1993 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION R E P 0 R T ------ October 1998 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has control over the following roads (since June 29, 1992): 1 ~ Road #16 from County Road #45 (Middlemarch) to the St. Thomas bo~ndary. 2. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from the south limit of the City of st. Thomas to the north limit of County Road #27. 3. Road #25 (Wellington Road) from the north limit of Highway #4 to the new City of London boundary. 4. Road #26 (St. George Street) from the City of st. Thomas boundary (Kettle' Creek) to the east limit of County Road ~1t25. 5. Road #28 from the south limit of Highway #3 to the north limit of County Road #45. 6. Road #30 from the City of st. Thomas boundary to the new City of London boundary. 7. Road #31 from the City of St. Thomas boundary to the south limit of County Road #52. 8. Road #56 (Elm Street) from the boundary of the City of St. Thomas easterly to the west limit of County Road #36. 9. Road #57 (Southdale Road) from the east limit of Highway #4 to the west limit of County Road #22. The County of Elgin has completed resurfacing on County Road #25 north of Highway #4 as well as cold-in-place recycling and resurfacing on County Road #16 from Road #45 to west of the City limits. In 1992 the section of County Road #16 from County Road #45 to the Hamlet of Fingal was reverted to the County System enabling the County to resurface this section of road in 1992 and 1993. With the exception of winter control all maintenance items were under budget. However it is proposed to remove a knoll on Road #28 and upgrade the guard rail system west of the Fingal Bridge this year. This led to a surplus in the Maintenance Budget which was used in the Construction Budget to carry out additional work on County Road #25. In 1993, some road widening was completed on County Road #57 (Southdale Road) and on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue). Improvements to County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) and County Road #57 (Southdale Road) have been completed by the City in conjunction with the Sports/Education Complex. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT - OCTOBER 1993 PAGE 2. Although the 1994 road program has not been discussed with the County' of Elgin Road Committee, it would appear that the most serious need for the Suburban Commission in 1994 would be the continuation of the completion of resurfacing and channelization on County Road #25 particularly at St. George Street and at County Road #48. The replacement of a structural steel plate culvert on Elm Street (County Road #56) may also have to be considered. At this time, it appears that expenditures on the Suburban Road Commission will be within the budget proposed at the beginning of the year. Arrangements are being made in preparation for the June 1994 Suburban Roads Commission Association Western Group Meeting which will be hosted by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~NEER ---- FRED GROCH, L ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Administration Building on Friday, October 15, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. AOOPfION OF MINUTES RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 7 AND JUNE 16, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." HERITAGE ROAD DESIGNATION The Engineer informed the members that the designation of the Centennial Heritage Roads for the Ontario Good Roads Assocation would be made at the 1994 Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference. Ms Sheila Richardson indicated that the results should be known by the end of December. The Engineer handed out Mr. Wayne Paddon's description of this road as a Heritage Road. 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET A report prepared by the Engineer showing the expenditures to date and estimated expenditures to the end of the year for the Suburban Road Commission construction and maintenance projects. With the exception of winter control, maintenance expenditures were less than budgeted. The removal of the knoll on Road #28 and installation of guard rails on the Fingal Bridge were programmed for 1993. This left adequate funds for the completion of the Road #16 resurfacing project from Middlemarch to St. Thomas as well as resurfacing Road #25 from Highway #4 to just south of St. George Street. It was suggested that any additional funds available would be used to carry out additional maintenance such as tree cutting, ditching and replacement of the guide rail on County Road #25 north of Highway #4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 2. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CROSSING, COUNTY ROAD #25 The Engineer reported that correspondence has been received from Transport Canada indicating that they would be investigating the Canadian National regarding reducing the delays occurring at this railway crossing. The Engineer also reported that discussions with the Canadian National were held in which they agreed to realign the tracks at this location in anticipation of our reconstruction project in 1994 of this part of County Road #25. Canadian National has agreed to carry out this work at their cost, however the County will be required to carry out all related road work and install a rubber seal at the crossing. ROAD #28 - CONCERNS BY ~CAW The Engineer reported receiving a letter from Mr. McCaw on County Road #28 requesting improvements to this'section of the road south of St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that he would write Mr. McCaw indicating that this project was on the five year programme. ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION The Engineer informed the members that he had received room confirmations for all members for the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Meeting to be held on February 20 to 23, 1994 (Centennial). ROAD #16 - SLIDE A report was distributed to the members with discussion regarding a soils investigation of the hillside on County Road #16 just west of St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that since this part of the road was scheduled in the future for realignment and reconstruction that the slide be monitored so that extensive maintenance costs are not encountered at this time. COUNTY ROAD #30 - CHEVRONS The Engineer reported that at the request of the Regional Coroner and subsequent to a recent fatality, chevrons would be installed on the first curve on Road #30, south of the City of London limits. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 3. 1994 WESTERN REGION ANNUAL MEETING It was pointed out that this meeting would be sponsored by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and preliminary discussions were held regarding arrangements. Tentatively it was suggested that the tour include the Freightliner truck plant and City hall. It was also suggested that lunch and the meeting be held in the County Administration building. The Engineer reported that he would commence making the llecessary arrangements with the assistance of the Assistant Engineer, Mr. Clayton Watters and Mr. Donald Stokes the City representative. The Engineer estimated the cost for this meeting would be approximately $3,000.00 and this would be put into the 1994 Suburban Budget. It was expected that 30 to 35 members would attend. RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN AND MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." //J I () 11 t~ vV. ~ CHAIRMAN Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 Printed on Wednesday, October 13,1993 at 12:23:23 SECTION 1 SUBURBAN AREA MAINTENANCE 1 A100SA 1\10151\ 1\10251\ 1\200S1\ 1\20251\ 1\30051\ 1\30151\ 1\30251\ 1\30351\ 1\304S1\ 1\30551\ 1\30651\ 1\31051\ A311sA 1\40051\ 1\401SA 1\40251\ 1\40351\ M04S1\ " 1\40551\ ' 1\50051\ 1\50151\ A502S1\ 1\50351\ 1\60051\ 1\60151\ 1\602S1\ 1\60351\ A700S1\ 1\70151\ 1\70251\ 1\703S1\ 1\70451\ 1\70551\ A800S1\ 51\ 1\-1 BRIDGES 51\ 1\-11 CLEI\N & WI\SH BRDG SA A-I00 BRIDGE INSPECT. SI\ 1\-2 CULVERTS SI\ A-200 CULVERT INSPECT. SA B-1 GRI\SS & WEED CONTR SA B-2 TREE CUTTING, BRUSH SA B-2A TREE PLANTING SI\ B-3 DITCHING SI\ B-41\ STORM CURB/GUTTER 51\ B-5 DEBRIS & LITTER 51\ B-5A MISC. MAINTENANCE SA B-1 GR.CUT/SAFE.WD.I\CT SA B-2 TREE, CUT,TRIM/SAFE 51\ C-1 PI\VEMENT REPAIRS 51\ C-2 SWEEPING 51\ C-3 SHOULD.MTNCE.GRADE SA C-3A SHOULD.MTNCE.GRAV SI\ C-4 SURFI\CE TREATMENT 51\ C-41\ MACH. LAID HOT MIX 51\ 0-2 GRI\DING SA 0-3 DUST CONTROL 51\ 0-4 PRIME SI\ 0-5 GRI\VEL RESURFI\CING *(RD. #28 51\ E-l SNOWPLOWING KNOLL) 51\ E-2 SI\NDING & SALTING SI\ E-3 SNOWFENCE, THAWING SI\ E-4 WINTER STANDBY SA F-1 PI\VEMENT MI\RKING SA F-2 EDGE MARKING SI\ F-3 SIGNS SI\ F-4 GUIDE RAIL *(FINGAL BRIDGE) SA F-5 RAILROI\D PROTECT. SI\ F-6 STUMP REMOVI\L SA TRAFFIC COUNT SF I A Expenditure 577.83 2,663.17 1,133.57 51. 52 210.61 188.92 14,711.14 148.82 0.00 1,736.82 114.62 1,073.19 2,503.97 0.00 3,496.86 2,751.55 2,947.78 2,785.80 0.00 17,442.11 3,862.16 6,618.51 0.00 100.04 16,645.27 64,743.74 1,310.60 0.00 7,529.48 3,494.11 2,646.09 -85.45 2,366.00 2,082.48 509.27 Budget 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 B~.lancl!!l 91.422.17) -21.663.17) -11.133.57) -51. 52 '-210.61) 24,,811.08 10,222.86 1,851.18 10,000.00 13,263.18 '-114.62 3,926.81 -2,503.97 0.00 16,503.14 7,248.45 2,052.22 '7,214.20 0.00 2,557.23 11,137.84 8,381. 49 0.00 19,899.96 8,354.73) -4,743.74) -1,310.60) 10,000.001 2,470.52 1,505.89 2,353.91 1,085.45 2,634.00 2,917.52 490.73 A803S1\ S.A. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT ------------- ------------- ------------- 167,572.76 Total I SUBURBAN AREA MAINTENANCE SECTIoN 2 SUBURBAN AREA CONSTRUCTION BR1601 ROAD 16 RESURFI\CING EAST BR2500 ROAD 25 RESURFACING BSA049 S.A. MISC. LAND PURCHASE 166,427.24 50.73 166,411.97 SF I B Expenditure 334,000.00 5,000.00 339,000.00 Budget 4,949.27 172,522.03 Balance 100,308.36 300,000.00 199,691.64 29,815.00 51,000.00 21,185.00 130,123.36 351,000.00 220,876.64 10,259.09 5,000.00 -5,259.09 ESTIMATE BALANCE ($1,000.00) +5 +20 +10 +2 -f.10 +13 o +3 o o +15 +5 +1 +5 o +2 +10 +8 o o -25 +1 o +1 -15 +1 +3 o +75 +5 +80 +34 -71 -37 -5 ------------- ------------- ------------- , =;~~ " Total I SUBURBAN AREA CONSTRUCTION Total: SUBURBAN,AREA ===~~g~~~~~~~ ===~~~~ggg~gg ===~~~!~~~~~~ 306 860:00 695 000.00 388 140.00 ======b====== ======b====== ======b====== *(EXCLUDING 7% OVE~HEAD AND 5% CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING) (TOTAL 1993 BUDGET = $770,000.00) *SUGGESTED 1993 PROJECTS: - TREE CUTTING DITCHING - ROAD #25 GUARD RAIL =t~~ I I COUNTY OF ELGIN JOAD DEPARTMENT ----------------1-------------- ~~~Q~I_=_~hQPE ~NSTABlhIIY COUNTY ROAd #16 HILL ~------- OCTOBER 1, 1993 INTRODUCTION: ------------ A preliminary geotechnical ass~ssment was carried out in June 1993 by Golder Associates on the sldpe instability of the County Road #16 hill west of the Fingal Bridge, Iwest of the City limits. This investigation indicated t~at the existing side slopes are unstable and exhibiting ongoing movaments. DISCUSSION: ---------- The Road Department has been a~are of the problem for several years and has removed excess materiJjl at the toe of the slope on several occasions. To date no material has been r moved in 1993. The top of the existing slope on the north side islquite remote of the property line, however this natural slope has encrqached on private property on the SQuth side for several years. I I thl consultant includes retaining by removing excess fill and drinage works. This work would be I I The Ministry of TransportationjOf Ontario approved needs for this section of road include a hori ontal realignment of the roadway which may involve the removal of an existing home. Thus it does not appear practi1al to carry out costly remedial maintenance work at this time when jeconstruction is scheduled for the future. Ontario Hydro are presently in 'estigating the relocation of their pole line. Remedial action proposed by walls and/or slope stabilization installing granular material and disruptive and costly. RECOMMENDATIONS: --------------- We recommend that this portionlof roadway continue to be monitored and that excess material ~e removed as required until funding and priorities are such thai this portion of roadway can be I reconstructed. FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER ALLISTON, ONTARIO JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST:THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Nottawasaga Inn in Alliston, Ontario during the Suburban Road Commission -. Western Group Meeting held on Wednesday, June 16, 1993. O.G.R.A. CENTENNIAL HERITAGE ROAD DESIGNATION: RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE DISIGNATE COUNTY ROAD #16 (ST. THOMAS - FINGAL TO WALLACETOWN) AN HISTORIC ROAD FOR PURPOSES OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL. CARR I ED .' " ADJOURNMENT : RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY:" R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE GltXLL OF'TAE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED.." OLu.~~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 7, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Administration Building on Friday, May 7, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION 111 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: The Engineer reported that negotiations were continuing to buy land widening at the intersection of County Road #25 and County Road #48. Canadian National has been requested to upgrade the railway crossing south of St. George Street. Since these matters would take some time to finalize, it was suggested that completion of this project be delayed to 1994 and that the funds allotted for this project be diverted to the Road #16 resurfacing project from Middlemarch to St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that cold in-place asphalt recycling would be used on this project. This process involves the mulching of the existing asphalt base and the addition of additional emulsion. This effort saves the need for the supply of new material and improves the crossfall of the asphalt road base. A surface lift of two inches of asphalt would be applied. The work would end at the top of the hill which appears unstable. A soils consultant will be engaged to determine the requirements to stabilize the side slopes. RESOLUTION 112 "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BE REVISED TO DELETE WORK ON ROAD #25 (WELLINGTON ROAD) AND TO ADD COLD IN-PLACE ASPHALT RECYCLING AND SINGLE LIFT RESURFACING OF ROAD #16 FROM MIDDLEMARCH TO ST. THOMAS (ESTIMATED COST - $351,000). CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineer's Office at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 27, 1993. All members were present except Mr. Roderick Ferguson. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHAIRMAN: RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE APPOINT DON STOKES AS ACTING CHAIRMAN FOR THIS MEETING. CARRIED." ADOPTION OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1992 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." 1993 MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENTS: The Engineer reported receiving a letter from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario informing the County of the Ministerial Adjusted Assessment for 1993 being based on an assessment value of $167,500,000. A 1/2 mill would require a payment of $83,750 from the City of St. Thomas. RESOLUTION #3 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY Of ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE REQUESTED TO CONTRIBUTE THE PROCEEDS OF A RATE OF 1/2 MILL BASED ON THE 1993 MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENT VALUE OF $167,600,000 PER RSO 1980, CHAPTER 421, SECTIONS 68 AND 69 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION WILL BE $83,750 FOR 1993. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 2. 1993 HONORARIUM: RESOLUTION #4 "MOVED BY D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARYI1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994 BE $175.00. CARRIED." ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: I RESOLUTION 115 "MOVED BY~ A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1993 BE AID. CARRIED." SUBURBAN ROAD I COMMISSION OF ONTARIO MEMBERSHIP: RESOLUTION #6 "MOVED BY; ; A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR ; ; 1993 BE ~AID (*$25.00 LAST YEAR). CARRIED." CONVENTION A~TENDANCE: I RESOLUTION 1171 "MOVED B't1: I D. R. STOKES SECONDEQ BY: A. AUCKLAND I I THAT WE IAPPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. ROD FERGUSON TO THE ONTARIO GOOD I ROADS A~SOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTI~E MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS ! OF ONTARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES) PAID. rARDTl='n II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 3. 1992 EXPENDITURES: RESOLUTION #8 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1992 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRIED." PROPOSED 1993 BUDGET: RESOLUTION #9 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $770,000 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED." APPOINTMENT OF 1993 CHAIRMAN: RESOLUTION #10 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPOINT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994. CARRIED." SPORTS/EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX: The Engineer informed members of the Committee that he was dealing directly with the consultant for the development and all concerns on County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) and County Road #57 (Southdale Road) are being met by the consultant. The Engineer also informed members that the County was presently in the process of signing an agreement with the City regardin~this complex. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 4. RESOLUTIONS TO ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION: The Engineer informed the members that no resolutions have been received from Road Committee or County Council to be forwarded to thE~ Ontario Good Roads Association this year. LONDON ANNEXATION: The Engineer informed the members that due to the annexation of parts of Middlesex County by the City of London, the London Suburban Road Commission would no longer exist effective January 1, 1993. ADJOURNMENT: RESOLUTION #11 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." if k/. t2~oJ-4 ~__ HAIRMAN .r ST. THO/1AS SUBURBr)f'J ROAD COJv1I'H 55 1 0'" 1992 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE JANUARY 22, 1993 --------------------------------------------- 1992 Exp~nditure on Maintenance 1992 Expenditure on Construction 1992 Expenditure on Construction Engineering (SX) 1992 Municipal Drainage Assessment 1992 Land Purchase SUB-TOTAL 1992 Overhead (7X) TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE LESS: MTO SubsidY/Grant (79.887X) BALANCE AFTER SUBSIDY 50X Payable by City of St. Thomas D'f $158,617.50 A DO : 50 XCi t y 0 f S l. T h om ass h are of Ins u ran c e, rie m be r- s hip 5 and Conferences of $2,793.35 TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Deficit from 1991 SUB-TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: 1992 1/2 mill Contribution from City SURPLUS TO 1993 FHED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER $229,bI;2.b7 473 ,808 . 18 23,690.41 3,597.08 6,280.62 -.---------- $737,038.96 51,592.73 ----------- $788,631.69 630 ,0 liJ . 19 ----------- $158,617.50 ----------- -- - - - -- - - - _.- 79,308.75 1,396.68 ---------.-- 80,705.Q3 1,733.00 ----------- 82, lJ38 .lJ3 83,800.00 ----------- $1,361 .57 ============ / ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - 1992 EXPENDitURES , 1 Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 Printed on Honday, JAnuary 10,199j at: 09tS2t-t-t SECTION 1 Suburban 1\rea Part A - "aln~@"A"e~ ~ot:"f: eode 1\ Act:.lvlt:.y ExpendH.ure Budget; Balance 1\10051\ S1\ 1\-1 BtHDGE:S 309.95 20,000.00 19,611.05 1\10151\ 51\ 1\-11 CLEM! ~ W1\SII tJRtJG 1,9>12.12 0.00 -1,9>12.12 1\10251\ 51\ 1\-100 BRIDGE INSPE:CT. 122.99 0.00 -122.98 1\20051\ 51\ 1\-2 CULVERTS 3,706.75 0.00 -3,706.75 1\20151\ 51\ 1\-200 CULVE:RT INSPECT. 526.93 o.on -526.93 ---_&.._------ -----------.... ------------ 6,697.63 20,OOO.on 13,312.31 1\30051\ S1\ B-1 GRASS ~ WEED CUTT. 19,170.01 15,000.00 --1,110.01 1\301sA SA B-2 TnEE CUTTING 23, 86EL 70 10,000.00 -13,969.70 1\302SA 51\ D-" DRAIN1\GE 23,166.60 9,000.00 -1",166.60 1\30351\ SA 9-5 ROADSIDE HTNeE. 2,157.7" 10,000.QO 7,8-12.26 1\30"51\ 51\ D-6 TREE PL1\NTING 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1\306SA 51\ B-ll WEEO SpnAYING 0.00 0.00 0.00 1\307S1\ S1\ D- U I 5CELJJ1\NEOU5 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ------------ -----------..... ------------ 6a,3t;3.11 SO,OOO.OO -19,363." 1\"0051\ 51\ C-l PAVEMENT REr1\tRS 15,503.79 10,000.00 -5,583.79 1\"015A 51\ C-2 SWEEPING ",725.01 5,000.00 27".19 1\"0251\ 5A C-3 SIIOULOER UTNCE. 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1\"0351\ SA C-" 5U~F1\CE TRE1\THENT 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1\" 0" S1\ 51\ C-S SIIOULf)ER ~'TNCE. 3,031.9" ",000.00 962.16 1\"0551\ 51\ C-6 H1\Cf1tNE L1\IO IIOTUX 0.00 11,000.00 11 , 000 . 00 ------------ ------------ ------------ 23,341.43 50,000.001 26,G52.51 1\50051\ 51\ 0-2 GR1\OUtG 9,1S1.59 9,000.00' -1,151.59 1\50151\ S1\ 0-3 OUST CONTROL 5,206.19 10,000.00' 4,193.91 1\502S1\ S1\ 1)-4 PRn'E 0.00 2,000.00' 2,000.00 1\503S1\ SA 0-5 GR^VEL RESURF1\CING 3,017."1 30,000.00 26,922.59 1\50"51\ 51\ 0- C1\tJCIUH CHLORIDE 6,.t47.10 10,000.00 3,552.92 ------------ ------------ ------------ 24,492.37 60,000.00 35,517.63 1\60051\ 5A E-l SMOWPtOWING 20,099.21 25,000.00 ",901.79 1\60151\ 51\E-2 SAflDING ~ SALTING 53,335.53 70,000.00 16,66"."1 1\60251\ S1\ E-4 WINTER 5T1\NDBY 1,530.60 5,000.00 -2,539.60 ------------ ------------ ------------ 90,912.34 100,000.00 19,021.66 1\10051\ 51\ F-1 P1\VEHEUT "1\RKING 9,785.01 15,000.00 5,21".93 1\10151\ S1\ F-2 5IGNS 2,122.92 10,000.00 7,211.19 1\102S1\ 51\ F-J GUIDE R1\IL 1"2.16 1,000.00 951.9" 1\703S1\ 51\ F-" R1\ILROAD PROTECT. 3,820.03 4,000.00 179.91 ^'0~51\ 51\ F-6 EDGE H1\RKtNG 1,"17.23 15,000.00 1,502.17 1\70551\ S1\ F-1 STUHr REHOV1\L 1,062.59 5,000.00 3,931."2 ------------ ------------ ------------ 21,949.99 50,000.00 2,5,050.11 1\900SI\ SI\ TRI\FFIC COUNT 059.90 0.00 -959.90 ---_._------- ------------ ------------ 959.90 0.00 -959.90 ------------ ------------ ------------ -_._--_._-~--- ------------- - - -. - .- -. .- - - - - .- To~al 5uburban 1\rea MaintenAnce 229,662.61 330,000.00 100,331.33 ] 1 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 1. -------------------~--------~------~---- (A) SUI1t1ARY Estimated Total Expenditure LESS: MTD Grant (Assume 78Y.) $770,000 600,(,00 BALANCE 50Y. Payable by City 169,ltOO Slt,700 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Suburban Share of Insurance, Memberships and Conferences ($3,000 estimate) (SOY.) 8il , 700 1 ,500 LESS: 1992 Surplus 86,200 1,362 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: City of St. Thomas 1993 1/2Mill Contribution 8lf ,838 83,750 OEFICIT TO 1991J $1 ,088 ----------- ------------ (B) EXPENDITURES 1992 EXPENDITUHE 1993 BUDGET (i) Maintenance A - Bridges and Culve\-ts $1S,bIB8 $10,000 B - 1 , Grass Cutting 1 9 , 1 70 25,000 B-2, Tree Cutting 23,869 25,000 B - 3/lt, Drainage 23,1 b 7 25,000 B - 5, Roadside Maintenance 2 , 1 ~58 5,000 B - , Tree Planting 0 2,000 C - 1 , Pavement Repairs 15,51Bl-l 20,000 C - 2, Sweeping It , 7i~6 10,000 C - 3, Shoulder Maintenance/Grading 3 ,0:38 5,000 C - 3A, Shoulder Maintenance/Gravel 0 10,000 C - 4, Surface Treatment 0 0 C - lfA, Machine Laid Hot Mix 0 20,000 D - 2, Grading 9,752 15,000 D - 3, DU5t Control 11 ,b~5lf 15,000 D - 5, Gravel Resurfacing 3,077 20,000 E - 1 , Snowplowing 20,098 25,000 E - 2, Sanding~and Salting 53 ,3:36 (,0,000 E - 4, Winter St.~.ndby 7 ,5~39 10,000 l F - 1 , Centreline Painting 9,7B5 10,000 F - 2, Edge Painting 7,lt1L7 5,000 F - 3, Signs 2 , 7(~3 t ,000 ~ .. ~, ~\l\Q~ \'\a \ \ s \l~2. 5,000 ",.11 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ----------------------------- H E P 0 R T ---..-------- October 1993 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAO COMMISSION: The st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has control over the following roads (since June 29, 1992): 1. Road #16 from County Road #45 (Middlemarch) to the st. Thomas boundary. 2. Road #22 (FairviewAvenue) from the south limit of the City of st. Thomas to the north limit of County Road #27. 8. Road #25 (Wellington Road) from the north limit of Highway #4 to the new City of london boundary. 4. Road #26 (st. George Street) from the City of st. Thomas boundary (Kettle' Creek) to the east limit of County, Road,#25. 5. Road #28 from the south limit of Highway #3 to the north limit of County Road #45. 6. Road #30 from the City of st. Thomas boundary to the new City of london boundary. 7. Road #81 from the City of St. Thomas boundary to the south limit of County Road #52. 8. Road #56 (Elm street) from the boundary of the City of St. Thomas easterly to the west limit of County Road 136. g. Road #57 (Southdale Road) from the east limit of Highway #q to the west limit of County Road #22. The County of Elgin has completed resurfacing onCounly Road #25 north of Highway #4 as well as cold-in-place recycling and resurfacing on County Road #16 from Road #45 to west of the City limits. In 1992 the section of County Road #16 from County Road #45 to the Hamlet of Fingal was reverted to the County System enabling the County to resurface this section of road in 1992 and 1993. With the exception of winter control all maintenance items were under budget. However it is proposed to remove a knoll on Road #28 and upgrade the guard rail system west of the Fingal Bridge this year. This led to a surplus in the Maintenance Budget which was used in the Construction Budget to carry out additional work on County Road ~25. In 1993, some road widening was completed on County Road #57 (Southdale Road) and on Count y Road #28 (Cent enn i a I Avefn'Ue). -:")"" Improvements to County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) and County Road #57 (Southdale Road) have been completed by the City in conjunction with the Sports/Education Complex. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~~Qf3..I__=. OCTOBEf3._!- 99L________~-~ PAGE 2. A 1 though the 1991l road program has not been discussed wi th the coun. of Elgin Road Committee,' it would appear that the most serious need for ' the Suburban Commission in 1991' would be the continuc3.tion of the completion of resurfacing and channelization on County Road #25 particularly at st. George street and at County Road #q8. The replacement of a structural steel plate culvert on Elm street (County Road #56) may a 1so have to be considey-ed. At this time, it appears that expenditures on the Suburban Road Commission will be within the budget proposed at the beginning of the year. Arrangements are being made in preparation for the June 1994 Suburban Roads Commission Association Western Group Meeting which will be hosted by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ______~i~J!--,.- FRED GROCH, COUNTY ENGINEER . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at..,.the County Administration Building on Friday, October 15, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. All members 1were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUI'ES RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 7 AND JUNE 16, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." HERITAGE ROAD DESIGNATION The Engineer informed the members that the designation of the Centennial Heritage Roads for the Ontario Good Roads Assocation would be made at the 1994 Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference. Ms Sheila Richardson indicated that the results should be known by the end of December. The Engineer handed out Mr. Wayne Paddon's desc'fiption dt't:his road as a Heritage Road. 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINfENANCE BUDGET A report prepared by the Engineer showing the expenditures to date and estimated expenditures to the end of the year for the Suburban Road Commission construction and maintenance projects. With the exception of winter controL, maintenance expenditures were less than budgeted. The removal of the knoll on Road #28 and installation of guard rails on the Fingal Bridge were programmed for 1993. This left adequate funds for the completion of the Road #16 resurfacing project from Middlemarch to St. Thomas as well as resurfacing Road #25 from Highway #4 to just south of St. George Street. It was suggested that any additional funds available would be used to carry out additional maintenance such as tree cutting, ditching and replacement of the guide rail on County Road #25 north of Highway #4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 2. . CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CROSSING, COUNTY ROAD #25 The Engineer reported that correspondence has been received from Transport Canada indicating that they would be investigating the Canadian National regarding reducing the delays occurring at this railway crossing. The Engineer also reported that discussions with the Canadian National were held in which they agreed to realign the tracks at this location in anticipation of our reconstruction project in 1994 of this part of County Road #25. Canadian National has agreed to carry out this work at their cost, however the County will be required to carry out all related road work and install a rubber seal at the crossing. ROAD #28 - OONCERNS BY K:CAW The Engineer reported receiving a letter from Mr. McCaw em County Road #28 requesting improvements to this section of the road south of St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that he would write Mr. McCaw indicating that this project was on the five year programme. ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION The Engineer informed the members that he had received room confirmations for all members for the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Meeting to be held on February 20 to 23, 1994 (Centennial). . ROAD #16 - SLIDE A report was distributed to the members with discussion regarding a soils investigation of the hillside on County Road #16 just west of St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that since this part of the road was scheduled in the future for realignment and reconstruction that the slide be monitored so that extensive maintenance costs are not encountered at this time. COUNTY ROAD #30 - CHEVRONS The Engineer reported that at the request of the Regional Coroner and subsequent to a recent fatality, chevrons would be installed on the first curve on Road #30, south of the City of London limits. . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 3. 1994 WESTERN REGION ANNUAL MEETING It was pointed out that this meeting would be sponsored by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and preliminary discussions were held regarding arrangements. Tentatively it was suggested that the tour include the Freightliner truck plant and City hall. It was also suggested that lunch and the meeting be held in the County Administration building. The Engineer reported that he would commence making the necessary arrangements with the assistance of the Assistant Engineer, Mr. Clayton Watters and Mr. Donald Stokes the City representative. The Engineer estimated the cost for this meeting would be approximately $3,000.00 and this would be put into the 1994 Suburban Budget. It was expected that 30 to 35 members would attend. RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN AND MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIJRMAN. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN Elgin County Roads Blllance Sheet Page 1 SECTION I'l'lllled on Wednesday, october 13,1993 at 12:23123 Sf' I A Expendlture 1\100S1\ 1\10151\ 1\10251\ 1\20051\ 1\20251\ 1\30051\ 1\30151\ 1\30281\ 1\30351\ 1\301\81\ 1\30551\ 1\30651\ 1\310S1\ 1\31181\ M0081\ MOI51\ M02SI\ M0351\ M04S1\ " M0581\' 1\5008A A5015A 1\502S1\ A5038A A6008A 1\6015A 1\60251\ 1\60351\ A7005A 1\70181\ 1\7028A A70381\ 1\70451\ 1\70551\ 1\00051\ sunURDAN AREA MAINTENANCE 81\ 1\-1 DRIlJGES S1\ 1\-11 CLE1\N & W1\SII URDG SA 1\-100 BRIDGE INSPECT. S1\ 1\-2 CULVERTS SA 1\-200 CULVERT INSPECT. SA 0-1 GRASS & WEEOCONTR SA B-2 TREE CUTT WG, BRUSIt S1\ B-2~ TREE PL1\NTING S1\ B-3 OITCltING S1\ B-41\ STORM CURR/GUTTER SA B-5 DEBRIS & LITTER S1\ B~5A MISC. MAINTENANCE S1\ 0-1 GR.CUT/SAFE.WD.ACT SA B-2 TREE CUT, TRIM/SAFE SA C-1 PAVEMENT REPAIRS S1\ C-2 SWEEPING SA C-3 SHOULO.MTNCE.GR1\OE SA C-31\ SHOULD. MTNCE. GRJW SA c-I\ SURFACE TREATMENT 81\ C-41\ M1\CII.LAID nOT MIX SA 0-2 GR1\DING SA 0-3 OUST CONTROL S1\ 0-4 PRIHE SA 0-5 GRAVELRESURF1\CINU *(RD. #28 81\ E-l 8UOWPLOWINU KNOLL) SA E-2 SANDING & S1\LTING, 51\ E-3 SNOWFENCE, 'l'1I1\WING SA E-4 WINTER STANDBY SA F-1 PAVEMENT HARKING S1\ F-2 EDGE MARKING SA F-3 SIGNS 51\ F-4 GUIDE R1\II. *(FINGAL BRIDGE) SA F-5 RAILR01\D PROTECT. S1\ F-6 STUHP REMOVAL 51\ TRAFFIC COUNT 1\0035A 5.A. DRAIN1\GE ASSESSMENT Tulul I sunURDAN AREA MAINTENl\ttCE SECTION 2 SUDURDAN AREA CONSTRUCTION OR1601 ROAD 16 RESURFACING EAST OR2500 ROAD 25 RESURFACING 1351\U49 S.A. MISC. LAND PURCIIASE Tolal I SUBURBAN AREA CONSTRUCTION 511.83 2,663.11 1,133.57 51.52 210.61 188.92 14,777.14 148.82 0.00 1,736.82 114.62 1,073.19 2,503.97 0.00 3,496.86 2,751.55 2,947.18 2,785.80 0.00 17,442.77 3,862.16 6,618.51 0.00 100.04 16,645.27 64,743.7<1 1,310.60 0.00 7,529.40 3,1\94.11 2,646.09 -85.45 2,366.00 2,002.48 509.27 166,427.24 50.73 166,417.97 SF I D EXllend i ture 100,300.36 29,815.00 130,123.36 10,259.09 Budge~ 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 334,000.00 5,000.00 339,000.00 Dudge~ 300,000.00 51,000.00 351,000.00 5,000.00 BI!l1anCe 9,422.17 ) -2,663.11 ) -1,133.51) -51. 52 -210.61 ) 24,811.08 10,222.86 1,851.18 10,000.00 13,263.18 -114.62 3,926.81 -2,503.97 0.00 16,503.14 7,248.45 2,052.22 '7,214.20 0.00 2,557.23 11,137.84 0,381.49 0.00 19,899.96 EI,3S4.13) -~I,743.H) -1,310.60~ 10,000.00) ~!,470.52 1,505.09 ~!,353.91 1,005.45 ~~,634.00 ~!,917.52 490.13 161',572.76 4,949.27 11:!,522.03 Ila1ance 199,691.64 21,185.00 220,876.64 -5,259.09 Total: SUBURBAN,AREA ===J~~~~~~~~~ ===~~~~~~~~~~ ===~~~!~!2~~~ 306 860:00 695 000.00 388 140.00 ======L====== ======L====== ======L====== *(EXCLUDING 7\ OVE~HEAD AND 5\ CONSTRlICTION AND ENGINEERING) (TOTAL 1993 BUDGET = $770,000.00) AS\JGGESTED 1993 PHOJECTS: - THEE CUTTING - DITCIIING - {{DAD #25 GUARD RAIL ESTIMATE BALANCE ($1,000.00) +S . +20 +10 +2 "",10 +13 o +3 o o +15 +5 +1 +5 o +2 +10 +8 o o -25 +1 o +1 -15 +1 +3 o +75 . +5 +80 +34 -71 -37 -5 =~~~ , =t,~~ . . CO~~IY_QE_~h~l~_BQ~Q_Qs~~~I~~~I REPORT - SLOPE INSTABILITY ----------..--------------- COUNTY ROAD #16 HILL -------------------- OCTOBER 1, 1 993 !.t!I'3.Q.Q.ld~!..!..Q.f~: A preliminary geotechnical assessment was carried out in June 1993 by Golder Associates on the slope instability o~: the County Road #16 hill west of the Fingal Bridge, west of the City limits. This investigation indicated that the existing ~;ide slopes are unstable and exhibiting ongoing movements. DISCUSSION: --------- The Road Department has been aware of the problE~m for several years and has removed excess material at the toe of the slope on several occasions. To date no material has been removed in 1993. The top of the existing slope on the north side is quite remote of the property line, however this natural slope has encroached on private property on the south side for several years. Remedial action proposed by the consultant includes retaining walls and/or slope stabilization by removing excess fill and installing granular material and drainage works. This work would be disruptive and costly. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approved needs for this section of road include a horizontal realignment of the roadway which may involve the removal of an existing home. (0:. Thus it does not appear practical to carry out costly remedial maintenance work at this time when reconstruction is scheduled for the future. ... " Ontario Hydro are presently investigating the relocation of their pole line. RECOMMENDATIONS: -------------- We recommend that this portion of roadway continue tobe monitored and that excess material be removed as required until funding and priorities are such that this portion of roadway can be reconstructed. FRED GROCH COUNTY ENG II\lEER ALLISTON, ONTARIO JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST; THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO~4MISSION met at the Nottawasaga Inn in Alliston, Ontario during the Suburban Road Commission - Western Group Meeting held on Wednesday, June 16, 1993. D.G.R.A. CENTENNIAL HERITAGE ROAD DESIGNATION: RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE DISIGNATE COUNTY ROAD #16 (ST. THOMAS - FINGAL TO WALLACETOWN) AN HISTORIC ROAD FOR PURPOSES OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL. CARRIED." ADJOURNMENT : RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE GALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." o Lu.~/L&Y CHAIRMAN 2k~ .>> ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 7, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at-the County Administration Building on Friday, May 7, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: The Engineer reported that negotiations were continuing to buy land widening at the intersection of County Road #25 and County Road #48,. Canadian National has been requested to upgrade the railway crossing south of St. George Street. Since these matters would take some time to finalize, it was suggested that completion of this project be delayed to 1994 and that the funds allotted for this project be diverted to the Road #16 resurfacing project from Middlemarch to St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that cold in-place asphalt recycling would be used on this project. This process involves the mulching of the e:Kisting asphalt base and the addition of additional emulsion. This effort saves the need for the supply of new material and improves the crossfall of the asphalt road base. A surface lift of two inches of asphalt would be applied. The work would end at the top of the hill which appears unstable. A soils consultant will be engaged to determine the requirements to stabilize the side slopes. RESOLUTION 112 "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BE REVISED TO DELETE WORK ON ROAD #25 (WELLINGTON ROAD) AND TO ADD COLD IN-PLACE ASPHALT RECYCLING AND SINGLE LIFT RESURFACING OF ROAD #16 FROM MIDDLEMARCH TO ST. THOMAS (ESTIMATED COST - $351,000). CARRIED." 11 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 7, 1993 ~ PAGE 2. 1993 EXPENDITURES TO DATE: The Engineer provided the computer printout for the Surburban area expenditure to date. The Engineer reported that the major costs incurred were winter control and it appeared that the winter control budget had been spent at this date. The Engineer reported that during the course of the year maintenance and construction projects would have to be re-evaluated to ensure that the budget is not overspent. ROAD TOUR: The members proceeded to tour the entire Suburban Road System. ~ ADJOURNMENT: RESOLUTION 113 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED.II ~ /) I / /) /;)~ [4 r lk . fv[/L{(/I;..-{;o. CHAIRMAN ~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineer's Office at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 27, 1993. All members werle present except Mr. Roderick Ferguson. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHAIRMAN: RESOLUTION 111 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE APPOINT DON STOKES AS ACTING CHAIRMAN FOR THIS MEETING. CARRIED." ADOPTION OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION 112 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1992 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." 1993 MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENTS: The Engineer reported receiving a letter from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario informing the County of the Ministerial Adjusted Assessment for 1993 being based on an assessment value of $167,500,000. A 1/2 mill would require a payment of $83,750 from the City of St. Thomas. RESOLUTION #3 ~ "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE REQUESTED TO CONTRIBUTE THE PROCEEDS OF A RATE OF 1/2 MILL BASED ON THE 1993 ~1INISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENT VALUE OF $167,600,000 PERRS01980, CHAPTER 421, SECTIONS 68 AND 69 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION WILL BE $83,750 FOR 1993. CARRIED." l! ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 ~ PAGE 2. 1993 HONORARIUM: RESOLUTION 114 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994 BE $175.00. CARRIED." ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: RESOLUTION 115 . "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1993 BE PAID. CARRIED. II SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO MEMBERSHIP: RESOLUTION 116 ~ IIMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1993 BE PAID (*$25.00 LAST YEAR). CARRIED.II CONVENTION ATTENDANCE: RESOLUTION 117 IIMOVED BY: D. R. STOKES . SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. ROD FERGUSON TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ONTARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES) PAID. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 3. 1992 EXPENDITURES: RESOLUTION #8 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1992 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRI ED. " PROPOSED 1993 BUDGET: RESOLUTION 119 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $770,000 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED." APPOINTMENT OF 1993 CHAIRMAN: RESOLUTION #10 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPOINT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994. CARRIED." SPORTS/EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX: The Engineer informed members of the Committee that he was dealing directly with the consultant for the development and all concerns on County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) and County Road #57 (Southdale Road) are being met by the consultant. The Engineer also informed members that the County was presently in the process of signing an agreement with the City regardin~ this complex. '" It ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 . PAGE 4. RESOLUTIONS TO ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION: The Engineer informed the members that no resolutions have been received from Road Committee or County Council to be forwarded to the Ontario Good Roads Association this year. lONDON ANNEXATION: The Engineer informed the members that due to the annE!xation of parts of Middlesex County by the City of London, the London Suburban Road Commission would no longer exist effective January 1, 1993. . ADJOURNMENT: RESOLUTION 1111 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARR I ED. III . 5T. THOl1AS SUDlH18f.\1\J nUAD COI-If'1 I 55 1 Ohf 1992 CONSTRUCTION AI\JD MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE JANUARY 22, 1993 -------------------------------~------------- (')2 Expend it Ul-e on t'1a i nt enance 1992 Expenditure on Construction 1992 Expenditure on Construction Engineering (5Y.) 1992 Municipal Drainage Assessmenl 1992 land Purchase $229,61;2.67 ll73 ,808 . 18 23,690.Ql 3,597.08 6,280.62 SUB-TOTAL 1992 Overhead (7X) $737,038.96 51 ,592 . 73 TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE LESS: MTO Subsidy/Grant (79.887Y.) $788,631.69 630 ,Oil' . 1 9 BALANCE AFTER SUBSIDY $158,&17.50 ----------- -------------- SOY. Payab'e by City of st. lhnmi~s of 1d50,fd7.50 A 0 D : 50 XCi l y 0 f S l. Tho mas 5 h i'\ reo fIn 5 LI ,- d nee ,. H ~ m be r" s hip 5 and Conferences of $2,793.35 7'3,308.75 1,396.68 TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY A~D: Deficit from 1991 ( \ SUB-TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY lESS: 1992 1/2 mill Contribulion from City 80,705.1'3 1,733.00 82 , tt 38 . i' 3 83,800.00 SURPLUS TO 1993 $1,351.57 ----------- ------..----- rnED GnOCH COUNfV ENGINEER r' I * / " ST. TIIOMAS SU[)UROAN ROAD cO,.,~nSSION - 1992 EXPENDI1URES Elgin County nontls Dnlonce Sheet Page 1 I'rlnted on "onday, January 18,1993 at 08:52:"" 8ECTIoN 1 Suburban I\rea . Pnrt I\. - Mnl"~e"ance 8or~ Code 1\ I\.ctlvlt.y ExpendU:ure Budget: Balance 1\10081\ 81\ 1\-1 OnI()GES 308.95 20,000.00 19,611.05 1\10181\ 81\ 1\-11 CLE1\U ~ W1\SII tmoo 1,9"2.12 0.00 -1,9"2.12 1\10281\ 81\ 1\-100 BnIDGE ltI8I"ECT. 122.90 0.00 -122.98 1\20081\ 81\ 1\-2 CUt~VERTS 3,706.75 0.00 -3,706.75 1\201S1\ SI\. 1\-200 CULVEnT IUSrECT. 526.83 0.00 -5'-6.93 ----~------- ------------ ------------ 6,697.63 20,000.00 H,312.31 1\30051\ 81\ D-l aR1\8S & WEED CUTT. 19,110.01 15,000.00 -1,170.07 1\30181\ SI\ 0-2 TREE CUTTIf'O 23,060.10 10,000.00 -13,068.70 1\30281\ 81\ 0-" llRI\ Jtl1\GE 23,166.60 9,000.00 -1-1,166.60 1\30381\ 81\ B- 5 ROI\OS ttH:: lITUel';. 2,157.7" 10,000.f;l0 7,0"2.26 1\30"S1\ SI\ O-G TnEE t't.l\tlTHIO 0.00 1,000.!lO 1,000.00 1\306S1\ 81\ 0-11 WEED SNI1\YItlcJ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1\307S1\ 81\ O- ft I SCELr~1\UEOUS 0.00 S,OOO.OO 5,000.00 ------------ ------------ --.---------- 69,363.11 50,000.00 -tn,363.H 1\100S1\ S1\ C-l t'1\VEIIEUT nEI'1\In8 15,503.78 10,000.00 -5,583.78 1\40151\ S1\ e-2 8WEEt'ItIG ",725.01 5,000.00 2"'.19 1\40281\ SI\ C-3 8110ULOEn ttTUCE. 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1\10381\ S1\ e-4 SUnF'I\CE TnF,1\THEUT 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1\401sl\ SI\ C-S SIIOULI'En "THeE. 3,037.04 4,000.00 962.16 . 1\"0581\ S1\ C-G .11\CIIIUE L1\I() 1I0TIIX 0.00 11 , 000.00 11,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ 23,341.43 50,000.00 26,652.51 1\50081\ S1\ b-2 an1\bItIG 9,151.59 8,000.00 -1,751.59 1\50181\ S1\ b-3 bUST CONTnOL 5,206.19 10,000.00 ",793.01 1\50281\ S1\ b-4 t'nIIIE 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1\503S1\ 81\ b-5 Cn1\VEL nESUnF'1\CHIO 3,017.111 30,000.00 26,922.59 1\50451\ S1\ [)- C1\LCIUH CIILonIOE 6,11117.10 10,000.00 3,552.r32 ------------ ------------ ------------ 24,492.37 60,000.00 35,517.63 1\60081\ S1\ E-1 SMowrLOWING 20,090.21 25,000.00 11,901.79 1\60181\ S1\E-2 S1\UDIUO ~ S1\LTIHG 53,3JS.53 70,000.00 16,6611.41 1\60251\ S1\ E-4 WINTEn ST1\N()OV 7,530.60 5,000.00 -'-,539.60 ------------ ------------ ------------ 80,972.34 100,000.00 19,027.66 1\70051\ S1\ F-l t'1\VEUEtlT ""nKING 9,705.07 IS,ooo.oo 5,21-1.93 1\101S1\ S1\ 1"-2 SIGNS 2,722.02 10,000.00 7 , 2 1 7 . 1 0' 1\70281\ 81\ F'-J GUI()E n1\IL H2.16 1,000.00 057.94 1\ .10 .J S 1\ S1\ F-4 n1\ILn01\() rnOTECT. 3,820.03 11,000.00 179.97 1\70 II S1\ S1\ F-G E()GE U1\nJOUG 7,1117.23 15,000.00 1,502.77 1\705S1\ S1\ F'-7 STUHr nEltoV1\L 1,062.58 5,000.00 3,937.42 ------------ ------------- ------------ 24,9~9.99 50,000.00 2,5,050. tl 1\00081\ S1\ Tn1\F'FIC COUNT 059.90 0.00 -059.90 ------------ ------------ ------------ . 859.90 0.00 -859.90 ------------- ------------ ------------ -- ----.------ - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -- -..- ..... -- - - ... To\:a1 Suburban 1\rea Jlaln\:enance 229,662.67 330,000.00 100,331.33 . S1. 1llONAS SUOUROAN ROAD CONMISSION -1992 EXPENlJllum:s Elgin COllnty Roods Dalanco Sheet Pago 2 l'rlnt.ed on "ouday, January 18,1993 SECTION 1 Suburban Area rar~ b - Cont.ruct.lou Sor~ Code n I\ct:lvlt:y rm2S00 nOAO 25 r.ffGlffEF.flltJO nn2502 n01\O 25 'forson. nn2S0J n01\O 25 F.XCIW1\TI0tl/OITCfI. nn250S n01\O 2S '0' r 1 f,f. nn2S06 n01\O 2S 11\' GR1\VEL On2507 n01\O 25 flOT HOC On2510 n01\O 25 CUn" On2S11 n01\t) 25 CUn" nF.rtoV1\L On2S12 n01\t) 25 STonM SEWF.nS tJn251" n01\O 2S CATCflnASlUS tJn2516 n01\O 25 SIGHS On2518 "01\0 25 EnOSION COffT"OL ""2550 "01\0 25 MISCELL1\HEOUS b100CO 1\1\"TS CtJl,vEnT F.UOIUEF.nUIG b702CO 1\1\nTS CULVERT TOrSOJL b103CO 1\1\nTS CULVF."T EXC1\V1\TION b705CO 1\1\nTS CULVEnT '0' tILL l1106CO 1\1\nT~ CULVERT '1\' ~n1\VEL b707CO 1\1\nTS CULVr:;nT IIOT 'UX n7i2CO 1\I\nTS CULVEnT STOn" SEWEn b11"co 1\1\nTS CUI,VEnT C1\TCflnASINS nlI6CO AI\ttTS CULVEnT SIGNS b710CO AAnTS CULVF.nT EnOSION rno n722CO . I\AnTS CUl,vEnT CONCnETE b723CO AAnrS CULVEnT rnECAST tJ750CO I\AnTS CULVEnT U15CELLAN. OS0100 llT0200 "T0300 S. 1\. tHU\lIt1\GE 1\SSESs,.. CON 5.1\. SUnVF:YS/t>ESHm EUG. S .1\. 'II sC. 'J1\m) rUnCIIASE Total Suburban Area Construction ~otal suburban l\rea LESS: COUNTY ENGINEERING (CE) CHARGED AOOVE ~ ~ PLUS: 5% DESIGN ENGINEERING ON CONSTRUCTION WORK PLUS: 7% OVERHEAD TOTAL 1992 SUOUnOAN EXPENDllUnE Expendlt:ure nudget: ",692.60 (CE) 7,7H.D JO, H.t. 50 30,610.18 70,669.19 130,200.62 2",HB.to 0193.61 9,57:).72 562.90 -!5-19.91 250.35 2,0901."'9 2"5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oq 0.00 306,91fL30 245,000.00 2,065.29 (CE) 1"3,000.00 2,592.65 0.00 23,033.53 0.00 9,192.11 0.00 30,239.~6 0.00 ~,3tG.31 0.00 5,52~.OO 0.00 260.00 0.00 18,9~3.36 0.00 7,153.05 0.00 2,198.3~ 0.00 6Gi236.~2 0.00 2,033.51 0.00 lJ:tlnnce '-~0,J01'''0 -7,1H.13 -10, -" 1. SO -30,619.70 -18,669."9 -130,290.62 -2~, H9. 10 -"93.61 -9,573.12 -562.90 5~9.91 -259.35 -2,09'" "9 . -'----------- -St,97S.38 1"0,93".11 -2,592.65 -:D,OJ3.S3 "'0,192.11 -30,2J9.~6 -~,316.31 -5,52".00 -260.00 -19,9"3.36 -7,153.05 -2,190.3" -66,236."2 -2,033.51 ------------ ------------ ------------ 113,599.69 143,000.00 -JO,S09.S9 3,591.00 5,000.00 310.06 (CE) 19,500.00 6,200.62 5,000.00 1,-102.92 19,19t.9~ -1,200.62 ------------ ------------ ------------ 10,195.16 29,500.00 19,304.24 "90,161.B3 "17,500.00 ------------ - - ~- - .- - ~- --. -.. - _. .- -----------.- - - 0- _ __ _ __ __ _... _. _ __ 720,"2".50 7"7,500.00 7,075.95 713,348.55 23,690~ 737,030.96 ~l.t?92 . 73_ 700.631.69 -" TilE ST. 1110MAS SUOUROAN RO^D COM~lISS10N 1992 BUDGET WAS $000,000.00. FREO GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER -.--;-------- -73,261.03 ----------~- ------------ 21,015.50 ... ST. l Hot'tAS SUBUnSAh' ROAD COI'1I'11 55 I (JI~ 1 -::J93 COl\IGTnUCT IO"J At\ID t'.1A I NTENAt'.ICE BUDGE T JANUARY 22, 1993 (A) 8UI-H1ARY Estimated Tolal Expenditure LESS: MTD Grant (Assume 78X) BALANCE 50X Payable by City BALANCE PAYABLE BY CIlY ADD: Suburban Sharf? of Insurance, t-lemberships and Con .f ere n c e s ( $ 3 , 000 e s l i mal e ) ( 50 X ) LESS: 1992Surp\us PAGE 1. . $770,000 600,600 169,itOO 8ll,700 81l , 700 1,500 86,200 1,362 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CI1'Y LESS: City oJ St. Thomas 1':)93 1/2 t'1ill Contribution o E FIe I T TO 1 9 '3l~ (8) EXPENDITURES (i) Maintenance A - Br idges and CuI ve,- t s B-1, Gy-ass Cutling 8 - 2, Tree Cutting B - 3/ll, Drainage 8 - 5, Roadside Maintenance B - ,Tree Planting C - 1, Pavement Repairs C - 2, Sweeping C - 3, Shoulder r-1ainlenance/Gr-ading C - 3A, Shou 1 tier r~la in l enancp-/Gr ave I C - it, Surface Trealment C - it A, Mac h i n e La i d Ho t Mix o - 2, Grading D - 3, Dust Control D - 5, Gravel Resurfacing E - 1, Snowplowing E - 2, Sanding and Salting E - it, Winter Standby F - 1, Centreline Painting F - 2, Edge Painting F - 3, Signs F - it, Gu ide R a i I s 811 ,838 83,750 $1,088 -------e- ------- ..- 1992 EXPENDITUnE 1993 BUDGET $6,6B8 1 9 , 170 23 ,8(;9 23 , U:. 7 2 , 1 ~58 o 15,5Bll il , 7E~6 3,0:38 o o o 9 , 7~52 11 , 6~511 3,077 20,098 53 ,3:36 7 ,5:39 9,7135 7 , it 1 7 2 , 7j~3 lq2 $10,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 o 20,000 15~0 15..,0 20,000 25,000 60,000 10 ,.000 10,000 5,000 1 ,000 5,000 ~ ST. l HUI"H'S SUIJUFHJAb' HUAll COHI-! I ~::;s 1 UI,I 1993 CONSTRue T ION AND f"lA 1 NTENA"ICE BUDGE"' JANUARY 22, 1 993 PAGE 2. ---------------------------------------- 1992 EXPENDIlURE 19'33 BUDGET (i) Ma i nt~nance (CONT I1\JUED . . .) F - 5, Railway Protection F - 6, Slump Removal lraffic Counts 3,820 1 , 06~J 860 5,000 5,000 1 , 000 TOTAL 1993 MAINTENANCE BUDGET $229,666 $33{~ ,000 -------- -------- (ii) Land Purchase 5,000 (iii> Drainage Assessments 5,000 (iv) Overhead (7X) 50 , f~ 35 (v) Construction Engineer-ing (5%) 19,565 (vi) Construction (Road tt25 Channf.?lization and nesurfacing) (NOTE: 1993 budget allowance o.r ~t,lt50,OOO in 5-year construction program) 356,000 TOTAL 1993 SUDUnOAN ROAD EXPEI\JO lTUnE BUDGET EST U.'IATE 1,770,000 _._------ ------..-- ************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * l- n:::: 0 CL W CI::::: :z 0 1-/ ,I- cr E CI::::: 1-/ LL :z 0 u I- 1-/ E (f) :z cr (",~ CI::::: 0 I- 0 ~ :z LJ1 1-/ '=:::t L9 .. ---1 ~ W~ LL'=:::t ---1 o 0) (l) ([ ~OJ E >- (''-./ m= CI::::: 1-0 njO:)O :z 0.... ("...J Z ~c o ::::; [j1 t....) t<") ::L L) 1-) 0 C. (.!) 0 nj E L C 0 OJ 0 :z +' ::::.::::: L +' +, 11.) -...... C * nj > E OJ -+-' * C -...... (0') E L OJ C OJ =i ill m ~ ::::i U nj +' U := TI Co') 0 OJ L nj 0-...... 0 m 1-) CI::::: I- 0 01- ECI::::: ******** **"** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "?::" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -::'::'" * * *"' * * * * * -1::- * * "* * -;I::- * * "* * "* * * -::'::'" / FflEO GROCH, RASe, M.Eng., PEng. Engineer and Road Superintendent ~ CLMTON WArrERS, BASe. PEng. Assistant County Engineer 450 SUNSET OnrVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5Vt TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 FAX NO. 1-519-633-7661 :={) ~.!: ~ ./o......~ Q .,..... (05 .- July 15,. 'f Ontario Good Roads Association 530 Otto Road, Unit 112 Mississauga,.. Ontario L5T 2L5 Attention: Ms Sheila Richardson I Gentlemen: Re: County of Elgin Road Department OGRA Centennial Designation of HerJJage Road Further to our recent discussion, please find enclosed a resolution from the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and the County of Elgin Road Committee requesting that County Road 016 and County Road U8 be considered for heritage designation. We also include a brief description of the historical significance of this roadway. We thank you in advance for considering our submission and we would be interested in obtaining more details about this project. Yours truly, FG: eb- f Enclosures FRED GROCH, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng. ENGINEER. AND...ROADSUPER I NTENDENT . ..~ ~ ......; / ~ ....I3...~c>h-Q-Q ~. L~~~~ . _ 4. .-Jl.P~ ~.~ Corporation of the .County. of.. Elgin No . ............ ........ Seconded by ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION D. R. STOKES R. FERGUSON THAT WE DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD 1116 (ST .THOMAS-FINGAL TO WALLACETOWN) AN HISTORIC ROAD FOR PURPOSES OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL. CARRIED. <'J ... Corporation of the County of Elgin No.......... 1.1::...... THAT WE DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD 016 AND COUNTY ROAD 08 FROM S1I. THOMAS TO WALLACE TOWN AS A HISTORIC ROAD FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL IN 1994. , , .. .' ,~~ '.' Designation of the Fingal Road as an Historical Highway The Fingal Road is one of the most historical highways in Ontario. In 1809 Colonel Talbot approached the Provincial Government with a plan to build and setde a new road from Port Talbot to Long Point running parallel to Lake Erie. He felt the road was necessary to expedite settlement. His plan proposed building a straight road through the Southern Townships of the District by moving Crown and Clergy designated land reserves back from the road so as not hinder its development. His petition for the road in 1809 included the names of many famous 4~arly settlers of this area including Daniel Rapelje who founded St. Thomas. The Fingalltoad . section of the first Talbot Road was called "Front Street" in early days. Mahlon Burwell, Talbot's surveyor and right-hand man, "blazed" thE~ trail of the Talbot Road which east of Port Talbot consisted of the Fingal Road and "Talbot Street" which ' became a part of Number Three Highway, and west to Tyrconnell a.nd along the Lake. After the War of 1812 Burwell's home and farm, and the registry office: were located at the intersection of the Fingal Road and the lona Road. Talbot was soon commissioned as Road Superintendent and his dutie:s included assigning lots to setlers along the Talbot Road and to insure that the settlers c1e~ared and tilled their land, built a cabin and built and maintained their half of the road in front of their property. If the settler failed to fulfill his obligations he was removed from Talbotls map and literally from the property. The Talbot Road was soon one of the best roads in Upper Canada. Fingal Road was even used by invading American cavalry during the Vlar of 1812. Fingal Road was a very busy and important thoroughfare in pioneer days and in the later 19 th Century. The little town of Fingal was a bustling trade centre and it grew to 800 inhabitants by 1850. It had the an important foundry which built internationally famous threshing machines and steam engines. Famous traders who set up businesses in or near Fingal included Levi Fowler, Colonel James McQueen and Amassa W'ood. Famous politicians besides Mahlon Burwell who lived on the Fingal :Road were Dr. John ,Rolph about 1824, and Jabel Robinson and George Casey, both in the~ late 19th century. Just after the start of World War Two, the Fingal Bombing School was established just west ofFingal to train R.C.A.F. pilots in bombing and gunnery In 1992 a special historical plaque was erected in memory of the School and the men who los.t their lives there in training. during the War. Fingal Road is today a quiet but busy and important country highway serving the needs of an important farm community but wherever one is, on the road, one if; not far from the site of some important historical aspect of Canadian history. Place: Date: SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION WESTERN GROUP MEETIN(~ AGENDA .. Nottawasaga Inn, Highway No. 89 Alliston Wednesday, June 16, 1993 ********************* 9:30 a.m.. - 10:00 a.",. Coffee and Registration 10:00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. Area Group Meeting a) General Discussion - 1992 Minutes - Constitution b) Election of Director(s) (if required) c) New business 11 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch at the Nottawasaga Inn 1 :00 p. ;n. Tentatively planned - Tour of Honda Plant in Alliston (map of Nottawasaga Inn on reverse side) -;~~'-""" .-- ~ ~~ ~ ~, \\ ~ ",) ~ \ ~ t\. \,\ J, ",\ "':) .:;,\.1 ~~ ~~ (~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~, ~ V J J ~ '~ :!~ " , ~" ~ , l "~ ~"i ,~ .,<'\ , ~~'...' '. ~~' ~. ~ ".\~ "t: ~ "'J> 7i, ~ ' ,,''\. ~,~ \i . ~ ~ ,1 ". ~\ W 1.. ~ j ,~ ( ~ ,~ ' ~ '~ 'Y.'~ ~ ~ '\ \ ~\ . '\l.'. \. ,,\..) ~ .~ ~~ '- '\ \.s' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ \)">-- (Y) U"- Qj~; .~\ ?\ ~ ASSESSI1EKT [[RIUEn fR0t11993 RPPORTIOtl1ENTPROGRRM 92/93 TRXABLE ASSESSMENT; EQUIVRLENT RSSESSMENT. fROM RESOURCE EQUALIZATIOH GRAHT PROGRRt1 ELGIN SEPARRTED TRXRBLE T RXABlE REG PROUIHCIAl TOTAL UEI6HTEO SEPRRATED URBRH RES/fARM COI1jBUS/IHO EQUIURlENT 3 VERR RUG EQURLIZED URBAN MUNI C1 PRLl TIES RSSESSl1EHT ASSESSMEHT ASSESSMENT EQURLIZ fRCTOR RSSESSMENT MAR (A) (8) (C) (D) (TUER) St ThOMaS C 11475061 23i.38210 3303905 5.32 962170461 183,600,000 -------...--;-",,-- --------~.._--- -.....------...--- TOTRl 14,475,061 23,438,210 3,303,905 962,470,461 183,600,000 ? 1) I ~~C? 0 (0.55 * R) + B + C TUEA = ------------------ 0/100 SEPARRTED URBflN MAA = 0.203 * IW.ER * Gf (ROUNDED TO THEHERREST HUHDRLO THOUSAND) HOTE: EQURLIZRTION fRCTORS HRUE HOT BEEN RDJUSTED SINCE 1990 UNLESS AN RREA WIDE OR MRRKET VRLUE RERSSESSMENT HRS BEEN UNDERTRKEN. GROUTH fRCTOR ( fif ) REfLECTS THE IHflATIOHRRV RATE RHO THE GROIJTH IN TOTAL RSSESSMEHT fOR SEP. TOURS & CITIES,RELATIUE TO 1991. fOR 1991, 6f = 0.910 -((11 M() I V) Q; "" .s..t. \ ""j .... 'X9 ~~m.s .. ~ :t-:~ ~. . .. ~ ~ ") . t?)m:y ~.~ ~.~.~ t . .........). ..'" '-t-- ~ . ." ~ .:s: ..~.n.~.\. ~ ~. _.~* ~ ~ ~ ~_.~n . "'. ~. ~'~' .. t . ... ...(::).. m_~ .. .. .... . . ... u ~mI .~'...lt~.....~ cJ~, V\ \.J '-> ! . '..'.~....' <t~:t~~~~'F .~.~..... . m_._u_m ~ .~. "'. :! ~. .1. ~ Cf-.. I";'.. ~. l).' ..m..~.~..........~........~'..~..~. <:;(J1~n~~.~_~~~s . -~~~I~j6~~'SJ- ...~ - *~~l~..~ ~.~~-- ~.. ., _ ,~\f\ \J ~ ~ C'-. ~ ~ -~ Ij~~ cJt ~ " " ,,~ ~. ~ .'~ ~ ._n .u.'...n;j ~ ,) mC75" .. ~ -, ~ VI ~ /7\ ~ -~ - .......:.:.:..-~A.:.:.=~,~ . ._u~i_~.~n:t~.~n~.._Q?...m~_m~ ~@ ~ m.~.........._~ : J> u ~~.~ - . ~.~. ~~ N.J.- Junm ~, . ~~{===1, ". .'~; ~-rt-4Cr -1. "- ~.._... -, tn )- ~. ~ ~ t;j ~ 1 ~ ~ \S tr ~ >. GJ, 't ] ,f,. -S ~ t C/) \J \.n ~ ~ ~ ~ x, ~ ~ ~ ~ ry \~ ~ '-.. V. ~ 0' V) ~ ~ ......... c..t.\ ...... ~ t<=-i IV _.... .s :t~ ~ s ~ to.;, C) t ~ -S( C1 (r-........ J 't ). -...;. c-J... ~ \0".' ~ .! :~\f ~ ~ ~ ~ ....~ -- , ~~~I ~ G ~ .' .... .... ....~..1. .._. ~ ~. ~ \ ~ ~ '- tJ <:. ..>. G1 ~ ~ ! ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~ i ~ ~~ t-... ~ \i '! ~ 1 ~. Cf-.. ~ S S .~ 'J> ~ ~~..~ ~ '" VI 1.. ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ s ~'Y-'~~S~~~0i &-~.~~ .j~'- J ~.. , ...~ ~ ~.,~.. \f) ~. :j..-- ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.-.'_.. ~ t.... 'Z \j~ ~\k~ " ,,'- "- ~/0.'~'~ ~ ~~~.~ . '- ~ \") ::t ~ ~.. f'.. .Q<)~." ~ '" '4: (,)..-. ~ ,., ~w.___ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 92-3 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION" WHEREAS section 65, Chapter P.SO, of The Public Trans- portation and Highway Improvement Act provides for the appointment of members of a Suburban Roads Commission; and WHEREAS one, of the three persons on the commission, is to be appointed by County Council. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Albert W. Auckland be, and is hereby appointed to the st. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for the period February 1st, 1992 to January 31st, 1995. 2 . That By-Law No. 89-2 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 22nd day of January, 1992. READ a second time this 22nd day of January, 1992. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of January, 1992. ..~-/~ 7t-~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. l)f I (10/ 1/ ,', .. ~~~/.. 7. Ll V<-F-(() L . F. Lyle" Warden. /' ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ftE.-E~-8_!. October 1993 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: The st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has cont,-ol over the following "' roads (since June 29, 1992): -'\ 4. " 'II (,~ 1. Road #1& from County Road #45 (Middlemarch) to th4~ st. Thomas boundary. 2. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from the south limit of the City of st. Thomas to the north limit of County Road #27. 3. Road #25 (Wellington Road) from the north limit of Highway #4 to the new City of London boundary. Road #2& <St. George Street) from the City of St. Thomas boundary (Kettle' Creek) to the east limit ol County Road #25. 5. Road #28 from the south limit of Highway #3 tathe north limit of County Road #45. 6. Road #30 from the City of st. Thomas boundary to the new City of London boundary. 7. Road #81 from the City of st. Thomas boundary to the south limit of County Road #52. B. Road #56 (Elm Street) from the boundary of the City of st. Thomas easterly to the west limit of County Road #8&. 9. Road #57 (Southdale Road) from the east limit of Highway #4 to the west limit of County Road #22. The County of Elgin has completed resurfacing on County Road #25 north of Highway #4 as well as cold-in-place recycling and resurfacing on County Road #16 from Road #45 to west of the City limits. In 1992 the section of County Road #16 from County Road #45 to the Hamlet of Fingal was reverted to the County System enabling the County to resurface this section of road in 1992 and 1998. With the exception of winter control all maintenance items were under budget. However it is proposed to remove a knoll on Road #28 and upgrade the guard rail system west of the Fingal Bridge this year. This led to a surplus in the Maintenance Budget which was used in the Construction Budget to carry out additional work on County Road #25. In 1993, some road widening was completed on County Road #57 (Southdale Road) and on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue). Improvements to County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue~~ and County Road #57 CSouthdale Road) have been completed by the City in conjunction with the Sports/Education Complex. " ST. THOMAS SU8URB~N ROAD COMMISSION REPORT - OJ;..rOBER 1993 __ PAGE 2. Although the 199q road program has not been discussed with the County' of Elgin Road Committee, it would appear that the most serious need for the Suburban Commission in 199q would be the continuation of the completion of resurfacing and channelization on County Road ~25 particularly at st. George street and at County Road ~q8. . The replacement of a structural steel plate culvert onE\m street (County Road #56) may also have to be considered. At this time, it appears that expenditures on the Suburban Road Commission'will be within the budget proposed at the beginning of the year. Arrangements are being made in preparation for the Jun~ 1994 Suburban Roads Commission Association Western Group Meetind which will be hosted by the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~O~ -~QC~OUN=rv-- .. ~, r~ \ CLAYTON WATTERS, BASe., P.Eng. Assistant County Engineer 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-1460-4 FAX NO. (519) 633-7661 FRED GROCH, BASe., M.Eng., P.Eng. Engineer and Road Superintendent November 16, 1993 City of St. Thomas City Hall P. O. Box 520 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Attention: Mr. Peter J. Leack, A.M.C.T. City Clerk Gentlemen: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Please find enclosed for your information a copy of the Annual Report for the operations of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in 1993. Yours truly, FG:kab Enc. FRED GROCH, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ~ !J i ..:;:) d- o.. -re !- . blJ u.J :14- 1; ~~ ~.s t~ \Ug :r::2- ,~8 ~~ ~ -c .~ ~-~ ~ r- t;,- \l.- ~~ '"' ... z E E -0 ~ -0 -0 ~ e 6 8 ~ ~ "\ ~~'.' ; \' "" ,,~ " r ~ ~ (\~ '\J \ \ \ \ \ I'-.-----~---'--.---"...-----,.---'--..,-.--"------..----"."".,.-".------,--------,--,-...,.-' ------..---- ------- _"'.___'''_.__..'''__n,___'' "-'- ,,' ----.-----' -.---' ------------ :' The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas P.O. Box 520, City Hall, St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7(519) 631-1680 VENDOR NO. YEAR ,MONTH DAY CHEQUE NO. AMOUNT 005C;-:3 :.PURCHASI!ORDER NO'1 CONTROL NO P/O 9:3 NOV 0:3 YOUR REFERENCE I AMOUNT O~5687:3 a::s ,750. 00 DESCRIPTION - 930lt 29 83 1 7~.<J). 00 SUBURBAN ROADS ILEVY ~. - AAL. ~ "~.. f\~;{) ~~~C4 ~M,~ ~~ /V1To ~'P~ ~, .c.'2v INQUIRIES QUOTE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ON THIS STUB .l,\',:\ a.:\~)\);.:-... '~",""-' ',",''''', .';;";, .~ rAil" :l' '. t~ \' ~,,:,,~;."!i" "",.("._"...{~ VENDOR NO. The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas P.O. Box 520, City Hall, St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 22142 YEAR . MONTH DAY CHEQUE NO. AMOUNT OO!5Ct~3 <?3 NOV 03 O!568'7:.~ 8:3,750. ()() CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANI< OF COMMERCE I ,GENERAL ACCOUNT I 440 TALBOT ST., ST. THOMAS, ONT. N5P 189 EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND SElJEN HUNDRED ANE,'clFIFtTV f th-'C-:;;:;:f-S't-'''''T'h()()/l . The orpora Ion 0 e hy v . lomas T'~EASUF~EH, COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 SUNSET [ll~ I VI:. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N!:jR 51,)1 ~~~~ PER AUTHOFtlZED SIGNING OFF I 1:0 JOB 21110 J.01: 001110 b 1;0 2111 t1 E 1"\ 0 "ro : GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1998 FHOt1 : FRED GROCH, COUNTY ENGINEER f~E : SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION WESTERN GROUP MEETING ===================~======================================================= The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission will be hosting the 1994 Western Group Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 15~ 1994. Members of the Commission would like to hold this meeting (80 to 35 attendance) in the County Council chambers and have Gladys Axtell provide lunch in the basement. For your additional information a tour of City hall as well as the Freightliner plant is also proposed for this meeting. Should the above accommodations not be available we would request that you inform us accordingly so that other arrangements can be made. Thank you. kab F.G. c:.e. \'1r", II 1'-1. G. 1'1c:Donald C 1 8'- k Corporation of the County of Elgin ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION No ........................... JUNE 16, 1993 Moved by n R STOKES Seconded by R. FERGUSON THAT WE DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD #16 (ST. THOMAS - FINGAL TO WALLACETOWN) AN HISTORIC ROAD FOR PURPOSES OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL. CARRIED. Corporation of the County of Elgin ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~ Moved by ~ .... ~ Seconded by ~ ~.!( -1 ~ No ........................... JUNE 16 , 1993 THAT WE ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. C2u A~ ~-~ _ Corporation of the County of Elgin No .....C!). ..... t...... THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 7 AND JUNE 16, 1993 BE APPROVED. ~~- -~=~~ .: z o .- c z o :I: ... iii It) o~ ~ !~ ~ ~ u. ~ ci z I 0) ~ a "fA ~ rn .... t ~ i :;) 7i :>a ,.0 >. ." ,.0 (1) ." ] ~ 0 ;> C) o ~ ~ rn ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MEETING -------------------------------------------- !.Q...:.Q.Q._e.-=-!2-=-.l-_.!:.~.!.Qe.~J"_Q~IQ~~~_!.~..t_!.:z~~~ AGE N D A Lr./f'. L--<a>.Q;?dopt7ionOf Ml,.....n..,ut...,e.~ . and~bUS.....ness ari,Sing therefrom. (,A fb. J .' ._ c C ~/~~." -I ,~ lJ0~~ r?o..g<!JJ,~, ' f ~~ r/(b) 1993 Budget.~'r;closureJ jld~. Pi, ~/~/fJCVv.~{J/ /r;r~//~,f?~ ~'. County Road #25 an anadian National Crossing. ~) Transport Canada regarding delays. ~/> Track realignment by Canadian National. .../ L...-..-/,:L Le t t er f t- om 11r. Me Caw. ~I V4". Registration for Ontarlo. 9~Roads Assdciatien. :;;;;.:;:~~.- -T"'-- ~5. Road #16 slide. V'E:. . Chevl- ons at Co,-" ''''''-1 "H' ~'- --p>;1 r 9' Lf W~~ r4 t.A.'~ 'JI>1 fJ. ~AdjOUl-nment . ~. 7 ~ -- )1'[~ rSu~f~" t" ~.."",--~~.,"."".,,,,.,.., -~.- ..--' -------,,""_.._~,..__._~ ....-~.,..,.::::.::.~~::=:::~~::~.::._--'\ ~ (' ~ "'^ _ ~' ..., ~_. ':::? / t r C'l . fl~' A " . ~.. "'r"'" / v.l)) _ ~.._'''._._--. v' ~//~~~~~~,-~ ~.-,A~ ~~ .~ UJl'r-1 ~ -( d k.: "'.) --€c "i~ .. .---.-- ..._.,.~.., ...". . .... .-- .......--.-.-. '-""" - .. ..... --- ..-. .., _..-- .".. ...- '" ------.- c;7 t (9 ...........-.-........... @ @ ~ !f .'\, ~ h " -""''- ",,,,,,,,,..,/1. .If' __.._.._'::."....__.._..C_V'_l-7.'..<~,-...e \l;/' -..-........,.-,- ..-......~._- ~ '" -AJU COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ------------------------------- REPORT - SLOPE INSTABILITY -------------------------- COUNTY ROAD #16 HILL -------------------- OCTOBER 1, 1 993 INTRODUCTION: ------------ A preliminary geotechnical assessment was carried out in June 1993 by Golder Associates on the slope instability of the County Road #16 hill west of the FingalBridge1 west of the City limits. This investigation indicated that the existing side slopes are unstable and exhibiting ongoing movements. DISCUSSION: -------.--- The Road Department has been aware of the problem for several years and has removed excess material at the toe of the slope on several occasions. To date no material has been removed in 1993. The top of the existing slope on the north side is quite remote of the property line, however this natural slope has encroached on private property on the south side for several years. Remedial action proposed by the consultant includes retaining walls and/or slope stabilization by removing excess fill and installing granular material and drainage works. This work would be disruptive and costly. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approved needs far this section of road include a horizontal realignment of the roadway which may involve the removal of an existing home. Thus it does not appear practical to carry out costly remedial maintenance work at this time when reconstruction is scheduled for the future. Ontario Hydra are presently in~estigating the relocation of their pole line. RECOMMENDATIONS: --------------- We recommend that this portion of roadway continue to be monitored and that excess material be removed as required until funding and priorities are such that this portion of roadway can be reconstructed. FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 Printed on Wednesday, october 13,1993 at 12:23:23 SECTION 1 SUBURBAN AREA MAINTENANCE 1\100S1\ 1\101SI\ 1\102S1\ 1\200SI\ 1\202S1\ 1\300S1\ 1\301SI\ 1\30251\ 1\30351\ 1\30451\ 1\30551\ 1\30651\ 1\310SI\ A311S1\ 1\400SI\ 1\401SA 1\40251\ 1\403SI\ 1\40451\ 1\405SI\' 1\50051\ 1\501S1\ 1\502SI\ 1\50351\ 1\60051\ 1\601SI\ A602S1\ 1\60351\ 1\700SA A701SI\ A702S1\ A703S1\ 1\704SA A705SA A800S1\ SA A-I BRIDGES SA A-II CLEAN & WASH BRDG SA A-100BRIDGE INSPECT. SA A-2 CULVERTS SA A-200 CULVERT INSPECT. SA B-1 GRASS & WEED CONTR SA B-2 TREE CUTTING, BRUSH SA B-2A TREE PLANTING SA B-3 DITCHING SA 9-4A STORM CURB/GUTTER SA B-5 DEBRIS & LITTER SA a-SA MISC. MAINTEN1\NCE SA B-1 GR.CUT/SAFE.WD.ACT SA B-2 TREE CUT, TRIM/SAFE SA C-1 PAVEMENT REPAIRS SA C-2 SWEEPING SA C-3 SHOULD.MTNCE.GRADE SA C-3A SHOULD.MTNCE.GRAV SA c-4 SURFACE TREATMENT SA C-4A MACH. LAID HOT MIX SA 0-2 GRADING SA D-3 DUST CONTROL S1\ D-4 PRIME SA D-5 GRAVEL RESURFACING *CRD. #28 SA E-1 SNOWPLOWING KNOLL) SA E-2 SANDING & SALTING SA E-3 SNOWFENCE, THAWING SA E-4 WINTER STANDBY SA F-1 PAVEMENT MARKING SA F-2 EDGE MARKING SA F-3 SIGNS SA F-4 GUIDE RAIL *(FINGAL BRIDGE) S1\ F-5 RAILROAD PROTECT. SA F-6 STUMP REMOVAL SA TRAFFIC COUNT A803SA S.A. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT SF' t A Expenditure 577.83 2,663.17 1,133.57 51.52 210.61 188.92 14,777.14 148.82 0.00 1,736.82 114.62 1,073.19 2,503.97 0.00 3,496.86 2,751.55 2,947.78 2,785.80 0.00 17,442.77 3,862.16 6,618.51 0.00 100.04 16,645.27 64,743.74 1,310.60 0.00 7,529.48 3,494.11 2,646.09 -85.45 2,366.00 2,082.48 509.27 166,421.24 50.73 Budget. 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 60,000.00 \ 0 . 00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 334,00~.00 5,000.00 Balance 9,422.17) -2,663.17 ) -1,133.51) -51.52 -210.61) 24,811.08 10,222.86 1,851.18 10,000.00 13,263.18 -114.62 3;926.81 -2,,:;.03.97 O~OO,. 16,503.14 1,248.45 2,052.22 '1 , 214 . 20 0.00 2,551.23 11,131.84 8,381.49 ,0.00 19,899.96 8,354.73) -4,743.74) -1,310.60 ) 10,000.00 , 2,470.52' 1,505.89 2,353.91 1,085.45 2,634.00 2,917.52 490.73 161,512.76 4,949.21 ESTIMATE BALANCE ($1,000.00) +5. +20 +10 +2 of.10 +13- o +3 o o +15 +5. +1 +5 o +Z +10 +8 o o -2~ +1 o +1 -15 +1 +3. o +75 +5 ------------- -~~--~~------ ---'---------- +8Q Total : SUBURBAN AREA MAINTENANCE SEC~ION 2 SUBURBAN AREA CONS~RUCTI0N 166,477.97 SF t B Expendit.ure 339,000.00 Budget 112,522.03 Balance 100,308.36 300,000.00 199,691.64 +34 29,815.00 51,000.00 21,185.00 -71 -------------- -........-...------- ...------------- ---- 130,123.36 351,000.00 220,816.64 -3.7 10,259.09 5,000.00 -5,259.09 -5 -....--------...-- ----...-------- -------------- ... ===J~:2~~~~4~~ ===~~~~:2~:2~~:2 ===~~~J:~~~~~~ -42 ===.= ,- 306 860:00 695 000.00 388 140.00 =t~~ ======!::====== ======!::====== ======!::====== BR1601 ROAD 16 RESURFACING EAST BR2500 ROAD 25 RESURFACING B5A049 S.A. MISC. L1\ND PURCHASE tot.al I SUBURBAN AREA CONSTRUCTION Total: SUBURBAN AREA , *(EXCLUDING 7\ OVE~EAD AND 5\ CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING) (TOTAL 1993 BUDGET = $770,000.00) *SUGGESTED 1993 PROJECTS: - TREE CUTTING DITCHING - ROAD #25 GUARD RAIL. Ii Ii ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MEETING ----------------------------------------...----- .!.Q..=.QQ_~.:..!:l.:...l._~B..!J?~!..l._ 0 C IQ!l~B._1~.l._.!.~:~~ AGE N D A ----------- 1. (a) Adoption of Minutes and business arising therefrom. (b) 1993 Budget. *[Enclosure] 2. County Road #25 and the Canadian National Crossing. (a) Transport Canada regarding delays. (b) Track realignment by Canadian National. 3. Letter from Mr. McCaw. 4. Registration for Ontario Good Roads Association. 5. Road #16 slide. *[Report Enclosed] 6. Chevrons at County Road #30 south of the City of London. 7. Adjournment. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Administration Building on Friday, October 15, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. All members lyere present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. AOOPTION OF MINlJfES RESOLUTION #1 "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 7 AND JUNE 16, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." HERITAGE ROAD DESIGNATION The Engineer informed the members that the designation of the Centennial Heritage Roads for the Ontario Good Roads Assocation would be ma.de at the 1994 Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference. Ms Sheila Richardson indicated that the results should be known by the end of December. The Engineer handed out Mr. Wayne Paddon's description of this road as a Heritage Road. 1993 CONSfRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET A report prepared by the Engineer showing the expenditures to date and estimated expenditures to the end of the year for the Suburban Road Commission construction and maintenance projects. Wi th the exception of winter control:, maintenance expenditures were less than budgeted. The removal of the knoll on Road #28 and installation of guard rails on the Fingal Bridge were programmed for 1993. This left adequate funds for the completion of the Road #'16 resurfacing project from Middlemarch to St. Thomas as well as resurfacing Road #25 from Highway #4 to just south of St. George Street. It was suggested that any additional funds available would be used to carry out additional maintenance such as tree cutting, ditching and replacement of the guide rail on County Road #25 north of Highway #4. ,~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 2. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CROSSING, COONTY ROAD 1/25 The Engineer reported that correspondence has been received from Transport Canada indicating that they would be investigating the Canadian National regarding reducing the delays occurring at this railway crossing. The Engineer also reported that discussions with the Canadian National were held in which they agreed to realign the tracks at this location in anticipation of our reconstruction project in 1994 of this part of County Road #25. Canadian National has agreed to carry out this work at their cost, however the County will be required to carry out all related road work and install a rubber seal at the crossing.. ROAD 1/28 - OONCERNS BY t.CCAW The Engineer reported receiving a letter from Mr. McCaw on County Road #28 requesting improvements to this section of the road south of St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that he would write Mr. McCaw indicating that this project was on the five year programme. ONTARIO GXlD ROADS ASSOCIATION The Engineer informed the members that he had received room confirmations for all members for the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Meeting to be held on February 20 to 23, 1994 (Centennial). ROAD 1/16 - SLIDE A report was distributed to the members with discussion regarding a soils investigation of the hillside on County Road #16 just west of St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that since this part of the road was scheduled in the future for realignment and reconstruction that the slide be monitored so that extensive maintenance costs are not encountered at this time. C<XJNTY ROAD 1/30 - amvRONS The Engineer reported that at the request of the Regional Coroner and subsequent to a recent fatality, chevrons would be installed on the first curve on Road #30, south of the City of London limits. .\l ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1993 PAGE 3. 1994 WESTERN REGION ANNUAL MEETING It was pointed out that this meeting would be sponsored by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and preliminary discussions were held regarding arrangements. Tentatively it was suggested that the tour include the Freightliner truck plant and City hall. It was also suggested that lunch and the meeting be held in the County Administration building. The Engineer reported that he would commence making the necessary arrangements . with the assistance of the Assistant Engineer, Mr. Clayton Watters and Mr. Donald Stokes the City representative. The Engineer estimated the cost for this meeting would be approximately $3,000.00 and this would be put into the 1994 Suburban Budget. It was expected that 30 to 35 members would attend. RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN AND MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN 11 ST. THOHA~_~!J.Bl!RBAN ROAD COl1MISSION DECEMBER 2, 1991 !IIDi BUDGET L~l'ENDITURE Construction $353,500 $357,500 Maintenance 258,500 255,000 Overhead 62,000 58,500 -------- -------- $674,000 $671 ,000 Not subsidized $1 ,200 $1,230 Transfer to Suburban 10% Winter Standby 9% Overhead MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY CLEnK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. UEFFREN OEPUTY COUNTY CLERK May 18, 1993 Mr. Rod Ferguson R.R. #2 st. Thomas, ontario N5P 3S6 Dear Sir: Warden Vandierendonck and Elgin county council wish to extend an invitation to you to have lunch with them at their May 25th, 1993 Session. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, st. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, M~~MCDonald' County Clerk. MGM/db cc - F. Groch, county Engineer MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE 81. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633.7661 May 18, 1993 Mr. Don Stokes 19 Paulson Court st. Thomas, ontario N5R 1N1 r""~. .~:/. Warden Vandierendonck and Elgin County Council wish ,to extend an invitation to you to have lunch with them at their Mi~y 25th, 1993 session. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, st. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. , 1 Yours truly, M~~~Donald' County Clerk. MGM/db cc - F. Groch, County Engineer Q MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK May 18, 1993 Mr. Albert W. Auckland R. R. #7 st. Thomas, ontario N5P 3T2 Dear Sir: 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 Warden Vandierendonck and Elgin County Council wish to extend an invitation to you to have lunch with them at their May 25th, 1993 Session. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, st. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, tvf~ Mark G. McDonald, County Clerk. MGM/db cc - F. Groch, County Engineer Corporation of the County of Elgin No ......(J)............ FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1993 Moved by - ~-- \ u#~"'- .,. Seconded by . /);~ -1 ~ THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1993 BE APPROVED. - /) elll ~- I /f~ ~ 0J Corporation of the County of Elgin No (i)... ....... ........ THAT THE 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BE REVISED TO DELETE WORK ON ROAD #25 (WELLINGTON ROAD) AND TO ADD COLD IN-PLACE ASPHALT RECYCLING AND SINGLE LIFT RESURFACING OF ROAD #16 FROM MIDDLEMARCH TO ST. THOMAS (ESTIMATED COST - $351,000). (61 ~ jJ, P rJ~, ~jJ Corporation of the County of Elgin No ..~......... l;/ ...... FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1993 ~.... ..._'-_..~._......._... . -.. ...... . ....",-, Moved by .. .- . Seconded by:2!j ~ THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. (~p-( r~ 9./\.J1. cl ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 7, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at thE~ County Administration Building on Friday, May 7, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION 111 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: The Engineer reported that negotiations were continuinlg to buy land widening at the intersection of County Road #25 and County Road #48. Canadian National has been requested to upgrade the railway crossing south of St. George Street. Since these matters would take some time to finalize, it was suggested that completion of this project be delayed to 1994 and that the funds allotted for this project be diverted to the Road #16 resurfacing project from Middlemarch to St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that cold in-place asphalt recycling would be used on this project. This process involves the mulching of the existing asphalt base and the addition of additional emulsion. This effort saves the need for the supply of new material and improves the crossfall of the asphalt road base. A surface lift of two inches of asphalt would be applied. The work would end at the top of the hill which appears unstable. A soils consultant will be engaged to determine the requirements to stabilize the side slopes. RESOLUTION #2 "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE 1993 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BE REVISED TO DELETE WORK ON ROAD #25 (WELLINGTON ROAD) AND TO ADD COLD IN-PLACE J\SPHALT RECYCLING AND SINGLE LIFT RESURFACING OF ROAD #16 FROM MIDDLEMARCH TO ST. THOMAS (ESTIMATED COST - $351,000). CARRIED.II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 7, 1993 PAGE 2. 1993 EXPENDITURES TO DATE: The Engineer provided the computer printout for the SU1~burban area expenditure to date. The Engineer reported that the major costs incurl~ed were winter control and it appeared that the winter control budget had been sp~~nt at this date. The Engineer reported that during the course of the year maintenance and construction projects would have to be re-evaluated to ensure that the budget is not overspent. ROAD TOUR: The members proceeded to tour the entire Suburban Road System. ADJOURNMENT: RESOLUTION 113 IIMOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED.II CHAIRMAN v1: V2." ~ vi ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AGENDA FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1993 AT 10:00 A.M. Adoption of January 27, 1993 Minutes. 1993 Constructi on Program Rev is ions · L// X~ 11 1-'/ J 1) " 1993 Expenditure to date. Road Tour. L/~.5. Adjournment. / /' (1 ~ ...) ;t ' /: Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 f,.. Printed on Wednesday, May 5,1993 at 13:54:30 SECTION 1 SUBURBAN AREA MAINTENANCE SF : A Expendit.ure 'Balance B1udget. A100SA AlOISA A102SA A200SA A202SA A300SA A301SA A302SA A303SA A304SA A305SA A306SA A400SA A401SA A402SA A403SA A404SA A405SA A500SA A501SA A502SA A503SA A600SA A601SA A602SA A603SA A700SA A701SA A702SA A703SA A704SA A705SA A800SA SA A-1 BRIDGES SA A-11 CLEAN & WASH BRDG SA A-100 BRIDGE INSPECT. SA A-2 CULVERTS SA A-200 CULVERT INSPECT. SA B-1 GRASS & WEED CONTR SA B-2 TREE CUTTING, BRUSH SA B-2A TREE PLANTING SA B-3 DITCHING SA B-4A STORM CURB/GUTTER SA B-5 DEBRIS & LITTER SA B-5A MISC. MAINTENANCE SA C-1 PAVEMENT REPAIRS SA C-2 SWEEPING SA C-3 SHOULD.MTNCE.GRADE SA C-3A SHOULD.MTNCE.GRAV SA C-4 SURFACE TREATMENT SA C-4A MACH.LAID HOT MIX SA D-2 GRADING SA 0-3 OUST CONTROL SA 0-4 PRIME SA 0-5 GRAVEL RESURFACING SA E-1 SNOWPLOWING SA E-2 SANDING & SALTING SA E-3'SNOWFENCE, THAWING< SA E-4 WINTER STANDBY -f-6t ~-o ~f-'f- SA F-1 PAVEMENT MARKING SA F-2 EDGE MARKING SA F-3 SIGNS SA F-4 GUIDE RAIL SA F-5 RAILROAD PROTECT. SA F-6 STUMP REMOVAL SA TRAFFIC COUNT 0.00 0.00 1,133.57 77.92 210.61 0.00 13,822.53 0.00 0.00 1,392.14 42.86 21.35 2,853.29 0.01 890.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,910.10 55.34 0.00 12.20 16,645.27 64,743.-74 1,310.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,410.39 -85.45 968.50 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 60,000. 00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 -1,133.57 -77.92 -210.61 25,000.00 11,177.47 2,000.00 10,000.00 13,607.86 -42.86 4,978.65 17,146.71 9,999.99 4,109.66 10,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 13,089.90 14,944.66 0.00 19,987.80 8,354.73 -4,743.74 -1,310.60 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 3,589.61 1,085.45 4,031.50 5,000.00 1,000.00 107,415.31 334,000.00 226,584.69 A803SA S.A. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT Tot.a1 : SUBURBAN AREA MAINTENANCE SECTION 2 SUBURBAN AREA CONSTRUCTION BR2500 ROAD 25 RESURFACING ~ BSA049 S.A. MISC. LAND PURCHASE 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ------------- ------------- ------------- 107,415.31 339,000.00 231,584.69 SF : B Expendit.ure Budget. Ba1a~ce 17,176.86 351,000.00 333,823.14 100.95 5,000.00 4,899.05 Tot.a1 356,000.00 SUBURBAN AREA CONSTRUCTION 17,277.81 338,722.19 ------~------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Tot.al Suburban Area 124,693.12 695,000.00 570,306.88 SECTION 3 COUNTY MAINTENANCE SF : C Expenditure Budget Balance A-1 BRIDGES A-II CLEAN & WASH BRIDGES A-100 BRIDGE INSPECTION A-2 CULVERTS A-200 CULVERT INSPECTION B-1 GRASS & WEED CONTROL B-2 TREE CUTTING. BRUSH A100CO A101CO A102CO A200CO A202CO A300CO A301CO 0.00 11,648.59 4,403.19 4,860.82 4,035.09 55.06 ?1Q.1t;7.t;4 50,000.00 50,000.00 15,000.00 3,351.41 15,000.00 10,596.81 50,000.00 45,139.18 5,000.00 964.91 180,000.00 179,944.94 ?70.000.00 10_hd?_dh ST. "THOl1AS SUBURBAt."J nOrHJ COI.U11 55 I 01'-' Ig93 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 ---------------------------------------- (A) SUlv\t1ARY Estimated Total Expenditure LESS: MTD Grant (Assume 78Y.) BALANCE 50X Payable by City PAGE I. $770,000 600,600 169,QOO 8Q,700 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CI"TY ADD: Suburban Share of Insurance, Memberships and Con.r t':?rences (1',3,000 t':?s lima t to:?) (50'l.) LESS: 1992 Surplus 81t , 700 1 ,500 86,200 1,362 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: C i t Y of st. Thomas 1 ')<33 1/2 t-1i 1 1 Con l ri bu Li on lJEF I C IT TU 1991~ (B) EXPENDITURES ( i ) Ma i n ten a nc e A - Bridges and Culverts B-1, Grass Cutting B - e, Tr ee Cu t t i ng B - 3/4, Drainage ~ - 5, Roadside Maintenance B - ,Tree Planting C - 1, Pav~ment Repairs C - 2, Sweeping C - 3, Shoulder tvlainteni'lnce/Gr-ading C - 3A, Shoulder Maintenance/Gravel C - 4, Surface Trealment C - 4A,Machine Laid Hot Mix o - 2, Grading o - a, Dust Control D - 5, Gravel Resurfacing E - 1, Snowplowing E - 2, Sanding .and Salting E - 4, Winter Standby F - I, Centreline Painting F - 2, Edge Painting F - 3, Signs F - 4, Guide Rails 81~ ,838 83,750 t 1 ,088 -----_._---- ----------- 1992 EXPENDITUnE 19'33 BUDGET &&,688 19,170 23,869 23,167 2,158 o 15,584 Q,726 3,038 o o o 9,752 11,654 3,077 20,098 53,3a6 7,539 9,785 7,417 2,723 142 t 10,000 25,000 e5~OOO 25,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 o 20,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 5~000 ~ ,000 ~,OOO A.. l HOHI~8 SU8Uf-U:tAH nUt'lD COI''''l I 55 101\l 1993 CONSTRue T 101\1 Af\JlJ f"lA 1 NTENAh'CE nUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 2. --------------------------~-----------~- 1992 EXPENDIlUHE 1993 BUDGET (i) MainlenClnct? (CONTINUED...) ------------- ------------ F - 5, Railway Protection F - G, stump Removal Traffic Counts 3 ,8c~O 1 ,OE)3 8E~O 5,000 5,000 1 ,000 TOTAL 1993 MAINTENANCE BUDGET $229,6E,6 -------- -------- t33lJ,OOO (ii) Land Purchas~ 5,000 (iii) Dr~inage Assessments 5,000 (Iv) Overhead (7Y.) 50, '''35 (v) Construction Engineering (5Y.) 1<3,565 ( vi) Cons t r u c l i on ( R Dad H25 C h ann e 1 i z a t ion and nesurfacing) (NOTE: 199~1 budget at towance of 1;lt50,000 in 5-year construction program) 35&,000 TUTAL 1993 SUDURIJ"I\I ROAD EXPE""J llUnE BUDGET ESllf'"'1fllE $770,000 -------- ------...-- G.C_ LEVERTON, A.M.C.T. COUNTY CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 January 29, 1993 Mr. Peter Leack city Clerk city of st. Thomas P.o. Box 520 ST. THOMAS, ontario N5P 3V7 ~>>Dear Sir: ~) I wish to advise that the following recommendation of the County c:;r:. ~.' Roads Committee was adopted by Elgin County Council, at their ~~ Session held January 26th, 1993: "That County Council instructs the Clerk to notify the City of st. Thomas, that their 1993 contribution to the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be 1/2 mill, based on the Ministry of Transportation of ontario Ministerial Adjust:ed Assessment Value of $167,500,000.00 ($83,750.00) as per sE~ctions 68 and 69 of the .public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, RSO 1980, Chapter 421." This is being forwarded as an official notification, that the 1/2 mill will be required. Yours truly, ;:~en Deputy Clerk ( Mr s. ) S~JH / db cc - F. Groch t' CLAYTON WATTERS, BASe., PEng. Assistant County Engineer 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 FAX NO. 1-519.633-7661 FRED GROCH, BASe., M.Eng., PEng. Engineer and Road Superintendent January 28, 1993 City of St. Thomas Department of Administrative Services P.O. Box 520 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Attention: Mr. R. A. Barrett City Administrator Gentlemen: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, January 27, 1993 and the following items were discussed. 1 . That the City contribution to the Suburban Road Commission for 1993 be $83,750.00 based on a 1/2 mill rate of a Ministerial Adjusted Assessment Value of $167,500,000.00. 2. That the honorarium for Mr. Roderick Ferguson be $175.00 per annum. 3. That the membership to the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Suburban Road Commission be paid. 4. That Mr. Roderick Ferguson be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention and the Suburban Road Commission Annual Meeting with normal expenses paid. 5. Adoption of the 1992 Expenditure Report prepared by the County Engineer (enclosed). 6. Adoption of the Proposed 1993 Suburban Road Budget as prepared by the County Engineer (enclosed). 7. Mr. Albert Auckland has been appointed Chairman of the Commission for 1993. I trust that this information will be of assistance to you. FG:pg Enc. Yours truly, "~ y Il /~>:;.,/CJ2--tt1/ ~G~.~--k/ FRE6 GROCH,B.A.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT \ ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION , 1992 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE JANUARY 22, 1993 1992 Expenditure on Maintenance 1992 Expenditure on Construction 1992 Expenditure on Construction Engineering (5%) 1992 Municipal Drainage Assessment 1992 Land Purchase $229,662.67 473,808.18 23,690.41 3,597.08 6,280.62 SUB-TOTAL 1992 Overhead (71.) $737,038.96 51 ,592 . 73 TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE LESS: MTO Subsidy/Grant (79.887%) $788,631 ..69 630,014.19 BALANCE AFTER SUBSIDY $158,617.50 ----------- ----------- 50Y. Payable by City of St. Thomas of $158,617.50 ADD: 50X City of St. Thomas share of Insurance,. Memberships and Conferences of $2,793.35 79,308.75 1,396.68 TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Deficit from 1991 80,705.43 1 ,,733 .00 SUB-TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: 1992 1/2 mill Contribution from City 82,438.43 83,800.00 SURPLUS TO 1993 $1 ,361 .57 ----------- ---------.-- FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER ,/~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - 1992 EXPENDITURES (" Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 Printed on Monday, January 18,1993 at 08:52:44 SECTION 1 Suburban Area Activity Part A - Maintenance Expenditure 1\100S1\ AI01S1\ 1\102S1\ 1\200S1\ 1\201SA 1\300S1\ 1\301S1\ A302S1\ 1\303S1\ A304S1\ 1\306S1\ 1\307S1\ 1\400S1\ 1\401S1\ 1\402S1\ 1\403S1\ 1\404S1\ A405S1\ 1\500S1\ A501sA 1\502S1\ 1\503SA 1\504S1\ 1\600S1\ 1\601S1\ 1\602S1\ A700S1\ A701SA 1\702S1\ 1\703S1\ 1\704S1\ 1\705S1\ Sort Code 1\ S1\ 1\-1 BRIDGES SA 1\-11 CLEAN & W1\SH BRDG SA A-I00 BRIDGE INSPECT. S1\ .1\-2 CULVERTS S1\ 1\-200 CULVERT INSPECT. 388.95 1,942.12 122.98 3,706.75 526.83 6,687.63 S1\ B-1 GRASS & WEED CUTT. S1\ B-2 TREE CUTTING S1\ B-4 DRAINAGE S1\ B-5 R01\DSIDE HTNCE. S1\ B-6 TREE PL1\NTING S1\ B-l1 WEED SPRAYING SA B- MISCELLANEOUS 19,170.07 23,868.70 23,166.60 2,157.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 69,363.11 S.1\ C-l PAVEMENT REPAIRS SA C-2 SWEEPING SA C-3 SHOULDER HTNCE. S1\ C-4 SURFACETRE1\THENT SA C-5 SHOULDER MTNCE. S1\ C-6 M1\CHINE L1\ID HOTHX 15,583.78 4,725.81 0.00 0.00 3,037.84 0.00 23,347.43 S1\ D-2 S1\ 0-3 S1\ D-4 S1\ 0-5 S1\ D- GRADING DUST CONTROL PRIHE GRAVEL RESURFACING C1\LCIUM CHLORIDE 9,751.59 5,206.19 0.00 3,077.41 6,447.18 24,482.37 S1\ E-l SNOWPLOWING S1\ E-2 SANDING & SALTING S1\ E-4 WINTER STANDBY 20,098.21 53,335.53 7,538.60 80,972.34 SA F-l PAVEMENT MARKING S1\ F-2 SIGNS S1\ F-3 GUIDE RAIL SA F-4 RAILROAD PROTECT. SA F-6 EDGE HARKING S1\ F-7 STUHP REMOVAL 9,785.07 2,722.82 142.16 3,820.03 7,417.23 1,062.58 24,949.89 A80091\ S1\ TRAFFIC COUNT 859.90 859.90 ------------ ------------ Total Suburban 1\rea Maintenance 229,662.67 Budget 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.90 0.00;' , 5,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 11,000.00 50,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 25,000.00 70,000.00 5,000.00 100,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 50,000.'00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ----------.-- 330,000.00 Balance 19,611.05 -1,942.12 -122.98 -3,706.75 -526.83 13,312.37 -4,170.07 -13,868.70 -14,166.60 7,842.26 1,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 -18,363.11 -5,583.78 274.19 10,000.00 10,000.00 962.16 11,000.00 26,652.57 -1,751.59 4,793.81 2,000.00 26,922.59 3,552.82 35,517.63 4,901.79 16,664.47 -2,538.60 19,027.66 5,214.93 7,277.18 857.84 179.97 7,582.77 3,937.42 25,050.11 -859.90 -859.90 ------------ ------------ 100,337.33 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - 1992 EXPENDITURES Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 2 Printed on Monday, January 18,1993 SECTION 1 Suburban Area Part B - Contructlon Sort Code 13 Activity Expenditure Budget Balance BR2500 ROAD 25 ENGINEERING 4,692.60(CE) 245,000.00 240,301.40 BR2502 ROAD 25 TOPSOIL 1,114.13 0.00 -1,114.13 BR2503 ROAD 25 EXCAVATION/DITCH. 10,411.50 0.00 -10,411.50 BR2505 ROAD 25 '13 ' FILL 30,618.18 0.00 -30,618.18 BR2506 ROAD 25 'A' GRAVEL 78,669.49 0.00 -78,669.49 BR2507 ROAD 25 HOT MIX 138,288.62 0.00 -138,288.62 BR2510 ROAD 25 CURB 24,148.10 0.010 -24,148.10 BR2511 ROAD 25 CURB REMOVAL 493.61 0.010 -493.61 BR2512 ROAD 25 STORM SEWERS 9,573.72 0.00 -9,573.72 BR2514 ROAD 25 CATCHBASINS 562.90 0.00 -562.90 BR2516 ROAD 25 SIGNS -549.91 0.00 549.91 BR2518 ROAD 25 EROSION CONTROL 258.35 0.00 -258.35 BR2550 ROAD 25 MISCELLANEOUS 2,094.49 0.00 -2,094.49 ----..:.._____..:.1Mo. 306,916.38 245,000. Ole) B700CO A~RTS CULVERT ENGINEERING B702CO AARTS CULVERT TOPSOIL B703CO AARTS CULVERT EXCAVATION B705CO AARTS CULVERT 'B' FILL B706co AARTS CULVERT 'A' GRAVEL B707CO AARTS CULVERT HOT MIX B712CO AARTS CULVERT STORM SEWER B714co AARTS CULVERT CATCHBASINS B716CO AARTS CULVERT SIGNS B718CO AARTS CULVERT EROSION PRO B722CO AARTS CULVERT CONCRETE B723CO AARTS CULVERT PRECAST B7S0CO AARTS CULVERT MISCELLAN. 2,065.29 (CE) 143,000.00 2,592.65 0.00 23,033.53 0.00 8,192.17 0.00 30,239.46 0.00 4,316.31 0.00 5,524.80 0.00 260.00 0.00 18,943.36 0.00 7,153.85 0.00 2,198.34 0.00 66,236.42 0.00 2,833.51 0.00 113,589.69 143,000.00 BS0100 BT0200 BT0300 S.1\. DRAINAGE ASSESSM.CON S.A. SURVEYS/DESIGN ENG. S.A. MISC. LAND PURCHASE 3,597.08 5,000.00 318.06 (CE) 19,500.00 6,280.62 5,000.00 10,195.76 29,500.00 Total Suburban Area Construction 490,761.83 417,500.00 . ------------ ',.. .. -61,916.38 140,934.71 -2,592.65 -23,033.53 -8,192.17 -30,239.46 -4,316.31 -5,524.80 -260.00 -18,943.36 -7,153.85 -2,198.34 -66,236.42 -2,833.51 -30,589.69 1,402.92 19,181.94 -1,280.62 19,304.24 ---,-------- -13,261.83 720,424.50 747,500.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 27,075.50 Total Suburban Area LESS: COUNTY ENGINEERING (eE) CHARGED ABOVE 7,075.95 713,348.55 23,690.41 737,038.96 51,592.73 788.631.69 PLUS: 5% DESIGN ENGINEERING ON CONSTRUCTION WORK PLUS: 7% OVERHEAD TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1992 BUDGET WAS $800,000.00. FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 (A) SUMMARY Estimated Total Expenditure LESS: MTD Grant (Assume 78%) BALANCE 50% Payable by City BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Suburban Share of Insurance, Memberships and Conferences ($3,000 estimate) (50%) LESS: 1992 Surplus PAGE 1. $770,000 600,600 169,400 84,700 84,700 1,500 86,200 1 ,362 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: City of St. Thomas 1993 1/2 Mill Contribution 84,838 83,750 DEFICIT TO 1994 (B) EXPENDITURES (i) Maintenance A - Bridges and Culverts B-1, Grass Cutting B-2, Tree Cutting B - 3/4, Drainage B - 5, Roadside Maintenance B - , Tree Planting C - 1, Pavement Repairs C - 2, Sweeping C - 3, Shoulder Maintenance/Grading C - 3A, Shoulder Maintenance/Gravel C - 4, Surface Treatment C - 4A, Machine Laid Hot Mix D - 2, Grading D - 3, Dust Control D - 5, Gravel Resurfacing E - 1, Snowplowing E - 2, Sanding and Salting E - 4, Winter Standby F - 1, Centreline Painting F - 2, Edge Painting F - 3, Signs F - 4, Guide Rails $1 ,088 ----------- ----------- 1992 EXPENDITURE 1993 BUDGET $6,688 19,170 23,869 23,167 2,158 o 15,584 4,726 3,038 o o o 9,752 11,654 3,077 20,098 53,336 7,539 9,785 7,417 2,7;~3 142 $10,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 o 20,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 1 ,000 5,000 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 2. 1992 EXPENDITURE 1993 BUDGET (i) Maintenance (CONTINUED...) F - 5, Railway Protection F - 6, Stump Removal Traffic Counts 3,820 1 ,063 860 5,000 5,000 1 ,000 TOTAL 1993 MAINTENANCE BUDGET $229,666 $334,000 -------,- -------.- (ii) Land Purchase 5,000 (iii) Drainage Assessments 5,000 ( i v) Overhead (7%) 50,435 (v) Construction Engineering (5%) 19,565 (vi) Construction (Road #25 Channelization and Resurfacing) (NOTE: 1993 budget allowance of $450,000 in 5-year construction program) 356,000 TOTAL 1993 SUBURBAN ROAD EXPENDITURE BUDGET ESTIMATE $770,000 -------- -------- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at thE! Engineer's Office at 10:00 ~.m. on Wednesday, January 27, 1993. All members were present except Mr. Roderick Ferguson. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHAIRMAN: RESOLUTION 111 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE APPOINT DON STOKES AS ACTING CHAIRMAN FOR THIS MEETING. CARRIED. II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: RESOLUTION 112 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1992 BE APPROVED. CARRIED.II 1993 MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENTS: The Engineer reported receiving a letter from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario informing the County of the Ministerial Adjusted Assessment for 1993 being based on an assessment value of $167,500,000. A 1/2 mill would require a payment of $83,750 from the City of St. Thomas. RESOLUTION 113 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTIEE AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE REQUESTED TO CONTRIBUTE THE PROCEEDS OF A RATE OF 1/2 MILL BASED ON THE 1993 MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENT VALUE OF $167,600,000 PER RSO 1980, CHAPTER 421, SECTIONS 68 AND 69 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION WILL BE $83,750 FOR 1993. CARRIED.II 1,]\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 2. 1993 HONORARIUM: RESOLUTION 114 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994 BE $175.00. CARRIED. I: ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: RESOL UT I ON 115 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1993 BE PAID. CARRIED." SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO MEMBERSHIP: RESOLUTION 116 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1993 BE PAID (*$25.00 LAST YEAR). CARRIED. III CONVENTION ATTENDANCE: RESOLUTION 117 IIMOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. ROD FERGUSON TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ONTARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES) PAID. CARRIED.II ,.'If; ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 3. 1992 EXPENDITURES: RESOLUTION #8 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1992 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRIED."r PROPOSED 1993 BUDGET: RESOLUTION #9 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $770,000 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED." APPOINTMENT OF 1993 CHAIRMAN: RESOLUTION 1110 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPOINT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN . ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994. CARRIED." SPORTS/EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX: The Engineer informed members of the Committee that he was dealing directly with the consultant for the development and all concerns on County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) and. County Road #57 (Southdale Road) are being met by the consultant. The Engineer also informed members that the County was presently in the process of signing an agreement with the City regardin~ this complex. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1993 PAGE 4. RESOLUTIONS TO ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION: The Engineer informed the members that no resolutions have been received from Road Committee or County Council to be forwarded to the Ontario Good Roads Association this year. LONDON ANNEXATION: The Engineer informed the members that due to the annl~xation of parts of Middlesex County by the City of London, the London Suburban Road Commission would no longer exist effective January 1, 1993. ADJOURNMENT: RESOLUTION 1111 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. 'II CHAIRMAN .: ~ i ~ % .. = lD -("II c1 o .q- ~ ~ i~, : 0 ~ ~ ::J :r Corporation of the County of Elgin No .....c.J)............... Seconded by WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 ~~ .,U-~ Moved by THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE REQUESTED TO CONTRIBUTE THE PROCEEDS OF A RATE OF 1/2 MILL BASED ON THE 1993 MINISTERIAL ADJUSTED ASSESSMENT VALUE OF $167,600,000 PER RS01980, CHAPTER 421, SECTIONS 68 AND 69 OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION WILL BE $83,750 FOR 1993. ~/ ~ Corporation of the County of Elgin No .....(ij............... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 Seconded by ~.. xR~-'-h"" ~~ Moved by THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31,1994 BE $175.00. (l~/ ;JIlJ Corporation of the County of Elgin No ... .C3!................ Moved by WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 ~ Seconded by _ ~~ -==-- - THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1993 BE PAID. rJ {Il~~~ /J~W- Corporation of the County of Elgin No .....0............. Seconded by WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 ~ ~' Moved by THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1993 BE PAID. :z 6- c?d ~r ~AU ~ Corporation of the County of Elgin NO...W? ..... ' ................ . WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 Moved by _ /-~ -_.... Seconded by ~ THAT WE APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. ROD FERGUSON TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ONTARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES) PAID. ~ &01_ Corporation of the County of Elgin No .....@.......... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 Moved by ~ Seconded by _ .~~....,..... =-"~ THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1992 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. /' I? ~~ /I~ dJ/U ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1992 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE JANUARY 22, 1993 1992 Expenditure on Maintenance 1992 Expenditure on Construction 1992 Expenditure on Construction Engineering (5%) 1992 Municipal Drainage Assessment 1992 Land Purchase $229,662.67 473, 808 . 1 8 23,690.41 3,597.08 6,280.62 SUB-TOTAL 1992 Overhead (7%) $737,038.96 51,592.73 TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE LESS: MTO Subsidy/Grant (79.887X) $788,631 .69 680 ,014 . 19 BALANCE AFTER SUBSIDY $158,617.50 ----------- ----------- 50X Payable by City of St. Thomas of $158,617.50 ADD: 50XCity of St. Thomas share of Insurance, Memberships and Conferences of $2,793.35 79,308.75 1,396.68 TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Deficit from 1991 80,705.43 1,783.00 SUB-TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: 1992 1/2 mill Contribution from City 82,438.43 83,800.00 SURPLUS TO 1993 $1 ,361 .57 ----------- ----------- FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER "'/ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - 1992 EXPENDITURES / Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 Printed on Monday, January 18,1993 at 08:52:44 SECTION 1 Suburban Area Part A - Maintenance Sort Code A Activity Expenditure Budg:et Balance A100SA SA A-I BRIDGES 388.95 20,000.00 19,611.05 AlOISA SA A-II CLEAN & WASH BRDG 1,942.12 0.00 -1,942.12 A102SA S1\ 1\-100 BRIDGE INSPECT. 122.98 0.00 -122.98 1\200S1\ SA A-2 CULVERTS 3,706.75 0.00 -3,706.75 A201SA S1\ 1\-200 CULVERT INSPECT. 526.83 0.00 -526.83 ------------ ----------.-- ------------ 6,687.63 20,000.00 13,312.37 1\300S1\ SA B-1 GRASS & WEED CUTT. 19,170.07 15,000.00 -4,170.07 1\301S1\ SA B-2 TREE CUTTING 23,868.70 10,000.00 -13,868.70 A302S1\ S1\ B-4 DRAINAGE 23,166.60 9,000.00 -14,166.60 A303S1\ SA B-5 ROADSIDE MTNCE. 2,157.74 10,000.00 7,842.26 1\304SA SA B-6 TREE PL1\NTING 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 A306SA SA B-l1 WEED SPRAYING 0.00 0.00 0.00 1\307SA SA B- MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ------------ ----------.-- ------------ 68,363.11 50,000.00 -18,363.11 1\400S1\ S1\ C-1 PAVEMENT REPAIRS 15,583.78 10,000.00 -5,583.78 A401SA SA C-2 SWEEPING 4,725.81 5,000.00 274.19 1\4025A SA C-3 SHOULDER MTNCE. 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1\403SA SA C-4 SURFACE TREATMENT 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1\404S1\ S1\ C-5 SHOULDER MTNCE. 3,037.84 4,000.00 962.16 1\405SA SA C-6 M1\CHINE L1\ID HOTMX 0.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 ------------ ----------.-- ------------ 23,347.43 50,000.00 26,652.57 1\500SA SA 0-2 GRADING 9,751.59 8,000.00 -1,751.59 A501SA SA 0-3 DUST CONTROL 5,206.19 10,000.00 4,793.81 1\502SA SA 0-4 PRIME 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1\503S1\ SA 0-5 GRAVEL RESURFACING 3,077.41 30,000.00 26,922.59 A504SA SA 0- CALCIUM CHLORIDE 6,447.18 10,000.00 3,552.82 ------------ ----------.-- -_._---'------ 24,482.37 60,000.00 35,517.63 A600SA SA E-1 SNOWPLOWING 20,098.21 25,000.00 4,901.79 A601SA SA E-2 SANDING & SALTING 53,335.53 70,000.00 16,664.47 1\602S1\ SA E-4 WINTER STANDBY 7,538.60 5,000.00 -2,538.60 -------.----- ------------- ------------ 80,972.34 100,000.00 19,027.66 1\700S1\ S1\ F-l PAVEMENT MARKING 9,785.07 15,000.00 5,214.93 A701SA SA F-2 SIGNS 2,722.82 10,000.00 7,277.18 1\702SA SA F-3 GUIDE RAIL 142.16 1,000.00 857.84 A703SA S1\ F-4 RAILROAD PROTECT. 3,820.03 4,000.00 179.97 'A704sA SA F-6 EDGE MARKING 7,417.23 15,000.00 7,582.77 1\705S1\ SA F-7 STUMP REMOVAL 1,062.58 5,000.00 3,937.42 ------------ ----------.-- ------------ 24,949.89 50,000,,00 25,050.11 1\800S1\ S1\ TRAFFIC COUNT 859.90 0.,00 -859.90 ------------ ------------- ------------ 859.90 0..00 -859.90 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ - - - - - - - -.-...- -- ------------ Total Suburban 1\rea Maintenance 229,662.67 330,000,,00 100,337.33 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - 1992 EXPENDITURES Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 2 Printed on Monday, January 18,1993 SECTION 1 Suburban Area Part B - Contruction Sort Code B Activity BR2500 ROAD 25 ENGINEERING BR2502 ROAD 25 TOPSOIL BR2503 ROAD 25 EXCAVATION/DITCH. BR2505 ROAD 25 'B I FILL BR2506 ROAD 25 'A' GRAVEL BR2507 ROAD 25 HOT MIX BR2510 ROAD 25 CURB BR2511 ROAD 25 CURB REMOVAL BR2512 ROAD 25 STORM SEWERS BR2514 ROAD 25 CATCHBASINS BR2516 ROAD 25 SIGNS BR2518 ROAD 25 EROSION CONTROL BR2550 ROAD 25 MISCELLANEOUS Expenditure 4,692.60 (CE) 7,714.13 10,411.50 30,618.78 78,669.49 138,288.62 24,148.10 493.61 9,573.72 562.90 -549.91 258.35 2,094.49 BudgE~t 245,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance 240,307.40 -7,714.13 -10,411.50 -30,618.78 -78,669.49 -138,288.62 -24,148.10 -493.61 -9,573.72 -562.90 549.91 -258.35 -2,094.49 306,976.38 245,000.00 -61,976.38 B700CO AARTS CULVERT ENGINEERING B702CO AARTS CULVERT TOPSOIL B703CO AARTS CULVERT EXCAVATION B705CO AARTS CULVERT 'B' FILL B706CO AARTS CULVERT 'A' GRAVEL B707CO AARTS CULVERT HOT MIX B712CO AARTS CULVERT STORM SEWER B714CO AARTS CULVERT CATCHBASINS B716CO AARTS CULVERT SIGNS B718CO AARTS CULVERT EROSION PRO B722CO AARTS CULVERT CONCRETE B723CO AARTS CULVERT PRECAST B750CO AARTS CULVERT MISCELLAN. 2,065.29 (CE) 143,000.00 2,592.65 0.00 23,033.53 0.00 8,192.17 0.00 30,239.46 0.00 4,316.31 0.00 5,524.80 0.00 260.00 0.00 18,943.36 0.00 7,153.85 0.00 2,198.34 0.00 66,236.42 0.00 2,833.51 0.00 173,589.69 143,000.00 BS0100 BT0200 BT0300 S.A. DRAINAGE ASSESSM.CON S.A. SURVEYS/DESIGN ENG. S.A. MISC. LAND PURCHASE 3,597.08 5,000.00 318.06 (CE) 19,500.00 6,280.62 5,000.00 140,934.71 -2,592.65 -23,033.53 -8,192.17 -30,239.46 -4,316.31 -5,524.80 -260.00 -18,943.36 -7,153.85 -2,198.34 -66,236.42 -2,833.51 -30,589.69 1,402.92 19,181.94 -1,280.62 10,195.76 29,500.00 19,304.24 Total Suburban Area Construction 490,761.83 417,500.00 ---,-------- -73,261.83 720,424.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 27,075.50 Total Suburban Area lESS: COUNTY ENGINEERING (CE) CHARGED ABOVE 7,075.95 713,348.55 23,690.41 737,038.96 51,592.73 788.631.69 PLUS: 5% DESIGN ENGINEERING ON CONSTRUCTION WORK PLUS: 7% OVERHEAD TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE 747,500.00 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1992 BUDGET WAS $800,000.00. FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER Corporation of the County of Elgin No {jL........... Seconded by WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 a~ ~~' '" -- Moved by THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $770,000 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. (Jd/5~ ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 1. (A) SUMMARY Estimated Total Expenditure LESS: MTO Grant (Assume 78Y.) $770,000 600,600 BALANCE 50Y.Payable by City 169,LJOO 8LJ,700 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Suburban Sha~~ of Insurance, Memberships and Conferences ($3,000 estimate) (50Y.) 84,700 1,500 LESS: 1992 Surplus 86,200 1 ,362 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: City of St. Thomas 1993 1/2 Mill Contribution 84,838 83,750 DEF I C I T TO 1 99l~ $ 1 ,088 ----------- ----------- (8) EXPENDITURES 1992 EXPENDITURE 1993 BUDGET (i ) Mai nt enance A - Bridges and Culverts B - 1, Grass Cutting B-2, Tree Cutting B - 3/4, Drainage B - 5, Roadside Maintenance B - , Tree Planting C - 1, Pavement Repairs C - 2, Sweep.i ng C - 3, Shoulder Maintenance/Grading C - SA, Shoulder Maintenance/Gravel C - 4, Surface Treatment C - 4A, Machine Laid Hot Mix o - 2, Grading D - 3, Dust Control o - 5, Gravel Resurfacing E - 1, SnDwplowing E - 2, Sanding and Salting E - 4, Winter Standby F - 1, Centreline Painting F - 2, Edge Painting F - 3, Signs F - 4, GUide Rails $6,6El8 1 <3 , 1 70 23 ,869 23, 167 2 , 1 ~)8 o 15,5B4 4 , 7E~6 3 , O~l8 o o o <3 , 7~52 11,6!54 3,077 20,098 53 , 3~36 7,539 9,785 7,417 2 , 7c~3 1l.~2 $10,000 25,000 25,090 25,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 o 20,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 1 ,000 5,000 ST. THOI~1AS SUBURBAN RO(~D COHI"II 55 1 01\1 . 199aCONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 2. 1992 EXPENDITURE 1993 BUDGET (i) Maintenance (CONTINUED. . .) F - 5, Railway Protection F - 6, stump Removal Traffic Count~ 3,820 1,06:3 860 5,000 5,000 1 ,000 TOTAL1993 MAINTENANCE BUDGET $229,666 $334,000 -------- ----_._-- (ii) Land Purchase 5,000 (iii) Drainage Assessments 5,000 ( i v) Ove,-head (7X) 50,435 (v) Construction Engineering (5Y.) 19,565 (vi) Construction (Road B25 Channelization and Resurfacing) (NOTE: 1993 budget allowance of $450,000 in5-year construction program) 356,000 TOTAL 1993 SUBURBAN ROAD EXPENDITURE BUDGET ESTIMATE $770,000 --'------ -'------- Corporation of the County of Elgin No ....GJ............. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 ~ ---- Moved by ...A>b'.. ---.. Seconded by , ~ - . THAT WE APPOINT /1-. ~ AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO JANUARY 31, 1994. ~ A~ Corporation of the County of Elgin No ....WI!. ........... . ..... . WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1993 ' Moved by _ ~ -- /~ ~ Seconded by L,t' o....-v THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. ~~ &L ST. THOlv1AS SUBURBAN ROAD COl1t1 I 55 IO"J .------...------.........------------------...------- AGENDA rJ) @1. 2. li~~_':!.~~Q.~'i._'__~~lild.~'3.Y__~1._'__.!..~~~_~!._.!..Q.l.Q.Q._~~~t!~ t1~~ Adoption of Minutes. (a) Letter from Ministry of Transportation of Ontario regarding 1993 Ministerial Adjusted Assessments. @ (b) City of st. Thomas Contdbution. Cpf,! 3~t{ onO\-ar ium for 11,-. Rode,- ick Fe,-gUso..n.. C,' ( Y 6 c '[y' ' 4. GRA t"1embersh ip Fee. . . r . 5.(f)subur-ban Hoad Commission t1embe\-sh ip Fee.. C/.{ '; 6 (j?Al t endance of t1r. Roder i c k Ferguson at OGRA Annua 1 Convent ion. q "{y' 7.~ 992 Expend i ture Report. Cr'';: '( SGA993 Suburban Road Budget. CtJly 9~APPointment of 1993 Chairman. eeJ.{.j O\~djOUrnment . r" ." P.. M ~ CJ.f<-, ...A..o' ~ /:~ 15 D6f!A ~.. /f. 'rC ..- /\,/(0 ~ ~ fd-cJ{) .-- . /'l~ ____ ----- 5T. THOlvlAS SUBUnBAN ROAD COI"lM 1 55 I O"J .----------~----------------------------- AGENDA ~~g-'i~~Q.~'{_'__~~lilJ~f3.'!._~2_'__!..'2.~~_~!._!..Q..;..Q.Q._~~~tl~ 1. Adoption of Minutes. 2. (a) Letter from Ministry of Transportation of Ontario regarding 1993 Ministerial Adjusted Assessments. (b) City of St. Thomas Contribution. 3. Honorarium for Mr. Roderick Ferguson. 4. OGRA Membership Fee. 5. Suburban Road Commission Membership Fee. 6. Attendance of Mr. Roderick Ferguson at OGRA Annual Convention. 7 . 1992 Expend i ture Repor t . 8. 1993 Suburban Road Budget. 9. Appointment of 1993 Chairman. 10. Adjournment. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 (A) SUMMARY Estimated Total Expenditure LESS: MTO Grant (Assume 78X) BALANCE 50X Payable by City BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Suburban Share of Insurance, Memberships and Conferences ($3,000 estimate) (50X) LESS: 1992 Surplus PAGE 1. $770,000 600,600 169,400 84,700 84,700 1 ,500 86,200 1,362 BALANCE PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: City of St. Thomas 1993 1/2 Mill Contribution 84,838 88,750 DEFICIT TO 1994 (B) EXPENDITURES <i) Maintenance A - Bridges and Culverts B-1, Grass Cutting B-2, Tree Cutting B - 3/4, Drainage B - 5, Roadside Maintenance B - , Tree Planting C - 1, Pavement Repairs C - 2, Sweeping C - 3, Shoulder ,Maintenance/Grading C - 3A, Shoulder Maintenance/Gravel C - 4, Surface Treatment C - 4A, Machine Laid Hot Mix o - 2, Grading D - 3, Dust Control o - 5, Gravel Resurfacing E - 1, Snowplowing E - 2, Sanding and Salting E - 4, Winter Standby F - 1, Centreline Painting F - 2, Edge Painting F - 3, Signs F - 4, Guide Rails $1 ,088 ------~---- ----------- 1992 EXPENDITUHE 1993 BUDGET $6,6B8 1 9 , 1 70 23,869 23,167 2 , 1 ~58 ;0 15,5B4 4 , 7E~6 3,038 o o o 9 , 7~52 11 , 6~54 3,077 20 ,0'98 53,336 7 ,5:39 9,785 7,417 2 ,7i23 ll+2 $10,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 o 20,000 15,000 15.,000 20,000 25,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 1 ,000 5,000 ~' ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET JANUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 2. ---------------------------------------- 1992 EXPENDITURE 1993 BUDGET (i) Maintenance (CONTINUED.. .) F - 5, Railway Protection F - 6, Stump Removal Traffic Counts 3,820 1 ,063 860 5,000 5,000 1 ,000 TOTAL 1993 MAINTENANCE BUDGET $229,666 $334,000 -------- -------- (ii> Land Purchase 5,000 (iii) Drainage Assessments 5,000 (iv) Overhead (7%) 50,435 (v) Construction Engineering (5%) 19,565 (vi) Construction (Road #25 Channelization and Resurfacing) (NOTE: 1993 budget allowance of $450,000 in 5-year construction program) 356,000 TOTAL 1993 SUBURBAN ROAD EXPENDITURE BUDGET ESTIMATE $770,000 ----,---- -------- 8T. THOMAL, SUBURBAN ROAD COI"U'1 I SS 1 ON 1992 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE JANUARY 22,1993 ~-------------------------------------------- 1992 Expenditure on Maintenance 1992 Expenditure on Construction 1992 Expenditure on Construction Engineering (5Y.) 1992 Municipal Drainage Assessment 1992 Land Purchase $229,6E,2.E,7 473,808.18 23,690.il1 3,597.08 6,280.62 SUB-TOTAL 1992 Overhead (7%) $737,038.96 51,592.73 TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE LESS: MTO Subsidy/Grant (79.887Y.) $788,631.69 630 ,014 . 19 BALANCE AFTER SUBSIDY $158,617.50 ----------- ----------- SOY. Payable by City of St. Thomaso'f $158,617.50 ADD: 50Y. City of St. Thomas share of Insurance,_ Memberships and Conferences of $2,793.35 79,308.75 1,396.68 TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY ADD: Deficit from 1991 80,705.43 1 ,733 .00 SUB-TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY LESS: 1992 1/2 mill Contribution from City 82,438.43 83,800.00 SURPLUS TO 1993 $1,361.57 ----------- ----------- FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER // ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION -1992 EXPENDITURES (' Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 1 Printed on Monday, January 18,1993 at 08:52:44 SECTION 1 Suburban Area 1\ctivity Part A - Malntenance A100S1\ 1\101SA 1\102S1\ A200SA 1\201SA 1\300S1\ A301S1\ A302SA 1\303S1\ 1\304SA A306S1\ 1\307SA A400S1\ A401S1\. A402SA A403S1\. A404S1\ A405S1\ 1\500S1\ A501sA A502SA A503S1\ A504SA 1\600SA 1\60151\ A602SA A700SA A701S1\ A702S1\ 1\70351\ 1\704S1\ A705SA Sort Code A Expenditure SA A-I BRIDGES SA A-II CLEAN & WASH BRDG SA A-100 BRIDGE INSPECT. S1\ 1\-2 CULVERTS SA A-200 CULVERT INSPECT. 388.95 1,942.12 122.98 3,706.75 526.83 6,687.63 S1\ B-1 GR1\SS & WEED CUTT. SA B-2 TREE CUTTING SA B-4 DRAIN1\GE SA B-5 ROADSIDE MTNCE. S1\ B-6 TREE PLANTING SA B-11 WEED SPRAYING SA B- MISCELLANEOUS 19,170.07 23,868.70 23,166.60 2,157.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 68,363.11 SA C-1 PAVEMENT REPAIRS SA C-2 SWEEPING S1\ C-3 SHOULDER MTNCE. SA C-4 SURFACE TREATMENT SA C-5 SHOULDER MTNCE. SA C-6 MACHINE LAID HOTMX 15,583.78 4,725.81 0.00 0.00 3,037.84 0.00 23,347.43 S1\ 0-2 GRADING SA D-3 DUST CONTROL SA 0-4 PRIME SA 0-5 GRAVEL RESURFACING SA D- CALCIUM CHLORIDE 9,751.59 5,206.19 0.00 3,077.41 6,447.18 24,482.37 SA E-t SNOWPLOWING SA E-2 S1\NDING & SALTING SA E-4 WINTER STANDBY 20,098.21 53,335.53 7,538.60 80,972.34 SA F-1 PAVEMENT MARKING S1\ F-2 SIGNS S1\ F-3 GUIDE R1\IL SA F-4 R1\ILROAD PROTECT. SA F-6 EDGE HARKING SA F-7 STUMP REMOVAL 9,785~07 2,722,82 142.16 3,820.03 7,417.23 1,062.58 24,949.89 A80051\ SA TRAFFIC COUNT 859.90 859.90 ------------ ------------ Total Suburban Area Haintenance 229,662.67 Budget 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 9,000.100 10,000.100 1,000.pO 0.100'; . 5,000.100 50,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 11,000.00 50,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 25,000.00 70,000.00 5,000.00 100,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 330,000.00 Balance 19,611.05 -1,942.12 -122.98 -3,706.75 -526.83 13,312.37 -4,170.07 -13,868.70 -14,166.60 7,842.26 1,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 -18,363.11 -5,583.78 274.19 10,000.00 10,000.00 962.16 11,000.00 26,652.57 -1,751.59 4,793.81 2,000.00 26,922.59 3,552.82 35,517.63 4,901.79 16,664.47 -2,538.60 19,027.66 5,214.93 7,277.18 857.84 179.97 7,582.77 3,937.42 25,050.11 -859.90 -859.90 ------------ -------.----- 100,337.33 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - 1992 EXPENDITURES Elgin County Roads Balance Sheet Page 2 Printed on Monday, January 18,1993 SECTION 1 Suburban Area Part B - Contruction Sort Code B Activity BR2500 ROAD 25 ENGINEERING BR2502 ROAD 25 TOPSOIL BR2503 ROAO 25 EXCAVATION/DITCH. BR2505 ROAD 25 ' B ' FILL BR2506 ROAD 25 'A' GRAVEL BR2507 ROAD 25 HOT MIX BR2510 ROAD 25 CURB BR2511 ROAD 25 CURB REMOVAL BR2512 ROAD 25 STORM SEWERS BR2514 ROAO 25 CATCHBASINS BR2516 ROAD 25 SIGNS BR2518 ROAD 25 EROSION CONTROL BR2550 ROAD 25 MISCELLANEOUS Expenditure Budget 4,692.60 (CE) 7,714.13 10,411.50 30,618.78 78,669.49 138,288.62 24,148.10 493.61 9,573.72 562.90 -549.91 258.35 2,094.49 245,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance 240,307.40 -7,714.13 -10,411.50 -30,618.78 -78,669.49 -138,288.62 -24,148.10 -493.61 -9,573.72 -562.90 549.91 -258.35 -2,094.49 ------------ ----~-----~~. ~----------- 306,976.38 245,000.00 -61,976.38 B700CO AARTS CULVERT ENGINEERING B702CO AARTS CULVERT TOPSOIL B703CO AARTS CULVERT EXCAVATION B705CO A1\RTS CULVERT 'B' FILL B706co AARTS CULVERT 'A'GRAVEL B707CO AARTS CULVERT HOT MIX B712CO AARTS CULVERT STORM SEWER B714co AARTS CULVERT CATCHBASINS B716CO AARTS CULVERT SIG~S B718CO AARTS CULVERT EROSION PRO B722CO AARTS CULVERT CONCRETE B723CO AARTS CULVERT PRECAST B750CO AARTS CULVERT MISCELLAN. 2,065.29 (CE) 143,000.00 2,592.65 0.00 23,033.53 0.00 8,192.17 0.00 30,239.46 0.00 4,316.31 0.00 5,524.80 0.00 260.00 0.00 18,943.36 0.00 7,153.85 0.00 2,198.34 0.00 66,236.42 0.00 2,833.51 0.00 140,934.71 -2,592.65 -23,033.53 -8,192.17 -30,239.46 -4,316.31 -5,524.80 -260.00 -18,943.36 -7,153.85 -2,198.34 -66,236.42 -2,833.51 ------------ ------------- ------------ 173,589.69 143,000.00 -30,589.69 BS0100 BT0200 BT0300 S.A. DRAINAGE ASSESSM.CON S.A. SURVEYS/DESIGN ENG. S.A. MISC. LAND PURCHASE 3,597.08 5,000.00 318.06,(CE) 19,500.00 6,280.62 5,000.00 1,402.92 19,181.94 -1,280.62 10,195.76 ------------ ------------ 29,500.00 19,304.24 Total Suburban Area Construction 490,761.83 417,500.001 Total Suburban Area lESS: COUNTY ENGINEERING (CE) CHARGED ABOVE ------------ ------------ ---,-------- -73,261.83 720,424.50 747,500.001 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 27,015.50 PLUS: 5% DESIGN ENGINEERING ON CONSTRUCTION WORK 7,075.95 713,348.55 23,690.41 737, 038 ~ 96 51,592.73 788.631.69 PLUS: 7% OVERHEAD TOTAL 1992 SUBURBAN EXPENDITURE THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1992 BUDGET WAS $800,000.00. FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER FRED GROCH, BASe., M.Eng.,' P.Eng. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 FAX NO. 1-519-633-7661 CLAYTON WATTERS, BASe., P.Eng. Assistant County Engineer January 15, 1993 City of St. Thomas Department of Administrative Services P.O. Box 520 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Attention: Mr. R. A. Barrett City Administrator Gentlemen: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission For your preliminary information, please be informed that the County of Elgin Road Committee has recommended to County Council that the City contribution to the Suburban Road Commission be based on a 1/2 mill rate based on the enclosed Ministerial Adjusted Assessment of $167,500,000 ($83,750). . The Committee has also recommended that the honorarium for the County member be $175.00 as in previous years. They have also recommended that the County member attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Conference as well as the Ontario Suburban Roads Annual Conference with normal expenses paid. I trust that this information will be useful for your immediate needs. Yours truly, FG:pg Enc. /~~o ~ - .-- / 7j . r~~', ~_. FRED GROCH, B.A.Se., M.Eng., P.Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT No . . .. . . . . . . . . it .. . , . .. ~Q\'~d,~Y Seconded.. by ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION D. R.. STQKES R. FERGUSON THAT WE DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD 116 (ST. THOMAS -FINGAL TO WALLACETOWN) AN HISTORIC ROAD FOR PURPOSES OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL. CARRIED. '" .\ No ..........!. '/::........... Corporation of the County of Elgin THAT WE DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD 016 AND COUNTY ROAD #8 tROM 511. THOMAS TO WALLACETOWN AS A HISTORIC ROAD FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL IN 1994. t' I; . f, ;.