06 - April 12, 2016 County Council Agenda Package including AddendumORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2016 - 9:00 A. M. ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes — March 22, 2016 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 9:00 a.m. Julie Simpson, Fund Development Coordinator and Jill Ouimette, Care and Service Manager, VON Middlesex -Elgin Community Corporation with PowerPoint re: VON Services. (attached) 9:10 a.m. Amanda Macdougall, Regional Manager, Municipal & Stakeholder Relations with PowerPoint titled "Delivering the 2016 Assessment Update" and correspondence summarizing/highlighting changes for this Assessment Update. (attached) 9:20 a.m. Elizabeth Sebestyen, Acting Director, St. Thomas -Elgin Ontario Works with report titled "2015 year in review — Children's Services Division. (attached) 9:30 a.m. Pauline Meunier, General Manager, Medavie, with PowerPoint titled "Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario 2015 Annual Report". (attached) 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items (none) 10th Recess 11th 12th 13th 14th NOTICE: Motion to Rise and Report Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole Consideration of By -Laws ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL NOT BE PROVIDED Deputy Warden for April Deputy Warden for May April 26, 2016 (not required) May 10, 2016 June 15, 2016 November 18, 2016 1 Councillor Currie Councillor Mennill County Council Meeting — 9:00 a.m. County Council Meeting — 9:00 a.m. 2016 Warden's Charity Golf Tournament 2016 Warden's Dinner (tentative) DRAFT COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, March 22, 2016 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. with all members present. Warden Wiehle in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the minutes of the meeting held on March 8, 2016 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF — None. DELEGATION Healthy Kids Community Challenge - Community Leaders Cabinet (CLC) Terms of Reference and Call to Action St. Thomas Mayor Jackson with a presentation discussing the Healthy Kids Community Challenge, the Community Leaders Cabinet Terms of Reference, and the Call to Action. The Mayor spoke about the Cabinet's actions to reduce poverty, and provide access to recreation and affordable housing and asked that Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services be appointed as the County's representative in the Cabinet. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT Brian Masschaele be appointed as Elgin County representative on the Community Leaders Cabinet, and authorized to sign the Call to Action on behalf of Council. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS Business Retention and Expansion: 2015 Review Survey — Business Development Coordinator The coordinator presented the report outlining the results of a follow-up business retention and expansion survey conducted by the Economic Development department in 2015. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the report titled "Business Retention and Expansion: 2015 Review Survey" from the Business Development Coordinator, dated March 1, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. County Council March 22, 2016 Elaincentives CIP: Current Status — General Manaaer of Economic Development The general manager presented the report updating Council on the successes of the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan and requested that Council move to advance $100,000 in funding to accommodate additional applications received in 2016. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Option 2, to advance up to $100,000 from the ten year allocation to accommodate additional Elgincentives applications in 2016, as described in the March 7, 2016 report be implemented by Economic Development staff. - Carried. Port Stanley Tourism Kiosk — General Manager of Economic Development The general manager presented the report requesting that Council approve a lease with the Port Stanley Festival Theatre to house a tourism kiosk until 2018. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to sign the lease agreement for the purposes of a Tourism Kiosk, between the County of Elgin and the Port Stanley Festival Theatre from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2018, at a cost of $250 per month plus HST as described in the March 7, 2016 report. - Carried. Elgin County Council Student Day — Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented the report seeking Council's direction regarding holding an Elgin County Student Day in April, 2016. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT Elgin County Council host a Student Day on May 10, 2016. - Carried. Human Resources Policv 8.70 Amendments — Director of Human Resources The director presented the report recommending that Council approve amendments to Human Resources Policy 8.70 dealing with health and safety for contractors and subcontractors. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT County Council approve and adopt the attached corresponding policy changes Human Resources Policy Number 8.70), as soon as practicable. - Carried. 2016 Non -Union Compensation — Director of Human Resources The director presented the report recommending that Council approve a wage increase of 1.9% for non-union staff. County Council Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mennill March 22, 2016 THAT the Council approve a non-union economic adjustment of 1.9% effective on the first full pay period of 2016; and, THAT the necessary by-law be prepared. - Carried. Homes - 2015/2016 Late Career Nurse Initiative — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report recommending that Council accept funding from the Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care for late career nursing initiatives. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT Council accept the 2015-2016 Late Career Nursing Initiative funding from the Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care. - Carried. Homes - Long -Term Care Homes Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report recommending that Council authorize staff to submit the 2015-2016 Quality Improvement Plan by April 1, 2016 as required by the Local Health Integration Network. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT Council authorize staff to submit the 2015-2016 Quality Improvement Plan progress report to the Southwest Local Health Integrated Network by April 1, 2016; and; THAT Council authorize staff to submit the 2016-2017 Quality Improvement Plan to the Southwest Local Health Integrated Network by April 1, 2016. - Carried. 2015 County Road Maintenance Expenditures — Deputy Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report summarizing County Road maintenance expenditures as reported by the municipalities for the 2015 calendar year Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT this report titled "2015 County Road Maintenance Expenditures" from the Deputy Director of Engineering Services, dated March 7, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Items for Consideration 1. Nancie Irving, Clerk, Town of Aylmer with a resolution requesting the County of Elgin provide Weed Inspector services for the Town of Aylmer. County Council March 22, 2016 2. Laura Elliott, Director of Education, Thames Valley District School Board informing Council that municipalities will be invited to their school board annual meetings and proposing an additional joint meeting be held this spring with the London District Catholic School Board and Thames Valley District School Board to focus on strategic priorities. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1: Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin continue to provide weed inspector services to the Town of Aylmer. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #2: Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Correspondence Item #2 be received and filed. - Carried. Council directed staff to accept and arrange a meeting with the Thames Valley District School Board and the London District Catholic School Board and suggested (subject to confirmation) May 27, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the County Administration Building. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Hicks Morley, Human Resources Law and Advocacy with article titled "Ontario Introduces Legislation Creating Statutory Presumption of Work - Relatedness for First Responders Diagnosed with PTSD". 2. Lloyd Perrin, Director of Physical Services, Municipality of Central Elgin with Notice of Study Completion, Port Stanley Area Sanitary Servicing, Municipal Class Environment Assessment. 3. AMO Communications with AMO Policy Update titled "Province Announces Updated Long -Term Affordable Housing Strategy". 4. Alzheimer Society Elgin - St. Thomas with information on the Walk for Alzheimer's to be held on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at Pinafore Park, St. Thomas. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Correspondence Items #1 — 4 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Wolfe announced that Springfield Public School is collecting batteries in a province - wide competition and are now in second place. The competition ends mid-April. Any extra batteries can be donated to the school. Councillor Marr mentioned that the "No -Walk" signs at the intersection of County Road 45 and Sunset Road are not working properly. The Director of Engineering Services will investigate the issue. Statements/Inquiries by Members — None. County Council 5 March 22, 2016 Notice of Motion — None. Matters of Urgency — None Closed Meetinq Items Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Municipal Act Section 239.2; (a) two items: the security of the property of the municipality or local board - Clinical Associates - Lease Extension; and Scott D. Avery Ltd. - Lease Extension. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a lease agreement with Clinical Associates for Room #345; and, THAT the lease commence on May 1, 2016 for a lease rate of $15.80 per square foot ($7,979.00 annually), plus the HST; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a lease agreement with Scott D. Avery Ltd. for Room #223; and, THAT the lease start on May 1, 2016 for a lease rate of $15.80 per square foot for year one ($3,792.00 annual payment), plus the HST; and $16.10 per square foot for year two ($3,876.00 annual payment), plus the HST. - Carried. Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. BY-LAW Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT By -Law No. 16-09 "Being a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 22, 2016 Meeting" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. County Council ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Ens March 22, 2016 THAT we do now adjourn at 10:20 a.m. and meet again on April 12, 2016 at the County Administration Building Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. - Carried. Mark McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. Vision Health Starts at Home Mission VON works in partnership with Canadians for a healthier society Values Respect, Participation, Responsiveness, Courage • Part of Canada's most trusted not-for-profit home and community care organization • a registered charity • the largest VON site, founded in 1906 • Leadership, Policy &Advocacy, Research, Innovation, & Technology • 353 volunteers in current fiscal year • 11,461 hours of service generously provided • Economic value of $272,772, or 5.6 FTEs Support Through Your Journey • Hospice & bereavement program • Life -enriching social & therapeutic activities • Safe, supportive, nurturing environment • Caregiver Support • Respite & Visiting Programs • Meals and Nutrition • Transportation • Exercise & Falls Prevention • Help at Home • Family Supports A variety of clinical, nursing and home support services are available including: • Assisted Living • Home Help • Blood Pressure Clinics • Personal Support Worker • Nursing OOM VON Middlesex -Elgin has provided: • 25.931 Meals on Wheels deliveries • 2,228 hours of Home Help • 7,811 Transportation rides 2015-16 Fiscal Elgin County • 7.497 hours of care in Assisted Living • 2,824 Volunteer Visiting and Safety Checks • 28.288 attendances in SMART Exercise and Falls Prevention 2015-16 Fiscal Elgin County • 1,200 clients with service in Family Supports • 73,637 nursing visits • 229,223 hours of shift nursing • 281,252 hours of Home Support Service VON Middlesex -Elgin 2014-15 Fiscal ��< � » 2 � ) \ � � § reat ommuni June 26th Lions Park, Mt. Brydges NEW 5 KM FUN RUN! Pledge event for the whole family! 1 1% PINES%vw \ \ \ \\\ 41, \�\ \ \ [gin 'randy% Macdougall \\ „\q� ON 2016iw� Re l Manager IN Municipal holder Relationc. 7W LAI P4 `m I w~ VC oma\ \\ \ ■ 1 1% PINES%vw \ \ \ \\\ 41, \�\ \ \ [gin 'randy% Macdougall \\ „\q� ON 2016iw� Re l Manager IN Municipal holder Relationc. LAI he\\\\: 1 1% PINES%vw \ \ \ \\\ 41, \�\ \ \ [gin 'randy% Macdougall \\ „\q� ON 2016iw� Re l Manager IN Municipal holder Relationc. determines AssessmentsThe Ontario pac Current Value • classifications for all properties Ontario.Property in Taxpayer Ak A, D-ov-nc-a- Government he passes -„ operates an •-- •- assessment appeal tribunal Assessment Review Board (ARB). determine revenue requirements,municipal rates • collect propertytaxes pay for your M lo fire ---orotect. -o K trans. management fad- - 25 26 IlkWIL Aft 2012 -11 MM All. AIOU Roal Deli.ery - .a. -.y and frequent engagement w.tn coni .t--ents 204 21016 Mi 5 2016 27 WMEM= Sa- s v- ws -- - guests £ter Rc. ensirat -- - and - --datons - data --fit-t hS Own. - -- 28 ✓ Improved roll predictability and stability ✓ Improved risk analysis ✓ No surprises ✓ Opportunity to provide feedback Alk, � �., � y :» x sid ntiproperty 2 4w sere ;receive their Property Assessment � � } » © � w © Notices starting \ \ <`=> /Q22~24»© Assessment Notices will be mailed y « ` Multi -Residential October 18th ) _NEW ASSESSMEWSW)) ) SERVE AS ) _11E BAS -S 2 / CA_ ) C U ,! - ,! ,N G 6! « 6! c ,!` ,! _AXES FOR « 2017 2020 31 2016D - - - E - - E - E - - - - - E n IS NOT I --,- MW'- 2016 wd -akm of yow F p-- , is S228,OW 33 9F$ H 'lf vow � r About Pg pe oat w s £ - a t'ttitiEttf aw G t r Tt- t €tss4i S s �a< i�s€a� Y32,;s. ��€�€2 tai �cF.a€+�ta'�n ��€_•• } & wo ii 33 9F$ H 'lf vow � r About Pg pe oat w s £ - a t'ttitiEttf aw G t r Tt- t €tss4i ii 33 9F$ H 'lf vow � r About Pg pe oat w s £ - a t'ttitiEttf aw G t r Tt- t 201- \ \ \ E ) /\E NO --CE «.. M u w.c.PAL 4e5r5swew7 - CORPORATION 1111111liiiiiiiiiiiii 1234567890 JACKSON JASON ABC IMPORTS LIMITED 700 MAIN STREET U NIT SOGO 11 FLOOR ANYWHERE ON y4K I133 34 Municipal -specific |SSue Date Prop" Assessment Jul --<`"1111±1 (notice' Residentialproperty thrty eir ssessment Notice to file a Request for Reconsideration R R - The RfR deadline for County of Elgin is August 16th -2016 ! lip Jill F!1`1111 . - The early delivery of t and120-day RfR deadline will allowto be processed before Assessment Rolls are sent to municipalities — greater .+ ! and accuracy 35 2016DRODER-Y ASSESSMEW NO --CE Account Information: Roll Number 12 34 567 899 12345 1234 AboutMyProperty7' Access Key ARCD EFG1 HJK2 Your property's location and description 900 Dynes Rd. PLAN169 BILK I PT LOT4 Municipality Ottawa City School support— see Attachment (1) Residential - English Public Exempt - Not Applicable Assessment overview: MPAC's assessed value of your property as of January 1, 2016 S658,000 MPAC's assessed value of your property as of January 1, 2012 $620,615 Between 2012 and 2016, your property's assessed value changed by $37,385 If you disagree with MPACs assessment or classification, you can file a Request for Reconsideration a nd M PAC w! 11 review you r assess ment. How will my municipality use MPACs property assessment? Under the phase -i n prevision in the Assessment Act, an increase in assessed value is introduced gradually. A decrease in assessed value will be introduced immediately. The assessed value and classification of your property is used as the basis for calculating your property taxes. 36 2016 Assessed Value Assessment Overview • Assessed Value as of January 1, 2016 • Assessed Value as of January 1, 2012 • Change between 2012 and 2016 ftoperty COWACrUS Contact information Classification-. Residential Exempt bequestfor 1 866 29&MPAC (6722) Reconsideration Try 1872 889-M (6722) Tax Year Assessed Value Total Deadline Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2D16 5438,836 $181,779 $620,618 Key information 2017 x,077 $185,884 $629,961 August 1, 2016 needs, please ill Property Classification 2018 $449„318 $189 990 $639,308 March 31, 2018 for assistance.. 2019 X454,559 $194,095 $648,654 March 31, 01 Phase in Assessed Values 2020 $459,80 $198,200 $658,000 March 31, 2020 wwwaboutrnyproperty. (2017-2020 tax years) • RfR Deadline (by tax year) To learn more about how= your property was assessed, see the inforr at on on Page two of this Notice. For more information on the Request fr Reconsideration process, market About V in your area, property assessment and taxation, visit .aboutmyproperty.ca.� 37 2016DRODER-Y ASSESSMEW NO --CE Property su mmary: Property type Property information Building — exterior square footage Year of construction 12 34 567 899 12345 1234 Single Family Dwelling Frontage: 54.23 feet Depth: 150.00 feet Lot area: 9,1 .00 square feet 1,053 square feet 1974 For residential properties, there are five major factors that generally account for 85% of your property value. Location Lot dimensions Living area Age of the property, adjusted fur any major renovations or additions Quality of construction To establish your property's assessed value, MPAC analyzes property sales in your area. This method, called Current Value Assessment, is used by most assessment jurisdictions in North America. MPACs assessments and data are also used by banks, Insurance companies and the real estate Industry. W-1 Property Details How does MPAC assess my property? ✓ Five major factors affecting residential values 2016DRODER—Y ASSESSMEW NO --CE Log on to AboutMyPropertym to learn more... Visit �vww. aboutmyp rope rty.ca to learn more about how your property was assessed, see the information we have on file, as well as compare it to others in your neighbourhood. Still not sure about your propert)(s assessed value? You have the option to file a Request for Reconsideration. Your deadline to Aboutm file a Request for Reconsideration is on page onN e of this otice. rtey, Propetyca Log on to www.aboutmyproperty.ca with your Roll Number and Access Key. These are found on page one of this Notice. Still have questions? We're here to help. Contact us and one of our property assessment experts will help guide you through your Notice. Have a question about your property taxes? Contact your municipality for assistance. 39 Have questions about your assessment? v' Login to AboutMyPropertyTM The Municipal' Tampa Property Assessment Corporation determines Current Value Assessments and d'assifications for all properties in Ontario. ArL Ak The Provincial Government passu legislation, The Ontario sets assessment Property Taxpayer ollcies and determines education tax rags. The Province a] so operates ars independent assessment appeal tribunal —the Assessment review Board(ARB). 14�i nlelpalities :. dete ilri i n e revenue requirements, set municipal tax rates and collect property taxes to pay for your municipal services. These services may include; A Police and fire Roads, sidewalks protection and puhllc transit 1109 I Waste Parks and leisure management facilities 18 Description of Ontario's property assessment system Tff ESTI OUT PROPERTY ASSESSMENT? LEARN MORE MARKET TRENDS Lear more a cut the n•a et =rends in viour ne+g:^ta rh oc throug, Marhe_Sn s c- This 2% report Div es -n~ omaton on re-dentiai sale prices re ds m nes -ourhooGs ane I?"i:n{gIf i armss o Marl, A fit Engirt to AbautMyProperty Yj You can f.:d yo Ro Nu me€and Access Key on your Property Assessment Nom e. User 1Q _ s _- Password --. �­rd Register Nee, Heir-? fer s ea 1n r arni d c t uT prcl assessed? Cant to c �Pare -au: thers Z7 your c.rrm ._ i? Re istei learn macre.-. READ MORE M Through property owners Access o their property assessmentviii Compare their Learnothers in their community about.r through Market Trends (available before Login included every Notice mailed. STEP 1: Ask yourself -"could I have soldproperty r the About"!_1 operassessed value on January ` r aboutmyproperty. e MPAC has on t your property. a 0 .r I W Do ca o lay-' fax: 1-866-297-670-1 mair r " ACC PCO Box 9808 We are here to help. Contact MPAC with any questions you ma have regarding your property assessment. I If you have accessibility needs, • ,a let us know how we can best 44 �l�l III III iiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIII iiiiiiiijii�illillilli I'l- I 1111111111111111111 11111111111 11111liq 111111111 "1 gli 1111" Increased transparency Improved stability and predictability in the municipal tax bas'., Modern and flexible way to access assessment information All • Support municipal understanding of assessed value's • Early consultation/discussion for greater roll stability" • Insight into assessment at risk • Ll C C KET TRENC La �� �Typical Value Residential Bayham 1.2% 0.9% 201,000 Malahide 1.4% 1.4% 250,000 Aylmer 1.2% 1.2% 198,000 Central Elgin 1.5% 1.6% 259,000 Southwold 1.2% 1.2% 234,000 Dutton Dunwich 2.1% 1.8% 200,000 West Elgin 0.4% 0.3% 158,000 48 Preliminary as of March 23, 2016 Median 2016 base year assessment and median % change from 2016 tax year to 2017 tax year Property Type % Change Typical Value % Change Typical Value Residential 4.3% 1.3% Single-family Detached 4.7% 386,000 1.3% 225,000 Condominium 2.8% 298,000 -3.8% 177,000 Waterfront 1.7% 400,000 1.1% 379,500 Preliminary as of March 23, 2016 49 Median 2016 base year assessment and median % change from 2016 tax year to 2017 tax year \AN ti a i aF Yand IN10 \AN From: Slater, Brenda [m,ailto,Brendla.Slast er,@inpac,ca] Sent-, Monday, April 04, 2016 1,59 PM Subject: RE MPAC presentation to council Good afternoon, Please note the fOCUS Of the MPAC presentation to County Council Is to highlight some of the key changes for the 2016 Assessment Update. i • MailJng property assessment notices over a 211 -week window beginning in April, • Residential notices are being mailed April 181:h • New advanced disclosure and consultation processes that ill achieve greater transparency and shared understanding about property assessments with taxpayers ,and MUnIcipalities - A redesigned Property Assessment, Notice, that incorporates plain language and design principles - A nOW Municipal Connect applications that provides m1unicipalifies with, early access to the prelimitiary 2016 assessed values - Redesigned AboutMyProperty application that provides taxpayerswfth easy, access to market trends and detailed property assessment information, and 0 Greater number of sales Investigations and data quallity checks than past assessment, Updates Brenda Slater, DPA, MIMA ACCOUnt Manager Zone 1, Municipal & Stakehotcler Relations brenda.slater m ac.ca 51 M LJ V4 G C; r R A I-, F R U FA E R r Y A 5 5 EZ 2,5 5 P-1 El' r,4 T C Q R, P Q R A T r D P4 February 16, 2016 To,. IVlunicipal Heads of Council, Finance Officers, and ClIerks, Treasurers and Tax Collectors From: Carl1a Nell, Vice -President, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Subject: Important changes for the 2,016 Assessment Update The 2016 Assessment Update introduces some of the most significant rrefcrm5 to Ontario's property asse5.srnent system since 1,998,These charrges sharea curnnnon gool — increa.5ed transparency, shared understanding of property assessments, and stabillity and predictability in the rnunkipal tax base. With these laudable objectives in mind, a myriad cf opportunities exist aswe work cooperatively to limplernent improvements to Ontario's property tax re rose„ To that end, l am pleased to, share, sorne importaint highllights with you,. MPAC has put a great deal of effort into redesigning the 2016 Prop,prty Assessment Notice (PAN), The new design uses clear language and design principles, and integrates, all of the statutory requirements surrounding property assessment information. The new PAN also includes details about how municipalities use MPA 's values and other relevant information about Onta,rio's assessment syste rn . In addition to a new design, Property Assessment Notices for Residential properties will be delivered upto five months earlier than ever before. The redesigned Notice and early wailing dates will heip property owners to better understand their assessment and resolve concerns before the final as5essrnent rolls f or 2017 taxat ion are delivered to ni u riicl pa Iffies 1 n Opcernher'. The 21 -week Notice mailing schedule, which is staggered across the province, begins, on April 4, of this year with Notices being delivered to, occupied arid vacant land properties that have a single ResidentialTaxable (RT), property tax class. Residential properties that have a seniors and disabled exemption or a cornmerdM or industrial porflon will be mailed in the Fall together with the Notices forfarm, managed forest, cornmerciall and industrial properties: The 2016 Notice mailine schedule and corresponding Request for Reconsideration deadlines are attached floryour information. For, non-residential properties, we are continuing our pre -roll 'i consultations by, engaging Tnunicipahties and industry representatives on a variety of property types iricluOng large and special purpose business, properties, rllullti-residential) andr form Properties. 1340 PiCkCd qg Parkvvay, Suite 101, Pickedng ON LIV Uri YM'�IMIME= 52 February 16, 2016 Important changes for the 20.1.6, Assessment Update Page 7- of . ............ . ..... . ................. -.- .... . ..... ....... . ... . .............................. . .......... . ......... — ------------ Sharing 2016 Base Year Valluations As increased transparency, share(-] understanding, stability and predictabl6tv in the municipal tax base are key objectives for MPAC during the,201G Assessment Upda�te, we have redesigned Municipal Conne,ctim to offer municipalities a modern and flexible way to access assessment information, including the prelim nary 20,16 base year values for the 2017 to 20,20 tax years, The pr21irninarV va]ues for residential properties will be available in the new Municipal Connect starting early in the second quarter of this year, preliminary values for, other, property typ Las will he made available as they are finalb ed. Along w1th the newly designed Municipal Connect application, OLAr MLAWQpal and Stakeholder Relations team Wfill erlgage with you and Your staff early and often to diiscus;5 the prehruinarV values and MPA Cs regular in -year maintenance activities. Legislative Changes to Request for Reconsideration Deadline On December 10, 2,015, Bill 244, Budget Measures Act, 2,01.5 took effect resulting in significant changes to the Reque5l for Reconsid'ero L! un (MR) process, For the 2017 tax year, property owners wHl have 320 days from the Issue Date of their 2016 Property Assessment Notice to file 0 RfR. The historical March 31"t RfR deadfine,does not apply for the, 2017 'tax year. The Issue irate and the, uniqUC OR deadline will be liincludecl on every PropertyAssessment Noticer, In response to each, RfR, MPAC has,up to 180 days to complete its review and respond to the property owner, Better ServIce for PropertV Owners We appreciate how significant the, 2016Assessivent Update is for property owners and we have developed an extensive outreach and engagement strategy to connrnUnicate the changes, IMPAC's online self-servicetool, AboutlMyProperty"', has been rebranded and simpFfied based on 'tax,payer research - providing property owners with an easy-to-use interface and improved navigationfeatures. Visitors can learn more about how their property was assessed, view information we have on file, as well as compare it to, other properties in their neighbourhood - adWflonali information will also be availabIle on-line w0o,urt reqWring tho5e who vNit AboutMyProperty to to in to the slte, The enhanced too] will be available to property owners in correlation with Property Assessment Notice, delivery. As 2016 unfolds, we look forward to working, closely with our stakehollders to Implement the significant reforms that are underway. Please contact your Regional Manager, or Account Manager Munilcipal and Stakeholder Rellations, if YOU Would Illke additional information or to further discuss these changes, yours truly, 6rII6 Nell Vice -President, Municipal & Stakeholder Relations 1340 Pickering Parkway, ;Suite 1,01., Fickerling, ON L1V OC4 �N—Wwl 1� r Q-1) C4 -U. 53 0 00000w�` mpac 54 �,a mea t@Cda1AL PRD P r`"'it A S'S E ti S Y1Et41' r", 1.Vria I'tP RA riiaa,4 Monday, April 4 Siracoe Cou My, Cibes of Barrie & Orffla Tuesday, Aupusst 2 Monday, April 11 Couoti(s of Prescott & IRu�selll, Stormont Dundas, Glengarry, ToP5ray, AL1gU5k 9 City of Corn ail � County of Lanark,, United Counties of Leeds & Grenville, City of Br'ockviile, Torras of Prescott, Ganano cfue & mSr0has F@Ils Monday, April 1 Counties, of Elgin, Middlesex & Oxford, Cities of London t,, Thomas Tuesday. August 16 luunicipalatyof Chatham -Kent, County of tanilotwaln Monday, April 25 Territorial Districts, of tatipi+as;lrig, Sudbury & Manitoulin and all Tuesday, August 22 single -tier rruunkipaliCes'irgeo raphkarta Monday, May 2 Territorial Districts of Kenora, Rainy River & ThunderFlay end all Tuesday', August 20 s"inp Ver municipairties in geographic area Monday, y Counties of Frorntentrc, Lennox & Addington, City of I{iaa stoit Tuesday, September Counties of Hastings, Northumberland and Prince Edward, Cities of Ctitlla 'rlin and ClurnteWes't Territorial Dista"icts of Cochrane and ,rin-uis'karning and all single -tier MurP,idPaJit e,5 in geographic area Monday, fw7i,ay 16 City of, Mississauga Tuesday, Septeranber'13 Wed nesdey, May 18 City of Brampton acid Town of Caledon l.lt�irsday, September 15 Tu;osday, May 24 County of Renfrow, City of Pennbroke Wednesday, September 21 Counties of ffuarora & Perth, City of Stratford & Town of St, Mary's COUntie.s of Grey and BruacE' Territorial' Ohstri'ct of Al orna and all s'in&-tier rritankip471ities in geographic area Friday, May 27 City of Toronto (former QjM 1901 FA on, day, S,epterniter 2 Wedresdiay, June I city of ,Pogo to (former C/M 1904) ThaLursd lyIS'e'ptember 29 Monday June 6 City of Toronto '(formerC/Ms: 1906, 1,90 8, 1014, 191'9) Ti°uesd@y, October'4 Monday, Jure 13 Regional: C^ a, �uPnflldpnalaty of York _f"ures^day,. October I Monday, June 20 Regional[ Mouraiidjo ality of puurh ara Tuesday, October 18 f'uif;onday, J u ne,27 Regional Municipality of II Tuesdrayr, October 25 Monday, Juty 4 City of (tarn fton, City of Brantford Tuesday,, Noaer-nfrerl Counties of Brant, Haldlimanud and Norfolk, City of Brantford Monday, July 11. Counties of Peterborough, HtalibUrton, Tuesday, Noverrnfter Gales of Peterborough & lkaww;oartfaa fakes kr'is'tricts sof Muskoka & Parry Sound Monday, July 18 City of Ottawa Tuesday, November 15 Monday, July 25 Regional I" vinir'polltyr ofWaiter1loo Tuuesday, November2 2 iCoLimitles of Dufferip and Wellington and City of Guelph Tuesdlay,'August 2 fle&nal Municipality of Niagara Wednesday, Novernbeu 30 Monday, L.0 uas;t 9 C;r"oua7ty of Essex, City of �Vindsor & Township of li}eleo Tue'sd ay, Decelvtter fa Tuesday, Octotuer 11. ' Province -'wide ma,iHng of Conservation, Farrar, Managed Forest properties ,"'ednesdti,ay, Fodru ary 8, 2101;x" Tuesiday, October 18 ProvilIema4ing of RLIsiness properties Wednesdays, Fedruaary 15, 2017 Iand ay, 0ctob'er 24 Province -wide maHing of Remaining Residential PrcoperVes Tuesday, February 21, 21717 AM E N! ED IW ITl CIES / YEA - Onie e xtrar;t for a II properties Monday, Nam, 28, Pfovince-wide, All Properties!Tuesday, March 28„ 2Gf17 54 I I IL a,OWvMA 114: PN I PP IIIL( l' yOf- ST HOM AS ST. THOMAS - ELGIN ONTARIO WORKS 423 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario NSP 1C1 n NV n ° i�(v�r fru t" d wihllll vu', Report No. OW -01-16 COUN REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Elizabeth Sebestyen, Acting Director St. Thomas -Elgin Ontario Works MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016 SUBJECT: 2015 year in review - Children's Services division Recommendation: THAT: Council receives Report OW -01-16 of the Acting Director of St. Thomas -Elgin Ontario Works related to a 2015 review of St. Thomas — Elgin Ontario Works Department's Children's Services division. Background: The City of St. Thomas, through the St. Thomas — Elgin Ontario Works Department (STEOW), is the provincially -designated Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) for St. Thomas and Elgin County. In this role, STEOW Children's Services is responsible for planning and managing processes associated with provincial initiatives and funding for an integrated local early learning and child care system. Family support planning and child care services are managed through local service planning tables that take into account current child care legislation, regulations, policies, and directives, including the Ontario Child Care and Family Support Program Service Management and Funding guidelines. 2015 represented a transition year in Children's Services. The Ministry of Education passed legislation to replace the Day Nurseries Act, 1990, with the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA). The Ministry is taking a multi -phase approach to the development and implementation of new regulations under the CCEYA. Under Phase 1, new regulations came into effect on August 31, 2015, which included new or amended regulations related to licensing clarity, enforcement, licensing standards and children with special needs. Phase 1 regulations are intended to ensure a seamless transition from the old system to the new one. The Ministry is now consulting on Phase 2 regulations to continue to support the government's vision for child care modernization and its commitment to before -and -after-school programs for children aged 6-12 years in publicly -funded schools. The proposed regulations focus on the key areas of service system management and funding, licensing of authorized recreation programs, enforcement, tiered licensing, licensing standards and fees, and before -and -after 55 1 school programs for children age 6-12 and extended day programs. The Children's Services division is responsible for service system management and for leading and supporting the local child care system through these changes. 2015 Highlights • In St. Thomas/Elgin, the number of licensed child care spaces increased by 282 spaces to a total of 2,061 licensed spaces (see attached list). As a result, there are now more options for families for safe and supportive child care, more options that match working hours or school schedules of families, and shorter wait times for child care spaces. • In consultation with local child care operators, the Children's Services division reviewed and revised the General Operating Grant policies and procedures to ensure equity, transparency, and stability for child care operators while accounting for growth and expansion within the child care system. • The Fee Increase policy was revised to improve the process for requesting increases in child care fees. The policy revision supported changes faced by child care operators as they opened before -and -after-school programs and standardized those fees across all their B & A programs, or addressed issues of quality in the programs. • The Administrative Fees Policy was revised to remove barriers for families accessing subsidized child care by prohibiting operators from charging additional fees to subsidized families (for example, registration fees). The overall intent of the revisions to both the Fee Increase and Administrative Fees policies was to maintain reasonable fees within the child care system while recognizing the need of licensed child care operators to determine their own requirements for financial stability and growth. • The Ministry of Education -funded Wage Enhancement Grant was also successfully implemented in St. Thomas — Elgin. The program is designed to close the wage gap between Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) working in the publicly -funded education system and those in the licensed child care sector, to help stabilize child care operators by supporting their ability to retain RECEs and non-RECE program staff, and to support greater employment and income security. $368,320 was distributed to licensed child care operators in St. Thomas and Elgin County in 2015. • In 2015, STEOW's Children's Services division enhanced services to and communications with parents, child care operators, and other municipalities as follows: (a) Through improved efficiencies in the procedures for fee subsidy appointments and increased use of electronic tools, families are experiencing reduced wait times for appointments and better service. (b) The implementation of quarterly meetings aimed at sharing legislative, statistical, and other relevant information with child care operators in a collaborative discussion, along with a revised yearly calendar and a Common Glossary of Terms have resulted in better sharing of information and enhanced communications and cooperation between the CMSM and child care operators. (c) With the London CMSM, STEOW Children's Services co -hosted and organized a full- day session for regional CMSMs on November 26, 2015 to share best practices in the field of children's services. (d) The Children's Services division established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Elgin Children's Network for the development of a Children's Services Community Plan. 56 2 • The Children's Services division established an MOU with Elgin Child Care Advisory Committee to deliver professional training that aligns with the new Ministry of Education requirements. • Enhanced statistical and financial data collection is now available through a more concise and relevant General Operating Grant reporting system. • In 2015, the Children's Services division supported 681 families and 963 children through fee subsidies in 37 child care programs with 2,061 operating child care spaces. Further information and statistical data regarding STEOW Children's Services during 2015 can be found in the attached documents. Obiectives for 2016 As Phase Two of the regulations associated with the CCEYA have been released for discussion and later implementation, 2016 will be another year of transition in Children's Services. On February 22, 2016, the Ministry of Education announced the creation of Ontario Early Years and Family Centres, (OEYCFCs) by 2018. Four existing provincially -funded child and family programs will be consolidated into a single system of Ontario Early Years and Family Centres, guided by a provincial framework, common identity, and a new funding approach for the purpose of providing better coordinated, easier to navigate, and more convenient services for children and families. Local CMSMs will manage OEYCFCs and will be part of the local service delivery planning over the next few years in preparation for 2018. A number of other activities, mandated by the Ministry of Education or internally led, will occur through the coming year as follows: • Children's Services is conducting a policy review to align current policies with the CCEYA. These policies, and changes to the application process, will address caseload increases and service demands, while maintaining a strong commitment to customer service. • Work continues toward finalizing a new Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan in collaboration with community planning tables, school boards, and with the Ministry of Education. • To expand capacity and prepare for further changes anticipated with Phase Two CCEYA regulations, the Children's Services division will seek to make the contract position of Children's Services Community Planner a permanent fulltime position with a revised job description. • The second year of an updated Wage Enhancement and Home Child Care Enhancement Grant application and implementation process is now underway. This report was written by Irma Pedersen, Children's Services Supervisor. Ms. Pedersen will be in attendance to present the report and answer questions from Council. Council's acceptance of this information report is respectfully requested. Submitted by Eliz th S estyen Act g Director 57 3 i, rthr„ Elgin Infant Full Day, Full Time w1oddler Full Day, Full Time 6 Preschool Full Day, Full Time 19 JK/SK Before and After Full Time —0 School Age (6-12) Before and After School Full Time Minimum Daily Fees Average Daily Fees Maximum Daily Fees YEARLY COSTS FOR FULL TIME CHILD CARE Minimum Yearly Totals Preschool Full Day, T Range of fees for different age groups in full time Full Time Infant Full Day, Full Time care ,t JK/SK Before and rEE lncreae eevu Atter Full Time F Minimum and maximum fees for each age group in full time care multiplied by number of weekdays in a year or number of school days in a year. Fee Invease kequesU for January 1, 21)16 submitted by individual Ilcenseec Mlnirtry of Education School Vear Calendar Maximum Yearly Totals 1 ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 2 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF CHILD CARE FEE SUBSIDY JK SK School Age Preschool Toddler Infant 2013 -110-01 a DC -S-0 - ERSFeport- Ing (1.1, 1 2; k'-1%—- 1 Numbero Children Served by Age Group The child care fee subsidy program ensures that Ontario's children and families are .veil supported by a system of responsive, high- quality, accessible and increasingly integrated early years programs and services that contribute to healthy child development today and a stronger future tomorrow. AVERAGE NUMBER OF CHILDREN RECEIVING FEE SUBSIDY MONTHLY 395 449 533 2014 2015 INCOME DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIES ON THE CHILD CARE FEE SUBSIDY CASELOAD s20,000 for less 43% 2015 S60001 or more � 4% o 36% 8% Percentage of children served by fee subsidy In different Income categories. 11 '11 --o --file of Ho... Ad k i.iing Child C E ..Assistance REASONS FAMILIES RECEIVING SUBSIDY ARE USING CHILD CARE Reasons for receiving fee subsidy as categorized by OCCKIS c 'M uo16-Pr„f le of Ho... Ad k wing Child C F —,t—, 3 ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 4 5 TOTAL UNDUPLICATED NUMBER SERVED The total number of children and families served by fee subsidy in the given year C7 O N O N Lid O N OCCMS -R018 N—ndup1—ted Children by Funding Source in the Month and— S I—d ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 61 2(116 BUDG-- St. Thomas Elgin Ontario Works Children's Services is the designated Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM). The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 recognizes the role of the CMSM as the local service system manager in ensuring an increasingly integrated, high quality child care and early years system. Administration Fee Subsidy General Operating Grant Wage Enhancement Grant Special Needs Resourcing Capacity Building Is Other (includes Capital Retrofit, Resource Centre Funding, Best Start Planning) ,; 2% 46,41_/ 11% ))).: 39% ?01E-pproaed Operatngand Capital Bud4et Treasury 0epartmenl) 2.4.9 .238 35% 7% -43 1% 5% ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 6 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 OCCMS -R018 N—ndup1—ted Children by Funding Source in the Month and— S I—d ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 61 2(116 BUDG-- St. Thomas Elgin Ontario Works Children's Services is the designated Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM). The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 recognizes the role of the CMSM as the local service system manager in ensuring an increasingly integrated, high quality child care and early years system. Administration Fee Subsidy General Operating Grant Wage Enhancement Grant Special Needs Resourcing Capacity Building Is Other (includes Capital Retrofit, Resource Centre Funding, Best Start Planning) ,; 2% 46,41_/ 11% ))).: 39% ?01E-pproaed Operatngand Capital Bud4et Treasury 0epartmenl) 2.4.9 .238 35% 7% -43 1% 5% ST. THOMAS — ELGIN CHILDREN'S SERVICES REVIEW REPORT 2015 6 \\dient\I$\clerks\- 2 - 2016 council ipad agendas (see common for complete agenda pkgs)\april 12, 2016\Fe 63 Last updated on 06/04/2016 3:34PM Medaveie EMS Elgin Ontario 2015 Annual report M., IF \\ \\\ Medaveie EMS Elgin Ontario 2015 Annual report M., Presentation Overview 1. Response time review 2. Service Highlights 3. Plans for 2016 4. Community service 5. Questions 65 IF \\ \\\ Presentation Overview 1. Response time review 2. Service Highlights 3. Plans for 2016 4. Community service 5. Questions 65 Definitions ➢ ADRS — Data obtained from the Ministry of Health (MOH)Ambulance Dispatch Reporting System ➢ 90th Percentile Response time — Duration of time that it takes to arrive on scene 9 times out of 10. ➢ CTAS Level Response Time — the percentage of time to arrive on scene according to patient severity of illness or injury ➢ Reaction Time —the time elapsed from dispatch notification to when the ambulance or emergency response vehicle is mobile to the call for service. ➢ Code 8 — Standby of a unit away from their home station ➢ Code 1— Low acuity patient ➢ Code 2 — Booked appointment / patient transfer ➢ Code 3 — Emergent patient ➢ Code 4 — Threat to patients life / limb IF 411 IN ➢ ADRS — Data obtained from the Ministry of Health (MOH)Ambulance Dispatch Reporting System ➢ 90th Percentile Response time — Duration of time that it takes to arrive on scene 9 times out of 10. ➢ CTAS Level Response Time — the percentage of time to arrive on scene according to patient severity of illness or injury ➢ Reaction Time —the time elapsed from dispatch notification to when the ambulance or emergency response vehicle is mobile to the call for service. ➢ Code 8 — Standby of a unit away from their home station ➢ Code 1— Low acuity patient ➢ Code 2 — Booked appointment / patient transfer ➢ Code 3 — Emergent patient ➢ Code 4 — Threat to patients life / limb Call Volume by Station 27 IF \\ om" \\ \\ 5401 Call Volume by Station 27 5 1267 2211 1891 5401 9 3 667 1255 853 2787 2 0 226 455 3512 4195 0 0 150 323 1149 1622 2 0 329 847 161 1339 0 0 29 44 42 115 40 8 2668 5135 7608 15459 36 18 2409 5081 7566 15110 67 Call Volume Per Hour All Stations 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .: Edward Street Shaw Valley Dutton Rodney Aylmer Bayham IF \\ mm" \\ \\ \@... Call Volume Per Hour All Stations 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .: Edward Street Shaw Valley Dutton Rodney Aylmer Bayham Call Volume Elgin County Trend Source ADRS data base Valid T3 (depart station) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 . • - Code 1 Code 2 - Code 3 Code 4 _- Code 8 IF \\ \\\ \\ \\ Call Volume Elgin County Trend Source ADRS data base Valid T3 (depart station) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 . • - Code 1 Code 2 - Code 3 Code 4 _- Code 8 Response Times by Municipality 7:53 1:24 13:43 2:30 24:30 1:28 14:28 1:24 15:90 1:14 15:56 1:23 14:55 1:118 12:36 1:21 12:25 1:24 12:25 1:24 70 IF \\ mm" \\ \\ Response Times by Municipality 7:53 1:24 13:43 2:30 24:30 1:28 14:28 1:24 15:90 1:14 15:56 1:23 14:55 1:118 12:36 1:21 12:25 1:24 12:25 1:24 70 CTAS Response Times Reporting 6 Minutes IF \\ \\\ 60% 74% CTAS Response Times Reporting 6 Minutes 45% 60% 8 Minutes 60% 74% 10 Minutes 75% 82% 14 Minutes 85% 92% 20 Minutes 90% 98% 20 Minutes 90% 98% *CTAS reporting fror?,iMedic ePCR data Highlights ➢ Life Pack 15 cardiac monitors deployed successfully ➢ Manual defibrillation roll out, provides Paramedics with the skill/tool to use the cardiac monitor in manual mode and when required deliver a shock to the patient faster than in automatic mode ➢ Bayham review and recommendations 72 IF \\ 411 \\\ ➢ Life Pack 15 cardiac monitors deployed successfully ➢ Manual defibrillation roll out, provides Paramedics with the skill/tool to use the cardiac monitor in manual mode and when required deliver a shock to the patient faster than in automatic mode ➢ Bayham review and recommendations 72 System performance continued ➢ 90th Percentile Response Time -12,25 ➢ Reaction time: 1:24 ➢ Kilometers travelled: 516576 ➢ Vehicle Collisions: 7 — no personal injuries or patient involvement. ➢ Call Volume: 2.3% increase over 2014 ➢ Community event hours: 278 73 IF \\ mm" \\ \\ System performance continued ➢ 90th Percentile Response Time -12,25 ➢ Reaction time: 1:24 ➢ Kilometers travelled: 516576 ➢ Vehicle Collisions: 7 — no personal injuries or patient involvement. ➢ Call Volume: 2.3% increase over 2014 ➢ Community event hours: 278 73 Plans for 2016 ➢ Occupational Stress Injury (PTSD, compassion fatigue) planning ➢ 2016 training scheduled for fall for mandatory Base Hospital training ➢ Bariatric unit arrival ➢ iPad project for mapping utilization 74 IF 411 ➢ Occupational Stress Injury (PTSD, compassion fatigue) planning ➢ 2016 training scheduled for fall for mandatory Base Hospital training ➢ Bariatric unit arrival ➢ iPad project for mapping utilization 74 Questions 75 IF \\ mm" \\ \\ Questions 75 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF April 12, 2016 Staff Reports —(ATTACHED) Deputy Director of Engineering Services — Award of Tenders — Cold In -Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material, Hot Mix Asphalt Paving, Microsurfacing, Granular `A' Shouldering, Culvert Sliplining and Lewis Drain Culvert Replacement Deputy Director of Engineering Services — No Parking By -Law - Revised Director of Engineering Services — Transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin Director of Community and Cultural Services — Proposed New Facility for Shedden Library — Progress Report Manager of Planning — Draft Approval for a Plan of Subdivision Owner: Abraham and Emma Peters — Country View Estates Phase 2 Chief Administrative Officer— Revised Public Health Budget for 2016 - Implications 76 E�, REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: March 24, 2016 SUBJECT: Award of Tenders — Cold In -Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material, Hot Mix Asphalt Paving, Microsurfacing, Granular'A' Shouldering, Culvert Sliplining and Lewis Drain Culvert Replacement INTRODUCTION: As part of the approved 2016 Capital Budget, tenders were advertised and issued as per the County's Procurement Policy. Submissions were received for the following projects: a) Cold In -Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM) - Contract No. 6200-16 b) Hot Mix Asphalt Paving - Contract No. 6220-16 c) Microsurfacing (Type 3) - Contract No. 6250-16 d) Granular 'A' Shouldering - Contract No. 6250-16B e) Culvert Sliplining and Culvert Replacements - Contract No. 6290-16-04 f) Lewis Drain Culvert Replacement - Contract No. 6290-16-02 Tenders issued this year once again included a piggyback clause that allows Elgin's Municipal Partners the option of contracting with the successful bidder of the contracts identified below. DISCUSSION: Cold In -Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM) A total of eight (8) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project. Three (3) contractors submitted bids for this tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Roto -Mill Inc. $1,132,675.00 Lavis Contracting Co. Limited $1,203,450.00 Coco Paving Inc. $1,253,187.50 Roto -Mill Inc. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $1,132,675.00, inclusive of a contingency allowance and exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to rehabilitate two sections of county roads. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. 77 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving A total of nine (9) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project. Three (3) contractors submitted bids for this tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Walmsley Bros. Ltd. $2,455,244.00 Dufferin Construction Company $2,650,225.00 Coco Paving Inc. $2,673,000.00 Walmsley Bros. Ltd. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $2,455,244.00, inclusive of a contingency allowance and exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to place hot mix asphalt on various roads throughout Elgin County. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. Microsurfacing (Type 3) A total of five (5) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project. Two (2) contractors submitted bids for this tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Duncor Enterprises Inc. $499,680.70 MSO Construction Limited $565,012.50 Duncor Enterprises Inc. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $499,680.70, inclusive of a contingency allowance and exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to place Microsurfacing (Type 3) on various roads throughout Elgin County. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. Granular `A' Shouldering A total of eleven (11) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project. Four (4) contractors submitted bids for this tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Armstrong Paving & Materials Group Ltd. $142,181.00 Permanent Paving Ltd. $145,725.00 D&D Trucking & Construction Services $177,300.00 Dufferin Construction Company $188,600.00 Armstrong Paving & Materials Group Ltd. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $142,181.00, exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to place Granular `A' Shoulder Gravel on various roads throughout Elgin County. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. W Culvert Sliplining and Culvert Replacement A total of twenty-one (21) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project. Three (3) contractors submitted bids for this tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Birnam Excavating Ltd. $260,058.04 Gary D. Robinson Contracting $287,961.24 Murray Mills Excavating $300,880.00 Birnam Excavating Ltd. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $260,058.04, exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to install pipe liners inside existing culverts and to replace existing culverts on various roads throughout Elgin County. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. Lewis Drain Culvert Replacement A total of twenty four (24) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project. Seven (7) contractors submitted bids for this Tender; bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Aar -Con Excavating $170,270.00 Schouten Excavating Inc. $246,750.00 Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. $249,300.00 Murray Mills Excavating & Trucking Ltd. $253,135.75 J-AAR Excavating Limited $261,357.00 Titanium Contracting Inc. $323,993.00 East Elgin Concrete Forming Ltd. $345,225.00 Aar -Con Excavating submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $170,270.00, inclusive of a contingency allowance and exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to replace the Lewis Drain Culvert located on Third Line (County Road 18) in the Township of Southwold. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. Third Line (County Road 18) between Union Road and Mill Road will be closed for a consecutive 4 week period between July 4 and August 26. Exact closure dates will be determined after the pre -construction meeting with the Contractor. The official construction detour route will utilize Mill Road, Talbot Line and Union Road. CONCLUSION: All of the low tenders submitted are within the approved budget amounts. Work on the projects is expected to begin in the spring with completion scheduled for the end of August. 79 As per the County of Elgin's Purchasing Policy, if change orders are required and the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by less than 10%, and the amount is within the overall budgeted project amount, work will proceed upon authorization by the Director. However, if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10%, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Roto -Mill Inc. be selected for the Cold In -Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM) Tender, Contract No. 6200-16 at a total price of $1,132,675.00, inclusive of a $50,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT Walmsley Bros. Ltd. be selected for the Hot Mix Asphalt Tender, Contract No. 6220-16 at a total price of $2,455,244.00, inclusive of a $50,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT Duncor Enterprises Inc. be selected for the Microsurfacing (Type 3) Tender, Contract No. 6250-16 at a total price of $499,680.70, inclusive of a $25,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT Armstrong Paving & Materials Group Ltd. be selected for the Granular A Shouldering Tender, Contract No. 6250-16B at a total price of $142,181.00, exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT Birnam Excavating Ltd. be selected for the Culvert Sliplining and Culvert Replacement Tender, Contract No. 6290-16-04 at a total price of $260,058.04, exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT Aar -Con Excavating be selected for the Lewis Drain Culvert Replacement Tender, Contract No. 6290-16-02 at a total price of $170,270.00, inclusive of a $15,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contracts. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services :N Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer m/1 N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services DATE: April 7, 2016 SUBJECT: No Parking By -Law - Revised INTRODUCTION: Staff has revised the existing No Parking By -Law to ensure its accuracy and wording is clear and consistent. The previous by-law (15-12) is recommended to be repealed and replaced with the revised by-law (16-11). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Staff reviewed each of the 137 locations described in Schedule `A', Part B of the existing by-law to restrict parking along County roads. Inconsistencies were found within many of the schedule's descriptions that created the potential for improper interpretation. Therefore, staff made numerous revisions to clarify the descriptions and to reflect actual conditions. All amendments were of an administrative nature and no material changes were made to existing restricted parking locations. Staff therefore recommends that the No Parking By -Law (By -Law 15-12) be rescinded and the revised By -Law to Restrict Parking along County Roads (By -Law 16-11, attached), be adopted. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the No Parking By -Law (By -Law No. 15-12) be rescinded; and, THAT the attached No Parking By -Law (By -Law No. 16-11) be adopted; and, THAT the OPP be provided with a copy of the revised by-law. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Peter Dutchak Mark G. McDonald Deputy Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer m m/1 N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: March 21, 2016 SUBJECT: Transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin INTRODUCTION: Recently, the Township of Southwold passed a resolution requesting that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County of Elgin road system due to increased traffic volume. DISCUSSION: Late last fall, a new 401 interchange was completed which resulted in a dramatic increase in traffic volume on Wonderland Road in Southwold. Wonderland Road is being used as an access route to Highway 401 as well as into the City of London. As a result, Southwold has passed a resolution requesting that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County (Attached). Southwold is willing to consider a transfer of a similar section of less travelled County road to the municipality. County staff will report back to Council with a more comprehensive report that indicates the implications of the transfer to the County. CONCLUSION: The County of Elgin has received a request from the Township of Southwold to transfer Wonderland Road to the County due to a dramatic increase in traffic to Highway 401 and to the City of London. In return, Southwold is willing to accept a less travelled road from the County. County staff will provide a comprehensive report to Council in the spring of this year. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the report titled "Transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin", dated March 21, 2016 be received and filed; and; THAT County staff provide a more comprehensive report to Council indicating the implications of the transfer to the County of Elgin. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer W 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NOL I KO OFFICE OF THE CLERK Phone: (5,19) 769,-2010 Fav (519) 769-2837 rr Email: clao�,,y� L County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5VI Attention: Mark McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer I *TT-- M LVA The Council of the Township of Southwold discussed the increase in traffic on Wonderland Road since the new 401 exchange was completed late last fail. It is, Council's opinion that since these volumes has increased dramatically, that this road should become a county responsibility, It also has turned into an, additional route not only to access Highway 401 but to travel into the City of London. Of course, the municipality would be willing to consider accepting some other less travelled county road, which could be removed from the county system, You will find attached a copy of the resolution adopted by Council. Yours truly, Ken Loveland CAO/Clerk Encl, W My M- W-TINKIM. Moved by: -Deputy Mayor Chard Seconded by: Councillor North THAT Council) of the Township of Southwold request that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County of Elgin road system; AND THAT a similar section of less travelled county road is transferred to Southold. Recorded Vote G. Bogart 1 I. Chard G. Jones - Mayor R. Monteith P, North Yeas NM 01 Carried: Mayor Defeated. - VUo EignVREPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: March 30, 2016 SUBJECT: Proposed New Facility for Shedden Library — Progress Report INTRODUCTION: Significant progress has been made by the Shedden Library Committee under the auspices of the Township of Southwold towards a new facility for the Shedden Library. This report provides County Council with an update regarding recent developments on this project. DISCUSSION: The Shedden Library Committee was constituted by the Township of Southwold in 2012 to explore funding opportunities and lead community engagement in the development of a new facility for Shedden Library. In late 2013, the Township affirmed that any such development would occur as an extension to the Keystone Community Complex in the village. Since that time, the committee has been working with the Township on numerous grant applications, community fundraising initiatives and the development of specifications for the library in partnership with County staff. Staff are pleased to report to County Council that there have recently been significant developments regarding this project that are leading to growing optimism that it will move ahead in the foreseeable future. These developments include the following: In February 2016, the Township awarded design / build services to Spriet Associates through a request for proposals process. This firm has extensive experience in the development of library facilities, including those that are part of community complexes (such as Springfield Library), and is currently working with Township and County staff on construction specifications. If approved, the facility will comprise approximately 3,500 square feet of assignable library space. Provision for the annual increase in lease payments by the County have been integrated into the County's ten-year business plan to start as soon as 2017. The committee has raised approximately $430,000 to date towards an estimated project cost of between $650,000 and $700,000 (see attached). This amount includes a donation from Green Lane Community Trust in the amount of $226,195. With over sixty percent of estimated costs raised to date, the committee is well on its way towards bringing this project to a reality. While Southwold Township Council has not yet approved nor issued formal tenders for construction, indications are that this could take place as soon as fall 2016. Should the Township make such a commitment, County Council can expect an interest-free loan request of up to $100,000 payable over ten years to support construction costs. This amount is included in the above fundraising total. W CONCLUSION: Significant progress has been made recently towards addressing the long-standing and well-documented challenges of the Shedden Library through the construction of a new facility as part of the Keystone Community Complex. The hard -work and on-going efforts of the Shedden Library Committee are to be commended in this regard. Staff will keep County Council fully apprised of any further developments regarding this project as they unfold. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Proposed New Facility for Shedden Library — Progress Report" by the Director of Community and Cultural Services dated March 30, 2016 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer Southmold 1I.Abra. of japwjEy ,q,16 (Orculated at Shedden )Jbrary (.'aii:m-rdttee meetimg - March 21, 20,16 lKsthimted cost, toy onstruct Library porti.on of project (this ex�cfvdes a -it enigineering Ges Mich axe My 10ded by Grecm. Lane'UrLlSt �Hld zu'iy costs fiot, the storage <,ddition of flie project, Ile tMal prqject incIuding aH enginceing ties and, t1w slorage pot -tion! is approxirriately $73 1,000, including a $30,000 contingemey) Raised to date Net, donalians acid ftt:ndraicing $70,779 Ohis is what has been reechved at the munidpal ofHee and indudes JA 0,000 Ford Camada ,ind $3,00013,1gir), St'rbornas (Donmit)ity Rusy Rhubarb am (this is die amount that Rosy has indlated tl,'-uey have set. aside For, the Jil-wary-not yet re,mitted to the Township) Elgit-i (,`ounty 10 year loan $100,000 (not yet farnial I), secttred) ,rotal raised to date 2 �O7 879 Yet tol.)e raised$I-EIRI � *Note: We have apl,'Aied tol)-itfiII111 for S1,90,000 plas Omada 150 Infrastructure Fund $202,734.75 which are both m -A yet secured. The donation recAved Kensington Club in Downber 2015 was $50, Im 1 "'A 11'1,11M nowlillillon 111,1 M mis ul ARM rrC/% 1 "'A 11'1,11M nowlillillon 111,1 M mis ul „urrr m/1 N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Steve Evans, Manager of Planning DATE: March 29, 2016 SUBJECT: Draft Approval for a Plan of Subdivision Part of Lots 7, Concession 8 Municipality of Bayham File No.: 34T-BA1501 Owner: Abraham and Emma Peters — Country View Estates Phase 2 INTRODUCTION: This report will provide County Council with information required in order to consider granting draft plan approval to the above noted plan of subdivision. In accordance with Section 51 of the Planning Act, the Council of the County of Elgin, the "Approval Authority,” is required to make a decision which gives or refuses to give approval to a draft plan of subdivision. DISCUSSION: The lands that are the subject of this application for draft plan approval, are located in North Hall, an un -serviced hamlet in the Municipality of Bayham (see attached plan and location map). The owner is requesting approval of a "Plan of Subdivision" on which is proposed five (5) single detached residential dwellings. Adjacent land uses include existing residential dwellings to the north and east, agricultural and residential to the south and an existing woodlot to the west. This application was accepted as "complete" on September 17, 2015 by the County of Elgin. The developer submitted documents to support the proposed subdivision including a Geotechnical Investigation, Preliminary Servicing Report, Storm Water Management Report and an Environmental Impact Study. A statutory public meeting was held by the Municipality on December 17, 2015. A neighbouring property owner was concerned about the effect the development may have on his well. Comments were received from Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) with regard to the possible cumulative impacts of further development in an un -serviced hamlet. In addition, the Ministry of Natural resources and Forests (MNRF) had some questions about species at risk and the environmental impact study. Following the public meeting the Municipality of Bayham forwarded information to Elgin County as required under the Planning Act. As part of the County's consultation process the County requested more detailed information about cumulative impacts of the proposed development in an un -serviced hamlet. In response, EXP, a geotechnical engineering firm provided a professional opinion stating that the proposed residential lots can be serviced with private on-site septic systems which incorporate tertiary treatment. These systems will .E maintain an acceptable level of nitrate concentration in the shallow groundwater and have no negative impacts to private wells which service the nearby residents. With respect to the MNRF questions about species at risk; County staff received the following response: At this time, based on the information provided to date, MNRF believes there to be a low likelihood that the proposal will contravene the ESA 2007. (So no further concerns / comments / etc.) The proposed plan of subdivision is located in an un -serviced hamlet (North Hall) in the Municipality of Bayham. The lands are designated "Hamlets" in the Bayham Official Plan and zoned Hamlet Residential in the zoning by-law. The plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and it complies with the County and Bayham Official Plans. CONCLUSION: The Manager of Planning has reviewed File No. 34T-BA1501 and has prepared conditions for draft approval which are attached for Council's review. These conditions have been reviewed by the Municipality and by the applicant and they are acceptable to both. Based on the above the Manager of Planning is satisfied that this plan of subdivision has had regard to subdivision criteria as set out in Section 51 (24) of the Planning Act and that the conditions, as attached, are reasonable. If County Council approves this draft plan of subdivision, the owner will be responsible for fulfilling the conditions before final approval can be given. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants draft plan approval to Abraham and Emma Peters' Draft Plan of Subdivision (Country View Estates Phase 2) in the Municipality of Bayham (North Hall) File No. 34T-BA1501; and, THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision, subject to the conditions for final approval, in accordance with the Planning Act. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Steve Evans Mark G. McDonald Manager of Planning Chief Administrative Officer 91 Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters 54571 Ottergate Line File No.: 34T-BA1501 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 Date of Decision: , 2016 Date of Notice: , 2016 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Lapsing Date: NOTICE OF DECISION On Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision Subsection 51(37) of the Planning Act Approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision in respect of the subject lands noted above was given on by the County of Elgin. A copy of the conditions for final approval is attached. When and How to File an Appeal Notice to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board must be filed with the County of Elgin no later than 20 days from the date of this notice as shown above as the last date of appeal. The notice of appeal should be sent to the attention of the Manager of Planning, at the address shown below and it must, (1) Set out the reasons for the appeal, and (2) Be accompanied by the fee prescribed under the Ontario Municipal Board Act in the amount of $125.00, payable by certified cheque to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario. Who Can File an Appeal Only individuals, corporations or public bodies may appeal the decision in respect of a proposed plan of subdivision to the Ontario Municipal Board. An appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group. Right of Applicant or Public Body to Appeal Conditions The applicant or any public body may, at any time before the final plan of subdivision is approved, appeal any of the conditions imposed by the County of Elgin by filing with the Manager of Planning a notice of appeal. 'y, How to receive Notice of Changed Conditions The conditions of an approval of draft plan of subdivision may be changed at any time before the final approval is given. You will be entitled to receive notice of any changes to the conditions of approval of draft plan of subdivision if you have either, (1) Made a written request to be notified of the decision, or (2) Made a written request to be notified of changes to the conditions of approval of the draft plan of subdivision. Other Related Applications: None Getting Additional Information Additional Information about the application is available for public inspection during regular office hours at the County of Elgin at the address noted below. Mailing address for Filing a Notice of Appeal County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive, 3d Floor St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attention: Manager of Planning Telephone: (519) 631-1460 Fax: (519) 633-7661 Email: sevans _elineca Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters Date of Decision: , 2016 54571 Ottergate Line Date of Notice: , 2016 File No.: 34T-BA1501 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Lapsing Date: Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 The conditions and amendments to final plan of approval for registration of this Subdivision as provided by the County of Elgin are as follows: No. CONDITIONS That this approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision, prepared by Kim Husted, Ontario Land Surveyor, dated May 22, 2014, which shows: • 5 single detached residential building lots (Lots 1-5 inclusive) • Block 6 public road allowance 2. That the road allowances included on the draft plan shall meet the standards of the Municipality of Bayham and be shown and dedicated as public highways on the final plan submitted for approval and registration. 3. The streets within the draft plan of subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Bayham. 4. That any dead ends and/or open sides of road allowances created by this plan of subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3 metre reserves to be conveyed and held in trust by the Municipality of Bayham until required for future road allowances or the development of adjacent land. 5. That the owner shall provide cash -in -lieu of parkland in the amount five percent (5%) of the land value to the Municipality of Bayham, pursuant to Section 51.1(3) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990. 6. That the owner enters into a subdivision agreement, pursuant to the authority of section 51(26) of the Planning Act, as amended, with the Municipality of Bayham wherein the owner agrees to satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Municipality concerning the installation of services including roads, utilities and storm water management facilities for the development of the lands within the plan. 7. That the owner shall provide easements as may be required for utility, servicing, or drainage purposes in a form satisfactory to the Municipality or utility. 8. That prior to final approval the Municipality shall advise that appropriate zoning is in effect for the plan of subdivision. 93 Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters Date of Decision: , 2016 54571 Ottergate Line Date of Notice: , 2016 File No.: 34T-BA1501 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Lapsing Date: Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 9. That the subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality of Bayham be registered against the lands to which it applies once the plan of subdivision has been registered. 10. That the subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality contain a provision requiring the owner to install geodetic monuments within the subdivision. The number, specifications and location of the monuments are to be approved by the Municipality prior to final plan approval and registration. 11. That the Municipality requires implementation of the recommendations and mitigation measures that are provided in Letter of Environmental Impact Study — Part Lot 7, Concession 8, Municipality of Bayham, ON, Biologic Inc., April 24, 2015. 12. That the Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and Municipality shall contain provisions requiring: a. All services, which in the opinion of the Municipality are necessary for the development of the lands within the Plan, such services being hereinafter called the "necessary services" shall be in place before development begins. b. Development may begin before all necessary services are in place if the Municipality is satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made to ensure that the necessary services shall be provided in a timely manner as development proceeds. 13. That prior to final approval, the Municipality shall confirm that there is reserve sewage system capacity which shall include treatment capacity for hauled sewage from individual on-site sewage services to service the development. 14. That the subdivision agreement contain provisions for the installation and maintenance of tertiary treatment, individual on-site sewage services that are capable of reducing nitrate levels that are within acceptable levels for nitrate concentrations within the shallow groundwater. Such individual on-site sewage services shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 15. That the proposed arrangements for storm water management as detailed in the "Stormwater Management Report CJDL August 6, 2010" shall be carried out by the Owner and that the subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality contain provisions regarding the development, implementation, installation, dedication and maintenance of the storm water management facilities. Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters 54571 Ottergate Line File No.: 34T-BA1501 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 Date of Decision: , 2016 Date of Notice: , 2016 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Lapsing Date: 16. That the subdivision agreement should contain provisions requiring the Owner to dedicate the lands containing the storm water management pond to the Municipality. 17. That the subdivision agreement and all agreements of purchase and sale should contain provisions to advise homeowners to refrain from any activities that would impair the ability of the storm water management measures to function as designed and constructed. 18. That the owner shall adhere to the recommendations within the Report on Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Residential Development Part Lot 7, Concession 8 Township of Bayham Ontario, Atkinson Davies August 28, 2002". 19. That the owner shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining sediment and erosion controls within the plan until such time as the Municipality assumes the roads and associated services. 20. That the Owner shall provide a lot grading plan to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 21. Prior to final approval, the owner shall contact the licensed communication/ telecommunication service providers within the Municipality prior to commencing any work within the plan, and confirm that sufficient wire line communication/ telecommunication infrastructure is currently available to provide communication/ telecommunication service to the proposed development. In the event that such infrastructure is not available, the owner is hereby advised that the owner may be required to pay for the connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure. If the owner elects not to pay for such connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/ telecommunication infrastructure, the owner shall be required to demonstrate to the Municipality that sufficient alternative communication/telecommunication facilities are available within the proposed development to enable, at a minimum, the effective delivery of communication/ telecommunication services for emergency management services (i.e. 911 Emergency Services). The owner shall provide the Municipality with written confirmation from the licensed service providers that communication/telecommunication infrastructure will be available to the plan. 22. That prior to final approval, arrangements shall be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality for the relocation of any utilities that may be required as a result of the development of the subject lands, such relocation shall be undertaken at the 95 Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters Date of Decision: , 2016 54571 Ottergate Line Date of Notice: , 2016 File No.: 34T-BA1501 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Lapsing Date: Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 expense of the Owner. 23. That prior to final approval of the plan of subdivision, the Clerk of the Municipality of Bayham shall advise in writing how conditions 1 to 22 have been satisfied. NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL: 1. It is the applicant's responsibility to fulfill the conditions of draft approval. 2. It is suggested that the applicant be aware of section 144 of the Land Titles Act and subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act. Subsection 144 (1) of the Land Titles Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land that is located in a land titles division be registered under the Land Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in subsection 144(2). Subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land that is located only in a registry division cannot be registered under the Registry Act unless that title of the owner of the land has been certified under the Certification of Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in clauses (b) and (c) of subsection 78(10). 3. The owner is advised that in the event that deeply buried archaeological remains should be discovered during construction, it is recommended that archaeological staff of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport be notified immediately. Similarly, in the event that human remains should be encountered during construction, it is recommended that the proponent immediately notify the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Registrar of the Cemeteries Regulation Unit of the Cemeteries Branch. 4. The Ontario Land Surveyor responsible for preparing the final plan for registration should contact the Municipality of Bayham regarding the preparation of the final plan to ensure the requirements of draft approval are properly addressed in the preparation of the final plan and that the final plan prepared contains sufficient geodetic information to locate the plan within the UTM Coordinate System, North American Datum 1983, prior to submitting the plan for final approval. A digital copy of the final plan, in a form satisfactory to the Municipality, is required as part of the final plan submission. 5. Inauguration, or extension of a piped water supply, a sewage system or a storm Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters Date of Decision: , 2016 54571 Ottergate Line Date of Notice: , 2016 File No.: 34T-BA1501 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Lapsing Date: Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 drainage system, is subject to the approval of the Ministry of the Environment under Sections 52 and Section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources Act. 6. The owner is hereby advised that the review of this plan of subdivision did not include groundwater, soil or atmosphere testing to fully discount the possibility that waste materials and/or other contaminants are present within or in close proximity to this subdivision. If either the owner or the Municipality requires such assurance before proceeding with this plan of subdivision, a team of consultants should be retained to conduct any necessary investigations. 7. The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change must be advised immediately should waste materials or other contaminants be discovered during the development of this plan of subdivision. If waste materials or contaminants are discovered, a further approval under Section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act may be required from that Minister. 8. The owner is advised that if any unplugged petroleum wells or associated works are identified during the development of the site, the owner shall notify the Petroleum Resources Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The owner shall plug the wells and rehabilitate the surface according to the Provincial Standards of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act. The Ministry of Natural Resources recommends that no structures be built immediately over a plugged petroleum well. 9. It is suggested that the Municipality register the subdivision agreement as provided by subsection 51(26) of the Planning Act, against the land to which it applies, as notice to prospective purchasers. 10. Clearances are required from the following agencies: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 If the agency's condition concerns a clause in the subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to them. This will expedite clearance of the final plan. A copy of the agreement is also required by the County of Elgin. 97 Owners: Abraham and Emma Peters 54571 Ottergate Line File No.: 34T-BA1501 Municipality: Municipality of Bayham Subject Lands: Part of Lot 7 Concession 8 Date of Decision: , 2016 Date of Notice: , 2016 Last Date of Appeal , 2016 Lapsing Date: 11. All measurements on subdivision and condominium final plans must be presented in metric units. The final plan must be submitted digitally in AutoCAD (DWG) and Portable Document Format (PDF) with the appropriate citation from the Planning Act used. The AutoCAD (DWG) file must be consistent with the following standards: Georeferenced to the NAD83 UTM Zone 17M coordinate system. All classes of features must be separated into different layers. Each layer should be given a descriptive name so that the class of feature it contains is recognizable. The final plan approved by the County of Elgin must include the following paragraph on all copies (3 mylars and 4 paper) for signature purposes: Approval Authority Certificate This final plan of subdivision is approved by the County of Elgin under Section 51 (58) of the Planning Act, R. S. O. 1990, on this day of 20 Manager of Planning 12. The approval of this draft plan of subdivision File No. 34T-BA1501 will lapse on 2019, pursuant to subsection 51(32) of the Planning Act, as amended. It is the responsibility of the owner to request an extension of the draft approval if one is needed. A request for extension should be made at least 60 days before the approval lapses since no extension can be given after the lapsing date. The request should include the reasons why an extension is needed and a resolution in support of the extension from Council of the Municipality. 13. The final plan approved by the County of Elgin must be registered within 30 days or the County may withdraw its approval under subsection 51(59) of the Planning Act. 0 450 900 1,800 2,700 3,600 4 .4 p nnn Legend Draft Plan Lots OParcels 2015 Aerial Photo Red: Band -1 Green: Band _2 Blue: Band -3 Peters Court Plan of Subdivision - Overlay Municipalitfof Bayham Projection: NAD 83 UTM Zone 17. Date: March 30, 2016 DISCLAIMER: This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. 0 35 70 140 210 280 1.1 cnn Legend -- Draft Plan Lots OParcels 2015 Aerial Photo Red: Band -1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band -3 Peters Court Plan of Subdivision - Overlay Municipal goof Bayham Projection: NAD 83 UTM Zone 17. Date: March 30, 2016 DISCLAIMER: This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. m/1 N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer Jim Bundschuh, Director of Financial Services DATE: March 17, 2016 SUBJECT: Revised Public Health Budget for 2016 - Implications INTRODUCTION: Attached for Council's consideration is a letter from Public Health with a revised budget and requisition for 2016. Council will note that the "Revised" requisition, which includes 13 one-time business cases yet to be approved by the Ministry, represents a total estimated expenditure of $6,832,400 with the County's share being $967,141. The purpose of this report is to seek council's direction on how best to proceed with monthly payments to the service. DISCUSSION: Upon learning in December 2015, that the Ministry of Health "froze" its contribution towards Public Health at 2014 levels, the County requested (and the Board of Health subsequently approved) the return of the 3% increase collected from the County (approximately $30,000) see letters attached. This maintained the 75/25% split in provincial and municipal costs. At that same meeting in December, Council also learned that Public Health would continue to lose funding in 2016 (estimated revenue loss of $220,000) and again in 2017 (a further reduction of approximately $290,000) because of the new provincial funding formula. Therefore, based on this knowledge and County Council's expressed desire to not exceed its portion of the 25% funding split, one would have expected the 2016 budget to resemble the 2014 approved budget of $6,544,976 minus the expected Provincial reduction of $220,000 for a total in 2016 of $6,324,976 or $896,565 County portion. Instead, the revised budget (attached) is $6,832,400 with the County share being $967,141. The County's share then is estimated at $70,000 more than expected. It should be noted that the one-time business case costs of $587,500 will require Ministry approval and may or may not be expended. The presentation in December emphasized that in response to the Ministry's new funding formula, Public Health will have "to divest from some programs and services in order to manage this new funding formula." The newly revised budget does not seem to accomplish this, at least as presented. In view of the forgoing staff needs direction of what amount to pay Public Health each month. The options are listed below. Please note that according to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, obligated municipalities (of which the County is one) "shall" pay the expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Board of Health and the obligated municipalities shall ensure that the amount paid is "sufficient" [Section 72 (2)] to enable the board to provide programs and services. 101 Option One - is to pay the County portion of the Mandatory Program and Related Services Budgets based on the total amount of $6,244,900 in equal instalments. The business case amounts would not be included in the monthly allotment because they have not been approved by the Ministry. The business cases represent contingent expenses only which materialize as estimated expenses upon Ministry approval. If later approved or a portion of the business cases are funded by the Ministry, then the Board of Health may issue a second notice requiring the obligated municipality to pay the additional amount [Section 72 (6)] of the Act. The advantage of this option is that the County does not remit a potential surplus amount upfront and then ask the board to refund the County portion on any program not funded by the Province (like that which took place in 2015). In other words, the County holds the funds until they are requested and remits based on Ministry -approved business cases when they occur. Option Two - is to remit as proposed in the revised letter and pay as if the business cases have been approved. The downside is that County financial resources may be unnecessarily floated to the Board of Health, especially if all or a portion of the business cases are not approved. In that case, Council will have to ask for the funds to be returned and there is no guarantee that the Board of Health will return those funds since such matters require a majority vote at the board. Option Three - is to remit as in Option One with the understanding that the Board of Health may utilize reserve funds to cover the obligated municipality's portion of the business cases. It can be argued that one-time costs such as these should be funded from reserves and that the County has already provided its portion through successive budgets, a portion of which have been retained and sent to reserves by the Board of Health. CONCLUSION: A newly revised requisition of funds from Public Health has been received. Staff are seeking Council's direction on the appropriate payment allocation to the Board of Health. Several options are available to council. RECOMMENDATION: THAT staff be directed to implement Option of the report titled "Revised Public Health Budget for 2016 — Implications" dated March 17, 2016. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer Jim Bundschuh Director of Financial Services 102 ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH February 29, 2016 REVISED Mr. Jim Bundschuh Director, Financial Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5'R 5V1 Dear Jim, On behalf of the Board of Health, we are pleased to advise you that the Board of Health of Elgin St. Thomas Public Health approved the 2016 cost -shared budgets at its January 13, 2016 Board meeting with the following resolution: That the Board of Health approve the 2016 Mandatory Program Budget and Related Services Budgets in the amounts of: $6,163,700 Mandatory Program Budget 17,467 Small Drinking Water Systems Budget 54,229 Vector -Borne Diseases Surveillance/Education Budget' 9,504 Vector -Borne Diseases Larviciding Budget* $6,244,900 Sub Total of Year over Year Budgets 587,500 One -Time Business Cases" $6,832,400 Final Total of Year over Year Budgets and Business Cases $967,141 County of Elgin's Total Levy The levy is based on the funding split of 75% provincial funding and 25% municipal funding. The County of Elgin pays 56.7% of the 25% municipal share. ...2 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health 1230 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON N5P 1 G9 Phone: 519-631-9900 Toll Free 1-800-922-0096 Fax: 519-633-0468 www.elgi!T l llth.on.ca Mr. Jim Bundschuh Page 2 February 29, 2016 The total levy for the above noted budgets for the County of Elgin is $967,146 inclusive of all cost shared -budgets and one-time cost -shared business cases. This is an increase over the final approved amount for 2015 of 2.46%. This revised amount includes an increase of $5,100 over the initial levy. The Board of Health approved fourteen one-time business cases with one of them being 100% provincially funded. The remaining thirteen business cases are cost -shared between the province and the municipalities at the regular funding split. A further breakdown of the various cost -shared budgets is attached. In keeping with the previous payment schedule, please forward payment to Elgin St. Thomas Public Health in monthly installments. A copy of the Board approved financial audited statements for the period ending December 31, 2015 will be forwarded to the County of Elgin once that work is completed — likely April 2016. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Ms. Heathe Jokson Chair, Board of Health Elgin St. Thomas Public Health 4Cythia St. John Executive Director Elgin St. Thomas Public Health attachments: 2016 Mandatory Programs and Related Services Budgets 2016 One -Time Cost -Shared Business Cases Overview copy: Mark McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer, County of Elgin Susan McConnery, Manager of Finance, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health *Please note that the costs associated with the Related Services Budget- Vector Borne Diseases are estimations at this time as the provincial direction for 2016 for these programs is not known at this time. "These one-time business cases are one-time funding requests made to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and are cost -shared as outlined in the Ministry guidelines provided to public health units. 104 February 29, 2016 REVISED Mr. Jim Bundschuh Director, Financial Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Jim, On behalf of the Board of Health, we are pleased to advise you that the Board of Health of Elgin St. Thomas Public Health approved the 2016 cost -shared budgets at its January 13, 2016 Board meeting with the following resolution: That the Board of Health approve the 2016 Mandatory Program Budget and Related Services Budgets in the amounts of: $6,163,700 Mandatory Program Budget 17,467 Small Drinking Water Systems Budget 54,229 Vector -Borne Diseases Surveillance/Education Budget* 9,504 Vector -Borne Diseases Larviciding Budget* $6,244,900 Sub Total of Year over Year Budgets 587,500 One -Time Business Cases** $6,832,400 Final Total of Year over Year Budgets and Business Cases $967,141 County of Elgin's Total Levy The levy is based on the funding split of 75% provincial funding and 25% municipal funding. The County of Elgin pays 56.7% of the 25% municipal share. W, 105 2016 ONE-TIME COST -SHARED BUSINESS CASES OVERVIEW Age Friendly Community Strategy $ Implementation of Budget Prioritizing Software Online Workplace Support and Resource System Target Health Equity Approach for Clinical Services in a Rural Community Building Leadership in Public Health Online Vaccination Resource for Parents of Young Children Orientation to Vaccine Storage and Handling Panorama Support for Vaccine Inventory and Handling PHI Discipline Specific Competencies Healthy Risk Management Culture Social Media Advertising System and Geographic Information System Compensation Market Review Total One -Time Cost -Shared Business Cases 106 20,000 25,000 20,000 21,500 47,500 40,000 40,000 65,000 85,000 100,000 10,000 75,500 38,000 $ 587,500 ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH MANDATORY PROGRAMS 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET SALARIES ACCOUNT NAME 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference Recoveries - - Management 1,112,457 1,059,000 53,457 Nursing 1,346 821 1,343,300 3,521 Inspectors 425,132 399,100 26,032 Nutritlon/Health Promo/Hyglanistl0ther 314,169 310,500 3,669 Support 369,335 355,000 14,335 Surge capacity support 73,705 34,200 39,505 Custodian/Securlty 69,444 70,OOD 556 TOTAL 3,711,063 3,571,100 (139,963) Percentage (%) of entire 2016 budget 107 57.94% ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH MANDATORY PROGRAMS 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET PREMISES ACCOUNT NAME 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference Mortgage/Rent 468,000 468,000 - Housekeeping Supplies 10,000 10,000 - Property Taxes - Grounds Maintenance 12,450 15,500 3,050 Service & Repairs 75,000 92,800 17,800 Garbs eMaste Removal 6,000 6,000 - H droMMater 73,000 95,000 22,000 Union Gas - Heat 7,500 5,000 2,500 Insurance re: premises 11,500 1 10,000 1,500 TOTAL 663,450 1 702,300 38,850 Percentage (%) of entire 2016 budget m 11.39% ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH MANDATORY PROGRAMS 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET HEALTH PROTECTION ACCOUNT NAME 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference Food Safe Course Fees 6,600 (3,900) 2,700 Food Safe Course Expenditures 3,000 700 2,300 Migrant Housing Inspection Fees 31550 (3,600) 50 Fixed Premise Property Searches 375 100 275 Menin ococcal Program Revenue 7,013 7,000 13 Menln ococcal Program Expend. 9,815 9,600 215 Influenza Program Revenue 5,000 3,000 2,000 Influenza Program Expenditures 13,740 10,600 3,240 HPV Campaign Revenue 8,245 5,400 2,845 HPV Campaign Expenditures 13,225 9,800 3,425 TB Skin Testing Revenue - 10,000 10,000 TB Skin Testing Expenses - 6,700 6,700 Private Pay Vaccine revenue - 300 300 STD Clinic qrants - 18,000 18,000 Fees for Service STD/AIDS - 12,000 12,000l Sales of pltls - 20,000 20,000 Oral Contraceptives - 22,500 22,500 Materials & Supplies 55,570 66,900 11,330 Travel/Meeting Expenses 34,000 34,000 - Adverlisin Public Awareness/Promotion 2,000 1,000 1,000 Memberships/Subscriptions/Library 1,300 1,300 - Professional Development 10,150 10,200 50 TOTAL 1 112,0171 113,900 1,883 Percentage (%) of entire 2016 budget 109 1.85% ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH MANDATORY PROGRAMS 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET ADMINISTRATION COSTS ACCOUNT NAME 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference Travel 3,000 3,000 0 Membershi s/Subscri tions 14,000 14,000 0 Occupational Health & Safety 6,500 6,500 0 Professional Development 13,000 13,000 0 TOTAL 36,500 36,500 0 Percentage (%) of entire 2016 budget 0.59% BOARD OF HEALTH COSTS ACCOUNT NAME 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference Travel 1,500 1,500 0 Meeting Expense 1,500 1,500 0 Miscellaneous 500 500 0 Honoraria 10,000 10,000 0 Conferences/Conventions 3,000 5,000 21000 TOTAL 1 6,500 1 18,5001 2,000 Percentage (%) of entire 2016 budget 0.30% 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL I 2016 BUDGET Difference TOTAL MANDATORY LESS TRANSFER TO NEW DENTAL PROGRAM 6,183,622 6,163,700 (19,922) Note 1 This difference Is the additional 3% that was approved by the City of St. Thomas for 2015. 110 Note 1 ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH CINOT EXPANSION 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference CINOT Expansion (Ages 14 - 17) 50,000 - (50,000 General Anaesthethic 23,067 - (23,067) TOTAL 73,067 - 73,067 111 ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH SMALL DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET 2015 BUDGET APPROVAL 2016 BUDGET Difference Salaries & Benefits 17,467 17,467 - TOTAL 17,467 17,467 - 112 ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTH VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES SURVEILLANCE/EDUCATION AND LARVICIDING ACTIVITIES 2016 COST -SHARED BUDGET enwmi MOHLTC St. Thomas ESTPH Program (Cost Shared all Municipal[ tied St.Thomas Aylmer Total Category Activity Larviciding $7,128 $1,901 $4751$0 $9,504 Totals $47,800 $7,771 $4751 Human Resources $63,733 Salaries and Benefits x}879'0; $48,790 Seasonal Staff for Trapping = $0 �_ Surveillance - Wildlife Bird $0 Other $0 Surveillance - Mosquito Adult Idenfication and Viral Testing2p 3' $2,491 Larval $0 Trapping Costs J0 _ 13 $1,339 Surveillance - Ticks = " $0 Surveillance - Other Arthropods Control and Prevention Mosquito $7,128 $2,376 $9,504 Tick$0 $0 $0 Other r ` g $0 $0 $0 Planning and Other Activities -- Planning Activities $0 Public Education $0 Larvicidng Ads ;$8; $1,248 Computers Phones $ $361 Telecommunications cell, pager, etc. $0 Supplies $0 Mapping $0 Research, , ilot ro'ects, evaluation $0 Building Occupant $0 Total Costs '�5 t;* $, . ' $7,1281 $2,3761 $63,733 enwmi MOHLTC St. Thomas Aylmer County of Elgin Total Larviciding $7,128 $1,901 $4751$0 $9,504 Totals $47,800 $7,771 $4751 $7,687 $63,733 113 MANDATORY PROGRAMS RELATED 2016 Cost -Shared Budgets MANDATORY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES 2015 APPROVED BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE LEVY INCREASE City of St. Thomas City of St. Thomas 703,350 667,200 (36,150) -5.14% County of Elgin 894,972 873,700 (21,272) -2.380/. Province of Ontario 4,735,300 4,622,800 (112,500) -2.38% Total Total 6,333,622 6,163,700 (169,922) -2.68% CINOT EXPANSION 2015 APPROVED BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE LEVY INCREASE City of St. Thomas City of St. Thomas 5,413 0 (5,413) NIA County of Elgin 7,088 0 (7,088) N/A Province of Ontario 54,800 0 (54,800) NIA Total Total 67,301 0 (67,301) N/A SMALL DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS 2015 APPROVED BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE LEVY INCREASE City of St. Thomas 1,948 1,891 (57) -2.91% County of Elgin 2,550 2,476 (74) -2.91% Province of Ontario 13,100 13,100 0 0.00% Total 17,598 17,467 (131) -0.74% 114 ONE-TIME BUSINESS CASES - COST -SHARED 2015 APPROVED BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE LEVY INCREASE TOTAL COST - SHARED WITHOUT ONE-TIME BUSINESS CASES 2015 APPROVED BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE LEVY INCREASE City of St. Thomas 23,919 63,597 39,678 165.88% City of St. Thomas 718,684 676,862 (41,822) -5.82% County of Elgin 912,563 883,863 (28,700) -3.15% Town of Aylmer 475 475 0 0.00% Province of Ontario 4,851,000 4,683,700 (167,300) -3.45% 6,703,682 6,832,400 1 128,718 1.92% Total 6,482,722 6,244,900 (237,822) -3.67% ONE-TIME BUSINESS CASES - COST -SHARED 2015 APPROVED BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE LEVY INCREASE City of St. Thomas City of St. Thomas 23,919 63,597 39,678 165.88% County of Elgin 31,320 83,278 51,958 165.88% Province of Ontario 165,721 440,625 274,904 165.88% 5,016,721 5,124,325 107,604 2.140% Total 220,960 1 587,500 366,540 165.89% TOTAL COST- SHARED 2015 APPROVEDLEVY BUDGET 2016 BUDGET DIFFERENCE INCREASE City of St. Thomas 742,603 740,459 (2,144) -0.29% County of Elgin 943,883 967,141 23,258 2.46% Town of Aylmer 475 475 0 0.00% Province of Ontario 5,016,721 5,124,325 107,604 2.140% Total 6,703,682 6,832,400 1 128,718 1.92% 115 December 11, 2015 Elgin St. Thomas Board of Public Heath 1230 Talbot Street St. Thomas, ON N5P 1 G9 Dear Chair and Members of the Board of Health: Subject: Provincial Funding and the 2015 Budget First of all, thank you for providing an update to County Council regarding the new funding formula for Public Health. The impact of this new formula on the provision of services in our area is regrettable. We encourage the Board to address any and all inequities in the formula. We note that the province has frozen its financial contribution to 75% of the 2014 budget. This means there was no increase in the provincial share of the 2015 budget, however, both the County and the City responded to the Board's request for a 3% increase in 2015. That amounts to an approximate increase to the County of $30,000. In effect the County and City are contributing greater than the customary municipal contribution of 25%. Against this background the following resolution was approved unanimously by County Council at its meeting held on December 10th, 2015: "THAT the Elgin St. Thomas Board of Public Health be requested to return the 3% increase levied in 2015 (estimated at $30,000 County share) given that the Ministry of Health froze its financial contribution at the 2014 level (equal to a 0% increase), in order to maintain the 75/25% provincial- municipal cost sharing formula. - Unanimously Carried. (signed) Bernie Wiehle" County of Elgin Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 www.elgincounty.ca Elgin St. Thomas Board of Public Health - 2 - December 11, 2015 As you may appreciate, the County, like many municipalities, has experienced tremendous loss in provincial grants and every dollar saved or returned helps to mitigate these significant shortfalls in funding. For example, the County has seen a reduction in its OMPF (unconditional grants) of more than $4m over a number of years. We look forward to your response to our request. Yours truly, Bernie Wiehle, Warden cc City of St. Thomas 117 ELGIN ST. THOMAS PUBLIC HEALTHAoft February 2, 2016 Mr. Mark McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer Jim Bundschuh, Director, Financial Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mark and Jim, FEB 1 1, 2 131 It The Board of Health at its January 13, 2016 Board meeting approved the return of the County's 3% payment for the 2015 budget with the following resolution: Moved by Dave Mennill Seconded by David Marr "That the Board of Health approve the return of the 3% increase to the 2015 budget to the County of Elgin". A cheque will be forthcoming once the 2015 audited statements are complete. If you have any questions, please contact me at 631-9900, ext. 1202. Sincerely, �&% J4,e�—, (--,-44 Cynthia St. John Executive Director C, J. Brindley, Supervisor, Accounting, ESTPH S. McConnery, Manager, Finance, ESTPH �x. Elgin St. Thomas Public Health 1230 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON N5P 1 G9 Phone: 519-631-9900 Toll Frei 000-922-0096 Fax: 519-633-0468 www.elgin ealth.on.ca Theresa Levschuk, Executive Assistant to the Director, Thames Valley District School Board, with available dates for County Council to meet with Thames Valley District School Board and London District Catholic School Board. 119 From: Theresa Levschuk [tJ,,evschuk@tvdsbon,,ca) Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 20116 9:52 AM To : �Mark McDonald cc- Idacosta@offi;celdcsb.on.ca; Susan Livesey; Susan Piltman Su bje ct.- Meeting with Elgin, LDCSB and'TVDSB Hello Mark: In terms of meeting dates, representatNes from the LDCSB and ,,,T'VDSB are available at 9:00 am., on, the, foltowing dates, Wednesday, May 18 Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, JLjne 8 Wednesday, June 29 �Please let me know which date you wish tonfirm. 120 RSmT=m=tI zff�� 1, Jennifer Goodine, Executive Director, Canadian Association of MuNcipa� Administrators (CAMA) Nationall Office, with CAMA's list of priorities identified by CSMA mernbers re: Canada's Federal Funding Programs for Municipal infrastructure. 2. International Plowing Match Legacy Agricultural Scholarship Poster., 3, Dan Mathieson, Mayor, City of Stratford ndl Stratford Citry Council with invitation to a performance of "A Chorus Line" on Civic blight, ThUrsday, June 23'6, 2016 at the Festival Theatre. 4. Linda Long, Executive Director, Quad County Support Services thanking Council for 2016 grant, 5. D� ianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin with resolution endorsing Environmental Compliance Application Approvals carr espordenuc e sent to the Minister, of the Environment and Climatre Changie from the 'County of Elgin. 121 I Fbrown:CANNA CAM Administration I Date: M -arch 29, 2016 at 5A6:04 I?M— E'DT To: CAMACAM Advainistration Subject: ("AMA Provides Imput into C,anada'sFederal Funding,Program foo- Municipal Infrasti-ijeture, CANI'A'pi-ovides tnput into Canada's Federal Funding f'turafor Municipal Infrasti-tictum As arra ,are aimare, the C,anadilan Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) provided as Posdtioll J)aperand a series of administrative rec4nn.mendations as input on Fegyral Funding llrograj,ns for I'll tras I n1lictil rc. al'ik s to you, our incinbers, fare~ yo�ur in cart duriligthe research phase of this initiative,and the chaft docurn.ent. I was pleased, to present the,Associartion's l7mal position ptiper to Mr. Jefi'Moore, the Assistant Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Canada today (March 29"', 201(r). Please note that the otily chmigo in this; t1nal docunlent fivill the draft version previously cireLflawd is theaddition ofan ExecutiveSaninvir�y at the beginningand some: changes to Itern 9-2: "Clear titerifConTage 7 to ad(lregs the fieodbaek recei�,ed- CAMA presented sixteen priorities,which wtre identified by cur nicnibers as having.al higb iniportanec, froi,n an adn'finistrative starx1point, Th,ese include. - 1, Clear Nanies for Progratms. 2. (.,1ear Criteria. 3. Clear definition ofamnicipal, infirastructure, 4 - Predictability t,,& 1-miding. 5, Ease ol' alill I ication and replorting. 6, litcludes all uosts,. 7. Removal of"suackbag" provisions. S. Improved pro 'eet caw sli flos. 9–Advance ibriding. 10. Long range, fRinding for some projects. I I . I'lexibility. 12. Absztwe a,faddidonal ia'iterja froni the provinves., 13. Does, not requitv relfli'081ion cel" existing municipal checks and balances, 14, F"OCUS On TnUnicipa] mandates. 15. Includes all municipal infrastrUOUAT aISSCJS, 1 , [Xrect involveDlent by municipalities in prograni devekqmnent and design. 1"lease feel free to view the 12LqssL�L ase and, the r1osition 1)gL This information will also, be sent to, the Executive Directors, of the Pro vincial/Territo Hal Ad min ist rato r and Elected Official Ass,aciations and the national media, howc%rer please- feelfree to share it with your own Communications Depai-tritents and colleagues to lar circubited in your respective communities, SIncerely, Don MacLellan Jer�x)Mr Gioodine, Executive Director, CAMA. National Office, PO, Box JL28, Station A, Fredericton,N131 E313 4"Y'2 Tel�,.� 1-866-77 1 -2262 I`ax: 1 -506-460-2134 E -Maj 1: ad min �ii)eaniacani.ca, 122 Are you a resident of Elgin Cottrity or St. Thomas and studying at a post -secondary institution in Canada, in a, discipline relatedto I agriculture? You rnay be eligible for he International Plow"Ung Match Legacy AgricultUra] Scholarship! Call (519) 631-1460 ext. 180 or visit 171IM"ITT no 11111171i : Are pleased to invite Municipal Staff, Electedofficials, theirffiends am,dfatnilies tai jolnusfor C ro P Jific Night Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 ""A Chorus Line" Festivol Theotre 55 Queen Street, Stratford Performance: 8:00 p.m. pleasejoin tui PrIor to the peifix'-j"jdr"nce iri the Fh,'?c'-k a Recejnlo,")in begirtnMy Ilutlt 630p,t'?l For this performance, the Stretford Festival is offering 2 tickets for the price of 1. There ore a 14"ited nvrriber of seats avaNable for 00c Night'so please purcha5e your tickets early, Tickets con, be purchased by, contactinQ the BOX OfflCe at 1-300..567-1600 and providing the representutive with Prmotion Code ""55052"., Your ticket request WMI be processed (Ind mailed directly to You or held at the Box Office to be picked up when you arrive at the theatre. Tickets may also be purchased and printed on-iine at ,afQWL'p� using I Promotion Code 'MkNiqht" Additional informatfon orr the production and cast 6 availuble throoyh tile Strotford Festivoi's website. If you should have any questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Put V?ontz, AdmWistrative Ass'istont to the as at 519-271-0250, ext. 236 at, by email We look fbrword to seei,ng you on, June 23rd'I D'an Mothieson, Mayor 14 Quad County Support Services Mailing Address: P. O, M,x 65, WardsvIlle, Onfado, NOL 2NO f4dophorke, 511 6�,.O - Q17. 8 wax 51S (03 Wd March. 23, 2016 MAR Warden Wichle Count), of [�'Igin ,450 Sutise(Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R SVI Dear Warden Wlelile and Council Mcnibers.- On behaff of the consumers, Board of"Directzars and ni.ysetf,, I would like to thank you For your most generous grant oi"" ,(i0(W(l„ 1111"ach year 1 -his, uan( assi.SIS OU,r Assocladon with, delivcry of setvices in the West Elgin area, This -arll'OWs our agency to continue to maintain it partnership with W'O.St 1y],Bhl SUP1.1ort Services, In addItion, vve -are ableto contintle to OpMlte OLY17 West Elgirt Ootreach ProgMT.I. Both of these prognanis axe currently nal funded, th-rwq,,'h our ottrrer.it ft,,inder, Lhe NfillllirStry o,f Community and S,06,11 Services, Each year ti,ecorrei marc challenging 0 meet the: fteeds, of 1ndiVjr&1E1ls- with developmental disabilities who live vvilbin our community, 'I'liese are sonie of our niost vulnerable citizens and we work mich, day to promote tutal inclusio,n in, th.e, 0,C)ITIML 111itY, This grant definitely a-,;sists Lis with thiqPnal arid we are truly giliteful and a,pprcCialre I I your stjj,,,)port, Sincerely, Linda Long E'xccutivc Director A : MI'NI" I RA I UM CJ , U; S'!1 'SOURC`E C,IPI (1 DAMOLINIlf F411"I'MMEN1 CPKINS Kl��D,,AAAI 1.17ul10, ("Jo, "albO, Slw( 1 i Ourrr "brx"I 2'Cb �h i, 'SL 101 AC 111A. AM W"I NO N(A 114") 61a 44 M (5 9) PH'6 492�', 1 �4 28? 'JO6 "J 125rr�rr 2 J 0 Bern ie'Wehle Warden County of Elgin 450 S,urns Ddve St.'Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Warden Wiiehle: Re: Envlir onrnental Compfiance Applicaflon Approvals NSk5VI P:519.,WlMcxi, r-.siq.W1.40,'.36 March 30�1', 2016 MAR 3 1 2016 QNTV OF RGIN 4090811ft 7 Rease be advised that Caunoill discussed your correspondence dated March 11 �h 2016 respecting the above noted "matter at their Regular Meeting dated March 2', 201 and the foRowin,g resolution was passed,,, THAT: Correspondence sent from the, County, of6gin to the Honourable Glen Murray, Mlinlister of Enviironrnent and Climate Charge respecting Environmental Compliance Application Approvals be endorsed, Please feel free tio contact me at the ITUnicipW office shoul'd YOU have any questions regarding this matter. Yours truly, Dianne Wilson Deputy tern cle. Honourable Glen R,, Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 16-10 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PAY SCHEDULE FOR EMPLOYEES 16100:110:11 11:yA 9:I :111111L0]:11WITI WIT119 [e] LlIRYNi1 R:w WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, a municipal power, including a municipality's capacity, rights, powers and privileges under Section 8, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 9(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, broad authority is conferred on municipalities to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate; and WHEREAS By -Law No. 15-11 presently establishes pay schedules for positions not covered by agreements or otherwise; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish or to make changes to the remuneration to be paid to the persons holding these positions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the attached Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" be and the same are hereby adopted. 2. That By -Law No. 15-11 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. That this By -Law becomes effective on the first pay period of 2016. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12TH DAY OF APRIL 2016. Mark G. McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 127 SCHEDULE"A" By -Law No. 16-10 Level 14 POSITIONS Level 8 1. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Level 7 Chief Administrative Officer Level 18 Administrative Services Coordinator Level 6 Tree/Weed Inspector/By-Law Enforcement Officer Level 5 Administrative Assistant Level 3 COMMUNITY & CULTURAL SERVICES Director of Community & Cultural Services Level 14 Library Coordinator Level 8 Manager of Archives Level 7 Curator of Elgin County Museum Level 7 Branch Supervisor Level 6 Library Manager; Programming & Community Development Level 6 Archivist Assistant Level 4 Administrative Assistant Level 3 Museum Assistant Level 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM General Manager of Economic Development Level 12 Economic Development Coordinator Level 7 Marketing & Communications Coordinator Level 6 Tourism Services Coordinator Level 5 Marketing Assistant Level 3 Economic Development Assistant Level 3 ENGINEERING SERVICES Director of Engineering Services Level 14 Deputy Director of Engineering Services Level 12 Manager of Corporate Facilities Level 10 Quality Assurance Supervisor/Emergency Management Coordinator Level 7 Building Sciences Technologist Level 6 Land Division Secretary -Treasurer Level 5 Administrative Assistant Level 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES Director of Financial Services Level 15 Manager of Information Technologies Level 12 Senior Financial Analyst Level 8 Purchasing Coordinator Level 8 POA Supervisor Level 7 Payroll and Benefits Coordinator Level 7 Senior Network Analyst Level 7 Financial Analyst Level 5 Provincial Offences Administrative Clerk Level 5 Network Analyst Level 5 6. HUMAN RESOURCES Director of Human Resources Level 14 Manager of Human Resources Level 10 Human Resources Assistant Level 6 Accessibility Coordinator Level 6 Administrative Assistant Level 3 LONG-TERM CARE HOMES Director of Homes & Seniors Services Level 14 Administrator, Elgin Manor & Bobier Villa Level 14 Administrator/Manager of Resident Care Level 12 Manager of Resident Care Level 12 Manager of Resident Care/Nurse Educator Level 12 Manager of Support Services Level 8 Manager of Program and Therapy Services Level 8 Resident Care Coordinator Level 7 Administrative Assistant Level 3 Ward Clerk Level 3 128 Schedule B Bvlaw 16-10 129 Year 2016 Non -Union Salary Grid (Revised March 22, 2016) Salary Level Estimated Annual Salary at base rate (Base) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 (Job Rate) Step 5 Estimated Annual Salary at Job rate Special Purpose Levels Step 6 Step 7 18 153,207.60 84.18 87.55 91.05 94.69 98.48 179,233.60 102.42 106.52 17 140,558.60 77.23 80.32 83.53 86.88 90.35 164,437.00 93.96 97.72 16 128,947.00 70.85 73.69 76.64 79.70 82.89 150,859.80 86.21 89.65 15 118,300.00 65.00 67.60 70.31 73.12 76.05 138,411.00 79.09 82.25 14 108,544.80 59.64 62.02 64.50 67.08 69.77 126,981.40 72.56 75.46 13 99,572.20 54.71 56.90 59.18 61.54 64.01 116,498.20 66.57 69.23 12 91,364.00 50.20 52.20 54.29 56.46 58.72 106,870.40 61.07 63.51 11 83,811.00 46.05 47.89 49.81 51.80 53.87 98,043.40 56.03 58.27 10 76,895.00 42.25 43.94 45.70 47.52 49.42 89,944.40 51.40 53.46 9 71,198.40 39.12 40.68 42.31 44.00 45.76 83,283.20 47.59 49.50 8 65,920.40 36.22 37.67 39.18 40.74 42.37 77,113.40 44.07 45.83 7 61,042.80 33.54 34.88 36.27 37.73 39.23 71,398.60 40.80 42.44 6 56,511.00 31.05 32.30 33.59 34.93 36.33 66,120.60 37.78 39.29 5 52,816.40 29.02 30.18 31.39 32.65 33.95 61,789.00 35.31 36.72 4 49,358.40 27.12 28.21 29.34 30.51 31.73 57,748.60 33.00 34.32 3 46,137.00 25.35 26.36 27.42 28.51 29.66 53,981.20 30.84 32.07 2 43,115.80 23.69 24.64 25.62 26.65 27.71 50,432.20 28.82 29.98 1 40,294.80 22.14 23.03 23.95 24.91 25.90 47,138.00 26.94 28.02 129 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 16-11 [formally By -Law No. EG1 (01-40)] "BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AND TO RESCIND BY-LAW 15-12" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 210 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a council of a municipality may pass By -Laws for the regulation of traffic; and WHEREAS now pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, C.25, an upper -tier municipality may pass By -Laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the table to this section: and WHEREAS By -Law No. EG1 (01-40) has been previously amended through By -Laws 03-05, 03-40, 05-19, 09-34, and 12-22; and WHEREAS By -Law No. 15-12 was approved and EG1 (01-40) was rescinded; and WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to rescind Schedule "A" Part B to By -Law No. 15-12 by providing more precise descriptions of road allowance; and WHEREAS for ease of reference it is further deemed necessary to consolidate all amendments to said By -Law under one comprehensive By -Law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1) THAT By -Law No. 15-12 be and is hereby repealed. 2) THAT By -Law No. 16-11, being a consolidating By -Law for the regulation of traffic, be approved. 3) THAT this By -Law shall come into force and take effect upon the erection of appropriate signage indicating said No Park Zones. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: PART "A" DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS in this By -Law: "ANY PROVISION OF THIS BY-LAW" means any provision of this By -Law for the contravention of which the Municipal Act permits a procedure for the voluntary payment of penalties out of court. "AUTHORIZED SIGN" means any sign or device placed or erected on a highway under the authority of this By -Law by the Roads Superintendent for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. "BICYCLE" is a vehicle as defined under the Highway Traffic Act. "BOULEVARD" shall be construed to mean that portion of every highway within the limits of the County of Elgin, which is not used as a sidewalk or a travelled roadway. "BUS STOP" means a part of a highway designated as a point at which buses stop to take on or let off passengers. 130 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 2 - By -Law 16-11 "COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE" means a motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or delivery body and includes ambulances, hearses, casket wagons, fire apparatus, buses and tractors used for hauling purposes on highways. "CORNER" with reference to a highway intersection means the point of intersection of the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or in the absence of curbs the prolongation of the edges of the roadways. "CORPORATION" means the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "COUNCIL" means the current Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "CROSSWALK" means, (i) that part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the roadway, or (ii) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface. "CURBLINE" means, where the curb is constructed "curbline" shall be construed as meaning the edge of the travelled portion of the highway. "DESIGNATED PARKING SPACE" or "DESIGNATED DISABLED PERSON PARKING SPACE" means a parking space located on any public highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin or on any property owned or occupied by the Corporation of the County of Elgin or any local board thereof and designated for parking of vehicles and marked by an official sign indicating such space to be for the sole use of vehicles displaying a disabled person parking permit. "DISABLED PERSON PARKING PERMIT" means a disabled person parking permit issued under the Highway Traffic Act or a permit, numbered plate or other marker or device issued by another jurisdiction and recognized under the Highway Traffic Act. "DRIVEWAY" means improved land on a highway that provides vehicular access from the roadway to a laneway or a parking area on adjacent land. "GROSS WEIGHT" means the combined weight of vehicle and load. "HANDICAPPED PERSON" means an individual who has been issued a disabled person parking permit by the Province of Ontario and who has met the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act. "HEAVY TRUCK" means any commercial motor vehicle which has a rated gross vehicle weight exceeding 4,535.92 kilograms (10,000 pounds) according to the current permit or vehicle registration which has been issued under the Highway Traffic Act, or its foreign equivalent for such vehicle, regardless of actual weight of such vehicles, but does not include a vehicle operated by or on behalf of the Corporation or a school bus that is in the course of transferring children or handicapped adults to and from schools. "HIGHWAY" includes a common and public Highway, Street, Avenue, Parkway, Driveway, Square, Place, Bridge, Viaduct or Trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. "HOLIDAY" includes Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Dominion day, the day proclaimed as a Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, the day proclaimed as birthday of the reigning sovereign, and any day appointed by proclamation of the Governor General or the Lieutenant -Governor -In -Council as a public holiday or for a general fast or thanksgiving and the next following day when any such holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, and any day appointed by proclamation of the Municipal Council. "INTERSECTION" means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curblines or, if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more 131 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 3 - By -Law 16-11 highways that join one another at an angle, whether or not one highway crosses the other. "LANEWAY" means improved land adjacent to the highway, which provides access from the highway to a parking area on adjacent land. "LOADING ZONE" means the part of a highway set apart for the exclusive purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload same. "METRED PARKING SPACE" means a parking space for which a metre or other mechanical device is provided or any space adjacent to which a parking metre or other mechanical device is located. "MOTOR VEHICLE" includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor -assisted bicycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include the cars of electric or steam railways, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road -building or winter control machine. "M.T.O." means the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. "OFFICER" means the By -Law Enforcement Officer of the Municipality or any other person authorized by Council and charged with the enforcement of this By -Law. "OFFICIAL SIGN" means a sign approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. "PARK" or "PARKING', when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. "PARKING INFRACTION" means any unlawful parking, standing or stopping of a vehicle that constitutes an offence. "PARKING METRE" means a device that shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may be parked which shall have as a part thereof a receptacle for receiving and storing coins, a slot or place in which such coins may be deposited, a timing mechanism to indicate the passage of the interval of time during which the parking is permissible and which shall also display a signal when said interval of time shall have elapsed. "PARKING METRE COVER" means a hood, bag or other covering for a parking metre that is placed over a parking metre by an authorized official to indicate that a parking metre is not to be used. "POLICE OFFICER" means a member of the Police Force having jurisdiction in the area. "ROADWAY" means the part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, but does not include the shoulder, and, where a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" refers to any one roadway separately and not to all of the roadway collectively. "SIDEWALK" includes all such parts of a highway as are set aside by the Municipality for use of pedestrians or use by the general public for the passage of pedestrians. "STAND" or "STANDING', when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal. "STOP" or "STOPPING", when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal. 132 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 4 - By -Law 16-11 "TIME" means that where an expression of time occurs or where any hour or other period of time is stated, the time referred to shall be standard time except in periods when daylight saving time is in effect, in which periods, it shall be daylight saving time. "TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL" means any device, manually, electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation or control of traffic. "U-TURN" means the turning of a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed in the opposite direction. "VEHICLE" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road -building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle, the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. ABBREVIATIONS: In this Schedule to this By -Law the following abbreviations and symbols stand for the words respectively set forth opposite thereto as follows: (a) Ave. - Avenue Blvd. - Boulevard PI. - Place St. - Street Cres. - Crescent Ct. - Court Dr. - Drive Rd. - Road (b) mm - Millimetre cm - Centimetre m - Metre km/h - Kilometres Per Hour kg - Kilograms (c) A. M. - Ante Meridian P.M. - Post Meridian 3. DISTANCES: Where a distance is used in this By -Law as part of a prohibition of parking or stopping within a specified distance of an object, structure, land or a part of a highway, such distance shall be measured: (a) from the limit of the road allowance; or (b) from a point referenced to a lot line or limit; and (c) all distances/dimensions are measured in the metric measurement of metres. 4. INTERPRETATION — GENERAL: In this By -Law (a) words purporting the singular number or the masculine gender only include more persons, parties or things of the same kind that one and females as well as males and converse. (b) a word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural. (c) "May" shall be construed as imperative. (d) definitions and interpretations not otherwise included herein but otherwise provided for in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H. 8, or any successor legislation thereto, shall extend and apply to this By -Law. 5. SCHEDULES ADOPTED: All schedules referred to in this By -Law shall form part of this By -Law and each entry in a column of such a schedule shall be read in conjunction with the entry or entries across therefrom, and not otherwise. 133 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 5 - By -Law 16-11 PART "B" GENERAL TRAFFIC 6. APPLICATION OFBY-LAW, This By -Law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 7. AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT TEMPORARY PROVISIONS: The By -Law Enforcement Officer is hereby given authority as the occasion arises and when required in order to assist in the care of moving traffic, to set apart and indicate or designate on highways in the Municipality space or spaces for the parking of a vehicle or vehicles by causing lines to be painted, signs to be erected or otherwise upon the pavement, curbs or surface of the roadway or immediately adjacent thereto, or on the highway or highways or portions of highways, as a temporary provision for the restriction of parking on highways or portions of highways and to make such other temporary provision for directing the traffic as may be necessary. Such temporary changes shall not be effective after the next subsequent Council meeting unless confirmed by resolution of the Council at such meeting, which resolution shall stipulate the length of time such change(s) shall be in effect. 8. BY-LAW SUBJECT TO THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT. The provisions of this By -Law are subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H. 8, as amended and any successor legislation thereto. 9. DISPLAYING FOR SALE: No person shall park any vehicle on any highway for the purpose of displaying the same for sale. 10. EMERGENCY FIRE REGULATIONS: No driver of any vehicle shall drive his vehicle within 150m of any building which is on fire; nor shall he drive his vehicle over or across any line of a hose laid by the Fire Department, and at the direction of the Fire Chief for the area, the Police authority shall place signs on the highway on which the building on fire is situated, and any adjoining highways which may be deemed necessary for the purpose, closing such parts of highways to traffic until the fire is out, and no driver shall pass such sign or approach nearer to the fire than such sign. 11. FUNERALS AND PARADES: No person shall drive any vehicle, except emergency vehicles, between the vehicles in any duly authorized parade or funeral procession on any highway, provided the vehicles in such parade or procession are properly designated. 12. INTERFERENCE WITH AUTHORIZED/OFFICIAL SIGNS AND PARKING METRES: No person shall alter, deface, remove or destroy any sign erected by the Municipality or any pavement lines or other marks for guiding the parking of vehicles or the regulations of traffic, or deface, injure, tamper with, open, wilfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking metre, and no person shall alter, interfere with, or change the position of any such sign, line or other mark or parking metre, unless he has been duly authorized so to do. 13. OBEDIENCE TO ALL PARKING METRES, SIGNS, AND SIGNALS: It shall be the duty of all persons using the highways to observe the directions indicated by any permanent or temporary metres, signs, or signals erected or placed for the purpose of regulating or directing traffic. 14. PLAYING ON PAVEMENTS: No person shall engage in any game or sports activity upon a roadway and no person upon roller skates or skateboards, or sleigh, express wagon or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device go upon any roadway. 15. PROHIBITION OF THE REPAIRING, WASHING, WAXING OR GREASING OF VEHICLES: No person shall make use of the roadway for the purpose of washing, waxing, greasing or repairing any vehicle, except such emergency repairs as are necessary to enable the 134 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 6 - By -Law 16-11 vehicle to be removed from the highway and disabled vehicles shall be removed or caused to be removed from the highway by the driver or owner without delay. 16. NO DRIVING ON SIDEWALK, PATH, OR BOULEVARD: No driver of any motor vehicle shall drive within, upon, across or along any sidewalk, path or boulevard except at a driveway. 17. ABANDON VEHICLES: No person shall abandon any vehicle, including any vehicle that is incapable of being propelled or driven by any kind of power, on or near a highway or roadway. 18. UNAUTHORIZED SIGNS: No person shall place, maintain or display on any highway any unauthorized device which is an imitation of, or purports to be, or resembles any official sign or signal, or which purports to direct parking or the movement of traffic or the actions of operators of vehicles. Any such device shall be deemed a public nuisance and any Police or other Officer authorized to enforce this By -Law may remove the same without notice. 19. BUS STOPS: (i) Buses operated over a highway in the Municipality shall take on or discharge passengers only on the right-hand side of the bus. When stopping all buses shall stop in such a manner as not to obstruct traffic. (ii) When an authorized bus stop sign is on display, no vehicle shall stand any closer than 15m before the said sign. PART C REGULATED PARKING 20. GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS: Subject to or in conjunction with the provisions of Sections 21, no person shall stop or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to be stopped or parked: (1) On or within any sidewalk, crosswalk, crossover or boulevard; (2) In front of or within 1 m of any lane, driveway or alley entrance; (3) Except at points where parking is otherwise designated, with the right-hand wheels of the vehicle at a greater distance from the curbline than 0.15m or in Winter, subject to Subsection (5), as nearly within such distance as the conditions of the highway permit; (4) On the roadway side of a vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a highway; (5) At the edge or curb on the left side of the roadway having regard to the direction such vehicle was proceeding except where parking is permitted on the left-hand side of the roadway of a highway designated for one-way traffic; (6) In such position as to obstruct traffic; (7) Within 8m of any Fire Hall on the side of the highway on which the Fire Hall is located or within the 30m of such Fire Hall on the opposite side of the roadway; (8) On any street within 9m of the projection of the curbline of any intersecting street except where such intersection is visibly and lawfully designated as a "Bus Stop" at which intersection all vehicles shall be parked in accordance with the instructions set out on the designating sign or signs; (9) On any bridge, subway and/or any approach thereto; (10) Within 3m of the point of the curbline which is nearest any fire hydrant; (11) Within 2m of the space on the same side of the highway directly in front of the entrance to church, hospital, hotel, theatre, hall or other public building where large numbers of people assemble, except while actually taking on or discharging passengers, other than a bus in a bus stop, or other than a taxi -cab in a taxi -cab stand, when any such stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed; (12) Within 15m of an intersection with Signal Light Traffic Control System installed; (13) Within 15m of the nearest rail of a level Railway Crossing; (14) In a position or place that prevents or is likely to prevent the removal of any vehicle already parked on the highway; (15) On any highway where the travelled portion of the roadway is less than 6m wide; (16) Within 15m of a pedestrian crossover; 135 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 7 - By -Law 16-11 (17) Alongside or adjacent to the tracks of any railway; (18) Within a loading zone; (19) On any lands owned by the Municipality where signs prohibiting stopping or parking have been erected; (20) Where appropriate signs are erected and on display at any place or location for emergency vehicles only; (21) Where appropriate signs are erected and on display on highways and between the limits set out respectively in Schedule "A" hereto. 21. SPECIFIC PARKING REGULATIONS: (1) Church Services Where appropriate signs are displayed and authorized by a By -Law of the Municipality, persons in attendance during church services and church functions are exempt from general parking regulations set out above. (2) Restricted Parking Subject to Subsection 21 (3) through Subsection 23(8) inclusive below, and where appropriate signs are erected and on display, no person shall park a vehicle on any highway at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns 1, 2, and 3 of Schedule "B" to this By -Law during the times or days set out in Column 4 of the said Schedule for a longer period of time than that set out in Column 5 of the Schedule. (3) Maximum Parking Time Limits No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked or standing upon any part of any street in the Municipality for a period longer than five (5) hours. (4) Overnight Parking on Municipal Roads Notwithstanding any provisions of this Section, no vehicle shall remain parked or standing upon any part of any street in the Municipality between the hours of 3:00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M. (5) Parking on One -Way Streets Notwithstanding Section 20 (3) hereof, where Council, under this By -Law, has designated certain streets as one-way streets, vehicles parking on the left-hand side of the street shall park with the left-hand wheels of the vehicle at not more than 0.3m from the curbline or, in winter, as nearly as possible within such distance as the conditions of the highway permit. (6) Parking in Space Controlled by Parking Metre (i) Parking Times No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking metre zone between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and except where such days are legally and lawfully proclaimed holidays, unless the driver of such vehicle deposits in the parking metre provided for the parking space the sums as indicated in Columns 1 and 2 of Schedule "D" hereto and thereafter activates the metre. (ii) Maximum Parking Limit on Metre (a) No driver of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain parked for a longer period than that for which payment has been made in the form of coins deposited in the parking metre or metres, provided, however, that this shall not prevent the driver of the vehicle from using the unexpired time remaining in the metre from its previous use without depositing a coin therein. (b) No driver of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain in a parking space for a longer period than the maximum time permitted on the parking metre. (c) No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in such a manner that it is not wholly within the area designated as a parking space, and if the vehicle is of such length as to prevent it from being parked within one parking space, then the person parking same shall make the necessary 136 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 8 - By -Law 16-11 deposit of coins in the parking metre or metres for adjoining parking space(s). (iii) Parking Procedures at Metre No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking space unless the front and rear of such vehicle is alongside or as close as practical to the parking metre provided for such space. (iv) Parking Metre Locations The highways or parts of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule "E" of this By -Law are designated as parking metre zones between the limits set out in Column 2 of the said Schedule. (v) Parking Metre Rates The parking metre rates, as set out in Column 2 of Schedule "D" of this By - Law for the type of parking metre set out in Column 1 shall be the parking rates for on -street parking as approved by Council. (7) Parking of Heavy Trucks and Buses (i) No person shall park a heavy truck, or a bus, or a school bus, or allow a heavy truck, or a bus, or a school bus to stand on any highway in any residential zone within the territorial limits of the Municipality. (ii) The provisions of subsection (i) of this section do not apply to prohibit the parking or standing of any heavy truck upon a highway in any residential zone while the operator thereof is actually engaged in the delivery of goods or services to any premises within such zone or to prohibit the parking or standing of any bus or school bus upon a highway in such zone while the operator thereof is actually engaged in the embarking or disembarking of passengers within that zone. (8) Parking in Designated Disabled Person Parking Space (i) Subject to that set forth in subsection (ii) to this section, no person or organization shall park a vehicle in a designated disabled person parking space unless a currently valid disabled person parking permit has been issued to that person, organization or to a passenger being picked up or transported in the vehicle and such permit is displayed on or in the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act. (ii) Vehicles displaying currently valid permits, numbered plates, or other markers and devices bearing the international symbol of access for the disabled and issued by other jurisdictions are entitled to the same privileges as vehicles displaying disabled person parking permits issued by the Province of Ontario. PART "D" STREET DESIGNATIONS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS 22. ONE-WAY STREETS: The highway set out in Column 1 of Schedule "C" to this By -Law, within the limit set out in Column 2 of the said Schedule, are hereby designated for one-way traffic only in the direction set out in Column 3 of the said Schedule. 23. EXEMPTION— MUNICIPAL VEHICLES PERFORMING WORK ON HIGHWAYS: The provisions of Part "C" of this By -Law do not apply to vehicles of the Municipality where such vehicles are actually engaged in the performance of cleaning, maintenance, duty, repair, construction, snow or ice removal or other work on any highway or any vehicle under contract to the Municipality and engaged in any of the aforesaid activities. 137 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 9 - By -Law 16-11 PART "E" PAYMENT OF PENALTIES OUT OF COURT 24. PROVISIONS FOR PENALTIES: A specified penalty payable out of court within seven days time may be imposed for the contravention of any provision of the By -Law that constitutes a parking infraction, by the inclusion in a parking infraction notice under Part II of the Provincial Offences Act of the words and penalties set out in Schedule "F" of this By -Law. 25. METHOD OF PAYING VOLUNTARY PENALTY. An early penalty payment out of court may be made on or before the date specified on the parking infraction notice by cheque or money order payable to the Corporation of the County of Elgin sent by prepaid mail to an address or post office indicated on the parking infraction notice and on such payment being made, no further proceedings will be taken. 26. DEFAULT IN PAYING VOLUNTARY PAYMENT. If default is made in paying a penalty out of court in accordance with this part, any fine imposed under this By -Law for the contravention thereof shall be recoverable under the provision of the Provincial Offences Act, all the provisions of which shall apply. PART "F" GENERAL PROVISIONS 27. GENERAL PENALTY. Except where otherwise expressly provided by this By -Law or the Highway Traffic Act, every person who: (a) Contravenes any provision of the By -Law; or, (b) Is the owner of a vehicle that is parked or stopped in contravention of any provision of this By -Law; is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act. 28. ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES: Where a vehicle has been parked, stopped or left standing in contravention of this By - Law, the owner of the vehicle, notwithstanding that he was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of contravention of the By -Law, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the fine prescribed for the offence unless, at the time of the offence, the vehicle was in the possession of some person other that the owner without the owner's consent. 29. REMOVAL OF VEHICLES: Any officer duly appointed or otherwise holding jurisdiction for enforcement of the provisions of the By -Law and/or Highway Traffic Act, upon discovery of any vehicle parked in contravention of this By -Law may cause it to be moved or taken to a placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care, and storage thereof, in any, are a lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the matter provided by Section 52 of the Mechanics' Lien Act or any successor legislation. 30. AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE THIS BY-LAW.• Any By -Law enforcement officer duly appointed by the Municipality and any police officer holding jurisdiction within the territory limits of the Municipality is authorized to enforce the provisions of this By -Law. In addition, any other officer appointed by the Municipality for purposes of enforcement of the non-moving violations of this By -Law is authorized to enforce such non-moving violations. For the purposes as so set forth, the said officers shall be considered Provincial Offences Officers for the purposes of enforcement of this By -Law. 31. ENFORCEMENT — PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT (ONTARIO): Subject to any provisions set forth above, enforcement herein shall be pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act (Ontario), and any conflict between the provisions of the By -Law and the said Provincial Offences Act (Ontario), save and 138 Corporation of the County of Elgin _10- By -Law 16-11 except that relating to payment of penalties out of court, shall be resolved in favour of the said Provincial Offences Act (Ontario). 32. EXCESS COINS AND PARKING METRES: Where a person deposits one or more coins in a parking metre in excess of that required for the parking time allowed by the metre, no change shall be remitted and no increase in parking time shall be allowed. 33. EXECUTIVE ACTS AUTHORIZED: The Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to do all things and the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to execute on behalf and under seal of the Municipality any document necessary to give effect to this By -Law. 34. HEADINGS NOT PART OF THE BY-LAW.• The headings in the body of this By -Law form no part of the By -Law but are inserted for convenience of reference only. 35. DEVIATION FROM FORMS: Where a form of words or expressions are prescribed in any schedule to this By -Law, deviations therefrom not affecting the substance or calculated to mislead do not vitiate them. 36. CONFLICT WITH HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT. In the event of conflict between the provisions of this By -Law and the Highway Traffic Act, the provisions of the Act prevail. 37. DATE EFFECTIVE — FORMER BY-LAWS REPEALED: This By -Law shall come into effect on a date to be specified by Council, upon which effective date all other By -Laws pertaining to the regulation of traffic and parking on highways in the County that are inconsistent upon the terms thereof, including but not limited to By -Laws No. 90-48, 91-10, 91-47, 91-57, 92-01, 93-63, 94-07, 96-05, 96-34, 97-13, 97-23, 99-30, EG1 (01-40), as amended by, 03-05, 03-40, 05-19, 09-34 and 12- 22 shall be repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12TH DAY OF APRIL 2016. M.G. McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer Warden 139 Corporation of the County of Elgin -11 - By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "A" By -Law No. 16-11 PART "A" DEFINITION OF ROAD ALLOWANCES Road Section Description 2 A From the east side of Road #103 to the west side of Road #8. 3 A From the west side of McPherson Road the road allowance between the Municipality of Chatham -Kent and the Municipality of West Elgin and the west side of the intersection of Highway #3 and Highway #4. 4 A From the north limit of the former geographic Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to the north side of Glenwood Avenue in the Municipality of Central Elgin. 4 B From the south side of Talbot Road, the north limits of the City of St. Thomas, to the south side of the intersection of Highway #3 and Highway #4. 5 A From the north side of County Road #2 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 6 A From the east side of County Road #7 to the west side of County Road #103. 7 A From the south side of Turn Line, the road allowance between Concessions X and XI, the former Township of Orford, now the Municipality of Chatham -Kent, to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 8 A From the east side of the Pearce Provincial Park to the west side in Lot 12, Concession X, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich, to the west side of County Road #8 in Lot 10, Concession X. 8 B From the north side of County Road #8, Lot 10, Concession X, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich to the south side of County Road #3. 8 C From the north side of County Road #3 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 9 A From the east side of County Road #103 to the west side of Colley Road. 9 B From the south side of McDougall Line to the north side of Stalker Line. 9 C From the east side of Colley Road to the west side of County Road #76. 9 D From the east side of County Road #76 to west side of County Road #5. 9 E From the east side of County Road #5 to west side of County Road #8. 9 F From the east side of County Road #8 to west side of County Road #14. 11 A From the east side of Highway #4 to west side of Wonderland Road. 13 A From the east side of County Road #8 to west side of County Road #14. 14 A From the north side of County Road #16 to the south side of County Road #3. 14 B From the north side of County Road #3 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 15 A From the north side of County Road #8 to the south side of County Road #2. 16 A From the east side of County Road #8 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the limits of the City of St. Thomas which is the west side of Lot 43. 17 A From the east side of County Road #119 to the east side of Carriage Road. 18 A From the east side of County Road #14 to the west side of County Road #119. 18 B From the west side of County Road #119 to west side of Highway #4. 19 A From the north side of the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham, to the County of Elgin boundary with the County of Norfolk. 20 A From the north side of George Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to the south side of County Road #21. 20 B From the north side of County Road #21 to the south side of County Road #16. 20 C From the north side of County Road #16 to the south side of County Road #18. 140 Corporation of the County of Elgin -12- By -Law 16-11 Road Section Description 20 D From the north side of County Road #18 to the south side of Southdale Drive. 21 A From the east side of County Road #20 to the west side of Colborne Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 22 A From the north side of County Road #24 to the south side of County Road #27. 22 B From the north side of County Road #27 to the north side of Southdale Line, the County of Elgin boundary which is the limits of the City of St. Thomas. 23 A From the east of Colborne Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to the east side of East Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 23 B From the east side of County Road #4 to the north side of East Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 24 A From the east side of County Road #23 to west side of County Road #73. 25 A From the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limit of the City of St. Thomas, to the south side of Highway #3. 25 B From the north side of Highway #3 to the north side of Regan Bourne, which is the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limit of the City of London. 26 A From the County of Elgin boundary, which is the centre of the Kettle Creek, which is the limit of the City of St. Thomas, to the east side of County Road #25. 27 A From the north side of County Road #20 to west side of County Road #4. 27 B From the east side of County Road #4 to west side of County Road #36. 28 A From the north side of County Road #45 to the south side of County Road #56. 28 B From the north side of County Road #56 to south side of Highway #3. 30 A From the south side of County Road #52, which is the limits of the City of St. Thomas, the County of Elgin boundary, to the north side of Thomson Line which is the limit of the City of London, the County of Elgin boundary. 31 A From the south side of Water Tower Line, the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limit of the City of St. Thomas, to the south side of County Road #52. 32 A From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Hacienda Road. 32 B From the south side of Glencolin Line to the south side of County Road #52. 34 A From the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limits of the City of London, to the west side of Belmont Road, in the former Village of Belmont, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 35 A From the north side of County Road #45 to south side of Highway #3. 35 B From the north side of Highway #3 to south side of County Road #52. 36 A From the north side of County Road #24 to south side of County Road #27. 36 B From the north side of County Road #27 to south side of County Road #45. 36 C From the north side of County Road #45 to south side of Highway #3. 37 A From the east side of Belmont Road in the former Village of Belmont now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to west side of County Road #73. 37 B From the east side of County Road #73 to west side of County Road #47. 37 C From the east side of County Road #47 to the east side of Pigram Road in the former Township of South Dorchester, now the Township of Malahide, which is the Elgin County boundary. 38 A From the east side of Highway #3 to west side of County Road #19. 38 B From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of Baynor Drive, County Road #55, which is the boundary to Elgin County. 39 A From a point 485 metres south of the south limit of Pitt Street in the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham, to the south side of County Road #42. 40 A From the north side of County Road #42 to south side of Highway #3. 40 B From the north side of Highway #3 to the south side of Glencolin Line. 40 C From the north side of Glencolin Line to the south side of County Road #52. 141 Corporation of the County of Elgin -13- By -Law 16-11 Road Section Description 41 A On Fulton Street in the former Village of Vienna, now the Municipality of Bayham, from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. 41 B On Main Street in the former Village of Vienna, now the Municipality of Bayham, from the north side of County Road #19 to the north side of Fulton Street, in the former Village of Vienna, now the Municipality of Bayham. 42 A From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Robinson Street in the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham. 42 B From the east side of Robinson Street, in the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham, to the east side of Baynor Road, County Road #55, being the Elgin County boundary. 43 A From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 43 B From the north side of County Road #45 to the south side of County Road #38. 44 A From the east side of County Road #46 to the west side of Highway #3. 44 B From the east side of Highway #3 to the east side of County Road #19. 45 A From the south side of County Road #3 to the north side of County Road #16. 45 B From the south side of County Road #16 to the west side of County Road #4. 45 C From the east side of County Road #4 to the west side of County Road #73. 45 D From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of County Road #40. 45 E From the east side of County Road #40 to the west side of County Road #19. 45 F From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of Baynor Road, County Road #55, which is the County of Elgin boundary. 46 A From the north side of County Road #38 to the south side of Highway #3. 46 B From the north side of Highway #3 to the north side of Pressey Road, which is the County of Elgin boundary. 47 A From the north side of County Road #48 to the north side of Avon Drive, County Road #73, which is the County of Elgin boundary. 48 A From the north side of Southminster Bourne to the south side of Ferguson Line. 48 B From the east side of Wonderland Road to the west side of County Road #25. 48 C From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. 48 D From the east side of County Road #30 to the west side of County Road #74. 48 E From the east side of County Road #74 to the west side of County Road #73. 48 F From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Pigram Road, County Road #54. 49 A From the north side of County Road #52 to the south side of County Road #48. 50 A From the north side of County Road #42 to the north limits of the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham. 51 A From the east side of Mellor Road to the west side of County Road #4. 52 A From the north side of Highway #3 to the west side of County Road #25. 52 B From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. 52 C From the east side of County Road #30 to the west side of County Road #74. 52 D From the east side of County Road #74 to the west side of County Road #73. 52 E From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Putnam Road, the former Township of South Dorchester, now the Township of Malahide. 52 F From the north side of Ron McNeil Line, Lot B, Concession XII in the former Township of South Dorchester, now the Township of Malahide, to the west side of Pi ram Road. 142 Corporation of the County of Elgin -14- By -Law 16-11 Road Section Description 53 A From the north side of Highway #3 to the north side of Beech Street. 53 B From the east side of Elm Street to the west side of John Street. 54 A From the south side of Brownsville Road, Oxford County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #48. 55 A From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 55 B From the north side of County Road #45 to the south side of County Road #38. 56 A From the west side of Elmwood Avenue, the County of Elgin boundary with the City of St. Thomas, to the west side of County Road #36. 57 A From the east side of County Road #4 to the County of Elgin boundary with the City of St. Thomas. 73 A From the north side of Hale Street to the west side of Dexter Line. 73 B From the north side of Colen Street to the south side of the Catfish Creek. 73 C From the west side of Levi Street to the south limit of the Town of Aylmer. 73 D From the north limit of the Town of Aylmer to the north side of Avon Drive, County Road #37, the County of Elgin boundary. 74 A From the north side of Highway #3 to the south limit of the former Village of Belmont, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 76 A From the north side of County Road #3 to the south limit of the former Village of West Lorne, now the Municipality of West Elgin. 76 B From the north limit of the former Village of West Lorne, now the Municipality of West Elgin to the County of Elgin boundary which is the middle of the Thames River. 103 A From a point 390 metres south of the south side of Gray Line to the south side of County Road #3. 103 B From the north side of County Road #3 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the middle of the Thames River. 104 A From the north side of Muirkirk Line to the south side of McMillan Line. 104 B From the east side of McPherson Road to the west side of Blacks Road. 104 C From the south side of McMillan Line to the north side of Queens Line. 104 D From the east side of Blacks Road to the west side of County Road #103. 119 A From the north side of County Road #3 to the north side of Southdel Drive which is the County of Elgin boundary. 143 Corporation of the County of Elgin _16- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "A" By -Law No. 16-11 PART "B" When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or part of the highway known as: 1 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) east of (Graham Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance of 35 metres. 1.1 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) east of (Graham Road)( EPL) on the south side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance of 30 metres. 1.2 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) west of (Graham Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance of 20 metres. 1.3 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) west of (Graham Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance 36 metres. 2 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Currie Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 51 metres. 2.1 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Currie Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 45 metres. 2.2 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Currie Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 42 metres. 2.3 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Currie Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 42 metres. 2.4 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 56 metres. 2.5 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 46 metres. 2.6 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Union Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 32 metres. 2.7 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Union Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 3 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) north and south from the east end of King George VI Lift Bridge for a distance of 30 metres. 3.1 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) north and south from the west end of King George VI Lift Bridge for a distance of 30 metres. 3.2 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) west of (Colborne)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 25 metres. 3.3 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) west of (Colborne)(WPL) on the south side for a distance of 55 metres. 3.4 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) east side and west side from (Bridge Street) (NPL) for a distance of 30 metres north. 3.6 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) north from (Charlotte)(NPL) on west side for a distance of 500 metres. 3.7 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) south from (Charlotte)(SPL) on west side for a distance of 9 metres. 144 Corporation of the County of Elgin -16- By -Law 16-11 3.8 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) east from (Matilda Street)(NPL) for a distance of 210 metres. 3.9 County Road #4 (Colbourne Street) north from (Hefty Street)(NPL) for a distance of 9 metres. 3.10 County Road #4 (Colbourne Street) south from (Hetty Street)(SPL) for a distance of 9 metres. 3.11 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) north from (Warren Street)(NPL) on the west side for a distance of 105 metres 3.12 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) east and west, starting 200 metres south from (Glenwood Avenue)(SPL) for a distance of 90 metres. 3.13 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) north from (John Wise Line)(NPL) for a distance of 900 metres on the east side of the road. 3.14 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) north from (John Wise Line)(NPL) for a distance of 900 metres on the west side of the road. 4 County Road #8 (Currie Road) north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the east side of (Currie Road) for a distance of 17 metres. 4.1 County Road #8 (Currie Road) starting 105 metres north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the east side of (Currie Road) for a distance of 87 metres. 4.2 County Road #8 (Currie Road)) north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the west side of (Currie Road) for a distance 15 metres. 4.3 County Road #8 (Currie Road) starting 75 metres north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the west side of (Currie) for a distance of 55 metres. 5 County Road #13 (Shackleton Street) starting 165 metres east of (Currie Road) (EPL) on the south side for a distance of 435 metres. 5.1 County Road #13 (Shackleton Street) starting 180 metres east of (Currie Road) (EPL) on the north side for a distance of 412 metres. 6 County Road #15 (Miller Road) starting 30 metres west of (John Street) (WPL) on the north side of (Miller Road) for a distance of 165 metres. 6.1 County Road #15 (Miller Road) from (John Street)(WPL) on the south side of (Miller Road) for a distance of 210 metres. 7 County Road #16 (Fingal Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Fingal Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 7.1 County Road #16 (Fingal Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Fingal Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 7.2 County Road #16 (Fingal Line) starting 223 metres east of (Lyle Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Fingal Line) for a distance of 260 metres. 8 County Road #19 (Plank Road) from (Heritage Line)(NPL) north on the east side of (Plank Road ) for a distance of 80 metres. 8.1 County Road #19 (Plank Road) from (Heritage Line)(NPL) north on the west side of (Plank Road ) for a distance of 80 metres. 8.2 County Road #19 (Plank Road) from (Heritage Line)(SPL) south on the east side of (Plank Road) for a distance of 60 metres. 8.3 County Road #19 (Plank Road) south of (Heritage Line)(SPL) south on the west side of (Plank Road) for a distance of 60 metres. 145 Corporation of the County of Elgin -17- By -Law 16-11 8.4 County Road #19 (Robinson Street) east and west from County Road #50 (Victoria Road) south to County Road #42 (Wellington Road)(NPL) for a distance of 765 metres. 9 County Road #20 (Union Road) west side from (Talbot Line)(NPL) north for a distance of 25 metres. 9.1 County Road #20 (Union Road) west side from (Talbot Line)(SPL) south for a distance on 15 metres 10 County Road #21 (Warren Street) from (Colborne Street)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 81 metres west. 11 County Road #25 (Wellington Road) from 190 metres north of (Ron McNeil Line)(NPL) for a distance of 80 metres north on both east and west side. 12 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) from 1501 metres west of (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 359 metres. 12.1 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) from 1518 metres west of (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 359 metres. 12.2 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) 1250 metres west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 250 metres. 12.3 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) 1267 metres west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 250 metres. 12.4 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) starting 35m west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the south side for a distance of 73 metres. 12.5 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 73 metres. 12.6 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) starting 100 west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 100 metres. 12.7 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) west from (Fairview Road)(WPL) on the south side for a distance of 100 metres. 13 County Road #31 (Dalewood) starting 900 metres south of (Ron McNeil Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Dalewood) for a distance of 580 metres to (Water Tower Line)(NPL) . 13.1 County Road #31 (Dalewood) starting 900 metres south of (Ron McNeil Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Dalewood) for a distance of 580 metres to (Water Tower Line)(NPL) . 14 County Road #35 (Springwater Road) south from (Conservation Line)(SPL) on the east side of (Springwater Road) for a distance of 722 metres. 14.1 County Road #35 (Springwater Road) south from (Conservation Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Springwater Road) for a distance of 722 metres. 15 County Road #39 (Chatham Street) starting 482 metres south of (Libbye Street)(SPL) on the east side of (Chatham Street) for a distance of 482 metres. 15.1 County Road #39 (Chatham Street) starting 482 metres south of (Libbye Street)(SPL) on the east side of (Chatham Street) for a distance of 482 metres. 16. County Road #47 (Putnam Road) from (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Putnam Road) north for a distance of 100 metres. 16.1 County Road #47 (Putnam Road) from (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Putnam Road) north for a distance of 100 metres. 146 Corporation of the County of Elgin -18- By -Law 16-11 16.2 County Road #47 (Putnam Road) south of (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Putnam Road) for a distance of 50 metres. 16.3 County Road #47 (Putnam Road) south of (Lyons Line)(SPL) on the east side of (Putnam Road) for a distance of 50 metres. 17 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) east of (Putnam Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Lyons Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 17.1 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) east of (Putnam Road)(EPL) on the south side of Road #48 for a distance of 50 metres. 17.2 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) west of (Putnam Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Lyons Line) for a distance of 100 metres. 17.3 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) west of (Putnam Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Lyons Line) for a distance of 100 metres. 17.4 County Road #48 (Ferguson Line) starting from 1126 metres west of (Belmont Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Ferguson Line) for a distance of 625 metres. 17.5 County Road #48 (Ferguson Line) 1126 metres west of (Belmont Road)(WPL) on the south side of Road #48 for a distance of 626 metres. 18 County Road #49 (Whittaker Road) east side from (Ron McNeil Line)(NPL) north for a distance of 50 metres. 18.1 County Road #49 (Whittaker Road) west side from (Ron McNeil Line)(NPL) north for a distance of 10 metres. 19 County Road #52 ( Ron McNeil Line) north side from (Whittaker Road)(EPL) east for a distance of 9 metres. 19.1 County Road #52 ( Ron McNeil Line) north side from (Whittaker Road)(WPL) west for a distance of 9 metres. 20 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 400 metres north of (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 350 metres. 20.1 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 400 metres north of (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 350 metres. 20.2 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) north of (Van Patter Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Imperial) for a distance of 225 metres. 20.3 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) north of (Van Patter Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Imperial) for a distance of 225 metres. 20.4 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) south of (Van Patter Line)(SPL) on the east side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 50 metres. 20.5 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) south of (Van Patter Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Imperial) for a distance of 50 metres. 20.6 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 115 metres south of (Bradley Creek)(SPL) on the east side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 110 metres. 20.7 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 115 metres south of (Bradley Creek)(SPL) on the west side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 110 metres. 20.8 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 570 metres north of (Glencolin Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Imperial) north for a distance of 236 metres. 20.9 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 570 metres north of (Glencolin Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Imperial) north for a distance of 236 metres. 147 Corporation of the County of Elgin _19- By -Law 16-11 20.10 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 80 metres south of (Lyons Line)(SPL), south for a distance of 53 metres. 20.11 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Chestnut Street)(NPL) east for a distance of 575 metres to (Beech Street)(SPL) 20.12 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Talbot Street)(SPL) south to (Sydenham Street)(NPL). 20.13 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Talbot Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 18 metres. 20.14 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Pine Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 13 metres. 20.15 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from 25 metres south of (Chestnut Street)(SPL) for a distance of 50 metres. 20.16 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Sydenham Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 21 metres. 20.17 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from County (Beech Street)(NPL) north to the town limit. 20.18 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Pine Street)(SPL) for a distance of 15 metres south. 20.19 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (South Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 18 metres. 20.20 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (South Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 18 metres. 20.21 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Pine Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 15 metres. 20.22 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from Talbot Street for a distance of 15 metres south. 20.23 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Maple Street)(NPL) for a distance of 160 metres to 60 metres north of (Spruce Street). 20.24 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Chestnut Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 770 metres. 20.25 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Chestnut Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 50 metres. 20.26 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from Talbot Street northerly for a distance of 84 metres. 20.27 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) west side starting 425 metres from (Dexter Line)(SPL) south for a distance of 165 metres. 20.28 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) east side for 9 metres, north and south of (Bank Street) 21 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) north of (New Sarum Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Belmont Road) for a distance of 250 metres. 21.1 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) north of (New Sarum Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Belmont Road) for a distance of 250 metres. 21.2 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) start 117 metres east of (Borden Street)(NPL) on 148 Corporation of the County of Elgin -20- By-Law 16-11 east side for a distance of 145 metres. 21.3 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Caesar Road)(SPL) south for a distance 60 metres. 21.4 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Caesar Road)(NPL) north for a distance of 122 metres. 21.5 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Union Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 23 metres. 21.6 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Union Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 10 metres. 21.7 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Church Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 20 metres. 21.8 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Church Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 15 metres. 21.9 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Washburn Street)(SPL) south for a distance 20 metres. 21.10 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Washburn Street)(NPL) north for a distance 20 metres. 21.11 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (7th Avenue)(NPL) north for a distance of 15 metres. 21.12 County Road #74 ()Belmont Road west side from (7th Avenue)(SPL) south for a distance of 10 metres. 21.13 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (North Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 10 metres. 21.14 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (North Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 40 metres. 21.15 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Odell Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 22 metres. 21.16 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Odell Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 26 metres. 21.17 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Copeland)(NPL) north for a distance of 57 metres. 21.18 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Copeland Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 21 metres. 21.19 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side starting 72 metres from (Copeland Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 260 metres. 21.20 County Road #74 (Main Street) west from the south side of the south entrance of the plaza for a distance of 8 metres south. 21.21 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Rouen Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 20 metres. 21.22 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Rouen Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 120 metres to the (Dyer Street)(NPL). 21.23 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Dyer Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 20 metres. 149 Corporation of the County of Elgin -21 - By -Law 16-11 21.24 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Borden Avenue)(NPL) north for a distance of 36 metres. 22 County Road #76 (Graham Road) east side starting 119 metres from north of (Marsh Line)(NPL) for a distance of 364 metres, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. 22.1 County Road #76 (Graham Road) west side starting 244 metres south of (Mehring Street)(SPL) for a distance of 348 metres, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. 22.2 County Road #76 (Graham Road) east side starting 109 metres (Jessie Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 43 metres. 23 County Road #103 (Furnival Road) west side from (Queens Line)(NPL) for a distance of 34 metres. 24 County Road #142 (Wellington Street) north side from (Robinson Street)(EPL) for a distance of 45 metres. 150 Corporation of the County of Elgin -22- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "A" By -Law No. 16-11 PART "C" The following locations are hereby designated as Crosswalk Zones of 2.Om in width: 151 Corporation of the County of Elgin -23- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "B" By -Law No. 16-11 ICS*19N M 9 A Ij :7TI N AN I LI cc Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Highway Side To/From Time of Day Time Length 152 Corporation of the County of Elgin -24- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "C" By -Law No. 16-11 IW*Icc] LI/eTV9AWe] I:111TITE A"I9NA:11? Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway To/From Direction 153 Corporation of the County of Elgin -26- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "D" By -Law No. 16-11 PARKING METRE RATES Column 1 Column 2 Maximum Time Period Parkinq Metre Rates 154 Corporation of the County of Elgin -26- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "E" By -Law No. 16-11 I:rlNANILI"LVil:11119N :8ItiZN ll910L K Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway Side From To 155 Corporation of the County of Elgin - 27 - SCHEDULE "F" By -Law No. 16-11 PENALTIES - PARKING INFRACTIONS By -Law 16-11 Item Short Form Wording Provision Creating or Defining Offence Early Voluntary Payment (within 7 days) Set Fine 1. Park on Highway -Display for Sale 9 $20.00 $25.00 2. Park on or within Sidewalk/Crosswalk/ 20(1) $20.00 $25.00 Crossover/Boulevard 3. Park Blocking Lane/Driveway/Alley 20(2) $20.00 $25.00 4. Parking within 1 m of Lane/Driveway/Alley 20(2) $20.00 $25.00 5. Park More than 0.15m from Curb 20(3) $20.00 $25.00 6 Park in Winter -Right Hand Wheels of Vehicle 20(3) $20.00 $25.00 Not as Close as Conditions Permit 7. Park on Roadway Side of Vehicle 20(4) $20.00 $25.00 8. Park on Left Side of Roadway Where Prohibited 20(5) $20.00 $25.00 9. Parked -Obstructing Traffic 20(6) $20.00 $25.00 10. Park within 8m of Fire Hall 20(7) $20.00 $25.00 11. Park within 30m of Fire Hall 20(7) $20.00 $25.00 12. Park within 9m of Intersection 20(8) $20.00 $25.00 13. Park on Bridge/Subway 20(9) $20.00 $25.00 14. Park on Approach to Bridge/Subway 20(9) $20.00 $25.00 15. Park within 3m of Fire Hydrant 20(10) $20.00 $25.00 16. Park within 2m of Entrance to Public Building 20(11) $20.00 $25.00 17. Park within 15m of Intersection with Signal Lights 20(12) $20.00 $25.00 18. Park within 15m of Railway Crossing 20(13) $20.00 $25.00 19. Park Preventing Removal of Other Vehicle 20(14) $20.00 $25.00 20. Park on Highway -Travelled Portion Less than 20(15) $20.00 $25.00 6m wide 21. Park within 15m of Pedestrian Crossover 20(16) $20.00 $25.00 22. Park Alongside Railway Tracks 20(17) $20.00 $25.00 23. Park Adjacent to Railway Tracks 20(17) $20.00 $25.00 24. Park within Loading Zone 20(18) $20.00 $25.00 25. Park in Signed Area where Prohibited - 20(19) $20.00 $25.00 Municipal Lands 26. Park in Signed Area -Emergency Vehicles Only 20(20) $20.00 $25.00 156 Corporation of the County of Elgin -28- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "F" (continued) By -Law No. 16-11 PENALTIES - PARKING INFRACTIONS Item Short Form Wording Provision Creating or Defining Offence Early Voluntary Payment (within 7 days) Set Fine 27. Park in Signed Area 20(21) $20.00 $25.00 28. Park in a Signed Area -Contrary to Restrictions 21(2) $20.00 $25.00 29. Park in Excess of Five Hours 21(3) $20.00 $25.00 30. Park Between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 21(4) $20.00 $25.00 31. Park Left Hand Wheels of Vehicle More than 21(5) $20.00 $25.00 0.3m from Curblane 32. Park in Winter -Left Hand Wheels of Vehicle Not 21(5) $20.00 $25.00 as Close as Practical 33. Park at Metre -Fail to Deposit Sums 21(6)(i) $12.50 $15.00 34. Park at Expired Metre -Longer than Payment 21(6)(ii)(a) $12.50 $15.00 Made 35. Parking at Expired Metre -Longer than Maximum 21(6)(ii)(b) $12.50 $15.00 Time 36. Parking at Metre -Outside Metre Zone 21(6)(ii)(c) $20.00 $25.00 37. Fail to Park as Close as Practical to Metre 21(6)(iii) $20.00 $25.00 38. Park Heavy Truck/Bus/School Bus) on Highway 21(7)(i) $20.00 $25.00 in Residential Zone 39. Park in Designated Disabled Person Parking 21(8)(i) N/A $300.00 Space NOTE: Penalty provision for the offences indicated above is Part F, Paragraph 27, of By -Law 16-11 [formally By -Law No. EG1 (01- 40)], a certified copy of which has been filed. 157 Corporation of the County of Elgin Agreement made in triplicate this BETWEEN: -29- By -Law 16-11 SCHEDULE"G" By -Law No. 16-11 AGREEMENT day of AD, 20 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE COUNTY" OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE MUNICIPALITY" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. 94-42 on September 27, 1994, thereby authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to enter into certain agreements setting out certain terms and conditions, with various lower tier constituent municipalities under which they may provide County by-law enforcement and; WHEREAS it is appropriate to outline said terms and conditions in an agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the following agreement comes into force and takes effect when all parties have signed said agreement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Any employee of the Municipality who is responsible for enforcement of the County By -Laws shall be a duly appointed Provincial Offences Officer. 2. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcing the County of Elgin's EG1 Parking by -Law on lands within the Municipality at no cost to the County. 3. Any litigation costs associated with said enforcement shall be the sole responsibility of the Municipality. 4. The Municipality will use EG1 parking tickets when issuing tickets for parking infractions. 5. THIS AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns and may be altered by agreement of both Parties in writing. IN WITNESS THEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE Mayor Administrator/Clerk Witness Date THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Warden Chief Administrative Officer Witness Date 158 lllllll1r /VOOO, �cy ADDENDUM FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2016 - 9:00 A.M. 1. Additional Item for Consideration from Township of Malahide with resolution requesting reinstatement of program funding sufficient to provide transportation to any student that requires such transportation to participate in the East Elgin Secondary School Co -Operative Education Program. (Attached) 159 87 John Street South Aylmer ON N511 20 Telephone: 519-773-5344 Fax: 519-773-5334 Lori ""'J� �VII� � � r jN1fI' malahade,aa A proud tradition, a bright future. • r R R e ig 0 ki, 1601• Attention: Principal Tom McLeod L RE: East Elgin Secondary School Co -Operative Education Program At its regular meeting held on April 7, 2016, the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Malahide passed the following Resolution: THAT the Malahide Township Council does hereby consider the East Elgin Secondary School Co-operative Education Program for secondary school students to be an extremely worthwhile program providing benefit to the participating students, local businesses, and the entire community; AND THAT, based on such overall community benefit, the Malahide Township Council does not believe that participation in such a program should be limited to only those students that can individually secure transportation to and from the local participating business; BE /T HEREBY RESOLVED that the East Elgin Secondary School be requested to reinstate program funding sufficient to provide transportation to any student that requires such transportation in order for them to be able to participate in the Co-operative Education Program; and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Thames Valley District School Board and the Councils of the Municipality of Bayham and the Municipality of Central Elgin for their consideration. The Township of Malahide respectfully requests your consideration in reinstating the necessary funding to provide transportation to any student that requires such transportation in order for them to be able to participate in the Co-operative Education Program. We look forward to hearing from you with respect to the above. 160 Tn" MRI Page 2 April 8, 2016 Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE M I I Lw7j MUG I I I I I I I R1 I V 11 Mr -A91 I I Lgt-] Mal [.711 Copy - Trustees, Thames Valley District School Board Mayor and Council, Municipality of Bayham Mayor and Council, Municipality of Central Elgin Warden and Council, County of Elgin 161 Attention parents, business owners and other interested local residents: East Elgin Secondary School's co-operative education program has ended its practice of providing transportation by taxi cab rides for students to work placements beyond walking distance of the school. Neither the Thames Valley District School Board nor the Ontario Ministry of Education provides funding for student transportation of any kind outside of school busing. While EESS up until earlier this school year was able to provide transportation for its co-op students with placements farther than walking distance outside of Aylmer in Malahide, Bayham and Central Elgin, school officials realized this practice was not sustainable or feasible to continue as it was taking student funding from core areas and potentially from other students not participating in co-op. But there is still hope. A first meeting to discuss ideas to provide some sort of transportation for co-op students to placements beyond walking distance of EESS was held on March 23. Several ideas were brainstormed during this session and the hope is that these ideas can be fleshed out by a committee of interested individuals made up of co-op students, their parents, school officials and business owners who either currently provide work placements or would like to in the future. The next meeting to work on finding local solutions to the co-op education transportation issue is scheduled for Thursday, April 28 starting at 6:30 p.m. at East Elgin Secondary School. Please contact Wanda McNicol (call or text) 519-282-0168 or email rwmcnicol(c amtelecom. net for more information or if you wish to confirm your attendance at this important meeting. Anyone that wishes to make a comment or ask a question, but wants to remain anonymous get your comment to Wanda prior to the meeting and a spokes person will gladly read them for you. All we ask is that identify "who you represent" (i.e. grade 11 student, parent, employer, etc.) This issue is very important for the East Elgin area please help us make this go viral. There is power in numbers!!!!! 162