1989 Suburban Road Committee SUBURBAN ROADS COIVIlVIISSION ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COl\fl\tHTIEE - 1988/89 President: Mr A. Auckland Vice President: Mr W. Pilatzke Past President: Mr D. Gifford Secretary-Treasurer: Mr A. R. Holmes, P. Eng. Eastern Group IVestern Group Mr D. Whitley 41 Dundas Street PO Box 280 Trenton Ontario K8V 5R5 ~llr B. Wheeler RR # 2 Erin Ontario NOB 1 TO l\1r R. Peters RR # 2 Inverary Ontario KOH 1XO Mr R.. Tyndall 65 Wiltshire Drive Chatham Ontario N7L 2N 4 Mr D.. Gifford RR # 1 Peterborough Ontario K9J 6X2 Mr D.. Collins 138 Wychwood Park London Ontario N6G 1R7 SUBURBAN ROADS CO:MJ'AISSION ASSOCIATION Friday, 19 August 1988 - 1:30 pm Ramada Inn, Trenton Doug Whitley, Chairman of the Trenton Suburban Roads Commission welcomed members and guests to Trenton and reviewed the balance of the dayTs pro..,. gramm e. Neil Robertson, l\1ayor of the City of Trenton, expressed his pleasure at having the Annual Meeting held in the City of Trenton and wished every success in the deliberations at hand. Following the civic welcome, l\1:ayor Robertson gave an illustrated presentation on the proposed replacement of the Trent River swing bridge. The new bridge will be a high level, four lane structure, built on offset alignment and jacked into position on Teflon pads. The project is scheduled for com- pletion by 1990, at an estimated cost of $8,000,000. Allan Holrr es, Secretary of the Suburban Roads Commission Association, brought grtetings from the Provincial Executive and chaired the business meeting. Roll Call Each attending Commission member was introduced. A total of approximately 50 members and guests were present for the business meeting, representing the following Commissions: Peterborough Belleville Kingston Smith Falls-Lanark Cornwall Trenton Pembroke Brockville Smith Falls-Leeds Gananoque Prescott Also in attendance was .William Petherick, Warden of Northumberland County, the Northumberland County Road and Bridge Committee, and the Reeves of the Townships of Murray and Brighton. General Business A discussion was held on the proposed amendments to both the Municipal Act and the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. An expan- ded role for Counties is being considered and the question of the retention of Suburban Roads Commissions is also under review. That each Commission be encouraged to write to the Hon. John Eakins, Minister of Municipal Affairs, in support of the role of Suburban Roads Comm- issions. On a ~~'lotion by l\'1r D. Whitley Seconded by M:r J. Arthur .... carried It was agreed that Allan Holmes would prepare a draft letter and provide a. copy to each Commission. Election of Directors The Chairman reviewed the requirements for Directors from the Eastern Group and called for nominations. Moved and Seconded - That IVlr Doug .Whitley (Trenton), 1\1r Ron Peters (Kingston) and Mr Dave Gifford (Peterborough) be nominated for Directors of the Suburban Roads Commission Association from the Eastern Group for the year 1988-89. .... carried Moved and Seconded - That nominations be closed. .... "~arried Mef,srs. Whitley, Peters and Gifford were duly declared Directors of the Associa tion. Ne}(! lAeeting - 1989 Members of the Kingston Commission extended an invitation to all members to attend the 1989 Annual Eastern Group Meeting in Kingston, to be hosted by that Commission. The meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. A tour of local points of interest and a reception and dinner followed. ..................... SUBURBAN ROADS COl\IMISSION ASSOCIATION Secretary - Treasurer's Report - 20 February 1989 Account 1633 Province of Ontario, Guelph Bank Balance at 18 February 1989 1,440.36 1. Expenses - E. Gay 2. Expenses - A. R. Holmes, P. Eng. (1988 Annual Meeting) 30.00 27.00 Annual Dues Received 1988-89 Class A - 5 @ $20.00 Class B - 11 @ $25.00 Class C - 4 @ $30.00 Class D - 1 @ $40.00 Class E - 1 @ $65.00 100.00 275.00 120.00 40.00 65.00 Bank Interest 31 ~.larch 1988 30 September 1988 51.59 43.00 3. County of Wellington - Postage and Copies, etc. 268.89 4. Secretary-Treasurer's Expenses and Honorarium 300.00 Bank Balance - February 1989 1,509.06 $2,134.95 $ 2,134.95 AUDITOR'S STATEl\lIENT The above report, in our opinion, indicates the correct financial position and transactions of the Suburban Roads Commission Association for the year under review. 20 February 1989 A udi tor Auditor SUBURBAN ROADS CO&fMISSION ASSOCIATIOl'r Mn~UTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMl\UTI'EE MEETING Royal York Hotel, Toronto 20 February 1989 Present: Mr A. Auckland, President IVlr W. Pilatzke, Vice President l\1r B. Wheeler Mr D. Whitley 1\1r R. Tyndall 1\1r D. Collins ~llr A. R. Holmes, Secretary-Treasurer Group Meetin~ That the Minutes of the 1988 Western and Eastern Group Meetings be referred to the Annuall\leeting. On a Motion by Mr D. Whitley Seconded by Mr W. Pilatzke Carried ... Appointment of Auditors That 1\1r D. \Vhitley and Mr J. Millan be appointed Auditors for 1988-89. On a l\1otion by l\1r \V. Pilatzke Seconded by Mr R. Tyndall Carried ... Matters Arising from the Minutes The Secretary - Treasurer reviewed with the Executive the responses which he had received on the Report of the Advisory Commi.ttee on County Government. That all Commissions be encouraged to respond to the report. On a Motion by Mr D. Whitley Seconded by Mr W. Pilatzke Carried ... The Secretary - Treasurer reviwed comments which he had received regard- ing the date for the appointment of Commissioners. It was suggested that this matter could be discussed at the Annual Meeting. Mr D. Whitley indicated that considerable di~icussion had taken place at the Area Group l\1eeting regarding priGes for thE! supply of asphalt. It was suggested that a questionnaire be developed to deterrnine the prices being paid for asphalt in various locations thoughout the Province. Annual Meeting The Executive discussed the Programme for the Annual ~J1eeting. That the Agenda, as submitted, be approved for the Anlmall\'1eeting. On a 1\1otion by rllr R. Tyndall Seconded by fvir D. Collins Carried ... Election of Officers The Secretary - Treasurer indicated that traditionally the Executive remains in office for a two year per.iod. The Executive recommended the following- Slate of Officers for 1989-90: President: lHr A. Auckland Vice President: Mr Vv. Pilatzke Past President: l\lr D. Gifford Secretary-Treasurer: Mr A. R. Holmes, P. Eng. The Secretary - Treasurer indicated that in the event that lVIr Gifford is not reappointed to the Commission, that lVlr D. Whitley be named as Past President. Other Business a. Award of Merit The Secretary - Treasurer indicated that the Barrie Suburban Roads Comm- ission had recommended that the Award of ~rlerit be made to Mr Leighton E. Clark, P. Eng. That the Award of Merit be granted to Mr Leighton E. Clark, P. Eng. On a 1'.lotion by ~/lr D. Collins Seconded by r\lr W. Pilatzke Carried ... b. The Secretary - Treasurer informed the Executive that a general debate was being held to discuss the transfer of Provincial funds for 1989. The Executive recommended that the subject be raised at the Annual l\ieeting. The meeting adjourned at 2.45 pm. COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCK REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (DIESa TANDEM DUMPS - 15 TRUCKS TOTAL) NOVEMBER 1989 *In Summer - One truck remains as a Sander for Emergency Purposes. One truck hauls the Frehauf Float. - 13 Dump. Trucks (10 - lIon Regular work - Including Truck #95). (2 - 3 on Light work or used when other trucks are being repaired, saftied. serviced, etc.) - Truck #95 is used as a Distributor truck in Summer and Dump truck in the Spring and Fall. - It takes 13 trucks to keep 10 - 11 operating. *In Winter - 9 Snowplows, 6 Sanders. VEHICLE # DESCRIPTION YEAR ACQUIRED USE FALL OF 1989 PROJECTED USE DATE DISPOSAL DATE REPLACED BY Truck #118 Ford LTS 1979 Model Year Round - Sander Spring 1990 Truck #90 - 1980 Mack 9000 Purchased Used Badly Rusted Out (Age 11 Years) 1986 Truck 11123 GMC Brigadier 1981 Purchased Becoming Badly 1990 Summer Sander Spring 1991 Truck 1195 - 1982 Ford Used 1987 Rusted 1990 Winter Sander (Age 10 Years) 1988 Frehauf Float Truck 1183 Mack 1979 Summer - Dump Summer 1990 - Dump Spring 1992 Truck #115 - 1985 Mac Winter - Sander .r Winter 1990 - Sander (Age 13 Years) 550,000 Km Summer 1991 - Sander Winter 1991 - Sander Truck 1/84 Mack 1979 Summer - Dump Summer - Float Spring 1993 Truck #121 - 1987 Mac Winter - Sander Winter - Sander (Age 14 Years) . 575 ,000 Km Truck 1188 Mack 1980 Summer - Dump Summer - Dump Spring 1994 Truck #128 - 1988 Mac Winter - Sander Winter - Sander (Age 14 Years) 492,000 Km Summer 1993 - Sander k k k ..~ COUNTY OF aSIN TRUCK REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (DIESEL TANDEM DUMPS - 15 TRUCKS TOTAL) PAGE 2. VEHICLE # DESCRIPTION YEAR ACQUIRED USE FALL OF 1989 PROJECTED USE DATE DISPOSAL DATE REPLACED BY Truck 1189 Mack 1980 Summer - Dump Summer - Dump Spring 1995 Truck 11129 - 1988 Mac Last Winter - Winter - Sander (Age 15 Years) SnowplOw This Winter - Sander 470,000 Km Truck 1190 Mack 1980 Summer - Dump Summer - Dump Spring 1996 Truck 11133 - 1989 Mac Winter - Snowplow Winter 1990 - Sander (Age 16 Years) Odometer Reading October 25, 1989 478,000 Km Truck 1195 Ford LTS 1982 Summer - Dump and Summer - Dump Spring 1996 Truck 11134 - 1989 Mad 9000 Distributor Truck Winter 1991 - Sander (Age 14 Years) Winter - Snowplow Odometer Reading October 25, 1989 326 ,000 Km Truck 11115 Mack 1985 Summer - Dump ;r Summer - Dump 1998 or After Winter - Snowplow 1992 - Float (Age 13 Years Odometer Reading Fall 1992 - Sander Minimum) 210,000 Km 1990/1991 - Snowplow Truck 11121 Mack 1987 Summer - Dump Summer - Dump 1999 or After Winter - Snowplow Winter - Snowplow (Age 12 Years Odometer Reading Fall 1993 - Sander Minimum) October 25, 1989 149,000 Km k k ~4t COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCK REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (DIESEL TANDEM DUMPS - 15 TRUCKS TOTAL) PAGE 3. VEHICLE /I DESCRIPTION YEAR ACQUIRED USE FALL OF 1989 PROJECTED USE DATE DISPOSAL DATE REPLACED BY Truck /1128 Mack 1988 Summer - Dump Summer - Dump 2000 or After Winter - Snowplow Winter - Snowplow (Age 12 Years Odometer Reading Fall 1994 - Sander Minimum) October 1989 82,000 Truck /1129 Mack 1988 Summer - Dump Summer - Dump 2001 Winter - Snowplow Winter - Snowplow (Age 13 Years Odometer Reading Fall 1995 - Sander Minimum) October 1989 77,000 Kin Truck #133 Mack 1989 Sumner - Dump Summer - Dump 2002 (In Service Winter - Snowplow Winter - Snowplow (Age 13 Years Spring 1989) Odometer Reading Fall 1996 - Sander Minimum) 33,000 Kin Truck #134 Mack 1989 Sumner - Dump Summer - Dump (In Service Winter - Snowplow Winter - Snowplow Late May Odometer Reading 1989) 27,000 Kin r Truck'#136 Mack 1989 Received Summer - Dump October 1989 Winter - Snowplow -.'i' 11 '89 16:46 FROM MTO LON-5196866172 PAGE.003/004 l\ttac:hement L to I.M. Nethercot's ~-11-30 memo to the Hlnister MINISl'ERI1\L 1\DJUS'I'ED l\aSEssr~frr VAJ..T1ES -- COUNTY nUlnClr~I1'lRS IN ~Ht UF~E~ TXER PROPRAK I 1990 1U.LOeATI(IN ClCLB - - 19891 1990 M1\1\ JlRCOHKENJ)~D' Vi\L~ It MJ\J\ VALuB . I .., COUNTY (HI IONS (MILLIONS) INCR t ~ .... 1 I ..., , I.. .. ........ _ - I SR1\Nt 452 7.9 BnUOE 832 9.5 PUFFEJlIN 610 19.1 ELGIN 686 6.1 ESSEX 2,046 13.0 tRON'l'EN^C 1,228 24.2 GREY 937 13.3 H!\LIBURTON 464 15.4 ti1\S1'lNGS 634 15.S UURON S98 12.3 ItEN:r 1,096 .6 L1\.MBTON 1,413 3.6 LAN1\lU< (;46 12.3 LEEDS & G~ENVILt! 918 13.9 LENnoX & ADDlNGtoN SOl 10.6 HIDDLESEX 1,228 8.0 NO~'I'HUMBE:}tLAND 1,284 19.7 PEnTH 53B 4.1 PETJ:;RBortOUGH 6&5 1~.4 PRESCOTT & RUSSELL 751 11.9 l'RINCE !DW.I\JU) 333 15.2 ~NFIUZW 7S0 9.4 SIMCOE 3,422 19.5 s'romioNT, b. & c. B1S 8.4 VICTOnI1\ 875 _ 19.9 WELLINGTON '993 15.7 * 61.0' of ~oTnL HEIGIITED ~QUnLlz~n AsstSSMgNTS PROVIDED BY THE MINIsTRY OF MUNICIPAL AF~AIn~ (tNDEXES TO PRE 1983 LEVELS) ..4-._.a-o.-.._....... J DEe 11 '8916:46 F ROI'l "ITa LOI~-5196866 1 72 PAGE.002/004 ~acherop,nt--2 to !.f~. Nethercot'8 ll9t-11-30 memo to the Miniri\:Qr ~~x~.............. ---...-----+ ~ t.,.- ...~- w-- <r-...........-..-...-............ -...:;u:;:-:-~w ""'""--- ~~....T 1'<."- "ltnS1.'EtU:1\I~ I\O,TUf;Tf;l) 1\SSrtGSJ1~nT Vl\t.1JEP -- ctl'lBS f, r,F.f'ARATED 'rOans tIPPER TIER FnOO;U\K! ).'90 ALLOCI\Tlot:r CYCLE ltS: SUBUMAN MAD COMMISSION CotrnuHUTIONS 1 CITY OR Sr;p1\R1\TED ~OWH 1999 !U\1\ V1\LtJEI .. (liILJ4IONS) tg90 MCOHMENDEt_ Ml\.l\ VALUE .' (MILLIONS) \ INCR .... I -V'PWf llMN1'FORt> ST. THOMAS W1NDsOn KINGSTON OWEN SOUnD BET-.r.EVILLE TRENTON ClH\TH1\H S1\RltI1\ SM1'tHS FhLLs aROCKvILLE OM 1\.NOQUE Pro;scoTT LONDON S'J:RA.'1'tORD ST. U1\r\i:' S PETEIU30ROUGlt l'E:MBROItE B1\RRIE ORJLLIA CORNW1\LL C;:UELPH 328.3 los.a 871.6 333.5 96.9 182.8 70.6 193.1 237.6 39.2 116.7 2S.1 22.S 1,409.6 1"6.5 25.2 314.7 62.8 285.2 111.1 232.5 466.5 3!L.S.. -:=123.8j 1,~ 38S.0 115.3 215.4 82.9 214.0 244.S 46.4 136.6 27.6 25.3 1,66S.6 149.1 29.6 372.4 69.2 352.1 134.8 269.9 559.0 17.1 17.1 IS.7 16.3 19.0 11.9 17.4 10.9 2.9 18.4 17.1 10.0 11.0 lS.1 17.9 17.5 18.3 10.2 23.5 21.3 16.1 19.6 * 20.3 , of ~OTAL WEIGHTtO~EQUAtI?~D ^SSESSMENTS PROVIU~b BY THE MtNISTR! OF HUNICIPhL AFFAtRS (INoexg~ To PRE 1983 LEVELS) ,'r.c. ~ Ministry @ ~:ansporlalion Ontario (705) 235-8691 iVlinistere des Transports Municipal Roads Branch Cochrane-Temiskaming Resource Centre P.O. Bag 3010 South Porcupine, Ontario PON 1HO December 4, 1989 Mr. George Leverton Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive st. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Ministerial Adjusted Assessments for cities and Separated Towns - Pursuant to Section 68(3) of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (Suburban Roads Commissions) The 1990 Ministerial Adjusted Assessment (MMA) value for each city or separated town situated within your County is noted on the attached calculation sheet. Pursuant to Section 68 (3) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, the MAA must be used in de'termining the 1990 limiting contribution of each city and separated town to its associated Suburban Roads Commission. MAA values were derived from base assessment data provided by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and have been calculated as 0.203 times the total weighted equalized assessment; wherle the discount factor of 0.203 simply indexes the values to their pre 1983 levels. yourj$ I.L:..hercot Director IMN/cmk Attach. cc : R.. G.Mdore County Engineer ~SSESSMENT DERIVED FROM 1989 APPORTIONMENT PROGRAM 89/88 TAxABLE ASSESSMENT: EQUIVALENT ASSESSMENT FROM RESDURCE EQUALIZATION GRANT PROGRAM ELGIN SEPARATED URBAN MUNICIPALITIES TAXABLE F:ES/FAF:M ASSESS/lENT (A) TAXABLE REG PROVINCIAL TOT AL WE! GHTED SEPARATED COM/BUS/IND EQUIVALENT 3 YEAF~ Ava EQUALIZED URBAN {iSSESSI1ENT ASSES St1ENT EQUALlI FACTOR ASSESS11ENT !1AA ( f:j (e) (0) nWEM (0.203 x TWEA) St Tholnas C 42115041 25946375 3528757 8.63 60'9946750 i23.80(i~OOO TOTAL 42,115,,041 25~.94b~.375 3.528.757 60~i ~ li46 ~ 750 12.3 . 800 . (i(i(:. /""'''''''~...--~..,-~~ .c ':i!-o.5) fO.55 * A) + B + ~ HJEh :: DJ100 SEPARTATED URBAN HAA :: 0.203 I TWE~ (ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST HUNDRED THOUSAND) NOTE: EQUALIZATION FACTORS WILL HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO SDMETHING OTHER THAN THE AVERAGE OF THE GAZETTED VALUES DF 19B8~ '87 AND 86. IF AN AREA NIDE OR MARKET VALUE REASSESSMENT HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN. ~/ COUNTY OF ELGIN - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT [ JULY 10, 1989 1. Mr. D. Roderick Ferguson of R. R. #2, St. Thomas was appointed on May 9th to complete the term of the late Robert M. Martin on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. (Mr. Ferguson's term will end January 31, 1992.) 2. The Suburban Road Commission presently has control of thl~ following roads: Road #16 - From the intersection of Road #20 in Fingal to the Fingal Bridge at St. Thomas. Road #25 - (Wellington Road) From the junction of Highway #3 and #4 to the Middlesex County Boundary. Road #26 - (St. George Street) From the St. Thomas Boundary to Wellington Road (Road #25). Road #52 - From Highway #3 easterly to Highway #73. Road #31 - From the St. Thomas boundary to Road #52. Road #30 - (Radio Road) From the St. Thomas Boundary to County Road #48. Road #28 - (Centennial Avenue) From Highway #3 to Elm Street. Road #56 - (Elm Street) From the St. Thomas City Limits to County Road #36. Road #57 - (Southdale Road) From Highway #4 to County Road #22 (Fairview). Road #22 - (Fairview) From the St. Thomas Boundary to County Road #27 (Union/Sparta Road) including the intersection of the Union/Sparta Road. 3. The Suburban Commission does not have jurisdiction over Road #30 north of Road #48. At the present time the County of Elgin is engaged in construction of County Road #30 in Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth and will have the road open for traffic by July 15th. It is expected that a base coat of asphalt will be placed on the road approximately mid-August. When this work has been completed by the County the Suburban Commission will reassume the road north of Road iq48. Continued I COUNTY OF ELGIN - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT (JULY 10, 1989) PAGE 2. r 4. The Commi~sion has an approved budget of $478,000 and includes: (a) Placement of approximately I kilometer of asphalt p,avement on Road #57 (Southdale Road) which has now been completed. (b) Drainage work on St. George Street (Road #26) under the Municipal Drainage Act and the Commissions share is estimated at $94,000. Two of the four drains have been approved by the To'wnship of Yarmouth and tenders called. (c) Construction work including curb and gutter for traffic control in a number of locations including the intersection of Hydro Road and Nathan and Ryan Streets. Work includes the moving of Ontario Hydro poles to improve safety to the motoring public. (d) Construction at the intersection of Road #22 and Road #27 which will be completed later in the season (estimated cost $67,000). (e) T~e Township of Yarmouth under its sanitary sewer contract will pave St. George Street from the Canadian National railway crossing to Wellington Road. (f) Work on the St. George Street hill will not be done until 1990. At that time it is hoped that the drainage on the hill can be improved and the railway crossing (Canadian National Rail) moved approximately 10 feet east of the present location. (g) Major items of maintenance include the placement of prime on Elm Street 1/2 kilometer east of Centennial Avenue and on ( Centennial Avenue southerly to Southdale Road. 5. The Suburban Commission attended the Annual Meeting in June of the Suburban Road Commission Association (Western Division) hosted by the london Suburban Road Commission. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED R. G. MOORE, ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 9, 1989 PAGE I. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineers' Office at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, 1989. Present were Commissioners A. Auckland and D. Stokes. Also present as a guest was Mr. Roderick Ferguson. "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPOINT MR. D. RODERICK FERGUSON OF R. R. #2, ST. THOMAS TO COMPLETE THE TERM OF THE LATE ROBERT N. MARTIN ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. THE TERM ENDING JANUARY 31, 1992. CARRIED.II Commissioners Auckland and Stokes welcomed Mr. Ferguson to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and assured him that they would do anything possible to assist him with his new duties. IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. D. RODERICK FERGUSON FROM MAY 9, 1989 TO JANUARY 31, 1990 BE $175.00 CARRIED." The Minutes of the meetings of March 13, 1989 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: I. That the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario had approved the County's request for a supplementary allocation for the construction on Road #30 (Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road link). The expenditure would be $400,000 of which $80,000 had been expended in 1988. Work was expected to start shortly and it was hoped that the diversion would be open by mid-summer. 2. The County of Elgin Road Committee had deleted work on the St. George Street hill between the Canadian National tracks and the St. George Street Bridge as annexation discussions had not been completed. It appeared that a municipal drain was not necessary for the resident's needs on the St. George Street hill. Continued . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 9, 1989 PAGE 20 It would take several months to negotiate the moving of the flashing lights on the Canadian National tracks and until that work was completed it would be impractical to proceed with other work on the hill. 3. Litter pickup had been completed on Wellington Road and Road #16 to Fingal. 4. It would be necessary to cleanup the dirt slide on the Fingal hill (Road #16). 5. Signs were continuing to be upgraded. 6. As the work on the St. George Street hill had been deleted, the County of Elgin Road Committee recommended that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission reassume County Road #57 (Southdale Road) and reassume County Road #22 to County Road #27 including the intersection of Road #27 so the Commission could expend approximately $80,000. The approval of the Minister of Transportation of Ontario would be required for these assumptions. "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROADS BE DESIGNATED AS SUBURBAN ROADS FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART #8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO. (A) ROAD #22 FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #45 TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF ROAD #27. (B) ROAD #27 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF ROAD #22 EASTERLY 0.5 KILOMETRES. (C) ROAD #27 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF ROAD #22 WESTERLY 0.5 KILOMETRES. (D) ROAD #57 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE WEST LIMIT OF ROAD #22. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 9, 1989 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE BUDGET AS REVISED AFTER THE: (A) DELETION OF WORK ON ROAD #26 FROM THE ST. GEORGE STREET BRIDGE TO THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TRACKS. BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR INFORMATION. CARRIED." The Engineer stated that he would forward the revised budget to the Commission members. The Engineer noted that the Commission members were invited by County Council for dinner at their May 17th Session and that the Annual Meeting of the Western Group would be held on June 21st in London. The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman A .. ~'................ -~_._''''~'c,,~_..,,_.,,' 7 . _..../' .~'";J. ~ vt~OT~ CHAIRMAN SUBURBAN ROADS COlt1:MISSION ASSOCIATION A. R. Holmes, P. Eng. Secretary - Treasurer County of Wellington Administration Centre 74 Woolwich Street Guelph, Ontario NtH 3T9 519 - 837 - 2600 I MEMORANDUM TO: SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ENGINEERS FI~OM: A. R. HOLMES, P. Eng. Secretary - Treasurer DATE: 16 MARCH 1989 RE: 1989 ANNUAL MEETING Further to the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association, I was requested to take the following specific actions. 1. Encourage each Commission" to respond to the 'Report of the Advisory Committee on County Government'. I would refer you to my memorandum dated 18 October 1988 and its attachments. Please contact me if additional copies are required. 2. Develop a questionnaire to determine the prices that the various Commissions are paying for Hot Mix Asphalt. A questionnaire is attached and I would appreciate receiving a res- ponse at your convenience. l I would like to compile the information in order that it might be used for a general discussion at the Area Meetings this summer. 3. Encourage each Commission to support the Resolution developed by the delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. A copy of the Resolution is attached for your information. 4. Obtain comments from the Commissions regarding the timing of the appointment of Commissioners. Some Commissioners have indicated some problems relating to the term designated for the appointments to Commissions. I would appreciate your comments in order that a general consensus could be developed for submission to the Ministry. f}J! ~~ A. R. HOLMES, P. Eng. Secretary - Treasurer ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 13, 1989 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineer's Office on Monday, March 13, 1989 at 1:30 p.m. Commissioner Stokes and Commissioner Auckland were present. Chairman Stokes remarked on the passing of Commissioner Martin and expressed the regrets of the Commission. The Minutes of the meeting of January 20, 1989 were read and approved. The Engineer reviewed the financial situation of the Commission noting that the expenditures of 1988 had been detailed in the Third Report of the County of Elgin Road Committee to the February Session of County Council and that a deficit of $3,123.00 had been incurred from the 1988 operations. (See attached.) "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE STATEMENT OF 1988 EXPENDITURES AS DETAILED IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY 1989 THIRD REPORT BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR INFORMATION. CARRIED." The Committee reviewed the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget as detailed in the Revised Report to the County of Elgin Road Committee. The Engineer noted that the County Road Committee had recommended to County Council that the budget be adopted. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $508,000 AS DETAILED IN THE MARCH 3RD AND MARCH 16TH REPORT TO COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL AND TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 13, 1989 PAGE 2. The Commission noted that in order to adhere to the budget, a number of roads would have to be reverted from the Suburban System to the County of Elgin as the Commission would not have sufficient funds to do the required work for the coming season. It was suggested that the reversion be done when the winter control operations had been completed. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE DESIGNATION AS SUBURBAN ROADS OF THE FOLLOWING ROADS ARE HEREBY REVOKED EFFECTIVE APRIL 13, 1989 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MIN[STRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ROAD #22 FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #45 TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF ROAD #27. (B) ROAD #28 FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF ROAD #56 TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF ROAD #45. (C) ROAD #45 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE EAST LIMIT OF ROAD #36. (D) ROAD #57 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE WEST LIMIT OF ROAD #22. CARRIED." The Engineer noted that arrangements were being made to have the Suburban Commission accompany County Council on their Road Insoection Tour scheduled for April 21st and April 28th. The appointment of a third commissioner was discussed briefly and the matter was left in abeyance. The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. -1)2..' -~"""","-""".""'" , ~"""""'" J ~""""""'''//'''' ',' If v77__. .^ ~ " '!:I... - - CHAIRMAN @ Ontario ~inistry ~inistere of des Transportation Transports 659 Exeter Road (Hwy. #135) Box 5338, London, Ontario N6A 5H2 (519) 681-1441 July 14, 11989 Mr. R. G. Moore County Engineer County of Elgin Elgin County Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive Dear Sir: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Designating Parts of County Roads #22, 27 & 57 into the Suburban Roads Commission I am attaching a copy of a resolution dated 89-05-09 concerning the above. Kindly have parts noted in (A) and (D) deleted from the resolution because our records or those of our head office do not show their revocation. Please have the map revised to match the corrected resolution and re-submi t the revised map and three (3) certified copies of the corrected resolution. Yours truly ~~ ~O //i I (, t::/ I' (~ ~, . R. E. Stock Senior Municipal Supervisor District #2, London Attach. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROADS BE DESIGNATED AS SUBURBAN ROADS FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART #8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO. (A) ROAD #22 FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #45 TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF ROAD #27. (B) ROAD #27 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF ROAD #22 EASTERLY 0.5 KILOMETRES. (C) ROAD #27 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF ROAD #22 WESTERLY 0.5 KILOMETRES. (D) ROAD #57 FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE WEST LIMIT OF ROAD #22. CARRIED." I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON MAY 9, 1989 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. tI~ CRETAR~~AND ENGINEER TO SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1988. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, Etc., has been distributed to various prcjects and does not appear as a separate item. (See Note Page 8) CONSTRUCTION (A) BRIDGES: (1) Road #45, Southwold Township - Repair of Kettle Creek Culvert. $196,574.23 (Total Cost 1987 and 1988.)(784,618.94) (Top Coat of Asphalt Remains to be Completed.) (2) Road #16, Dunwich Township - Repair of Talbot Creek Culvert. (Top Coat of Asphalt Remains to be Completed.) 274,275.01 (3) Road #14, Dunwich and Southwold Townships - Engineering and Soil Tests - Middlemiss Bridge. (County of Elgin Share.) 87,860.47 (4) Tates Bridge Environmental Study, Etc., 6,157.51 Dunwich Township. (County of Elgin Share.) (5) Road #42, Bayham Township - Engineering, Monitoring and Soils Tests - Van Order Culvert. 8,175.10 TOTAL (A) $ 573 ,042 .32 (B) CONSTRUCTION ROADS: (1) Road #2, Dunwich Township - Grading $376,173.40 Granular Base, Hot Mix Paving. (1987 and 1988 Expenditures)(744,948.76) .................. .2 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSIONt 1989 J (2) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue)t Yarmouth Township - Grading, Granular Baset Pavingt Etc. (See Also St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Construction.) Total County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1988 Expenditures. (276t381.34) (3) Land Purchase and Legal Surveying Road #2t Road #4t Road #22, Road #43, Etc. (4) Road #23 (Joseph Street Hill)t Port Stanley - Engineering and Soil Test. (5) Surveys, Engineering or Other Projects. New Workt Etc. (6) Road #30 (Radio Road), Yarmouth Township - Environmental StudYt Land Appraisal and Purchaset Gradingt Granular Base. Glanworth Drain Culvert. TOTAL (B) (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERINGt ETC. (1) Road #2t Aldborough Township from West Lorne to Aldborough-Dunwich Townline. Completion of 1987 Work. (2) Road #8t Dunwich Township - Entrance to Pearce Park. Completion of 1987 Work. (3) Road #13t Dunwich Township - From Dutton to Road #14. Completion of 1987 Work (4) Road #18, Southwold Township - From Road #20 Westerly. Completion of 1987 Work PAGE 2 $218t391.28 57t836.95 6,530.18 23t959.20 400,015.31 $ 1 ,082 t 906 . 32 $ 8t491.29 4,166.47 6t647.16 603.16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 (5) Road #20, Southwold Township - Union Road between Boxall Road and Lot #15, North and South of Union Road. (6) Road #24, Malahide and Yarmouth Townships - Port Bruce Westerly - Base Coat Only. (Top Coat Required 1989.) (7) Road #42, Malahide and Bayham Townships - From Road #40 to Port Burwell. Completion of 1987 Work. (8) Road #46, Bayham Township. Highway #3 to Corinth. (9) Road #52, Malahide and South Dorchester Townships East of Limits of Village of Springfield. (10) Road #52, Malahide and South Dorchester Townships - West of limits of Village of Springfield to Highway #73. (11) Road #52, Malahide, South Dorchester, and Yarmouth Townships - Between Highway #73 and Highway #74. TOTAL (C) (D) MISCELLANEOUS: (1) Credit Machinery Ownership Costs, Etc. Charged to Accounts Receivable and Miscellaneous Machine Accounts and Townline Accounts. (2) New and Used Machinery and Major Repairs to Presently Owned Equipment. (3) Replacement of Gasoline Tanks, Pump, Etc., at County White's Station Garage. (Required by Ministry of Environment.) PAGE 3 $ 385,748.15 132,529.03 27,601.95 173,507.40 138,085.81 247,147.75 572,539.29 $ 1,697,067.46 $ 19,445.63 Cr 21,322.91 Cr 629,264.09 20,127.67 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 4 (4) Drainage Assessments Charged Against County Roads. $ 24,214.03 (5) Payroll Burden Costs. Not Distributed (Approximately 5.6% of Total of Payroll Costs.) 34,894.40 Cr TOTAL (D) $ 597,942.85 TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION ;~ 3.950.958.95 ( E) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION: (1) Land Purchase Including Road #26 $ 5,346.77 (St. George Street.) (2) Miscellaneous Surveys. 494.42 (3) Road #16 - Replacement of Fowler Drain Culvert 102,158.06 at East Limit of Fingal (Pipe Arch Culvert Replaced with Pre Cast Concrete Box Culvert.) (4) Road #29 - Extension of Lindsay Culvert with 48,673.75 Pre Cast Concrete Box. (5) Road #30 - Completion from 1987 of Patterson 5,757.54 Bridge over Kettle Creek. (6) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Construction 57,990.06 (St. Thomas Suburban Road Portion of Construction. ) TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD $ 220,420.60 COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY COUNTY OF $ 4,171,379.55 ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 5 AMENDED FEBRUARY 14, 1989 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS *NOTE: Letters and Numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation Account Numbers. ST. THOIY1AS SUBURBAN IROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridges 61 ,512.94 4,553.98 66,066.02 - 2 Culverts 28,770.70 1,954.35 30,725.05 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 80, 1 77 . 16 16 , 002~ .48 96,179.64 - 2 Tree Cutting 106,130.37 4,528.65 110,659.02 - 4 Drainage 112,394.33 2,541'.23 114,941.56 - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, Etc. 10,179.97 3,330.48 13,510.45 - 6 Tree Planting 6,752.86 45B. 11 7,210.97 - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) 3,433.09 99. 11 3,532.20 -11 Weed Spraying 768.50 5S.60 824.10 C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement (General Patching, etc.) - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shoulder Maintenance (Gravelling) - 4 Surface Treatment - 5 Shoulder Maintenance, General Grading, Etc. - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Asphalt Patching D - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control - 4 Dust Control (Prime) - 5 Gravel Resurfacing * Total Winter Control 44,739.73 12 ,26~~ .63 57,004.36 33,078.07 2,309.99 35,388.06 83,730.41 8,593.21 92,323.62 122,925.71 --.- 122,925.71 20,298.47 3,239.63 23,538.10 50,793.28 22,743.94 73,537.22 43,714.83 4 , 21l~ .22 47,927.05 75,475.42 9,436.40 84,911.82 6,299.66 6,299.66 101,718.69 9,90?38 111,626.07 110,763.32 8,44,~.30 119,205.62 265,071.04 50,23?78 315,308.82 9,028.32 1 , 228 . 74 10,257.06 33,586.88 4,580.03 38, 166.91 418,449.56 64,488.85 482,938.41 E - Winter Control - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Winter Standby 1985 Winter Control - $533,197 1986 Winter Control - $739,173 1987 Winter Control - $433,406 No Snow Fence Erected Fall of 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 6 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ST. THOI~AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal 34,875.48 143,944.13 9,950.71 38,434.80 29,979.80 26,829.05 9,640.89 14,620.00 44,516.37 158,564.13 9,950.71 43,135.04 40,761. 70 27,821.21 4,700.24 10 ,781. 90 992. 16 TOTALS 1.689.058.06 217.761~ 1.906.819.15 ST. THOI~AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Culvert Replacement Road #48 23,809.49 23,809.49 at Lot #3, Yarmouth Township - 2 Culvert Replacement Road #48 42,403.16 42,403.16 at Lot #9, Yarmouth Township - 3 Culvert Repairs Road #7 31,284.33 31,284.33 Aldborough-Orford Townline ORFORD Lather Hill (County of Elgin Share) - 4 Superspan Culvert Monitoring 35,971.01 35,971.01 B - Drainage - 1 Curb and Gutter Repairs 11,656.98 11,656.98 Road #3, Village of Rodney - 2 Curb and Gutter Repairs 15,707.00 15,707.00 Road #2, Village of West Lorne - 3 Curb and Gutter Replacement 86,654.12 86,654.12 Paving, Etc., Road #8 Village of Dutton C - Hard Surface Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Road #20, Shedden 163,738.81 163,738.81 (Southwold Township) Curb and gutter, Base and Paving - 2 Repairs to Road #57, Southdale 42,59B.23 42,598.23 Mulch Old Surface Treatment Granular Base, Double Surface Treatment ...................... .7 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (Urban rebates, equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1988 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 8%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 8 MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25% of their Road (Subdized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50%) Payroll Burden costs including Labour totaled $589,246.79 in 1988 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practice to the various operations and equipment repair, etc. However, as this was done by computer as the year progressed at an estimated amount (38%) on Labour Not Charged against Payroll Burden costs, a credit of approximately 5% or $34,894.40 was calculated. This is totalled with Construction Cost totals. $84,145.00 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROI~D COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Invoices for County Clerk Office $ 5,523.72 $ 5,523.72 Re. Preparation of Payroll 2. Meetings with other Municipalities 1 , 186.07 1,186.07 Etc. 3. Contributions and Retirements 762.82 762.82 4. Memberships 321. 00 321.00 5. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time 11,707.65 11,707.65 to Employees still in Employment of the County of Elgin 6. Urban Rebates on the Portion of 2,612.83 2,612.83 Road Levy that is not Subsidized 7. Contribution from St. Thomas 8,168.79 CR. 8,168.79 CR. Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. toward Road #18 8. Insurance not Subsidized by 8,145.00 $ 1,033.00 9,178.00 Ministry of Transportation (Environmental and Liability Policies) 9. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1 , 113 .63 1,113.63 Fees and Expenses, Memberships, Etc. - TOTALS $22.090.30 $ 2.146.63 $24.236.93 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .9/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 SUMMARY PAGE 9 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROl\D COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL (A) Construction $3,950,958.95 $ 220,420..60 $4,171,379.55 (B) Maintenance 2,133,818.25 260,359.32 2,394,177.57 (C) Overhead 441,135.92 36 , 974 ..84 478,110.76 (D) Urban Rebates 84, 145.00 84,145.00 (E) Items Not For Subsidy 22,090.30 2,146.63 24,236.93 - SUBTOTALS $6,632,148.42 $ 519,901.39 $7,152,049.81 ADD: 1988 Stock Balance 98,987.86 --.- 98,987.86 - SUBTOTALS $6,731,136.28 $ 519,901.39 $7,251,037.67 DEDUCT: 1987 Stock Balance 99,493.16 --.- 99,493.16 - TOTAL $6.631 .643. 12 $ 519.901.39 $1.151.544.51 (* Total for Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 7,127,307.58 CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES The Ministry of Transportation Provided Subsidies in 1988 as Follows: 1. 50% on Urban Rebates of $84,145.00 amounting to $42,072.50. 2. Subsidy of $5,304,627.50 on General Expenditures of $6,636,989.78 3. 80% Subsidy on Expenditures Pertaining to Tates Bridge Environmental Studies, Etc. 4. 75% Subsidy to a Maximum of $300,000.00 for Road #30 (Radio Road) Construction. Urban Rebates MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY $ 42,072.50 5,304,627.50 300,000.00 4,926.00 $5,651,626.00 Regular Expenditures Road #30 (Radio Road) Construction Tates Bridge Study TOTALS COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL PORTION EXPENDITURE $ 42,072.50 $ 84,145.00 1,332,362.28 6,636,989.78 100,015.29 400,015.29 1 ,231. 51 6,157.51 $1,475,681.58 $7,127,307.58 Average Rate of Subsidy on Regular Expenditures of 6,636,989.46 is 79.925%. No Subsidy on $24,236.93 - Items Not for Subsidy.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 10 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (See Page 8) Expenditures Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation Rate of Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 79.925%. Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure is TOTAL EXPENDITURES LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY BALANCE PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS (50%) DEDUCT: CREDIT FROM 1987 OPERATION SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION FROM ST. THOMAS FOR 1988 DEFICIT TOTAL TO 1989 $ 519,901.39 $ 517,754.76 $ 413,815.49 $ 519,901.39 $ 413,815.49 $ 106,085.90 $ 53,042.95 $ 1,719.59 CR. $ 51,323.36 $ 48,200.00 $ 3.123.36 Total Expenditures County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads $7,151,544.51 LESS: Credits (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page 9) 5,651,626.00 (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission System (See Above) 53,042.95 $1.446.875.56 In 1988 the County of Elgin Levied a Road Rate of $1,461,000.00. In 1988 Payment Vouchers totaled $7,933,877.90 compared to $7,70/',228.52 in 1987. The difference between the Total Voucher Payments and the Total Road Expenditures was $782,333.39 and included: (a) Maintenance work on Townline Roads and Bridges. (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk.) (b) Engineering Charges to County of Middlesex reo Middlemiss Bridge on Road #14. (c) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thomas ($186,455.99). (d) Asphalt paving contract for Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth. (e) Preliminary payment for costs incurred to December 1988 with regard to County Hangar Building at White's Station ($6,209.76). (f) Work on various Municipal Drains, materials sold and work pE!rformed for municipalities and others. ................ .11/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 11 The County of Elgin in 1988 participated in a Government of Canada Summer Incentive Programme called Challenge '88 (Surveying Assistant) with a net grant to the County of $2,912.00. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control Programme for the prevention of encephalitis. The cost of $15.00 was charged to the General Government Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY.OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND ,THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a joint Budget for the",.eounty of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The total expenditures were approved by the . February.session. of County Council portion .at $7,542,900 composedofa general allocation of $6,378,900 and supplementary requests for, the closure of the Tates Bridge at allocated the sum of $3,903,900 for fixed costs. Of this $749,000 was allocated to Machinery and Housing leaving a total $3, 154 ~ 900 for Ma i ntenance, . Overhead, · Urban Rebates , Stock Ba 1 ance (Increases/Decreases) and Drainage'Assessments. In the Fall of 1988 the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario agreed to modify our request for the 1989 machinery and housing by reallocating $100,000 from our previous request .and adding to it $100,000 for anew storage garage. It~a~hopedto add to this from our insurance coverage from our old building so that a projected cost of $250,000 for the building could be met. Unfortunately most 'of our insurance settlement has gone to the removal of the old building and moving and updating our radio equipment. Included was a new antenna cable from the top of the radio tower.to our equipment location in our service garage which would have been required in the near future in any event. Accordingly some Of the generaL allocation for newmachinery~ill be required for the storage building. We'will request the Committee's approval to. call quotations for a pre engineered bUilding to be supplied and erected bef ore Fa 11. < Th is service area. - 3 - Bridge in the amount of $20,000 (County of Elgin's share). The contract will be looked after by the County of Middlesex. Bridge maintenance also includes the inspection, cleaning and washing of bridges and miscellaneous repairs, etc. The major repair of the Iona Bridge over the Talbot Creek on Road #14 is shown as a special project. Repairs are essential as the concrete has shown extreme deterioration in the past two years. Culvert maintenance includes the completion of work at the two culverts on Road #48 in Yarmouth Township and on Road #7 (Kent Townline). We are continuing our superspan monitoring programme (which was a special project in 1988) and estimate the cost at $14,000 this year compared to $46,000 in 1988. Our monitoring programme (completed 10 days ago) has indicated that there is very little difference in the Van Order Culvert on Road #42 from a year ago. Most culverts monitored last year have been checked and any significant differences will be checked again in the Spring. A system has been set up on a long term basis to monitor the Port Talbot Culvert and the Kettle Creek Culverts on Road #45 and the culvert on RaIson Hill on Road #38. Funds are also provided under culvert maintenance to do routine repairs and maintenance to all culverts on the road system. Roadside maintenance funds are shown to cut grass on all County roads as in previous years. We have solved our problems with our side mount disc mowers and are now mounting a disc mower on a second John Deere tractor. The proto type worked quite well last Summer. We are also modifying two Case International mowers which we used last Summer but incurred severe overheating problems. We expect the cost of mower maintenance to be greatly reduced in 1989. We expect drainage costs to increase as the 1988 costs reflected an extremely dry year and thus were much lower than normal. Unfortunately due to the drought most of the trees that we planted died and will have to be replaced (increased cost). We propose weed spraying on a spot basis again in 1989. Work was as directed by the Weed Inspector for spot spraying of extremely noxious weeds. We also did some spraying of cattails in ditches. I'" - 5 - than the $525,000 estimated. Last year1s Road Committee decided not to purchase any new snow fence nor erect what little we have. It would cost $30,000 to $35,000 to erect and remove snowfence plus normal replacement for any winter. Our present snowfence is in very poor condition and a considerable capital investment would be required before we started. No large increases in cost of safety devices are anticipated although the price of paint has increased to $2.01 per litre from $1.88 per litre (7% increase) caused by a world wide shortage of toluene. The cost of railroad protection has greatly increased since the Canadian National Rail has taken over the old Conrail line. The Canadian National Rail invoices have been checked for the last three months and the amount shown is an estimate for a 12 month period (November billing to a November billing). Due to normal inflation, etc., the amount left for special projects is considerably less in 1989 than was available in 1988. We will require some of this money for an increase in stock balance as the open winter has allowed us to pile a considerable amount of gravel for crushing at the Sparta Pit. Although we have piled some gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit the quality is not good and it appears that unless it is used exclusively for shouldering, sand will have to be removed during crushing which will increase costs. Crushing costs are higher at Sparta than at the Pleasant Valley as the crushing contractor has to supply a man to remove the wood and clay lumps from the crusher conveyor belt. The reserve for increased winter costs and spring breakup and special projects are very low at $92,000 and this reserve should not be committed until winter costs and spring breakup costs have been assessed. OVERHEAD BURDEN COSTS: Some items are up considerably in 1989 over 1988. There is a considerable increase is clerical costs. Last year's CommitteE: felt that some of the work being done by our technician and our management staff could be taken over by clerical staff. A large increase in training costs is anticipated; most of this increase has been legislated including W.H.M.I.S. and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. We also have to repeat our First Aid Course - 7 - .1fIj The only good news regarding construction is that the Van Order Culvert appears to be stable at this time and we believe that all of our pipe arch culverts are stable at this time and none of these will have to be replaced this Summer (other than perhaps the Silver Creek Culvert on Road #40). We attach a qualifying letter from Golder Associates with regard to the Joseph Street Hill on Road #23 in Port Stanley and as desirable as the project may be; there are no funds available at the present time for this project. It is difficult to estimate the total cost of a project such as this but it is likely that it could be $500,000 or more. Installation of a storm drain and proper outlets would have to be considered as part of this project and likely the Village of Port Stanley would consider the installation of additional watermain facilities at the same time. The road will be closed for a considerable length of time for thE! work and should be staged so interference to traffic would be lessened. Work will still be required in 1990 on Road #2 (top coat of pavement from Coyne Road easterly plus trimming). County Road #22 will also require a top coat of paving at the intersection in 1990 plus minor trimming. It is hoped that work would be completed on Road #26 (St. George Street) and the Township of Yarmouth will complete their sewer contract with a top coat of asphalt this Fall. To leave our work any later would require the County doing all the paving at its own cost rather than having the Township's sewer contract doing most of it. We understand that the area is not included in annexation talks with the City of St. Thomas. RESURFACING WORK: $340,000 is required to complete the work left over from 1988. $515,000 is estimated for new work (to be designated after sprin~} breakup). Approximately half of this work should be left until the Fall so that a contingency fund is available for emergencies that might arise during the summertime. It is recommended that all cleanup work from previous years as well as work on Road #30 be done as rapidly as possible so that these costs are known. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED Pi COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET REVISED MARCH 7, 1989 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FIXED COST ALLOCATION FOR: 1. Machinery and Housing 2. Maintenance, Overhead, Urban Rebates, Stock Balance Increases/Decreases, Drainage Assessments. $ 749,000 3,154,900 TOTAL t3., 903 , 900 BUDGET SUMMARY: Urban Rebates $ 93,900 516,000 2,305,000 240,000 Overhead (See Attached) Maintenance (See Attached) Drainage Assessments TOTAL $3,154,900 NOTES: 1. Payroll burden has been distributed to various Construction, Maintenance, Overhead and Accounts Receivable in accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario standard practices. 2. Increase in Stock balance (ie., Gravel in stock at Sparta and Pleasant Valley Pits) is shown in Maintenance. 3. Accurate Urban Rebate estimates are unavailable until County assessments are approved (March 29th). Rebates were $84,145 in 1989. 4. Drainage Assessments are estimated as follows: (a) Yarmouth Township (Southdale Road, Penhale Drain Road #45, etc.). (b) Other Townships (Aldborough Township mostly). (c) St. George Street (4 drains). $ 35,000 32,000 173,000 TOTAL $240,000 5. The following roads now under the control of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission to be assumed by the County of Elgin: (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) south of Road #45. (b) Road #28 (Centennial Avenue), south of Road #56 (Elm Street). (c) Road #45 from Highway #4 to Road #36. (d) Road #57 (Southdale Road). 3.5 Km 3.4 Km 9 . 2 Km 2 . 1 Km TOTAL 18.2 Km COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) PI ITEM 1986 Holidays With Pay: (a) Annual - Regular Employees 102~321 (b) Annual - Casual Employees (c) Statutory - Regular Employees 59~932 (d) Statutory - Casual Employees (e) Compassionate Leave 1~176 (f) Jury Sick Benefits Para~Med Services Inclement Weather~ Standby~ Etc. Safety Equipment Workers' Compensation Insurance Canada Pension O.M.E.R.S. U.I.C. O.H.I.P. and E.H.C. (1986 and 1987) o . H. I. P. (1988 ) E. H. C. (1988 ) L.l.D. Li fe Insurance Dental TOTALS 48~020 2~885 10~022 40~344 22,307 72,201 45,417 46, 172 13~275 3,580 $467,652 1987 139~384 68,373 1 ~ 221 52,826 9,887 13,778 51,815 27~673 84,956 56~666 49,803 16~365 4~934 348 $578,029 1988 11 7 ~ 32~4 8~738 67~242 5~510 1 ~ 761 1B8 50 ~ 8~i6 664 7~8B8 1l,12~1 40,743 29~960 95,336 58,700 36, 1 B3 21 ~ 4B8 20~994 5,549 9,002 $589,247 1989 ESTIMATE 138,000 8,500 74,000 5~000 1 ,500 55,000 2,000 7,000 13,000 44,000 31 ~ 000 104~000 50,000 40~500 25~000 32~000 6,500 12,000 $649~000 *NOTE: 27 Wage Pay Periods in 1987 (Vs. 26 Wage Pay Periods in 1986 and 1988). { COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Maintenance Comparisons for 1986, 1987 and 1988 include County and Suburban Road Expenditures and also include Payroll Burden.) County of Elgin to assume Road #57, Road #45, Road #22 (South of Road #45) and Road #28 (South of Road #56) from the St. Thomas Sub. Comm. OPERATION 1986 A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts 44,790 33,719 B - Roadside maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) -11 Weed Spraying 74,117 81,377 106,297 17,960 2,872 5,436 1987 ST. THOM,lI,S SUBURBAN ROADS 1988 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY 31,310 66,066 69,216 30,725 73,612 96, 180 133,180 110,659 150,953 114 , 942 34,920 13,511 2,325 7,211 1,928 3,532 824 75,000 50,000 71 ,000 48,000 4,000 2,000 90,000 79,000 11,000 130,000 128,000 2,000 125,000 120,000 5,000 15,000 11,500 3,500 9,000 9,000 3,500 3,500 1,500 1,500 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 126,100 200,179 - 1 (1988) Miscellaneous Repairs Only 57,004 70,000 60,000 10,000 - 2 Sweeping 22,424 20,018 35,389 44,000 40,000 4,000 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance 67,770 111, 572 - 3 (1988) Application of Shoulder 92,323 90,000 78,000 12,000 Gravel COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 3. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking 42,431 43,783 44,516 47,000 40,000 7,000 - 2 Signs and Signals 87 , 194 168,805 158,564 166,000 156,000 10,000 - 3 Guide Rai 1 1 ,858 3,568 9,951 8,000 6,000 2,000 - 4 Railroad Protection 39,909 64,664 43, 135 72,500 65,000 7,500 - 6 Edge Marking 36,849 39,420 40,762 43,000 35,000 8,000 - 7 Stump Removal 31,717 48,067 27,821 27,000 26,000 1 ,000 - TOTAL $1,919,624 $2,244,781 $1,906,819 $2,055,000 $1,892,000 $163,000 Special Projects (All County): Complete Road #8 Dutton Curb (Invoices from 1989) 8,000 8,000 Complete Road #20, Urban Shedden (Invoice from 1989 - $2,300 Plus Minor Cleanup) 5,000 5,000 Road #14, Iona Bridge Over Talbot Creek (Major Repairs) 35,000 35,000 Road #57, Asphalt Pave and Gravel as Required (1 Kilometer West of Road #22) (Southdale) 50,000 50,000 Increase in Stock Balance (Gravel Piled at Pleasant Valley and Sparta Pits) 60,000 60,000 Reserve for Increased Winter Control Costs Excessive Spring Breakup, 92,000 92,000 Repairs to Pavements, Other Projects such as Road #27 [Highway #4 West], Southdale [West End], Orwell, Road #18 Lawrence Station Urban, Curb and Gutter Repairs, as funds permit. Special Projects (1988) $ 487,359 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 TOTALS $2 394.178 $2 305.000 $2. 142 000 $163 000 1 ,m. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) OPERATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 ESTIMATE Superintendence* $140,058 $143,110 $148. 06~~ $151,000 *( Includes, Engineer Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Two Vehicles) Clerical 68,884 82 , 719 87,564 113,000 Garage and White Station Property 116,932 120,294 118,386 125,000 Office 38, 105 28,529 31,53S 33,000 Computer 5,50B 7,000 Tools 20,520 23, 141 31,539 25,000 Radio 5,478 7,514 6,110 7,000 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 11 ,731 16,748 12,274. 28,000 Training Courses 6,306 10,621 8, 18S 24,500 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,202 2,446 2,384- 2,500 Retirement Benefits, Sick Time 30,006 18,807' Carryover TOTALS $419,069 $465,128 $470,354:: $516,000 Without Retirement Benefits: 1986 - $410,216 1987 - $435,122 1988 - $451,547 1989 - $510,000 1989 Estimated Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $30,000 - County of Elgin $486,000 It is estimated that 6% of total expenditure will be on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Allocation for Construction Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Allocation for Resurfacing TOTAL (A) WORK UNDERWAY FROM 1988: 1. Construction Middlemiss Bridge. 2. Construction Middlemiss Bridge Approaches. 3. Payment for flashing light signals, Road #45 (Smoke Road) at Canadian National Rail Crossing. 4. Road #23 - Joseph Street Hill, Port Stanley Surveys, Engineering and Golder Associates Invoices ($2,600) to date. 5. Road #16 - Completion of work at Port Talbot Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, and seeding. 6. Road #45 - Completion of work at Kettle Creek Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, seeding, etc. 7. Road #22 - Complete to 300 feet north of Road #27 intersection; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, drainage, seeding, etc. 8. Road #2 - Complete from Aldborough Townline to Coyne Road; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, drainage, seeding, etc. (The westerly portion has been left for two winters and must have second coat of asphalt this year.) 9. Land - County - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 10. Surveys - County - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission TOTAL (B) CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FORWARDED: 1. Road #2 - Granular base, grading, drainage, base coat of asphalt. Coyne Drain to complete to Ecker Drain. (This will complete grading, granular base, etc., on Road #2.) 2. Road #22 - Intersection of Road #27 including utility movement, channelization, paving, etc. (Intersection has to be raised to provide visibility to the west.) .""" REVISED MARCH 7, 1989 $1,120,000 1,855,000 $2,975,000 $1,056,000 120,000 8,500 7,000 10,000 11,000 45,000 160,000 80,000 2,000 20,000 ;n,519,500 $340,500 120,000 Continued . . . - 3 - SUMMARY Construction Resurfacing TOTAL ~ $2,120,000 855,000 $2,975,000 SUPPLEMENTARY APPLICATION FOR SPENDING (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO APPROVAL PENDING) (a) Tates Bridge (b) Road #30 (c) Middlemiss Bridge TOTAL Total Construction If All Spending Applications Approved Fixed Costs Allocation (Page #1) Total Subsidized Budget Items Not Subsidized (BUDGET APPROVED FEBRUARY 3, 1989) $ 14,000 . 400,000 250,000 $664,000 $3,639,000 $3,903,900 $7,542,900 38,300 $7,581,200 .... @ Golder Associates Ltd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS January 12, 1989 Our ref: 881-3037-1 The Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5Vl ATTENTION: Mr. R.G. Moore, P. Eng. RE: PROPOSED REMEDIAL WORKS JOSEPH S'l'REE'r (EJ..GIN ROAD 23) PORT STANLEY, ONTARIO Dear Sirs: We have forwarded under separate cover Golder Associates Report No. 881-3037-1 entitled "Geotechnical Invest.igation, Joseph Street (Elgin Road 23), Port Stanley, Ontario," dated January 1989. As detailed in our report, significant remedial measures are required at the site in order to safely maintain the travelled section of Joseph Street and the sidewalk on the north side of Joseph Street. We understand that due to non-geotechnical reasons the remedial works cannot be carried out immediately and will be delayed somewhat. Further to our report, if the remedial work is not going to be carried out immediately, ongoing movements of the slope and further deformation and deterioration of the sidewalk and roadway should be anticipated. While it is not possible to predict the nature, magnitude and timing of future movements in the filled slope, the results of the investigation do indicate that large, deep seated movements are unlikely. It is therefore anticipated that the ongoing movement will continue to be re~lati vely . .. 2 GOLDEn ASSOCIATES LTD,' 500 NOrTlNGHILL nOAD, LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA N6K 31'1. 1I.ITPllorlr (~"ql ~71 %00. FACSIMILE 15191 471.H07 OFFICES IN CANADA' UNITED STATES. UNITED KINGDOM. swrnUJ . AII~;T"^,'A ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1989 BUDGET I. Maintenance (See combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget for breakdown). 2. Drainage Assessments (Road #26 [St. George Street]). 3. Construction: (a) Land Purchase. (b) Road #26 (St. George Street). 4. Overhead (See combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission estimates for breakdown). TOTAL ... FIRST DRAFT MARCH 3, 1989 $163,000 173,000 2,000 140,000 30,000 $508,000 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy is estimated at 80% or County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas share equally in remainder City of St. Thomas share Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Equalized one/half Mill Levy provides LESS: Deficit from 1988 LESS: City of St. Thomas share of Items Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (50% of $500.00). AVAILABLE Estimated Cost to City of St. Thomas for Above DEFICIT TO 1990 $406,400 $101,600 $50,800 $52,900.00 3,123.36 250.00 $49,526.64 50,800.00 ~~ 1,273.36 @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation Ministere des Transports 659 Exeter Road (Hwy. #135) Box 5338, London, Ontario N6A 5H2 (519) 681-1441. February 14, 1989. Mr. R. G. Moore, P. Eng., Secretary and Engineer, st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. N5R 5Vl Dear Mr. Moore: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Roads commission Designating Part of County Road i22 Into Suburban Road System I am pleased to inform you that the Commission's Resolution on the matter noted above was approved by the Honourable Ed Fulton, Minister of Transportation, on February 6, 1989. Enclosed, is the original approved Resolution for your Commission's official records. Yours truly, .... J .~A d. &~ ~. A. Richards, District Municipal Engineer, District 12, London. c.c. R. E. Stock Encl. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ROAD BE DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART #8 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: (A) ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #22 FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #27 TO 0.7 KILOMETERS NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #27. CARRIED. II I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COpy OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON DECEMBER 19, 1988 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ~ ~R~ AND ENGINEER TO RBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROBERT G. MOORE. B. Sc" p, ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent FAX NO. 1-519-633-7661 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 "j ",! January 24, 1989 Mayor and Members of the City of St. Thomas Council , c/o R. A. Barrett, City Administrator Department of Administrative Services City Hall P. O. Box 520 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Dear Mayor and Members of Council: The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission held a meeting on January 20th. Present were Mr. Albert Auckland who is the representative for the County of Elgin and Mr. Donald R. Stokes who is the representative of the City of St. Thomas. These two members reappointed Mr. Robert N. Martin (R. R. #8, St. Thomas) as the third member on the Commission for a three (3) year period. 1 Mr. Donald Stokes was elected Chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for 1989. The honorarium for Commission members was set at $175.00 per annum (as in past years). . The Commission passed a resolution requesting that the City of St. Thomas be notified that the 1/2 mill contribution totalling $52,900 will be required for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission system in 1989. An accounting of the work completed in 1988 and a budget for 1989 will be forwarded when available. Yours truly, RGM:kab c.c. Mr. Donald Stokes ~an and Members County of Elgin Road R~ ~~. R. G. MOORE, SE I ARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS S~ URBAN ROAD COMMISSION of the Committee PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C.T, City Clerk Office'of the Clerk P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631.1680 I Corporation of the City of St. Thomas December 6th, 1989 Mr. Donald R. Stokes 19 Paulson Court ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 1N1 Re: St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Dear Mr. Stokes, Please be advised that the council of the City of St. Thomas has appointed you to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for the years January 31st, 1989 through January 31st, 1992. Your interest in serving your community is most appreciated. I $l~ P. J. Leack City Clerk PJL/bab pc/Robert G. Moore, County Engineer ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 20, 1989 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County of Elgin Engineer's Office on Friday, January 20, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. PRESENT: MR. DONALD STOKES, APPOINTEE OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND, APPOINTEE OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN The Engineer and Commissioners welcomed back Mr. Robert N. Martin after his illness. "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPOINT MR. ROBERT N. MARTIN TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR A THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1989 TO JANUARY 31, 1992. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT DONALD STOKES BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1989. CARRIED." The Minutes of the meeting of December 19, 1988 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. Winter control was extremely light. 2. Normal brushing was continuing on Suburban roads. 3. Repairs to pavement were being made as required. It appeared from preliminary indications that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission might incur a deficit on their 1988 operations. (It had been previously thought that a surplus would have been attained.) Final calculatjlons would not be available for 2 to 3 weeks as the County Road Committee had not yet begun \" work on a 1989 budget. The Road Committee had discussed work on St. George Street including payment 4 municipal drains, curb and gutter required for traffic control and curb and gutter on the St. George Street hill to to prevent erosion. If this was done it would be necessary to move the Canadian National railway crossing protection. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 20, 1989 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR ROBERT N. MARTIN FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1989 TO JANUARY 31, 1990 BE $175.00. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: R. M. MARTIN SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $125.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO FOR 1989 BE PAID. CARRIED. II The Engineer noted that the assessment of the City of St. Thomas had increased by approximately 9% and that 1/2 mill would produce $52,900 from the City of St. Thomas in comparison to $48.200 in 1988. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. N. MARTIN THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION TOTALING $52,900 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 1989. CARRIED. II THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN . . . ~ CHAIRMA" COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 89-2 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION." I WHEREAS Section 65 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act provides for the appointment of members of a Suburban Roads Commission; and WHEREAS one, of the three persons on the Commission, is to be appointed by County Council. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Albert W. Auckland be, and is hereby appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Con~ission for the period February 1st, 1989 to January 31st, 1992. 2 . That By-Law No. 86-3 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 18th day of January, 19~9. READ a second time this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1989. I .---&/'-<.~-(". ;L-r--;o.J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. . A ;-1 _ --;:r-~-- ? Cc.e t~,,4-,t y~ A. K. Ford, Ward1en. :/.~,.'~.!.',' h,\" t11~~f' ~ci'ia7;-~/~, ROBERT G, MOORE. B, Sc,. p, ENG, Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST, THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 FAX: 1-519-633-7661 12, 1989 Mayor and Members of the City of St. Thomas Council, c/o R.A. Barrett, City Administrator, Department of Administrative Services, City Ha 11 , P. O. Box 520, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. N5P 3V7 Her Worship Mayor Janet Golding and Members of St. Thomas City Council: RE: HIGHBURY-RADIO ROAD CONNECTION I have been asked by the County of Elgin Road Committee to provide the City of St. Thomas Council with up-to-date information regarding the proposed construction of the Highbury-Radio Road link between St. Thomas and London. Warden Ford and Chairman Martyn of the Elgin County Road Committee met with Warden Corbett and Chairman Campbell of the Middlesex County Road Committee last week to discuss progress on this road link and to ensure that construction was continued at an accelerated pace so that the link would be completed as soon as possible. The County of Elgin was allocated $400,000 by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario in the 1988 fiscal year for the construction on the Elgin County's portion of the road. The County was able to complete the environmental assess- ment, purchase the property required and do a considerable amount of grading and granular base work. The County was also able to install a concrete culvert on the Glanworth Drain water crossing. The County of Elgin is committed to proceeding with this work in 1989 subject to appropriate funding from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. We feel that an expenditure of $350,000 to $400,000 in 1989 would complete all grading, drainage, granular base, most trim work and a base coat of asphalt pavement. Final paving would not be completed until 1990. The Elgin County Council is making an application to the Ministry for the appropriate supplementary By-Law at their February Council session. The Ministry of Transportation had asked that the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin spend approximately $1,000,000 (subsidy) a year on this link. Middlesex was not able to spend quite $600,000 in 1988 but was able to complete their environmental assessment, do much of their land purchase, and a ............2/ ..,. MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS COUNCIL PAGE,2 considerable amount of their Engineering. We were assured by the County of Middlesex that they expect to proceed with work this year and use all those funds not being used by Elgin County (up to $1,000,000) for work on their portion. They intend to complete the work from the Belmont-Glanworth Road to the Elgin County Boundary including base coat paving. This will allow traffic from St. Thomas to travel over a paved road to the Belmont-Glanworth Road and westerly along that road to Wellington Road by late Fall. They also intend to proceed with further Engineering work and land purchase. They also expect to begin placing fill on the swamp which is directly South of the Wilton Grove Road. Their soils consultants have informed them that the swamp will likely have to be loaded in three(3) stages before any paving is placed on it and would likely take from nine(9) months to a year for each stage to allow for settlement. Middlesex County is very anxious to start the work at the swamp as soon as possible. We were assured by Middlesex County Representatives that the impending talks by the City of London with regard to annexation would not affect construction on this road link. The City of London Suburban Commission has assumed the County of Middlesex's cost of the portion of the road directly south of the Wilton Grove Road and discussions will be continuing with the Commission for the assumption of more of the cost of the road in future years. The County of Middlesex and the London Suburban Road Commission are applying for a supplementary By-Law to cover the cost of their work in 1989. The County of Elgin Road Committee does not feel that there is any need of requesting the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission assume any of the construction work at this time as the Commission's funds are all being expended on their present system. If the Commission were to assume any portion of the worK~ a portion of the present Suburban Road system would have to be transferred back to the County. Subject to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario providing the promised subsidies, the County of Elgin Road Committee and the County of Middlesex Road Committee feel that they are proceeding with work on this road link as fast as it is practical. If Members of Council require further information, please feel free to contact Chairman Martyn or myself. Yours truly, -- ROBERT G. M'OQRE, P.En~~., B.Sc., ENGINEER AND/ROAD SUPERINTENDENT RGM/sew c.c. Warden A.K. Ford Chairman W.A. Martyn Donald Stokes (St.Thomas Suburban Road Commission Representative)