1983 Suburban Road Committee CO! COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO N4K 3E3 376-7337 (" J. D. HUBBELL, P. Eng. COUNTY ENGINEER HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT Veeemb~ 20th, 7983 Mn. RobVl:t G. Moone, P. En.g. County En.gin.e~ County On Elgin. 79 Stanley Sbteet Co uJLt H 0 U-6 e ST. THOMAS, Ontanio N5R 3G7 Vean Bob: In. neply to you.n le;t;t~ on Veeemb~ 73th, 7983, 1 am en.&o-6-<-.n.g a eopy on the ivU:tial nepont that 1 pnuented to the HighwaY-6 CommUte.e. The HighwaY-6 CommUtee, with the appnoval On County Coun.ell, decA-ded to -6ued Option. 4 on my nepont. The City i-6 agneeable to the et{min.ation. On the Commi-6-6ion. in a -6u.Uable agneement ean. be neaehed. The maj on -6twnblin.g bloek, 0 n eouM e, i.6 the legal noad bloc.k.-6. The pnovin.ee neeL6 that the County On Gney ,6hould make nepfLuentation. ttvwugh an. ongan.ization. -6ueh M the Ontanio Good RoaM A-6,6ouation. to -6ee in th~e A.~ ,6Unnieient ,6Uppont amon.g eoun.tiu an.d c.A;t.iu to have the Publie TnaVl.-6pontation. an.d Highway Impnovement Ad ehan.ged. The ehan.ge would be p~mi.6-6ive iVl.-6,OnMMit wouldailow non the -6tatu.-6 quo to nemain., but with the option. non c.A;t.ieAl an.d eoun.tiu to ent~ into agneemew to maintain. the Subu.nban. RoaM wLthout the ne_ed non the Commi.6-6io n.. We Me euMenily puMuin.g thi.6 appnoaeh, but we hav'e n.ot given. up on. the idea On a pnivate membeJl..-6 bill. 1 neaLey don.' t exped an.y eon.enete ehan.gu to oeeu.n non at leMt two yeaM in a:t aLe. 1 will keep you in.nonmed On an.y majon ehan.gu. S eM 0 Vl.-6 Gneetin.g,6, ~-V~,,_,,;v-c-,-- ~,- (.....- U _ _ VouglM Hubbe1.l, P. En.g. County En.gin.e~ dn //~,J, '-iflt ~~ AN INVESTIG.ATION OF 'I1-lEFUNcrION OF THE OWEN SOUND SUBUHBAN HOAnS COM'-ITSSION ...: Back~)lmd , Grey County Comcil at their Decerrher , 198Z,session instructed the Grey County Highways Connri.ttee and the County Engineer to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of continuing with the~tJenSound Suburban COl1IIlissionand the alternatives to a Suburban Corrrnission . This report surmItarizes the ,preliminary findings concerning the operatit"'1g costs of the SuburbanComnission along with a sumnc1.ry ofactv-antages and disadvantages' to having. a separate Suburban Conmission. History of thea-Jen Sotmd Suburban Corrrnission Suburban Corrrnissions in Ontario came into being in 1915 ~tten the Province, through its Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act gave' authority to Counties to fOl1U SuburbanCorrmissions. The ftmction of the Suburban Comnission \Vas to allow the County to collect a levy from the separated nnmicipality, either a city or separated tOVJrl, ror the additional costs that the County had incurred due to the increased traffic generated by the presence of the separated municipality. The separated nnIDicipality each year upon receiving a request from the COlmty treasurer must make a contribution of up to one-half mill on their proviniciGlly equalized ministerially adjusted assesslil6rlt. In the case or wen SDund, that contribution in 1982 was $32,000.00.. TIle COl.ID.Vj, in return, matches that contribution and. then provides additional [-unds from the subsidy allocation rrCLrt the Province. In 1983, the Suburban budget was tagged at $288,193.00, or wl'lich$34, 000.00 came rrom the County's levy, $34,000.00 rrom the City's levy, Eu"1d '$206.100.00 from the H. T . C. subsidy. In return ror making a contribution to the County Roadstbat are . designated as Suburban Roads, the City of ();'Jen Sound is allowed to appoint one representa.tive to a three merrber Corrmission to oversee the operation of the Suburban System. The County in turn appoints. a representative and those uvo. Tepuresentativesappoint a thirdrepres~ntativeto foun the three man Comnission. Currently the Suburban Corrrni.ssion which has a tennor orfk'e c:oncttrrent wiw~the tenn of office for the local mJrlicipalities, is comprised (Q)fthree appointed members. The County and t:heCity do have the option of designating a. - t council member to be their Comnissioner. The Owen Sound!5mburban RDads System consists of 44.3 kilometres of bituminous surface County~~:ads in the Townships of ~rby, Sydenharn,and Sara\vak. Table No. Onesurrrnarizes :t:lhe Suburban Roads System. Study Objectives Itr:ty alternative to a Suburban Roads System should involv€.oo analysis of the overheadcdstsassdciated with .the operation of the Corrl1'ills$;ion . compared . to the benefits derivedbytheexistance oftb..a.t system. lhe vari<otlS alternatives to Suburban Comnissions should be lool<ed at in the light of tne necessary legislative excerise .thatt-viII berieeded to makethed~sired.shallges tOOfthesystem~ 1~be1ieve that it is essential that the Cit:Yrepresenta~.i~; should be notified concerning the Cou1.1ty'S investigation ofaJA:ernativesto ttfu:e Suburban System. - 2 - 'Ihey should be kept informed and consulted before any alternative is selected. <:.' As a curtesy I recanmendthat the O/JenS6iJnd Suburbanwrmissi(ID be made aware and kept infomed ttu;ough the Cotmty Eng;i.p.eer of the progress of this investigation. .' Overhead Review The following is a surrrnary of costs associated with. the operation of the Owen Sound Suburban Corrmission. OnlythQse costs that would not exist if the Corrmission did not exist are considered. Some costs,for example, will continue whether the roads are County Roads or Suburban Ro?-ds, such as the nOrffi3.l maintenance, construction,' and overhead costs associated with managing the In.a.intenance and construction of 44kilometres of upper tier roads. (1) Budget Preparation Because there is separate budget prepared for the Suburban QJffinlssion, there is a certain arrount of duplication costs that could be avoided if the Suburban Corrmis s ion did not exist. D. Hubbell W. lliwdell G. Shaw R. D:mn D. Robinson l~days@ $164.15 8~days @ $81.26 5~ days @ $109.14 2 days @ $89.00 1 day @ $55.00 = $246.22 = $690.71 = $600.27 =$178.00 = $55.00 $1) 770. 20 (2) Bookkeeping The. following 'costs are associated vr.Lth separate entries on ledger cards, preparation of a separate voucher ,and the preparation ofa separate. balance . sheet. 1 day x. 26 periods x $66 . 10 x 1.25 = $2148.25 (3)Pa;g::oll Costs TIle following is a surrrnary of the costs associated with separating out all of the various Suburban cos ts for each work activity. 1 day x 26 pay periods x $81.26 x 1.25 = $2640.95 f - 3 - (l.}) Tender . Prepara tiori The only tender that is called separatefromt:ne County tenders is the tender for Paving. The . total costs associated with the preparation of this tender and.the advertising is $212.50. (5) Comnission Fees The Corrmission Fees for the three Corrrnissioners for the year, based on 14 meetihgs is $1974.00. (6) Comnissioo Convention Expenses The 1982 Suburban Comnission.ConventiOl1 expenses to attend the cx;RA Convention in Toronto and for two people to attend the RTAC Convention in Halifax was $3467.62. (7) Area Foreman's Extra~c:E9a!ion for Working with Two Accounting Systems The following is the difference in pay ~hatRoyden Tbrrm receives over that received by the other three Area Foreman. This is the compensation for 'Vlorking with the Suburban System as well as the County System - $408.75. (8) Suburban Corm:issionMeetfugs - Staff Costs This cost is calctllated fOTmyselfand thesesretary forthrel~ hours for each meeting for 14me~tings per year ..,;$1646.92. Meeting preparation time is approx.imately 2 hours per meeting for my tim= - $820.75. .(9) 9fficeSupplies The estimated costs for paper for the year is $50.00. : (10) Treasur~r 1 sOffice Expenses Tb.e additional cost for review of Comnission minutes, accounts, and balance sheets are estimated to be $150.00. Q)/:u.--;) ~:;2 ?c-<-;,-r-<- CCCL.C'-<A--"-~{';~L_Ld ~ -4 - From thefbregoinghreakdown, the total estimated overhead cost that is directly attri.~lt.abletothe exist~'1ce of t~e.Suburban Corrrni.ssion is:?r~~.2.'.~1i,9.,~7.- This total Includes an allocat~on of 25% mcrease to vlages to coveP'11ayrbll burden. " Advantage and Disadvantages of a. Suburban Corrmission The following list of ..advantages .and disadvantages considers the . operation of the Suburban Conmis s ion from the view point of both the County and the City. Advantages 1. Under existing legislation, the Suburban Corrmission is the vlehicle by which the County obtains rronetary contributions from the City for maintenance of certain OJunty Roads adjacent to the City. 2. The Suburban Corrmission format allows the City to have mput into the levels of services being provided on the main arterials extending from the City boundaries. 3. The Conmission fonnat with its separate bookkeeping system allows for an organized method of keeping track of work activities and expenditures carried out on those CotmtyRoads designated as Suburban. This system of recQrdkeeping allows the City ready access to the expenditures to which they. are providing a rronetary contribution. 4. The Suburban Comnission generally operates in a less parochial atJrosphere than a body that has members elected from a specific area. hi mye:x:perienccwith 'Conmissions, the tendency is rrDre to look at the w40le system rather than roads that are in certain. areas of special interest to Corrmissioners. This is not to JX>int out a weakness with elected bodies. It is an understandable reaction for an elected Councillor to show a special interest in County Roads' in that Councillor 's particular municipality. Disadva11.tages 1. Theexistanceof a Suburban Corrmission provides a double bookkeeping and reporting function that has additional costs associated with it. Fronl the preceding section of this . report that assignable cost isapproxi.nEtely.$15,289.94. . 2. The County Roads System consists of 696. 3kilometres OfC01U1ty Roads. Of that total, 44.3 kilaretresare designated as Subur'banRoads unds;rthe direction of an appointed body \vhich, at this time, does not report directly to County Cotn1cil or City Council. Accountability for the operation of this system falls on appointed officials rather than elected officials. 3. There has to be some confusion to the public when they have to deal with two separ?-te bodies when dealing with questions about the operation of the Grey County Roads System. Theexistance . of a Suburban Corrmis s ion and itsfu1ction is not clearly tmderstood by th.e public. The public's first reaction to grievances against the County Higb;vays Department is to go to their elected officials. This is the natural procedure, and I believe the correct procedure. However ,when dealing with the Suburban Q)mnission.that elected official has to then convey the ratepayers concerns. to. . an .appomted body. ,~ - 5 - 4.' Th~am::)\mtofrevenuethat the Suburban Corrmis s ion has to operate with each year is inadequate to carry outaneconomicaltmit of construction without obtaining additional fLmding from the City and the County . Some Counties in past have got around this problem by assuming certain Suburban Roads. as County 'Roads and rebuilding them and returning them to the Suburban C.arrmission to maintain. That has not been the practise ill Grey County. Options I believe there are four options available for the maintenance and improvement of the 44.3 kilometres of County Roads that are designated as Suburban Roads. 1. Is to continue with the existing system of a separate Corrmis s ion to manage the . operation of a Suburban Roads System. %is would mean tha.t the County would still obtain a grant based on one-half mill of the City's equalized' m:inisteriallyadjusted assessment, but would still have overhead costs in the order .. of $15.,000.00. 2. Would be ,toel:iminate the Suburban Corrmis s ion completely with no further input from the City. The County would gain inmediate' control over all of the County Roads in this system and would reduce their overhead by approximately $15,000.00, but would elim:in.c'1te revenue in the order of $32,000.00, The net loss to obtain that direct control over 44.3 kilametres of road would be $17,000.00 per year. 3. Would be to eliminate the Suburban Corrmission, but keep the sarnecontribution from the City based on the one-half mill. This would eliminate approximately $15,000.00 in County overhead and would be clearly the lrost beneficial proposal fronrtheCounty's point of view. However, asthediscussionconcem:ing the changes in the > Suburban Systanmust be by agreeme.ntwith the City, I do not th:inkthis option holds any attraction for the City as they would lose their representation, but would.. still have to make the' same contribution to the County . 4. Is to eliminate the Corrmission but accept a reduced contribution from the City. This would appear to be the opttonwiththe nnst promise if both the City and the County wish ,to make a change in the existing. Corrmission Sys tem. Negotiations could be based oneliminatmg.the$15,000.00 overhead with the City making a reduced contribution to the Suburban Roads in return for the elimination of the Conroission. The .advantage to the County would be the reduction of $15 ,000.00 in overhead minus the reduced grant from the City. The County would also gain directcontrol.of the operation of the present Suburban Road network. The City would be paying less to\Vards the upkeep of County' Roadsl! but would lose their direct representation through their Comnissioner. t Options 2, 3, and 4, would require'uegotiations <and bwgainingbetweentheCity and the Cotmty. Options 3 and 4 would require legislative changes to the Public Transportation and Highway Irnproverrent Act. As in the. case of Bt'ant County, this could bedone~dth a private members bill. and a suitable agreerr.€nt being struck between the City and the CQ\.ll1ty. Options 3 and 4 as was the case in the Brantford/COuntyof Brant legislation could involve a wider scope of negotiations "\viththe City concerning - 6 - shareq services and the question of annexati.on of portions of Ta-vtnships adjacent to the City. f T I\r~ 1. r: 1 l(, "SUbUhl);~11 l?oocl # ~;-_._- --,------ If 1 FIt (1'11) C-iJ.. !f LAm Lt6 #5 C.i;ty wntu, If 5 SuoeVtban Road :I 1 8 IfJ 5 CUy wnU!> 101 'SuouJLoan Road #1 ~ - . ,'. tl18 SpJUl1gmouHt #20 K . H. if 2 6 "21 CUy LhrU.:U To --- 1 -I- .., 2/ ~., . (J .4... :; _ :" j SCVi.o.l1;a L , Ju.:p SuuuJdJo..n T~oo.d If1 t KilA {rill, (fLt C:unc. VI/ , V1I J VUl by Til.'jJ teUfz (Sub. Raatl it 2 0 J Keppr~ISw'l;a!J.:al~ TowittZn e. Roclz.bOhd LeLtfz (Sub. Rd tilS) K.- H. #26' TOTAL " 1 L r.nq11: --~._~.j. -....-....- 10.3bn 4 . 4 tan 2.7 hm 4.3hm 2. 7" rvn ,9, t'km 6. 9" JlJn 3 . 212m 44 . 3 l~m PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C. T. City Clerk Office'of the Clerk P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631.1680 June 7th, 1983 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas Mr. Robert G. Moore, P.Eng. Engineer and Secretary St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnis:sion 79 Stanley Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 3Gl Re: City of St. Thomas Appointment to S"t. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Dear Mr. Moore: Further to your letter dated May' 11th, 1983, I,am pleased to advise that City Council, on 'Jul1e6th, 19 83,re~appointed Mr. Don Stokes as the City "s represen tativeon tF:u~ 'S"t. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, for the term commencing July' ls:t, 1983 and ending November 30th, 1985. Should yeu require any additional information in this. regard, please advise. ~SinCe~relY' . ...1.'-"".."......".'. '".....-V'..,) .,' ~ /' ~ / (/' ,~,. .7 'P - . J. Lea k '. City Cl c,AMCT PJL!' erk JP .- bmmission City/Town Assessment '83 Budget Length of No. of Commissioners Remuneration Conferences Population Ministerially 1982 System Mtgs. ae appointed Attended Adj us ted b. elected (In $M) (km) Per C. County * annum Cty. City .. [Jodon 268~000 904 1~617~000 '82 171 12 1 - a - Cty $55/mtg 1-2-3-4 1 ~620~OOO ,'.83 1 - b - Cty 2 - a-C. lodsor 200~OOO 722 1~337~000 '82 176.4 12 1 - a - Cty $50/mtg 1-2-3 1~425,400 ' 83 1 - b - Cty Chairman + $150 (, 1 '- a - C per annum 1 - b - C uelph 73,165 252 190~OOO '82 10.9 12 2 - a - Cty $500 per 1-2-3-4- 2 - a - C annum i ieterborough 61~00O 191 691 ~OOO '82 62.3 12 + 2 - a - Cty 1-2-3-4 2 - a - C fingston 61,217 195 350~000 '82 63 12 2 - a - Cty 1-2-3 2 - a - C iarnia 49~764 196 360~000 '82 60.8 6 2 - a - Cty $41e50/mtg 1-2-3-4 2 - a - C :ornwall 47,000 148 563,000 '82 59.9 1 1 - a - Cty Paid by County ( 1 - b - C Paid by City @ 1-2-4 "- lower than County rate ~hatham 40,936 138 284,200 '82 44.5 6 1 - a - Cty $36/mtg 4 '" , 1 - a - C Barrie 38~00O 147 182~000 '82 58 12 1 - a - Cty $75 1-2-3-4 1 - a - C Belleville 3S~OOO 114 517,000 '82 40 12 1 - a - Cty $78.7S/mtg 1-2-3-4- 1 - a - C SU~1MABY OF SUBURBAN ROADS cown 55 1 UN (IUtS 11 uNrt~l Kt Fd9t:.1 February 1983 - :ommiss iori Ci ty /Town Assessment '83 Budget Length of No. of Commissioners Remuneration Conferences Population Ministerially 1982 System tltgs. a. appointed Attended Adjusted b. elected (In $M) (km) Per C. County annum Cty. City St. Thomas 27,679 38.8 289,000 '82 4-6 1 - a - Cty $1,500 per 1 - 2 -'4 1 - a - C annum Stratford 27,000 91,100 225,000 '82 44 3-4 1 - a - Cty More than 3 hrs 4 actual spent 1 - a - C - $90 310,000 Less than 3 hrs J" - $50 :......., Oriilia 24,000 77 220,000 '82 34 12 1 - b - Cty $75/mtg 1- 2 - 3- 1 - b - C Brockville 20,000 72,600 208,700 '82 33.2 3 1 - a - Cty County - per 1 - a - C diem rate 4 - Occas iOI (both elected City - no extra 1 and 2 officials) remuneration OWen Sound 20,000 67,600 254,000 '82 47 15 1 - a - Cty $45/~day 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - a - C Trenton 14,887 42,800 100,000 '82 24 12 1 - a - Cty $55/per diem 1-2--3- 1 - a - C pe~' 'oke 14,010 38,700 121,900 '82 17.1 3-6 1 - a - Cty $55/~day 1-2-4 - final 1 - a - C $90/full day 141,153.13 (both elected officials) Smith Falls 10,000 13 62,500 '82 13.6 3 max 1 - a - Town County per 4 - Occas iOI - Leeds 1 - a - C diem rate (both elected officials) Gananoque 5,000 15,600 66,900 '82 15.1 3 max 1 - a - Town County per 4 - Occasiol 1 - a - c diem rate (both elec ted officials) -., - ~ ..-.- ._ ._woo _ .. , . - ---' ---------- ---- __r __-___ __ - -..-.. _.. ------...---~------ .--- - SUt,',1ARYOF SUBURBAN ROADS Cor1t41 55 ION QUEST I ONNA IRE Ppge 2 -- SUMMl\RY Of SUBURBAN ROADS COnr'lISSION QUESTIONNAIRE p~ge --j- nnmission City/Town Assessment '83 Budget Length of No. of Conunissioners Remuneration Conferences Population Ministerially 1982 System Mtgs. a. appointed Attended Adj usted b. elected (In $M) (Ion) Per C. County Annum Cty. City ['escot t 5,000 14 58,000 '82 16.6 3 max 1 - a - Town County per 4 - Occasion 1 - a - C diem (both elected officials) . Marys 4,700 17;700 30,000 '82 26 ,2 1 - a - Cty More than 3 hrs 4 (--". Final - 1 - a - C - $90 1 & 2 90,000 Less than 3 hrs occasionally - $50 1 - Annual tv 2 - OGRA 3 - RTAC 4 - Area Gq ( " SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1983 Commission Amount Class 1982 Population of City of Sep. Town County 1. Chatham 15 B 2. London 55 E 3. Owen Sound 15 B 4. Stratford 15 B 5. St. Marys 10 A 6. St. Thomas 15 B 7. Sarnia 20 C 8. Windsor 30 D 9. Barrie 15 B 10. Ori 11 i a 15 B 11. Guelph 20 C 12. Bell e vi 11e 15 B 13. Brockvil1e 15 B 14. Gananoque 10 A 15. Prescott 10 A 16. Smi ths Fa 11 s 10 A 17. Cornwa 11 15 B 18. Kingston 20 C 19. Pembroke 15 B 20. Peterborough 20 C 21. Trenton 15 B 22. Smiths Falls 10 A 40,454 266,319 19,624 26,197 4,809 27,482 50,233 192,546 44,111 23,854 76,658 35,351 20,169 4,834 4,595 45,906 60,313 13,.760 61,595 14,887 8,904 S lJ M MAR Y Number of Commissions Class Populati on of City or Separated Town A B C o E o ... 10,000 10,000 -50,000 50,000 ... 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Over 200,000 5 11 4 1 1 Kent Middlesex Grey Perth Perth Elgin Lambton Essex Simcoe Simcoe Wellington Hastings Leeds & Grenville Leeds & Grenville Leeds & Grenville Leeds Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Frontenac Renfrew Peterborough Northumberland Lanark Annual Dues $10.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 55.00 SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1983 Western Group 1. Chatham Suburban Roads Commission c/o J. D. Ferguson, Commission Engineer, Box 1230, 435 Grand Avenue West, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5L8 2. London Suburban Roads Commission c/o D.Husson, Commission Engineer, 399 Ridout Street North, London, Ontario N6A 2P1. 3. Owen Sound Suburban Roads Commi ss ion c/o D. Hubbell, Commission Engineer 595 Ninth Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3. 4. Stratford Suburban Roads Commi ss i on c/o T. B. Collings, Commission Engineer, Court House, 1 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontari 0 N5A 5S4. 5. St. ~1aryls Suburban Roads Commission As Stratford Suburban Roads Commission 6. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission c/o R.G. Moore, Commission Engineer, 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 7. Sarnia Suburban Roads Commission c/oD.W.Derrick, Commission Engineer, Box 3000, 789 Broadway Street, Wyoming, Ontario NON 1TO. 8. . Windsor Suburban Roads Commi ss i on c/o R. R. Lee, Commission Engineer, 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6 9. Barrie Suburban Roads Commission c/o L. Clark, Commission Engineer, Administration Centre, Midhurst, Ontario LOL lXO. 10. Guelph Suburban Roads Commission c/o A. R. Holmes, Commission Engineer, Wellington County Administration Centre, 74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario N1H 3T9. Western Group- continued 11. Orillia Suburban Roads Commission As Barrie Suburban Roads Commission Eastern Group 12 . Bell evi 11 e Suburban Roads Commiss ion c/o B.. F. Pinder, Commi ss i on Engineer County. Administration Building, Postal Bag 4400, Pinnacle Street, Belleville, Ontario K8N 3A9. 13. Brockvi 11 e Suburban Roads Commiss ion 14. Gananoque Suburban Roads Commiss ion 15. Prescott Suburban Roads Commission 16. Smiths Falls - Leeds Suburban Roads Commission c/o G. D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, Box 729 Court House, Brockvi11e, Ontario K6V 5V8.. 17. Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission c/o D. J. McDonald,. Commission Engineer, 20 Pitt Street, Cornwall, OntarioK6J 3P2. 18. Kingston Suburban Roads Commission c/Q D.W. Brooks, Commission Engineer, Court House, Court Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2N4. 19. peterborough Suburban Roads Commission c/oA.F.Reid, Commission Engineer, RR j 10, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Y2. 20. Pembroke Suburban Roads Commission c/o W.R.Snedden, Commission Engineer, County Administration Building, 169 William St., Pembroke, Ontario K8A IN7. 21. Smiths Falls - Lanark Suburban Roads Commission c/o R. B. Strachan, Commission Engineer County Administration Building, Sunset I3lvd., Box 37, Perth, Ontario K7H 3E2. 22. Trenton Suburban Roads Commi ssi on c/o J.H.Tondeur,Commission Engineer, 86~ Wi 11i am Street ,Cobourg , Ontario K9A 3A9. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 15, 1983 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineer's office at 9:30 a.m., Friday, July 15, 1983. Present was Mr. Donald Stokes, representative of the City of St. Thomas; Mr. Albert Auckland, representative of the County of Elgin; and Mr. Robert Martin. The County Engineer noted that both Messrs Stokes and Auckland had been reappointed by the respective municipalities with their term of office ending January 1986, after the election of new Councils in 1985. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT ROBERT MARTIN BE APPOINTED AS A MEMBER OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COl:1MISSION FROM JULY 1, 1983 TO JANUARY 31, 1986. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. MARTIN THAT DONALD STOKES BE CHAIRMAN FOR THE BALANCE OF 1983. CARRIED." The Annual Meeting of the Suburban Road Commissions Association, Western Ontario Branch at Lambton County in June was reviewed and it was noted that Mr. Albert Auckland had been appointed a director of the Western Group. Mr. Auckland felt that his duties would not be onerous. The County Engineer reviewed the maintenance budget (copy attached) that the County Road Committee had approved on July 12, noting that the Suburban costs of the budget had increased somewhat as shoulder work had been done through the Winter and Spring. It was still hoped that the Commission would not carry a deficit into 1984, although there would not be a surplus. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 15, 1983 PAGE 2. The Engineer reported that the Minister of Transportation and Communications had approved the assumption of County Road #28 by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission as a suburban road, E~ffective April 22, 1983. The Engineer reported on various maintenance and construction projects being done by the County Road Department. It was noted that the major construction of Fairview Avenue would likely be done in 1984 inasmuch as it was likely that the construction on County Road #32 would be completed this year as there would be very little if any work done in Port Burwell in 1983. It was likely that grading work would be carried on at the same time as work in Port Burwell so as to obtain a balanced job programme. The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. ~j(~ CHAIRMAN ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983MAINTENANGEBUDGET COUNTY AND ST.THOHAS SUBURBAN ROADS JULY 1983 OPERATION 1983 ESTI:r-fATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS JULY 1983 ESTIMATE COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS A - Bridge s and CuI vert s - 1 B'ridges - 2 Culverts 95,.00.0 92,000 3,008 95,0.00 92~000 3,0.0.0 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 l'ree Cutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance - 6 ']?ree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) - 11 Weed Spraying 1.0,000 1,08.0 14,800 158,80.0 125,800 38,8.00 10,00.0 5,0.00 12,.0.08 142,.0.00 1.05,.0.0.0 25,,000 9,.00.0 5,0.0.0 2,0.0.0 8,888 20,888 5 , 888 1 , 8.0.0 22,.088 1.05, .00.0 125,.00.0 30,8.0.0 4,0.0.0 7,00.0 28,8.0.0 10.0,.0.0.0 118,0.00 24,8.0.0 2,.00.0 5,888 15,.0.00 6,08.0 16, .008 14,808 2,.008 22,08.0 18,800 4.,008 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 2 Sweeping _ 3 Shoulder Maintenance _ 4 Surface Treatment Road #8 - Ditching:J etc.' Road #3 - Ditching, etc. 92,0.00 28, 000 185~OO.o 1.3 7, 000 . 81, .0.00 24,00.0 1.31,.08.0 120, 000 11,.000 4,.080 54,.000 17,008 88,0.0.0 21, .0.00 280,008 137,.0.00 77,.008 1 7., 000 170,.0.00 12.0, .000- 3,008 4,.0.0.0 11.0,.0.08 17,.0.0.0 ,. COIDITY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET Com.,lTY AND ST. THOMASSUBtJRBANROADS JULY 1 <J83. PAGE 2. OPERATION 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS JULY 1983 EST.lMATE COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Cpntrol - 4 Prime 5 Gravel Resurfacing 31,000 45, 000 7,000 30,000 27 -, 000 39,000 3,000 27,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 26 , 000 45, 000 7,000 38,000 21,000 39,000 3,000 30,000 5 , 000 6,000 4,000 8,000 E - Winter Control Total - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew 365,000 310,000 55,000 225,000 185;000 40,000 F - Safety Device s ./ - 2 Sign sand Signal s - 3 Gui de Rail 4 Railroad Protection -.5 Stump .Removal - 6 Edge Marking 46,000 81,000 8,000 54,000 37.,000 7,3.,000 5,000 46,000 9,000 8,000 3,000 8,000 46,000 60,000 12,000 54,000 37,000 52,000 8,000 46,000 9,000 8,000 4.,i{j@ 8,if8 - 1 Pavement Marking 33,500 22',500 11, 000 35,000 23,000 12,@t. TOTALS $1,549,500 $1,315,500 '$231,000 $1,51 7,.000 $1,236,000 $.281 ,I.. CDUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPAR~mNT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND. ST. . THOMAS SUBURB..4..N ROADS 1983 M.T..C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Recormnended Supplementary By-Law (Edge Marking) TOTAL M.T.C. ALLOCATION 1983 Maintenance Budget 1983 Overhead Budget Less Credit in S~ock Balance (Crushed Gravel at pleasant Valley Pit) NET / t JULy 1983 pAGE 3. $1,870,000 27,500 1983 Revised (July)lli1dget Maintenance $1,517,000 $1,897,500 Overhead 375,000 $1 , 546, 500 375,000 Less Credit in Stock Balance 10,000 CR. $1,882,000 $1.,921,500 25, 000 CR. $1,896,500 7540,1318 (10178) memorandum @ Ontario To: Mr. G. French District Eng ineer, District 2, London. r~--~-- 0 ....." "."" _ 'r'"." .'-1 .' --........_-. ate: , ~ l::,. 1.-' C. V f-' .... ~ -0 A. Ph 2 9 Apri 126, 1983 ,-..~,- I !'oliN..;" fl1.Y :;;;'F tfh'~<, (,(n~h() 'J . .1.' R 'ii'c]tl"v"i:' tl f') Q I Jt,J;,4 i ~ .~ . . . 11.~lJ'rM . . Jl~4j (J N .' . 2 S.t ThS'b bR dC' , --,_..... ,f . omas u ur an. .00 s ommlSSlon, . '" ...., ". tW? Resolution of March 8,1983, Designating Road 1128 -/,(f ,4)/ '.~.A i / \, . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 Jf Attent ion: M A H. -' .,~ /1!1r ,/'<' . r. . .'. Ickey ", "I ;-',. ',\ ,1, ", , " . '-- n:; ') ,j r ' 1 ' ,\ n ',' DistrictMunicipal~L:.....-,---" - RE: Please find enclosed a Resolution passed on March 8,1983 by the Ste Thomas Suburban Roads Commission designating Elgin County Road NOe 28 between King's Highway No. 3 and Elgin County Road No. 4S CIS a Suburban Road. The Resolution was duly approved by the Mlnl~te{ u;\C1 the original signed copy is hereby attached. We processed the resolution, although it should be noted, that the corresponding road section was already designated as a Suburban Road by a Resolution dated November 28, 1978 end the June 14, 1982 Resolution revoking the designation was not received previously by this office, was not approved by the Minister and therefore was actually never in power. A Her noting the approval of the March 8, 1983 Resolution ror 'lour records, please forward it to Mr. R.G. Moore, County Engineere A--' .\. B. L. Nemethy Project Co-ordinator Municipal Roads Office GLN/bd ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MOVED BY: R.. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROAD I S HEREBY DESIGNATED AS A SUBURB.I~ ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AlI,'JD HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS: (A) ROAD #28. CARRIED SIGNED BY DONALD R. STOKES I, R. G. MOORE, ENGINEER AND SECRETARY TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AS PASSED BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AT A MEETING ON MARCH 8, 1983. R. SECRETARY COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 83-26 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 'COMMISSION." WHEREAS Section 65 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act provides for the appointment of members of a Suburban Roads Commission; and WHEREAS one, of the three persons on the Commission, is to be appointed by the County Council. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Albert W. Auckland be, and is hereby appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for the period July 1st, 1983 to January 31st, 1986. 2. That By-Law No. 2521 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 16th day of June 1983. READ a second time this 16th day of June 1983 READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of June 1983. ~~_~~_...~~_~ ~J 4 ?;v~ G. C. Leverton, E. H. Marr, Clerk. Warden. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION AS~SOCIATION Minutes of the Western Group Me~ting CQuncilChambers, Guelph 14 June 1982 Proceedings began at 10:15 am with Mr John Stephen of St. Marys, Chairman of the Western Group, presiding. A total of 44 members and guests were in attendance, namely: Chatham London Owen Sound St Thomas Sarnia Barrie Orillia Guelph Stratford St Marys Brantford M.T.C. 4 5 4 3 4 3 2 5 2 3 1 3 Of the twelve Commissions in Ontario, only Windsor was not present. Mr Allan Holmes, Wellington County Engineer and Secretary - Treasurer of the Provincial Association,tntroduced Warden Matt Seifried, who welcomed everyone. The group was also welcomed by Road Chairman, Don Cushing and Clerk-Treasurer Administrator,Mrs Vera Myers. Mr John Tondeur and two members of the Cobourg Suburban Roads Commission representing the Eastern Group and Ontario Vice-President, Mr Doug Whitly were also introduced. The MinuteS of the 1981 Meeting held in Owen Sound were adopted on a Motion by Roy Gordon (Guelph) and Charlie Cousins (London). The fa 11 owing men wereel ected to office for the current YE~ar. Moved by Bob Moore (St. Thomas} and seconded by Don Derrick (Sarnia) that Morley Howe (London) be appointed as Chairman. Carried John Stephen was nominated, but declined to run after serving for many years on the Western Group Executive, as well as being the President of the Ontario Association until February 1983. Western Gr9up_ cMeJ~nting, Guel ph, 14 June 1982 Page 2 Moved by Don Derrick (Sarnia) and seconded by Cec Armstrong (Sarnia) that John King (Sarnia) be appointed as a Director. Carried Moved by Sam Roszell (Guelph) and seconded by Roy Gordon (Gwelph) that Ab. Wells (Guelph) be re-appointed as a Director. Carried Bob Moore (St. Thomas) advised the members that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had scrapped plans to .put Counties on an "Urban Basis" for equipment purchases, overhead expenses including garage construction, etc. Allan Holmes (Guelph) read the revised Section 63 (VI) of Thle Public Trans- portation and Highway Improvement Act which applies to the appointment of new members appointed to a Commission. It states that once a pr1esent member's term is up, a member shall be appointed on 31 J.anuary of the year following the election for a three year term. (To be concurrent wi th Counci 11 ors and Aldermen). Even if a member's term had not expired, he could be removed by 2/3rd vote of Council. The new Act also allows sitting members of Council to be appointed as representatives to the Commission. Barrie indicated that the City representative was a sitting Alderman and Owen Sound Commission have a County Councillor as their representative on the Commission. Chatham, Brantford and Middlesex indicated they re-appointed representatives after the change in legislation but none of these were sitting Council members. The length of term of office was also discussed and only two Commissions indicated that they had a maximum length of time you could serve. In Sarnia you could only serve two consecutive terms and would have to sit out a term before being eligible to serve again. In London, if the two members had a total of eight years between them, one of the members would not be eligible for re-election. A letter was read from the Windsor Suburban Roads Commission indicating some dissatisfaction with the format of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to give members an opportunity to air their concerns during part of the morning. Usually any new legislation is discussed and how it affects the Commission. Some times we have a spe~cial speaker or film. The agenda also allows members to meet each other to discuss mutual concerns at an informal luncheon. The afternoon is spent viewing some construction project 9f special significance to everyone, such as the Elora Gorge~ Bridge, the Bruce Nuclear Generating Plant, conservation dams, etc. The members felt the existing format had always been interesting and informative and did not see how any more could be packed into the 5~ - 6 hour agenda. Western GrQlJLMettting, Guel ph, 14 June 1982 Page 3 Onconclus;on of the discussions, the members toured the new Wellington County Administration Centre which had just won an Arts Council award for design, etc. Following a bus tour and lunch in Fergus, the members visited the Elora Gorge Bridge site which was one of the first projects in Ontario to have gone through many lengthy environmental hearings. Respectfully Submitted. (Signed): TOM COLLINGS S'U~1MARY OF SUBURBAN ROADS COMr-USSION QUESTIONN.lURE Pag~.-l -- Commission City/Town Assessment '83 Budget Length of No. of Commissioners Remuneration Conferences Population Ministerially 1982 System Mtgs. a. appointed Attended Adj usted b. elected (In $M) (km) Per C. County * annum Cty. City ~ondon 268,000 904 1,617,000 '82 171 12 1 - a - Cty $55/mtg 1-2-3-4 1,620,000 .'-83 1 - b - Cty 2 - a-C. . . I 1,337,000 '82 ~indsor 200,000 722 176.4 12 1 - a - Cty $50/mtg 1-2-3 1,425,400 ' 83 ! 1 - b - Cty Chairman + $150 1 - a - C per annum 1 - b - C I .. Fuelph 73,165 252 790,000 '82 70.9 12 2 - a - Cty $500 per 1-2-3-4- 2 - a - C annum . ! 691,000 '82 ~eterborough 67,000 197 62.3 12 + 2 - a - Cty 1-2-3-4 2 - a - C i ~ingston 61,217 195 350,000 '82 63 12 2 - a - Cty 1-2-3 2 - a - C I Sarnia 49,764 196 360,000 '82 60.8 6 2 - a - Cty $41.50/mtg 1.,.2....3-4 I 2 - a - C bornwall 47,000 148 563,000 '82 59.9 7 1 - a - Cty Paid by County 1 - b - C Paid by City @ 1-2-4 lower than County rate . Chatham 40,936 138 284,200 '82 44.5 6 1 - a - Cty $36/mtg 4 ! ! .: . ~ 1 - a - C ~arrie 38,000 147 182,000 '82 58 12 1 - a - Cty $75 1-2-3-4 1 - a - C ~elleville 35,000 114 517,000 '82 40 12 1 - a - Cty $78.75/mtg 1- 2-"' 3-4- 1 - a - C February 1983 ! SUf,1r.1ARYOF SUBURBAN ROADS COMt4ISSION QUESTIONNAIRE Page, 2 ~---- Commission City/Town Assessment '83 Budget Length of No. of Commissioners Remuneration Conferences Population Ministerially 1982 System Mtgs. a. appointed Attended Adjusted b. elected (In $M) (km) Per C. County bcO annum Cty. City Q .~ .AM /'r *7/r;;U~ l.~ u St. Thomas 27, 679 )II I 289,000 '82 4-6 1 - a - Cty MJ I' per 1 - 2 - 4 1 - a - C annum Stratford 27,000 9 1 , 100 225,000 '82 44 3-4 1 - a - Cty More than 3 hrs 4 actual spent 1 - a - C - $90 310,000 Less than 3 hrs - $50 .. Orillia 24,000 77 220,000 '82 34 12 1 - b - Cty $75/mtg 1-2-3-4 1 - b - C Brockville 20,000 72,600 208,700 '82 33.2 3 1 - a - Cty County - per 1 - a - C diem rate 4 - Occasionall (both elected City - no extra officials) remuneration 1 and 2 OWen Sound 20,000 67,600 254,000 '82 47 15 1 - a - Cty $45/~day 1-2-3-4 1-B;-C .. Trenton 14,887 42,800 100,000 '82 24 12 1 - a - Cty $55/per diem 1-2-3-4 1 - a - C Pembroke 14,010 38,700 121,900 '82 17.1 3-6 1 - a - Cty $55/~day 1 - 2 - 4 - final 1 - a - C $90/full day 141,153.13 (both elected officials) Smith Falls 10,000 13 62,500 ' 82 13.6 3 max 1 - a - Town County per 4 - Occas ionall' - Leeds 1 - a - C diem rate (both elected officials) Gananoque 5,000 15,600 66,900 '82 15.1 3 max 1 - a - Town County per 4 - Occasionall- 1 - a - c diem rate (both elected officials) _........___""-c ~___~...." .. ~__.. ___ ~'_ . ~ ,..,__"_.h....'_~_.. __...~__. -~._--..._._- ----- -------.-'=<~, -'- ---- --------- - -,--- -'- < SUMMARY OF SUBURBAN ROADS COr1f~lISSION QUESTIONNAIRE Page 3 'Commission City/Town Assessment '83 Budget Length of No. of Gonnnissioners Remuneration Conferences Population Ministerially 1982 System Mtgs. a. appointed Attended Adjusted b. elected (In $M) (kID) Per C. County Annum Cty. City Prescott 5,000 14 58,000 '82 16.6 3 max 1 - a - Town County per 4 - Occasionall 1-a-C diem (both elected officials) 1St. Marys 4,700 17,700 30,000 '82 26 2 1 - a - Cty More than 3 hrs 4 Final - 1 - a - C - $90 1 & 2 90,000 Less than 3 hrs occasionally - $50 . 1 - Annual Mtg 2 - OGRA 3 - RTAC 4 - Area Grp Mt Presi.dent: Vice-President: Past-President: Secretary-Treasurer: Western Group Mr Morley Howe RR #2 Strathroy Onta ri 0 N7G 3H4 Mr John Ki ng RR # 1 Camlachie Ontario NON lEO Mr A.B. Wells 10 Metcalfe Street Guelph OntarioNlE 4Xl Suburban Roads Commission Association List of Officers 1982 - 1983 ~~rJohn Stephen RR# 1 St. Marys Ontario Mr Doug Whi tl ey 217 McGill Street Trenton Ontario K8V 3K4 Mr Roy Gordon 69 Lyon Avenue Guelph Ontario MrA. R. Holmes, P. Eng. County Engineer Wellington County Administration Centre 74, Woolwich Street Guel ph OntarioNlH 3T9 Eastern Groul~ Mr K. Brown RR # 3 Kingston Ontario K7L 4V2 ~~r D. Whi tl ey 217 McGill Street Trenton Ontari oK8V JK4 Mr D. Gifford RR # 1 Peterborough Ontario K9J 6X2 SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION Secr.e_tqr~~-_Jreasu.rer' s Report To 14 F~bruary, 1983 DEBIT CREDIT $1,002.85 Account 1633 Province of Ontario (Guelph) Bank Balance - 19 February 1982 (1) Expenses (E. Gay) 1982 Annual Meeting (2) Acknowledgement (C. G. Spencer) 1982 Annual Meeting (3) Expenses (A. R. Holmes) 1982 Annual Meeting $ 45.00 $ 35.00 $ 22.50 Annual Dues Received Bank Interest - 31 March 1982 - 30 September 1982 (4) County of Wellington Postage and copies (5) Secretary - Treasurer's Expenses and Honorarium $ 50.00 $ 180.00 $ 60.00 $ 30.00 $ 55.00 $ 87.89 $ 65.89 $ 152.00 $ 300.00 Bank Balance 14 February 1983 $ 977.13 $1,531.63 $1,531.63 AUDITOR'S STATEMENT The above report, in our opi oi on, indicates the correct financi a 1 pos; ti on and transactions of the Suburban Roads Commission Association for the year under review. Februa ry. 21, 1983 Auditor Auditor ,SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Royal York Hotel February 21,. 1983 Present: Mr John Stephen Mr D. Whitley Mr M. Howe Mr J. King Mr K. Brown Mr D. Gifford Mr A. R. Holmes P. Eng. President Vice-President Director Director Director Director Secretary-Treasurer 1& 2 Group Meetings That the Minutes of the Western and Eastern area Group ~,1eetings be referred to the Annual Meeting · Ona Motion by Mr Whitley Seconded byMr Brown . . . . . .. carr; ed 3. 4. Appointment of Auditors ThatMr J. King and Mr D. Whitley be Auditors for 1983- 84. On aMotion byMr Howe Seconded by Mr Brown . . . . . .. ca rri ed Matters Arising The Comm; ttee di scussed the programme for the )~nnual Meeting. That the Agenda as submitted be approved for tlheAnnual Meeting. On a Mot;on by MrWhitley Seconded by Mr King . . . . . .. ca rri ed 2 5. Election of Officers for 1983 - 84 The Committee recommended the following slate of officers for 1983 - 84: President: Vice-President: . Past-President: Secretary-Treasurer: MrD. Whitley MrJ. King MrJohn Stephen Mr A. R.Holmes, P. Eng. 6. Suburban RQads Commission Questionnaire The Committee reviewed the summary of the responses to the Questionnaire. That the summary be referred to the Annual Meeting for discussion. ana 'Motion by Mr King Seconded byMr Whitley . . . . . .. carri ed The Executive adjourned at 2:45 pm. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION'ASSOCIATION 1982 Comm~i'ss ion Amount 1980 Population of Class City or Sep. town County 1. Chatham 15 B .40,696 Kent 2. l.ondon 55 E 261,841 Middlesex 3. Owen Sound 15 B 19,637 Grey 4. Stratford 15 B 26,292 Perth 5. St. Marys 10 A 4,719 P,erth 5. St. Thomas 15 B 27,679 Elgin 7. Sarnia 15 B 49,764 Lambton B. Windsor 30 D 196,512 Essex 9. Barrie 15 B 38,011 Simcoe 10. Orillia 15 B 23,768 Simcoe 11. Brantford 20 C 73,055 Brant 12'. Gue lph 20 C 73,165 Wellington 13. Belleville 15 B " 35,102 Hastings 14. Brockville 15 B 19,973 Leeds and Grenville 15. Gananoque 10 A 4,855 Leeds and Grenville l5. Prescott 10. A 4,740 Leeds and Grenville I \ L7. Smiths Falls 10 A I Leeds l8. Cornwa 11 15 B 46,045 Stormont, Dundas and [9. Ki ngs ton 20 C 61,217 Frontenac Glengarry ~o. Pembroke 15 B 14,010 Renfrew ~1. Peterborough 20 C 61,241 Peterborough ~2. . Trenton 15 B 14,829 Northumberland ~3. 'Smiths Falls 10 A 8,875 Lanark SUMMARY POPULATION OF CITY OR NUMBER OF ANNUAL CLASS SEPARATED TOWN COMMISSIONS DUES A o - 10,000 5 $10.00 B , 10,000 - 50,000 11 .15.00 C 50,000 - 100,000 5 20.. 00 D 100,000 - 200,000 1 30.00 E Over 200,000 1 55.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO HARCH 8, 1983 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineer's Office on Tuesday, March 8, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. All Commission members were present., Also present was Warden E. H. Marr of the County of Elgin. The Minutes of the meeting of January 11, 1983 were read and approved. The Engineer reported that winter control had been extremely light, the total County cost to the end of February was approximately $70,000 compared to over $300,000 in 1982. Gravel shouldering was proceeding with all Suburban work other than Roads #11 and #16 having been completed at a cost of approximately $35,000. The clearing of trees and brush was continuing on various Suburban Roads. It was noted that the County of Grey had requested their Engineer to prepare a report on how the present Owen Sound Suburban Road System could be amalgamated into the County Road System and the financial advantages, if any. The attached statement of expenditures on Suburban Roads for 1982 was presented. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1982 BEAADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 8, 1983 PAGE 2. The Engineer reported that it appeared that the Suburban Commission would be in a financial position to reassume Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) from Highway #3 to County Road #45 as a Suburban Road for 1983 inasmuch as only minor maintenance was anticipated on the road and this maintenance could be incorporated into the 1983 Budget. "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY DESIGNATED AS A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSE OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. (A) ROAD #28. CARRIED." The proposed Budget for 1983 (as attached) was: examined in detail. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT THE DRAFT BUDGET OF MARCH 1983 IN THE AMC~NT OF $286,500 AS ATTACHED BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRI ED." The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. ~1fPk:- CHAIRMAN j/ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXPENDITURES 1982 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN .ROAD COMMISSION The following is a Sunnnary of Expenditures on St. Thomas Suburban Roads in 1982. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications' practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION (a) Miscellaneous grading Road #30 (Radio Road) $ 391.82 (b) Surveys and Land Purchase. 976.57 $ J,368.39 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE (NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Trqnsportation and Communications' Account Numbers.) A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridge s - 2 Culverts $ 199.36 31,228.36 ]3' - Roadside Halnten':Jnc.C' -.1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, etc. - 7 Drainage Assessments (repairs only) I - 11 Weed Spraying 1,938.57 4,633..33 13,946.76 11,343.10 436.55 1,752.79 C - Hard 'Top. 'M.'dntenancc (P.'lvf'd Ronds) - 1 - 2 - 3 Sweeping Shoulder Maintenance (including gravelling, ditching, etc.) 2,238..81 2,828.42 8,546.31 Repairs to Pavement - 1+ Surface Treatment 28,366..23 D - Loose.TopMaintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride and Salt Brine) - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 4,166.46 3,871~65 11,154.Q5 Continued . .. . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXPENDITURES 1982 PAGE 2. MAINTENANCE (Continued) E ... Winter Control ... 1 - 2 ... .3 4 Snowplowing Sanding and Salting $ 21, 095 . 16 70, 1 09. 78 3 , 1 23 . 04. .3,155.23 97,483.21 Snow Fence --/( Winter Standby Total Winter Control F ... Safety Devices ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 6 OVERHEAD Pavement Marking Sign s Guide Rail Railroad Protection 8,853.24 7,497.24 2,238.73 7,018.51 10,590.91 Edge Marking ( F ... 6 Was funded in part by a Supplementary Expenditure By-Law in the amount of $27,500 from the M.T.C. ... Subsidy Rclte 90.909%.) TOTAL MAINTENANCE $~6_Q~}J_2. _29 1. Superintendence, including County Engineer, Superintendents, and Vehicles $ 9,657.25 2.. Clerical 3. Office 5,040.80 1,397. 23 4. Garages (White Station and Rodney), Stock and Timekeepers, Maintenance, Heat, etc. 5'. Tool s 6. Radio 8,200.94 491.66 331.79 7. Traffic Counts and Needs Study Update 589.67 649.50 8. Training Courses 220.09 9. Miscellaneous Insurance TOTAL OVERHEAD $ 26,578.93 OVerhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost ofconstructi'Jn and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a pe>rcentage of all construction and maintenanc<::. and both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (urban rebates, equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1982 the OVerhead Charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 8.2% ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXPENDITURES 1982 PACE 3. SU1iMARY (a) Construction $ 1,368.39 (b) Maintenance 260,332.59 (c) Overhead 26,578.93 . (d) Items Not For Subsidy and Conunittee Members Expenses and Memberships. 432.16 (e) D:rqinage Assessments Construction (50% Ministry of Transportation and Conununications' Subsidy) 233.72 $288,945. 79 TOTAL CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CIry OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBRUBAN ROAD COMMISSION A calculation of Ministry of Transportation and Communications payable on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road Expenditures. 1. Subsidy on F- 6 Pavement Edge Marking is 90.909% of $10,590.91. $ 9,628.09 2. Subisdy on Drainage Assessment 50% of $233.72. 116..86 3. Subsidy on Items Not For Subsidy. NIL 4. Average Subsidy Rate on Operations Expenditures 76.4703% of $277,689.00. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY $222,.094.56 212,349.61 Total St. Thomas Suburban Road Conrrnission EXpenditu:res $288,945.79 Less: Minist:ry of Transportation q.nd Corrnnunications Subsidy 222,094.56 $66,851.23 BALANCE Share of City of St. Thomas 50% of Balance $33,425.62 J Add: Deficit for 1981. 9,773.57 SUBTOTAL $43,199.19 Deduct: Contribution of City of St. Thomas for 1982 (1/2 Mill Levy ) 40,350.00 DEFICIT TO 1983 $2,849.19 ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R. G. MOORE, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ENGINEER AND SECRETARY TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBRUBAN ROAD COMMISSION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET CONSTRUCTION: Drainage Assessments La.rid Purchase (Road #30) Surveys and Miscellaneous Surveys (Roads #28 and #30) MAINTENANCE: A... Bridge sand Culvert s ... 1 Bridges ... 2 Culverts B ... Roadside Maintenance ... 1 Grass Cutting ... 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing ... 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance ... 6 Tree Planting ... 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) ... 11 Weed Spraying C ... Paved Road Maintenance ... 1 Repairs to Pavement ... 2 Sweeping 3 Shoulder Maintenance ... 4 Surface Treatment D ... Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control ... 4 Prime ... 5 Gravel Resurfacing E ... Winter Control Total ... 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting ... 3 Snow Fence ... 4 Standby and Night Crew F ... Safety Device s - 1 Pavement Marking ... 2 Signs and Signals MARCH 1983 $ 10,000 5,000 10,000 $ 2_5, O()_Q_ $ 3,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 6,000 1,000 2,000 11, 000 4,000 54,000 17,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 55,000 9,000 8,000 .. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET - MARCH 1983 PAGE 2. MAINTENANCE: (Continue.d) F ... Safety Device s (Continued) ... 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking $ 3,000 8,000 11 , 000 $231,000 OVERHEAD: Total OVerhe~d $416,000 St. ThQWas Suburban RoadConnnission Share 8.0% $ 30,000 :., ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1983 BUDGET SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION: (A) DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS.. (B) LAND PURCHASE, SURVEYS, MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION (ROA DS 112(3 AN D //30) TOTAL MAINTENANCE OVERHEAD . (8.. 2% OF TOTAL) ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTAL SHARE OF CITY OF ST. THOMAS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY ON OPERATIONS APPROXIMATELY 75% - NET COST TO CITY OF ST. THOMAS 50% OF REMAINING COST AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY DEDUCTED. 50% OF ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY. ADD DEFICIT FOR 1982. TOTAL 1/2 MILL FROM CITY OF ST. THOMAS WILL PROVIDE DEFICIT TO 1984 AMENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1983 $ 10,000 15, 000 $ 25,000 $231,000 30,000 500 $286,500 $35,750..00 250.00 2,849.19 $38,849.19 38,800.00 $ 49..19 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1983 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS BUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineer's Office at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 11, 1983. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Engineer. Minutes of the meeting of June 29, 1982 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT DONALD STOKES BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION UNTIL JULY 1, 1983. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A.. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR ROBERT MARTIN BE $75.00 TO JULY 1, 1983 AND THAT HIS CONVENTION EXPENSES BE PAID ON THE SAME BASIS AS THE COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $100.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO BOTH BE PAID. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1983 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE APPROVAL OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl, BE REQUESTED TO ALLOW THE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND THE: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ,SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION IN JUNE IN LAMBTON COUNTY. CARRIED." The Engineer noted the following work in the late portion of 1982 on the Suburban Road System. 1. Ditching had been completed on Road #16 at the Fingal Hill. 2. St. George Street (Road #26) hill had been widened" guide rail replaced and the vision improved at the Canadian National Railway Tracks at the top of the hill. 3. Flashing lights on St. George Street and Fingal were operating quite satisfactorily. 4. Gravel shouldering had been completed on Road ~5 between Highway #4 and County Road #36 and was underway on Road #5 2 bE~tween Highway #3 and Highway #73 and on Road #31 and on Road #30. If good weather continued this work would be completed next week. 5. Winter control had been extremely light to date. 6. There were additional willow trees to cut on Road #52 at the steel culvert near Highway #74, however the creek diversion had been completed. 7. County Roads #22 and #28 were still under the control of the County of Elgin and any decision to amend the Suburban Road System should wait until budget deliberations were completed. Legislation had been passed so the County of Brant no longer had a Suburban Roads Comrnissionas the City of Brantford had agreed to contribute directly to the County Road System without a Commission. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1983 PAGE 3. Correspondence was noted from the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications stating that the Ministerts Equalized Assessment for the City of St. Thomas for 1983 would be $77,600,000 the 1/2 mill levy would amount to $38,800. It was noted that the 1/2 mill levy in 1982 amounted to $40,350 so the levy in 1983 would be $1,550 lower than in 1982. This was a result of the Minister adjusting the assessments throughout the Province. It was noted that most urban assessments had gone up slightly, and St. Thomas was the only one known that was reduced., "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE ADVISED THAT THE 1/2 MILL. LEVY ($38,800) ON THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION .AND COMMUNICATIONS EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT WILL BE REQUIRED FOR SUJBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES IN 1983. CARRIED." The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chatman. d~//?~- CHAIRMAN