1994 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 2f 1994 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Administration Building on Wednesday, November 2, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION #1 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 31, 1994 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." WORK TO DATE The Engineer reported that the majority of the construction expenditure included land purchase on County Road #28 and channelization on County Road #25 at st. George Stre~et (County Road #26) and County Road #48. Most of the road widening was purchased on County Road #28 south of County Road #56 in co-operation with ontario Hydro who were installing a new hydro transmission line in conjunct:ion with the city of London watermain construction. Due to utilities, various drains on County Road #25 more work was carried out than was originally anticipated and it now appears that the Suburban Road Commission construction budgE~t will be exceeded. However the Engineer reported that some of the work at County Road #48 can be attributed to the County and as such the 1994 Suburban Budget should be ~hin estimate. ROAD #30 AND ROAD #4t(1 INTERSECTION The Engineer reported that delegations have appeared at Road Committee requesting improvements at this intersection in the near future. The Engineer reported that it was agreed to by Road Committee to consider the inclusion of this work in the next fivE~ year capital program for the Road Department. 1995 FORECAST The Engineer reported that originally the five year road program for the County included the commencement of reconstruction of County Road #28 south of County Road #56. However it was pointed out that since the traffic count on county Road #30 is now exceeding 8,000 vehicles per day and since the watermain construction should be completed by the end of this year it may warrant considering improving the intersections on County Road #30 at County Road #48 and county Road #52. continued . . . . '. S,]~. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 2. This would be subject to the approval of the Road Committee and would suggest that the proposed reconstruction on County Road #28 would be delayed. A suggestion was made that County Road #52 betv{een County Road #25 and County Road #30 be made a Suburban Road. This matter would be further discussed in 1995. '. APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBERS The Engineer reported that the term of office for the present Suburban Road Commission expires at the end of January in 1995. All present members indicated that they would be willin9 to continue as members of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The Engineer noted that new appointments to thE~ commission would be made by the respective Councils early in the new year. . ANNUAL REPORT The Engineer reported that included in these Minutes would be the Annual Report for the Suburban Road Commission for 1994. ADJOURNMENT "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE NOW ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. II . CHAIRMAN . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT NOVEMBER 2, 1994 TO THE CHAIRMAIN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURB1\N ROAD COMMISSION: The composition of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has not changed since June of 1992. The County of Elgin has completed the channelization of County Road #25 at County Road #48 and County Road #26 including improvement to the railway crossing south of County Road #26 this Summer. During 1994 the majority of the road widening was purchased on County Road #28 south of Elm Street (County Road #56) in conjunction with the installation of a new hydro transmission line by ontario Hydro. The above two projects have incurred costs in excess of the 1994 Suburban Budget, however some of the costs of the improvements at County Road #25 and County Road #48 can be attributed to the County road system and thus maintain the Suburban expenditures within budget. No unusual maintenance costs were incurred in 1994. Notwithstanding that the commencement of the reconstruction of County Road #28 south of Elm Street was included in the five year program for 1995, subject to Road Committee approval, consideration may have to be made to channelization works on County Road #30 at the Road #48 and Road #52 intersections due to the increased traffic count and the completion of the city of London watermain. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED FRED GROCH, COUNTY ENGINEER/SECRETARY ST'. THOMAS, ONTARIO JA.NUARY 31, 1994 PA.GE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at Mr. Auckland's residence on Monday, January 31, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present except Mr. Roderick Ferguson. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. RECOMMEtfDATION #1 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION 12 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION TOTALLING $91,800.00 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 1994. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #3 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1994 TO JANUARY 31, 1995 BE $175.00. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #4 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR rrHE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1994 BE PAID. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #5 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1994 BE PAID. CARRIED." s~r . THOMAS, ONTARIO Jl\.NUARY 31, 1994 PAGE 2. RECOMMENDATION #6 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. RODERICK FERGUSON TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ON'rARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES PAID). CARRIED." . RECOMMENDATION 17 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1993 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST. 'THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. . CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #8 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $732,640.00 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #9 ~ "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE APPOINT MR. DONALD STOKES AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRUARY 1, 1994 TO JANUARY 31, 1995. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that rooms have been booked and the registration fees only have been paid for Mr. sto](€~S and Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Auckland would not be attending the ontario Good Roads Annual Convention. . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 31, 1994 PAGE 3. 1994 WESTERN REGION ANNUAL MEETING The Engineer reported that this meeting would be held on Wednesday, June 15, 1994. The Engineer reported that arrangements have beE~n made to hold the meeting at the County Administration Building as well as lunch. Mr. stokes indicated that he would pursue a tour of City Hall during this convention. The Assistant Engineer, Mr. Clayton Watters is pursing a tour of the local Freightliner Plant or a video presentation by the firm. RECOMMENDA'.rION 110 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN COUnTY OF LLG Ul l{Old) ULPAI\TtJIEN'r ST. rrllOJ:.li\:.:'; C;tHHJ1~l\^H HUi\1> CUI'lf'1ISSIOI~ 1993 EXPEIJDI'J'lJHE 1993 nUDGET 1. MAINrrENANCE A - DRIDGESAND CULVERTS B - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE C - liARD rrop MAINrrENANCE D - LOOSE TOP MAINTENANCE E - WINTER CONTROL F - SAFETY DEVICES DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS :LO,OOO 82,000 65,000 50,000 95,000 32,000 5,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $339,000 -------- --------.-- 2. CONSrrHUCrrION ROAD #16 EAST RESURFACING ROAD #25 RESURFACING LAND PURCHASE (ROAD #57 & ROAD #28) 300,000 56,000 5,000 TOTAL CONSrrHUC'l'ION $361,000 -------- ---------- TOTAL. MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION 5% CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ENGINEERING 700,000 19,565 SUB-'l'OT^L $719,565 50,435 7% OVERHEAD 'rorrAL 1993 ROAD EXPENDITUHE ~;770, 000 LESS: M.T.D. SUBSIDY @ 78/78.25% -600,600 LESS: 50% SIIARE BY COUNTY $169,400 -84,700 $84,700 PLUS: SUBURBAN SIIARE OF ($3,141.23) MEMBERSHIPS AND CONFEREnCES 1,500 LESS: 1992 SURPLUS $86,200 -1,362 LESS: 1/2 MILL CDN'l'RIBU1.'ION BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS $84,838 -83,750 DEFICIT '1'0 J991\ $1,088 --------- -------- JANUARY 19, 19. EX P EN [) I'l'URE 5,707.63 32,736.00 34,523.22 66,928.52 91\,160.91 ~)5,442.13 50.73 $289,549.14 ----------- ------..------ . 288,549.94 119,672.10 10,754.16 $418,976.20 ------------ --- -- -~ ...~~--- --- 708,525.34 20,411.10 $728,936.44 51,025.55 $77~,961.99 -610,320.25 ~ $169,641.74 -84,820.87 $B4,820.87 1,570.61 $86,391.48 -1,362.00 $ B 5 , () 29 . 48 -BJ,750.00 $1,279.48 =========. FHED GI"{OCII COUNTY EnGINEER COUNTY OF ELGI;N ROAD DEPAHrrNENtr ST. THOMAS SUBU~BAN ROAD COMMISSIO~ 1994 BUDGET ---~~-------------------------~~~~~ 199 J EXPENDrfURE Ml\INrrENl\NCE A - BRIDGES AND CULVERTS B - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE C - HARD TOP MAINTENANCE D - LOOSE TOP MAINTENANCE E - WINTER CONTROL F - SAFETY DEVICES 'DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 5,708 32,736 34,523 66,928 94,161 55,442 51 $289,549 --.------ -------- CONsrrRucrrION ROAD #25 CHANNELIZATION LAND PURCHASE 408,222 10,754 $418,976 ---------- --------- TOTALMAINTENl\NCE AND CONSTRUCTION 5% CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ENGINEERING 708,525 20,411 $728,936 51,026 ROAD EXPENDITURE $779,.962 M.T.O. GRANT 78.25%/75% -610,320 $169,642 50% SHARE BY COUNTY -84,821 $84,821 SUBURBAN SHARE ($3,141.23/$6,000) OF MEMBERSHIPS AND CONFERENCES 1,571 $86,392 1992/1993 SURPLUS DEFICIT -1,362 $85,030 1993/1994 1/2J'1;ILL CONTRIBUrrION BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS -83,750 DEFICIT '1'01994/1995 $1,280 -------- ._-.....-~......_---- JANUARY 19, 1994 1994 IJUDGET ~j,OO() ~O,OOO 30,000 ~)(),OOO 105,000 48,000 1,710 $2~)9,710 -------- --.- -...- -- -- - ~"-- 400,000 5,000 $'105,000 -------- ----~----'"------ 664,710 20,000 $684,710 47,930 $732,640 -549,480 $183,160 -91,580 $91,580 :3 ,.000 $94,580 -1,280 $93,300 -91,800 ~;1,500 --------- ---------- FRED GHOCH COUNrry ENGINEER -.---.. ~'1 -- .--~.-..-...-.,.. -.--- ----' ......... ~ \~"~ ~ .._$L-;~ ~'!.."..."-""........-"."'.-..-.. .\'~- --~- \ N\ \: _.~.- 11r' ~111! ~ll ~I tl ~ ~ , " ~I ~l ""'I" I I . I 00 J l i ' ~ -I' I Ii I \l H~ 8 .A-_~_u~_I-_'~~.' ~__~_ _ _ . _ ..~'_.' '-&"'L_ . --'J ..~ \..)(:1- ..~ -~ ....-:~ ----..~.'-.. . . f'~ "' ~ ~~ K' . .~ ~___ -1" ~ . 6-..... ..' ~- ~L~~~~- u~_ " DeICJ ~l I ""I ~o Q~ I ~ ~ ( "- "- " '-0 ~ \S. ~ ~. --~. ~. -6Q~ , ; ~ r-... ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT NOVEMBER 2, 1994 TO THE CHAIRMAIN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: The composition of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has not changed since June of 1992. The County of Elgin has completed the channeliza1tion of County Road #25 at County Road #48 and County Road #26 including improvement to the railway crossing south of County Road #26 this Summer. During 1994 the majority of the road widening was purchased on County Road #28 south of Elm Street (County Road #56) :in conjunction with the installation of a new hydro transmission line by ontario Hydro. The above two projects have incurred costs in excess of the 1994 Suburban Budget, however some of the costs of the improvements at County Road #25 and County Road #48 can be attributed -to the County road system and thus maintain the Suburban expenditures within budget. No unusual maintenance costs were incurred in 1994. Notwithstanding that the commencement of the reconstruction of County Road #28 south of Elm street was included in the five year program for 1995, subject to Road Committee approval, consideration may have to be made to channelization works on county Road #30 at the Road #48 and Road #52 intersections due to the increased traffic count and the completion of the City of London watermain. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~ FRED GROCH, COUNTY ENGINEER/SECRETARY ELGIN SEPARATED URBAN MUNICIPALITIES St Thomas C TOTAL NOTE: TAXABLE' RES/FARM ASSESSMENT (A) 45979056 45,979,056 ASSESSMENT DERIVED FROM 1994 ,APPORTIONMENT PROGRAM 93/94 TAXABLE ASSESSMENT; EQUIVALENT ASSESSMENT FROM RESOURCE EQUALIZATION GRANT PROGRAM TAXABLE COM/BUS/IND ASSESSMENT (B) REG PROVINCIAL TOTAL WEIGHTED SEPARATED EQUIVALENT 3 YEAR AVG EQUALIZED URBAN ASSESSMENT EQUALIZ FACTOR ASS:e:SSMENT MAA (C) (D) ('rwEA) 3051378 5.12 979420289 184,300,000 21806460 21,806,460 979,420,289 184,300,000 3,051,378 (0.55 * A) + B + C TWEA = ------------------ D/100 I('} Nfl r <f '7 tJ-] /5'0 /17< , --::;:::;::: SEPARATED URBAN MAA = 0.203 * TWEA * GF (ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST HUNDRED THOUSAND) GROWTH FACTOR ( GF ) REFLECTS THE INFLATIONARY RATE AND THE GROWTH IN TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR SEP. TOWNS & CITIES,RELATIVE TO 1991. FOR 1995, GF 0.92702 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1993 EXPENDIrrURE ~-~~-----~----------------~-------~ JANUARY 19, 1994 1993 BUDGET 1. MAINTENANCE A - BRIDGES AND CULVERTS B - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE C - HARD TOP MAINTENANCE D - LOOSE TOP MAINTENANCE E - WINTER CONTROL F - SAFETY DEVICES DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS TOTAL MAINTENANCE CONSTRUC1'ION ROAD #16 EAST RESURFACING ROAD #25 RESURFACING LAND PURCHASE (ROAD #57 & ROAD #28) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ENGINEERING SUB-'rorrAL OVERHEAD TOTAL 1993 ROAD EXPENDITURE LESS: M.T.O. SUBSIDY @ 78/78.25% LESS: 50% SHARE BY COUNTY PLUS: SUBURBAN SHARE OF ($3,141.23) MEMBERSHIPS AND CONFERENCES LESS: 1992 SURPLUS LESS: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS DEFIcrr TO 1994 EXPENDrrURE 10,000 82,000 65,000 50,000 95,000 32,000 5,000 5,707.63 32,736.00 34,523.22 66,928.52 94,160.91 55,442.13 50.73 $339,000 $289,549.14 -------- -----..---- ---_._------ -----.---------- 300,000 288,549.94 56,000 119,672.10 5,000 10,754.16 $361,000 $418,976.20 -------- ------------ -------- ------------ 700,000 708,525.34 19,565 20,411.10 $719,565 $728,936.44 50,435 51,025.55 -- $770,000 . $779,961.99 -600,600 -610,320.25 $169,400 $169,641.74 -84,700 -84,820.87 $84,700 $84,820.87 1,500 1,570.61 -- $86,200 $86,391.48 -1,362 -1,362.00 - $84,838 $85,029.48 -83,750 -83,750.00 -- $1,088 $1,279.48 --------- ----------- -------- ------------ FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER ,';/'IC:li~>I! ci liv::~ (JI(Y uf St. I homas PH Box 520, City Hall, Sf. fllomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 (519) 631-1680 VENDOR NO, YEAR MONTH DAY CHEQUE NO. AMOUNT () () ~5 ~t- :5 PURCHASE ORDER NO. r CONTROL NO F' /0 {~;, 4. N (j !,j \.' ,~, YOUR REFERENCE (~ II .' .' {' .' f t.l. .I. .j ,\ o (~: ~5 (:1 ;: ~i. 9 :1. .' a (; (I . (j 0 y/f;) ~11q1 AMOUNT if: :i. 1 n (j C . () [: DESCRIPTION SUBURBAN ROADS LEUY INQUIRIES QUOTE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ON THIS STUB ~ ;';J. >- ~~~~, . ~~;~; The Corporation of the City of 81. Thomas P.O. Box 520, City Hall, St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 28981 VENDOR NO. YEAR MONTH DAY CHEQUE NO. AMOUNT (I () ;3 C;' :5 ~y' .It l',j 0 'J () :5 .h ~....... 1'.#+'" ..... \) (j ,:\ c;:../ / 'l J. , 0 (1 (r . (; (J CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 4 .10 TALBOT ST.. 81. THOMAS, ONT. N5P 1 B9 I"~ I NETY ONE TH{jUS{'~I\in FIGHT HUt.41)RED GENERAL ACCOUNT .... .... .... 00- .._ u (j (,I / oj ('I (; .-- The Corporation '6f-the-Cit\l' ef "8t. Thomas ,,~ ;::j":' T F:; E (.1 ~:; U f( E F:: ,I C. (j U N T Y 0 F E L G :r l-J 4=:)0 SUNSET DF(IVE ST. THOMAS~ ONTARIO t'~~5R ~5V:i. .~ ~. t'ii;...... .':r.1?t8O ~. 11. ~--_. . ZJ~..J PER AUTHO'-[)SIGNINGOFFICERS ,..\.. ._~ 1:0 ~08 21110 ~Ol: 001110 I; 1;0 2111 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the county Administration Building on Wednesday, November 2, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION #1 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 31, 1994 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. II WORK TO DATE The Engineer reported that the majority of the construction expenditure included land purchase on county Road #28 and channelization on County Road #25 at st. George StrE~et (County Road #26) and County Road #48. Most of the road ~idening was purchased on county Road #28 south of county Road #56 in co-operation with ontario Hydro who were installing a new hydro transmission line in conjunct:ion with the city of London watermain construction. Due to utilities, various drains on County Road #25 more work was carried out than was originally anticipated and it now appears that the Suburban Road Commission construction budgE~t will be exceeded. However the Engineer reported that some of the work at County Road #48 can be attributed to the County and as such the 1994 Suburban Budget should be within estimate. ROAD #30 AND ROAD #40 INTERSECTION The Engineer reported that delegations have appeared at Road Committee requesting improvements at this intersection in the near future. The Engineer reported that it was agreed to by Road Committee to consider the inclusion of this work in the next five year capital program for the Road Department. 1995 FORECAST The Engineer reported that originally the five year road program for the county included the commencement of reconstruction of County Road #28 south of County Road #56. However it was pointed out that since the traffic count on County Road #30 is now exceeding 8,000 vehicles per day and since the watermain construction should be completed by the end of this year it may warrant considering improving the intersections on county Road #30 at County Road #48 and County Road #52. continued . . . . S1~. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 2, 1994 ',,'it Pl~GE 2. This would be subject to the approval of the Road Committee and would suggest that the proposed reconstruction on County Road #28 would be delayed. A suggestion was made that County Road #52 bet~~een County Road #25 and County Road #30 be made a Suburban Road. This matter would be further discussed in 1995. APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBERS The Engineer reported that the term of office j:or the present Suburban Road Commission expires at the end of January in 1995. All present members indicated that they would be willin9 to continue as members of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The Engineer noted that new appointments to thE~ Commission would be made by the respective Councils early in the new year. ANNUAL REPORT The Engineer reported that included in these Minutes would be the Annual Report for the Suburban Road Commission for 1994. ADJOURNMENT "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE NOW ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. II CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT NOVEMBER 2, 1994 TO THE CHAIRMAIN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURB1\N ROAD COMMISSION: The composition of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has not changed since June of 1992. The County of Elgin has completed the channelization of County Road #25 at County Road #48 and County Road #26 including improvement to the railway crossing south of County Road #26 this Summer. During 1994 the majority of the road widening was purchased on County Road #28 south of Elm street (County Road #56) in conjunction with the installation of a new hydro transmission linl~ by ontario Hydro. The above two projects have incurred costs in excess of the 1994 Suburban Budget, however some of the costs of the improvements at County Road #25 and County Road #48 can be attributed to the County road system and thus maintain the Suburban expenditurles within budget. No unusual maintenance costs were incurred in 1994. Notwithstanding that the commencement of the reconstruction of County Road #28 south of Elm street was included in the five year program for 1995, subject to Road Committee approval, consideration may have to be made to channelization works on County Road #30 at the Road #48 and Road #52 intersections due to the increased traffic count and the completion of the City of London watermain. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED FRED GROCH, COUNTY ENGINEER/SECRETARY izg\ .- c Z o :z: ~ ~~ o V ~ :E :1 a: o 0 ; I.L ~ ~ : o i :J :r ~ ~ ~: 'Z "- ~I ~ 1""'i a .~ en en ~ rn :>. "'0 rC ~ "'0 ~ ~ 8 o ~ ~ rn ,.: z o .- c z o :II: ~ ,.: . It) e~ i :E ::1 a: ~ ~ o ~ ... : u i 0 i Z \ , ;:J ~,..-t ~ 6 \, -; ~ ~ ~ B $ "0 "0 Q) Q) "0 :> a o 0 ~ Jj (j) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MEETING 10:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1994 AGE N D A l~Adoption of Minutes of January ~ 1994. 2.VWork to date. Pdf -;?- ~ v L.. P , 3. ./R,oad #..3940.ad.,. ,.#48 inter. s.."e..,..c...t....l,.,.,.o..."n"".".~,....!...~,...'.,... ~..(?/fl 5'd ~~ ~;;:. F:::ca~ ~~('m:~~e::~(:~/7i~!f.~~72-::'{ J 6 . ~dj ournment. L-------..- /...-- ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MEETING 10:00 A.M.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1994 AGE N D A 1. Adoption of Minutes of January 3~ 1994. 2. Work to date. 3. Road #30 and Road #48 intersection. 4. 1995 Forecast. 5. Appointment of new members. 6. Adjournment. Corporation of the County of Elgin N () .. , . ,G. . . . . , . , , , .. ,.. f IJ fiMPNDA Y J Moved by ~~ ~~ ll.._1994_~ Seconded by__-__iL. w. .~ ~------- THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1993 BE APPROVED. ..........~-----.-._--~-------._------,..~.". ~------_.............-.---_.~~--~."~~.-_....~^.,_.._~--+..----_.._..__.--. .__._---_._-_.__..._-....-.----~--------- {l-~ ~-~~~~~-~---~= t~~~~~ _ .c.~._,.~._.__~____~___~-______________...__~"___,.___________ ---.....-----.-...----.------ Corporation of the County of Elgin No .@................... Moved by __ MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 VI. vt/ .~ 4 ;Y ~.~..~....,'---- 1'. . --'" .. Seconded by ___ THAT T1l!LCIIY___OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTI_pIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION TOTALLING $91,-800.00 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 1994. ~w..~ (~/"V" Corporation of the County of Elgin No ..f})................ Seconded by ~.~~--"".~.--.-.._..__...._-~~-~.,._~...__.__._-_..~-.._~ -.... THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF --. - ._._.~_._------_.- -- F.~yl!~gr__t,__199~ TO JANUARY ._31, 1995 BE $175_.00. ...__._~.-.._.,._._-_..~...._.......---,._..._--_._.- . (1. \;\J. ~d-'-_._--~._-- ~---~,--~-----'-- Corporation of the County of Elgin No ...... {Ij' ............... to.......... Seconded by MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 a~"tA/.~~ Af).A?~ Moved by " THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1994 BE PAIQ..-!.....___.__,..__.. QlAl~ r--' ~_"________,_______._.._~___.__._.~_"~_,__.....____.._.___________~.___.___._____.__,____._._______.________.__~_._'.v~_~______.___~____..._._ .__..._-_....-~-_.__........_------_..... Corporation of the County of Elgin No ,...~) ................. . MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 Moveu by AJ? ~ ~--- Seconded by ____(i;.~ vV .~------------------ THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR ~______._~J2~.1_~~___E~I~~__.~._~-------_.__.._--_._.---.---- i2_.t4!-~ ._-- ------ Corporation of the County of Elgin No .....W.............. 1994 Seconded by THAT WE APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. RODERICK FERGUSON, TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN. ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND., THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OE.l)NTARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES PAID). 0, f/{/.. Clav~ ~~ ---------- Corporation of the County of Elgin No ......0..........., Moved by _ MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 r2.w.~ ~()R'7~ Seconded by THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1993 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ~ 1 " cA.~~ ------------------- Corporation of the County of Elgin No ..,G) ................. ..,. Moved by .__ MONDAY,- JANUARY 31, 1994 ~~~ ' " "..",. ---...........,.. , -, _._----~-~'''''.- {2~w~~~ Seconded by . THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $732,640.00 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. aw.~J ~ Corporation of the County of Elgin MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 Moved by ----~--4:2 ~ Seconded by _~ (1) K~~-- .-- No ...(]) 'O'O..........'O......'O'O...... .. THAT WE APPOINT MR. DONALD STOKES AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN -------..... ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRUARY 1, 1994 TO JANUARY 31, 1995. t2-,-w.~ ~ ~~(/l^,~' Corporation of the County of Elgin No ...{j}).... ....... . Moved by ~___ MONDAY, J~~~_1994__ 42 k ~ ~~ O.kLr o.~ Seconded by _ THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR. - - /") ",' a // f} li,_1dL . ~~~0 d~~ ----------------------------.---- t ~'-,I (/;,.-', @b' (Q) g MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK M~y 30, 1994 Mr. Albert W. Auckland R. R. #7 st. Thomas, ontario N5P 3T2 Dear Sir: 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST: THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R' 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 Warden Chute and Elgin County Council would like to extend an invitation to you to join them for lunch at their June 28th, 1994 Session. If you are planning to attend the luncheon, please call Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, by June 21st, 1994, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, st. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, ~:;? ffren Dep~~; ~i~. (Mrs.), SJH/db cc - F. Groch, County Engineer ~""l ' ,..,.... " fu L---J (Q) <<J MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK May 30, 1994 Mr. Don Stokes 19 Paulson Court st. Thomas, ontario N5R 1N1 Dear Sir: Warden Chute and Elgin County Council would like to extend an invitation to you to join them for lunch at their June 28th, 1994 Session. If you are planning to attend the luncheon, please call Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, by June 21st, 1994, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the County Adminis.tration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, st. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, <xl (Mrs.), Sandra Deputy SJH/db cc - F. Groch, County Engineer MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 M~Y 30, 1994 Mr. Rod Ferguson R.R. #2 st. Thomas, ontario N5P 3S6 Dear Sir: ~' Warden Chute and Elgin County Council would ~~l invitation to you to join them for lunch at ~,"'O Session. If you are planning to attend the luncheon, please \~ Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, .by ~ 21st, 1994, to confirm your attendance. ", ~ We look forward to seeing you at the County Adminis'tration Building, ~450 Sunset Drive, st. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. like to extend an their June 28th, 1994 call June Yours truly, S~~fren Deputy Clerk. (Mrs.), SJH/db cc - F.'Groch, County Engineer PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C.T. City Clerk Office of the Clerk P.O. Box 502, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631.1680 Fax (519) 633.9019 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas April 8th, 1994 Mr. Fred Groch County Engineer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R SVl Re: 1994 Budget Dear Mr. Groch: Please be advised that the Council of the City of St. Thomas passed the following resolutions pertaining to the 1994 budget for the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission: "THAT: The levy of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission on the City of St. Thomas for the year 1994, be approved in the amount of $91,800.00, and further that the 1994 budget estimates of the Commission be approved." Should you have any questions in this regard, please advise. Sincerely, rt~ 97~ P. ct. Leack ~ . City Clerk PJL/mlv cc: Mr. J. Gubinczki, City Treasurer March 7, 1994 Mayor Stephen J. Peters and Members of City Council City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario Re: Ontario Good Road Association Conference February 20-23, 1994 The following is a report on my attendance at the Annual Good Roads Association Conference held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, February 20 - 23, 1994. Thi s was not an ordinary conf erence, but a time when theO.G.R.A.. celebrated its 100th Anniversary. After the first day of registration and reception, which included a display of road building equipment from days gone by, the Centennial Conference was officially opened with a report by the President, Vik Silgailis. Vic is also a Commissioner of Works from the Regional Municipality of Durham. He reviewed the various accomplishments and activities of the O.G.R.A. in 1993 leading up to this conference. These accomplishments were such activities as appearing before two Legislative Committees in pre-budget consolidation, one in March 1993 and more recently February 1994. Also discussing future partnerships between the M.T.O. and municipalities. The O.G.R.A. also had the unique experience of meeting wi th the Editorial Board of the Toronto Star on municipal views on disentanglement, expenditure control plan, and the Social Contract. The President also reported membership included 749 members, 17 Suburban Road Commissions, 27 Aboriginal and 150 companies. In attendance at this conference delegates and 400 companielf.s", He stated the O.G.R.A. the corporate sector's participation and everyone's the O.G.R.A.'s Centennial Projects. municipal Communities were 1,700 appreciated support of A report of the Centennial Commi ttee was presentE~d noting that all delegates would receive Ontario Road Maps fea'turing a cover photo of Archie "Good Roads" Campbell, officially opening an improved road in 1911. Only three thousand of these maps were printed. It should be noted that Archie Campbell came from St. Thomas. Various other reports were received and reviewed at this time. It should be noted the large Royal York Canadian Room was decked out for the occasion including a very large picture approximately 6' X 35' of a O.G.R.A. meeting held in 1926. The conference also received an audited Financial Report showing the Association's finances to be in excellent shapE~. This report was compiled by Barker, Stanley & Partners of St. Thomas. Following the audit came the highlight of the morning with the Hon. Henry Jackman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, officially declaring the 1994 O.G.R.A. Centennial Conference open. In doing so he noted that Ontario' s first Lt. Governor John Graves Simcoe built roads using the military back in the 1790's. The conference returned to history -by having a Town Crier, Fred Martin, from the Town of Whitby, who was dressed for the occasion declaring announcement of the conference and a resume of past and future intentions of the O.G.R.A.'s goals of the conference. - 2 - At the awards luncheon an award was given in memory of W. Scott McKay a former Ci ty Solicitor, which up to several years ago the O.G.R.A. conducted all their business from his office until it eventually was transferred to Toronto. The Suburban Road Commission Association held their Annual Meeting at the Royal York during the O.G.R.A. conference. The meeting was well attended by representatives from the Western Area and the Eastern Area. After the minutes from last year was adopted the President and Directors of 1993 were elected for another year. The attendees of the meeting were made aware again considering doing away with Suburban Meetings were planned with the Government and to the Association and Government as to the Roads. the Government was Roads Commission. a letter forwarded value of Suburban The meeting also heard a presentation by Darrell Errey on the effectiveness of road surface reflectors. The meeting was formally invited by myself as St. Thomas Suburban Road Chairman to hold the Western Area group meeting in St. Thomas on June 15, 1994. Another feature of the conference was the congenial Ontario Minister of Transportation, the Hon. Gilles Pouliot. He told of the good things the Government has been doing for the road system of Ontario noting the possibility of the return to some toll roads and the possibility of privatization of some highways. New ways have to be found to provide money for future development of our roads. He mentioned that Ontario would soon embark on a new system to license drivers in order to provide Hreater safety. There are over 7,000,000 drivers in our Province with 250,000 new ones each year. We then had the pleasure of hearing from Mr. George Peapples, pres.ident and General Manager of General Motors of Canada who noted that the Auto Industry had its start in Oshawa by Sam McLachlin, which was the start of employment in the auto industry for many Canadians and still is to this day and hopefully' many years into the future. He stated the cars of 2050 must be cleaner, safer, intelligent cars designed for people and 1:he roads they must ride on. The Industry will be working to re:duce pollution and making the material in cars more recyclable, which would mean replacement of plastic parts but still meet weight requirements. There should be new types of fuels, such as electric. Cars that burn less fuel and run more efficient all to the advantage of the consumer. Involvement of driver behaviors which will influence safety and encourage use of public transportation. The conference included many other topics of intE3rest, such as "Transportation In The Next Century", which included speakers Al Cormier, Ex. V.P., Canadian Transit Association, M.J.E. (Mike) Sheflin, Transportation Comm., Region of ottawa-Carleton and Bruce Flohr, Pres., Railtex Service Co. Inc., who mentioned small railway can survive and do well. He mentioned his experience wi th the railroad line to Goderich. Shipping by rail is cheaper and the railways have been showing a steady increase in business in the last few years. The trucking industry, because of the long hauls, has experienced a 300 % turn over a year in drivers. This experience is the same in Canada and the U.S.A. The trucking industry is starting to use railways to cut down long trips and driver turn over. - 3 - It should be noted that local people once again have been heavily involved in the conference. Yarmouth Reeve Marian Millman is not only a Director Re-Elected, but chaired the session "Privatization in Public Works". Michael J. Smithers, a local expert on public affairs was part of a seminar for Councillors dealing wi th "Councillors Challenge - Local Goverment, Fact or Fiction". One of the companies displaying their products was the Wainbee Co. Limited, who use products from Hayes-Dana, a local industry. The Hayes-Dana name was very visible in their booth. They are suppliers of hydraulic pneumatics and electronic controls to the mobile industry. The conference had a 100th Anniversary evening 'where we were bussed to Roy Thompson Hall to see a large screen video of 100 years on the open road of which St. Thomas received special mention of Talbot Road and the work of Archie "Good Roads" Campbell's efforts to build roads and further the Good Road Association. Once again, it was a good conference and a privilege to represent St. Thomas and I thank you for the opportunity. Respectfully submitted, Donald R. Stokes Chairman COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 91-19 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR CONVENTION ATTENDANCE BY THE COUNTY APPOINTEJE: TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION" WHEREAS one of the appointm~nts to the S1C. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission is made by County Council, by by-law, to coincide with the term of Council; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to document the procedure to be followed for reimbursement for att'=ndance at conventions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the county of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. For attending a convention, when authori:2:ed by County Council - ~. cf P, If r-"'^ O.A"t~ _ ..rI' 0 ~e~ (a) within a radius of 200 miles (322 Hypdred..""9:!!.9:_~_'!'.~,~!:1tY-Fi ve Dollars cEegistration fe~nd mileage fro ventlon site and return, paid at for the use of personal vehicles st. Thomas, Two 225.00Dp,=r day, omas to the con- the same rate established for County business. (b) outside a radius of 200 miles (322 km) of S'c. Thomas, Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($225.00) p,=r day, registration fee and single airfare rate fr4~m the London airport to the site of the convention and r4=turn. Where the site cannot be reached by air service, Jnileage to and from the convention be paid. (c) The above provisions shall be subject to thle payment of a maximum of $1,100.00 plus registration fee, per calendar year. 2. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1991. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1991. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1991. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1991. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. M. L. Millman, Warden. S1'. THOMAS, ONTARIO JA.NUARY 31, 1994 PA,GE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at Mr. Auckland's residence on Monday, January 31, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present except Mr. Roderick Ferguson. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. RECOMMENDATION #1 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1993 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION 12 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT 'l'HE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION TOTALLING $91,800.00 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 1994. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #3 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR MR. RODERICK FERGUSON FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1994 TO JANUARY 31, 1995 BE $175.00. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #4 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1994 BE PAID. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION #5 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR 1994 BE PAID. CARRIED." S'.l~. r.rHOMAS, ONTARIO Jl~NUARY 31, 1994 Pl~GE 2. RECOMMENDATION #6 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF MR. RODERICK FERGUSON TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ON~~ARIO WITH THE USUAL EXPENSES (MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES PAID). CARRIED. II RECOMMENDATION 17 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE ADOPT THE ATTACHED REPORT AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR THE 1993 EXPENDITURES OF THE ST.~~HOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRIED. II RECOMMENDATION #8 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $732,640.00 BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THO~1AS FOR THEIR APPROVAL. CARRIED." RECOMMENDATION 19 "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. R. STOKES THAT WE APPOINT MR. DONALD STOKES AS CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF FEBRU1\RY 1, 1994 TO JANUARY 31" 1995. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that rooms have been booked and the registration fees only have been paid for Mr. Stokes and Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Auckland would not be attending the Ontario Good Roads Annual Convention. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 31, 1994 PAGE 3. 1994 WESTERN REGION ANNUAL MEFrING The Engineer reported that this meeting would be held on Wednesday, June 15, 1994. The Engineer reported that arrangements have beE~n made to hold the meeting at the County Administration Building as well as lunch. Mr. Stokes indicated that he would pursue a tour of city Hall during this convention. The Assistant Engineer, Mr. Clayton Watters is pursing a tour of the local Freightliner Plant or a video presentation by the firm. RECOMMENDATION 110 "MOVED BY: D. R. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN COUHTY OF ELGIlJ IZOA[) DEI'l\lrl't'lEN'f s'r. 'l'IlONAS f-;UrnJIU'^J.1 l-~OA\) C()r"1~1ISSION 1993 EXPEI1DITUHE -----------------~------------------- 1993 rHJDGET 1. t1AIJ\FrENANCE A - BRIDGES AND CULVERTS n - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE C - liARD 'rop MAINTENANCE D - LOOSE TOP MAINTENANCE E - WINTER CONTROL F - SAFETY DEVICES DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 10,000 82,000 65,000 50,000 95,000 32,000 5,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $339,000 -------- -------- 2. CONs'rnucrrION ROAD #16 EAST RESURFACING ROAD #25 RESURFACING LAND PURCHASE (ROAD #57 & ROAD #28) 300,000 56,000 5,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $361,000 -------- -..-------- TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION 5% CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ENGINEERING 700,000 19,565 SUB-TOTAL $719,565 50,435 7% OVERHEAD TOTAL 1993 ROAD EXPENDITURE $770,000 LESS: M.T.O. SUBSIDY @ 78/78.25% -600,600 LESS: 50% SIIARE BY COUN'I'Y $169,400 -84,700 PLUS: SlJl3UHBAN SIlAHE OF ($3,141.2]) !\lEMBEHSIII PS AND CONFEREIICES $84,700 1,500 LESS: 1992 SURPLUS $86,200 -1,362 LESS: 1/2 MILL CON'l'RIBU'I'ION BY CITY OF' ST. If} lOMAS $84,838 -83,750 DEFICIT '1'0 J 99'1 $1,088 -------- --------- JANUARY 19, 1994 EXPENDI'l'URE 5,707.63 32,736.00 34,523.22 66,928.52 9tl,160.91 55,4tl2.13 50.73 $289,549.14 ----------- ------....------ 2813,549.94 119,672.10 10,'154.16 $418,976.20 ----------- -- - -- -- -.. - - - -- 708,525.34 20,411.10 $728,936.44 51,025.55 $779,961.99 -610,320.25 $169,611.74 -84,820.87 $84,820.87 1,570.G1 $86,391.48 -1,362.00 $85,029.48 -83,750.00 $1,279.48 ----.------- ------.----- FRED GHOCII COUN1'Y EHGINEER COUNTY OF ELGIN HOAD DEPAH11HENT ST. THOMAS SUBU~BAN ROAD COMMISSIO~ 1994 BUDGET -~-~---~------------------------~~- 199 J EXPENDI'rURE 1. MAIN'rENJ\NCE A - BRIDGES AND CULVERTS B - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE C - HARD rrop MJ\INTENANCE D - LOOSE ToP MAINTENANCE E - WINTER CONTROL F - SAFETY DEVICES DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS :> , 708 32,736 34,523 66,928 91,161 :>5,442 51 $289,549 -------- ......,---~----- 2. CONSTRuc'rrON ROAD #25 CHANNELIZATION LAND PUHCHASE 408,222 10,754 $418,976 --------- ---------- TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION 5% CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ENGINEERING 708,525 20,411 $728,936 7% OVERHEAD 51,026 'I'OTAL ROAD EXPENDITURE $779,962 LESS: M.T.O. GRANT 78.25%/75% -610,320 $169,642 LESS: 50% SHl\HE BY COUNrry -84,821 $B4,821 PLUS: SUBUHBAN SIlARE ($3,141.23/$6,000) OF MEMBEHSHIPS AND CONFERENCES 1,571 $86,392 LESS: 1992/1993 SUHPLUS DEFICIT -1,362 ~~85,030 LESS: .1993/1994 1/2.~ILL CONTRIBUTION BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS -83,750 DEFICIT TO 1994/1995 $1,280 ---...----- ~-------..._--- JANUARY 19, 1994 1994 BUDGET ~j,OOO ~o,ooo JO,OOO ~)o,OOO 105,000 4B,OOO 1,710 $2!:i9,710 ---------- ___ - ~ - .~_ _._ ._ _0.- __ 400,000 5,000 $405,000 -------- - --- .. -- ....- -~- -. -.. .- 664,710 20,000 $684,710 47,930 $732,640 -549,480 $183,160 -9.1.,580 ~~91,5BO 1,.000 $94,580 -1,280 $9:3,300 -91,800 $1,500 --------- -.-....--.-.---- FRED GHOCII COUN'llY ENGINEER MARK G, McDONALD COUNTY CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 January 28, 1994 Mr. Jim Gubinczki Treasurer City of st. Thomas P.O. Box 520 ST. THOMAS, ontario N5P 3V7 Dear Mr. Gubinczki: Subiect: st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elg-in, at its January 25th, 1994 Session, approved the following recommendation of its Road Committee: "THAT the County Clerk notify the City of st. Thomas that their 1994 contribution to the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be 1/2 mill based on the Ministry of Transportation of ontario Ministerial Adjusted Assess- ment Value as per sections 68 and 69, Chapter P.50 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O., 1990. - Carried. (signed) Warden D. Vane Chute" For 1994, this value is $183,600,000.00, requiring a contribution from the city of st. Thomas of $91,800.00 or 1/2 mill. Please remit the City's portion directly to the County Treasurer, Ms. Linda B. Shewfelt. Mark G. McDonald, County Clerk. MGM/db cc - Fred Groch, County Engineer - L.B. Shewfelt, County Treasurer .(i) :Ontario' '~'i1'istry ,.' '..Minlst$re . ~f'. des' '. Transpc:>rtatiori. Transpor~s ;(705f~35-8691 Municipal Roads.Offiice' . Cochrane Temiskamir1gResourc~ Cet:ltre . P.O,.Bag~b10, Hwy 101 . South Porcupine,' Ontar!o PON1 HO . '. January 14~.1~94 . Mr. rv,1ark McDonald, Clerk The County of Elgin , 450 Sunset Dr. SLThomas, Or'1tario N5R 5V1 , . Dear Mr. Mark: McDQnald: . ,. .. ". . R~: Ministe'ri~IAdjustedAssessments' for Cities and. Separated Towns ~ . Pursuant to Section 68(3) of the Public Tra.nsportation and Hig!hway Improv'ement Act (Subu'rbanRoads' Commissions) . .The 1994 Ministerial Adjusted As~essment(MMA)vaILie for each-city Or se,parated town , situated.~ithin your county is, noted on the attached calculation she~t. . . Pur~uant to Section.68(3) of the Public- Transportation and 'Highway Improvement Act, the' .. MMA must be used'in determining the 1994 limiting contribution of each city and separated. t~wnto itsasso~iated suburban roads' :qommission. . . MMA values were derived from b~se assessmentc;:lata provided by th~Miniistry of Municipal 'Affairsand have,been calculated as. 0.203 times the total weighted. equalizE~d 'assessment . (where the discount' factor of 0.203 simply indexes' the values to t~eirpre.1!383 levels), times.a . . growtt1.factor which refle'cts the ~nflation rate. and growth ,in total assessment, relative to 1991, 'Sho~J1d 'you wish details on. th,is .~atcU.lation" piease c~nta~t the undersigned.. Yours truly, 'm".".'...'",..,",'."".,",.,. . . ',' ~. . '. . '. " . .' .. , . . . , " , . P .A: Waterman . .'. , Head, Program Management Municip'al Roads Office.. . . Program D~.velopment Branch. . . PAW!cmk. Attach. cC:. Mr. Fred Groch; County Engineer Made, from re~overed materials Fait de mate~iaux recuperes ~,,'..',..~'..,.,. ~- " tN ~, ~ 1,~..."".",..,' r , ~i :~ q I A ~! ~' ,1N '~'.~..."""",.,.iJ'"",:,,1 I . ~, ~' ", " , r ! (. c, i_~' ~ ~I~ "',,',' .6, ',',',' ~ ,~: b ~:J! f\, ,i,' C5'-. t-\~ (\ C:::J 4 J ~ ..;>- ~ ){ 's--- ~ J! ';e1 1'\ I I I i tf\ t~ ~ ''-.. 1(, i ~I del ~ 'al ~I /) I "I :).1 J.. 00 I "" 1- (J-...j e--~ ~ ~I,I ~I! tl~; 0'- ~ I 1"'1,"'1 I .'- ! I j ! I I 1 ~ iii' I ; - I 1,1 i ,I I: i I h' I . i -.;.. ('.1' ti "i 01 <J: C,i' '-<> i -~ f\. 'Y{ ~ ~' ,,:.. ~I &-~, ~ ..'& M . \V) ~ ~ "~ ~,..~..,:S_'~ _,__"_.~_~_~,c._ ~ I 1 : I ! ' . rlj 0: '~I . ''f) I "-J!, 00 I ' ' ~i ,N,: 1.....:,;. ! ""-J ~; "I I ! I .j i \u "' f'._., . '~'l ~~, ,,-,......' ",.. .)-; -(--. ". '" 000 ~I ~I iJ'D ~ lV\, ~ '( "- "- "'- '0 "i' ~" ~ ~ -\J ~.. ~. ~. '''6C'' . ) ~ ro..,' a~ ~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at 'the County Administration Building on Wednesday, November 2, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. All members were present. Also in attendance was the County Engineer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION #1 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: R. FERGUSON THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 31, 1994 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." WORK TO DATE The Engineer reported that the majority of the construction expenditure included land purchase on County Road #28 and channelization on County Road #25 at st. George street (County Road #26) and County Road #48. Most of the road widening was purchased on County Road #28 south of County Road #56 in co-operation with ontario Hydro who were installing a new hydro transmission line in conjunction with the city of London watermain construction. Due to utilities, various drains on County Road #25 more work was carried out than was originally anticipated and it now appears that the Suburban Road Commission construction budget will be exceeded. However the Engineer reported that some of the work at County Road #48 can be attributed to the County and as such the 1994 Suburban Budget should be within estimate. ROAD #30 AND ROAD #40 INTERSECTION The Engineer reported that delegations have appeared at Road Committee requesting improvements at this intersecti.on in the near future. The Engineer reported that it was agreed to by Road Committee to consider the inclusion of this work in the next fivE~ year capital program for the Road Department. 1995 FORECAST The Engineer reported that originally the five year road program for the County included the commencement of reconstruction of County Road #28 south of County Road #56. However it was pointed out that since the traffic count on County Road #30 is now exceeding 8,000 vehicles per day and since the watermain construction should be completed by the end of this year it may warrant considering improving the intersections on County Road #30 at County Road #48 and County Road #52. Continued . . . . '~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 2. This would be subject to the approval of the Road Committee and would suggest that the proposed reconstruction on County Road #28 would be delayed. A suggestion was made that County Road #52 between County Road #25 and County Road #30 be made a Suburban Road. This matter would be further discussed in 1995. APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBERS The Engineer reported that the term of office for the present Suburban Road Commission expires at the end of January in 1995. All present members indicated that they would be willing to continue as members of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The Engineer noted that new appointments to the Commission would be made by the respective Councils early in the new year. ANNUAL REPORT The Engineer reported that included in these M,inutes would be the Annual Report for the Suburban Road Commission for 1994. ADJOURNMENT "MOVED BY: R. FERGUSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE NOW ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. II CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT NOVEMBER 2, 1994 TO THE CHAIRMAIN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBllN ROAD COMMISSION: The composition of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has not changed since June of 1992. The County of Elgin has completed the channelization of County Road #25 at County Road #48 and County Road #26 including improvement to the railway crossing south of County Road #26 this Summer. During 1994 the majority of the road widening was purchased on County Road #28 south of Elm Street (County Road #56) in conjunction with the installation of a new hydro transmission linE~ by ontario Hydro. The above two projects have incurred costs in excess of the 1994 Suburban Budget, however some of the costs of the improvements at County Road #25 and County Road #48 can be attributed to the County road system and thus maintain the Suburban expenditurE~s within budget. No unusual maintenance costs were incurred in 1994. Notwithstanding that the commencement of the reconstruction of County Road #28 south of Elm Street was included in the five year program for 1995, subject to Road Committee approval, consideration may have to be made to channelization works on County Road #30 at the Road #48 and Road #52 intersections due to the increased traffic count and the completion of the City of London watermain. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED FRED GROCH, COUNTY ENGINEER/SECRETARY /' ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION !:!~-E~-B_I October 199a TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: The st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission has control over the following 1 roads (since June 29, 1992): 1. Road #16 from County Road #45 (Midd\emarch) to tht~ St. Thomas boundary. :.'\ ,,4. >0\ ~". .. 2. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from the south limit of the City of St. Thomas to the north limit of County Road #27. 3. Road #25 (Wellington Road) from the north limit of Highway #4 to the new City of London boundary. Road #26 (St. George Street) from the City of st. Thomas boundary (Kettle' Creek) to the east limit of County Road #25. 5. Road #28 from the south limit of Highway #3 lathe north limit of County Road #45. 6. Road #30 from the City of St. Thomas boundary to the new City of London boundary. 7. Road #81 from the City of St. Thomas boundary to the south limit of County Road #52. B. Road #56 (Elm Street) from the boundary of the City of st. Thomas easterly to the west limit of County Road #361 9. Road #57 (SouthdaleRoad) from the east limit of Highway #4 to the west limit of County Road #22. The County of Elgin has completed resurfacing on County Road #25 north of Highway #4 as well as cold-in-place recycling and ,-esurfacing on County Road #16 from Road #45 to west of the City limits. In 1992 the section of County Road #16 from County Road #45 to the Hamlet of Fingal was reverted to the County System enabling the County to resurface this section of road in 1992 and 1993. With the exception of winter control all maintenance items were under budget. However it is proposed to remove a knoll on Hoad #28 and upgrade the guard rail system west of the Finga\ Bridge this year. This led to a surplus in the Maintenance Budget which was used in the Construction Budget to carry out additional work on County Road #25. In 1998, some road widening was completed on Counjty Road #57 (Southdale Road) and on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue). Improvements to County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) and County Road #57 (Southdale Road) have been completed by the City in cCJnjunction with the Sports/Education Complex. ;l4 t~ '. , \ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT - OCTOBER 1993 ----~-------..- PAGE 2. Although the 1994 road program has not been discussed with the County' of Elgin Road Committee, it would appear that the most serious need for the Suburban Commission in 1994 would be the continua,ticn of the completion of resurfacing and channelization on County Road #25 particularly at st. George street and at County Road #48. The replacement of a structural steel plate culvert on Elm street (County Road #56) may also have tobe considered. At this time, it appears that expenditures on the Suburban Road Commission will be within the budget proposed at the beginning of the year. Arrangements are being made in preparation for the June 1994 Suburban Roads Commission Association Western Group ~1eeting which will be hosted by the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPE~CTFULLV SUBMITTED --~ FRED GROCH, Cll