1955 Suburban Road Committee ST. mO))lI.l~S, Ontario. lfovember 24th. 1955. TIm ST. lJ.TfIOIVLAS SUBURB.AN ROADS COIW\O:SSION met at 'the Court Ho'use at 4 p.m. w. R. COULTER R. B. BOVfEY GEORGE CROSS F. A. BELL THE MINUTES of the meetings held on August 3Clth., september '''till. and O<rtober 17th. were read and aln?roved. Present were: c. C. p.A.RKER &, lhSSOCIATES, oonsulting Engineers, submitted revised preliminary plans of the FiIlgal B.rictge, the Estimated Cost being $ ~9,OOO.OO. TEE FOLLOVVING RESOLUTIONS Viere adopted:- IT W.A.S ]\,10VED BY SECONDED BY R. B. BOVfEY GEORGE CROSS 'ffiAT APl?ROV KL be gi. ven to the preliminary Plans and Estima-tes of the Fingal Brictge as submitted by C. C. P.A.RICER and Associates. Consulting Engineers, dated 110vember 16th. 1955. C.A.RRIED . IT WAS MOVJ1JD BY GJiJORCFE CROSS ST~aOEDED BY R. B. BOVllh'- mAT THE OFF1~R of lVII'S. ]JIelbourneParkerto convey the South 1Jvest corner of Lot 8, Concession 4, Tovfnship of Yarmouth, as required for improving Road # 22 S. A. tor the sum of $ 500.00 'be accepted and that the eOtll1:t;y Solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary deed. CARHIED. I' ....2- Novelllber 24th. 1955. A LETTER from M:ayor Laing, address6<1 'to Wa.rden sohleiha:ut was read. The M:ayor urged that more a.(ltion betaken i:n ge't,tingthe Canad.ian Na tio:nal Rail'll'lTays, st. George street Grade separationundeJ:'l~a.y. mE OB.AIRM..4N Yvas instrueted to repl~r to :Mayor Laing. ~~~ -- /~ V ,--..__Y-L-T" ~ iA ,...,.tl'IloK......~~ ~~,P.,l'i.I".r.U~l*~~.',.~ OID...IIDJIA:N" . ST. THOl\fI.^...S, O:rrtario. October l7'th. 1955. IfFrE Sff'. THOMAS SUBURB...4JI ROADS C~OM1\rrSSIO}I me'tat ,theCo'twt HOl-lse at 4: p.m. .All the :Members weI~e present. W. 0:. Miller, Gi,ty Engi11.eer,attellded the meeting. 'f.ElE PRELIMINARY pL.AN'Softhe Finga.l Bridge, prepared by C. C. Parker and. .l\.ssoeia.tes, Consulting l~nginears, London, were e:x:amin.ed. 'fhe proposed bridge as shovm olll,the plans oansis'bed of 1 1M 85 foot and 1 - 50 toot Reinforoed (Jollerete Rigid Frame, with a 35 foot roadway anc[t 1.. :5 fao't Side'tvalk at an estimated eost of $ 68,907.00. This estimate did not inolude paving ,the floor or brolk and oreek erosion. ~ FOLLOVVING CHANGES in-the plans Viera requested:- 1. 'I'.trE SIDEWALK to be construoted on the North side Qtthe Bridge iasteai oftha South side as shovv.u on the plans. 2. THE: NEW' E.AS1f .ABtYf'N~)lT be placed about 10 feet Vve at of ~he old East pie~. ~. !HE NEW Vl1Ii':SFf ABUT1VIENT be placed about 2fJ fee't West of the old. West :pier. 4. 'rIfE BOTT01~ ,OF TBJ!: e:EN'TRID PIER be placed at elevation 286 tee't. whioh is fOUJ? fee-t lower than shovm OR the prelimi:na.ry plan. '!BE NEThV BRIDGE will be a 85 1'oo't span ontha Wes't side and a 40 toot span on the ~st side. LJ THIS vaLL GIV1s approximately 8 tee't more than the present span. ...~.~ k CH1UfOOfN~"-~~ ,~''''-.'''-'''_''~:'~_''''''"...,.:.4..;,,:...",,;;...:;,<lf..,.,,~ ST. THONlAS,Ontarlo. September 7'th. 1955. A JOINT :MEETING of the Suburban Roads Conrmission and a Special Committee of the st. Thomas City Council me't at 'the Cour'b House at 4: :p .m.. PRES~TT vr. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS a. R. ID\lv:I1:dE:HSLEY F. A. BELlJ vv. a. lVIILLEH 'l'E]!; IIJIE]~TING was called to deoide on thel preparation of plans for the c ons'cruction of a nevV' brio.ge, knovvu as'che Fingal Bridge on Tal1b)ot street, over Ket'cle Creek:. ]JTI]SSRS. P.ARKIER lillID ASTRU]Jf of the firm of C.C. PABKI~R & A-SSOaIATES LIMITED, Consul'ting Engi.neers, attended the meeting and informed the COmnU'ttees that, a:tthe reques-t of vV. C. lflLLER, 'they" had examinecl the present structu.re and that they would submit :plans and specifications for a new structu.re in a monthts tiime. I\ff.r. Parker estimated the probable cost of constructing a reinforcecl concre'te structure about 130 feet long with a wid,th providing for 5- 11 foot lanes anil a fi,re foot Sidewalk would v'a $ 75,000.00, with an additional sum of' about ;~ 10,000.00 for removing ,the old structu.re, providing for traffic 'while the bridge was being ereclted and protec,ting the banks from scouring. Engineering fees would be 3-1/2% of the cost. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION was adopted:- IT W.AJ3 MOV}};)) BY GEORGE CROSS SECOND1TID BY C. R. H.MJ.IDJJERSL11:Y -2- september 7th. 1955. THAT' c. a . P ...L\.RK11:R .l.\.ND ASsoaIATES, IJ:JltIITED, Consul'ttn.g Engineers be inst:ructedto prepare plans, specifications and estimates for a new reinforced c~oncrete bridge, on Talbot street, over Kettle Creek, knovm as 'the FINGAL BRIDGE. Oarried.. ST. TH01l11AS, Ontario. Augus't 30t;h. 1955. A JOINT MEETING of the Suburban RoacLs co:mmission and a SpeCial Coromittee of the st. lfhomas Council 111e't at the Court House at 4: p.m. Present - Vi. R. COUL'fER GEORGE CROSS R. B. BOvrEY C. R. H.8]JIIVlJ:ERSLEY F. A. BELL 'if. C. IVlILLER T:n:Fi: !In!:ETING was called to discuss the preparation of plans for the construction of a new bridge over Kettle Creek on Talbot stree't, known. as the Fingal Bridge. ON llccom~T of the work involved i't was dec:ided to engage a Consulting Engineer to submit Plans ancl Specifications tor the new' structure. l\JIR. :MILLER inforl11edthe 00111mi ttees t;hat he 'would contact O. C. PARICER, Consulting Engineer and a.rra:rlge to have him attend a meeting with the Committees. 111?,/p vulzv ,_,,_,~--",", '- "---,>~-~,-_.._-~------_._-~-,,._"'-"- CH1URMlillT. ST. TIiOMAS. ontario. July 6th. 19155. '!'HE ST. mO~JIAS SUB'tJRBAJI ROADS COMt~O:SSION m.et at the (;(.)'u.r'b flo'use at 10 a.m. All the M:embeI~s were present. 'fRE NIDroTES of the meeting held 011 :Ma.r<l~h 30th. were read ani approved. If.EIE FoLL()~rJ:lIG G~ living North oj~ the st. George strae't, Canadian National Railways Or(l)ssing ailtend.edthe Mee'ting:- GORDON LnmSAY IJtll\lC.AN MeEAm O. TJNI)ERHILL LORtiE N.l't:mROE ENrE:RY SMITH TIm DEP1J'.i'ATION wished to knovv what pro~ess was bein.g made on the plans for eoltstructingthe proposei SubvTay and infor.med the C0mmi~siotlers ,that th.ey were :not i11 favou~ of having Flash Signals I'ns'talled. 'fhey were in.formed 'that the preparatio'n of the :plans showing ,. ' the best 10cation of the Subway will prooeed as soon as contour plans of ,the territory are received. The contour plellLS are prepared from aerial pho'tographs. ~tr. Miller, City Engineer, informed ]1fr. Bell that ,the gromd surveys have been completed and that instructions have been given to have the contour :plans prepared. 'fBE. FOLLOVlJING RESOLUTION was adopted:.. I'l' WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS ROY BO 1f\JEY THP.T the ecunty Engineer be instructed to iDvestigate the advisability ef improvillS the intersection of su'b>u.rba.n Road IJ 22 SA and County Road. # "'at Plains Churoh. carried. ~. ",,,,,,",,,~,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~=~,,,,,,,:~,,,,,,,,,,,~;;,,'_',,,";,,;;,;~~::o:lk$,,41o^,,,',Jl~" if"<'~,;.-#~;..,~<I',:..""'...,;,1f1"o"":.r,,,y..i ST. TEtOI~~S, Ontario. r~areh 30th. 1955.~ T.ffE ST. THO]!IAS SUBURB.lU~ ROADS C01illiJIISSION meet at the CourtHouse at 2.30 :p.m. Present - W. R. COUL1TER - GEORGE CROSS - FRED. A. BEI1L, Coon ty EnginE~er 'rEm MINUTES of the mee'tinge held on February 11th. and Maron 21st. were read and approved. A J.J!iTTER FROM W. :r. RUPERT, Superintenden't of the Canadian ~ational Railways, was read. Th~e Railw'ay Company asked tor approval of their Plan S. D 35:26, showing a proposed layout of installing tlashing light s:i.gnals at 'the st. George stree't Canadian I\fa tional Ra.ilv\rays Crossing. THE: FOLLOvVING RESOLUTION vvas adopted:- IT WAS P,,~OVED BY GEORGE CROSS THAT the Commission approves the installation of FlaShing Signals at the Canadian National Railways st. George street CrOSSing as shovm on the plans submitted by the Canadian National Railways and as shov1.n on Plan S. D. 3526. .G~rr;r~cl. ff1e~~ -"""-"'''''alIAImw~~:~-'_.''''<-''<''''-'"'''~''''-''~~''''~'''',,,,,~,,,-,,-,---'-'-- ST. TH01ll\S, Ontario. Nlarch 21st. 195~i. THE SlJBURBAN ROADS COTI.ILMISSION met representatives ottha City of st. Thomas at 3 :p.m. . a'tthe Court House 'to discuss the advisability of reconstructing the Fingal Bridge. IiIr. Coulter ac;tacl as Chairman. rr:HE FO LL01;VIl\fG v'lERrl: PRESEl\fT:- w. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS C. R. ~RSLEY Vi[. C. IvITLLER FI.:rniD. A. BELL .AFT'ER aONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION the following resolution was ado]?ted:- I TWAS nll:ffiTED BY GEORGE H. CROSS SECONDED BY c. H. IL41VJivIEHSL:l1Y THAT TIm COmITY AND CITY E:'N'GINIsERS make sUJ.-veys and prepare preliminazrtJ plans and esti:m.ates for constru.cting a :new 'bridge over Kat-tIe Greek, kn()WIl as the FING...l\L BRIDGE. f/~/J //1 ~ C_~_.~~,t-=~V " U (i "'~fT II "\\T ~__."__,_",,,.=,q"",...,,'m""4 ,'= J.J..a...LJ:UvJ...'1.L'i . " "~"""''''''''''''',''''''''' ST. THO~~S, Ontario. March 10th. 1955. A ~ETING OF 'J!IfE ST. THONIAS SUBURB_AN ROADS eOI\llvUSSION was held attl1e Court House at 2.30 p.m. PRESEI\fT CHAImrIi~ W. R. COULTER GEORGE GROSS FRED. A. BELL. I THE ThITNUTES OF THE ~mETINGheld bn Febrw~ry 11th. were read and approved. A LETTER from ErXles't C. Reid, CifY Clerk, . was read. He informed the Commission that the City Co~eil passed. the fOllovving resolution in regular session on lqlareh 7th. I ! "'i'HA.'r pl.1rsual1 t to the report of the Ci~y Engineer i in regard. totl1e Fingal Roa.d Bridge, Iv.le advise the Suburban Roa.ds COmmiSSiOll that the City Council I i .is strongly in favour of' repla.oing t~e existing struoture with a new one, and that w~ are prepared i "GO bear our portion of the oost of sheh replaeementft" I I I i }mR. COULTER was instructed to noFifY 1~. Reid -to arrange a meeting of the City 00$oi1 and the COmT111ssion to discuss the details for the eonst~uotion of a ne.w' bridge at the site of the Fillga.l Bridge thils year. ~)U~ I , "~""~"''''~_''''''''''''',"~f~_''''''''''''''''~~l!1W'>t'~''''''''''___~~''''''''"_ CHAIRNIAl'T, SUBURB.i~N HO.ADS COI~1r\flISSION. i ! FEBRUARY 11th. 1955. THE ST. THOIlAS S1J.B(JRBJ}J:\f ROADS COWifISSION me't at the Court House at 2 .~O p.m. PRT~S:l11r.r VI. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS FRED. A. BEJ.JL TEE MEETING v~{as oalled to discuss the condition of the FINGAL BRIDGE. The concrete floor on the bridge has tai1ed in two pla.ces SiltCe January 1st. and temporary repairs \vera lllade. T.ErE BRIDGE was bail t in 1899. 1'1; is 12() feet lo'ng and 16 fee't wide betvveen curbs. on examination it ,vas fcnmd. that the conerete in the floor has deteriated to such an exten1j that the floor is .not safe for 'traffic. THE COWTY ENGINEER submitted ,the aocoillJ?allying estimates for ref100ring the bridge with various materials. 1'1' WAS FELT by the CormnissiGners that als 'the lifetime (l)f the structure is very short that the cheapest 'type of tl0orin.g should. be la.id. T.8J!: OHAIRMAN was instruetedto notify 'the Oouncil of the City of st. Thomastl1at the Commission is of the Opil'lion that a New Bridge should be ereoted this year, if possible. In case the Oouncil wishes to leave the construction of a new structare for a few years then a nevv ,timber floor should be placed on the bridge this winter, and intha:t ca.se that the old. railing be removed andt'tJI10 lines of steel Flex Beam.s 'be placed on each truss. VJ11 j:J ~ ~m~"~"~' ,r,'~"">"""1W="",,,~,,","_,,,,,,.,,,.",,,~.._-4~_,"4'~_"..",",m"",,~"'~ FRED A. BELL, B.Se;, O. L. 5., M .E.1. C.. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE fOWt.-!S ASSIS~t--R{,}AD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONT. 1. I r'l <>. ~t~ ~~iF. tt3~ . r4 . fXt . t!Q . ~ ~~ . {) .. t.) ,'* I; t;':" d ,* ~ ST. TH01JIAS, Ontario. d"anuary 17th. 1~55,. TEE ST. THOM.AS SUBURBAN RO.ADS OOWMISSIOB met a't the Court ltwse at 2 p.m. All 'the Members wej~e present. Mr. E.F.S. Sanders, Oounty Solicitor and Mr. F. A. BE~11, County Engineer attended the meeting. MR. BEtLS11bmit,ted a s'ta:tenlellt of the City ()t S't.Thomas' share tor the 1954 e:x::penditures and the following ref~ol1;ltion VlTas adopted:- IT W,AS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS R. B. BOVVEY mAT 'mE STAT~ of the 1954 Expenditures totalling $ 33,065.78 be approved andtha't the City of st. Thomas be billecl for its share of the cos't, 'to'talling $ 8,219.'8. CARRIED. MR. BELL submitted an Estima.te for m.a.intaini.ng and oonstructing works 'under ,the jurisdic,tion of the Commission. IT WAS MOVED BY R. B.BO\VJ1'Y SECOEDED BY GEORGE CROSS THAT THE REPORT o~ Fred. A. Bell, County Engineer be accepted a.ndthat $ 45,000.00 vvill be required for the maintenance and eOlls'cruetion of the SuburbaJa Roads fortl1e eUrrel3.'t year, based on the Estimate at'taohedto the Engineer's Report. C.ARRIED . A. COpy OF TB]~ S1:1BMISBION of the City of st. ThoDlS.S made 'to the Department ot HighVfa.yS in 'foroIlrto on January l.l'th. regarding the proposed st. George stree't Grade Separation, was read and after muoh disc:nllssion it was decided to eOllsultwith the Special eonnn.1ttee to be appointed by the County Council. c1tZr~-~..,,--,.".~..,..,. FRED A. BE'-'-. B.Se.. O. \... S., 1'4 .E. I.e.. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HC)USE. ST. THOMAS. ONT. danuary l~'th. 1955. ESTIMATE - StJ.BlJRBAN ROADS CONIMISSIOJI' 1955 (Not in.cluding st. Geerge street C~rade separation) LA'IIJlG I, MILE ROAD .IJIOLCH PAV~UmT RESURFACING AND PREP.A.RING ROADS FOR PAVING SEAL COATING 8 MILES P.AVE!v1ENT REPAIRS TO PAVEMENTS MAIIS1TENANCE WITH GRADERS WEED ,AN!) BRUSH CONTROL smow AND ICE CONTROL PROTEOTION C. & o. CROSSING - lfiDDL:EMARCH FE.\lClliG AND GUARD RAILS ' SIGNS, CENTRE STRIP P.AD1lTING, ETC. DRAINAGE AND DITCHING DUST CONTROL SlJPERINTENDmtCE .AND OFFICE ASSISFfANCE COMMISSIOJiER'S FEES .AND EXPENSES DBtTRA:NCE m:SCJi:IJ't01EOUS BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ESTmATJID - C'ITY OF ST. THOMAS' S1i.ARE 25% or $ 41,,000.00 10% ot 4,000.00 9,000.00 '7,OOO.ao 12,000..00 1,5C)O..OO 1,000.00 5()() .()O 1 " 5()O. 00 If)O.OO 2f50.00 1,500.00 2,&00.00 600.00 BOO.CO 500.00 ,1~5()i. co ___Y5.0".419~1 .. 41 , 000..00 4,000.09- 45,000.00 10,250.00 400.00 j ~ ~ J.O,650.00 FRED A. BELL, B,Se., O. L. S., M.E.I.C., ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONT. dianua.~r 11th. 195,5. aITY: OF ST. THOMAS IN AC COUJ.\J'T vaTH comrrY OF ELGIN -.-.~.~.-4-0-.-.~.-.-.~.-.~.~.-.-O~.'- S't1BURB.A:N ROADS RESURF ACINCfANIr"'$(fRADlNG REPAIRS TO PAVEl.\JDmTS SEAL COATING OLD P AVEllmNTS ,PAVING 2 MILJ~S TAR MULCH - ROAD fJ 22 vVEJ1"D AND BRUSH CO!nROL SNOW AND ICE CO~]TROL PROTtl1CTION C. &, O. CROSSING, :MIDDLElVtLU"1CH FEN'OIBG AND GUARD RAILS SIGNS 'DRAINAGE AND DITCHING DUST COmTROL OUTRE STRIP P .AINTING StJPERINTEl\lD:ENCE .ABD OFFICE ASSISTANCE COMMISSIONERtS FEES AlSID FJO?DSES INStJRA:NCE 5,299..42 1,566,..83 4,426.~.75 15,60'2.;84 427.4144 1$448..58 112...79 -' OO.t40 91..35 6'1~.12 5884. '10 J..122.85 775~.Q0 ," 45611.15 106'4.4'1 ,- BRIDGES .A:ND CULVERTS ... 32, '754..67 511~, 11 ,- 53,065~. 'IS CI:'l'I' OF ST. 'fEIOMASt SHARE .. 25~. of 52, '754..67 10% of 511.11 $ 8,2194.78 CERTIFIED CORRECT fJ:n!o ~ - -- -- ---~suBifttBjr1iOADscOjmsSTON c-OWTY ENGINEER.-- ".'P-"~....~.,,......,...,... ST. rrHOi!AS, ON'1'ARI0. ~anuary loth. 1955. ~ 8'1". moMAS, stmmmm ROADS COmfiSSION " rj\ met at the Oou.r1;; House at 2 p.m. Present - Ray BOVm:r GEORGE GROSS C.b.air.man COmmUssioner WI. R. COULTER 1'R1!'m>. A. BEI:L C.C1lmmiS sioner Cc~unty Engineer. TEE I~ of ,the meeting held OIl SElp;tember 23rd.' 1954 were read and appr0Ve~. A L"E'rI'ER from ;r. W. G. MacDougall, Cc)mmission ~o(unsel af the Canadian DatiGna1 Rail\~laysJ dated !)ecE~mber 22nd. 1954, wi. th an accompanying appliea.tioJ1 to the < Boarcl of Transport tor an order to ins.tall WO flashing oli.ght sjlgnals and O1'le bell at 'the level erossing on st. George stree't, was cons~iderea.. :r~ WAS mOVED BY SECONl)Ei> BY GEORGE CROSS w. R. <.COULTER 'fRAT THE mGmEER reply to ..the le'ttej~ and application ex'p'ressillg -the fac1i that the Gommissioners a:~ hesitant to eons8Dt 'to ,theinstalla.tion of the signalS i:f it wi~l delay ,the eonstrucrtionof a grade separatico]l at this si'te. CABBIED. iT WAS MOVlID') BY SEOONDED BY GEORGE GROSS R. B. BOWEr THAT lI1. R. GOm.TER aet as Ohairman for the year 1955. CABBIED. -2- lanu~ry 10th. 1955. I! WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS R. B. BOWF1i( THAT "the Ohairman and Members of' the " OOmm.:tSSiOD each be paid $ lOO~()() and expenses tox' the year 1955.' CARRIED. A LETTER tram William Hodgel Secretary of Lookets Oommunity Club was eonsiclereci by the Commission. 'fhe Club\ asked that the sidewalk i'n front of 117'6 Bala.clava street be repaired. The EngiD.eer was instruoted to infc,rm ~~. Hodge ,'that "the repair or oonstruction of sidewalks was the liability of the 100al MU1liCip'ality, in 'this case the Township of Yarmouth. Tm: lVJEETIHG adjourmedto mee't on ;ranua17 17th. at 2 p.m. ~.~.. G1UI~~-"---'"-"-'-'~'-'''''''''''''--'~''.'c''''=>;",,'''''''~"",'='