1996 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JrANUARY 19, 1996 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the County Administration Building on Friday, January 19, 1996 at 11:00 a.m. All members were present as well as the County Enc:rin~er. APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION #1 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED AUGUST 2, 1995 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." SUMMARY OF 1995 EXPENDITURES Members received a copy of the 1995 Expenditures for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The Engineer reported that expenditures were within the Budget and rather than replacing a culvert on County Road #56, subdrain tiles were installed on County Road #30 and County Road #31 and county Road #31 was resurfaced. STATUS OF SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION The Engineer reported that based on Bill No. 26 it appears that the legislation regarding the suburban Road Commission will be repealed. The Engineer reported that he had recent discussions with the Secretary of the ontario Suburban Road Commission Association who indicated that a letter was being written to the Province requesting that amendments be made to the legislation to ensure that the cities provide equivalent funding to the Counties to assist in maintaining County roads adjacent to the cities. ATTENDANCE AT THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ~CONFERENCE The Engineer reported that this matter would be discussed with the City and the Physical Services Committee to Slee if consideration could be made for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Co]nmission members to attend the 1996 Ontario Good Roads Association Conference. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION #2 "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. II CH1\IRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1995 EXPENDITURES 1. t1AINTENANCE A - Bridges and Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance C - Hard Top Maintenance D - Loose Top Maintenance E - winter Control F - Safety Devices TOTAL MAINTENANCE 2. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 3 . CONSTRUCTIOli (Paved Road #30 and Road #31, Engineering for Road #30 at Road #48 & Road #52) 4. ~AND PURCHASE (Roads #25, #28, #30, #52 & #56) 5. ENGINEERING 5% of Construction (3) 6. OVERHEAD 7% 1995 BUDGET 5,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 105,000 35,000 $200,000 1,0010 400,0010 5,0010 20,0010 TOTAL ROAD EXPENDUTURE $669,820 43,820 LESS: M.T.O. Grant (72.336% / 71.092%) LESS: County Share (50%) PLUS: Suburban Share of Memberships and Conferences (50% of $1,000) ~ESS: 1995 city's 1/2 Mill contribution BALANCE -484,520 $185,300 /-92,650 $92,650 500 $93,150 -92,150 $1,000 ------.- -------- JANUARY 15, 1996' 1995 EXPENDITUREIt 2,288 31,013 12,530 25,774 89,937 30,815 $192,357 ~ 393,317 . 6,926 ~ 41,482 $634,082 -450,782 $183,300 -91,650 $91,650 500 -------- $92,150 -92,150 $~ ------- ------- FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER - MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633.7661 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK April 29, 1996 Mayor Stephen Peters 41 St. Catherine Street 81. Thomas, Ontario N5P 2V7 Dear Sir: Warden Mezenberg and Elgin County Council would like to extend an invitation to you . to join thenl for lunch at their May 28th, 1996 Session, at which thne the members of the Suburban Roads Commission will be honoured. If you plan to attend the luncheon, please call Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, by May 17th, 1996, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, S1. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, yf9~ Sandra J. Heffren (Mrs.), Deputy Clerk. SJH/mp cc -F. Groch, County Engineer MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK April 29, 1996 Mr. Albert W. Auckland R.R. #7 S1. Thomas, Ontario N5P 31'2 Dear Sir: Warden Mezenberg and Elgin County Council would like to extend an invitation to you . to join them for lunch at their May 28th, 1996 Session. If you plan to attend the luncheon, please call Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, by May 17th, 1996, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building; 450 Sunset Drive, S1. Thomas, at 12 :00 noon. Yours truly, y19:~ Sandra J. RetIren (Mrs.), Deputy Clerk. SJR/mp cc -F. Groch, County Engineer MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK April 29, 1996 Mr. Roderick Ferguson R.R. #2 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 386 Dear Sir: Warden Mezenbergand Elgin County Council would like to extend ,ill invitation to you to join them for lunch at their May 28th, 1996 Session. If you plan to attend the luncheon, please call Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, by May 17th, 1996, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, v1?f:~ Sandra J. Heffren (Mrs.), Deputy Clerk. SJH/mp cc -F. Groch, County Engineer MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE 81: THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK April 29, 1996 Mr. Don Stokes 19 Paulson Court St. Thomas, Ontario N5R IN! Dear Sir: Warden Mezenberg and Elgin County Council would like to extend an invitation to you , to join thenl for lunch at their May 28th, 1996 Session~ If you plan to attend the luncheon, please call Donna in the County Clerk's Office at 631-1460, Ext. 161, by May 17th, 1996, to confirm your attendance. We look forward to seeing you at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, S1. Thomas, at 12:00 noon. Yours truly, sd9-'~ Sandra J. Heffren (Mrs.), Deputy Clerk. SJH/mp cc -F. ..Groch, County.Engineer Peter J. Leack, A.M.C.T. City Clerk Office of the Clerk p, O. Box 520, City Hall 81. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-1680 Fax: (519) 633-9019 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas March 7th, 1996 Mr. Fred Groch County Engineer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5VI Re: 1996 Bude:et Dear Mr. Groch: Please be advised that the Council of the City of St. Thomas gave careful consideration to the approval of a levy for the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. However, we must advise that an appropriation to the S1. Thomas Surburban Roads Commission has not been made this year. Should you have any questions in this regard, please advise. ~ P. 1. Leack City Clerk P JL/mlv pc: Mr. 1. Gubinczki, City Treasurer Mr. 1. Dewancker, Director of Public Works and Engineering ,': CEIVED MAR 1 1 1996 N. ROY MAIN City Administrator Department of Administrative Services P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631-1680 Fax (519) 633-9019 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas March 6, 1996 Mr. Mark McDonald, Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. McDonald: RE: Suburban Road~ Commission This letter is to confirm that the City has opted to discontinue its involvement with Suburban Roads Commission. The funding provided in previous years has not been included within this year's estimates. In the event any costs were encumbered with respect to the recent GOO{f Roads Convention, the City will covers its proportionate share. v-:; c.c. J. Dewancker, Director of Engineering ......-.-_-~ ?..- -., .'. f ("...,v 1 0 . "-"". f" .~ I tfftd h-('Q~ I ~ ~ Ie..- .__ L.::!::____ '- . 519-823-1694 WELLINGTON CTY. ADM. 48E~ P01/05 FEE 08 '96 11 : 40 COUNTY OF WELLINGTON OFFICE OF THE COUNTV' ENGINEER ADMINISTRATION CENTAE 74 WOOLWICH STReeT GUELPH ON N1 H 3T9 TEL: (519) 837.2S01 FAX: (519) 823.1694 February 8, 1996 c -c c:; t..-L.~j'~ ~/ b4 VI H -f> I.e--'\._ bot" Y' r /' tu~~~~ c~~~_ GOROON J. OUGH, P.En9, COUNTY ENGINEEA VIA FAX: 1-519-633..7661 Mr. Fred Groch, P. Eng. Commission Engineer St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission County Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 2L3 Dear Fred: It is my understanding that with the passing of Bill 26 on January 2911 1996 that aU legislation related to Suburban Roads Commissions, funding and otherwise, has been eliminated and is reportedly retroactive to January 1, 1996. 111is being the case, I guess it is the end of an era. I have talked with the President of the Suburban Roads Commission ,Association, Mr. Fergus Young of the Peterborough Commission about the value in scheduling a wind up annual meeting in Toronto at the Ontario Good Roads Convention and would like to ' inform you that, since our Commissions are effective.lygone and therefore, few if any former CODlmissioners would be attending the Convention, there will be no annual meeting. Tbe remaining piece of business to take care of will be the closing out of the Association's bank account and the disposal of the balance of funds (approximately $1,200.00). It is proposed that the funds be donated to a chality that services Communities across the province. One possibility being considered is Ronald McDonald House. Attached for your interest is a letter of JanualY 5, 1996 from Fergus Young, the President of the Suburban Roads Commission Associatio,n, to the General Government Committee and a letter of January 30, 1996 from tbe Minister of Transportation in response to a Guelph Suburban Roads Commission letter ,in which concerns were expressed with the proposed elimination of the Suburban Road concept. ......2 . ....,.......-... . '''..,..-..... "._-.._...,... .......".. 519-823-1694 WELLINGTON CTY. ADM. 48E; P02/05 FEE 08 '96 11 : 40 ......2 If you get down to the Good Roads Convention and if you get a ohance, drop by the Wellington County hospitality suite in the Banff Room and I'll buy you a sociable beverage. Yours very truly, ~y~ Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. County Engineer 'GJO/sg att. 519-823-1694 WELLINGTON CTY. ADM. 486 P03/05 FEE 08 '96 11:40 SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION County of Wellington Administration Centre 74 Woolwich Street Guelph ON NlH 3T9 January 5, 1996 VIA FAX: 1-416-325-3505 Ms. Tonia Grannum Clerk of the Committee General Government Committee Room 1405 Whitney Block Queens Park Toronto ON M7A tA2 Dear Ms. Grannum: RE: BI,LL Z6 (SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSIONS) I am writing in my capacity as president of the Suburban Roads Conllmission Association to express some concerns related to Bill 26 and to urge the govemmc~nt of the day to reconsider the proposal to repeal Sections 6S to 71 dealing with Suburban Roads Commissions. There are some 18 predominantly rural counties across the province, with Suburban Road Commissions that currently maintain county roads that lead in and out of separated towns or cities. These roads are typically extraordinarily heavily travlelled because of the influence of the city oriented traffio and they require more than nornla) maintenance and upgrading because of this traffic. Currently Sections 65-71 of the Public Transportation and Highway IllIlprovement Act recognizes an obligation on behalf of the separated town or city to contribute financially to the County to protect it from being unfairly burdened with the higb maintenance demands on these roads that lie in close proximity to the city. It is this Associationts position that the financial obligation on behalf of the separate towns or cities should be maintained. ......2 519-823-1694 WELLINGTON CTY. ADM. 48f5 P04/05 FEE 08 '96 11 : 40 .......,2 The Suburban Roads Association has Dot been contacted regarding 'the plans to abolish Suburban Roads Commission legislation as part of Bil) 26 and tODsc::quently, I am unaware of whether or not there are any plans by this governMent tel replace the protection referred to above in another fashion or through some separate regulations. ]11 order that I can better respond to tbe membership of the Suburb~~n Roads Commission Association I would appreciate some communication with respect to the above and, if there are no plans to replace the protection iu another fashion, would urge the government to amend Bill 26 to delete tbe proposals that \vould abolish all Suburban Roads legislation.: Yours truly, ~17 Pergus Young. President Suburban Roads Commission Association cc Hon. Mike Harris, Premier Hon. Al PalJadini. Minister of TraDsportation HOD. AI uach, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Ontario Good Roads Association Ontario Municipalities of Ontario 519-823-1694 WELLINGTON CTY. ADM. 486 P05/05 FEE 08 '96 11:41 Ministry of Transportation Offioe of the Minister Ferguson Block. 3rd Floor n Wellesley St. West Toronto, Ontario M7A 1Z8 (416) 327.9200 Mlnlstere des Transports Bureau du mlnlstre ~difice Fergu~on, 36 etage Tl, rue Wellesley ouest Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1Za (416) 327-9200 ltJ Ontario January 30, 1996 Mr. Gordon J. Ough, P.Eng. County Engineer County of Wellington Administration Centre 74 Woolwich Street Guelph, Ontario N1H 3T9 Dear Mr. Ouqh: I have been asked by Ted Arnott, MPP Wellington, to respond to the December 18, 1995 letter you sent him regarding the suburban roads commission legislation. It is important to first understand what our objectives were when we reviewed our programs and legislation respecting municipalities. It is this government's belief that municipalities are ready for, and need, more autonomy if they are to deal with the current economic pressures. Municipalities understand the needs and priorities of local citizens better than the province. With this in mind we have initiated many changes including creation of the municipal support grant program and legislative improvements. It was clear in reviewing the legislation on suburban roads that the province no longer needs to prescribe the financial or administrative relations between Counties and separated Cities and Towns regarding country roads. This is why we are proposing to repeal the suburban roads legislation. I urge you, the Guelph suburban roads commission and other municipal officials to continue discussing what form of agreement best serves the travelling public in both the City of Guelph and Wellington County. C;~:~~ Al Palladini Minister - cuu~'~ r't O~ \ti~'LLli~G~fi~ ce. Honourable Al Leach, Minister MMAH Ted Ar~ott-MPP, Wellington FEu - 5 1998 ftC,ADS OEPARTb'ENT Made 'rom recovered materials F~it ds materiaux recup~16s FRED GROCH. BASc.. M.Eng., P.Eng. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-1460-4 FAX NO. (519) 633-7661 CLAYTON WATTERS, BASc.. P.Eng. Assistant County Engineer February 6, 1996 Mr. Donald R. Stokes 19 Paulson Court st. Thomas, ontario N5R 1N1 Dear Don: Re: st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference As you are aware Bill 26 has rescinded the Suburban Road Commissions in ontario. This matter was discussed at a recent Physical S,ervices Committee meeting and it was felt that due to recent major Provincial funding cuts it would not be appropriate for the Road Department to authorize the attendance of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission members to the Annual ontario Good Roads Association Conference.' Members of the Committee have appreciated your contribution and dedicated service to the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission over the past several years arid it is unfortunate that this tradition has been curtailed by the provincial Government. For your information it appears that the City of st. Thomas will not be providing any funds for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in 1996. Yours truly, FG:kab FRED GROCH, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT FRED GROCH, BASe" M.Eng., P.Eng. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631.1460-4 FAX NO. (519) 633-7661 CLAYTON WATTERS, BASe., P.Eng. Assistant County Engineer February 6, 1996 Mr. Roderick Ferguson R. R. #2 st. Thomas, ontario N5P 3S6 Dear Rod: Re: st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference As you are aware Bill 26 has rescinded the Suburban Road Commissions in ontario. This matter was discussed at a recent Physical Se!rvices Committee meeting and it was felt that due to recent major provi.ncial funding cuts it would not be appropriate for the Road Departme!nt to authorize the attendance of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commiss:ion members to the Annual ontario Good Roads Association Conference. Members of the Committee have appreciated your contribution and dedicated service to the st. Thomas Suburban Road Comn\ission over the past several years and it is unfortunate that this tradition has been curtailed by the Provincial Government. For your information it appears that the City of st. Thomas will not be providing any funds for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in 1996. Yours truly, FRED GROCH, B.A.Se., M.Eng., P.Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT FG:kab FRED GROCH, BASe" M.Eng., P.Eng. Engineer and Road Superintendent 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-1460-4 FAX NO. (519) 633-7661 CLAYTON WATTERS. BASe., P.Eng. Assistant County Engineer February 5, 1996 Mr. Albert Auckland R. R. #7 st. Thomas, ontario N5P 3T2 Dear Albert: Re: st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference As you are aware Bill 26 has rescinded the Suburban Road Commissions in ontario. This matter was discussed at a recent Physical Services Committee meeting and it was felt that due to recent major Provincial funding cuts it would not be appropriate for the Road Department to authorize the attendance of the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission members to the Annual ontario Good Roads Association Conference. Members of the Committee have appreciated your 'contribution and dedicated service to the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission over the past several years and it is unfortunate that this tradition has been curtailed by the Provincial Government. For your information it appears that the City of st. Thomas will not be providing any funds for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in 1996. Yours truly, FRED GROCH, B.A. Sc., M. Eng., P. Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT FG:kab COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1995 EXPENDITURES <{' 1. MAINTENANCE A - Bridges and Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance C - Hard Top Maintenance D - Loose Top Maintenance E - winter Control F - Safety Devices TOTAL MAINTENANCE 2. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 3 . CONSTRUCTIOK (Paved Road #30 and Road #31, Engineering for Road #30 at Road #48 & Road #52) 4. LAND PURCHASE (Roads #25, #28,#30, #52 & #56) 5. ENGINEERING 5% of Construction (3) 6. OVERHEAD 7% 1995 BUDGET JliliUARY 15, 1996 1995 EXPENDITURES 5,000 2,288 20,000 31,013 15,000 12,530 20,000 25,774 105,000 89,937 35,000 30,815 -------- -------- $200,000 $192,357 1,000 '~ 400,000 393,317 5,000 6,926 20,000 ~ 43,820 41,482 TOTAL ROAD EXPENDUTURE $669,820 -450,782 LESS: M.T.O. Grant (72.336% / 71.092%) LESS: County Share (50%) PLUS: Suburban Share of Memberships and Conferences (50% of $1,000) ~ESS: 1995 City's 1/2 Mill contribution BALANCE $634,082 -484,520 $185,300 $183,300 -92,650 -91,650 $92,650 $91,650 500 500 $93,150 $92,150 -92,150 -92,150 $1,000 $~ FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER January 30, 1996 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631.1460 FAX (519) 633.7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK Mr. Jim Gubinczki, Treasurer City of st. Thomas City Hall P.O. Box 520 ST. THOMAS, ontario N5P 3V7 Dear Mr. Gubinczki: Subiect: Fundinq for the Suburban Road System The Council of the Corporation of the County of El9in, at its January 23rd, 1996 Session, approved the following recommendation from its Physical Services Committee: "THAT the County request the City of st. Thomas to provide funding support to the suburban road :system as in previous years. - Carried. (signed) Warden Harry J. :Mezenberg" The rationale for this request lies in the knowledge that the .roads in question involve high-volume traffic used by the citizens and businesses located in the City of st. Thomas. Given the level of use on these roads, we believe our request is reasonable and fair. We look forward to your response. Yours truly, Mark G. McDOnald, County Administrator/Clerk. MGM/db cc - Mr. Fred Groch, County Engineer - Ms. Linda Shewfelt, County Treasurer - Mr. John Dewancker, City Engineer ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO J"ANUARY 19, 1996 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met alt the County Administration Building on Friday, January 19, 1996 at 11:00 a.m. All members were present as well as the County Engrineer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION #1 "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D~ STOKES THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED AUGUST 2, 1995 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." SUMMARY OF 1995 EXPENDITURES Members received a. copy of the 1995 Expenditures for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The Engineer reported that expenditures were within the Budget and rather than replacing a culvert on County Road #56, subdrain tiles were installed on County Road #30 and County Road #31 and County Road #31 was resurfaced. STATUS OF SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION \ The Engineer reported that based on Bill No. 26 it appears that the legislation regarding the suburban Road Commission will be repealed. The Engineer reported that he had recent discussions with the Secretary of the ontario Suburban Road Commission Association who indicated that a letter was being written to the l?rovince requesting that amendments be made to the legislation to ensure that the cities provide equivalent funding to the Counties to assist in maintaining County roads adjacent to the cities. ArrrENDANCE AT THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE The Engineer reported that this matter would be discussed with the city and the Physical Services Committee to see if consideration could be made for the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission members to attend the 1996 ontario Good Roads Association Conference. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION #2 "MOVED BY: D. STOKES SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1995 EXPENDITURES 1. ~INTENANCE A - Bridges and Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance C - Hard Top Maintenance D - Loose Top Maintenance E - winter Control F - Safety Devices TOTAL MAINTENANCE 2. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 3 . CONSTRUCTIOli. (Paved.Road #30 and Road #31, Engineering for Road #30 at Road #48 & Road #52) 4. ~AND PURCHASE (Roads #25, #28, #30, #52 & #56) 5. ENGINEERING 5% of Construction (3) 6. OVERHEAD 7% 1995 BUDGET 5,0010 20,0010 15,000 20,000 105,000 35,000 $200,000 1,000 400,000 5,000 20,000 43,820 TOTAL ROAD EXPENDUTURE $669,820 LESS: M.T.O. Grant (72.336% / 71.092%) LESS: County Shar'e (50%) PLUS: Suburban Share of Memberships and Conferences (50% of $1,000) ;LESS: 1995 city's 1/2 Mill contribution BALANCE -484,520 $185,300 -92,650 $92,650 500 $93,150 -92,150 $1,000 -------- -------- JANUARY 15, 1996' 1995 ;EXPENDITURES 2,288 31,013 12,530 25,774 89,937 30,815 $192,357 ~ 393,317 6,926 ~ 41,482 $634,082 -450,782 $183,300 -91,650 $91,650 500 $92,150 -92,150 $~ ------- ------- FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1995 EXPENDITURES JANUARY 15, 1996' 1. MAINTENANCE 1995 BUDGET 1995 EXPENDITURES A -Bridges and Culverts TOTAL MAINTENANCE 5,0010 2,288 20,000 31,013 15,000 12,530 20,000 25,774 105,000 89,937 35,000 30,815 -------- -------- $200,000 $192,357 1,000 ~ 400,000 393,317 B - Roadside Maintenance C - Hard Top Maintenance D - Loose Top Maintenance E - winter Control F - Safety Devices 2. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 3 . CONSTRUCTION.. (Paved Road #30 and Road #31, Engineering for Road #30 at Road #48 & Road #52) 4. ~AND PURCHASE (Roads #25, #28, #30, #52 & #56) 5,000 6,926 5. ENGINEERING 5% of Construction (3) 20,000 ~ 6. OVERHEAD 7% 43,820 41,482 TOTAL ROAD EXPENDUTURE $669,820 $634,082 LESS: M.T.O. Grant (72.336% / 71.092%)" -484,520 -450,782 $185,300 $183,300 LESS: County Share (50%) -92,650 -91,650 $92,650 $91,650 PLUS: Suburban Share of Memberships and Conferences (50% of $1,000) 500 500 $93,150 $92,150 ~ESS: 1995 city's 1/2 Mill Contribution -92,150 -92,150 BALANCE $1,000 $~ ------.- ------.- ------- ------- FRED GROCH COUNTY ENGINEER Corporation of the County of E1gin rJ: No. .lk: . . . . . FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1996 Seconded by ~~i~kft~ Moved by THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED AUGUST 2. 1995 BE APPROVED. t~ L~ Corporation of the County of Elgin NO.W --... FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1996 ,...,/'/ ,~,;1;7'''-''''~~:~? . ")~ <_/(/ &[;j~1c.~ . . .' - , ~ 1 1 I . {,A.. /1 ~-C-'" / '- . ( THAT WE ADJOURN TO MEET AGAIN AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. Hoved by Seconded by x~ ~ 7 ____ . - i I , i ; , I LU I i ! ! i ' I I ,~; I i i : i ~-~ J i ! ! i r I, ' I }---i--l-__L__ i' ',' r-f--- - --- -.-' -fH-J __HHi-+t-,-c- _~ _ __ _ i. 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