1958 Suburban Road Committee ST. THO~ffiS, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 16TH, 1958. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROA.DS COII/IMISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL IVJ:EJV:[8gRS \tlere pre sent. ALSO PRESENT - Mr" V\Jilliam Gooke of D. H. O. London. THE MINUTES of the last mee'ting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on vITor}.\: to date, including repair work to the St. George Street Bridge; the Patterson Bridge; repairs to Guide Rail, Centreline Marking and Seal Coating. THE ENGINEER also reported that, to date, approximately $40,000 had been spent on ~1aintenance, and $2,000 on Construction. PLANS of the -\j\Jellington Road Entrance were examined, and property examined on the site. THE ENGINEER was instructed to have the Consulting Engineer proceed with Plans on the Dodd Creek Bridge. THE ENGINEER was instructed to start negotiations to purchase the property of William t1ay; a lot ovvned by fJlr. Horton, and a portion of the property of Charles 01""1"" and Claude Reid. rvJEE:TING adjourned, to be held at the call of the Chairman. ~-_..-- CHAIHMAN. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 18th, 1958. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COI~ISSION met at the Court. House at 2 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT - W~. William Cooke of D. H. O. London. THE MINUTES of the last meet:lng were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported that Commission has spent $31,504.00 to date. THE ENGINEER reported on Centre Line Marking, Weed Spraying and Seal Coating. Complete Repair's to Pavements' were continuing. Repairs to the St. George Street Bridge would be started within the week. THE ENGINEER reported on Wellington Road Entrance, with regard to status of construction and financial assistance from the Cith and County, and he was instructed to proceed with surveys in order to provide a comprehensive cost estimate for the Entrance. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS ~'V. E fI ROV1E THAT The St. Thomas Suburban Commission will accept responsibility of the Road Allowance between the Township of Yarmouth and Southwo1d opposite Lot C Gore Concession, and the Road Allowance used in lieu of the Townline Southward from Lot C to King'S Highway #4, if assUmed as a County Road, and we request the County assume the same as a County Road. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS w. E. ROWE THAT The St. Thomas Suburban COnIDlission appoint Mr. G. D. Black as Consulting Engineer for 'the Bridge over Dodds Creek on the 'Wellington Road Entrance, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. CARRIED. - 2 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 18th, 1958. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY vi. E. ROWE GEO. H.. CROSS THAT The St. Thomas Suburban Commission express their appreciation to Mr. F. M. Cass, Minister of Highways, and to ~~. W. L. Fraser and Staff for the assistance in the resurfacing and centre line marking of former Highway 123. CARRIED. ANNEXATION of an area of Yarmouth Township by the City of St. Thomas was discussed. MEETING adjourned, to be held a.1; the call of the Chairman. f2l11o,JJ;;c CHAIRMAN. (J nne 12, 19=>:3. nlet t the Court ou.se, elf, 1') 19"5 $ _1. ,'v , __. ~ ~ 'VIere rp C'l '" J. IJ ,:) IJ .. .. Cooke, of tb.(~ District eri ce, 0 of the st rneet i were read approved. on. e nanc sj". tiOl'). of t,he c s~3ion sta t (j V 000 been on ern so to c tJ 8TTJ8nt of Y10rth Viere S.CllS;3 in the li of t ::ttion t~11.e ttnc:ertaint.y of" locat:ion of Et S f3 e t.:.o ~3e ~)tructu:r'eE) to lJ.n.t 1.1 sed c; f3;3:Lon to proce ., of eorge L s stat ."'-' 01 '{.TO o:n 23. CL t:3 ze strllct.llre I;iras Irr ~ I]: "\r! e neee re to . (::!t ~~ II .1~C, l.r" 0"\ r-t (\2 ~) (]' ,., \_...' ,....., i......,.: , , ...- U) r-. " }.-; 'r (]) r::: o Lr r" 4,,; o ~, (j) ~;...: t"; CD ...- '0 Cr-; ~-~-' c ~n r; . ....:,...-. LC: ~' c c ....'\. 0.1- .p a:. 1-; +~ o (1) r: +3. ~-~ o +=: CQ o -t-=" ! I ~ ~ .. T 0" 1 lOr.: , -~ /) \9 ~)T . met t lJ.f3 e , , at 1:10 p ~ ~ ~ @~.~~ 'Here Dent. n-P '- ..,t.. FJeet \/'rere re2td .. that~ tlJ.r::; [3 to 30, ,,00. that II 123 be rc~slJ.rfaced the of vIith tenders cloi3 on 7 1 qt; , --// " on s meet with the Ci Council. from ";1 C . J~!e 1(1 :tel, Ci ty C1erk~ vvas ree.,d:- . E. G.. ['Jloore, Dea.r : " Following consideration of your letter of January 15th ct reQu.ired to the e , City Con.nc its 2 Corruni ttee hEtVe consiclerD.i~ion in detail to your st, consequentl~ at a meeting of the City Council }1,::\1 d or) I\'nr'j 1 d'+'n i~ne fa] 'lO-f]"nf}' recorlYYlG"'lCl<'-l-'i o"} ()..c> ? . (.,... -J_ . .. .",_ J. 1.1..l ~._ _... ~) V,.i, ,..J ~'...!.,~ __ _' V\l .._._ t:.) ,,-;. .!.l,,),.:' 1. .-_ct v....!_}.. _L 0 1--., Committee was adopted: HThat in.sofar as fut1J.re en.ance and construction on -}. ", (, ,,. r-J ("' +. '8' . ('1 Cf' <:) (' "') P: - ""} d d . t J .v.:"e .. r> "Xeorb \J " ,.) ~" . r J_ _l,~::> e o.re :' OL.C ::;Y' .l....~ .: an. J_n 1.8 llght 01 an oplnlon from the Clty Sollcltor, res ct the City bOlJ.ndarydefined as the 1?left bank of :Kett~le Gre ,vve advise the . Thorne.s Suburban I?oadf3 Comrnission that the City of "Thomas does not consider the bridge to be within the financial responsibility of the City and will contribute to the maintenance and construction on such bridge in the same manner as other roads and bridges within the ,jllrisd.iction of the Suburban Hoads ComrnissionH. A copy of the Solicitor's opinion referred to in the foregoing resolution is attached. Yours truly, (0i~ned) F C Peid O_-c.:>J.:. .w" ".l.\' .....'-., City Clerk. c.c. - "H. S. Gibson, IvIr" VJ" E.. It 0 \'\Te . ... 2 - ST. THOIViAS, '\ . . 1 ? I 19 5 .~ Lpr:L ,,,,q. , b . EX1rRACT SOLICI , (' I:> : ST. GEORGE STREET BRIDGE. r~ ~ 0 ~cKav n C "':"-_~_!.__-:2..!.......~_,,(...L._;;1:;,.!~_ " Re: St. George Street Bridge, St ~_r.llom~~ Suburban ROA9-S ._~~~'1mi~E1-_9.}2.,,~ Referring to your letter of February lSth inquiring as to the City boundary line at St. Georee Street. My investigation con.firmf~ what you have suggested. as the boundary, namely the left bank ~oing downstream. By proclamation, dated the 1~2th of September, 11351, the boundaries of the Village of St. Thomas were described as follows, and I have underlined in that description the words "\;IThich provide the ans'tver to your cuestion:... T l}.~ll c e__i3-12.Yl&._t"h~_..El:~_d s:,Ll~_9i._._~l}_~_~l e..p_t 11__2 f ~._~fl.~~~~i c!.,._Q~o 1'!~_~0-?)::.,9...11 \;V~~~~:r 1 Y...~~_Q._= ~ll~_ E~~ t. _.~s~x~ls_.2..L!~€?.yJ;J7 e "..QT e ~ k.,_.J~Jl e !l9-~_f:l.l 0 ~&_._t he East Bank of the said Creek down the stream to the middle Q)~...t11e-:-illowa~1c-e-}~~i::., rOE.ld ~tw~il.t~$evell~ll.. ancr"-~th .. Q..qn c e e s i ~ n~~Q..[_~)l e ,_.~a ~ d T g'tms,Jl.-u? : A DISCUSSION of this took place and the Engineer rer)orted he was Etv.lai ting information from Mr. ~e. S. Cald.'well 0 f the cipal Branch. No action was taken. THI~ PLAI'<fS of the Wellington Road Entrance were examined and the Engineer commented on them. The CO~lission were desirOus of making certain changes and empowered the Engineer to meet with the D. H. O. regarding these changes and to continue surveys. rrhe (jomn:,:Lssion examined the line of the proposed Wellington Road Entrance and connecting roads v-li th :Cynhurst C3..nd certain property tb.at the Commission may buy. THE COMJ.\iIISSION also examined the Property of William son and the creek flowing through it. They empowered the Engineer to reach suitable agreements with Mr. Freeman and son. - 3 - , ONT .' '1 2J 1 n 5 r-\ AprJ_ ~+, .;;' ('Ie rrHE~ examined the Property of James McBain where the creek flows through and empowered the E~ngineer to purchase property neces to divert the ere of '11o~~c ?50f~ qnrl 3C)O~ contJ'vlued . _ u Ct d. Q ,.~ .J _ c. .,,_ '- k) _l. ,t... "J. . .., . , to be held at the call of the Chairrnan.. _J/fP In 0/1 J lfi _1L- ',' f I / ([/ ! vv ___L...._ __'__'"_~~'_'~_~'_~~ 'J f) 7 r~~ ~ I1A ..N~(,~~ .. , . Er.a$t C. OltY' Clerk. O:r:d;,ario~ 14'h, 1958. , Sir: . 2 in 1:Iru.l1,j ( c alla Clerk. ) e.c.- boundaries j ~.u'l d I provid.$ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. Ivlarch 12th, 1958. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS CO~~IISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 4 p.m. ALL ~~~~ERS were present. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date, stating that the County had passed the Suburban estimates. THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE, rJIR.w. E. RO'vJE, is to meet vii th City Council on !IIIarch 17th to explain the Suburban estimates to them. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the progress of the V\Te11ington Road Entrance, stating that plans should be available by June 1958. THE ENGINEER also presented a report showing road mileage of the Commission. THE CON~TTEE considered a complaint from Dr. Hare near Fingal Hill on Hoad 16 S.A. rI'his was examined during H.oad Inspectj.on, and the Engineer was instructed to write advising that the Commission did not think that any condition on the Road'would cause water condition in Dr. Hare's cellar. THE CO~rr~TTEE inspected Road 25 S.A., the location of the new entrance, and also Road 30 S.A. ~lliETING adjourned, to be held at the call of the Chairman. !11\/;;~ .. . , C:H:AIRMAN. .. R. G. MOORE. B.Sc.. P.ENG. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE. ST.1rHOMAS, ONT. , .. Cllt, I .' , - ill' - '\ ~ 1 lnlll, are;- ,555 ., _11, ;.00 I t)l)-0 in . .~ If,;-7 ST. THO~4AS, ONTARIO. January 14th, 1958. THE ST. THor~s SUBURBAN ROADS COr~ISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m. PRESENT: w. E. ROWE, W. R. COULTER, Commissioner if GEORGE CRosa, WILLIAM COOK, n R. G. MOORE, Assistant District Engineer of Department of Highways of Ontario. Suburban Commission Engineer. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. Iff WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS vi. E. RO~vE THAT W. R. COULTER BE CHAIRMAN of the Commission for the year 1958. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY \~'. E. ROWE GEORGE CROSS THAT THE ~m~mERSHIP FEE for the Good Roads Association for the year 1958 be paid, a.mount,ing to $20.00. CARIUED. I T WASr~~OVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS Vi. E. ROVVE THAT THE HONORANIUM for the Commission Members be $lOO.OOand expenses, as last year. CARRIED. A LETTER FROM THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS was read, in which he stated that the Department of Highways would/ - 2 - ST. THO~lliS, ONTARIO, January 14th, 1958. /wou1d resurface former King's Highway #123, which is now a Suburban Road. THE REPORT OF THE ENGINEER was presented, including the expenses for the y~ar 1957, also the estimates for 1958. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS W. E . ROttJE THAT THE ENGINEER'S REPORT be accepted, and that the City be billed for its share of the Suburban Road expenditures for 1957. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS w. E. ROWE THAT THE ESTI~4ATES as presented by the Engineer be approved, and a copy of the Estimates be sent to the City and County for approval. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS W. E. ROWE THAT THE ST. GEORGE STREET BRIDGE ABUT~mNTS be repaired, and the entire structure cleaned and painted, and City approval be asked. CARRIED. A LETTER WAS READ FROM STRATFORD AND FANJOY regarding a c,reek diversion throught the property of lVlr. Sherwood Freeman. The Engineer was instructed to negotiate with Mr. Freeman with regard to 'the diversion of this creek. THE/ - 3 - ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO. January 14th, 1958. /THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to see Mr. K. H. Siddall of the Department of Highways regarding the planning of the Wellington Road Entrance. IVIEETING adjourned, to be held at the call of the Chairman. /' #1lA3 ~- - CHAIiW.tAN. -4 }aEPOH/I~ t.~() 'rnE ST ~ leHO}JJJAS SUBUR13AN ROAD nOMNiI::3SICH\f ~MJ;~~WU~SIi""~lt~~~-::t..~'''''~'?%f.''~~~#~'fIlr:.~~~'i<1I.~,;:x.~,h'll(/lMll>~-'!':>';e:t,:\''V~~:q;/l<-'<4~.J4~''''-l!~1IfJ.~.;J:;t..tio''''..!<'Si:~.~:'1,..~,W<.tI;Vif~,!-':':'^~'.>>~V~1'''';''bh,1A>.~'''''''-~""~"'.'.<,'."'*!h ~t~h~:E; St., Stlbl1rbt~iJl 1t.)'t1'~;r ~~9 ~ 0 ;-t.:i l~ 11'''; f" 'r t.:~ ~~"''\i .::~ "'l~'\i,'" '~;.~.J v,,~ U t:~4}~Qtt'~,,:!~..1!I t)' ~ . ~j:h~;~S(f~: :tnelud{~; ~ '1l a fi q ,jk .J!,., ~') ~;.3.'D i:'4 '" t...P ';"1 ($ .tlO ,f/ h~ II:~ ..1> <t~ ~ltfexl't~J~~~ :;~vO 't() I' 0>t1 if; Thoraas 'il () ~ @ ~ChOlUas ~ ~;:l.;;;c;:~oI~:i#~..~...~-W't5J.J;~ l:fotal the trh.E'"Jt of: t;.hE~ .th~3 G:t'GY S1i#l'iI trhOl\1aS , 10;'01 . ~..}> B' at'~; ..1 Cl";:) ';'10iXfW. W' \j.I',~ _.... _.~c.~~t.. J .. ",v T~;i~'!t~.:?~ 'if'\:~"d)1 .~ 9~;;;i'-~9 J.o ~ <<~#t,I!1t.~~ \.~'\.K# .~ ..,/!l Iii th~j ri~v ~~ q+ Y~~J ~- wYu " ~^' f''' """S.!.:.e" . l t ~... .... ~4?"'~If'.'t,.":'i\ !!":~ ""'1' "'^If"'''~ ~'~l;"'~'~1 e:!...."'.~"'~ '[,'l'il"l~.;c.' 1...'iifi"i~'~CI'.~"'. l.~..i" _V~&t...) ~.# :-..pVf,e1 .-Oi!!;:rc:r.<s", 'lV'V"'''''V",,., 1'_ i!i,'l.\~..,~ ,t"j., ~."~'(~;)~'" ..."'t.~>"ll ':;~ n c.; 1\. ~~, "," ~ r..l!~"'! d . ~ <:~ ~"jl ~ <!:li ~~'1<'lA<l..' d "'~ '" 'j(J'N'lI.'l ,~.;::n .;~ ~..FJ.\J;:' .}'"Ji t,J ",$~ ~ .;;.<tl"lb< ~'.i~ ",'kgl;1. "t.t::1 n~w. "" ~~,4 an v~....,.!1. ..t..'w....:;. ~;." ... ~?~...:li lI'~ ~.~~ ~nrl ; (';] ~-'i"hJ":I&t'~A" .!f...e." .Pl f'""",,~.; '1hnfr n"""'jt'H';'~ JY'~."'i"'H",'~-1''''1' .b.1r~J'~~",rt. .~,,"1,~~i1.......... ~ ~...l'i,~ ..,,0 wL.v~ ~vU Uw.~ .Jl.._v..J"l....\L<.tl..~i'~4!I Wl\?!bM~....'"~,(;i<"i..ct.~,.~>.~.tA.,. shoul.d be g:i~.ren the replac€mK~n.t. of .this 'Br~l<l!~e~ 'r:ilf"'i~"j;,~T~ 'w"h':;; ~'rp.7'l' 1.; ~~":l"'~V'\~ R^~f'~ T..'t1'~'~""'):!ll""H'\',O ti.t:::! ~01Vl'r...~ f,lh~~e."'1. (.;ft$i:.ol y~'tt,~ (J;_~~ 9!U~......'\.,.fOt.,~~,Ij,J..Q yVJ4~ ~fI)Vct.t.Jt J.:J~&~-P& (4if.4~v ~4'~ V~.,.~...~JI~~'4i1 Vv~~'\ iIj !J~, he l):i;tesen"t conditio:El (,If: oUt) roads is t;;()odtl ~ ~~ ... t7&he DeptU'.t~,mexit tr-t gJ$~'lli'tiiQ'W'P ~i;~ ~f.:~.I! np' '~:lCJ!~"'i ~~"'.'~ ()'n@>f1 '~'^ 'itq.~~!;~;H'f"'*,~:f~~t~~ ;;:t~C?....,:n<~..I~~J~}j ~-..:;;J U~..f.o:;;'a,~~ )}~,,-~U~iat~_:MIq4'_;r.op',~P'~w \IV 111<')1 'u."li"~~to-JC:"""~..'I''''..~-.:w'%.Jit t).Jt~G~~3ns:lon it~ ':1iE;: t t1rl1a~1 11l.~ r" 1~"'n:}'lr~ oil i!. .~"ti.:,.J: lI. \'l ~ .....,J1 Ql r ",t ~.;.'& ..'~~ l~ ~~viach'o/ ~~~~W~~~~g, \ - 2. ... A J I I " /advisable to continue these surveys and. purcb,ase all right of \W.y possible this year itl 'this regard. ~ in order to spread ~he costs over as long a period as possible@ I \'lould suggest 'the repair 1;0 "the St..;, Geo:c-ge Street Bridge abut.menta I and the paini;ing of 1me c0111plete structure 0 The 'total cost of the floor in 19~)7 wa.e approximately $59;OOliJOO; the cost being sp11itt bat't3een the 01't1 and the Suburban Commission. I ~lou1.d also suggest that the three O()nCrE~te Culverts on 'the ~~~ellington Road which ha.ve not, been widened; be widened :l.rl 19St3$ eo that the present hand JraUs may be removed, as these are a definite traffic h~lzard on a road that is car"~J1ng approximately 2>>;00 veh:lcles daily" The m6n.eY expended this year was le~as 'than the ~O,OOOoOO estimated, a.s OUI~ maintenance costs we:t"s iaJlOrly lowt a.nd our Construction was dOltm. A portion of the Goun'ty Overhead (8j:') has bean charged 1;;0 tiha Subur~ban Roads6 This yearts budge~ is increased to 1~ake care of our larger mileage of road, and our Construc't:ton on hfellington Road., e. f' iA /. 1 . ,I " (J "~~1~()'~, C I T Y 0 If S T ~ THO I.ll A S IN ACCOUNT \v~!.rH COUNTY OF ELGIN llii;__ TH,[~~~HQ!tV\ft_SJJJ~~.ROAD Q ~Q!:!il?lSI01i l~.qc:.qJHfJ;p-t~-1m .~qn~~~~~~~~~ - Subsidized by Do H~ O:~ Grading Construction, including paving ot Fingal Hill Bridges & Culverts F~,nga,l B~..dge il7'ut~P\."'>t&~~ r4rJ.intenance - Subsidized by D s H~. 0 &\ ~~41W~~;h-~ Ste George Ste Bridge Bridges & Culverts Superintendence Drains Gradi"ng J (includi.l'1g shouldering F'ingal Hill) Resurfacing Repai,rs Pavements Ice & Sno'Vl Control. Brushing Dust, Control . Guide Rails Fencing S:t.gns (Including Centra Line Maryj.ng) RIl>. }t;ft\ Protection Sea~ Coating Overhead Subsidized <<'~~~~~~~JJiIe.~U Items Noij Subsidized b T D 1,j lit;! 0 @ --- .- CC!ml1ittee l.;ember Fees &, Expenses Weed Spray InsUI~ance Overhead - Sick Benefi~s Road Liability Insurance GllAND TOT AL €I (t G 254~> @ 78 128~S .2.9 7000967 30~7 (j~t7 11.3 ~) G 84. 11Jr.!~~32 749Q81 1'JJ I. ,.. t i::. "G.lJ'~) G $.%.,J 5~~ t) ;0 SgJ..~$ Ill)l:. 21~~~ '8 92 g)6.. 20 9ltlOS 15~~ ~ 81 16e81 232~~$g4 20J~ ell 7199.36 ~~L. 2'1 J+4~~ ~ 12 70:,@40 16.;0 76062 66 -.- 8;2018 $J5~300e97 - 2 elII "HO~lAS : ....-- . gg~!1~~1f.UL Clll ~!?s~~~:\!..E!Lb.I uD re~ Jl<<;_Q~ 25% of 2~;4,~7g 636~4S .10% of' 4,l.54089 !.~i'5 4i J~9 !~~n.~ C!S ~t~?~~ q~a 10% ot- 4~14.3 *31 . . 25,& of 23, )01.. ~ el 4111,~33 S,826i120 ~ 1;lp~~..~[~~g;~\g~"laD~~,&.Jh SO% of aS2u>l8 · 1)6 no. j.~ ~ \J7 ~t,...H.rt~~ Total: &\7 "1;>> ~ ~It ~ , U*Qil#",", SUB U R BAN EST I lwl A T E..J l' 9 ~ ~ Rateable Property City of St0 Thomas, 1957 ;;27 tJ 02g , 222 C> 00 NLa.a~j..KUWll Con'tribution to Suburban Roads, 19,8 1/2 r.~ll on Rateable Prop~~rty 'l ~ t:.1 I. 00 4..';;;,W ~~tii . C:OST gSTli.1ATE l(.u.I~n""""'~A1J,.'l:t;'lt~\!I".l~:f,lU:l"Am.-~"'W,","~'W'~"\:~,~ cas :r ~~~~ C1wl,1 v'e1k~t;)s Rond 25 SA;} Bridees ~ CQlverts U~~11:ln3.ton Hoad .iEn.trance 5J)000000 2~, OOO~;OO :000 00 ;~o 7; 000 :;; 00 Coatiing P a.vem.ents l.~aint.enance ~ d> 00 o tl Of 6 ~ 'J 00 J+~OOOoOO J 9 000,)00 .3 ;000".00 .:3 1) 000 00 1 '1 500,,00 '";\ "t;Oo no .J~"# (,u~ d 200(JOO 1 J 400.'J 00 >"\\ no'o elf) ~ " ,.) \},"'"~ SUO\" Hail~~ 0~~.~ · ftl d~ ~ (Ift.t~~ L.~ ~ o..J"!",,~n~ $' l.n.~. U ::.tnf, ...,vn;"" e J.ne r,Irlrk:tng :.~ Brtwh [:~ Dlka,:i.l1age R,", R.~ Protecrtil;)Il S llpelf'il1.t~Euldenc~;; Overhead & contingencies t/600coO 8 J+OO.,OO and Culverts :l2 ;00" 00 rn I!:;on 0 0 t::.v,,;! ~,J<')', G(:)org(~ St 0 Bridge ~~~~~~~~;:::~m ff 0 0.-"'0 01"\ t+'1J ~) (I U ""<k.~'"""''''~___,,,____~_ /() (}-()'--() () 0 () ./ ' /;:) 300, 00 " B:~t.,.,. L a:W' !.\6o~ i~~ . . 0. G ont:r':i. t ui;:l on o