1980 Suburban Road Committee (MRS.) R.M. DANIEL DEPUTY CL.ERK-TREASURER 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE G.C. LEVERTON, A.M.C.T. COUNTY CL.ERK AND TREASURER ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 2L3 PHONE (519) 631-1460 $ Mr. R.. ST. , c Dear Albert: The question of relmbu-rsementfcn: attendatuze at the 00. ntl!l.t'io Good R(l. ad... S.A6.$. oe.... :tat. 10. n. COtl..VClnti. on wtJ.$.. .. to the ounty Govern."llent COl1llill ttee from COl1llil:t t tee. The Government Committee that registration one '$ P ance. I am.. a C..hequ. e for $1 . .00 representing ~ Registration $ 35.00 day'eallQwance 100.00 Y $135.00. t~.lould you please forw.....ard..., :tn the self addressed , your tag for our records? County Council at the October Ses$ion, .L ':, l'J t a recommendation that all outside appointees to Local Boards etc.~ be prior ap p-rove, 1 of County $ in to be reimbursement attenda.nce convent:l.o1'l$. CO'llncil the opinion that you should pr1.or approvc1.1 t wi th the requi-rement " Would you please s in mind for 1981. You.rs truly, ,..... ~ . ./ _ . _I .., . ;~~/-"'>~-J" ~~~----,~.,..t G. c. J..J"" V ~J.. "'"vu, Clerk-Treasurer. GeL: !II c o p y G.C. LEVERTON, A.M.C.T. COUNTY CLERK AND TREASURER . ~~. /. 'jJ \/K ." \ \ \... ~.~ \ \.. "\'" (MRS.) R.M. DANIEL DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER 291} . Dea.r 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE ST. THOMAS, ONT AR I 0 N5R 2L3 IPHONE (5191 631-1460 " s I a.m (.. ~.~;~~ f! . It .~__/~~.A-<---c. ~'~-....// . SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 198Q -',"1981 EXECUTIVE Presi dent: Nrs.Lin Good 212 Fairway Hills Crescent Kingston:>> Ontario Past President: Mr. Clarence Wilson R.R. 3 Chatham, Ontario Vice President: Mr. John Stephens R. R. 1 . St. Marys:>> Ontario Secretary-Treasurer Mr. A.R. Holmes, P. En9. County Court House Guelph', Ontario N1H 3T9 DIRECTORS WESTERN EASTERN Mr. Morley Howe R. R. 2 Strathroy:>> Ontario Mr. Doug Whitley 217 McGill Street Trenton, Ontario K8V 3K4 Mr. John Stephens R. R. 1 St. 't1arys:>> Onta ri 0 Hr. Frank Hutnik 2300 Howard Avenue Windsor, Ontario Mr. Don McDona1d,P. Eng., Counties of Stol:mont, Dundas & Glengarry P.O. Box 1022 Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5Vl Mrs. Lin Good 212 Fai n'lay Hill s Crescen t Kingston, Ontario SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF WESTERN GROUP MEETING . MIDD~ES~X~_~~91LNJJCOUNCIL CHAMBERS - LONDON Friday, June 20, 1980 Proceedings began at 10:15 A.M. with Mr. John Stephens of St. Marys, Chairman of the Western Group, presiding. A total of 38 plus guests from 11 Commissions attended, namely: Barrie - 1; Brantford - 2; Chatham - 3; Guelph - 3; London -7; Owen Sound - 4; Sarnia - 2; St. Marys - 3; St. Thomas - 2; Stratford - 4; Windsor - 4; M.T.C. - 3. . The group was welcomed by Middlesex Warden Fred Lewis and Charlie Cousins of the London Suburban Road Commission. Moved by Wa 1 ter Marti n "(Chatham) and seconded by Roy Gordon (Gue: 1 ph) that the 1979 minutes be adopted as read. Ron Eddy (Middlesex Clerk-Administration) read the report of liThe Special Advisory Committee to the Minister" as" it related to suburban roads. Alan Holmes (Guelph) Chairman of the sub committee elaborated on the report. Bill .33a5 it affected suburban commissions was read. It stated that 1) elected councillors were eligible to sit on commissions and 2) the term of office would be the same a s the counc. i 1 . George Spencer (Brantford) advised the commission that Brantford and Brant County had just completed a study and if suburban commissions were replaced by area or regional government, Brantford's non-separated share would be approximately $900,000 instead of $100,000. Bob Moore (St. Thomas) advised that the St. Thomas situation was similar in that the. Regional Road costs would be at least three times greater than the present cost to the city. Other items discussed were: 1) Bill 80.and 173 regarding payment of commission members for meetings and conventions (opinions varied but most paid there expenses from commission .funds) 2) Membership in R.T.A.C. (London, Sarnia,Chatham, St. Thomas and Stratford were not. members). . 3) The O.P.P.. will..not enforcecoun".ty parking and sign by-laws:~ etc. The only . solution seemed to be a County Enforcement By-law officer. 4) Control of entrances which are ;nsta11edwithout County aPPlf'ova1. Moved by Don Husson (London) and Seconded by Mike Wilson (Chatham) that we lend our support to having the Act changed to give municipalities c.ornplete control of entrances. Carri ed. 5) There was a lengthy discussion as to whether a County could pass regulating by-laws), own property and equipment, etc. Alan Holmes (Guelph) was going to" talk to Peter Patterson, r~.T.C. concerning what aut~ori ty the comm;ss; ons. actua 11y had. -2- 6) The possibility of plowing in storm fences in fields adjacemt to highways an'd reducing salt for winter control was briefly discussed. Since Sarnia was going to be in the process of building a new County building in 1981, Owen Sound agreed to host the 1981 meeting. It was moved by Mike Wilson (Chatham) and seconded by Don Derrick (Sarnia) that the following officers be 'appo,inted for the coming year: President - John Stephens - St. Marys Directors. - Morley Howe - London - Frank Hutnik - Windsor Secretary - Tom Collings - Stratford Following the meeting a reception and smorgasbord was held in the County building followed. by a tour of the new Art Gallery and the old County Court House and Jail which is in the process of being restored. Respectfully Submitted!, ~~ Tom Collings ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1980 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MET at the Engineers Office on February 12, 1980, at 9:30 a.m. Present A. Auckland, D. Stokes, and J. Hindley. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF December 19, 1979 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the City of St. Thomas had appointed Donald Stokes to complete the term of George Colledge. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1980. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR JIM HINDLEY BE $150.00 IN 1980 AND THAT HIS CONVENTION EXPENSES BE PAID ON THE SAME BASIS AS COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION I' CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY~ D. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 1980 IN THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1980 PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED: 1. That Winter Control had been light. 2. That cutting of dead tre~s was underway. 3. That trees for construction on Road 22 would be cut in the next month. 4. That two land plans on Road 30 with George Sloan and Morris Taylor properties had been registered. 5. That land purchase plans were still outstanding for Colin and David Ferguson properties and for properties of the K.C.C.A. 6. That widening for Road 22 had been purchased from Doug Sawyer..' CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with the Minsterially adjusted assessment of St. Thomas, which would provide a ~ Mill levy of $37,550 for 1980 up from $36,450 in 1979 THE ENGINEER REPORTED that legislation was being0QflsideTed to change the term of the Suburban Road Commission to coincide with Council terms and that Municipal Councillors could be appointed as Suburban Road Commissioners. The 1979 Expenditures as attached were revised. "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM FOR 1979 BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS, CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1980 PAGE 3. The attached Budget was considered. "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE ADVISED THAT THE~ MILL ASSESSMENT FOR SUBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES ON THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS RESIVES ASSESSMENT OF $75,100,000 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR SUBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES IN 1980 (LEVY WILL BE $37,550). CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT WE ADOPT THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1980 EXPENDITURES ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM IN THE AM:OUNT OF $272,400 AND THAT THE BUDGET BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED.II' THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRNAN. CHAIRMAN ROBERT A. BARRETT, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. City Clerk - Administrator PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C.T. Deputy City Clerk ~ \Q.;ri4r--", -,.,,------- Department of Administrative Services P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631-1680 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas January 8th, 1980 Mr. Donald R.Stokes 19 Paulson Court St. Thomas, Ontario Re: st. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Dear Mr. Stokes: This is to advise you that the Council of the Cit:y .of st. Thomas has appointed you as their representative for thE~ St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for. the term of 1980 - July 1, 1983. Sin~erelY, ~ ~ Deputy City Clerk eel bwl 1- COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ ~~ ~ ,------ ! ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD... COMMISSION 1980 BUDGET January 23, 19~O A - Construction Land Purchase $ 20,000 Road 22,. Pr~Enginel3ring, TreeCut1;.~XJ:g, etc. 12,000 Construction Road 30 (coqtplete work) 6,000 Construction Road 31 (complete work) 2,.000 Construction Road 52 (complete work) S,OQO $ 4a,000 B ....Aspha1 tuResurJasiXl& Road 22 from Road 27 South approximately 1 mile $ 65,000 C -Maintenance A.. 13ridge s&C4lvert.$ "Ii. B ... 1 GrafSs Cutting~~~f;T a g,Eff:lug NIL 2,000 ... 2 Tree Cutting 6,000 - 4 Drainage 6,000 ... 5 Roadside Mai.ntenance l , OOCl - 6 TreeP1.antirtg 500 - 7 Drainage Assessment s (Maintenance) NIL ...11 Weed Spraying 1,500 C .... 1 Repairs to Pavement 12,000 .. 2 Sweeping 1,000 4,000 .. 3 Shoulder Maintena.nce .... 4 Surface Treatment: NIL D - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 5,000 - 3 Calcium Chloride 7,000 ... 4 Prime 6,000 .. .5 Grave1Resurfacing 4,000 E .. Winter Control 60,000 F - 1 Pavement Marking 7,000 _ 2 Signs 5,000 ... 3 Guide Rai1 NIL .. 4 Railroad Protection 4,00.0 $ .132,000 {- COUNTY OF ELGIN ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 19'80 BUDGET Jan1.1a1:'Y 23, 1980 Page 2. It-overhead Total County Overhead is (i! stimatedat$ 288,000. Th(i! Sub1.u:ban Road Commission sha1:'e of the total work is estitnatedat l 245,000 of the total work of $ 2,594,000 which is approxima1::ely9~4%. Thus St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission shar(i! ofOVerhe~~d is 9.4% or $. 27,000. SUMMA!! A - Construction $. .48, 000 C - Mairttenance 65,000 132,000 27,000 B.~ A.spha1 t: Resurfacing D ... OVerhead .,+< E - Items Not. Subsidized by Mini.stry of Transportation .;lnd Communications 400 TOTAL BUDGET $ Z74,4QQ CALCULATION OFC.ITY OF ST. THOMAS SHARE .OE: 1980. BUDG.ET The estimated M.T.C_ Supsic1y on operations is 74.4". of the operation budget ( $27 2, 000 )andthe>1:4..T.C.'Sub,si.dy .l$E$t:i.w.ated at $202,368. The balance of the Budget ($272,400 1es$ $202,368):18 shared between the City of St. Tholll;as and the County of Elgin. This share is 50% of $70,032 01:' $34,016 The 1980% mill cont.ributtQ1lby the City of St. Thomas is .:77;, $00. 3.'25S--D Estitnatecl Surplus on 198Cf operation $ 2,.534 LESS Defic4t~ for 1979 9.1.7_40 $ .7,.206 Estimated Deficient to 1981 4/fJ ~ ~ .~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has jurisdi.ction over 47.3 miles of road out of the total 296.7 Road System in the County. Construction and maintenance costs are kept separate on these roads. The Commission pays a portion of the overhead costs (approximately 11% of the total). The Commission owns no equipment or tool s bu.t pays a "cost" rental' rate to the County when the equipment is used on Commission Roads. ,. Overall policy on the Commission Roads is directed by your Coun~y Council Road Committee. A detailed summary of costs on th(~ C()mmiss1on rh,)'id~lis attached as is a summary of the costs of maintenance and overhead on the combined County and Suburban System. Commission Roads Include: Road 11 - (South of Ford Plant) from Highway 4 to Road 26. Road 16 - from St. Thomas to Finga1. ..- Road 22 - (Fairview Avenue) from St. Thomas to Road 24. Road 25 - Wellington Road. Road 26 - St. George Street and Bostwick Road. Road 28 - Centennial Avenue from Road 45 to Highway 3. Road 29 - Road 30 - Radio Road Road 31 - Da1ewood Road. Road 52 - Highway 3 (St. Thomas Expressway to HighwaY 73). Road 56 .. Elm Street from Centennial Avenue to St. Thomas.