16-17WHEREAS pursuant toSection 135ofthe Municipal Act, 28O1'County Council enacted By -Law No. 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By -Law) as a by-law to prohibit or regulate the harvest, destruction, orinjury oftrees inthe County ofElgin; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Central Elgin has petitioned County Council to amend the said By -Law No. 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By -Law) to enact further prohibitions and regulations for the harvest, destruction, or injury of trees located upon specified slopes within the territorial limits of the said Municipality of Central Elgin; AND WHEREAS County Council iaprepared toenact recommended amendments to By -Law No. 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By -Law) to provide for such further prohibitions and regulations applicable to specified slopes within the territorial limits of the County of Elgin including but not necessarily limited to the territorial limits of the Municipality of Central Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council ofthe Corporation ofthe County ofElgin enacts aa 1. THAT By -Law No. U5-03(Woodlands Conservation ByLaw)baand same ishereby amended as follows: 1.1 The following section, numbered and identified aosection 31.shall b* added between sections 3 and 4; (a) The exemptions provided for insections 3(n)and 3(q)above dnnot apply tolands identified inSchedule ^L^hereto and for which the harvest, destruction, orinjury ofatree urtrees upon such lands requires that aSlope Permit beobtained pursuant to section 5.1 be|mw.^ 1.2 Section 5 (a) shall be deleted and the following section substituted therefor: "(a) Every owner of woodlands mperson acting onbehalf of the owner who intends tuharvest, destroy, orinjure trees personally orthrough another person under Section 2(a)(i)or Section 2(a)(ii)ofthis By -Law shall complete and submit to the Clerk anapplication toharvest, destroy, nrinjure trees aa prescribed inSchedule ^F^hereto not less than thirty (3O)days prior tothe commencement ofsuch harvest, destruction, or 1.3 The following section, numbered and identified aosection 5].shall be added between sections 5 and 6; "5.1 Regulations for Harvest, Destruction, or Injuries to Trees on Slopes — Slope Permit (a) Without limiting the generality ofthe procedure and requirements set forth insection 5above, where the harvest, destruction orinjury ofany tree ortrees ioproposed and/or intended for lands located with aWoodlands Slope area identified on mapping attached aoSchedule ^L^(L1 to L7 inclusive) hereto, the owner ofsuch lands orany person acting onbehalf ofthe owner shall also apply for and obtain nSlope Permit authorizing such harvest, destruction, orinjury uftree or --- (b) The following rules apply tuthe harvest, destruction, orinjury of any tree ortrees from slopes asidentified inSchedule ^L^ (i) Concurrent with submission ofthe Application toharvest, destroy orinjure trees uoset forth insection 6(o)above, the owner ofany woodlands orany person acting onbehalf ofsuch owner shall also apply for and obtain aSlope Permit uoprescribed inSchedule ^N^hereto and inthat regard shall submit the following additional documentation to the Clerk: (1) AnApplication for Slope Permit eeprescribed in Schedule ^K4^ hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"); (2) The fee, ifany, anprescribed inSchedule ^G^hereto; (3)AnArborist Report identifying the tree ortrees tobe harvested, destroyed, orinjured, edescription ofthe health ofsuch tree ortrees, and, ifincluded, recommendations aatooperations for the harvest, destruction, orinjury ofsuch tree o/trees; (4) Areport prepared byaqualified geotechnical engineer that certifies that the proposed harvest, destruction, nr injury oftree ortrees will not create increased erosion or land slip tothe subject slope area and identified remedial works tobe undertaken tocontrol erosion and land slip upon the subject slope area; (5) Astatement signed bythe Applicant ensuring that the Applicant will boresponsible for undertaking and completing all recommendations made bythe arborist in accordance with the report described initem (%)above and all works required bythe geotechnical engineer in accordance with the report described initem (4)above; (0)Astatement detailing the proposed method ofdisposal ofany wood waste / clearing debris; (7) Astatement detailing the proposed method for adequate control ofdrainage and erosion impacts from the tree nsmmve| site; . (8) The written consent ofany adjacent property owner if the base ofany tree ortrees tubeharvested, destroyed, or injured straddles e property line with that adjacent owner; and, . (A) 1fthe Application ionot made bythe owner ofthe lands from which the tree ortrees iehoberemoved, the written consent ofthe owner ofsuch lands from which any tree ortrees ieorare tobeharvested, destroyed, orinjured. (ii) The Clerk, onthe advice ofthe Officer, shall advise the person submitting the Application as referred to in section 5.1 (b) (i) (|) that the Application is complete or incomplete and, ifincomplete, the Clerk shall specify why the Application is considered incomplete. (iii) |fthe Application aoreferred toabove iswithdrawn inwriting bythe Applicant orJthe Application isincomplete for in excess ofone (1)year from the date oforiginal submission, d shall bedeemed oowithdrawn and norefund offees shall be made. The Clerk shall close the Application file when any Application inwithdrawn ordeemed tobewithdrawn. (iv) When anApplication iscomplete, the Clerk shall forward the Application, along with all supporting documentation ae referred to in section 5.1 (b) (i)tothe Officer for review and processing. Concurrently, the Clerk shall also forward o photocopy nfsuch Application and supporting documentation tothe Clerk nfthe lower tier municipality inwhich the tree nr trees toboharvested, destroyed orinjured ioorare located for review and comment within fifteen (15) days ofdelivery to such Clerk ofthe lower tier municipality. (v) The Officer shall beresponsible for reviewing the Application and all supporting documentation and thereafter, shall decide ifoSlope Permit authorizing the harvest, destruction and injury nfany tree mrtrees thereunder shall issue terms and conditions applicable tosuch Slope Permit, providing at all times that the Officer shall not make any determination ur issue such Permit without receipt and taking into account the review comments tobereceived from the Clerk ofthe lower tier municipality oa referred to in section 5.1 (b) (iv) above. (vi) Ifthe Officer decides toissue eSlope Permit ea contemplated insection 5.1 (b)(v)above, heshall doouin the form prescribed inSchedule ^N^hereto and the owner of the lands upon which the tree ortrees ooauthorized tobe harvested, destroyed, orinjured and any person acting on behalf ofthe owner shall comply with all terms and conditions thereof. (vii) With necessary changes, the requirements ofsections 5(c). (d).and (e)apply hmthe processing and administration ofon Application for and Slope Permit issued pursuant tothis section. (viii) ASlope Permit issued pursuant tothis section shall bevalid for amaximum ofone (1)calendar year from the date of (ix) The owner of the lards for which eSlope Permit has been denied orthe person authorized onhis behalf or, uedrelates toconditions only, the lower tier municipality within which such lands are located, may appeal the decision nfthe Officer toCouncil and Council may consider and reconsider, aethe case may be, the Application, the denial ofaSlope Permit and/or the terms and conditions thereof and thereafter make odecision aatothe granting ofaSlope Permit and the terms and conditions thereof. (xii) The interested party orparties tmthe appeal process referred toinsection 5.1 (b) (xi)shall benotified inwriting ofthe date ofhearing byCouncil and furthermore, shall beprovided with a copy of all relevant documentation in relation thereto. (xiii) During the course ufthe appeal hearing contemplated by section 5.1 (b) (xi0above, Council shall hear any person, corporation orbody interested therein who wishes h;speak hosuch appeal and who has previously sought permission to duooinwriting. Upon conclusion ofthe hearing, Council shall make adecision regarding the appeal ofthe decision of the Officer and grant ordismiss the appeal. |fthe appeal io dismissed then the decision ofthe Officer ieconfirmed while Jthe appeal iogranted, then the decision ofthe Officer ia reversed or otherwise revised as Council directs. (xiv) When anApplication for Slope Permit isdenied after mn appeal hearing toCouncil, Council, byits Clerk, shall in writing notify the Applicant ofsuch denial, the date ofwhich notification shall besent tothe Applicant byregular mail posted nolater than fifteen (15)days after the date uf decision. 1.4 The Schedules referred hninthe said new section 51attached under Schedule "A"tothis amending by'aw.beadded toand incorporated inthe said By -Law No. O5'O3(Woodlands Conservation 8y'Lew)aaschedules ^[. ^yN^.and ^N"respectively, and section 11(a)ofBy-Law No. 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By-Low)shall beamended accordingly. 2. THAT the balance ofBy-Law O5'O3(Woodlands Conservation ByLaw)isherby ratified and confirmed in all other respects. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 14 TH DAY OF JUNE 2016. # Mark G. Mctronard— ChiefAdministrative Officer. Bernie Wiehle, Warden. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF Mark 6.McDonald, BernieChief Administrative Officer. Wiehle. Warden. s M to the By -Law No. 16-17 amending By -Law No. 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By -Law) Slopes Subject to Regulation (s. 5.1) Maps Ll to L7 attached M-idpa lity of Thames Centre } Tw hlp of MaFahlde The Municipality of Central Elgin Community of Belmont Schedule L1 Map Legend l/rb- Settlement Area F -16pai Boundary Railway Watercourses Waterbodles Woodlands Slopes T $ we 175 0 e 175 350 Metres January 2016 Township of Southwo,d Ka - A� of City of St Thomas [ 1i hll'-L I -4 �'J LIU L' EJ v6IIIEFI.- L EITFI-I -1; FINI j f7flP The Municipality of, map Legend Central Elgin MIbm Settlement pre. -Idpaj Boundary Community of Lynhurst water a es Schedule L2 woodland, Slopes q� 150 o 150 300 Metres January 2016 J; -7 Q i city Of St Thomas -TT city Of St Tim.a. Township of 5_t h,old a, —.1 a j The Municipality of Central Elgin community of Norman Lyndale Schedule L3 Mao qg"'4 urban Settlement A— Mtmidpaf Boundary Rail-, w.t.—.— waWbodias Woodlands Stop. Metres January 2016 The Municipality of Central Elgin Community of Union Schedule L4 HBaj.e9ww Urban Settlement Area Municipal Boundary Rm-y Watercourses W,ta,bodies Wndf-dSlopes 225 0 8Pe 225 450 Metres ]--" 2016 Township of Southwold ae.. Lake Erle I VI V ;r ~re�e' oukvare� uy0�+if 4 c 2�F The Municipality of Central Elgin Community of Port Manley Schedule L5 Man Legend Urban Settlement Area Municipal Boundary - Railway Watercourses Waterbodies Woodlands Slopes w �s 250 0 e 250 500 Metres l-ue ry 2016 The Municipality of Central Elgin Community of Sparta Schedule L6 Mao Legend Rural Settlement Area Municipal Boundary VJdterGOUrses Waterbodies Woodlands Slopes Al ; 4. 75 0 a 75 150 Metres 7anuary 2016 ninotuw payn =v a} The Municipality of Central Elgin Community of New Sarum Schedule L7 Man Legend — R—I Settlement A,. — Municipal ft-daly — ReO y Watercourses W.te,b.ft� Woodlands Slopes IN 4- 75 0 75 150 Metres January 2015 SCHEDU0E"W0" SLOPE APPLICATION NUMBER APPLICATION TO HARVEST, DESTROY 0RINJURE TREES ON SLOPES for the COUNTY OF ELGIN WOODLANDS CONSERVATION BY-LAW NO. O5-03 This completed application must be submitted at least twenty (20) working days prior to the proposed commencement ofthe Harvest. APPLICANT INFORMATION Property Owner's Name: Addreom:__________ Phone: Roll #ofwoodland: Township:______ 911 Address of Woodlot: Expected Starting Date: Person in Charge of Cutting: Contractor's Name: PhoneFax E-mail: Tree Species and Number to be removed Attach nsketch/map ufproperty outiningpropedyUneo roads, buildings & structures, north, top &bottom of slope, approximate location of trees to be removed, base of harvestoperations, equipment access location, etc. Attach a written description outlining your proposed method(s) for removing wood waste, clearing debris and equipment toboused. Add detail hosketch where appropriate. Attach a written description outlining your proposed method(s) for controlling drainage and erosion impacts from the tree removal site. Add detail iosketch vvhmnaappmphote. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Attach the following reports toyour application. Arborist Report Name ofAdbohnVCompany: Date ufReport: Report Number: Geotechnical Report Name ofGeotechnical Engineer/Company:________ Date of Report: Report Number: | agree that operations will beinaccordance withtheprovisionaofVVoodlandConaemaUonBy Law No. 05-03, of the County of Elgin and that |amfamiliar with the contents and requirements ofthis By -Law and acknowledge having received acopy thereof. I agree that operations will be accordance with the recommendations contained within my Arborist report completed by .dated I agree that operations will be in accordance with the recommendations contained within my Geotechnical report completed by .dated Further, | agree tocontact the Officer byTelephone (51A)S31-i27Oext. 231.twenty-four (24) hours prior tothe start ofcutting. this day of20__ Signature of Owner Signature of Contractor Mailing Address: Elgin County Tree Commissioner, c/o Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, RR#8.44U15Ferguson Line, StThomas, Ontario, N5P3T3 Phone: (510)G31-127Oext. 231 Fax: (S10)G31'582S Personal Information onthis form iscollected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 32, C and D, and may be used to enforce the By- Law. Application Received bythe Officer: Date: R116MAIM1,S), 2,13Fir A! Permission is hereby granted by the Council of the County of Elgin to destroy trees uw,O,er BY-LAW NO. 05-03 �; 911 ADDRESS: LOT: CONCESSION: MUNICIPALITY: Tax Roll Number: Description of area and trees to be destroyed: Conditions of the permit: DATE OF ISSUE: I Al � •� �* i IM111 am Clerk or Designate