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1990 Suburban Road Committee ROBERT G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 FAX NO. 1-519-633-7661 December 10, 1990 Mr. Wayne Simms, District Municipal Engineer Ministry of Transportation of Ontario P. O. Box 5338 London, Ontario N6A 5H2 Dear Mr. Simms: The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission at a meeting on December 7th passed the attached resolution for which we request the approval of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. We are also enclosing two (2) copies of a map showing the Suburban Road Commission. Yours truly, RGM:kab Enc. . Sc., P. Eng. DAD SUPERINTENDENT ST. nDtAS SUBURBAN ROAD C<D1ISSION "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE FOLLOWING ROADS BE DESIGNATED AS SUBURBAN ROADS EFlFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1991; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: 1. ROAD #16 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY (KETTLE CREEK) TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #20, FINGAL. 2. ROAD #22 - (FAIRVIEW AVENUE) FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #27. 3. ROAD #25 - (WELLINGTON ROAD) FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF lHIGHWAY #4 TO COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BOUNDARY BEING THE CENTRE OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN THE TOWNLINE OF WESTMINSTER AND THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. 4. ROAD #26 - (ST. GEORGE STREET) FROM mE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY (KETTLE CREEK) TO THE EAST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #25. 5. ROAD #28 - FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #3 TO THE :NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #45. 6. ROAD #30 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY TO TIlE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BOUNDARY BEING THE CENTRE OF THE ROAD BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH AND THE TOWN OF WESTMINSTER. 7 . ROAD #31 - FROM TIlE CITY OF ST. TIlOMAS BOUNDARY TO TIlE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #52. 8. ROAD #56 - (ELM STREET) FROM TIlE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS EASTERLY TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #36. 9. ROAD #57 - (SOUTHDALE ROAD) FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #22. I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COpy OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON DECEMBER 7, 1990 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ... ETARY AND ENGINEER TO SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 7, 1990 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineer's Office on Friday, December 7, 1990 at 11:00 a.m. Present Mr. Albert Auckland, Mr. Donald Stokes and the Suburban Engineer. The Minutes of June 7, 1990 were read and approved. The attached report was presented by the Engineer and discussed in some detail. The Engineer reported that it appeared that at this time a deficit of approximately $6,000.00 to $7,000.00 in respect to the contribution of the City of St. Thomas would have to be carried into 1991. This would depend to a large extent on Winter Control for the balance of the month, which to date had been extermely light. "MOVED BY: A.' AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1991 BE PAID. CARRIED. " "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1991 TO JANUARY 30, 1992 BE $175.00. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD CO~~ISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1991 BE PAID. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 7, 1990 PAGE 2. The composition of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for 1991 was discussed at some length. It was decided that it would be reasonable to assume Road #30 (Radio Road) all the way through to the Middlesex Boundary now that work had been completed by the County on the reconstruction of that road. It had also been noted that the south portion of the road had been annexed by the City of St. Thomas as well as a portion of Elm Street (Road #56).; effective July 1, 1991. Construction projects for 1991 could not be finalized until such time as the County Road Committee has had an opportunity to examine all County priorities at some length. It is nol known yet what the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocations would be or the rate of subsidy or the City of St. Thomas 1/2 mill levy. It was hoped to know the rate of subsidy and the amount of the City of St. Thomas 1/2 mill prior to Christmas, however it "ras unlikely that the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocations and spending level information would not be available until late January. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE FOLLOWING ROADS BE DESIGNATED AS SUBURB~J ROADS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1991; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: 1. ROAD #16 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY (KETTLE CREEK) TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #20, FINGAL. 2. ROAD #22 - (FAIRVIEW AVENUE) FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #27. 3. ROAD #25 - (WELLINGTON ROAD) FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BOUNDARY BEING THE CENTRE OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN THE TC)WNLINE OF WESTMINSTER AND THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. 4. ROAD #26 - (ST. GEORGE STREET) FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY (KETTLE CREEK) TO THE EAST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #25. CONTINUED. . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 7, 1990 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES CONTINUED . . . 5. ROAD #28 - FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #3 TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #45. 6. ROAD #30 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY TO THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BOUNDARY BEING THE CENTRE OF THE ROAD BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH AND THE TOWN OF WESTMINSTER. 7 . ROAD #31 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #52. 8. ROAD #56 - (ELM STREET) FROM THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS EASTERLY TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #36. 9. ROAD #57 - (SOUTHDALE ROAD) FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #22. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN tl%,..." ~'~"."."""~.", ....,"-..._.~~-'-'_... ' '// ",'" ""'" ".,/' "oA A~ ,- '~'l~_ i 'TY. ;} "" " " CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF TIlE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: The St. Thomas Suburan Road Commission has control over the following roads since July 1, 1990 when the City of St. Thomas annexed a portion of Road H30 (Radio Road) and a portion of Road H56 (Elm Street). Road #16 - From the west limit of Road #20 in Finga1 to the St. Thomas Boundary (Kettle Creek). Road H25 - (Wellington Road) From the junction of Highway H3 and H4 to the Middlesex County Boundary. Road H26 - (St. George Street) From the St. Thomas Boundary (Kettle Creek) to Wellington Road (Road H25). Road #31 - From the St. Thomas Boundary to Road #52. Road #30 - (Radio Road) From Road #52 to County Road #48. Road #28 - (Centennial Avenue) From Highway #3 to Elm Street. Road #56 - (Elm Street) From Elmwood Street (new City of St. Thomas Boundary) easterly to County Road #36. Road H57 - (Southdale Road) From Highway #4 to County Road H22 (Fairview Avenue). Road #22 - (Fairview Avenue) From the St. Thomas Boundary to County Road #27 (Union/Sparta Road) including the intersection of the Union/Sparta Road. The County of Elgin has completed construction on Radio Road, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth and I would recommend as of January 1, 1991 that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission assume the remainder of Road #30 from Road H48 northerly to the Middlesex County Line. This will link directly to the Hubrey Road in Middlesex County which is under the control of the London Suburban Road Commission. It is also recommended that Road H28 (Centennial Avenue) south of Road H56 (Elm Street) to Road H45 will also be assumed as a County road. This road has been on and off the Suburban system on a number of occasions and the assumption would give continuity to the system. Construction has been completed on Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), including trimming and seeding at the intersection of Road H27 this Summer. Construction has been completed on Road H26 (St. George Street) other than the payment of one drainage assessment to the Township of Yarmouth. Also completed in 1990 were resurfacing on Road H25 (Wellington Road) opposite Concessions 'C' and 'B', Township of Southwold (Concessions 10 and 11, Township of Yarmouth) other than at the intersections of County Road #52 and Road H48 and the road allowance between Concessions 'B' and 'C', Township of Southwold. A considerable amount of hot mix asphalt patching was done on Road H16 including the intersection of Road H45 at Midd1emarch which was not only repaved but also channelized and curb and gutter for traffic control was placed. Continued . . . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT - DECEMBER 3, 1990 PAGE 2. Other than this winter maintenance operations were nominal. The absence of winter control in the month of November has somewhat eased a much heavier financial expenditure than usual for the January through March season. Thus we may not be completely overspent. It appears at this time that we will expend approximately $660,000.00 instead of the original $600,000.00 anticipated. This will increase the share of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin by approximately $6,000.00 originally budgeted (subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario is very close to 80\). This coupled with a deficit of $2,700.00 into 1989 will likely required a reduced budget for 1991 although it is not known to date what the 1/2 mill assessment from the City of St. Thomas will yeild for 1991. It will be some time before this informaion is available or Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy allocations are available. The 1991 construction programme has not yet been discussed by the County of Elgin Road Committee. Our most serious need at the present time will be the continuation of resurfacing work on Wellington Road (Road #25), followed as soon as possible by resurfacing on Road #16 between St. Thomas and Fingal as well as work on Road #57 (Southda1e Road). A municipal drain has been approved for Southdale Road and is expected to be installed early next year. This could be followed later in the year by an improvement of that portion of Southdale Road which has not been completed. This would completed the road to tolerable standards only. It is our understanding that some of the ri~lt-of-way will have to be used for sewer and water utility corridors and as such could be subject to equipment damage in the next 5 to 8 years. ~bwever the present traffic volume in excess of 1,000 vehicles per day makes the maintenance of the present surface of the non-constructed section practically impossible. It was hoped to have the Highbury-Hubrey Road link opened before major work was done on Wellington Road. This would eliminate a number of traffic delays and/or detours which would be necessary to channelize each intersection and to replace the pipe arch culvert north of Highway #3 (St. Thomas Expressway) which must be done prior to that portion of road being resurfaced. Some portions of the road could yet be resurfaced without major intersection construction, but the intersections must have proper channelization and lighting as soon as possible. It appears that it will be the end of 1992 before the County of Middlesex is able to complete even a base coat of asphalt from the Wilton Grove Road south to the Belmont-Glanworth Road. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 7 I} .1-- 7'ft~ ~: G. MOORi., OUNTY ENGINEER @ Ontario ~inistry ~inistere of des Transportation Transports I l June 22, 1990 Mr. R. G. Moore Secretary st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Box 520, City Hall 300 South Edgeware Rd. St. 'Ihomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Dear Mr. Moore: (519) 681-1441 659 Exete!r Road P.O. Box 5338 London, Ontario N6A 5H2 Please be advised that the Ministry of Transportation formally approves the removal of the suburban road designation on a portion of County Road 52 fran Highway 3 to Highway 74. Yours truly, /~ Richard Puccini Regional Director Southwestern Region London ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 7, 1990 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineer's Office on Thursday, June 7, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. All members were present. The minutes of the meeting of May 16, 1990 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. Hot mix asphalt patching on Road #30 had been completed. 2. Cleanup had been completed at the intersection of Road #22 and Road #27 and it appeared that the Fairview Avenue (Road #22) construction project had finally been completed after being under construction for the better part of ten years. 3. Municipal drains were being cleaned up on St. George Street (Road #26) and sod laid. A storm drain would have to be placed on the St. George Street hill on the west side of the pavement from the catchbasin near the St. George Street Bridge to the top of the hill. 4. The County had initiated a crackdown on advertising signs, etc., and had made an intense effort to have Wellington Road (Road #25) cleaned up. 5. The granular base at the intersection of Road #16 at Middlemarch had been completed and curb and gutter would be poured next week and the interesection would be paved with the County paving project on Road #4S north of Road #16. 6. It was expected that the patching on Road #16 would be undertaken early next week. 7. The attached County revised program for maintenance and asphalt resurfacing was discussed. 8. Arrangements for the Suburban meeting in Owen Sound on June 20th were discussed. It had been decided that the Suburban Commission would be accompanied by Mr. Fred Groch on the afternoon of June 19th and would stay overnight. A road inspection followed the meeting and included: (a) Road #16 from Highway #3 to Fingal. (b) Road #45, paving on County road north of Middlemarch. (c) St. George Street (Road #26). Continued . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 7, 1990 PAGE 2. (d) Wellington Road (Road #25). (e) Hubrey-Highbury Road from the City of St. Thomas limits to the Belmont/ Glanworth Road (Road #31). The new limits of the City of St. Thomas were noted. The length of the Commission's road system would be reduced in size as of July 1st. The Commission's budget would take this into consideration. (f) Centennial Avenue (Road #28). (g) Elm Street (Road #56), including the new limits of the City. (h) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) to Road #27. (i) Southdale Road (Road #57). THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN ~~~ CHAIRMAN t, )~. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REVISED BUDGET JUNE 12, 1990 The significant increase in Suburban repairs to pavement (hot mix asphalt patches) requires that funds be transferred to: (a) Suburban maintenance from suburban asphalt resurfacing and Road #25 (Wellington Road) resurfacing - reduced from $200,000 to $150,000. (b) Rbad #52 throughout (ie., from Highway #3 to Highway #74) be transferred by the Commission to the County. (This was done at a Suburban Road Commission meeting on May 16th.) In addition internal bridge and culvert maintenance priorities have to be adjusted so that there are funds to remove clay from the ends (at the top) of the culverts on County Road #52 at Kettle Creek. This is in accordance with the recommendation of our Soil Consultants who advised us on April 17th to make sure that the culvert was completely covered with granular material. This will require postponement of small betterments on a number of County bridges and culverts until 1991. The Road #52 work has been completed, Players Culvert has been shored and we await the results of soil tests by Golder Associates Limited. Golder Associates have recommended installation of a concrete end retaining ring on both ends of the Van Order Culvert on Road #42 and the removal of all existing backfill materials at the ends of the culvert~ (It will be necessary to excavate to the edge of the travelled road and replace all materials with good quality crushed gravel. The sequence of construction methods is now being co~sidered. The replacement of the Silver Creek North Pipe Arch Culvert on Road #40 is scheduled for late June. The supply tender has been awarded and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has approved the plans and the supplier is now completing the cdsting of the sections. ~, COUNTY,OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REVISED BUDGET - JUNE 12, 1990 ASPHALT RESURFACING ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: 1. Road #25 (Wellington Road) from Road #52 northerly for 4,000 feet 3.5 inches of H.L.3 and H.L.4 (as per recommendation of Golder Associates). COUNTY PROJECTS: 1. Complete work from 1988 and 1989 on Road #24, Port Bruce westerly, Township of Malahide and Township of Yarmouth. Shouldering, trimming and seeding, this work was not completed last Fall. 2. Complete work from 1989 on Road #18 from Highway #4 to Greenlane Landfill site, Township of Southwold. Two areas of resurfacing to be completed plus minor ditching, trimming, etc. Some land for road widening has been purchased (Greenlane Landfill and Oegema Turkey Farms Limited) and widening of shoulders and proper ditching will be incorporated into the work. 3. Complete work from 1989 on Road #14 from Highway #3 to Road #16, Township of Dunwich and Township of Southwold. Two areas of resurfacing (one north of Iona Bridge and one just south of Highway #3) plus shouldering, trimming, etc., from last year. (Asphalt curb and gutter, catchbasins, etc. lona hill.) 4. Engineering surveys, etc., for future work. 5. (a) Road #48 mulch, east of Road #47, South Dorchester Township which includes two (2) culvert replacements and some subexcavation. (b) Road #54 mulch, Oxford County Line from Brownsville Road to Road #47, South Dorchester Township. (County of Elgin's share - County of Oxford has been notified that this project will proceed.) 6. Road #45 (Smoke Road) Middlemarch to Highway #3 Southwold Township. :~ PAGE 2. JUNE ESTIMATE $ 150,000 10,000 150,000 ][65,000 15,000 :-140,000 50,000 400,000 $1. 280 .000 ~, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REVISED BUDGET - JUNE 12, 1990 PAGE 3. Work scheduled for Road 118 from Dutton northerly will not proceed unless: (a) Supplementary Subsidy Allocation for culvert work (as applied for by the May Session of County Council) is received from the Ministry of Transportation and Ontario. - or - (b) Sizeable surplus is available after completing the projects above. At the present time there will not be any uncommitted funds for fall as Walmsley Bros. Limited wish to complete as much of their asphalt patching and asphalt resurfacing contract as soon as possible. Emergency money would have to be taken from all categories and maintenance and construction on Road 1143 cut back. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS REVISED JUNE 12, 1990 MARCH JUNE MARCH JUNE MARCH JUNE SUBURBAN SUBURBAN OPERATION ' 1990 ESTIMATED 1990 ESTIMATED COUNTY COUNTY COMMISSION COMMISSION A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts $ 95,000 $ 84,000 $ 89,000 $ 82,000 $ 6,000 $ 2,000 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 113,000 113 , 000 . 103,000 105,000 10,000 8,000 - 2 Tree Cutting and Br~shing 150,000 142,000 147,000 135,000 3,000 7,000 - 4 Drainage 140,000 139,000 134,000 134,000 6,000 5,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance 10,000 11 ,000 8,000 8,000 2,000 3,000 - 6 Tree Planting 10,000 7,000 9,500 6,500- 500 500 - 7 Drainage Assessments 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 (Maintenance) C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 55,000 53,000 45,000 45,000 10 , 000 8,000 - 2 Sweeping 32,000 33,000 29,500 29,500 2,500 3,500 - 3 Application of Shoulder Gravel 62,000 64,000 40,000 50,000 22,000 14,000 - 4 Surface Treatment 99,000 101,000 90,000 95,000 9,000 6,000 - 5 Shoulder Maintenance Including 38.,000 38,000 35,000 35,000 3,000 3,000 Grading 'f..".. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVISED JUNE 12, 1990 COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. MARCH JUNE MARCH JUNE ~'ARCH JUNE SUBURBAN SUBURBAN OPERA TI ON 1990 ESTIMATED 1990 ESTIMATED COUNTY COUNTY COMMISSION COMMISSION C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Patching 160,000 266,000 140,000 150,000 20,000 116 , 000 - 7 Drainage Middlemarch Intersection 8,000 8,000 ยท D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 66,000 64,000 .61,000 61,000 5,000 3,000 - 3 Dust Control 93,000 106,000 84,000 100 ,000 9,000 6,000 - 4 Prime 10,000 7,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 208,000 231,000 205,000 228,000 3,000 3,000 E - Winter Control To ta 1 730,000 714,000 630,000 640,000 100,000 74,000 - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence -, 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking 62,000 62,000 49,000 51,000 13,000 11 , 000 - 2 Signs and Signals 160,000 160,000 149,500 150,500 10,500 9,500 ~f.9* COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVISED _ COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 3. OPERATION MARCH 1990 ESTIMATED JUNE 1990 ESTIMATED MARCH COUNTY JUNE COUNTY MARCH SUBURBAN COMMISSION JUNE SUBURBAN COMMISSION F - Safety Devices - 3 Guide Rail 11 ,000 10,000 9,500 9,500 1,500 500 - 4 Railroad Protection 75,000 75,000 67,000 68,000 8,000 7,000 - 6 Edge Marking 51 , 000 51,000 43,000 44,000 8,000 7,000 - ,7 Stump Removal 25,000 25,000 23,000 23,000 2,000 2,000 TOTALS $2,457,000 $2,566,000 $2.197,000 $2,256,000 $260.000 $310,000 SPECIAL PROJECTS: (a) Road #34, Rehabilitation of Belmont 20,000 20,000 West Bridge (County.s Share 50%) (b) Road #7, Engineering, Rehabilitation 5,000 5,000 of Bothwell Bridge (County's Share 27.5%) (c) Reserve for Winter Control and Spring 151,000 6,000 Breakup (d) Repairs to Pavement, Road #35 Orwell 35,000 (e) Road #27 west of Highway #4 (Engineering) 3,000 TOTAL $2,633,000 $2.635.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD !COMMISSION REPORT I "June 7, 1990 1. The Suburban Road Commission has control of the fOllowing roads (as of July 1, 1990) after the annexation agreement between the Township of Yarmouth and the City of St. Thomas takes effect. t ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE DESIGNATION AS A SUBURBAN ROAD OF THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY REVOKED EFFECTIVE MAY 16, 1990; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO. (A) ROAD #52 FROM HIGHWAY #3 TO HIGHWAY #74 A DISTANCE OF 12.6 KILOMETERS. CARRIED." D. R. STOKES I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COpy OF A RESOLUTION PASSED ON MAY 16, 1990 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. R. G. MOORE, S.i~RETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMA~ SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION I [ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1990 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the~ County Engineer's Office at 11 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 16, 1990. All the members were present as well as the Engineer. The minutes of March 8, 1990 were read and approved. The Engineer reported on the work to date stating that the projected costs of asphalt patching on Suburban Roads have increased to approximately $120,000. Thus, it would be necessary to reduce other expenses, if at all possible, to a bare minimum and to reduce the projected resurfacing costs on County Road #25 from the cost of $200,000 to $150,000. In addition, emergency repairs including strengthening would have to be done on the Kettle Creek Culverts (St. Thomas Reservoir) at a cost of $20,000. These costs would also be added to the System unless other arrangements were made. The City of St. Thomas and the Township of Yarmouth had agreed that an interim Annexation Agreement would be effective on July 1, 1990. This Agreement would remove the section of Road #30, south of Road #52, and approximately 500 feet of County #56 (Elm Street) from the Suburban Road System. If Road #52 was deleted in its entirety from Highway #3 to Highway #73, considerable cost saving would occur including projected asphalt patching costs on Road #52 at the Reservoir and ongoing maintenance costs such as pavement marking, shoulder grading, grass cutting, winter control, etc. The County of Elgin Road Committee had already discussed the return of Road #52 and they were of the opinion that it was a proper procedure as the Committee felt that patching on County Road #16 and work at the intersection at Middlemarch were of prime importance and should be done as soon as possible. "MOVED BY: D. R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE DESIGNATION AS A SUBURBAN ROAD OF THE FOLLOWING ROAD IS HEREBY REVOKED EFFECTIVE MAY 16, 1990; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO. (A) ROAD #52 FROM HIGHWAY #3 TO HIGHWAY #74, A DISTANCE OF 12.6 KILOMETERS. 'jJ' CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1990 PAGE 2. The Committee agreed to meet at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 24, 1990 to conduct further business, to receive a new budget and to make a complete Road Inspection. /j) ~- t/~ /.. .".......~ ----., CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 8, 1990 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at thE~ County Engineer's Office at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, March 8, 1990. Messrs Auckland and Stokes and the Engineer were present. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, 1990 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." The Engineer reported on the work to date noting that the winter control expenditures were higher than in previous years. Commission members reported on the Suburban Road Commissions meeting at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. The expenditures on the Commission's roads for 1989 were noted. It was noted that the deficit of the City of St. Thomas from 1988 to 1990 had been reduced. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE STATEMENT OF 1989 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AS DETAILED IN THE FIRST REPORT OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTTEE TO THE FEBRUARY 21ST SESSION OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR INFORMATION. CARRIED." The 1990 Budget (as attached and previously circulated to Commission members) was discussed. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $600,750 AS DETAILED IN THE MARCH 1ST AND MARCH 2ND REPORT TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND Continued . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 8, 1990 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THIER APPROVAL. (BUDGET $600,000 SUBISDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AND $750 NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO.) CARRIED." The Commission adjourned to the call of the Chairman, it being noted that a Spring road inspection would occur in late April. L"".....' ~~ ...... /i ., .# (Y ~ ,. .~.,,~.. '~;,.~",___.~.,-""'<"~-".'"'''-''''''''''''''' ,'P~~~ .-;?/.." i' ""'"" CHAIRMAN :'t COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1989. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario p'ractice, Payroll Burden such as HOlidays With Pay, Sick Time, etc., have been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. (*See Note on Page 08.) CONSTRUCTION (A) BRIDGES: 1. Middlemiss Bridge over Thames River, Road 014, Dunwich and Southwold Townships. Construction and engineering costs (County of Elgin share only). (Cost in 1988 was $87,860.47.) 2. Road 045, Southwold Township. Repair of Kettle Creek Culvert. (Total cost from 1987 to 1989 $793,735.42.), 3. Road 016, Dunwich Township. Repair of Talbot $ 981,212.40 9 , 116 .48 9,308.43 Creek Culvert. (Total cost 1988 and 1989 $283,583.44.) 4. Gillets Bridge, Catfish Creek, Yarmouth Township. 100,000.00 Replacement of floor and strengthening of truss. (Supplementary request of $100,000 approved by Ministry of Transportation of Ontario under construction. Rest of project charged to maintenance.) 5. Tates Bridge Environmental Study, etc., 14,007.90 Dunwich Township. (County of Elgin's share.) (Cost in 1988 and 1989 $20,165.41.) TOTAL 'A' !L.l13.645.21 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION ( B ) ROADS: 1. Road 92, Dunwich Township. Grading, granular base, hot mix paving, etc. (Cost from 1987 to 1989 $1,153,030.15.) 2. Road 922 (Fairview Avenue), Yarmouth Township. Grading, granular base, paving, etc. (*See also St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission construction.) [Total County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission expenditures $184,901.07. ] 3. Road #14, Dunwich and Southwold Townships; south approaches to Middlemiss Bridge, grading, granular base, hot mix paving, etc. 4. Land Purchase and Legal Land Surveying, etc. Road 92, Road 94, Road 914, Road #22, Road 943, etc. 5. Road 923 (Joseph Street Hill), Port Stanley Engineering and soil tests. 6. Surveys, Engineering projects, etc., on new work. 7. Road 930 (Radio Road), Yarmouth Township. Land purchase, grading, granular base, paving, Glanworth Drain Culvert, etc. (Project cost 1988 and 1989 $800,371.78.) 8. Road #45 (Smoke Road), Southwold Township. County of Elgin's share of flashing light signals, Canadian National Rail crossing. :~ PAGE 2. $ 408,081.39 139,770.99 173,461.92 42,775.19 r.. 6,798.68 32,557.18 400,356.47 8,722.13 TOTAL 'B' 11,212.523.95 (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING, ETC. 1. Road #14 (portions) from Highway 93 to Road #16. Southwold and Dunwich Townships. 2. Road 918, Southwold Township westerly from Highway #4 to Green Lane Landfill Site. $259,514.14 238,739.89 Conti nued . . . COUNTY: OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION ~~ PAGE 3. (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING, ETC.: (CONTINUED) 3. Road #20, Southwold Township. Union Road 45,760.85 between Boxall Road and Lot 15,' North and South of Union Road. Completion of 1988 work. 4. Road #24, Malahide and Yarmouth Townships. Port Bruce westerly, top coat of asphalt. (Minor trimming required ~n 1990.) 5. Road #46, Bayham Township. Highway #3 to Corinth. Completion of 1988 work, except at Road #46 intersection. 6. Road #52, Malahide and South Dorchester Townships. East of Village of Springfield limits. Completion of 1988 work. 7. Road #52, Malahide and South Dorchester Townships. West of the Village of Springfield limits to Highway #73. Completion of 1988 work. 8. Road #52, Malahide, South Dorchester and Yarmouth Townships. Between Highway #73 and Highway #74. Completion of 1988 work. TOTAL 'C' (D) MISCELLANEOUS: 1. Credit Machinery Ownership Costs, etc. 2. Credits from Accounts Receivable, Miscellaneous Machine Accounts and Townline Accounts. 3. New and Used Machinery and Major Repairs to Equipment presently owned. 4. Landscaping at Whites Station Garage, fencing and balance of account from removal of old Hangar not covered by Insurance. 5. Garage Buildings at Whites Station including materials, erection costs to end of December, engineering costs, foundations and grading, etc. 1:70,247.61 152,913.97 7,370.31 12,308.65 40,937.65 ~827.793.07 $ 24,991.17 CR. 46,929.84 CR. 469,177.65 24,586.39 396,816.79 Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION l~ PAGE 4. (D) MISCELLANEOUS: (CONTINUED) 6. Drainage Assessments charged against 47,607.74 County Roads. TOTAL '0' ~66.267.56 TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION iiJ>20.229.79 (E) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION: 1. Land purchase including Road #26 (St. George Street) . $ 1,270.71 2. Miscellaneous Surveys. 3. Road #29, extension of Lindsay Culvert with precast concrete box. Completion of 1988 work. 731.42 3 , 1 00 . 1 0 4. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), construction. (St. Thomas Suburban Road portion of construction.) 5. Road #26 (St. George Street) construction 45,130.08 42,314.35 including curb and gutter work at intersection and curves, engineering work, utility relocation, miscellaneous work. 6. Drainage Assessments, Road #22 and Road #26. 94,732.00 TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION !t187.278.66 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONl!,207.508.45 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION PAGE 5. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS *NOTE: Letters and Numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation Account Numbers. A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridge Maintenance - 1 Bridge Inspections - 1 Bridge Cleaning and Washing - 2 Culvert Maintenance - 2 Culvert Inspections Including Pipe Arches, Etc. - 2 Superspan Inspections And Engineering, Pipe Arch Culvert Replacement Engineering B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, Etc. - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) -11 Weed Spraying ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN RO~\D COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL $ 41,405.53 $ 100.00 $ 41,505.53 3,238.58 130. 10 3,368.68 12,126.30 2 , 140. 61 14,266.91 2,502.35 1,597.7'8 4, 1 00. 1 3 5,055.40 233.4,8 5,288.88 3,612.43 ---. 3,612.43 99,679.40 8,925.09 108,604.49 165,163.19 2,279.19 167,442.38 136,343.76 6,535.33 142,879.09 6,943. 13 9,779.56 16,722.69 7,549.69 ~ ---, 7,549.69 1,287.12 --- 1,287.12 745.75 --- 745.75 C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement (General Patching, Etc.) 27,520.78 16,747 .2~3 44,268.01 - 2 Sweeping 27,389.11 1 ,311. 06 28,700.17 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance (Gravelling) 84,565.05 18,436.69 103,001. 74 - 4 Surface Treatment 127,027.30 --.. 127,027.30 - 5 Shoulder Maintenance, General Grading, Etc.) 28,922.54 2,556.63 31,479.17 - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Asphalt Patching 30, 162. 18 ---. 30, 162. 18 o - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 57,761.88 4, 340 .2~7 62 , 102. 15 - 3 Dust Control 80,271.90 8,690.99 88,962.89 - 4 Dust Control (Prime) 3,633.23 5,242. ~6 8,875.39 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 138,439.49 17,895.S1 156,335.00 E - Winter Control - 1 Snow Plowing 130,220.96 9,531.49 139,752.45 - 2 Sanding and Salting 395,933.74 70,873.08 466,806.82 - 3 Snow Fence (Kent Townline) 414.50 ---. 414.50 - 4 Winter Standby 39,276.48 6,401.78 45,678.26 Total Winter Control 565,845.68 86,806.35 652,652.03 1985 Winter Control - $533,197 1987 Winter Control - $483,406 1986 Winter Control - $739,173 1988 Winter Control - $482,938 ~'t COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal And Cleanup COUNTY ROADS $ 43,618.88 $ 155,341. 38 9,093.68 67,189.36 38,229.33 52,109.01 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAlD COMMISSION ROADS 12,020.410 8,855. 91~ 1,740.69 8,531. 60 6,993.06 TOTALS $2,022,773.41 $ 231,889.72 MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Culvert Replacement Road #48 at Lot #3, Yarmouth Township Completion of 1988 Work $ - 2 Culvert Replacement Road #48 at Lot #9, Yarmouth Township Completion of 1988 Work - 3 Repairs to Expansion Joint and Painting of Structural Steel at Expansion Joints Road #3, Aldborough Township Wardsville Bridge Work by County of Middlesex (County of Elgin Share) - 4 Road #14, Iona Bridge Repairs - 5 Gillets Bridge - Strengthening Truss and Floor Replacement (Expenditure in excess of Construction Supplementary in amount of $100,000.) B - Drainage - 1 Curb and Gutter Replacement Paving, Etc., Road #8 Village of Dutton Completion of 1988 Work C - Hard Surface Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Road #20, Shedden (Southwold Township) Highway #3 South Curb and Gutter, Base and Paving Completion of 1988 Work - 2 Repairs to Road #57, Southdale Road, Yarmouth Township Approximately 1 Km Hot Mix Asphalt, Shouldering, Etc. COUNTY ROADS S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS 1,736.48 $ .\, 2,234.51 20,608.42 55,815.64 34,447.34 7,739.08 4,768.64 49,103.89 PAGE 6. TOTAL $ 55,639.28 164,197.32 10,834.37 75,720.96 45,222.39 52,109.01 $2,254,663.13 TOTAL $ 1,736.48 2,234.51 20,608.42 55,815.64 34,447.34 7,739.08 4,768.64 49,103.89 ;t COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION PAGE 7. MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL - 3 Engineering Road #27 West of Highway #4 to Road #20 for Future Pavement and Drainage Improvement $ 2,540.30 $ $ 2,540.30 TOTALS $ 129.890.41 $ 49.103.89 $ 178.994.30 TOTAL OF MAINTENANCE $2.152.663.82 $ 280.993.61 $2.433.657.43 OVERHEAD ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL - 1. Superintendence, Including County $150,395.87 $13,077.90 $163,473.77 Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Vehicles. 2. Clerical. 101,510.45 8,827.00 110,337.45 3. Office and Computer. 35,540.05 3 ,~90 . 70 38,630.75 4. Garage (Stock and Timekeepers, 122,576.21 10,658.80 133,235.01 Maintenance, Heat, etc.) 5. Tools. 22,210.64 1,931.36 24,142.00 6. Radio. 5,217.27 453.68 5,670.95 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic 20,339.40 2,326 .17 22,665.57 Counts. 8. Training Courses. 28,745.42 2,499.60 31,245.02 9. Miscellaneous Insurance. 2,167.52 188.48 2,356.00 10. Permits. 3,220.00 CR. ------ 3,220.00 CR. 11. Undistributed Fringe Benefit 29,650.72 2,578.32 32,229.04 Charges. 12. Deferred Time. 12,745.69 CR. ------ 12,745.69 CR. - TOTALS $502.387.86 $45.632.01 $548.019.87 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads, as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (Urban Rebates, Equipment Purchases, Drainage Assessments, Items Not For Subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1989 as in 1988 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 8%. (*Note: Not all Overhead items are charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Roads.) ;'1: COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION PAGE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Rebates to Town of Aylmer and various Villages of 25% of their Road Levy (subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50%) is $95,185.95. 2. Payroll Burden costs including labour totalled $675,606.97 in 1989 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practices to the various operations and equipment repair, etc. This was distributed by computer at a rate of 36.5% on labour. The difference between the actual cost and the amount distributed by computer was $32,229~04 and is shown as a charge against Overhead. 3. The large Deferred Time Credit arose as a result of a large amount of Winter Control time worked in ' December 1989. The balancing amount was charged to Winter Control time. This credit ($12,745.69) will be taken in 1990 by employees and will appear as a charge on' our 1990 budget. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS - TOTAL 1. Invoices from County Clerk's Office $ 5, 301. 61 -------- $ 5,301.61 Re: Preparation of Payroll. 2. Meetings with other Municipalities, 1,958.75 -------- 1,958.75 etc. 3. Contributions and Retirements. 69.87 -------- 69.87 4. Memberships. 337.00 -------- 337.00 5. Payment of Accumulated Sick Time to 12,583.08 -------- 12,583.08 Employees still in Employment of the County of Elgin. 6. Urban Rebates on the Portion of Road 2,430.90 -------- 2,430.90 Levy that is Not Subsidized. 7. Contribution from Green Lane Landfill 19,923.28 CR. -------- 19,923.28 CR. toward Road Ul8 from Highway U4 to the landfill site. 8. Sale of Unsubsidized Land. 5,593.21 CR. -------- 5,593.21 CR. 9. Insurance not subsidized by the 6,966.00 932.00 7,898.00 Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (Environmental and Liability Policies). Continued . . . ;1 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FI RST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION },. PAGE 9. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAlD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 10. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Fees, and Expenses, Memberships, etc. 376.30 376.30 TOTALS $4.130.72 $1.308.30 $5.439.02 In addition"the sum of $25,000 has been.paid to the County of Elgin alS Performance Bonds to ensure that work required for severances and rezonings are completed. These funds are held by the Treasurer and will be repaid (without interest) to the various individuals, etc., when they have completed their obligations. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL (A) Construction. $4,020,229.79 $187,278.66 $4,207,508.45 (B) .\ Maintenance. 2,152,663.82 280,993.61 2,433,657.43 (C) Overhead. 502,387.86 45,632.01 548,019.87 (D) Urban Rebates (subsidized). 95,185.95 --------... 95,185.95 (E) Items Not For Subsidy. 4 , 130.72 1,308.30 5,439.02 - SUB-TOTALS $6,774,598.14 $515,212.58 $7,289,810.72 ADD: 1989 Stock Balance 226,876.36 ----------. 226,876.36 - SUB-TOTALS $7,001,474.50 $515,212.58 $7,516,687.08 DEDUCT: 1988 Stock Balance 98,987.86 ----------. 98,987.86 - TOTALS $6.902.486.64 $515 .212 .5~~ U.417.699.22 (* Total for Ministry of Transportation Subsidy is $7,417,699.22 less $5,439.02 or $7,412,260.20.) [Regular and Supplementary Expenditures.] COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FI RST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION )~ PAGE 10. CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES The Ministry of Transportation provided subsidies in 1989 as follows: 1. 50% Subsidy on Urban Rebates of $47,592.97 on expenditures amounting to $95,185.95. ' 2. Subsidy of $5,431,507.03 on general expenditures of $7,412,260.20. 3. 80% Subsidy on expenditures pertaining to the Tates Bridge Environmental Study, etc., to a maximum expenditure of $14,000.00 ($11,200.00 Subsidy). 4. 75% Subsidy to a maximum of $300,000.00 for Road 030 (Radio Road) construction on a maximum expenditure of $400,000.00. 5. 80% Subsidy to a maximum of $80,000.00 for replacement of the Gi11ets Bridge deck (expenditure $100,000.00). MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBS IDY COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL PORTION EXPENDITURE Urban Rebates (Subsidized) $ 47,592.97 $ 47,592.98 $ 95,185 .95 Regular Expenditures 5,431,507.03 1,371,202.85 6,802,709.88 4. Tates Bridge Environmental Study 11 ,200 . 00 2,807.90 14,007.90 Road 030 (Radio Road) Construction 300,000.00 100,356.47 400,356.47 Gi11ets Bridge 80,000.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of --------- 5,439.02 5,439.02 TOTALS $5.870.300.00 $1.547.399.22 $7.417.699.22 Average rate of subsidy on regular expenditures of $6,802,709.88 is 79.843%. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION }~ PAGE 11. CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOM~\S TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (See Page 9.) Expenditures Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation Rate of Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 79.843% Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure is $ 515,212.58 513 , 904 . 28 COST TO COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR 1989 $ 410,316.59 - $ 515,212.58 410,316.59 - $ 104,895.99 52,447.99 3,123.56 $ 55,571.55 $ 52,900.00 $ 2. fill. 55 $7,417,699.02 5,870,300.00 52,447.99 $1.494__ 951.03 TOTAL EXPENDITURES LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY BALANCE PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS (50%) ADD: DEFICIT FROM 1988 OPERATION SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION FROM ST. THOMAS FOR 1989 DEFICIT TO 1990 TOTAL EXPENDITURES COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS LESS: Credits (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page 10) (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission System (See above.) In 1989 the County of Elgin Road Levy was $1,538,000. In 1989 Payment Vouchers total'led $9,159,936.01 (as the entire contract for Middlemiss Bridge went through the County of Elgin books). In 1988 Payment Vouchers totalled $7,933,877.90 and $7,707,228.52 in 1987. The difference between the Total Voucher Payments and the Total Road Expenditures was $1,742,236.79 and included: (a) Charges to County of Middlesex regarding construction of the Middlemiss Bridge on Road #14 in the amount of $981,126.77. (b) Interest charges to County of Middlesex regarding construction of Middlemiss Bridge in the amount of $24,986.67. (c) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thomas and the Elgin County Board of Education ($187,642.64). (d) Maintenance work on Townline Roads and Bridges. (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1990 SESSION :~ PAGE 12. (e) Charge to Ministry of Government Services for construction of entrance and parking lots, etc., at Ontario Psychiatric Hospital and County Road #45 ($101,065.45). (f) Asphalt paving contract for Township of Yarmouth and Ministry of Government Services. (g) Removal of old hangar building at White's Station. Relocation of Radio, etc. (Paid by our insurance company - $38,567.) (h) Work on various Municipal Drains, materials sold and work performed for municipalities and others. The County of Elgin in 1989 parti~ipated in a Government of Canada Summer Incentive Program called Challenge '89 (Surveying Assistant) with a net grant to the County of $2,907.00. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control Program for the prevention of encephalitis. The cost of $78.00 was charged to the General Government Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN 1" ;'\' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET MARCH :2, 1990 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AND THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEIE: Herewith please find attached to this report a joint budget for the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban road system with the total expenditures approved by the February Session of County Council with the subsidized portion at $7,950,000 and composed of a regular spending objective of $7,145,000 and supplementary requests for the Tates Bridge of $15,000, Road #30 construction of $280,000, Lings Bridge engineering at $10,000, Road #43 construction of $500,000 and Items Not Subsidized at $22,000. The estimated cost of all costs to the County of Elgin was $1,600,000 and a levy of this amount was approved by County Council. Unfortunately this is not a "good news" budget. Our fixed cost allocation is estimated to be overspent by $180,000 the asphalt resurfacing portion of the construction budget is reduced by this amount. PAYROLL BURDEN According to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario practice, Payroll Burden is added to all items involving County labour other than those items in payroll burden itself. Thus all maintenance, construction, overhead and charge outs involving County labour are charged a portion of the payroll burden. The payroll burden is estimated at 39% and is automatically added to all accounts by our computer instead of being done manually at the end of the year. Thus a debit or credit will appear and will reflect the difference between the calculated amount and actual amount. Payroll burden has been increased considerably this year particularly in items that the County is unable to control. This includes Unemployment Insurance and Canada Pension which have both increased approximately 9%. There is also a considerable increase in O.H.I.P. costs. Part of this (over $5,000) is reflected in the cost for December 1989 that we were not invoiced for by the Payroll Department until 1990. Although this extra cost should disappear in 1991, we can I rest assured that the Provincial Government will figure out a way to COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET ~t PAGE 2. make us pay for 13 months in 12. Until a contract is completed with the Road Department Employees' Association it is difficult to know the extent of certain benefit costs. Some of the estimates are at best just estimates. Although the difference between the figure of 371% that we used for payroll bUlrden in 1989 and 39% in 1990 does not seem large it does mean an automatic increase of 4% on labour costs. This is without any general increase in labour rates although the total labour of $334,000 in the payroll burden does carry an estimated increase of 6%. URBAN REBATES Urban rebates are estimated at $106,000 but the exact amount will not be known until the County assessments have been adopted by County Council on March 27th. After this time an adjustment mayor may not be required. Last year subsidized urban rebates were $95,200. This increase reflects not only the 4% increase in the County road levy but an estimated increase in the percentage that will be paid by the urbans as compared to previous years. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS Drainage assessments are estimated at $75,000 which is under the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocation of $94,300 earned by the 3 years' previous average expenditure. (This difference will help offset anticipated maintenance costs in excess of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocation.) $50,000 is the anticipated Suburban Road Commission expenditure. On Road 926 (St. George Street) $49,000 and Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) $1,000. The remainder is a total of a number of smaller drainage assessments on various County roads. $50,000 of this expenditure is work which is already underway by the Township of Yarmouth on County Road #26 (St. George Street); $25,000 is the estimated cost on various County roads and the estimated Suburban cost for the Barry Drain on County Road #57 (Southdale Road). OVERHEAD The total overhead is expected to increase by some 6% from last year. We are fortunate that no new programs are absolutely required COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET It PAGE 3. and it is expected that some costs incurred in previous years will not be repeated. Our clerical costs are up somewhat as we have four clerical positions where for most of 1989 we had only three. We expect superintendence costs to be up somewhat as we expect more time to be charged to superintendence by the Assistant Engineer, the Staff Engineer and the Assistant Superintendent. The sum of $12,000 is shown as a retirement benefit being the old sick time credits carryover. There is no one scheduled to retire in 1990, but an amount of $12,000 to $15,000 should be retained in the budget at least until near year end. We expect the training course costs to remain high. We are again required to provide a St. John's Ambulance First Aid Course. We have added a course on air brake licences in an endeavour to assist employees in passing the tests when their licence renewals are required after the 1st of May. We are also carrying forward a deferred time debit of $14,000 which was charged against winter control in 1989. Usually at the end of the year the debits and credits are minor and are not considerl~d in ~ the next year's budget, but due to the unusually high winter control in December it is necessary to carry this amount forward in the budgl~t. Even without the deferred time charge and the retirement benefits the total increase would be in the order of 2%. Unfortunately there is no room for betterment projects. All costs such as fencing and landscaping at the Whites Station Garage and l~eplacement of half of the roof on our present work garage must be obtained from our new machinery budget. MAINTENANCE Unfortunately the attached maintenance budget gives us littll~ leeway to manoeuvre even in the case of a desirable maintenance betterment or a required maintenance project (ie., bridge floor collapsing). The estimated cost of total maintenance is $2,633,000 which jincludes a reserve for winter control and spring breakup of $151,000. Winter control is estimated at $78,000 more than in 1990 than in 1989. Perhaps the only saving grace is that most of our salt bills were paid up to the end of 1989. Unless We are careful this year we would be in the COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET ;~ PAGE 4. same situation that we have been in prior to 1988 and 1989 when a large number of salt bills were outstanding at the end of each year. It is practically impossible to estimate winter control costs and although we can always hope for a good March and an open Fall, this is not always the case. The maintenance budget will have to be reassessed in early May. We have increased the estimate for repairs to pavement as we believe that this might be a year of severe breakup. We had planned to do a considerable amount of machine hot mix asphalt patching last Fall but were unable to do so, thus this work will also be required in 1990 resulting in a reduction in estimates for other maintenance: categories. Reluctantly we have reduced such items as surface treatment and application of shoulder gravel. Money is shown for gravel resurfacing on Road #9 and Road #5 in West Elgin (a total of 37 kilometers at a normal rate of 600 ton per kilometer and will require over 22,000 tons of granular 'A' which will cost us in the order of $160,000, supplied and delivered). This ,~ill 4. take a contractor nearly a month to apply. We have estimated $14,000 for small areas plus spring breakup, etc., and are estimating the application of gravel on Road #37 from Highway #73 to Avon at a total cost of $30,000 of which $15,000 is the County of Elgin's share. As the County of Middlesex has indicated that they have no funding for this gravel this year we will try and hold off, if possible, to do this gravelling in the fall so Middlesex will be able to pay us for their portion in early 1991. We have no idea when Middlesex wi 11 have funds available for the t'econstruction of this road. We expect bridge and culvert maintenance to increase considel'ably as in 1989 we did not have to replace any small culverts. This was an unusual situation and cannot be expected to continue. Ordinary bridge maintenance is estimated at approximately $44,000; bridge and culvert inspections are estimated at approximately $10,000; cleaning and '~ashing of bridges, etc., is estimated at $15,000; Super Span culvert monitoring is estimated at $3,000 with a reserve of $5,000 for engineering and COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT' 1990 BUDGET }~ PAGE 5. shoring at Players Culverts. Unless we get some answers soon it will be necessary to shore portions of the culvert in the early springl to protect ourselves. Some engineering work will be required on our Super Span culverts including further minor soils tests at the Van Order Culvert on Road 642 east of Port Burwell in the light of new discoveries and technology developed by Dr. Ian Moore (a consultant with Golder Associates). Most other maintenance categories are a case of do what we have to do, hold the line and try to maintain what we have, rather than to improve it. The improvements shown in the budget are the rehabilitation of the Belmont West Bridge over Kettle Creek (with the County of Elgin's share being 50%), the County of Middlesex has agreed to the expenditure on this bridge. If this bridge is not rehabilitated shortly there ~'ill not be a bridge to rehabilitate. The Bothwell Bridge over the Thames River on the Orford-Aldborough Townline is also falling into this category. This bridge was erected 33 years ago and is showing severe \ steel corrosion and concrete damage. The County of Kent has engaged a consultant to do a complete report with the thought of rehabilitating the structure in 1991. We expect a considerable cost for rehabilitation which will have to be placed in our construction. budget as our maintenance funds will not be sufficient to provide for it. The maintenance bUdget does not allow for any improvements on roads such as Road 657 (Southdale Road), Road 627 west of Highway 64, Road 635 at Orwell or Road 618 at Lawrence Station, etc. Funds would only be available if the reserve for winter control and spring breakup are not used or if funds are taken from the construction budget. When winter control costs and spring breakup costs have been fully analyzed the Committee will be in a position to make a decision as to whether or not any of these projects proceed. Stump removal estimates have been cut in half. Some work will be required as a serious washout is again appearing east of Port Burwell on Road 642. Stump removal for construction projects such as Road 643 and Road 64 will have to be charged to the construction project as there is not sufficient funds in the maintenance allocation for this COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET :~ PAGE 6. work. MACHINERY, HOUSING ALLOCATION AND GRAVEL PIT RESTORATION The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocated the sum of $705,000 (as requested) for this category. Included in this cate!lory was $20,000 for Pleasant Valley Pit restoration. We now estimate this cost to be $35,000 inasmuch as the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Township of Yarmouth are forcing us to completely change our pit roads and do certain rehabilitation work in the pit which was not previOUSly planned. This work is now underway and must be completed by early summer. The machinery purchased to date and charged to the 1990 budget totals a net cost of $225,000. Our allocation for this was slightly in excess of this amount, however the excess will be required to complete work at the two garages at Whites Station as we had estimated that they would have been substantially completed by the end of 1989 when our update information was sent to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario in mid 1989. We will require the replacement of one of our tandem trucks this year which should be done in mid-summer. The attached truck replacement report was done last November for attachment to our Needs Study Update. We have spoken at some length for a number of years with regard to a salt and sand storage building at Whites Station. Our present building is uneconomical to repair or expand as much of the material is rotten. Unfortunately the present salt strike shows our vulnerability to "just in time delivery" and undoubtedly we should have more material in storage so we are able to overcome these problems. Our present thinking is that the large storage should be erected at Whites Station as material can be economically trucked to outposts at Dutton andl Straffordvi11e. The buildings for these areas would not be required (although they may be required at some time to stop the elements leaching out the salt). If we are required to protect all materials by the Ministry of Natural Resources prior to their use then we will have to build small buildings for salted sand storage at both locations. All costs for landscaping, fencing, etc., at Whi tes Station as COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET }~ PAGE 7. well as the replacement of approximately half the roof at our prE!Sent garage will have to be taken from our equipment and housing budget. When we finish the erection of the building, landscaping and complete the roof repair we will reasses our needs, equipment needs and funds available. CONSTRUCTI ON Like the fixed costs budget (maintenance, overhead, etc.) the construction budget does not include any monies that can be diverted to any emergency situation. Emergencies can only be dealt with by terminating projects that are in the early stages of construction. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION ALLOCATIONS The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocates money in two parts: 1. Road and bridge construction. 2. Asphalt resurfacing. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocations originally provided for $1,862,000 for asphalt resurfacing. The Ministry y'equires that this allocation be maintained as much as possible. In 1989 approximately $1,000,000 was removed from this allocation for the construction of the Middlemiss Bridge as the Ministry did not provide alternate funding and as it was necessary to keep a balanced work load for County forces, a certain amount of County construction had to proceed. We find this year that it is necessary to divert funds from asphalt resurfacing in the amount of $280,000; $180,000 of this will be required for maintenance (the reserve of $150,000 for winter control and spring breakup is a portion of these funds). The sum of $100,000 is also diverted to assist with the completion of the Middlemiss Bridge. ASPHALT RESURFACING Inasmuch as our asphalt resurfacing was more than cut in half in 1989 and it appears that spring breakup and asphalt deterioration through the winter of 1989 and 1990 will be serious our asphalt resurfacing projects must be kept to a minimum. If this is not done then several years down the road we will have severe pavement breakup and additional COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET ),. PAGE 8. costs over and above that of normal resurfacing, as we have some roads that were done in the mid-60's that have not been asphalt resurfaced (such as Road #27 between Union and Sparta). Money is allocated in three categories for asphalt resurfacing: 1. $200,000 for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. This will allow them to start their major project of asphalt resurfacing on Wellington Road. It has been recommended that they confine their work to a portion of the road between Road #48 and Road 052. This is one of the worst sections of road, not only is resurfacing required but also geotextile reinforcing. This is presently being investigated and recommendations from our soils consultant, Golder Associates will have to follow to obtain Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy. Engineering surveys will also be required for intersection channelization designs. Full channelization including left hand storage lanes are required at Road 048 and Road #52 and Road #26 (St. George Street) and Edgeware Road (former Road #29). Lesser designs may be satisfactory on the road allowance between Concessions 'B' and 'C', Southwold Township and at the Yarmouth-Westminster Townline. 2. Money is estimated to complete projects started in 1988 and 1989 including Road #24 Yarmouth and Malahide Townships which is mostly trimming, shouldering, etc. It is also necessary to complete our work on Road #18 west of Highway #4. Two areas not resurfaced last year are showing severe distress at the present time. It is also necessary to complete our work on Road #14 (two locations, one being in the Hamlet of lona and the other just north of the lona Bridge). 3. New work should be designated after spring breakup and criteria attached on the budget sheets followed as much as possible. County Road #45 (Smoke Road) north of Middlemarch toward Highway #3 is showing very severe deterioration and rutting in the past year and it appears if remedial work is not undertaken promptly the road will become seriously distressed. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET :~ PAGE 9. In addition to the work shown on page #2 of the asphalt resurfacing guide one must remember that work on Road #2 between Road #3 and West Lorne will be required within a year or so as well as work on Road #3 north of Rodney and urban sections in both Rodney and West Lorne. Several of our other Villages including Road #21 (Warren Street) in Port Stanley and Road #52 in Springfield will also have to have work done on them. It is likely that the Wellington Road project will take a minimum of three years and perhaps longer as the Commission will not be able to afford much more then $200,000 to $250,000 per year and the channelization and geotextile will be very expensive. It is proposed that we complete our work in Concession XIII on Road #30 (Radio Road) prior to starting work on Wellington Road so that traffic on the east side of St. Thomas can use Road #30. (This of course depends on approval of our supplementary requests.) ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION The total available for road and bridge construction is $1,459,000 and is composed of $42,000 for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. This money will allow them to complete Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) at Road #27 intersection and to complete work on St. George Street (Road #26) which includes erosion control on the hill and paving, etc., near the St. George Street Bridge. With this work and the payment to Yarmouth Township for outstanding drainage assessments. Work would be completed on the road until such time as a road authority decides to divert the road through Cowan Park. At this stage it would be necessary to move the travelled pavement of St. George Street hill to the east, widen the Canadian National crossing, move the signals, complete the diversion, and in all likelihood place curb and gutter and storm drains on the hill. Although this work is not an immediate priority, increasing traffic on St. George Street makes it an outstanding need and should be considered by the road authority "in charge" within a five year period. Money is estimated to complete work started in previous years including the Middlemiss Bridge, Road #2 in Dunwich, Road #14, the Middlemiss Bridge approaches and railway crossing protection on Road COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET !~ PAGE 10. 032 in Malahide Township which has been installed but to date no invoice received from the Canadian National Rail. Money is required for land purchase, continuing surveys and engineering work, not only for projects coming up but also for minor surveys required throughout the year. The $25,000 shown will only take care of some miscellaneous work and surveys which have been authorized on Road Os as well as the County's share of Cedar Bend work. Some funds should be appropriated for Road 04 in Aldborough Township not only for engineering surveys, etc., but also to provide for stump removal, etc., in the early spring. If we are fortunate enough to obtain supplementary funding on Road 043 we would presume that Committee would continue with their present priority programe and if such is the case certainly portions of Road 04 should be ready so that construction could be proceeded with, with a minimum of delay. New work would include stage fill construction as far as possible on Road 037 at the Harrietsville Drain Bridge and includes engineering work which has presently been authorized. It is necessary that this stage construction proceeds so that the bridge can be replaced as soon as possible (1991 hopefully). The County of Middlesex has agreed to the stage work and fill and appear to have agreed to the replacement of the bridge. We may not receive any funds for Middlesex's share until 1991. We suggest that engineering for the Phillmore Bridge (at or near the present location) be proceeded with as rapidly as possible so that the Committee could make a decision as to the type, etc., of the bridge required. As the Committee realizes the old bridge continues to deteriorate and it would be very embarrasing to close the bridge for a period of time before engineering was completed for its replacement. The remainder of the funds would be allocated to Road 043. At the present time the estimated cost for the entire project that could be done in 1990 (excluding top coat of asphalt and some seeding and trimming) is estimated at $1,100,000, however approximately only 90% of this money is available at the present time. Estimates will be refined by our staff as rapidly as possible but we cannot suggest that great savings in the costs can be made. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 BUDGET !i' PI~GE 11. This construction budget does not include any improvements on Road 127 west of Highway 14, Road 135 Orwell urban, Road 118 Lawrence Station, or for further engineering studies on Joseph Street in Port Stanl,ey, or the north-west Aylmer by-pass, or any other projects. If any of these projects are desired money will have to be taken from one of the present construction projects such as Road 143. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET The 1/2 mill from the City of St. Thomas will provide for a budget of approximately $600,000 for the Suburban Road Commission. This will pay little more than half of the $2,600 deficit from 1989 but a deficit of over $1,000 is estimated to 1991. The Commission's budget includes $260,000 for maintenance, $50,000 for drainage assessments (mostly on St. George Street), and an overhead charge of $48,000 (as their contribution to the County's total overhead is approximately 8.1%), completion of construction work of $42,000 plus an expenditure of $200,000 in asphalt resurfacing work on Wellington Road. The Commission will meet shortly and consider their ~ortion of the budget for Committee and the Councils approval of Elgin and St. Thomas. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY OF ELGIN 'RECONCILIATION COUNTY AND SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH " 1990 CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT RESURFACING FIXED COSTS URBAN REBATES $1,459,000 1 ,582 ,000 $3 ,104 1 ,000 4,1009,000 106,000 ~156.000 (THIS INCLUDES APPROXIMATELY $13,000 EXPENDITURE OVER TJIE MINIMUM EXPENDITURE TO EARN FULL SUBSIDY.) BREAKDOWN FIXED COSTS DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS PLEASANT VALLEY PIT RESTORATION MACHINERY AND HOUSING OVERHEAD MAINTENANCE $ 75,000 35,000 filO ,000 ~;96, 000 2,f,33,000 $4.009.000 ORIGINAL MTO SPENDING OBJECTIVES PROVIDED FOR FIXED COSTS URBAN REBATES CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT RESURFACING CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE AND ROADS $3,829,200 88,400 1,862,000 1,358,200 $7.137.800 THIS IS A REDUCTION OF $280,000 IN THE ASPHALT RESURFACING CATEGORY AND AN INCREASE OF $180,000 FOR FIXED COSTS (MAINTENANCE) AND INCLUDES $100,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION (MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE). I1\' .. .; COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARtMENT 1990 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. TlIOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) ITEM 1~lidays With Pay: (A) Annual - Regular Employees (B) Annual - Casual Employees (C) statutory - Regular Employees (0) Statutory - Casual Employees (E) Compassionate Leave (F) Jury Sick Benefits Para-Med Services Inclement Weather, Standby, Etc. Safety Equipment Workers' Compensation Insurance Canada Pension O.M. E. R. S. U.I.C. O.H.I.P. and E.H.C. (1987) O.H.I.P. (1988 and 1989) E.H.C. (1988 and 1989) L.l.D. Li fe Insurance Dental Employment Medicals TOTALS 1987 139,384 68,373 1 ,221 52,826 9,887 13,778 51,815 27,673 84,956 56,666 49,803 16,365 4,934 348 $578.029 1988 117,324 8,738 67,242 5,510 1,761 188 50,856 664 7,888 11,121 40,743 29,960 95,336 58,700 36,183 21,408 20,994 5,549 9,002 $589.247 1989 130, ~73 10,841 75,904 5,806 3,245 724 81,932 3,714 3,652 12,472 44,050 36,246 104,074 51 ,896 38,913 24,851 28,443 6,207 12 , 150 57 ,~ MARCH 5, 1990 1990 EST IMATE 155,000 12,500 82,000 8,000 6,000 65,500 300 5,000 14,000 49,800 40,000 114,000 63,000 50,400 26,500 27,500 12,000 17,500 $675.610 $74~,000 *NOTE: 27 Wage Pay Periods In 1987 vs. 26 Wage Periods In 1988 and 1989. 1990 _ Ratio 1989 - 749,000 675,610 = 110.8% COUNTY OF ELGIN RO^D DEP^RTMENT 1990 BUDGET - P^YROll BURDEN P^GE 2. P^YROlL BURDEN DISTRIBUTION Total Labour LESS: labour in Payroll Burden 1987 $1,848,576 271,738 1988 1989 $1,902,042 $2,098,877.67 259,507 312,476.' 1 $1,642,535 $1,786,401.56 589,247 675,610.00 35.87% 37.82% Net labour $1,576,818 Payroll Burden 578,029 Payroll Burden as a % of Net labour 36.66% 1990 ESTlM^TES Total labour LESS: labour in Payroll NET lABOUR $2,260,000 334.000 .$J_" 926.000 Payroll Burden $749,000 Payroll Burden as a Percentage of Net labour = 38.89% For 1989 we started the year using 36% in our computer calculation and changed after February 15, 1989 to use 37.5%. Thus a deficit in tIle account of $32,229.04 (apprOXimately 4.8%) occurred and was " charged to Overhead. This year we started tIle year using a computer figure of 391. Actual Estimated Increase 1990 over 1989 (38.74) = 2.43% , 37.82 For Construction, Maintenance and Overhead Estimates (~) = 37.5 I~ % I ncrea se '~~~ COUU I Y or ElGIU nO^U lJtf'^IUnUII 199U UUlJGEr OVEIUIE^U (CUUN I Y ^'m ST. 11101~AS suuunO^,f RUAlJS t MARCH 5, 1990 OPERATION 1907 1900 1909 1990 EST In^,E Superintendence * $U3,II0 $I~0,U62 $I63,~7~ $178,000 (*Includes Engineer, ^sslstant Engineer, Superintendents and Two Vehicles.) Clerical 02,719 07,56" 110,337 127,000 Garage and While's Stallon I'roperty 120,29" 110,306 133,235 138,000 Off lee 28,529 31,535 3","06 34,000 Computer 5,500 ",226 6,000 Tools 23, ." 1 31 ,539 2",1"2 25,000 Radio 7,51" 6,110 5,671 6,000 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 16,7"0 12,27" 22,666 I 9,000 Training Courses 10,621 0, 105 31,2"5 35,000 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,""6 2,30" 2,356 2,500 RetlremenlOeneflls, Sick Time 30,006 10,007 Ull 12,000 Carryover ~ Fringes Nol Charged To Operations 32,229 Deferred Time 14,000 Permlls 3,220 th 500 CR TOT^lS 1i65. 126_ liD.354 l!iGU.767 $596.000 Wl1110UT RETlREr1ENT OENEr ITS ANU FRINGES NOT CIIARGEU 10 OrERAIIOIIS: 1907 - $435,122 1900 - $451,5"7 .1909 - $520,530 1990 Estimated IHstrlbullon - Sl. 1holllas Suburban Road Commlsslol1 $4B,OOO - County of Elgin $54B,OOO It Is estimated that B.l% of tolal expenditure except Deferred Time will be on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. #.' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH 5, 1990 (Maintenance .Comparisions for 1987, 1988 and 1989 include County and Suburban Road Expenditures and also include Payroll Burden.) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1987 1989 1989 1990 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges 31,310 66,066 59,140 - 2 Culverts 69,216 30,725 13,001 95,000 89,000 6,000 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 73,612 96,180 108,605 113 ,000 103,000 10,000 - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing 133,180 110,659 167,442 150,000 147,000 3,000 - 4 Drainage 150,953 114,942 142,879 140,000 134,000 6,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance 34,920 13,511 16,723 10,000 8,000 2,000 - 6 Tree Planting 2,325 7,211 7,550 10,000 9,500 500 - 7 Drainage Assessments 1,928 3,532 1,287 2,000 2,000 (Maintenance) - 11 Weed Spraying 824 746 r C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 200 , 179 - 1 Miscellaneous Repairs 57,004 44,268 55,000 45,000 10,000 - 2 Sweeping 20,018 35,389 28,700 32,000 29,500 2,500 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance III ,572 - 3 Application of Shoulder Gravel 92,323 103,002 62,000 40,000 22,000 .';#- - COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1987 1988 1989 1990 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS ", C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 4 Surface Treatment 141,858 122,926 127,027 99,000 90,000 9,000 - 5 Shoulder Maintenance Including 23,538 31,479 38,000 35,000 3,000 Grading - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Patching 73,537 30,162 160,000 140,000 20,000 o - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 'Grading Gravel Roads 57,987 47,927 62,102 66,000 61,000 5,000 - 3 Dust Control 82,511 84,912 88,963 93,000 84,000 9,000 - 4 Prime 13,074 6,300 8,875 10,000 4,000 6,000 - 5 Gravel Resuracing 268,425 111,626 156,335 208,000 205,000 3,000 E - Winter Control Total 483,406 482,938 652,652 730,000 630,000 100,000 - 1 Snow Plowing 119,424 119,205 139,752 - 2 Sanding and Salting 307,960 315 ,309 ~ 466,807 - 3 Snow Fence 26,766 10,257 415 - 4 Standby and Night Crew 29,25~ 38,167 45,678 "'~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1990 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 3. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1987 1988 1989 1990 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking 43,783 44,516 55,639 62,000 49,000 13,000 - 2 Signs and Signals 168,805 158,564 164,197 160,000 149,500 10,500 - 3 Guide Rail 3,568 9,951 10,834 11 ,000 9,500 1 ,500 - 4 Railroad Protection 64,664 43,135 75,721 75,000 67,000 8,000 - 6 Edge Marking 39,420 40,762 45,222 51,000 43,000 8,000 - 7 Stump Removal 48,067 27,821 52,109 25,000 23,000 2,000 - TOTALS $2.244.781 $1. 906.819 $2.254.660 $2.457.000 $.2. 197 .000 $260.000 SPECIAL PROJECTS: 487,359 178,994 (A) Road 134, Rehabilitation of Belmont West Bridge 20,000 (County of Elgin Share 50%) (B) Road 17, Engineering, Rehabilitation of Bothwell ?" 5,000 Bridge (County of Elgin Share 27.5%) - $2,482,000 (el' Reserve for Winter Control and Spring Breakup. 151,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $2.244.781 $2.394.178 $2.433.654 $2.633.000 . ;;.. ':''- Jt ASPIIALT RESURFACING MARCH !5, 1990 TOTAL AvAILABLE FOR 1990 $1 , !582 , 000 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMITTEE Road #25 - Wellington Road - As far as funds will allow between Road #52 and Road #48 including geotextile reinforcement and also including surveys and engineering for work and channelization in future years. $ ;WO,OOO TOTAL SUBURBAN $ ~~OO , 000 COUNTY PROJECTS 1. Complete work from 1988 and 1989 on Road #24, Port Bruce $ 10,000 westerly, Township of Malahide and Township of Yarmouth. Shouldering, trim and seeding - this work was not completed last fall. 2. Complete work from 1989 on Road #18 from Highway #4 to 165,000 Green Lane Landfill site, Township of Southwold. Two areas of resurfacing to be completed plus minor ditching, trimming, etc. 3. Complete work from 1989 on Road #14 from Highway #3 to 150,000 Road "'6, Township of Dunwich and Township of Southwold. Two areas of resurfacing (one north of lona Bridge and one just south of Highway #3) plus Shouldering, trimming, etc., from last year. 4. Engineering surveys, etc., for future work. 10,000 TOTAL COUNTY PROJECTS $ 335,000 TOTAL SUBURBAN AND COUNTY PROJECTS - $535,000 NEW WORK New work (as funds are available) must be selected from high priority work (identified after spring break-up). Most work should be tendl~red with the rest of the County work for a mid-May closing. In identifying projects, the following policies of previous Road Committees should be kept in mind as well as the present condition of the Road Section under consideration. Priority should be given to: a. Surface treatment roads (This reduces future maintenance costs by eliminating periodic surface treatements and asphalt patching of edge breakage as well as improving the rideablllty of the Road Section.) b. Old hot mix roads that were 1V2-2" in depth. 'Not only is the surface unable to sustain freeze/thaw action and rutting, the pavement was often placed on inadequate granular base. c. Grader mix mulch roads laid between 1956-1963 that have yet to be resurfaced. (Roads laid previously to 1956 were laid on inadequate base and have inadequate drainage, unwidened road allowances and usually must be reconstructed. ASPHALT RESURFACING MARCH 5, 1990 PROJECTS THAT APPEAR TO BE PRIORITY AT PRESENT TIME (MARCH 1, 1990) 1. Road H46 - Complete work from 1988 Road H44 - Intersection, Bayham Township 2. a. Road H48 mulch, East of Road #47 South Dorchester Township b. Road #54 mulch, Oxford County line from Brownsville Road to Road H47, South Dorchester Township (County of Elgin share; County of Oxford has been notified that this project may proceed.) 3. Road #45 - Smoke Road, Middlemarch to Highway #3 Southwold Township (1 3/4" hot mix laid by Southwold Township). Becoming very rutted and cracked. 4. Road H8, Currie Road, Dutton and Dunwich from south of John Street to Highway H401 including channelization at Road H2. Will require: (a) removal of asphalt; (b) pavement milling; (c) replacement of curb and gutter or a combination of all three in Dutton urban section. PROJECTS 1-4 AVAILABLE after total County and Suburban Projects Page 1 - $1,582,000 535,000 tL_047 . 000 IPAGE 2. $ 125,000 340,000 50,000 400,000 265,000 &L80.000 CONSTRUCTION '~ ~ TOTAL AVAILABLE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: 1. Miscellaneous Surveys and Land Purchase 2. Completion of Road 022 (Fairview Avenue) at Road 027 3. Road 026 (St. George Street) COUNTY OF ELGIN (A) COMPLETION OF WORK FROM PREVIOUS YEARS 1. Middlemiss Bridge 2. Road 02, Dunwich Township 3. Road 014, Middlemiss Bridge Approaches (Southwold and Dunwich Township) 4. Road 032 Malahide Township Railway Crossing Protection (B) LAND PURCHASE 1. Completion of Payments, Road 04 2. Completion of Payments, Road 043 3. Miscellaneous including Land Division severances (Road 045, Smoke Road, Curtis) (CSX Reference Plans, etc.). (C) CONTINUING ENGINEERING AND SURVEYS 1. Road 04, Aldborough Township engineering surveys, fence, stump removal, etc. (If we receive a supplementary by-law for Road 043 construction some funds should be available for work on Road 04.) ,~ $1,459,000 $ 4,000 20,000 18,000 $42.000 $200,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 ~ -- $260.000 $25,000 20,000 20,000 $65.000 $40,000 Conti nued . . . CONSTRUCTION (C) CONTINUING ENGINEERING AND SURVEYS (Continued) 2. Miscellaneous Work, Engineering (Including) (a) Road H8 (approved by Council) (b) Cedar Bend (County of Elgin's share of Catfish Creek Conservation Authority Study Road 624, Port Bruce.) (1989 Miscellaneous Surveys 623,000.) (D) NEW WORK 1. Road 637, Harriestville Drain Bridge South Dorchester; Soils Test, Engineering Stage Fill Construction for Replacement of Structure 1991. (County of Elgin's share 50%.) 2. Road 643, Starting from Concessions IV and V, Malahide Township southerly as funds will permit (will complete to some point south of Road 645); Includes Engineering, Grading, Drainage, Granular Base, Curb and Gutter, Urban in Calton, Base Coat Paving (available funds only budgeted). [Original estimate to complete' approximately $1,100,000.] 3. Engineering for projects beyond those approved by Council: (a) Road 643, Phillmore Bridge location at or near present location. SUMMARY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION (A) COMPLETION OF WORK FROM PREVIOUS YEARS (8) LAND PURCHASE (C) CONTINUING ENGINEERING AND SURVEYS (D) NEW WORK PAGE 2. \~. 25,000 ~.OOO $ 40,000 972,000 ". 15,000 $1.027.000 $ 42,000 260,000 65,000 65,000 1,027,000 $1.459.000 Conti nued . . . CONSTRUCTION PAGE 3. ,~ NOT INCLUDED 1. Road #27, west of Highway #4. 2. Road #35, Orwell Urban. 3. Engineering Studies. a. Road #23, Joseph Street, Port Stanley. b. North east Aylmer By-pass. Environmental Study required. c. Any other new construction other than Road #8 or Phillmore Bridge. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET (A) CONSTRUCTION 1. Miscellaneous Land Purchase and Surveys. 2. Completion of Road 022 (Fairview Avenue) at and near Road 027. [This year work should complete Fairview Avenue project.] 3. Road 026 (St. George Street), Drainage, Paving, Shouldering, Etc. Continuance of previous year(s) work. (B) ASPHALT RESURFACING Road 025 (Wellington Road), area between Road 052 and Road 048 as funds will permit. Including geotexile reinforcement. Engineering for work in future years on Road 025 including intersection channelization, etc. (C) DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 1. Final payments on Municipal Drains Road 026 (St. George Street) Road 022 (FairviewAvenue) [Interim payments have been made to Township of Yarmouth.] TOTAL CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE (As Attached) OVERHEAD (*As in past years the Commission will pay a portion of total County Overhead [does not apply to all items] based on percentage of Suburban construction and maintenance to total Suburban and County construction and maintenance.) Estimated percentage 8.1% TOTAL 1990 BUDGET FOR SUBSIDY ]~ MARCH !5, 1990 4,000 20,000 18,000 ~~oo ,000 50,000 $292,000 260,000 48,000 ~IOO .000 Conti nued. . . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET - MARCH 5, 1990 Total Budget for Subsidy for 1990 Estimated Ministry of Transportation of Ontario SUbsidy on this Budget Municipal Share Share of City of St. Thomas ADD: 50% of Estimated Cost of Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (Total $700.00) ADD: Deficit for 1989 TOTAL SHARE I Mill for the City of St. Thomas will provide for 1990 ESTIMATED DEFICIT TO 1991 PAGE 2. $600,000.00 480,000.00 :$120 ,000 .00 60,000.00 350.00 ~~ 60,350.00 2,671.55 ~~ 63,021. 55 61,900.00 i~ 1.121.55 '1' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE BUDGET SUMMARY MARCH 5, 1990 " ITEM COUNTY OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN TOTAL ELGIN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION $1 ,417 ,000 $ 42,000 $1,459,000 ASPHALT RESURFACING 1,382,000 200,000 1,582,000 DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 25,000 50,000 '75,000 PLEASANT VALLEY PIT RESTORATION 35,000 --- 35,000 MACHINERY AND HOUSING 670,000 --- 670,000 MAINTENANCE 2,373,000 260,000 2,633,000 OVERHEAD 548,000 48,000 596,000 URBAN REBATES 106,000 --- 106,000 16_.556.000 $600.000 $7.156.000 ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 4, 1990 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met on Thursday, January 4, 1990 at 11 :00 a.m. in the Office of the Suburban Road Commission and County Engineer. Commissioners Stokes, Ferguson and Auckland were present. IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. FERGUSON THAT DONALD R. STOKES BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1990. CARRIED. II The Minutes of the meeting of May 9, 1989 were read and approved. IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1990 TO JANUARY 31, 1991 BE $175.00. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: D. R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1990 BE PAID. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. FERGUSON THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $140.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED. II The Engineer presented the attached report and commented on it. Chairman Stokes noted that he would forward a copy of the report to the City of St. Thomas. Continued . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 4, 1990 PAGE 2. Members discussed proposed work around the area of St. Thomas particularly in light of the present annexation request by the City. It was felt that in the next few months that the timing and extent of the annexation would become much more evident. The Engineer noted that money would be required to complete drainage work (Drainage Assessments by the Township of Yarmouth) on St. George Street and for some drainage work on St. George Street hill for erosion purposes. Some money would also be required for the completion of work at the intersection of County Road #22 and County Road #27. Expansion of the Suburban system would depend upon the extent of the construction and the asphalt resurfacing program undertaken by the Commission. The Engineer reported that the Ministry of Transportation adjusted assessment for the City of St. Thomas had been increased from $105.8 million to $123.8 million, an increase of 17.1%. Contributions from the City will now amount to $61,900, up from $52,900 in 1989. Because subsidy allocations have not yet been received from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, it was not known the prevailing subsidy rate and thus it was difficult to estimate the extent of the Suburban Commission Budget for 1990. The Budget will also be dependent upon the amount of deficit carryover due to Winter Control, etc., from 1989. IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. FERGUSON THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION TOTALLING $61,900 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 1990. CARRIED. II The Commission agreed to meet in early February if at all possible and to finalize a budget in early March. The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. . . CHAIRMAN [ I \ ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAn C(J4MISSION REPORT JANUARY 4, 1990 1. The Suburban Road Commission presently has control of the following roads: Road ##16 - Fro~ the intersection of Road ##201 in Flngal to the Fin~al Bridge at St. Thomas. Road ##25 _ (W~llington Road) From the junction of Highway ##3 and ##4 to the Middlesex County Boundary. Road ##26 - (St. George Street) From the St. Thomas Boundary to Wellington Road (Road ##25). Road ##52 - From Highway ##3 easterly to Highway ##73. Road ##31 - From the St. Thomas Boundary to Road ##52. Road ##30 - (Rad io Road) From the St. ThomalS Boundary to County Road ##48. Road ##28 _ (Centennial Avenue) From Highway ##3 to Elm Street. Road ##56 - (Elm Street) From the St. Thom,as City Llmi ts to County Road ##36. Road ##57 - (Southdale Road) From Highway ##4 to County Road ##22 (Fairview). Road ##22 - (Fairview) From the St. Thomas Boundary to County Road ##27 (Union/Sparta Road) including the jlntersection of the Union/Sparta Road. 2. Road ##30 (Radio Road) north of Road ##45 continues to be under the control of the County as a top coat of asphalt and considerable cleanup work remains. The County will apply for a Supplementary By-Law in 1990 to complete this work to the Middlesex County Line. 3. The Commission Budget of $478,000 will be overspent because of the severe winter conditions in December. 4. The Commission has completed in 1989 appro:Kimately 1 km of asphalt pavement on Road ##57 (Southdale). Additional work is dependent upon a Drainage Engineer'S Report for drainage work required near Highway ##4. 5. The Township of Yarmouth, under its Sanitalry Sewer Contract, asphalt paved Road ##26 (St. George Street]i. This improved the rideability of the road consiperably. ,~ \ I .11 COUNTY OF ELGIN - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT (JANUARY 4, 1990) "~ .JfII4. PAGE 2. 1 5. The Commission placed curb and gutter for traffic control at several curves and at the intersection of Nathan and Ryan StrE!ets. A number of utility poles (Ontario Hydro) were moved ~rhich added considerably to ~he safety of the road. Four Municipal Drains were petitioned for to the Township of Yarmouth and included Township and private participation. Three of these reports have been received, approved and contracts awarded and .. construction work other than cleanup completed. Cleanup, sodding, etc., will be completed by the Township contractors in the spring. The Commission has made interim payments of $94,000 to the Township. (With the remaining Drain, it is likely $50,000 will be required for the rest of the Drainage Assessments.) Some construction and drainage on the St. George Street hill is still also required. 6. The Commission has paid for a portion of the work on Road ##22 (Fairview Avenue) at the intersection of Road ##27. All paving has been completed but there will be cleanup and seeding work in the spring and some utility movement costs. 7. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has not as yet made its subsidy allocations and until these are received, a 1990 budget cannot be presented. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED I R. G. MOORE', '(ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSESSMENT Assessment with equalization factors made in 198!), 1986 and 1987 averaged and used by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for "Assessment Values" in their formulas for Ministry of Transportation of Ontario grants to Counties in 1990. Assessment made in 1988 used for local municipal purposes in 1989 and County purposes in 1990. Assessment made in 1989 used for local purposes in 1990.