1979 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 20, 1979 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County Buildings at 9:30 a.m., December 20, 1979. All members except Reeve J. B. Wilson were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. Winter control had been light since the last meeting. 2. Gravelling continued on Road 18 with about 2,500 tons having been applied to date. 3. Vic Ruckle was still crushing gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit. 4. Fencing was continuing on Road 32. 5. Engineering work on Road 38 was completed as far as could be done until further information on the culvert at Wards Hill was received from Armco Canada. 6. Clearing of brush, etc. was continuing around bridges and curves. 7. Land plans had been registered as follows: Road 19 - Nichols Road 32 .. Newell Road 42 - Chistiaen "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST NUMBER 53 AMOUNTING TO $ 45,869.91 PAYLIST NUMBER 54 AMOUNTING TO $ 9,734.40 PAYLIST NUMBER 55 AMOUNTING TO $ 156.25 PAYLIST NUMBER 57 AMOUNTING TO $ 8,828.97 PAYLIST NUMBER 1-1980 AMOUNTING TO $ 129,430.15 CARRIED." The repair/replacement of Walkers Bridge was discussed at some length. The Engineer reported that Allview Cable had~ requested to revise the proposed By-Law to allow them to place television cable on County Roads. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 20, 1979 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: L. J. SHAW THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN NAME DELEGATES TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND TO THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA CONVENTION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ORGANIZATIONS BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. A. LONGHURST SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED TO ALLOW THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND EXPROPRIATION PLANS AS NECESSARY IN 1980. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. J. SHAW SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SUBMIT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSJ?ORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS THE PETITION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN SHOWrNG ROAD EXPENDITURES ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM ~'THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 1979 TO DECEMBER 31, 1979. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. A. LONGHURST SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD COMMITTEE ACT AS THE COMMITTEE FOR: (A) SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL. (B) MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. (C) PROVINCIAL OR FEDERAL INCENTATIVE WORKS OR SIMILAR PROGRAMES. (D) APPLICATION OF THE C.N.R. TO ABANDON THE RAIL LINE BETWEEN ST. THOMAS AND PORT STANLEY. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 20, 1979 PAGE 3. ~nning and Committee of Adjustment applications from Yarmouth Township were di scussed. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ROAD COMMITTEE IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Gerald Wright Members Frank Hamilton Sam Richardson Ivan Hearn Engineer Don Husson Repair/replacement of Walkers Bridge was discussed. ThE= County of Middlesex presented the attached report by their Engineer after considerable discussion. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: L. J. SHAW THAT WE REQUEST THE COMMENTS OF THE WEST ELGIN PLANNING BOARD WITH REGARD TO THE WALKERS BRIDGE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: L. A. LONGHURST THAT THE WARDEN, CHaIRMAN AND ENGINEER BE A DELEGATION 'ro MEET WITH THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF BUILDING A NEW WALKERS BRIDGE. CARRIED." The County of Middlesex left the meeting. Considerable discussion occurred regarding financing the Walkers Bridge and County Road Programe in general. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 20, 1979 PAGE 4. The Engineer reported that expenditures totaling over $200,000 would be carried into 1980 and while there was considerable work in this amount that would have been done in 1980ranyhow, there was still considerable carryover' "work for 1979 that was unable to be paid for. It appeared that with likely building of the Wal~~rs Bridge that one year of the next three years construction money would be used. With a likely reduction in allocation for construction and resurfacing in forthcyu#i4Ling years it appeared tbat the County construction and maintenance programe would be seriously restricted particularly to 1983. Construction on Road 38 could not be cVULJ:lleted in 1980 even if no work was done on the Walkers Bridge. It thus appeared that work would not start on Road 22 probably until 1984 particularly if the proposed sewerage plan for the Village of Port Burwell went ahead prior to that time. As there would be less work there would be need for less staff particularly for engineering. One job had been eliminated at the garage with the illness of Russell Ford. Edgar McLeod was not expected to return to work because of illness. Two other retirements from Class I c labourerJwould occur by next fall even though all Class I labourers were presently laid off. It was expected that Keith Holborn would shortly leave County employment and that his position could be filled from other Class III operators. After considerable discussion on the above matters it was decided oJt?f '14J to try to eliminate as much carry 011 of expenses ~ 1981 as possible; to f(J /tX IIV/t) ",' try to balance the programe in the next three years so that -i.~'~jj' J~J:r County forces and equipment would be utilized in construction and maintenance projects;~~effectivelY complete Road 38 as soon as possible and to postpone engineering on projects more than two or three years aw-ay. "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY; S. J. GLOVER THAT THE ENGINEER nE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH A BUDGET FOR 1980 AND INCLUDE IN IT AN ITEM OF $150,000 IN CONSTRUCTION FOR UNCOMMITTED FUNDS. CARRIED." ST. THoMAS, ONTARIO DEC~BER 20, 1979 PAGE 5. "110VED B'Y' ~ SECONDED B"i: D. J. cAMPBELL T\l.AT RODERICK 0' MEARA BE LAlD OFF TllROUGH LACK OF E1'1GINEERING W0131Z EFFEctIVE J~ARY 11, 1980. L. J. SRAVl CARRIED ." Vl. R. CAVERlS "MOVED B'Y' ~ SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER 1tT'll.1 TO J'~1UARY 9 1980 AT 9:30 A.M. TliAT WE ADJOu~' ~, ' CARR1ED." ~ e~~. :--..~...~_..' )J- ~ ~~p . F' . REPORT TO THE .COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE DATE: DECEMBER 1979 SUBJECT: WALKERS BRIDGE This report is to outline possible alte.rnatives available to the Road Committee with respect to the Walkers Bridge. It appears that there are four a 1 ternati ves open to the Corom; ttel~. These are: 1. Repair the Bridge , 2. Close the Bridge permanently 3. Reconstruct a new bridge - starting right away 4. Reconstruct a new bridge - work into a future construction program. A brief description of each alternative fo1lows:- 1. REPAIR THE BRIDGE The latest estimate from the consultant is $235,000. This is basically in 1979 dollars thus it would appear the 1980 cost of the proposed repairs would rangefrom$250~000 to $300,000. The structure would be limited to 5 tons after repairs and the work would likely be good for 15 years plus. However because of the question concerning stability of the abutments, a further expenditure in the $100,000 range maybe necessary at some future date. With the abutments stabilized, chances of extending the life for 15 years plus by repairs are excellent but not guaranteed. Because of the high costs and inherent risks this alternative should not be considered unless it is not possible to close the bridge permanently - or find funds for its replacement. 2. CLOSE THE BRIDGE PERMANENTLY It has been previously reported that the spacing between the Highway No. 76 bridge and the Willey's Bridge does not exceed the recorrmended cell size for the population density. Thus the need for a bridge in this area at the present time is debatable. While the bridge is very important to the area residents directly involved, its closing would affect few res i dents of the two Counti es. From a legal point of view the Counties are obligated by statutes to keep their highways and bridges in repair. As long as some steps are being taken to get a bridge back into servicE~ (either repaired or replaced) temporary closures for reasonable lengths of time should not create 1 i.abi 1 i ty. However, if no attempt ; s made to get the bri dge back into service, legal opinion has indicated the Counties may be liable for damages suffered by an individual by reason of his inability to use the bridge. If the Counties seek to close the-bridge permanently, stiff opposition could be expected from the residents which may lead to an O.M.B. hearing with possible damages being assessed. The amount of damages, if any, that may be awarded by the O.M.B. cannot be predicted at this time. . Those damages would not be subsidized by the M.T.C. - 'l. - 3. RECOt\SIRUCI1t1E BRIDGE - ~ . prel1m1nary stud1es 1nd1cate t~e ~aIKe~S B~1dge, , 'f w br1dge 1S bU11t 1n th1S ~~~~:0~;I~r~~~~~~~yt~I~~~b~a~~~S~~~e~a~~:'~1n~~~~~d1~t:~~~~~a~O~;~~g and shop~1ng appear to bfet~~~daetdesb~r~~eger~~~ld affect area res1dents less that ult1mate closure 0 ,,~I than clos1ng the ~alKers Br1dge, ~ new structure and approaches at the ~alKers , ~I 00 000 L g1CallY th1S e~pend1ture Bd dge s1te w1 \I cost 1 n the order of ~ ,~ of t1~ r~C\U1 red for eng1 need n9 would be spread o~e~ t~ree ~~~re~Y' t~~~a~~Ch construct10n could taKe place and land purchase, 1t 1S unl1~ . t I $100 000 1n 1n 1980. It would appear reasonable to budget a\~~~~1m~ ~9~2 {$I\.OO,OO 1980 w1th the balance of $800,000 allocated for an eacn year). lhe 1mpact of th1S large e~pend1ture would ~erta1~IY . tl the f1~e year construct10n gU1de. defer manY des1rable proJects presen Y on effect somewhat but as ~dd1t10nal ~und1ng from the ~~unt~ m~~c~~~u~~ ~~0,000 yearlY abo~e the the County 1S.curren~IY spen 1~gs~~uld be carefullY re~1ewed. ~dditiOnal ~ I C object1~e, th1S approaclI II . ' f~nd1~g from the ~.I,C, should also be 1n~est1gated, 1\.. RECOt\SIRUCI It1E BRIDGE It\ It1E FUIURE present pOl1CY calIS for the f1~e ye~r co~struct10n h Ih1S means a new gU1de w111 be gu 1 de to be updated e ~e ry t ree years. schedu 11 n the reCons tfuct1 on prepared star~1ng ~or 1~82 ~hrOugh,t~ ~~~~d st111 ha~egthe effect of deferring of ~alKers Br1dge 1n th1S t1me per10 scheduled for a projects althoUgh som~ of them wO~ld not ha~~~~e~e s read o~er about three part1CUlar year. ~g~'n constrUCt:,on n~~~~~ts Ih1S a\ternat1~e doeS create years to reduce the 1mpact on 0 "er y v ' problems such as: ~: . 'lh~re does not appear to be any on~ a:ternat1~e,~hiCh h s Each one creates 1tS own part1CUlar 1S much bet~;r thbant~a~~~d~;e~~ ~~ttlg1n counties must be in agreement as to prob I ems ." 1 sO 0 I~ 1'1 the appropriate act10n to be taKen. ' ' Select10n of the appropr1ate alternat1~e 1S more of a pOl1t1Cal dec1s10n than an eng1neer1ng ,on~, howe~er, the fOllow1ng comments are offered for cons1derat10n bY the Comffi1ttee. _ would area res1dents be w1111ng to wa1t for a ne'IJ bridge. _ would some future problems {ne~d to reconstruct the ~1ddlem1ss Br1dge) result 1n more delaYS for the ~alKers Br1dge. · 1t would not appear that the countyl,S f1nancial prcture 1S I1KeIY to be anY better 1n three or four years. ---.. ~ 3 ~ '-- Alternative 1 - does not really solve the problem. Considering the high cost and high risk, it should be considered only as a last resort. Alternative 2 ~ This alternative could create a 16t of unknown problems for both Counties. They may win, but the costs are unknown. Also, at some future , date, population density may warrant a new bridge in this area - Not a desirable alternative. Alternative 3 .. This would be the best alternative if funding was not a problem. However, financial restraints will defer the present County program considerably and inconvenience many other road users. If additional funds could be found, the impact on the County program would be softened. Alternative 4 .. This only puts off the problem. Conditions could 'be worse in the future, i ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 13, 1979 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET in conjunction with County Council on December 13, 1979, at 11:00 a.m., at the Municipal Building. PRESENT Warden Lester Longhurst - Southwold Reeve Keith Kelly-c- Aldborough Reeve D. J. Campbell - Dunwich Reeve Larry J. Shaw - Yarmouth Reeve W. R. Caverly - Malahide Deputy Reeve Sidney Glover - Aylmer ADVISORY MEMBERS Reeve R. A. Green - Bayham Reeve C. D. Phillips - Port Stanley Reeve J. B. Wilson - South Dorechester "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT KEITH KELLY BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1980. CARRIED. The Chairman thanked the C01."l.1'l.n~ftee f01!'the honour accorded. The Engineer reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Snow and ice control had been confined to the last two week ends and costs to date were extra ordinarily low. 2. Small drainage jobs had been completed. 3. Clean-up at the White Station Garage had been completed. 4. Fencing had been completed for the Ministry of Natural Resources at the old Fingal Airport and was underway on Road 32. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 13, 1979 PAGE 2. 5. V. W. Ruckle Construction was crushing gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit. 6. Four thousand gallons of Die sel fuel had been storied prior to the inposition of the Federal Government Excise Tax in the budget. 7. The Excise Tax would mean an additional cost per Ylear of approximately $22,000 on the County, and with it the price of fUlel was up 68% from last April 1. 8. The Village 'of West Lorne D1f:ainage Project would not be underway before the New Year. 9. Tree cutting would start at the first of the week. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES AS FOLLOWS: COOKS, PHILLMORE, FULTON, JAMESTOWN, 15. TONNES EACH; RQ,BBINS, 4 TONNES; MEEKS, 18 TONNES; VIENNIA, 20 TONNES. CARRIED. "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED STATING THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH PASSING A BY-LAW CLOSING THR ROAD IN LOT 7, CONCESSION I, FROM COUNTY ROAD 24, TO LAKE ERIE BETWEEN SUNSET AND SUNRISE EACH DAY. CARRIED. S'f. THoMAS, ONTARIO DEC~BER 13, 1919 ? AGE 3. The Engineer reported that MiddleseJ< Road CQtlllllittee would t$et with ~ 20 1979 at 11:00 a.m. the Elgin Road CQtlllllittee on Decemver , lu A. LONG1:tURST "MOVED Wl: SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO DEC~BER 20, 1919 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIBD ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 7, 1979 \ \ PAGE 1. THE cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT the Elgin County Buildings at 9:30 a.m., December 7, 1979. All members were present including Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and communications. THE MINUTES OF November 14, 1979 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. Friday November 30, 1979 waS the first day for ice and snoW. 3. The motor is in Grader 14. A rebuilt torque converter haS been ordered for 2. All snowfence has been installed. the Michigan Loader. 4. The Jamestown Bridge has been "repaired. 5. survey left to complete: _ Ma1ahide-Bayham town1ine. _ port Burwell. _ Road 50, 42, 45, and 26. 6. All labourers have been laid off (5 men). Tree cutting will begin in the near future on Roads 32, 22 and some 7. scattered areas. "....! ' f}>J~~l Ruckle is returning to~ p:ct to crush more gravel. 8. preliminary work for an industrial area for West Lorne is underway. / I . /Y .I' (L h",~ ) / 9. ACCOUNTS "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. $ 42,244.28 #48 AMOUNTING TO #50 AMOUNTING TO #51 AMOUNTING TO #52 AMOUNTING TO $ 39,274.55 $ 215.17 $ 85,697.20 CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 2. WALKERS BRIDGE Mr. N. Warner of R. C. Dunn and Associates, presented a cost breakdown estimating what it would take to repair Walkers Bridge. His estimate was $235,000.00. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Village of Port Stanley - Sidewalks on Warren Street. (b) Bruce Blake. - Closing of Road Allowance, Township of Yarmouth. (c) Port Burwell Marina, John Walker. (d) Ontario Hydro - Additional Power supply to Tillsonburg. (e) R. K. McNeil - Port Burwell Marina. (f) West Elgin Nature Club. Tree Planting along County Roads. ENGINEER REPORT CONTINUED 10. On Road 32 all propery has been acquired with the exception of Mr. Bardawill and Mr. Hare. 11. Fencing has been started for the Ministry of Natural Re~sources at Fingal. 12. Gravel resufacing is continuing on Roads 29, 26, 28, 37, and Road 18. 13. There are some small drainage jobs to cVlLLplete, a tile on Road 42, and a catch basin on Road 3, near John Hux's. 14. There is a carryover of money in 1980 in the amount of approximately $140,000. 15. For 1980, we've lost $105,000 in maintenance allocation and $34,000 in construction allocations. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 3. ROAD # 32 . ' Propery purchase inso fare as is possible has been completed. Mr. Hare has indicated he is willing to sell seventeen feet of widening but not all we require. Mr. Bardawill, apparently is unwilling to sell any of his property. Af.tLVIEWCABLE . IIIIII ~ ., l A request from Allview cable was read for the right to lay cables on County Roads. It was suggested that they be laid with or in the same location as telephone cables. After dinner the meeting resumed with Reeve Wilson absent. The Engineer presented the attached reports and revi~wed them at length. Discussion occured on the possibility of building of the Walkers Bridge and the Engineer felt the only practical way to build the bridge was over a three year period. Maintenance and construction work would have to be programmed so that County work crews could be kept busy the year, so that the persons necessary in peak winter and summer periods would be available. It appeared that although considerable construction might occur in 1980 maintenance work would be reduced, and in 1981 and 1982 construction other than the Walkers Bridge would be considerabley reduced. Effectively the building of the bridge, would delay all construction projects after road 38 by at least a years time. It waS not known at this time, the timing of urban work in port Burwell. It was apparent that staff would be reduced in the next few years, not only because of the Walkers Bridge but also because of the fairly large construction carryover into 1980. personnel matters were discussed at some length. ST. THOMAS, ONT ARlO DECEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 4. "MOVED B"i: SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO PERSONNEL CoMMITTEE THAT ROY DoRAN BE DESIGNATED AS \>1. R. CA VERL "i A SUPERINTENDENT. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE DO # AJ)J OuRN · /'Lour CARRIED." _ ,~d,?:!~ - ('I,RAIRMAN v:::n : 8~ ~ ca ~ (.j . ~~T: ~).i~ ~ ::~ c;:!~ ~ ,~ o G \~) d c::? c+i /}! ~) ~ \~r ~I JJ t! AJ -:!: -.J' ~. ~ <1 \?D :I. 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'...-..l . _JI 3 ~ 'fus'g,d{;: -r; i a I I i b,e ~ r ~ b~ --- '-',-- -...-...."-.--.--..,! -"--, ---- -~)_---.I,,-- --.--'-!-_ 1-'"'-- - .. -- i -.e,-"-J=-+~,-I ti .- -- --+---,---I..,---4--.j II .__._...___._!____Jf,l:.,~--!~I~.-l "* @.~_~,~:t(~_r:n ~'~j - ~~-' I -T-_-1L..' ____ ___" .',_ ". I, I I II '. G ! I r-l' I ij llVC NL~~q , o~, ~=,I ,! 2i~ ! I , Lbo -'::::11'--;- r-----,:--, 7 . . -ii') ~11~-~:~1----LfOQ .t-ri- ---I~'--'- , ,I: /:;j--'f>....-r-.j! ~-t--HI -.-----~- ----'-1 tJ- --~li------cfi-j----.-_. -'--j-., t--,--1.-,---i1'I ~-. -:-'-'~',-l-'. '..'_r,:,'-_L~.I'iJ..-~'!.fl '>I____tCD.4?..-l.'.f.-: _.J_-~.:f:2" ---_'___ _ :', ..~...'?f..~-Q+:=,:. _.,.1 i JI i 1!! '.1 . 9 .: i ~Y_l' \Z.c.<b [,.:) bl\1,.~-~ it"d:d I! 1 '~- " :-7W ~- 1'+'-;-1-:--;-- -~l----~-_lLJ:-- -rLd6---,r~~t.-----.-+---t-4- .tt- -f I" -F-tt"l"--!-'i '---. ---'.'. -----, --" "-'''.' '--, r.. ,) 12,.. -..--- tQ.. --.:......~- - - -'-. ---.L, .. 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I 'i [~it~:-:--i-~ __ _____un__ !i 43 : ',: L---- ,.._.: .__L._ - .- .. __._. __'_' ,_ __._ _ _ __., __.. 144 , I F~:,~::=[iJ~::L__':__==--=__"'---~~~~~__~',__-:~J~-]l=Jl-J==:=--~,:~~~~~~Ji-~=CI,.],J_,j,..~,.,Ji COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST ROAD REPORT December, 1979 TO THE WARDEN AND MEmBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: Your Road Cvuuuittee Reports as Follows: 1. We recommend that a :By-Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objection to the Township of Yarmouth passing a By-Law closing the Road in Lot 7, Concession I, Yarmouth Township, froDl County Road 24 to Lake Erie, each day between sunset and sunrise. 2. We recvuuuend that a By-Law be passed restricting the wej~ght of vehicles passing over County Bridges as follows: Robbins, 4 tonnes; Cooks, Phillmore, Fulton, Jamestown, 15 tonnes each; Meeks, 18 tonnes; Vienna, 20 tonnes. The previous By-Law was in Imperial Units and was passed during a period that By-~aws did not require Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications approval. The Provincial Legislation has now been amended and our present By-Law is thus out of date. ,"' CHAIID1AN ~.~-b .--------' CONSTRUCTION New Machinery $ 197,000 Bridge and Culvert Construction 9~~3 , 000 Resurfacing 399,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE $1,539,000 ~ BUDGET New Machinery $ 170,000 Resurfacing Carryover Plus Kent Town Line 225,000 New Resurfacing (2 - 3 Miles) 150,000 Cost Carryover and Land Purchase 120,000 Road 38 Construction (Say) 800,000 Walkers Bridge 74,000 $1,539,000 Total Walkers Maintenance $ 100,000 Construction 74,000 $' 174,000 QUESTIONS: Winter Control Costs must not go up. $370,000 Repairs to Pavement Costs must Reduce. 1981 - Maintenance must go back up, Gravel Resurfacing, Surface Treatment, Repairs to Pavement, and Bridge Maintenance. Engineering" Costs will Reduce - in aSiffiuch as only part of Road 32 would go in 1981. Road 3& will by "ify" if we can open thru Wards Hill. I" I \ Men to work on construction - rather than high labour jobs like Bridge Maintenance, Gravel Resurfacing, Surface Treatment, Repairs to .Paveme:nt, etc. Richmond Hill to 1982. - Limit work on Road 32 and 22. Cut New Machinery Budget. 1980 1981 1982 ~ $ 17~,000 . 350,000 O 000 ~ 000 ~ Page 2. from $1,750,000 TOT pJ... ~ Estimated at $1 285 000 pluS NeW Machine~1 Resurfacing Walkers Bridge Land su,!:veYs etc. ~o ComPlete Road 38 Road 32 $ 340,000 350,000 35 000 ". , , 225,000 ~ ~ or 1/2 to 2/3 of \olo'!:k _ Retu~n Maintenartce to Normal with etnPhasis ort Bridge Maintenance. Gravel Resurfacing, surface Treatmertt. _ Build Salt Shed, 1iIhite Station or EaSt. Elgin. ~ Road # 16 - complete Road # 31 .. Road # 52 .. Road # 30 .. Road # 32. ... Road # 22 ... Slides, etc. SlideS, etc. . J SlideS, fe~g~Son, D~i'Ve~aYs, etc. Engineering, Fencing, and T~ee cutting E~gineering, Fencing, and T-ree cutting Miscellaneous SurveYs Land purchase - Road # 38 .. Road # 32 .. Road # 30 Road # 22 .. M.iScellaneoUS 'Page '3. $ 12',000 2,000 8,00~ 6,000 20,000 12,000 5,000 15,000 25,000 6,000 6,000 ~ ~ / 1980 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNIC1ITIONS ,"- ~jJk ~~ ALLOCATION AND SUBSIDY December 3, 1979 CONSTRUCTION ALLOCATION Total Needs Now Plus 1 to 5 Years (Roads and Structures) $ 17,024, 000 V Less 1979 Allocation 903,000 I /' NET NEEDS $ 16,121, 000' V' ASPHALT RESURFACING Needs $ 4,409,000 Less 1979 Allocation 317,000 NET NEEDS $ 4,092,000 Allocations Roads and Structures 6% or $16~12l,000 or $ 9?7,000 . Resurfacing l(),}~ of $4,092,000 409,000 $ 1,376,000 , Maximum is last years allocation plus 10% or $ 1,34'2,000 V FIXED COSTS 1979 BUDGET, 1980 REQUEST New Machinery 155,000 197,000 Maintenance Roads 1,045,000 1,178,000 Maintenance Bridges 100,000 130,000 Overhead (Maintenance Only) 257,000 390,000 Including Const. Payroll Burden $1,557,000 $1,895,000 1980 ALLOCATION Maintenance Roads and Bridges $1,133,000 Overhead 338,000 New Machinery 197,000 $1,668,000 (Overhead Includes Construction Payroll Burden) - All Construction $,943,000 Resurfacing 399,000, $1,342,000 1980 ALLOCATION AND SUBSIDY Construction Allocation Resurfacing Allocation New Machinery Maintenance and Overhead Items Not for Subsidy BUDGET Add Urban Rebates; Drainage Assessments etc. LevY Effective COMPARISON 1979 903,'000 317,000 145,000 ~,409,000 6,000 $2,780,000 Increase 8.5% $ 710,000 Estimated 9.8% 1979 NEEDS STUDY TOTALS Now Bridges Now Roads Roads 1-5 Years Asphalt Resurfacing qy-' Bridges ~ Local Roads TOTAL NEEDS 3,462,000 7,462,000 6,100,000 17,024,000 4,409,000 2,384,000 $23,817,000 Page 2.\ 1980 942,000 400,000 197,000 1,471,000 6,000 $3 , 016 , 000 $ 780,000 Estimated TOTAL ALLOCATION CONSTRUCTION AND FIXED COSTS Construction Maintenance, Overhead and New Machinery Subsidy Calculated at 1,342~000 1,668,000 $ 3.010,000 $ 2,329,000 1980 ALLOCATION AND SUBSIDY ~ (E.stimated) LeSS city of St. Thomas construction (Estimated) Less Ministry of TransportatiOn and c~nica~~~~dY Total Allocation NfoT LE'fl plus 5~k of Urban Rebates ($25,000) Drainage AssessmentS 5.ifl. of $20,000 Itel1\S not for subsidY etc. NEt 'LE'fl 'Rate of subsidY (EffectiVe) ::::: 74.25% ' 'Page 3. $3,010,000 31,000 ~ $ 138,000 12,500 10,000 ~ ~ S burban Road C~ission ~ Add for underspending on St. ThomaS u CO~N~~OY~ 1'ROCRAcN\. 19BO ESTIMATES DECEMBElZ JU ' 4.' 'ChLC~LHt>~lO\'1~~~rf'PBR ~rSR ' . r t rl< on \'toad>! ""d $ 3 010 000 S".. T'i" "1"-> 1 A on t" o"~' d b)(. pe p.< 1. \>. ' . '1 '1) ...,.,~.2-:._-~l-:;:.::;';; ~~:.:..-~ ::> . ,~ "...... ~ r C6 \ tcrn ----~- ;;;.-- \\ridl,',"" \0 ""hieh Grant n\'P" ' ,,"( { 1. "c '"~i\.lB on"rrota.\. 5 't~P 2 CO\1nty r.ho rt 0 · ,,:J '" ~ CO_\l.n. tY !\.sse66rt'Cnt ~ltert' Y) " $ 516- 2'ill.--- 1 2S " ltert' F " \. 2S " $~ ~' . ~ lOOO . 'b t' at oS N\.i\15 1'\\16 5cP' ~rban contr' \1 ;'::'000 ~OO $ 31,0~ ,0. S" Ite~ =: O. S ", ,$~\'OOo ----- ~OO \1\ , ~ql - $ 613,~ 'total Local ~Hort at l. 2S 'V" 5 - ~ '{') d -cttort at 1 2S N\.il1" 'c<1.,,.als the s'r~P 3 <,-oa ~-'j. · ' ~ total Local BHort in Step 2 p\\15 an e<1.\1i"alent art'ount oi r,rant $ l,~ , 'l" II:. 613,250 ~ 2." Step ." " 1< <f _._-~ s'r~P 4 ~nrttet Road Biiort at \. 2S N\.i\16 =: ~ Step 1 rt'inull Step 3 ~\JnlesS Step' 3 $~ is greate r than Step 1 ) ~V'lhere there i5 al\ \lnrt'et. Road ~H~'rt at l. 2S N\.ill9 Grant applying to ,t,S ' Step 4 " O. 90<)0<) " lot "1 783 :,00 " O. <)0'l0<) ~~~ plus Grant c<1.Ui"alent to 'total Local Bifo rt ~step 2) 'total calculated hrttO\1nt oi urant ::'$~ $~ $ ~mV'lhe,'e ther" is nO unrt'et Road BHort d at 1. 2'1 Mill9 Gr3nt is SO"/o oi J>,.pp~o:e ~"penditu re ~ltcrt' 1) ,0 O. S " Step o. S )( $-------- , ~rban Rebate paid STf,P b (.., ratlt a.pply,ng to. . ~ <,0"/0 01 ltertt}1. " O. r, ,,$------ {' \ll" (i rant "pply\n\l, to 1\ ppro"etl f,><p.,ndilure ~step r,{J>,.) or Step ,>~B) t Di s-posa.l'~o'" N\.inu6 \h<ceipt6 irortt,proper '/ '" $------------- 0/" oi IlCrt' N '" O. --c-" $------ --- J 'Total Gt'J-nt , . ' 'rotal Gr;J.o.t payable under ~pper Tier ~g.1 . ' , , "-'''e J>,.l1ocatiOn ~ltertt h) or 'Pl"Og1...'\cr~ \.~ l.-'-l . step G, ":l:\iChe,,er ,6 the \e56er ,.', i ~ that applicable to year in -.>Ihich pro1?erty Ii ,~, p" rc e nta [1;" to \)f-, u.,,,- d " < t ' "ttac h ti "pa rat c H \,\0'1'" tl1"" o\~" rat" .'Pp"'''' · -.>Ii'" {'Urch"';;"\. 1 " ,i' b 'dy chl.irtted and note years ca.\t:u\.\tiut\. lI' ,.1lpVc>rl a~~O\1nt 0 ,,\I 5' in -.>Ihich 1)urcJlase6 rttade. .. 8(}'10 or !\ PI' roved ~)t"el\d i'<~re {\tetll \) O. t\ 1< $----- V'lhiche'ler is the leSser OR ' --- .. or ... -$~ ' . S .lJ>,.) $~ s {~) $~ ~$~ $ ------------- $~ $~ D!\.'!E .- ,. ST. TllQMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1979 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD C~TTEEMET at the Elgin countY BUildings 9 30 ~ove:ro.ber 14 1979. All members were present including ~ : a.m., n ' Mr. Frank clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and comrounications. Reeve Longhurst reported that Bob Mccaig waS keeping a record of his expenditUres on the dumP road and would expect to be reinbUrsed in the future. " TllE MINUTES of october 10 and october 18 were read and approved. TllE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as folloWS: _ 'T'nP.re is very little Nothing else can be paid thiS year. Newbigging gravel for A16 All work has been basicallY done and the moneY spel'l:. for Decernber. and Strickland machine time for october is not paid. Casual labourers have been laid off. Regular labourers will be laid off as soon as the snow fencing has been completed in about a week and a half. . 1 R d 38 is in preliminary soilS report indicates FortY eight ~nch'Gu vert on oa poor conditions. w> much work as possible will be done on Road 38 thiS year. Gravelling of shoulders on Road 16 haS been completed. ~ork at port BUrwell haS been comPleted. The ounwich culvert haS been comPleted. 6. ~ork haS been started on the Jamestown Bridge. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. floor and stringer that onlY tbe ends required repair. A Sl!.b$t~tia'l pile of gravel haS been stockpiled at the Pleasant ValleY pit. The winter night shift will consist of four (4) men rather than the usual System had to be replaced. originallY it waS antiCipated It was found that the entire 5. si}{. A reasonable gmount of sign work will be done, as well as fencing on Roads 19 8. 9. an.d 32. . . R ds 32 and 22 and 45, as well as port StanleY, Surveying work ~ll cont~nue on oa port Burwell and culvert on the Bayhaffi, Malahide line. 10. 11. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1979 PAGE 2. ACCOUNTS "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. #45 AMOUNTING TO $44,474.67 #46 AMOUNTING TO $ 196.97 #47 AMOUNTING TO $42,591.86 #49 AMOUNTING TO $~03, 138. 75 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Town of Dunnville - unprotected railway crossings. "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL . SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF DUNNVILLE REGARDING CHANGES IN THE COST OF RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS BE FILED. CARRIED." 2. County of Lambton - Signing on Highway 402. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED'BY: THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF LAMBTON REGARDING SIGNING ON HIGHWAY 402 J. B. WILSON BE FILED. CARRIED." ~. Ontario Municipal Board - Issac and Ursula Fehr _ Maurice Beaudry 4. West Elgin Nature Club - Tree Planting. 5. Ministry of Transportation and Communications - traffic control recommenda- tions for Highway 401 interchanges. These were approved by Cvu.uittee. ST. THOMAS, ONT;'RIO NOVEMBER 14, 1979 PAGE 3. 6. Town of Valley East School Crossings. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF VALLEY EAST REQUESTING LEGISLATION BE AMENDED TO HAVE SCHOOL BUSES PICKUP CHILDREN ON BOTH SIDES OF A FOUR (4) LANE HIGHWAY BE FILED. CARRIED." 7. Joyce Green - Stop Sign. 8. James Snow and Ron McNeil Middlemiss Bridge. 9. Regional Municipality of Waterloo - Pits and Quarries Act. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE RESOLUTION OF REGION OF WATERLOO REQUESTING THE DELAY OF THE SECOND READING OF BILL 127, PIT AND QUARRIES UNTIL THE REGUL~rIONS HAVE BEEN CIRCULATED FOR 60 DAYS BE ENDORSED. CARRIED." WALKERS BRIDGE The Committee was brought up to date on the consultants investigation into conditions and repairs of the bridge. Road 32 Land Purchase "MOVED BY: W. R . CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE COUNTY LAND PURCHASE POLICY FOR ROAD 32 BE AS FOLLOWS. AGRICULTURAL LAND $2,000 PER ACRE, AND FENCE ALLOWANCE OF $12 PER ROD, IF FENCE IS NOT REQUESTED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1979 PAGE 4. Grader Blade Quotations. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF E. S. HUBBELL AND SONS LTD. FOR 200 GRADER BLADES DELIVERED TO OUR COUNTY GARAGE @ $14.95 FEDERAL SALES TAX INCLUDED, PROVINCIAL SALES TAX EXTRA SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." Personnel - Holiday Time Carryover, Weekeridt Duty. (Time Off) "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY PERSONNEL THAT THEY RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE EMPLOYEES CARRYOVER OF HOLIDAYS INTO 1980 BE ALLOWED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE SUPERINTENDENT DESIGNATED AS BEING ON DUTY FOR WINTER MAINTENANCE BE GRANTED A DAY OFF FOR EACH WEEKEND WORKED. CARRIED." The Engineer was instructed to provide recommendations to the Road Committee regarding joint ~anagement-Worker Committee necessary to be formed ~, ~l the new Occupational Health and Occupational Safety Act. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 6, 1979 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." (i ~'- , ;1 ~ (~ . '. ~- ~ . / ~ U ._, ./Z",.- . , CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1979 PAGE 1. at 9:30 a.m., october 10, 1979. All members were present. Mr. Frank Clarke THE coUNtY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County BUildings of the Ministry of Transportation and communications waS also present. THE MINUTES of the meetings on september 5 and 12 were read and approved. 1. Trucks hauling to the M.T.C. Patrol Yard at Iona had been found to be TllE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to Date as folloWS: overloaded and ~ere dgmaging the MiddlemisS Bridge floor. A letter had been written to Honourable James W. Snow, Minister of Transportation and communicatiOns, a copy of which is attached. 2. county work at the Dodds Creek culvert, southwold township haS been 3. work waS continuing on the Talbot creek CUlvert in j)Unwich Township. completed. 4. The Drain on EueUs and Strachan StreetS in port BUrwell for the Village 5. The "lleam for the Leach Bridge in Bayham Township waS expected shortly as had been cU"'l!leted except for clean-up, 6. Pavement Marking in Elgin and Oxford County haS been completed. the strike at Stanley Structures had been settled. 7. Gravel Shouldering had been completed on Road 16 between Road 14 and sam Fitches. Newbiggings were expec~ed to crush more gravel in several weeks SO that the job could be completed. 8. Earth and gravel shouldering, top and trimming work have been completed 9. The Railings of the Fingal Bridge on Road 16 have been s,andblasted and on Road 19. 10. Sanders were being cleaned and painted and it had been necessary to painted with three (3) coatS of paint. purchase a neW sand blaster as the old one waS worn out. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1979 PAGE 2. 11. Hot Mix Asphalt Paving had been completed on Road 38 for the season but recent wet weather was holding up final trinuning and gravel shouldering. 12. Ruckle Construction had completed gravel crushing. More gravel was being piled and a dragline had been rented from Vern Higgs to dragline some gravel out of the wat~r. 13. The two (2) end spans on theJ.amestown Bridge would have to be replaced this fall. 14. Inasmuch as it was likely that the new Snow Plow Unit could not be delivered until mid December it would be necessary to operate with 9 units instead of 10 units until that time. 15. Ron Bradfield was no longer interested in Renting the County Salt storage space in Port Burwell and as no other place could be found it would be necessary to use salted sand only in East Elgin this winter. 16. Although many employees were on vacation and had scheduled vacations there would be carryover of vacations in 1980 and a complete list would be presented at the next meeting for reconunendationtoc,Eersonnel Conunittee. 17. Evelyn Jacobs had completed the Clerk-Treasurers Course for Admittance to the A. M. C. T. The CV~llittee felt her certificate should be presented to her at County Council. 18. Nearly all funds other than Wages had been spent for the year. 19. It was noted that the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Ltd. were improving the Dump Road at their own cost 20. The old GMC Truck had been sold to Mr. Elmer Malik for $650. 21. The old Generator had been sold to Mr. Frank Jones for $275. ST. TllOW>S, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1979 "PAGE 3. "MOVED B'l t lZ. M. lZELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLoWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST #39 AMoUNTING TO $47,131.76 "PA'IL1ST #41 AMOUNT1NG TO 43 ,852.98 "PA'.lL1ST #42 AMOUNT1NG 'to 43,968.42 "P A'lLI ST #43 AMOUNTING TO 309 .64 PA'lL1ST #44 AMOUNTING TO 292,629.40 CARRIED ." cor~espondence on the countY's Legal LiabilitY with regard to the Walkers B~idge waS read from L. Wells of Frank Cowan Ltd., and countY's SolicitOr Mr. M. J. Hennessey. A letter from Mr. N. Warner of R. C. DUnn detailing a projected cost for a report on necessary repairs to the Bridge and thOSe thingS necessary to do prior to a report waS read. After considerable diSCUssion it waS decided to again meet with Middlese1t Road corornittee and to trY to get Mr. K. Kleinsteiber of.M.S.C..t;'o look at the bridge with Mr. Warner and the CountY Engineer. It waS decided to have a disCUssion at CountY Council regarding a Fall Council Inspection of countY RoadS. The meeting adjOUrned to W. R. CaverlY' s Residence ",here a beautifUl meal ",as enjoyed. After Dinner. "MOVED B'l: K. M. KELLY SEOONl'ltl'l BY: J. B. vnLSON TllAT \'IE pURCllASE THE FOLL~G PIPE FROM ~CO CANADA LTD. 260 FEE'!: & 10 COuPLERS OF 24" DIA. 14 GAUGE t,'!: 8.60 pER 1100'l: 400 FEET &. 16 CouPLERS OF 30" DIP>, 14 GAUGE AT 10.70 PER FOOT 300 FEET &. 14 COUPLERS OF 48" DIA. 1:2 GAUGE AT 21.95 PER FOOT 6 fEET & 1 COUPLER OF 60" DIA. 12 GAUGE AT 33. 05 PER FOOT SUllJEC! TO M.T .C. APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1979 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CARRIER MACK TRUCK CENTRE, LONDON FOR A MACK R D685 S AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $45,700.77 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA FOR A 10B2 - 15' -6" DUMP BOX, TARPAULIN COVER, TWIN CYLINDER HOIST, SNOW PLOW NEW STYLE TOWER, FRONT POST ETC. AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $17,122 INCLUDING INSTALLATION ON THE COUNTY MACK TRUCK PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR ONE RADIO UNIT AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $1,508, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." The Connnittee agreed that as much work as feasible should proceed on Road 38 at the Ward Hill this fall with Payment for Remted Equipment being made next year. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From various Municipal ities with Rezoning and CUll11LLitte~e of Adjustment notice. 2. From the O.M.B. setting hearing dates on appeals for County Land Division Connnittee decisions. 3. From Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario wj~th briefs on transportation of dangerous" materials and railway grade separation funding. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1979 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNCIL FILE THE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES AND REGIONS OF ONTARIO BRIEF ON RAILWAY GRADE SEPARATIONS; PROCESSING OF APPROVALS AND FUNDING. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNCIL FILE THE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES AND REGIONS OF ONTARIO BRIEF ON TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS MATERIAL. CARRIED." 4~ The Village of Dutton requesting a flashing light at the Intersection of Road 8 and 15. The Engineer was instructed to review the accident record at that intersection with the O.P.P. and report at the next meeting. 5. A letter to Township of Yarmouth regarding the ownership of the old travelled Road south of Road 24 near Road 23 in Yarmouth Township. The Engineer was requested to forward to the Township of 'Yarmouth a copy of the By-Law which designates County Road and thus reverting all other Roads to the Local Municipalities. 6. From the University of Western Ontario requesting a lease renewal on property leased since 1964 south of Road 24 from the Percy Boose Estate Property. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A RENEWAL OF THE LEASE WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO FOR USE OF COUNTY PROPERTY APPROXIMATELY 10 ACRES ON LOTS 23 AND 24, CONCESSION I, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1979 PAGE 6. The Engineer was requested to assist the Plowers Association wherever possible in processing the 1985 International Plowing Match in Elgin County. It was understood that some travel 1would be involved. The Engineer reported that some opposition had bleen encountered with regard to Land Purchase on Road 32, Reeve Caverly offered to assist wherever possible. The Engineer reported that he had run into probllems with Wayne Kentner on Road 16 with regard to Payment for property acquired for Construction last Year. Reeve Shaw offered to assist in the matter. The Engineer was instructed to contact Mr. George Lysy regarding Mr. Lysy requests to purchase a cut off corner on Road 45, Lot 28, Concession V, Bayham Township. Mr. Lysy to pay all costs including surveying, legal costs, plus $100 to the Township of Bayham for the old road allowance. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 18. CARRIED." /) ... CJP /~)J;utt( t1 ~. CHAIRMAN I ".. ,..--...-.'.. I~' : '''',j ".J"~'f"'.-J ',.- ",,/"I!\' ./' ,.. " t' " \ " \ " \ " .' J-"~'/ //........., \,~,/ ~.....--~-- \ "-",-, ,-- ) -'....:.-)' ".......". t tiN, i i., I! , ~ ' l I ,;' i ) /\~':~l'r":~;'~" ,. ~;~)!.,r../ : ',~ /.' ,~\ : ~. 'i. h~{i\" ;"')11'\".; ,\". f' J /itll ,,' r f-:,o( lat,.I. .,-.................. "'l9 STf.\/'JLE'Y ~~T. r~()t'H ~:;;T C;, MC>' 11<1':.... H,~;c P FJJ(, ( l' nut' T !", L' . " !tv\,'NHiJ t,'lll ROAD,uPHWHINDfNI lEi fP1iON! 519 631 ~;g60 "":/, ST. THOMf\[~;, ()N r. N5R 3Cl September 28~ 1979 ~-.' Honourable James W. Snow Mini.ster of Transportation and Corrnnunications Fe, X' gll son Bloc k ,Qu~en '5 Park Toronto, Orq:.ar i~) DfUl t Sir: . RE: LOAD LIMITS ON BRIDGES On September 26th I noticed t"hile ~t'avelling from Melbourne toward Iona on Elgin and Middlesex County Roads a number of tractor trailers hauling sand from the north to the M.T.C. Iona Patrol Yard on Elgin c.oti'nty R.oad 14, just south of Highway 401. l found upon inquiring from your M.1'.C. ch(~cker on the job, that these trucks were hauling up to 26 cubic metres of sand or likely about d 45 ton lQad plus the weight of t;h~ truck. Thes(~ loads w(~t:(\l)(:dng hauled over a defici€"nt Thames River Bridge (Middlemiss 'Bridge) which has by rly-LaW been restricted, to 30 tons by the Counties of Middlesex & Elgin and apprl>ved by your Ministry. '1l ~ '... ~ I immediately put in a call to the Dutton Detachment of t:,:he Ontario Provincial Pol. i.ce who seemed to be at a loss as to what to do even if they had a Cclr to r.jend out (which they said they did not). I then eEl 11 cd Mr. Clen Frcllch, District Englnt'('t' with your Londol1 Office who said he would look into the matter and inform the Driver & Vcihicles Branch of your Ministry. r:r. a . . . . ') r~, A, '., , ,/ r 1'" Honourable James W. Snow September 28, 1979 Pag<:~ 2 I am sure that the. added cost s by the Ontario Provinci.al Pol ice would be more than offset by the savi.ngs to the Province in the premature replacement of bridges due. to their [ailurp Cromthe passage of overweight vehicles: RQM:kaa O.c.. Mr. Glen French District Engineer M.T.C., London, Ont. Mr. Frank Clarke Senior Municipal Supervisor M.T.C., London, Ont. Mr. .John Ml~ff;~t M.T.C., Downsview, Ont. Mr. K. L. Kleinsteiber M.T.C., Downsview, Ont. Sergeant Major McCabe London Detachment, O.P.P. Hon. R. K. McNeil M.L.A. Elgin Mr. Don Husson Middlesex County Engineer Hon. Robert Eat.on M. L.A. MiddLe sex Hon. James McGugan M.L.A. East Kent Reeve Ron Green Township of .B4lyham W~H:d(,11 :;yd Gl nvor Elgin County Mr. Lyle Wells Frank ~owan Co. Pri.ncf.~ton, Ont. Yours very truly, . I I)' ,~ I'" I I ' .d '! J './', t', " i /, ,~~~. '''-. ' /: .' i '. \" 'R. G. MOORE, ~./Sc. ;P. FJng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT "I . '1".. t , COUNTY OF ELGIN TANDEM TRUCK TENDERS SEPTEMBER, 1979 Ih _,t!1 ~, ~ Listing-Those Tenders Meet~n~ County Specifi.cations Price Includes All Modifications and Provincial Sales Tax 1. Carrier Mack Truck Centre 90 Enterprise Drive London, Ontario Mack RD 685S With END! 675 Maxidyne Engine (Torque 906 ft_ Ibs) <Mack - 6 speed transmission, Model TRXLI07 Input Torque 1,500 lb. ft. 2. Itorest City International Truck Ltd. 1712 Dundas Street East tondon, Ontario N5W 3 C9 International F2674 With NTC 290 Cummins Engine and Fuller RTOF 9513 13 Speed Input Torque 950 ft. lbs. Extra to Repaint 3. Middlesex Motors 100 Queens Avenue I.,ondon, Ontario N6A IH7 Ford LTS 9000 i-lith NTC 290 Cummins Engine (Torque 930 ft. lbs.) .and :buller RTO 12513 13 Speed Transmission 4. Toronto Peterbi1t Truck Centre 5495 Dixie Road Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1 E6 Model 310 Peterbilt (Cab Forward Model not Applicable to Snow Plowing) ,,,, 45,700.77 45,865.28 4 7 ,6/+3.89 5 1+, 236 . 1 0 .----- of' COUNTY OF ELGIN TANDEM TRUCK TENDERS SEPTEMBER, 1979 Those Tenders Not Meeting COlt.nty Specifications And Requirements 1. .London White Truck Ltd. 2074 Dundas Street East .. London, Ontario N5V lR3 H't' White Western Star With NTC 230 Cummins Engine (Torque 805 ft. lbs.) and Fuller RTO 958LL.Transmission Torque Input 950 ft. Ibs. 43,870.00 Moclifications ReQlt.ired Frame Section Modulus only 21.37 ... requires additional mQd.:l fication Change Alternator Change Muffl,er COST 1.,444.50 Transmission 10 Speed... questionable if applicable for County Work (sno"Wplowing) because of gear ratio spread TOTAL 45,314.50 2. GMC Tr.uck Centr(~ '1650 the Queensw-ay 'Toronto, Ontario M82 1 Xl GMC BT,~g~dier GM 6-71T Engine and Fuller RTO 9513 Transmission Section Modulus of Frame too light No Butterfly Hood no PTO Adapter Muffler Adaption ? 42,141.95 . . . . 2 ~ ,I , TENDERS NOT MEETING COT.mTY SPECIFICATIONS, 3. "Middle sex Motor s 100 Queens Avenue London, Ontario N6A IH7 Ford LT-S 9000 6-71 N Motor Fuller 9515 Transmission Motor does not meet Specifications 4. Brantford'Truck Centre Ltd. 138 Gilkinson Street Brantford, Ontario N3T 2A3 International DT-466 Motor and Fuller 613 Transmission Motor and Transmission do not meet Specifications 5. Douglas Ford Centre 1+33 Dunlop Street We ~:lt Barrie, Ontario L4N 1 C3 Ford LTS 230 NTC Cummins (797 Torque ft. lbs.) With Fuller Kf9509A 9 Speed Transmission Add - Hood Modification, Adapter 100 Amp Altern.:itor, Muffler Adaptor Transmission not Satisfactory for Snow Plowing PAGE 2 41,253.85 ~;), 37,226.23 42,800.00 ~. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT October Session, 1979 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Your Road CVl111uittee Reports as Follows: a) Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Road 38 has been completed from Highway 3 to Richmond, ,.in Richmond on Roads 38 and 43, and from the east side of the Richmond Hill to the west side of Wards Hill. Some trimming, top soil and gravel shouldering work remains because of the recent wet weather. Some work will be carried out this fall at the Wards Hill. b) A Mack Tandem Diesel Truck has been purchased from Carrier Mack Truck Centre, London, at $45,700.77 including Provincial Sales Tax, the lowest of five (5) tenders. This truck will be fitted with a Dump Box and Snow Plow Unit by Frink Canada Ltd. at a quotation of $17,122, Plus Provincial Sales Tax. Frink is using some of the County's present equipment, and the County's One Way Plow and Wing. It is hoped to have the Unit in operation by December 15. It will replace a 1975 Ford (Truck ~3) which in turn will be used as a Sander Truck to replace a 1979 GMC (Truck #71), which has been sold for scrap. e) A meeting has been scheduled for October 18 with the County of Middlesex Road CVl1111l.ittee with regard to the Walkers Bridge. We Recommend: a) That a By-Law be passed authorising the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Renewal of the Lease with the University of Western Ontario to allow the University to use approximately 10 Acres of Lots 23 & 24, Concession I, Yarmouth Township lying south of the old Lake Road. The University has leased this land which is on the bluff overlooking lake Erie since 1964 as a site for teaching and research into soil and wind erosion problems along Lake Erie. . . . . 2 Page 2 ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE. FIRST REPORT --'" ,,-- ---- b) That the brief by the Association of Counties and RegionS of Ontario on the Transportation of DangerioUS Materials be filed. c) That the brief by the Association of Counties and RegionS of Ontario on Railway Grade Separation Financing be filed. ALL OF WllICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN LONDON, ONTARIO OCTOBER 18, 1979 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Middlesex County Administration BUilding, London, Ontario at 10 a.m., OctobE~r 18, 1979. All members were present. Also members of Middlesex Road Commi~ttee, Frank Clarke and Howard Greenly from the Ministry of Transportation and CVllullunication, al so County Engineers of Elgin and Middlesex and Mr. Norm Warner of R. C. Dunn and Associates. Repairs to the Walkers Bridge were discussed at considerable length it being noted as follows: 1. That a meeting had been held on October 16 at the Wa1kE~rs Bridge with Mr. Warner, Mr. Greenly, Mr. K1einsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and CVlluuunications a.nd County Engineers to discuss repairs. 2. That the repair of the bridge superstructure was a calculated risk in that the abutments were moving, had moved since the bridge ~ffiS built and likely would continue to move unless very extensive and costly repairs and/or renovations were made. 3. Mr. Warner felt that at the present time there is room on the abutments for about 8 inches of movement or between 10 and 15 years of normal movement, however additional or different stress could occur which would make abutments ~~ necessary. 4. Mr. Warner felt that a reasonable estimate of the cost of repair of the steel work was $200,000 which would allow the bridge to be rE~-opened to 5 ton loads. To strengthen the bridge to take loads in excess of 5 ton would take additional funds and these costs could not be estimated at this ti.me. 5. There was no engineering reason that the bridge could not be open to pedestrian use. 6. That although a 5 ton limit would limit the use of the bridge by ma~y farm vehicles raising the limit to 10 ton would increase thE~ cost of repair } considerably as additional floor work and abutment work would be required. LONDON, ON'tARIO OCTOBER 18, 1979 -PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY:: K. M. t<.ELLY: Tt1I\.T WE BE_OPEN T1:tE WALt<.ERS BRIDGE TO PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. CARRIED." "MOVED BY:: W. R. Cf>.VERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE AIlTllORIZE THE FIlU'i OF R. C. DuNN AND ASSOCIA'tES TO PROCEED WITH DETAILED ES'tUlATE AND DESIGN FOR TllE BEP./\IR OF THE STEEL WORK ON THE WALt<.ERS BRIDGE, THE TENTATIVE ESTIMATE FOR vmICH IS APPROZUlATELY $200,000. TllE REPAIR OF T1:tE BRIDGE TO BE DESIGNED FOR A FIVE (5) TON LIMIT. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. J. cAMPBELL SECOllDED BY: K. M. t<.ELLY THAT WE AJ)J01JlU'1 TO 9 :30 A.M., NOVEMllER 14, 1919. CARRIED. " ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COt1MITTEE MET at the Elgin County Buildings at 11:00 a.m., September 12, 1979. All members were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON the items as follows: 1. Road 38 is essentially complete and ready for pavement. 2. All money for 1979 has been spend except for wages, fU1el, etc. 3. Lay offs of five or six labourers will have to occur around the f:trst of November. 4. Construction of the Southwold and Dunwich culverts is progressing. 5. Tenders for a new truck are now out. ACCOUNTS "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST FOR PAYMENT. ~ PAYLIST f40 AMOUNTING TO $128,111.87 CARRIED." Western Ontario Sports Car Association. Ron Green reported that Bayham Township denied permission to this club to close roads for their performance rally. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOt1MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT TJIE REQUEST OF THE WESTERN ONTARIO SPORTS CAR CLUB TO CLOSE ROAD 43 FOR A SPORTS CAR RALLY IN JANUARY 1980 BE DENIED. CARRIED." Walkers Bridge The Engineer read the letter sent in answer to the citizens for Walkers Brige correspondence as well as a letter for the Township of Dunwich requesting that a new bridge be built. ST. TllOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEt1BER 12, 1979 'PAGE 2. "MOVED BY.: J C~'PBELL SECONDED BY: D. . WITll TllE RESOLUTION OF TllE .TY COUNCIL THAT WE CONcUR THAT WE RECOl<lMBl'ID 'to couN ION TO CoUNCIL TO DEt10LISll COl<lMITTEE THAT TllE Rf,COMENDA't cot!N'tY OF MlDDLESE'lt ROAD O~1S B~EEN TllE 'tWO ROAD FIl !llER DESCUSSI '" '" TllE VlALlZERS BRIDGE BE DEFERf,D PENDING R lZ. M. lZELLY. e1\.R1~2t;En · " CO~lTTEES · "MOVED BY: SECONDED J3':l: D. J. cA1>fi' BELL THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO ASCERTAIN TllE LEGAL LIABILITY OF TllE couNTY Rf,G.o.RDING TllE USE OF VlALKERS BRIDGE. lZ. M. lZELLY. C1\F..R1ED. " ~r Bearing .o.nimals SECONDED BY: VI. R. C.o.VE1<LY ~n..'lT" COuNCIL THAT WE DO NoT GIVE WRITTBl'I PERMISSION THAT VIE RECOl<lMBl'ID TO COu" L Tn 1\ 1') '1":'t'l'R BEARING ANIMALS ON couNTY ROAD ALLOWANCES. TO AN'lO~E TO J:'\.C1oI: J: U CARRIED." s. J. GLOVER "MOVED Wi': "MOVED BY.: D. J. C~'PBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. lZELLY 'tHAT WE ADJOURN TO OcTOBER 10, AT 'l :30 A.M. C1\F..R1ED.' , ..~~tZ~ 1~ RO~ CO~IT!~ FIRST REPORT - . September Session To the Warden and Members of Council: 1. your committee Reports as Follows: (a) The Walkers Bridge has been closed by the Road commitMeS of the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex becaUse of its unsafe condition. Report tWO of the committee will make a further report. (b) Construction on Road 38 is very well advanced with grading and granular base nearly completed, and with urban work in Richmond completed. Paving is scheduled to start tomorrow. (c) With the exception of paving of Road 38, Walmsley BroS. Ltd. have completed their Hot Mix Asphalt Paving contract. (d) Towland (London) 1970 Ltd. have completed their Hot Mix Asphalt Paving contract in Dutton, West Larne, and Rodney. (e) County forces have erected a super Span culvert for the Township of Southwold on Dodds Creek and are erecting twin super Span culvertS for the Township of DUnwich on Concession X at the Talbot Creek. (f) The Engineer has been authorized to advertise for and to purchase a Tandem Truck for snoW plowing. One of the present snoW plowing trucks will be used as a sander to replace a truck that cannot be economically certified for use. The Engineer haS been authorized to advertise this truck for sale. (g) That Mr. R. K. McNeil, MLA haS advised the County Road committee that he waS informed by the Honorable James SnoW, Minister of Transportation and communications, that no development road funds are available for the improvement of the Townline Road between southwold, Westminister and Delaware from Highway 4 to the St. ThomaS Sanitary collection Services Site. 2. We ReCOmmend (a) That the resolution of the Borough of Scarborough requesting the Ontario Hydro to establish an energy rate for street lightS that will provide an incentive to Municipalities to reduce energy consumption during certain dark hours be filed. (b) That a resolution be passed stating the County of Elgin has nO objection to the closing by the Township of Yarmouth council of a portion of the Road Allowance between concession X and Range 1 North of the Edgeware Road shown as Parts 4 and 5 on plan Dl164. (c) That a resolution be passed stating that the County of Elgin has nO objection to the closing of the following portions of Road by the Township of Bayham Council. 1. Part of the Road Allowance betWeen LotS 15 and 16 in the Gore south of the Talbot Road as shown on plan Dl13, save and expect that portion shown as Part 2 on reference plan 11 R.1675. 2. The Lane between Park Lots 4 & 5 Registered plan 17, for the Township of Bayham and described as Part 2 on Deposited plan 11 R_1727. ROAD COMMITTEE, FIRST REPORT PAGE 2 3. The Lane between Park Lots 6 & 7, Registered Plan 17, for the Township of Bayham. 4. The Lane between Park Lots 7 & 8, Registered Plan 17, for the Township of Bayham. 5. All of John Street Northerly from Mill Street to Big Otter Creek, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. 6. All the Water Street between John Street and Big Otter Creek, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. 7. The unnamed alley between Lots 4 & 5, and between Mill and Watter Streets, Registered Plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. (d) That the submission of the County of Brant to the Honorable James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications regarding the appointment of County Road Committees and Suburban Road Commissions be endorsed. All'of Which is Respectfully Submitted iJ~t?~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 PAGE 1. at 9:30 a.m., september 5, 1979. All members were present including Mr. Frank THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County BuildingS Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and communications. THE MINUTES OF August B, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the items as follows: 1. Money available, as of September is at a very low level. 2. Road 3B _ Curb. gutter and sidewalk in Richmond is nearly complete. _ Top soiling is being carried out. _ Granular base is nearly complete. some sand and gravel will be drawn from the Weaver Pit. _ Pavement will be placed in the very near future. _ Crushed Gravel is being hauled by county trucks. 3. All other paving has been completed other than Vienna. Paving in West Lorne, Rodney and DUtton has been completed. 4. surface treatment haS been completed. 5. Shouldering haS been completed on Roads 22, 52, 30, 53, Elm Street, 42, 45, and most of Road 36. Roads 19 and 16 have yet to be started. 6. There were tWO work crews on curb and gutter in Richmond. Work left to complete includes, connecting link in port Burwell, Painting of bridge railings at Dodds Creek and Fingal. 7. John Street in Aylmer has been completed. The southwold culvert is together. The nunwich culvert is underway. The culverts on Road 45 and port Burwell have been repaired using internal expanding couplers. 8. Land purchasing continUies on Road 32. 9. Sanitary drain at the Elgin County Museum has been repaired. 10. West Lorne is complete other than shouldering on Mary Street. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 PAGE 2. 11. Pavement marking is continuing in St. Thomas and then moving to Oxford County. 12. Second application of calcium has been completed. 13. The Engineer inspected the road systems of Victoria and peterborough Counties and reported that they both~, prime their gravel roads, and 5Ut:...lf that->ia-sf roads were included for full funding as deficient roads in their n:ece~p study. 14. ) The Jamestown Bridge floor will have to be repaired. 15. The engineering and road staff have some holidays sch,~duled, but it will be necessary to carry some over into the next year. 16. The Engineer reported that Mr. R. K. McNeil, in meeting with Minister of Transportation and Communications was told that th,~re was no development road funds available for the dump road reconstruction this year or in the forseeable furture. ACCOUNTS "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST #37 AMOUNTING TO $ 604.83 PAYLIST #36 AMOUNTING TO 46,109.12 PAYLIST #34 AMOUNTING TO 50,203.70 PAYLIST #38 AMOUNTING TO 381,072.59 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. Township of Yarmouth - Rezoning applications to O.M.B. 2. Township of Malahide - Application to O.M.B. to regulate all building construction. 3. Township of Southwold - By-Law to rezone land for Bill Thompson - By-Law to rezone land for J. Groot/ P. Mantel 4. Village of Belmont - By-Law to rezone land for Mr. & Mrs. H. Knott 5. Village of Port Stanley - By-Law to rezone land for the Canadian Legion. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 PAGE 3. 6. Bruce H. Blake LL.B. . Closing and sale of road allowance, Township of Yarmouth. 7. Borough of scarborough _ Street Light EnergY Rate. "MOVED BY: ,K" M'~K$L'L Y SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGH, RE: STREET LIGHT ENERGY COSTS BE FILED. CARRIED." 8. victor G. Bardawi11 _ Land purchase - Road 32. 9. western Ontario SportS Car Association . DOuglas art . request to speak to County council, Re: performance Ral1 y. c . .2\ ,Ht, ~i.f.Jv","\I';"'~ H. Greenly. Ministry of Transportation and communications - 1~ paymentS for 1979. 10. , 'MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE MINISTRY OF TAANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS AS REQUIRED FOR INTERIM PAYMENT OF SUBSIDY FOR 1979. CARRIED." 11. Township of Bayham . Road Allowance Closures and SaleS. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED STATING THAT THE COUNTY HAS NO OBJEGrIONS TO THE CLOSING OF THE FOLLOWING ROAD ALLOWANCES IN BAY1lAM. a) Road allowance betWeen Lots 15 and 16 lying opposite Lot 16 in the Gore south of Talbot Road excluding that portion of Kings Highway No. 19 on plan Dl13 and the road allowance designated as Part 2 of Reference plan 11 R.1675. b) The lane between park.LotS 4 and 5, Registered plan 17, for the Township of Bayham and Described as Part 2 on Deposited plan 11 R_1727. ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 PAGE 1+. c) The Lane between park LotS 6 & 7, Registered plan 17, for the Tov:J1lship of Bayham. d) The Lane Between park Lot 7 & 8, Registered plan 17, for the e) All of John Street, northerlY from Mill Street to Big Otter creek, Registered plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. f) All of water Street between John Street and Big Otter Creek Registered plan 147, for the Village of Willsonburg. g) The unamed alley between LotS 4 & 5 and between Mill and water Street, Registered plan 147 for the Village of Willsohbutg. CARRIED." TovrnshiP of Bayham. 12. countY of Brant. Re: Suburban Road commiSsioners. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: ~ ), vi.tIV - THAT WE RECOW:-\.END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT TRE SUm!.lSSIoN OF TRE COUNTY 01' BRP>N't REGARDING I\PPOINTMEN't OF COUNTY ROAD COW:-\.ITTIES AND SUBURBAN ROAD Co~SSloN BE ENDORSED. J. B. WI1aSON CARRIED.1t -W ALKERS BRIDGE A delegation of citizens for Walkers Bridge, 27 members, led bY Larne Carroll were in attendance to voice their objections regarding the bridge cloSure and a request that it be opened to light traffic. several pieces of correspondence, from residentS in the area, we-re noted. SECONDED BY: W. R. CAvERLY THAT 'tRE ENGINEER BE INSTRUGrED TO O'BIAIN AN ESTIMATE FROM R. C. DUNN AND i\SSOCIATES FOR 1\ REPOR'f TO DETI\IL TRE COST OF REPAlRIllG TRE WpJ..1.<.ERS BRIDGE TO clIBRY (A) PEDESTRIAN 'tRl\FFIC, (B) 5, TON LOAD, (C) 10 'tON LOADS AND TRE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO TRY TO 01>TI\IN FRoM. TRE LOWE~ T~S CONSERVATION I\UTHORITY INFOJ.U1ATION AS TO TJ;tEIR PLANS FOR TRE w1\RDSVILLE DA11. cARRIED_" K. M. KELLY , 'MOVED BY ~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 PAGE 5. SALE 0 F TRUCK 71 "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO TENDER TRUCK 71 FOR SALE AND TO ACCEPT THE HIGHEST TENDER. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO TENDER FOR A NEW TANDEM TRUCK AND TO PURCHASE THE SAME. CARRIED." SALE OF GENERATOR - 6 KW "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE TENDER THE SALE OF THE COUNTY 6 KW GENERATOR AND THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT THE HIGHEST TENDER. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED STATING THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION X AND RANGE I NORTH OF EDGEWARE ROAD AS SHOWN ON PLAN Dl164, PARTS 4 & 5. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B,:';'oiWILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 12, 1979. CARRIED." /9~ a ~ / CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 8, 1979 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County Buildings at 9:30 a.m., August 8, 1979. All members were present including Mr. Frank Clarke of The Ministry of Transportation and Cvuw~nications. "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT K. M. KELLY BE ROAD COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." THE MINUTED OF July 11, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the items as follows: 1. Grass cutting and weed spraying has been done. 2. The pavement machine:l;1as-been repaired and is back on the road in Oxford County. 3. The County Sweeper broke down and it became necessary to rent one until the necessary repairs are made. 4. Surface Treatment will be started on Wellington Road Au.gust 9, followed by Road 52. 5. County Truck #83 has spring hangers on box)hauling sandl on Road 38. 6. Asphalt paving has been cvu~leted on Roads 19, 14, 16, 20, 56, Elm Street, 52, 30, 42, and 43. Road 22 is being paved at the present time to be followed by Road 23, Port Stanley. All that will be l€!ft is Road 38, Vienna, Belmont, and the 3 west Elgin Villages of Dutton, Rodney, and West Lorne. 7. Road 38 - Placement of sand and gravel east of Richmond is nearly complete. - Curb and gutter has been placed in the Village of Richmond. - All sand and gravel should be placed by the end of the month. 8. Roads 19 and 16 shouldering should be done by County trucks in September. 9. Construction on the Southwold Culvert is to be started immediately followed by the Construction of the Dunwich Culvert. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 8, 1979 PAGE 2. 10. The John Street Bridge, Aylmer has been completed. 11. Southwold Drain appeal meeting is scheduled for next week. 12. Calcium application is to start in the near future. 13. Personnel - Summer students will be finished at the end of the month. - Chet Gordon, a mechanic at the garage has resigned. - Norm Bradt has had his rate lowered to base rate plus tradesman's pay. 14. Road 7, next to Kent County will not be improved until next year. 15. R. K. McNeil is to call regarding the dump road. 16. Money is expected to be scarce by September. ACCOUNTS "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT #35 AMOUNTING TO $504,923.03 #30 AMOUNTING TO 48,809.66 48,613.20 #':$ 2 AMOUNTING TO #33 AMOUNTING TO 189.86 CARRIED." The Middlesex County Road Committee joined the Elgin Road Committee at 10:30 a.m. to discuss the Walker's Bridge. Those repres1enting Middlesex were as follows: Don HussQ.n, County Engineer; Ivan Hearn; Sam Ricl&ardson; Jack Nanamaua, Warden; Gerry Wright, Chairman; Joe Reilly; and Frank Hamilton. After some discussion by the two cvul1uitties it was agreed that because of the deteriorating condition of the bridge, that it be closed imnediately. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 8, 1979 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO CLOSE THE WALKERS BRIDGE, AND WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BRIDGE BE DEMOLISHED. CARRIED." The Engineer presented the attached proposed programe of construction and asphalt resurfacing (Draft #1), which we discussed at some length. The Engineer pointed out that until the M.T.C. made some decision on a 5 year programe of grants (likely November or December) it was not known the amount of money that would be available for construction or resurfacing and thus a firm construction programe should not be recvlluuended to COllnty Council prior to that time. The Committee felt however that Engineering Work and Surveying Work should continue on projected work, so that firm estimates vrould be available when desired, and so that an orderly acquisition of land nE~cessary for Road Widening could be maintained. The CVlluuission authorized continuation of work of Road 22 and 32, also surveying on Road 42 and 50 in Port Burwell, and Road 45 between Duton and Road 40. They also agreed that Engineering Work should continue on Road 30 north of concession XII Yarmouth to join with Road 30, the Hubrey Road in Middlesex County. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ADJURN TO SEPTEMBER 5 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." f?~ cp - X/J4 . I ,---. ,_.. ~V""~. CHAI~fAN ~ll\_f~~~~1 '^. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAME Draft #1, August, 1979 NOTE: All Costs shown are costs from 1979 Needs Study update (ie. 1977 & 1978 actual costs) and should be used as a rough guide only. Whereas economies can sometimes be mad~ other costs (particularly Asphalt Paving) have risen sharply. As no allowance is made for inflation, the actual .costs for 1982 and Beyond will likely be considerably over those shown. RECONSTRUCTION 1980 Road 38 - Including Straffordville Urban West of C.P.R. Crossing (Estimate is after completion of 1979 work) $1,030,000 1, 1981 (a) C,-)mplete Road 38. $ 100,000 (b) Road 32 from Highwqy 73 to Police College Gate 488,000 - Police College Gate to Concession IX 50,000 :t (c) Road 22 - St. Thomas to Road 27 Start 200,000 :t 1982 (a) Complete Road 22 $ 850,000 T f Monev - R~)ad 45 between Luton & Road 40 If Walker JJriclp,e 15 scheduled the cost ($65.5,000) should be divided :l.nto two years. Probably start 1981 and finish 1982 and push Road 22 back into 1982 and 1983. Construction of Road 42 and 50 in Port Burwell should start after Sanitary Sewers are installed. As yet no future date is indicated. If the work is done prior to 1983 - 1984, again a shift will be required which tnay delay the completion of Road 22 to 1984. ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAME PAGE 2 Surveying and engineeri.ng work should be started in the near future on the following projects: (a) Road 42 and Road 50 in Port Burwell. (b) Road 45 between Luton and Road 40. (c) Road 26 St. George Street, Hill and Curve to a scerU.l in whether or not the property the County now own::; on St. George Street can be sold or not. #1;. (d) Road 30 and 34 ~ Radio Road - Hubrey Road Link so that Land Purchase can be arranged with owners for construction in the 1984 OM 1985. ""'...._-"'" r" ,^ COUNTY OF ELGIN ASPHALT RESURFACING 1980 Road 22 ... COtl1plet~ from Road 27 to Road 24 (Now Surface Treatment) 'Yarmouth Township , Road 45 ... Highway 4 to Kettle Creek Hill (Now Surface Treatment) Yarmouth Township Road 45 ... East River Road to Road 16 SQtlthwol d ToWt1sJdp Road 7... Clachan North... Aldborough To.wnship County of Kent Work 1979 Our Share (Estimated) .1981 Road 38 ... From C.P.R. to County Line Including Widening~ dit~hi~gt etC. l3ayham Township Road 20 ... North of Warren Street to Hot Mix Southw'old Township Road 36 - Sparta South - 1 Mile (Surface Treatment) Yarmouth Township Road 36 . Road 24 North ... 1 Mile Yarmouth Township 1982 Road 8 ""' DuttDn to NrJrth Limit of Wallace town Including Widening, ditching, etc. Dunwich Township R~)ad 2ft ... Road 36 to Fort Bruce Yarmouth & Malahide Township Draft;i~l , August, 1979 $ '72,000 36,000 ~; ].38,000 1 25 , 000 $.371,000 $237 , OOQ .33,000 '42,000 48,000 $360,000 $189,000 186,000 $375,000 '; _. .,.'2 ~. ('" (' ASHAPT..IT RESURFACING nTH1~R NEEDS Road 45 - Highway 73 Easterly Including Widening, ditching, etc. Road 3 ~ New Glasgow to Rodney Road 20 ~ Highway 4 to Start of Curb & Gutter in Port Stanley Road 8 - South of Wal1acetown (Now classed as a Construction Need) PAGE 2 $147,000 288,000 49,000 I'll ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1979 PAGE 1. at 9:30 a.m., July 11, 1979. All members were present except Larry ShaW. Mr. Frank clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and communications waS also THE cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin county Buildings present. THE MINUTES OF June 7, and June 22 were read and approved. 1. Miss Ann Anderson has been hired to fill the position formerly' held by THE ENGINEER REpORTED on the itemS as follows: 2. Bothwell Bridge to cost approximatelY $2,000.00. Both new ashphalt MisS Dorothy Wilkinson. 3. The paving of the Rent Towuline Road requireS 3" of ashphalt as soon and waterproofing are required. as possible. 4. Jane Street in Rodney has been completed. 5. The storm drain on John Street, West Lome will be completed FridaY, 6. Walmsley Bros. Ltd., is to start paving Monday, July 16, 1979. July 13, 1979. 7. Road 16 haS been completed, with the exception of paving. 8. All culvertS catch basinS and ditching has been completed for the time 9. Cleanup on Roads 52, 30, and 31, as well as curb and gutter at Road 52 being on Road 19. 10. port Stanley (Charlo.\;,te .. and Frances) is complete other than paving. and Wellington Road has been completed. 11. surface treatment is underway, East Elgin and St. Thomas are done. priming ha,S been started on other Elgin roads, to be followed by Glencoe, Middlesex, and Lam tOn. 12. The John Street Bridge in Aylmer has been completed. 13. Road widening on Road 32 has been purchased from both Stephen and Gordon McE~an. 14. Gravel on Road 37 haS been completed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1979 PAGE 2. 15. On Road 38, scraper work is nearing completion with urban excavation done on Road 43. Curb and gutter will be started in the near future. 16. Grass cutting has started and is proceeding slowly. 17. Machine repair appears to be a continuous operation~ Sign repairs are frequent due to vandalism. 18. Pavement marking has been completed. 19. Truck 71 appears to be .fit,j,sl ~.,/LLo..ctq. ~ ' 20. The Engineer presented and reviewed the attached sheets with regard to possible M.T.C. spending allocations and possible Construction Programe. It was noted that although the total County money allocated by the M.T.C. in 1980 would not likely be over 10% more (if that) than the amount allocated in 1979, the County levy would likely be in the order of $780,000. Total County Construction needs were in the order of $17,000,000 as determined by the 1979 update and if an allocation of 6% was forthcomip.g on construction, the 1980 allocation would still be less than one million dollars and would likely be reduced in later years. It was noted that all the construction available in 1980, 81, and 82 would be required to complete Road 38, Road 32 to the Police College Gate and Road 22 from St. Thomas to Road 27. Other projects such as the Walker's Bridge, Road 42 and 50 in Port Burwell and Road 45 west of Road 40 could not be started until 1983 or later. A programe of widening and resurfacing on roads reconstructed prior to 1956 was suggested as was a programe of ditching on gravel roads. The Committee was of the opinion that a program of replacing of County Bridges on local roads was not necessary at the present time and there appears to be no priority for the replacement of any of the bridges. The ~,ngineer pointed out the need for continuing a program of surveys so that the Committee could have a number of projects on which most of the Engineering was cVULpleted, to consider a 3 year construction plan. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1979 PAGE 3. Amoung the roads the engineer suggested were the urban sections of Road 42 and 50 in Port Burwell, Road 26 SA, St. Georg'~ Street, and Road 45 between Highway 73 and Road 40. The Committee dt scussed at some length the assumption of the townl ine road between highway 4.and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. Disposal Site a County Road. It was pointed out that R. K. McNeil and Robert Eaton were attempting to get a financial committment from the Ministers of the Environment and Transportation toward the road. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE REQUEST OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD TO HAVE THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ASSUME THE ROAD BETWEEN THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LTD. DISPOSAL SITE AND HIGHWAY 4 AS A COUNTY ROAD BE DENIED AS THE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAME HAS ALREADY BEEN ALLOCATED BEYOND 1983. CARRIED." D~~~' It was decided to attempt to purchase land from. . Simpson and John Hentz, Road 8 south of Wallacetown to widen the road allowance from 49 feet to 100 feet. It was decided not to purchase Road widening from Jack Underwood on Road 20 north of the old Oneida School as the road would not be a priority for many years. It was decided to leave the Land Purchase Policy for Road 32 the same as it was, ie. $1200.00 per acre for land, and $8.00 per rod fence allowance if it were not erected. No d@cision was Illade toward programming the Radio Road - Hubrey Road extension with Middlesex. The Engineer was instructed to draw up a Road Programe for the next meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1979 PAGE 4. ACCOUNTS "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. #31 AMOUNTING TO $33,835.83 #29 AMOUNTING TO $45,484.03 #27 AMOUNTING to $51,095.11 CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. Howard Greenley regarding Land Fill Site Road. 2. James Snow regarding Traffic Lights, County Road 52 and Wellington Road. 3. Municipality of Port Stanley - By-Law 1886 to Rezone land on George Street owned by R. Golem. - By-Law 1884 to Rezone land on George Street owned by V. Warren. 4. M.T.C. regarding Bridge Appraisals. 5. Township of Southwold - Middlesex, Elgin Townline. 6. St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce - Dump Road. 7. Township of Yarmouth - Applications to O. M. B. - Road Allowance County Road 52. 8. Western Ontario Sports Car Association - Closing of Road 43. 9. CN Rail Crossing Protection Maintenance. 10. Town of Aylmer - Mrs. A. Brachenbury - Minor Variance 11. Fence Erection - John & Donna Underwood. 12. Township of Westminister - Dump Road. 13. Mrs. T. Best - John Brown. 14. Ministry of Natural Resources. - Re: Pit and Quarries Control Act. ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO JUL"l 11, 1979 PAGE 5. 15. Amtelecom. Broken cable. lMPER1AL 01L HMO \TED 'B'l: SBCONDED BY: K.}\.' KELL'i THAT WB ACCEpT TRE QUoTATiON OF 1}n'ERIAL OIL LTD. FOR LiQUiD ASPRALT SPBCIAL PRi}1ER AT 14.5<1- LITlU' (SUBJEcT TO ~T cHANGES) FOR A MAZI~ OF 6B,250 LITRES SUBJEcT TO MoT.C, APPROVAL. CARR-lED" D. J. CAMPBELL W!\,U:\.SLEY BROS. LTD. HMO \TED B'l: SECONDED BY: W. R. CA'fER1.'i THAT WB GRANT AN 1',1(TENSION OF COW'LETION DATE TO W!\,U:\.SLEY Y,ROS. LTD. ON P A\TING CONTRACT, TROSE pARTS DATED JULY 28, 1979 TO A COW'LETION DATB OF p,UGUST 24, 1979. J. 'B. W1LSON CARR1ED" , 'MO\TED B'l: lZ. M. lZELL'l SECONDED B'i: D. J. CAMl?BELL THAT WE ADJOURN TO p,UGUST B AT 9 :30 A.M. CARR1ED" "'I:'~!~:,~;l!1._~,::^,.:.,'_~"..,:-d ...,:l.Lr};~:)~' ! 11"".'.'~'''''i'_IM~,.;.>P;t".", COUNTY OF ELGIN 1. THE ROAD AHEAD (a. ) (b) (c) (d) Money Available. Possible Long Range Construction Plans. A Wi.dening and Resurfa(:.ing Programe on old Road$ (ie.) ... Road 38 East of Straffordville Road 8 North of Wallacetown - Road 3 North of New Glasgow ';" A Ditchipg programe on Gravel Roads. (a) Any Bridges on Local Roads. M. T. C. programe. 80% Subsidy ona d.ifferent SPECIFIC PROBLEMS (a) Garbage Dump &oad. (b) Walker's Bridge. (c) Road 20 North of Road 18 Land Purchase", :1, (d) Road 8 Ditch South of Wallacetown. (e) Hubrey... Highhl1ry Extension. (f) Road 32 Land Purchase. 3~ NEED FOR SURVEYS fa.) Port Burwell ... Road 42 and Road 50. (b) Road 45 ... West of Road 40. (c) Road 30 and Road 34. (d) Road 26 - St. George Street. ~~~w.! U~It..,tiA t'il ~Rl'1Ir iM"U.~ trhl>..J tit?.., ~""'~~,''''''',...~. COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTIMATE OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION I, ,~_ I,... I. '__.! IL................, ~ .,~I.11 ALLOCATIONS FOR 1980 .. 1983 - CONSTRUCTION ,,,~Prel !minary Need. Study Cost Figures Construction Roads Now 1 - 5 Years :ail dg,e ? T,46~, 000 6.,103,000 11' 3, 462. 0.00 17',027, QOO. 903,000.Cr. 16,124,000 Less 1979 Allocation 1980 Allocation Estimate 6% 9Q7,OOO 1981 Total Needs Less Work likely to be accvluplished in 1979 Now 1-5 years; Net 17,027,000 .~.1,102, 000 , 2~1 t 000 IS, 674.000 ,~ Plus Additions to Needs N!L. ' Less 1980 A1locatio~ 96,,:t;,P()~..\\;" . ... 14;1.97.00Q 88~,o60' . 1981 Allocation 6% 1982 Net Needs for 1981 14., 707. 000 Less 1981 Allocation 882.000 13 ,f125, 000 ~l3 0,' 000 1982 Allocation (6%) .<t: COUNTY OF ELGIN CONST~CTION PROGRAM, ",All Costs Shown are for the 1979 Needs .study Update. 1980 ,"RQad 38 ... Section 128 ... East Limit of Richmond to Lot 114 ... Section 129 ... Lot 114 to Straffordville (to Complete) .. Section 130 ... West, Limit of Straffordville to Highway 19 ... Section 131 ~ Highway 19 to CPR Tracks Straffordville ~ Ro10son Bridge Land P1.irchase, Surveys, etc. Likely Funds Available (6% objective) DRAFT #1 ... JULY 11, 1979 $ $4,000 6:50,000 112,000 ,~4 ,000,,' . ;,$ ~ - 8\,1rveys, Engineering Costs on New Work, Land Purch~;$e for 1'919, inflation will likely create a carryover'of 'tnto ,l98l. ' 1981 Road 38 ... Carry Over Road 32 ... Highway 73 to Police College Gate {{oad 22 ... (Need St,udy Estim~te, 1,038, 000 AV~ilabl~) Land Purchase, and Surveys etc. '1982 aequired to Complete Road 22 JOBS FOR 1983 AND BEYOND (Using 1979 Needs Study Cos.ts) Road 50 .. Victoria Street .. Port Burwell Road 42 ... East of Highway 19 to East Limits of . Port Burwell 'Road 45 .. Road 40 Westerly 0.9 Miles ,::Road 5.oj Walker Bridge (Coun~yof Elg'ins Share) '488,000 '$ $63.000 $ '&5(},OOQ~, ,$ 188,0.00 1~6"OOO 2l~6:,.OOO, :'Road 30 and Road 34 ... Radio,>nubrey RQad .Link --------~--_L_l"_~_...._d____.n....._'^\.,..~ ri.... T _...~~ ''rn..._ __ __.\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 22, 1979 Page 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT thE~ Elgin County Buildings at 9:00 a.m. June 21, 1979 for the West Elgin Road tour. All members were present except Mr. J. B. Wilson. Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was also present. The road inspection proceeded according to the attached schedule. The following resolutions were also passed: "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PA~~ENT. #28 AMOUNTING TO $4,645.86. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K',i M. KELLY THAT THE ROAD COMMITTEE MEET AT THE ELGIN COUNTY BUILDING JULY 11, 1979 AT 9:30 A. M. CARRIED." I?M~tl ~~ I ' CHAIRMAN f ELGIN COUNTY ROAD INSPECTION WEST ELGIN June 21, 1979 1. Leave Court House 9:00 a.m. 2. Road 26 SA, St. George Street. 3. Road 26 to Road 11. 4. Road 11 South of Ford Plant. pq,' ;" 5. Townline Road to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection serviq,,:})ump Site. 6. Road 19 - to be resurf~ced - new culv~rt and drain crpa~ing. Ditching underway. 7. Road 20 North of Oneda School - Land from Underwc~od widening. " 8. Middlemiss Bridge. 9. Tates Bridge. 10. Walkers Bridge. 11. Road in Aldborough Township as time p,e.rmit:s. ... Kent Townl in~t;.i-f. .pos$~ple~ 12. DINNER. 13. Road 2 - West Lorne -Outton. 14. Road 8 - South of Wallacetown. Re: Widening and ditc;~tng. 15. Road 16 ... Burwells Corners to Fingal. Construction t9~18, ~. 197.9.. 16. To Talbotville--Route of Expressway. Road 29 to he c1.;o$ed and det oured. 17. Complete construction Road 30, 31 and 52. 18. Hubrey - Radio, Road link... Diversion needed thru Cone,eS$ion1CIII Yarmouth ... Note the condition of Hubrey Road. 19. Return to Court House. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 7, 1979. Page 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT the Elgin County Buildings at 9:30 A.M., June 7, 1979. All members were present including Frank Clarke \ of the Ministry of Transportation and CVlUulunications. THE MINUTES OF May 3 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the items as follows: 1. Changes in personnel were noted as follows. . Miss D. Wilkinson has assumed the position vacated by Mrs. H. Engert. . An ad haS been placed advertising the position formerly held by Miss Wilkinson. _ Mr. J. Laforge foreman, has resigned and been replaced by Mr. John Brown. . Mr. O. Ostiander has been removed from the dozer and placed in class 2. 1fMOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT ORRIE OSTRANDER BE PLACED IN CLASS 2. TWO YEARS COMPLETED EFFEGrIVE THE PAY PERIOD BEGINNING JUNE 10, 1979. CARRIED." . Mr. F. Marshall and Mr. J. H~skell are the new dozer operators. 2. As of the end of May over 5~k of money budgeted for calcium has been spent. 3. Gravel resurfacing has been completed on Roads 26, 30 and 28. 4. On Road 16 there is some top soil and trimming to be completed. 5. Road patching is continuing and will be followed by priming. 6. Surface treatment will be started in the near future for Glencoe, Middlesex and Lambton. 7. Construction in port Stanley is progressing and should be completed in the near future. (Smith Street, Charlottee, and Frances.) 8. The painting of the Myrtle Street Bridge, Alymer has been completed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 7, 1979. Page 2. 9. On Road 19 North of Frome, widening and culvert replacement has W ( 1 ~ ~ k J1 .()--R.R---/' o/vv...rctq?..~~t~<Jj1 ,.""""'"' been completed .,~l-en'~-:.LO-~ CJ!.""\.~ t'X . IJ. . iJ. II .. , (J /'~. (l(j. /Vtl'~~ ,- 10. The Needs Study Update has been completed. 11. Paving as per contracts with Walmsley and Towland will be started in the next couple of weeks. 12. The following work will be started within the next few weeks: - Drainage on John Street, West Lorne. - John Street Bridge deck, Alymer. - Port Burwell storm sewer. - Talbot Creek, culvert - Southwold culvert. 13. Line painting and sweeping is continuing. 14. The salt bills were settled and paid at a savings of approximately $20,000.00. 15. ffx04aJU().~7 .. More gravel will be piled at the ~~~ Pit as time allows. There is also some draglining to do. 16. Land purchasing and surveying on Road 32 is continuing. 17. Mosquito insurance has been purchased and paid for by Alymer. 18. Ditching has been completed on Roads 24, 45, and 42 with most of the dirt picked up. 19. Steps are being taken to purchase gravel from Willis Weaver, Road 46 for Road 38. "MOVED BY: K. M. KEL.~Y SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 22 AMOUNTING TO $ 45,019.49 PAYLIST # 24 AMOUNTING TO $ 48,380.81 PAYLIST # 26 AMOUNTING TO $ 288,722.46 CARRIED.H ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 7, 1979. Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: (a) Payment of Ministry of Transportation and Communication subsidY - JameS SnoW'. (b) County of Middlesex · Walker' s Bridge. (c) Ministry of the Environment - port Stanley - Utility Operations. (d) Ministry of the Environment - Ban of 2, 4, 5 - T (e) Da-Ter Excavating - GIOIte Pit. (f) Ministry of Transportation and communication - Sale of SUrPlUS land, (g) Township of yarmouth, Mfn<>r Variance, Rezoning, etc. southW'ol d. _ Mr. Thomas schneider. _ Mr. F. Hyssen. _ Mr. F. Smeenk. (h) Township of southwold _ By-LaW _Rezone land for M. A. McKellor. _ Mrs. A. Balic. (i) Ontario MuniCipal Board - Alymer Annexation. (j) Village of West Lorne _ application to the Ontario MuniCipal Board. (k) Frank Clarke _ approval, crushed gravel - Wnn Pit. (1) Ministry of Transportation and carorounicatiOns - Signing · St. Thomas "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY Expre s sway · SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO coUNT{ COUCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED CONFIBMING By-LAW #2515 OF TRE TOWNSHIP OF yp,RMOUTR TO CLOSE A pORTION OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE B:grWEEN CONCESSION X AND AANGE 2 NORTH OF EOOEWARE ROAD. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 7, 1979. PAGE 4. KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY "MOVED BY: W.R. CAVERLY. SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOM:M:END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED TO ENABLE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TO ALLOW THEM TO PLACE A WATER LINE ON ROAD 29 AND UNDER ROAD 31. CARRIED." ASHPHALT,TENDERS "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF TOWLAND (LONDON) 1970 lGIMITED FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AS FOLLOWS: DUTTON l7.5l/TON (HL4 ) (HL4 ) (HL4 ) RODNEY l8.78/TON WEST LORNE l7.54/TON THE MUNICIPALITY TO SUPPLY ASPHALT CEMENT SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION APPROVAL. CARRIED.1t "MOVED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AS FOLLOWS: ROAD 16 11.90/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 19 11.55/TON (HL8 ) 11.55/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 14 l4.65/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 16 SA l3.65/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 20 l2.90/TON (HL4 ) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 7, 1979. Page 5. ROAD 36 10.75/TON (HL8 ) 10.75/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 22 SA 11.00/TON (HL8 ) 11.00/TON (HL4 ) PORT STANLEY l7.90/TON (HL8 ) l7.90/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 23 l7.90/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 30 SA l5.l5/TON (HL4) ROAD 52 l5.l5/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 56 SA l5.l5/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 42 11.75/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 45 11.75/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 38 10.75/TON (HL8 ) 10.75/TON (HL4 ) ROADS 38 & 43 11.25/TON (HL8 ) (RICHMQND) 11.25/TON (HL4 ) ROAD 38 (LOT 114 10.75/TON (HL8 ) TO WARD HILL) 10.75/TON (HL4 ) THE MUNICIPALITY TO SUPPLY ASHPHALT CEMENT SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION APPROVAL. CARRIED." ASHPHALT EMULSION "MOVED BY: S.J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W.R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATIONS OF FLINTKO']JE CO. OF CANADA, FOR ASPHALT EMULSION RSlK F.O.B. THEIR ETOBICOKE ONTARIO, PLANT AT 48.9 CENTS PER GALLON. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CO~IMUNICATION APPROVAL APPROXIMATE GALLONAGE FOR COUNTY AND OTHER WORK 200,000 GALLONS. CARRIED." PEA STONE "MOVED BY: J .B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S.J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS FOR 1/4 INCH PEA STONE FOR SURFACE TREATMENT. KEN AXFORD - ST. THOMAS $5.48 PER CU. YARD LOADED. T4' C.G. MATERIALS LTD. STOCKPILED WHITE STATION 4.55 PER TON AND STOCKPILED IONA $4.50 PER TON. CARRIED." e ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 7, 1979. Page 6. TRUCK RATES K.M. KELLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON TRAT WE APPROVE TRE TRUCK BATES FOR 1979 AS RECoNMENDED BY TRE ENGINEER. , 'MOVED BY: Ci\RR1ED.11 , , MOVED BY: w. R. Ci\VERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE A~D ,!OJUNE 21, 9: 00 A.M. FOR WEST ELGIN ROAD IN SPE C'! ION · CARRIED." COUNTY OF ELGIN 1.~79 Q~9._~.~l'!S~~~~lA.1J~ E~~n.Bl(~ The Fllntkote Co. of Canada Ltd.~ BoX 160, StF.Jti.on "h", T011OIltO, Onta ria H8V3T4. F.O.B. Factory "".............-.......;......-..-..----...~.,;...-.....-.. 48.9C Sta rage [';L n~ulage via Thompson ......:.' -_."~",.,,,",!,-........ 6. 9~ , , 55.Be Not'johnCont~cting Ltd., ',P.O. Box 100, Thorold, Ont. .L2V 3Y8. F .O.B. FActory -----..,.-...-..............---...-...-....-""..,-~ 52.5<;: Storage C'l, Heulage vie, Thompson ......--...;.....'....:......:.. 8.0e 60.5e Chevt'Qtl Asphe, 1 t Ltd., 4.3 Industrip,l Street, Toront,(), Ont", H4G 122. F.O.B. FActory -...........--.....................-........--.-.......-......-. 54.5<;: Stprage {'l. Haulage viA Thompson _....;......._...:..._~..... 7.8~ 62,.3<;: Mc;AfJphe lt Industries J~td., p.O.., Box 247, West Hill~ Ont. HIE 4R5. F. O. B. Fac to ry .......----... -...... -...--................-,..,.......... -- 55. Oc StorAge & HAul~ge via Thompson -_....._......__.._""~ _8.0~ 63. Dc ~~ TRUCK RJ>.TE PROPOSALS FOR 1979 Single Pvtle ~ ~ $ 13.25 $ 19.25 1212- $ 15.00 $ 21.50 Tandem ~ 1978 :;.,,;.....-- 1212- use hourlY rate Under 1 mile, ToP Soil, etc. .68 .60 .84 . 1 ... 3 mileS .75 .98 4 mile a"\Te-rage .88 1.11 5 mile average 1.00 1.23 6 mile average 1.10 1.34 7 mile a"\Terage 1.20 1.45 8 mile a"\Te-rage 1.30 9 mile a"\Terage 1.40 1.40 + 9<t- . t.on mile 1.55 1.55 + 10<t- tOn mile 10 mile a"\Te-rage 10 .. 20 mileS 2.30 + 7\<t- ton mile 2.55 + 8<t- ton mile O\1e-r 20 mileS \ . ,\ YARDAGE RJ>.TE 1 1/2 timeS tonnage rate. v ~. COU~~ OF tLCIN RO^D~l~E ~ JUNE SESSION lC)79 page 1. 'to TRE W ARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUN'tY COUNCIL: 1. YOUR ROAD CoMMITTEE REPOR'tS AS FOLLOWS: ~our committee will inspect roattS in west and central Elgin, on June 21 ('tomorrow), 'to 'toINland (l,ondon) 1970 Ltd.., for Vi Hage StreetS in ,"est Lorne. Rodney, and DUtton. Total $36,323.10. (2) To Walms~Y BrOS. Ltd., London, Ontario. 2. paving contractS have been let as folloWS: (1 ) tlL4 Road 16 from Fingal to Burwells corners. (a) ToP Course n - (b) Base and top course Road 19 - from RighwaY 3 North to CONTRACT fA. complete ,",ork done last year. (c) patching on Roads 14,16, and 20 (Fingal). 'total $134,406.75. CONTRACT B (a) Base antt tOp course Road 36, from Sparta to Road 45. R d 22 from Road 24 North 112 mile. (b) Base and tOp course oa . . R d 23 1.'~ port StanleY, ROad 30 (Radio Road), (c) patchLng on oa " Road 52, (3 locations) Road 56 (Elm Street). (d) Three streetS for the Village of port StanleY' 'total $110,604.75 CONTRACT C course ~ Road 38, UighwaY 3 to Richmond, Richmond urban. East Side of Richmond Rill to West Side of (a) Base and r.. (b) patching on Road 42 (at Stalter GullY), Road 45 (West of Vlards Rill. Road 40). Total $88,756.25 JUNE SESSION 1979 Pa,ge 2. 'I'wo tenders were received for each contract. The County of Elgin will provide the liquid asphalt in addition to the tendered price. WE. RECOMMEND: (1) That a By-Law be passed to confirm By-Law #2515 of the Township %:"1 of Yarmouth to close and sell a portion of the roa;d allowance between Concession X and Range 2 North of the Edge~ware Road. (2) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden andlClerk to sign an agreement with the Kettle Creek Conservati.on Authority to place a waterline On County Roads 29 and 31. The By...Law and agreement will be the same as other County By-Laws and ag;reements regarding waterlines. 'I'he authority wishes to provide water to their Dalewood Traite;rPark from the Ministry of the Environment water p1.pe line which runs from St. Thomas to the Ford Motor Co. Plant. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1979. Page 1. at 9:30 A.M., May 3, 1979. All members were present with the exception of Reeve J. B. Wilson. Frank clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and cororounications THE coUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD cOMMITTEE MET AT the Elgin countY Buildings waS also present. THE MINUTES OF April 10 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the itemS as follows: 1. The EaSt Elgin road tour waS noted as being completed. 2. Removed stumps and fencing from Roads 32 and 52 will be dumped at the erosion 3. Road grading, shouldering and calcium applications will proceed as conditionS areas on Road 42. 4. 25,000 tOnS of crushed gravel haS been stock piled at the pleasant Valley permit. pit. Further crushing will be suspended until later in the summer. 5. Gravel to Road 2B haS been completed. 6. Road 37 from Highway 73 to Oxford county line has been approved deficient 7. Design of stOrm drain and road grading of John Street, West Larne is nearly in the Needs Study Update. 8. Surveying for the realignment of Leach Rill haS been completed. concrete complete. beam for bridge is expected to be delivered around the first week of July. Ministry of Labour until hydrO lineS were moved to a safer location. 9. Sandblasting of the Myrtle Street Bridge waS started, but suspended by the 10. The fencing at Newell's, Road 32, will be started as soon as weather clears. 11. DrainS and curb and gutters will be started in port Stanleycwithin a week or so · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1979. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - PAYLIST # 19 AMOUNTING TO $ 43,330.04 PAYLIST # 20 AMOUNTING TO $ 40,991.94 PAYLIST # 21 AMOUNTING TO $ 55,066.98 CARRIED.' , "I CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: (a) Township of Southwold By-Law to rezone land for Jack Groot and Peter Mantel. (b) Letter from Ron McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging letter to D. M. Atam, Director of the Ontario Police College. (c) Letter from the County of Grey regarding price of equipment. "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF GREY RE RISING MACHINERY COSTS BE FILED. CARRIED.t1 (d) Letter from Frank Cowan regarding settlement for fire. damage to the graders. (e) Letter from Frank Cowan regarding Mosquito Spray Insurance. (f) Township of Bayham regarding road closings. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN CONFIRM THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM' S BY-LAW NO. 1987, CLOSING AND OFFERING FOR SALE 'I~HE ROAD ALLOWANCE THROUGH LOT 16, CONCESSION 10, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1979. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN CONFIRM THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM'S BY.LAW NO. 1988, CLOSING AND OFFERING FOR SALE THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 15 & 16, CONCESSION SOUTH. GORE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN CONFIRM THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM'S BY.LAW NO. 1989, CLOSING AND OFFERING FOR SALE THE PARTS OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCES IN LOT 113 & 114, CONCESSION 7, FOR THE HAMLET OF WILLSONBURG. CARRIED." ~THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to reply, stating that the Ministry of j' of Transportation and communications regarded the unbuilt portion of the road as having the same statuS as a subdivision and should be built by ~ the subdividor. (g) Town of Aylmer regarding assumption of Elm Street extension. (h) Letter from Arthur Vanderispaille requesting permission to install a private water line on County Road 42 road allowance. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED TO ENABLE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH ARTHUR VANDERISPALLLE TO ALLOW HIM TO PLACE A WATER LINE ON ROAD 42, EAST OF PORT BURWELL. CARRIED .11 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1979. PAGE 4. GRADER TENDERS - Tenders were opened and were as attached. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CHAMPION ROAD MACHINERY SALES LTD. FOR A CHAMPION MODEL D740 GRADER AND SNOW WING AS PER THEIR TENDER AT A TENDERED PRICE OF $ 80,571 INCLUDING TRADE-IN AND PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR EMULSION AND PRIME, AND PEA STONE FOR 1979. CARRIED." "MOVED BY : J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF $ 2.75 PER CU. YD. FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL AT HIS I1J.NN PIT (PORT TALBOT) FROM ALEX NEWBIGGING LTD. FOR APPROXIMATELY 5, 000 CU. YDS. FOR ROAD 16, 1 ~~ & 20 IN L9 79. CARRIED." PROPOSALS FOR SURFACE TREATMENT, HOT MIX RESURFACING AND HOT PATCHING were submitted as attached and discussed. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AS FOLLOWS: (1) CONSTRUCTION (a) TOP COURSE ON ROAD 16 FROM FINGAL TO ROAD 14 tf ST. THOMAS., ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1979. PAGE 5. (1) CONSTRUCTION (continued) (b) ROAD 38 - BASE & TOP (1) FROM HWY. 3 TO RICHMOND (II) RICHMOND URBAN (III) EAST SIDE OF RICHMOND HILL TO WEST SIDE OF W.ARD'S HILL. (2 ) ASPHALT RESURFACING - ROAD 19 - HIGHWAY 3 NORTH FOR 1.8 MILES - ROAD 36 - FROM ROAD 45 TO ROAD 27 - ROAD 22 - FROM ROAD 24 NORTH 1/2 MILE - ROAD 23 - JOSEPH ST. TO NORTH LIMIT OF EXTENDICARE NURSING HOME. (3) ASPHALT PATCHING ON ROADS 14, 16, 20, 30, l~2, ,45, 52, 56_ AS PER ATTACHED LIST. (4) FOR VILLAGES OF PORT STANLEY, DUTTON, WEST LORNE AND RODNEY. CARRIED." KEN JUCK, OF THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES i.n attendance and reported on the requirements of the Ministry of Natural RE~sources regarding the trapping of fur bearing animals with regard to written permission being required for trappers ,to trap on County or Township Road Allowances. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE DO NOT GIVE WRITTEN PERMISSION TO ANYONE TO TRAP FUR BEARING ANIMALS ON COUNTY ROAD ALLOWANCES. CARRIED.' , ASPHALT TENDERS - "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WHEN THE ASPHALT TENDERS ARE IN THAT THEY BE OPENED BY THE WARDEN AND R. G. MOORE. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1979. PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE HOLD THE NEXT ROAD COMMITTEE MEETING ON JUNE 7, 1979 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." #4{)~~' CHAIRMAN II COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDERS FOR MOTOR GRADER MAY 1.979 Prices are Net after Trade-in, and include Provincial Sales Tax. 1. Champion Road Machinery Sales Ltd., 1075 Clark Blvd., Brampton, Ontario. L6T 3W3 Champi.on D740 Complete with Snow Wing, etc, 2. SWance & Murray Ltd., R. R.# 4, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7VB 1978 Wabco 555 (No allowance for trade-in.) 3. Rena.sh Tractor & Equipment Ltd., Box 670, tambetht Ontario. NOL 1 SO John Deere JD770-A Complete with Snow Wing t~ $ 80,571.00 $ 90,950.00 $ 95,910.74 1. Road 16 2. Road 19 3. Road 36 4. Road 23 5. Road 22 6. Road 53 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING 1979 May 1, 1979 BUDGET $ 310 t 000 from Road 8 to Road 14, mo~~work done last year and gravel paid fot' this year $ 20,000 from Highway 3 northerly for 1.8 miles. Includes some excavation, granular pad, ditching, etc. Land Purchase on east side of road for approximat~ly 1/2 mile if possible. $ 130,000 from Road 45 to Sparta and some patching in Sparta, 1.8 miles. $ 95,000 East St. in Port Stanley (area of sanitary sewer settlement). (2 inches) $ 15,000 (SubU,rban) from Road 24 northerly for 112 mile. $ 34,000 Aylmer, Elm Street Bridge to C.N.R. pll.l~ pat;ching on Beech St. (2 inches.). $ 18,000 $!' 312, OOt) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SURFACE TREATMENT 1979 May 1, 1979 . Year shown when last surfaced treated. Mileage , County Suburban Road 2 Aldborough - Ounwich Townline easterly to Ecker Drain (1976) 3.1 Road 4 West Limit of Rodney to Kent Townline exc~pt Hot Mix Patch west of Black's Lane (1975) 3.7 ,Road 8 ... Highway.3 South (1975 & 76) 2.1 Road 14 ... Road 16 to Highway 3 (1975) 2.4 Road 40 - Highway 3 to Glencolin (1974) 2.1 Road 42 ... Norfolk County Line Westerly (1975) 2.3 Road 44 ~ Road 46 to Highway 3 (1974) 0.7 Road46 - Highway 3 to Corinth (1975) 2.0 'Road51 ... (1976) 0.9 Roa'd'~5 ... (Wellington Road) except at: M.T.G. Const. 4.0 Road, 52 ... From Road 30 to Springfield (approximately 8 feet wide) down centreline of Road 10.9 Miles 4.0 (If funds are available, continue programme on Roads 49 & 48.) 23..3 4.0 Budget $. 58, 000 Cost per mile estimated at approx:imately $2,500 Material estimated at approximately $ 2,150 per mile. f COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT PATCHING 1979 May 1, 1979 Road 14 - Patching over culvert north of Pearce-Williams Centre. Road 16 - Fingal Bridge to top of hill and patch between McNiven's and Lyle's. Road 20 -Fingal - curb and gutter areas north and south of Road 16. Road 30 - Settlements opposite Kettle Creek Conservation Aut:hority. (Charge to construction job.) Road 42 - Over Stalter Gully (only 2 inches ever placed). Road 45 - West of Road 40 (275 ton). Road 52 - East of Highway 74 and West of Percy Robinson. West of Kettle Creek Culvert (construction job). At Wellington Road Intersection (construction job). Road 56 Elm Street - East of St. Thomas. ASPHALT NEW CONSTRUCTION 1979 Road 16 Fingal to Road 14- Top coat of asphalt on 1978 constrUction. Road 38 ... Base and top coat. (a) Highway 3 to Richmond. (b) Richmond Urban(~oads 38 & 43). (c) East Side of Richmond Hill to west sideofWarcl Hill. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1979 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Your Committee's inspection of roads in East Elgin, planned for April 10, 1979 was cancelled because of inclement weather and is rescheduled for April 20, 1979. 2. On April 7, 1979, a fire at the County Garage destroyed Grader #16 (1971 WabcQ), and damaged two other graders, one slightly, the other had 2 tires burned plus other minor damage. Also destroyed was the 2-Way Radio Set in Grader #16. A settlement has been made with Frank Cowan Company Limited for $ 72,509 plus the older grader (the front end of which is usable for part's for another County Grader, a 1969 WabC9). The Engineer has been authoriz~d to call tenders for a new Grader with the County's 1964 Galion (Grader #13) as a trade- in. The Galion has only been used as a standby recentlY\~nd is in only fair condition. This will leave the County with 5 Graders. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the correspondence from David Warner, MPP regarding the Pit & Quarries Control Amendment Act be filed. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Cl.erk to grant a 1 icence (permit) under Section 354, Sub sections 93, 94 & 95 of the Municipal Act to allow a store encroachment onto Roads 37 and 47 in Avon on Lot 4, Concession VII, South Dorchester. The property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hindle encroaches approximately 4 feet on Road 37 and 3 1/2 feet plus a concrete step on Road 47. The owners find they COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1979 Page 2. 2. (continued) cannot arrange a mortgage through the usual Sources because of the encroachment. The licence granted would be similar to the one granted in Fingal last November. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 10, 1979. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County Buildings at 9:00 A.M., on April 10, 1979. All members were present. Frank Clarke of the Mini stry of Transportation and CV1L/J.uunications was al so pre sent. THE MINUT~S OF THE MEETING of April 7, 1979 WerE! read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the items as follows: 1. The Grader #16, destroyed by fire has an insured ValUE! of $ 70,000.00. The radio insured separately, a value of $ 1,500.00 (~; 1,000 deductible applies on Grader). 2. It was noted that some damage to signs resulted due to the storm of Friday, April 6, 1979. 3. Four Graders and four Sanders were used for snow removal, Monday, April 9, 1979. 4. The Engineer reported on the Court of Revision meeting of April 9. It was reported that some residents objected to the assessment on the proposed Sutherland Drain at the intersection of roads 14 & 16., The John Street Drain, Shedden, was read and accepted. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. Bill 70. An Act respecting the Occupational Health and Safety of workers. 2. City of St. Thomas accepting the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget estimates. 3. From Calvin G. Scarfe re Hindle purchase from Wilson regarding encroachment of the Avon Store on to County Roads. ST. TROMAS, oN'tARIO, APRlL 10, 1979. PAGE 2. 1tMOVED B'1: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED B"!: J. B. WILSON 'tRAT WE RJ!,CO~END TO COUNT"! COUNC1L THAT A B,,!_LAW BE PASSED :r.'"''t~R. OF A BUILDING ON LOT 4, CONCESSION \Ill, TO GRI\NT TO TRE 0'''''' SOU'rR 1)ORCRBSTER (A\lON S'tORE) A L1CENCE FOR TRE PRBSENT NINER TO P A"! ALL LEGAL ENCROAC1:\l'1ENT ON ROADS 37 & 47, TRE 0 C1\RRlED ." 4. ~, D"rector ontariO police college, requesting improvementS From D. A. ~tgm, ~ ' d 32 ~he Engineer was directed to respond. to Roa .,\.. COSTS. "MOVED B'1: v:f. R. CAVERLY SBCONDED B"!: K. M. \<ELl..Y TRAT TRE coUNT"! ENGINEER BE j>J.l'tRORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEVl GRADER WITR TRB coUNT"! GALLON GRADER ~ A TRADE-IN. CARR-lED." U d (using the attached TRB ENGINEBR RJ!,POR'tED ON the Needs Study pate d to be very little possibilitY of an informatiOn) noting that there appeare . . lnao after the new Update waS finalized by the ,~ Allocat~ons ~n 70 ~_ ~nwever, it was very probable f Middlesex on the RighburY · RubreY · (a) NegotiationS with the countY 0 Radio Road Link. and 1982. TRE ENGINBER RJ!,\T1E\'lED · (b) , ." d 38 Road 32, Road 22, Road 45 from Righ"aY construction pr~or~t~es · Roa ' 73 to Road 40, varioUs streetS in port Burwell. (c) ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO, APR1L 10, 1979. PAGE 3. . h . 1 emphasis on roads built Asphalt Resurfacing programme w~t speC~a f Ditching on gravel roads might begin. SUggestionS that a prOgramme 0 . . f Bridge Repairs, l-\aintenance and painting. A cont~nu~ng prOgramme 0 p-rior to 1955. (d) (e) "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVEpJ.'l SECONDBD B'l: S. J. GLOVER 20 1979 FOR EAS't ELGIN TRI\.T WE ADJOURN 'to 9: 00 A.M., APRIL' ' ROAD lNSPEcT10N. CARR1ED." ,~ " I, i I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 MACHINERY BUDGET 1. 2 - 1978 Mack Trucks $ 79,034.80 18,842.10 6,376.13 5,788.49 5,992.00 4,051.02 $ 120,084.54 2. Dump Box - Tarpaulin Covers - Fit Plows - Wing Tower 3. 1978 Dodge Diplomat Car 4. Dodge Pickup 5. Chev. Van 6. Chev. Pickup Trade 3 Cars (Fall) - $ 15,000 Trade Grader .- $ 75, 000 (?) 1979 Allocation (M.T.C.) - $ 145,000 1978 Allocation (M.T.C.)- $ 137,000 1978 Purchases - $ 151,140 .', . ..-' ('" 1/J~ l? p.-xJ. ~' r V.;.-~ .. ~~ K S!2.tJNTY OF ELG1N ROAD cQMM.ITT'@. :g1SPEGrION . ~RI001 1912. ~ge--1.. ~ 1.' Leave court RoUse at 9:00 A.M. 2. Elm Street . Road 56 to centennial Ave. Road 28. 3. Righway 3 & Highway 74 . to Helka Bridge, Yarmouth Township. 4. Righway 74 to North Limit of Belmont. Note conditiOn of Highway 74. county of Middlese~ would like to trade Ministry of TransportatiOn and commUnications _ Rubrey . Highbury · Radio Road Link fur Righway 5. Belmont, West Road 34 · neW railing and repairS. 74. 6. Road 37 . to oxfore county Line · note - Kettle creek conservation Authority _ Lake Whittacker park site. 7. Road 47, 48, 49 to springfield (no problems), 8. Road 52 to Road 32 . police college Road. 9. Road 32 . widening. Newell's, alignment at corners north of police college. condition of Road. frmn police college to Highway 74. 1.0. Aylmer. Elm Street EztenSion. Spruce Street Extension to Dingle Street ASphalt patching. Elm St. Bridge approach work for Town of Aylmer · John Street Bridge floor _ Myrtle Street Bridge. 11. Righway 3 . Road 40 to Road 45 to calton. 12. Road 43 . cook and Phillmore BridgeS · neW floors last year _ creek work thiS spring . steel work and painting to go. 13. Urban section Road 43 and Road 38 RiChmond thiS year. 14. Reconstruction. Richmond(to Ri6way 3. 15. Tillsonburg. dinner. l6~ Road 3B . constructiOn _ Urban Section Straffordville, east and west of llighway 19. _ Realignment and construction to Richmond. 17. Righway 19 to Road 45 · Road 45 to Norfolk ToWOline. 18. Agreement between county of Elgin and Region of Raldimand-NorfolW, for construction of Townline. Haldimand.Norfolk. north portion, - county ~f ~lgin _ south portion. coUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITT:@. · ~EcTl0N. APRl1l0. 1912. -- 19. Road 42 . Erosion East of port Burwell. 20. port BurY1ell . Road 42 and Road 50 (Victoria Street) · Reconstruction when ~e~ sanitary sewers come. port BUrwell working on drainage. 21. Road 42 · to Road 40. 22. Road 40 · to Road 45. 23. condition of Road 45 between Road 40 and RighwaY 73 will require work in the 5 year period. 24. Road 45 to county Pleasant Valley GrgVel pit. 25. Road 36 . ASphalt resurfacing - from Road 45 to Sparta. 26. Road 36 to Road 24 via Jamestown Bridge · Floor Beams rusting. 27. Road 24 . Ditching problems. 28. Road 22 _ ASphalt Resurfacing from Road 24 to 1/2 mile north. 29. Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) from Road 27 to St. Thomas very poor condition. 30. If time . White Station Garage. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 4, 1979. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County Buildings at 9:30 A.M., on April 4, 1979. All members were present. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was also present. THE MINUTES OF THE meetings of February 14 and March 15, 1979 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. Most snowfence posts have been removed, except in areas where frost still exists. 2. Some problems with drains and catch basins were reportled. 3. Most trees have been cut with a few remaining on Roads 32 and 38. 4. Most stumps from Road 38 to Road 42 have been removed with a few yet to be transported and taken to erosion holes on Road 42 east of Port Burwell. 5. Frank Clarke now has reviewed all the information for the Needs Study Update. 6. Clean up and dozer work has been completed at the Cook and Phillmore Bridges. 7. It was reported that 4 wheel drive vehicles and motorcycles have been doing some damage to shoulders and slopes at various 10catiol1s in the County, especially on Road 3 north of Rodney. 8. Land Purchase was reported as complete on Road 38. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. J. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOL~OWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _ PAYLIST # 15 AMOUNTIN~ TO $ PAYLIST # 16 AMOUNTIN~ TO $ PAYLIST # 17 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 18 AMOUNTING TO $ 41,147.49 281.80 40,607.18 70,934.02 CARRIED.~" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 4, 1979. PAGE 2. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. village of Dutton regarding school signS and nO pa-rking. village of DUtton regarding drainage on Road 8. Ministry of TransportatiOn and Communications regarding Buy Canadian. 2. David Warner M.P,P, regarding Pit & QUarries control Amendment Act. 3. 4. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE CORRESPONDENCE FROM DAVID WARNER M.P.P, RE A PIT & QUARRIES CONTROL AMENDMENT ACT BE FILED. CARRIED." 5. Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Town of Aylmer for approval of a By-La~ to regulate land use. 6. Letter to Ministry of Transportation and communications regarding sanding, Road 2, response from G. E. French, District Engineer. 7. Landon Free p-ress regarding petition for neW Walker' s Bridge. 9. Mrs. Buchanan, Road 37, request for gravel in driveway. Reeve Wilson to B. Zoning By_LaWS and minor variances. 10. Latter from the Ministry of Transportation and communications regarding investigate the situation. sale of property, Road 26. Latter of response to be sent indicating there is nO foreseeable use by the County of Elgin. QUOTATIONS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES were as attached. "M.OVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL TENDERS AS SU'BMITTED SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER BY PETROFINA CANADA LIMITED AT 58.23<t AND 55.39<t pER GALLON RESPEGrIVELY, EFFECfLVE MAY 1, 1979 AND SUBJEGr TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CoMMllNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 4, 1979. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ALLIED CHKMI,CAL CANADA LTD. FOR BAGGED CALCIUM CHLORIDE, F .O.B. THE COUNTY GARAGE, WHITE STATION, ST. THOMAS IN 25 TON LOTS AT $ 113.30 PER TON, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." l1MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF POLLARD BROS. LTD. AT $ 95.50 PER FLAKE TON EQUIVALENT FOR LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE APPLIED TO ANY ROAD IN ELGIN COUNTY. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LTD. AT $ 20,313.33 FOR CULVERT PIPE. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FLEX-O-LITE CANADA LTD. FOR GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING AT $ 19.97 PER cwr, F.O.B. THEIR ST. THOMAS PLANT. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATION FOR GLASS BEADS M:arch 8, 1979. 1. Flex-Q-Lite of Canada Limited, P. o. l30X 216, St. Thomas, OntariO. $ 19.97 per cwt. F.O.B., Plant, St. Thomas Including Federal Sales Tax. (1978 price $ 17.25 per cwt.) [ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 4, 1979. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF JOHN CORBETT AT $ 2.60 PER CUBIC YARD FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL (LOADED ONTO COUNTY TRUCKS) FOR COUNTY ROADS FOR 1979. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." SPRING ROAD INSPECTION and Asphalt Paving Tenders were discussed. "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE HAVE COUNTY ROAD INSPECTION APRIL 10, 1979 AT 9:00 A.M., EAST ELGIN. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LTD. FOR MATERIAL FOR DODDS CREEK BRIDGE, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP AT $ 20,813.10 SUBJECT TO (1) THE APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD, (2) THE APPROVAL OF ARMCO CANADA LTD. PLANS BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS STRUCTURES OFFICE, (3) THE APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD'S SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING BY-LAW BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED." ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 4, 1979. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY TRAT WE ACCEPT TRE QUOTATIoN OF ABMCO Ci\NADA LTD. FOR MATERIAL FOR TRE TALBOT CREEK cULVERT, DUNW'1CR TOWNSRIP AT $ 53,562.60 SUBJEGr TO (1) TRE APPROVAL OF TRE TOWNSRIP OF DUNWICR (2) THE APPROVAL OF ABMCO Ci\NADA LTD. pLANS BY TRE MU1ISTRY OF TRi\NSPORTATION i\ND COMMUNICATIONS STWlC'fURES OFFICE, (3) TRE ~PROVAL OF TRE TOWNSRIP OF DUNWICR SUPPL~ARY SpENDING B'l_LAW BY TRE Ml'NISTRY OF TRANSPORT KtION Al'ID COMMllNI CATIONS. cARRIED." s. J. GLOVER "MOVED B~: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY TRAT WE pJ)JOUlU'I TO APRIL 10, 1979 AT 9:00 A.M. cARR1.ED." ~'. 1. Petrofina Canada Ltd., 461 Sc<::.ond St., London, Ontario. . t~ceYFd~ Is", : ' '265 Firs,t Ave~, , , St. Thomas, Ontario. COUNTY OF ELGI~ GASOLINE TENDERS Tank Wagon Price 69.73 (95.64 ) 70.88 69.6 69.80 72.19 No Q\;ot:c No Quote Discount ll..50 11..50 9.440 8.0 8.(j 5.59 Subtnlt t(lU . Submttted April\ 3, 1979. Net: 58.. 23 .(84.14 ) 61.48 61.6Q,. 61.80 64.05 ' 66.60 COUNTY OF ELGIN DIESEL FUEL TENDERS PROVINCIAL TAX PAID SEPARATELY April 3, 1979. Tank Wagon Price 01 sc()unt Net Petrofina ',Canada 461Se'C()ndSt~ , LOndon ,', Ont ariJ> . 67.19 U..HO 55.39 Provincial Tax) (92.19) 11.HO (80.39 ) , 'Lao Y/Fd~ls, , ,<,,265 .'Ftr ~t.... Ave. ~..' ", ,S~'. 'Thornas"qntario.' 68.70 1 0 . ~~O 57.90 67.30 8.0 " ' ., ;" .1" . C6~Op~rativeServices, 68.00 61.7 69.91 5.58 64.33 No Quote Submi:tted . No Quote Submi. t ted: COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATIONS FOR CALCIUM CHLORIDE - 1979 Liquid and Bulk, 1. Pollard Bros. Limited~ Harrow, Ontario. Liquid or Bulk, delivered and applied on any ,road $ 95.50 per flake ton equivalent, Federal Sales Tax included. (1978 Price - $ 89.00 per ton.) I 2. Miller Paving Limited, P. O. Box 56, Buttonville, Ontario. LOll 1 BO Liquid, delivered and applied on any road $ 97.00 per flake ton equivalent, Federal Sales Tax included. Bai?,g,ed ~alcium Chloride. 1. Allied Chemical Canada Ltd., 100 North Queen Street, P. Q. Box 65, Toronto, Ontario. M8Z 5N3 Oelivered in 25 ton lots to White Stat"lt'H1. - $ 113.30 per ton. (1978 Price - $ 99.32.) ~ t .~ \ Ie, SUMMARY OF QUOTATIONS FOR C.I. PIPE F,br~.ry 19, 1979. /'1. Armco Canada Ltd., P. O.Box 310 (385 The West Mall), Etobicoke, Ontario.. M9C 4V2 $ 20,313.33 2. Canada Culvert & Metal Products Ltd., P. O. Box 578, 10525 Keele Street, MAPLE, Ontario. r~J lEO $ 22,416.00 3. Westeel-Rosco Limited, P. O. Box 6155, Station "Du, London, Ontario. N5V 2Y3 $ 22,756.00 4. Corrugated Pipe Co. Ltd., 362 Lorne Avenue East, Stratford, Ontario. N5A 6Tl $ 23, 6 21 . 1 0 5. Koppers International Canada Ltd., P. O. Box 426, 180 Columbia Sl:., Waterloo, Ontario. N2J 4A9 $24,352.80 6. E. S. Hubbell & Sons Limited, P. O. Box 118, Thamesville, Ontario. NOP 2KO $ 28,426.60 7. Fawcett Metal Products Limited, Box 304, Waterloo, Ontario. N2J 4A4 $ 28, 989 .ll~ r, PIPE PRICES - APRIL 1979 SIZE LIST 6" Helcor Plain Galvanized 2.17 8" Helcor Plain Galvanized 2.85 10" Helcor Plain Galvanized 3.54 12" Plain Galvanized 4.93 IS" Plain Galvanized 5.95 18" Plain Galvanized 7.40 2~t Plain Galvanized - 16 Gauge 9.31 - 14 Gauge 10.94 3ry' Plain Galvanized - 14 Gauge 12.82 36" Plain Galvanized - 14 Gauge 17.69 PRICE TO MUNICIPALITIES" (Small Orders, Pickup s, et(~.) COUNTY JOBS 1.95 1.80 2.60 2.35 3.00 2.80 3.75 3.50 4.75 4.25/ 5.75 5.25 7.25 6.75 8.25 7.75 10.50 10.00 13.00 12.00 ~~ REASON FOR REVISION - New Price List Issued by the IndustrYl. January 1979 and increase in Cost to County of Elgin. .t ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 15, 1979. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Elgin County Buildings at 9:30 A.M. on March 15. All members present, except Chairman, R. Green. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and CV1Luuunications was al so present. "MOVED BY: W. R . CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT KEITH KELLY BE CHAIRMAN FOR THE ROAD COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 15, 1979. CARRIED." THE COMMITTEE DISCUSSED various aspects of the Townline Road between Highway 4 and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited Land Fill Site. COMMITTEE JOURNEYED TO London and met with the County of Middlesex Road C<.muuittee at the Middlesex County BUilding. Various aspects of the assumption, construction and maintenance of the Townline Road were discussed at some length. Dinner was enjoyed with the Middlesex CV1Luuittee. AFTER DINNER it was decided to make a joint presentation to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with regard to the cost of improvement of the road. THE COMMITTEE reconvened at the Elgin County Building at 2:30 P.M. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN, REEVE LONGHURST AND THE ENGINEER BE A COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX TO DISCUSS THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE TOWNLINE ROAD FROM HIGHWAY 4 TO THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LIMITED LANDFILL SITE. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 15, 1979. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE STATING _ 1. Applications for an Assistant Engineer had been narrowed to 2 applicants. 2. Land Purchase was nearly complete on Road 38 with widening having been purchased from Mitchell Farms Ltd., Wayne Taylor, Gladys Hodgkins, George Lysy and Carl Braun. 3. Tree Cutting on Road 38 was continuing as was tree cutting on various County Roads. 4. Snow Fence was being removed. 5. No adverse affects were noticed on County._Bridges in the recent flooding. 6. So far spring break up had been minor. 7. Land widening on Road 32 from Gerry Newell had been completed, but his father did not want to sell any at the present time. Negotiations were being carried on with Rose Forbes for widening and cutting of trees. 8. The County had withdrawn their objection to the Ontario Municiapl Board on the Hazelwood Rezoning in Port Stanley. "HOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _ PAYLIST NUMBER 10 AMOUNTING TO $ 41,570.74 PAYLIST NUMBER 11 AMOUNTING TO $ 2,234.52 PAYLIST NUMBER 12 AMOUNTING TO $ 43,599.85 PAYLIST NUMBER 13 AMOUNTING TO $ 964.84 PAYLIST NUMBER 14 AMOUNTING TO $ 83,517.73. CARRIE}:l." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT HE AND REEVE PHILLIPS had met with the Regional Director of the Ministry of the Environment requesting Ministry of the Environment funds to resurface a portion of Road 23 in Port Stanley. Negotiations would continue. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 15, 1979. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. Ontario Municipal Board with notices of hearings and decisions. 2. Various Township Zoning By-Laws and Notices to Committee of Adjustment. 3. Experience 79 from Ministry of Culture and Recreation. It was noted that their projects were not applicable to County Road work. 4. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with notices of meeting re Ontario Bridge Code. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN AMOUNT OF $ 290,000 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE REBATE TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES BE 25% .OF THEIR ROAD LEVY AS IN FORMER YEARS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO APPROVE THE SUM OF $ 10,000 IN SUBSIDY MONEY FOR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS IN 1979. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 15, 1979. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED ADOPTING THE ATTACHED PROPOSED STATEMENT OF WORK (AMENDED DRAFT 2 OF THE BUDGET, DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1979) AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 AND THE STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER NOTED that if the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was using the Actual County Assessment of $ 461,000,000 to calculate the Ministry of Transportation and CVllullunications Road Subsidy, the Subsidy would be reduced by $ 50,000 and the County Road Levy increased by $ 50,000. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL QUOTATIONS FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL FOR A 2 YEAR PERIOD BEGINNING MAY 1, 1979. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 4, 1979 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." I?~?(~ . / CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAR90MMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That we have received notice from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that the subsidizable spending level for Construction and Maintenance, including Urban Rebates, on County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads in 1979 will be $ 2,819,000 and the Subsidy Allocation will be $ 2,087,000. This compares with a. spending l,~vel of $ 2,728,000 in 1978 and a Subsidy Allocation of $ 2,030,000. 2. That a County Road Levy of $ 708,000 had been recormnencled to the Fina'Q.ce Committee and the Committee requested to set aSide $ 25,000 of the Contingency Fund for road purposes. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the Budget of St. Thomas Suburban Road Corrnnissiol1 in the amount of $ 290,000 he approved. Construction Costs (includJlng Land Purchase) are estimated at $ 34,000.. This will c.omplete w.ork and Land Purchase under way on Roacls 30, 31 & 52 North of St. Thomas. Asphalt Resurfacing on Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) 1/2 mile north of Road 24 is estimated at $ 30,000. Maintenance.of the System (approximately 47.3 miles) is ostimated at $ 197,500 and Ovorhead Gosts at $ 28,500~, 2. That the rebate to Urban Municipalities be 25% of Road Levy as in former years. 3. That a resolution be passed adopting the following Proposed Statement of Work and Expenditures for 1979 and the Statement bE~ forwarded to t.he Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications for approval. 11 ~ ;J MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 2. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY AND SUBURBAN Total s' include payroll burden. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable 4. Reduction in Stock Balance s. Construction Road 16 - Fingal to Burwell Corners 6. Construction Road 30 7. Construction Road 31 8. Constr\,Jction Road 32 ... Pol ice Gpllege Road 9. Constructio:n Road 38 -U:f.ghW.:1Y 3 to Highway 19 10. Construction Road 52 ... TOTAL GRAND TOTAL - CONSTRUCTION $ 877,000. MAINTENANCE OPERATION A ... Bridges and Culverts -1 Bridges ...2 Culverts .13 ... Roadside Maintenance .1 Grass Cutting & Weed Spraying (1978) ...2 Tree Cutting -4 Drainage -5 RoadSide Maintenance ...6 Tree Planting .. 7 Dra:lnlilge Assessments (Maintenance) SUBURBAN COUNTY COUNTY AND SUBURBAN 1979 SUBURBAN 1979 COUNTY 1979 $ 90,000 $ 8,000 $ 82,000 10,000 1 ,000 9,000 28,000 6,000 22,000 60,000 15,000 45,000 55,000 10,000 45,000 10,000 2,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 1,000 3,000 . . . continued . . . 11 MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE (continued) OPERATION COUNTY AND SUBURBAN 1979 SUBURBAN 1979 COUNTY 1979 C - Paved Road Maintenance -1 Repairs to Pavement 150,000 20,000 130,000 13,000 2,000 11,000 18,000 3,000 15,000 70,000 12,000 58,000 -2 Sweeping -3 Shoulder Maintenance -4 Surface Treatment D - Gravel Road Maintenance .2 Grading Gravel Roads 16,000 3,000 1.3,000 44,000 8,000 36,000 4,000 4,000 65,000 20,000 45,000 -3 Calcium Chloride _/~ Prime -5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Total 400,000 65,500 334,500 -1 Snow Plowing 90,000 -2 Sanding & Salting 256,000 -3 Snow Fence 28,000 -4 Standby & Night Crew 26, 000 F - Safety Devices -1 Pavement Marking -3 Guide Rail 30,000 6,000 24,000 40,000 6,000 34,000 4,000 1.000 3,000 33,000 3,000 30,000 $ 1,145,000 $ 197,500 $ 947,.500 -2 Signs -4 Railroad Protection TOTAL MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 4.., OVERIU.::A,D White Station Re.habilitation 1979 $ 80,000 72,000 6,500 16,000 3,500 7.000 5,500 3,000 43,00Q ... .. 2,500 17,000 - ~ 1 ,000 $ 257, 000 OPERATION Superintendence G.arages Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Radio Ne.eds Study Update Traffic Counts Training Courses Clerical Permits Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery Overhead TOTAL ,,>-""~ suburban , CountY $ 28 , 000 $' 229,000 sUMMARY (a) Items Subsidized, At Ope.rational Rate 2. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Roads Construction $ 843,000 34,000 1. County Road Construction 5. New Machinery 310,000 30,000 155,000 947,500 3. County Asphal t Resurfacing 4. suburban Asphalt Resurfacing 6~ County Maintenance '7~ County Overhead 229,000 SUBTOTAL 197,500 _28.000 $ 2,774,000 8. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Cvmu!ission Maintenance 9. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission OVerhead MARCH SESSION 1979 PAGE 5. "I (b) Items Subsidized at 50% by the Ministry of Transportation arid Communications (1) Drainage Assessments (See rec~l1llLLendation 4) 20,000 45,000 (2) Urban Rebates (c) Items Not Subsidized County and Suburban 4,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,843,000 OREDITS: (a) Ministry of Transportation and CVUlULunications General Subsidy Allocation $ 2,087,000 (b) Ministry of Tra.nsportation and C",ulluunications Drainage Assessment A1..l()cat:1.o11 .10,000 (c) Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commis$ion (effective) approximately 38,000 Cd) Sale of Property Nil NET (eJQtTNTY ROAD LEVY ) $ 708~OOO 4. That a resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transporta.tion and Communications to apPt:ove the sum of $ 10,000 in Subsidy Money for Drainage Assessments on County and St. Thomas Subl.Jtrba.n GOtnmiss!on Roads in 1979. (Subsidy Rate for Drainage Assessrnente; lEl 50%.) All. Of Which II;. R~~$pc(.>tfully Stl'bm1tted. CHAIRMAN ST. TROJ1AS, ONtARIO, FEBRUARY 14, 1979. PAGE 1. February 14, 1979 at 9:30 A.M. All members were present. TRB COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD coMMiTTEE MET at the ~unicipal Building on TRY. J{l.N\lTES OF TRE MEETING of January 31 were read and approved. 1. TRE ENGINEER REPORTED ON TRE woBR TO DPifE as follows: winter control had been quite constant to approximatelY February 9 and costS to February 4 were estimated at over $ 220,000 including the salt bills carried over from laSt fall. A second Draft of the Budget would be required with approximatelY $ 60,000 extra in it. The sand pile at White Station had been replenished as all the sand put up last fall had been used. Machinery repairs had been moderate. The office renovations, other than carpeting, had been completed. Needs Study Sheet Update work had been completed for the time being. Tree cutting was being continued with work at the Pleasant Valley pit completed and work in West Elgin nearlY done. verbal permiSsion to enter and cut tI:ees on Road 38 on Mitchell Farms and Ward Farms had been received and work would start shortlY' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TRE ~GINEER REPORTED that Jerry Newell wished to sell land to widen Road 32 and would require some fence erected in 1979. The Engineer had been tlvolunteere&' to instruct at the Ontario Good Roads ASSociatiOn Road school in earlY MaY' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 14, 1979. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE pURCHASE WIDENING ON ROAD 32 FROM GERALD NEWELL SR., AND JOHN AND GERALD NEWELL (JR.), LOTS 15 & 16, CONCESSION IX, Mf\LAHIDE AT THE coUNTY'S STANDARD RATE OF $ 1200 pER ACRE PLUS FENCE OR FENCE ALLOWANCE AT THE RATE OF $ 8.00 PER ROD (AT THE OPTION OF THE NEWELLS). CARRIED." on March 15 to discUSS the assumption of the Townline Road from Highway 4 to IT WAS DECIDED TO MEET WITR the County of Middlesex Road committee the Sanitary Land Fill Site. Fowler for a portion of old Road 52 and that the County Solicitor, M. J. THE ENGINEER REPORTED TllAT he had received a cheque from Perry Rennessey had felt that the Township of Yarmouth would have to close a road and give the deed as they were the legal owners. Whitney, stating that he could not assume the position of Assistant county THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT there waS a letter in the mail from David Engineer and that as soon as the letter waS received the position would be re_advertiSed. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT TRE FOLLQWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT · PAYLIST # 3 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 5 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 6 AMOUNTING TO $ P AYLIST # 7 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 8 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 9 AMOUNTING TO $ 45,533.97 140.83 45,540.99 1,188.53 46,169.37 87,697.83. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 14, 1979. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - (1) Ontario Municipal Board regarding dates for hearing of appeals from decisions of County Land 'Division committee. (2) Mrs. A. K. Smith regarding snow plows filling in her driveway on Road 45. (3) Ministry of Transportation and Co"."unications with surplus land to sell in Aldborough Township. CVlltuLittee were not interested. (4) Ministry of Agriculture & Food stating as of June 1, 1979, all Municipal Drain Reports were to be given in metric units. (5) Township of Dunwich requesting a Confirming By-Law to close a road allowance. HMOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED CONFIRMING BY-LAW # 79-02 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH TO CLOSE PART OF ORIGINAL ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 12 & 13, CONCESSION V SOUTH OF A. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Quotations for gravel crushing. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF V. W. RUCKLE CONSTRUCTION LTD. FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING AT THE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT AT A RATE OF 60 CENTS PER TON. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 14, 1979. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER STATED that other quotations were not yet received, but would be checked and the low bidder notified. LAND PURCHASE ON ROAD 38 between the West Side of Ward Hill and Straffordville Cem~mery was discussed in the light of the fact that the widening required was not of uniform width and that no fence would be required. It was decided to pay $ 2,450.00 per acre for working or pasture land and $ 800.00 per acre for swamp and sidehill, and thE~ Engineer was authorized to proceed with land purchase. The present policy of $ 1200 per acre and $ 8 per rod fence allowance to remain when a straight 17 foot widening was applicable. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER the Engineer presented the attached Draft 2 of the Budget which was reviewed and discussed at length. THE COm:tITTEE AGREED that the request of the Village of Rodney for County Road work on Road 3 could not be budgeted for this year and that its priority would have to be examined when the road programmE~ was added to when County Road 38 was cU1upleted. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMM:END TO COUNTY FINANCE COMM:ITTEE THAT A ROAD LEVY OF $ 708,000 BE ADOPTED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY FINANCE COm:tITTEE THAT $ 25,000 OF THE CONTINGENCY FUND BE DESIGNATED FOR ROAD PURPOSES. CARRIED." ST. TRCJW.S, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 14, 1979. PAGE 5. preserved for a coun~J ,v-- ld b . ..1.....'\"'\pu to d that Stanle" Street WOU e W~V--- propeJ:tY an J for drainage for the road maintained. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELL ~ SECONDED B'l: W. R. CAVERLY TtJAT WE ADJOUltll TO j,\ARCR 15, 1979 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED · " COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATIONS TO CRUSH & STOCKPILE APPROXIMATELY 50,000 TONS OF GRAVEL COUNTY OF ELGIN PLEASANT VALLEY PIT 1. V. W. Ruckle Construction Ltd., Brownsville, Ontario. 60i per ton 2. Ray Ireland Ltd., (Webster St.) R. R. # 6, London, Ontario. 64i per ton 3. Gordon Wiseman Ltd., R. R. # 1, Woodstock, Ontario. 68ct per ton 4. Jack Tanner Construction Ltd., R. R. # 2, Stratford, Ontario. 74ct per ton (1978 - Jack Tanner Construction Ltd. 63i per ton.) (1977 - Gordon Wiseman Ltd. 58ct per ton.) r,., r February 14, 1979. COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATIONS TO CRUSH & STOCKPILE APPROXIMATELY 50,000 TONS OF GRAVEL COUNTY 9F ELGIN PLEASANT VALLEY PIT 1. V. W. Ruckle Construction Ltd., Brownsville, Ontario. 60ct per ton 2. Ray Ireland Ltd., (Webster St.) R. R. # 6, London, Ontario. 64cf- per ton 3. Gordon Wiseman Ltd., R. R. # 1, Woodstock, Ontario. " 68ct per ton 4. Jack Tanner Construction Ltd., R. R. # 2, Stratford, Ontario. 74ct per tQn (1978... Jack Tanner COnstrltction Ltd. 63ct per ton.) (1977 ... Gordon Wiseman Ltd. 58ct per ton. ) r, f February 14, 1979. 4 I J ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY AND SUBURBAN Totals include payroll burden. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase ($ 60,151 in 1976) ($ 20,011 in 1977) ($ 23 , 689 in 1978) 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable ($ 26,400 in 1976) ($ 27,489 in 1977) ($ 24,977 in 1978) 4. Reduction in Stock Balance ($ 8,000 in 1976) ($ 48,231 in 1977) ($ 12,613 in 1978) 5. Construction Road 16 - Fingal to Burwell Corne~s 6. Construction Road 30 7. Construction Road 31 8. Construction Road 32 - Police College Road 9. Construction Road 38 - Highway 3 to Highway 19 10. Construction Road 52 - TOTAL GRAND TOTAL - CONSTRUCTION $ 877,000 DRAIT # 2 February 14, 1979 SUBURBAN $~_____!!299 8,000 -----~-~--- ---.---..--.. 6,000 ---~------~ 3,000 -------~--- 16,000 -------~-~- $ 34l,000 COUNTY $ 1 ,000 --.----.-.-.. 21,000 ----------- _____!~!.~9~ CR. 5 000 CR. -'II!IIl_____l...... ____~1~z.9~2 ------.---- 7000 ____~__1___ 624 000 --....-....&...... ---------.- $ 843,000 Any work on the road to the Waste Disposal' Site will have to come from Construction Allocations unless the Ministry of Transportation and Communications can be convinced to set a separate allocation for 1979. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET MAINTENANCE DRAFT #'2 Febru&ry 14, 1979 (Maintenance Comparlsons for 1976, 1977 and 1978 include County & Suburban Ro.ads Expenditur.es.) OPERATION A - Bridges & Culverts .1 Bridges -2 Culverts E ~ Winter Control Total -1 Snow Plowing -2 Sanding & Salting -3 Snow Fence -4 Standby & Night Crew 1976 22,868 279,481 1977 31,610 359,094 135,835 187,644 14, 809 20,806 1978 98,241 9,711 315,004 81,775 190,532 21,673 21,023 ,.,....-, ~~-, 1979 90,000 10,000 400,000 90,000 256,000 28 , 000 26 , 000 SUBURBAN 1979 COUN1'Y' 1979 8,000 82,000 1,000 9,000 65,500 334,500 QOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT - 1979 BUDGET - MAINTENANCE "= 1976 OPERATION F _ Safety Devices -1 Pavement Marking 16,940 ... 2 Signs 29,594 -3 Guide. Rail 2,564 _4 Railroad Protection 21,413 -5 Metric Signs 1977 25,272 26 ,883 8,600 21,053 9,601 1978 30,010 60,478 3,335 26,961 1979 30,000 40,000 4,000 33,000 $ 779,139 981,724 1,087,687 1,145,000 TOTAL DRAFf # 2 February 14, 1979 Page 2 SUBURBAN 1979 cotTNT'l 1979 6,000 24,000 6,000 34,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 30,000 197,500 947,500 COUNTY tn' IUIOIN ROAn. nKPARTMI~T 'It l- -'I' >~ ~~,-:;''''.'-':"'_)';'.;,~.L~-~,\_~,~':tf~';''':'':f''~ 1979 BUDGET OVERHEAD DRAFT # 2 Feb+~ary 14, 1979 Totals for 1977 & 1978 include Payroll Burden. Totals for 1976, except Clerical & Superintendence, include Payroll Burden Superintendence for 1978 includes a vehicle charge. SUBURBAN COUNTY OPERATION 1976 1977 1978 1979 1979 1979 Superintendence 46,297 58,025 70,940 80,000 Garages 54,664 62,676 64,397 72,000 Tools 7,130 6 , 041 6 , 03 2 6,500 Miscellaneous Repairs 17,476 15,963 14,791 16,000 Radio 2,473 2,455 3,015 3,500 Needs Study Update 1,111 2,003 5,150 7,000 Traffic Counts 3,254 4,950 4,896 5,500 Training Courses 1,815 2,945 2,202 3,000 Clerical 27, 509 36,247 38,897 43,000 Permits Nil l56CR. 376 CR. Miscellaneous Insurance 1,883 1,787 2,53.2 2,500 Office 12,814 14,654 15,540 17,000 Machinery Overhead 2,142CR. 5,777 508 CR. White Station Rehabitation -- 15,266 2,515 1,000 TOTAL 174,284 228,633 230,023 257,000 !:pportiomnent Suburban $ 28,000 .county $ 229,000 c.ollN'f'l Qf \1;\,G1N \\()~D n'f,l't$~W>NT DRA'FT # 2 Febr~arY 1.4. 1979 ~ ~ payroll ~rden haS been charged pro ~ata to vario~s since and including 1.976. operationS (see belo~) 1.916 }l\ed.iCa1 \\olidays VJith 'Pay 1,113 65,814 25 ,518 t't'EM- .~ Sick "BenefitS Inc1.e~nt weather & StandbY ~or~n's Compensation lnSurance ?ensions, canada & O.M.E.R.S. 16,311 u.t.C. O.R.t.P. & Extended Realth Ca~e 41,369 1.4,059 19,589 2,500 tpng 'te>=tll pisabilitY safetY E<\uiPtl\ent c~editS' _ Direct chargeS to e MOSq~itO control & R.E.l.P. Programm 11.\ tool S 76 1\olidaYS with pay and Sick BenefitS for Off1.ce and salaried Staff charged lilO't-!l In 19 . 'ther than pay~oll B~rden. ~. to ope-rat1.ons -ra ---------- $ lB6,459 2, 46 OCR. l16CR. ~------------ $ 235.991 $ 277.961 $ ~15,00Q ,'total LaboU't Less Lapo~r in payroll BUrden . n .. MosrtUitO control Less LaPour ~n R.E.I." ~ ~ 130,001 11 ,245 168,296 t~5,991 }jl! 923,384 1.4B,142 1918 as a ~~~~et\ta~ ~f/lo .. p A,'lROLt. BURDEt< DI S'tRIBUT'LoN 1911 :;.,;...-- 915,542 114 4. 42"/0 - ... 100.830/0 114,642 111.1B"/o 211,961 116 .82"/0 'NET \.iA."BOUR ?A.'lRO'LL BURDEll ?1\.'lROt.\. BURDEll % Of t<E1' LAl'>OUR 30.1161"/0 35.B8250/0 'total Labo~r estimated at Less LaboU~ charged to payroll BUrden ~ $ 1,010,000 $ 1. 12,000 $ B3B,000 $ 31.5,000 Net La.bour 'Pa.y Roll Burden . ,,,,'\.1 BU~den perc"ntage of Net Labour 31.6"/0 DRAFT # 2 February 14) 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT - 1979 BUDGET - PAYROLL BURDEN Page 2. 1; LABOUR CHARGES TO VARIOUS OPERATIONS 1977 AMOUNT 1.977 1978 1978 PERCENTAGE AMOUNT PERCENTAGE 34.40 299,690 38.69% (12.91 ) (83,358)) (10.76%) 16.83 127,153 16.41% 1.67 6,332 0.82% 10.57 89,120 11.50% 3.58 9,564 1 . 23% 24.09 164,479 21 . 24% 8.86 78,304 10.11% 100.00% ,$ 774,642 100 % Maintenance County & Suburban Roads 264,313 (Winter Control) (99,211 ) OVerhead (ie, Superintendence, Garage, etc.) 129,278 Stock (Including Pleasant Valley Pit) 12,834 Machinery Repairs 81 , 238 Construction Suburban Roads 27,505 Construction County Roads 185,069 Items Not for Subsidy and Chargeable Work 68,056 $ 768,296 NOTE: In 1978 Sick Benefits are higher than might have been expected due to 2 retirements and one death. 1977 Sick Benefits - one retirement (6 months paid in sick ben.efits). COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 EFFECTIVE SU13STDY RATE Total Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications $ 2,087,000 Less Subsidy re Urban Rebates 22,500 Net Subsidy to Operc.ltion $ 2,06,4,500 - Operations Cost $ 2, 774, 000 Rate of Subsi.dy 2,064,500 _ 2,774,000 - 74.4% If $ 25,000 was added to County Rate 2 t 064,500 2,799,000 - 73.76% If $ 50,000 was added to County Rate ~~g?4t 500 · f 82'1# ,'nej() 73.11i{. ~, DRAFT # 2 Fobru&tt'y 14,. 1979<< f'. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES rr 1979 (a) Items Subsidized At Operational Rate (a) County Road Construction (b) St. Thomas Suburban Roads Cormnission Roads Construction (c) County Asphalt Resurfacing (d) Suburban Asphalt Resurfacing (e) New Machinery (f) County Maintenance (g) County Overhead (h) St. Thomas Suburban Roads Cvmmission Maintenance (i) St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Overhead (b) Items Subsidized at 50'k by the Ministry of Transport(ition and Communications (a) Drainage Assessments (b) Urban Rebates (c) Items Not Subsidized Co~nty and Suburban TOTAL EXPENDITURES CREDITS (a) Ministry of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation (b) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Drainage Assessment Allocation (c) Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Roads CVUlmission (effective) approximately (d) Sale of Property I" NET (COUNTY ROAD LEVY) (Levy for 1976 was $ 603,000) (Levy for 1977 was $ 645,000) (Levy for 1978 was $ 725,000) SUMMARY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION FOR 1978 Construction Roads & Bridges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) Maintenance Roads & Bridges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) (Including Payroll Burden) Overhead (including Payroll Burden) County and St. Thomas Suburban New' Machinery Asphalt Resurfacing '.['Qrr, AL DRAlt'T # 2 February 14, 1979 !_____~~~1.~~9 34,000 --------.---- 310,OQO --....---...---- 30,000 .....----------... 155,000 --.--------....- ______~~Z1.299 229,000 -...-.-------.-- ___---!2Z1.!99 28,000 -...--_._------- $ 2,774,000 $ 20,000 --_......_-----~ _______~21.9~9 4 000 ___.......__...2...... .$ 2.843,000 ~___31.9~Z1.92~ 10,000 ------------.. 38 000 ~.....--.....-_Z.....1IlIl Nil ---.....---.....-- $ 708,000 ~_____29~1.992 1 , 057, 000 -.-----.....----- 352,000 ...------------ 145,000 .....----..,.....--- 317 000 _______....1__.. $ 2,774tOOO COlrnTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1979 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law #79-02 of the Township of WE RECOMMEND: :1\ Dunwich to close part of the original road allowance between Lots 12 & 13, Concession V, South of A. The travelled road, Currie Road (being county Road 8) is some distance from the original road allowance between Lots 12 & 13, in Concession V, South of A. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1979. PAGE 1. January 31, 1979. All members except Reeve Wilson present. Also frank Clarke, THE coUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MF:r AT TRE MUNICIPAL BUILDING on Ministry of Transportation and communications. TRE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF January 10 were read and approved. TRE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORI<. TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Winter Control, including sanding had been quite steady. The sand pile at ~ite Station had been depleted and was being added to. Other than a broken piston in Truck #76 and a couple of hydraulic pumps, alternators and air compressors, no seriouS breakdowns with equipment had occurred. (2) Not much tree cutting waS being done as the Winter control work required (3) office renovations, other than flooring waS nearly complete. all employees. (4) The n$W trucks had been received. (5) Golder AssociateS had completed test drillings for the Dunwich, Southwold (6) Inspection of the Vienna Bridge had shown some rusted out floor beams and Yarmouth culvert siteS. and replacement would be required in the spring. THE ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED to attend the plowmen's convention, if at all possible, to assist with the county's presentatiOn for the 1984 International Plowing Match. (a) Dave Whitney requesting compensation for moving if he felt suitable housing CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - could not be obtained by october 1/79 when County Council requested that he be in the County. The matter waS referred to the personnel committee. (b) Ken carmichael stating that he waS not interested in obtaining a portion of the old road allowance (Road 52) adjacent to his property. ST. THQM1\S, oNT ARLO, JANUARY 31, 1979. PAGE 2. MR. LYLE WELLS OF FRANK COWAN COMPANY LTD. in attendance. Mr. Wells reviewed the county's InSurance progrgrome, including Guaranteed Revised values for the county's vehicles and equipment, and disCUssed Errors & OmissionS Terry Fowler stating he waS interested in obtaining a po~tiOn of the old road allowance (Road 52) adjaCent to his property and also that portion adjaCent to Mr. carmichael'S and agreei~g to the payment of $ 400 fo~ F 1 b th narce1s and instructed both. committee agreed to sell MJ:. oW e~ 0 r . tbe Engineer to proceed with the legal work. (c) Insurance. TRE MEET1NG ADJOURNED FOR D1NNER. AYIER 11l1NNER . . . Warden Glover absent. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Kl' M. 1!J!.LLY TRAT WE REC~D TO FINANCE CoMMIT'fEE TRAT TRE coUNT'l 'llIJRCHASE ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE FROl1 TRE FR.ANK COWAN COMPANY. cARRIED_" VI. R. CAVERLY "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. D. cAMPBELL THAT WE RENE\'! TRE FOLl.OWING INSURANCE POLICIES WITR TRE FR.ANK VI. R. CAVF.J~.LY COVlAN coMPANY; (a) MUNICIPAL LlABILIT'l (b) NON-OWNED l\1.lTOJ:iOBILES (6) AUToMOBILE FLEET (d) SPRA'l LIABILITY (e ) SPRAY LIP>BILITY (MOSQUITO CONTROL) (f) FIDELITY BOND (g) BOILER INSURANCE (ENGINEERING) . . . continued · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1979. PAGE 3. (h) SURVEY EQUIPMENT FLOATER (i) MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT FLOATER (j) VALUABLE PAPERS AND CONTENTS OF OFFICE AT 79 STANLEY STREET (k) FIRE & WIND FOR COUNTY GARAGE BUILDINGS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT WE PURCHASE 55 DRUMS (2475 GALLONS) OF YELLOW TRAFFIC PAINT AT $ 3.96 PER GALLON DELIVERED TO WHITE STATION, ST. THOMAS. (PRICE IS THE SAME AS 1978 TENDER PRICE.) (PRICE INCLUDES FEDERAL SALES TAX.) CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) Town of Aylmer with Notices of Comittee of Adjustment Hearings. (2) Province of Ontario with copy of an an amendment to the Environmental Protection Act. (3) Reeve of Village of Rodney requesting the County of Elgin to install about 1800 feet of curb and gutter on Road 3 in Rodney and to do associated drainage and paving work. The matter was tabled pending discussion of the Budget. (4 ) Tmwnship of Southwold with request to assume the Midd.lesex-Elgin N\JJl~' Townline West of Highway 4 to'~County Road 15. After discussionWhe Engineer was requested to arrange a meeting with the County of Middlesex R~ad Committee and the local M.P.P., Ron McNeil and Robert Eaton. (5) Ms. Elaine Brown regarding the ditch on Road 8 South of Road 16. The Engineer was instructed to advise Ms. Brown that the Committee would view the road and ditch in the spring. (6) Mrs. A. K. Smith with problems from road widening in approximately 1960. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1979. PAGE 4. (7) Ed Laemers of Straffordville requesting a County Official to appear on his behalf before the Ontario Highway Transportation Board Hearing on February 9 regarding his Appl.ication to have a Class "Rft lic~nce to transport sand and gravel. Committee agreed that Roy Doran should appear on Mr. Laemer's behalf. (8) Times Journal with article regarding Winter Control in Aldborough Township. (9) Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications with the Minister's approval of a resolution of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission assuming additional roads into the system. REEVE CAVERLY REPORTED THAT he had been contac~ed by Mr. Jerry Newell on Road 32 requesting that the County repair his fence, supposedly damaged last year by County Snow Plowing operations. CuuIJ.LLittee felt that the road widening should be obtained from the Newell's and a new fence erected on the 17 foot widening which would allow proper snowplowing and future~ Engineer waS instructed to write Mr. Newell. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for a short meeting of Personnell CULLlmittee with regard to cQ~respondence from David Whitney. A PORTION OF THE ATTACHED Proposed Budged for 1979 was reviewed. , 'MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO REQUEST QUOTATIONS FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING FOR APPROXIMATELY 50,000 TONS AT THE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT. CARRIED." ST. T1l0MAS, ONTAR10, JANUARY 31, 1979. PAGE 5. HMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVEpJ..1. T\1.!\T TRY. ENGINF,ER BE EMPOWERF.D TO RF.QUEST QUOTAT10NS 1iOR cULVERT pIPE, CALClmi C1:1LORIDE, GLASS "BEADS AND A PRIDCE F0~!;CRUSRED GRAVEL FROM ALE"/.. NE'ilBIGGING LTD. AND JOW1 COR>>Jl:tT FOR CRUSRED GRAVEL. J. D. C~PBELL CARR1ED.' , "MOVED BY: R. M. RELLY SECONDED B'l: J. D. cAMPBELL THAT WE ADJOuRN TO FEBRUAR1. 14, 1979 p,'f. 9 :30 A.M. CAB-R1ED." 1 \ \ COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1979 The following is a list of Policies in effect on County Buildings, Property and Liability. Unless otherwise stated Polici.es are through the Frank Cowan Comp~ny and are due January 29, 1979. 1. Nunicipal Liability Limits per claim $ 5,000,000. The County's general liability Policy protects, roads, non licensed equ:i.pment, the Court House Block and contains a libel and slander clause. The Elgin Manor and any Spraying Liability is insured under other Policies. 1:'0 1978 the cost of the enti.re policy was $ 6,959~OO while in 1979 it w'ill be very little more. The Road DepHrtment share 'was $ 5,554.49 in 1978 with the rest ($ 1,404.51) charged against general County operation. The Road Department portion in 1978 was $ 284.00 non subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications against the County's 297 miles of road and the rest as liability charged against 31 pieces of non licensed equipment which will be subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. The Policy contains the Employer's Liability Clause which covers the County in the case an employee is not considered a workman under the Workmen's Compensation Board. 2. Non Owned Auto Liability limits, $ 5,000,000 protects County against damage suits, etc. involving vehicles not owned by the County, but working for the County (e.g. private dump trucks, private dump trucks, private cars, etc.). l:-,iability for licensed vehicles borrowed or acquired by the County is $ 50,000. In the 1978 Policy the coverage was increased to include all employees and officers of the County. Cost in 1978 was $ 283.00 and i.n 1979 will be $ 310.00. ... continued ... ~ InSurance RevieW 1979 3"~ In 1976 Road committee, in an effort to reduce the increasing cost of o Fl t nol1.oC~ adooted a $ 500 deductible all perils policY' AutOro.ot1.ve . ee' } , r OU~ merit rating on both collision and comprehensive is very good. ~ol;.al premiun. for 1978 ~aS $ 10,686. 4. Hqu Licensed ECUi"l'Olll;. 1'1Mter 1 t are protected against All Non Licensed Equipment, Sno~ plO~s, Too s, e c. ' r- by a SubScriptiOn pol icY' fire, wind, collisiOn, upset, thect, etc., . ln an effort to reduce the cost a $ 1,000 Deductible claUse per occurrence ~as put into effect in 1977. Q. ,,: 1"1 f the listed val'W of t.he eq\1iproent ind\lcHnll, 'the rateS are .0 0' ,,0 o d 72 f l~ on $ SO 000 ~orth of tools, \1nlisted Sno~ plow EqU1.pment an' o. ' d &.. 100 ~ea~ly. on $ 50,000 worth of leased or equipment, stock, etc., an ~ } bor~o~ed equipment. d increases in the listed tquipro.enl;. costs have soared in the past year an . . To reduce the cost of inSurance, value of the equip\l\ent haS been necessary. sOme of our older pieces of equipment have been reduced in value to the value of a siro.ilar piece of used equipment. Steel 1iIheeled Roller, etc.) Total value of listed equipment ~as over (Examples _ Grader #13, $ 1,100,000 in 197B. 5.~ . ,." 't'i'l .t "'" T)ol.1C..:1 ';ngU~'ing 1'IobilcS, BeIS"- Statio\'l al,d To~e(' Separate ' oa e,' L J > .. obi (5 ~T~ngS insionificant.) '. lb. 704. 1978 NO de duct 1. e. av> '" ?rem1.Uffi ~aS ~ 1.n · . E' ro.ent Val\le ($ 3,725) is Ai<\ /1,11 Risk poliCY to cover our Survey1.ng qu1.P ' 6. 7. Boiler and 1'Iachiner BOiler, pressure tan~s on the air compressor and paint sprayer. (AlSO ~no~ as Engineering policy) $ 65 pe-r yea-r. t ks such as in the Garage ThiS policy inSures boilers, presS\1re an.' There ... continued ... \,;J Insurance Review 1979 Page 3. 7'. Boiler and Machinery Policy - continued was a Liability limit of $ 5,000,000 and a $ 200,000 property damage clause on our property if an explosion occurred. The presium for 1978 was $ 438 and will be $ 481 in 1979. 8. Weed Spray Policy Weed Spraying Policy was used in 1978 for both Weed Spraying and an additional policy was paid for Mosquito Spraying. 9. Bond Blanket Bond in amount of $ 100,000 on all County Employees for protection of County against theft, vandalism, etc. OUr share of the cost in 1978 was $ 166.80. 10. Valuable Papers Total of $ 100,000 on valuable papers throughout the County. Road Department pays on $ 45,000 of this. Premium about $ 80 annually. Policy provides for costs of replacing records, resurveying costs, etc., if records are damaged or destroyed. 11. Office Contents On Engineer's Office, 79 Stanley Street, Floater as part of Court House insurance. Contents insured for $ 20,000 (Premium $ 22 :t) 12. Moving Permit Issuance Insurance A continuing policy which protects County against all suits because of issuance of moving permits, etc. Cost $ 6.00 per permit issued (paid for by applicant). 13. Insurance on County Garage Protection against fire, wind, mal icious acts, etc. vdth extended coverage from damage from falling radio tower. Last year a $ 1,000 Oeductlble Clause was added to reduce costs. Rates are as follows - County Garage, Main Garage 20ct per $ 100 coverage other County Buildings at White Station 85ct per $ 1001 coverage and Rodney Garage 68ct per $ 100 coverage. ... continued ... Insurance Review 1979 Page 4. 13. Insurance on County Garage continued Coverage is as follows: Main Garage White Station $ 409,000 (up from $ .386,000 in 1978 and $ 357,500 in 1977). Other Buildings remain at 1977 values. Hanger Building Small Storage Building Salt Storage Building Rodney Garage TOTAL of ALL Buildings Total Premium will increase from $ 2,038 to $ 2,176. $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 10, 000 $ 554,000 14. Workmen's Compensation OUr assessment from the Workmen's Compensation Board :in 1978 was $ 1.55 p~r hundred on all employees. Premium paid in 1978 including back premiums from 1977 was $ 14,977. It is our understanding that the Municipal Rate will be approximately $ 1.35 per hundred to a maximum of $ 16,200 per person. '" t;, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE: Attached hereto is Draft #1 for 1979 Road Budget. The County Road and the Suburban Road System Budglat s are combined into one Budget. Upon approval of the Total Budget the Suburban portion will be submitted to the Suburban Roads Commission for ratification. This Budget total s the Ministry of Transportation and Cuuullunications Allocati.on of $ 2,774,000 plus Urban Rebates, Drainage Assessments and Items Not for Subsidy (grand total of $ 2,843,000). This Budget corresponds with Ministry of Transportation and C~.J1luuunications Subsidy Allocation of $ 2,087,000. Further expenditures will be at the County's own expense while a lesser expencliture will result in the lose of Ministry of Transport.ation and Corrmunications Subsidy at a rate of 91%. (a) Maintenance In May 1978 we requested qn allocation of $ 1,133,000 for maintenance. This allocation was cut to $ 1,057,000 ($ 75,000 less). Maintenance costs increased in 1978 by a little over $ 100,000 compared to 1977. Although 1977 Winter Control wasqpproximately $ 45,000 higher (1978 salt bills were not paid) a number of items caught up to us in 1978, the major ones being tree cutting (a direct result of the blizzard and the ice storm of 2 years ago). (The results of both of these items also linger on into 1979.) Bridge Maintenance, Roadside Maintenance (washouts along Lake Erie East of Port Bur~ell and on Road 24 at Port Bruce and the West of Port Bruce), signs (again the blizzard plus a major deficiency, put off from 1976 & 77 (metric signs, etc.). The Maintenance money crunch was so bad that it was impossible to pay any salt bills from the Fall of 1978 and as of January 18, 1979 the outstanding salt bill is over $ 70,000 (which makes a fair hole in 1.979 estimates of $ 210,(00).. (If we bave more problems the 1979 bills wontt get paid until 1980.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT, 1979 BUDGET P8~e 2. FortUnately (or unfortunately for the money supply) we noted a number of serious problems with a number of bridges last year.. We did not complete the necessary repairs on all the bridges by any means and have the following work to b~dget for in 1979 Bothwell Bridge - paint job in 1978 ... our share $ 5,000. Material _ Cook Bridge Floor not paid in 1978 - $ 9,000. Repair steel trtjss, stream cleanout and painting Cook & Phillm.Qre Bridges (Road 43). Repair Jamestown Bridge - steel truss and some of the floor beams. It is uncertain whether or not the entire floor system will have to be replaced. Replace railing and patch rest of bridge... Belmont West Bridge (over Kettle Creek). (Sharl~d cost with Middlesex CQunty.) Maintain Walker Bridge, including steel truss repairs. (Shared with Middlesex County.) Middlemiss Bridge,'" replace a portion of railing. (Shared 'with Middlesex County.) Repair Tates Bridge. (Shared with Middlesex County.) Clean and paint railing - Wardsville Bridge. Miscellaneous work. If at all possible, one or two more bridges should be painted (Wardsville, Jamestown, Meeks, Fulton, Gillets, etc.). (Lots of choice.) Problems by 1980 - railing on Glencolin Bridge. St. Thomas Suburban Bridge'" clean and paint railings - Fingal & Dodds Creek Bridge. GrasS cutting and weed spraying budget provides only a very nominal increase in work for 1979. Drainage should include money to complete ditchi.ng started on Road 45 between Road 22 and Road 36 and some ditching is required on Road 24 East of Dexter. Barring more Lake Erosion problems, roadside maintenance should return to a nominal amount. Repairs to Pavement will include a small amount of machine laid asphalt patc.hing, although not as much as likely should be done. Surface Treatment estimates will do about 20 miles of County work and 3.5 miles of Suburban work. At least this much more mileage will require surface treatment in both 1980 & 81. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET Page 3. Gravel Resurfacing money is estimated to compley Road 37, which was only partia.11y done in 1978 because Corbett s ran out of grav1el. Road 18, 20 & 1.7 MCL in Southwold Township (again only partially done because the County ran out of cr~shed gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit). Approximately 2 miles of Road 9 from Road 3 to the division line in Aldborought Township is estimated as well. (This gravel will have to come from the Komoka area in all likelihood.) Winter Control the last few years hps been very expensive and even a good year will turn bad with the previous years Fall salt bills to pay. (The sand piles will not last the Winter either.) The snow fence purchased last Fall wasn't paid for either ($ 6,000). Pavement Marking shouldn't be too bad as we hHd f;iO'mfi~ palnl: l(~ft over and purchased 1979's at 1978 prices. We got most of the quirks out of the pavement marker and if we can figure a cheap way of making the skipline work properly (and cheaply) we're away. Signs should be an improvement unless we get another blizzard. We should be on the last round of the replacement of curve and inte~section signs which were first erected 12 - 14 years ago. Vandalism, however, takes its toll and sign erection and repair is nearly a full time Job for a crew. Railway Protection will be up i.n as much as we have a full yea.r of another crossing (Road 52 & C.N.R.), a disputed bill from last June with the C&.O ($ 2,000 Plus) and the railways increased costs ($1 3.00 a day a crossing with 31 crossings). The total maintenance cost is estimated at approximately $ 20,000 over last year and if there are any savings to be made - the! additional funds are required in bridge maintenance, pavement repairs, surface treatment and gravel resurfacing. If we have any unforeseen problems, or if this weather turns bad, additional funds will be required, (ie, a decrease in construction) to maintain the Road System. t', coUN'I'l OF tLG1]l ROAD DtPARTM.tm: ... ~ ~ (b)~ · . Total payt:oll BUt:dell is estimated at appt:o",imatelY 381. l.ll 1978 campated ~ith 36% ill 1977 alld 31% ill 1976. Lllct:eased medical costS at:e likely (o.u.L.P. pt:eviouslY accepted these). uolidaYs ~th paY wnich at:e UP as coUllty coullcil is tt:yillg to cut the backlog of vacatiOll time due. (uacklOg is pt:csentlY about $ 47,000. Statutot:Y UolidaYS appt:oJ\CimatelY $ 44,000 and UolidaYs eat:lled ill 1978 fot: 1979 apptoJ\CimatelY $ 60,000.) yot: estimatillg put:poseS we feel about 1/3 of . 1 b d' 1979 Sick ~nefitS at:e all ullklloWfi qualltity the backlOg wl.l, e t:emOVe l.ll · alld a couple of emPloyeeS fot: 6 ot 8 mOllthS call inct:ease the sick time. (Theot:etiCallY, value of sick time is $ 434,000.) payroll nut:dell is chat:ged back to the vat:ioUs opetatiOllS ill ~hich laboUt: ~as a pat:t, ie, COllStt:UctiOll, Mailltellallce, Machille Repait:S, AccountS Recei:vab1e, etc. (c)~ MallY ovet:head itemS at:e dit:ect sa1at:Y itemS alld at:e incteased llOt . b 1 ~th the illCt:ease ill payt:oll 13Ut:dell. only with the illCt:ease l.ll ",ages, ut a SO Special pt:oblems illclude the Gat:agc Roof ~hich ~ill tequit:e some . . ( ,~, ..-rn) }leed Stud" update, eJ\Ctt:a l\llocatiOllS by Millistt:Y of t:epal.t:s eJICtellt un"llO,," , , Tt:anspot:tatiOll alld C()t\tl\UllicatiOllS to complete the ma)ot: \1pdate of the Study . "Office (to complete (~e hope) t:ellovatiOllS)' to gO mett:l.C at the same tl.me. "d til 1979. Rellovation of includillg stottll ~illdo~s on last Fall, but not pal. ull . dd1i. of 2 t:ooms illtO 1 fot Draftillg Room. office fot: AsSl.stallt an temO e llg (d) ~ . . The ~inisttY of Ttallspottation alld co~llicatiOllS stt:ollglY SUggestS that the molley allocated (pluS pay toll BUrden ft:om ovet:head) be spellt fot: Asphalt Resut:facillg. (The hllocatiOll ~as $ 311,000 plUS payroll BUt:den.1 >.' t-' ~ coUN't'l Of EW1J1 ROAD DEl'ARn\fl''t . the amount of ~ 340,000. ~^~tative ptOgr~e ~n ~,i ~~~~~ spring brea~up in earlY ~ (e) the settling of the sanitary se,"et: tt:etlch~S. i i . so11th 1/2 ",tle of 13.0'1-0. 22 j11St St. 'thomas S11b11t:\:>an ROadS C<Jl11ll1, SS on · . erforming very poorlY' ~ 0.. d 24 surface treatment ~s p no~th o~ ~oa · (e) Ne'" ~chin~ . ionS tJ.location for ne'" ~ t' n and C()tt1lll!1n~cat \o\.inistry of 'transpot:ta ~o .5 000 · being present t ~11dget of ~ 15. , . . for 1919 is ~ 145,000. S11ggeS mach~nerY . 11 d " in the Fa- 120 000 pl11s 1/2 a gra e e>tPenditUre of ~ ,.. (""'t .ls. StUd~1 updat.e) ~ '208 000 l....eeu. · J- . & . 19aO estimated ~ ~ ' \o\.achinery costS .01: , .' 203 500 19&1 est~mated ~ ~ ' . d ~ 221 500 19&2 e$t~mate ~ ~ . , ~ 239 500 19a3 estimated ~ ~ ' &. 264 000 19&4 est illlated ~ ~ ' & 282 000- 19&5 estimated ~ ~. , b~~ght for the f11tUre. Some of 011r . is none tOO ~~ So the eq11ipment p~ct11re . At trade~in time little . t '" ra"idl" apQroaching the l11n~ stage. ectU1.,\?ro.en ~ vr: ] '1 S for 011r old vehicleS' h b'\1 tbe uea e't: interest haS been s own 1 (f) constr~. 11 the above itemS are ~. left over after a I.ttl e bit of moneY . · 'the 1. .. i t...t.o"'l.~ Allocat1.on d co1.\ll"l1u:n C.<h.. ~ I, ~ of 'transpot:tatiOtl an deducted from the \o\.inistry If OU ",ant more it beComeS s constr11ctiOn \o\.oneY' y of ~ 2,774,000 is ~nown a . 0. C<JI11ll1,unicatiOns, leSS . . f 'transportat~on an b 'dized by the \o\.~n~strY 0 an U1lSU 51. /' COUNTY., OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET Page 6. every dollar of County Rate d~ducted the Ministry of Transportation and Cvulmunications deducts $ 10 of their dollars. We get a little money in by using our stock (items already paid for) and by work for others. It will help, but it wouldn't build very much road. Land Purchase is continuing. Most of Land Purchase outstanding is on Road 30, 31 & 52 and will have to be paid for by the Suburban Roads Commission. Road 38 land has yet to be acquired from Mitche~ll' s easterly and is all new alignment to the Straffordville Cemetery. Work started in previous years remains - including minor work on Roads 30, 31 & 52 (seading, ditching, drainago, slides, hydt~c) moves, etc..). Also r~tna:f.ning is the completion of Road 16 from Fingal to Road 14. The main items are the top asphalt course, gravel shouldering, top soil, and utility movement. Money for future work (Road 32) for Surveys, Engineering, etc. is required to enable us to proceed with work in an orderly fashion when funds are available. The rest of the money is slated for Road 38 from Highway 3 easterly in Malahide & Bayham. Funds for any other projects will have to be taken from Road 38 construction. i'I ('-, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET ,Page 7. up in the 1978 Needs Study, and if the Ministry of Transportation and Connnun1.cations cannot be pressured into setting up an Allocation for 1979, any money spent on the road will come out of construction funds (or a cut back in the maintenance programme). All Of Which Is Resp1ectfully Submitted. R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER. coml'fi Of ELG1N ROAD pEl' p.RTME1l'r nRArt # 1- January 31, 1919 ... ~ COl'S'tRIlC'1'l.Ol' ,.. C.Oml'1''l p,NO SIlBIlRBMl ~ ~ 'total s !.nc.1ude pa'lroll purden. Q_ G -dinQ construction Miscellaneous SurVeyS ",ra " $ 1,000 --.....-...............- $ 1,000 ................................. 11,000 ............-................. ~ 8,000 ................................. 3," O~~'I1Ji~, t: sh'i,P to' 0"') 1\ r "0. \.l,nt $ l,e(.',(' \:\1,\\)1 (l. costS, e~C.' · ~~~ ($ 2Q,400 !.n 191Q) ($ 1J ,489 !.n 19") ($ 24,911 in 1918) QO,151 in 1916) 20,011 in 1911) 23,689 in 191B) l~JOOO ~,. ...............~......-...~ 1. 2. Land l'urcbase ($ ($ ($ .........-..................... 5 000 Clh .....................1...""!... .............................. 4. Reduction in StoC~ Balance.) {$ 8,000 in 191~ ($ 48,231 in t91f) ($ 12,613 iO 1918) ?J 0 ,()OO .................................. "i_ 1 to lIUrwell corners constructiOl\ Road lQ ,.. < oga ..................---...... 6,000 ...................-........... ................................. 9. Co1.\struct ion Road 30 constructiOn Road 31 constructlon Road 32 . police college Road .. '" d 38 ... nigbwaY 3 to \\igb"a'l 19 Construct\On Roa . - construct1.on Road 52 · 3,000 ................................. ... -......... ..........-...... 5. i) 000 ....""'...............1.......... 6. ......................-......... 661,000 --.........-............... 1. ......~......_............... 8. 16 000 ............_-...2.......... ................................... to. $~ ~ GRAND 't()'l' [>.1. . cOl' S'rRIl C'tl ol' .' <__ 1 site ,,1.11 ha"e to c-ol\\0 f-ro\\l /I.., '1 ""or\<. on tbe road to tl\e 1ilastC PLspo"a - .>l\ . . d CO\\l\\lunicat\ons 1 tbe Min:\.strY of 'transportat!.on an - construction [>.llocat:\.ons un eSS A d to set a sepa-rate allocBt:\.on for 1919. can be con'\1 J"nce $ 914,000 'tarAt COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~"'l 1979 BUDGET DRAFT #1 January 31, 1979 MAINTENANCE (Maintenance Comparisons for 1976,1977 and 1978 include County & Suburban Roads Expendit~res.) OP ERAT 1. ON SUBURBAN COUNTY 1976 1977 1978 1979 1979 1979 22,868 31,610 98,241 85,000 8,000 77,000 A - Bridges & Culverts -l Bridges . -2 Culvert,S 9,711 1 0, 000 ~ 1 , 000 9,000 B .. Roads:tde b1.a.intenance -1 Gra.ss Cutting &W(;~ed Spraying "(1978) 21 , 089 21~. 758 23,596 28, 000 6,000 22,000 "" 2 trreo Cutting 49 , 036 55 fI 5 29 91.t",QI] RO,OOO t5,OOO 65,000 ..4 rJr<l.in~'tge .59,892 55,3/+3 53,190 60,OOO/' lO,()(.)O !$O, 000 ..5 RoadSide Maitlt. Included 4,970 14,892 .1.0,000 2,000 811 000 in 0...3 -6 Tree PlAnting ..- Nil 1,547 1 , 000 1,000 ..7 DI:ainage Assessments (Maintena,nce ) 813 1,356 3,519 4,000 1,000 3,000 C ... Paved Road Maint. ...1 Repa,irs to Pav't 94,7"72 180,809 179,616 150,000 20,000 130,000 ... 2 Sweep'l,ng 10,199 13,176 11,631 13,000 2,000 ll,OOO ...3 Shoulder Maintenance 16,980 12,296 24,750 18,000 3,000 15,000 ....t~ Surfac(~, Tr(~a.tm(!nt 59, ()O2 53,578 51,899 70,000 12,000 58,000 D .. Gravel Road Ma:i.nt. -2 Grading Gravel Roads 16,258 l5,698 l3,343 16,000 3,000 13,000 -3 Calcium Chloride 35,447 34,406 35,134 44,000 8,000 3:6,000 -4 Pri,me -... 4,l4l 3,843 4,000 4,000 -5 Gravel Resurfacing 42,791 43,551 35,497 65,000 20,000 45,000 E ... Winter Control Total 279,481 359,094 315,004 340,000 65,000 275,000 -1 Snow Plowing 135,835 81,775 76,000 -2 Sanding & Salting 187,644 190,532 210,000 ...3 Snow Fence ll~ , 809 21,673 28, 000 -4 Standby & Night Crew 20,806 2l,023 26, 000 DRl\l\'T III January 31, 1979 l'i;:W,O 2. ~ CO\mT'l Of' 11.LG1N ROAD PE?AR'l.'MEN'I' - 1919 l\\JpG\;:'I' - MAIN'I'ENNlGE - - - ---- - .---- 1976 1977 1978 1979 SUBURBAN 1979 --- COUNTY 1979 f'> OPERATION F .. Safety Devices ...1 Pavement Marki.ng 16,940 25,272 30,010 30,000 6,000 1.4,000 ... 2. Sigl\S 29,594 26 ,883 60,478 40,000 6,000 34,000 ...3 Guide Rail 2,564 B, 6 00 3,335 4,000 1,000 3,000 ...4 Railroad protection 21,413 21 ,053 26,961 33,000 3,000 30,000 ...5 Metric SignS ...--- 9,601 ... .. ... ... ----- - - --- - - - -- - ."".".. -.......-.. TOTAL $ 779,139 981,724 1,087,687 1,105,000 1.97,000 908,000 I os \ /) I (\ 1 ~) (', '), ,iJVN '\' U .,1 (~\ ./ - ~.. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1979 BUDGET DRArr III January 31, 1979 OVERHEAD Totals for 1977 & 1978 include Payroll Burden. Totals for 1976, except Clerical & Superintendence, include Payroll Burden Superintendence for 1978 includes a vehicle charge. OPERATION 'Superintendence . Garage~; Tools Miscelb:~nt~oUS Repairs Radio Need$ Study tTpqate Traffic Counts Training Courses , Clerical Petmits Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery OVerhead White Sta,tion Rehabitation TOTAL App (.)t: t 1 o'QtnJm t ~ I '.. Suburba.n $ 28,500 $ 231,500 County SUBURBAN COUNTY 1976 1977 1978 1979 1979 1979 46 , 297 58,025 70,940 83,000 SA.,664 62,676 64,397 72,000 ",130 6 , 0.41 6 , OJ 2 6,500 17,476 15,963 ll~, 791 16,000 2,473 2,455 3, 015 3 , 500 1,111 2,003 5,150 7,000 3,254 4,950 4,896 5,500 1,8l5 2, 91~5 2,202 .1~OOO 27 ,509 36,21~7 38,897 1.~3, 000 Nil 156CR. 376 CR. ... .- 1,883 1,787 2,53.2 2,500 l2,8l4 14,654 15,540 17,000 2,142CR. 5,777 508 CR. 15,266 2,515 1 , 000 l74,284 228,633 230,023 260,000 co1JN'l"l Of v,WtN R{)t>Jl DV,1'~l:\.ENT DRAYt # 1 Jan~atY :n., 1919 i' ~ ~ 1'a'f1'o 11 'BUtden ha $ been chatged ptO ta ta to '11 a'!: i ou$ sinCe and including 1916. ope'!:ation$ (see belo~) 1916 N.edical \\ol1.daYS ~ith l?aY 1,113 65,814 25,518 t't\?M ~ SiC\(.'>>enefi.tS lnclement 'Weathe'!: e. StandbY 'Wo,!:~nl$ c~en$ation tn~'!:ance 1?ensions, canada e. Ool:\.ov,.a.so 16,311 4\.,369 14,059 19,589 u.t.C. 0.\1..1..1"& tl(.tettded 1:1e.alth Cate 2,500 v>nS 'te~ DuabiHty Saf$tY v.q1.1iPt\\ent credit $ 0 .. Di1:ect cha'!:geS to MOS<\ll,it~ cont1:Q'l & a.totS. m:Og1:a~e 1n toolS fi f1: Office and Sa1a1:ied staff 'chatged ~Q!!.1. 1.n \.916 \\~\.id<l1$t1Hh.~h t~:: ~~~~~ :~:n.t$ 0 ~.. to o1?erat~ons ra --------- $ 186,459 2,460ca. 116Ca. ----------- $ 235,991 $ 211,961 1+ ~\.5, oOl) l' A. 'lR01.i\,. l'Ujl..DEN DtS't\l1, 'B\,l'ttON 1911 :;;,.;.--' 915,542 130,001 1918 :;,,;.--- , 923,384 1918 as a ~~~-cen.tt .aa~ .e,. of 1911 ~60/o 11A. . 420/0 148,142 - ... 100.8311/0 NE't tJ\.BOUB. l? A~B.OL1, 13URDEN 1?A."{ll.OLL p,I%Dl'\\'l % Of NET 1.A:e<lUa 11 ,245 168,296 235,991 30.11E> 10/0 114,642 11.1 . 180/0 1:ota1 Labo1.1r ~SS Lab~t in 1'aytoll ~tden ,., ., ~ "l1itO cont'!:ol ~ss Laboll,t in \lototo.. ~O$~ 211,961 116.82<'/0 35 .8825"/0 ,\:otal Labo~'!: e$ti)1lll.ted at Le$S Labo~'!: charged to 1?a'f1'oll ,~et 1,8.00\117 PaY Roll B\1r.o.et\ B\1rdeP- ~ $ 1,010,000 $ 112,00Q $ 838,000 $ 31.5,000 & ~^t 1abour ~ 31.6% ., n....den1'ercentage O' ,,0'" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT .. 1979 BUDGET -PAYROLL BURDEN LABOUR CHARGES TO VARIOUS OPERATIONS 1977 AMOUNT 1977 PERCENTAGE Maintenance County & Suburban Roads 264,313 34.l~0 (Winter Control) (99, 2ll ) (12.91 ) Overhead (ie, Superintendence, Garage, etc.) 129,278 16.83 Stock (Including Pleasant Valley Pit) 12,834 1.67 Machinery Repairs 81 , 238 10.57 'Construction Suburban Roads 27,505 3.58 Construction County Roads 185,069 24. 09 Items Not for. Subsidy and Chargeable Work 68,056 8.86 $ 768,296 100.00% DRAFT # 1 January 31, 1979 Page 2. 1978 1978 AMOUNT PERCEN1'AGE 299,690 38.69% (83.358)) (10.76%) 127,153 16 . 41 % 6,332 0.82% 89,120 11.50% 9,564 1.23% 164,479 21.24% 78,304 1. 0.11 % $ 774,642 100 ~~ NOTE: In 1978 Sick Benefits are higher than might have been expected due to . 2 retirements and one death. 1977 Sick Benefits - one retirement (6 months paid in sick benefits). COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT , ., 1979 EFFECTIVE SUBSIDY RATE Total Ministry of Transportation and Communications $ 2,087,000 Less Subsidy re Urban Rebates 22,500 Net Subsidy to Operation $ 2,064,500 _ Operations Cost $ 2, 774, 000 11" Rate of Subsidy 2.064,500 2,774,000 .-- If $ 25,000 waS added to County Rate 2,064,500 2,799,000 - If $ 50,000 waf; Hddod to C()untyRate 2,064 500 2,814; Ot)() 74.4% 73.76"0 73.1.J.1., DRAFT # 1 January 31, 1979. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES 1979 DRAFT # 1 January 31, 1979 (a) Items Subsidized At Operational Rate (a) County Road Construction !_____~~g1.992 _______~~z.292 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Roads Connnission Roads Construction (c) County Asphalt Resurfacing 310,000 -... ..--...--.... -.'.- (d) Suburban Asphalt Resurfacing 30,000 ------..--,.......- (e) New Machinery 155,000 -.....--..-.,......... tr' (f) County Maintenance (g) Cpunty Overhead __--__~9~!29~ ______3~!!.~9~ ..___..._!2Z!.~99 (h) St. Thomas Suburban Roads Cvu~llission Maintenance (i) St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Overhead _______~~!.~29 $ 2,774,000 (b) Items Subsidized at 50% by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (a) Drainage Assessments j___..__~9z.922 45,000 ----.....-..-.....--.. (b) Urban Rebates (c) Items Not Subsidized County and Suburban 4000 _______~-1~__ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2.843,.000 CREDITS (a) Ministry of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation !___31.2~2.!922 (b) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Drainage Assessment Allocation _______!21.9~~ (c) Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission (effective) approximat1ely (d) Sale of Property _______~~!.292 Nil ---...........---,.- NET (COUNTY ROAD LEVY) $ 708,000 (Levy for 1976 was $ 603,000) (Levy for 1977 was $ 645,000) (Levy for 1978 was $ 725,000) SUMMARY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION FOR 1978 Construction Roads & Bridges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) !_____29~!292 Maintenance Roads & Bri.dges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) (IncludIng Payroll Burden) _...__~19~Z!.~22 Overhead (includIng Payroll Burden) County and St. Thomas Suburban 352,000 ...---.........--...... Asphalt Resurfa.cing __..___!fr~!.922 317 000 .. .. 4IW _ _ ........ _ .1_ ... NE~W Ma chinery TOT A J... $ 2, 7 7/f., 000 p' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ,,---- ............ I I. I FIRST REPORT TO irHtt WARDEN AND MEMBgRS OF' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD OOMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The foll.owing is a s",-,...aryof Expenditllres on Elgin County and St. Th,omas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1978. In 1977 & 1978, in accordance with Ministry of 'transportation and c~unications practice, Payroll Burden, such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONstRUCTION - COUNTY' ROADS PART # 1 Asphalt resurfacing, associated ditching, shouldering, etC.. $ 41,756.72 (a) Road 11 in Southwo1d Township, approximately 1/2 mil e . 203,749.75 (b) Road 16 in ounwich Township, including shouldering 69,375.24 (c) Road 19 in Southwold Township, from Southwold Stati.on southerly approximately 1 1/4 miles $ 314,881.71 TOTAL PART # 1 PART # 2 Construction Roads $ 543,481.33 (a) Road 16 Southwold Township, from Fingal to Burwell's Corners, grading, granular ~~p~. p~vtn~, etc. 121.,596.93 (b) Road 31 (Oalewood Drive), in Yarmouth Township, grading, granular base, paving, etc. 871.06 (c) Road 32 Malahide Township (Pol ic(:~ Cot lege Road), surveys & engineering 42,925.17 (d) Road 38 Malahide & Bayham Townships, clearing, removal of stumps, fencing, drainage in Richmond, engineering, etc. 160,895.91 (e) Road S 2 '{armollth TownsMp frotn Road 25 (We11ington RQad) to Road 30 (Radio Road), grading"" granular base, paving, etc. 21,695.49 (f) Road 52, Southwold Township from Road 25 (Wellington Road) westerly to Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications' St. Thomas Expre ssway 'to 't\\E Vl~E1l AND ","~BERS Of Et.G'LN coUN't'l CaUNC'LL ~ 1?13,ge 2 ~ 1?~ # 1. ~ (continued) (g) ","i sce 1.1 aneO\1 s g"C 13,ding p"C 0) ect sand miscell13,neO\1S surveYs 'tOTAL 1? 1\R't # 2 1 ,001 .64- ------- $ B92,413.53 2, 29B .81 CR. 1?~'t # 3 ~ ","iscell13,neO\1S (a,) Reb13,te of 1?"Covinci13,l S13,leS 't13,~ paid 1l\ \)t()'\1'io\\i16t\t: S (b) ~nd ?U"Cch13,ses fo"C "Coad ,ddening and dive~sions, etc. 24,460.45 1.51,200.41 24,911.24 CR. (c) New 13,nd \1sed ","13,chine"CY (d) ),\achine"CY owne"Cship cost:' etc. d cha"Cged to p-cco\1ntS Recel-v13,ble 13,n To~line AccountS froT l\L P t\B.'i # 3 'to'! tJ. CONS'tR1Jc:r'L 01'1 (coUN't'l ) --------- \.MJ,384.B'"' $ 1,355, 140.11 (c) Land 1?u"Ccnaso 'to'!tJ. CONS'tR\lct10N B'l S't. 't\\Qb\AS s\YB1JRBAN ROADS CoMM1SSI0l'1 $ 191.49 66,687.33 11\.,,63 CR. --------- $ 66,113.19 :t...1 "D.'" s'" 't\\Qb\AS S1J~BAN ROADS col'lM'LSS'LON CO'NSTRUc:tl01.~.DJ. ,J.. (a,) S\1rveYs, Road 22 (f13,irview Ave. ) (b) Road 30, 'latmo\1th ~o.msh~c' g"Cading, g"Can\11a"C base, pavl-ng, e · 'to'!AL CONS'tR1JCT1.0l'1 coUN't'l All\) s't. 't\\~I\S S\JlI\lRBAll RO!\DS Gol'lM1.SS1.0l'1 $ 1,4,22,1.\-53.30 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS l'!ClJ:[l:! L(d: t(lt" Ii) ilndt\UlnIHU. t'l (,~Ol~efqllH~nd to r-H n 1 f1 tr'v it t Transportation and COllUtlunications Account Numbers. A _ Culverts & Bridges 1 Bridges (including Calton, Eden, lana, Phillm.orE~, Cook, Walker & Middlemiss) 2 Culverts B _ Roadside Maintenance 1 GrasS Cutting & Weed Spraying 2 Tree Cutting 4 Orainage tj Ilo::lcl rdde Mt) fnte.Hanc('l, W,su;hout n ~ (,tt' It 6 Tree Planting 7 Dratt'H-l.ge Asse ssment ~~ (rapa Ir ~~ only) C _ Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) 1 Repairs to Pavements 2 Sweeping 3 Shoulder Maintenance 4 Surface Treatment D _ Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) 2 Grading Gravel Roads :) DL:H.rt Control (CMlclullI Ghlori.do) 4 DUst Control (Prime) 5 Gravet Rosu~faci,ng E Winter Control (TOTAL) 1 Snow Plowing 2 Salting & Sanding 3 SnoW Fence 4 Standby t._.. ~.?.Jl..0J.:JJ_.... 9,l~19.93 ~~.~_~_M____~___ 22,722.76 __.......lIlI!'............----.. 90,053.10 ~--"~'----------- 52,733.78 _........--_....._-_..~-- IJ,81.B.32 .......-..........~--_......_....... 1,5l~7.26 ....----......-......--- 3.519.42 ~----_._._------- 154,999.46 ----------~-~--- ... _ _ _ 2-..0-'~}_0.: ':.0.__ 24,290.59 _.....,.".......--....lI'/IlIII!...----....... 51,899.21 -------'--------- 13,028.56 ----....------...-- :'5,005.60 .........../IIllII__~...-....--- _.. _ _ _] J _8.42.....2...2_... 35,411.63 ..._.....~.......-_..-.._-- $ 292,453.30 76,964.27 .....-...-..--......----- 174,903.01 ---....-..------.....- 2l,244.99 --_......~......-...._....... 19,341.03 ---~_....__...,......-,.....- 1978 Winter Control County &. St. ThomaS suburbH'o Roads Comrnis5i,on 1977 Winter control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roa~s Commission 1976 Wint(~r Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads CnnuniH~jion $ 315,003.94, $ 359,095.00 $ 2 79 , l~81 . 00 MAINTENANCE · COUNTY RO~ (continued) F ~ Safety Devices 1 Pavement Marking 2 Signs :3 Guide Rails 4 Railroad Protection TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages qf 25% of the ir Road IJevy OVERHEAD - COUNTY l. Superinten.dent, including County Engineer, General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, etc. and Superintendent vehicles 2. Clerical 3. Offi.ce 4. Gurages (White Stat1.o11 & Rodnoy), Sto(:k & Timekeepers, Maintenance, etc.) 5. Tools and Miscellaneous Repairs 6. Radio 7. Traffic Counts & Needs Study Update 8. Training Courses 9. Permi.ts 10. Miscellaneous Insurance 11. Rehabllitation of Wldte Statton Gravel Pit Hnd general cleanup of Garag~ grounds 12. Machinery OVerhead Costs TOTAL OVERHEAD (TOTAL OF PAYROLL BURDEN charged to operations waS $ 277,961.31) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD (including items not subsidized by Ministry of Transportation and Comrm.lni.cations). TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS, OVERHEAD, ETC. FOR COUNTY & ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION $ ____}}-'_':.5_8..-.9...6___ ... .J.8J_6.6.6.-}..5.._ 2,800. :u. --_...._-_......_...........~ 24 875.81 ______:1.. ___ ____... $ 1 , 01. 4, [.88 _ 3 7 $ 4L~ ~:.3 97.50 .._~........ -.......... - ....,......... $ 1,058,885.87 $ _..__6_5.,_6}_9_...~~__ 36 563.07 - _.... .-...:..1.. _ _ _ _.. ~ __ it.. 607.14 _ ...... __:.1____ ........... 61,867.37 .........---......--...--.... 19,990.55 _...._----....------~ 2,894.65 --....------------ 8,996.10 --..-...........--......-- 2.1l:1.S9 __...............Nl'!;........___ 376.00 CR. ---------------~ 2,431.01 --..........................----.. 2,414..31 -----.............---- 488.04 CR_ ----.-. ..-------...- $ 216,632.97 87,622.15 .....-............--.....---- $ 1,363,140.99 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C~ ,.., Elgin Sweeper $ 913.88 -- ----.,......---...... Insurance (Road Liability) 595.67 ----......--.......-..... Miscellaneous, including Memberships, etc. 2,284.52 ---------------- TOTAL $ 3,794.07 SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION $ 1 , 422, 453 .30 .............---....---... MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD $ 1,363,140.99 ------......-----....-- ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY $ 3 794.07 __-_ _...___L__..,-..-....- SUB TOTAL $ 2 789,388.36 __...1.._________-___ ADD: 1978 STOCK BALANCE ~~.. ..~ttt.. ~~~:..~l.... SUB TOTAL $ 2 833 l~53. 29 -___~__.L_~_~_~-- LESS: 1977 STOCK BALANCE 56,678.57 CR. . - ..-- -,- ----....-..-- SU B TOTAL $ 2 776,774.72 ___1.____......___...__ ADD DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS (50% SUBSIDY) COUNTY ROADS 49,252.91 ..-------..---....-- ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ROADS 747.09 ---------..------ TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM $ 2,826,774.72 The Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocation in 1978 was in 2 parts, a Ge~eral Allocation of $ 2,030,000 and a subsidy of 50% on Drainage AsseSsments of $ 25,000. The County sold various parcels of land on Road 20 and 45 for a total net amount of $ 24, 706.59. Norma 11 y tht1 Mini stry of Tran~~portat ion and Communications would receive 50% of this amount, but total expcnd:ttu'res were increased to use the money that the Ministry of Transportation and Cv......unications would have received. The cost of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission expenditure to the County of Elgin (and the City of St. Thomas) was $ 20,930.65. The net cost to the County of Elgin (including the City' $ share and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission expenditures) is estim~ted at $ 726,137.48 after deducting the County's share of land sales. The Road Levy for 1978 was originally $ 700,000 with $ 25,000 being add(~d in November by Coupty Council, for a total levy of $ 725,000. In addition, work was performed and mater:ials sold totaling $ 550,058.91 including ~ 1. Work on boundary roads and bridges and invoiced to the CountieS of Middlesex Rnd Oxford. 2. Pri"ndll,g and surface t:l~elltment for vi:n'i<>unMunl(.'ll,Hd.lti(~B, ilnd otlwt's including tll(' City of St. Thom(~s and the Villag(~ of Glen(:qo. 3. Work done, materials sold, etc. to other Municipalities, Federal and Provincial Government, Conservation Authorities, individuals, etc. In 1978 the Road Department also administered the Mosquito Control Programme with a total expenditure of $ 3,109.35 of which $ 3'1086.94 was paid by the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit. (Net cost to the County was $22.l~l.) Total payment: vouchers in 197tl amounted to ~~ J,376,HJ3.63 (compared to $ 3,236,6l2 in 1977, $ 2,741,000 in 1976 and $ 2,775,000 in 1975). All Of Which Is Respectfully S\,1bmitted. CHAIRl~AN ~, January 10, 1979 ~ith all members pres~nt. Also Frank Clarke, Ministry of ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10, 1979. PAGE 1 T1lE COUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD COMM1.TTEE MEt AT THE M\lN1.C1.PAL BU1.LD1.NG on Transportation and communicatiOns. THE MINUTES OF December 13 and 20 ~ere read and approved. THE ENG1.NEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (a) Winter control had been light and Truck #34 and #f>4 ~ere back on the (b) work on the storm drain System in Richmond on Road 38 had been completed road. and an agreement ~ith Lewis Acre had been reached for ~ork on the outlet of the System and the silo system droP manhole had been completed except (c) Renovations for drafting room and office for ASsistant Engineer were for the main road crossing. (d) Trimming of trees along county Roads that were planted by the County in underway · (e) cutting of dead treeS was underway and it waS not known ho~ long a layoff the past feW years had been completed. of the 5 men in Class 1. Labour Classification could be put off. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WlLSON T1:\AT THE FOLLOW1.NG PAYL1.STS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ~ PAYL1.ST # 59 (1978) AMOUNT1.NG TO $ 43,368.82 PAYL1.ST # 2 (1979) AMQUNT1.NG TO $ 650.03 PAYL1.ST # 4 (1979) AMoUNT1.NG TO $ 48,446.35 cARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLJ: SECONDED BY: J. D. CAl1l'BELL T1:\AT WE RECoMMEND T'O COUNTY COUNC1.L T1:\AT A RESOLIlT1.0N BE P AS SED AIlTHOR1.Z 1.NG THE wARDEN AND CLERK TO SUBMlT TO THE MIN1.STRY OF TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND cQMMIJN1.CAT'iONS THE pEt 'iT 1. ON OF THE COUNTY OF ELG1.N SHOW1.NG ROAD EXl'END1.TURES ON THE coUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD SYSTEM FOR THE PER1.0D JANUARY lf78 TO DECEMBER 31f78. cARRIEU." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10, 1979. PAGE 2. (1) FamilY of William Small with thanks. (2) onta~io Municipal Boa~d ~ega~ding Notices of Hea~ings fo~ appeals CORRESl?ONDENCE WAS READ FROM - f~om decisions of County Land Division committee. (3) Region of Hamilton_Wentwo~th .nth copY of M:inisterVo;t c T~anspo~tation and communications ~ep1y ~egarding the Region'S ~equest fo~ vehicle statistics. (4) To."nship of southwo1d ~equesting a County confirming 'By.Law to close a po~tiOn of ~oad allowance. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE REcOMMEND TO COUNT{ COUNCIL THAT A By.LAW BE PASSED CONFIRMING ~LAW 78.32 01" THl?> 'tom'lSall' 01" SOUTHWOLD TO CLOSE A PORTION 01" THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN RANGE 2 NORTH OF UNION ROAD AND RANGE 2 EAST 01" RIVER ROAD. cARRIED" · to the APplicant of the C.N.R. to abandon the ~ai1waY between po~t Stanley and St. Thomas. Reeve Phi11 ips stated that the~e we~e many unanswe~ed CORRESPONDENCE wAS READ FROM the Village of Po~t Stanley ob1ecting questions with ~ega~d to the C.N.R. ~equest and asked that the County oppose the abandonment. "MOVED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: K. M. 1.<BLLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED 'to OBJECT TO THE PROPOSED CLOSING BY THE C.N.R. 01" THE $IMA'fJ JfROM ST. THOMAS TO PORT ST ANLEY · cARRIED." S't. 't1:\Ol:\AS, oN'tAR1.0, JANUAR'l 10, 1979. "PAGE 3. "MOVED BY ~ SEcQ1'lDED B'l: J. D. C~BEU. 'tllb't .l"E REC~mlD 'to couNT'l COUNC1.L 'tllb't 't1:\E "I'IARDml NAl'1E DELEGtSES 'to 't1:\E oN'tAR1.0 GOOD ROj>J)S ASSOC1.A't1.0N CoN'lml't1.Ol'1 uS A.l-1D"'~ "'S?OR'tA't1.0N ASSOC1.A't1.Ol'1 OF CANj>J)A AND 'to 't1:\E ROA "" ."-"^' · CO~EN'tI0N · lZ.. M. lZ.E'L'L Y CARRIED." "MO\1ED BY ~ SECONDED WI: "1'1. R. CAVERL'l 'tllb't 't1:\E ~f;t,U\ERS1:\1.1'S 1.N 0l'1'tAR1.0 GOOD Jll)ADS ASSOClIlA't1.0N AND 't1:\E ROj>J)S AND 't1l.ANS1'OR'tA't1.0N ASSOC1.A't1.0N OF CANADA J. B. ~I'LSON BE "PAID. CARRIED." "MO\1ED BY ~ SECONDED B'l: J. B. "1'11.LSON CO,n."f'{ COUNC1.L 'tllb't A B'l~LA"I'I BE l' ASSED 'tllb't "1'111. REC~mlD 'to IU" '11.1 A1\.1D CLERR 'to S1.GN v,ND E1t1'R01'R1.A'tlOl'1 1'v,NS 'to pJ1.O"I'I 't1:\E "I'IARDE>- "'"- AS NECESSARY. ~. R. CA\1ER'LY CARRIED." d Q t tiOns faT GTadeT 'tJ:tE. ENG1.NEER 1'RESml'tED the attache \10 a - BladeS. "MO\1ED BY~ SECONDED B'll. S. J. G1.<lVER 'tllb't "1'111. ACCEJ"t 't1:\E QUOTA't10N OF V ALLE'l BLADES L'tD. A't $ 14.70 EAC1:\ 1'LUS 1'ROV1NC1.AL SALES 'tp;f.. FOR 300 GRADER BLADES ,:>/8" >t 6" >t n ^GE mt1.'tE S'tI\'t1.0N. 6 FoOT. DELlVERED 'to 't1:\E coUN't'l Gj>;r.P , cARRIED ." lZ.. M. lZ.E'L'L Y ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10, 1979. PAGE 4. THE CHAIRMAN EXPLAINED TO THE NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS that resolutions from the 1979 Road Committee were required to obtain Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval for equipment purchased by thE~ 1978 Committee and not paid for until 1979. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF DUNN MOTORS (AYLMER) LTD. FOR A DODGE D200 PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 5788.49 WITH COUNTY TRUCK #6 2 AS A TRADE- IN OR $ 6,965 .lJ.9 WITHOUT COUNTY TRUCK #6 2 AS A TRADE- IN . ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MIKE IIDTCHINSON LTD. FOR A CHEVROLET VAN AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 5,992.00 WITH COUNTY TRUCK #6 0 AS A TRADE- IN . SUBJECT TO MINI STRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MIKE HUTCHINSON LTD. FOR A CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 4,051.02 WITH COUNTY TRUCKS #58 & #59 AS TRADE-INS. SUB.JECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10, 1979. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: K. M . KELLY SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. FOR A 1978 DEMONSTRATOR (USED) DODGE DIPLONAT AUTOMOBILE AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 5,959.00 PLUS RETAIL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." P:MO\[ED;~BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF CARRIER MACK TRUCK FOR 2 MACK TRVCKS (ONE MODEL DM685S AND ONE ET673-8M2843).~r $ 37,995.00 EACH PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA AT $ 18,842.10 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) FOR 2 TRUCK BOXES, SUPPLIED AND MOUNTED ON COUNTY TRUCKS #83 & #84, COMPLETE WIT~ 4IR CONTROLLED TAILGATE AND TARPAULIN COVERS AND ONE CLOSED SNOW WING TOWER AND THE REMOUNTING OF COUNTY SNOW PLOWS ONTO TRUCKS #83 & #84 AND AIR CONTROLS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE CrnJNTY ROAD COMMITTEE ALSO ACT AS THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES FOR 1979 - (A) SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL (B) MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10, 1979. PAGE 6. (C) RURAL EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVE OR SIMILAR PROGRAM:r:1ES (D) COMMITTEE RE THE ABANDONMENT OF THE C.N.R. OF THE RAILWAY LINE BETWEEN ST. THOMAS AND PORT STANLEY. CARRIED." THE DISPOSITION OF A PORTION of former Road 52 immediately West of Road 31 was discussed. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE CLOSE AND SELL PARTS 4 AND PARTS 5, PL~~ Dll64 AND SELL THE PARTS TO THE ADJACENT OWNERS AT $ 200.00 EACH. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER . . . FOLLOWING DINNER the Agricultural Committee met with Members of the Elgin Plowmen's Association regarding the Plowmen's Application for the 1984 International Plowing Match. THE COMMITTEE MEETING RESUMED AT 2:30 P.M., and the Engineer presented and reviewed the attached Reports on 1979 Expenditures & Subsidy Allocations, al so reviewed was a prel iminary Maintenance Priority Budgcat. The Engineer was instructed to prepare a preliminary overall Budget for the next meeting. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERBY THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 31, 1979 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." Rvn4 {2 ~ CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATIONS FOR GRADER BLADES (300) .. JANUARY 1979 N FEDERAL, SALES TAX INCLUDED DELIVERED TO COUNTY GARAGE, WHITE STATION 1. Valley Blades Ltd., Box 126, Waterloo, Ontario. N2J 3Z9 @ $ 14.70 2. Crothers Ltd., 50 Enterprise Street, London, Ontario. N6A 4C5 @ $ 14.79 3. E. S. Hubbell & Son Ltd., Box 118, Thamesville, Ontario. NOP 2KO @ $ 14.95 4. Letco Ltd., Box 295, Cambridge (P), Ontario. N3H 2K9 @ $ 16. 25 $ 4,410.00 $ 4,437.00 $ 4,485.00 $ 4,875.00 6'" January 1979. Pi;lge 1. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE: REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 This report is a review of the methods used by the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications to arrive at our Subsidy Allocations for 1979 and the method of calculating the County Road Rate. In 1973 the Ministry of Transportation and Communications adopted a policy of a single subsidy rate (other than Drainage Assessments and Urban Rebates and replacement of County Bridges on Township Roads) for Counties and Regions. This single system replaced the old system which is still used for Townships and Villages of 50% Subsidy on Roads, 80% Subsidy on Bridges and 100% Subsidy on Development Roads (Direct Aid). The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had adopted a policy of allocating subsidy funds based on proven needs and the setting of a desirable spending allocation. An expenditure over the desirable expenditure allocation will not be subsidized and any spending under the allocation will result in loss of subsidy at the maximum subsidy rate (approximately 91%). Th<;l MinI, Btry 0 f Trans-portn t ion :J lId ComrnufI len t l. on H mutdlO s t:hf' amount of money that the County would raise at 1.25 mills on its Provincial Equalized Assessment and then subsidizes the County at 91% for each dollar of the desirablo expenditure allocation in exc€!ss of the amount subsidized at 50% (matching grant). (See attached calculations.) In 1977 the effective Subsidy Rate on operations was 74.86% compared to 73.79% in 1976, 73.02% in 1975 and 67.7% in 1974. The rate for 1978 is estimated at 7'I>~i~, (as additional County money was raised). The estimated rate for 1979 (without additional County Le!vies, is estimated at 74.47%. , 0 COW'l1.1:1:EE ~ l' AGE '2.. nMA.l\.l A.l\.lD "",","ERS 01" 1:\\E coUN1''i 01" ELG1.N ROA .. 10 1\1$ c\\1l.1. ",,-"" "" <>"'" u . . Janua17'l 1919 REPOR1 ON ROAD fJtPmlDI'f\JRES fOR 1919 DESIRABLE SpENDING ALLOCA1I0N allocation is the total of Needs sho~ in \1odate. as appt:oV'ed b'f the l'l.inistt:'f ._~ is di'vided intO the pt:eceeding 'feat:s (191&) Needs Stud'f -. . ..' 'the total allocat1.u" of 1t:anspot:tatiOn and co~un1.cat1.ons, 'the de sit: able spending tb17ee pa17ts. (a) const~~. . s of thOSe Roads and Bt:idgeS ~. . costS at:e the cost APPt:oV'ed constt:uct1.on .... in the co!l\ing fiV'e ill beCo!l\e def1.C1.ent 1 deficient 017 ~ "hich at:e pt:esent '} . d' d listed accot:ding to ta10gue an ' d~. .e~c~eS a17e ca . ....~.e e}..1.. c 1.. ., .... (a) const17uction (b) ASphalt Resut:facing (c) Vi~ed costs. f construction as the'} "et:e in appt:oV'ed costS "hich t:ept:esent the costS 0 . .. nO. c~unicatiOns d . "'nistt:" of 'tt:anspot:tat1.on a 1he costS at:e base on"~ J . the t:eduC1.'~ ..~ Lance. 'feat: on ~. .- leSS than 9% as inflation haS inct:eased Ja'O.ua17'l of 1913. d ~ t""e Needs StudY is underway. . ~a~o~ up. ate 01- .l~ At the pt:esent t1.U\e a ,~ J . ._A ~~ _o~~ic unitS and costS at:e being the . cbanot.:........u 1U......- . '1 units at:e be1.ng . '11 be used fot: l.~et:1.a ~niS info~at1.on "1. . ,. ('\ c:;t. - (' . ~"rt i ve l..e, All 'lea~ pe17iod. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COHMITTEE _ PAGE 3. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 January 1979 (b) Asphalt Re surfacing, Asphalt Resurfacing is the approved resurfacing and minor associated costs of roads, like ditching, granular, should1ers, etc., that are already built to proper geometric sight standards and 'widths. The roads "listed" are the roads that should be resurfaced in the coming five year period. The Programme provides that: (1) Double Surface Treatment Roads should be covered with three inches of Hot Mix in the 8 to 10 year period after construction or earlier if severe breakup occurs. (2) Mulch Roads and Hot Mix Roads should be covered in the 15 to 20 year period after construction, (3) Hot Mix Roads of 1 1/2 to 2 inches in depth should be covered as Soon as possible to stop breakup (elephant tracking). (All completed except Road 24 from Road 36 to Port Bruce.) I Inasmuch as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications does not have enough money to complete all the resurfacing necessary, they have set an objective of 75% of this work in the five yea~ period or a yearly objective of 15% again on a 1973 Price Index. As the asphalt price has increased more rapidly than anything else it is doubtful if the yearly objective reaches 7 1/2%. (c) Fixed Costs These costs include Maintenance of Roads and Bridges on the County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Road ,System, Overhead Charges, Machinery Replacement, Building Improvements, and Purchase of Gravel Pits, etc. A tentative 1979 Budget (Maintenance and Overhead Charges) was required in 1978 and a Machinery Replacement Schedule for five years was required in 1977. (Of course the price of machinery has increased nearly as much as oil pricesJ The Ministry of Transportation and TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE PAGE 4. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 (c) Fixed Costs (continued) Conununications has al so set up Maintenance criteria' for e'xpenditure per mile of road. Al though the Ministry of Transportation and C.....U1u~unications applied the criteria in the Fall of 1976 the long range effect on our Maintenance Allocation remains to be seen. OUr initial requests were reduced by $ 39,000 in Maintenance and Overhead categories in 1978 and although we received the maximum lO% maintenance increase" it still is not high enough to cover the needs. /q'7 tl. Our 1..Q.:7'6 Spending Allocati.on is as follows: Construction 9% of Needs of $ 10,038,000 (Roads & Bridges) $ $ 317,000 903,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 15% of Needs of $ 2,11l,OOO Maintenance Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Roads & Bridges (including Labour Overhead) $ 1,057,000 Overhead Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads C(.,/.uu~ission & Labour, Overhead on Construction Projects & Needs Study $ $ 352,000 New Machinery 145,000 1:otul Spnnding All,ocut::ton $ 2J 771t, 000 (Th1 s compare ~3 with a spending at 1 oc.at:lon of $ 2,683,000 in 1978.) From 1969 to 1978 the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had been merely applying a growth factor to the County 1969 Provincial gqualized Assessment to arri.ve at i'l County Assessment (in 1975 :i,t was 362 million, in 1976 - 368 million and in 1977 - 374 million). This growth factor has been falling behind the Actual Provincial Equalized Assessment (although not as far in Elgin as some other' counties) as in 1977 the Actual Provincial Equalized Assessment was $ 419,563,676 and in 1978 it was $ 430,905,852. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has adopted a policy to bring the Assessment into line by 1980 and used 395 million in 1978 and will use $ 417,000,000 this year as the County TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS 01" coUNT'! OF ELGIN ROAD COMloiITTEF. PAGE 5. -- -- They have alSO adopted a si~ila~ poliCY towa~dS the Cities REPORT ON ROAD f,XPllNDITURBS FOR 1979 Assessme.nt. that pay to Sub\1~baT' Roads aT'd have iT'c~eased the CitY of St. Thomas AssessmeT't so that the city's cont~ibutiOT' to Subu~baT' Roads will be $ 36,450 iT' 1979 cot1lPa~ed tc> $ 22,525 iT' 1977 aT'd $ 30,800 iT' 1978. total ~a)(i~U~ subsidY payable in 1979 at $ 2,088,000 c,O\1\pa!:ed to The 1:1iT'ist!:y of T~aT'Spo~tation aT'd COl\llllUT'icatiOT'S has set a $ 2,03b,000 in 1978. portion of the overhead will be showo in the const~uction and MaiT'tenance ALthough overhead costS are showo sepa~atelY the payroll BUrden (at 50'/. subsidY) are available, if necessary. We understand that supple~eT'tary By.LaWS for Drainage AsSess~ents itemS as in the past 2 years. calculatiOT' of Sua~ested count (a) 1:1inistry of Transportation and CO'(lllllUnications $ 2,774,000 44,000 current Allocation Add urban Rebates Add Drainage AssessmentS subt~act subsidy Allocation oT' spendiT'g Level & UrbaT' Rebates 2,088,000 subtract Minist~y of Transportation and communications subt~act CitY of St. Th~aS share to subu~baT' Roads share of Drainage AssmentS 36,000 commission Budget 4,000 700,000 Ite~S Not Subsidized Necessary countY LeVY ~t~l U.r.ban R~te~ u~ban Road Levy is appro)(i~atelY 25.5% of total LeVY and the urban Rebate is 25% of urban LevY or appro){irnatelY $ 44,000 (on County Levy of $ 700,000). TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE PAGE 6. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had indicated that Allocations for Resurfacing and New Machinery should be reasonably spent on these categories although if they are increased the monies will have to come from other Maintenance and Construction amounts. Major maintenance allocation should also be spent on items that the allocations were made for (examples, Gravel Resurfacing and Surface Tr'eatment) if at all possible after Winter Control Costs are met. All Of Which Is Respectfully Subm.itted. R. G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. Eng., ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. ~' ; . f' COUNTY OF, 4. CA:LCU:LATlON OF GAANT UNDER UPPER TIER PROGAAM - - r",',-,-'"'''''' - - - -. -- ,.,'-'",-.-..;;_....;.'....,-',-,_..._' ",-- - · ELGIN STEP 1 Approved Expenditure on Roads and B ridges to which Grant Applies (Item Il STEP Z County Effort of 1. 2,5 Mills on Total County Auessment (Item F) .f 1. 2.5 x item F = 1.2.5 x $ 417,000,000 = $ 521,250 1000 1000 Plus Sep. Urban Contribution at O. 5 Mills 0.5 x Item G = O. 5 x $ 72,900,000 $ 1000 '\1 j' 1000 . $ 2, 774, 000 ...,:. 36,450 Total Local Effort at 1.2.5 Mills = $ rj 5 7 r 7 no _ STEP 3 Roa.d Effort at 1. 2,5 Mills equals the total Local Effort in Step 2. plus an equivalent amount of gra.nt Z x Step 2. =: 2. x $ 51? t 70.0 STEP 4 Unmet Road Effort at 1. 25 MilIa = Step 1 minus Step 3 (Unless Step 3 i 8 greate r than Step 1) $.,,1,11.5,~~ $ 1,658,600 STEP,S(A) 'Where there is an Unmet Road Effort at 1. 25 Mills Grant applying to it is Step 4 x 0.90909 = $ 1.658.600 x O. 90909 = $ 1. 507 ,817 Plus Grant equivalent to Tota.l Local Effort (Step 2) Total Calculated Amount of L.L'ant $. 557,700 $ 2_065.517 - or - 80"l0 of Approved Expendi.......re (Item 1) = (). 8 x $ = $ Whichever is the lesser OR - S (A) $ 2.. 065 . 517 STEP S<B l Where there is no Unmet Road Effort at 1. 2.S Mills Grant is 500/0 of Approved Expenditure (Item 1) = o. 5 x Step 1 = o. 5 x $ 5 (B) $ STEP 6 Grant applying to Urban Rebate Paid 500/0 of Item H = O. 5 ~ $ 46,200 = $ 23 , 100 Plus Grant applying to Approved E~nditure (Step 5(A) or Step 5(B) $ Mi.nu8 Receipt8 from Property Di,p08al** 0/0 of Item N = O. x $ = $ Total Grant $ 23 , 100 ' J.:l' STEP 7 Total Grant Pa.yable under Upper Tier P rogra-m is The Allocation (Item A) or Step 6, whichever i8 the lesser ** Pe rcentage to be used is that applicable to year in which property was purchased. If more than one rate applies. attach separate cakulation to support amount of subsidy claimed and note years in which purchases made. $ f-~Oa6,6t1 :z D~1J(\/ DATE January 10, 1979 County Levy estimated at $ 725,000 Ur.ban Rebate i 5 25% of: total. Urbl1n I..evy of: 25.5''1. of $ 725,000 or $ 46,ZOO. Page 2. of 3 (Maximum Subsidy $ 2,088,0(0) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATIONS AND MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY COMPARISONS 1978 - 1979 County Assessment (M.T.C.) City of St. Thomas Subsidy Drainage Assessments Allocation Road Needs 9% x 8,961,000 Bridge Needs 9% x 1,537,000 1979 - 9% x 10,038,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 1978 l5% (x 2,127,000) 1979 15% (x 2,111,000) Total Construction Maintenance Overhead Machinery Urban Rebates Extra Expenditure from Land Sales Extra County Levy Drainage Assessments 1978 1979 / $ 395,000,000 $ 417,000,000 61,600,000 72,900,000 2,030,000 2,066,000 t.,4' R d A /" , 22,000 R L~/3^ 1(. ~ 25, 000 Plus 2,055,000 2,088,000 $ 806,000 138,0001 903,000 319,000 317,000 $ 1,263,000 $ 1,220,000 841,000 1,057,000 442,000 352,000 137,000 14.5,000 43,000 44,000 $ 2, 7 26 , 000 $ 2,818,000 17,000 25,000 50,000 $ 2,8l8,00O MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ESTIMATES RE DIVISION OF COSTS ,--! '-/7tj $ 2,088,000 Subsidy County Share 694,000 \ i< City of St. Thomas Share 36,000 $ 2,818,000 )" -d-I' ~ ,\;..,. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT \ MAINTENANCE PRIORITIES (A) COMPARISON MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 1979 ALLOCAT~ON VS REQUEST ALLOCATION MAINTENANCE - County Roads County Bridge s Suburban Roads Suburban -Bridge s $ 1, 057 , 000 OVERHEAD - County .. Suburban (Includes Payroll Burden on Construction) 352,000 TOTALS $ 1,409,000 SHORTFALL .. $ 93,000 January 10, 1979. Page 1. REQUEST (MAY I 78) $ 1,019,000 45,000 67,000 2,000 $ 1,133,000 355,000 14.000 $ 369,000 $ 1,502,000 In addition our New Machinery Request waS $ l74,000 and our Allocation $ 137,000. COUNTY MAINTENANCE TOTAL REQUEST $ 1,133,000 .. ALLOCATION $ 1,057,000 1979 (NEEDS BUDGET STUOY ESTIMATE) 1979 A .. Bridge & Culvert Maintenance $ 45,000 B - Grass Cutting & Weeds 39,000 Tree CUtting 60,000 Drainage 60, 000 Roadside Maintenance 10,000 Tree Planting & Drainage Assessment 3,000 C - Repairs to Hard Top Roads ($ 63,000 Asphalt Patching by Contract in 1978) Repairs to Pavement ($ 155;000 in 1978) 150,000 Sweeping 14,000 . . . continuf.~d . . . A $ 60,000 + 22,000 - 24,000 Minimum 70,000 .. 75,000 County & S.A. 60,000 :t 8,000 - 9,000 4,000 V 1;1 r i {1 b 1 e I)'f(~ l,W 100,000 14,000 i cj~/~ w " COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE PRIORITIES Shoulder Maintenance Surface Treatment o .~Gravel Roads Maintenance Grading Dust Control Prime Gravel Resurfacing E ~ Winter Control Snow Plow Sanding Snow Fence Sarr<tbyand Nights F.. Safety Device s Pavement ~arking Signs Guide Ratl Railroad Protection Page 2 January 10, 1979 1979 (NEEDS BUDGET STUDY ESTIMATE) 1979 $ $ 12,000 75,000 17,000 42,000 4,000 60,000 370,000 112,000 l7l,000 20,000 22,000 26 , 000 35,000 12,000 30,000 $ l,064,000 $ 15,000 70,000 Min. (ie, 23 miles ~ 3;000+) 25, 000 42,000 4,000 (Sub.) 33,000 Miniml1m V 28,000 Minimum 24,000 24,000 .30,000 3,000 + 32,000 / com1!'l Of ELG1.N ROAD COl-ft\1.TTEE ~ January session 1919 page 1. 'to 't1\E VI p.RDEN AND 11El11'iERS Of 't1\E ELG1.N co\J1.'1't'l COm1 C1. L ~ 1. _ ructed to object to the proposed 'the countY engineer haS been ~nst -1 of the RailwaY Line d t b~ the canadian NatiOnal Ra~ waY aban o~en J '{()IlR ROJ\D coW11.TTEJl. Jl)?1'OR'tS AS fOLJ.,OVlS ~ between Fort StanleY and St. 'tho~s, l \ prdl WI1"1' 'rod th(~ ,"., ..." the C,anadi"n \lat "nlil ""' " (l\adc to John ".se. ,-..<" " _ '" ~t C()1lllt\ission. and a \\\Ceting with the canadian canad1.al\ l.'tanspoJ. NatiOnal Rail~aY haS been requested to disCUSS the ~tter' RepresentatiOns ha~e been 2. R ad Systero will be c 1n18 E~enditUre~ on the county 0' A Su~arY 01. 7 '~ forwarded shortlY to each roeroper. ~E RECQ}t\Mf.ND: l. petition of the \jOu".Y V. ~.g1,n countY of Jl.lgin Road systero for the Decerober'31.1918. _ _ " LaW 18,.32 of the 'townshiP of 'that a By,.La~ be passed conf~~~ng By" t' n of the road allowance bet~een Range 1.1. southwold to cloSe a por ~o .d d Range 1.1. East of Ri~er Road. North of \Jn~on Roa an . Good Roads J\ssociation 1 t to the ontar~o 'that the Vlarden naroe de ega eS _ _ t - on of canada . .d to the Roads and 'transportat~on J\ssoc~a ~ COl\"\Tent1.on an 2. 3. convention- d 'll()'.' t"~ Vlar(lcn and Cler\<. to slgn Lan(\ b t"\ ~~.~e) to a ' VI ht;;C ' 'that a By,.J.,aW c ra'~ '-T in 1919. . t~on. nlans as neceSsarJ E~pro?r1.a ... l' 1: yearlY and the anne~ed schedule includeS road wldening roight be contewPlated. 'thiS 1\y"J.,aw is required ~'. thOSe roads on which anY ,~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE I . .. .. ..' I ''''I...'~::l 1 FIRST REPORT January Session 1979 Page 2. 5. That the Ro~d Connnittee al so act as the Cvuuldttee for (a) Solid Waste Disposal (b) Mosquito Control for the prevention of encephalitis (c) Provincial or Federal Rural Employment Incentative Programme or f;lnlil Ht' prngrt-nnme [-> (d) The Application by the Canadian National Railway to abandon the rail line between St. Thomas and Port Stanley. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. Cl fA T RMAN