1991 Suburban Road Committee , V.L I I VI \J I. I nVIYII"'I,\J , I ,,~ I \J-~ I , '" "+ 1l"'IVI , 0,;)" 1:1 V I ~,"'? ;;) 11:1 0 iJ '" I;) I;) I ,H (. i;'CI'ER J. L!AOK, A.M.C.T. City Clerk Oft,lc& of the Clerk P.O. Box 1502, City HaJI st, Thoma!, Ontario NSP 3V1 Telephone (S19) 631-1680 Fax (519) 633,901 9 \ Corporation of the City of St. Thomas December 3rd, 1991 Mr. Donald R. S~okes 19 Paulson Court ST. THOMAS, Ontario NSR lNl , Re : St. Thomas Suburban. Roads. .Commission Dear Mr. Stokes: Please be advised that the Council of the City of St~ Thomas has appointed you to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Con~isBion for the years January 31st, 1992 through January 31st, 1995~ Your interest in serving your community is most appreciated. \~~ P. J. Leack City Clerk PJL/bab pc/Robert G. Moore, County Enqineer : i : I I ! ; i :1 Ii ;; ;: I' i ~' ! :: I: Corporation of the County of Elgin Moved by DECEMBER 18, 1991 No .....Q............. Seconded by .i THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTy COUNCIL THATI1t.f2F~T /l(.lt:)oLA~E APPOINT~___.__._.. TO THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION AS THE COUNTY OF ELGIN APPOINTEE FOR THE ---'----------- ~ -~- ----------- ---- ---_...._.._._.._,._~._-~-._. ~~_._-,.- TERM BEGINNING FEBRUARY 1, 1992 FOR A THREE YEAR TERM. --------~--_.._----_.._.._-_._--"...- -.--'*."-- y~~~= 1 . - Corporation of the County of Elgin " C;' ~ l' Ttt~31')L\f .!(l/lliC!b7-: No............ ........... ........ ._...... .Session 19~ Seconded by f: -"0' - f//; r~ '0' .'.' ~- ,-, . co,''"' .,--~ ~?(5"'~~-J ~> ~""". U ~- ! ,~-/ , /1. ,\.....-....'1-:-4 ,:._ '.,.. - ,-' Vc.".v' - '..~L~"" ..j lVloved by THAT WE RECOMMEND TO SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION THAT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND. A PAST PRESIDENT OF THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION BE NAMED A HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION. (v , '. _ \.:~_",,,,J'\ ,< . ' r~!\..-..../"",r..._>" -~- ,/aej I [ III ROBERT G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631.5880 FAX NO. 1-519-633-7661 August 14, 1991 Suburban Road Commission Association c/o Mr. Allan R. Holmes, County Engineer County of Wellington Administration Centre 74 Woolwich Street Guelph, Ontario NIH 3R9 Gentlemen: The following resolution was passed by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission at a meeting on August 9th: "Moved by: Seconded by: R. Ferguson D. Stokes That we recommend to the Suburban Roads Commission Association that Mr. Albert Auckland, a past President of the Suburban Roads Commission Association, be named as a Honourary Member of the Association." Carried." We would be most pleased if the Association would take the matter in hand and make Albert Auckland an Honorary Member of the Association. Many thanks. Yours truly, RGM:kab R. G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 9, 1991 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Office of the Suburban Engineer at 10:00 a.m., Friday, August 9, 1991. All members were present. The Minutes of the meeting of March 7th were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the City of St. Thomas with approval of the half mill levy. 2. Ministry of Transportation of Ontario with approval of the Suburban Road system, affective January 1, 1991. 3. Resignation of Allan Holmes as Secretary of the Suburban Road Commission Association as he has accepted a position with the Grand Valley Conservation Authority. 4. Retirement of the Elgin County Engineer. "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION THAT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND, A PAST PRESIDENT OF THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION, BE NAMED A HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION. CARRIED. " THE COMMISSION ADJOURNED TO INSPECT VARIOUS SUBURBAN ROADS WHICH INCLUDED: County Road #16, surface treatment between Fingal Bridge and Road #20 in Fingal. Road #25 (Wellington Road) paving in two locations, one south of the Highway #3 expressway and the other north of County Road #48. 1bat the project on Wellington Road should include the pipe culvert replacement at the Underhill Drain north of Highway #3 expressway and intersection treatments at Road #48 and Road #52. As much work as possible should be included in the 1992 budget. Road #30 (Radio-Hubrey Road) was inspected. The County of Middlesex was engaged in the construction of another two blocks north of the work completed last year. A second coat of pavement had been placed north of the Belmont/Glanworth Road by the County of Middlesex. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 9, 1991 PAGE 2. Road #28 (Centennial Avenue). Although improvements were needed on Centennial Avenue no scheduling could be done until such time as sanitary sewers were installed. As a considerable portion of Elm Street (Road #56) west of Centennial Avenue had been assumed by the City of St. Thomas the jurisdiction of the Commission on Elm Street was considerably reduced. Road #57 (Southdale Road) was inspected. All construction other than some minor trimming and seeding had been completed. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN . ilJIR~ CHAIRMAN Ontario ~inistry ~inistere of des' Transportation Transports 659 Exeter Road (Hwy. #135) Box 5338, London, Ontario N6A 5H2 (519) 681-1441 April 8, 1991 R. G. Moore County Engineer County of E.Igin Elgin County Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R .5V1 Dear 8.1 r : Re: Resolution: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Please find attached, your approved resolution designating the following county road sections as suburban roads: Roa,d #'s 16, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 56 & .57. This resolution was approved effective March 21, 1991, by our Regional Director, R. Puccini. Yours truly ((. LKt:/ R.E. Stock Senior Municipal Supervisor District #2, London Attach. ST. 1lIOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE FOLLOWING ROADS BE DESIGNATED AS SUBURBAN ROADS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1991; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO: 1. ROAD #16 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY (KETTLE CREEK) TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #20, FINGAL. 2. ROAD #22 - (FAIRVIEW AVENUE) FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #27. 3. ROAD #25 - (WELLINGTON ROAD) FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BOUNDARY BEING THE CENTRE OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN THE TOWNLINE OF WESTMINSTER AND THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. 4. ROAD #26 - (ST. GEORGE STREET) FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY (KETTLE CREEK) TO THE EAST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #25. 5. ROAD #28 - FROM THE SOUTH LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #3 TO THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #45. 6. ROAD #30 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY TO THE. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX BOUNDARY BEING THE CENTRE OF THE ROAD BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH AND THE TOWN OF WESTMINSTER. 7. ROAD #31 - FROM THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUNDARY TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #52. 8. ROAD #56 - (ELM STREET) FROM THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS EASTERLY TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #36. 9. ROAD #57 - (SOUTHDALE ROAD) FROM THE EAST LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #4 TO THE WEST LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #22. I, ROBERT G. MOORE SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A CERTIFIED COpy OF"A RESOLUTION PASSED ON DECEMBER 7, 1990 BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ,?c/. a4':f";.!2~:..'?,/ ,~~, ~,G..,-,~~ ~.l.~~ R. G. MOORE, l ETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 7, 1991 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Engineer's Office at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, March 7, 1991. Present Commissioners A. Auckland and D. R. Stokes and the Suburban Commission Engineer. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT DONALD STOKES BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1991. CARRIED. " "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1990 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." The Commissioners and the Engineer discussed various future plans for Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario as discussed and presented at the Ontario Suburban Road Commission meeting at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention in February. The Engineer reported that winter control had been moderately heavy. The First Report of the County of Elgin Road Committee to February Session of Elgin County Council was reviewed and the following resolution passed. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES OF Trill ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AS DETAILED IN THE FIRST REPORT OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE TO THE FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION ()F ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR INFORMATION. CARRIED. " The Report to the County of Elgin Road Committee dated March 15, 1991 was reviewed and the following resolutions passed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 7, 1991 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE INFORMED THAT THE 1/2 MILL LEVY WILL BE REQUIRED FOR SUBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $675,200.00 AS DETAILED IN THE MARCH 15, 1991 REPORT TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. BUDGET $67~,000.00 SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AND $1,200.00 NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO. CARRIED." The Commission adjourned to the call of the Chairman. idc:~~-.._- PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1991 ROAD AND BRIDGE BUDGET (NORMAL EXPENDITURE ONLY) (INCLUDES $10,000 OVEREXPENDITURE TO EARN MAXIMUM SUBSIDY) MARCH 15, 1991 ITEM COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL Construction Including Road, Bridge and Asphalt Resurfacing $3,734,300 $309,500 $4,043,800 Road and Bridge Maintenance 2,333,200 280,000 2,613,200 Urban Rebates 632,000 109,500 588,000 120,000 126,000 62,000 694,000 Overhead Drainage Assessment 22,500 132,000 New Machinery Housing (Salt Building, Etc.) 588,000 120,000 126,000 Items Not Subisidized by M.T.O. Net (Other than overexpenditure included in construction total above.) $7,643,000 3,000 $674,000 1,200 $8,317,000 4,200 SUB-TOTAL TOTAL $7,646,000 $675,200 $8,321,200 In addition a number of supplementary allocations have been applied for and have yet to receive Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approval. The budget will be increased to the extent of these approvals. Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy contribution towards the normal budget has been set at $6,608,000. The City of St. Thomas contribution toward the Suburban Roads Commission, including items not subisidized is estimated at $68,000. Total $6,676,000. A County road levy has been recommended by Committee (February 22, 1991) in the amount of $1,700,000 to meet the County's obligation after the deduction of Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy, City of St. Thomas contribution and all receipts, etc. PAGE 2. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1991 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) MARCH 15, 1991 For Information Only: Federal Budget has increased U.I.C. by $9,000 from Draft of . February 2~, 1991; other amounts unchanged. These amounts included in Construction and MaintenancE! Estimates. 1991 ITEM 1988 1989 1990 ESTIMATE Holidays With Pay: , ',' (A) Annual - Regular Employees $117,324 $130,373 $145,682 $172,000 (B) Annual - Casual Employees 8,738 10,841 13,983 15,000 (C) Statutory - Regular Employees 67,242 75,904 83, 195 90,000 (D) Statutory - Casual Employees 5,510 5,806 11,847 14,000 (E) Compassionate Leave 1 ,761 3,245 4,105 4,000 (F) Jury 188 724 690 NIL Sick Benefits 50,856 81,932 54,888 62,000 Para-Med Services 664 3,774 320 NIL Inclement Weather, Standby, Etc. 7,888 3,652 5,567 5,000 Safety Equipment 11,121 12,472 15,956 11 ,000 Workers' Compensation Insurance 40,743 44,050 48,762 52,500 Canada Pension - Regular Employees 29,960 36,246 32,478 35,000 Canada Pension - Casual Employees NIL NIL 7,008 7,500 O.M.E.R.S. - Regular Employees 95,336 104,074 105,790 110,000 O.M.E.R.S. - Casual Employees NIL NIL 2,261 2,500 U.I.C. - Regular Employees 58,700 51,896 49,589 59,500 U.I.C. - Casual Employees NIL NIL 11,634 14,500 Health Tax and Semi-Private Coverage 36, 183 38,913 55,789 56,000 E.H.C. 21 ,488 24,851 27,482 33,400 L.T.D. 20,994 28,443 26,556 33,000 Life Insurance 5,549 6,207 9,245 11,600 Dental 9,002 12, 150 17,571 16,500 Employment Medicals NIL 57 65 NIL - $589.247 $675.610 $730.463 $805,000 1990 Actual Labour was $2,298,140, and Net Labour was $1,978,183. Payroll Burden was $730,463. Percentage on Net Labour was 36.93%. (Estimate in 1990 was Total Labour of $2,260,000, Net Labour ~/as $1,926,000 and Estimated Burden of 38.9% with computer set at 39%.) 1991 Estimated Payroll Burden is $805,000. Total estimated Labour is $2,480,000 with Net Labour at $2,118,000. Overhead percentage estimated at 38.0%. Computer will remain set at 39%. PAGE 3. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1991 BUDGET - NOT FOR SUBSIDY MARCH 15, 1991 NO CHANGE FROM DRAFT - FEBRUARY 22, 1991 PHILLMORE LOW WATER CROSSING ADMINISTRATION CHARGES - CLERK'S OFFICE HOSPITALITY EXPENSES CONTRIBUTIONS AND RETIREMENTS INSURANCE NOT SUBSIDIZED BY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO MEMBERSH I PS A.' SICK TIME PAYOUT URBAN REBATES MISCELLANEOUS UNSUBSIDIZED EXPENDITURES OVEREXPENDITURE TO EARN MAXIMUM SUBSIDY 1990 EXPENDITURE $ 5,000 1 ,472 1 ,846 317 1991 ESTIMATE $ --- 2,600 500 8,589 383 11 ,756 1 ,538 5,344 11 ,423 10,500 400 10,000 1,000 10,000 $47,668 $35,000 LESS: CREDITS, ROAD #18 ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE 20 , 120 22,000 NET $27,548 $13,000 OF THIS AMOUNT ($13,000), $10,000 IS INCLUDED IN NORMAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET. 1990 BUDGET WAS $22,000. (PHILLMORE LOW WATER CROSSING WAS NOT BUDGETED FOR.) PAGE 4. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS MARCH IS, 1991. NO CHANGE FROM DRAFT OF FEBRUARY 22, ,1991 1991 M.T.O. ALLOCATION $87,500 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN: (a) Flexen Drain, Road #26 [Balance] (b) Berry Drain, Road #57 (Southdale) $13,600 (Cost Will Overrun] (c) Bowlby-Fulcher, Road #16 5 , 500 .' 16,200 , 800 TOTAL SUBURBAN $22.500 COUNTY: Moore, Road #45 (Smoke Road) Southwold 26,500 Orwell North, Road #35 Orwell South, Road #35 [Estimate] 34,000 McCutcheon Drain Lot 25, Concession IV, Yarmouth 15,000 800 Douglas, Road #8 South Wallacetown, Dunwich 21,000 Slack, Road #3, Aldborough Interim of $8,000 Paid [Balance] 2,500 Miscellaneous and Over Expenditures 9,700 TOTAL COUNTY $109,500 REQUIREMENTS: COUNTY ROADS $ 22,500 109,500 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS $132.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1991 BUDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) PAGE 5. MARCH 15, 1991 NO CHANGE FROM DRAFT - FEBRUARY 22, 1991 OPERATION 1988 Superintendence * $148,062 (*Includes Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Two Vehicles.) Health and Safety NIL Clerical 87,564 Garage and Whites Station Property 118,386 Office 31,535 Computer 5,508 Tools 31,539 Radio 6,110 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 12,274 Training Courses 8,185 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,384 Fringes Not Charged To Operations Deferred Time NIL NIL NIL Permits TOTALS $451 .547 1989 $163,474 NIL 110,337 133,235 34,406 4,226 24, 142 5,671 22,666 31,245 2,356 1990 1991 ESTIMATE $191,154 $192,000 NIL 15,000 121,183 128,700 133,312 143,000 39,957 43,000 3,589 3,500 27,442 29,000 7,321 6,000 16,070 14,000 39,844 45,000 2,407 2,500 32,229 40,585 CR. NIL NIL 10,203 2,300 3,220 CR. 2,500 CR. NIL $560.767 1549,397 $624,000 WITHOUT RETIREMENT BENEFITS AND FRINGES AND DEFERRED TIME NOT CHA,RGED TO OPERATIONS: 1988 - $451,547 1989 - $528,538 1990 - $579,729 1991 - $622,000 (BUDGET $584,000) Reserve for Retirement Benefits. One employee, Kenneth Abbott, is scheduled to retire in 1991. He will receive credit for 50% of his "old" sick credits upon termination. This payment amounts to approximately $3,150.00. In addition, it is normal to carry a reserve until late in the year in case someone else with time leaves the County's employment. There are 18 employees with varying amounts of credits. Payment plus reserve. Reserve for additional superintendent and clerical assistance, internal equity and pay equity. Reserve for Road Department share (if any) of computer installation. COUNTY OF ELGIN SHARE - $632,000 TOTAL RESERVE TOTAL OVERHEAD $ 12,000 58,000 $ 70.000 $694.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1991 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH 15, 1991 NO CHANGE FROM DRAFT - FEBRUARY 22, 1991 (Maintenance Comparisons for 1988, 1989 and 1990 include County and Suburban Road Expenditures and also include Payroll Burden.) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1988 1989 1990 1991 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS ~ ' A - Bridge and Culverts - 1 Bridges $ 66,066 $ 59, 140 $ 44,203 $ 130,000 $ 103,000 $ 27,000 - 2 Culverts 30,725 13,001 28,299 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 96, 180 108,605 122,443 125,000 116,500 8,500 - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing 110,659 167,442 115,241 165,000 159,000 6,000 - 4 Drainage 114,942 142,879 140,611 150,000 142,000 8,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance 13,511 16,723 20,431 22,000 17,000 5,000 - 6 Tree Planting 7,211 7,550 7,504 1,000 1,000 - 7 Drainage Assessments 3,532 1 ,287 436 1 ,000 1 ,000 - 11 Weed Spraying 824 746 57 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Miscellaneous Repairs 57,004 44,268 49,485 60,000 48,000 12,000 - 2 Sweeping 35,389 28,700 44,936 45,000 41,500 '3,500 - 3 Application of Shoulder Gravel 92,323 103,002 56,679 106,000 90,000 16,000 - 4 Surface Treatment 122,926 127,027 84,473 100,000 52,000 48,000 - 5 Shoulder Maintenance Including 23,538 31 ,479 10,580 30,000 26,000 4,000 -0 :J> Grading en IT1 - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Patching 73,537 30 , 162 253,072 100,000 90,000 10,000 en . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1991 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH 15, 1991 NO CHANGE FROM DRAFT- FEBRUARY 22, 1991 OPERATION 1988 1989 1990 1991 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS D - Gravel Road Maintenance ' . - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 47,927 62,102 71,290 75,000 71,000 4,000 - 3 Dust Control 84,912 88,963 118,240 120,000 114,000 6,000 - 4 Prime 6,300 8,875 10,526 12,000 8,000 4,000 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 111 ,626 156,335 254,934 108,000 100,000 8,000 E - Winter Control Total 482,938 652,652 638,057 730,000 660,000 70,000 - 1 Snow Plowing 119,205 139,752 179,941 - 2 Sanding and Salting 315,309 466,807 399,910 - 3 Snow Fence 10,257 415 712 CR. - 4 Standby and Night Crew 38, 167 45,678 58,918 F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking Centreline 44,516 55,639 50,730 56,000 46,500 9,500 - 2 Signs and Signals 158,564 164 , 197 159,494 168,000 159,000 9,000 - 3 Gu ide Ra i 1 9,951 10,834 20,747 20,000 16,000 4,-000 - 4 Railroad Protection 43 , 135 75,721 69,875 84,000 79,000 5,000 - 6 Edge Marking (Pavement) 40,762 45,222 42, 171 47,000 39,500 7,500 - 7 Stump Removal 27,821 52,109 24,756 25,000 20,000 5,000 -0 )> en rT"1 TOTAL $1,906,819 $2,254,660 $2,439,270 $2,480,000 $2,200,000 $280,000 """'-J . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT .1991 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH 15, 1991 'NO CHANGE FROM DRAFT - FEBRUARY 22, 1991 OPERATION 1988 1989 1990 1991 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS SPECIAL PROJECTS: 487,359 178,994 127,985 ~ Reserve for increased Repairs to 133,200 133,200 Pavements and Spring Breakup. TOTAL MAINTENANCE $2.394.178 $2.433.654 $2.567.255 $2.613.200 $2.333.200 $280,000 -0 )::lo G> I'T1 CXJ . PAGE 9. MAINTENANCE BUDGET PROPOSED 1991 MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MARCH 15, 1991 (A) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: 1. Bridges and Culverts (a) Major repairs to inlet and outlet Wellington Road (Road #25) Reid structural plate culvert. 2. Surface Treatment (a) Road #16 from St. Thomas limits to Fingal - 10.5 Km. (b) Hot mix patching - Suburban system to be examined after Spring breakup for priorities. If additional (over $10,000) funds are required they will have to be taken from construction projects. 3. Prime (a) Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) north of Southdale. (b) Road #56 east of Centennial Avenue. (Same as in 1990.) 4. Gravel Resurfacing (a) Gravel as required on Roads #28 and #56. 5. Stump Removal (a) Continuing previous programmes from available funds. 6. Shoulder Gravel (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) northerly 4 Km. (B) COUNTY ROADS: 1. Bridge Maintenance (a) Miscellaneous bridges (regular work). (b) Replace deck expansion seals, Road #46, Knotts Mill Bridge. (c) Repair delaminations, Warren Street Bridge, Road #21, Kains Bridge (50\ City Bridge). 2. Culvert Maintenance (a) Inlet culvert Road #5, 2.3 Km south of Walkers Bridge. (b) Repair railing and culvert ends Clayton-Farrow Drain, Road #48 South Dorchester. 3. Shoulder Gravel (a) Continuing programme with funds available. Including: Road #14 from Highway #3 to Road #13. Road #19. Road #35 - North of Jaffa (1 Km). Road #40 - Mount Salem to Highway #3. Road #45 - Mount Salem to Calton. Portions of Road #2 - West of Road #8. Portion of Road #46 and Road #47. PAGE 10. MAINTENANCE BUDGET- MARCH 15, 1991 PROPOSED 1991 MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES (B) COUNTY ROADS: 4. Surface Treatment (a) Approximately 10 Km. Including: Road #20 - Shedden north of Highway #3. Road #14 - Iona Station to Road #13. Road #52 - Springfield. Portions of Road #46 and Repair of other Spring Breakups. 5. Machine Hot Mix (a) Section identified after Spring breakup. Additional funds from maintenance reserve if not all used for winter control. 6. Gravel Resurfacing (Spring and Fall) (a) Road #18, east of Road #19. (b) Road #48, South Dorchester, east of Highway #74. (c) Road #48, Yarmouth Township, approximately 4.5 ~n. (d) Road #35, north of Orwell. (e) Portion of Road #55 (Haldimand-Norfolk Townline) [*If extensive surface treatment not required on portion north lOf Road #38.] 7. Stump Removal (a) Continue with programme as funds are available. 1991 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BUDGET (A) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: 1. Road #57 (Southdale Road) - Granular Base, Asphalt Paving, Landscape, Etc. 2. Road #25 (Wellington Road) - Asphalt Resurface north of Road #48 to Middlesex County including channelization at County Line; Engineering, Surveys, Etc., for other work on Wellington Road including pipe arch culvert replacement and intersection channelization. 3. Miscellaneous Surveys and Land Purchase. (B) COUNTY BRIDGES: 1. Bothwell Bridge Repairs (County of Elgin's Share of Kent County's Project). 2. Road #37, Harrietsville Drain Bridge Continuing with Gravel Loading, Etc. 3. Road #45, Players Culvert - Replacement of Pipe Culvert with new crossing of Road #45 or alternative. 4. Engineering, Phillmore Bridge, Road #43. 5. Road #42, Malahide Township - Replacement of structural pipe culvert at Lakeview. 6. Road #40 - Payment of Utility Movement, Silver Creek replacement (1990 work). (C) COUNTY ROADS: (Carryover) 1. Road #14 - Approaches at the Middlemiss Bridge (Utility Movements). 2. Road #43 - Completion. 3. Land Purchase: (a) Road #4 and Road #43. (b) Miscellaneous severances: Road #43 Phillmore, Road #45, Road #18 Land Purchase and Surveying for future work. 4. Surveys: (a) Road #8 ~ Construction (previously authorized by Council). (b) Miscellaneous Engineering. PAGE 11. MARCH 15, 1991 $4,043,800 $162,000 144,500 3,000 $309,500 $ 40,000 45,000 155,000 43,400 90,000 600 $374,000 $ 1,300 320,000 37,000 35,000 6,000 12,000 $411.300 1991 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET (D) COUNTY ASPHALT RESURFACING: (Carryover and completion of 1990 work.) 1. Road #18 - Highway #4 westerly. 2. Road #45 (Smoke Road). 3. Road #48 - East of Road #49. 4. Road #14 - Highway #3 southerly to Road #16. 5. Road #8 - North of Highway #401. (E) COUNTY ASPHALT RESURFACING: (New Work.) 1. Road '#8 - Dutton southerly from north limit of Dutton as required to Road #15 intersection. 2. Road #2 - Aldborough, West Lorne and Rodney. West limit of curb and gutter in West Lorne to curb and gutter at Road #3 intersection in Rodney. (F) 1. Surveys for new work as authorized by Council. 2. Any additional cost of asphalt patching, etc., because of a severe Spring breakup. 3. Winter control beyond those budgeted for or provided for in the reserve. 4. Any additional funds beyond the engineering funds ($43,400) in the budget and supplementary allocation provided by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario toward the construction of the Phi11more Bridge on Road #43 if the Committee feels it is desirable to proceed with construction. 5. Road #4 - Construction. 6. Any betterment other than Southda1e Road. 7. Stage improvements to Road #37 (50% Middlesex to be approached to pay their share). TOTAL CONSTRUCTION' 'A' 'B' t C t t D' tEl 'F' $ 309,500 374,000 411,300 497,000 1,050,000 1,402,000 TOTAL $4,043,800 PAGE 12. MARCH 15, J.991 $ 50,000 50,000 15,000 2,000 380,000 $497,000 $ 300,000 750,000 $1,050,000 $ 10,000 $1,402,000 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET CONSTRUCTION: 1. Road #57 (Southdale) - Granular Base, Asphalt Paving, Landscape, Etc. 2. Land Purchase, Miscellaneous Surveys, Etc. 3. Road #25 (Wellington Road) - Asphalt Resurfacing includes Surveys, Engineering, Etc., for future work FIXED COSTS: 1. Maintenance of Suburban Road system. 2. Overhead - Suburban Road system portion of County Overhead total. 3. Drainage Assessments: (a) Road #26 - Flexen Drain. (b) Road #57 - Berry Drain. (c) Road #16 - Bowlby-Fulcher. TOTAL Budget subsidized @ 80% by M.T.O. Estimated share of City of St. Thomas of Suburban Road Commission Budget (10%) Items Not Subsidized by the M.T.O. are estimated at $1,200.00 - City's share 50%. Add: Deficit from 1990 1/2 Mill from City of St. Thomas will Provide in 1991 DEFICIT TO 1992 PAGE 13. DRAFT MARCH 15, 1991 $162,000 3,000 144,500 $309.500 $280,000 62,000 22,500 $364.500 $674,000 $67,400.00 600.00 7,161.30 $75,161.30 73,700.00 $ 1.461.30 ~." COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTtE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1990. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, etc., have been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. (*See Note on Page 7.) CONSTRUCTION (A) BRIDGES 1. Middlemiss Bridge over Thames River, Road #14, Dunwich and Southwold Townships. Construction and engineering costs (County of Elgin's share). 1988 and 1989 costs totalled $1,069,072.87 and thus total cost to County of Elgin was $1,207,091.90. $ 138,019.03 2. Harrietsville Drain Bridge, Road #37 South Dorchester Township, engineering land purchase and placement of gravel (County of Elgin's share only). 3. Silver Creek culvert replacement, Road #40, Lots, 20 and 21, Concession IV, Township of Malahide. 61,355.76 126,598.20 4. Taits Bridge environmental study, etc., Dunwich Township (County of Elgin's share). Additional cost in 1988 and 1989 $20,165.41. 7,231.74 5. Lings Bridge, engineering, Lot 40, East of Talbot Road North Branch, Township of Southwold. 17,797.48 6. Phillmore Bridge placement, Road #43, Malahide and Bayham Townships - engineering. 6,632.08 TOTAL A $ 357,634.29 (B) ROADS 1. Road #2, Dunwich Township. Grading, granular base, hot mix paving, etc. (Cost from 1987 to 1990 $1,185,801.42.) Project completed. 2. Road #14, Dunwich and Southwold Townships; south approaches to Middlemiss Bridge. Project completed. 3. Road #30 (Radio Road), Township of Yarmouth land purchase, grading, granular base, paving, Glanworth Drain culvert, etc. . (Project cost 1988 to 1990 $1,071,541.08.) Project completed. 32,771.27 25,691.79 271,169.30 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMItTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20s 1991 SESSION PAGE 2. (B) ROADS (Continued) 4. Road #43s Townships of Malahide and Bayham opposite Concessions III and IVs Malahide Township and Concessions III and IVs Bayham Township engineerings gradings granular bases drainages hot mixs pavings etc. 1s040s446.52 5. Road #4s westerly from Rodney in Township of Aldborough; engineering Morden Drain culverts clearing grubbings drainages etc. 111,677.54 6. Road #32s Township of Malahide. County of Elgin's share of flashing light signs at Canadian National Railway crossing. 7. Land purchase and legal land surveyings etc. Road #4s Road #43s etc. 7s689.94 32s386.37 8. Surveys and engineering, Road #8, Township of Dunwich, north of Highway #401 for future construction and resurfacing. 9. Miscellaneous surveys on various projects. 6,654.96 21,243.17 TOTAL B $1s549,730.86 (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING, ETC. 1 . Road #24, Malahide and Yarmouth Townships. 451.33 Port Bruce westerly, top coat of asphalt. Project completed. 2. Road #46, Township of Bayhams Road #38 to 2,605.49 Highway #3s engineering. 3. Road #14 (portions) from Highway #3 to Road #16. 172,951.33 Townships of Southwold and Dunwich; some shoulderings etc., remains. 4. Road #18, Township of Southwold westerly from 132,548.89 Highway #4 to Green Lane Landfill Site, shoulderings etc., remains. 5. Road #48, Township of South Dorchesters 294,514.56 Road #49 easterly. 6. Road #54, Township of South Dorchesters 42,486.85 South-West Oxford Townline (County of Elgin's share) . 7. Road #45, Township of Southwolds Road #16 to 298,090.09 Highway #3 (Smoke Road). 8. Road #52, Malahide-South Dorchester Townline, 243.55 Highway #73 to Highway #74, cleanup 1989 work. Project completed. 9. Road #8s Township of Dunwich. 522s239.63 (a) Village of Dutton to Highway #401. (b) Road Allowance between Concession IV and Gore to Road #9. (c) Sections in Concessions I and II. Project is not completed. - TOTAL C $1 s 466, 131 . 72 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 3. (D) MISCELLANEOUS 1. Credit Machinery Ownership costs, etc. 2. Credits from Accounts Receivable, miscellaneous Machinery Accounts, etc. 3. New and used machinery and major repairs to equipment presently owned. 4. Landscaping at Whites Station Garage. 5. Completion of storage buildings, Whites Station Garage, engineering, etc., for replacement of salt storage building. 6. Repairs to roof, main Garage building, Whites Station. 69,176.73 CR. 44,591.41 CR. 490,363.06 33,916.63 143, 180.21 19,986.00 7. Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit restoration not charged to the cost of stockpiled material. 8. Drainage Assessments charged against County Roads. 7,335.34 19,445.69 TOTAL 0 TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION $ 600,458.79 $3,973,955.66 (E) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION 1 . Land purchase including Road #26 (St. George 1,025.70 Street) . 2. Miscellaneous Surveys. 4,886.65 3. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), Township of 27,556.96 Yarmouth, construction. Project completed (finally). 4. Road #26 (St. George Street) construction including curb and gutter work at intersection and curves, engineering work, utility relocation, miscellaneous work. Project completed. 5. Drainage Assessments, Road #22 and Road #26. 6. Road #25 (Wellington Road), Southwold and Yarmouth Townships; engineering and resurfacing sections from Road #52 to Road #48. 47,896.81 48,486.33 212,685.76 TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION $ 342,538.21 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION $4,316,493.87 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS PAGE 4 . *NOTE: Letters and Numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Account Numbers. COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS A - CULVERTS AND BRIDGES - 1 Bridge Maintenqnce 29,745.43 3,546.20 - 1 Bridge Inspections 2,673.22 228.86 - 1 Bridge Cleaning and Washing 6,994.55 1,014.92 - 2 Culvert Maintenance 15,117.23 7601.94 - 2 Culvert Inspections Including Pipe Arches, Etc. 6,060.61 325.67 - 2 Superspan Inspections and Engineering, Pipe Arch Culvert Rep1acementJ~ngineering 6,034.53 B - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, Etc. - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) -11 Weed Spraying TOTAL 33,291.63 2,902.08 8,009.47 15,878.17 6,386.28 6,034.53 114,651.59 7,791.62 122,443.21 106,368.85 8,871.69 115,240.54 134,535.93 6,07S.01 140,610.94 16,075.57 4,354.97 20,430.54 7,101.84 402.08 7,503.92 435.66 435.66 57.24 57.24 C - HARD TOP MAINTENANCE (PAVED ROADS) - 1 Repairs to Pavement (General Patching, Etc.) - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shoulder Maintenance (Gravelling) - 4 Surface Treatment - 5 Shoulder Maintenance, General Grading, Etc.) - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Asphalt Patching 40,624.76 8,860.01 49,484.77 41,813.06 3,12~~.85 44,935.91 52,021.03 4,658.06 56,679.09 78,062.98 6,409.90 84,472.88 10,368.11 211.36 10,579.47 155,425.88 97,645.91 253,071.79 179,940.49 399,909.66 711.66 CR. 5,877.24 58,918.46 60,345.19 638,056.95 1988 Winter Control - $482,938 1989 Winter Control - $565.846 D - LOOSE TOP MAINTENANCE (GRAVEL ROADS) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control (Salt Brine) - 4 Dust Control (Prime) - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 68,115.97 113,069.12 8,177.65 252,087.98 3,17~).92 5,170.61 2,348.09 -- 2,846.10 E - WINTER CONTROL - 1 Snowp1owing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Winter Standby TOTAL WINTER CONTROL 1986 Winter Control - $739,173 1987 Winter Control - $483,406 167,152.56 358,229.64 711.66 CR. 53,041.22 577,711.76 12,787.93 41,680.02 71,289.89 118,239.73 10,525.74 254,934.08 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS COUNTY ROADS F - SAFETY DEVICES - 1 Pavement Marking (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal and Cleanup 41,927.71 151,647.06 19,671.66 64,190.25 35,630.37 22,896.01 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS 8,80;L90 7,84?60 1,076.04 5,684.82 -- 6,540.95 1,860.34 PAGE 5. TOTAL 50,730.61 159,494.66 20,747.70 69,875.07 42,171.32 24,756.35 TOTALS $2 t 179 JJI~____91 $259 t 976.61 $2 t 439 t 270.22 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 6. MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL A - BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - 1 Gi11ets Bridge, Township of 1,598.87 1,598.87 Yarmouth. Completion of 1989 work. - 2 Repairs to Kettle Creek Bridge 17,756.49 17,756.49 Road #34, west of Belmont, Township of Yarmouth (County of Elgin's share only). (Middlesex County Town1ine Bridge.) - 3 Bothwell Bridge, Township of 216.09 216.09 A1dborough; Road #7 engineering by Kent County 1990 work. (County of Elgin's share.) - 4 Road #45, Township of Yarmouth 9,100.42 9,100.42 Players Culvert; emergency shoring and engineering, structural steel, plate culvert. - 5 Road #52, Kettle Creek 33,955.50 33,955.50 Culvert, Township of Yarmouth; engineering and strengthening super span horizontal arches structure. - 6 Road #42, Van Order Culvert 47,385.53 47,385.53 (Little Otter Creek), Township of Bayham, engineering and strengthening super span horizontal ellipse structure. C - HARD TOP MAINTENANCE - 1 Engineering Road #27, Township 1,607.56 1,607.56 of Yarmouth, west of Highway #4 to Road #20 for future pavement and drainage improvement. - 2 Engineering Road #35, Yarmouth 1,267.19 1,267.19 and Ma1ahide Townships at Orwell for future. Pavement and drainage improvements. - 3 Channelization and hot mix paving 15,09;7.35 15,097.35 Road #16 and Road #45 intersection at Midd1emarch, Township of Southwo1d. - TOTALS $112,887.65 $15,09?35 $127,985.00 TOTAL OF MAINTENANCE $2,292,181.26 $275,07:5.96 $2,567,255.22 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 7. OVERHEAD ST. 1HOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Superintendence, Including County 175,854.01 15,300.00 191,154.01 Engineer, Assistant Engineers, Superintendents and Vehicles. 2. Clerical. 111,483.23 9,700.00 121,183.23 3. Office and Computer. 40,046.07 3,500.00 43,546.07 4. Garage (Stock and Timekeepers, 122,646.95 10,665.00 133,311.95 Maintenance, Heat, etc.) 5. Tools. 25;246.56 2,195.00 27,441.56 6. Radio. 6,735.57 585.00 7,320.57 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic 14,169.93 1,899.63 16,069.56 Counts. 8. Training Courses. 36,653.54 3,190.00 39,843.54 9. Miscellaneous Insurance. 2,192.00 215.00 2,407.00 10. Permits. 2,550.00 CR. 2,550.00 CR. 11. Undistributed Fringe Benefit 37,334.99 CR. 3,2S0.00 CR. 40,584.99 CR. Charges. 12. Deferred Time. 10,202.92 ~202.92 TOTALS $505,345.79 $43,999.63 $549,345.42 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads, as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (Urban Rebates, Equipment Purchases, Drainage Assessments, Items Not For Subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1990 as in 1989 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 8\. (*Note: Not all Overhead items are charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Roads.) MISCELLANEOUS 1. Rebates to Town of Aylmer and various Villages of 25\ of their Road Levy (subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50\) is $112,102.34. 2. Payroll Burden costs including labour totalled $730,463.79 in 1990 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practices to the various operations and equipment repair, etc. This was distributed by computer at a rate of 39\ on labour. The difference between the actual cost and the amount distributed by computer was $40,584.99 and is shown as a credit against Overhead (County and St. Thomas Suburban). (Actual Rate was 36.93\) 3. The large Deferred Time Credit arose as a result of a large amount of Winter Control time worked in December 1989. The balancing amount was charged to Winter Control time in 1989. Most of this credit was taken in 1990 and thus appears as a charge. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 8. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO ST. ~rnOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS 8. Insurance Not Subsidized by the 8,589.00 Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (Environmental and Liability Policies). 9. Phillmore Bridge, Road #43, low water 5,000.00 crossing grant. 10. Miscellaneous unsubsidized expenditures 5,343.73 Re: Equipment Purchases (Net), etc. 11. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1,303.05 Fees, Expenses, Memberships, Etc. 1. Invoices from County Clerk's Office eRe: Preparation of Payroll-1989). 2. Meetings with other Municipalities, etc. 3. Contributions and Retirements. 4. Memberships. 5. Payment of Accumulated Sick Time to Employees still in employment of the County of Elgin. 6. Urban Rebates on the portion of Road Levy that is Not Subsidized. 7. Contribution from Green Lane Landfill toward Road #18 from Highway #4 to the landfill site. TOTALS COUNTY ROADS TOTAL 1,472.01 1,472.01 1,845.97 1,845.97 317.40 383.00 11,756.47 317.40 383.00 11,756.47 1,538.00 1,538.00 20,120.32 CR. 20,120.32 CR. 8,589.00 5,000.00 5,343.73 1,303.05 $16,125.26 $1,303.05 $17,428.31 In addition, the sum of $20,000 has been paid to the County of Elgin as Performance Bonds to ensure that work required for severances and rezonings are completed. These funds are held by the Treasurer and will be returned (without interest) to the various individuals, etc., when they have completed their obligations. (As of December 31, 1990.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~ITTBE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES PAGE 9. ST. 11-IOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL (A) Construction. 3,973,955.66 (B) Maintenance. 2,292,181.26 (C) Overhead. 505,345.79 (D) Urban Rebates (Subsidized). 112,102.34 (E) Items Not For Subsidy. 16,125.26 SUB-TOTALS $6,899,710.31 ADD: 1990 Stock Balance 144,242.27 SUB-TOTALS $7,043,952.58 DEDUCT: 1989 Stock Balance 226,876.36 TOTALS tQ,_817 t 076.22 342,538.21 275,073.96 43,999.63 1,30:3.05 $662,914.85 $662,914.85 $662.914.85 4,316,493.87 2,567,255.22 549,345.42 112,102.34 17,428.31 $7,562,625.16 144,242.27 $7,706,867.43 226,876.36 $7.479.991.07 (* Total for Ministry of Transportation Subsidy is $7,479,991.07 less $17,428.31 or $7,462,562.76.) [Regular and Supplementary Expendutures.] COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 10. CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES The Ministry of Transportation provided subsidies in 1990 as follows: 1. 50\ subsidy on Urban Rebates of $56,051.17 on expendutures amounting to $112,102.34. 2. Subsidy of $5,634,271.86 on Regular Expendutures of $7,054,261.90. 3. 80\ Subsidy on Taits Bridge. Environmental Study and Lings Bridge; engineering to a maximum expenditure of $25,000 ($20,000 subsidy). 4. 75\ Subsidy to a maximum expenduture of $280,000 ($210,000 subsidy) for Road #30 (Radio Road construction). The remaining subsidy was transferred to Silver Creek construction and is included in subsidy on the Regular Expenditure. Average rate of subsidy on regular expenditures of $7,054,261.90 is 79.87\. CALCULATION OF MK)UNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (See Page #9). $662,914.85 Expenditures Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation Rate of Ministry of Transportation Subsidy Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure $661,611.80 79.87\ $528,429.34 , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY BALANCE 662,914.85 528,429.34 ~134.485.51 PAYABLE BY TIm CITY OF ST. THOMAS (50\) ADD: DEFICIT FROM 1989 OPERATION SUB-TOTAL 67,242.75 2,671.55 $69,914.30 62,753.00 DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBlITION FROM ST. THOMAS FOR 1990 DEFICIT TO 1991 $7.161.30 TOTAL EXPENDITURES COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS LESS: Credits: (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page #10). (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission System (See Above). 7,479,991.07 5,913,700.00 67,242.75 COST TO COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR 1990 $1,499,048.32 In 1990 the County of Elgin Road Levy was $1,625,000.00. In 1990 Payment Vouchers totalled $8,464,453.27 (as the entire contract for Middlemiss Bridge went through the County of Elgin's books). In 1989 Payment Vouchers totalled $9,159,936.01 and in 1988 Payment Vouchers totalled $7,933,877.90. The difference between the total Voucher Payments and the total Road Expenditures was $984,462.20 and included: (a) Charges to County of Middlesex regarding construction of the Middlemiss Bridge on Road #14 in the amount of $197,226.91. (b) Interest charges to County of Middlesex regarding construction of Middlemiss Bridge in the amount of $4,916.54. (c) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thomas and the Elgin County Board of Education ($113,433.01). Cd) Construction and maintenance work on Townline Roads and Bridges. (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk) [including Harrietsville Drain Bridge, Belmont West Bridge, etc.]. Ce) Charge to the County of Elgin for Parking Lot and Driveway, etc., construction at the County Administration Building ($60,927.37). (f) Asphalt paving contract for various municipalities. (g) Work on various Municipal Drains, materials sold and work performed for municipalities and others. Ch) Net return ($5,000.00) of performance bonds from previous years over bonds deposited with the County Treasurer in previous years. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 1991 SESSION PAGE 12. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control Programme for the prevention of encephalitis. The cost of $15.00 1Nas charged to the General Government Accounts. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED A. K. FORD, CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY 16, 1991 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Nearly all invoices for materials, etc., have been paid from the 1990 Budget and 1990 will end on a positive financial basis. 2. No Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy allocations or spending level limits for 1991 have been received. We are not hopeful of receiving these allocations before the end of January, however a 1991 Budget is being considered. We have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario that our assessment base has been set at 757 million dollars for 1991 which is approximately 10.5% higher than our 1990 assessment base of 686 million dollars which in turn was an increase of 6.7% from 1989. This is an increase in property inflation values rather than in real property growth and will result in an increased County share of the spending level limit that the Ministry sets. It is not known as yet if any grants for special anti-,recession projects or supplementary road projects will be available. 3. The contribution of the City of St. Thomas toward the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has been set at $73,700 for 1991 which is a 17.4% increase over last year (after the annexation). 4. That the County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (b) Municipal Engineers Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (c) Transportation Association of Canada Convention. (d) Ontario Municipal Engineers Annual Workshop. (e) Suburban Road Commissions Annual Meeting. 5. The Assistant Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (b) Municipal Engineers Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (c) Ontario Municipal Engineers Annual Workshop. (d) Suburban Road Commissions Annual Meeting. WE RECOMMEND: 1. The honorarium for the County's member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Mr. Albert Auckland, be $175.00 per annum for the period of February 1, 1991 to January 31, 1992. 2. That the County's representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Mr. Albert Auckland be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and the Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario Annual Meeting with the usual convention expenses, mileage and other expenses as occasioned for meetings of the Suburban Road Commission Association be paid. Mr. Auckland is the past President of the Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario.. 3. That a resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario the petition of the County of Elgin for subsidy on road expenditures made on the County of Elgin road system from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY 16, 1991 SESSION PAGE 2. 4. That the membership fee for the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Transportation Association of Canada be paid. 5. That the Road Committee act from time to time as required as the Committee in 1991 for the following: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal. (b) Lake Erie Erosion (technical advisory only). (c) Mosquito Control for the prevention of encephalitis. 6. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign land plans expropriating land for widening on County road allowances as required for 1991 on the following roads: (a) County Road #2 - Lot 20, Concessions VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough. (b) County Road #4 - Lots A to D and Lots 1 to 5 (inclusive), Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Aldborough. (c) County Road #8 - Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich. (d) County Road ,#16 - Lot 33, North and South of Talbot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwold. (e) County Road #20 - Lots 15 and 16, North Talbot Road, North Branch, Township of Southwold. - Lot 1, Concession D, Township of Southwold and Lot 1, Range II, North of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 15 and 16, Ranges 1 and 2, North of Union Road, Township of Southwold. (f) County Road #25 (g) County Road #27 (h) County Road #27 (i) County Road #35 (j) County Road #37 (k) County Road #43 (1) County Road #43 (m) County Road #43 (n) County Road #45 (0) County Road #45 (p) County Road #45 (q) County Road #45 (r) County Road #46 (s) Lings Bridge - Lot 1, 2nd Range East of River Road, Township of Southwold. - Lot 73, North Talbot Road, Township of Yarmouth. - Lots 10 and 11, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester. - Lot Ill, South Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. - Lot 1, Concessions III and IV, Township of Bayham. - Lot 35, Concessions III and IV, Township of Malahide. - Lots 30 and 31, South of the North Branch of Talbot Road, Township of Southwold. - Lots 33 and 34, South of Talbot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwold. - Lots 33 and 34, North of Talbot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwold. - Lot 25, Concession VI, Township of Yarmouth and Lot 24, Concession V, Township of Yarmouth. - Lot 114, North Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. - Lot 49, East of the North Branch of Talbot Road, Township of South wold.. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY 16, 1991 SESSION PAGE 3. 7. That by-laws be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the City of St. Thomas to allow the placement of water lines by the St. Thomas Public Utilities Commission and sewer lines by the City of St. Thomas on various County roads. The St. Thomas Public Utilities Commission wishes to place a booster water line service for residences in the Centennial Avenue/Elm Street area of Yarmouth Township. The City of St. Thomas may wish to place a sewer line on a portion of County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) to service an area near Highway #3. Both of these projects were part of the annexation agreement between the City of St. Thomas and the Township of Yarmouth. 8. That a by-law be passed amending the County's Parking By-Law to prohibit parking on the north side of Warren Street (County Road #21) in the Village of Port Stanley from the west limit of the Port Stanley Terminal Rail easterly to the west limit of :Highway #4. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED A. K. FORD, CHAIRMAN PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C.T. City Clerk Office of the Clerk P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631-1680 Fax (519) 633-9019 I Corporation of the City of St. Thomas January 10, 1991 Mr. 'R.G. Moore, County Engineer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5Vl RE: St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission - City Representative Dear Bob: The City's Representative on the Suburban Roads Commission, Mr. Donald Stokes, is authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention, the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario, and any other appropriate meetings, with the usual expenses, mileage, etc. paid in accordance with the County's policy. It would be appreciated if you would bill the City for the direct costs incurred by our City Representative in the usual manner. The honorarium for the City's Representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission is to be $175.00 per annum for 1991, which corresponds with that paid by the County for it's representative. Funds are being allocated in our 1991 budget estimates for these items in the total of $1,200.00 which I trust will be satisfactory. \ I would appreciate any comments you have with respect to the foregoing. "'.1' .......,',..,'''',.."..."...'''., You r s,,:.;;~.J.rr~'~ :.~,JX:7 ,/ """""'~:;'~;"~~;~;:,::~:~~:::3:f:'::",'~''''''''')I'''''''''''',/. ','"./ ',',' "i' /'..;'", ''''''f;'''''r,'','" ", "", ,i ///';.,~:;~":v Ii'" ,'I],,' ",",',"','""1,,,',,', lil /;~:~t~' i '/1 , l,i,,?, ,\ vv ,/:"R:;{A ~i' Ba r r~t_t. MC T, CMC , j/" Ci ttY Administrator RAB/ps c.c. - Donald Stokes, Representative - Jim Gubinczki, City Treasurer (705) 23~.8691 cw Ontario Ministry Ministere of des Transportation Transports Program and Priority Development Branch Cochrane Temiskaming Resource Centre P.O. Bag 3010, Hwy 101 South Porcupine, Ontario PON 1HO sA ~Ol' December 23, 1991 Mr. George Leverton, Clerk Treasurer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. Leverton: Re: Ministerial Adjusted Assessments for .Cities and Separated Towns - Pursuant to Section 68(3) of the Public .Transportation and Highway ImDrovement Act (Suburban Roads . Commissions) The 1992 Ministerial Adjusted Assessment (MAA) value for each city or separated town situated within your County is noted on the attached calculation sheet. Pursuant to Section 68(3) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, the MAAmust be used in determining the 1992 limiting ,contribution of each city and separated town to its associated Suburban Roads Commission. MAA values were derived from base assessment data provided by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and have been calculated as 0.203 times the total weighted equalized assessment (where the discount factor of 0.203 simply indexes the values to their pre 1983. levels), times a growth factor which reflects the inflation rate and growth in total assessment, relative to 1991. Should you wish details on this growth factor, please contact either the undersigned or Paul Waterman at (705) 235-8691. Yours truly, ;/ke P. C. Ginn, Manager Roads Planning Office Program and Priority Development Branch PCG/dlv Attachment cc: Engineer M A A-cat 1tr ASSESSMEHT OERIVED fROM 1991 APPORTIOH!1EHT PROGRAM 90/91. TAXABLE RSSESSMENT; EQUIURLENT ASSESSMENT fROM RESOURCE EQUALIZATION GRAHT PROGRAM ELGIN SEPARATED TAXRBLE TAXABLE REG PROVINCIAL TOTAL WHGHTEO SEPARATED URBAN RES/fARM COM/BUS/IHO EQUIUALENT 3 VEAR RUG ,.EQUALIZ[O URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSESSMENT RSSESSMENT ASSESSMENT EQUALIZ fACTOR . ASSESSMENT MAA (A) (B) (C) (0) (TUER) St T hol'las C H226358 27046087 3424364 6.15 890974163 167,600,000 TOTAL 41,226,358 27,046,087 3,424,364 890,974,763 167,600,000 .~-:- :1 tJ\ I/~ ,~j ') ) (0.55 * R) + B + C ?3 -/ S;;/ ~CT[) TurA ::; ..-----.-----.---- 0/100 SEPARTATEO URBAN MAR: 0.203 * TOCR * Sf (ROUNDED TO THE HEAREST HUNDRED THOUSAND) HOTE: EQUALIZRTIOH fACTORS WILL HAUE BEEN RDJUSTED TO SOMETHING OTHER THAH THE AUERAGE Of THE GAZETTED UALUES Of 1990, '89 AHD '8B~ If AN AREA WIDE OR MARKET UALUE REASSESSMENT HAS BEEN UHDERT AKEH. GROWTH fACTOR ( Sf ) REfLECTS THE INfLATIONRRY RATE AND THE GROWTH IN TOTAL ASSESSMENT fOR SEP. TOWNS & CITIES,RELATIUE TO 1991. fOR 1992, Sf " 0.926 SUBJECT . '. . I DATED E C'\ 1 .5'(;( IS "4'f!-4'./4~ e Q/4-t) ~~V.'1"1 ,n JI J' J , 0 -.I ~~ f" r,'1 ~ .t1i"V 7" MESSAGE FROM -~ TO ;=: c; ~O C"~ G. C. LEVERTON ~~..r e;V",'c:..L ~~ ~.,,/€.,-,-, "77-?~'r c:!~ 1("'" ''7''-7 ~ ~,JGt: '- A'7 , rs S G" j ,1' .I 0 .,vI ~ t!:"Z-2> I €.. C,,~-,.?1 ./.5 ~:7f /.2 ~ /' 7 f/ ~ ~---'=/C7Zd,it.-::QJ '71-r' ./ s 4''':P #.? ., #' ".,/,~ IE:-;V' 'r '/""'l) '/7-1' 4:..- /C?4~+.,o .r ~ ~ /?7 t. '/rit;'~ Pt l"Z ,4. /C' &;'Cc ,?-I~ G,vP47er / .J"'oJ , /' L €."q';J~ <= ,t:' d/~J" cf:f-44 r '70/, J' - /' (;) ~<F N'tE"....':JC.. '/ L':o..'?"r P") :I 77C-z..:- ;?"] e:c:-r,..r.!" ~ I """ <7'7 -n <;[ ~ ,/l ~ t.~ -' L", L fJ L-o ....J J ; J CTlA '77 ~~J c "J 'J4~.v ~ /'r"/2"1' ..< ~ ~~ I' 7f 'Z-" I r hi Ii' L t. ,is G"" ,v <E:.' C,/E-.ffA-/t. 7' f7\) ", ~1/"e-""A ,'" ~y_ ~/ ~/C-'E'~4;//..,e:;i)- R~/J "- _ ~ ~ ~ I.'" ~~~ ()"Vt ~/~ 9./ ".,~' . (1P"'~J.../V1 '" / . ~~/~~~~~~~ UY1 ~~"./~ ~ ~.~<~' &l'~ I' A f/ ~ 't~_. J ~ ~./-&,(q/ ~~ ~t-~ /Lfft.l. W'-r~t ~/4/7; ~~~. ~~ DATE, t, ~' .[),'~ vr--- ~ . ~.~ ~~~ (1) AFTER WRITING. TEAR OUT THE YELLOW SHEET AND FORWARD THE BALANCE OF THE SET. (INTACT) (2) WHEN R~l-YING. AFTER WRITING YOUR REPLY KEEP THE PINK SHEET FOR YOUR FILE. (REPLY PROMPTLY) FROM G. I~. LEVERTON ( f ." (1) AFTER WRITING. TEAR OUT THE YELLOW SHEET AND FORWARD THE BALANCE OF THE SET. (INTACT) (2) WHEN REPLYING. AFTER WRITING YOUR REPLY KEEP THE PINK SHEET FOR YOUR FILE. (REPLY PROMPTLY) FRED GROCH, BASe" M.Eng" P.Eng, Acting County Engineer 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 ROBERT G, MOORE, B. Sc.. P. ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent November 28, 1991 Mayor and Members of the City of St. Thomas Council c/o Mr. R. A. Barrett, City Administrator Department of Administrative Services P.o. Box 520 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Dear Mayor and Members of Council: Re: The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act states that the term of office of every member of the Suburban Road Commission expires with the 31st day of January of the year following the next municipal election held after his appointment and his successor shall be appointed after the Council elected in that election assumes office. Your member on the Commission is Mr. Donald R. Stokes and his term of office expires on January 31, 1992. Thus, we request your Council to appoint a member to the Suburban Road Commission for the upcoming term. It is my understanding that your existing member may be reappointed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. yours truly, FG:pg c.c. Mr. Donald R. Stokes Mr. Roderick Ferguson ,/ . () () ~/~ FRED GROC , ACTING SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FRED GROCH, BASe" M,Eng" P.Eng, Acting County Engineer 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 ROBERT G. MOORE, B, Sc" p, ENG, Engineer and Road Superintendent November 28, 1991 Warden and Members of the County of Elgin Council c/o Mr. George Leverton, Clerk 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Warden and Members of Council: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act states that the term of office of every member of a Suburban Road Commission expires with the 31st day of January of the year following the next municipal election held after his appointment and his successor shall be appointed after the Council elected in that election assumes office. The term of your existing member, Mr. Albert Auckland, expires on January 31, 1992. We request that you appoint a member to the Suburban Road Commission for the upcoming term. It is my understanding that the existing member can be reappointed. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Yours truly, FG:pg c.c. Mr. Albert Auckland Mr. Roderick Ferguson ~Cj/ ~JJ FRED GROCH, ACTING SECRETARY AND ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: The St. Thomas Suburan Road Commission has control over the following roads since July 1, 1990 when the City of St. Thomas annexed a portion of Road #30 (Radio Road) and a portion of Road #56 (Elm Street). Road #16 - From the west limit of Road #20 in Fingal to the St. Thomas Boundary (Kettle Creek). Road #25 - (Wellington Road) From the junction of Highway #3 and #4 to the Middlesex County Boundary. Road #26 - (St. George Street) From the St. Thomas Boundary (Kettle Creek) to Wellington Road (Road #25). Road #31 - From the St. Thomas Boundary to Road #52. Road #30 - (Radio Road) From Road #52 to County Road #48. Road #28 - (Centennial Avenue) From Highway #3 to Elm Street. Road #56 - (Elm Street) From Elmwood Street (new City of St. Thomas Boundary) easterly to County Road #36. Road #57 - (Southdale Road) From Highway #4 to County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). Road #22 - (Fairview Avenue) From the St. Thomas Boundary to County Road #27 (Union/Sparta Road) including the intersection of the Union/Sparta Road. The County of Elgin has completed construction on Radio Road, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth and I would recommend as of January 1, 1991 that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission assume the remainder of Road #30 from Road #48 northerly to the Middlesex County Line. This will link directly to the Hubrey Road in Middlesex County which is under the control of the London Suburban Road Commission. It is also recommended that Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) south of Road #56 (Elm Str~et) to Road #45 will also be assumed as a County road. This road has been on and off the Suburban system on a number of occasions and the assumption would give continuity to the system. Construction has been completed on Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), including trimming and seeding at the intersection of Road #27 this Summer. Construction has been completed on Road #26 (St. George Street) other than the payment of one drainage assessment to the Township of Yarmouth. Also completed in 1990 were resurfacing on Road #25 (Wellington Road) opposite Concessions 'c' and 'B', Township of Southwold (Concessions 10 and 11, Township of Yarmouth) other than at the intersections of County Road #52 and Road #48 and the road allowance between Concessions 'B' and 'C', Township of Southwold. 'A considerable amount of hot mix asphalt patching was done on Road #16 including the intersection of Road #45 at Middlemarch ~hich was not only repaved but also channelized and curb and gutter for"traffic control was placed. I Continued . . . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT - DECEMBER 3, 1990 PAGE 2. Other than this winter maintenance operations were nominal. The absence of winter control in the month of November has somewhat eased a much heavier financial expenditure than usual for the January through March season. Thus we may not be completely overspent. It appears at this time that we will expend approximately $660,000.00 instead of the original $600,000.00 anticipated. This will increase the share of the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin by approximately $6,000.00 originally budgeted (subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario is very close to 80%). This coupled with a deficit of $2,700.00 into 1989 will likely required a reduced budget for 1991 although it is not known to date what the 1/2 mill assessment from the City of St. Thomas will yeild for 1991. It will be some time before this informaion is available or Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy allocations are available. The 1991 construction programme has not yet been discussed by the County of Elgin Road Committee. Our most serious need at the present time will be the continuation of resurfacing work on Wellington Road (Road #25), followed as soon as possible by resurfacing on Road #16 between St. Thomas and Fingal as well as work on Road #57 (Southdale Road). A municipal drain has been approved for Southdale Road and is expected to be installed early next year. This could be followed later in the year by an improvement of that portion of Southdale Road which has not been completed. This would completed the road to tolerable standards only. It is our understanding that some of the right-of-way will have to be used for sewer and water utility corridors and as such could be subject to equipment damage in the next 5 to 8 years. However the present traffic volume in excess of 1,000 vehicles per day makes the maintenance of the present surface of the non-constructed section practically impossible. It was hoped to have the Highbury-Hubrey Road link opened before major work was done on Wellington Road. This would eliminate a number of traffic delays and/or detours which would be necessary to channelize each intersection and to replace the pipe arch culvert north of Highway #3 (St. Thomas Expressway) which must be done prior to that portion of road being resurfaced. Some portions of the road could yet be resurfaced without major intersection construction, but the intersections must have proper channelization and lighting as soon as possible. It appears that it will be the end of 1992 before the County of Middlesex is able to complete even a base coat of asphalt from the' Wilton Grove Road south to the Belmont-Glanworth Road. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED c-c 7 - '-I' ~JcI" ~~9.f--J ~. ~ 2~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 92-3 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION" WHEREAS section 65, Chapter P.50, of The Public Trans- portation and Highway Improvement Act provides for the appointment of members of a Suburban Roads Commission; and WHEREAS one, of the three persons on the Commission, is to be appointed by County Council. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Albert W. Auckland be, and is hereby appointed to the st. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for the period February 1st, 1992 to January 31st, 1995. 2. That By-Law No. 89-2 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 22nd day of January, 1992. READ a second time this 22nd day of January, 1992. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of January, 1992. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. H. F. Lyle, Warden. (1 of 4) ROAD SYSTEM QUESTIONNAIRE SUMMARY COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF ROAD SYSTEMS AND BUDGET DATA ESSEX ELGIN KENT LAMB TON MIDDLESEX WELLINGTO N . . 680.0 km Total Length of Road System 600.4 km 537.5 km includes 23 km/cc1 556.5 km 678.1 km 550.0 km Total Length of County Roads 474.1 km 493.0 km 612.0 km 556.5 km 411.3 km 471.3 km Total Length of Suburban Roads 126.3 km 44.5 km 45 km n/a 266.8 km 78.7 km Total Roads Department Budqet $ 5.786.975. $ 8,524,020. $6,548,825. $ 8.000.000. S9Q111(){)(') $ 8,963,400. - Total Portion of Budaet for County Roads $ 3,997,195. $ 8,524,020. $ 6.064.697. $ 7,500,000. S S 2S?.000 $ 6,924,350. Total Portion of Budget for Cty Rds Utilized for Construction $ 1,899,220. S 1 794 7?r::. $ 3,070,000. $ 3,500,000. $ 2,915,000. $ 3,116,300. Total Portion of Budget for cty Rds utilized for Maintenance $ 2,097,975. $ 4,729,295. $ 1,475,000. $ 4,000,000. S ? 117.000. S 2.943.640. .. Total Portion of Budget for Suburban Roads $ 1,789,780. $ 800,000. S 484,128. . n/a $ 4,689,000. $ 1,724,150. . Total Portion of Budget for )' Sub Rds Utilized for Construction $ 1.014.500. $ /412,500. $ 324.500. n/a $ 3,210,000. $ 1.052,100. . Total Portion of Budaet for - Sub Rds Utilized for Maintenance $ 775.280. $ 387,500. $ 97.500. n/a $ 1,479.000. $ 519,500. Total Number of County Bridqes 60 61 80 97 95 65 Total Number of Suburban 'Rrina~~ 27 5 5 n/a 28 5 Total Length of H.C.B. Roads 372.1 km 392.9 km 646 km 414.3 km 509 km 384.15 km Total Length of L.C.B. Roads 222.5 km 52.4 km 3:1: km 95.7 km 129 km 111.05 km Total Lenath of Loose Too Roads 5.8 km 92.2 km 8:1: km 46.5 km 40 km 54.8 km - . l? of 4) COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF PERSONNEL ESSEX ELGIN KENT LAMB TON MIDDLESEX WELLINGTON , Engineer and Road Superintendent yes yes yes yes yes yes Suburban Commission Enqineer same same same n/a same same Assistant Enqineer ves yes no no yes no Design Engineer yes no no no no (by Ass't Eng) .' no Enqineering Technician yes yes yes ves yes (2 ) yes Surveyor yes ves no ves ves ( 2 ) yes Draftspersons/Construction Inspectors (Number of) yes ( 2 ) yes ( 1 ) yes ( 1 ) yes ( 5 ) yes ( 2 ) yes (1) Survey party Assistants (University Students/Summer Only) yes ( 2 ) yes ( 2 ) yes ( 1 ) yes ( 2 ) yes ( 2 ) yes ( 3 ) Secretary yes yes ves ves yes yes - secretary & Bookkeeper yes yes bookkeeper same yes yes yes clerk-bookkeeper ( 1 ) clerical general ( 2 ) road Other Maintenance Yard office manager assistant pit -- superintendent superintendents clerk-typist Maintenance Other -- assistant bookkeeper Supervisor -- -- -- Foreman yes yes (6 ) yes (6) yes ( 2 ) yes (8 ) yes(7) , Assistant Foreman/Road yes ( 2 ) no no yes ( 2 ) no no J).~~i~t-i"\nt- .... In IOffi C"P yes ( 1 ) no no no no no Full Time Labour Personnel 29 46 26 38 39 37 Seasonal Labour Personnel (University Students/Summer Only) 7 20-35 4 7 (p/t) 4:1: , 15 Seasonal Labour Personnel 8: 6 of 8 are (Winter Control Operations) 0 4 winter niaht crew 10 1 29 q Night Crew for Winter Control Operations (Number of) ves ( 7 ) yes ( 2) 6 yes ( 3 ) yes (6 ) yes (12) WINTER CONTROL OPERATIONS (a) Hired Trucks (Number of) 2 4 6 salter units City of Sarnia 2 (winter) -- . (b) Hired Graders (Number of) -- a -- takes care of -- -- . (c) Hired "Other" (Number of) -- a -- County Roads 2 (loaders) -- Mechanics Included in Labour Personnel (Number of) ? 1 -- 3 1 5 Maintenance Denots (Number of) 3 1 4 2 6 7 ROAD SYSTEM QUESTIONNAIRE SUMMARY (3 of 4) ROAD SYSTEM QUESTIONNAIRE SUMMARY COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF .. EOUIPMENT (COUNTY OWNED) (Number of ) ESSEX ELGIN KENT LAMB TON MIDDLESEX WELLINGTON Excavators 2 0 0 0 0 2 (Grada11s) ~raders 3 5 5 4 5 8 (tractor loader) T ~_.:3~__ 3 3 5 2 1 h Tandem Trucks 5 16 0 6 6 7 single Axle Trucks (5-6 Ton;); 5 0 15 4 17 20 Tractor Backhoes 0 3 0 2 2 4 11: 5 of 11 are Tractor Mowers (Owned) 3 9 tractor loaders 4 8 7 Tractor Mowers (Rented) 1 1 1 0 0 0 . pick-uD Trucks (1/2-3/4 Ton) 5 /1 7 9 12 + 2 survey vans 12 utility Trucks (1 1/2-2 Ton) 1 1 1 2 1 (1 ton) 2 Centre-Line Paint Machine 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY Minor Major a) Bridge Maintenance County/Contractor County Forces Contractor County (25,000) County/Contractor County b) Crack Filling County County Forces n/a -- Contractor County Tar & Chip c) Skin Patching County n/a n/a County (600,000) County County d) Ditchinq County Countv Forces -- County (57,000) County County e) Hauling County/Contractor County Forces County -- County/Contractor County County f) Catch Basin Cleaning CountY/Contractor County Forces Contractor (some) County (30,000) County/Contractor Contractor Street Sweeping g) Urban Areas Contractor County Forces -- County (20,000) County Contractor ('on tractor h) Weed Spraying County County Forces -- -- do not spray Contractor i) Surface Treatment Contractor County Forces n/a County (500,000) ('on tractor Contractor . j) Mowing ('ountv County Forces -- County (150,000) County County kl ~ian Fabrication County County Forces -- -- County County 1) Sign placement County County Forces -- County (100,000) County ~ :)1 'IV Gravel pit ( ~) ()u1'npn hv Countv County (2l r No County (Sand pits) County (3) No ,f 4 of 4) ROADS SYSTEM QUESTIONNAIRE SUMMARY \ COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF COUNTY OF I PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS ESSEX ELGIN KENT LAMB TON MIDDLESEX WELLINGTON Road Construction/Reconstruction County (Survey, Plans, Tenders and Consultant at time Specifications, Inspections) depending on work County/Consultant County rOllntv County load County/Consultant Traffic Control Signal Systems (Design and Inspection of Installation) County n/a n/a Sarnia County County/Consultant Needs study Updates - Minor County County Consultant County County County Needs study Updates Major ~ [I' .v County Consultant County County County/Consultant .( County Traffic Countinq Programs County County County County (summer student) County BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION /RECONSTRUCTION REHABILITATION Minor Major Plans and Contract Documents Consultant County/Consultant Consultant Consultant County/Consultant Consultant Minor Major Inspection County/Consultant County/Consultant County County/Consultant County/Consultant County/Consultant PROCESSING OF MUNICIPAL nEVELOPMENT INSTRUMENTS . Rds Consul tatioI Dept. Review a) Severance Applications 'D,..,~rlc - L L Roads Department Collaboration/planner Rds Dept/Planner Rd~ nent/rlerk Office Planner Rds Dept Consultation Review b) Minor Variance Applications Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/planner Rds Dept/Planner Rds Dept/Clerk Office planner Rds Dept Consultation Review c) Zoning Change Applications Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/Planner Rds Dept/Planner Rds Dept/Clerk Office planner Rds Dept Consultation dl Offi~it=ll Plan Chancres Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/planner Planner Rds Dept/Clerk Office Planner Rds Dept Consultation Review e) Development Proposals Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/Planner Rds Dept/Planner Rds Dent/Clerk Office planner Rds Dept Consultation Review (i) Residential subdivisions Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/Planner Rds Dept/Planner Rds Dept/Clerk Office planner Rds Dept Consultation Review (ii) Commercial Subdivisions Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/Planner Rds Dept/Planner Rds Dent/Clerk Office planner Rds Dept Consultation Review (;;;) Industrial Subdivisions Roads Department Roads Department Collaboration/Planner Rds Dept/Planner Rds Dent/Clerk Office planner Yes. No Official No. Detailed Planning PLANNING DEPARTMENT nn no County Plan yes at local level yes , Large Amount of Strip Development Alonq County/Suburban Road System yes yes minor amount no no yes County Population 134.764 43,000 63,815 120,000 65.000 68,500 City Population ~~,.f1 ~~< (Ref Suburban Commission) lq? R?? 60,0-00 . ../;/ 'Vi' j ",/'{",) 42,800 70,000 300.000 87,000 '- . -- -