May 12, 2015 County Council Agenda PackageORDER 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015 - 9 :00 A.M. Meeting Called to Order Adoption of Minutes - April 14, 2015 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 9:00 a.m. Shirley Biro - Volunteer Member of VON Community Relations & Advocacy Committee & Julie Simpson - VON Fund Development Coordinator with a VON Middlesex -Elgin PowerPoint presentation (attached) 9:15 a.m. Jason Bevan, Hemson Consulting Ltd. with a PowerPoint presentation titled "Elgin County 2015 Development Charges Study Council Information Session" (attached) 9:30 a.m. Kevin Jackson, General Manager, Mark Masseo, Senior Counsellor/ Satellite Coordinator & Sharen Symondson, CED Officer, Elgin Business Resource Centre with presentation (attached) 9:45 a.m. Ronda Stewart, Manager & Tara McCaulley, Business Advisor, Elgin/ St. Thomas Small Business Enterprise Centre with a PowerPoint presentation (attached) 10:00 a.m. Ceremonial Tree Planting in Honour of Arbor Week, south side of the Administration Building near Sunset Drive 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements /Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 13th Consideration of By -Law 14th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: Deputy Warden for May Deputy Warden for June May 26, 2015 June 25, 2015 November 27, 2015 1 Councillor Jones Councillor Wiehle County Council Meeting — 9:00 a.m. 7th Annual County of Elgin Warden's Charity Golf Tournament — St. Thomas Golf & County Club 2015 Warden's Banquet — Vienna Community Centre DRAFT COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, April 14, 2015 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. with all members present except Councillor Mennill (vacation). Warden Ens in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the minutes of the meeting held on March 24, 2015 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF — None. DELEGATIONS Regional Rideshare Initiative An Invitation to Participate Mr. Ryan Craven, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator and Mr. Jamie Skimming, Air Quality Manager, City of London with a PowerPoint outlining the background and logistics of the Regional Rideshare Initiative and requesting that Elgin County participate. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT the presentation titled "Regional Rideshare Initiative An Invitation to Participate" from the City of London be received and filed. - Carried. Recent Projects, Acquisitions & Activities The Manager of Archives provided Council with an update on the recent activities of the Elgin County Archives including projects and acquisitions. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT the presentation titled "Recent Projects, Acquisitions & Activities" from the Manager of Archives, dated April 14, 2015 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS Annual Warden's Banquet - Another Option — Councillors Currie and Jones Councillors Currie and Jones presented the report outlining an alternative option to the traditional Warden's Banquet. The alternative option included a scaled down guest list and a less formal atmosphere while still recognizing the work of the Warden and past Elgin County Wardens. 2 County Council 2 April 14, 2015 Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT County Council support the new format called the Warden's Dinner including the invitation of past Warden's spouses. - Carried. Regional Rideshare Initiative - City of London — Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report recommending that Council approve Elgin County's participation in the Regional Rideshare Initiative. The Regional Rideshare Initiative is a service that connects two or more individuals so that they can share a ride from their residential area to an employment area. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the County of Elgin agree, in principle, to participate in the Regional Rideshare Initiative, subject to a thorough review and approval by the County Solicitor and Frank Cowan Company; and, THAT the first year funds be allocated from the 2015 Operating Surplus and the second and third year funds, if approved by County Council, be allocated from the Economic Development Department. - Carried. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) — Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report recommending that Council approve the purchase and installation of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for the County Administration Building. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT an Automated External Defibrillator be purchased for the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, Central Elgin; and, THAT the monies be allocated from the Administration Building Operating Budget. - Carried. Port Burwell - Emergency Medical Services Base — Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report recommending that Council approve Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario's request to relocate the Vienna EMS base to the Port Burwell Fire Station. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the County of Elgin direct Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario Incorporated to relocate the Bayham EMS Station to the Port Burwell Fire Station subject to the concurrence of the Municipality of Bayham; and, THAT assuming the Municipality of Bayham concurs with the move to Port Burwell, Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario provide an update to County Council in August 2015 in regards to the EMS base at the Port Burwell Fire Station. - Carried. Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Appointments — Accessibility Coordinator The coordinator presented the report recommending that Council appoint Douglas Mayer, Arnold Row, Stephen Campbell and Michele Horton to the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2015 — 2018. 3 County Council 3 April 14, 2015 Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT County Council approve the appointment of Douglas Mayer, Arnold Row, Stephen Campbell and Michele Horton to serve on the County of Elgin /Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC) effective immediately for a three year term. - Carried. Council recessed at 10:11 a.m. and reconvened 10:23 a.m. Wide Area Network Services — Manager of Information Technology The manager presented the report detailing the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and seeking Council's approval to award the contract for the County's Wide Area Network (WAN). The County's WAN connects the Administration Building with the three LTC Homes. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT Eastlink be selected to provide Wide Area Network Services to the County's facilities for a three (3) year term for a total price of $43,200 per year with the option to extend the current agreement for an additional two (2) years; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. - Carried. Approval for Official Plan Amendment No. 13, Municipality of Bavham — Manager of Planning The manager presented the report providing Council with the information required to consider granting Official Plan Amendment No. 13, Municipality of Bayham. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin gives approval to Official Plan Amendment No.13 to the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan, File No. BA- OPA13 -14 regarding a policy change affecting surplus residence severances and that staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the Planning Act. - Carried. Approval for Official Plan Amendment No. 14, Municipality of Bavham — Manager of Planning The manager presented the report providing Council with the information required to consider granting Official Plan Amendment No. 14, Municipality of Bayham. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin gives approval to Official Plan Amendment No.14 to the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan, File No. BA- OPA14 -14 regarding the redesignation of lands for St. Paul's United Church and that staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the Planning Act. - Carried. Proposed Itinerary for 2015 Tour of Roads, Libraries and Homes — Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented the report outlining a proposed itinerary for Council's tour of roads, libraries and homes scheduled for June 2015. 4 County Council 4 April 14, 2015 Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT the report titled "Proposed Itinerary for 2015 Tour of Roads, Libraries and Homes" from the Director of Community and Cultural Services, dated March 30, 2015, be received and filed. - Carried. Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee Membership — Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented the report informing Council of the members currently sitting on the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT the report titled "Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee Membership" from the Director of Community and Cultural Services, dated March 30, 2015, be received and filed. - Carried. 2014 Economic Development Year In Review — Marketing and Communications Coordinator The coordinator presented the 2014 Economic Development Year In Review— a document containing a comprehensive review of Economic Development and Tourism activities in 2014. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the report titled "2014 Economic Development Year In Review" from the Marketing and Communications Coordinator, dated March 9, 2015 be received and filed. - Carried. Elgin St. Thomas Public Health ( ESTPH) Reserve Policy — Director of Financial Services The director presented the report informing Council of a request from the ESTPH Board of Health requesting that their reserve be doubled in order to provide for future maintenance on their new building. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT a letter from the Warden be sent to the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Board communicating that the County does not support a change in the Board's reserve fund policy, and a copy of this report which provides the rational for this position be forwarded to the Board and City Council. - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Item for Consideration 1. Randy Pettapiece, MPP, Perth- Wellington appealing to the Provincial and Federal Ministers of Transportation to provide improved transportation options for southwestern Ontario. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1: Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT Correspondence Item #1 be received and filed. - Carried. 5 County Council 5 April 14, 2015 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Roberta Gillard, Elgin County 4 -H Association thanking Council for 2015 grant. 2. Responses to Elgin County's concerns regarding Phragmites australis: a) Hon. Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. b) Heather Bouw, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich. c) Jeff Yurek, MPP, Elgin- Middlesex- London, PC Critic of Natural Resources & Forestry. 3. AMO Communication Emails re: a) Ministry of Education Releases new process for School Closures. b) AMO Report to member Municipalities Highlights of the March 2015 Board Meeting. c) Recent Developments Regarding Housing and Homelessness Prevention. 4. Hon. Bill Mauro, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry with an update on the Spring Flooding Season and the Role of the Ministry's Surface Water Monitoring Centre. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT Correspondence Items #1, 2, 3(b) & (c) and 4 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #3(a): Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT in response to the recently announced Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG), Elgin County Council commend The Ministry of Education for the new obligation of school boards to formally consult with municipal governments; and conversely express its continued concern over the removal from consideration the impact school closures have on local communities as hubs of economic activity. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Statements /Inquiries by Members Councillor Martyn commended Councillor Wiehle on his presentation to the Field Naturalist's Society regarding the on -going threat to pollinators. The Director of Community and Cultural Services reminded Council that the International Plowing Match Legacy Scholarship is open for applicants with a deadline of May 15, 2015. Notice of Motion - None. Matters of Urgency - None. Closed Meeting Items Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Section 240.2 (c): a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — Update #3 Dexter Line Land Purchases; Section 240.3.1: purposes of educating councillors - Case File Update on Economic Development Leads and Opportunities; and, Section 240.2 (b): personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Consultation Response to POA Reform. - Carried. 6 County Council 6 April 14, 2015 Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT staff be directed to respond to the proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties Consultation by outlining the various concerns to the Ministry of the Attorney General. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT the confidential verbal update on Economic Development Leads and Opportunities in the County from the General Manager of Economic Development be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT in response to the necessary property acquisitions for the relocation of a portion of Dexter Line, staff be directed to work with the County Solicitor to develop a public communication strategy for distribution if deemed appropriate and necessary; and, THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to commence expropriation of the required lands as directed and when deemed appropriate by the County Solicitor. - Carried. Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. BY -LAWS Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By -Law No. 15 -14 "To Amend By -Law No. 12 -27 Being a By -Law to Authorize Speed Limits" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By -Law No. 15 -15 "Being a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April 14, 2015 Meeting" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. 7 County Council 7 April 14, 2015 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT we do now adjourn at 11:55 a.m. and meet again on May 12, 2015 at the County Administration Building Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. Mark McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. 8 - Carried. Paul Ens, Warden. VON will be Canada's leading charitable organization addressing community health and social needs Mission VON Canada, a charity, guided by the principles of Primary Health Care, works in partnership with Canadians for a healthier society through: Leadership in community —based care Delivery of innovative, comprehensive health and social services Influencing development of health and social policy 10 Nearly 4 in 10 Canadians have someone in their family who needs or has n �ded VON is Canada's largest national not - for - profit home and community care organization A registered charity Over 13,000 staff and volunteers 52 sites in thousands of communities across Canada Plays an active role in Leadership, Policy and Advocacy, Research, Innovation, and Technology 12 iii Largest VON site in Canada Founded in 1906 Serves the counties of Elgin & Middlesex, and the City of London Over 900 staff, 1400 volunteers, and administers over 50 programs Elgin Office — 175 S Edgeware Rd., St. Thomas 13 .�1 s:...k._. "- Volunteer Transportation Accessible Transportation 8,577 rides (including 3,372 volunteer hours) Elgin 2013/14 Fiscal Year 14 Meals on Wheels Social & Congregate Dining 31,745 meals served (including 3,325 volunteer hours delivering) Elgin 2013/14 Fiscal Year 15 SMART Exercise & Falls Prevention 1,615 clients 31,524 classes 1,647 volunteer hours Home Help 104 clients accessed 1,974 units Hospice Programs 108 clients accessed 1,543 units Visiting Programs 242 clients matched 3277 visits 16 1,593 volunteer hours 3,032 volunteer hours At VON, we strive to help people live safely and independently at home for as long as p ssible remaining e with their cornr l6thAnnual VON Great Community Run, Walk 'n' Roll Lions Park in Mt Brydges Sunday, June 28t ", 2015 • Registration: 9:30am • Opening & Start: 10am • Free Event T -Shirt • Free BBQ Picnic 0 0 .111 VON Great Community Run, Walk 'n' Roll Lions Park in Mt Brydges Sunday, June 28th, 2015 ▪ Registration: 9:30am e Opening & Start:10am ▪ Free Event T -Shirt ▪ Free BBQ Picnic 20 tnpfit,,,wzas Elgin County 2015 Development Charges Study Council Information Session I �fioiui6fuu voI Tuesday, May 12, 2015 HEMSON Q tai • Background • Development Charges Overview • Development Forecast • Draft Capital Programs • Draft Calculated Rates • Council Consierations • Next Steps HEMSON 21 • The County does not currently levy DCs • DCs are implemented through by- laws) which have a maximum life of five years • DCs governed by Provincial statute: the Development Charges Act, 1997 • Aylmer, Malahide, Central Elgin, & St. Thomas (separated) all levy DCs HEM SON What Are Development Charges? • Fees imposed on development to finance development - related capital costs • As a municipality grows, new infrastructure and facilities are required to maintain service levels (e.g. ambulance facilities, roads, etc.) • Principle is "growth pays for growth" so that financial burden of servicing development is not borne by existing taxpayers HEM SON 22 Development Charge Context • Development Charges — Fund a share of the capital cost of expanding municipal infrastructure to service the needs arising from new development • Direct Developer Contributions — Fund costs that would normally be required as part of a subdivision agreement(i.e. internal roads, sidewalks, streetlights, intersections, park elements) • Property Taxes — Statutory and non - statutory reductions on DCs — Fund operating costs and long -term repair and replacement of municipal infrastructure HEMSON • DCs are most commonly collected at the time of building permit issuance — Act also permits the collection of DCs at the time of subdivision approval for engineered services • Upper tier DCs are collected at the lower tier level • DC reserves /accounts must be established on a service -by- service basis HEMSON 23 • Service exclusions: — Cultural and entertainment facilities, including museums, theatres and art galleries — Tourism facilities including convention centres — Parkland acquisition — Hospitals — Headquarters for general administration of municipalities and local boards — Waste management HEM SON • Eligible capital costs: — Costs to acquire and improve land (including leasehold interest in land) — Building and structure costs — Rolling stock with a useful life of 7 years or more — Furniture and equipment, excluding computer equipment — Development - related studies — Interest and financing costs HEM SON 24 7 County of Elgi Proposed DC Rate Structure General Government (stud es) Library Services Land Ambulance Long Term Care Provincial Offences Roads and Related II VIII IIII IIII VIII 111111 IIII 1111111 III 1111111 III 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 100% 0 11 111111 II 0 01111 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 Years Build out Note: 1) Both general and engineered services are based on a 10 -year planning period from 2015 -2024 HEMSON E Preliminary Develapm Forecast • Forecast of population, households, employment and building space has been completed to 2031 • Ten -year and to 2031 forecast informed by: - Census data - Official Plan targets - Employment Land Strategy, September 2012 HEMSON 25 Prelim nary Development Forecast Dwelling Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Census Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Place of Work Employment1 New Non -res Building Space (sq.m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excludes work at home All Services Planning Horizon (2015 -2024) 20 At 14 201 Growth 0 t 2024 2024 HEMSON • Maximum allowable charge for general services based on average service level provided in preceding ten years (2005 - 2014) • Calculated by multiplying ten -year historical service level by the forecast growth in the ten -year planning period • Establishes a development charges ceiling for "soft" services HEMSON 26 • Capital costs have been adjusted in accordance with DC legislation: — Capital grants & subsidies — Replacement /benefit to existing shares — 10% legislated discount for "general services" — Available DC reserve funds — Post - period benefit shares (post -2024) • Capital programs are largely based on 2015 capital budget HEMSON Total Capital Program $725,000 Grants/ Subsidies »»»»»»»»»»» » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » »» $101,750 Non -DC Eligible (BTE, 10% etc.) $323,550 DC Recovery (2015 -2024) $299,700 Future DC's (Post -2024) $0 • Development - related studies: - Development Charges (2) - Official Plan Review (1 partial, 1 full) - Agricultural Study - Various Strategy Studies (Accommodation, Investment, FDI, Residential Attraction) - Community Improvement Plan - Dutton Industrial Park Study HEMSON 27 Total Capital Program $3,396,700 Grants/ Subsidies $0 Non -DC Eligible (BTE, 10% etc.) $2,973,600 DC Recovery Future DC's (2015 -2024) (Post -2024) $197,900 $225,200 • New Projects: — Material acquisition (book purchases) — New Alymer Branch (ten -year lease costs) — New Shedden Branch (ten -year lease costs) HEMSON 14 Total Capital Program $140,000 Grants/ Subsidies* $60,600 Non -DC Eligible (BTE, 10% etc.) $7,950 DC Recovery (2015 -2024) $71,450 • New Projects: — Additional Ambulance Vehicle — Equipment to outfit 10 additional paramedics Future DC's (Post -2024) * Grants and subsidies include the City of St. Thomas share of new capital projects HEMSON 28 Total Capital Program $29,000,000 Grants/ Subsidies Non -DC Eligible (BTE, 10% etc.) $7,250,000 $21,434,600 DC Recovery (2015 -2024) $315,400 Future DC's (Post -2024) • New Projects - Terrace lodge new building construction* * Total DC eligible cost only includes area relating to proposed Great Room HEMSON 16 Total Capital Program $7,867,000 Grants/ Subsidies* Non -DC Eligible (BTE, 10% etc.) $2,247,700 $1,899,300 • New Projects: DC Recovery (2015 -2024) $26,350 Future DC's (Post -2024) $3,693,650 - Accessibility/ Space Needs (Museum/ POA) (2016) - Accessibility/ Space Needs (Museum/ POA) (2017) *Total amount of grants and subsidies reflects share of museum space that has been removed from the DC calculation HEMSON 29 17 Total Capital Program $10,275,000 Grants/ Subsidies $2,125,000 • New Projects: Non -DC Eligible (BTE) $4,598,100 DC Recovery (2015 -2024) $3,551,900 Future DC's (Post - 2024) — Centennial Line Urbanization — Road 5 FDR /DST — Various bicycle lanes — Improvements to Miller Road (engineering and road works) — Various infrastructure works (East Street and Imperial Road) — Dexter Line Relocation — Transportation Master Plan and Highway 3 By -pass Study — New Drains (County share) HEM SON $0 Ten -Year Capital Frog. Total Gross Cost ($millions) Less: Grants & Subsidies* Less: Benefit to Existing Share Less: 10% Discount Less: Available Reserve Funds Less: Post -2024 Benefit DC Eligible Share $ 51.40 $ 11.78 $ 30.70 $ 0.54 $ 0.00 $ 3.92 $ 4.46 *Grants and subsidies includes contributions from other municipalities, the province and ineligible DC costs HEM SON 30 19 Calculated Fully Serviced Residential DC Rate Library Services, General Government, 5.4% Roads And Related, 81.5% 4.0% Land Ambulance, 1.2% Long Term Care, 7.2% .",61111111111111111111111111111: General Services = 18% Engineered Services = 82% H h ON Provincial Offences, 0.5% Singles & Semi - Detached $4,291 Rows & Other Multiples $2,723 Apartments $2,193 2.0 General Land Government, Ambulance, 6.8 %_ 1.5% Roads And Related , 91.0% General Services = 9% Engineered Services = 91% EMSON 31 Provincial Offences, 0.7% Non- Residential Charge per Square Metre $8.41 London Brantford Oxofrd - Ingersoll Oxford - Tillsonburg Norfolk Strathroy - Caradoc Elgin County Calc. - Central Elgin Haldimand Elgin County Calc. - Malahide St. Thomas (SA1) Current Elgin County Calc. - Aylmer Elgin County - Calculated Chatham -Kent (Water & Wastewater) ���u11�� �6;M4antrlp;�>(i flll fll6ll IA fllll11111�0. ,�,m lwagdg✓rrded1 1111111 II1lIII1lIII1 11111'111 11 ,1,11N1111 doh ;' r✓ra kii ✓A� Nf,kfFlNk [IaaW400W400W 111,,1,11111111u1111111111111 u,1,,oh 111,,1,11111111u1111111111111 u,1,,oh 111,,11111111111111111111111111111 m11'1VU111111111111111111V 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .1 rr(�/�9tir�rti 11,'NIIIVUU0g,, $13,022 $12,205 $11,850 $11,039 $10,664 $9,089 MOW $8,199 1t✓ 1r ,geomagol�tP,✓7rll $4,291 Lw Latraat„wlrrw„w /Cr $3,578 $- $5,000 $10,000 HEM SON $15,000 $17,971 $16,328 $20,000 $21,453 $28,123 at Upper/ Single Tier tia Local a3 Area - Specific $25,000 $30,000 Simcoe Peterborough Grey Elgin County - Calculated Wellington Oxford County Dufferin Middlesex County rarararararrerrr ✓a ✓a 4rarara a/aa�ag w✓ w✓ w✓ v�r giray�! �durrerga !Amrr✓koga�a�TU�ag!wmr ✓rrii ✓ii $6,283 yo�au6rra, �, ���T, �e�HTI, a�, ��awr, 0 aoaoa�a�a�6�a✓ rarNNwr�oa��rlrkF����' FrF��tiar ,���Ga; al ✓lrll /r / ✓lLt,l!w r/ lllr'/! l✓ lall/ r/✓ lLtf, l!✓ !, ✓alr'/!lrLlall /r / ✓l /Il! ✓1! ✓Sl /!lrLF,l, Val/ tf ,ll ✓1!a /llli/!lr /lall /r %l /tfllw a /lll /!lr /l ll / / ✓l /tfl!w aal al /la111 / ✓llIi w�7 r r ' � r r t er r r � � � r r er � G e � � r r er r e✓l t�✓rlr ✓ ✓a l � 'r✓r ' ✓ ✓a l � ✓ar� ff � 'r✓✓r ' e e r✓w r, $1,000 $2,805 $2,652 $2,647 $2,000 $3,000 HE SON 32 $4,291 $4,000 $5,000 $5,250 $5,203 ra Upper Tier $6,000 $7,000 Rate Non -Resic entiei London Oxofrd - Ingersoll Chatham -Kent (Water & Wastewater) Oxford - Tillsonburg St. Thomas (SA1) Current Strathroy - Caradoc Norfolk Elgin County Calc. - Central Elgin Elgin County Calc. - Malahide Brantford Haldimand II l II l imFm oom II l II l II l II l parson (Commercial) III II l III II I II I II I II I II I II I yom $68.00 $67.98 $63.77 ric 04 ! 14%14, 444 g 411 (/u/t411 1444 ! (u g4W1 4 aaas N $60.86 IllUl11�dll�A�I�d�MIII�I�III�IdUsdd�dd�U, lll611llUl11dll�l�I�d�Mldldlllltiddl I��� $0.00 $20.00 HEMSON $30.47 111111 d11111111dMll11ll111111111 $42.96 $38.00 $40.00 $57.98 $57.74 $55.56 $60.00 $73.34 Upper/ Single Tier Local El Area - Specific $80.00 ?/6 Rate Non -Resic entiei Simcoe Wellington Peterborough Oxford County Elgin County - Calculated Dufferin Middlesex County Grey parson (Commercial) li4f�ug44f�ug44f�ug44f�ug44f�tg44fr4ug44T2�ug44fr4Lg44fr4u* fr44 1114;1,14 raffeagaigA 4 L f; r r� , r r l� r✓ 4 r t 4 $8.41 4441 ll 141 /1111141/11 144 Hera s ‘44 ,4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $6.24 $11.95 $10.64 $10.00 $15.00 HEMSON 33 $19.16 $20.00 $25.00 $31.28 U Upper Tier $30.00 $35.00 25 • Council not being asked to pass DCs at this point • If Council wishes to further consider DCs, a background study and statutory public meeting are required • Council can adopt DCs at calculated rates or any level under that amount • Absence of DCs would result in approximately $400,000+ per year in tax supported funding for identified growth - related infrastructure HEN1SON 6 • Statutory Exemptions: — School Boards — Municipal buildings — Minor residential expansions — Industrial expansions up to 50% • Possible Non - Statutory Exemptions: — Industrial? — Farms? — Places of Worship? — BIA /CIP Areas? SON 34 2.7 • Council direction on whether to proceed with public consultation • Prepare Background Study & Draft DC By -law • Advertise for Public Meeting • Hold Public Meeting • Council consideration of rates HENISON 35 ELGIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT - RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT Project Description Timing Gross Project Cost Grants/ SubsidieslOther Recoveries Net Municipal Cost I Ineligible Costs Total DC Eligible Costs DC Eligible Costs Replacement & BTE Shares 10% Reduction Available DC Reserves 2015- 2024 Post 2024 1.0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1.1 Development - Related Studies 1.1.1 Development Charges Study 2015 $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ 3,000 $ 27,000 $ - $ 27,000 $ - 1.1.2 Development Charges Study 2020 $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ 3,000 $ 27,000 $ - $ 27,000 $ - 1.1.3 Official Plan Review (Partial) 2018 $ 125,000 $ - $ 125,000 $ 62,500 $ 6,250 $ 56,250 $ - $ 56,250 $ - 1.1.4 Official Plan Review (Full) 2023 $ 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 $ 125,000 $ 12,500 $ 112,500 $ - $ 112,500 $ - 1.1.5 Agricultural Study various $ 37,000 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 9,250 $ 925 $ 8,325 $ - $ 8,325 $ - 1.1.6 Acommodation Strategy various $ 37,000 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 9,250 $ 925 $ 8,325 $ - $ 8,325 $ - 1.1.7 Investment Strategy various $ 37,000 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 9,250 $ 925 $ 8,325 $ - $ 8,325 $ - 1.1.8 FDI Strategy various $ 37,000 $ 27,750 $ 9,250 1 $ - $ 925 $ 8,325 $ - $ 8,325 $ - 1.1.9 Residential Attraction Strategy various $ 37,000 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ - $ 1,850 $ 16,650 $ - $ 16,650 $ - 1.1.10 Community Improvment Plan Study Various $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 2,500 $ 22,500 $ - $ 22,500 $ - 1.1.11 Dutton Industrial Park Study - County Share 2015 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ 500 $ 4,500 $ - $ 4,500 $ - Subtotal Development - Related Studies $ 725,000 $ 101,750 $ 623,250 $ 290,250 $ 33,300 $ 299,700 $ - $ 299,700 $ - TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 725,000 $ 101,750 $ 623,250 $ 290,250 $ 33,300 $ 299,700 $ - $ 299,700 $ - 36 ELGIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT - RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES Project Description Timing Gross Project Cost Grants/ SubsidieslOther Recoveries Net Municipal Cost Ineligible Costs Total DC Eligible Costs DC Eligible Costs Replacement & BTE Shares 10% Reduction Available DC Reserves 2015- 2024 Post 2024 2.0 LIBRARY SERVICES 2.1 Materials & Equipment 2.1.1 Book Purchases Various $ 2,630,000 $ - $ 2,630,000 $ 2,543,210 $ 8,679 $ 78,111 $ - $ 78,111 $ - 2.1.2 New Alymer Branch Various $ 617,711 $ - $ 617,711 $ 308,856 $ 30,886 $ 277,970 $ - $ 119,826 $ 158,144 2.1.3 New Shedden Branch Various $ 148,960 $ - $ 148,960 $ 74,480 $ 7,448 $ 67,032 $ - $ - $ 67,032 Subtotal Materials & Equipment $ 3,396,671 $ - $ 3,396,671 $ 2,926,546 $ 47,013 $ 423,113 $ - $ 197,937 $ 225,176 TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICES $ 3,396,671 $ - $ 3,396,671 $ 2,926,546 $ 47,013 $ 423,113 $ - $ 197,937 $ 225,176 37 ELGIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT - RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM LAND AMBULANCE Project Description Timing Gross Project Cost Grants/ SubsidieslOther Recoveries Net Municipal Cost Ineligib e Costs Total DC Eligible Costs DC Eligible Costs Replacement & BTE Shares 10% Reduction Available DC Reserves 2015- 2024 Post 2024 3.0 LAND AMBULANCE 3.1 Vehicles and Equipment 3.1.1 Additional Ambulance Vehicle 2024 $ 125,000 $ 54,125 $ 70,875 $ - $ 7,088 $ 63,788 $ - $ 63,788 $ - 3.1.2 Equipment for 10 Additional Paramedics 2024 $ 15,000 $ 6,495 $ 8,505 $ - $ 851 $ 7,655 $ - $ 7,655 $ - Subtotal Vehicles and Equipment $ 140,000 $ 60,620 $ 79,380 $ - $ 7,938 $ 71,442 $ - $ 71,442 $ - TOTAL LAND AMBULANCE $ 140,000 $ 60,620 $ 79,380 $ - $ 7,938 $ 71,442 $ - $ 71,442 $ - 38 ELGIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT - RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM LONG TERM CARE Project Description Timing Gross Project Cost Grants/ SubsidieslOther Recoveries Net Municipal Cost Ineligib e Costs Total DC Eligible Costs DC Eligible Costs Replacement & BTE Shares 10% Reduction Available DC Reserves 2015- 2024 Post 2024 4.0 LONG TERM CARE 4.1 Buildings and Land 4.1.1 Terrace Lodge New Building Construction TOTAL LONG TERM CARE 2016 $ 29,000,000 $ 29,000,000 $ 7,250,000 $ 7,250,000 $ 21,750,000 $ 21,750,000 $ 21,399,591 $ 21,399,591 $ 35,041 $ 35,041 $ 315,368 $ 315,368 $ - $ - $ 315,368 $ 315,368 $ $ - 39 ELGIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT - RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM PROVINCIAL OFFENCES Project Description Timing Gross Project Cost Grants/ SubsidieslOther Recoveries Net Municipal Cost Ineligib e Costs Total DC Eligible Costs DC Eligible Costs Replacement & BTE Shares 10% Reduction Available DC Reserves 2015- 2024 Post 2024 6.0 PROVINCIAL OFFENCES 6.1 Buildings, Land & Furnishings 6.1.1 Accessibility /Space Needs (Museum /POA) 6.1.2 Accessibility /Space Needs (Museum /POA) TOTAL PROVINCIAL OFFENCES 2016 2017 $ 6,052,000 $ 1,815,000 $ 1,729,143 $ 518,571 $ 4,322,857 $ 1,296,429 $ 1,485,982 $ - $ 283,688 $ 129,643 $ 2,553,188 $ 1,166,786 $ - $ - $ 26,340 $ - $ 2,526,848 $ 1,166,786 $ 7,867,000 $ 2,247,714 $ 5,619,286 $ 1,485,982 $ 413,330 $ 3,719,973 $ - $ 26,340 $ 3,693,634 40 ELGIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT - RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM ROADS AND RELATED Project Description Timing Gross Project Cost Grants/ SubsidieslOther Recoveries Net Municipal Cost I Ineligib e Costs Total DC Eligible Costs DC Eligible Costs Replacement & BTE Shares 0% Reduction Available DC Reserves 2015- 2024 Post 2024 7.0 ROADS AND RELATED 7.1 Roads and Related Projects 7.1.1 Centenntial Line Urbanizartion (1.6 km) 2015 $ 1,600,000 $ - $ 1,600,000 $ 240,000 $ - $ 1,360,000 $ - $ 1,360,000 $ - 7.1.2 Road 5 FDR /DST (Carrol Line to Thames River) 2015 $ 335,000 $ - $ 335,000 $ 50,250 $ - $ 284,750 $ - $ 284,750 $ - 7.1.3 Sunset Bicycle Lanes 2015 $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 48,350 $ - $ 1,650 $ - $ 1,650 $ - 7.1.4 Intersection Control Beacon - 52 and 31 2015 $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - 7.1.5 Miller Road Engineering 2015 $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - 7.1.6 Miller Road 2016 $ 1,500,000 $ - $ 1,500,000 $ 750,000 $ - $ 750,000 $ - $ 750,000 $ - 7.1.7 East Street 2015 $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ 85,000 $ - $ 85,000 $ - 7.1.8 Imperial Road 2015 $ 400,000 $ - $ 400,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ 340,000 $ - $ 340,000 $ - 7.1.9 Dexter Line Relocation - Construction 2020 $ 4,500,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,417,500 $ - $ 82,500 $ - $ 82,500 $ - 7.1.10 Transportation Master Plan 2017 $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - 7.1.11 New Bike lanes various $ 1,000,000 $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 967,000 $ - $ 33,000 $ - $ 33,000 $ - 7.1.12 Hwy 3 By -pass Study 2015 $ 250,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ - $ - $ 125,000 $ - $ 125,000 $ - 7.1.13 New Drains County Share various $ 400,000 $ - $ 400,000 $ - $ - $ 400,000 $ - $ 400,000 $ - TOTAL ROADS AND RELATED $ 10,275,000 $ 2,125,000 $ 8,150,000 $ 4,598,100 $ - $ 3,551,900 $ - $ 3,551,900 $ - 41 County of Elgin Council Presentation (approx. 15 minutes ) • EBRC fiscal year end County numbers (see attachment) • Year End Totals — Businesses Met With: 133 (County only) Businesses Started: 42 Jobs Created: 42 Businesses Expanded: 24 Additional Jobs Created: 6 Businesses Maintained: 81 Jobs Maintained: 89 • Loans — 45% of loans disbursed in 2014/15 were awarded to County Businesses • Economic Impact (Mark Masseo) • Success Stories — Past/ Present/ Future • Questions 9- ET IS Aylrr.r Office - 2014125 EETE.E.E. COMPARISON REPORT- 20 13 ss 2D2,4 liTealaTe. a H. Saa-E_Td - si »I LEI 71 TEA 0, 01 El T _ mk -AN Es I ss: 3.1t. TS,- sal ET TEal 1-11 1-Na LE: 5.11 ET: TEE 49 GI al Ed al INN - - — - - t.-s ENTNEN1 - CA. 1,NEN -.= El El El ,31 El El Q.1 GI El 21 11 5,1 al e 3t ell -17.1 61 .10.2 E, 21 1.1 1 -.1 El 0, 331 •,Eti 0 TE..' El El Ti 11 fl -11 El 1,1 El Dottss Cate -MOSS ,-: 1 ANNNIE I a a a ea-1-1 I 1-E.a37 1.1 lad' 11; „se 71 IQ 471 -4=e a 1,1 I el 1.1 ET! = Ell TTa-111 - TE -ETT 4 eat-EN! =2.1-31 ETE aa.-EST E.E.-1,51 Me--ITE Ee,-,a-1-T,e, Tr la, ....a:3,-e YEE= -se s3I si 71 ETI TEI TEN 2S1 TEE ETN EEN,ENEN EN.M.-ErTs,Essi -a= 3, .E.,1,-ENTNEEN,NETANENTENE,,,NENNNE st: 22. s3 asT r„,= NiETN fEN ee..4 Mae kv...0 ZEIT- NNNEE: NNENTE., ENN.NNENE, ETENE, 43 Updated: April 9, 2015 NAICS Summary - Aylmer Industry Category p 11, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing Hunting 22. Utilities 23 Construction 31 -33. Manufacturing 41. Wholesale Trade 44-45. Retail Trade Apr ay Jun Types of Businesses in East Elgin Aug Sep Oct Fiov Sec San Feb Mar To 48-49 Transportation & Warehousing 51, lnformatio industries Real Estate, Rental & teasing 54. Professional, Scientific & Techinical Services 56. Administrative & Support, Waste Management & Remediat on Services 61. Education Services 62. Health Care & Social Assistance 71. Arts, Entertai Recreation 72. Accommodation & Food Services 81. Other Services (Except Public Administration) by Industry Sector port /Export Clie 44 Updated: April 9, 2015 NAICS Summary - Dutton Industry Catego p Consu Ap Types of Businesses in West Elgin ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Total 11, Agricult Hunting ure 4 ®® Li i1 0 0 0 ®® 1 0 11EIMMI tI Ci® Forestry. F €shing & 23, Construction 41, Wholesale Trade 44-45 Retaii Trade 48-45 Transpo Warehousing ion & 51. Information & Cultural Industries 4, Professio chinical Se al, Scientific 56. Administrative & Support, Waste Management & Remediation Services 61. ion Services 62. Health Care & Social Assistance ent & 72. Accommodation, & Food Services 81, Other Services (Except Public Administration) Other To Consults by Industry Sector Import /Export Client Inquiri Updated: April 9, 2015 Aylmer Office - 2014/15 Consults .- .......... . nquiries Businesses Started - City Businesses Started - County Businesses Expanded - City Businesses Expanded Coun Jobs Created - City Jobs Created - County Jobs Maintained Loan Inquiries Outreach /Event Activities / Net orking Year at a glance -Both Offices April September October November Dutton 0 Consults ce- 2014/15 nquiries Businesses Started - City Businesses Started - County Businesses Expanded - City nesses Expanded Count September December February Outreach /Event Activities /Networking Note One Counsellor for both Satellite office sforApril-August 46 ENTERPRISE CENTRE Helping Small Business at Every Stage Objectives Assist new entrepreneurs in the evaluation and process of business start -up Provide support and encourage stability for both early stage and growing small businesses Promote business ownership as a viable career option for youth by developing opportunities to learn entrepreneurial skills and qualities Serve any client in St. Thomas, Elgin County or beyond 48 HwWe Held: Provide free business counselling Review business plans and cash flows Guidance on licenses, permits and regulations Business Name registration, GST /HST registration Referrals to professional services and business mentors Marketing and business promotion opportunities Training workshops and business events Client outreach and site visits 49 Business Events Ask An Expert small groups Government Services Seminars E- Marketing Workshops Bridges to Better Business International Women's Day www.SBECi n novation.ca eta ter Cornpany Up to a $5000 grant Up to $400 in training funds Successful Mentor match -up Must be between agesl 8-29 Business start -up or expansion Vulnerable or underserviced youth Two year pilot targets: 20 youth access business specific training 11 grants disbursed 51 Ontario Sumrn rCornpany Skills development program Up to $3000 grant Must be between ages] 5 -29 Students must be returning to school 72 Summer Companies between 2009 -2014 $216,000 youth grants spent locally 52 Ontario ¥TE Impact Our 2 Person Teem Conducted 518 in -depth consultations across Elgin -St. Thomas (compared to 468 last year) Assisted 7 Elgin business start -ups which resulted in 11 jobs in Elgin Trained 10 Elgin Summer Company students Hosted 25 small business events while connecting with 770 attendees Disbursed $45,000 in Summer Company grants Disbursed $30,000 in Starter Company grants In Partne Ontario working Togethe can Canada Business Ontario Your Business Information Connection THE cORPORXIION OF THE (Try Of THOMAS Are% rwl. ELGIN BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTRE A Community Fmures Dcvdopment Cm:pm:ion 55 NTERPRISE CENTRE 56 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF May 12, 2015 Staff Reports — (ATTACHED) Manager of Planning — Final Approval for Plan of Vacant Land Condominium, Prespa Construction Ltd. Purchasing Coordinator — Quarterly Information Report — Contract Awards January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 Director of Engineering Services — Highway 3 Transportation Needs Assessment Study From St. Thomas to Aylmer — Selection of Consultant Deputy Director of Engineering Services — Award of Tender for Culvert Sliplining (Contract No. 6290- 15 -03) Deputy Director of Engineering Services — Engineering Services for Dexter Line (County Road 24) Deputy Director of Engineering Services — 2014 County Road Maintenance Expenditures Manager of Programs and Community Development — Elgin County Library — Recent Programs, Partnerships and Activities Director of Community and Cultural Services — Library Software Regional Partnership Update Director of Community and Cultural Services — Provincial Support of Library On -Line Resources Director of Financial Services — First Quarter Budget Performance Director of Homes and Seniors Services — Homes — Terrace Lodge Safety Modifications Director of Human Resources — Human Resources Policy 12.100 (Payments on Retirement) 57 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Steve Evans, Manager of Planning DATE: April 16, 2015 SUBJECT: Final Approval for Plan of Vacant Land Condominium Part Lot 1, Concession 9 Municipality of Central Elgin File No.: 34CD -13002 Owner: Prespa Construction Ltd. INTRODUCTION: This report is to advise County Council that final approval was given for a plan of vacant land condominium in the Municipality of Central Elgin on April 15, 2015. (see attached maps) DISCUSSION: Elgin County granted draft plan approval to this plan of condominium on March 25, 2014 requiring that certain conditions be fulfilled prior to final approval being given. This plan of condominium constitutes 12 units on which individual, single- detached dwellings are to be erected. The subject lands are located in the Municipality of Central Elgin (Lynhurst) and they are to be developed on full municipal services. The County has received clearance letters from the Municipality, various Ministries, agencies and utilities which indicate that all conditions of draft approval have been satisfied. In accordance with By -Law No. 13 -28 "A By -Law to Delegate Certain Authorities... " the Manager of Planning has been given the authority to approve final plans of subdivision once all of the conditions of draft plan approval have been met and after clearance letters have been received. CONCLUSION: This report is to advise that final approval of this plan of condominium was granted and the plans were signed by the Manager of Planning on April 15, 2015 and forwarded to the Elgin County Land Registry Office for registration. The Municipality of Central Elgin and the developer's agent have been notified. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the report titled "Final Approval for Plan of Vacant Land Condominium, File Number 34CD -13002 (Prespa Construction Ltd.)" from the Manager of Planning dated April 16, 2015 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Steve Evans Mark G. McDonald Manager of Planning 58 Chief Administrative Officer DECLARATCN REGISIE AS Na. PAW hyS.F -oo-1,59.: :0w71111F K :.PPJ u5 V I AI TF,FH• N+FRESTE Sj... - CFo9 cF sr 9Fn UNIT 11 /4F • O UNIT 17 :.o 0 Cr sMK O FART 0= LO ,1 AND 2 BLOCK PART OF 8U L 11: N 15 LC' BLOCK O FEINSTERED `AN 28 PART OE LO" I COAGE55iON G'tPGRAPNIC ac rioN(00771 MU,M:PALM" CENTRAL EL 1 IN COUNTY OF GIN M C ALE 1°. KIM PUS -. Si 'y7 r1NO LTD U \IT2 U'.IT 7 CERTIFICATE [DECLARANT: • DECLARANT APPP.CVAE A DEITY CERTIFICATE UNIT HIT 4 FJ T 3 1 .' FLIRT 2 59 CURE SCFEDULE 14111- -0.I111A5 I el[ :4O P t]IWN FFe }Av mom- NOTES UNIT BOUFDAR DEFINITIONS LEGEND 0 20 40 Meters Map Produced by: Township of Malahide GIS Department Projection: NAD 83 UTM Zone 17 Date: Apr 10, 2015 This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. -. POINT RORTFIIF�d° - -, EASTPII NOTES UNIT BOUFDAR DEFINITIONS LEGEND 0 20 40 Meters Map Produced by: Township of Malahide GIS Department Projection: NAD 83 UTM Zone 17 Date: Apr 10, 2015 This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. Prespa Condo Elgin County Prespa Condo 0 65 130 Meters Map Produced by: Township of Malahide GIS Department Projection: NAD 83 UTM Zone 17 Date: Apr 20, 2015 This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. sir .,. /ll%yyi_ Elgin, ! APPENDIX A Purchases /Projects greater than $15,000 January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 Department Budget Allocation Project Supplier / Contractor Amount (HST excluded) Engineering Capital Granular "A" Shouldering D &D Trucking & Construction Services $75,440.00 Homes Capital Replacement of 120 Mattresses M.C. Healthcare $41,929.00 Economic Development and Tourism Operating Printing of the 2015 Visitor's Guide Sportswood Printing $16,345.00 Engineering - Emergency Management Operating 911 Emergency Response Network Primary Public Safety Answering Position (PPSAP) - Contract Extension Northern Communication Services $38,411.10 (Contract Extension) 62 �irlhr� %llll%yy�_ Ire! Atnoe REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: April 28, 2015 SUBJECT: Highway 3 Transportation Needs Assessment Study from St. Thomas to Aylmer — Selection of Consultant INTRODUCTION: In 2011 the County of Elgin along with the City of St. Thomas, the Town of Aylmer, the Townships of Malahide and Southwold and the Municipality of Central Elgin petitioned the Ministry of Transportation to carry out a traffic assessment study along a portion of Highway 3 to release lands for potential development within the affected municipalities. Council approved that the County and Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) enter into partnership to hire a consultant to update a previous study regarding Highway 3 between St. Thomas and Aylmer. Both parties have agreed to fund the project 50/50 (see attached MTO correspondence). The purpose of the Study is to assess Highway 3 within the Study Area between Highway 4 and Hacienda Road (see attached map) and determine the immediate (10 year), short -term (20 year) and long -term term (30 year) operational and capacity needs; the levels of reserve capacity beyond the 30 -yr horizon; and determine opportunities that address those needs. This Study will help the MTO decide whether or not the current Highway 3 by -pass designations that are east and west of St. Thomas should be retained or revoked (in full or in part) and under what conditions. This report provides details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and seeks Council's approval to award the contract for the Study to the recommended Consultant. DISCUSSION: In late 2014 the County in partnership with the MTO issued a Request for Qualifications to Consulting Engineering firms prior to proceeding to a Request for Proposals. A total of six firms made submissions and the evaluation committee pre - qualified three firms to proceed to the RFP stage. The committee consisted of County and MTO staff. The Request for Proposal for the Highway 3 Transportation Needs Assessment Study was issued on March 10 and closed on March 27, 2015. All three pre - qualified firms noted below submitted a proposal for this study project. - CIMA Canada - IBI Group - MMM Group Ltd. 63 A two envelope system was used for this RFP; the Consulting Engineering firms were required to submit their price for the project in a separate sealed envelope. The firms were first scored on the following criteria: i) Project Understanding and Approach ii) Work Plan, Methodology and Quality Assurance Plan iii) Project Schedule iv) Management Plan The Evaluation Committee consisting of members of the County and MTO met on April 27 to evaluate the proposals. Firms achieving a minimum score of 45 out of 75 had their pricing envelopes opened. The Purchasing Coordinator opened the price envelopes and factored the project cost into the overall scores. The firm that achieved the highest overall score is MMM Group Ltd. The proposed team from MMM Group Ltd has extensive experience in this type of transportation planning study. Recent projects and experience included in their proposal are: - Highway 17 - Mattawa (Preliminary Design & Class EA Study) - Lauzon Parkway Extension - Windsor (Preliminary Design & Class EA Study) - Veterans Memorial Highway South Extension - London (Class EA Study) The total cost for the Transportation Needs Assessment Study is $239,000 plus applicable HST. This amount will be split 50/50 between the County and MTO. The County's portion will be allocated from the 2015 capital surplus. CONCLUSION: County and MTO staff are pleased with the outcome of the RFP process. The project team will consist of members from the County and MTO and it is expected that the project will commence in June with completion scheduled for May 2016. The Consultants first task will be to identify and meet with external stakeholders including the City of St. Thomas, Municipality of Central Elgin, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold and Town of Aylmer to review key issues and concerns. All municipalities will be kept up to date on the status of the project. Two County Council presentations have been included in the Consultant's work plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT MMM Group Ltd. be selected to complete the Highway 3 Transportation Needs Assessment Study from St. Thomas to Aylmer at a total price of $239,000, plus HST; and, THAT approval be conditional upon receipt of confirmation from the Ministry of Transportation that they concur with the selection of the Consultant and agree to fund 50% of the cost; and, 64 THAT the County's share of the project cost be allocated from the 2015 capital surplus; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator 65 Ministry of Transportation Engineering Office West Region 659 Exeter Road London, Ontario N6E 1 L3 Telephone: (519) 873 -4333 Facsimile: (519) 873 -4236 June 19, 2014 Ministere des Transports Bureau du genie Region de I'Ouest 659, chemin Exeter London (Ontario) N6E 1L3 Telephone: (519) 873 -4333 Telecopieur : (519) 873 -4236 Mr. Clayton Watters, P.Eng., MBA Director of Engineering Services County of Elgin, Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. Watters: e Ontario DIV2014 -284 Thank you for your letters dated expressing your interest and commitment to moving forward with the Highway 3, St. Thomas to Aylmer, Transportation Needs Assessment Study. I have been asked to respond on behalf of Ann Baldwin. At this time, the ministry does not have the resources to lead the study. Should the county proceed with the study, the ministry agrees to participate in the acquisition process to assist the county in retaining a service provider and as a project team member throughout the study. The work, as described in the Request for Proposal Terms of Reference (November 2013) is estimated to cost approximately $250,000 and the county is committing to 50% of the project cost. The ministry agrees to cost share 50% of the study cost to an upset limit of $125,000. Should the cost of the assignment exceed $250,000, the cost will be reviewed and the decision to move forward with the study will be agreed upon by both the ministry and the county prior to award. We look forward to hearing if the county is going to proceed with the study. Yours Sincerely,___ ness, P. Eng. �A/Manage , Engineering We •egion . •E JUN 2 6 2014 COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMitaTRATIVE SERVICES c. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer, County of Elgin 66 Key Plan Highway 3, St. Thomas to Aylmer Transportation Needs Assessment Study TER-Slt- F 4, \ C I — � Leon _. � g MANNING D31VE 1 -= _ WESTMS' '4 Orwell Corner �irlhr� %llll%yy�_ Ire! Atnoe REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: April 13, 2015 SUBJECT: Award of Tender for Culvert Sliplining (Contract No. 6290- 15 -03) INTRODUCTION: As part of the approved 2015 Capital Budget, a tender was advertised and issued as per the County's Procurement Policy for the Culvert Sliplining contract. The tender also included a piggyback clause that allows Elgin's Lower Tier Municipalities the option of contracting with the successful Bidder. DISCUSSION: A total of thirteen (13) companies downloaded / picked up documents for this project. Five (5) companies submitted bids for this Tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. $208,588.27 Birnam Excavating Ltd. $211,840.42 Goodreau Excavating Ltd. $239,200.00 Owen King Limited $355,194.00 East Elgin Concrete Forming Ltd. $393,316.00 Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $208,588.27, exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to install an HDPE or steel bore casing pipe liner inside existing culverts. The lowest submitted bid is well within budget estimates. CONCLUSION: Staff are pleased with the results of the tender and the recommended Contractor has completed work for the County in the past. Work on this project is expected to begin in May with completion scheduled for the end of August. As per the County of Elgin's Purchasing Policy, if change orders are required and the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by less than 10 %, and the amount is within the overall budgeted project amount, work will proceed upon authorization by the Director. However, if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 %, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. 68 RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. be selected for the Culvert Sliplining Tender, Contract No. 6290 -15 -03 at a total price of $208,588.27 exclusive of H.S.T; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services 69 Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer �irlhr� %llll%yy�_ Ire' Atnoe REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: April 30, 2015 SUBJECT: Engineering Services for Dexter Line (County Road 24) INTRODUCTION: This report provides details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and seeks Council's approval to award the Engineering Services contract for the Realignment of Dexter Line (County Road 24) in the Municipality of Central Elgin and Township of Malahide. This is a joint project between the County and Township of Malahide. The Township on behalf of the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System will relocate the existing watermain within the new road corridor. The County and Township of Malahide were successful in obtaining a $3,458,519 grant from the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). The County's portion of the grant is $2,000,000. This engineering assignment includes both the road (County) and watermain (Township) work. DISCUSSION: The Request for Proposal for Engineering Services was issued on April 2, 2015 and closed on April 24, 2015. Twenty (20) firms downloaded the RFP document from Biddingo. The four firms noted below submitted a proposal for this project. - MIG Consulting Engineers - Spreit Associates - Stantec Consulting - WSP Canada A two envelope system was used for this RFP; the Engineering firms were required to submit their price for the project in a separate sealed envelope. The firms were first scored on the following criteria: i) Demonstrated understanding of Work Program / Approach and Methodology ii) Responsiveness to the RFP, completeness of submission iii) Completeness and experience of proposed team iv) Knowledge of similar projects v) Time / availability to work on our project and meet proposed schedule vi) References 70 The Evaluation Committee, which included both County and Township staff, met on April 29 to evaluate the proposals. Firms achieving a minimum score of 45 out of 60 had their pricing envelopes opened. One of the four firms did not achieve the minimum score of 45. The Purchasing Coordinator opened the three price envelopes and factored the cost into the overall score. The firm that achieved the highest overall score is WSP Canada. This Engineering firm has extensive experience in road and watermain engineering work, recently completing projects for Norfolk County, Haldimand County, Renfrew County, Waterloo Region and the Ministry of Transportation. The total cost for Engineering Services is $396,377.00 plus HST. This amount includes the costs for both the road and watermain portions. CONCLUSION: This RFP process was a success and involved staff from the County and Township of Malahide working together on this joint procurement process. A project kick -off meeting has been scheduled for May 21, 2015. Work on the engineering services will begin immediately so that construction documents and drawings can be finalized for tendering in October based on timelines included in the OCIF Grant. A report will be brought to County Council later this year for approval of the construction contract. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT WSP Canada be selected to provide Engineering Services for the Dexter Line project at a total price of $396,377.00, plus HST; and, THAT approval be conditional upon receipt of confirmation from the Township of Malahide that they concur with the selection of the Consultant; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Peter Dutchak Mark G. McDonald Deputy Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services 71 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services DATE: April 22, 2015 SUBJECT: 2014 County Road Maintenance Expenditures INTRODUCTION: This report summarizes County Road maintenance expenditures as reported by the municipalities for the 2014 calendar year. DISCUSSION: The County of Elgin has outsourced road maintenance activities since 1997. In 2012, after many years of experience, a Council appointed committee developed a new agreement that was executed by all of Elgin's municipal partners in April 2013. The new agreement clearly defines responsibilities, provides a mechanism for work outside the basic scope of activities, includes new allocation rates and includes simple reporting requirements. One of the required reports is an annual maintenance expenditure summary, delivered before February 15th by each municipality and is unaudited. The compensation model of the new agreement remains consistent with the previous model. In essence, each municipality is responsible for a defined scope of maintenance activities and is provided a lump sum annual allocation (paid monthly) calculated from the number of kilometres and type of County roads maintained. The following table summarizes total allocations and expenditures as reported by each municipality and is unaudited. Municipality 2014 Allocation Total Expenditure (as reported) Difference ($) Difference (% of Allocation) Aylmer $ 19,550.64 $ 29,840.25 -$10,239„61 9i: 9 „61 153% Bayham $ 422,254.44 $ 554,456.33 -$1 ,;,,:, 0°1.9i:39 131% Central Elgin $ 618,036.06 $ 545,088.00 $72,948.06 88% Dutton /Dunwich $ 413,445.25 $ 428,029.33 -$14,534„.M3 ..Mi: 104% Malahide $ 645,504.21 $ 698,017.44 9!;,,:,,,°1;:N „.;,: ?`; "„ 108% Southwold $ 471,726.12 $ 516,564.95 9!44,93„9i:. 79 109% West Elgin $ 428,929.24 $ 400,602.62 $28,326.62 93% 72 Allocations are managed by the municipality as well as any surpluses or deficits. After many years of experience, allocation amounts have been tested and found to be adequate to fund maintenance activities over a longer term. In other words, in any given year, a municipality may experience a surplus or deficit, however, over time the account will balance (mainly due to fluctuating winter weather). Therefore, it is important for municipalities to reserve surpluses to offset years with higher expenditures. It is also important for municipalities to seek and implement efficiencies to reduce costs for their benefit. Winter maintenance activities account for the greatest annual expenditure and can fluctuate drastically from year to year. Winter control costs typically consume 60% of the total maintenance allocation. The following table summarizes winter control costs for the 2014 calendar year. Municipality Winter Control Costs as Reported % Total Allocation Aylmer $ 17,718 91% Bayham $ 316,052 75% Central Elgin $ 263,834 43% Dutton /Dunwich $ 223,269 54% Malahide $ 412,795 64% Southwold $ 265,862 56% West Elgin $ 166,372 39% CONCLUSION: Municipalities report their total maintenance expenditures to the County annually. In 2014, the municipalities had a collective shortfall of $153,153 or approximately 5% over the total allocation. The maintenance agreement's funding model provides municipalities the flexibility to manage their own activities and costs. RECOMMENDATION: THAT this report titled "2014 County Road Maintenance Expenditures" be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted, Peter Dutchak Deputy Director of Engineering Services Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services 73 Approved for Submission, Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer r4 I 3 111 ` REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Sandra Poczobut, Manager of Programs and Community Development DATE: April 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Elgin County Library - Recent Programs, Partnerships and Activities INTRODUCTION: The Elgin County Library is pleased to present to Council an overview of recent and upcoming programs, partnerships, and activities being implemented through the Library. DISCUSSION: This report provides information about the growing number of strategic partnerships and programs being implemented by Elgin County Library staff, both county -wide and at the branch level. Programs - In February, branches promoted reading with the "Love your Library" winter reading program. Patrons were encouraged to fill out a "valentine" stating why they love the library. The valentines were displayed in branch, and later aggregated to gather passive qualitative data. Key words from each entry were put into a database to create a visual analytic; a "word cloud" that identifies words with higher frequency. Quality of staff interactions appeared as one of the most frequent positive comments. - Elgin County Library successfully implemented specialized March break activities that drew over 2,100 patrons across the county during the week of March 15 - March 21, 2015. With the support of strong on -line marketing, in branch activation, and a positive article in local media, patrons were encouraged to tour the county to visit multiple branches for programming. - The 2014 - 2015 CAS Youth Internship program came to a close on March 31st, 2015. The 2015 - 2016 CAS Youth Internship will run from August 2015 - March 2016; hiring for 8 intern positions will occur in June. - 3D printing technologies will be implemented in May in Aylmer as a result of funding from the estate of Dorothy Fay Palmer estate as part of the Aylmer "Maker Space ". Branches across the county are implementing low barrier technology into programs for youth and maker focused activities. Examples include Maker Mondays at Port Stanley, and Crafter -Noons at Aylmer. 74 Partnerships Over the past several months, Elgin County Library has partnered with various community organizations to support programming and foster more community development and collaboration. - Elgin Children's Network — Elgin County Library has been identified as a key stakeholder in helping to support the development of a community plan for Child and Family Services, as well as an Aboriginal Plan. As of February, 2015 the Manager of Programs and Community Development has been the Elgin County representative at planning meetings. - St. Thomas Elgin Local Immigration Partnership (STELIP) — Elgin County Library has identified STELIP as a key community partner and the Manager of Programs and Community Development currently sits on the STELIP board to identify potential programming and funding partnerships. - West Elgin Community Health Centre — Elgin County Library has partnered with WECHC to implement a mobile book delivery service, "Books 2 Go ". Currently the project is in the early stages of implementation and prospective users of the service are being aggregated and identified. - Elgin Workforce Development Committee (Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board) — The committee has identified Elgin County Library as a key access point for employment information, internet access, and the development of soft and hard skills through programming. Social Media The Library continues to define its social media strategy and increase social media presence leveraging social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Social media plays a key role in developing on -line presence, leveraging community networks, and establishing thought leadership. The library has begun to aggregate information between individual branch social media channels, and establish best practices and social media training for staff. Upcoming and Recent Events - National Film Week — April 29th to May 2nd — Elgin County Library participated in the first annual mini Canadian Film Festival in partnership with STELIP, St. Thomas Library, North Side Neighbourhood Hub, Port Stanley Festival Theatre and The Talbot Teen Centre. Five Canadian films that feature themes of inclusivity were shown for free to the public at various locations. The project is part of a national initiative through "Reel Canada" that focuses on promoting Canadian film. The opening night of the festival took place at the Port Stanley Theatre with a reception at the Port Stanley Library on April 29th, 2015 — National Canadian Film Day. 75 - Creative Aging Awareness Week — June 1st — 7th — Elgin County Library will be celebrating Creative Aging week with a series of workshops aimed at promoting creativity and wellness to seniors. Currently the Library is recruiting artist volunteers and connecting with London's Creative Aging Network to support planning. - Maker Space Activities - The Library is planning a Maker Space open house in Aylmer in the coming weeks to introduce the public and media to the new Maker Space equipment. The open house will engage the community in use of the space through 3D printing demonstrations and opportunities for patrons to interact with the new technology. CONCLUSION: The Elgin County Library is pleased to present to Council recent programs, projects and activities as implemented through the 10 library branches. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Elgin County Library — Recent Programs, Partnerships and Activities" dated April 7, 2015 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Sandra Poczobut Manager of Library Programming and Community Development Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services 76 PROGRAMS, PARTNERSHIPS & ACTIVITIES Win r Reading Program vow- ranch . _.tivated with a popula program pairing readers with various boo s sac rrfi ; C cud Information was aggregated into quantitative data. 80 iv ; Hrch i )c ,, r\ Port Stanley branch had an influx of patrons attending the dynamic programs. 81 MEIN MIME March Break sa d {; programming a all 1 _attracting families from;, v rictus parts of the Coun vi i =. . 20 ■ -out[ Intern -"rim Elgin The CAS Interns blogged about technology, created unique Cyber Camps for kids, and helped many patrons with technology needs. 83 4] Mondays/ 1 pip yr* 4t A 1 84 Rte = •A-+lY "i<p'�ati= C R A FI E R - N OON S - Every Tuesav from 4 -6 pm r pr-i ist: 1 Science nce Earth try C fun -fib hY3 Arrow Chi 'y New Partnerships West Elgin Community Rea tth Centre Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board ST. THOMAS ELGIN Local immigration Partnership Buildmg t:orrog, and inclusive C.:(Intrnurfitic7s, New partnerships have been established, growing the network of services and information that can be delivered through libraries. Commission de planification et developpement de la main d'-ffuvre d'Elgin„ Middlesex et Oxford 85 lid ::n%Network Social Media Jen •IE•t7aary Timeline About Pletotore Likes Social Media presence is growing and having an direct impact of patron engagement. Twitter: @LibrElginCounty r_tgin Facebook: www.facebook.com/elgincounty library Ea create ca_to-Acten Snare -0,-,:ifaeip,„ r',1 es s ag DSC El THIS WEEK THHereeree,--,-F,T 1 838 i! ountvLibra ry 332 42 379 355 Tweets Tweets & replies Photos & Videos Twitter "Tweeting" enables the establishment of thought leadership in the Library space, as well as an opportunity to connect, network, and interact with various local, and national organizations. REEL CANADA colkt.E1.1._:A....INADA, Apr 22 #0hGanada indeedt1 .l.±FiblinCourity library is #canfilm ready" . cdrififrn 4arts tl Kristen Ungar @KrissyBU - Opt 15 @LbFEiginCOUnty There is an URGENT need for blood donorsl TODAY St Thomas Timken Arena until 8pm. bilood_cd please RT 87 Our Spnngfierd Branch s ready for #Nat[oharFamDay lcalthenfb (raIREELCANADA We have d[scovered so many amaz[ng fi[msi EiginCountyLibrary The Dutton Branch Knitter Club is making a difference sending these to St.Thomas Second Stage Housing. ecen lecenk art Library participation in National Canadian Film week created community collaboration. Over 80 participants joined for a I celebration of diversity and Canadian film at the Port Stanley, Aylmer and Dutton Branches. and Elgin County Opening Night The Snow Walker Wednesday April 29th Reception 5'30 / Movie 6:30 pm 'ort Stanley Theater • 302 Bridge Street 'iutn s Ma ht For more information and details ?lease go to stelip ca nu 1C Upcoming �� = Creative Aging Awareness Week REATIVE IIN WARENHSS E H 2015 89 This event will bring creative programming and partnerships to branches during the first week of June with a focus on creativity in retirement years. l 1 ncorrl i ng -v- - _ _ , Aylmer Maker Space Thursday May 28th, 2015 - OPEN HOUSE With thanks to the Dor• y Palmer Estate new technology is being implemented into the _Aylmer Branch to create a Maker Space to be used for youth specific programmin•. 90 �irlhr� %llll%yy�_ Ire' Atnoe REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: April 20, 2015 SUBJECT: Library Software Regional Partnership Update INTRODUCTION: In January 2015, Council authorized a regional partnership with London Public Library and St. Thomas Public Library for the implementation of Sierra library services platform provided by Innovative Interfaces. The product is to be implemented by the end of 2015. This report provides Council with an update on progress to date. DISCUSSION: The contract with Innovative Interfaces for the Sierra platform has received legal review and has now been signed by both parties. St. Thomas Public Library (STPL) has also signed a similar agreement. Staff are in the final phases of concluding a hosting agreement with London Public Library (LPL). Under the agreement, the software and any patron / item data will be hosted on LPL's servers. LPL will provide necessary support and upgrades as required in exchange for a reasonable hosting fee of approximately $6,000 per annum for a five year agreement with a renewal clause. This cost was incorporated in the budget figures presented to Council in the January report which were subsequently approved in the 2015 budget. The hosting agreement with LPL addresses matters such as the County's obligation to remain in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, liability for data breaches and service level expectations. LPL staff have successfully completed a performance test on the new product in partnership with County IT staff to confirm that the County's information technology network has the capacity to run the new system effectively. The many functional benefits of the new system were outlined in the January report. The completion of the hosting agreement now confirms that the regional partnership with LPL and STPL is on track for completion by the end of 2015. A further benefit of this partnership is the fact that Western University's library system also uses the Sierra system and has a partnership in place with LPL for mutual access. This means that both Elgin County Library and STPL will be able to quickly access search results from Western's library. Furthermore, alumnae will be able to review holdings directly. In effect, this creates a "smart zone" of library integration in the region. It should also be mentioned that Middlesex County Library will be establishing an agreement with Innovative for the Sierra product, although Middlesex will not be participating in the hosting arrangement with LPL. Nevertheless, the possibility of further integration and reciprocity with Middlesex exists down the road as a result of their move to this product. 91 CONCLUSION: Next phases in the project involve installation of the software on a dedicated server at London Public Library, followed by data extract, analysis and mapping. Extensive staff training will take place as early as summer 2015, and a "go- live" date will then be announced by the end of 2015. This will include a launch event involving members of Council and representatives of the other libraries. Staff will continue to keep Council informed as this exciting project progresses. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Library Software Regional Partnership Update" dated April 20, 2015 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald Director of Community and Cultural Services Chief Administrative Officer 92 �irlhr� %llll%yy�_ Ire! Atnoe REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: April 17, 2015 SUBJECT: Provincial Support of Library On -Line Resources INTRODUCTION: The Province of Ontario's funding contribution that supports on -line library resources is currently under examination for renewal. This report recommends that County Council send a letter to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport to renew funding for these valuable resources. DISCUSSION: The Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is currently assessing renewal of funding for on -line library resources beyond 2015. These resources have been funded by the province since 2012 through the Southern Ontario Library Service and include several of the library's most popular offerings such as Ancestry, Career Cruising, Canadian Points of View and Novelist. The in -kind value of these resources to the library is at least $20,000 per year and many would otherwise be beyond the capacity of the library to maintain without provincial support. The full list of resources currently supported by the Province can be viewed at the following link, specifically the tier 1 (Core Suite) listing: http: //w .sols.orq /index.php/ share - collaborate /e- resources - and -e- collections. CONCLUSION: The initial three year- funding cycle for these resources is now coming to an end, making it a strategic time to let the province know how well used and valuable these resources are to the library and its patrons. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Warden on behalf of Council issue a letter of support to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport with copies to the Minister of Finance and the Southern Ontario Library Service to ensure on -going funding for provincially supported on -line resources of the Elgin County Library in light of their usage and value to the public. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald Director of Community and Cultural Services Chief Administrative Officer 93 r4 I 3 111 ` REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh, Director of Financial Services DATE: April 23, 2015 SUBJECT: First Quarter Budget Performance INTRODUCTION: Attached is the budget comparison for the County through March 2015 with year -to -date performance of $146,000 favourable. DISCUSSION: Highlights of the budget performance as shown on the attachment are as follows: Line 16 — Corporate Services: better than budgeted by $22,000 primarily due legal expenses. Line 18 — Homes for Seniors: favourable performance to budget of $84,000 predominately in wages and benefits. Line 25 — Ec. Dev & Planning: better than budgeted by $27,000 primarily due Planning revenues. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "First Quarter Budget Performance" dated April 23, 2015 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 County of Elgin Income Statement As of March 31, 2015 YTD Current Month Actual Perform. Actual Perform. Revenue Expenses Net Net Revenue Expenses Net Net Total Total TAXES (6,920,129) 9,723 (6,910,406) 0 (6,920,129) 9,723 (6,910,406) 0 INTEREST CHARGES & INCOME (12,506) - (12,506) (3,897) (2,086) - (2,086) 2,086 SOCIAL SERVICES - ST. THOMAS - - - - - - - - HEALTH UNIT - 242,481 242,481 1 - 242,481 242,481 1 GRANTS - 303,989 303,989 1,000 - - - 1,000 RENTAL INCOME (59,943) - (59,943) - (19,981) - (19,981) - PROPERTY ASSESSMENT - 181,502 181,502 0 - - - - ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP FUN (301,075) - (301,075) 150 - - - - PROJECTS - 60,679 60,679 1 - 20,966 20,966 0 - - - (0) - - - 0 Total Corporate (7,293,653) 798,374 (6,495,279) (2,745) (6,942,196) 273,169 (6,669,027) 3,088 WARDEN AND COUNCIL - 99,314 99,314 11,122 - 45,996 45,996 1,488 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 85,668 85,668 3,244 - 30,241 30,241 388 FINANCIAL SERVICES - 118,913 118,913 4,288 - 42,402 42,402 1,050 HUMAN RESOURCES (12,914) 118,537 105,623 2,088 (10,482) 40,074 29,592 452 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (81,380) 146,224 64,844 1,174 (27,596) 52,587 24,992 1,175 CORPORATE SERVICES (5) 413,603 413,598 21,984 - 16,403 16,403 9,125 ENGINEERING SERVICES (167,823) 1,005,471 837,648 (4,974) (35,630) 424,649 389,020 3,115 HOMES FOR SENIORS SERVICES (4,413,040) 4,687,436 274,396 83,887 (1,523,028) 1,684,948 161,919 8,953 MUSEUM /ARCHIVES (2,403) 102,588 100,185 2,229 (596) 26,488 25,892 401 LIBRARY SERVICES (40,488) 525,887 485,399 (4,654) (8,453) 216,532 208,080 (999) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (16,765) 157,112 140,347 2,781 (8,529) 62,421 53,893 597 PROVINCIAL OFFENSES (293,664) 281,043 (12,621) (3,358) (1,188) 215,783 214,594 (3,358) COLLECTIONS - POA (193,758) 187,846 (5,912) 1,778 (196,619) 187,846 (8,773) 4,639 AMBULANCE & EMERGENCY SERVICES (1,451,946) 2,310,352 858,406 (117) (540,132) 771,363 231,231 (399) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM (118,389) 216,121 97,732 27,103 (19,501) 61,989 42,488 7,555 Total Departmental (6,792,576) 10,456,116 3,663,540 148,575 (2,371,754) 3,879,723 1,507,969 34,181 Total (14,086,229) 11,254,490 (2,831,739) 145,830 (9,313,951) 4,152,892 (5,161,058) 37,269 J: \Common \Finance \Monthly Performance \Financial Services \Summary Report 95 23/04/2015 8:31 AM r4 I 3 111 ` REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rhonda L. Duffy, Director of Homes and Seniors Services DATE: April 22, 2015 SUBJECT: Homes - Terrace Lodge Safety Modifications INTRODUCTION: Resident safety and security continues to be of the utmost importance and priority in the County Homes. DISCUSSION: Staff has identified two areas which could pose a potential risk to the safety and security of the residents of the home and are recommending remedies to ensure the residents well- being. The second floor mezzanine at Terrace Lodge could pose a safety concern given its half wall and openness to the main floor. Staff has temporarily installed a safety fence and has obtained a quote to construct a permanent structure. The cost is estimated at $7,515. The second area involves elevator access to the lower level. Staff is recommending the installation of a key pad which would limit unauthorized access to the lower level. Key pad installation for the elevator is estimated at $7,000. There are funds in the amount of $15,000 in the capital budget that could be reallocated to cover the cost of the recommendations. CONCLUSION: Ensuring the on -going safety of the residents in the County Homes continues to be first priority for staff. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Council authorize the reallocation of capital funds for the purchase and installation of safety measures for Terrace Lodge; and, THAT staff report back to Council upon completion of the safety measures. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rhonda L. Duffy Director of Homes and Seniors Services Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer 96 igint Atnoe REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rob Bryce, Director of Human Resources DATE: April 22, 2015 SUBJECT: Human Resources Policy 12.100 (Payments on Retirement) INTRODUCTION: Human Resources staff is seeking County Council's approval of changes to Human Resources Policy 12.100 which currently provides for, among other things, invitations to retirees to attend the annual Warden's Banquet. The details of this change are provided below. DISCUSSION: On April 14, 2015, County Council approved changes to the Warden's Banquet that would introduce for 2015 a more personal and intimate gathering. The revised Warden's Dinner creates an opportunity for the Council to recognise the contributions of the current and past Wardens in a less structured manner and with a smaller list of invited guests. One unintended consequence of this change has been an impact on HR Policy 12.100. Under this current policy, current years' full time retirees with five (5) or more years of service as of their date of retirement receive two (2) invitations to attend the next Warden's Banquet (now Dinner). This report suggests that invitations no longer be provided to retirees consistent with the agreed upon changes made by Council that a smaller gathering be assembled. CONCLUSION: Based on the intent of the revised Warden's Dinner format, it is recommended that HR Policy 12.100 be amended to discontinue the practice of inviting retirees to the dinner. All other provisions of the policy, including the nominal retirement allowance and invitation to County Council for acknowledgement of one's contribution to the County, shall remain in place. A revised policy, showing the change is attached. RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council approve the fore - mentioned recommended change to Human Resources Policy 12.100 All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rob Bryce Mark G. McDonald Director of Human Resources Chief Administrative Officer 97 County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Code - FT Page 1 of 1 Section: 12 Subject: Payments on Retirement Policy Number: 12.100 Date Approved: June 17/87 Date Last Revision: Jan. 1/11 May 12/15 Retiring full -time employees with more than five (5) years of service as of date of retirement will receive a retirement allowance, calculated at $10.00 per year of service. All retiring full -time employees with five (5) or more years of service as of their date of retirement will be invited to County Council in the month preceding retirement. Warden's Banquet. 98 CORRESPONDENCE — May 12, 2015 Items for Consideration — (Attached) 1. St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce Mem Building Fund Contribution Option. 3ership Inv ce for 2015-2016 with a 2. Tammy Sikma, Manager of GIS, County of Peterborough, with a resolution seeking support for the Province of Ontario to maintain and continue the current imagery update cycle and renew the Ontario Imagery Strategy beyond 2017, 3, Randy Hope„ Mayor„ Municipality of Chatham-Kent requesting a $20,000 interim payment to move the ,SVVIFT project forward by completing the technical and outreach work which will help compete tie business plan. 99 'St: S- twiLs 0111 trier C 411 00110 0 0040, 0 M 0 invoice 11:5 - 300 FaDdtile Edgewere Faced ! - ! - ,.„F • t, Therreee ON F Date !I IlInvoice D! 'i NSF) 4 IL 'I i 07/04/2015 ,, 60338 . •,.., Orivoice 111i) Corporation of the County of Ow 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON NS SV1, 1100„, INta • Terne Dee Date Dec • D relict Due on recewt Dascrigkiert hilembership for 2015-201,6 for Non-Profit OrganIzation icip to 3 contacti) Expire: April 30, 2016 Builchng Fund tOptona0 FIST (ON) on sales GS771-18T Na 1042886 07/04/2015 i,00000000000000000000IIIIIIII Payment may b made b cash,, cheque or credit card, Toted, 519-63 -1981 519-031-0466 Edam swameielthomeschamkr„on,,ce 100 0.01 R 180.00 180.00 25.00 1100% ymentsiCredits E a Due 25.00 23A0 522840 $228.40 I Note About the Chamber of Commerce Building Fund Our members have decided to work toward a new home for the Cha berl Since 1995, as the result of a vote by members at the Chamber's Annual General Meeting, we have asked all registerec Members to voluntarily support a special reserve fund with an annual donation toward creating new, long-term home for the Chamber. When membership invoices are issued, we invite contributions scaled according to the size of each business. Contributions range from $25 to $100, but are welcomed in any amount. Any contribution made by your business is fully tax exempt as a tax-deductible business expense. At the end of our last fiscal year - August 31, 2014 - contributions from member-businesses and interest totaled $264,347.80. Our goal this year is to add $12,000. The Chamber will continue to ask members to support the project until your Board of Directors finds sufficient funds raised to acquire and furnish a site while keepi g mortgage and operating expenses at an affordable level. When our goal is reached we will be able to expand, again, the variety of programs, services and benefits available to each and every member, 101 Budding FIll d Questions Answers When wiH the 1Chamber make a move? Our goal is to make a change whenever we can afford to. Occupancy costs, interest rates, available locations . and the lease on our present space are all considerations, Is the Chamber working to build a "new" building? No decision has been made to build a new structure or renovate an existing one. Your Chamber's Board of Directors will act in the best overall interest of the membership when time cornes to decide. Location, value and service to IViembers will he critical. What about housing other services or organizations? That's a very real possibility. Many community services, and the Chamber itself, could benefit from sharing space and equipment but any plan must not place the Chamber in position of high risk or liability. For example, a government-funded service may make an ideal tenant as long as funding is in place. What position would the Chamber be in if funding were cut? Who determined the donation amount on my invoice? Your neighbors] When the membership adopter the Building Fund it was agreed that requests would vary according to the size of each rviember-business. Those with up to 50 employees are asked to give $25 each year, 51 to 250 employees $50, and those with 251 or more, $1.00, What's in it for me and other Members? Members have clearly told us that a visible, accessible spot to serve Members, welcorne guests, promote the community and display/distribute inforrnation is a must. Beyond that, we're watching and learning from the experience of other Chamber offices, and listening to needs identified by our volunteers, committee members, Member-businesses and staff. 102 County of Peterborough Our Kstory,, Your FLItUI Geographic Information Systems GIS) Tammy Sikma Manager or GS County Cool House 470 Water Street Peterborough, ,OnterJo KIM 3M3 P. (705) 743-0380 ext 346 rij 1-800.710.9586 Fax: ,(705 876-1730 tsikmag Doonty.peterborough.on,ca www,counly, peter rboi oug Itorp.0 April 14, 2015 The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier Legislative Bldg, Rm, 281 Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 The Honourable Bill Mauro Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 99 Wellesley Street West Roorn 6630, Sixth Floor, Whitney Block Toronto, Ontario WA, 1W3 Paula Reid Assistant Deputy Minister — Corporate Management & nfoniiatton Division Whitney Block, 6th Fir, Rm 6540 99 Wellesley St. W. Toronto, ON MTh 1W3 Dear Premier Wynne: Re. Ontario Imagery Strategy 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010111,101010101010101010101NONIOINO111161,11N16.1,1 At the April 1, 2015 meeting of the Council of the County of Peterborough approved the attached staff report and passed the following resolution: 13e it resolved that County Council has realized the value of aerial imagery projects collected undler the leadership of Land information Ontario (L10), a program of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (IVINPRF), in 2002, 2008, and 2013; Now therefore be it resolved that a letter be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), and the Assistant Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry —Corporate Management and information Division expressing the County's support for the Province to maintain and continue the current imagery update cycle and renew the Imagery Strategy beyond 2017; and, Further be it resolved that this report be sent to the member municipalities of the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus (EOWC) and the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus (VVOVVC), and other rural Councils that have been involved in these projects requesting their endorsement of the same, 103 Thank you for considering this request, Should you wish to discuss this matter further, pease do not hesitate to contact. me, Respectfully, Tammy Sikma Manager of GlIS Encl. (11) Cc; Andy Brown, CAO, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Gary King, CAO, County of Peterborough James Hepburn, Acting CAO, Prince Edward County Jennifer Moore, Acting CAO, Northu iberland County Jim Hutton, CAO, County of Renfrew Jim Pine, CAO, County of Hastings Jim Wilson, CAO, County of Haliburton Kelly Pender, CAO, Frontenac County Kurt Greaves, CAO, Lanark County Larry Keech, CAO, County of Lennox & Addington Mark Fishier, CAO, City of Kawartha Lakes Steohene Parisien, CAO, United Counties of Prescott and Russell Tim Simpson, CAO, Unhted Counties of Stomiont, Dundas, and Glengarry Don Shropshire, CAO, Municipality of Chatham-Kent Paul Emerson, CAO, County of Brant Kelley Coulter, CAO, Bruce County Sonya Pritchard, CAO, Dufferin County Mark McDonald, CAO, Elgin County Brian Gregg, CAO, County of Essex Derik Brandt, CAO, Grey County Brenda Orchard, CAO, Huron County Ron Van Horne, CAO, County of Lambton ill Rayburn, CAO, Middlesex County Keith Robicheau, CAO, Norfolk County Peter Crockett, CAO, Oxford County Bill Arthur, CAO, Perth County Mark Aitken, CAO, Shmcoe County Scott Wilson, CAO, Wellington County Michael Duben, CAO, District Municipality of Muskoka Stephen Kaegli, CAO, Township of the Archipelago Suzanne Klatt, CAO, Township of South Algonquin Donald Boyle, CAO, Haldima,nd County The County of Peterborough County Counciq To: Warden and Members af Council From: Tammy Sikma, Manager of GIS Date: April 1,2015 Subject: Ontario Imager.®y Strategy Recommendation: Whereas County Council has realized the value of aerial imagery projects collected under the leadership of Land Information Ontario (L10)„ a program of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), in 2002, . 2008, and 2013, Now therefore be it resolved that a letter be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), and the Assistant Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry — Corporate Management and Information Division expressing the County's support for the Province to maintain and continue the current imagery update cycle and renew the Imagery Strategy beyond 2017; and, Further be it resolved that this report be sent to the member municipalities of the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus (EDWC), and the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus (WOWC), and other rural Councils that have been involved in these projects requesting their endorsement of the same,. Financial impact None Overview: Since 2002, the County has participated in three Province-led, multi-agency, public-private sector partnerships that have provided the County and Townships with complete recurring aerial photo coverage (2002, 2008, 2013), These images are available to all County and Township staff as well as the public as a backdrop to all of the mapping data available on the County's web-GIS sites. Aerial photos can include any photographs taken from the air. Images, used by municipalities are typically taken vertically (directly down from the plane) from a fixed-wing aircraft, using a high-precision digital camera system flying low-level parallel grid patterns to ensure complete coverage across the landscape, Images are taken with a significant overlap between flight 105 Page 2 lines to create stereo imagery that can be viewed in 3D, used to generate elevation data, and required to create ortho photos or orthoimagery. Ortho photos are the raw aerial photos that have been processed to precise coordinates in order to remove distortion and "register the final image (ortho-photo) directly on the ground, to an accuracy of 50 cm, In 2012, the Ontario Government committed to a 5-year Imagery Strategy to complete aerial photo IAA I, MIVil 16 projects across Southern and portions of Northern Ontario each year between 2013 - 2017, (V. inclusive Project areas are large (35,000 —45,000 sq km) to take advantage of savings due to longer flight lines, processing contracts, multi-year contracts, etc. With this commitment half-completed, it is important to ensure that the Province is aware of the Importance of continuing this valuable, cost- sharing program Figure 1: Ontario inuagcry Strategy 2011-2017, know Cro,fil, l'refigc.r In 2013, the County acquired 6,000 sq km of imagery through SCOOP (South Central Ontario Orthophotography Project, see Fig 1), at a cost of $19,962. A blended funding model (Fig 2) calculated the sq km cost of imagery based on total orders to provide equally affordable pricing along the urban Hwy 401-corridor and remote rural portions of the Canadian Shield. SCOOP 201 3 Acquisition Cost: $943K S "13,496 $3,000 $52,073 1.4%- — 0.3% 5,5% $62,590 389,539 — 95% $)364,952 $122„214 — 13.1% -- $235,432 25,0% Participants MI :11 ()clod o Pu 5'1»,dice.) f1111100000 117 PfiVate Sector 1u pal (I 3) NG 0 (3) Federal INarflons SUL)3(liptiOns (3,1 Figu re 2: ,Partner tiare of SCOOP 2013 ion,ogery ooquisition, 106 Page 3 The SCOOP costs for the County-acquired coverage without partner support were $157,592 (Table 1), providing the County with 87,3% in savings. It is also important to note that the cost to fly this area independent of any partnerships would be higher due to greater gas consumption from shorter flight lines / more frequent turning and full-cost administration, setup, and processing costs, The current market value for a County of Peterborough project is estimated at $250,000 — 300,000, or 12,5 — 15 times what was spent through SCOOP, While each of the three public-private partnership projects led by the MNR,F's Land Information Ontario (L110) that the County has participated in si ce 2002 (Table 1) have used different funding models and have delivered different products as clior copyright entitlements, the savings in each has been substantial. The total spent to date for all three orthophcto projects combined is less, than the cost of the least expensive project without partnership savings,. Without these cost-saving programs, the County's ability to pay for imagery would be much more strained., possibly limiting the frequency of the update cycle., Table 1: Costs of Province- ad, Nittitt-Scctor imagery Projects itiviag th County of' Peterborough Project County Without Partnership Percent Shared Partners Savings Saved Cost Cost GTA 2002 $49„927 $1,120,924 $1,070„997 95.5% DRAPE 2008 $20,674 $145,635 $124,961 85.8% SCOOP 2013 $19,962 $157,592 $137,630 87.3% ....,......_,....n.„„„,„, , TOT,iett. $90,663 $1,424151 $1,333,588 93.6% The benefits of regularly acquiring high-resolution (2,0cm pixel) aerial imagery (Fig 3 & Fig 4) are varied and cover the interests of the County, Ilocal municipalities, and the general public. Examples include: Change detection between imagery years Review of land-use planning applications By-Law enforcement Identifying andfor realigning map features such as roads, bridges, storm sewer catchbasins, building footprints Base mapping Creation of elevation models Municipal revenue from the sales of imagery Providing a connection between planar mapping and real-world understanding 107 Page 4 ..1.e Figurc 1iricry Lakcri ol Oak 0 -dta.1„..1 sl :b.-division In 20(12_ 20118, 201 3. Figur-v. 4: 'Detailed 07201'3 ini Analysi : Rural municipalities in Eastern Ontario„ such as the County of Peterborough and its local municipalities, have benefittA greatly from the Warta governments leadership and partnership in multi-sector a'e..ia.1 imagery collection projects. Those municipalities cover large areas comprised of modest populations and would not be ab• to afford the costs on their own, The County of Peterborough shares the orthophctos collected through these projects with staff at the County and loud municipalities„ as well as the general public, via our web-GS. Imagery is often the first layer turned on when examining the lay of the and and regular updates are nccdcd to show the current, and changing, state of land-use. 108 Page 5 Regardless of the project year, participating municipalities have realized significa t cost- savings, while retaining licensing permissions to use, sell, and share a full suite of imagery products, In the DRAPE (Digital Raster Acquisition Project East) projects that took place in 2008 & 2014, EOWC municipalities spent approximately $330,000 and realized partnership, savings in excess of $2,5 million, Similarly, the 2006 & 2010 SWOOP (South Western Ontario Orthoimagery Project) partnerships cost participating WOWC municipalities approximately $1 million, while leveraging over $2,8 million in sired savings. Differences in spending were the result of the contract values, the number of partners, and the size/extent of each project, As the Province prepares to consider the future of funding this, program, it is important that past-partners advocate, for the benefits and express their ongoing need for such programs, Recommendation: Whereas County Council has realized the value of aerial imagery projects collected under the leadership of Land Information Ontario (L110), a division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNIRF), in 2002, 200,8, and 2013, Now therefore be it resolved that a letter be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister cif Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), and the Assistant Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry — Corporate Management and Information Division expressing the County's support for the Province to meintain and continue the current imagery update cycle and renew the Imagery Strategy beyond 2017, and, Further be it resolved that this report be sent to the member municipalities of the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus (EOVVC) and the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus (A/0\NC) , and other rural Councils that have been involved in these projects requesting their endorsement of the same, Respectfully submitted, Original signed by Tammy Sikma Manager of GS 109 May 1,2015 1,11,INN, 11,11, 11,01,11(0 Dear WOWC Members and Colleagues, SWIFT Initiative The SWIFT project is making good progress and we are seeing increasing interest and support from both inside and outside the WOWC region. The project has not yet received funding from the provincial and federal governments but discussions are ongoing and continue to be positive. There is a requirement to continue with both technical and outreach work from now until the time the project is funded. Unfortunately, the funds currently available to the SWIFT project is not sufficient to cover this work. On the technical side the project tea, has been requested to provide, additional information to MEDEI with respect to the funding application that is currently being reviewed. 'Minister Duguid indicates in a recent letter that he sees great potential in the project and believes it can provide significant economic benefit to Southwestern Ontario. He identifies a number of areas requiring more detailed analysis. This is in line with what was required for the Eastern Ontario Regional Network project and is reasonable, From an outreach perspective, the SWIFT Steering Committee„ made up of representatives from each WOWC member, identified the need for a more detailed and comprehensive communications strategy, This strategy needs to target all stakeholders to ensure everyone is receiving a clear anc standardized message about the value of the project. To ensure sufficient funds are available to move the project forward and to complete the additional technical and outreach work, I am requesting each WOWC member forward $20,000 of the 2015 SWIFT project contribution as soon as possible,. This is not an additional amount but an interim payment. know many municipalities have included funds in the 2015 budget but are waiting to release them until the business plan is available for review. The additional technical and outreach work will help complete the business plan and assist the Province, with the funding application decision, 110 .1„ia0,15 The SWIFT project supports the revitalization of Southwestern Cntaric"s economy and positions our communities to successfully cornpete and participate in the global arena through innovation, creativity and connectivity. Your ongoing support is important and help us get one step closer to our collective goal, Yours truly, Randy R, Hope, Mayor Municipality of Chatham-Kent rj Co-im1,11): Coito-LiGr 11-- 111 CORRESPONDENCE — May 12, 2015 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) — (Attached) M. Casavecchia- Somers, Chief Administrative Officer /Clerk, Township of Malahide with resolution regarding the relocation of students from Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School to Port Stanley Public School. Hon. Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, responding to Council's concerns regarding Ontario's Pollinator Health Strategy. Hon. Bill Mauro, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, with response to Elgin County's Phragmites australis concerns. J. Bee Oke, with thank you note to Director of Community and Cultural Services, commending the John Kenneth Galbraith Reference Library staff for their pleasant and efficient service. Media Release from St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital re: Decentralized Patient Registration Process. Norma I. Bryant, Clerk, The Municipality of West Elgin with resolution re: Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG). Hon. Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy, announcing intention to proceed with an Initial Public Offering of shares in Hydro One Inc. Media Release from MPP Jeff Yurek's office announcing the passing of "Ryan's Law ". Mayor Dan Mathieson & Stratford City Council with an invitation to "Sound of Music" performance at the Festival Theatre on Civic Night, Wednesday, June 24, 2015. 10. A thank you from the family of the late Hon. Fletcher S. (Tommy) Thomas for letter of support nominating Mr. Thomas into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame. 11. Vinothini Kajendran, Municipal Programs and Education Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a notice announcing the process for Ministers' and Parliamentary Assistants' Delegations at the AMO Combined Conference on August 16 — 18, 2015 in Niagara Falls. 12. Ontario Energy Board Notice to Customers of Union Gas Limited. 112 John Sire& S the T Aylmor ON IN51-12C3 Telephone: 5119T.773-5344 Fax: 519,773.5334. www.nolIahidexu A proud tradition, a bright future. NSH 1 Po/ 11111k 111,p,0 11111111 1,1,1■1110,11,1po'ol.111,11,', Imo iiih,,y11,1111 April 10, 2315. County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St, Thomas, Ontario / N5R 5V1 And: IIVIunicipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St, Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 D„. P.TIOVA r Pk 6 ZOO 1 ADOINISTR4111 SE:n1ICEr Dear S RE: Relocation of Students, The Malahicle TOW ship Council passed the following Resolution on April 9, 2015: THAT resolutions of the County of Elgin and the Municipality of Central Elgin regarding relocation of students from Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School to the Port Stanley Public School be supported. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you require any further information or documentation. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHODE - M. CASAVECCHIA-SOMERS, CMM ffl Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk 113 Ministry of Agriculture, Fond and Rural Affairs Office of the Minister 77 Grenvil[e Street, 11' Floor Toronzo, Or1erio1M7A 1B3 TuI 1416) 326-3074. r: 14161 326..3083 APR 3 20115 Mr, Paul Ens Warden Elgin County 450 Sunset Drive St, Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Warden Ens. Minlistere de l'Agriculture, de rAlimentatlan et des Affaires rumbas Bureau do ministre 77, rue Grenville, 11" dAtmo Toronto ,Ont Ho M7A 1B3 TeL (4161 326-3074, Tetec. t416) 326-3063 Ontario. !?21.■,) . 11'!"' tA 4 APR 5 2:445 : Thank you fo haring Elgin CO Arity Council's resolution and for offering suggestions regarding 0 tario's Pollinator Health Strategy. I have shared your letter with ministry staff for their information and I am pleased to let you know how Ontario's government is approaching this important matter, Ontario's ,economy is driven by a strong agricultural sector — a sector that counts on pollinators to be productive. To support pollinators, our government is developing a comprehensive Pollinator Health Strategy, This strategy takes into consideration the needs of farmers, heekeepers and all Ontarians. Part of the Strategy includes a proposed regulation regarding the use of neonicotinoid- treated corn and soybean seed, available until May 7, 2015 for public comment on Ontario's Environmental Registry. The proposed regulation was developed with the advice of agricultural leaders and includes important principles which reflect the needs of farmers. It allows access to treated seed where there is a demonstrated need to address pest problems. It will be implemented over time and leaves testing for pests hi the hands of farmers during this period. Moving forward, feedback from agricultural stakeholders will be considered in developing appropriate audit procedures and pest detection protocols. We will also continue monitoring and supporting research with regard to pest management and pollinator health, ..12 Mi,nistry Headquarters: 1 Stone Road %Nos( Guelph, Ontario N'1G 4Y2 Good Things Grow in Colarto Bureau principal du, rolrilsiere: 1 Stone Road West Guelph (C)jlia) N1,G 1Y2 A Wane lorret bons produlls FoodlOnd - 2 - I encourage you to continue providing feedback and advice on the proposed regulation and the broader pollinator health strategy. Once again„ thank you for writing to me. Sincerely, Food and ur I Affairs 115 Ministry of Natural Miniatere des Richesses Resources and Forestry naturelies et des Fere Office of tho WPM for Bureau du afirdsfre Roorn 6630, '0,1hif1ey Neck 99 Wellesley Street 1Atef1 Turehte ON M A 1W3 'Tel] 416-8114-261 Fa 416.314,2216 Edifice V011'01.471, bureau 6639 99, ruo Vs,1011osley Odet4 Toronto f Ontario) 147A 1013 Teln; 419-914,2X1 TOI.Oc.; 416-514-2216 MAR 4 1.T5 Mr, Paul Ens Warden County of Elgin Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Dear Warden Ens: MNR5805MC-2015-3 2 Thank you for writing to my cabinet colleagues and me regarding Phragmites austral. The Government of Ontario shares your concerns regareing the threat that Phragmites poses to our natural resources and biodiversity, and to the economy of Ontario. Our government is taking action to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species such as Phragmites, On November 5, 2014, our government re-introduced Bill 37, the proposed Invasive Species Act, if passed, the act will help protect the province's naturol environment from invasive species and the significant social, environmental and economic costs they pose to Ontarians. Also, if passed, Ontario will be the first and only jurisdiction in Canada to enact stand-alone invasive species legislation. We undlerstand your concerns that land managers are limited in their ability to effectively control Phrag ites in areas with standing water due to the lack of registeredl pesticides for use over-water, Health Caned la's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PM 1 A) is responsible for the registration of new pesticide products in Canada. You need to direct your concerns about the organization and its process far review and evaluation of applications for new pesticides to the PMRA. Also, any questions you have about the us of scientific data from the United States' Environmental Protection Agency should be sent to the PMRA. suggest you contact Richard Aucoin, Executive, Director, PMRA, at 613-736-3701. Thank you for your letter, and your interest in invasive species. Sincerely, Bill Mauro Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry c: The Honourable Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Aural Affairs The Honourable Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change The Honourable Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport The Honourable Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation jeff Yurek, MPP, Elgin-Middlesex-London Joe Preston, MP, Elgin-Middlesex-London MAR 21 Zde CONY, Of Ei. 1401W SE 116 4'77 it/2 (Let' elz-C ,Ce /2 — E,,,,,tr ,,,,, „I ic.:,-,/' ( / ! I . ' i ' v....41...zri i',(. ) -1 /19 4eg2 e e.2'.2;n /r/ ,.,m,,e, „H74.or,4, ,t5:5t;21 a Ate 4 th li--- ,e .e, ,,,"-,,,,,.,6,,e, 7/;;..' r I '' ' ' - A 67-2:464'""I'Ci!'" -;:/:'"Z7'^te.ree,,,Z4,- ' KIT-Ped4t ,5I „le, IV 5c1,, .4.,41„,,,,,,e Y, , 4 -,Z11•44' e 41 — ,44 if 0A,4-X, 1 y'l V: ,-, ( l' '''' f , ' , 11 5 ) /, , :;24,14 54-- '' 1 LT 2,') -1-24`,14-c*,4 ", Kr-ea ;'-., e(/' - i ' 1 k cLe. 6"1 , at) „,, 0 e , , 4, e, 4,4' ,ife ,4_4', l ' 41,-, 0 -.0-/ a fc -ill 444446 ) "4,e4/2404, 1“- I ^ --4-1, 4,6,4,--67-r a, ,..,11 ez, , e-14 , f4 x "`"-) '12 /ie 44,7 ,p9 d r:rAV jett ,C,1 Ga ;127:5"iai, 14 ,1 ,. -^.. '• . ;44, t-12 e 1 1 7 4 SCIliomas EIghl MEDIA RELEASE April 28, 2015 For Immediate Re leas STEGH to decentralized patient registration process (St. Thomas, ON) — Beginning in early June, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH) wI move to a, decentralized patient registration process. Currently, all outpatients coming to STEGH enter the South Building and register at Outpatient Registration and then proceed to their point of care. Since implementing our current Outpatient Registration process, we have repeatedly heard from patients and families that they do not feel this process islpatient centred and that it can be difficult for some patients. to get easily to their point of care The decision to decentralize the patient registration process was made after careful consideration that involved feedback and input from patients, their families and OUT staff," says Tony a Sheldon, Chief Financial Officer, who also has oversight of Patient Registration. 'We are listening and this change will allow our patients to go directly to their point of care to register, Patients will be notified at the time of bookings where they are to go.'' The current central patient registry space will be re-purposed as STEGH's new Patient and Family Resource Centre (PFRC). This Centre will provide patients and families with health consumer information as well as information on community resources in Elgin 'County. "Having a centralized resource centre avoids duplication of patient education efforts and can service as support to many diverse departments within our hospital," explains Nancy Lawrence, Strategic Communication and Stakeholder Relations Lead. It will also provide a quiet, non- olinicai space for families to rest white waiting for their loved ones receiving care in hospital." STEGH's Patient Advisors will be volunteering in the PFRC to assist patients and families in accessing information and in wayfinding, -30- For more information, contact: Nancy Lawrence, Strategic Communications and Stakeholder Relations Lead, STEGH T: 519-631-2030,, ext. 2184 E: elaainericigstaaalToiicia 118 April 27, 2015 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attn: Warden Paul Ens PR 3 0 Oa Yof UM YE PERIM Dear Sir: RE: PUBLIC ACCOMODATION REVIEW GUIDELINES Please be advised that the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin passed the following resolution at their meeting held on April 23, 2015: DULY MOVED AND SECONDED RESOLVED that Council of the Municipality of West Elgin is in support of a resolution put forth by the County of Elgin regarding Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines, DISPOSITION: Carried Please circulate this letter, as you feel necessary. Yours truly, ("),) Norma I., ryant, Ho6BA, AMU Clerk 22413 Hoskins Line, Box 490, Rodney, Ontario I1&P2C0 Tel: (519) 785-0560 Fax: (519) 785-0644 Miistry of Energy Office of the Minister 41h Floor, Hears( Block 900 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 2E1 Tel: 416-327-6758 Fax: 416-327-6754 Mr. Paul Ens Warden County of Elgin Dear Warden Ens: inisterre de l'Energie Bureau du rnirdistre 4c ge, editicc Hear si 900, rue any Toronto ON M7A ,2E1 TC, 416 327-675 TeOec„ 416 327-6754 On April 15, 2015, the Ontario Gclvernment announced our intention to proceed with an Initial Public Offering of shares in Hydro One Inc. before the end of the current fiscal year. We further announced that Hydro One Brampton Networks Inc. would be merged with three other local distribution companies: Enersource Corporation, Horizon Utilities Corporation and PowerStream Inc These announcements are in response to advice from the Premier's Advisory Council on Government Assets, led by Ed Clark, As you know, the Council was tasked with finding ways to improve customer service and increase efficiencies in order to maximize the value of government assets and generate better returns for the people of Ontario. An amount equal to the net proceeds of the sale of Hydro One shares will be put in the Trillium Trust Our government's Moving Ontario Forward initiative commits nearly $29 billion over the next 10 years for investments in priority infrastructure projects, ineluding nearly $14 billion earmarked for outside the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area for investment in roads, bridges, transit and other critical infrastructure. The Trillium Trust will be an important, source of funding for this commitment, The Province will continue to be the largest shareholder in the new Hydro One, and the co pany's rates will continue to be regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). We are proposing new oversight powers for the OEB and the appointment of a dedicated Ombudsperson within the new Hydro One to further protect consumers, contain costs and ensure reliability of service. I want to assure those in Hydro One's service territory that the reliability and affordability of power is cur first priority, The sale of shares in Hydro One will not cause the price of electricity to rise and will not impact reliability of service. In fact, we agree with the Councils assessment that changes at Hydro One will unleash new efficiencies and innovation that will reduce costs and benefit consumers, also want to assure you that we remain committed to the transmission projects outlined in the 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan, including to Oar) for a new northwest Bulk Transmission Line west of Thunder Bay and to work with the federal government to connect remote northwestern communities 120 I want to draw your attention to the decision to merge Hydro One Brampton. The merger of four local distribution companies (LDCs) into a single, highly effective entity will create savings and efficiencies of scale that will benefit hundreds of thousands of households and create the second-largest LOC in the province. This is consistent with the recommendations of the Ontario Distribution Sector Review Panel and will hopefully serve, as a model for other LDCs. While 1 have been clear that our government will not force consolidation of municiipally-owned LDCs, !feel that further consolidation is in the best interests of the system and its customers, If you would like to review the Council's report, it is available at viony..2fitarlosalgoventaerin2renniers::4visoil-council-,govern rn nt-assets, Siinc,erely„ Bob Chiaretli Minister 121 From : cWi IH ain, Whitney" w hitn „ mc wi I im1qpc ola or g> Date: April 30, 2015 at :11:59 PM EDI"' Subject: NR Ryan's Law Passes!, April 2015 r iLitI11Cdi4tt argil ea s e: Rytm L ;sal' Passes! News: 'S PARK — This imorning in the Ontario Iiegislature with the support of all MPPs Law passed third and -final rending today and wi.H become law alter receiving royal assent"Today is an exciting day for myself and ll?„.yan's mom.., Sandra Gibbons. li bas been a long journey but the passing of this cominon sense piece of .legislati on will ensure all schools have standardized asthma policies. Going forward, the one in five asthmatic children in ()marl° can attend asthma-friendly schools. 1 want to take this opportunity to thank all IvIPPs, supporters, especially the ()lila:no „Lung Association, and Sandra GibbORS and her family for all their cominlitment, .hard work„ dedication and endorsements .for Ryan's Lcnv, With the passing of this hill it vil1 allow nIL students iii the province of Ontario to carry their relief inhalers on them while at sellool. It will inundate all schools, to develop comprehensive asthma policies to include strategies to help mitigate exposure to asthma triggers, regular trainin.g and education staff, and a communication plan for dissemination of infomilation on asthma toliiarcnts, pupils, and employees, This hill will ensure every child with asthma is protected no .m.alter where they go to school" 107 Yierek, ,A,11)P, .Elgin-Aliddlesex-Lontion. "lt is hard. to .find words to describe how 1 .feel with the passing of Ryan ,Low, Today holds a lot of entotion liar myself and .nry family with the passing of.'Ityon .'has been a long road to get here but it is a fecliny of relief to know that all schools will 'have standardized asthma policies across the province. This day means so ninch. to me and 1 want to thank everyone for their support and advocacy in helping me raise awareness about astlintai" - Sandra GibbOnS, Rya 11 ,114 OM "The ()mark) I„.ung Association congratulates IsAPII Jeff Yurek and all members of provincial parliumeiit .„for standing up for children with asthma.. We are privileged to have supported Sandra Gibbons along her Journey and to have played a role in the .formulation and passing Of R)/an s Law which will ensure that the 570,00) Otiltitrio children with 0sthma have a safe school enviroam.ent where they can learn and play." George ,P rem' denia nd CEO, On tar Llmg Association "It is essential that children. "with asthma have „ready access to potentiality life-saving asthma medications kvhile at school," said Dr. Robert Oliphant „ President & CIO of the i\sthrna Society of Cana.da. "About 20 chiklren di.ei every year in Canad.a..from asthina. „Ryoit'S. taw helps schools work wiih parents and their children to ensure safe access to asthma medications when and where they are required. There is no doubt that this new law will lessen the likelihood of a child, dying from an asthrna exacerbation NNillie in an Ontario — Dr, Hob phant, Preside/2i. (Mid CEO, ,4sthinu Society u-:(( iiiiiiinnickit 30 - Media Contact: Whitney Mc Will i am, P: 22-44-(74l 1E: wlattney„ntewtjjiam6h)e,ola.,or_g 122 vlford Mayor Dan Mathieson & Stratford City Council dn co-operati n with the Stratford Festival Are pleased to invite Municipo, Staff, Officials and their families to 411 P t le Wednesday, June 24th, 2015 "Sound of Music" Festival Theatre 55 Queen Street, Stratford Performance: 8:00 p.m . ed Please Join us Eriot to the pert ormonee the Path' D. neck fillaratioe .1 beginning at 6:30 rton Stratford Festival is providing o generous ticket discount owl is offer-frig M Seating at $83.00 plus HST A Seating at $74 plus HST and 9 Seating at $66 plus HST and service charges . if you would like to attend Civic Night, please reserve your tickets directly with the Festivol by contacting the Box Office co 1400-567-1600 and provide the representative with the Promotion Code 60006. Your ticket request wgt be processed and mailed directly to you or held ot the ox Office to be picked up within 30 days of the ,performance Additional information on the production and cast is civailable through he Stratford Festival's website at .1,y16rwratt2rOft,stry.:alst41:.„For more Information on OCCOMMotiutivfm,, restaurants and shopping, please' visit our website it www5 you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Pat Shantz, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor at 519-271-0250, ext. 236 or by email EgzarltziKstrpt6?rdconado„,,c, We look forward to Seejnv you on June 24th! Dan mathleson, Mayor Office of the Warden, Elgin County, 450 Sunset Road, St. Thomas, Ontario NISR 5V1. Dear Mr. Warden Ens, MAY 5 Zird Ati°41Y fai7:1 It is with thanks and sincere appreciation that we acknowledge your kind letter of support in the nomination of the late Hon. Fletcher S. (Tommy) Thomas to the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame, We recently received the news that his nomination into the Ontario Agricultural of Fame has been successful, As Minister of Agriculture for Ontario and WIPP for Elgin as well as more than 20 years as an Agricultural Representative, Tommy Thomas served his constituents well. Tommy Thomas would he very honoured and indeed humbled by this prestigious honour. This induction will take place on June 14, 2015 in Milton, Thank you again for your supportive letter and very kind words. Sincerely, Shift ey Foster, daughter ' :-/Jane Thorpe, granddaughter 124 NOTICE The Government of Ontario Process for Ministers' and Parliamentary Assistants' Delegations at the AMO Combined Conference Sunday August 16 — Tuesday August Niagara Falls, Ontario Individual Ministers, and Parliamentary Assistants are being asked to participate in municipal delegations. Please note that not all Ministers and Parliamentary Assistants will be taking delegations. If your municipality wishes to meet with a Minister or Parliamentary Assistant, we ask .that you complete and submit the online form„ Please note all request forms must include the name, of a contact person who is knowledgeable about the issue and available to respond to ministry' inquiries in a tiinely manner, The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) will respond to delegation requests for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. MMAH will advise other Ministers and Parliamentary Assistants of delegation requests and decisions on delegations will be made and given to you by the Ministers requested, To assist in expediting your delegation request, we ask that you use the Municipal Delegation Request Form rather than going through your MPP or directly to the Ministers Offices In order to facilitate municipalities in planning their delegation schedules we will advise municipalities of their delegation times prior to the conference. As a result no delegation requests will be accepted after the DEADLINE of MONDAY, July 06, 2015. Municipalities will he contacted by the respective Ministries about their requests and, if applicable, the meeting time and location, approximately one week before the Conference, To request a delegation meeting with a Minister, please include all the issues that you wish to discuss with that Minister on a single form. If you are requesting delegation meetings with more than one Minister, each !reefing request should he made on a separate form. We ask that delegates not meet with more than one Minister on a given issue„. To make the most of the delegation time available (delegation:s . usually run 15 minutes), please ask to discuss your issue only with the Minister or Parliamentary Assistant responsible for that issue, Thank you, Vinothini Kajendran Mi.micipal Programs and Education Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Telephone: 410-I,505-6206 Esmai Klft9Rtlfllt9:tellSP:.?0P19.12PfAceP? 125 toNTARtolg.RERyilpoAapTioesk„,„,„,„,„„ 0 �M Union Gas Limited has applied to dispose of certain deferral account balances and for approval of the amount of its earnings that it must share with customers. Learn more, Have your say. Union Gas Limited has applied to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to dispose of amounts recorded in certain 2014 deferral accounts and for approval of Hs earnings sharing amount. If its application is approved, Union Gas Limited says that it would have the following impact for a typicai residential customer over the six month period, from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016; • For customers located in Southern Ontario (Windsor to HamilltoM, a charge of abOUt $2,00, a For customers that purchase gas from a as marketer in Southern Ontario, a blharge of about $1,25, • For residential customer s in all other area a credit of about $3.45. Other customers, including tursinesses, may also he affected, THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IS HOLDING A PUBLIC HEARING The Ortrtaie Enorgy Beard PEE) will halo poilelliP hearing (0 01154d0r thg ipp ii :a0ofir filed by Grtiorl Grii We will LILI tion Union Gas es HI Gaat,„ will iiivat ergurnentu From individuals aria from groups Mat represent trig customers of Union Gas, At the end ol lu hOatirlg, Me 0E6 Will decide tvhelner amounts requestet1 11 the application will he pproved The OED is an independent and impartial public agency, We flake decisions that serve the public interest GA goal Is to promote a 'financially viable, and efficient energy sector that: provides you with reliable energy services et a reasonable cost BE INFORMED. AND HAVE YOUR SAY You lave, the right 03 information CEl rd ny this ,applica arm anti to be invoilved in the pursues, YOkil Gan • review the application fed by Linton Gas on the OED's website now • file a loam with your coinnients, which wl D considered during the hearing, • ecome ar active participant (called an niervenor)„ Apply by May 11, 2015 or the hearing w 11 go ahead without you and you Mit not receive any further notice of the proceiedin„ irr at the end of Ihe process, review the, OEB's decision and hs reasons on our kvebs:Ite: LEARN MORE ,Oul file, number ter this C a 6e is ER-201E4010 To learqi more ILJL1uI 1;10$ hearing lllU instructions 0 file letters or klec,Drie an intervener, or to access any document related to this case, please enter the tile nPlmber EB-2015-0010 frorn ks1 on tno OEB wetsAe You GO rl iIS c' 'phone Corsuraor Relalions Centre at 1-017-532.2127 with any questions, ORAL VS, WRITTEN HEARINGS There are two types of OEB hearings— oral and written, The 0E13 will determine at a later date whether to proceed by way dila wafter or oral hearing, if you think arc oral hearing Is needed, you can write In the OFR to explain why by May 11, 2015.. PRIVACY f yea WfUtZ i l'Ofte.'W f cornir60, ywr name 901(1 the cOntorn 0F yOor Jeer who Oe port on thenuOtio remrcl 00d tire 0E16 ;reabsite, However; your porsortat telephone /lumber, halle address artri erztail address wAlhat (.0 oToved, 1f yoo arr bua0;a1.95. 410 your inforrierioo wit1 temern pubirC, h' totl fo,r4 0 herzrao 519 intermricr ti irfor'r044iery wiN be paikr . flats rote r?ear-470; wg( be heki under sE,CPC147 36 Of tilo °Mart Energy Board' Act, S,0, l'5'98' 15 (Schedule 0), 126 CLOSED MEETING AGENDA May 12, 2015 Staff Reports: 1) Director of Engineering Services - Municipal Act Section 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — Clinical Associates - Lease Extension 2) Director of Engineering Services - Municipal Act Section 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — ARC Financial Planning Group Ltd. - Lease Extension 3) Director of Human Resources - Municipal Act Section 240.2 (d) labour relations or employee negotiations — Tentative Collective Agreement - Ontario Nurses' Association County Solicitor to attend at approximately 11:30 a.m. 4) Chief Administrative Officer & County Solicitor - Municipal Act Section 240.2 (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — Update #4 Dexter Line Land Purchases (verbal) 5) County Solicitor - Municipal Act Section 240.2 (f) advice that is subject to solicitor - client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose — Regional Rideshare Advice (verbal) 127