1957 Suburban Road Committee ST. . ~\TO vC:l1"^'b er ? ':J.t}l l~ ""'iLl. ,,_ ......0 " , 1957. 31' . ION" met, at l'"1onr-t T--IO-l'="e- C't fI1i'ioY"lac 2 Y) m ,.) '-" '" l <) '" LJ. .c J. Ll~ ,:J, 1: I!J - . were present, also . rr. S.. III (J II< fronl London" THE of the I,vere read aOi:>roved. J. ,L, \tJas given by the Engineer. t' T e .3 I> -'- l" d tten The star of to re i of 23 e Ifr BY n no II ~ T the Cat11arines Hoad t on cn" 17th, 1957. on the ext on of t System took r~ ~....... ~ IT BY F' e .:t. H. Of11 :..) J.. & O.r e follo\;'.rj~ Count,'] 8..S of tJ 1st, l05r'- -.-"l ,), subject to the approval of the D nt of HighvJays:- Coun RO~c3 1 f). fro~. ~l'n~~J .-. c.. '" _ _ _ ^,J,I. --oct--. . ~ ~o Gorners - a Btance of ely ") ('~ .) . () , and County 3 3 +'T'OV"l +. l., c:. j_ ... iI l..' 1 .\ \,-, Hoad Allovlane8 b - 2 - ST. 1'_J ." 2 0-th ., 9 f" 7 l\ovemoer'JO . , ,...,,) . 11) ~n no~reccicn v " (:'__ I,J ,tJ. '" :;,:)0_~ ) _ .L~ 11 N'ort:.b, of the, , , North to Allov\Tan.ce between Concession XIII and Concession XIV, Township of Yarmouth; hence westerly to the sex County - a stan.ce of approxirna:tely 3d 'I .u mI. es. . order to ct the emant of the floor on the #> George ;3treet .,~.... ., brJ.o.ge" NO. to be held at call of the Chairman" _~~. 9 ~ . R. G. MOORE. B.Sc.. P.ENG. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHA?LOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPER!NTENDENT lOa416 $..A. ile.d.2, I.A. " aoad a~..'. COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS, ONT. st.iD. ,u.o 4.6 '.0' a~..)OljA. ,. ...,..,loa 1.a '...fHi"" 112a. liell'.. il".' ......1.. 1.-, Paye4 GI"a.tl '''..11 a.ad ',.a1lfWlU eOI'Il.f. \f1~lt"IQnlja<< '.1nllv A"'..I ::;;,.,~.." ~~-:- mil.........,'...................'.,.........:.........',...............'....... /) I ~ ~'"" &r:-":!/-.' . l . .?r'7 /~ 0..0 i%Ir _111 l./V v, ; 1.' 29.0 141... !id,811 aD, be..a., of ft.d r41e.o". J..~llJt. 19f1. U:J. 1.ll a9.0 miles AUTHORIZED. JUNE 21. 1917 R. J. AIKEN ~~ Ralph H. Frayne ST. CATHARINES SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION W. C. NICKERSON ~E:NGINEER "Edward Sokolowski ST. CATHARINES, ONT. OCTOBER 24th 1 9 5 7 Mr. R. G. Moore, Engineer, St. Thomas Suburban Roads Corr~ission Court House, ST. THOMAS ONTARIO Dear Sir: I have enclosed a copy of a resolution passed by the St. Catharines Suburban Roads Commission. Would you please bring this to the attent- ion of your Commission and advise me what action has been taken.. Yours very truly, Edward Sokolowski, ENe: ES/c SECRETARY, ST. CATHARINES SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION. ST. CATHARINES SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION SEPTE~rnER 17th 1957 MOVED BY: Mr. R. J. Aiken SECONDED BY: Mr. W. C. Nickerson WHEREAS there is no apparent association of Suburban Road Commission$. AND WHEREAS it would be of advantage of Suburban Road Commissions to form an association to discuss matters of mutual interests AND WHEREAS an association could be formed within the Ontario Good Roads Association ) BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the St. Catharines Suburban Roads Commission petition the Ontario Good Roads Association to sponsor an association compiled of members of Suburban Road Commissions to discuss matters of mutual interests at a meeting to be held during the Ontario Good Roads Convent- ion and that a copy of this resol~tion be sent to all Sub- urban Road Commissions for endorsation. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONI:rARIO. October $th, 1957. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COM]YII~3SION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, at 3 p.m. PR.E~SENT : - VII (0 E. nOtiJE GEORGE CROSS FIR. J, . H. COOK, Assistant District Municipal Engineer. . . R. COULTER was absent. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER informed the Commis~3ion that they had expended approximatelY~~30, 000 out of an es'cimated ~ll)4.0, 000. PERIJIISSION was given to construc.t bituminous gutters on Fingal Hill. THE EXTENSION OF rrHE SUBUHBAN SYSTE~~: \fJas discussed, and on Road Inspection which followed the Meeting, County Road 33 from the County Line to Suburban Road 30 1I1aS' inspected af) being a possible connecti ng link to Highbury Avenue to London. INSPECTION OF FORl\!ll~R HIGHVJ"AY l/123 -V'J'a~3 made and the Commission decided to protet.")t to -the DepartmentJ of I-lighvfays as to the poor condi tioD. of the pavement, and ask that resurfacing be done before the CommisE3ion accept the responsibility of the road. THI~ ENGINEER "Vfas instructed to try to improve the drclinage 011 Fairvievv Avenue, and if necessary, institute Municipal Drainage Petitions. the Chairman. - 2 - October 8th, 1957. fJIEETING adjourned, to meet at the call of -'''-'C"HA IHIGffrfr::------~--- ST. THOMAS, Ontario. July 10th, 1957. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m. Present w. R. COULTER VII. E . ROWE GEORGE CROSS was absent. THE ~rrNUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER informed the Commission that their financial status was good, having spent approximately 11,000.00 out of an estimated $40,000.00. APPROVAL WAS GIVEN to Hot Mix Paving on the Fingal Hill and approaches to the Fingal Bridge. IT WAS DECIDED to centre line mark all Suburban Roads and spray the weeds. ROAD INSPECTION followed. MEETING ADJOURNED, to meet at the call of the Chairman. ~ .~/. .CZ..~.. _...... A ""'-"-''"l'l.c-Jt 'Yt'T' ST. THOMAS, Ontario. May 16th, 1957. A JOINT MEETING of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Committee representatives and the St. Thomas City Council was held at the Court House at 1 P.M. Present - w. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS W. E. ROWE CLARENCE CULVER J. C. HINDLEY J. D. THOMSON R. G. MOORE It1AYOR STIRLING ALDERMAN IJUFT ALDERMAN MATTIS ALDERMAN HAWJmRSLEY w. C. IVIILLER H. GIBSON F. S. THOMAS, M.L.A. w. L. 'FRASER 'X. 3. CALDWELL J. H. COOK H. A. MANTELL MR. W. E. ROWE presided. ) ) ) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ) ROADS COMMISSION. ) CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE. WARDEN OF ELGIN COUNTY. CLERK-TREASURER OF COUNTY OF ELGIN. COUNTY ENGINEER. OF ST. THOlv1AS. CITY ENGINEER. ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER. DISTRICT ENGINEER DEPARTMEN~' OF HIGHWAYS. DISTRICT MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. ASSISTANT MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. CHIEF LOCATION ENGINEER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS.. Mr. F. S. Thomas introduced Mr. H. A. Mantell with a long term plan of road systems in the St. Thomas area. Mr. H. A. Mantell explained this over-all plan and answered questions regardin~ the plan. - 2 - May 16th, 1957. N~. W. L. Fraser addressed the meeting with regard to present and immediate future highway Construction in Elgin County. ALDERMAN tUFT W. R. COULTER THAT THIS ~mETING approve in ]>rincipal the , over-all plan of the Department of Highways for Roads in the St. Thomas area as shown by Mr. Mantell, and that we recommend to the various Councils and Committees that IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY they approve these plans. We also request the Department of Highways to proceed with their plans. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned at the call of the Chairman. --"7, ' ,'. 1. j :,,(};.~. ,/1. (,;~) r. ,2': FIVE e~NTS PEl. COpy // h (> se Ian I st r n n A bypass route north of St, particular it was not an announce. time he had favored a bypass run- . Thomas and a new plan for the ment of Highways Minister James ning south of St. Thomas but he west entrance to the city were Allan. He said the plan has been now concur~ed with the northern given approval in principle yes- worked out by H. A. Mantle, chief route proposed by Mr. Mantle. terday. design and layout engineer for MASTER PLAN The sancition f~r th~ proposals t1~e Department ~n~ discus::ed Mr. Man~le, who had drawn up -they were contaIned In an over- with the deputy ~Inlster. When a large master plan of St. Thom- all plan prepared by Department the time com~s, saId Mr. Thomas, as and district, told the meeting, of Highways engineers after de- Mr. Allan WIll make the an- that the' Department of Highways tailed study of the area-came at nouncement. had for some years realized the a meeting of municipalities and OVERHEAD BRIDGE need for a route to take traffic: organizations in an~ way inter- Mr. Thomas touched briefly onl around St. Thomas and to feed ested in road and hIghway. devel- the second overhead bridge pro- it into the city via certain streets opm~nt.. The program WIll be- ject east of the city and said that rather than just at the east and gIll In fIve ,!ears. he had just learned that the pro- west ends. The meetmg was held at the ject had been under discussion "The first idea was ,that the Elgin 'County Courthouse a:nd was for some 32 years. bypass should be to the south but att~nded ,by repr~sentatlves of He said ,that everything had the trend .of development indi.. Elgm County CouncIl. St. Thom- been finalized in connection with cates that It should go to th~ as City Council, Yarmouth Town- the changes to the overpass and north of the city. The develop.. ship, the Suburban Roads Com- he expected that tenders on the ment of Highway 401 and the mu.. mission. and the St. Thomas In- job would be called early in June. tual attractions of London and d,ustrial Developme:nt Corpora- Mr. Thomas said he had for St. Thomas support this view," hon as well as en~Illeers of the long felt the need for an overall he said. Department of HIghways from program so that everyone could "Initially we. proposed a con- London, Ont., and Toronto. plan and work towards it. trolled access hIghway around St. CALLED BY THOMAS He emphasized the "terrific'. Thomas to the 110rth which would The meeting was called by F. problem facing the Department s~rve the industr!al area of t~f S. "Tommy" Thomas, member of of Highways in the task of plan- Clt~ and. also . mtercept trafflfl the Legislative Assembly for ning roads to keep up with the WhICh nn?h~ come o~f No. 40.1 Elgin County, so that the scope tremendous growth within the and feed It" mto th~ city by varl- of the plan CQuld be explained. province. .. ous routes, he saId. The meeting was one of the most "1 would appeal to the mumCl- BYPASS ROUTE important - . and most progres- palities concerned to protect l<:n~ Tracing the route"'of the pro sive - event dealing with roads for. ~he future use of the rnumCI- posed bypass, Mr. Mantle des- to be held. for some years. Ed palitIes themselves or the Depart- cribed it as starting some 500 Rowe of the Suburban Roads ment of Highways for the roads feet east of Centennial nfad ana Commission acted as chairman. th~t have . been plann.ed.... ?e the Red. Schoolhouse and goin~ IVIr. Thomas, in his opening saId, touchmg on the diffIcultIes north parallel to Centennial 1'00$ remarks, stressed that the in- that could be caused if the land before curving to the west to in- formation to be given out at the was used for some other purpose tersect Radio road about 900 feet meeting was in no way an an- in the meantime, north of the junction with South nouncement of a program and in Mr. Thomas said that for some Edgeware road. . -"';rfl}~:I.'la..."<Vpuld.....p~..:!,!>~~;~~y.~:I.'P 'ifll1:&j~~mi~t l;ue county lor Iutu;re <1eVelop.. ment of a hightype. Dealing wit h the proposed scheme for the St. George' street entrance, Mr. Mantle said that when this entrance was first con.. sidered the thinking was that the bypass would be to the south. "The thinking of the Depart... : I ment of Highways now is that neither the St. George street nor the New street routes would be the best for St. Thomas as a point of entry. We propose linking Wellington road with are-located Np. 3 Highway with provision to carry No. ~ Highway traffic to the south in the future," he said. FOUR ROUTES He said that traffic from the north, would come down Welling.. ton road taking the bypass route before being fed into the city by four different routes instead' of relying on one entrance all would be the case with either St. George or New streets which would bring, traffic to Talbot street without there being any provision for traffic to go to the south. On the west entrance, Mt.Man.. Ie suggested that it should start about 1,000 feet north of the Town and Country Restaurant, cut across the Lynhurst valley and join Talbot street on a five per cent grade in the region of the Canadian Petrofina station. A diversion of Kettle Creek will be made as the present hill route from Lynhurst will be' eliminated as will be existing bridge at the foot of the hill. Wellinton road will be extended along the approximate route of Lovers' Lane to' join the new en- trance near the Town and Coun- try Club. There would be two connections with Lynhurst to this road. The? re-Iocation of No. 3 High- way will mean that the portion of the existing highway between the point where the road to Fingal begins down to the bridge' over the creek will be eliminated. It was for this reason that it was suggested that only a cheap treat- ment be given the present west entrance in view of the changes which would take place in .five '.~Tears. St. Thomas had considered doing work totalling an estimated ,$55,000 0;1.1 the west entrance this ear and had in fact already warded the necessary contract. Amendments to the contract to eet the new situation were made at a session of City Council last ,night.> ' Mr. Mantle suggested that st. 'George street should be develop- ed as a residential area and not as an entrance to the city. City Council will give f~:trther tudy to the plan at its meeting n Tuesday next, with a similar ourse of action probable at the orthcoming 'meeting of Elgin ounty Council in three 'Yeeks tme. The Suburban Roads Com.. nision will also hold an early "'meeting to consider the plan. Written approval will then be sent to the Department of Highways so that work can start preparing the necessary plans and drawings, this process will take from 12 to 18 months. don. ' New Entrance (Continued from Page One) policy is decided upon th~ an., noun cement will' come - from Mr; Allan." ,_ Provide Access Routes _ The proposed truck route com.;.! pletely skirts the city to the north ~ ,but will provide for at least :four l roadso! access to the city. \1 , Leaving Highway No.4' at Tal-'; botville it wiIi cut westerly to the i farmot James McBain, cross t~e \ . Wellington road, continue'on to \ crosS , the LPS' main line, cut across' the " wa,terworks reservoir I northeast of, the city f between I Carr's Bridge and the Edgewarel road, swing southeasterly toward ~ the Radio road, cross Radio' :road, ' and tie in with Centennial road, running north and south,. event.. "uallyrejoining Highway No; .aa.t the Little Red School hOus~, 'east of the city. " On Highway 'No. 4," the new ),western approach! to the city will :; swing westerly about 1,000/ feet ,northwest of,the Town' and.Court.. ,try Restaurant" cut across. the ~ pres'ent Lynh4rst vlJ,lley" andr}s~ i on a five per-cent grade to. ~oin ';: Talbot;' street at Stanley street.. , j ., 1..., RelIlloveBrldge"',' ."" ,,' ) This >latter project wi1l'nece$.. sltate. eliminating '..., the".....existJp.g. Lynl1urst . Hill.... bddgeanci',:Vri11 bring about. ~divers~on.of':K~ttl~' Cre'ek in, the valley., berow;S'tap.~ ley street., . . ..... .. ,..""'" For, the' new access to. the clty ,frotn,JIighway No. 4Q1,.neithet the' . :rnevr' . street 'or 'St~, Ge()rge, street \plans over' which,tl1f city "and' county . have beennegotiat.. \ lng for sore timewi11be,used,:,,~ -1.\ . To prov.id,.e,.the w.:ce.ss... w.....emn,...g.....'~'\! I ton road will be extended to'\Val'd ~ynhurst . in ,the northwest. sectqri\ ot. ..th.e suburb, swing, S.O.U,th.w...e.s..t.....-.J.\ erly through Lynhurst-to.. join Hi~hway No. -4:; ~?d t~ neW city I country. R~sta~;~nt, south 0 Dodd's Creek. The existing section of Talbo ! street hill which now serves a: ! part. of HighwayN o. 3 will bl eliminated as a portion of thl highway with the new entrancI to the city passing to the nort:t. of it through the valley. Still Linlt This section of Talbot street however, will still serve -as a. con. necting link to Highway NO.4. The truck by-pass will serve as an access route to the eastern in- dustrial area and will take traf- fic from Highway No. 401. In the distant future this _ by- pass would be extended to skirt Aylmer to the north and Tillson- burg to the south. It would be built on a "stage construction" and initially would bea". two-lane route. When war- ranted by traffic it would be- come a divided highway. The tentative routes proposedi I today eliminates thought of a by- Pftss south of the city which has i long been considered. I i North-South Link On' Centennial" road, it was pointed out, a second access route to Highway No. 401 from the by-i i pass could be provided.., If" ex- , tend'ed due north this access: 'would tie in almost perfectly with i the' Highway No. 401 access being built southerly from London on: Highbury avenue. ' While the tentative plans may! b,e changed slightly before con-l ,I struction actually starts, Mr. i 'Mantle said, the general plan will: remain the same. City council may consider the iplan at its meeting Monday: Ii/night, the roads commission at \ ,any time within the near future, i 'and c'ounty council at its session! in three weeks time. '- . It is then expected written ap-: I' proval will . be passed on from: each body to the Department of: ;Highways to permit department I;engineers to begin preliminary : plans. y ass New Entrance To City Seen . BY PAUL SALLAWAY I Free Press' St. Thomas Bureau L ST. THOMAS,. May 16 - Long range~ over' all plans integrating 'a limited access truck bypass throughway north of St. Thomas and a completely new western entrance to the city (were re- vealed by Department()f High... ways. official~ here today. Approval in"principle came im- mediately from city, county, and Suburban Roads Commission rep- resentatives who attended the special meeting called by F. S. "Tommy" Thomas, MLA for El- gin. I . Recommend to Bodies Representatives also assured highways officials they will now recommend to the municipalities concerned that land along the proposed highway line be "tied up" as a protective meaSUre, to prevent its sale for any major industrial or residential develop- lment. H. A. Mantle, highways depart- I ment official, quoting no cost .. J' ~~ t# A NEW'BYPASS ROUTE NORTH.()Fi.~t!;~~~MA$ ~ - - olutlinedo,n sket~h~Yd~~~d\li:e!,;.: estimates, emphasiz~d no start ing plans will not, be available fro~.the ill be made on the project for ~t least 12 to 18 'mo~~l1s. . . ~'~~~2';a,n~.g~ W , To start the :rp.ee~lngi MF.i:lP.;~HH~~'t!J.~~ actually three in one, for at least Thomas emphasized the' sessi~~ wa:y~tl\1;in.i~~(!r five years. Preliminary: engineer~ was "in, no way: an ~l1nOl!nc.em~n~ ~P9Il,t~1l -F I /J , d't9?ul(.,t'rv\- WUG- ,,~ ~~.!? ST. THOMAS, Ontario. May 16th, 1957. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met at the Court House at 1 P.M. All Members were present. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY w. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS That we, THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION favour the Department of Highways plan,as shown by Mr. Mantell, as it effects the St. Thomas Suburban Roads. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS w. R. COULTER THAT THE SUBURBAN ROADS CO~~ISSIO:N accept the respoDsibility of Highway 123 if taken on by the County of Elgin subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. CARRIED. MEETING ADJOURNED, to meet at the call of the Chairman. CHAIR.MAN. ST. THO~illS, Ontario. May 10th, 1957. THE ~T. THO~lliS SUBURBAN ROADS CO~WllSSION met at the Court House at 3 P.M. All Members were present. THE YITNUTES OF THE MEETING held on January 9, 1957 were read and approved. A REVIEW OF THE EXPENSES to date was given by the Engineer. THE EXPENDITURE ON SUBURBAN ROADS AND BRIDGES till April 30th, 1957, Vias approximately ~~4500. It was stated that the total cost of the FINGAL BRIDGE would be in the neighbourhood of $76000 with approximately $4000 due to the Contractor as of May 1st, 1957. rrr WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY w. R. COULTER GEORGE CROSS THA1r THE I\flEETING adjourn until 1 P .1vI. on May 16th, 1957, at which time the Commission is to meet with representatives from the Oounty, The City of St. Thomas, Industrial Cownission, Mr. F. S. Thomas, M.L.A., and N~. H. A. Mantell and Mr. W. L. Fraser of the Department of Highways to discuss the future road planning of the St. Thomas area. CAHRIED. - 2 - 'il May 10th, 1957. ROAD INSPECTION followed. Roads were found to be in good shape. ~ THE CO~~ITSSION DECIDED to Seal Coat Road 25, n~ Wellington~ Road 22 Fairview Avenue. THE cO~~rrSSION ALSO wished to cut back the shoulders and ditch all roads under their juri:sdiction. lVIEETING ADJOURNED, as stated, until 1 P. tile on May 16th, 1957. ST. THOMAS, Ontario. April 9th, 1957.. THE ST. THO~illS SUBURBAN ROADS COW~ISSION met at the Court House at 8 A.M. All Members were present. The Commission journeyed to the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, where they met Mr. F. S. Thomas, M.L.A. An interview with . H. A. ]\Jlantell and Mr. K. Siddall of the Planning and Design Branch of the Department of Highways followed. Mr. M:antell a.nd . Siddall explained the future High\.vay and Road System in the St. Thoma:s area, as planned by the Department of Hightvays. These plans included a hy-pa~st\; 9f St. Thomas to the North to join High'J'Jay #3.lc~lbotville, a ne,. west entrance via High-vray to the City of St. Thomas, an extension of Wellington Street including an under-pass at the C. N. R. Hailv<Tay to I-I:Lghv11ay just west of the City, and a future JOl111ng of Highberry Road in Middlesex County to County "J (:3 /13 O. i 1 V'l fJ' ~ r t - . . d 1 t . - . t 1\,00.,,1 Ir __1 o:J o~_l, 0 provJ.. e 0._1 eas ern ~nter-cl. y route.. The Cormnission expressed themselves as being in favour of this long range plan as developed by the Depa.rtment of Highways. THE MEETING adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. 9- CHAIRMAN. " , Ont~ario. JanUC1.ry 9th. 1 9517 ~ HOADS CONIT\USSIOJ:I lllet at >bhe Court House at 2 p .111. lw.lthe :Mem.bers \.yere ~pl~O sent. of the ~ng he 10. on. J5fovembe1"" 231""d. 1956 were 1""E::acL and. approved. were adopt eel : - IT BY . . be Chai:r...,n.an of the ct,t. rn1l0'l"1C> S Ql'l"lo":r.:.')b.at.l DO::::! Q::I S CO'.~"'')'t14SSi O.r'1 .QO~~ ,1...116 V.8:Hr 195r1 k) . J..". ...1 u. 1...''-'. v.. L, J.l. C" lu.u..,.J.. '- _\ ..1. .1. .1. G~. v L<o. .. I . . IT BY of 10.00 be ])aiCl.'co the Ontario Gooa. I(oads sociation. . I~r BY BY . TBIS endorse the resolutj.on :passed by the Suburban Hoads C011:rrniss1011 on Deeerrlber 27th. 1956 recorOTflenoinD'thA'l; a chano'e be. rr""'dp in the TTi ,Q'h"M'~\r rrrpffic [',c't to hr.l"V'8 _... ..... _. . ,:;:> . c.. . .._ 0 ;;;;;; .u,o. .... --.. ~- .l_... 0 ~, a,1 _ .... ~,.1. _,~c." SlJeec1 li:mi"cs on Suburban Roacts set by the :f?rovincial G-o'v'ernrrlentupon re clue stj froI11 'the Iioad liu'thor1i t'JT that a copy of this resolution be sent; to "t.he resolt1.t::tons ComIlli ttee Good :E{oa,o.s Association. . Irf BY H. BY re c (3 i va an IIol1orari tu~o. o:c ,100.00 6.13.(1 e~!enses for serving on the Connnission for the year 1957. . C) ... i:::';'" J 9th~ 1G5? If1: . 01 T'l . be b:1.11ed for the SUla of 9,688.61 as its share of 1956 RO;3.(l J~Jcpel1ditalres. .. IT BY BY Tins a:pproves of the Certifioate issued by Bell, OOtLnty IGngineer, dated. December 28th. 1956 +0 11a. 'Y Ci c~ IJ .t:' :-.. , Consul tin.g I~ngineersthe SllILl of 4,369.00 in full for their services in cOllneo'c:ton wit;h the pro]?oseCl. I\Jorth VV6S.t IGntl~anceto 'the Oi ty of . 'I'110!l18.S ('\'101"11'.'.\,....1 l'", . .1. ,1'.1. stated that he arriV6(1 at; the 81Ilount as fo11ovifs:- 101 0', .f. Qnl' or e. +~ . /() 1,:)\01 lv.Jl ii" 5 1e ss i t;em.s 27 in the Parker Report eJ1d less 750.00 the OOtl.l1ty 375..00 by city. IT prepar(~(l the County :Lor Jehe S 'Unl 0 L> ~H} l. ...:.1. .L "il l.i.:O, 000.00 J:'or oonstrue ]:'0 ::1. cl S under our jurisclietion <luring 1957 that the be instruoted to notify the of the Oi ty o:e ., ~rh OYilD. S tht:lt this Silll1 vvill l~e " It}! to a,.I.. .. IJ eei.II of the Chairman. . -~----~--"-- FRED. A. BELL, B.Se., O. L. 5., M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT CITY OF ST. THOIvIAS COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS, ONT.. danuary 8th. 19570 TI-r 11CCOUNT vaTH ~~"~~"""""",",c.:.".._~_~".,~,..".,._"-=--........,_..",~,..,..~.....,,,_.,.,"~__""'-"~_"'~_'"",~ ._..""-...-_.~~_ ~~"'*V4';.~ . .. ... ..I ......,...,~~_,.-'.____~_.......,,~.~_.';.--=-~_,~.'_ -,~,,,,,_,/__,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,~,_.;_.;-,.~,,,,,.....,.,_,.,,-.._...,-..-___.-.,. TFDl: COUtTTY Ob' :8LGIN SID3UHBAl\T ROlillS - 1956. ,ACC(;:rt.TI1T (Less Fingal Bridge) Rl~SUPtFACI:NG .lUJD GRli.dING JI1]j1">.1\.IRS rro P .A.VErVD:!r.N'TS 1'~i'~ 11"[ G !! t:) 2 r-t ~ .c J;.1. Vl\ rl (.J b . J1. . - 1.1 miles Sl~.PJ>.1 CO.t:..1J:'ING Ie:&; l.uJD SNovr CONTROL BRDBH COlrrROL F:r~INCnTG., GUJL1:ID llLUIS SIGNS CEIq:TRI~ I) IITNTING DH.luNS .i\l<!D DITCIITNG C .~1-'> o. RY. CROSSING l)HOTI~C~CIOlr sir. rrHOI\ju\S NOR'I"'rl Ll11ID PD:'L?CIIllSES C ONTI:/ITTTIfllTI 1,746.33 1,613.92 9,216.00 9,895.32 2,230..95 738.78 346.76 455.60 3,770.23 101058 0,387.16 574.00 341050 SDJ?II:R.Il\J rrlcr:JDE1:'J CI~ ~' O_A .1~.,S222_~Qg~ 38, 4~Z5 .13 BRIDGES .L1ND Ct1LVI~HTS cf:h (i? CITY OF ST. TI10~1~st SIDU~~ - 25% of 38,425013 10% of 823030 / ._,~ 8 ?~~~,.;S_Q*.".o. 39,248.43 9,60EL.28 82.33 ...~~-'.~~......~~ ~p 9 , 6B8o 61 FRED. A. BELL. B.Sc.. O. L. 5.. M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS. ONT.. JJU;fU.[\.1:1Y 8th. 1957. C;<I'f1 ~.).!.. . SUBUIU3AN :ROlillS C OIvTIvrISSION ~~::pVL[l:.~~.,,_E.o}~~,J.:.~~~?. (not including J\forth ]~ntrance to Ci ty of st. Thorll<3.s) GHllDIJFfG SHOULDI~RING 2,000.00 RE~PAIHrS TO 4,000.00 RESUR]'ACING :P AVENIE;J.\ITS 5,000.00 SIGlcrJ COATITrG E2aSTING PAV'.@{t81NTS 8,000.00 ICE ,~qD SNOW CONTROL 2,500.00 VrEED ~ J1J1ID BRUSH CONTHOL 700.00 ]']}];:::rCING GUAHD T?.AILS . 600.00 SIGN'S l\J:ID C}].it\TTR1~ LI1:lE ];)lUNTING IgTC. 2,000.00 DIUl.INS iU:ID DlrrCIU:NG 3,000.00 IUULV\fAY CROSSING PROlrJ3~Cr:L"'ION (JvIiddlemarch) 200.00 INCID]ijNT...~ 2,000.00 C01JllJlISSI01\fEH.f3 :g~KPENSES 500~OO SuJ?IGItINTJ~JDENCE 1 500.00 ~~_""~""""""~._,,,,,,.t'-'~ 32,000.00 BRIDGI1B CUI.iVI1iHTS _ . -.~~tggg_!_Q.9-...,- ::;~ 40,000.. 00 CIrry OF . 0~~ 0".1.0 ~ ~~ 000.00 ~V~ ~ U~_ .. 8,000.00 e:g.9 · 0.9-_ 10% of 8,000.00 ~l~ 8,800.00