TOTAL $. 988.000 LABOUR ---.---..-- _.. - ...... -.. -.. CR. -----_._--- CR. -..-....-.,.---- -...-----.- .......--..--...... .. ...... ... ---.. ..-----.......... ..---...----- ---------- ..---_.~...-....... ..--....----.... .....------. ---........-- --...---.......... ----............... "t> ,. I!> COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1977 BUDGET COUNTY MAINTENANCE Totals for 1976 and estimates for 1977 include Payroll Burden. Totals for 1974 and 1975 do not include Payroll Bu:rden. ESTIMATE LABOUR OPERATION 1974 1975 '1976 1977 1977 A - Bridges & Culverts 5,398 16,903 22,37l+ 20,000 B-1 Grass Cutting l7 ,625 15,717 19,861 23 ,000 B-1 A Weed Spraying 4,758 7,668 Nil Nil B-2 Tree Cutting 39,229 21,224 46 , 407 35,000 B - 4 Drainage 17,565 22,588 59,525 35,000 B - 6 Tree Planting 403 367 Nil Nil B - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maint.) 1,000 278 813 1,000 C - 1 Repairs To Pavement 61,071 40,637 87,567 90,000 C - 2 Sweeping 3,975 10,110 10 , 1 23 12,000 C - 3 Shoulder & Roadside Maintenance 13,338 1 7 , 129 15,936 18,000 C - 4 Surface Treatment 35,489 53,767 57,300 65,000 D - 2 Gr~ding Gravel Roads 12,266 11,848 16,141 18,000 D - 3 Dust Control 30,l83 46 , 100 35,447 42,000 D - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 15,095 86,042 42,791 45,000 E Winter Control 175,688 139,358 257,332 310,000 F - 1 Pavement Marking 15,932 l7,946 14,8514 17,000 F - 2 Signs 13,889 16 , 428 29, 236 20,000 F - 3 Guide Rail 2,408 4,668 2,564 5,000 F -4 Railroad Crossing Protection 16 , 83 2 19,095 19,986 22,000 F - 5 Metric Signs -- -- -- l4,000 482,144 547,873 738,257 792,000 CoUNT'i 01' 1'.1..G1J:1 itOA.D D1'.1'p,RTM,f}lT ~ ~ . tendence) include 1'ay~oll ~~den. TotalS fo~ 1916 (e.~cept Cl~~ical1 a~d Slupe~~uoe~intendence) include 1'ay~oll ~~den. . f 1911 (includ.ng C e~.ca an · 1'. s t .ml' t e s o~ .. 1'. STtMA. T1'. l..AilCllR 1914 1915 1916 1911~ '" ,"" ~ 144 31,206 42,983 50,000 54,089 5'2,531 58,000 4,144 6,845 4,000 10,686 16,111 16,000 1,119 2,315 2,500 1,115 1,061 1,500 2,516 2,902 3,500 1 ,102 1 , 143 2,000 24,801 25,859 32,000 36 Nil 2,511 1,808 2,500 '" Tool S ~iscellaneous Repai~S 32,139 44, 200 5,914 1,385 2, 201 840 OPBRATI0N supet:intendecne Ga~ageS (StOckkeepe~S' etc.) "RadiO Needs Study Up Date 2,141 Tt:affi.C count 941 Tt:aining cout:ses 21,018 C1e'tica1 23,825 'Pet:mitS ~iscellaneous tnSU~ance (includes 't!0t:\.<1nen1S compensation) 5,105 8,222 12,302 10,000 Total Total ~itbout Macbine~Y ove~bead ~~~ 16~,813 135,398 165,135 141,119 148,339 ~. 185,000 Office ~acbine~Y ove~bead tn 1916 1'ay~oll ~~den ~aS 'tt\ 1911 as \'Tell- tn 1914 and 1915 Subu'rban Roads. ~ cba~ged 1'~o_~ata to tbe va~ious ope~atiOns and ~ill be . .' ,_. .. aftQ.~ a po~tiOn ~IiS cba~ged to i. .. . left a s an overbe,"d cbd~ge. ' . deducted. t ~as . ,ft'~ Subu~ban Road cba~geS a~e p.ntount s sbO'\l1\ are a e '.. 1'.STtMA.T1'. 1911 1914 1915 1916 l'1edica1 1:\ol'5,.o.ays \'Tith 'PaY 25,5.78 3,500 1,500 85,500 38,500 ITBl'1 (included in toolS) 982 1,1-/3 SafetY BC\.Uipment 161 34,128 41,369 45,000 31,/31 . d & Ol'1ERS 14,059 15,500 1.?enS1.on, Cana a 8 , 150 10,601 U 1 C 13,612 19,589 24,000 13,043 out1' & 1'.~tended uea1tb Ca~e ~ ~ ~t .-=;:.::-- DisabilitY tnSUrance 1'lan 134,322 186,459 230,000 l.,:l 131,359 Sick Ti~e 'd 16 311 2. 'iea~s None 1'a. ' t' n Insut:ance ~o~~en's C~ensa.o included aDOve 56 ,132 20 ,336 51 ,853 16 ,480 65,814 12,500 1':' ". SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES f (a) Items Subsidized At Operational Rate County Roads Construction _~___2~~1.22Q___ St. Thomas Suburban Commission Roads Construction -____~2Z!222___ County Asphalt Resurfacing _____~1~.!.2~2___ New and Used Machinery _____~~2z.~2~_-_ County Maintenance _____Z2s!222___ St. Thomas Suburban Commission Road Maintenance and OvE~rhead ______~2!222___ County Overhead ---__1~~!222___ $ 2,567,000 (b) Items Subsidized at 50% by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (1) Drainage Assessments _!____~9z.2~2___ 41 000 ________1______ (11) Urban R~abates TOTAL EXPENDITURES i $ 2.648.000 CREDITS (1) Ministry of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation _~_!z.2~212Q2___ (2) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Dra:tnage Assessment Subsidy 20 000 ----_-_.J______ (3) Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thoma.s Suburban Road Commission (effective after 1976 deficit). ______33!~22___ ____--!~L292.__ (4) Sale of Property $ 644,500 County Road Lev~ (Recommended) 645,000 $ (In 1975 it was $ 581,000 and in 1976, $ 603,000.) (The cost of the System in 1976 to the County was approximately $ 605,000.) SUMMARY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION FOR 1976 (does not include Urban Rebates on Construction Roads (including St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission and County) _~___2Z~.!.~22___ Maintenance Roads (including St. Thomas Suburban Road Commi.ssion and County) _____Z~~!~~~___ Machinery _____~~~!~ge___ Asphalt Resurfacing _____~2~!~~~___ Overhead including County and St. Thomas Suburban Road and Payroll Burden _____~~~!.~~~___ l!:'1 TOTAL $ 2,560,000 NEW MACHINERY 1977 ~~~ f? " A jJ,tf rJ;; I ('!yLP-O \": COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT February 10, 1977. Trade 2 Cars - (Cars 2 & 3) $ 6,700 Distributor Truck 25,700 Trailer (used) 1,500 Truck #54 (1972) (keep body) Truck #57 (1972) 5,000 3,500 ,Snow Plow and Equipment for Distributor Tr~ck 14,600 Radio Units (2) (Qistributor Truck & Sander Truck) 3,000 Used Pavement Marking Equi.pment 9,000 SGl,nder Body :for Pavement Marking Truck 9,000 Used Sander Truck - to replaGe #32 8,000 Backhoe ~ replace Tractor #21 22,000 Fall - 3 Double Cabs (1972) 17,000 $ 125,000 Snow Blower ? $ 40,000 ~ do not replace Double Cabs or Backhoe. ,I, ~~~ COUNTY 01' ELG1N ROAD DEp~T February 7, 1977 ~ (Mileage as of January 15, 1977) Truck # 70 . 1976 LT5 8000 ford, mileage 26,242. ~ 1'J:ink one ~aY Rooker ]:>10"" 1;1:arness, ~ing, etc. purchased 1916. cost including truck bo~ ($ 13,600), in first ",inter of use. Ne'" craig V 1"10'" purchased f1'9m Galton, St. Thomas ($ 650) in 1977 . first .,inter of use. 'J:l'Uck # 63 . 1.914 ford LTS 8000, mileage 66,026. ~ cost $ 3,395 1'J:ink one ~aY ]:>10'" and Tor Lok Ritch purchased 1974. narness, ",lng, etc. purchased from ~alker BroS., ~ylmer (open 01. ". ~ to",er ne'" about 1964). J T ~ Cv<-'i 1 q I . ,_~r). ~u~#~. 1972 ford LTS 8000, mileage 57,237. Received l4arch 1912. one ~aY Sno'" ]:>10" . Rooker 1"10'" purchased 1972. UarnesS, .,ing, etc. purchased 1969 for Truck #44. (one ~aY 1"10'" adapted to a grader.) V . 1"10"" frink, purchased 1945 ~ ~ . 1972 ford LTS 8000, mileage 62,968. Received March 1972. one ~aY Sno'" 1"10"', Rooker rlo"" purchased 1972. Rarness, ~lng, etc. purchased in 1966 for Truck # 32. V..::--pl~" 1'1 use. O!n vaL..on'~ If f~~~ ~../~ L (;V;V -------- 1975 and presentlY being used on ~ _ "\1" 1"10"'. craig purchased in Gra de r # 1 7 · used Dominion 1"10'" being repaired and can be used on crader # 17. \ -;, 9jpv ~ ~ 'v ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT '" ...,._ 1.,,,_.'''_'.ll,.,,,_'''.'.''.''"0_'' . II" -..""'...,-.."....."". TENDERS FOR TANDEM TRUCK Prices are Net as bid and do not include Provincial Sales Tax. Additions shown to bring truck to specs. Some costs estimated. SECTION A Standard transmission and caterpillar 3208 motor or equal. 1. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot St., St. Thomas, Ontario. Ford LTS 8000 Delivery 7 .. 10 days $ 23,969.,10 2. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. Ford LTS 8000 Modify Hood $ 23,531.,00 500.,00 E Total $ 24,031.,00 Delivery - April 20 Immediate Delivery + 5% $ 25, 232ft 55 3. Mike Hutchinson Ltd., 188 Talbot St., Aylmer, Ontario. Chevrolet JY72013 ... Delivery May 1 .. June 1 $ 24,679.61 4. International Harvester Company, 1712 Dundas. Street E., London, Ontario. International Fleetstar 2050A ... 1976 model $ 26, 380 .00 Delivery 30 days from order. 5. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas St., London, Ontario. Ford LTS 8000 Delivery immediate $ 27,321.00 6. Sherway Ford Truck Sales, 1575 The Queensway, Toronto, Ontario. M8Z IT9 Hood Modification $ 26,814.00 500.00 E $ 27,314.00 ^ Delivery ,2 we~ks plus Hood. .,,-\ '" I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR TANDEM TRUCK SECTION B Standard transmission and GMC Detroit Diesel 6-71 Motor and Spicer 16 Speed Transmission. 1. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. Ford LTS 9000 Modify Hood $ 25,884..45 500000 E $ 26,384..45 Deliv~ry Da'teMay 28/77 Delivery Immediately + 5% $ 27,703067 2. Larry Snider Motors, 586 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. FordLTS 9000 $ 28,300,.00 Delivery - immediately. 3. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Ford LTS 9000 $ 29,077.00 Delivery - 7 days. (l ,,' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR TANDEM TRUCK SECTION C Automatic Transmission and Caterpillar 3208 Motor or equal. 1. Mike Hutchinson Ltd., 188 Talbot Street, Aylmer, Ontario. Chevrolet Delivery May 1 - June 1 2. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. F()rd LTS 8000 D~livery 4 - 5 Days. 3. Sherway Ford Truck Sales, 1575 The Q~eensway, TOronto, Ontario. Ford LTS 8000 Delivery 6 months 4. International Harvester Co., 1712 Dundas St. E., London, Ontario. International Harvester 2050 A Delivery 30 days ? 5. Carrier Mack Truck Center, 90 Enterprise Drive, London, Ontario. Mack Delivery July 1 6. Harvey Krotz Ltd., Listowel, Ontario. Ford LTS 8000 $ 26,333.61 $ 29,128.00 $ 29,597.00 $ 31,210.00 $ 36,180.00 $ 34,176.89 \!'l " t> " COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR TANDEM TRUCK SUMMARY Considering Trucks with 7 - 10 days delivery. 1. Difference re Automatic Transmission (1) Highbury Ford Sales Standard Fearn Ford Sales Difference 2. Difference re LTS 9000 from LTS 8000 (2) Standard Middlesex Motors Fearn Ford Sale s Difference If Delivery is delayed Difference $ 29, 1 28 .00 23,969.00 $ 5,159.00 $ 27,703.QO 23,969.,00 $ 3,734.00 $ 26,384.00 23,969.00 $ 2,415.00 fP;~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT February 1977. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a Statement of Expenditures for 1976 and a Proposed Budget for 1977. 1976ts operations resulted in a small decrease ($ 350 i) in the deficit of the City of St. Thomas. Again in 1976 portions of Road 30 were assumed and reverted for co'nstruction purposes. This will again be necessary in 1977 as the $ 101,000 budget for the project will fall about $ 90,000 short of completing the road. This amount has been placed in the County Budget to allow for the completion of the road. Later in 1977 a programme for 1978 will have to be decided upon i.n conjunction wi.th the County of Elgin Road C(JUl.lui ttee. Maintenance Expenditure~ especially for winter control and maintenance of pavements are expected to be considerably higher than normal again in 1977. Although it is too early to be certain, all signs point to an extremely bad spring breakup because of the depth of frost. As the Suburban Roads must be opened first and maintained to a high standard average costs per mile are much higher than the County Roads. An increase in Safety Devices is shown to take care of the cost of erecting metric road signs. Unfortunately routine mt.iintenance will suffer (such as grass cutting, guide rail, bridge painting, etc.). Drainage Assessments against Suburban Roads include Vineden Drive Drain on Road 25,p~rtially completed in 1976 and McBane Drain which will include the boring of Wellington Road in Concession XI Yarmouth. The anticipated deficit to 1978 will remain constant from 1976 at approximately $ 2,000. l:'. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. " /)" ; ,1:.. '". f. · / I Ih,~ R. G. MOO1tE, M. /Sc., P. SECRETARY & ENGfNEER OF ROAD COMMISSION. Eng . , ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN (t! \ s't. 'tROW'S SUBURB/\1'l RoM) C0l'll'115S10N 1977 BUDGE't ReviSe~ Veb~ar . 1 1977 ~ 1^16 A.1I.'tD "S1:1M!\'tES fOR 1977. 1N CVJOJ'. 11/\ YROlolo BURDEN. 1:01:/\1.5 fOR'" .'" D.. 01?E'RATION ~ /\ ~ BridgeS ~ culvertS 1\ ~ Roadsi~e Maintenance c ~ llard 1:01' Maintenance o ~ 1o00se 'top Maintenance E ~ ~inter control l' ~ safety,oevices ,. '1 d d 5\ ou\derifig nltchin\l, and Gravelling 0\\ 1975 ROll<ds1de Maintenance in<o u e ,.\ · YJe 11'i:o.gton Road. ESTIMATE LABOUR 1915 1916 1911 1911 1914 114 166 49l~ 1,000 4,610 20,805 l~, 225 5,000 2, 101 11,348 10 ,029 11,000 1,314 894 111 2,000 10,800 9,596 22,149 '25,000 4,881 2,325 3,812 5,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ 2~) ,02.6 '-~5 ,1'\'" l\O,8a6 l,,<) , QO() ~ erhead itemS including ortion of all county OV In 1914 and 15 a Pdt Suburban RoadS. d ~aS charge 0 l'ayroU 13\1r en rationS and onlY a char ed directlY to ope 1 1916 ?ayroU 1\\1rden ",as gh d to suburban RoadS. n h d items ",as c arge portion of other over ea LABOUR 1911 1914 1915 1916 1911 overhead. superintendence. etc. 12,914 12,092 9,152 11,000 ~ .' ' .. . ,t 50" Ministry of 'transportatiOn Drainage /\sse ssmen . ,. ... S b' id and co~un\cat\ons US y $ 3,800 (a.) vineden orive Drain /\gainst Road 26 5/\ Mc~a.ne Drain Against Road 25 (~el.lington Road) $~ $ 6,000 (b) _.i! \ ,,",,, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1976 CONSTRUCTION (a) Road 30 (Radio Road) from the St. Thomas City Limit8 northerly in the Township of Yarmouth, Grading, Granular Base, Culverts, etc. (b) Land Purchase · Road 22 and 30 (less rentals). TOTAL l1A1N'L'ENANCE, l. Bridges & Culverts 2. Winter Control 3. Surface Treatment 4. Repairs To Pavement 5. Grading, Shoul,derR, etc. 6. Grass Cutting 7. Tree Cutting 8. Pavement Marking 9. Signs lOa Drainage ll. Sweeping 12. Railroad Protection 13. Traffic Count 14. Overhead and Superintendence TOTAL NOTE: .. Payroll Burden pro rated to labour charges fOlt:' COl1struction and Maintenance items, an Overhead and Superintendence charge transferred from County Road Overhead and Superintendence. $ __!2Z!3~2.:}~___ __..._! .!2~~ .:33..__ $ 108,288.46 $___..__~2~.:92___ _ _....?3z! ~2.:!~..__ --......!JZ91.:~2_..... 7,205.05 ... .... -..------......-- 1,162.35 ._~_..W_._MW_._ 1,228.34 -~~.._-.~~-~.~~ 2,629_47 -..,-~-~......~-............. _ -.._3~2~~.:ZZ___ 358.72 367.14 - _.._--_.._-~-_...- 76.75 ..~........"",..._.._..-IIM!I'-~ __~_ll23~.:2~_..... 352.35 ..... .......----...--.... 8,800.47 .......... - _.... ~-- '!"II" __...... $ 50 ,040 . t+ 7 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Committee Member Fee and Expenses Membership Insurance and Miscellaneous 'rO'fAr; TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION $ 610.00 -.....-.....----..........-.. 103.98 -.... -...... -.....-......-- $ 713 . 98 M ' LI~9,042..ql ,:t' ..: s'r .TH'c)MAS $tH3lJRBAN ROAI) COMMISSION S'l'A1:EiMEwr ()lr m)G:PI~NDlTIJRmS 1976 ~l'''I''I...".p,~,,'''.11 ""i!\Iill!llI,"-I'_',.l"" _'" _,,:~r__ .). JNl 11...1'.. ""......,_'....." 1',' " '''''~ ,-~';. PAGE 2f - ';\ CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS Construction $ 108,288.46 Maintenance 50,040.47 TOTAL $ 158,328.93 Subsidy Contribution on operations by Ministry of Transportqtion and Cormnunications is 73.794% and is $ 116,837.25. The Ratec:>je Subsidy WclS originally estimated at 73.59%. Bala,nce is sbar.ed equally by County of Elgin and City of S1:. Thomas ( $41,491.(8). Amount Payable by City of St. Thomas $ 20,745.84 Add 50% of Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of Transportation and Cuuuuunications 356.99 $ 21,l02.83 Add Deficit from 1975 2J~}2.94 $ 23,125.77 1/2 Mill Levy from the City of St. Thomas in 1976 provided 21,450.00 Deficit to 1977 $ 1,675.77 I I i I s'r, 'l1HOMAS SUBlIRl~AN ROAD COMMISSION 197'7 HlJDGtre ~ ........... ,,",",'I ~ ~M CONSTRUCTION Revised February 1, 1977. (a) Road 30 (Radio Road). Work includes Fencing, Shouldering, Storm Drains, Grading, Gravel Base a.nd Paving. $ 101,000.00 (b) Land Purchase Road 22 and 30 after rental including Surveying. 6.000.00 $ 107,000.00 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS CorrnnitteeMember Fees and Expenses $ 650.00 Memberships, Liability Insurance and Misc. Expenditures $ 150.00 800.00 CALCULATION OF AMOUN''f PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS For 1977 - the Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy rate on operations is estimated at 75.3%. Total Construction and Maintenance costs are estimated at $ 167,000.00 and the Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications subsidy at $ l25,751.00 The remaining amount of$ 41,249.00 is shared equally between the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas. - Amount payable by City of St. Thomas on Construction and Maintenance $ 20,624.50 Add: Amount payable by the City of St. Thomas on Drainage Assessments is 25% of estimated cost 1,500.00 Add: 50% of Items Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications 400.00 Estimated Cost of 1977 Programme to City of St. Thomas 22,524.50 1/2 Millon the Ministerially adjusted assessment for 1977 will produce 22,350.00 Less Deficit from 1976 1,675.77 $ 20 , 674. 2:3 Anticipated Deficit to be carried forward to 1978 $ 1,850.27 JANUARY 27, 1977. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 'PAGE 1. January 27, 1977 at 10:00 A.M. All members present except Reeve Campbell. THE COUNT'i OF ELG1N ROAD COMMlTTEE MET AT the Municipal Building on Also Frank Clarke. 'rItE l,1.'INUTES OF THE MEET1NGS OF January 12, 19 and 20 "ere read and approved. 1. That Winter control had been steady (case in point January 27 & 28) and that THE ENGlNEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 2. TreeS "ere being cut as conditions permitted "ith Road 16 being completed egpenditures to date "ere practicallY identical "ith 1976. 3. Machinery repair>> on Sanders and Sno" p1o"s "as continUoUs and as George for the time being and "ork continuing in West Elgin. Fickling "as off sick the other t"O mechanics and several helpers "ere not able to do any other "ork than try to keep Winter control vehicles on the road. 4. Sign "ork "as continuing. meeting had been held "ith the Elgin p1o~en's Association and that the p1o~en nO" had a much better idea of problems facing them if they "ished to sponsor the WARDEN COOK, REEVE CAVERLY AND THE ENG1NEER REPORTED that a useful lnternationa1 p1o"ing Match in 1982. RepresentatiVes had vie"ed the dredge the "pau1 11" at McNamara Marines Yard in Whitby on January 24 and that the Village "ere evaluating the cost of operating REEVE BRADFIELD AND THE ENG1NEER REPORTED they along ~th other Village the dredge and the potential receipts if the village acquired it. cororounicatiOnS\rep1ying to the county letter on MetriC SignS "as read and tabled A reply from Jemes Sno", Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and for further discUssion "hen the Budget "as discUssed. JANUAR~ 27, 1977. S't. 'tl:lQMi\S, ON'tARl 0 · 'PAGE 2. ", Reeve McLean offered to assist in opening of 'tenders for trucks and cars on 'FebruarY 7 as both the 'Aarden and Chairman INould be out of to1Nt\. 1. l' r variance on Road 28 by ~arold IT' h"n o'~ 'la:r<1louth regarding a request 0 .01Nt\S l.r '," . t . d that the CountY B1~LaIN did not pe:r<1l1. ~ite ~o/ll.eiS Ltd. 'the Bng1.neer reporte d d he had SO info:r<1led the C(JIlll\ittee of AdjUstment. the variarlCe requeste an coRBil'Sl'oND'ENCB 'AAl> RB1ID fROM ~ 2. . L l' r the North Shore Gravel l'it at 'to1Nt\shiP df 'la:r<1louth 1Nith Rezon1.ng BY~ aIN 0 d " d 22 d 45. 'the Engineer stated that the propose the inters:ect1.on of Roa an ..fficient distance from the intersection for safety. entrances ,"ere a s~ 3. "federal De![lartment of ManpolNer a'- on :rro:ne for 1977. }.' 'Aorks and i'!oung canada 'Aorks ,rogra . ld be betINeen 60% and 75% using \.>UW' . the effec~ive labour subS1.dY rate INOU ubsidY on roaterials or transportation. AS the INageS 1Nith little or nO S l' bridge and ~ide rail painting had alsO been requested proposed -p:rOgr~S 0 . b" ct to rtuest~on. . . d that the progra1l\llle INas SU )e " by the organ1.Zer, l.t seeme d. ~ orooosed canada .od ~gration regar l.ng t,~ r r ~e Bngineer reported that 11\B '~B't1.NG AD.JQIJlUlBD "!!'OR D1.NNBR. A1?'t1'lR D1.Nl'\BR Rf,B'lB cA}\1'Bl".LL 1.N A'ftBNDANCB. 1. . s in saleS 'talt for capital 'Aorks. MinistrY of Revenue regard1.ng change . d co~nicatiOns 1Nith Regional ReorganizatiOn Ministry of 'transportat1.on an COlUtBSl'OND'ENCB 'AAS RUD fROM ~ t-1otice. 'tl-U!- 'ENG1.NBBR l'Rf,S'EN'tBD AND D1.ScUSSBD 'tl-U!- attached Report on l'roposed 2. Road BltPenditUres for 1977. JANUARY 27, 1977~ ST _ THOMAS, QNTA'lRI0. PAGE 3. --..'" Environmental iBoard Rearing of St. Thomas Sanitary collection Services Ltd. After considerable discUssion it waS agreed that the committee would recommend MUrray Hennessey, County Solicitor, in attendance regarding to County Council that the county request the Environmental Hearing Board order that (a) the only truck route to the proposed sanitary site be the Townline Road!betWeen southwold and Westminster West of Highway 4 and that if the route became a county Road at any titne that St. Thomas Sanitary Collection pay 50% of the maintenance costS and 100% of the construction costS of the project. The Solicitor and Engineer were requested to proceed with a statement of the county position for consideration at the ne~t meeting. for committee review using a county Road LeVY of appro~imatelY $ 645,000. THE COMMITTEE AGREED THAT A BUDGET should be drawn up by the Engineer "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SEC(i)NDED BY: J. B. W'lLSON THAT WE DO NOT WJZE AN APPLICATION UNDER THE CANADA WORKS PROGRAMME OR T1rlE yOUNG CANADA woRKS PROGRJIMME AT THIS TIME. CARRIED_" "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SEC~DED BY: J. B. WILSON T11.AT WE ADJ01JlUl TO FEBroJARY 11, 1977 AT 10 :00 A.M. cARRIED." bAJ C~ // - _ _ _ _"",...,,^'t\.1 I ~~ ~J;- ~ ------ c______ J;::tl1uary 1977. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF EI../GIN ROAD COMMI.TTEE: ,Report On Road Expenditures for 1977 This report is a review of the methods used by the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications to arrive at our Subsidy Allocations for 1977 and the method of calculating th() County Road Rate. In 1973 the Ministry of Transportation and Communications adopted a poLicy of a single subsidy rate (other than Drainage Asslessments and Urban Rebates) for Counties and Regions. This single system replaced the old system which is still used for Townships and Villages of 50% Subsidy on Roads, 80% Subsidy on Bridges and 100% Subsidy on Development Roads (Direct Aid). One pf the biggest assets of the new system was that the bookkeeping on County work was to be simplified (actually this had occurred). The Hinistry of Transportation and Communi-cations has adopted a policy of allocating subsidy funds based on proven needs and the setting of a desirable spending allocation. An expenditure over the desirable expenditure allocation will not be subsidized and any spending under the allocation will result in loss of subsidy at the maximum subsidy rate (approxim.ately 91%). The Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications matches the amount of money that the County would raise at 1.25 mills on its provincial Equalized Asse'ssment and then subsidizes the County at 91% for each dollar of the desirable expenditure allocation in excess of the amount subsidized at 50% (matching grant). (See attached calculations.) In 1976 the effective Subsidy Rate on operati.ons was 73.79/+% compared to 73.02% in 1975 and 67.7% in 1974. The rate for 1977 is estimated at 75.3%. 'PAGE 2. c 0" 'filE cOtl1'T'l Of f;LG1.~ RO!\D ooM1'\1. ,t'l:EE ""'...,(1\.1\\ ~p MEMBER\:} ;).: 'to 't1\E Ow.1.l<l''''''' J an~a':" 1911 . 1.-Tl>ES fOR 1911 REl?OR't O~ ROt..D, y,)tl?END CU" DES1.1V>BLE Sl?END1.~G P"LLOOP,,'t1.0~ 1 of w~.eds sho>lU in allocation is the tota 'the .desi~able spending . . ~oved bJ the ~.n.st~J (1916) ~eeds StudJ update as aPP the l?~eceeding Jea~s . is divided intO .' 'th total allotat.on . d corom~n.cat.ons, e of Transl?O~tat.on an three pa-rts. (a) con s.t -r\l.ct ion (b) p"sl?halt Resu~facing (c) fi}ted Co st s. of -r,:anspo,:tait.VU <>U~ h s n_~i..nage ,t imo~ove\\lent s suc a u-- costS a-re spo .r d to tole~able standa~ds, a section of ~oa Ul? of' the ~educ\it\g p,..<>uc'" than 9% as inflation haS inc~eased Janua~J of t913. (b) M hall; ReSu~facin . nd mino~ associated . is the al?p~oved ~esu~fac.ng a ..,.,halt ReSu,:fac.ng . da-rds and ~"r . sight stan d built to l?,:ol?e~ ge~et~.c costS of ~oads that a,:e al~ea J ld be ~esu~faced in the c~ing , t.. oads that shoU d "1 i sted" a~e t"e ~ ~idthS' 'the ~oa s fi"e Jea~ l?e~iod. (\.) ovideS that' . th ?~Og,:a~e l?~ Should be cove,:ed ~. ce 't~eatment Roads DOuble Su~fa 10 Jea~ pe~iod u." in tOe 8 to f \~ot \:,\1, "" he incheS 0 ' "up occu~s" t ~e ' · . f seve~e b~ea . ea-r 11-e't: 1- afte~ const~uct.on ot 'tl1.e TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE - PAGE 3. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1977 January 1977 (b) Asphalt Resurfacing (continued) (2) Mulch Roads and Hot Mix Roads should be covered in the 15 to 20 year period after construction. (3) Hot Mix Roads of 1 1/2 to 2 inches in depth should be covered as soon as possible to stop breakup (elephant t r i) (' k J II g) . Inasmuch as the Ministry of Transportation and CVUlUlunications does not have e:nough money to complete all the resurfacing necessary they have set an objective of 75% of this work in the five year period or a yearly objective of 15% again on a 1973 Price Index. As the asphalt price has increased more rapidly than anything else it is doubtful if the yearly objective reaches 10%. (c) Fixed Costs Thes€~ costs include Maintenance of Roads and Bridges on the County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission Road System, Overhead Charges, Machinery Replacement, Building Improvements, and Purchase of Gravel Pits, t,tc. A t;elltat:t,V(;~ 1977/Judget: (M..d,ntmHII\('("'> (tlltl Overl1(1 i1(,i Clu:rrg(!s) WCI~j rf~qlllr(H.t in 1976 as Was a Machinery Replacement Schedule for five years. This was revi,ewed by thE! Ministry of Transportation and Communications and after a gr(~llt: de/al of dJBCU!~sl()n upprov(~d tn Its ('nttrflty. 'J'JlC' Mlnl!Jt::ry or 'J''t'ur'lsport.lJtiorl.' and Connnunications has also set up Maintenance criteria for expenditure per mile of road. As last fall was the first time the Ministry of Transpor~;ation and Connnunications applied the criteria the long range effect on our Maintenance Allocation remains to be seen. Our 1977 Spending Allocation is as follows: Construction 9% of Needs of $ 10,825,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 15% of Needs of $ 1,951,000 Maintenance Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Comrnisston Roads & Bridges Overhead Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads $ $ 97l~,OOO 293,000 $ 760,000 Corrnnission $ 408,000 /$ 125,000 " $ 2,560,000 New Machinery Total Spending Allocation TO T1\E C1\ll.1.~ AND l1EllcBERS 01' COUN'J"{ 01' ELG1.N ROAD c(Jl:<l111TTEE PAGE 4. JanuarY_~ RB1?ORT oN ROl\Drot1''END1.'J:l.lRES fOR 1911 (<;-) ~ (<;-ontinued) AlthoUgh Ql/ethead costS ate shoY1tl se,pa1OatelY the 1'ay10011 Burden ~ hOVh d ~~1.'11 bo shoY1tl in the constructiOn and ~intenance 1'ottiOn OL t e, et ea w, ' items thi 5 year\/Ii The Met n:i s t ry 0 f l'rU n spo rt" t \ 0\\ "uti cororoun1. c uti ou 5 hu 5 set a 1'1Oovincial Equalized ASsessment of the county of Elgin fot gtant pU1Oposes in 1911 at 314 million dolla1OS (in 1915 it ~aS $ 362 million and in 1916 it ~as $ 368 million). l'hiS figure haS been obtained by apl'lying a g1Oo~th factor on the 1969 1'1Oovincial Equalized ASsessment, and ~ill probablY continue l' roroe 'the calculatiOn until the prOVince getS a ~o1Okable Re~Assessment rogta · of 1'tovincial subsidY is sho"" attached and is set at $ 1,945,000. (at 50% SubsidY) alOe available. ~e unde10stand that supplementary By~La~S fo1O Drainage AssessmentS Calculation of Actual count - (a) l1inistry of 'transpo1OtatiOn and cororounicatiOns current Allocation $ 2,560,000 $ 40,000 (b) Drainage By~La~ tequi10ed fot (c) Sale of p100perty estimated at $ 16,000 (net aftet ~ Actual l1inist1OY of TtanSportation and cororounications spending Level (to use l1inistrY of 'rranspo1OtatiOn and cororounicatiOns sha10e of prope1Otysales) $ 2,567,000' 41,000 \ 40,000 - Add 'Urban Rebates Add Drainage AssessmentS subt10act SubsidY Allocation on spending Level & U10ban Rebates subt10act l1inist1OY of T1Oanspo1OtatiOn and cororounicatiOns 1,945,000 .. 20,000 K share of Drainage AssessmentS subtract City of St. ThomaS sha10e to SubU10ban Road 22,525 K Commission Budget ... continued ... '[0 'tl:lE Cltlil.l1.W'N N'lD MB1'\B11.RS OF CO\JNTI OF ET,GIN RO!\D C~l'\''\'EE ~AGE 5. J anual:Y_l.2]..l.:--- RE?OR1 ON ROt,DEJI.?ENDITIJRES FOR 1911 calculatl.on of ,t,ctual Count~ LeV subtract ~inistrY of transportation and communications (continued) $ 8 ~ 000-- share (50%) of subsidY for Land Sales subtract couptY' s Share 50% of subsidy from Land sales $ ~$--' $ ~4~ 0' ~\f" ~ t,ctual urbap Rebates Lev Urb~n Road LeVY is 25.241% of total Levye urban Rebate is 25'1, 0 f urban LeVY or $ 40, 61l'(;l 'the Road LeVY in 1916 waS $ ~and waS $ 581,000 in 1915. EVen though an additiopal $ 18,000 waS required in 1916 over the original _"0' _J,~ \\n~ the Road System to the county waS onlY $ 603,000 LeVY the ac""a. ~v5~ -- $ 604,181 because of the sale of property owned by the county. the ~inistrY of trapsportatiOn and communicatiOns haS indicated that AllocatiOnS for Resurfacing and NeW M,achinerY should be reasopablY ...0" o,..hough if they are increased the ll\Pnies will spept on these c;ategoJ:~oo a---' - t:' othe~ "ointepance and construction amounts. ~ajor have to come ~rom · "'" llIaintenance al1ocation llhould a \$0 \,e spent op itemS that the al1ocationll were tlI'lQ.e for (e1talllples, Gravel Resurfacing and sur'face 'treatlllent)@at all possible after ~inter control colltS are met. Al1 of Wlich Is RespectfullY submitted. I . ~. ,.,loV f\ IV (~ Iv r\l~ ' h'-\,. ..... \U "",. R~~OORE, ~'i. k;g., ENGINEER AND ROAD ~UPEiitN'tENDEN't. ~LA'J:l~S F,2R ~ -- COuN'l"{ OF ~ - '4. CALCULA'tION OF GI:t..!\'N't UNDER UppER 'tIER PROGRA}A [!'Etl A1)'pro"ed E){;pendit~re on Roads and 'Bridges to which Grant APplies lltetn 1) $~ County Effort of 1. 2; }Aills on 'total CountY 1\\ssesstnent (ltetn F) 1. 2; )(; Itetn F " 1. 2; )(; $ 374.00~ " $~ ~ -=--y-ooO pl~s Sep. Urban contrib~tion at O. ; }Aills O.;){; 1te~ G" O.;){; $ 44.70~ $ 22.3~ ~ Ii" ----roo-O --- 'to\;ll.l Lac;)l Effort at 1. 2; }Aills :::: $. ~ ~ Road Effort at 1. 2; }Ai1l6 eq~alS the total Local Effort in SteP 2 pl~s an eq~Nalerit atnount of grant 2){; SteP 2" 2){; $~ Unrnet Road Effort at 1. 2; }AU Is " Step 1 min~s SteP 3 (UnlesS SteP 3 is greate r tn.a.n SteP I) $~ ~ $ 1. ,5B7 ,300 ---,~ S'tEP 5lA) ~ Where there is an Untnet Road Effort at 1. 2S }Aills Grant applying to it is Step 4 )t o. 90909 :::: $~){; (). <)0<)0<) Pl~s Grant eq~i"alent to 'total Local Effort (SteP 2) 'total Calc~lated AtnO~nt of ",,,ant ::::$~ $~ $-~~~ _ or - := $ S (A) $~48---= = Whiche"er is the lesser OR "..". STEP 5(13) ~Where theJ:'e is no Untnet Road Effort at 1. 2S Nlills Grant is ;0"/. of APpro"ed E){;pendit\lre (ltetn 1) C' O. f> " Step 1 " (). ~) ." 80"/. of APpro"ed E:>tpendit"cre (ltetn 1) " O. 8 )(; $---- - I) tl\) ~\t~~l -~$~ '1"I't~p. 6 ~ Grant applying to urban Rebate paid SO,,/. of Item fl " O. 5 )(; $~ pl~s Grant applying to APpro"ed E){;pendit~re (Step 5(1)..) or SteP 5(13) $ --------- ~ ** percentage to be ~sed is tn.a.t applicable to year in which property waS p~J:'chased. If more than OIle rate applies, attach sepaJ:'ate calculation to s~pport atnO~nt of s~bsidY claitned and note years in which p~rchases tnade. }Ain~s Receipts frotn property DiSposal** .2J.5o of Itel'll 'N" 0.2.-){; $~ ,,$ ~ ct 12 339 'total Grant '!'~ 'total Gtant Payable ~nder Upper 'tier progratn is 'the Allocation (Item A) or SteP 6, whic"he"er is the lesser $ 1,945,187 ~ ,,......... -.-.. DA'tE ----- page 2 of 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 20, 1977. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at 4:00 P.M. on January 20, 1977 in conjunction with County Council. All members present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT HE had received word that an Environmental Hearing Board would be held at 10:00 A.M. on February 15, 1977 at the Christian Growth Cen:tzre, Highway 4, St. Thomas to hear the applicati.on of St. Thomas Sanitary Collections Services Ltd. for approval of thettr property in Concession III Southwold Township. He also reported that the County Solicitor had suggested that the County request an adjournment so that they could present their case at a later date. AFTER DISCUSSION "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT' WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COlmTY BE REPRiES1BNTED BY THEIR SOLICITOR AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES AS NECESSARY AT THE FORTHCOMING ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING CONCERNINC THE APPLICATION OF ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LTD. FOR A SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SITE. CARRI ED" . THE MEETING ADJOURNED to January 27, 1977 at 10::00 A.M. J /J 4Af'0J (o~ I CHAIRMAN ST. T'HOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 1.9, 1977. 'PAGE 1. ~ in conjunction ~th county council. 'IRE GOm1TY 01" 1".LG1.N ROAD c01'ft{l TTE1". M1".T ON January 19, 1977 at 3: 00 1'. M. present _ ~arden David cook, Reeve of TownshiP of Yarmouth Members _ Reeve Lorne Carroll, TownshiP of AldborOUgh Reeve Keith McLean, TownshiP of south~old Deputy Reeve Syd Glover, Town of Aylmer Reeve J. B. ~ilson, TownshiP of south Dorchester Reeve \iln1. caverly, TownshiP of Malahide Adv~sorY Members - Reeve J. Campbell, TownshiP of J)un~ch Reeve Ron Green, TownshiP of Bayhant Reeve Ron Bradfield, Village of port ~rwell "MOV1".D BY: D. K. MCLF.AN S1".COND1".D BY: J. B. ~1.LSON T1:1A'J1 LORNE CARROLL B1". c1:1A1.RMf>N 01" 'IRE 1".LG1.N COUNTY ROAD cQMM1.TT1".1". FOR 1977. CARRIEDH · _ ~inter control including sno~ plo~ng had been very heavY and over $ 70,000 'IRE C1:1A1.RMf>N Tl\1INtmD Tm: cQMM1.TTE1". for the honour accorded him. T1:l1". ENG1.NE1".R R1".1'ORTED ON Tm: ~OJU<. TO DATE as f 011 o"'s : ~orth of salt shipping billS ~ere unpaid at present. uragline ~ork on Road 52 at Kettle Creek Culvert ~ould be completed thiS -week. 1".quipment availability for ~inter control ~aS running about the same as usual 80 - 90a/o. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 19, 1977. PAGE 2. _ That the well of Phyllis Ferguson's on Road 52 had gone dry and a load of water had been placed in the well and monitoring of the well waS continuing. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECC)NDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TMT THE WARDEN APP0111NT DELEGATES TO ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND DELEGATES TO THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND TMT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TMT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUT1;lORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN PLANS TO EXPROPRIATE LAND TO WIDEN COUNTY ROADS AS NECESSARY IN 1977. CARRIED." communications had set a spending level of $ 2,599,000 for construction, THE ENGINEER REPORTED TMT THE Ministry of Transportation and Maintenance and Urban Rebates on County and Suburban Roads in 1977 and that the Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications subsidy Allocation would be $ 1,945,000 for 1977. THE ENGINEER BRIEFLY REVIEWED the work ahead. "MOV'ED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON TM\!: WE AJ)J0UlU'l TO JANUARY 27, 1977 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED." &I~cf?~ CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1977 FIFTH REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND HEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND 1. That County Council be represented by their solicitor and other representatives as necessary at the Environmental Hearing Board Hearing scheduled for February 15 regarding the application of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. for a Solid Waste Disposal Site~. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN COUN't'l OF ELC1N ROAD C~'t'I'EE ~'t FOUR1H REFOR'\: ~ JANUARY SESSION 19./1 'to 'tllE ~ARDEN AND l!lEMBERS OF ELC1N cOUl'l't'l cOUl'lC1L: 'lOUR ROAD COl'll'fl't'l'EE REl'OR'tS AS FOLLOWS: ~e have received notice fr~ the l!linistery of 'transportatiOn and c~unicatiOns that subsidi~able spending Level for constructiOn and l!laintenance (including Urban Rebates) on countY and St. 'th~as Suburban . Rd.' 1977 ...ill be k 2 ~99 ,000 and that the subsidY AllocatiOn corollli SS1.0n oa s 1.n ~ ~, . d' L 1 of $ 2 320 000 in ",ill be $ 1, 94~ ,pOO. ']'hi s cortlt'ares "'1.th aSpen 1.ng eve. ' , 1916 and $ 2,216,000 in 191~. $ 1,601,000 in 191~. 1n the Allocations the l!linistry of transportation and c~unicatiOns d th "101 c",t in constructlon ,,,onies imposed lllst yea.r as an has restore . e · ~ .~ ']'he subsidY ",as $ 1,699,000 in 1916 and austerity meas~~e. uo",ever as ~inistrY of 'transportation and COrolllunications allocations b ' .f 1913 Benchmark costS, inflation ",ill balance off the are based on Decem er 0 increase in the construction Allocations. 1. h .. c od RoadS ASSociation 'that the ~arden name delegateS to t e OntarlO 0 . . d t,O the Roads and 'transportation Association convention convent~on an and the membershiP fee for both organi~ations be paid. YJE REeoMMEND: 2. ']'hat a By~La'" be passed authOrizing the ~arden and Clerk to sign Land t ",iden County Roads in 1911. 1'1anS to expropriate land as necessary 0 1t is necessary that such By~La'" be passed yearlY. All Of ',fuich 1S RespectfullY Submitted. C"\;\l\l~ ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN !QAD COMMITTEE TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: THIRD REPORT St.. Thomas, Ontario Session 1977 The following is, a SU1llll1"ry of Costs incurr:ed by your Road C01l1l1littee in 1976 for Solid Waste Dtsposal. County of Elgin share of London Area Solid Waste Study by James F. MacLaren. (County of Elgin share of Study was 11.376io after a Ministry of the Environment grant of 50%). (663.09 was paid in 1975 making total co st to the County $ 3,412.77 for the Study. No invoices were received from our Solicitor for his services for payment by the County in 1976. The above costs were paid through County Road Vouchers. $ 2,749068 $ 2,755077 All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. \ CHAIRMAJN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ~, TO THE WARDEN J~D MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: SECOND REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario Session 1977 The following is a Summary of expenses incurred in 1976 by the County of Elgbl Road Department for Mosquito Abatement programe to control encephalitis. (a) Wages and sala.ties including fringe benefits and WorkmE~n' s Compensation. (1) Regular Employees (2) Casu~ll Employees (b) Rental of County Vehicles ee) Liability Insurance (d) Maps, supplies, employees expenses at Training School, Ministry of the Environment charges, etc. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 3,697.59 $ 2,214<.56 $ 637.50 $ 240.00 $ 701.22 $ 7,490.87 Receipts... Itenl.s billed to Elgin... St.. Thomas Health Unit including liability charges, Ministry of the Environment permits, some materials and employee expenses $ 555.44 NET EXPENDITURES $ 6,935.43 These costs were paid through the County Road Vouchers. The Elgin... St.. Thoma.s Health Unit paid directly for the chemicals used, and the applicators. All Of Which Is Respectfully Subrni,tt'cad. CHAIRMAN ~ ~ ~ 5t. Thomas, OPtarto Jalluary 5ess10ll, 1977. 'the f 011 o",i llg is a \.i st of E:><.pe II d it ur e S oll El g ill COUll t Y all d 5 to Th()t\18. S Suburball Road CQ1l1l!\issiOll Roads ill 1916. 1 d. ..:ritl'" 1JI-i 'nistt'Y of Tt'anspototattoll alld COtflll\UllicatiOllS. II accor allce w " <>>,' ' " , , S' \ Ti e t..i, t ....tad :'n 1916 1?a~'t'ol.l B\1rdell such as 1\oil.daYS ",ith Pay, :tc",m t praC ce s a. ,. " ' d d t ,npear a s an etc., haS beell distributed to the varioUs :ttemS all oes llO a<, overhead item as ill past years. TO 'l'1\f. '<,lARD \i.1'1 l\N D t1Et1B ERS Of ELGIN CoWT'i co\l1:l cl L : 'loUR ROAD CoMM.ITTEE Rf,1'ORTS AS fOLLoWS\ 1?ART # 1. Asphalt Resurfacillg alld associated ditchillg, shOtlldering, etc. Road 15 ill DUttOll from Road '2 to Road 8. Road 34' be illg the 'ia p110u th~'<,le stmill ster To",nJ ille f the '<,lest Limit of Be,lmollt to the RettIe rom ' . . d cree"'. (50% of cost of project haS beell l.llVOl.ce to the countY of t1iddle se". ) Road 4'2 tll }1alahtde To..,nshtP ft:om 1\1gh",aY 73 to Road 40. Road 45 ill 'iap110Uth To..,nshiP from 1\igh",aY 4 easterlY appro"i~telY 3 miles. Road 45 in Bayham To"ro.shiP from cal;tOll to Uigh",aY 19, co~letiOll of shoulderl.ng, etc. Road 46 tll 1\ayha1l' To..,nshiP from corillth to ozfordbotlndary · CQt1STRQCT1:00 _cQ\lt11"{ ROADS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) J _- ~ _~ ?z.l~~:. ~ 1----- 1,718.92 -----------------~-- _-----~~z.1~~:.?1----- 1.53,468.85 -------------------- 17 583.41 _-------L~---------- 4-' 330.52 _-------L~---------- ~ TOTAl~ R,f,Sl1RfJ\GING 1976 1'IillistrY of TransportatiOn and.COtflll\UllicatiOllS Needs 5tudy Allocation for Resurtacl.ng ",as $ 279,000. cOllstruction Roads alld culverts. Road 3 ill AldborOugh TO..,nship from High",aY 3 to Lake Erie. surface Treatment alld Oitchill!;' etc., c . 1i " . .",..., not (<'c<, Lve" (Charge,; for movement oi, ut:t,p,e,; wC'c ' ,,'" ' i:n 1,916.) Routi 2 ill AldborOUgh tolNl}.sid.P from '<,lest \.,orne to Rodney ~ 1'IiScellalleoUs Drainage. Road 3 ill AldborOugh To"ro.shiP from 1 mile .north of Road 9 llortherlY for appro"imatel;Y 1 ml.le · ditchillg, shouldering alld stop11 dra:tllS. , 'PART # 2 (a) (b) (c) !; ~ '~. 403 .0 5 _t-----~~------------ 543 .46 -------~------------- 5,859.16 --------------------- PART # 2 Continued . (d) Road 4 - cleanup' of urban construction in Rodney from 1975 (e) Road 8 and 13 - completion of urban work on Main St., Currie St., and Shackleton St. in Dutton which was started in 1975. A shared cost project with the Ministry of the Environment. (f) Road 20 .. cympletion of urban work on Carlow Road near Warren St. in Port Stanley which was started in 1975 A shared cost project with the Ministiy of the Environment. (g) Road 31 in Yarmouth Township from Road 52 to St. Thomas City Limits. Preliminary grading work. (h) Road 34 .. Borden Ave. in Belmont from Highway 74 to West Limit of Belmont, Urban reconstruction, A shared project with the Ministry of the Environment. (:1,) Road 52 in Yarmouth Township from Road 30 (Radio Road) to Road 25 (Wellington Road) - culverts, grading, granular base and paving. (j) Rpad 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth Township frorn St. Thomas City Boundary northerly, expenditures in excess of St. Thomas Suburban Road Cv~ulUission Budget, culverts, grading, granular base and paving. (k) Miscellaneous grading projects und surveys on new work, etc. TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION PART # 3 - Miscellaneous (a) Rebate of Provincial Sales Tax paid in previous years. (b) PurchasE~ of Land for road widening and diversions. (c) Purchas€~ of Property (Whitney Lot 24, Conce ssi.on V, Yarmouth) for sand and gravel pit. (d) New and used machinery. (c) Machinery Ownership Costs, etc. charged to Accounts Receivable and Townline Accounts. TOTAL P.ART # 3 TOTAL COUN'rY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PAGE 2 3 780.93 ------~,---~----~-~-~ 79 243.83 ________~_1___~_____ 10,812.36 ~-------~---'-------- _________2Al~2&J~--- 63,090.27 --._--~-------.-~-.- 489,050.46 --------~~--~------~ 87,668.00 -----"~_.._~~-.----.- ..____--__~&aJ&.Jz~-- $ 753,438.24 8,666.56 CR. -~------~~---------~ ________2Q~1~Q:~~___ 29 967.85 _________.1_.-~--_~- ____---l~l~ZlZ~i!-__ 26,396.58 GR. -~-----~~-~--------~ $ 206,772.77 $ 1 , 248 ,011 . 26 PAGE 3 ..---- ----- - -- - CO~STRtJCTI ON BY TIl,E ST. TllOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ~ - -.--- ----. ~. - - ~ (a) Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth To~ship from St. Thomas City Boundary northerlY - culvertS, grad:i.ng, granular base, etc. 107 , 240 . 24 --------------------- __-------l12~~~~---- (b) Land pu'.cchase __$ 10~288.4~ ....--. - TOTAL SUBURBAN ROAD CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY AND ST. TllOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION $ 1,356,299.72 .~~~..:............. - l1AI~TENANCE - cQUN!rY ROADS .....-, - ..,:::.::..-- --------------------- 16,079.37 (a) BridgeS (b) culvertS 6,294.56 -----------------~--- 257,331.99 --------------------- 57,300.47 --------------------- 42,790.64 --------------------- 87 567.24 _---------1---------- (c) winter control (d) surface!reatment (e) Gravel ~esurfacing (f) Repai r sTo Pavement 16 140. 59 _---------1---------- (g) Grad:i.ng ,Gravel Roads (h) Grading shoulderS, Ditching, WashoutS, etc. 15 936.18 _---------J---------- 35 447.52 _---------J---------- 19 861. 71 _---------J---------- _-------~~j~~1;t2---- tl\-J85:3 .6l\ --------~- ---------- 2 564.45 _---------1----~----- 29 236. 18 _---------1---------- 59 525.33 _---------1---------- (i.) (~st control (j) GrasS and Weed cutting (I<.) Tree cutting and l'lc\dn8 UP !Iru,;h "ftcX lee Storm (1) l'Hvero.ent Mflr\ting (m) Guide Rail s (n) SignS (0) Catch Basins, Dra:i.ns, Tile Repa:i.rs, etc. 10 123.15 _---------1---------- (p) sweeping 19 985.91 _---------1---------- 812.55 --------------------- (q) county Share of Ra:i.lraod protection (r) Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) k .l~. 258. 77 =:: TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Rebates of Portion Of Road Levy to Town of Aylmer and Villages. OVERHEAD - COUNTY (a) Superintiendence - County Engineer, General Superintendent Assistant Superintendent (b) Clerical (0) Offic.e (d) Garages~ Stock, Timekeepers, etc. (e) Too 1 s (f) Miscellaneous Repairs (g) Radio (h) Traffic Counts and Needs Study Update (i) Training Courses (j) Miscellaneous Insurance (k) Permits (1) Machine:rY Overhead TOTAL OVERHEAD TOTA~ OF' PAYROLL BURDEN charged to operations was $ 186,457.46 MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISS]ON (including items Not Subsidized by M.T.C.) TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS AND OVERHEAD FOR COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C. Rentals over Expenditures ~ Elgin Sweeper Insurance (Road Liability) Portion of cost of New Machinery Not Subsidized by M.T.C. Miscellaneous, including Memberships, etc. TOTAL PAGE 4 $ 38,049.30 -~-----_._--------'--- _~-____~l!2~1:23_____ _-----_~~~~~~l~_____ ____~__l~~D~~_____ 52,531.48 ~---~-----_._-------.- 6 844.78 __~~____u~~__~_______ 16 776.67 ---------~----,------- 2 375.18 - --- - -- _ -.. '.1....__ -_:... __.._.. 3 968.82 ---~----~~-~--------- 1 743. 3 2 -~-~_._--~-----,---~-- 1 808.47 -------~-~----------- Nil -.~----~--~-~--_._~-- ________.~921~9~_9~~_ $ 165.135.83 50,754.45 $ 992,198.35 $ 1,455.47 CREDIT ----~--~------------- 575.64 ---~-~------_._-_._--- 1,641.27 -----~--------------- ____----_1~~}1~1~____ $ 2.593.58 r, PAGE 5. SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION $ 1,356,299.72 --------~----------- MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD 992 198.35 --------~-~~~------- ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY 2 593.58 -~~-----~~~--------- SUB TOTAL $ 2 351 091.65 ------~---~._------- ADO: 1976 STOCK BALANCE 104 909.31 --------~-~--------- $ 2,456 000.96 --------~-~---~----- SUB TOTAL LESS: 1975 STOCK BALANCE 113,123.35 --~-----,-------~---- SUB TOTAL _!___~J~~J:~22:2!___ ADD DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS (CONSTRUCTION) (50% SUBSIDY) 36 000.00 ---------_&_----~--- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,378,877.61 The Subsidy alloc~.ltion from the Ministry of Transportation and CvulllLunications was in2 parts in 1976, a General Allocation of $ 1,699,000 and a 50% subsidy of $ 18~OOO on the Dl~ainage Assessment of $ 36,000. The County sold various parcels of land in 1976 for a net amount of $ 35,993.32 after expenditures. The Ministry of Transportation and CvullLLunications would normally receive 50% of this amount, but total expenditures were increased to use the Ministry of Transportation and CVlu1uunicatiqns Subsidy. The Cost of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Oommission Expenditures to the County of Elgin and tQ the City of St. Thomas was $ 21,102.83. The n.et cost to tIle County of Elgin for 1976 Programe (including the County share of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cvulluission) is estimated at ~; 604,781 (including the CO~lnty share of land sales). The Road Levy for 1976 Was $ 603,000 leaving an estimated dE~ficit of $ 1,781. In addition to ab0ve expenditures a considerable amount of work was billed to others and includf~s the following: 1. Work on Boundary Roads and Bridges and invoiced to the County of Middlesex and Oxford ________JJJ~~_~~2__ 2. Priming and Surface Treatment for the City of St. Thomas and other County Municipalities 74,767.09 --------------~~--- 3. Work done and materials sold to other Municipalities, Federal and Provincial Agencies and Ministries, Conservation Authorities and individuals 241,737.88 --~---~-----~------ 4. Mosquito Control programe (see separate report) 7,490.87 -----~~------------ 5. Solid Waste Programe (see separate report) 2,755.77 -------------~----- TOTAL $ 362,436.41 D PAGE 6. TotAL EXPENDITVRES (PAYMENT VOUCHERS) IN 1976 WERE $ 2,741,314.02 which compares wi,th $ 2,774,000 in 1975, $ 2,305,000 in 1974, $1,877,000 in 1973 and $ 2,205,000 in 1972. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN J an\1at''1 1. q11 · ."- ~~ ,1^-, 1., .....ub..1\.'t, ....'D M~BERS 01' 'tIlE COUN'fi 01' ELGIN ROAD C()1!\l'11't'1'EE~ '10 "CrIE Con .t\XJJO..l." L'U" . . f the methodS ~sed bY the MinistrY of !his report 1-S a re"1-e1oJ 0 'de ~.t o"r S~bsid1 Allocations for d ,tions to arr1-v ~ v 'transportatiOn an Corom~n~ca ' lithe Co~nty Road Rate. 1911 and the method of calc~ at ng Reoort on Road E~endit~res for 1911 ,~ d t(? I o'(.ueL \...v....-- 1 s~bsi y ra ' h a po1:\.CY of a sing e .' . le System replaced t e 0, Regions. 'th1-S S1-ng urban Rebates) for co~ntieS an d 'tT'llageS of 50% S~bsidY t11 sbinS an v 1.. . . still ~sed for .o~ r old system 1oJh1-ch 1-S . 0, n De"eloproent Roads '0, sand 100% S~bs1- y 0 d .80'j S~bsidY on Br1- ge on Roa s, 0 . 0, corom~nicatiOns adopted In 1913 the Ministry of 'transportat1-on an . . , .~_ _ .~Q" Drainage AssessmentS and (Dit'ect Aid). f the ne10J system 10JaS that the bookkeeping one of the biggest assetS 0 b i 1:\.fied (act~allY thiS had occ~rred)' on Co~l'tY 1oJOrk 10JaS to e s t\\l' , b s adopted a ,0, corom~nicat1-ons a . f 'transportat1-on an 'the MinistrY 00, the setting of d t'oven needs an '0, f~nds base on 'I' po1:\.cy of allocating s~bS1- yh desirable e><'Pendit~re . An e><'Pendit~re o"er t e , d' allocat1..on. 11 a desirable spen 1-ng 0, the allocation 10Ji . ..' be s~bsidized and any spending ~n er · ",.11.ocation V11..11 not" (n...o)ti.'cnate1-Y 91.10). ~b 'd'" -rate . apt' J,. . at the ma"imutt' s~ S1-J res~lt in loSS o.f s~bS1-dY '1be M,inist-r-y of f ~. t..hat the Co~ntY 1oJo~ld raise alt\OUnt 0 It\One} b 'd' zes tbe Eq~alized Asses~ent and then s~ S1- 1- the desirable e~endit~re allocation in e"ceSs of the ) (See attached caic~latiOns.) 50% (matching grat\t · , d co~nicatiOns matcheS the '1-ranspot'tat1..on an at 1.25 mills on itS ?ro"incial Co~ntY at 91% for each dollar of amo~nt s~bsidized at erations 10JaS 13.19W4 In 1916 the effecti"e S~bsidY Rate on 0'1' . . the rate for 1911 is estimated d 13 O~" in 1915 and 61.11. 1-n 1911>. colt\Pat' e to · t.fo at 15.30/0. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~[ITTEE - PAGE 2. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1977 Jeanuary 1977 DESIRABLE SPENDING ALLOCATION The desirable spending allocation is the total of Needs shown in the preceeding Ylears (1976) Needs Study Update as approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications. The total alloca,tion is divided into three parts. (a) Construction (b) Asphalt Resurfacing (c) Fixed Co st s. (a) Construction Approved Construction Costs are the costs of thosE~ Roads and Bridges which are presently deficient or will become deficient in the coming five year period. The deficiencies are catalogued and listed according to Ministry of Treansportation and COulULJnications criteria. Al so includE~d in Construction Costs are spot improvements such as Drainage Costs, etc. ne(~essary to bring a section of ro~d up to tolerable standards. The Costs are based on Ministry of Transportation and Connnun:lcations approved costs which represent the costs of construction as they were :in December of 1973.. Inasmuch as the Ministry of Transportati1on .and CV&&,munications or the MunicipaLities do not have enough money to complete .all the construction in a five year period a construction objective of 45% (reducing balance) of the work to be completed in a 5 year period has been set. This equals 9% per year of the reducing balance. Actually the accomplishment is considerably less than 9% as infl~ltion has increased Construction Costs considerably since January of 1973." (b) Asphal t Re ~~urfacin8. Asphalt Resurfacing is the approved resurfacing and minor associated costs of roads that are already built to proper geometric sight standards and widths. The roads "listed" are the roads that should be resurfaced in the coming five year period. The Progrannne provides that: (1) Double Surface Treatment Roads should be covered with three inches of Hot Mix in the 8 to 10 year period after construction or earlier if severe breakup occurs. '1'0 'l'HE C1;1A1RMAl'l A\'lD MEMBERS Of cQUN'f'{ Of E1..Gll'l ROAD ccMl'l1'1"1'EE Januar REPORT Ol'l ROAD lt1(I'El'lDl'j'\J'RES fOR l. 911 'PAGE 4. 1911 (c) ~ (continued) AlthOUgh ove~head costS a~e shown sepa~atelY the pay~oll BU~den h d ....11 be shown in the const~uctiOn and Maintenance po~tion o~ the 0Ve~ ea ~~ itemS thiS yea!:. 'l'he Minist~Y o~ 'l'ranspo~tatiOn and c~nicatiOns has set a p~ovintial Equalized Asses~ent of the countY of El.gin fo~ g~ant pu~poses . . . 362 illion and in 1916 it in 1911 at 314 1.1lil lion dolla~s (in l. 915 ~t ...as ~. 1.1l waS $ 36& 1.1lil.lion). thiS ~igU~e has been obtained by applying a g~o-wth . _,.' ,,~.,_H,"ed Asses~ent, and wtll p~obablY continUe factO~ on the 1969 p~ov~u~.~. ~qU~.- the calculation until the p~ovince getS a ...o~kable Re_ASSeS~ent p~og~arome. · of p~oVtncial s~bsidY is shOwn attached and is set at $ 1,945,000. (at 50% SubsidY) a~e available. ~ D 'nage Asses~entS We Ut\lde~stand that supple1.1lenta~Y ~_1..a""S o~ ~aL Calcul.ation o~ .Actual count" LeV Minist~Y of 'l'ranspo~tatiOn and c~nications $ 2,560,000 (b) t)l:ainage By_La'" ~equi~ed ~o~ (c) Sale o~ p~ope~tY esti1.1latedat current Allocation $ $ 40,000 16,000 (net after e1tpenses) (a), . fld co~unicatiOns ActUal. Mintst~Y o~'f~anspo~tat~on a.. spending J.,evel (to use Mintst~Y o~ 'l'ranspo~tatiOn and C~unicatiOns sha~e o~ p~ope~tY sales) $ 2,561,000 41,000 40,000 Add urban Rebates Add t)l:ainage AS5es~entS d. L v 1 & 1J~ban RebateS subt~act substdY Allocation on spen ~ng e e subt~act Mintst~Y o~ 'l'ranspo~tatiOn and co~nicatiOns sha~e of D~ainage Asses~entS subt~act CitY of St. 'fh()tllas sha~e to Subu~ban Road commiSsion Budget 1,945,000 20,000 22,525 . . . continued ... 'to 't\l.l!. Cl\AtRW-N ANP M~ERS Of OOtlll't'l Of ELG1.~ ROAP o0Ml'11'1''I'EE pAGE 5. Januarv 1911. RE?OR't oN ROAP EY>?ENP1'tlllloES FOR 1911 oalculation of ActUa1. oount" v~ (continued) subtract Ministry of 'l'ransportation and oo~niCatiOns share (~O%) of subsidY for Land SaleS subtract CountY's Share ~O% of subsidY from Land $ 8,000 SaleS $ ~.Q2. $ 644,415 MtUal urban Reb;1tes 1"ev Urban Road 1"evY is 2~. 241% of tOU1. LevY' Urban Rebate is 2~% of Urban LevY or $ 40,618. the ~ad LevY in 1916 ~aS $ 603,000 and ~as $ ~81,000 $Ven though an addition;11 $ 18,000 ~aS required in 1916 over the original $ 603.000 Levy the ;1Ctual cost of the ~ad System to the county ~as on1.Y $ 604.181. becaUse of the sale of property owned bY the Oounty. in 1975. 'the MinistrY of '\'ransportation and o~nicatiOns haS indicated that A1.10catiOnS fo": Resurfacing and Ne~ Machinery should be reasonablY spent on these categorieS althoUgh if they are increased the monies ~il1. , . f ~ othe.r .....a', inten,ance and oonstruction amounts. Major have to come 1;P'" ., maintenance allocation should alsO be spent on items that the a1.10catiOns ~ere made ~o..: (e~a~1.es, Gravel Re~rfacing and Surface 'l'reatment) if at all ppssible after winter oontrol oostS are met. All of 1ilhich 1s RespectfullY Submitted. If ~= , I '" R. G. MOOR1l.. :B. se.! ?'LEng.. ENG1NEER AND RO....O SUl.'f.,~LN'tENDEN't. J anua.... J CALCULATIONS FOR BUOGET - ~ - ~ CO uN1"1 OF ELGIN ---- - ------- S!',.,kCQ.L.NION.,..q!"O!-~N~N~ .E~ER TIE1i.pROQRA~ ----- ST'EP 2. -.-. - APproved E:ltpenditure on Roade and B ridgee to which Grant Appliee (Item 1) C o\l11ty Effo rt of 1. 2 I) lviills on Total Co\l11ty Assessment (Item F) 1. 21) x Itep:l F =' 1. 21) x $274,000,000 - =' ~ 1000 Plus Sep. Urban Contribution at O. I) Mills O. I) x Item G =' O. I) x $ 44,700,000 , liroO \1" - 1000 - $~~'O~; ~= 4. STEP 1 --- ...-..- $~ $ 22,350 .-""--- .... ~T~p 1. Road Effort at 1. 21) lvii1l6 equals the total Loca.l Effort in Step 2 pluS an equiV<1-lent arno\l11t of grant 2 x Step 2 =' 2 x $~850_ STEP 4 Unrnet Road Effort at 1. 21) lviills =' -- -- Step 1 minUs Step 3 (UnlesS Step 3 i e greate r than Step 1 ) STE~ . _ Where there ie an Unmet Road Effort at 1. 21) lviUls Grant applying to it is Step 4: x 0.. 90909 ::: $1J587,300_ x 0.90909 =' $.1:.,~2,~ PIUS drant equivalent to Total Local Effort (Step 2) Total Local Effort at 1. 21) Mille - -- $ .::=:~? . 7 ~-----==-- $ 1, 587 ,300 :::::=== ~,-- $ ~9,~0 ___ Total Calculated Amount of c...a.nt _ or - 80'1/0 of APproved E:ltpendit..re (Itetn 1) ::: o. 8 )( $- --- :: $ =,---= 5 (A) $ 1,932,848 - .. - .-=::::. OR --- STE~ _ Where there ie no Unmet Roatl Effort at 1. 21) Mills Grant ie 50'1/0 of APproved Expenditure (Itern 1) =' O. 5 )t Step 1 '" 0.5x$ Whichever is the lesser 5 (B) $=-_ = [!:~p i Grant applying to Urban Rebate Paid 1)0'1/. of Item fl '" O. 5 )t $_ 40,~ plue Grant applying to APproved Expenditure (Step 5(A) or Step I)(B) ----- :::; $-- 20,339 $- .---- Minue Receipte frorn PropertY Dispoeal** .19-0/0 of Itern N '" 0.2- x $. l6.aS)OO _ '" $- 8,000 - Total drant $ 12,339 - - ~TEp 1 Total Grant Payable under Upper Tier program is The Allocation (Item A) or Step 6. whichever is the leseer $ 1,945,187 **. Percentage to be used is that applicable to year in which property wa. s 'Po. rc ha se d. If rnO re than one rate applie s. attach sep<1- rate calculation to support amount of subsidy claimed 'and note years in which purchases made. DATE --- ----------- /', Page 2. of 3 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE - PAGE 3. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1977 January 1977 (b) Asphalt Resurfacing (continued) (2) Mu.l ch Roads and Hot Mix Roads shoul d be cover,ed in the 15 to 20 year period a~ter construction. (3) Hot Mix Roads of 1 1/2 to 2 inches in depth should be covered as soon as possible to stop breakup (,elephant tt'acking) . Inasmuch as the Ministry of Transportation and Com~unications does not have enough money to complete all the resurfacing necessary they have set an objective of 75% of this work in the five year p,eriod or a yearly objective of 15% again on a 1973 Price Index. As the asphalt price has increased mot'e rapidly than anything else it is doubtful if the yearly objective reaches 10%. (c) Fixed Costs These costs include Maintenance of Roads and Bridges on the County and St, Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road System, Overhead Charges, Machinery Replace~ment, BUilding Improvements, and Purchase of Gravel Pits, etc. A tentative~ 1977 Budget (Maintenance and Overhead Charges) was required in 1976 as was a Machinery Replacement Schedule for five years. This was reviewf;~d by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and after a great deal of discussion approved in its entirety. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has also set up Maintenance criteria for expenditure per mile of road. As last fa.ll was the first time the Ministry of Transportation and Comrnun;l..ccrt;("ons appl led tho criterla the long rdnge effect on our Ma intenanc(~ Allocation remains to be seen. Our 1977 Spending Allocation is as follows: Construction 9% of Needs of $ 10,825,000 $ $ 974,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 15% of Needs of $ 1,951,000 293,000 Maintenance Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Roads & Bridges $ 760,000 Overhead Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads I' I, Commission $ 408,000 $ 125,000 $ 2,560,000 New Machinery Total Spending Allocation ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 12, 1977. PAGE 1. 10:00 A.M., January 12, 1977. All members except Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve THE ~OUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the MUnicipal Building at Glover present. Also present, Frank Clarke, Ministry of Transportation and communi cat ions. (1) That it would be necessary to fabricate a plate to repair the lower flange THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE STATING of the outside north girder on the Big (}J:.ter creek bridge on Road 45. (2) That all work but one dayS draglining had been completed on Road 52 at Kettle Creek culvert ~nti1 Spring. (3) That poor ground conditions and frost had halted work on the drain on Road 43 at Cooks Bridge. (4) Tree cutting was continuing on Road 16 and scattered dead trees throughout the County and the main problem seemed to be that wood waS being stolen by passersbY before the owners could get to it. (5) Winter control remained heavy with uninvoiced salt bills for December and early January amounting to approximately $ 60,000. (6) Fred Marshall had been added to the regular staff and Frank Fishleigh was still off due to illness. (7) Trees wo~ld be cut at the County Pleasant Valley Pit as conditions permitted. (8) It waS r~oured that the Minister of the Environment had requested a naaring Date for St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. Application for a Solid Waste Disposal Site in North southwold. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 12, 1977. PAGE 2. "MOVE~) BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST # 61 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 62 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 63 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 1 (1977) AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 2 (1977) AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 3 (1977) AMOUNTING TO $ 32,791.46 32,518.76 23,667.86 574.26 36,094.50 93,084.56 CARRI ED" . (a) Rodney Mercury Editorial of December 23, 1976 re Lack of Winter control. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: The Engineer reported that only roads in the Aldborough area were slippery on the date mentioned and the County had been informed of the problem approximately 9:10 A.M. by the Ontario Provincial police. (b) Township of Yarmouth regarding Zoning By-LaW for property in the New Sarum area. (c) County Land Division Committee turning down the request of E. Atcheson to divide a lot in Lot 7, Concession V, Southwo1d. (d) A letter to the Ministry of Transportation and communications requesting information on Metric Signs. No information had been received from the Ministry iQf Transportation and connnunications. (e) City of St. Thomas appointing George Colledge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road commassion to complete the term of the late W. E. Rowe. (f) Ministry of Transportation and communications regarding inspection 8f bridges. A letter from H. Axford regarding a trade in properties was referred to the 1977 Committee. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 12, 1977. PAGE 3. $ 15 each would be required for Metric Sign Conversion and felt that it would be THE ENGINEER REPORTEIDDTHAT over 600 Kilometer/hour tabs costing near better to have ~ight creWS make the signs as it would be cheaper and provide a labour project as the men were required anyhow. committee agreed that work should proceed as help waS available. superintendent and Assistant superintendent as both vehicles had nearly 60,000 THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED THAT TENDERS be called for automobiles for the miles and were using oil excessively. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH \ SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR 2 AUTOMOBILES WI TH 2 OF THE COUNTY'S 1975 DODGE CARS AS TRADE~ INS AND THAT THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO OPEN TENDERS. CARRI ED" tI soon as possible so that it would be available for the Spring Season. He also suggested that Tenders be called for a Distributor Truck as l1MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THATl THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A TANDEM UlRUCK TO BE USED AS A DISTRIBUTOR TRUCK AND THAT THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO OPEN TENDERS. CARRI ED" · THE \CHAIRMAN THANKED THE COMMITTEE for their co~operation during 1976. "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ADJOURN TO CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRI ED" · _~~ (7Jo./I/l~n CHAIRMAN \ l, ~ COUNTY OF ELC1N ROAD COMMlTTEE = -=: =-" .:: THiRD REPORT St. Thomas, OntariO Session 1977 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF -rUE ELG1.N coUNT'{ COUNC1.L: 'the following is <\ S~rY of costS incurred by your Road CQllII1littee in 1976 for solid Waste Disposal. '{OUR ROAD COMM1. T'tEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: countY of Elgin share of London Area solid waste Study by JaI1les F. MacLaren. (County of Elgtn share of StudY ~aS 11.376% after a Ministry of the Environlfient grant of 50"/0). (663.09 ~<\s paid in 1975 making total cost to the county $ 3,412.77 for the Study. $ 2,749.68 MiscellaneoUs E~penditUres ~ $ 2,755.77 No invoiceS ~ere received from our Solicitor for hiS services for pa1ffient by the. countY in 1976. 'the above costs were paid through County Road vouchers. All Of 1ilhich 1s RespectfullY Submitted. CHAIRMAt'1 ~. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SgCOND REPORT ':f' St. Thomas,Ontario Session 1917 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: The following isa Summary of expenses incurred in 1976 by the County of Elgin Road Department for Mosquito Abatement Programe to control encephalitis. (a) Wages and salc:rtiesincluding fringe benefits and Workme~'s Compensation. (1) Regular Employees (2) CaSl.Hil Employee s (b) RCtlt~HJ. t)f ()OUllLy Vct,htc l,('~. (c) Liability Insurance (d) Maps, supplies, employees expenses at Training School, M:lnistryof the Environment charges, etc. $ $ 3,697.59 $ 2.214.,56 $ 6:),,/ ~ t,C) $ 240.00 701.22 TOTAL EXP EN DI TURES $ 7 , 490 .87 Receipts.. Items biJled to Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit i.ncludtng 1'lHb'1.l1t:y C:hHt'g~~J,Mlnlst;ry of the Env:ironnl(~nt p(~rmlt$, some rnat(lrlnl s and employee (!xpenseS $ 555.4/+ NET EXPENDITURES $ 6,935.43 These costs we;re paid through the County Road Vouchers. The Elgin.. St. Thomas Health Unit paid directly for the chemicals used and the applicators. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN