1956 Suburban Road Committee fI>\ . If .. FRED. A. BELL, B.se., O. L. S.. M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAP LOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONT.. .01 .vii' J ST. THOMi\.8, Ontario. l:rovember 23rd. 1956. T.ffi~ ST. THOM.c\S SUBURBl31J ROADS COIvIMISSION met at the Court House at 2.30 p.m. All the ]/~embers were present. F. S. Thomas, M.L.A. attencled the meeting. THE ]-lIINUTES of the rfleeting held 011 October 25th. were react and al:):proved. lliill FOLLOWING LETTER from E. C. Reid, City Clerk was read:- F. A. BELL, Esq., "THAT the Suburban Roads COImnission be asked to fo~vard plans of the aity's Northwest Entrance, the Parker Report and other recent data relative thereto, to the Department of Highways, Toronto, through the local Departlllent Engineer; these l)lans to be studied by the Departlnent preparatory to a meeting betvveen the following early in,,1957: Suburban Roads aommission, City of st. Thomas Speoial COmL1ittee, Gounty of Elgin Speoial Committee, Representatives of Department of Highways.n It would be appreciated if you would give the writer a copy of' your letter to the Departrnent of Highways a.t Toronto, indicating at the sarae' time what reports and relevant data you have forvmrded to them. Yours truly, (Signed) E. C. ffi~ID aity Clerk.n 'f.E!E COMl\IIISSIONERS approved of the view.s expressed in the letter and the following resolution was adoptE~d. -2- November 23rd. 1956. IT 'WAS MO\TED BY SECONDED BY VV. R. COD"'LTER ill. E. ROWE THAT THill E1\fGINI~l~R be instrueted to forward the Report, Plans and Estimates subulitted by C. C. Parker and Associates, consulting Engineers, of the Proposed Northwest Entrance to the City of st. Thomas, together with the briefs submitted by the COWlty and City Engineers and other reoent data, to the Ontario Department of Eignways for eX8xuination and recommendation. CARRI1ID. 1VIB.. THOlvlAS informecl the COTIwission that he and Harry A. ]JIa.ntell, Chief Location lI:ngineer of the ontario D6partrneu't of Highways made a careful inspection of the roads in the st. Thomas District on Wednesday, November 21st. 1-JIR. THOlV1AS explained that the Highways Department is :making an extensive study in order to 111ake plans j~or future road developments. IJ:IDI: CONSTRUC'I'ION of Highway 401 has necessMated muoh study to :plan the best location for access roads to the various cities in the district. T.HE CITY OF LONDON is planning a nevv four lane Highway to connect r-righbury Avenue at the East side of the City to Highway No. 401 and the sugge stion 1fl8.S made to extena. this proposed route to connect with King's High1ffay No. 3 about 1 :mile East of st. Thomas. r,I[R. THOIY1L~S also discussed the best location for constrncct;ing a By....pass Highway for No.. 3 in oro.er to relieve the CJity of st. Thomas of the congested traffic on rTalbot street. The first proposal Vi8.StO divert the traffic on a IleVl roao. South of' the City from Yarmouth Centre to She(lden. ftjj. alt~ernati va route has no'Vv been suggesteo.to make the route !~orth of the Ci"by from the Highbury Avenue extension to Talbotville. -3- November 23rd. 1956. THE ADVIS.llBILITY of making a navIT eonnee'ting liIllc betvV"eell the Welling'ton Road and HighvJay :No. :3, following the Captain Shore Road was also d1s(russed. THE !mETING adjourned to the call of the Chairman. /~..<~ 1:'/ ,>, . ;f>{l' .,,~. 9"V"~.' !~ ,- . / ./(~ /1 .P~ CIDu:R:wIAN<:...~-"._<<-'o__-._'_..."- ST. THOlvtliS I On tari o. NOVEl\mER 7th. 1956 of A dOINT :MEETING of The 8t. Thomas Suburban Roads Co:m:missiof1 and Representatives of the st. Thomas City Council and The Elgin County CO'tTilcil m.et at the Court House at 2 p.m. GEORGE CROSS ) ) ( ST. THO:N1AS SUB1JRB.J;'\I>j" ROADS OOM1ITSSION ) ) Present .. W. R. COULTER viT. E. ROWE V!. C.. MIJ-lI.JER ) ( ST. TH01l~S CITY C01~CIL ) 1[. a. MOORE FRED. A. BELL ) ) ( ELGIN CO~ffY aOUNCIL ) ) d"OEN B. WILSON CLAR11~TCECULVER MR. COULTER acted as Chairman. T.HE MINUTES of the meeting held 011 October 19th. were read and approved. 'f'.EIJTI ADVISABILITY ot sectJ..ring an option on ,that Part of Lot 1, Concession 9. TOVJ1'lship of Yarmouth, ovmed by the Na'than Ryan EEltate was considered. Mr. Co'ulter subm:ttted an option signed by the Administrator of the Estate agreeing to giving a twelve month option, in oonsideration 101' the atlm of $ 500., (JO. rrhey agreeo. to hold tor 'transtcer~',':for a term of: one year any or, all of the lands desoribed in Deed # 36766, to the Cotmty at the rate of ~~10.00 per foot. The option price of ~i 500.00 to apply" on account of the purchase priee. -2- l.TOVEMBER 7th. 1956. IF 'fHE NORTH ENTRANaE is eonstruc~ted on what is knovm as Scheme # 2 (:New stree't Rot1.te) it will benecessa.ry to acquire a part of this property. IT WAS MOVED BY SEOONDED BY TIm FOLLOVVING RESOLUTION v{as adopted:- CL.AREN"CE C 1JL VER GEORGE CROSS '!'HAT 1t\1E RECO:M:MEND 'tha'tthe County Counoil procure a one years option on the Nathan Ryan property, being a part of Lot 1, Concession 9, 'fownship of Yarmou1:;h for the sum of ~~ 500.00. The purohase price .tQ be at the ratEI of ~~ 10.00 per foot frontage on st. George street for all land required for 'the proposeCl. North entraIlee, 'to the City of St. Thomas. MR. :MOORE .AND ]Jffi. ]1JILLER abs'tained from voting. 'fEE ADVISABILITY of arranging a lueeting vdth 'the Mini ster of Hign:vtTays and :Mr. Fulton, Chief Planning Engineer Was discussed. but it was thought desire h1e by ].I!:r:. :Millerthat this should be deoided at another meeting held at a time when all the City Members could attend. Atfr. Bell Vias i.nstructed 'to corrGa.c't rvrrr. Reid, City Clerk and arrange for a fu.ture mae'ting. THE MEETING adjourned at 'the eall of the Chairnlan. cnairmaii':--------.-- ST. THO:MAS, Ontario. Oe~ober 25th. 1956. THE ST. 'fROII/LAS SUBURB.A:N' ROADS CO~IIDfiSSION me't a:t the Oonrt House at 2 p.m. All the Members were present,. '!'BE B:tp:F..F submitted by Ilfr. Miller 031 October 19th. was discussed and after a general disoussion of the two schemes of 'the North V'fest Entranoe, :reeolJl.I[tanded by G. C. Parker and Assooiates, Consulting Engineers, the following resolution was adopted:- IT WAS :MOVED BY Vv. R. COULTER SECONDED BY ~v. E. ROVVE 'WE THE ~mJERS of the st. Thomas Suburban Roads commission atter examining the Plans and Reports :prepared by O.C. PARKER AND ASSOCIATES, COllsulting Engineers, of the IJropose<l New North west E:atranca "to the City of st. Thomas, as out1:tned :i.n the Report as Soheme /I 2 (New stree't) an(1 fJ 5 (st. George stree't) and after oonsidering the comments of the county a.nd City Engineers, in order 'to bring the :mat'ter 'to a conclusion, so far as this Commissiot! is concerned, l1VE REC01\IJIVlEl<ID "that the NeVi Entrance be constructecl 011 the Scheme # 2 (New street) Route. CARRIED. THE .ADVIS'..ABILI'fY of proeu.ring an option on what is krlOw.tl as the Nathan Ryan property, 011 st. George street) f being a part of Lot 1, eon.cession 9, Yarmouth, '\t(as eonsi.aereCl and DlIr. Cross was instructed to oonta.c'tthe Executors o:f 'the Nathan Ryan Estate. If the new entrance to the Ci'ty of' st. ThoJ2'l8.s follo'WS Scheme 11 2 (NeVi Stree't) a Right of Way across this :property vlill 'be required. THE MEETING adjourned 'to the call of the Chai~an. <ILl.,. f)' .... v, ~~) I .~, /' ,/. / . ^ A~~~ /~ N_&-:J:~- ... HAfm - ST. THO:MA.S, Ontario. O.,~I()~lt 19'th. 195€1. A iOm~ :MEETING OF TIm SUBURBAN ROADS eOJ.1.iMISSION. REPRESENTA-TIVES OF TEE ST. 'mO:MAS CITY OOUNCIL and 'fHE COUNTY OF ELGIN, enS. JOHN COOK, Assis~ant ~ieipal Engineer, met at the Court House at2 p.m. to make further st\1.<ly of 'the O.C. PAR.KER'S REPORT OE. 'the Prop,osed North west ElIttrance otthe City of sti. Thomas. GEORGE OROSS ) l ) ) srr. THO:M:.AS stT.BURBAN Ro.ADS COML\lIJ:SSION present - '^l. R. COULTER w. E. ROWE M. C. :MOORE ) ( ) ST. WO:MAS CITY COUNCIL w. c. :MILLER JOHN B. WILSON d .AMES C. HINDLEY CL.ARE:NCE Cn.rLVER ) ) ( ELGIN OOUNTY COtlNOIL ) ) 10m OOOK { ASSISTANT NIONI OlP j1L EN"Gn'f.illER FRED. A. BELL ( COUNTY ENGINEER MR. COULTER acted as Chai~ !f.1HE :MINfJ1!ES of the meet:t:m.g held on AUgl:lst 9th. were :read a.l'1d approved. AT THE MEETING held 011 August 9th. ]Jfr. Miller, City Engineer presem:tec9. a "bl'iet giving his a:nalysis of the Parker Report. He strongly favou.red Selleme # 5 e>r 'the st. George Street Route. As the Representatives of ~he. Commission and County wished time ~o study this brief Ml.'., Miller was inatrnoted -to furnish copies'to the commission. -2- Oe1~()ber 19th. 1950. Oopies of the brief vv-ere reoeived by the Commissioners 01\ Belrtember 8th. alli on Se:p'tember loth. 'fhe OOIDIli:lSsioners met and im.structed )11'. Bell, OOlm:ty Engineer "GO pre]~are a reply outli:nimg his views on the matter. ~~~R~~Wl1'. Bell sulmdttecl his brief to ~----- the Commission iJ.l. which he expressed la.imselt no~t i:a favour of Scheme # 5 and he was il1structed to fu.rnish c!lopiesto 'the Members of the City Council, the 'fimes-Jo1lrJSlal a,,1ld. to the st. Thomas Board of Trade. At to-day's l'nee'ti:ng :M.r. Bell t s brief was oOjo.s1c1ered but as :Mr. !4iller suomi tted a further sevEm. pag~:i) consideration 0tthe Parker Report,whieh he said expressed 'the views ot the Ci"ty CO'lmcil, ,theOomm.issioners and Council ![em'bers a.skedthat the meeting be adj ourlled so that thiiS rel)OJ?'C eouli be carefully considered. 'fhe Meeti>>g was aijourned to the call of the Ch.air.man. - , tl1ik ~ C RUN;1--.- ~.,;4l;";~.a-.',:;:,""""';~,",""'::~,,,,-c~'~!':'t1 ST.THOM}~, Ontario. Oo'tober 2nd. 1956. ~ ST. THO:MAS SUBURB.P.:N RO.A.DS OO)V11vlISSION met at the Oourt HOllse a.t 10 a.m. Present - Chairman - GEORGE CROSS Oormnissioners - W. R. COULTER AND Vi. E. RO"WE Oounty Engineer - FRED. A. BELL. / / The minutes of the mee'ting he let c)Jl August 13th. and I sfptember 10th. were read and approved. I The pUl'pose of the meeting was to consider the Report I I of the County Engineer, in which he outlined his viewsl ea the two ~roposed :routes reeo:rm:nendeo. by C. C. Parker and Associ.a tes Limited, qOl1sulting Engineers, for constructing a new en.tranceto the North west Section of 'the Oity of st. Thomas, mavm as~ SchemeS # 2 and # 5. Atter ,eonsid.erable discussion the tollcnvi:ng resolution was aaopted:- IT .~IAS :MOVED BY SECOJ\IDED BY w. R. COULTER W. E. ROVtJE ftTHAT the Report submit'ted. 'by county l~ngineer Fred. A. Bell regarding the proposed eonstruo'i:;ion of anevV' entrance .to the City of st. Thomas be received and w~. Bell be instructed to ftlrnish copies to the City Council, the Chairman. of the st. Thomas Board of Trade and 'to the st. Thomas Times-Journal". Carried. 'rhe meeting adjourned 'to the ea.11 of 'the Chairm.a:n. ,{j,V/ 'A J f4 /r",~",,;f, A A,I-l/l,,-V//" "'''~/ v n ,."- ,- e/ v v ,,~, "-- -:;'t:": , Ollairmai~" ,..-- ~ .. FRED. A. BELL, B.Sc., O. L. S.. M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ST. THOMAS, ONT.. COURT HOUSE. ltEPOltT Iro 'rIm :>1'. ''cUOI-IAS sunUltBAU iiO,tJ)S COl>ii..;ISSION PROPOS~D llOit.Tll \t~ST BnTI~nUCE CITY OIl . ST 0 THOI;it,;.S. uH(f it.liIO ~ SBl?rrlgLB~R 29thfJ 1956", ~"R~D __ it. ~ B~LL., COUUTY ~liGIUclBRu Ifo Tht) Chail:"Xnan 8,nd. Con:m:tissi;OlU3Tf, of t.1;1e dt.o II'llomas Suburban .a.oads COml.llSsioI1 Gent~.l(~me.n~; ,II<' As requested I hu,re st.udieil the report. of ep C I: Parker and Associat,es Li.m~tted9 Consult~illZ iLnr;i,n.e~1rs~(I 1 ., t" .t.. to, . ~ ~ · t 1 d' . <I' 0"""" 1 u t' .1. as au :>IDl 'teed. t,Q l,.I1€~ .)Cfln\.. meet~ng 11.e. o.n ta.ugUS4:';. .;-; ~rL"'7 .:H.) alao 1;he brief' submitted by ';1 <,J C F, I'iILl,SJ:l~ CitNY l~ngine€rr:I' J) dat;ed, .idlgust, 15th~ and the arti:l.cle reloased i~() t.he trimes'M" (JouI"nal on ltul3ust lOtfh.? At i;,he meeting; held. on .Augus't 9th., i.1.'r.~) l.-.liller \'laS tlSkEld t.o provide uc \\fith a copy of hi,s br:l..ef 'J I have nev(~r rec.:eived a <.~opy from tfho C:itY' Hall but. ern Sept.ember 7th1J eopios '-lere mulled to tho r,lt-nnb(~rs o.f t.he Gomm:i.ssion wtt,h an accompanying lct'ter duted .\i.ugust 27t;,h, Before tlnaly'sing t~he merits a.nd dt;~m~rit~s of t).he t.Vl0 propo~1e(1 locatiions reCQHlLlendod by- i.tr(~ ParkE~r for (~onstruct,j"ng H. nell highvt8l.y Elntr(,l,nce to t~ho C:i.ty of S~';' r.rho~!la~ it; i.$ .r;tr~rt net7~~fjS~~,r:1 to ueigh ecrt~:tn fact,or~ '1iJ^Xl.l.ch ~'{:i,,11 govern. t~hG resl.llts conternpl.ated IJ. In. a pro..joct. of t,l'lis IDD,[jllitudeJt to provlde a proper" ents'Ll.l1.Ce' to and from a gro1;rll1.~ City und passing through lj, ri,~h farm comrA~uni.ty" of (,,;. necea.si'ty' \J'E! filUSt, first, to.k<;1 i.nt;o ar:;count, clOd. gi VE-i proper 1'lt::iGht~ t~() vu:r.ioU$J f'f.l,ct.ors ') \Jhile :it. i;3 di.fficult to ilSSeS~J t.,hc eX.\;).ct, '1'~'~'~,.'l...o{., 0('" ,o.,,~ f-"".t:~. t- 'f",:.,+. -{:> '-1 -y'"'lo"l' .t. ''!'' ,~, ,,,,,, "d.:;,~,.~,;,,'~He ,,1 ,.1J,;,<:~C,-,,(,1r. ,,0 1':,:,.,.-<.1,.. 0::" lAn{~ ~ l....J, 1., l.t;.)\i .lo,n 4'1':/ O"")ll''"< 0"'''' j;:'l(;.t.'c.....t."'1", '1 ,'~ 1-'1~'t1N t.t..p .c'o' l01'Y'1 "'J('" f~~ct'........<:> y.,uc...t' \.,0 ,l:" ' .....~. . J,./i,&l ,."..:;;..1 ..l'.J ~ ~1i,..;.~L 1..1$, t....... ~Lj,-" .1. .l...t. \". ,j,.J. ....) ., CJ.,' ...I.t \;1 "'''' ...;, 1...1;7' (~a.r(~fully cOn.SJ,{l(!,rE:id <<' -2- 10 :Je must provide u rt.lud of sufficiont w-ddl'th to ade<luately hundle. not only the present trllt.f1c, but the increa.sed tr,'.t.ri:ic predicted tor say the next tllGnt.y-.f'i. ve let.JJ.~s" cJ.'hcl'low or traff1c. &luot ~.l.S f(;,).r as possible, be unhind.Jtorod. uhicb 1nvol yes due conoi4eru1;ion' to 'the rilux1mum degree of curvature, l1iaxtilUlrl g~ades and their lG~l18 f v1s1bali ty. Go.f'ety. s peod. aad gonor~Ll usefulness to 'the t.r3.vellltlJ, public 0' . 2. .Je ,m.ust consider the ability or the Ci:t)r Streets to a.bsorb the traffic at the POil1t.Sot entr.:.nce and 'bhEt disporsal of trt:\ltio a~ the point., p,t exit. 3" ,Je XllUS't consider the relative inconveniEJnCO to 'the adjacent propol.ty o\mera in the C:l:ty and County in not only the uc'tf1o.l coats of expropriations but. 'tIle devaluution of residental properties abu'tt1~ on a main high\la.y and the -loss in' I-avenues. 0 to tbe I.iuniciptili ty o.ccordin::;ly f as t'lell as 'to the prop~rt;y o\.;n~rs. 4.. Considero:t1on raust be ~ivento the l08sE~s and inconvenience caused by the lenGth of time 'tho ro~~d \1iJ..l be under construction and closed to the public. ;0 There :.lUSt be consideration ~iven of thc~ cost of such a project includinc; not only the actual ooot but 1;he final ooot considerins all factors~ , , In 1J.t).'Y projec't such as 'this involving an expenditure of over ~ 600,000.00 n cost faotor should not be permit~ted to interfere with the officiency ~nd Gafety of the road. . In making this report I will accordi~ly make references front time to time to consideration of these various fu(rtors roferring to the proposed routes designuted in Mr. Parker's repol"t as Sct,leme if 2 ( newiT Street) Scheme ii 5 ( St. George, J~a8t and Elysian St.ree'tsJ~. Arter considerable study ot tho above rE~po~ts, etcR . I have boen unable to substantiate the claim that SCheIltle .;j 2 (Hew Street ~ou'te) costs excoed those of Scheme tjj 5 (st. GaoJ:'Ss Stl:-aet Route) by ~ l77,387.as given in LJro Lillor's brier and, by J la8i\)~~OOoOO as released to the i'1mes-Journalo I h.ave consulted 1I11th Lx. :Jallifs and l~iTo Di.sher of the Parker firm und they could not enlighten me. It lJloulcl. a;)peur "that l~o Liller is compt.lrilfG the coot of constructing a tour lane hight-Is-yon St. 'George street (Schome j S) from Zlysian Streot Northerly about 2800 feet, 1ncludi~~ the conotruc- tion of u nOltl brid~e over Kettle Groek and a. sUbt"lUY under the Canadian Hational Hail\fay tracks ~ t'.r:>.. th the coot of conDtruc't1ng n four lane <~~ :l ,.~~ H:1.gh:L'J'UY :tn a l1e'"~' location {Scheme J 2} from the interscct,j,on of' the c:or:ne:r of Hei'l Jtroet and CU:r1tis ;Street IJorth 1:/esterly a.bout 4t~OO feet ~ this aJ.so inclu.ding the cost of a 110\'1 bridge and s u.b't'lay {:\ .Jould :i.t not be fa:1..rer to compare the(~osti of the ticheme t/ 5 from Cl.lrti.o Jtreeti to the point on "'cho ~jellingt,on Road \'lh:lch vl:i.ll be ini;.el~sected by S~heme if 2Q ilr ~ Disher has supplied me with the follo't'Vinc~ estiraatefJ: .~> It 5 ~jt~1\'> St:.o George Jtree't George ~H;;r0e.t <<<j, 4.0 t?)}OO t,} 00 Cost Sou"th of .81ysia.n Jtreet .~lysian street to 100 feet South of bridge 301ti300~~OO }l;lysian Stroet and .~ast Street ....._~2Q~J:L'" ~) 126~660~OO lIe also stated that un errOl~ \1aS made :Ln 'the breakdo1'JU of the costs in the Parker .::'i.eport 011 Page 13 q~ "I? J.}5 ~ 960qQO ,was included in the i terti !VHoads in Count:r if :i.nst,ead of' :i..n the item ~fHoad5 in Cltyn ~ He stated that the brea.kdo\'ffi r~hould :read ~ ra t. ,c-~) i .. C" t vOB o.~, 1\.0&( S 1,:0. .1. Y C()st of Roads in County v 126.660.00 , ", 6 102.00.00. I believe that a fair comparison using ;Virt~ Parker ~ s esttJ..n:U"1.t~E~S as abusisshould be ~ Gt.:r~'I'~' , ,I '2 b 4'!~ ';1~ If .. (NevI ~)tl"'eet) " Cl ~.":11' ..~ 1'; l::. ~ At~ '.ll!J ~l ."I I (.'\.\. ('100''li''''rr.~ \~)V~I 'l.,X\,;. J:. be q ~i-_ 'f~e. C:i .I~ , \"... V'~ .\!...". S..p Ii Leas I,ynhtu~st. Gonnect;;.ion plu;;; 155; 52IfiJ+90~OO '-" 661.",~, 800,.00 " · IJ.I ' J.t.O ,5,30' 00 \,,'5"''' J" Vi>1'-" +-: L':bC"':! jf'l>f'" (':'.d" ,', ""77';'" 7. ~O 00 J,;J .~" .U <,,1. "" ...... .A. ',"" \,.4' \:;) '" Y v a v..;r ~ Less vJ'C>I~k on Ea~rt ~Jt.rcet and Gu..\.,.ti;.'l ~J'treet, 55 ~.Y60~)OO .h.dd (~ostt Nf~ilt IIigh:i:Ja.y i~rom ~3nd if 5 '\,"-0' hJO","'''l~ 1.1 e:;oyv:t.:f '';1 "" "" ..... vA . ....!.,~ Ie t:.. '1 t: ,I ..1'",,;HJ j ~,~~-:'d-.~t~~~~""'~~~ I ,) i.'" t:,,,, f)O ~J~~Uv~~~\ti2-~=::P~~:~~~."r~._~,.~-~ \ \ 7?' '26[\ ("'0 \t ...l.~~) - l.} $< .J J \; 610 t!l [j60N 00 A difference of c1bo not; or about . \! ,400000 or 300~OO d <~~7. ,VOIO . 1, h. t) of t,hl;; '11"1 , i I. fll~ , ~ 'c;.... co " -f'P"1 ~i' 1"'1'10 1 .. 0"~"'>l'''' "f'" ." .>>t.~.:' ,.... .!.nc (,0"", (.f OJ,. C'. J. O.).&U...,,,>;;;; l~oK..1.Ja.f CO!1UO(, J.no t~he North ('Hlda of the t~\;JO schemes \'ras SUl)plied by r.II" \!t Disher of G. C~ Parker and ~asociutes. I cannot understand r.ir ~ i'liller~ s comparison of the grades on the Uorth hill~ On page 5 he compares a grade oil. 6i; lilith a leng.th of 1100 feet on Scheme ,/: 5 \'J'ith a gradf~ of 5i~ on Boheme if 2(\) The nlD.xirm.ml grade on 'che iioll1th. h5.11 of 6cheme // 2 is only 2-1/2/:~ or a rise of only 2~,,1/2, feet :tn 100 fee.t4) ,As Gtatt:d by I;1r. I,~iller a 2~1/2~ erade will have little effect on the normal speed of 20 ton .truck:;) an.d no effect OIl the speed of carsq The South hill of Scheme ;~b 2 is designed vlit~h a maxim.1.un Grade of 5;5 for u ~(~ne;th of only 500 fee.t~ vlhi.le on tlcheme i/ 5 the maximum grade is 6i~ for a leneth of 1100 reet~ As all South bound 1.rehicles vlill have .CO reduce speed on the South h.ill t,C) 30 milos per hour1l/hen the top of the hill is reached:; eo short. .5~~~ grade l;Ji1..1 not i.ntel"'fere vli'th the even flol,~T of trc"ffi. c <D. !~O ment:i.on is made on Page 12 of the Pa.rker Heport nor in Llr ~ 1.J.ller t s brief of the maxim.l.rnl degrees of curvature of 'the t,\'.ro proposed l~'f;r~touts 9 acheme if 2 has beG~Xldes:tg!:'led ,\;li th cu.rves of a mux:imurJ, l~adius of 1433 feet (!.~ degree) II> Compare t:,his }.J'i t.h th.e max~imum radius of 955 feet ( 6 degree) provided in Scheme 1 5. S0111e of the advantages of a I.} degree curve in; coopurison \'Ii th a 6 d.egr€~e curve are..., ''S Tl ^ . I",.'~'~' d'~ ~.~~ ~ . . . .~. '1>"0 ':1\..,.... :Jd 1 -t 2""" .J..~, 1,,;; S:tt:;..)'Uv :1..>:) vdnce 15 <<lnc.!.. eQ.~.)e a OOti. ...;"')/vt;) 2q Tho supE;rel(?:v'a.tion (or bankinG) required on the cur"vas is decreased [;bout i}-O,;</) ~ehis is very' 1..mport,ant, on roads sub~ject to :i.ci.ng I1fl )Q ~rhEJ easier CU.I',\re wakes for safer dri'V'i.ngo Scheme /l 2 provides for a. t-liderl bridge over Kettle Cx.eek" lrloor width of 5/+ fe~3t as compar€::)d v.J:i.th 48 feet~ on Scheme if 5 ft. The \ddth of the subi;lay, under the C~',;,-,lud.ian N~ltionaJ.. Hail1:;ay enl Sehem€:; J 2 is 110 feet. us compared to 75 fi .~ 6n on ~cheme i/ 5 (; ,Ilt>:;~ The floo!'" c,f tho brj,.dge; oyer l{/3ttle C:r.~ek on S,ehelue ) 5 't'/il.1 be built ()ll a slope ot 6J4~P The top of the ~~ails at tihe Sou1;,h end of the bri.dge ~J'l:tll be abO'Llt 11 ~ fj) 9ft .!:li~he:tft th~l:n. a:t the j..;orthond Q 13u:i.ldlng U b:t'idge on a 6/'~ grade :t6 !.10t~ i~()<:)d Elng:Lt\e~~ring p~ra(~tice and will 'be a tr(;u~,1.1c hazard dm"':lne; icy vloa1;hell. , 'lYhe flt)or of t~J:J.e bridi~t? (lesigned for ~)ch(~me i;: i:2 ,.rill be on a l/~~ grade ~ Provi.si(,)n has b€)enme.ds in the I>flrltor Report 11 PaBe 10, for the (:onst,ruotion of a 36 ;f'oc;t paVeElelltti one lifflY Sout,h directi()n Otl Si.~ t) George ;:Jtreet from :Glys:l.a~n ~~ltraet to Talbot'"> ~~t.('~~)t.4 St4 Geor-ga Street 1..s 50 :feet \'Ii,de:o 'l'h$ 1"i:1.dth. 1."'equ11'loed, i01PtD., 36 t.oo't:, puvemertt, t::urba, 2""'4- l'<,'ot side,,1al1"'~8 (;tnd ~" ~1..1/2 .fooi; boulevards for 11ghting end telephone poles is 43 f~~ot~ ~his ~ill nE~eer:;t.;1ttate the remo\ft:tl (>>f' 21+ large shade tIllaee ,';t!!.dt.he r~~~moval of hf)dgos and manyorn.am.9ntal trees <J> If a 4- lana hight-lay :ts laid on St $ Geol"tgti-) 8tr.e(;lt fr~om Ely~;ian Street i:Jortherly it "li1.1 requi:r;EJ the remcr\raJ..o.r 23 large tr~)et) in the. City, 38 in the Count~r e:.u1.d abot~.t 31.. :tn 00\:1&11 Park ~ a t()tal ()t~ 1:t9 trees., It. tlill also necess1t-ai~e laying the lii~llks~ a 1'01.1 teet 1"'1:'0111 the \reranda.s f4 Provision is also made in 'the report for the construction 01" a, 36j;"'oot. pavement one-uny tOl" Nortih bound tjratf:t(~ on .(:;ast Jtree.t ;rrom 'l'alboti tJ tree t, to Elysian Street, Easi~ St,1"'oet is also 50 feet \11de and the walks will have to be laid at least 1 foot f~om the Street linesQ I),~h:ts \'1111 :t~e(iu1re the removal of 25 lD.rgetl~ees o.nd. '{~he l1<{;;IDOVo.l of hede;es ~ et(:" llany of the residenoes on this lltreet are built nec.-:n:'ly to the street lineso In order to provid.e turn..tng spaoe for tractor.... trailer trucks, the raoidance at the South wast cornor of ~ast d~reet and ~l~siunStreet rauy havo to be laoved~ Provision is also lntide for oonstiJ;Uct:i.nQ a 36 .foot flD.vement otl.e \.my '.jost dil-'oetion on }~lysian street from 1.;;<:;.[r1;. dtJ:-eot t:iO $1:'1:1' (100r8e St~ ~i;lys:i.an Stre(~t :to ~O~ ltt3-1/2u. l:1ide.... .Jidi~h betiilO('J:f1 v(~rul1dus !lbout 1.4 feet fJ ' P()'U:r't,~'H!.~rit tr(~es \lil1 have "to be remo:~led and as U ,,'l::idth of Lt8 feet 't'J'ill be ,~~ .;,.!' 't" ~ ';. ';1' .t.f "11 "Ie..~ .~ ." . ,.. ,:;"... "."Y .f-.. .... ..:t. '" ,',. y of' of 1 "Itlioollt".t A ~ ~,o .;.";'..(;.v~J....(.;:.c\ ~i.,.tj "~"A""f,.. . !,:It;;;,, nCCOfJo.JCl:. \.to mov~:.- Man. '.. ....1.1.18 ..f,.'G,.,?.3.,v.en~i'~'''''1i~ i "ueen St.!'laet, is ,sho\;n. 011 Plan. if 7 as u c~ne 'Vit.XY ;;,;'creot, .for South bound. traff:lc from 1.t\".:.lboti d'lil'ecrt to .Jellin;;:t;,on t)1;,:rect (~ . (rhe '~'rj..dth of ,,).loen 0i:-,reet is 39410 tcot'lt If the pI'csent 20~ ~6H i .. . d" · 11 . ~ 1 ' 1 ';:'- 15 p(.~ ver;tent s t'J'J.dCI'l6' :1. t. vH.. IM~e4ZtaOl:tu te t le rQ!~lO"a OJ,~ .. treE~S (.II If Scheme 1/ 5 is, constructed it' t.j'ill re<luix"G the removal of al;iout 15a lar5e shuda trees (notoount1lng t.hose on tJ..l(1en Stl."'eet') .at an expendi,ture or abo~t \i~ 28~OOO~()O of'ptlbl:tc money 1lJl '1'Ihl~3 hus not:.. hEH~tl pr')';j'~..ded :f.'OJ:' ill the Purker' l~eport\tl srh.e d€,pl""ec:i.ation in 'rtJ.llH~ of .tGhe ar.n;tt;ting propcrtie~1 t~Jill be ~~tu'pendou,s and t.ile C:ll;;/, a.~~ a lrhole wi.ll suffer 'the lo~~s i.n taxes due to the decl"(~Used. v'ulue o:f ijhe affected pro~~l".tios ~ lfhere G.);~e ~d)out- 90 t'esidenc$$ f':ron.t:Lug C)U St ~ George Jtree'ttJI ~astjt ~tree't and El~'sian ,Stx"eet 1:1hi4::h \,J'j.l1, be ai~tected by the construct1()n of Scheme il5 t()t~trt~hG~r 't"tit~h the Collegiute .rnatitil.'J.:;.et~ t~he F'irs.t United Church u.nd 'tho NUrS€lS itesidEtn.r,:e.~ In thoCou.nty 11 or 12 x~f;s:iLdenlce6 ~lill be a.ff'ecte(L" . 1.Iro Pal~l~er st~lt.ed ut the meeting held. o:n j~'ug'Unt 9th~ and r.ir'~, r'.4i.ll.e.r m;ru'1:t;ton~~ :tn 111.5 briEj;f that i.lr ~ .t1'ulton ar:td i~:r ~ SidaJJ. of '~hc Pla.nn:is,~.g I)tvi~Jion of the i-righH11ya Dop(il"'trtlf~ll't hud eJcp:tlO(;)ssed 'themaelyes :Ln :fa',our C\l.t (~ithc':' Schemeq I;1r 1<' Dishollll of tthe Pat"Iter FirmJ) ','tho \\ras \'li"~l1 I.ir".. Park~1r '~';heD. they conf'eI'red vJ'i'th th~~ Itl..gh\1ay Of:f:lciaJ.e~ stated to me tha:~~ i~he plt.lf.ts and eGt:i..m~cbes havt;} no'h boen aubnlittied to the Plan;rr:tn(~ Department for $.xamil1:J:t:ton. and St,Udy,Cf Before {J,p:prova:l, of' eitt.!l.er scheme eoul.dbE~ g:t VtUl I would a6tlrnne than '1 t, \':Tould be necessary for tht~ OfflciaJ..s .to have fttll ()pp~):rtat(li.t':,y i~o (:;:t'aJ.~line the pluns andestinltl.tes 01: both r<:nrtes<< On a,CCCfunt of' x"av:tnes around thr\~e sid.ea of (.!.4. 'lll'~o'~l"<::" t'l'l~ Y"",:i""'l'''o'~.r ~,...'iW':I"1I'~!:"&t~r~ ,."\,,,,:1 '()~rs ~,t. I'rL'I-lht'~t '~t'l"I.o~,t v \.1 lil. .\ '~J t4.,,-1 .(ji ! v ,U,~",,&... '~1I ~ V,I. '"' ~ ,';) <;.......A<"'.t. ..J" 'b a ..1 .& ~,;,.. ,..,....i OJ ... v...". ~ J"t.. 4:c.~ ..'i\>~Hf'\.o~r.:'<l"bll'~ to J"''''l'tr O"l,.j~ .'~~ lMnd'o-h""D no'!"'1"h 1t;);\.l""'''I:....~~..'h~t.:!; 'I"r-l>l'"b,f"'U'i' . .J.,Q .,i"l.Ul.l "...~;;; . Q ,..4.:I\..y "Ll4' C;,<l, :.1.\.0 l>:~"",J. ,\~".&,/I . "'~'" 1..4.,....l&.."'O;;;; ~ll:.J..'.i .,.'''~ '$ doi..ng dD.magJ~ t.o =resi.dan1~a.l propertp}l" ~ .rt'lj~WI 1.1I't:;lr. J':~l'i'."a. ')''-:iA 1.":'1;'1> 'I.."")""'k""'~ to i l'\'U"est~':: JS'.-".te lJ!Z.,;"....., ~11 ',II' 'f,,:"'I:,.liog~ "-"I'l.;#\,i. '.1... 9 ,l. (;...!. 1.\::-.&. ~,""{.4V. .yC. 01 'the matter 'friO irlstructed him .t.o inv(~st~igatG the possi.b:tlit;l of routine the prop(J~)ed l':lyout NC)l:,t.h f)~Q1n t.he corner' of .N{in'I 3treet and C'Urt::ts St:r"oet.~ !de \:j{~re (.li.Jare th~rt the~ \ddt,h of i'Jelr; Stre(iti is only h.O ffJet ~lj.de bu.t new Street if; the only St:reat on -c,lle .uo:rth side of" 'f&l'bot J.treet '\rihich is dj.r(31ct~ly opposite D. 3tree~t. on. 'the ~3ou.t~herl.y ~3i4e\\l It 1s opposite '~'J:tlli(ll1\ St?:t'eet, t'J'h:tch h.C:.ts U wl.d:th 01" 66 foet J) one of the f,\~;'~'l S'i;.I~eets :1.11 the Sc,uth west:; pOJ.'t:.ton 01" t;.he Cit~y of t;.hZl't \'l:.tdth.~ (see skotch.14 I 1 i i f I i ! i ~l . . 0 ...is,"'" 7" DC! C)';l D:L..r' ~ ~ i I I I i r t I . i t t I I t t ___L . t ~i 'I . l3't f~ .I ~-~ " !!I __ .;,. lW .::11'.1 .... S ......,.... . ~-i - 1 ! ! K {j-, J ~ () QJ ...J 't ~ .O}~ . --' i t i j " i I ~ f i j tj ......-.;r_~""~~~ '''1~ ,-u ~ "'"'). ,5.,,-" l.f? 9 r?t~) ~~~~~,.,~..".,...,.~~,:J:loo ~.~ l .- i- ~ ~ i ~ I I t .t t f I Ii J I i I i f ~1..,.....<t... ~ t "1'. ...~ _ :; '4 \S \S :L~ I I I l i ~ J Lt/~/r77tU eli'lJ ,tt51-",eJ T .i~~ . P ~. 1"" to.,~ '1.... 01"'> P "::\ p. > r.-1 01 0 f' l' 'i.i t:;: ."., L~ 1.') C' 'l."" oi* ~fl Y q 1:- 'h ') t~ '{)'f:'Ir(' .~f"1.. ('..~ 0 '11 b. A,~~;l 9\. v..~ ~*........M, .IJ.</l.~. '-Au.....;@. ~~ ."-d.""" j;. '.d' ~ ,ot'. \(1 .~''''''. ~" l,JJ.~U ~ ." "". , l>. l..)~ A has been made tlO constr\.1ct~ a :,6 foot pa~.n~m(::i.tl~ on Net'l St;'l""(-?,.s:h from Curt:ls T-)'tiraet to 'llnlbot;:. ~t~~EH~t but doe~~ I:lcrt. in(;lulle .i:;he CQ:'3t in his est,j..matesll/ Ne'tl 8t~reet about 2:,40 feet, lon;:;l} 1~h(&it"'e :i.6 a f.H2:r~vlce st.ation D:t the Harth 1rl0st COl','tnc.r.l? of Talbot;, ~.>t,r'e(~t und. lIei,'l ~J t:K~eot~ ~ .fi.Vf~ residencos on It;he GJ.d(~ and ()ne !~(H3idGnce on t~he l!ortih ilide ClJrt~is dtIteet;'i,f;.j.(~j..Xlg Net'; ~Jtreet ~ Th.e 11:c:4st; sid~~ of the 3t/I~eet i~} used. for r~ll"l"}l"lop('''s~''~ l'r~ho !'~ -1 (',';1.. 'In("''(.l. 1') "'.:.t'r'jAelrl ..... h",,:; b'p; , .4 i n.;.;t!. on t.1.1~:> '.i"ilVJ..~ J:" 'h;;i-.,1I41 J.,...... ':~..i:..ll",r.,.,...~"".. ~ ,~v ...4 v...;;v~ """"../'" V..... ~;:I~'" " v1. ~"" qn('~ ""1'1'~"l. r.::!lte~n')(;:1 ,.,.,,-li>' .I-11t.7:, """.~.\~.,.,l~n.....~ 0'''' t'''l(;l r.,..,~. r.~.~a.l~_~ ~~Jl'_ ~ V t 0 ~. ,:,; S;" ",;;r. \..t.1 .~ 0. ~... ~J!:., ~t t<J .A... ",to ..J.. ~ ~. \~ ..&4 ,Iii _1 ,,~ 'a:J l1.\?- ~J 0 olit4,. , '~6" ny ~"lf.qUJ.'" 'irl<j ~f"G' "::1. 9: foot. ~t1"'i P f....~Olll 'the,> Tott'~ on kJI. f;A. '(Ill' ." "'" ~~1i'..1..j ~ ~. J' ' ~', ~,'"I' '''~" '~f.A4. '<< ,".f" ..."'. '~ > ",' .. "., ......!-"I> tl'lt:::'l .1t'll'."",^,<l" .D )(.,)' .p-."""'.t '~I..V.f':lo1..1...~1>"'t {"'o'l11d l'}n ~"'II.:l t"'ll1(!t ~""h,ell 'n"'l]'tl"~' ~.,D"t. 4.....;- W .e.~'::~<:<~~>> t;;Jl. ",ii' "",\JI",' }"...:;;. .....'11..h~_J. t ,.,n."~,, l.~:;'; J"l.l.\.,~ t..hd:p 11;#, '".. 'if (A ..~i\.~ of the r,t~siden.t~'Uul be dec~i{lleu,sed!:\ ~~he I"es:i..dent~:€! on 't-;he Nor't;h r;d.d~~ 'kfQuld hayo 'to be 1I1o\r-ed <.lnd the old ba:r"u Ol1 1'.Y'o.;...t'R'l "'~J";d'.e.,> ('l'i1\""I.+~.{~ ,\~'i'"....r.;'A~~ (#"\\''l.1V'Ir.\t'1 'h';r .t.ht:> L~i';\t"ol~t' }\u';.j-,"'::::.d 1~11tl'\1''"'cl1i\ 1" Ij .'/-4 J. -tJ ur", ll;lll~ \-.:f ~ l\.,tll':&.. 1;) ~,J ,1+ \;$!"'" (It" '1l,.J' \-lj U\o:1' 'r:~ v 0' ..,; Ji,~ ~..l., ~.,.~.'oJ ~l:' ~- m \.A ~1ofPP t~ "..:\.. .,~ A.a. & ";'1'':; -~ l' }~'p'~rt::& 4-1." 1)/~:1 clt'-l'rYlt'"'P.1. .; <:"!'!,,1\o.-l co . \:V.,~41<' ..)A,l..,..t. ~.v vv ~~..... ,V&yt._'V It-~Q1J},~;f,;.,.6' Ir\il'O hOI'6~SH~lchest~nu:t tl""'ces on t;,he rd.de of Her;lJ ~)tl~eet 1r/ill ha:t1G be r(~rl1oved ~ These \'.1'111 b(~ the only shude tJ.ffected on th(;~ \thol(~ route of ~3chotle ) 20 'rbe propex"'tI'Y required fraIa He'\\T ~itreet) to the top o;t' tihe North h:tll is filQst.ly \1Tast(;.) land of 1i ttle'\)'alu,e.~ It might.i 1)(:1 Hiss to (,;c.jn~J:i.der th~~ adv:tsabl.l.i;ty construct:ting a t'ru,~ lane roa,dvlay on Ht3't'1 ~Jt11o"e€rt f:c'omGurti.s ;j'treet to 11albot Stt"eet; i~lstf3ad (Jf a )6 foot )~oad as prov:td\~d :1.n t~J:le Par!t()!" Heport ,0 Irhf:) whole of Schame 7f 2coul<;t be conL}tr\lcted including t,he l'l<JH' bridge &.lld 'sul)v!uy vt:tthout dis:l"puti,ng t':rarfj.(~;$' If acheme Ii ,is folloued tho road \'fill have to IJO closed for many ll'l()nt~hs (~ I do not believe. tfho.t~ th.e {JOBt~ of co:nstructti1:lg a rH.r~'1 :r.'oud on Rotl.:'ca iJ': 5 is 'IIulr14;lnted~. It.:, :1.6 UI)t de~iJ:ned. to modern h:i.g11,!lJ't:tY standards p :1. t h~o ex~~aStsj;V'e long grad(1S, sho:~t vi~libilit;y $ ahu;rp curves and wfll l:1.:m1t the speed of traffto", It tJtll rOtAte :i.nO()mi.nL; and ou.t.eoi.tlis ttN.lffic ov~:;r narlrowCitf:Y' ~:3'troet;s causing t;reat, cQnf'usion to ~:nrdr:(ve:r.s and.w:;1.told dUll1ttJ;es to tho' proport.y ouners on 0t 11> i..h;;~orge ;j.tr'cot.1); ~Ctsi~ ;.)tl'eet and ~l~Y'slan dt!1tee't j.l1 the Ci.ty u:nd on iJt ~~ QeQl~ge ;.)t:t'~H:rt;. 1.,n '1:,110 Oount;y ~ .....$...'" I do not believe that it is capable of serving the purposes intended and in a few years the public will demand the construction of another entrancG$ Comparing the unit prices given in the Parker Report ~dth those of contracts let this year I believo that both Sohemes can be constructed at much lower costs than 6iven in tile Parker Heport~ All of wh:i.ch is respectfully submitted. r~~ ~.k1 (J ,rJ2 ' cPt' /,1 I(J if",. COUNTY ENGINBBR~ St.~ ~Jhomas'f Onta~rio,~ September 29th~ 19560 S~~\. THOM1\lS, ontario It 10th. 1956. TIIE ST. THOM.AS SUBURB.!\N RO.tillS COMl'vUSSION Ille't at 'the cour'l; TIouse at 10 a.I!l; PK8SJTINT: GEORGE CROSS C1L\I R1lJifJ;l . R. C01JJ}rp~R - COI,!~'JIISSI01Sr.F~R JOBN COOK _ .ASSISTANT j'}[UNICIP AI., 1~NGIffEER FRED. A. BELL - COUN'rY }1;NGIW~}~R T.B:E BRIEF SUB:MITTED by . C. MILLiTIR, city Engineer, regarding the iJ1Jive st iga t ion of C. C. p.ARK]:R AND ASSOCIATES of the prop 0 seiJ. Nort11 :Sntrance to the City of st. ThO:nJ.8.S waS considered and M.r. Bell waS instructed to prellare a re])ly outlining his views on the proposalS. ;; ~~~.ii.~' CliAIHJ\:TJu;~ · ST. THOM~S, Ontario. August 13th. 1956. THE s~r. THOrlAS SUBURBi!J\T ROlillS CONITJlISSION' met at the Court House at 3.15 p.m. PR1~SE1\rT - GEORGJ1: CROSS, Chairman VI. R. COULTER E. R01J1!E JOlIN COOK, Assistant IvlullicipalI~ngineer ]}].]'.s. S.44}IDERS, County Solicitor F. A. BJl;LI1, County I~ngineer. TEfJ:] MEETING 1JilaS held to consider what action should betaken in regard to the artiole published in t.b.e st.. IIlhomas Times-Journal on }prid~y, August loth. and an editorial published on August 11th. IvJ.r. V\f. C. 1\r1illert City Engineer, had released to the pap(~r his opinion on the advantages of selecting Schem.e ~~ 5 as outlined in the HelJOrt of a. C. Parker and Associates, Consulting IGngi.ne era. TIrE COI\fmjlISSI01n~1~S viera of the opinion that the costs releasea. by IvIr. Miller cannot be substantiaJeed and that the pUblio should be advised that a true :picture of the North Entrance Problem cannot be drawn from the :published. reports. CIL~IR.1VL41q CHOSS oonsented to prepare a statement to be released to the Times Journal. Tiffi. I\IlILI1ER submi tted a statement of the c os t of preparing the aerial cont;our plan.s used. b~y IVlr.. J?arker in his repar'I; of the North Entrance, amount to ~!fj 754.96. 1,/1:1'. Bell was instructed to have the accol.mt paid. THE MEETING adjoul~ed at the call of the Chairman. fiivL9 II ~Jr~ 14th. August, 1956. STATIDfl"..ENT BY G];~OHGl~ CROSS, CIDURM1JN', ST. 'mONiAS SUBm\N H.OiillS CO]vIMISSION AT A ]JIEETING of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, JJilonday afternoon, attention vva.s drawn to the reports in the Times-Journal of ]'riday and Saturday last with respec"tto the propo sed entrance to the city to connect with WelltngtonRoado mill COlVfoIDJIISSION states there is no deadloclc on the proposed routes but rather that considerable :progress is being made. There is still much preliminary work to be. done before any proposal can be recanmended by the Commission. THill COST of any project e:xceeding ~~ 500,000 is deserving of considerable oonsideration, and this is partioularly true in this instance 0 Not only must the actual cost of the construction of the route be considerea., but also the effect of expropriation, and on the valuation of present residentia.l properties, if it is necessary to connect il1Tith existing streets in the City of st. Thomas. ~n~ COI~\rrSSION regrets 'the inforn~tion published in the press as portraying only part of the problems and in particular 'the traffic oonditions which must be considered in its connection with presen.t arteries of traffic. WITH T:H:E: aOIvIPLETIOI>I of HighiJyay 401, this route must be oapable of acc;ommoda ting the greatly increased traffic, and provide a quick economical modern and safe method of approach to and from the City. TIrill COST to the travelling public will be much greater 'than the initial cost of the road, and to minimize this, there m.ust be taken into account such factors as the nu.m.ber of lanes available, the grades of the hills, the visibility and the time ana. cost involved in travelling over the roacl. THE COlvl1VlISSION cannot substantiate the oosts released to the Press b,y IVIr.Wo C. lvliller, the City Engineer, as they do not fully 'take into acc:ount all factors, and are in relation only to pa.rts of two alternative routes which are proposed, but which are not comparable in the service provided to the publico Until further st~ua.y, such infom.ation is not available, and any release by the co:mmnission would be premature at the present time~ TH'ill1:1E IS TIDTI :rt(JRTHER problem as to proportionate cos't to the various bodies concerned -- The Province, the County and the City -_ dependant on the route seleoted, both as to the initial cost and maintenance. 'lm CONINIISSION GIVES its assurance that it is most anxious to have this matte:r completed' as soon as possible, and to provide the best route tor the travelling public, at as eeonomical a figure as is reasonably possible. aONSIDEHA.TIOl\f is being given to constructing roads on 1956 standards, v~ith a vievvto safety, and a vision to the increasing flow of traffic, and it is not desired to make a tenlporary job 0:1' an opportunity to make a tine modern entrance to the City. Pl{OPOSEDROU1'ES -- The above sketch, pro- vided for The Times-Journal by City Epgineer Warren C. Miller, shows the two routes presently under consideration for the new north entrance tQ, St. ~'homas to link the city withHi~hwaY40L Scheme 5, the, one. on the right of the map, 'has been advocated by the city since the matter was opened in 1952 and has been supported by a con- sultant engineer called in to submit pr6'posals The second route, Scheme 2, also proposed by the engineer; is art alternative., While Sche:p1e 5 follows the present route of St. George stre,p-t with a number' of improvements, Scheme 2 strikes acroSs, open, country :from the north end of"'New.sftef:1C1o"lfnk upwfththe:'" 'Wellii).gton road' nearly a mile away; The St. George street scheme is $189,300 cheaper than the New street extension. 10 receIve H. .tie alSO pUlnLeu out ,the important business as- 'pect of the additional traffic :reaching the city. Although the London office of ,C. C. Parkef- (\ndAssoeiates' prepared five alternative schemes for the improvement of the north entrance to the city at the request of Mr. Bell, the field, of. choice ha$ now been narrowed down to two.. . . . '. One . of. ,the .sche~es . is exact... ly . the sa~e' as '. oI).e p,I'eparedby Mr. ", Miller in 1952 and . for which the city has' been pressing t:qroughout the negotiation years. Costs ,$188,300 Le~s' This. scheme,' known' ()fficial- ly . as Schema ,No.. 5, costs' , $188,300 less thaIl the alterna- tive 's~hem~~' 'known . as. N o~2. 'Scheme No.5. 'follows the exist-' ing route of! St. George ~treet except for a gentle curve'through Cowan Park at the north end to eliminate the ,two' dangerous' bends just north of th'e Cana- dian 'National RailwaycIlossing. Construction of, , approximately' 750 feet of 'new. road will be: neces~ary' , through Cowan Park. It will cilrry four lanes, of traffic. '...' Scheme No.2 ...:- a.nd the an~ wJ1ic;h " it .is understood tbe , County favors ~. starts' at. th~ north end, of New street :and requires . n~arly a', mile of, new road' C'onstruction to link up with the Wellington road., Some heavy fill' operations in' the" deep' Kettle Creek valley" two' stream 'diversions as well as a new road to, link First street and.' St., George street,' with the, New street extension, are, but somei of the factors involved' in, this plan. , , Scheme I No.' 2 places . the C.N .R. bridge over the road at a. point' abaut '700 feet west of the present railway crossing; while the str~et itself lin,ksup with the Wellington road . at roughly the same 'distance west of the pointwhere Scheme No. 5 leaves' Cowan, Park. , . Use " Exist~ng , Route 'I'he ~itY'sscheme. follows the route of .St. George stre,et' with the down ,grade . extenClingas far as First street before ris- 'ing, to go, OVer the . creek and under the railr.oad. The. route will, however, be straightened lout . to. i give ;,per'fect visibility. I The, bridge pver the creek will, I if the city's plan isadopt~d, be 'set 10 feet higher than at --....-.... .....~"".... .............- ................ .........- ,.,..."'" ...'-"-~_ ..., v.'\..-A. the creek. The engineer indicated that. there are no additional mainten- ance problems if the St. George str..e.etv.J'mdio,is -I'ldopted; He des/~ribed the future limit.. \1l tions of Scheme 2 as being "none'. and for the 8t. George street route as "existing built- PAG~, fOUR .,i .... . ." .'. ..... ..",r~D;,I~t1Y\~"s.ilfjl.fDAfij'A'OGtI~J' (irhe Qrim~S-'dJ~~r,~m!~~~~i',.~~~- >>1 IN:PEPENDENT . Ni!rwLilPAPEB I I'tTBLISHED every afterlloon.' holidays8nd Sund~ya exceptedOY The. 'rimes.,rourna.l'of . lii,h,Thoma:; Li~nited at 16.20 'Hincks Street.'St"''fhl::!mas.~.:pnt~ ,L. H. DINGMAN~' FOUNPEItr"',,.,,; Thomas Keith.. ,', .. '. .... , " ,'.mditor~1n.c:h1f;f George M. Dingman . President. ManagIng Director Cliarles D.., Dingman Vice.Pl'esident Gordon D~'. A,g~lew Secretary.Treasur,er $[JBSCR~pTION RA rES,.., Year 6 Mths:3Mths Month Motor RouteD~1ivel'y$l1,OO $5.75 '$3.00 ,,$1,00 By' Mail in Can?da.and ",;:" ... Br~tish 'ppsses::;iol1s$lO.OQ' $5.25 $~,75'; ~$1;0~ J3y MaHin t):le Unitedt' i" .... '. . . ...'" . States' 1$1J.,OQ$S:t15 . $3.00", :: $1,00 Carrier Delivery"'. /. 30; Cents<rel'Y,Wee~ '1'ELEP~iONE 2570. S1.'4tchb'oard' con'nection..wtth I all qepartl'l'1entsjol' daY calls 'only. Atothel'~fl,1es; Busl1tess ': Office ,.' ..... : . . . ,. :'. ~ ... ;r. :.'C\.2900 Pis play ~dvertishlir " . . , . . , . ~ /; , . /:': . . " :': .,; ,,4172 Mis's(l)d . Papers . .. " ': , ,. ., . .'. .. .,' ../~i1i2920 sports. R~por~ers \!l1d '.' ~cIit?r:ll ...' .). ,..".i ." ltt,/Z~Ol MEMBER, Audit ,,13ureau lof.. Cil'cula'Ucl1l:lvlemb~r Canadian. Paily . Newspaper '. Associ.atio~~nd,1~, . C~nadian 'Pre~s..., '." ..,' ....,. ......,....:;..'..:;.(\,dj\'~.,.;.{ '!'HE,.' CANADIAN "'press'ja'. e~cluslvely,:'entjtl~tt'~!3 'th~, use fOl'repuqUcation' of ~fUneW~.;~iSPl:ltc~.e~. , credited' .~o . it. . ()r. to' 'l:h4il.Associat~~..'~re~~\.~~. Ret~tep~. in ,this newspaper;. and"'al$o/to;.tl1e"10~aJ new~ . pu\=J1isl1ed . herein; ;, Allrlgtlt~fo.r're'P.ubUcaH9J1 ! of.' ~pecialdispatches he.rf.'lil1 are.a 1~9r~~utfe.~,1"",.; REPRESEN'!'ElD . Nationally by 'Wf!';L;';Edwa:l'ci~l: &,' C()';.):.. .t.d.. ". 3.4 . King.. ~t;.'... ....E. ..' ,". T,...O..... r..o.,..n...'t....o'......'...'.',.........'.'.........T.......,....e...,.,l.,.,.....e.....,.,.......p........,..h..,.........,..o....,............n...............,e,...................,..... ii. "'EMl?h'~}I/'~93;. ';.' .... ....... .... '. ."'/.:,::;./,;';:::.'i.it":~!".'t)::':;.v:! AUTHORIZlCD,..as . ,second elassmail.:' PostcOfftce . Departm~nti ,OttS,,:\,8.' ..\. . ""it'.:t",\b,';:(':.0~~:.1 . ':No. ,..r~.I~. ,:.i.E.n.......t....,.r..a.. .n.'...c...... e.........~..'...p:..I...'.'.a.....'.n...:.:.'.S...'. ,....<,.:.,........,...,.,......,.".,................................. ".....,'I.,.rr'hei.e..... ..is ..,"little",l1~ed'. .to':clwelt;...Mg~l}:;~il~. htl~o'l~allce' of"'a .",speed~ ...deciiSi.?n ',f()~l~er~{ lug the. ,pr9Po~ed:~ew:'.llorthij~lit~~i1.9~,i\~gj the city 'of' st:r.rliomafbu~t~w.;,W?r,~~i;t2t Alderl11aIl.Mahlofl' :9.Moor~,,"'~1?);~~i4.ttl1:e,. matter l~~ql?eel~, ~'~t~lledto"a:...(I~~~l~?~J" are Jl1deed'tno'st ". "si r.11lifidil1t", ",,"i.;::;;.': ,.17':':";~<?, " '. .... '.',.e;. ....... '.",.,:,\}.'.:H;',' veste~.day...:tll~,'''pe9pl~,;;:,e~'i',~~.,\i.;i~~ll~m~~,; and Elgii.l.'.... ....,e. 0...., .u....l1t... Y.. 'w. ,'..'.e.' .r...~.,..e......'..,'.....'..'g........l......v....e...~.l.'...';.........'.'.'"..t.,l....l. t..........o.,.....u.'...'.....g....'.....l...,.l......'....'.......).'.t..,.....1.......1,..,.....,....~.,..'..... . ,', . '.' .... ~.. ,. "'.',...."."c'.'..., coluhl11S 'oftth~is' .'#eW'~l?apel~{.\).tll~i1..,~;"i~!t.s~ ,-"eally . .qeta~1~d',otltli,~~~l,9t':,yl}~t:.:i~~~~:~t~n~.ri pire .,jl1...the't$t~,.!9,~ql'~~,:.:~.~F~~~E.~;~~'.;,g~;Jl!J.~. city ,.al1d:cOul1t~~:';tJ}~,Anat~.~~;&1~~~!',~~.~m.l1~~i the " shi~~.......;v.ll~t~~..',;a:t";qlt?!C;e.'::'R'~t\y,~~11;,]t,j,~YiR.. tou tes ", f or.th e\,'~l f?W",. .~11 t.i"~,1}~l?:::}.1~~:{~.f2Ct;R7;\ 14th. August, 1956. STAT.cl;J:v1ENT BY GJ;iiOHG1~ CROSS, amURMA1\f, ST. 'ffiOlvLm SUBURl3.l11'J HO.ADS COl\.IJJVIISSION AT A ]JIEETING of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, JVlonday afternoon, attention ilVaS drawn to the reports in the Times-Journal of ]'riday and Saturday last with respec-t to the propo sed en trance to the Ci'ty to connect withWelltngtonRoad. ~ CO]JTIIJIISSION states there is no deadlock on the proposed routes but rather that considerable progress is being made. There is still much prelira.inary work to be done before any proposal can be recommended by the Commission. THE COST of any project exceeding ~~ 500,000 is deserving of considerable oonsideration, and this is partioularly true in this instanceb l\Jot only must the actual cost of the oonstruction of the route be oonsidered, but also the effect of e:A."1Jropriation, and on the valuation of present residential properties, if i't is necessary to oonnect Vvith existing streets in the City of st. Thomas. ~-m cOI~\rrSSION regrets ,the infonnation published in the press as portraying only part of the problems and in particular ,the traffio oonditions whioh must be considered i.n its conneotion with present arteries of traffic. 1JVITH TIrE cOlvIPLETIOI\f of Highway 401, this route must be capable of aoc;o:rmnodating the greatly increased traffic, and provide a quick economical modern and safe method of ap1)roaoh to and from the City. ~ COST to the travelling public will be much greater ,than the initial cost of the road, and to minimizetb.is,there must be taken into acoount such factors as the num.ber of lanes available, the grades of the hills, the visibility and the time an(l cost involved in travelling over the road. THII: cOlvIDJlISSION cannot substantiate the costs released to the Press b:y IVIr.Wo C. IvIiller, the City :Engineer, as they do not fully 'take into acc:ount all faotors, and are in relat~ion only to :parts of two alternative routes vifhich are proposed, "but "t"hich are not comparable in the service provided to the publio# Until further st~udy) suoh infor.mation is not available, and any release by the Corronission would be premature at the present timeo THH1BE IS THE]'URTHER problem as to proportionate cost to the various bodies concerned -- The Province, the County and the City __ dependant onLthe route seleoted, both as to the initial cost and maintenance. TEE CONThlIISSIOl\f GIVES i,ts assurance that it is most anxious to have this rnatte:r cOID.'"pleted' as soon as possible, and to provide the best route for the travelling publio, at as economical a figure as is reasonably possible. CONSIDERA..TION is being given to oonst:ructing roads on 1956 standards. with a view to safety, and a vision to the increasing flow of traffio, and it is not desired to make a tenlporary job of an opportunity to malee a fine modern entranoe to the City. ST. TH01VIft~S, Ontario. August 9th. 1956. A JOINT }J.miET1NG OF TI-:IE ST. TI-IONU~S SUBURBAN ROl-illS CO~l[l\irrSSION, HI~PRgS:ImTATDr:II;S OF THE . THOTvIi\S 01 TY COUNCIL and A SPIGOIJiL COrJIlViITTEJ~ FI10M 'mE ELGIN COUNlJ."'Y ROPJ)S COM]/[[~CTJ[:~E:, met at the Court House to consider a HeJ?ort on the proposed NevV' North Entrance ana. Cana<lian l\fational Haj~lvvays Grade Se]?ration from C. C" Parker and l~ssoc:tates, consulting ~n;l1gineers. PRmSllliT - SU13UHB.AI-q ROADS CON]\ITSSION - WI. R.. C 0 lJL~~JsR GEOHGIii CROSS '"fJ1 . l:J. ROv~E CIrrY COUNOIL C.. ~MOORi~ w. c.. :MILLER COlli\f'Iry CO"01\fCIL - J. C. HI}\lDLEY J. B. WILSON CL..tL-qIGNCJl; CtJ""LVI~R WARDEN HOVI.i\RD P AUI.CEiH F. A. BELL C . C.. P ARY0TIH J1ND ASSOCIATES - C. C.. ]?AIZKI~R J .. DISlIER DEP.ART]vG.I;I\l~l OF HI GI-HVAYS J('~'Y'f'T COOTT ^ ..!- t ,,- .. 1 ".1. ' - t .JXJ.l\l J J.'l.., l1.SSJ..S Gan' l'J1UXllCJ.:pa .t:.sl1gJ.neer. MR. COUIJTER acted as ChairrQan of the meeting. }:vIR. }J-"L1PJCE:R submitted a Heport, ~~sti:rnates, J?lans, etc. in vifhich he investigated five alternatiiT6 routes as follows:- SOTTG'l1\pm., .!i1.Jl J1 .Il 1 l" .n .J..l~W..l.:J 71' _ A 2 Lane Highway cOlll1ectingthe North end of I;lEW STRITII!iTto County Road 25 S.A. or what is generally known as v\lellingtoll Hoad.. SCJIlill\m if 2 _ A 4 Lane Hig11'\t\Tay over the same route as Scheme If 1. -2- August 9th. 1956. SCHr!J\JIE 7~1 3 A 2 Lane Highway following the present course of ST. GIGOHGJ~ STRBET from. Talbot street North SCI{E~NIU: # 4 A 4 Lane Highvvay fOllovving the course of Scheme /1 3. som:mvrn:: It!: 5 .A 4 Lane Highway on the present course of ST. QEf:ORGE STRlI:ET from Elysian street; North and A 3 Lane street on ST. GEGRG:tt: srrR.J1m::T from rralbot stree't 'to Elysian stree't. I-DfTER MR. PARICBJR eX1Jlainea. his Report the details were disoussed at length and lVir. Miller read a preJjared statement in which he strongly objected to considering any' route, exoept fJcheme If 5. ME. NIILIJER agreed to submit a CO})y of his state~ment for consideration of the Suburban Roads Connnittee. IVIR. PARKITIR submi'tted an invoice for his services an1olun:liingto ~~ 5,523.00. lTIll~ JPOLLOV'lING I{H::SOl;(YfIOI\l V\Tt:lS adopt;ecl:- IT I,VAS li/IOVIGD BY . E. ROVIlE SEOONDI!~D BY G}~OHGE CROSS TH1\.T TN LTIf.!:TI vvi th t-;hegiscussion regarding the bill of C. C. Pl(RI{J:GR -,~\\I) 11SSOCIATJ}jS for Re]?ort on NeVIl street; - st. George street IIa.-provern.ents that Iv'fr. Bell discuss the 8Jnount 1J1li th IVtr. Parker and try to arrive at an amo un tj to be paid and division of swns. o .ARJ:tIIGD . ~ill~ 1r~~~TING adjourned at the call "- ~."'J. {J ,/ /4 /;! t-~ fr J.! A4J~~ .. ". . --t'JRAJ:RKi;u;r~-~-'>-'"-""-"> .....-... .. -- ~ of the Chairman. ST. ~1m~, Ontario. JULY 18th. 19~H). A JOINT lIJIEETING of the St. Thomas Suburban H.oa,ds Commission ana a Special Committee of the Elgin County Roads Committee :met a t the Court Ho use at 2 p.m.. The FOLLOiJVING vVl1:RE PHES1~TT:- G"EORGE CROSS W. R. COULTER iftl. E. ROliVE Jom B. WILSON CLA....Ti.ENaE CULVER F. A. BELL. Tl:.rE MEMBERS aONSIDERED A REPORT SUB.!VO: TrED by e.c. PARKER AND ASSOCIATES, LItITTED, Consulting Engineers, regarding their inves,tigation of the ThTorth Entrance to the City of St. Thomas. AFT~illR A LONG DIsaUSSION ].IJr. Bell was instructed to arrange a In.eating with the St. Thomas City Cotlllci1 and the Engineers, on Augus't 8th. 1956. cl, ,;i ~~... #'~/vt}~y/ CHAI1plIAI\f . " 1 ...;._.".,...,.,...,~...",.,.,._.."....",.,~.-......."...;.<t.'_",.,-ki''''~ ~ ST. TH01v1AS, ON'i'ARIO. May loth. 1956. A (fOINT MEETING OF THE ST. THOMllS SUBURBAN ROliDS COMlfiSSION AND REPRES:BINTATDTESOF THE ST. TI-:IO~AAS CITY CODNCIL was held in the Court House at 2 p.m. to open the tenders submitted for oonstructing the FINGAL BRIDGE. T'.EIE FOLLOWING ATTENDED the meeting:- CHAIR-rrJ1AN - GEORGE CROSS w. R. OOULTER w. E. ROWE M. C. lJIOORE CHARLES HAMIVIERSLY Vi. C. MILLER F. A. BELL v. R. ASTROP. ATTACHED is a Schedule of the five tenders submitted. THE FOLLOvV!NG RESOLUTION was adopted:- IT WAS MOVj11D BY M. C. MOORE W. R. COULTER THAT TEE TENDER ot the ELGIN CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., st. Thomas tor the construction of the FINGAL BRIDGE SECONDED BY at the Estimated ...tUn.ount of as submitted by the attached u.nit prices be aocepted, subject to the apJ?roval of the st. Thomas City Council and 4~ 56,722.20 The ontario Department of Highways. CAR.RI1ID. AFTER TEE MEETING the Commissioners and Fred. A. Bell inspected all the Suburban Roads. l~1 'I 0- /'~ ~12",":-:Jfl~7 CRAIR1'J.tAN" " A ..._..,~,-~ TENDER FOR BRIDGE OVER KETTLE CREEK CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBli.N ROADS COMMISSION ITEMIZED TENDER The bidder will prepare his tender legibly. Unit prices must 'be' given in figures and ['.1$0 . written' in words. Tender must be extended and totalled. Bidders will not bid prices for items not listed and prices so submitted will not be recognized in the tender. NO. ITEM QUANTITY ESTlMAT1D UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST I Temporary Crossing 1,S. 6,500.00 II III IV v VI VII VIII IX x Removal of Existing Sub- structur~~ &: Rip Ri"p 4,eoo.oo "r ~ .!..I.O. Cofferdams & Unwatering 1.8. 2.700.00 Excavation for Structure (A) Earth (B) Rock Two Dollars 11400 (2.00) 2,800.00 Five Dollars 2_ (5.00) 25.00 156 Thif~o.B8Tlars4,680.00 Thi~Lytwo Dollars 785 \3~.OU J ,25,056.00 Thirty five Dollars _ 72.L (35.00) ~,53t7 .50 2,761.70 910.00 652.00 53,222.20 C 'v . L . C.Y. Concrete in Footings C.Y. Concrete in Structure C.Y. Place Reinforcing Steel Ton Supply Steel Handrail L.S. Erect & Paint Steel Handrail L.S. Miscellaneous Mete.lvwrk L.8. Subtotal: EstiIlkJted Contingeneies See clause 7.10 L.S. 3,500.00 -- 50,722.20 Total: Respectfully Submitted ELGIN CONS'I'RUCTION CO. LTD. Signed A. mOLl Address 1103-1105 Talbot ISt.,st.Thomas, Ont4 Page 20 TENDER FOR BRIDGE OVER KETTLE CREEK CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND ST. TijOMAS SUBURBIJLROAl;>S CQMlvgSSION. Mr. F. Bell, lGngiil~er for Suburban Roads Commission, c/o Courthouse, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: We, the undersigned contractors have exaimined plans, specifications and location of the work described herein, and are fully informed as to the nature of the work and the conditions relating to its performance, c;nd understs-nd thc-..t the quantities shown are approximate only and are subject to either increase or decrease. We, the undersigned, propose to furnish all necessary me.chinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction, do all the work, furnish all the materials, except as otherwise spec- ified and, for the priess named in the itemized tender, to complete the work herein described in strict accordance ~ith the plans there- fore, and in strict conformity with the requirements of the specif- ications for the performance of the work. V~e, the undersigned, further declare that no member of the Council of the City of Sto Thomas or the County of Elgin, or of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission is, or will become interested directly or indirsctly as a contracting party or otherwise in the performance of the contract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or of any such supplies to be used therein or any of the moneys derived therefrom. A marked cheque, or guarantee bond, for the sum of $5,500.00 is enclosed hereiNith.. (Please turn to page 2) Page 1 ITE:M 1 Tempora~1 Crossing TE Ii ::If\E< fi".:s . _..5. 2 Removal or 'Exis~ti.ng Sub~ '" Stl.>1lUCtur~&. Rap L.Se J CofferdamS' ",11.. 't .. Li ~1"!,',lJ'''' e~"lln. ,04 ~~Q",i1~ &II_~ !t E:J{:cavD:tion "~ } ~l , Concrete, I~"ootings / (Vnn~~n~o;~ ~~~u.~tn~o ,) ._vv, ~_ ~ '-Pq;ji _J,J!. ~J) '<,II"" .... ~l.Jl. ~ 1 Pla~e ReinfoT@ing Steel ~ Supply s'teel Handrail 9 greet & Paint . S~eel Han~ail L.,Se: C.lo C.Yo Ton L..80,' L..S~ 10 lY'Jiscellaneous Metalw9rk ,L.5($" Contingencies L~So. ',156 . "7tt~ .'72~6 . .~i~, "t, ':( II ;1 , J.' ' ST!B-i{10rrcl1 T . ..1 - u .. ;oi!o",~ut 1-, TOTAL 1 :I' I P~CEI'V1tD . THE J!I1JGAL ',:BRIDGE ::'. Q!;t:. ~..;,y"V. I~ 'JI . G.ti.FFNEY: fdatthslrlS' lrvid.KAY....COCKER COr-lSTRUG- .1 COIWRJ5TE1 CONSTRUCTION " TrON ... llr~' OIIDON . ~bNDON ~rnA~OOD 1 UNIT ,TOTAL 11" UrITT. TOTAL1.Ur.'11....1'.' ,'.I.ToTA. L PRICU~_ST 1. PRIC~ COST IPR:,-:~j COST ~ 1109850.00.11 ' :3 ,800.00 I.. . ]991+20eOO ".., .- I 855eOO,/ .. tl+,565,,0-0 , . Ii .. I . Ii. 5 9 60. o. 0.'. Q ...11 .... ~~. 00 '.' 2,8020.' 00 ..11.. ...~7. . (859. b..o ~ 626 q} O~ 1 ,100~OO.~1,oOO. 7")000 .il.14~OO r 7000tJ I. .J...... ,..1.'.20...0.......,.....0......... .........11.2. ,.14 .3, 921 ~ 84 ..1.'11. 5. 00 t 29. 34.00. 00 13?;584.00iI59.00 r6,197 .OO~45 .50?, 9626.50 i:. . 2l>9iOl~..,'OO .......1.140000 .1,'.'.2.t1'.904.0.0.D.J+) 000 .13.~..121.......$O I " . ,.J II 6 1.2g.500~OO.:.i.I... .'.11..',9itO.OO ..1............ . ...2',97 9'0:00 '. ... .1; .. ' I .. ~ I........ ...\t ..1......6,000,,00 II J :l.p.152eOO ~. ' .1li if i ~ '. ,;.,if I' . "0' .. All i . .-: J i~ Of'l 1 ......900o{.;10,tE.. '." ..' ...20.' '<lO\.J~I, . . &~oo:""\Jl ~ .' . -.""~ fit .... . "'II .'~ l67~~ 210 {} 00 "11..' 183 P 282,,~1 ~5 ,~28 .30 _l.1.a?OOoQQII. ~;.50Q.&Q ~ ~;)uQ.@ 170a 7l0;,OOII186,713Z.S41 fa,M8.30 L f)S e' y-"'-""~--"- , 'J 1~~5QO~oo 1 2g5~.,0011..'........." ... ...,...1..........4.'. .6,000000\; .. . '.' .....12,700..00 '. )t)'OO.. I 7,00000..0, I:" .2....0.9...0......................1'.. 2. ,.,800.0. 0 I". 4000. 10.00 ;0.00. 5~oq... 25.00 20.00 2;000 I )J900~d(1 ,}O$90. ,bd'!)680QOO 120(<)00 J{-OQOO 131~320QOO, .,~2~~5,056e'OO 48000 70.00 -I'.' ....,...jC....8.Z...........0.'."~..O..."..t. 35.~.,.... 2.. >>51;''1.<>00.40.00 ~,~~OQ.OO:lf 2,761.701 'h"'/ .... .. ..1;., .L ., ...... .., ,I . i<;~:rt@Ot>,.OOl,J 9J..O~00 . . I :.tl." . :;J.-; .~[;cfY, .' .;.........l\: . .600000 t+6:>N"OO , t 6.9652...001 b;>>-~2)" 1~.1 ~!.-- 3500000. . 1- ~ 5000001 1'73 i15Z4oot .$6>>725/101 ~'O'? ri'<;~m~~. 'Q~ ~ ftT'ii'f v ..tJ J.:~ ;..J. '.' ~ ~U'..il.~\i ST. THOMAS, Ontario. April 9th. 1956. A JOINT M&ETING of the St. Thomas Suburban Road$ Commission and Representatives of the County Counctl and City Council met at the Court House at 10.30 a.m~ GEORGE GROSS W. E. ROVlE JOHN B. WILSON JAMES C. HiNDLEY CLARENCE CULVER C . HAWJIERSLEY M. C. MOORE JOHN COOK WQ C. MILLER FRED. A. BELL C. C. PARKER Vo R. ASTROP PRE SE N!\ - _ Chairman Suburban Roads Cormnission _ Commissioner Suburban Roads Commission _ Chairman County Road Committee _ Reeve of TO"V'ffiship of Yarmouth _ Reeve of Township of Southwold _ Alderman City of St. Thomas _ Alderman City of St~ Thomas _ Assistant Municipal Engineer:, Highways Department - City Engineer - County Engineer Consulting Engineer _ Consulting Engineer THE MEETING was called to hear Mro Parkemreport on his inves~igation regarding the proposed Grade Separation in the vi'einity of the present level crossing of St. George Street and the Canadian National Railways. MR. PARKER submitted plans and estimates of a. proposed new route connecting New Street, in the Oi t,y of St. Thomas with Suburban Road # 25 S.A., a distance of about 5,000 lineal feet. He proposed that a subway be constructed under the Canadian National Railways about 1,300 feet 'West of the present level crossing and a new reinforced concrete bridge be constructed a(~ross Kettle Creek about 700 feet West of the present bridge. -2- April 9th. 1956. HE ESTIMATED that the cost of constructing the new road providing for a two lane paved highway will cost $ 514-5,000.00, providing for a four lane highway, the estimated cost will be $ 670,000.00. AFTER MllClI discussion the fOllc)wing resolution was adopted:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY w. E. ROiNE M. C. MOORE THAT THE REPORT of C.C. PARKER AND ASSOCIATES relative to the construction of a new highway to connec~t Wellington Road with the City of St. Thomas be received and THAT MR. PARKER be requested to extend his stUdies of the project. THAT he be requested to investigate the feasability of connecting the Proposed New Highway with North Avenl1e in Lynhurst and to submit an estimate of the cost of constructing the Subway under the Canadian National Railways at the present level crossing. THAT MR. PARKER be requested to submit a quotation of his fees for preparing his Estimates and Reports. Carried. MR. PARKER submitted Plans and Specifica.tions for the Fingal Bridge and the following resolution was adopted. IT vvAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY Itl. E 0 ROVJE vV. C. IVITLLER " THAT the Plans and Specifications submitted by C.C. PARKER AND ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers, be approved and THAT the County Engineer be instructed to advertise for tenders for the construction of the Fingal Bridge. Carried. TH]~ COMIVIITTEE adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. ::" !!.'i ~/ ' f ;~-/ ,..;' .4'. I ",I/i ,;-' . . ~ . , ~. ~,/,U::!J H 4~ CHAIRMAN. . .-- t. T:HOlilA.8, Ontario. ]'ebruary 1st. 1956. A JOINT 11/iEETING OJ!' l~LGIN CODN'l'Y n.o.AD C OM1~\IT TTIGE AND 'Im~ ST. T,HO]JIA.8 SUB1:JRBlillT HO.ADS C01V\JV:O:TTEE met at the Court House at 3 p.Dl. PRESE1\rrr: - G1TIORGE CROSS H. COmJTl~R CLAR1'11:JCE CDLVI1iR J. o. HIJSIDLEY B. T. S. , i:pa1 I~ngineer FRED A. , County Engineer. 'filE wlliETING waS called to consider ,the proposed st. George street, Canadian National Hailways Grade Separation. Iv.iIN1JTJTIS of the lneeting helct on January 13th. were read and approved. THE FOIJIIOv\r.ING HESOL1YP.IONS were adopted:- IT MOVED BY CL.liliENCE CD-.LV~mH SECOJl,1'DJI:D BY GEORGE CROSS THAT R. COULTER act as Chairro.an for the joint :meetings held in 1956. C.4lL.T?RITGD . IT VV.I~S MOVED BY GJ1iOHGE CROSS SJI:C OI:TDED BY CLJlllJ:"!;NCE C1JLVER TFJ'lIJ:\ . BELL secure the services of a firol of consulting Engineers to make an investigation and reconrrl1,endation as to the best location for a grade separation in 'the vicinity of the present ;st. George Street and Canadic1n Na>tional Railways crossing. CARH.IE:n. tI--J~ -2- Ifl~BRU&l1Y 1st. 1956. IT IVTOV}}JD BY SECONDJ~D BY GEORGE CROSS J. C. Hn~1)Ia]Y TB-AT THE N~ETING adjourns until Icalled by the Chairrn..anto meet vv'i th a Special Co:nnni'ttel~ appoin teet by the City of st., Thomas Council, when a conferenoe 'Vvi11 be helo. with the consu~ting ]]ngineers. CARHIED. --~"'~'-'--clillm~:-"'""'''''''"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"''~-''''.."'",,"''" , "".,'","-"', ",'w ST. THOMAS, OIl~ario. January 13th. 1956. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. PRESENT - W. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS VV. E. ROWE T. S. CILDymLL, Municipal Engineer F. A. BELL, County Engineer. THE MINUTES, of the meeting held on November 24th. 1955 were read and approved. A LETTER was read from E. C. REID, City Clerk, informing the Commission that W. E. ROvm was appoillted under By-la.w to serve on the Suburban Roads Commission f()r the balance of the present five year term which will expire on June 13th. 1958. Mr. Rowe will replace Mr. Roy Bowey who has been C:lty Representative for many years. A LETTER was read addressed to W. R. Coulter from Peter Laing, Mayor of St. Thomas, urging that more action be taken in the preparation of plans for the ST. GEORGE STREET, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS GRADE SEPARATION. It ~ras decided that Mr. Coulter interview the Honourable F. S. THOMAS regarding the matter and report to the Commission. THE FOLLOvITNG RESOLUTIONS were adopted:- IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY W. E. RO~m THAT GEORGE CROSS be Chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for the year 1956. CARRIED. -2- JANUARY 13th. 1956 IT WAS MOVED BY W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAT THE INVOICE from C. C. Parker & Ass0ciates for the sum of $ 624.~O for Preliminary Plans and Estimates for the FINGAL BRIDGE be paid. CARRIED. IT WAS, MOVED. BY SECONDED BY w. R. COULTER W. E. ROWE THAT the City of St. Thomas be billed for the sum of $ 8,383.06 as its share of the 1955 Road Expenditures. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY Vi. R. COULTER w. E. ROWE THAT EACH CO~~SSIONER receive an Honorarium ot $ 100.00 and expenses for serving on the Commission for the year 1956. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY 'tv. E. ROWE SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS THAT W. R. COULTER is HEREBY CHOSEN to be the Third Member of the Commission until June 13th. 1958, as provided for by Section 40 (2) of uTHE HIGH~'iAY IMPROVEMENT ACTn. CARRIED. /~ fI ~~ CHAIRIVIAN. FRED. A. BELL. B.Se.. O. L. S.. M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS, ONT.. January 13th. 1956 CITY OF ST. THOMAS IN ACCOUNT T;VI TH THE COUNTY OF.ELGlJN. .~ .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--t.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-. SUBURBAN ROADS RESURFACING AND GRADING REPAIRS TO PAVEIVIENTS SEAL COATING PAVETh~NTS ICE AND SNOW CONTROL DUST CONTROL FENCING, GUARD RAILS SIGNS, CENTRE PAINTING DRAINS AND DITCHES WEED AND BRUSH CONTROL $ 14,811.30 5,559.59 6,002452 1,377.61 78.00 122.94 1,647.20 1,009.40 600.20 PROTECTION, C. & O. CROSSING, MIDDLEMARCH COMMISSIONERS FEES AND EXPENSES 141.75 378.60 926.tQ 32,655.61 2,191:.t.5L 34,847.18 $ SUPERINTENDENCE BRIDGES AND CULVERTS CITY OF ST. THOMAS' SHARE 25% of $ 32,655.61 10% of 2-,191.57 $ 8,163 090 219.1~ $ 8,383.06 CERTIFIED CORRECT COUNTY ENGINEER. FRED. A. BELL, B.Sc., O. L.S., M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS, ONT.. January loth. 1956. ESTIMATE FOR 1956 - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION CONSTRUCTING I.I MILES ROAD MULCH PAVEMENT (22 a.A) $ 9,000.00 SEAL COATING 6 MILES EXISTING PAVEMENTS 7,500.00 REPAIRS TO PAVE~mNTS a, 000.00 WEED. AND BRUSH CONTROL 600.00 ICE AND SNOW CONTROL DUST CONTROL RAILV1AY CROSSING PROTECTIONG (MIDDLEMARCH) FENCING AND GUARD RAILS SIGNS, CENTRE LINE PAINTING, ETG. DRAINAGE AND DITCHING SUPERINTENDENCE LAND PURCHASES COMMISSIONERS FEES AND EXPENSES PLANS, SURVEYS, ST. GEORGE STREET AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS GRADE SEPARATION 1,400.00 200.00 150.00 500.00 2-,000.00 2:,000.00 1 J 000 .'()O 600.00 400.00 CITY OF ST. THOMASf SHARE 2:5% or $ 40,000.00 10% of 40,000.00 $ 10 ,000.00 2;.650.00 40,000.00 40tOOO~oQ 80,,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 4$ 10,000.00 4.000.00 $ 14,000.00.