1988 Suburban Road Committee SUBURBAN ROADS COl\il\HSSION ASSOCIATION Western Group l'.ieeting 21 September 1988 Perth County Health Unit Mr Albert Auckland, President of the Suburban Roads Commission Association, exten- ded a welcome to the delegates and thanked the Stratford and St l\iarys Commissions for hosting the meeting. Mr Tom Collings, P. Eng., Engineer for the Stratford and St r-.1arys Commissions, thanked Mr Auckland and extended a welcome on behalf of both the Commissions and outlined the various arrangements which had been made for the day. Mr Amos Gerber, vVarden of the County of Perth, extended a welcome to those present and indicated, on behalf of the Council of the County of Perth, the pleasure in having the meeting held in Stratford. He indicated that he wished to extend a welcome on behalf of the Mayor of Stratford who was unable to attend the meeting. Roll Call Chairman Auckland requested that each Commission Engineer introduce the members from the respective Commissions. A total of forty five members and guests were present representing the following Commissions: Chatham Stratford Sarnia Guelph London St Marys \Vindsor I\Hnutes of the 1987 Western Group Meeting The Chairman requested the Secretary-Treasurer to summarize the contents of the Minutes. In that the Minutes had been adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association in February 1988, no action was necessary. The Secretary-Treasurer confirmed that he had carried out the request to contact the Honourable John Eakins, Minister of r,lunicipal Affairs, regarding the Report of the Advisory Committee on County Government. He also indicated that he had received a response from Mr Charlie Tatham, Chairman of the Consultation Committee on County Government Reform. He informed the meeting that he had discussed the subject with members of the Association at the Eastern Group meeting in Trenton at their meeting on Friday, 19 August 1988. He indicated that Joan Fawcett, 1\1.P.P. for the riding of Northumberland had addressed the Eastern Group meeting on the subject of the Consultation Committee on County Government Reform. ., The Secretary - Treasurer informed the meethlg that the Eastern Group membership had recommended that each Commission respond directly to the Minister regarding the recommendations contained in the original report. Many long time members of the Association spoke in support of maintaining the status quo for Suburban Roads Commissions. That no change be made to the current legislation and that each Commission be encour- aged to correspond directly with the Honourable John Eakins, Minister of ~,lunicipal Affairs. On a l\lotion by Mr John Stephen Seconded by l\1r Fred Cada carried .... Discussion and Slides Mr John Schaal, P. Eng., Systems Development and Inventory, r.Iinistry of Transport- ation, was introduced by Mr Joe Kernaghan, P. Eng. Mr Schaal made a presentation on upper tier funding and its implication to Suburban Roads spending. Members of the Windsor Suburban Roads Commission reviewed with the delegates the presentation which they had made to the Ministry of Transportation. Superspan Failures Mr Fred Groch, P. Eng., Assistant County Engineer for the County of Elgin, made a presentation on the various failures to superspan structures in Elgin County and throughout the Province. Shoulder Drains l\1r Tom Collings, P. Eng. made a slide presentation on the use of shoulder drains in Perth County. Election of Officers The Secretary-Treasurer requested names for Directors of the Western Area of the Suburban Roads Commission Association. The Secretary-Treasurer informed the delegates of the existing Directors. That the existing Directors remain as Directors for the 1988-89 tern1S. On a Motion by Mrs Champagne Seconded by l\1r L. Ashton Each Director indicated his willingness to participate on the Executive Committee. The Secretary - Treasurer declared the following as Directors of the Western Group of the Suburban Roads Commission Association: l'vlr B. Vlheeler Mr -R. Tyndall Mr D. Collins 1989 Area Group Meeting The London Suburban Roads Commission Association indicated their willingness to host the 1989 Western Area Group l\1eeting. The meeting adjourned to tour the newly renovated Perth County Court House. Following an excellent reception and dinner held at the Spruce Lodge complex, dele- gates were transported to the International Plowing Match. SUBURBAN ROADS COl\1MJSSION ASSOCIATION ANNUAL IVIEETING Royal York Hotel, Toronto 23 February 1988 Opening Remarks President David Gifford extended a welcome to the members present.. He indicated that he had enjoyed his term and appreciated very much the opportunity to serve as President of the Association.. The President asked the Secretary--Treasurer to take a roll call of t .le Commissions present.. All Commissions were represented at the meeting.. IVlinutes a.. AnnuallVleeting That the Minutes of the 1987 Annual Meeting be adopted as circulated. On a Motion by Mr Bob Barker - Peterborough Seconded by Mr Bert Wheeler - Guelph ...... carried b. \Vestern Group That the Minutes of the 1987 Western Group Meeting be adopted as circulated. On a Motion by Mr Albert Auckland - 8t Thomas Seconded by J.\1r John Stephen - St Marys ..... carried c. Eastern Group That the Minutes of the 1987 Eastern Group Meeting be adopted as circulated.. On a 1\10tion by Mr Doug Whitley - Trenton Seconded by Mr Frank Folwell - Belleville ...... carried Reports a.. Secretary - Treasurer's Report That the Secretary - Treasurer's report be adopted.. On a Motion by Mr Allan Holmes - Guelph Seconded by Mr Frank Hutnik - VVindsor b.. Executive Committee That the Minutes of the 1988 Executive Committee Meeting be adopted, except for that portion dealing with the slate of officers.. On a Motion by Mr Dan Collins - London Seconded by Mr John Millan - Kingston ...... carried 1987 Questionnaire Considerable discussion took place regarding the questionnaire which had been compiled by the Secretary - Treasurer.. A number of Commission Engineers gave brief explanations for certain results which were indicated on the summary.. l\liscellaneous Business a.. Advisory Committeeon~~Q2un1Y Government The members discussed the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee ,on County Government relating to Suburban Roads Commissions.. Mr George Spencer, P.. Eng., Engineer for Brant County, outlined to the meeting the agreement existing between the County of Brant and the City of Brantford.. Many members outlined the excellent co-operation which existed between the separated cities and the various counties throughout the Province.. The Secretary - Treasurer gave a brief history of Suburban Roads Commissions in the Province of Ontario.. That a Committee be composed of Mr Albert Auckland, Mr David Gifford, Mr Doug Whitley and the Secretary - Treasurer and that this Committee be requested to prepare a submission to the Advisory Committee on County Government- On a Motion by lVlr Frank Hutnik - Windsor Seconded by Mr Gerald Schinkel - Windsor ...... carried Election of Officers That we accept the recommendation of the Executive Committee. i On a! Motion by Mr Doug Whitley - TrE;tnton Seconded by 1\1r Ingram Ames - Barri e ..... carried The Secretary - Treasurer indicated the following as elected for 1988-89: President: Mr Albert Auckland Past President: l\lr Dav'id Gifford Vice President: Mr Wally Pilatzke Secretary - Treasurer: Mr Allan R. Holmes, P. Eng. Mr Albert Auckland assumed the chair and expressed his appreciatwn for the honour extended to him. He indicated that he looked forward to being Presfdent of the Assoc- iation and informed the members of his long associatiorl with the Subu~ban Roads Comm- ission. Mr Auckland indicated that it was his pleasant duty to present the Award of Merit to Mr Roy Lee, p. Eng., retired 'County Engineer for the Windsor Suburban Roads Comm- ission. Mr Frank Hutnik received the award on behalf of Mr Lee and indicated that the Windsor Suburban Roads Commission would be pleased to present the award to Mr Lee on his return from vacation. Mr Auckland presented the Honorary Life 1\1embership to Past President David Gifford. l\'lr Gifford thanked the Association for the honour. Area Group l\1leetings Members of the Trenton Suburban Roads Commission indicated that they would be hosting the Eastern Group Meeting in 1988. Members of the Stratford and St Marys Suburban Roads Commissions indicated that they would be hosting the 1988 Western Group Meeting to co-incide with the Inter- national Plowing Match to be held in Perth County. That a motion of appreciation be extended to the Secretary - Treasurer for the usual excellent arrangements for the annual meeting. On a Motion by Mr Doug Whitley - Trenton Seconded by Mr Ingram Ames - Barri e .... carried The meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 19, 1988 PAGE 1 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Administration Building in the Engineerls Office at 4:00 p.m. on December 19, 1988.. Present were Mr. Albert Auckland and Mr. Donald Stokes. MR. AUCKLAND REPORTED that Mr. Robert Martin was home and he had been speaking to him on the telephone and that he was feeling much better and that he (Mr. Martin) hoped that he would be able to carryon with his duties with the Suburban Road Commission in the New Year. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND D. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 11, 1988 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. II THE ENGINEER REPORTED that there would be a slight surplus in the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission budget for 1989. Construction work had been completed except for utility moving invoices at the Fowler East Culvert (Road #16) and the Lindsay Drain Culvert (Road #29). THE ENGINEER NOTED that the replacement of the Fowler Drain at the East limit of Fingal (Road #16) had cost $104,000; the extension of the Lindsay Culvert on Road #29 had cost $50,000; completion of the work at Patterson Bridge had cost $5,000; the top coat of hot mix pavement on Road #22 had cost $58,000. Land had been purchased for the widening of St. George Street at Davis Street in conjunction with the Township of Yarmouth at a cost of $5,000; one kilometre of work on Road #57 (Southdale Road) near Road #22 had cost $44,000 and machinE~ laid hot mix patching (mostly on Road #30, Radio Road) had cost $23,000. Winter control had been light last winter and appeared would be light until the end of the year. This savings in winter control would give the slight surplus in the budget. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario MinistE~rial Adjusted Assessment of the City of St. Thomas for 1989 would amount to $105,800,000 and thus the 1/2 mill would provide $52,900 in 1989 compared to $48,200 in 11988. [See attached comparisons for Suburban and County for the last three(3) years.] ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 19, 1988 PAGE 2 THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that Road #22 be assumed to County Road #27. In July, the Suburban Commission had assumed the road within L~/10IS Km. of Road #27. Some work on Road #22 remained to be done in 1989 but could easily be handled in the Suburban budget. Road #29 had been reverted by the County to the Township of Yarmouth and thus was no longer a Suburban Road. The Suburban Roads at the present time would include: Road #16 from the Fingal bridge to the main intersection of Fingal; Road #25 (Wellington Road) from Highway #4 to the Middlesex County line; Road #26 (St. George Street) from the City limits to Wellington Road; Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) from Road #45 to Highway #3; Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from St. Thomas City limits to Road #27; Road #30 from St. Thomas City limits to County Road #48 (Road allowance between Concessions XI and XII, Yarmouth Township); Road #31 (Dalewood) from St. Thomas City limits to Road #52; Road #45 from Highway #4 easterly, to Road #36; Road #52 from Highway #3 (St. Thomas Bypass) easterly to Highway #74; Road #56 (Elm Street) from St. Thomas City limits to Road #56; Road #57 (Southdale Road) from Highway #4 to Road #22. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. STOKES A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROAD BE DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART #8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #22 FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #27 TO 0.7 KILOMETRES NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #27. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 19, 1988 PAGE 3 The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. M.T.O. ASSESSMENT 1987 - 90,200,000 1988 - 96,400,000 1989 -105,800,000 M.T.O. ASSESSMENT 1987 - 624,000,000 1988 - 632,000,000 1989 - 643,000,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENT MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED PRELIMINARY DECEMBER 20, 1988 STATUTORY 1/2 MILL PROVIDED $45 , 100 48,200 52,900 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY LEVY NET COST 1,430,000f 1 ,461 ,000 Unknown ~~ SUBURBAN ROAD BUDGET 1987 1988 c' 1989 522,000 f BUDGET INCLUDING ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS AND SUPPLEMENTARIES $7,074,000 7,120,000 7,200,000 @ Mfinistry of Transportation Ministere des -? Transports Ontario 659 Exeter Road (Hwy. #135) Box 5338, London, Ontario N6A 5H2 (519) 681-1441. August 29, 1988. Mr. R. G. Moore, P.Eng., Secretary and Engineer, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. N5R 5Vl Dear Mr. Moore: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Roads Conmdssion Designating Part of County Road 122 Into Suburban Road System I am pleased to inform you that the Commission's Resolution on the matter noted above was approved by the Honourable Ed Fulton, Minister of Transportation, on August 23, 1988. Enclosed, are the originals of the approved Resolutions for your Commission's official records. Yours truly, d<Z_~7 a.;&", . J: A. Richards Dl..strict ' D" Municip 1 l..strict 12 a Engineer , London. ' Attach. c.c. R. E. Stock ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN A. AUCKLAND THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART NO.8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #22 FROM COUNTY ROAD #45 TO 0.7 KILOMETERS NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #27. TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 11, 1988. CARRIED;, II I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON JULY 11, 1988 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN A. AUCKLAND THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART NO. 8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #22 FROM COUNTY ROAD #45 TO 0.7 KILOMETERS NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #27. TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 11, 1988. CARRIED." I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON JULY 11, 1988 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ROBERT G. MO~~/ SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ;')'\ ROBERT G. MOORE,B. Sc. P. ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 July 14, 1988 Ministry of Transportation, 659 Exeter Road (Hwy. #135), Box 5338, LONDON, Ontario. N6A 5H2 ATTENTION: Mr. Jim Richards Gent I emen : The attached Resolution was passed by the St.. Thomas Suburban Road Commission at a meeting on July 11, 1988. We request the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communi~ations. We also enclose two(2) copies of a map showing the location in green. The road was reassumed by the Commission to allow them to make transfers in their budget as the construction work previously planned for County Road #26, St. George Street, is unable to be completed as the Township of Yarmouth is not finished their sewer contract. We also find out that there are some funds available in the Commission's budget after the completion of work at the Pattetson Culvert on Road #30, the improvement of Lindsay Culvert, Road #29, and the Fowler Drain Culvert on Road #16 at Fingal. The Suburban Commission had control for many years of County Road #22 from the St. Thomas City limits to County Road #27. Yours truly, ROBERT G. MOORE, ENGINEER AND Ro.' RGM/sew Enc I . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1988 PAGE 1 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Administration Building on Monday, July 11, 1988 at 1:15 p.m. in the Engineer's Office. Present were Mr. A. Auckland and Mr. R. Martin. 'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. MARTIN A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 15, 1988 BE APPROVED. CARRIED.II THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOllOWS: 1. It appeared that savings would be made on Suburban construction projects - Fowler Drain Culvert on Road #16, Lindsay Culvert on Road #29, and the Patterson Bridge completion work on Road #26. In as much as the Township of Yarmouth had not been able to arrange for the completion of restoration work on St. George Street, it would be impossible to do the curb and gutter work and drainage that had been planned. It would also be impossible to complete the Municipal Drains that had been petitioned for on Road #26 as Engineering reports had not yet been received by the Township. The County Road Committee had a meeting on July 8, 1988 and recommended that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission assume a portion of Road #22 from Road #45 to .07 of a kilometre north of Road #27. This would allow the St. Thomas Commission to pay for the top coat of pavement on the road from 0.7 Km. north of Road #22 to the road allowance between Concession IV and V. The paving was already under contract to Walmsley Bros. ltd. The County Road Committee had also requested that the Commission consider improvements on Southdale Road portion near Road #22 for approximately 1 Km. west of Road #22 by mulching it similar to the work that the Township of Yarmouth had done, placing granular base and placing double treatment on the surface. This would alleviate the extremely rough conditions. It would be impossible to do anything on the west end of the road in as much as a Municipal Drain had been petitioned for, and the work could not be done until 1989. IIMOVED BY: R. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOllOWING ROAD BE DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART NO.8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1988 PAGE 2 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #22 FROM COUNTY ROAD #45 TO 0.7 KILOMETRES NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #27. TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 11, 1988. CARRIED. II SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND R. MARTIN IIMOVED BY: THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: CONStRUCTION ROAD #16, FOWLER DRAIN CULVERT FROM $125,000 TO $100,000 CONSTRUCTION ROAD #29, LINDSAY CULVERT FROM $55,000 TO $46,000 ROAD #30 PATTERSON BRIDGE COMPLETION FROM $10,000 TO $6,000 ROAD #26 CONSTRUCTION OF CURB AND GUTTER FROM $15,000 TO $1,000 SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS FROM $25,000 TO $1,000 CONSTRUCTION ON COUNTY ROAD #22 (TOP COAT OF ASPHALT PAVING) FROM COUNTY ROAD #45 TO 0.7 MILES NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #27 - $0.00 TO $53,000 THAT MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES BE AMENDED AS PER THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE. REPAIRS TO PAVEMENT, RECONSTRUCTION AND DOUBLE SURFACE TREATMENT ON COUNTY ROAD #57 (SOUTHDALE ROAD) FROM COUNTY ROAD #22 TO 0.9 KILOMETRES WEST - $25,000 (ESTIMATED COST) THE TOTAL BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REMAINS AS PREVIOUSLY ESTIMATED AT $498,000. CARRIED. II Inspection of various Commission's roads was made including Road #22, new construction, Road #57 Southdale, Road #28 Centennial, Road #30 Patterson Bridge and construction planned on Road #30 Concession XIII Yarmouth, Road #29 (to be reverted to the Township of Yarmouth shortly) and Road #16 at the Fowler Drain at Fingal. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. fl~L1l'~ ,~ o,._~~ ~ ~..,", (.1i':~""'-~~1 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART #8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #30 FROM COUNTY ROAD #48 TO COUNTY ROAD #52 A DISTANCE OF 2.7 KILOMETERS. TO BECOME EFFECTIVE MARCH 15, 1988. CARRIED. II I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COpy OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON MARCH 15, 1988 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. APPROVED jATE ~/TORONTO, ON,TARIO ;.'1 THiS....... .:..!. O~~. ~::."".l9 f€ ......... ......c.:..d~...".."...... MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION . l\..t<...,,___e___,..,..--_,.-.,.,_....'!!J 'w.;;~ .-----.--;;::, \tL....;.",_~~,~ .;F -.,.----... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REVISED BUDGET ST. THOMAS SUBURUAN ROAD COMMISSION June 27) 198B ACTIVITY NEW BUDGET OLD BUDGET ---- . A's $ 8,000 $ 8,000 B-1 10,000 12,000 B-2 ~)) 000 5,000 B-4 7,000 15,000 (3-5 4,500 3,000 8-6 500 8-7 500 500 8-11 500 500 C-1 5,000 15,000 C-2 3,000 3,000 C-3 20,000 20,000 C-4 --- 10,000 C-5 4,000 5,OOq C-6 28)000 Machine Laid Hot Mix Patcl\ 0-2 5,000 5)000 0-3 10,000 13,000 D-4- 5,000 8,000 0-5 9)000 2,000 E1s 70)000 70,000 F'S 28,000 28,000 -- $223,000 $223,000 -- -- 'l!;.-c.,_.._-c--c,~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Administration Building, on Tuesday, March 15, 1988 at 11:00 a.m. in the Engineer's Office. Present were Mr. A. Auckland and Mr. R. N. Martin. "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1988 BE APPROVED. CARRIED.II The Engineer reported that the Budget which had been previously forwarded to members had been amended by County of Elgin Road Committee members at a meeting on March 11th. The Engineer reported that the National Transportation Agency had Ordered an new inquiry into the abandonment of the CSX line between West Lorne and St. Thomas. This would affect the Suburban road crossing at Middlemarch. It was not known as to the form this inquiry would take, but it would likely be negotiations to try and solve any problems between the rail line and the municipalities. It would be necessary to repair the Port Talbot Culvert this Summer unless overwhelming evidence was found to prove that the culvert was not in jeopardy. A statement of 1987 expenditures as detailed in the Second Report of the County of Elgin Road Committee was discussed. "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THE STATEMENT OF 1987 EXPENDITURES DETAILED IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 1988 SECOND REPORT BE ADOPTED AND BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR INFORMATION. CARRIED.II Discussion with regard to the Budget. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 2. IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $498,000 AS DETAILED IN THE MARCH 2 AND 18, 1988 REPORT TO THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED.II The Engineer stated that it would be necessary to reassume County Road #30 between Road #48 and Road #52 so that the Commission would be able to complete the work started by the County last year at the Patter-sons Bridge. IIMOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY DESIGNATED AS A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART #8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #30 FROM COUNTY ROAD #48 TO COUNTY ROAD #52 A DISTANCE OF 2.7 KILOMETERS. (*EFFECTIVE MARCH 15, 1988) CARRIED. II The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. wbt/:f U/, ~ .:,-\;; COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET AMENDED MARCH 18, 198.3 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a joint Budget for the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The total expenditure was approved by the February Session of County Council with the subsidized portion at $7,120,500 composed of a general allocation of $6,710,500, $10,000 for the closure of the Tates Bridge and a request for construction funds of $400,000 for work on Radio Road (Road #30). FIXED COSTS Fixed costs are estimated at $3,675,900 which is $150,000 in excess of the amount allocated. The Ministry of Transportation requires that money budgeted for machinery and housing must be used for that purpose. The three year average for'drainage assessments of $82,600 will be very close to the estimated 1988 expenditure of $80,000. ~ The attached budget for Maintenance as shown and the overexpenditure for 1988 ($150,000) is very close to the overexpenditure in 1986 ($163,000). In 1987 the overexpenditure was only $57,000. In 1987 a considerable amount of the programable maintenance funds were diverted to construction work on the Patterson Bridge and Road #45 culvert repairs. When additicnal funds became available for Road #45 culvert repairs in the late Fall time was Rot available to do any major maintenance work and resurfacing work was subsituted. It is essential that outstanding maintenance projects be brought up to date. We were fortunate in 1987 and 1988 (so far) that winter conttol operations have been light although it appears that winter control operation costs this year will be at least $150,000 more than last year. In 1987 it was intended that some improvements on the roads recently assumed by the County would be done. Little work was done other than improvements to Road #56 (Elm Street) and some gravel resurfacing because of the lack of money. , .;-.;:. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET (AMENDED MARCH 18, 1988) PAGE 2. Road Committee should determine the priority of the special maintenance projects. The rest of the maintenance budget is basically the minimum lito keep the roads as they are". Bridge and culvert maintenance includes major repairs to the Iona Bridge on Road #14. We expect to do spot spraying for weeds (such as cattails and other hard to kill weeds). It appears that surface treatment work and costs will be up in 1988. We were fortunate in 1987 to accomplish a large gravel resurfacing programme, however this was done at the expense of a shoulder gravel maintenance programme and roads that have not been gravel shouldered for five to six years should be done in 1988. We expect to continue with our major sign replacement programme, particularly intersection signs. Although last year's programme was extremely costly it accomplished little other than to keep the status quo and to sign the roads which we assumed in February 1987. We must also remember that in 1988 we are maintaining 15% more mileage than we did in 1986 and when we consider inflation and special projects in reality we are doing less maintenance than we did three years ago. OVERHEAD COSTS AND PAYROLL BURDEN The overhead costs are expected to rise to $500,000 including a $30,000 benefit reserve for retirements. One employee will definitely retire this year. If any funds in this category are not used they can be diverted to other work in the Fall. A major Needs Study Update (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) is required this Fall and next Spring and additional cler~cal help will be required. Payroll burden costs are estimated to be in the order of 38% on labour which is in line with previous years. Most increases have been legislated upon us and there is very little that we can do with them. We of course have no way of knowing. the total cost of sick benefits. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET (AMENDED MARCH 18, 1988) PAGE 3. CONSTRUCTION The original budget report of March 2nd was discussed at a County of Elgin Road Committee meeting on March 11th and the following is a resume. As reported to County Road Committee repairs to the Port Talbot Culvert appear to be an ab~olute necessity in 1988. Our studies at this point indicate that the East Port Talbot Culvert is in the same condition, or very near the same condition, that the Patterson Culvert and the Kettle Creek Culverts on-Road #45 were in, even though no cracking has occurred at the present time at the Port Talbot Culvert. A study of over 30 culverts in the County of Elgin and Ohio rated by methods developed by a consulting firm in Ohio put these culverts at the top (most dangerous condition) of all culverts rated; thus it is necessary to provide funding this year. The construction programme has been amended to take this into account. In accordance with Road Committee's wishes the County's share of railroad protection on Road #45 has been eliminated and the construCtion of Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) will stop approximately 300 feet north of the Road #27 intersection rather than constructing the complete intersection. Work on Road #2 will consist of cleanup work on the portion already done and proceeding easterly as funds will allow. At the present time we do not expect to reach the Coyne Road this year. The top coat of asphalt paving on Road #22 on last year's work must be completed, . however the top coat of asphalt on Road .#2 can be left in abeyance until 1989 when all work completed to that time must be covered. As discussed the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission budget will consist of the replacement of a pipe arch culvert on the Fowler Drain on Road #16 at Fingal and the extension of the-Lindsay Culvert (which is a concrete culvert) on Road #29. This work must be done in 1988 or we may have road closures at both locations. The headwall is about to falloff the Lindsay Drain Culvert and the Fowler Drain Culvert is showing serious deterioration even though it was welded a year ago. It is also recommended that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission reassume the portion of Road #30 between Road #52 and Road #48 to complete trim work at the Patterson Bridge. The St. Thomas Suburban COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET (AMENDED MARCH 18, 1988) PAGE 4. Road Commission will also be responsible for drainage, miscellaneous curb and gutter work for traffic control on St. George Street as well as payment of drainage assessments on four municipal drains on St. George Street which have been previously petitioned for by the County. The notes following the Construction Budget are intended to bring the Committee up to date on priorities required. It appears that we are obviously not doing too much of our high priority work but we are spending most of our time and money trying to cleanup after disasters or just ahead of them. Asphalt resurfacing funds will be required to complete those projects started in 1987. County Road #20 from one mile south of Fingal to the Mill Road north of Port Stanley is also in the IImust doll category. There are sections of Road #52, particularly east of Springfield that must also be done. Sufficient funds will not be available to do all of Road #52 and it is recommended that when a contract is let that it be an lIopen ended contract II so the Committee may, at the same unit price, increase the length of the contract if funds become available later in the Fall. We recommend that all Urban municipalities be approached and requested to review their utility needs and budgets for the next five years so that they can, if at all possible, install any water or gas mains prior to the County rebuilding or resurfacing a road. This will hopefully eliminate what is now known across the Province as the IIHorton Street SyndromEFII. Unfortunately we have now reached the same position as a considerable amount of other County Road Committees have across the Province in which the allocated construction funds are not great enough to enable the Committee to do pciority work and are barely enough to keep up to the disasters. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET MARCH 1988 (A) FUNDING APPROVED FEBRUARY 1988 BY ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (SUBSIDIZED BY THE .MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO) 1. General Allocations. $6 ,710 ,500 10,000 400,000 2. Tates Bridge Closing. 3. Supplementary Request for Construction Road #30 (Radio Road). TOTAL $7,120,500 (B) FIXED COSTS (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO ALLOCATION) 1. Road and Bridge Maintenance. $2,202,400 593,900 82,600 647,000 2. Overhead. 3. Drainage Assessments. 4.. Machinery and Housing. TOTAL ~25,900 * Budget (See Attached for Breakdown) ST. THOMAS COUNTY SUBURBAN TOTAL ROAD COMMISSION ROAD AND BRIDGE $2,225,900 $223,000 $2,448,900 MAINTENANCE OVERHEAD ! 464,000 36,000 500,000 DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 55,000 25,000 80,000 MACHINERY AND HOUSING 647,000 647,000 TOTALS $3,391,900 $284,000 $3,675,900 The Over Budget on Fixed Costs will come from the Asphalt Resurfacing Allocation ($150,000). COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET - MARCH 1988 (C) URBAN REBATES Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Allocation In addition $2,700 was provided in the Items Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Budget to provide for the Urban Rebate on the Non Subsidized Budget. The County share of the Road Budget was set at $1,461,000. The Urban Rebate on this is estimated at $82,400. (The Correct Aggregate Total of the Percentage Urbans will not be available until the Apportionment By-Law is finalized at the end of March.) (Estimated Percentage 22.6% t. Rebate 25% of Road Levy.) Shortfall in Allocation $10,000. This will also have to come from Asphalt Resurfacing Allocation. (D) CONSTRUCTION Allocation for Construction. Made Up. Of: 1. Construction $1,287,200 1,825,000 . 2. Asphalt Resurfacing $3,112,200 Budget Suggested: 1. Construction (a) County (8) St. Thomas Suburban $1,087,000 $213,000 2. Asphalt Resurfacing (All County) PAGE 2. $72 ,400 $3,112,200 $1,300,000 1, 652,200 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET - MARCH 1988 PAGE 3. (E) BUDGET SUMMARY S1. THOMAS COUNTY SUBURBAN TOTAL ROAD COMMISSION FIXED .COSTS $3,391,900 $284,000 $3,675,900 URBAN REBATES 82,400 82,400 - CONSTRUCTION 1,087,000 213,000 1,300,000 - ASPHALT RESURFACING 1,652,200 1,652,200 TATES BRIDGE CLOSURE 10,000 10,000 ROAD #30 CONSTRUCTION 400,000 400,000 TOTALS $6,623,500 $497,000 $7,120,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN {APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS} REVISED FEBRU,\RY 26, 1988 ITEM 1985 1986 1987 1988 ESTIMATE Holidays With Pay: (a) Annual 109,148 102,321 139,384 148,000 (b) Statutory 53,595 59,932 68,373 75,000 (c) Compassionate Leave 958 1,176 1,221 1,000 (d) Jury 37 Sick Benefits 44,590 48,020 52,826 55,000 Inclement Weather; Standby, Hc. 2,608 2,885 9,887 5,000 Safety Equipment 9,384 10,022 13,778 14,000 Workers. Compensation Insurance 33,529 40,344 51,815 41 ,'000 Canada Pension 20,094 22,307 27,673 28,500 O.M.E.R.S. 70,199 72,201 84,956 87,500 U.1.C. 41,578 45,417 56,666 57,000 O.H~1.P., E.H.C. 40,871 46 , 1 72 49,803 65,000 L.T.D. 12,582 13,275 16,365 17,000 Li fe Insurance 682 3,580 4,934 6,000 Dental 348 11,000 Payroll Burden Charged to the 12,015 CR. Employment Programmes and 1. P . M. , Etc. -- TOTALS $427,840 $467,652 $578,029 ~ill ,000 PAYROLL BURDEN DISTRIBUTION 1985 1986 1987 Total Labour $1,381,922.99 $1,506,642.33 $1,848,576 Less: Labour in Payroll Burden 210,956.40 214,334.77 271,738 Less: Canada Summer 185, 186 and 187 4,304.00 2,792.00 Less: 1.P.M. (1985 ) 16,803.01 Less: Ontario Youth Corps Programme (1985) 54, 155.70 Net Labour $1,095,703.88 $1,289,515~56 $1,576,818 Payroll Burden 427,840.34 467,652.25 578,029 Payroll Burden as a % of Net Labour 39.047% 36.2657% 36,66% COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET - PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) PAGE 2. 1988 - Labour Estimated $1,890,000 Less: Labour in Government Programmes Less: Labour in Payroll Burden (Holidays, Sick Time, Inclement Weather, Etc.) 284,000 Net Labour payro 11 Burden Payroll Burden as a Percentage of Net Labour $1,606,000 611 ,000 38.04% (Payroll Burden is distributed to County Overhead, Maintenance and Construction Accounts.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) OPERATION 1985 1986 1987 1988 ESTIMATE Superintendence $126,724 $140,058 $143,110 $150,000 Clerical 68,785 68,884 82 , 71 9 95,000 Garage and White Station Property 104,615 116,932 120,294 127,000 Office and Computer 31,55? 38, 105 28,529 35,000 Tools 15,788 20,520 23,141 23,000 Radio 4,823 5,478 7,514 6,000 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 8,610 11, 731 16,748 20,000 Training Courses 2,257 6,306 10,621 11,000 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,370 2,202 2,446 3,000 Retirement Benefits , Sick Time 14,218 8,853 30,006 30,000 Carryover TOTALS $379,748 $419,069 $465,128 $500,000 Without Retirement Benefits: 1985 - $365,530 1986 - $410,216 1987 - $435,122 1988 $470,000 1988 Estimated Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $36,000 County of Elgin $464,000 It is estimated that 7.7% of total expenditure will be on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. (In calculation Retirement Benefits are entirely a County responsibility.) )' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. .THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH 2, 1988 (Maintenance Comparisons for 1985, 1986 and 1987 include County and Suburban Roads Expenditures and also include Payroll Burden.) OPERATION 1985 A - Bridges and Culverts ~- l' Bridges .- 2 Cu 1 verts 88,256 66,796 B ~ Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting :- 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing i .- 4 Ora i nage ,- 5 Roadside Maintenace ,- 6 Tree PI ant i ng ,_ 7 Ora i nage Assessments (Maintenance) . 11 Weed Spraying r C r- Paved Road Maintenance 52,221 23,126 162,667 51,575 1,169 5,813 11,751 - 1 Repairs to Pavement Sweeping 136,302 23,804 - 2 1986 S1. T\-lOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 1987 1988 ESTIMATED COUNTY 44,790 31,310 33,719 69,216 74,117 73,612 81,377 133,180 106,297 150,953 17,960 34,920 2,872 2,325 5,436 1 ,928 135,000 127,000 8,00n 75,000 63,000 12,000 125,000 120,000 5,000 150,000 135,000 15,000 20,000 17,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 4,500 500 5,000 4,500 500 170,000 155,000 15,000 26,000 23,000 3,000 Continued 126,100 22,424 200,179 20,018 ; I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERA TI ON 1985 1986 1987 1988 ESTI MA TED COUNTY ROADS C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 3 Shoulder Maintenance 212,549 67,770 111,572 130,000 105,000 25,00n - 4 Surface Treatment III , L38 86,002 141,858 190,000 180,000 10,000 o - Gravel Road Maintenance - 1 Ditching, Gravel and Prime , 55,899 (Road #26) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 39,680 39,016 57,987 62,000 57,000 5,000 - 3 Dust Control 53,990 51,627 82,511 86,000 73,000 13,000 - 4 Prime 7,139 10,850 13,074 15,000 7,000 8,000 ,- 5 Gravel Resurfacing 110,197 170,136 268,425 125,000 123,000 2,000 E - Winter Control Total 533,197 739,173 483,406 645,000 575,000 70,000 - 1 Snow Plowing 183,825 u22,936 119,424 - 2 Sanding and Salting 294,579 473,124 307,960 3 Snow Fence 27,403 21,583 26,766 .- 4 Standby and Night Crew 27,390 21,530 29,256 F ,- Safety Devices ~ - 1 Pavement Marking 52,941 42,431 43,783 48,000 40,000 8,000 ~- 2 Signs and Signals 93,470 87,194 168,805 135,000 128,000 7,000 Continued COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 3. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS Winter Control 1984 - $458,201 PAGE 4. 1986 Ministry of Transportation Maintenance and Overhead Allocation $2,176,000 1986 Mainte~ance Expenditure 1986 OVE rhead $1,919,624 419,262 K,338,886 Expenditure Over Allocation $162,886 1987 Ministry of Transportation Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Drainage Assessments I 1987 Maintenance Expenditure $2,244,781 1987 Overhead Expenditure 465,128 Drainage Assessments 89,133 ~99,042 Expenditure Over Allocation $57,042 $~,651,600 90,400 12,742.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 1988 Ministry of Transportation Maintenance and Overhead Allocation D~ainage Assessment Allocation 1988 Maintenance Budget 1988 Overhead Budget 1988 Drainage Assessment Budget From Asphalt Resurfacing $2,448,900 500,000 80,000 $3,028,900 150,000 I $2 ,878 , 900 PAGE 5. $2,796,300 82,600 $2,878,900 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMtNT CALCULATION TO DETERMINE ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF OVERHEAD CHARGEABLE TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL EXPENDITURE: General Allocation Supplementary: Tates Bridge Road #30 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN OVERHEAD CALCULATIONS: Urban Rebates New Machinery and Housing Retirement Benefits (Overhead) TOTAL NET PROGRAME The St. Thomas Suburban Road Program is estimated at $490,000. (ie., 10 X City of St. Thomas Contribution + Surplus.) Percentage 490,000 = 7.69 6,371,100 (Say 7.7%) MARCH 1988 $6,710,500 10,000 400,000 $7,120,500 $ 72,400 647,000 30,000 ~~ ~~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET (A) CONSTRUCTION 1. Land Purchase and Miscellaneous Surveys. 2. Road #16 - Replacement of Pipe Arch on the Fowler Drain at the East Limit of Fingal with a Precast Concrete Box Culvert (Length 110 Feet). 3. Road #30 - Complete Pattersons Bridge Guide Rail and Miscellaneous Trim Work and Erosion Control. 4. Road #29 - Extend Lindsay Culvert (1/4 Mile West of Old London and Port Stanley Railway Tracks.) Present Concrete Culvert Headwall is Falling Off and Road i.s Extremely Nartow. Extend with Precast Box Culvert (Length 56 Feet). 5. Road #26 - (St. George Street) Curb and Gutter for Traffic Control and Miscellaneous Drainage Not Covered by Municipal Drainage Petitions. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (B) ASPHALT RESURFACING (C) FIXED COSTS 1. Maintenance. (See Combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget for Item Breakdown.) 2. Overhead. (See Combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget for Item Breakdown.) 3. Municipal Drainage Assessments. Petitions for four Municipal Drains have been forwarded to the Township of Yarmouth for Drains on St. George Street (Road #26). We expect Reports in the early Spring and the work to be done this Summer. TOTAL FIXED COSTS MARCH 1988 $ 8,000 125,000 10 ,000 55,000 15,000 $213,000 NIL $223,000 36,000 25,000 $284,000 Continued . . . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET - MARCH 1988 PAGE 2. TOTAL BUDGET FOR SUBSIDY FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO (CONSTRUCTION AND FIXED COSTS) $497,000 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO IS ESTIMATED AT 1,000 TOTAL BUDGET $498,000 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Estimated Subsidy Rate by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario 80%. Share of City of St. Thomas 50% or $397,600 $100,400 $50,200 Subsidy Payable (80% of $497,000) Balance ($498,000 Less $397,600) AVAILABLE: Credit Balance from 1987 Operations Statutory 1/2 Mill Provides $ 1,372.67 48,200.00 $49,572.67 Estimated Deficit to 1989 $627.33 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION: I. Miscellaneous Surveying and Engineering including surveying and engineering work on Road #23, Joseph Street Hill, Village of Port Stanley. 2. Land Purchase including Road #43 one mile north and south of Calton. (Cost if any to obtain right-of-way at Canadian Pacific crossing on Road #45 and at the Port Burwell Bridge unknown as well as cost to obtain right-of-way at crossing of CSX in West Elgin.) 3. Engineering (County of Elgin Share Only) for Construction of Middlemiss Bridge over the Thames Ri ver on Road #14. . 4. Road #7, Orford-Aldborough Townline Construction of Culvert Extensions Latter Hill. Work by County of Kent (Elgin agreed to pay their share several years ago.) 5. Monitoring of Long Span Culverts on County and Township Roads and Associated Soil Tests at the Van Order and Port Talbot Culverts. 6. Trim1completion of Base Coat Paving Road #45 etc., Southwold Township, Kettle Creek Culvert. 7. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) complete work started in 1987, top coat of asphalt, trimming, seeding, erosion control, gravel shouldering, etc. 8. Road #2 from Road #~ easterly, work started in 1987, trimming, seeding, erosion control, etc. 9. Curb and gutter replacement complete Road #2 in West Lorne, next location to be designated after work in West Lorne is completed. 10. Repairs to superspan culvert Road #16, Port Ta 1 bot. AMENDED MARCH 18, 1988 $ 213,000 1,087,000 $1,300,OiJO $ 25,000 75,000 45,000 22,000 28,000 200,000 55,000 . 40,000 30,000 250,000 Continued . . . . CONSTRUCTION BUDGET (AMENDED MARCH 18, 1988) PAGE 2. 11. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) stopping short of Road #27 intersection, base coat of asphalt only. 12. Road #2, Dunwich Township from completion of 1987 work easterly as funds will allow. 200,000 117,000 TOTAL $1,087,000 NOTE: 1. It will be necessary to keep a reserve for repairs to the Van Order Culvert (Road #42, East of Port Burwell) until we can satisfy ourselves tbat the structure is stable (money from Road #2 new work and resurfacing). 2. We expect the Canadian National to comply with the Order of the National Transportation Agency and place flashing light signals at the Canadian National crossing on Road #45 (Smoke Road) 1/4 mile south of Highway #3, Township of Southwold. As the invoice will not be received until late 1988, payment of the County of Elgin's share (estimated at $10,000) can be postponed until 1989. 3. If the slope at Joseph Street in Port Stanley (Road #23) continues to move and detailed geotechnical design including soi 1 tests are requi red funds wi 11, have to be di verted from Road #2 construction. 4. Construction work on the Suburban system is of a high priority and if not done may result in culvert failure and subsequent road closure. 5. Target date for traffic over a New Middlemiss Bridge over the Thames River is late 1990 or early 1991. We can only hope the old bridge lasts that long. Reduced load limits (from present 18 tonnes)- wi 11 Ii ke ly be requ ired. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RESURFACING BUDGET AMENDED MARCH 18, 1988 COMPLETE: I. Road #2 Canadian National tracks easterly to Road #5 (Aldborough Township). $ 30,000 2. Road #8 - Pearce Park shouldering and raise gUide rail, etc. 10,000 3. Road #13 - Seeding, etc. and Gore Pit cleanup (Dunwicll Townstlip). 4. Road #18 - Southwold from Road #20 west, some gravel shouldering. 20,000 5,000 5. Road #42 - From Road #40 to Port Burwell (Bayham and Malahide Townships). 110,000 6. Road #44 - Seeding, etc. as required (Bayham Township). 10,000 TOTAL TO COMPLETE LAST YEARS WORK $185,000 NEW WORK MAY INCLUDE: (* High Priorities - Not Money for All.) I. Road #20 - From 2.3 Km south or Road #16 (Fingal)totop of Stacy Hill (Southwold Township). 4.9 Km . , 2. Road #52 - From Springfield Village limits easterly (South Dorchester and Malahide TownShips). 3. Road #52 - From Springfield westerly to Highway #73 (South Dorchester and Malahide Townships). 4. Road #52 - From Highway #74 to Highway #73 (Yarmouth, South Dorchester and Malahide Townships). 1 . 9 Km 3.0 Km 8.0 Km Priorities cannot be set until the Spring and conditions of various roads ascertained. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1988 BUDGET ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION I. Administrative Charges from Clerk's Offi~e for Payroll Preparation. 2. Road Committee Inspections (Meetings with the County of Middlesex, Etc.) 3. Contributions and Retirements, ~tc. 4. Liability Insurance (Includes Env i ronmenta I Insurance) 5. Memberships, Etc. 6. Sick Leave Plan Payouts 7. Urban Rebates on Non Subsidized Expenditures 8. Over Expenditure to Earn Maximum Subsidy TOTAL 1988 ESTIMATE $ 5,000 500 1,000 10,500 350 12,000 2,700 1I,950t $44,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1987. In accordance witll Ministry of Transportation practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, Etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCllON (A) BRIDGES: (1) Road #45, Southwold Township - Repair of Kettle Creek Culvert. $ 588,044.71 (2) Road #30, Yarmouth Township - Replacement of Pattersons Culverts with a Bridge. (See"also St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditures.) 745,845.93 (3) Road #14, Southwold and Dunwich Townships - Surveying and Engineering for Replacement of Middlemiss Bridge over the Thames River. (County of Elgin Share.) 2,899.78 (4) Tates Bridge, Dunwich Township - Soil Tests, Reports, Etc. (County of Elgin Share.) (5) Road #16, Port Talbot Culvert Repair Engineering. 10,016.03 868.60 TOTAL (A) $1,347,675.05 (B) CONSTRUCTION ROADS: (1) Road #2, Dunwich Township - Grading, Granular Base, Paving, Etc. (2) Road #2, Village of West Lorne - Repairs to Catchbasins and Replacement of Curb and Gutter, Etc. (3) Road #22, Yarmouth Township (Fairview Avenue) Grading, Granular Base, Paving, Etc. $368,775.36 63,872.78 300,409.60 Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 (8) (4) Road #45, Malahide Township - From Highway #73 to Road #40, Grading, Paving, Cleanup, Etc. (5) Road #30 (Radio Road), Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township - Surveys and Engineering. Etc. (6) Mis~ellaneous Surveys for Future Work Including Road #43 North and South of Calton. (7) Land Purchase Including Widening for Construction on Road #45, Malahide Township and Road #2, Dunwich Township. TOTAL (B) (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING, ETC. (I) Road #2, Aldborough Township from West Lorne to Aldborough-Dunwich Townline. (2) Road #8, Dunwich Township, Entrance to Pearce Park. (3) Road 1113, Dunwich Town.ship - From Dutton to Road #14. (4) Road 1114, Dunwich and Southwold Townships - From Road #13 to Road #9. (5) Road 1118, Southwold Township - From Road #20 westerly. . (6) Road #36, Yarmouth Township - Sparta Southerly and Easterly on Road #24 from Road #36. (7) Road #40, Malahide Township - From Mount Salem to Road #42. (8) Road #42, Malahide and Bayham Townships - From Road 1140 to Port Burwe II. (9) Road #44, Bayham Township - From Highway #3 (North Hall) to Road #46. TOTAL (C) PAGE 2. 113,402.28 17,281.12 14,0144.34 30,7'57.44 $908,S42.92 $ 190 , 190.29 67,912.51 155,!>57.17 20,056.19 66,736.87 39,;~1O.65 4,980.14 787,920.65 73,540.05 $1 ,406,104.52 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 PAGE 3. (D) MISCELLANEOUS: (1) Credit Machinery Ownership Costs, Etc., Charged to Accounts Receivable and Miscellaneous Machine Accounts and Townline Accounts. $ 92,967.96 CR. (2) New and Used Machinery and Major Repairs to' Presently Owned Equipment. (3) Drainage Assessments Charged Against County Roads. 645,173.81 63,043.45 (4) Credit from Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit Ownership. (Partial Retrieval Operating Cost {harged in Past Years.) 115,000.00 CR. TOTAL (D) $500,249.30 TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION $4,162 I' 571. 79 (E) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION: (1) Land Purchase Including Road #26 (St. George $ 3,236.36 Street). (2) Removal, Etc., of Old Culverts at Pattersons 72,860.69 Bridge Site, Road #30. (3) Road #29, Complete McBain Concrete Culvert. 2,559.48 (4) Road #29, Soil Tests and Engineering Lindsay 4,668.98 Culvert. (5) Road #25, Complete Concrete Culverts (Wellington 1,734.52 Road). (6) Road #26, Engineering, Surveying and 4,596.77 Inspection (St. Goerge Street). (7) Drainage Assessments Charged Against 26,089.64 St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads. TOTAL S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION $115,746.44 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY COUNTY OF ELGIN AND SL TIIOMAS SUOUROAN ROAD COMMISSION $4,278,318.23 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 PAGE 4. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS *NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation Account Numbers. @ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridges $ 29,043.87 $ 2,265.76 $ 31,309.63 - 2 Culverts. 63,505.28 5,710.88 69,216.16 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 61,801.84 11,810.37 73,612.21 - 2 Tree Cutting 128,647.43 4,532.96 133 , 180 . 39 - 4 Drainage 131,950.44 19,002.39 150,952.83 - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, 20,491. 90 14,427.55 34,919.45 Shouldering, Etc. - 6 Tree Planting 2,292.34 32.80 2,325.14 - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) 1,711.37 216.74 1 ,928. 11 C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement 168 , 751. 0 1 31,427.90 200,178.91 . - 2 Sweeping 18,568.79 1,449.19 20,017.98 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance (Including 59,396.23 52,175.46 111,571.69 Gravelling, Ditching, Etc.) - 4 Surface Treatment 134 , 196.7 I} 7,661.40 141 ,858. 14 o - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 53,431.53 4,555.15 57,986.68 - 3 Dust Control 69,540.62 12,970.52 82,511. 14 - 4 Dust Control (Prime) 3,121.33 9,952.39 13,073.72 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 235,477.01 32,948.42 268,425.43 E - Winter Control - I Snow Plowing 110,262.62 9,161.29 119,423.91 - 2 Sanding and Salting 271,932.40 36,027.45 307,959.85 - 3 Snow Fence 23, 145. 17 3,620.65 26,765.82 - 4 Winter Standby 25,678.13 3,578.56 29,256.69 * Total Winter Control 431,018.32 52,387.95 483,406.27 * 1985 Winter Control - $533,197 1986 Winter Control - $739,173 Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 PAGE 5. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL F - Safety Devices - I Pavement Marking (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rai I - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal TOTALS 35,865.31 7,917.69 43,783.00 162-,510.95 6,293.98 168,804.93 3,540.88 26.65 3,567.53 58,872.13 5,791. 94 64,664.07 34,630.Il 4,789.96 39,420.07 48,067.25 48,067.25 -- $1,956,432.68 $288,348.05 i2,244,780.73 OVERHEAD - COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Superintendence, Including County $133,521.96 $ 9,588.39 $143,1l0.35 Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Vehicles. . 2. Clerical. 77,177.03 5,542.19 82,719.22 3. Office. 26,617.24 1,911.42 28,528.66 4. Garage - Stock and Timekeepers, 112, 234.06 8,059.68 120,293.74 Maintenance, Heat, Etc. 5. Tools. 21,590.48 1,550.45 23,140.93 6. Radio. 7,010.52 503.43 7,513.95 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic 15,320.35 1,524.45 16,844.80 Counts. 8. Training Courses. 9,909.71 711.63 10,621.34 9. Miscellaneous Insurance. 2,282.12 163.88 2,446.00 10. Retirement Benefits (Sick Time 30,006.06 30,006.06 Paid to Retired Employees). II. Deferred Time. 7,113.94 CR. 7,1l3.94 CR. - TOTALS $428,555.59 $29,555.52 $458. Ill. 11 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (Urban rebates, equipment purchases. drainage assessments: items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1987 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 6.7% COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 PAGE 6. MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Vill.ages of 25% of their Road Levy (Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50%) Payroll Burden costs including Labour Totaled $578,025 in 1987 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practice to the various operations. and equipment repair, etc. $70,203.75 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Road Liability Insurance. 4,610.00 128.00 4,738.00 2. Miscellaneous (Including Memberships, 971.18 130.00 1,101.18 Road Committee Inspections and Meetings, Contributions, Etc.). 3. Invoices from the County Clerk's Office 4,481.93 4,481.93 for Preparation of Employee Payroll. 4. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time to 17,886.17 17,886.17 Employees Still in Employment of the County of Elgin. . 5. Payment to St. Thomas Suburban Road 175.00 175.00 Commissioner (Fees and Expenses) 6. Contribution from St. Thomas. Sanitary 366.08 CR. 366.08 CR. Collection Services Limited Toward Road #18 TOTALS .$27,583.20 $433.00 $28,016.20 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ~CDND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 (A) Construction. (B) Maintenance. (C) Overhead. (D) Urban Rebates. (E) Items Not For Subsidy SUBTOTALS ADD: 1987 Stock Balance SUBTOTALS DEDUCT: 1986 Stock Balance TOTAL PAGE 7. SUMMARY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL $4,162,571. 79 $115,746.44 $4,278,318.23 1,956,432.68 288,348.05 2,244,780.73 428,555.59 29,555.52 458,111.11 70,203.75 70,203.75 27,583.20 433.00 28,016.20 $6,645,347.01 $434,083.01 $7,079,430.02 99,493.16 99,493.16 . $6,744,840.17 $434,083.01 $7,178,923.18 77,037.22 77,037.22 $6,667,802.95 $434,083.01 $7,101. 885.96 (* Total for Ministry of Transportation Subsidy $7,073,869.76.) CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES Regular SubSidy: The Ministry of Transportation Provided Subsidies in 1987 as Follows: 1. 50% on Urban Rebates of $70,203.75 Amounting to $35,101.87. 2. Subsidy on General Exp(,lIdit\Jn~s of $4,048,99B.13. 3. $320,000 on Expenduture of $400,000 for Repairs to the Kettle Creek Culverts on Road #45. 4. $416,500 on Expenditure of $506.000 for Building of Pattersons Bridge on Road #30. 5. $7,200 on Expenditure of $9,000 for Soil Tests at Tates Bridge. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 PAGE 8. TOTALS COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS MINISTRY OF SUBURBAN TRANSPORTATION ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL SUBSIDY PORTION EXPENDITURE $ 35,101.87 $ 35 , I 01.88 $ 70,203.75 4,848,998.13 1,239,667.88 6,088,666.01 320,000.00 80,000.00 400,000.00 416,500.00 89,500.00 506,000.00 7,200.00 1,800.00 9,000.00 - $5,627,800.00 $1 , 446 JQ~<t--11i iLt073 ,869.76 EXPENDITURE Urban Rebates Regular Expenditur€s Repairs to Kettle Creek Culverts Building of Pattersons Bridge Soil Tests at Tates Bridge Average Rate of Subsidy on Regular Expenditures - $4,848,998.13 (No Subsidy on $28,016.20 - Items Not For Subsidy.) 79.64% CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD TilE S1. TIIOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (See Page 7) $434,083.01 Expenditures Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation Rate of Ministry of- Transportation Subsidy 79.64% $433,650.01 Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditures is $345,358.87 TOTAL EXPENDITURES LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY $434,083.01 345,358.87 BALANCE $ 88, 724 . 14 44,362.07 634.74 CR. PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS (50%) DEDUCT: CREDIT FROM 1986 OPERATION SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION FROM ST. THOMAS FOR 1987 $ 43,727.33 45,100.00 CREDIT TO 1988 $ 1,372.67 .- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 PAGE 9. COST TO COUNTY OF ELGIN OF 1987 OPERATIONS Total Expenditures (Page 7) Less: Credits - (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page 8) (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission System. (Page 8) Net Cost (Subject to Ministry of Transportation Audit) $7,101,885.96 5,627,800.00 44,362.07 ll,429, 723 .89 In 1987 the County of Elgin Levied a Road Rate of $1,278,000 No County Road Levy was made to support supplementary subsidy received for the Road #45 Kettle Creek Culvert repairs nor for a large portion of the supplementary subsidy received for building of the Pattersons Bridge. In 1987 Payment Vouchers totaled $7,707,228.52comparedto $6,076,364.70 in 1986 (nearly 27% increase). The difference between the Total Voucher Payments and the Total Road Expenditures Included: (a) Work on Townline Roads and Bridges (including the Middlemiss and Tates Bridges). (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Region of Haldimand- Norfolk.) (b) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thomas ($206,948.79). (c) Asphalt paving contract for Township of Southwold and the Village of Dutton ($162,786.64). (d) Work on various Municipal Drains. materials sold and work performed for municipalities and others. The County of Elgin in 1987 participated in a Government of Canada Summer Incentive Programme (Surveying Assistant) with a net grant to the County of $2,440.00. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control Programme for the prevention of encepahlitis. The cost of $30.90 was charged to the General Government Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 3, 1988 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineer's Office at the Administration Building at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 3, 1988. All members were present. "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT ALBERT AUCKLAND BE APPOINTED CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1988 TO JANUARY 31, 1989. CARRIED." The Minutes of the meeting of 1987 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO FOR 1988 BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES OF $105.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1988 BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. ROBERT MARTIN BE $175.00 FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1988 TO JANUARY 31, 1989. CARRIED. II The Engineer reported that Annual Return calculations for 1987 had not yet been completed but it appeared that there would be a slight surplus in the City.s portion of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Levy. As the Commission had a small carryover from 1986 the Road Commission would be in good condition for 1988. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 3, 1988 PAGE 2. A preliminary budget had not yet been completed thus it was not known whether or not the Commission's road system could be increased in length. If so the Commission would be able to assume the portion of Radio Road (County Road #30) between Road #52 and Road #48. This would allow them to complete approximately $10,000 worth of work on the Patterson Bridge. Particular projects anticipated to fall under the Suburban Commission jurisdiction included the completion of drainage on St. George Street including curb and gutter for traffic guidance, two locations near Cowan Park, one at the Canadian National Tracks and at Nathan and Ryan Streets. Four municipal drain outlets for road drainage would be required. The County Road Committee was awaiting proposals from the Township of Yarmouth with regard to repairs in the Spring by the Township's sewerage contractor. Other work planned for the Suburban Commission would include the replacement of the pipe arch culvert on the Fowler Drain at Fingal and the extension of the Lindsay Culvert on Road #29. It appeared that the concrete culvert was presently in good condition however extensions were badly required and one headwall was about to falloff. No asphalt resurfacing work was planned for 1988 on the Suburban system. There would be several municipal drain outlets on Elm Street and Centennial as well those on St. George Street. It was expected that a meeting would have to be held the second week in March and in the meantime the City of St. Thomas should be notified that their 1/2 mill contribution was required. IIMOVED BY: R. N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION TOTALING $48,200 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 1988. CARRIED." The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. {i4l.(J~ CHAIRMAN