1981 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 22, 1981 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineers Office on December 22, 1981 at 10:00 a.m. A1L:members of the Commission were present as was Mr. Robert Davies, Assistant Qounty Engineer. The minutes of the meeting of April 29 were rE~ad and approved, It was noted that several informal meetings had been conducted since that date. The Engineer reported that as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Allocations for 1982 were not yet available, it would probably be late in January before a meeting could be held to determine the 1982 Programme. The Engineer reported that it appeared that the St. Thomas deficit from 1980 would have to be carried through in 1981 and into 1982 inasmuch as maintenance expenditures on various Commission Roads had been quite heavy. Expenditures included gravelling ofa mile on County Road #30 (Radio Road), grading, ditching, and drainage on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue), and a considerable amount of asphalt patching on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) north of Elm Street. It was also noted that the shoulders on Wellington Road, and St. George Street had been~grave1l,ed fairly extensivly during the summer time. Ontario Hydro had completed moving the line back on County Road #22, however the invoice was being disputed and as yet had not been approved for payment. It would have to be paid in 1982 and it was not known at this time whether or not it $hou1d be a Commission Expenditure or a County Road Expenditure. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 22, 1981 PAGE 2. Land purchase was continuing on County Road #22, with property having been purchased from Peter Hepburn, and William Paul to widen County Road #22. Contact had been made with Sam Millard and Mr. Backner and although an agreement had not been completed with either of them, it was hoped to complete both agreements within the next month. The Engineer noted thatconstructionon Road #22 should begin at the concession road between Concession IV and V and proceed northerly to at least, midway point of Concession VI for the first stage. It was noted that the 1/2 Mill Levy against St. Thomas would bring only $900 more in 1982 than in 1981 and it was possible that a portion of the system would have to be reverted to the County. THE HEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. -&.....'... ...Lrjll;f" #.~."'-'.-'..'.' .........".................... ..-='.-. ....... ~...... t}-7~Zr .....~ " .. ...... r . CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 29, 1981 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineer's Office on April 29, 1981, at 9:00 a.m. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1981 WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEEER REPORTED that Spring breakup had bee:n minor. That an agreement had been reached with Ontario Hydro to move the high tension line on Road #22 and Ontario Hydro would pick up a portion of the costs inasmuch as they wished to change their main circuit wires from behind the Ontario Hospital to the Port Stanley transmitter site as they were too small for present day requirements. This would hopefully CUlt costs to the Commission tn the vicinity of $30,000 to move that portion of the line. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that both the County of E1gi.n and the City of St. Thomas had approved the 1981 Commission Budget. Road inspection of the various Commission Roads was held and the meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. 1.1/)1.. /J/' YJi.(TLlv4 .. - l1Ii',/)'7L~~[,41/_'1r vl~r v'1 ~_ . "'" f CHAIRMAN J. D. HUBBELL, P. Eng. COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO N4K 3E3 376- 7337 HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT MalLeh 26th, 1 98 1 St. Thomas Suburban Roads Comnission c/o Bob Moore Court House 9 Glads tone Avenue ST. 'lliOMAS, Ontario N5R 2L3 DerVL Bob: Re: We.oteJu1 Anea SubUlLban Roado Commio-6)_on Meeting The Owen Sound SubUlLban Commio-6ion i6 hO-6ting the We.oteJLn Anea SubU!Lban Road6 Comm--L5-6ion' -6 Annual Meeting tf~ yeM a:t the GlLey COUVL-ty MuYLic)pal B~dlng in Owen Sound. (See attaehed map) We euend an invitation to aU Commio-6ion Memb C!J7A, EngineC!J7A, S ecJte.;ta!Lie.o, and M. T. C. Vio:ttLid Mun.ic{~paf EngineeJl1>, to join uo on Wedne.oday, JUNE 10TH, 1981. Tentative Agenda 2:00 - 4:30 cOn6ee and Von~ Pftognam Luneheo n (At the Y a(~ht Club) Tftavel T)me to the Bnuee. NuueatL POWelL Development Plant ToUlt 0 n the Bnuee NLLc1.eCUt POWelL Development Plant 9:30 - 10:00 - 11:30 - 7:00 - 10:00 11 : 30 7 : 00 2:00 We have cUULanged 60n 'a t.OUlL 0 n the Bnuee NuUeaJL PloweJt Development Site HeaJL Kinc.aJl..dlne. Thi6, being one 06 t.he latLge.ot nuc1.eCUl.. genelLating eomplexe.o in .:the woftid, -6hould pho\Je :to be an iVLteJte.oting vi6il. I would appnecXa1:e it in you c.ould c.ontad me eOneelLMng the numbeJt On people that wiU be ({.ttendlng in YOM pCUtty, :the nwnbelL 06 peopte :thcd. would nequitLe a buh nnom Owen Sound :to the Bnuee NuueCUt.. Ptowe!L Development, and any topiC/.) tha:t you '6eet .6hou.fd be dL6eUO-6ed on. the pnognam. Two .6ugge"stiOVL6 60n p!Log!Lam topiC/.) CUte the.. !Legu1..atioVl..6 06 the EnvifLo nmen:to.i. A6.6 e6.6meVLt Ad and. the e6 6 ed 06 UlLban !Len.tal. na:te.o on SU.buJLban Commio.6iovL6 . YoWt!.> :tAuly, / ...'. ., .' OJ " // /', .' /(/ . /' . i i. / ,. ( , . t: {, ,/ tlJ Lv-"-yk<~/J f< j, ~,<--C'c~ ./ Do u.gla.o Hub bell, P. Eng. Co unt.y Eng,,{,neelL ~"'- ~6 AM H S S N 1>1 ~;z,~. AMH ~ I ~~~~) -0 b-".:lt l> AY.!:: ~ U> "0~ ~ U> ~ I , I i I ; I i I I I I . .aHO,:I)I::>O~ ----- -........... --- - ........ 'I 0"> oV:- ~r:::- ,,>':j~'r-Y . 0">+ -Or:::- y ~ " Z G> (/) ( S S"",dJ.8 ) 91 .~'- ......- -.........- --- - -..'- ...-- .... --....' -~_.- --- --- --- ... s.J.7w~ .:;-"'-~;7; - --- --, ~ I ~ I <n ~ I o 1 I I I I I J , t A.LN nO:J I o ~ I ;::r 0 l> <: I .". of') ti ~~ I J:'.E.> I €> ",t I , I _'-:" I .l33H.J.S 4 ~ 9 .l33H.J.S IHS .f> ::r <n '"\ Q. l> l> ;p < < < III ~ <l> fTI f'1 !tl 0 aNn os .h ~ 2 '" I r;; I'~ 0. 1 ~ III C) 1'17 o ~ C) ~ ::lE I .J.HSlll dO.J.S .~J f\) .~ 0.. ).> <: III (0 <:> .l.33~.J.S 4~ 01 N3 o ~-~~*4 t ! I I b >-1 ~l J:I I ! >- I- Z :J ~l vI I () 'i<l~~"'J!;'m~J1)L~,*~ 1 Z AN. H S4'D N I! I 01 f'-l >-1 ~ ::1 ~I I :' I <!>l z x: ~~~~~........."....... ," .'0 ~~.~;~~y~~~~:t;;~::'??_M,~-.;~.__~:.;.;~",7""'.~4:7;:.:o,~;"'-"'d~'''''-'':->;:'',~-.-:c.'G'k':",>.7"'.:,,, '_~:_~_':C'-'..;..'.,:,:"_.:;-.::;..';'--".;-".5,'~iSd;::''.::",:";.,.r'7;->",--::,,-"~'j".";~,,,~'_-'':' I SUBURBAN ROADS COM~lISSION ASSOCIATION . . 1980 ...]~81. EXECUTIVE Pres i den t: Mrs. Lin Good 212 Fairway Hills Crescent Kingston, Ontario Past Presi dent: Mr. Clarence Wilson R.R. 3 Chatham, Ontario Vi ce President: Mr. John Stephens R. R. 1 St. Marys, Ontario Secretary-Treasurer Mr. A.R. Holmes, P. Eng. County Court House Gue 1 ph', On ta ri 0 NlH 3T9 DIRECTORS WESTERN EASTERN Mr. Morley Howe R. R. 2 Strathroy, Ontario Mr. Doug Whitley 217 McGill Street Trenton, Ontari 0 K8V 3K4 Mr. John Stephens R.R. 1 St. Marys, Ontario Mr. Don McDonald, P. Eng., Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry P.O. Box 1022 Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5Vl Mr. Frank Hutnik 2300 Howard Avenue Windsor, Ontario Mrs. L in Good 212 Fa i n\Jay Hi 111 s Crescent Kingston, Ontar-io ~ 4. M~~~t? ArisingCont t d 3. AMO Report -2 - The Secretary-Treasurer briefly summarized some of the responses from various Commissions on AMO Report No.. 38. Agenda - Annual Meeting The Secretary-Treasurer presented a draft of the Agl~nda for the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, February 24, 198'1 at 3:00 p.m. The Executive adopted the Agenda. 5. Selection of Officers for 1981 That the slate of Officers for 1981 be: President: Vice President: Past President: Secretary-Treasurer: Mr. John Stephens Mr. Doug Whitley Mrs. Lyn Good Mr. A.R. Holmes, P. Eng. On a motion by Mr. Gordon seconded by Mr. McCutcheon ...carried The Executive adjourned at 2:45 p.m. ACTION BY ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 13, 1981 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MET at the: Engineer's Office on February 13, 1981, at 4:00 p.m. Present were Chai.rman Donald Stokes, Albert Auckland, and Robert Martin. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of January 13, 1981 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT ROBERT N. MARTIN BE APPOINTED TO THE. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THE ~ERM OF JAMES HINDLEY WHICH EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1983. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE HONOURARIUM FOR ROBERT MARTIN BE $150.00 FOR 1981 AND THAT HIS CONVENTION EXPENSES BE PAID ON THE SAME BASIS AS COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES ON THE SUBURBAN,ROADS COMl1ISSION. CARRIED." It was noted that a Statement of Expenditures for 1980 had been previously forwarded to members as attached to the minutes. "iM0VED BY: R. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1980 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 13, 1981 jl?AGE 2. The attached proposed budget for the St. Thomas Suburban Commission for 1981 was presented and is as attached. After some discussion. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. MARTIN THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE ADVISED THAT THE 1/2 MILL LEVY ($39,450) ON THE MINISTER'S EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT WILL BE REQUIRED FOR SUBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES IN 1981. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. MARTIN THAT THE DRAFT )iBUDGET OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 AS ATTACHED BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS M~D THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." It was noted that the annual meeting would be in ()wen Sound and it would be necessary to get permission from County Council to have the County representative attend. The Engineer said that this would be done shortly. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. /r :lit.. . ~1 . ............... i' "1 -- .... A._~..':""" .~ CHAIRMAN /If'''''''-' " ~"., """----""-,"'"""".-.-- " -. I~,"'lj.!tit>.. 4. liT,l..,.;tiIML tlI-l ',Hlll}N_~~~~~'~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT T0 THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS .FOLLOWS: The fQILowing is a SUmmary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1980. In accordance with' Ministry of Transportation and Communications practice, Payroll Burden, such as Holidc3ys with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to variousproj ect sand does not appeal:' asc3 sepa.rate item. ' CONSTRUCTION .. COUNTY ROADS PART # 1 Asphalt resurfacing, associated ditchi'1g, shouldering, etc. (a) Road 7 in Aldbqrough and Orford Township from Clachan to Botl;twell Bridge (COl.lpty of Elgi.n shi:\re, work. done by Kent;). (b) RO<.l,d 19 in Sou~hwo1d Township from Highway 3 (Frome) northerly approx:ima~:~~y ,2omiles (cotnplet;ion of 1979 wQrk). (c) Road 20 In SouthwQld TQWl1sh:f.p north of Port Stanley approx:ima1;ely ~ mile. (d) Road 20 in Southwo1d Township south of Fingal appro:x:imc3te1y 1 mile. (e) Road 45 in Ya.rmouth and Southwold Township fl;'qm H;lghW'$.Y 1+ westerly to approxirna~E,ly 1 mile south of MlddlemRt'ch (eXC(.lpt K~1ttl(~ CreokHill). TOTAL PART i~ 1 PART 1/ 2 Con st::t:'UC t:i on Road Iii (a) Road 5 Engineering Walkers Bridge. (b) Road 16 in Southwold Township from Fingal t.o Burwell GornerS (completion of 1979 work). (c) Road 32 ~ Police College Road in Malahide Township. (d) Road 38 Bayham. and Malahide Township. (e) Miscellaneous Surveys. 58,669.92 :3,748.06 '" 28,383.07 61,149.21 l21,8~ Z.JJ6 $273,783.12 30,750.25 9,486.10 14,979.34 1,088,962.10 J)J.,9.1p.!.?} TOTAL PART ll' 2 $1,1.51,094.36 ..1'.-. L lL ~fIIWol!,.ll,,~llj .).l,: ., lL~ \.. .v;' TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Page 2. PART # 3 Miscellaneous (a) .Rebate of Provincial Sales Tax Paid in 1979. 1,183.61 Cr{. (b) Landpurcha:se s for road widenin,g and diversion. 32,945.08 (c) New and used machinery. 252, 237 . 02 (d) Rebuilding and extension of salt building, White Station Garage. 28,342.35 (e) Machinery owpership costs, etc., charged to accounts receivable and Town1ine A~counts. 52,807.69 CR. TOTAL PART # 3 $259,533..15 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (COUNTY) $1,684,410.63 CONSTRUCTION BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION (a) Road 22 (Fairview Avenue) in Yarmouth Townshi,.p, asphalt reSUrfacing from Road 27 southerly for 1 mile. 57,134.94 (b) Construction Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth Township. 705.00 (c) .construction Roa<;l 31 (Da1ewood Rqad) in Yarmouth Township. 27.83 (d) Construction Road 52 from Road 30 to Highway 3 (St. Thomas Expressway) in Yarmouth and Southwo1d Township. 597.91 (€.!) Construction Road 22 (Fairview AVE:'!nue) in Yarmouth Township from St.. Thomas Gity Limits to Road 27. 28,025.78 (f) Land Purchased for Road Widening and diversions. 11.196..5.7 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY ~)'r. TllOMAS SUBIJRI3AN RQADS CO~lM'lSSION197,68&.03 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY AND ST. 1:'HOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS CO~lMISSION $1,782,098.66 If, ~r~J .I:L II ..tl~04~~~~''''1'ir~.'..,.~.m.~"",~~..,..,.'''Jli'''''''-''IliIi''Jf!'~''''~'"'3:U l'ii J .....4~.~ TrI 1l1l.~~ .,~ <<."r 11'" tIl!}"" ~~~~ MAINTENANCE... COUNTY ROADS NOTE: Let t~)r s andm,untJ<f17 S . corn~ spoudt () MInistry () f - Trill'lBpot'tlltlon and COTnmun.lcatlons ACcQunt' Numbers. A - Culverts etnd Brtdgesi ... 1 Bridges (including Bothwell, Warctsville, Belm.ont West, Glen Colin, and Gi11ets) ... 2 Culvert s ~~ Roadside Maintenance 13 - 1, Grass Cutting ... 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainag~ - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, etc. 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (repairs only) ... 11 Weed Spraying C -HardTop Mainteqancc (faved Roads) ... 1 R~pairs to Pavements ... 2 Sweeping ...:3 Shoulder Maintenance and Ditching, etc. 4 Surface Treatment D .. Loose Top MaintE:'nance (Gravel RQflds) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads ... 3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) ... 4 Du st Control (Prime) 5 Gravel Resurfacing E... Winter Control (Total) $208,418.99 .. 1 Snow Plowing .... 2 Salting and Sanding -.3 Snow Fence - 4 . Standby Page 3. $ 31 746. 42 ______2._...___.. 2 500.20 __..,......1.....___.. 16 394.35 ----.-.-1.:.______ 78 748.07 lIII(l.--_........I...____._ 56,643.60 lIIl!t..4lIIII..1IIlIIIt....~...__..,__ 6 476.94 _..._.._ ,.L.. ........_ 7000.33 ............L......... 832.39 ..... -.....-.. .'.'... -"'IIII'!' 1. 2 1 7 2 . 46 -.....---I.....tl!II... 88. 619" 09 .........._ -,..I. .._....._ 13264.16 ---.....~I..._-.._- .. .. .. .. ~ Q...ll Z'l :. ~? 76892. 78 ...... IIM- ...~_IlI"lit.'''._ 21053.51 ..........t-............. 41 451.43 -- ~-...'-I.-'...-...- .. eo ....~.I~~Lt:.l.! __.....~L~!2.li~:.ii -_.....~~t.~~~:.a~ 149,661.88 --........ -...'.-......... 21,369.16 ..-_'/IlllIt__..........._ 19,544.66 ..........---- -.. ..'. _~__;ol<ll"OlJ~.~>II!<'I~"_""""""""'''''''_''''~''''''''W'''''''''''''''''''''.'''''''',,,,,,,W-''~''=~n,."":.~.,.:.,"l'~'.>:~"'."_"""~~;.o,',~~,~~__,-",_~,,,,.^_,,,,-,........"',...........-~""'....,.,.__,,,...,.-~__"'..~"',....".,>,.__I'"""':.~."<<"M.....""''''''"''''''~'''-.~~'>\~'''..I':O'''........~~.'''.........,'.,.,.",,\~....J..,~''h''....'._.,,..~......,....>;:..,,..,.,.,"^~,,.""...'~.,.,........'jJ.m,_mfn_A.."'_"'.~'...,_.."""'''''''''-''-''''''__N MAINTENANCE -_COUNTY ROADS (Continued) Page 4. 1980 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Corrrrnission $ 260,442.69 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Conunission $ 359,430.62 1978 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban, Roads Cormnission $ 315,003.94 1977 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 359,095.00 F - Safety Device s - 1 Pavement Marking $ 23 874.07 .. _ _ _ .-.....1_ _ _ _.. ... - 2 Signs ____~llQ~1:.~2 ... 3 Guide Rail s _____~lt~~:.Q~ - 4 Railroad Protection 23 601.08 ..- - ~...I..- ..._'~_" TOTAL $ 848,968.39 MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of ~SOIo of their Road Levy $... ... _ )}_,_8..i ~ ~8.. <2. OVERHEAD - COUNTY 1. Superintendence, including County Engineer, Superintendents, and vehicles $ ... _ _ _8}J~5.?~~.}}_ 2. Clerical 1+0 508.7] -........ .:.1- --. -'...... 3. Office 1.3 666.36 - _.. _. ..:.1- _ __.... ~ 4. Garages (White Station & Rodney), Stock & Timekeepers, Maintenance, etc.) _ _ _ J 2.12 J~8_. J].._ 5. Tools and Misccllaneous Repairs _ _ _ J 2.1!: 1:],.: ~.l]_ 6. Radio 3 054.51 _____.1_______ 7. Traffic Counts & Needs Study Update ____E.lJ!}].!J&_ H. 'l'r:llning Cour~';e!; __ __lJ]J!!.!Jg~ 9. Permits 80.00 CR. ---~._--.~.-~- 10. Miscellaneous Insurance ____!.!22~.:!:1_ 11. Rehabilitation of White Station Gravel Pit and general cleanup of Garage grounds. !+13.l6 .......-.......-............... 1 2. MIl(.' II I 1")(1 r y ov (' r Ilt' :\ d n(> s t 1 794.64 ~~__~A~_.._~'~ 1 J . Sove t" ;lI1Ce Payre: Fqrrne r As 8t stant Eng IlHH.~ r and. Legal. Fee s. ____312~Y.:s~_ TOTAL OVERHEAD $ 245,461.06 Il:\.~ ~... lI1R"l~jJ~n e ~.~~~..,..~. (TOTAL OF PAYROLL BURDEN charged to operations was $330,491..90.) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD (including items not subsidized by Ministry of Transpo~tation and Communications). TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS, OVERHEAD, ETC. FOR COUNTY & ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C. Elgin Sweeper Insurance (Road Liability) Miscellaneous, including Memberships, etc. TOTAL SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY SUB TOTAL ADD: 1980 STOCK BALANCE SUB TOTAL LESS: 1979 STOCK BALANCE SUB TOTAL ADD: DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS (50% SUBSIDY) COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ROADS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEMS Pi:lge 5. $ _ _l.f!fb.~~~lt.tq't f $1,331,096.251 $ 7 431. 08 __..__t.:_......_..~ ........ _ ..<?./t~,-l"... _.. ____J!Q.\.tl_CR. $ Bj293. (t~ . $ _l.t.:~~t..<1.~E!.':.~~ $ _~~~~~t~?~~~~ $ 8,293.03 .........-..-.....-...... $ 3, '1 21 , 48 7 . 9 a ....-..- ---... .... .-- .. _..__~\.tt:l.~':.~1. $ _~t~~~t'!.~~~~~ .... _ _~ ~~..'~:~ ':. ~i!. $ _~t.~~~tt:~~':.~t: 1. 0, 167 . 09 -- .......-.'..-.....- NIL ..-.......-------- ,I $ 3, 12.8 ,588 . 33 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Page 6. The Ministry of TransportCltion and Communications Subsidy Allocation in 1980 was in 2 P4rts, a General Allocation of $2.~302,OOO and a subsidy of $.5,000 on Drainage Assessments (subsidized at 5CY'1o). The cost of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Cornnllission expenditure to the County of Elgin (and the City of St. Thomas) was $36,242.07~ (This also the effective contribution of the City toward Su~urbanRoads for 1980.) The net cost to the County of Elgin (including the County's share of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission expenditures) is estimated at $785,346.26. The Road Levy for 1980 was 017igina11y$781.,000. In addition, work was performed and materials sold totaling $934,635.54 including: 1. Work on boundary roads and bridges and invoiced to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford. 2. Front Street steel bin wall erosion protection proj€~ct for the Village of port StanleY. 3. Engineering work on the Walker s Bridge (50%) invoicE~d to the County of Middlesex. 4. Priming a.nd surfa.ce treatment for various Municipalities, and others including the City of St. Thomas and the Vil1i:1ge of G1encoe, and the Countie$ of Lambton, Kent and Middlesex.. 5. Work done, mater.i.als sold, paving contr.acts supervised, etc. for other municipalities, FeQ-era1 and. l'rovincia1 Government, Conservation Authorities, ind.ividua1s, etc. In 1980 the Roads Depa17tment 'Was requested to have trained personnel and insurance, etc. ready for a possible Mosqu:f,.toCo..Tltrol Programme. The net cost ofthi.s Programme to the County was $4REl~30 (the Town of Aylmer paid for the cost of insurance). Tota1paymel1t vouchers ill 1980 amounted to $4~.063,2-23.B7 (compared to $3,684,009.90 in 1979, $3,376,833.63 in 1978, $3,236,612 in 1977, and $2,741,000 in 1976). ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ~J$. l ,~~ ..~.'l)'" u~loo.rU~t,..m:UMIlIl1r""~.'lil'\IIZ~~.....,d, .c ~ __ ..,..~ ~~_ __ !lJ ()J' t ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has ju:risdiction over 47.4 miles of road out of th~ total 296.6 Road System in the County. Construction and maintenance costs arc kept s~pa:rat:e on these roads. The Commission pays a portion of the overhead costs (approximately 9..9% of thetot..a1). The Coimnission owns no equi.pment or tools but pays a "cost" rental rate to the County when the equipment is used on Commission Roads. Overall polic.y on the Commission Roads is directed by your County Council Road Committee. All detailedsumma:ry of c.osts on the Commission Roads is attclched as is a $umm.ary of the cost s of mainte"nance and overhead on the combinEJd County and Suburban Syste;m. Commission Roads Include: Road #11 - (South of Ford Plant) from Highway 4 to Road 26. Road #16 - From St. Thom.as to Fiuga1. .. . Road #22 - (Fairview Avenue) from 'St. Thomas to Road 24. Road #25 - We 11 ingt on Road. Road #26 - St. George Street and Bostwic.k Road. Road #28 - Centennial Avenue from Road 45 to Highway 3. Road #29 Road #30 - Radio Road. Road #31 - Dalewood Road. Road #52 - Highway 3 (St. Thomas Expressway to Highway 73). Road #56 - Elm Street from Centennial Avenue to St. Thomas. 1"!"'Ir--- ., . I!'> "I ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 CONSTRUCTION 1. Road 22 (Fairview Avenue) asphalt resurfacing between Roads 24 and 27. 2. ConstructiQnRoad 22 (Fai:rview Avenue) in Yarmouth Township from St. +homas City 1imitsto Road 27. 3. Road 30 (Radio Road) completion of const:ruction, etc. 4. Road 31 (Da1ewood Road) completion of constructiol1, etc. 5. Road 52 from Road 30 to Highway 3, completion of construction" (new St. Thomas Expressway). , 6. Land Purchase. TOTAL MAINTENANCE A... 1 Bridges - 2 Cu1ve:rts B <\00 Roadside Maintenance ~ 1 Grass Cutting .. 2 TreG Ctlt t i.ng .. 4 Draini;lge .. 5 Roadside Maintenance .. 7 Drainage Assessments .. 11 Weed Spraying C ... Hard Top Maintenan<:e (Paved Roads) - 1 Repair.s to Pavement .. 2 Sweeping .. 3 Shoulde.r Maintenance .. 4 Surface Treatment ~~,,~, $ 57 134.94 .._.......-J.~....--_ 28 025.78 / ......._ "-,~ J... _.......... _' ~. 70$.~O ----~-~-~---~ 27.83 -..---.......-----.. 597.91 -. ....- - - .. ..... - .... ... ... 11,196,57 -,~_.....~.... ..-........- $ 97,688.Q3 $ . 269 . 20 -!!IlI'...-............---.. 688.84 ---......-.........._- 2,248.6.0 -..................,.-..~- 17,204,$3 .. .... ... ,-.... .........,..... - .. 11,920.51 -.-. -.... ..-.. ..'~ 801.81 ...........---....,--- 6 2 . 08 -...-.........---.... 1, 654.55 ~ ....--..------.. t 2,892.50 ---~..-_.._---. 2,187.59 '..------------ . 5,651.11 .. ... --......- -,- .....- 20,619.16 ... ....... ............-.. '" !,~ W1llJ'f;1fltrrt ~'. ~!~J, ..~.l..<t4 l,. u ~ 4'J A".,'tiI-'iAl~J-,~ , < ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 Page 2. D - Loose TOp Maintenance (Gravel Roads) ... 2 Grading $ 4 958.93 __...__1....__~___ 3 Du st Layer 8 1 08. 03 ..........1..-_____ ... l~ Prime 4 924.21 ,...---.,.1....-.. ....... ... '5 Gravel Resurfacing _'"'.......Z.a~lQ:.ag.. . Eo. Winter Control (total) $52,023.70 ... 1 Snow Plowing 3,109.71 ..-....--- ,,'..._-- .. 2 Sanding ~ Salting 40,542.37 ----.--~--~--- ... 3 Snow Fence 3,485.46 ....... ...- ,.. ,.. .... '... - - ... ... 4 Winter Standby 4,886.16 .:_-------~~~- F ... Safety Oevice s ... 1 Pavement Marking 4 232. 01 _____.2__...___ ... 2 Signs 4,609.4t .'.... -.- -- ..--....'... ... 3 Guide Rail 135.37 .......- _... - till ... _ ...... ~-... ,- - 4 Raitroad Protection 4 966_.66 ......_....1__...___.. Overhead Charges, including Sup~rintendence, Office, Clerical, Garage, etc. . 27 125.48 ______.2._______ TOT AL $ J84,505.lg Drainage Asse~~ents NIL ~.~.~-~~-~.~~ Items Not Subs dized by Ministry of Transportation and Communicat ons 318.88 -.:~-~-----~_:~ TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUBSIDIZED ATOPERNfIONAL RATE $ 282,512.07 $ 282,193.19 TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE '8y ClTY OF ST ..THOMAS Min.istry of Transportation andGommunica~ions Subsidy. Rate on operations for 1980 was calculated to be 74.427% on all items (e:x<=.eptitems not <f.ol:" sUpsidy) is $210,047.93 5crkof:ealance of $72,165.26 is $___22J2~1.:2~__ .. '., ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 Items Not For Subsidy 50% of$B18.88 T()T,AC PAYABf.~l~ by Clty of St. Thmnns on 19HO<.)pet"ilti,ons PLUS: Deficit from 1979. LESS: City of St. Thomas Contri.bution for 1980. Deficit to 1981 Opercttions. Page 3. 159.44 -......--.--......... ~_lfiL&~a:.2!~ 9,74Q.OO ----.._-~..-..- 37,550.00 ..1lIlIlIII-....--...-___ $ 8, 4:3 2. 07 '" 1:~-"'''''''''''"'--'''---'''''''''''''-''''-'''I''''''''~'''''-'l<iiI''''''''''''''',,",,-,''''''~~'''/</>l'-''<<""''''__~'''''l'/'r'_''''''''''.""_'.''J<""".~,...'t''''t.""":tJI'",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~..Il'rnIlItU. .t ..,,..~.,...... MAINTENANCE "~"'''''"''lf.~''''''''''-'r,'ll>.t-/'o~'''_''~'.''.''I'llo.r~)'~__''''~"...."".............,,..,,...;.>r.>":<l'...~~ft:~'O'_...''I,'4'I'~~~~"~''''''''''''''''''''''''rol'' The fo11qwing is a summary qf th~ tqtalmail1tenance Qn both County and Suburban Roads. NOTE: Letters and nUmbers correspond to Mini stry qf Trc:ll'lSportation ---- and Communications Account Numbers. A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridge s If.~ - 2 Culverts B- Roadside Maintenance .. 1 Grass Gutting .. 2 Tree Gutting ...4 Drainage .. 5 Roadside Maintenance" Washoqts, etc. -~ Tree Planting .. 7 Drainage Assessments (repc:li.+,s only) ... 11 Weed Spraying G .. Hard Top Maintenan(t.e(PavedRoads) .. 1 Repc:lirsto Pavement $ 32 015..62 ..... .. .... _ .;J...... .... _..._ ... _ _....3J1-..8J..._Oj.,. 18,642.95 ~-~~-~-~~..~~. ___JJ.zJiJ.:J~_ 68,564.11 .....-..... --......... __..._J.lJl~~~J_ 7,000.33 ...-._.~t!lIt.. -.......- -_.. 894.47 -- ..--.....--:-....- __ _! ~J~Zl.:.&l.- 91,.511.59 ....- ~. .. - ~ ..... ...... ....-.- "" 2 .Sweepipg(See also :Elgin Sweeper under Items Not For SUbsidy) 15,451.75 ---...._-...-.'. - 3 Shoulder Maintenance o. 4 SUrfac~ Treatment D ... Loose Top Maintenance (Gr9vel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) 4 Dust Control (Prime) "" 5 Gravel Resurfacing 46 520\1140 .. .....~ ~ 1_ ....-.. .-.' lilt 97 511.94 ...........~--...-~... 26 012.44 ....... _.....~,.. ................... 49 559.46 ....... .......J._~ ~_.."_ 6~95.3a _____L____... 58 769.17 ...............1...--......... MAJJnIJE~NAl:{CE ... COUNTY AND ST . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Conti:nued) Page 2. E ... Winter Control (Total) ~ 1 Snow Plowing ___gQ.l22~:Qg_ .. 2 Salting and Sanding _..12Q.a~g~:~2_ - 3 Snow Fence ......l!:.a~af:.:f1lo. - 4 Standby 24 430.82 _-___.a...______ 1980 Winter Control. County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 260,442.69 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads 'Commission $ 359,431.00 1978 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 315,003.94 1977 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 359,095.00 F ... Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking $ 28 106.08 _...___J__..___.. .. 2 Signs 47 670.80 ..,....._-_.I~,- .._.... -.3 Guide Rails 2 257.39 _ __.. _.-.1......_ _._..._ ... 4 Railroad Protection .. _ _ J.~.J,J!; 1.:1!:_ TOT AL $ 1 J 006 t~~48. 07 OVERHEAD ... COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Superintendence, including Cqunty Engineer, Superintendents, and vehicles. $ 90,.599.00 ..... ...''''-. ..-- --....... 2. 81 erical. 44,989.70 ----.........---..--.... 3. Office. 15,178.10 ~-~--~~'--~~~~- 4. Garages (White Station & Rodney), Stock & Timekeepers, Maintenance, etc. 73,682.01 .....----~------.. 5. Tools and Miscellaneous Repairs. 29,365.90 ----.....--.....-.... 6. Radio. _ _ _ _ }".,JJ..2....}J__ 7. Traffi.c Counts & Needs Study Update. 7,148.58 ... .. -..... .. ...' -- - ... ........ ... ... '. 8. Training Courses. 1 372.94 -.--- -~,~-,-......,- 9. Permits. __.._ ___..8_Q....Q.(L_CR. 10. Mi.sce11an(~ouS Insurance. .. ...... o.~.\}.~5...~1}__ (Cont inued ) OVERHEAD ... COUNTY _AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Continued) 11. Rehabilitation of White Station Gravel Pit and general c1ean~p of Garage groypds. 12. Machinery Overhead Costs. 13. Severance Pay re: Former Assistant Engineer and Legal Fee s. TOTAL OVERHEAD r~ Page 3. $..-.._--~~~:.~~ 1 993.16 ....._.....1.___..__ ____~z.~12:22 $ 272.586.5/+ ~_r ,.- __n ---1r:~1;';;;;;:;;;;;;'~-;;;~;;;;'''''''-'''''-'''''''~'''''''''''''''--'''~;.- . ._,,_~.._~n..~~....';';~:;:~:~:';;;;'::;;;;;;:;;;;;"~;;'___;;';"-;';;;"-;:7";:::;;;~~~';~~;:;''';;';;.~__._.,........._,~,...,.....,'_.." .... 'M -.'".""".... ~i\ (i~~ ,.~i~4 COUNTY'.. Or' ELGIN ROADCOMMIT'fElt SECOND.REPORT TOr.FHE WARDEN AND MEMBERSOFTHEEI.,GINGOONTYCOUNCIL 'lOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS.J:."'OLLOWS: RECOMMEND: FEBRUARY SESSION 1981 That .theRebate tOlJ'rbanMijriicipal iti.esb~25% of.theirR()~d Levy as County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 2. That:.. the following.st}~~ernen~ofPrQP()s~d':Wotka.l1dExpe.ncltt:t1re son in fQ rrn(~ 17 ye ar 8 . and a Resolution passed adopting the- Statement of Work and Tr;Hl$pOr~at ion and Communications for apprQ"a 1. ExpendIture$ and the Statement be forwarded to the Mi-nisery of is 50%.) 3. That a Resolution be passed:t,:"equestingtheMipistry and for. Drainage Cormnission CHAIRMAN 1981 CONSTRUCTION ST. 'I'HOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION 1. Compl.et;ework from pn:~ViquS y~ars: -Road30 (Ra.<ho Road) ~; 6 , 000 2. Land Furchase: ..RQadsi22,30" 31 and 52. 34,000 StO;veys,..Ep.gtneerltlg,. Gra.d:ll'lg, Uti.li.~Yi.lvfovlng, etc. ""...Rog-q'22 CFa.tt"view ^v~nt1e) 22,000 1. Walkers Bridge a) Contract. b) Day labour, c) Soil tE.~sts. d) Payments to Consulting:" Engineer, etc. $400,000 2. Road 22 (Fairview Avenue ) construction in . ...... ..... .. . 'addition to that budgeted by the St~ Thomas Suburban Road Commission 18,QOO 3. Completion of Road 38 between liighwa,y 3 and Highway 19, Bayham and Ma.~ahide Township.. 140,000 4. Land Purchase: a) Road 38 (Highway Road 32 (to b) RQa.ds2,J, 8, (Purchase on thi s Summer.)- Purchases on Road 3 and 8, will allow dit.ching this Summer on Road 3. between New Glasgow and Rodney and Road 8. between Wallace town and Dutton with resurfacing in the near future on both roads. 5'. Miscellaneous survey and engineering on new p r oj e c t s. 20, 000 23,000 70,000 Construction Roads 42 and 50 Port . Burwell and Road 32 (Poli.ce Coltege, Road) MalahideTownship. (Work in Port Burwell willibe delayed until sanit(~ry sewer worki s approved by ~he Mini. stry of the Envi.ronment.) 315,000 PAGE.2. 'f' $ 62,000 9.86,000, ~ I . A .f la.x :. ( ) ( ) ( ) .~,"'___"~';_':"':"~~~~~;:;:;':;:;'~_;';;';':;"":':'~';';<V_-'''''N''''''''''''~''''''''''-'''''''''''."1.~!'~"""""''''''_''''_'''''''''''''____'''''~''''_''-''' PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE OPERATION COUNTY . AND . SUBURBAN 1981 ST. THOMASiSUBURBAN 1981.. COUNTY 1981 A . ..'BrIdge 5 and Cui verts eo ~ Br j. <.lge s 70,000 1,000 69,000 ... 2 Gulvert5 Roadside Maint:enance .. 1 <Grass Guttlng 3,000 l,)raLnag(~ 8,000 70,000 ... .5 Roadside Maintenancc 10,OQO 2,000 .. 6 . Tx(} (2 P 1 fltlttng 1,000 .. 7 PratnagoAssessment.s (Maint~nance ) ...11W~ed SPFay,'iqg 2,000 Pavement Maintenancl' 65,000 5,000 ,5,000 1 , 000 4,000 ~llI!.'i\~~~~_""""'~.,""".""I'~"""""""""'f'I1f<"""":~"""""""",,,,,,..,,-'...._._,~.....-.. PAGE 4. OVERHEAD OPERATION 1981 Sl.lpqr'lntenoence t 1l 0,000 B8,OOO ~'~~"IiMln -:...... I\'tilrwrl'tn!'_~~l:\l:t.~'M'Y._-::.:~~"-."..._,~~.,...~."~,",,<,",,,,,,1"<~\-_""""'~~,r<l;l':/IP_t;_'":'_\'''!:4';l:'J!'~~~m';n~_'!l':'<W''~'''~'''I''''>'-\',....~_...,~.,..._'''''''''''''''''''''''''~.,-~_....-.._....._-,.,.--""-",-.-,,,,.---.--._.~~,-~,..~~._,._>......~.,.~~-""--'~'- Hqt",.....""',~""~"""'"~~,<-~~t"".(,''4.''',......"...,:'ItM)"..r. I~~""'-..-"~-~...~ !!-~...'.. ..A ~ .~ ~".I<.."".. PAGE 5. SUMMARY.OF EXPENDITURES (Jounty Roads $1 t133, 000 - St ..Thornas.SlJ.burball Roads 1.61,000 298,()()() ... St.'Thomas Suburban Roads 25,000 M.T .C. -Ordincn:y M.T.C....Suqs1.dy on M. T.C. ... Subsidy on Drainage Assc ssmcnts (500/,;) 30tOOO City of . St.. Thoums.. Contribution to Roads. $2:.161. '2, nOQ NET LEVY EX1)(' ndfture s $1, 1~6 7,()O() Receipts 2,612, 000 NET LEVY ST. THOMAS" ONTARIO J'ANUARY 13, 1981 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MET at the residence of Albert Auckland on January 13, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. Present Albert Auckland, Don Stokes and the Engineer. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of Febrt;tary 12, 1980 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND ,'SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT DON STOKES BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST'-. . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1981. CARRIED." THE E;NGINEER REPORTED that he had received Jim Hindley's resignation because of ill health. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY~ 'D. STOKES THAT WE ACCEPT WITH REGRET THE RESIGNATION OF JAMES HIN~LEY BECAUSE OF ILL HEALTH FROM THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRIED." THE COMMISSION DISCUSSED the rep1acemen~ of Jim Hindley and instructed the Engineer to approach Robert Martin to see if he was interested in being a member of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 1981 IN THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION A$-SOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1981 PAGE 2. A BRIEF DISCUSSION took place on Expenditures for 1980 and the Budget for 1981. The Engineer stated that it would be a week or more before the 1980 Expenditures were fina1ieed and probably a month before a Budget could be discussed for 1981. IT WAS REPORTED that the 1/2 Mill Rate Levy on thE~ CitY,..9f St. Thomas would bring in $39,450 in 1981 compared to $37,550 in 1980 and $36,450 in 1979. THE ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that the legislation with regard to the appointment of Suburban Commissioners would not take effect until such ~f63 time as the Commission's term ran out in July of~. At 'which time the County and the City would appoint a Commissioner for the balance of the Jd) fJ i- <, County CounciPs term namely to November of~. After that the appointment would be for two (2) year t.erm by Councils, based on the term of the Councils. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. #~Q~ CHAIRMAN [.........."'1....... 1 , "".....J r.........'.".""".: ..\ i ~...J [..:.......'...'.' . ~ ,I ~ o D J."-"'1ll ~~~~~~~~: B - ~SSIGNMENT OF THE SUB[~ON SUB ROADS AND COMMISSIONS S:!!!lffiary of Terms of Referen.ce for the Revie\.v of Suburban Roads and Commis sions The terms ofrefe.rence for the review were ba~3ica.lly: (a) To define the function and current merit of suburban cOlnmis s ions, and (b) To recommend to The Special Advisory Conlmittee any changes which would better serve the interests or better dis charge the functions of suburba.n commi s s ions. THE SUB-C011MITTEE'S. RESULTS The functions of suburban road commissions were d~;fined as : 1. To identify the. county roads which serve the economic and social interests of the separated urban, as well as those interests of the county. z.. To designate as suburban roads those of the. so identified county roads which are the most pressing concerns to the separated urban within the limitations of the ~"'1.ds that 'Nill be available: . 3. To direct the expenditure on the needs of suburban roads in the interests o{both the separated urban and .' the county. The Sub -Committee invi.ted Mrs. Lin Good to present her views which supported suburban commissions. Mayor Weeks of Windsor and Mayor Al Gleeson of London have both advocated dissolution of suburban conunis 5'101'16. They were invited to discuss their views with the Sub-Committee. Mayor Gleeson attended to present the case for dissolution. ~.......~,..g0w"." . ...5. )f/ /'.' . // ..----- // /./ , /'.// Y ~ ~.~...~...:.. &[1...~.)~. .~~.. ....~. ::(XA~. s.o--r-JL-...... . .... ~.... ...... ~..'" ~.. '....... ~~~~._~_ r-. .~..~~~~_ (J~) ./ r! ~ ( .,J - 8 - r- [h,.i Three Options were reviewed: 1. The dissolution of suburban road commis sions on the grounds that the separated urban has no present nor future interest in suburban roads . [_.:." z. The creation of. area road commis sions with jurisdiction and control over the main roads and streets in the county and separated urban which serve the COlfllYlOn interests of both municipalities (The Upper-Tier Road System) on the grounds that a fundanlental change is required. [~' 3. The modification of the qualifications for eligibility and term of office for appointee s to suburban commissions on the grounds of more direct accountability but accepting that the separated urbani s commercial ,and social interests are served by suburban roads. Comments on The Options Dissolution of suburban road commis sions is an option ,;vhich has been proposed by representatives of some separated urbans. It was incumbent upon the Sub - Committee to explorecare:f~lly the consequences of dis solution. .The Sub-Committee concluded that suburban roads do serve the social and commercial interests of both the county and 'the separated urban municipality. Suburban road commissions are the statutory creatures through which the separated urban can express its views on the maintenance and improvement priorities of suburban roads. While also permitting the county equal opportunity to expres sits views I the suburban road commis sion does not benefit the county to the same extent as the separated urban since suburba.n roads are already county roads and the county has its own council and road committee to secure its interests. [] [:.J So long as municipal road authorities acknowledge that their social , and commercial interests extend beyon.d their borders I that there is an interdependence, dis solution of suburban road cotnmissions without an effective and immediate substitute would crea.te an undesirable hiatus . The Sub - Committee was unable to recommend dissolution of suburban road commissions. r............'...l....' lJ [ii:] ,~J f~l f, , [~"""'J il ',,,..,.1' , f..:.' ,.._, ~ t., t,.:~ - 9 - (...~.,.'1... . rt 'I ,..,.._J However, the Sub-Committee holds the view that where the separated urban municipality and the county are able to agree that dissolution of the suburban road commission is in their mutual interest, such a prospect should be allowed without the city or separated town losing its road grant eligibility. The Sub -Committee is sympathetic to the idea of the area road commission as a basic change which would be consistent with and could b.e readily absorbed by a comprehensive solution. Representation would be divided between the c'ounty and the separated urban. Where two or ~ore separatedurbans existed, they would be deemed as one for purposes of representation. '\ The Chairman could be appointed alternately by the separated lurban and the county. Eligibility for appointment would be restricted to members of Council. The local share of road costs would be apportioned on the basis of assessment. Ministry road grants would follow the regional model. [' ['..~..j ~,.,.,.....l The Sub -Committee has judged that area road comrnis sions would not be an accepted innovation ~nd, the'refore, does not.. recommend this option. However, the ::iub-Com.m.ittee emphasized that area road commissions would resolve the overall problem of adminis- tering and managing the upper,-tier road system where cities or separated towns exist in counties. .Further, the Sub-Committee promotes. the position that an area road commission should be created where the separated urban and the county agree to its establishment. The representation and term of office for appointees to suburban road commissions did receive the careful attention of the Sub-Committee. Accountability is viewed differently today than when the existing legislation on the composition of subu.rban commissions was drafted. To accommodate more direct accountability, the eligibility of suburban commis sion appointees needs to ~e broadened to include members of council of the county and the separated urban. A companion change is to make the term of office of suburban road commission appointees coincide with the term of office for municipal councils. ill t"""'~..:... ..! ."",..1 f...'....~n......~.............. tJ The appreciation and understanding of the functions and activities of suburban road commissions is vested primarily in the members of thesecommis sions. It is a prospect that municipal elected officials as cOlnmission members may be able to contribute to a broader understanding of the role of suburban road cornmissions as a road agency and to a better appreciation of the merit of their agency to the combined county-separated urban commup.ity. 1l"'~iU' r t - 10 - [: r"~' RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE THE SUB-COMMITTEE REC011.MENDS THAT: 1. SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS CONTINUE UNTIL TI-IEY C.l\!'l BE _~BSORBED VfITHINA REVISED . MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE. 2. THE RESTRICTIONS ON APPOrnTEES TO SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS BE REMOVED TO ~1AKE MEMBERS OF COUNCILS OF TIlE COUNT~[ AND THE SEPARATED URBANS ELIGIBLE. [..................\ .'; .;."""...J 3. THE TERM OF OFFICE FOR APPOINTEES TO SUBURBAN ROAD COMM1SSIONS COINCIDE WITH THAT FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 4. WHERE THE COUNTY AND THE SEPARATED URBAN MUNICIPALITY AGREE THAT THEIR MLUTUAL INTERESTS WILL BE BETTER SERVED BY (A) THE DISSOLUTION OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. OR, (B) THE CREATION OF A.N AREA ROADCOMtv1ISSION, SUCH ACTION SHOULD BE PERMITTED,. COST CONSEQUENCES TO THE l.11NISTRY No~e IMPLEMENTATION f""] L::~J (""'11 LJ Amendments to The Public Transportation and Highway Improve- ment Act are- required to implement the recommendations. The amendments could be effective as soon as 1980. ADMINISTRA TIVE IMPROVEMENT None t..,...,'...'..".......'.,:".,... LJ ~"(f!~"'~m