10 - September 13, 2016 County Council Agenda Package and Addendumf Elgin( 'k,, �u ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, September 13, 2016 - 9:00 A.M. ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes — July 26, 2016 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 13th Consideration of By -Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: Deputy Warden for September Deputy Warden for October September 27, 2016 October 18, 2016 November 18, 2016 1 Councillor Wolfe Councillor Ens County Council Meeting County Council Meeting 2016 Warden's Dinner — Elgin International Club, West Elgin DRAFT COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, July 26, 2016 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. with all members present except Councillor Marr (Vacation). Warden Wiehle in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 14, 2016 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF — None. DELEGATIONS Elgin/St. Thomas Small Business Enterprise Centre Tara McCaulley, Manager of the Elgin/St. Thomas Small Business Enterprise Centre presented Council with an update on the organization's activities for the past year including the Summer Company and Starter Company programs and the Bridges to Better Business workshop. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the PowerPoint presentation titled "Elgin/St. Thomas Small Business Enterprise Centre" from the Manager of the Elgin/St. Thomas Small Business Enterprise Centre be received and filed. - Carried. Comments on Proposed Amending By -Law 16-17 (Tree Removal on Slopes) — Ken White Jr. Ken White Jr. provided comments on the Proposed Amending By -Law 16-17 regarding tree removal on slopes. He discussed the importance of leaving under -sized trees for the future. He also recommended reviewing the effectiveness of the use of the "Basal Area" method in addition to recommending that the Tree Commissioner have greater power to enforce the by- law. Moved by Councillor Martyn Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the comments from Ken White Jr. on Proposed Amending By -Law 16-17 (Tree removal on slopes) being a By -Law to Amend By -Law 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By -Law) be received and filed. - Carried. Comments on Proposed Amending By -Law 16-17 (Tree Removal on Slopes) — Kyle Cronk, LENSLA Kyle Cronk, President of the Lake Erie North Shore Landowners Association provided comments on the Proposed Amending By -Law 16-17 regarding tree removal on slopes. He discussed LENSLA's concerns regarding the new set of proposed rules regulating cutting trees on slopes. County Council Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Ens July 26, 2016 THAT the comments from the Lake Erie North Shore Landowners Association on Proposed Amending By -Law 16-17 (Tree removal on slopes) being a By -Law to Amend By -Law 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By -Law) be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. I:7dli7:i�� Public Input on Proposed Revisions to Woodlands Conservation By -Law Regarding Tree Removal on Slopes — Tree Commissioner/Weed Inspector The Tree Commissioner/Weed Inspector presented the report regarding the proposed amendments to the Woodlands Conservation By -Law regarding the removal of trees on slopes within specified areas of the Municipality of Central Elgin. Included with this report were comments from public information sessions and other written responses received regarding the matter. These comments have generated many questions, comments and recommendations that are worthy of further study, investigation, and response. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Elgin County Council receive the report titled "Public Input on Proposed Revisions to Woodlands Conservation By -Law Regarding Tree Removal on Slopes" from the Tree Commissioner, dated July 18, 2016 including comments from the respondents for information purposes and refer this matter back to Central Elgin Council, the originators of the amendment, requesting feedback and direction before proceeding further. - Carried. Options for Terrace Lodge — Warden Bernie Wiehle The Warden, on behalf of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Building Committee presented the report recommending that Council declare the current Terrace Lodge surplus to its needs in light of the approval of funding from the Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care to redevelop the facility. Once the building is declared surplus, the County can issue an Expression of Interest to find a compatible use for the facility. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Martyn THAT Council declare Terrace Lodge as surplus to its needs; and, THAT staff commence obtaining a Land Survey and Appraisal of Terrace Lodge; and, THAT an Expression of Interest for a partnership or lease arrangement to repurpose Terrace Lodge be advertised by December 1, 2016; and, THAT the Building Committee reports the result of these actions back to Council in a timely fashion. - Carried. County Council 3 July 26, 2016 Annual Warden's Dinner — Councillors Grant Jones and Paul Ens Councillors Jones and Ens presented the report informing Council of the date and location of the annual Warden's Dinner and approving a preliminary program for the event. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Wolfe THAT the report titled "Annual Warden's Dinner" from Councillors Jones and Ens, dated July 7, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. Councillor Martyn left the meeting at 9:50 a.m. to attend a funeral. Health Recruitment - Physicians for Elmdale Medical Centre — Councillor Cameron MrW illiam Councillor McWilliam, Chair, Health Recruitment Partnership Committee presented the report providing Council with an update on the results of the Health Recruitment Partnership's recruitment efforts for the new Elmdale Medical Centre. Six new physicians will be accepting patients at the Elmdale Medical Centre in the near future. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the report titled "Health Recruitment - Physicians for Elmdale Medical Centre" from Councillor McWilliam, dated July 21, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. Elgin County Library - New Services — Library Coordinator The coordinator presented the report summarizing new services available at Elgin County Library branches. Some of these new services include program kits for in -branch use; a new online calendar where patrons can register for library programs; licensing to show box-office quality films in seven of the ten library branches; and, the newly launched MyLibrary! App. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the report titled "Elgin County Library - New Services" from the Library Coordinator dated July 14, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. Council recessed at 10:15 a.m. and reconvened at 10:30 a.m Lease Renewals to 2022 for Library Facilities — Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented the report recommending that Council renew the leases of seven of the ten Elgin County Library branches. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT a written request be issued by the Elgin County Library to Municipalities and the Port Stanley Festival Theatre to extend library facility leases for a term of January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2022 at the following locations: Straffordville, Port Burwell, Springfield, Port Stanley, Dutton, Rodney and West Lorne. - Carried. County Council July 26, 2016 Councillor Jones announced that the tender issued by the Township of Southwold for the Shedden Library will close on August 8, 2016. Video Surveillance Policv Adoption — Director of Communitv and Cultural Services The director presented the report recommending that Council adopt a video surveillance policy to govern the use of such equipment at the County Administration Building and long-term care homes as per the Privacy Commissioner's requirements. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the "Video Surveillance Policy" as attached to the report titled "Video Surveillance Policy Adoption" dated July 11, 2016 be hereby approved for usage in all facilities that are owned or leased by the County of Elgin. - Carried. Pharmacv Services - Elain Countv Homes — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report recommending that Council approve a contract with SmartMeds Pharmacy Inc. for the provision of Pharmacy Services at Elgin County Homes between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2021. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT SmartMeds Pharmacy Inc. be selected for the provision of Pharmacy Services at Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge commencing October 1, 2016 through to September 30, 2021; and, THAT the County at its discretion extend the contract for an additional two (2) years, upon mutual agreement between both parties; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract - Carried. Consultation/Treatment - Physician Agreement - Special Privilege — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report requesting that privileges be granted to physicians in order to perform specialized consultation and treatment to residents in the three Elgin County Homes. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Council approve and sign the agreement titled "Consultation/Treatment - Physician Agreement - Special Privilege" from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services dated July 18, 2016. - Carried. Homes - Administration Emergency Planning and Preparedness Policies - New and Revised- 2016 — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report recommending that Council approve revisions to the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Policy Manual. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Council approve the County of Elgin Homes and Seniors Services Administration Emergency Planning and Preparedness Policy Manual review and revisions for 2016. - Carried. County Council July 26, 2016 Homes - Nursing Policy and Procedure Manual Review and Revisions - Section A -M — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report recommending that Council approve revisions to the Nursing (Section A -M) Policy Manual. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT Council approve the County of Elgin Homes and Seniors Services Nursing (Section A- M) Policy Manual review and revisions for 2016. - Carried. Award of Tender - Phillmore Bridge Rehabilitation — Deputy Director of Engineering Services The deputy director presented the report informing Council that Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. had been awarded the tender for the Phillmore Bridge Rehabilitation project as per Council's approval at the June 14, 2016 Council meeting. Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Council confirm the selection of Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. for the Phillmore Bridge Rehabilitation Tender, Contract No. 6290-16-01; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. - Carried. Approval to Award Tender - Edison Drive Bridge Replacement — Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report seeking Council's approval to award the tender for the Edison Drive Bridge Replacement in order to expedite the project. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT staff award the tender according to the County's Purchasing Policy and within budget allocations for the Edison Drive Bridge Replacement project, Contract No 6090-14-09; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract; and, THAT staff report back to Council with the results at the next scheduled meeting. - Carried. Natural Gas Leak Policv — Director of Enaineerina Services The director presented the report seeking Council's approval of a policy outlining protocol in the event of a natural gas leak at an Elgin County owned or leased facility. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the Natural Gas Leak Policy be approved and adopted to identify the procedures to be followed by all County of Elgin employees in the event of a natural gas leak at the County owned and leased facilities. - Carried. County Council July 26, 2016 Intersection of Dalewood Road and Ron McNeil Line — Director of Engineering Services (Addendum Item) The director presented the report responding to concerns from Ms. Ferguson regarding collisions at the intersection of Dalewood Road and Ron McNeil Line. The report contained several actions that have been undertaken by the County to ensure the safety of motorists at this location. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the report titled "Intersection of Dalewood Road and Ron McNeil Line" from the Director of Engineering Services, dated July 22, 2016 be received and filed; and; THAT a copy of this report be sent to Ms. Ferguson. - Carried. Final Approval Plan of Subdivision, Robin Ridge Estates Ltd. (Phase 3), Municipality of Central Elgin - File No. 34T-04002 — Manager of Planning The manager presented the report informing Council that final approval was given for Plan of Subdivision, Robin Ridge Estates Ltd. (Phase 3). Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the report titled "Final Approval for a Plan of Subdivision, Robin Ridge Estates Ltd. (Phase 3)" in the Municipality of Central Elgin from the Manager of Planning, dated June 16, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. Final Approval Plan of Subdivision, Country View Estates (Phase 2), Municipality of Bayham - File No. 34T-BA1501 — Manager of Planning The manager presented the report informing Council that final approval was given for Plan of Subdivision, Country View Estates (Phase 2). Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the report titled "Final Approval for a Plan of Subdivision, Country View Estates (Phase 2)" in the Municipality of Bayham from the Manager of Planning, dated June 16, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. Plannina Activities — Manaaer of Plannin The manager presented the report updating Council on recent planning activities that staff has been involved in as part of the County's approval authority function over the past year. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the report titled "Planning Activities Report" from the Manager of Planning, dated July 19, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. County Council CORRESPONDENCE Items for Consideration July 26, 2016 1. Mayor Fred Eisenberger, City of Hamilton, seeking support for their resolution requesting the Provincial Government to provide additional funding for programs and resources for individuals of all ages with Autism and their families. 2. Resolutions seeking support for the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit to reconsider the decision to eliminate rural well water sample drop-off locations and that the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care re-evaluate its funding formulas from: a) Brenda Gibbons, Clerk's Assistant, Municipality of Bayham b) Ken Loveland, CAO/Clerk, Township of Southwold Response from Dr. Joyce Lock, Medical Officer of Health, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health re: concerns to withdraw funding for courier services for private well water samples. 3. Carolyn Langley, Clerk, West Lincoln Township, seeking support for their resolution requesting the Provincial Government obtain mandatory municipal consent for future renewable Energy Projects. 4. Jillene Bellchamber-Glazier, Clerk, Perth County, seeking support for their resolution for the Ontario Government to commit to consultations with rural Ontario municipalities, residents, and businesses regarding the design and implementation of the government's Climate Change Action Plan. 5. Jim Harrison, Mayor, City of Quinte West, seeking support for their resolution for changes to be implemented to ensure campgrounds are recognized as small businesses and pay the same taxes as other small businesses. 6. James Collard, Secretary -Treasurer, Community Schools Alliance inviting nominations to the Executive Committee of the Community Schools Alliance with a deadline of July 29th, 2016 to complete Nomination Form. (Addendum Item) The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT Correspondence Item #1 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #2: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT Elgin County Council support the resolution from the Township of Southwold requesting that Elgin St. Thomas Public Health reconsider the decision to eliminate rural well water sample drop-off locations in Elgin County. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #3: Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the resolution from the Township of West Lincoln asking the Province of Ontario to make the "Municipal Support Resolution" a mandatory County Council 8 July 26, 2016 requirement in the IESO process, and that the rules be amended to require that the resolution be considered at an open council meeting where full details about the project have been made available in advance. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #4: Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Correspondence Item #4 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #5: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT Correspondence Item #5 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #6: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Correspondence Item #6 be received and filed. - Carried. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Premier Kathleen Wynne, thanking Council for Green Energy Act resolution. 2. AMO Communications Policy Update re: a) Review of Canada Post b) 2015 AMO Annual Report Available Online c) Ontario Asset Management Regulation Consultations — Considerations for Members Taking Part 3. Hon. Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister, Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care advising that the application to redevelop Terrace Lodge has been approved, subject to all applicable requirements. 4. Allison Kampman, Regional Development Coordinator, Habitat for Municipality - Heartland Ontario announcing plan to build in St. Thomas in 2017. A community meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the St. Thomas Library (Carnegie Room). 5. Hon. Eleanor McMahon, Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport announcing three application -based Ontario 150 grant programs (the Community Capital Program, the Partnership Program and the Community Celebration Program). 6. Notice of Public Meeting for the Town of Aylmer, the Township of Malahide and the County of Elgin on September 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. re: Proposed annexation between the Township of Malahide and the Town of Aylmer and resolution from Nancie J. Irving, CMO, Town of Aylmer supporting Elgin Innovation Centre Restructuring Proposal. 7. Petrusia Hontar, Project Coordinator, St. Thomas -Elgin Local Immigration Partnership announcing information re: Newcomer Champion Awards (the Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Awards and the Newcomer Community Leader Award). County Council July 26, 2016 8. Cathy Crane, Vice Chair, on behalf of St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Board of Governors with response to recent media coverage on the Hospital's Board of Governor's actions related to the recruitment of a new CEO for St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital and how the Board of Governors conducts its' business. 9. Notice of Public Information Centre No. 2, Dalewood Drive Bridge, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, Wednesday, July 27, 2016 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., Monsignor Morrison Catholic School. (Addendum Item) Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT Correspondence Items #1 — 9 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Statements/Inquiries by Members Councillor McWilliam announced that the SWIFT Project has been approved to receive $180M from the Federal/Provincial governments through the Small Communities Fund. Councillor Mennill announced that the Minister of Health would be formally announcing the Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care's approval for a redeveloped Terrace Lodge on July 27, 2016. Notice of Motion — None. Matters of Urgency — None. Closed Meeting Items Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Municipal Act Section 239.2; (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — Turris Communications Ltd. Lease Extension; (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or local board employees — Behavioural Care Needs and Safety and Security of Residents; (c) two items: a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — Dexter Line Land Acquisitions Status Update #8; and Perspective Agri Business Development. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a lease agreement with Turris Communications Ltd. (formerly Oxford Communications Ltd.) for the use of the tower at Whites Station Garage; and, THAT the lease commence on July 1, 2016 at a lease rate of $1,650.00 per year plus the HST for five years, and will end on June 30, 2021. - Carried. 10 County Council 10 Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Wolfe July 26, 2016 THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and the County Solicitor, in consultation with the County Warden, be authorized and directed to complete negotiations regarding the final disposition of acquired lands along Dexter Line pursuant to Section 26 of the Expropriations Act upon terms acceptable to these officers; and, THAT staff report back to Council with the results; and, THAT the confidential status report titled "Dexter Line Land Acquisitions - Status Update #8" from the Chief Administrative Officer and the County Solicitor, dated July 5, 2016 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT the confidential verbal update on a potential investment and land purchase opportunity in the County of Elgin from the General manager of Economic Development and Tourism be received for information purposes; and, THAT staff and officials be authorized and directed to sign any and all necessary "non- disclosure Agreement(s)" subject to the approval of the County Solicitor in order to continue to pursue this investment opportunity; and, THAT funding for this matter be authorized, if required, based on the upset amount in the scenario presented by the Director of Finance, dated July 26, 2016; and, THAT Council be kept apprised of developments on a regular basis. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the confidential verbal report titled "Behavioural Care Needs and Safety and Security of Residents" from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be received and filed and the recommendations be supported. - Carried. REPORTS (continued) International Plowing Match (IPM) Legacy Agricultural Scholarship - 2016 Winners — Warden Bernie Wiehle The Warden presented the report informing Council that three students had been selected to receive the 2016 International Plowing Match Legacy Scholarship. The three successful recipients in 2016 were Amy Reymer from Malahide, Jodie Aldred from West Elgin, and Aaron Beunen from St. Thomas. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Warden, County Council and 2010 IPM Executive Committee hereby acknowledge and congratulate Mr. Aaron Beunen of the City of St. Thomas ($2,500), Ms. Jodie Aldred of the Municipality of West Elgin ($1,250) and Ms. Amy Reymer of the Township of Malahide ($1,250) as the 2016 winners of the International Plowing Match Legacy Agricultural Scholarship; and, THAT the annual deadline for future scholarship applications be adjusted from May 15th to June 1 St - Carried. 11 County Council 11 July 26, 2016 Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT By -Law No. 16-19 "To Amend the Schedule to By -Law No. EG1 (16-11) Being a By -Law for the Regulation of Traffic" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Currie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT By -Law No. 16-20 "To Amend the Schedule to By -Law No. 15-32 Being a By -Law to Authorize Speed Limits" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wolfe Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT By -Law No. 16-21 "Being a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 26, 2016 Meeting" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Currie THAT we do now adjourn at 12:06 p.m. and meet again on September 13, 2016 at the County Administration Building Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. - Carried. Mark McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 12 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF September 13, 2016 Staff Reports —(ATTACHED) Director of Homes and Seniors Services — YWCA Terrace Lodge Pool Agreement Renewal — 2016/2017 Director of Community and Cultural Services — Museum Seniors Community Grant Director of Community and Cultural Services — Upgrade to Fibre Internet Service at Dutton Library Purchasing Coordinator — Quarterly Information Report — Contract Awards April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 Director of Financial Services — 2016 July Year -To -Date (YTD) Budget Performance Deputy Director of Engineering Services — No Parking By -Law Amendment — County Road #27, Sparta Deputy Director of Engineering Services — Tender Results — Edison Drive Bridge Replacement Director of Engineering Services — Adopt -A -Highway Program Review Director of Engineering Services — Transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin Director of Engineering Services — Assumption of Dexter Line Director of Human Resources — Human Resources Policy 9.80 Amendments 13 a,��spilUl?J��GGo�� VUo Eigni REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rhonda L. Duffy, Director of Homes and Seniors Services DATE: September 6, 2016 SUBJECT: YWCA Terrace Lodge Pool Agreement Renewal — 2016/2017 INTRODUCTION: The agreement with the YWCA for the use of the therapy pool at Terrace Lodge is due for renewal. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In order to ensure at a minimum cost recovery for the YWCA's use of the pool, Council approved an annual fee of $2,195 for 2015/2016. Staff is suggesting a 1.5 % increase to the annual fee increasing the amount to $2,230 for the 2016/2017 contract year. A 1.5% increase is in keeping with the past several years increases. CONCLUSION: The YWCA continues to utilise the Terrace Lodge Pool as a community-based service for therapeutic programs. These programs are of great benefit to the local and surrounding communities and are accessed by individuals of all ages and with various therapeutic needs. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Council direct staff to negotiate at minimum a 1.5% increase for the 2016/2017 agreement with the YWCA for the use of the pool at Terrace Lodge; and, THAT Council direct staff to sign the 2016/2017 agreement with the YWCA. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rhonda L. Duffy Mark G. McDonald Director of Homes and Seniors Services Chief Administrative Officer 14 VUo Eigni REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services Mike Baker, Museum Curator DATE: August 18, 2016 SUBJECT: Museum Seniors Community Grant INTRODUCTION: This report informs Council that the Elgin County Museum has received a grant in the amount of $2,860 from the Province of Ontario's Seniors Community Grant program to produce interpretive kits for use in the County's long-term care homes. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The Elgin County Museum has received a grant from the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat under the Seniors Community Grant program in the amount of $2,860 to produce "edu- kits" which will travel to the County's long-term care homes for use in historical programming with residents and adult -day programs. These kits will build on highly successful historical programming that museum staff have led in recent years in the homes. Three travelling kits will be produced in which museum staff can create portable displays for use in presentations. The grant covers all costs associated with the production of the kits. The Chief Administrative Officer authorized the funding agreement for this contribution in August 2016 in order to meet provincial deadlines. Staff are now seeking authority to add the related funds to the Museum's 2016 and 2017 operating budgets to complete the project. All expenditures must be submitted by March 31, 2017. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT a project in the amount of $2,860 be added to the Elgin County Museum's operating budget to be expended by March 31, 2017 for the purposes of producing educational kits for seniors' programming under the terms of the Province of Ontario's Seniors Community Grant program; and, THAT the Warden issue a letter of appreciation to the Ontario Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs and the Member of Provincial Parliament for Elgin -Middlesex -London. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald Director of Community and Cultural Services Chief Administrative Officer Mike Baker Curator 15 VUo EignVREPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services Al Reitsma, Manager of Information Technology DATE: August 18, 2016 SUBJECT: Upgrade to Fibre Internet Service at Dutton Library INTRODUCTION: Eastlink, the current provider of Internet services for the John Kenneth Galbraith Reference Library, Dutton (Dutton Library) has informed staff that they will no longer be providing the service effective August 31St, 2016. This report informs Council of the interim measures taken by staff to continue Internet service at the branch and also recommends that a fibre-optic solution be authorized through Bell Canada, subject to the terms, conditions and costs outlined in this report. DISCUSSION: In July 2016, Eastlink provided notice that the company will no longer be providing Internet service through its digital subscriber line (DSL) to the Dutton Library effective August 31, 2016. As a result, staff have proceeded with an interim solution through Bell Canada to continue the same level of DSL service effective September 1, 2016. This interim move has prevented any disruptions to Internet service at the branch for library patrons and staff. Bell Canada has agreed to implement this interim solution on a month-to-month basis in the hopes that the company can secure a longer-term commitment with the County for enhanced service at the library. However, no firm commitments have been made in this regard until this report could be fully considered by Council. Recently, the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich installed fibre optic connectivity to the municipal office through Bell Canada. This has opened the door to further fibre installations in the community through Bell Canada. As the SWIFT project has demonstrated, the benefits of fibre connectivity are well known to Council, particularly in terms of the vast improvement to speed and reliability it can provide compared to connections such as DSL. The establishment of fibre in Dutton as a result of the municipality's project provides an opportunity for the library to connect to the fibre infrastructure now in place. Staff at Dutton Dunwich have kept County staff fully informed of the work that has taken place and how the library may also benefit. On-line usage at the County's libraries continues to grow rapidly and it is imperative that sufficient bandwidth exists to continue to serve the needs of library patrons. The following is an analysis of current Internet speeds at the County's ten branches for Council's information: 16 Library Internet Provider Type MBs per second speed down/up Monthly Cost $ Connections Total Monthly Cost $ Aylmer EastLink DSL 20/2 64.95 2 129.90 Port Burwell EastLink DSL 20/2 64.95 2 129.90 Springfield EastLink DSL 20/2 64.95 2 129.90 Straffordville EastLink DSL 20/2 64.95 2 129.90 Dutton EastLink (via Bell) DSL 6/.5 59.95 2 119.90 Rodney Execulink (via Bell) DSL 6/.8 119.90 1 119.90 West Lorne Bell DSL 6/1 123.00 1 123.00 Port Stanley Rogers Cable 30/5 64.95 2 129.90 Belmont Rogers Cable 30/5 82.95 2 165.90 Shedden Rogers Cable 30/5 117.95 1 117.95 The capacity of current providers to meet the growing needs of patrons and staff with regards to bandwidth and speed must be continually reviewed and when opportunities arise to make significant improvements within an affordable cost, these opportunities should be explored. As outlined in the above chart, Dutton Library currently has the slowest average upload / download speed of the ten branches which is now posing major challenges in providing effective service given that usage and bandwidth traffic continues to grow. Dutton also has the status as one of two reference libraries in the system (along with Aylmer) which drives further usage and it is also one of the busiest branches in terms of circulation. Maintaining the status quo through a new provider (Bell Canada) is simply not an effective solution for the long-term. Furthermore, and as Council is aware, the SWIFT project will take many years to unfold and a firm timeline on when Elgin County will fully benefit from this much-needed initiative has yet to be established; however, it could take several years. Staff recommend that the Dutton Library connect to Bell's fibre network which will guarantee a symmetric download/upload speed of 50 Megabytes per second. The initial term of this commitment is five years. The following are the associated costs: An estimated one-time connection fee of $5,000 to lay additional fibre from its current location along Currie Road to the property line of the library. Information Technology has available funds in its 2016 capital budget to fully cover this cost. The Municipality of Dutton Dunwich has confirmed that it will facilitate the remaining work to bring conduit from the property line to the building to complete the installation. The monthly subscription cost for the five-year term would increase to $505 per month which is approximately four times higher than the current cost. The library is considered a business installation where higher rates have always applied in exchange for higher service levels. For business fibre installations, the connection is dedicated and the speed is consistent for both downloading and uploading purposes unlike residential installations where connections are shared and speeds can vary throughout the day. While the monthly cost is approximately four times higher, the speed delivered is almost ten times higher. The full impact of this 17 increase will be experienced in 2017 and IT will incorporate this cost into its 2017 budgetary planning should Council concur with the recommendations in this report. As always, every opportunity for further efficiencies in the library and IT budgets will be examine to mitigate the impact of this increase as much as possible. Further fibre installations are not on the horizon at any other branch at the present time. Admittedly, speeds at Rodney and West Lorne Libraries should be improved but staff are not aware of any opportunities for fibre or cable installation in those communities at the present time so DSL remains the best option. Connections at the other branches are currently performing well relative to usage. Consideration may be given to switching Aylmer to a fibre installation at some point given its status as a reference library and the high usage at that location but the current service is still performing well. Fibre will certainly be explored should a new or expanded facility materialize in Aylmer. Staff have confirmed with the Township of Southwold that cable connectivity will be provided to the Keystone Complex for the proposed new library in Shedden so the relatively high rate of speed will continue in the new location without need for fibre at the present time. CONCLUSION: The discussion surrounding current Internet speeds at the County's library branches further highlights what a critical piece of community infrastructure Internet connectivity has become. It has never been more important to be pro -active in monitoring industry developments and to advocate for improvements to connectivity, especially in rural communities. Council has certainly taken a strong leadership role in this area by allocating funds and lending vocal support towards the emerging SWIFT project. In the meantime, an excellent opportunity now exists in Dutton to vastly improve Internet speed and broadband capacity at the library by tapping into a new fibre network led by the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich. While this connection comes at an additional cost that is not insignificant, staff feel that the investment can be justified at this particular location. Staff therefore recommend that a contract for fibre installation and monthly service be authorized with Bell Canada. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to enter into a five-year agreement with Bell Canada for the installation and supply of a dedicated fibre-optic connection to the John Kenneth Galbraith Reference Library, Dutton as soon as installation can be completed and subject to the terms and budgetary implications as outlined in the report titled "Upgrade to Fibre Internet Service at Dutton Library" dated August 18, 2016. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services Al Reitsma Manager of Information Technology im Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer E�, REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: August 15, 2016 SUBJECT: Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 INTRODUCTION: As per the County of Elgin's Procurement Policy section 10. 1, an information report containing the details relevant to the exercise of delegated authority for all contracts awarded that exceed $15,000 including amendments and renewals is to be prepared and reported to Council. This report covers the period from April to June 2016. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin delegated authority to the Directors to award contracts as follows: Value Report Status Greater than $15,000 No report to Council required if within 10% of the but less than $50,000 approved budget allocation Greater than $50,000 No report to Council required if within approved but less than $100,000 budget Council also approved that an information report would be brought forward containing details of the award of contracts including amendments and renewals. The detailed report of the award of contracts is attached as Appendix A. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards, April 1, 2016 to June 30. 2016" dated Auaust 15. 2016 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator Jim Bundschuh Director of Financial Services 19 Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer APPENDIX A Purchases/Projects greater than $15,000 April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 Department Budget Project Supplier / Amount Allocation Contractor (HST excluded) Information Capital Storage Area Network TUC Managed IT $15,505.43 Technology Solutions Information Operating Point Click Care License Wescom $26,160.00 Technology Renewal Fees Solutions Economic Operating 2016 Elgin County Visitor's Guide Aylmer Express $16,601.00 Development & Tourism Community & Capital Seven (7) All -in -One Early Literacy $24,065.00 Cultural Touchscreen Early Literacy Stations Canada Services Stations Homes & Capital Two (2) Alenti Scales for Bobier Arjohuntleigh $25,576.00 Senior Villa Canada Services Engineering Capital Pressure Treated Posts for Road Geerlinks Home $16,205.20 Signs Hardware Engineering Capital Manufacture and Supply of Maximum Signs $19,015.00 County Road Wayfinding Signage for West Elgin, Dutton-Dunwich and Southwold Engineering Capital Removal and Installation of Peninsula $55,350.00 County Road Wayfinding Signage Construction for West Elgin, Dutton-Dunwich and Southwold Engineering Operating Electrical Repair Contract Tim Lovett $21,240.00 (two year term) Installations Engineering Capital Administration Building Parking GW -EX Inc. $62,200.25 Lot Addition 20 m/1 N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh, Director of Financial Services DATE: August 22, 2016 SUBJECT: 2016 July Year -To -Date (YTD) Budget Performance INTRODUCTION: Attached is the YTD budget comparison for the County with performance through the month of July of $299,000 favourable. DISCUSSION: Highlights of the July YTD budget performance as shown on the attachment are as follows: Line 4 — Health Unit: $60,000 favourable performance due to a return of the County's share of the 2015 surplus. Line 26 — Total Departmental: $240,000 favourable performance on $25 million of expenditures spread. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "2016 July Year -To -Date (YTD) Budget Performance" dated August 22, 2016 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 County of Elgin YTD Income Statement Actual Perform. As of July 31, 2016 Revenue Expenses Net Net Total TAXES (30,770,873) 8,404 (30,762,469) (0) INTEREST CHARGES & INCOME (54,277) 2 (54,274) (2,892) SOCIAL SERVICES - ST. THOMAS - 1,158,053 1,158,053 3,531 HEALTH UNIT - 462,974 462,974 59,644 GRANTS - 317,094 317,094 - RENTAL INCOME (142,557) - (142,557) - PROPERTY ASSESSMENT - 547,104 547,104 (2,597) ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP F (767,775) - (767,775) 450 PROJECTS - 309,741 309,741 2 LIBRARY SERVICES - - - (0) Total Corporate (31,735,481) 2,803,372 (28,932,109)1 58,137 WARDEN AND COUNCIL - 201,593 201,593 19,976 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (78,694) 371,181 292,486 23,759 FINANCIAL SERVICES - 326,134 326,134 9,175 HUMAN RESOURCES (19,018) 293,360 274,342 9,590 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (310,021) 386,052 76,031 22,768 CORPORATE SERVICES (9,583) 478,106 468,523 20,474 ENGINEERING SERVICES (3,362,085) 2,278,107 (1,083,978) 6,853 HOMES FOR SENIORS SERVICES (10,434,704) 11,770,506 1,335,802 48,991 MUSEUM/ARCHIVES (8,460) 275,125 266,665 9,843 LIBRARY SERVICES (67,900) 1,324,970 1,257,070 13,267 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (26,400) 396,201 369,800 9,584 PROVINCIAL OFFENSES (685,598) 529,951 (155,647) (5,086) COLLECTIONS - POA (197,324) 191,187 (6,137) (1,436) AMBULANCE & EMERGENCY SERVICE (3,769,149) 5,434,392 1,665,243 9,732 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISP (88,252) 727,894 639,642 42,939 Total Departmental (19,057,188) 24,984,757 5,927,568 240,430 27 Total (50,792,670) 27,788,129 (23,004,541)I 298,567 J:\Common\Finance\Monthly Performance\Financial S@2ices\JulyYTD 22/08/2016 11:56 AM ON REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services DATE: August 26, 2016 SUBJECT: No Parking By -Law Amendment —County Road #27, Sparta INTRODUCTION: In order to improve sight line restrictions from a local street entering onto Sparta Line (County Road #27) in Sparta, a revision to the existing no parking zone is required. Authorization from Council to amend the current No Parking By -Law is requested. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In order for vehicles to be afforded adequate sight distance when entering onto Sparta Line from Hiram Smith Lane, an extension of the existing no parking area is required. The revised no parking zone will commence at the south west corner of Quaker Road and Sparta Line (south side of Sparta Line) and extend 170m westerly. Staff is requesting that the current No Parking By -Law be amended to include this revision. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the existing No Parking By -Law be amended to extend the existing no parking zone on the south side of Sparta Line (County Road #27), in the Village of Sparta. The revised no parking zone will begin at the south west corner of Quaker Road and Sparta Line, on the south side of Sparta Line, and extend 170m westerly; and, THAT the Municipality of Central Elgin be requested to install the additional signage; and, THAT the Ontario Provincial Police be notified of this revised no parking zone. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Peter Dutchak Mark G. McDonald Deputy Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer 23 m/1 N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: August 15, 2016 SUBJECT: Tender Results — Edison Drive Bridge Replacement INTRODUCTION: As part of the approved 2016 Capital Budget, a tender was advertised and issued as per the County's Procurement Policy for the Replacement of the Edison Drive Bridge located in the Community of Vienna, Municipality of Bayham. This tender was pre -approved by Council at the July 26th meeting to expedite the project schedule. Staff has awarded the tender to the lowest compliant bidder as per the County's Procurement Policy. This report provides Council with the bid result information. DISCUSSION: A total of seventeen (17) companies downloaded bid documents and drawings for this project from the County's Biddingo website. Five (5) companies submitted bids for this tender which closed on August 10. Bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of taxes) Facca Incorporated $607,350.00 Gary D. Robinson Contracting Ltd. $607,900.35 W.G. Kelly Construction $667,319.00 Owen King Limited $737,618.78 Strat-Con Construction Ltd. $991,350.00 Facca Incorporated submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $607,350.00, inclusive of a contingency allowance and exclusive of HST for the supply of labour, equipment and materials to replace the Edison Drive Bridge. The lowest submitted bid is within budget estimates. CONCLUSION: Work on this bridge replacement project is expected to begin in September and is expected to be completed by December 2016. The bridge will be closed to traffic for this time period and a temporary access route for residents will be constructed. 24 RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Tender Results — Edison Drive Bridge Replacement" dated August 15, 2016 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Deputy Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator 25 Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer ON REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: August 4, 2016 SUBJECT: Adopt -A -Highway Program Review INTRODUCTION: The County of Elgin has been participating in the Adopt -A -Highway Program since the late 1990's. It was created in an attempt to involve the community in keeping the County roadsides clean and debris free. Involvement by the community is on a volunteer basis and agreements are in effect for two years. In recent years, public interest in the program has decreased significantly. At the beginning of 2016, there were three groups participating. However, the contracts for two groups expired in the spring. These groups have not expressed interest in continuing their participation, leaving only one active group in the Adopt -A -Highway Program. A recent review of the current Adopt -A -Highway Program agreement by the County Solicitor, the County Insurance provider and senior management has brought forward concerns regarding liability insurance. Currently, the County does not require groups to have liability insurance in order to participate in the program. Staff consulted two insurance firms, Frank Cowan Company and BFL Canada, who indicated that insurance would not be issued due to the amount of risk involved. As a result, staff is recommending that the Adopt -A -Highway Program be discontinued. DISCUSSION: The Adopt -A -Highway Program has proven to be a beneficial program for Elgin County. It has been a way for environmentally conscious citizens and community organizations to contribute to a cleaner and more beautiful highway system that is appreciated by both residents and tourists. However, in recent years, enrolment has declined. Currently there is only one active group participating in the program, whose agreement expires in April 2017. In the current Adopt -A -Highway Program agreement, the County does not require groups to have liability insurance. To decrease the risk to the County, groups should be required to hold liability insurance that covers their participation in the program. Frank Cowan Company was consulted and indicated that it is not possible for the volunteer groups to be added to the County liability policy because they are not working under the direction and control of the County. Therefore, this would leave it up to the organizations to provide their own liability insurance either through their business or homeowner policies. However, according to Frank Cowan Company, it is unlikely that insurance companies would provide this type of insurance. Staff consulted with another insurance firm, BFL Canada, who also indicated that no insurance company will provide this type of liability insurance due to the amount of risk involved. 26 Alternatively, the County Solicitor indicated that volunteer groups could be required to sign a liability waiver instead of providing proof of insurance. However, a liability waiver may not necessarily be accepted by the courts in the event of a lawsuit. Therefore, a waiver in place of insurance is not recommended. CONCLUSION: The Adopt -A -Highway Program is a valuable program to the County of Elgin, however, measures must be taken in order to decrease any liability risk to the County. After a careful review of the current Adopt -A -Highway agreement by the County Solicitor, Frank Cowan Company and senior management, staff agrees that the Adopt -A -Highway Program should be discontinued since no insurance firm will provide liability coverage for participants and participation in the program has been steadily declining with only one group currently active. RECOMMENDATION: THAT due to the unavailability of proper insurance coverage and due to a lack of interest in the program, the Adopt -A -Highway Program be discontinued. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer 27 r�y m urrn lef, I"I REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: August 9, 2016 SUBJECT: Transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin INTRODUCTION: The Township of Southwold passed a resolution requesting that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County of Elgin due to significant increase in traffic volume and that a similar section of less travelled county road be transferred to Southwold. At the March 22, 2016 County Council meeting the following was adopted: "THAT County staff provide a more comprehensive report to Council indicating the implications of the transfer to the County of Elgin." Staff has reviewed the technical, administrative and financial concerns in regards to the transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin and recommend that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County and, as per Southwold Council's resolution, that the County transfer the following less travelled county roads to Southwold: Mill Road, Magdala Road and Southdel Drive. It is important to distinguish the criteria defining a county road system from a local one. In a county road system, traffic volumes are generally above 1,000 Annual Average Daily Traffic counts, roads usually connect major and minor urban centres, and can be subject to growth pressures. Conversely, a local road provides connection to county and provincial road systems and has low traffic volumes. DISCUSSION: The Ontario Government and the City of London funded a new 401 interchange, completed in the fall of 2015, which resulted in a dramatic increase in traffic volume on Wonderland Road in Southwold. Before the interchange was contemplated, Wonderland Road was a local road used by farm equipment to manoeuvre around the busy roads of Wellington Road and Sunset Road. Since the completion of the interchange, Wonderland Road has been used as an access route to Highway 401 as well as into the City of London from the County of Elgin. Due to the significant increase in traffic and the resultant negative effect the traffic has on ride quality and structural capabilities, the roadway has deteriorated significantly. The present road construction was designed for low traffic volumes and consequently cannot accommodate the present traffic volumes, speeds or vehicle weights. Therefore due to the significant increase in traffic and increase in maintenance costs, Southwold reduced the traffic speed to 40 kilometres at the deficient curve and 60 kilometres per hour in the remaining length. W Wonderland Road is presently a major arterial roadway that serves as a conduit for traffic between London and St Thomas. This roadway meets the requirement for a County road, such that the traffic volumes are high, it connects major urban centres to a major urban centre or a provincial highway, is subject to significant growth pressures and the potential for four lanes within 10 years. As a result, Southwold Council has passed a resolution requesting that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County (Appendix A, attached). As per its resolution, Southwold Council is willing to consider a transfer of a similar section of less travelled County road to the Municipality. It should be noted that transferring roads between governments has been occurring for a century. Recently, the County and the Municipality of Bayham switched Glen Erie Line and Lakeshore Line. The transfer was an `as is where is' condition with no financial compensation. Engineering staff has completed a financial, administrative and technical review of Wonderland Road and the roads that will be transferred to Southwold. Appendices B — E (attached) list the pertinent data for each road. After a thorough review of the information, staff recommends that the County assume Wonderland Road and that the County transfer Mill Road, Southdel Drive and Magdala Road to Southwold. Roads to be Transferred to the Township of Southwold Road Name From To Length Mill Road — Road 119 Talbot Line Southdel Drive 5.85 km Southdel Drive — Road 17 Mill Road Carriage Road 1.37 km Magdala Road — Road 20 Third Line Southdel Drive 2.96 km 10.18 km Road to be Transferred to the County of Elgin Road Name I From I To I Length Wonderland Road I Ron McNeil Line I Southminster Bourne 1 3.53 km Capital improvements are required on the roads discussed. As outlined in the tables below, the capital improvements are lumped into NOW, 1 to 5 year and 6 to 10 year time frames for improvements. The timeframes are a standard for accessing road infrastructure. For Wonderland Road, in the NOW category, the Henderson Drain will require improvements at an estimated cost of $80,000. The road edge will need structural improvements at an estimated cost of $220,000. In the 1 to 5 year category, an environmental assessment is required as well as monies for a reconstruction of the 29 roadway at an estimated cost of $4.5 million. Operationally, the cost is approximately $14,000 for 2016. For Southdel Drive, Magdala Road and Mill Road the NOW costs are $0, the 1 to 5 years costs are $60,000 and the 6 to 10 year costs are $189,000. The operational costs are $38,000 for 2016. Capital Costs County of Elgin Wonderland Road — NOW $ 300,000 Wonderland Road — 1 to 5 years $ 4,500,000 Wonderland Road - 6 to 10 years $ 0 TOTAL $4,800,000 Operational Costs County of Elgin Wonderland Road $ 14,000 Operational Costs Township of Southwold Mill Road $ 23,000 Southdel Drive $ 3,000 Magdala Road $ 12,000 TOTAL $38,000 If the County assumes Wonderland Road, staff will seek provincial funding to reduce the capital costs for the road improvements. In 2017 and 2018, the City of London will be making improvements to Wonderland Road north of the County limits. It is anticipated the traffic will increase due to the improvements. Additionally, if the Wonderland Road is transferred to the County, capital work is not likely to be completed for a minimum of three years. The following would need to be completed before the roadway was reconstructed: an Environmental Assessment (EA), engineering survey, design and tendering, and construction. The EA would answer many questions and options for the roadway design and modes of travel and also the connection to Ron McNeil Line and Highway 3. The County of Elgin has a ten year capital plan and if Wonderland Road is included in the County road system, Wonderland Road would have a higher priority than other 30 Capital Costs Township of Southwold Mill Road — NOW $ 0 Mill Road — 1 to 5 years $ 0 Mill Road — 6 to 10 years $ 175,000 Southdel Drive — NOW $ 0 Southdel Drive — 1 to 5 years $ 0 Southdel Drive — 6 to 10 years $ 14,000 Magdala Road — NOW $ 0 Magdala Road — 1 to 5 years $ 60,000 Magdala Road — 6 to 10 years $ 0 TOTAL $249,000 Operational Costs County of Elgin Wonderland Road $ 14,000 Operational Costs Township of Southwold Mill Road $ 23,000 Southdel Drive $ 3,000 Magdala Road $ 12,000 TOTAL $38,000 If the County assumes Wonderland Road, staff will seek provincial funding to reduce the capital costs for the road improvements. In 2017 and 2018, the City of London will be making improvements to Wonderland Road north of the County limits. It is anticipated the traffic will increase due to the improvements. Additionally, if the Wonderland Road is transferred to the County, capital work is not likely to be completed for a minimum of three years. The following would need to be completed before the roadway was reconstructed: an Environmental Assessment (EA), engineering survey, design and tendering, and construction. The EA would answer many questions and options for the roadway design and modes of travel and also the connection to Ron McNeil Line and Highway 3. The County of Elgin has a ten year capital plan and if Wonderland Road is included in the County road system, Wonderland Road would have a higher priority than other 30 projects in this category, such as Furnival Road in Rodney, Plank Road in Vienna and Sparta Line/Quaker Road in Sparta. Assuming County Council adopts the recommendation contained herein, a more detailed adjustment to the capital plan will be brought forward late this year with explicit recommendations on the proposed schedule of the projects. Those projects would potentially be delayed for years. A $300,000 investment will be included in the 2017 Capital Budget for drainage and shoulder edge improvement on Wonderland Road. Unless directed otherwise, staff will not increase the capital budget to accommodate the capital monies required for the reconstruction of Wonderland Road if transferred to the County of Elgin. In regards to the timing of the transfer, staff recommends January 1, 2017 due to required changes to the administrative by-laws such as the Through Road and Road Assumption By -Laws. Staff also proposes that this report be forwarded to the Southwold Council for its comments. CONCLUSION: The County of Elgin has received a request from the Township of Southwold to transfer Wonderland Road to the County due to a dramatic increase in traffic from Highway 3 to Highway 401 and into the City of London. Staff recommends the transfer of Wonderland Road from the Township of Southwold and that the County transfer Mill Road, Magdala Road and Southdel Drive to Southwold. As per the Southwold Council's resolution, it is willing to accept a less travelled road from the County. Additionally this report and recommendation should be forwarded to Southwold Council for its comments. As evidenced in the preceding charts, the anticipated transfer of roads represents a significant capital investment from the County and a large cost avoidance for the Township of Southwold. In addition, this transfer recognizes the principle differences between a County road and a local road through road rationalization. If County Council proceeds with these transfers then scheduled capital projects such as Furnival Road in Rodney, Plank Road in Vienna and Sparta Line/Quaker Road in Sparta, will have to be delayed in order to avoid budget increases. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the report titled "Transfer of Wonderland Road to the County of Elgin" dated August 9, 2016 be adopted; and, THAT Wonderland Road (from Ron McNeil Line to Southminster Bourne) be transferred from the Township of Southwold to the County of Elgin effective on January 1, 2017; and, THAT the County of Elgin transfer on January 1, 2017 Mill Road (from Talbot Line to Southdel Drive) , Magdala Road (from Third Line to Southdel Drive) and Southdel Drive (from Mill Road to Carriage Road) to the Tg3vylnship of Southwold; and, THAT this report be forwarded to the Township of Southwold for its concurrence before any further action is taken; and; THAT Wonderland Road reconstruction be accommodated within the existing capital plan. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer 32 March 18, 2016 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Appendix A TOWNSHIP OFSOUTHWOLD OFFICE OF THE CLERK Attention: Mark McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer Dear Mark: RE: Wonderland Road 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NOL 5'0 Phone: (5 19) 769-2010 Fax: (519) 769-2837 Email: cao0 soulInvold .ca The Council of the Township of Southwold discussed the increase in traffic on Wonderland Road since the new 401 exchange was completed late last fall. It is Council's opinion that since these volumes has increased dramatically, that this road should become a county responsibility. It also has turned into an additional route not only to access Highway 401 but to travel into the City of London. Of course, the municipality would be willing to consider accepting some other less travelled county road,which could be removed from the county system. You will find attached a copy of the resolution adopted by Council. Yours truly, Ken Loveland CAO/Clerk cc. Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services. Encl. 33 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Chard Seconded by: Councillor North THAT Council of the Township of Southwold request that Wonderland Road be transferred to the County of Elgin road system; AND THAT a similar section of less travelled county road is transferred to Southwold. Recorded Vote YM Pi G. Bogart L Chard G. Jones - Mayor R. Monteith P, North 34 Carried: Mayor Defeated: Mayor Res: 2016 - Appendix B Wonderland Road Location Ron McNeil Line to City of London Boundary Length 3.53 Kilometres Right of Way Width 30 meters with the exception at south end that has an increased road width due to the new intersection alignment Average Annual Daily Traffic 2650 (2016) Construction History Collision History None in last five years Structures None Municipal Drains Auckland, Henderson, Lindsay, Talbotville and Van Lanen. Posted Speed Limit 60 kilometre per hour Road Classification Class 4 Surface Width 7.2 meters Shoulder Width 1.7 meters Capital Costs NOW costs: Henderson Drain improvements, $80,000; Shoulder improvements, $220,000. The 1 year to 5 year Environmental Assessment and Road Reconstruction Cost $4.5 Million (2015 Construction Prices); and 6 to 10 year costs nil. Operational Costs $137908 ($3,940 per kilometre) Book Value $ 133,685 (As of December 31, 2016) Road geometric Deficiencies One horizontal curve is posted at 40 kilometre per hour. Utilities All major utilities are located on all or a portion of the roadway. 35 Appendix C Mill Road Location Talbot Line to Southdel Drive Length 5.85 kilometres Right of Way Width 30 meters with the exception of one small area. Average Annual Daily Traffic 900 (2014) Construction History 1964 Reconstructed. Standard reconstruction: 450 mm granular B, 150 mm Granular A, 100 mm Hot Mix surface. 1972 Resurface 50 mm. 1978 Resurface 50 mm. 1999 Resurface 50 mm. 2016 Micro surface Collision History 2011, one, turning movement. 2012 , four, rear end, turning movement, single vehicle, deer. 2014, one, turning movement. Structures Hunt Concrete Culvert, 20 feet by 6 feet by 80 feet rigid frame. Three 1.5 meters ditch culverts. Municipal Drains Hunt, Williams, Lewis, Blackman Brown, Cole, and Hutchings. Posted Speed Limit 80 kilometres per hour Road Classification Class 4 Surface Width 6.90 meters Shoulder Width 2.8 meters Capital Costs NOW costs: nil; 1 to 5 year, nil; and 6 to 10 year, micro surface $175,000. Operational Costs $237049 ($3,940 per kilometre) Book Value $200,387 (As of December 31, 2016) Road Geometric Deficiencies None Utilities All major utilities are located on all or a portion of the roadway. 36 Appendix D Magdala Road Location Third Line to Southdel Drive Length 2.96 kilometres Right of Way Width 20 meters and 15 meters for 1.36 kilometres. Average Annual daily Traffic 500 (2014) Construction History 2001 Double Surface treatment 2010 Micro surface Gravel Thickness unknown. Ditches both sides in the 20 meter wide right of way section. Collision History 2013, one, single motor vehicle. Structures None greater than 3 meters. Onieda Concrete Culvert, x feet by x feet by x feet. Municipal Drains Nimmo and Hutchings — Nimmo. Posted Speed Limit 80 Kilometres per hour, one posted curve Road Classification Class 4 Surface Width 7.2 meters Shoulder Width 0.8 meters Construction program NOW costs: nil; 1 to 5 year cost, $60,000; and 6 to 10 year cost, nil. Operational program $117662 ($3,940 per kilometre) Book Value $299,506 (As of December 31, 2016) Road Geometric Deficiencies One horizontal curve is posted at 60 kilometre Utilities All major utilities are located on all or a portion of the roadway. 37 Appendix E Southdel Drive Location Mill Road to Carriage Road Length 1.37 kilometres Right of Width 20 meters Average Annual Daily Traffic 700 (2014) Construction History 2011, Single Surface Treatment. Gravel Thickness unknown. Ditches both sides. Collision History None. Structures None. One 8 feet by 9 feet by 60 feet long concrete structure. Municipal Drains Daugherty #1, Nichols, and Southwold — Delaware Posted Speed Limit 80 kilometres per hour Road Classification Class 4 Surface Width 7.4 meters Shoulder Width 1.0 meters Construction program NOW costs: nil; 1 to 5 year costs nil; 6 to 10 year costs $14,000. Operational program $27749 ($3,940 per kilometre, Middlesex Centre assumes 50% of the costs) Book Value $0 (As of December 31, 2016) Road Geometric Deficiencies None Utilities All major utilities are located on all or a portion of the roadway. W ON REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: August 23, 2016 SUBJECT: Assumption of Dexter Line INTRODUCTION: Construction of the new Dexter Line is well underway and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2016. The newly constructed road is ready to be assumed as part of the public highway of the Elgin County road system. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In order to assume the reconstructed portion of Dexter Line as public highway, the Road Consolidating By -Law 10-10 needs to be amended to reflect this change. Furthermore, the County insurance provider, Frank Cowan Company, will need to be advised of this change. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Road Consolidating By -Law 10-10 be amended to include the lands and premises hereinafter described: Part of Lot 23, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 24, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 24, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 18, 20, 22 & 23, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 25, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 16, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 26, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 12 & 14, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 27 & 28, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 8 & 10, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 28, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 6, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of a road allowance between the Geographic Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide in Concession 1, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 4, Plan 11 R-9880; 39 Part of a road allowance between the Geographic Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide in Concession 1, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 25, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Malahide, County of Elgin, designated as Part 2, Plan 11 R-9880; and; THAT the County insurance provider, Frank Cowan Company, be informed of this change. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer .N r�y m urrn lef, I"I REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rob Bryce, Director of Human Resources DATE: August 18, 2016 SUBJECT: Human Resources Policy 9.80 Amendments INTRODUCTION: Human Resources update policies from time to time to ensure that non-union employee groups are not disadvantaged relative to unionized partners. This report provides a proposed update to Human Resources Policy 9.80 - Bereavement Leave. DISCUSSION: Human Resources (HR) Policy 9.80 deals with the provision of bereavement leave and is applicable to non-union employees. The County's unionized partners have collective agreement language that provides between one and five days of paid bereavement leave depending on relationship to the deceased member of one's family. The existing policy for non-union staff provides for three days regardless of the family relationship of the employee to the deceased. The revised policy would maintain the compassionate treatment of employees while recognizing that varying amounts of time off is warranted given the nature of relationships involved. CONCLUSION: The recommended changes to HR Policy 9.80 will ensure that the duration of paid bereavement leave is consistent amongst employee groups in situations where employees require such leave. The revised policy would also recognize differences in familial relationships. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT County Council approve the report titled "Human Resources Policy 9.80 Amendments" dated August 18, 2016; and, THAT County Council approve and adopt the attached corresponding policy changes (Human Resources Policy Number 9.80), as soon as practicable. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rob Bryce Mark G. McDonald Director of Human Resources Chief Administrative Officer 41 r WG , ho RAti.fied- gf 4he le-A\/e gf nhoonno (b) SGhediuiledd �.MA-ipk at the e'o days and heurs, whiGh f-;;" regi ilnr roto �.Mm.thm..A the peried gr-;;Atp-.C-i wipcdep (a), will be paid (G\ "Immediate Family" icdefiR�� crag, ie'Snhi�mnthTer, SPGUSceGGmmgn_law SPGUceGhilndGG-mmgn_lo�ni step "`�c� "l , , ��gn le�gn,mGther in nong6,Ge,G eTr 40A mmggn l-e GoTi. aw, MgtheF, V, GG Pi , speuse, l r WG County of Elgin Section: 9 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Bereavement Leave Policy Number: 9.80 Code - NU/PT/FT/CT Date Approved: Oct. 1/87 Page 1 of 1 Date Last Revision: (A) In the case of death of an eligible employee's immediate family, a leave of absence of up to five (5) consecutive and scheduled work days off without loss of pay will be granted. For purposes of this policy, "immediate family" is defined as spouse (as defined by law), child, mother, father, brother, or sister. (B) In the case of death of an eligible employee's extended family, a leave of absence of up to three (3) consecutive work days off without loss of pay will be granted. For purposes of this policy, "extended family" is defined as grandparent, grandchild, mother in-law, father in-law, brother in-law, sister in-law. C) In the case of death of an eliaible emDlovee's other extended familv members. a leave of absence of up to one (1) work day off without loss of pay will be granted. For the purpose of this policy, other extended family members are defined as great grandparent, great grandparent -in-law, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew. Immediate family or extended family relationships that are "foster" or "step" In nature are treated as outlined respectively in (A), (B), and (C) above. Scheduled work days and hours, which fall within the leave period granted will be paid at the employee's regular rate. The County of Elgin understands that some periods of bereavement leave may not Include a traditional funeral or memorial service. In such circumstances, such approved leave shall include an event, observance or commemoration. 43 MOM.......... Z "I I I . . .. . . . .................. Oxe=ME 1, Bonnie Adams, Reeve of the Township of Carlow/Maya requesting the [Minister of Transportation support Bill 171, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Waste ill tion Vehicles and Snow Plows) 2010„ Not This matter was received and filed by, Elgin County Council at its July 26, 2016 meeting. 2. Kelly McDoweHl and Sandra Misenerwith updated information on Aufism funding in the hopes that County Cun it reconsider and endorse their request, for the ProvIncial Government to 1provide additional program and itesour cefunding for individUaIS Of all ages with Autism and their families. M FII E COR IN)RAI'll ON'()F TREI'OWNS11 I Ij (JITCA RLOW/M AV0( 3987 Boulter Road, D ,, General divery y. Boulter, Ontario KOL 1, GO T'ol; (6 13) 332 1,760 llllax�(613)332-2175 lar b� Monday toThursday 9M arm to 5J)0 PAIL AvlvueCox Email, --- clerk( flo 1 m,�.l'l, Jenny Sn ider -21'reasurer aDeputY Clork Etnail, twasul-glAissadL) . oi 201608 17 The I-lonot trab le Sueven IM D tica, M i n i s [v r a,)1 11'an spo rtat ii o n Lin it, 3 5 11111 Rwlierf,brd R.oad Woodbridge, Ontmki� IAII 2J2 Dear Nl itdster Del Duca: Ed Wtitmoiv — Chief Building Official Direct [Jne - (613) 332-8207 Em.Ed 11 �bq &.�mzv �oca I am. wriflng tod,ay tourgent�y requ�,,stour supp(:0 regarding Bill � 7 1, IffirliwayTraffiAn c icridncn ii Act (Waste 'Y CoHectiori Vehicles and, Stww P laws), 2016, The Council of thc'Fownship ol"Carlow.Wary o considcs's this Bill to bQ an iu),Pvrtant initiative that Vvill a'ave Lives and ensum that worke�i s whose jobs takc place in roadways are niade %al."er. Ilse following quotation from tile Iligi-Ifights, the Concerns to our niurucipality� "FornIally oll these workei�-s, thc[r worlgo'l=e is as vAicle and the edge of the road, where rherc is increasod rkk, froll) C,'W'aless and di,,,,tractod drivers ond rear end collisions. I .lie increased risk, residtaru injuries, are associated wth this kind (I wmk are at probleni across Nord'i Antetica, 'rhis Bill wouild bring Ontarla hi linc %vith othor jurisdictions that have already protected sfinflar workeu-S," (.)(3RA MILI, S'l ON 1"'S Sl, -)r in gIS o m i ne r 20 1, 6 NVesavingly agive with the above quoued statcn,lcm as our op ria tvivc bee involved in inutor vehicle ac6dei-fts due to the inattention and distmiction ofthe public, Ot;ir operators SlIOUld be Mated the Raw, as th� EMS and F're beiciuse wealso prOvide esgontial gervice to the public. Your's truly, Bmtnie Adams Rem ofific"I'01VIISIli0170rkm/mayo P Copy --All OnWrio 45 Date. August290,16 at4�:5TJ8 11M. To: Rutliefine SubJect: Elgin County Council Q. Hello Katherine, YOU mere kind enough to reply to my inqUiry' last rflonth abOUt a Hann flton ResolutiDn about au,tisrn that was on the, 111y 26 agenda. We're following up with updated information in the hopes it rnay help Couricil decide on endorsing it or the attached Shelburne version. To date, more than 100 municipalities, (list attached) have supported the original May WhShelbLirne resolution or a variation. F a decision is pending, be assured that your, Coun6l's endorsennentwill send a strong statement to the Prernier that our chilldrenwith aUtisrin need therapy NOVV, not just, promises and a n noun cerne nts. Autistic children's futures depend on today's decisions . Intensive therapy sounds expensive — about $50,0100.Jyear per child— but it is an investment to ensure greater independence as an adult, compared to a grOLIp horne placement cost of $100,00/yearfor. an adult. Intensive therapy is currently the ORly q!inicallv r)rove,n therapy for autism. We WOUld be happy to provide more information or answer aRY questions, Council may, have prior to rnaki'ng a decision on this resolution. Thanking You in advance for Your help, and hopefUlly your COUnCil'S, SUPPOrt, Sincerely, Kelly McDowell, Shelburne Mom, and Sandra Misener, MOUnt Albert Mom TIi"- i i �ussage I ais be i scanned 13Y itaLtLimi u &-mo il se mi rity, servju�. MOS-Krje 8 6tt", V&W par Ir, senke flea karR6 pour coutr1qJ5 L 5 M M Tir-mr-YOTAM"11-Twoulm ��� Iii C I III 1 11 0 , It 19 a1 N07A N ro=9 Is rd 1 KIM M No., —10— WHEREAS,, Autism Spectrum Oiisordor Is, naw recognized,as the most common neuroia,91maal dlsordoraffee0ng 1 In every 94 chPdro n, os we I I as tKel r friends, fe rn0v and comm unfty; and WHEREAS, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ADA) is the scientific process ba"r d on objectiva evalluatlan and empirically based interventions used to aOleve meaningful, generalizaUe and enduring behaviourial change. lntansNe Sehawtukjral limervention (1131) is an applicatJoI of the pIrincip[es,of ABA tran Intensive setting used to affect behaviour change and lrnlprovemenland WHEREAS. the oorr" walOnIq list of dlilldiren for intensive Behavloto InteTwIltrn (0) Is over, ,000 an r1jore ffial, I Z,OQO children awaft Applied Behaviour Analysis {ASA); end WHE(REAS, the Provinoc of Ontarta has announced It intends to discantinus 101 services, to cliddren over the ago of four ind provide aowtime payment Is assist wth se ices, lioreby (,Jbrandonrng thmisainda w,ho hover been waft-lWod for years; and WHEREAS, there are two sorykemodals for affected children to he treated. 1) The Diratt Sep&e Dtfaring (DSO) where cKdren ree alve ser0ces dirucdy from trained staff at Orita6o's I regi anal serviice providers, and 2) the Dwoot Funding Offering PFO) where parents receive funding directly in order to pumbase seMoes; and WHEREAS, the Of 0 model provide services is used In Alberta, Bulish Columbia and lrnrnlwtly ;5askatchewan. Such, a, model is ciIinically rigorous and has been kieniffied by Oe Auditor General of Ontario as being foss expoinuivo ifia" O,ntirlo'5 DSO modeF THEREFORE. l6e; It resolved that a latter be sent to Hon. Tracy MacChades, Ministerof Children and Youth, Services; Alexander Bezzina, DOI Miulster, HQrj, Eric Ho"Ens, Knister of Health; and Hon, Kathliden Wynne. 1proroev Of 001�010, reque.stjng the Province to: 1. Amend its policy to, one that wIU allow all children on the current wailing list to resolve the IBI services promised Morw and 2, Rernova the age, firrift for IBI therapy and repece it II a prograrn that provides aigoinpi 181 servicO based or need and Individ'ool[ developnent, not apo„ and 3, Ensure oversigInt by professionals and parents besedon 'development Pr0qrd1%,' eritetio and mllosMonos,' and k Adopt a Olrect Pundirig Offering (DFO� model In lieu of the current Direct SeMre Offering (DSO) modef; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resoluthn be forwarded to all municipakfies wiftn the Province of Dnladm Mayor Bennington Councillor Benotto a M CAR RIEM K. Bennington 47 Yea Nay, x x Absent X I [Absent] IX I I X I Ontario Municipalities — Supporters — Autism Resoluti 104 2S of Aug.2412016, ol Addington Highlands, Township of Adelaide Metcalfe, Township of Admaston/Brornley, Township, of Ajax, Town of Amaranth, Township of Amherstburg, Town of Arnprior, Town of Asphodel -Norwood, Township of Aylmer, Town of Belleville, City of Black River -Matheson, Township of Nue Mountains, Town of the (Thornbury) Bonfield, Township of Bradford West GwflfirribUry, Town of Brockvflle, City of Brooke-Nvinston, Municipality of Bruce, County of Caledon, Town of Carlow/Mayo, Township of Central! Huron, VILinidpality of Chamberlain, Township of Champlain, Township of Chisholm, Township of UaOngton, Municipality of Cornwall, City of Crarnahe, Townships of Dufferin, County of Durham, Regional Municipality of Bast GwillimbUry, Town of Emo,. Township of EngIle hart, Town of Erin, Town of Espanola, Town of Faraday, Township of FaLiquier-Strickland, Township of Fort Erie, Town of Cilli s, Township of Grey HigNands, MuNdpWjty of Halton Hills, 'Town of W Hamilton, City of Ha tin IHigWands, County of law, lea sbury, Town of Hilton Beach, Village of Huron East, Municipalfty, of Huron-Kinloss, Township of Huron Shores, Municipality of James, Township of Kincardine, MUnicipality of Kingi, Township of Kirkland Lake, 'Town, of Laird, Township of Larnbton, County of LaSalle, Town of Laurentian Hills, Town of La Vallee, Township of Leeds and Grenville, United Counties of Leeds and the Thousand Islands, Township of Loyalist, Township of Machin, Township of Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additionall, Township of Madawaska Valley, Township of Molnar, Township of Melancthon, "Towns,hip of Milton, Town of Mississauga, City of �Mono, Town of Multrur, Township of Muskoka Lakes, Township of Nairn and Hyman, Toon hip of Nation, Municipality of the lin, Muncipality of New Tecurnseth, Town of Niagara Falls, City of Norwich, Township of Nort,heastern Manitoulin and the Islands, Town of Northern Bruce Penninsula, Municipality of, O'Connor, Township of Oakville, Town of Oil Springs, Villiage of Orangeville, Town of Oshawa, City of m Parry Sound, Town of Pickering, City of Plummer Additional, Township of Port Colborne, City of Prescott and Russell, United COLITItiCS Of Prince, Township of Richmond Hill, Town of SCLIQDg, Township of Severn, Township of Shelburne, Town of Smooth R,ock, Falls, Town of Southgateown ship of Strong, Township of St. Catharines, City of The ssalon, Town, of Tweed, Municipality of Uxbridge, Township of Warwick, Township of Welland, City of West Grey, Municipallity of West PerthMuNcipality of Whitby, Town of' Woolwich, TownsNp of 50 011111 MI 1yF11 01H.W. 1, The Arts & Cookery Bari k listing Social Media Analyfics from JUlly 4" — 26", 2015. 2. Brent Kennedy, Director, Rural Programs Branch, Mini stryof Agriculture, Food and Rural A,ff airs with information and highlights of the new formula -lased i component and the application -based, top -up CoMponernt of the Ontario Community Infrastructure, and (OC l F). 3, lvefly Stevenson, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section with information on the annual oral rabies vaccine (ORV) summer and fall IlaitdistribUtion. 4, Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus (WOWC) with a Media Release titled "Economic Development Action Plan Underway for Southwestern Ontario�". 5, Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology Inc. (SWIFT) announcing newly elected Board of Directors:' appointments. & M. Casavecchia-Somers, C h ief Adrn in istr,ative Officer/ lerk, 'Township, of Mal ah de, with a res6ution regarding the establ,ishment of a Terrace Lodge — Fundraising Committee. 7. I W, Tiernay, Executive Director, Ontario Good RoadsAssociation (OGRA)with information on the 2017 RA Conference, 51 HOIX (l.4)IV'... THE WHOL13 CMa. SAVOIJ11 THE FLAVOM (""MINARY 110(Vr (.AM'P 0 M=B= *VERALL IMPRESS1,01SIS: 20,481 Impression$, of Twitter & Facebook TWITTER STATS. li 3,200 Twitter Impressions the rnoath of July 1.1,628 Impressions for the To Tweet: PHo.-.2 FMW, Ticketsfir Canadian BBQ on.ful 22 Tweet as b July 19 to Y - Y enter the drape. Enjoy ffiefimt-siampi"'A! beal t�1'7 heAfe Willia"t Fiddler 1711mily. E'andng.13 Engagements, 5t',117 Profile Visits `1919 Tweets 410 Followers FACEBOOK STATS: 7,281 Unique Facebook, Impressions Me month of July 689 Pgj,,,e Likes INSTAGRAM STATS: 2"'? Followers RECEIVED 27 Posts AUG 02 2016 COURTY OF ELGIN THANIK-�YOU TO, OUR SPONSORS ADMISTIRIAMF SERVICH 010/00/1 //" 101/1" 1 IM un idpa ity of Duttor� Duomich 52 Ministry of Agflculltura,, Food and Rural Affairs 4°1Flym "I Sione Road Wed Guvlpl'iOntario N IG, 4Y2, I eLI-,877-42,4-13DO, ("ax: 519 82U-3; W E-mailed July 13, 2016 Minis re de I'Agriculture, de I'Afirnantaflon at des AffaIres rurates 4' Rage 1 SIDne IRoradWesl C, od ph (OrvG a rio) N1 G 4Y2 TO, , 1 877-424,13W) 1610c, 519826-3A,)8 Dear Chief Administrative Officer', Clerk or Treasurer: Ontario as investing more than $137 bill1lon in puNin infrastructure over the next ten years. This M[ result in an overall investment In infrastructure of about $160 billion over 12 years, wNch started In 201 4-15. This 1 2 -year commitment includes $31 5 billion in dedicated funds through Maviiig Onfaria 'dr and About $15 billion wN be dedicated to transit, transportation, and other priority infrastructure outsilde the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)., As a key step In implementing this, plan, in the surnmer of 2015, the Province consufted with cornmunities across Ontario to ensure local priorities inform further MoOng Ontario f-orward investments outside the GTHA. In response to consultation feedback and the progress munIcipaliti,es have made on asset management planning, the Province, is expanding the Ontario Communfty Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) and updating its design. The total Fund is increasing from $100 r0lion per year to $300 million per year by 2018-19, On July 4, 2016, Ontario launched the, expanded OCIF. As part of this launch, the Provfte continues to provide support for municipal infrastructure projects by: Increasing the amount of stable, predictable form uia-based funding from $50 ITIilflon per year to approximately $95 million in 2017, $130 rnflEon in 2018 and $200, nifllinn per year in 201 and thereafler. Re -designing the application -based component to act as a ''top -up" component allowing smaller municipalities Frith critical infrastructure projects to submit proposals to bring their total OCIF funding up to a maximum of $2 million over two years. About $50 million is available for the 2016 rota e. In addition, to enhanced funding being provided through the expanded OCIF, the, Province has updated the prograni design based on feedback from municipalities", Tyvine S wr 0�ivin 0111 —10 53 .2 - Recipients may aCCUMIAIWO annuai formula -based grants for uptofive years to address larger Oriority infrastructure projects,. attached you will CIA a copy of your alilocation notico, Please note, this inforsTiaflon should be kept confidential until Such Urge as the government has had an opportunity to announce YOUr fuiriffliI al[ocation. Eligible recipients are, guaranteed to receive a rni'nirnurm of $50,000 per year, starting in 2017. Eligible expenditures have been expanded to, irI water and wastewater optimization activifies, loan payments on new core infraStrUctuire projects, and muNcipal staff time dedicated to asset management planning, Eligible expenditures have been clarified to include the Qonstruction of new core Infrastructure to address an existing health or safety issue (e.g., connecting existing hOLIseholds on septic systems to wastewater intrastruIcture), Eligibility for the 2,01 intake is beiIng targeted to communities whose formu, la -based grants in 20,17 and 2018 add Up to less than $2 rniHion and who did not receive funding under the last application -based intake. Eligible corni-nunifies with critical infrastructure projects riiay submit proposals to bring their, total DCBE funding up to $2 miillion over two years. Please refer to your formula -based allocation notice for details on your community's eUgibility., A one -stage, applhcahon process wM be used to assess projects primarily in relation to the project's Qrtical health and safety aspects. The comprehensiveness of the applicant's asset management plan will be a secondary factor, The appficaflon-based top -up [intake is now, open for those municipalities eligible for the 'top up, component, The 2016 intake will close an October 21, 2016, For more information about the expanded OCIF, including eligibility, please visit the Ministry Of hAfraStrUCtUIre website at wvvw,ontgrio,caA-n, A StrUCWrg, The webs,ite iLl iR —W i _ri f 19 includes program quideHnes and a lFnk tothe—application four ar> VVeH as contact information shou[,,4 you far your staff have questions. Brent Kennedy Director, aural Rod,i'a,rns Branch Ministry of Agrib"b"Iture:, Food and Rural Affairs 54 nt a r i o Ontario COMIMUnIty Infrastructure FunT(OGIF) Formula -based Component I AVocation Notice Mimstry of hifrastructure MInIstry of'Agriculturp, Food and Rural Affairs 55 County of Elgin U92M DiSPOP70le ell fiarlvais Ontario Cqmmqnity Infrastructytq.. Formula -based Component: Allociation N atice Table of Contents PO)aO 1, Overview . .... ............ ........... ..... .... . ............... . .... .... ..... .......... ...... ...... . . ..... . ......... ..... . .... ,w .............. ... Page, 4 CWCLJlatw of Adjusled Core In re ... . ............. ...... ... ... Calculalmn of Indicator 1 jrat�o Df corer !nftastruct re2R,we,J, hted.,P Orly �aSSa�sn��nt .... .... .......... -- . ... ... .... . --.' V.... �2 astrx �Ywdlan housellhold.,incame) .... .... . . .. .......... . Pan* 7 Co Ic ulation af G rant Picase Note: Dim fa rounding, some calculationa may vary from the resufts, shoxn. ItMand Candl Fons L_ t',kecelpt afthe, formula Mocaflons, noted -on page' 3 aro COMMIN1,11 UiPOtY Enturing Into a funding agreement'Mdh the Prwince on ipirms and condlions 9,not are 5atisfaclory to the PraoInce. ('On-voJance Wth; Oct of lh'e lenro ond ccndlfic", of your axis 1r,q OGt F fonidli iq ago eeme nt. The Province resprvos the right to adj;j"31: rrt to,h(YitnWeWthoul naice 6r c6nsbint, for any reis on, on V 0 cmnir !on or propaged Mocal Ion oo nts Ined M th, a nofloo, I r cl Lid Ing t�h,e propo sod allo r rritl ons in fulum yea i's, lo account for any ch i nge, a In your S I luefion ,be Ontario Co n unun I t,y h-dra stf uc ture Fund pro grann qR j kfefinos or other 1) ar,n (nelem or a.drn i N s I i"a l me pro c ed urea. 56 Gmalm JIM County of Elqln I Forrriyla-hg�smt hynging Yourommmunily's fornufla, based a Vocation of ftirvding (01110C40,on) under the Ontario (,o�jnrnunitly I rifrastructure r-und for the next three years W as rollows:: 2017 folmula allocation S574 295 I-- .... ........ .-- . ... ....... 2111 PIaPpad formula micicatlon ...... ....... .. ... .. ................. .... ..... ... ..... . .. ......... .... ..... .... . ..... ...... .. all at 4 otlion 201proposod fornnula infrastructure Index � 0.2'37 Percentage, pWnts away frorn Madian, 25,8 Starting in hnuary 2017, [he Pro wnce proposes lo make payments in accordancevAth the following schedUle FSB ocat'bns of $,f5O,OQD or less vJ111 be pravld(,d in orw prrqnenl, AMmations greater than $150,0100 but less than V rnilJon M11 be, prowkjpd filrougli i� p�,rvpneMsa and Aliocations graziter than $11 million WII be prov[ded thrmijIli '12 p@ y,10,11S. rag -colt fun tobring (h6r901.910CIF fUri&nq tip lu $2 rmilhoo aver two, yeafs, E iq IMt� fot I lie 2016 int ake is W. rgBled to corri muri III aswhose forrinul a gra Mo. iri 20 "17 and 2018 add up W lass then $2 milhon and vO-io did not recerveturWing under the last 4PPftO1OM,baaed IMaice, it V�o;jr cornmurrity is, digNC. YOU 11hy appy forr rap to 90% of " projecl's ellgMc- cosily QF '1.1`10 tOP-WP tQ111019 cap noted 0 the tolaIa belva (voNdiever is less). Thti tcp-up funding cap is baSW On We smourt your community is ror6, Oiq uirider the rorrmula-ba�d WTI poll ant. ....... ... �EaicWaw'tl' by 'z-ublrazlmg Next allocation notice You will receive an updated akcatior, nol,ce hi 2017, It will adviseyou of your 2020 proposrd lormula-hawed aflocallon as MR as efiqlblhty end rl xwvtjrn funs Ing avaHablb, if,@ Ily, to yrrrar carninunityr [pjdV".f' tile 2017 11 itake of flie top -up cornpotrei,)t, 57 County of EIgIn Adjusted Core Infrastructure Core I rift, as,trUCtUre: M +A2 I. Mimicipalitys tore wifrastmclure, 2. Core Infraslructwe of lcxOr ti*'$ $270,177,724 $433,632,854 Dom Soun"O's Coro hifrastructurV ASSC41S WORrIod '11 cosi ms mrported ri, SOMMAO 51 0 the Finaic,,al JnfrAiTRkzn Hielurn (FIR), The Wst, Of 2014L 01 2C15 rl R dJ8'l a 19 09od - whirlinvor yield 5 a hlotxNotar I (,,Qra in frastrupcAare v,,alrjp for the rxii'flCip1VV FIR olatagofles Inn uded are: Lin 111M1 51, 1: Roals - [loved 612 Roqcls- J111paved 013 Roads- ancips orl'i CkAver-s 6°f4 Roadways - Traffic Operations & Roadside 1`49intRinance 621 VAm. e r C on,l n.A - exc ev I & dewal k , P a rM (19 L. CIS 622 krainiv Coritol . SiOewalks, Parkirq Lul� Drily 6 a0, Ireal WhIlriq S 11 VVartrqwater B12 prd Dio-prisal r) 5IOrM 8eLWP-r Syvew $22 RurW Slornri acwor System 63,1 Water I'mahinent, 8312 10imer 'Mighlel propefty 899659MOW Nlemqoumq Ira arz* Or iho 1r1O(1kJWA1?,% WAX bow. "Wm to areh umi asumamm rw a nnurwdr-Wky we, gllna Dv ffVD fil"K UM O o c Jdi,1 iw 0f ^ V, qg ly tg ri Ul Lid ng poym or Is W Uc M prr. p p !y I n x4ji 5 (I' L s I r m! a rn a d by I h @ rrl j0Y cipa I I ri ata q% rrvg%�� 2(� 15 raw Li r ns d frA ar J 'n 16 sta rh Ig +.aa rancs 1FAurA,1mi, ProprAly Msesvneril COrrxvpUan (MPIAC) ,fwd w MkApW rax rsI6 bykawsi and rbridpl FIRe (2014 pr a'Ot3 far PIU) W Ontario Conaniuni!y Wrastructura Fund (C,C I County of Elgin Calculation,& Indicatoirs, TaWe 2a - Indicator 1 (ratio of adjusted core, Infrastrtjotto-e to vocigh'ited assessrnent)' (ndicator I'Value ror, ffunicipahly 19IMMMUE core InfraOucture M urddpal I 1yi weir h, t'vidpr o p . . . ...... J'ndd"cafcr I of Eligible MunicipOffiew MoWan, Lowest, Highest' Value Lowest Value 0,002 . ... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... .................. .. .... ..... . ................... . .. .. .... .......... .... . ... ..... ...... ....... .. . .. . ... . ..... ........... . ............. ... P),0183 .............. ......... . ......... .... . ... .... ..... .... . ... . .. ....... . ..... U 1), � I'll 0 2 CakuWfon of RM-wohihied Indicafor'l . . . . . . . . . . . M . . . . ..... . . . . . I and ffie Maximin'll valm. (0- C) F Dfference bel,,4vol��"f�'��"i���;�'*��"'', .. . ............. 0,133 $70,3,810,578 $5,274,614,722 I�ql NO Indicaltor"I(E2.ft. 0.232 How Ulm F' %,16b 1h& n0dU.M.46 wiNva v,,a mealan. OD dirlarerw bvhwen Mq rliquLln mid (hUhIqHIAtkA'OO Is G�,111"Ualpd4r', , C� Une 0: 7be io-,kM ghlod 4iM.wcr lar,nn �a pv,,O� of -I Io,+1 59 Ontario Comi County of Elgin Calculation of Indicators Table 2b -Inde catoO (ratio Pr core infrastructure per hooseWd to rpedian,househa I d 4icam,a) Indicatai 2 Value: HA11 + A21 + A3� OA47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. houselhidds 20,419 MU I I i C i I D a I a Y' S F T I * d i a In 36, ' s-e"i i 'o" I"di " 1'r,'c'o- i,"r "ie, ...... . .... . ... .... .... . ................ . ..... ...................... .......... ... . .... . .... ........ . .... $' 2,' 9'9" -8, * " .. ....... . - fr7clicator2 ofiEligible WfuniOpaffties: Median, Lowest, OWiest Value V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . J 5 7" . ,I -I. l�7 D I ijjhe%1VWUO 1,141 ElDifference h�etwpen Cndicstoi, Value and .... ....... F . and 4axi�ntum VzAje rD - C) 0-784 G[Ra-wsIqhted, h1dicaltof 2 (E +fL- 0.242 Nora L,pe Fdie IIdlcal or A Ahown I hm 17dirlAm. Iho 61,Rr'noce Oqtvmwer he median, wd te, Iflghe�;ydue Is cAzOaWd lD - f,4 1. WO G P�e r0"wf)hlcd Irekwiiu Iq cm rm male, W -'I W #I Data Sources POOW lipwMi9ld lncamme $NwIditCanAdIm's dhnprAmrimuna fir Apel-mim ME A. lnfrsstruit�we I ndec (IAI + A21 4 1 . . . . ............ IRS i0qednduAlor 2 0 242 Calcufaffron of Fun,dfng per $100,000, of Core ftitrastructure 8 25,17 Funding per $100,000 Core Intrastructum ($179 + $13, x (A — 81), 10%) $, 11M. S FondIng por $100,000 Core tiffrastructurc x$254 + $1a x (A — 01) 10%) $300A7 E) 2019 Ftj,jlq.l or,$1010,000 Gore infrastructure! ($3,94 + $24,x — 0 10 $465.95 1, Modkwi or Infrasvtjctk,jie Ir dioes of all Digi ale ryrurkipalifics -D.021 Caiculation of Giant F 2017 Totat Grainti Maximurn of (B x El + S100,000) ar $60,000 (Lu, whichevor Is greatar) $674,295 F 201a Tota$Grant, MO.Ximum of (C x Fl + $100,00,G) or $50,0,00 1$.e. wNchever IS gimator) $811,303 0 2019 Total Grajint; Maximum cvf (D x G1 + $100,000) Of $50,000''(IRI whichover I!_q!2Wjr $1,231,903 1, Munidpadtyq laial Mrs 111,fraglructury $270,177,724 No" Linn B C an D Eirrej Ift ivkx �N akm,m lh,�y rmMlm "110 (md1nq parr VI 110,000 of r.,jrq inflaw-rud'Am v1, nimatbf, Ibkl V 79 4120117,, $254 In 2010 darat S394 Ini 20,9, INamma o'Ofel b II Pre gMM gljdeklur go", du la an M rn III mur", ON rngx I I Ijppp, `.an.AIFN pqddud peg $10CIDIDO of .,bm 61 Mirftlry of Nalurol Resource$ and Forestry V.1ildift Researrh and Nlanitrov ing Soction 1600VVe'.1 Bank DrNe D NA Bofld rig, Uo I rent Univers i ty Petorborough, ON OJ 002 August 3, 2016 Dear CoReague, Pol 1 ilsttre des R 1 chesses natureHas el roes For6ts Pbone, 705755,2272 Fox: 7%.7WISW The MWstry of Natural Resources and Forestry is commencingitS anIlUall oral rabies vaccine (ORV) surnimer and faill bait distribution. The province uses a number of control measures in the fight against the deadly rabies virus Management activities for 2016 include: * Ground "Urbain' baiting in targeted urban areas, within a 50 km radius of confirmed raccoon strain rabies cases — July to October * aerial baiting in a small area in ea term Ontario along the St. Lawrence River and ground 'ur'ban:' (within urban areas if required)- scheduled for mid-August, * aerial baiting within, a 50 Ikm radius of confirmed raccoon strain, rabies cases - scheduled for late -August ground arlid aerial 'urban" and rural balting in IP,' iiagara area — scheduled for October aerial baiting within a 50 krn radius of confirmedfox strain rabies cases - scheduled for early October lbaitingi at the' point of infection — only to take place in the event of a raccoon or 'Ontario fox strain' rabies incident Please see the attached information package for: I) Maps of the proposed baiting areas 2) babies "Vaccine Bait Information Sheet This ministry is corrimi'lled to the research, control and eradication of rabies in Ontario, thereby protecting the health and safety of the public, their pets and the wildlife of this province., Ontario's programs are so successful that southern Ontario was free, of raccoon strain rabies for more than a decade and fox strain rabies for over two years, Since December 2016, there have been two fox strain cases in Perth County and over 150 cases of raccoon strain, rabies in Hamilton, Haldirnand-Norfolk, Niagara, and Brant counties with most of those occurring in the municipality of Hamilton. The khaki -green coloured baits are made of vegetable based fats, and wax with, an attractant, flavour (vanilla -sugar). A label with a tall -free 1-888-574-6656 telephone number W, for the MNRF irabies information line, and "Do not eat" warning are on the exterior of the, ba,it" a plastic package containing, the hqUid rabiles coin e is embedded in the centre, ff fOLAIA the bait should not be touched, but left for raccoons, skunks, and foxes to con SUrne. (See attached bait identification handout for detailed description.) Exposure 'to the bait is not harmfulto people or, pets- 'fiowever,, in the unlikely event, that people or pets come in contact with the vaccine contaIlned in the bait, contacting a doctor or veterinarian as a precaution is recommended. The rabies control prograrn is, a joint effort thiat receives important input from a variety of partners across Ontario, Regional health units, nXinicipa,lities, wildiffe rehabilitlators, kensed trappers, wildlife control agents, and indigenous cornmunifles are, all key, to, the! continued success of Ontario's world-renowned rabies controll program. if a person contracts raWes and does not receive treatment, the disease is fatal. For further i:n, formati an, visit t h e, line at 1-8,88-574-6656. Regards, Beverly Stevenson 63 Rabies HI Ontario website at /raNes or contact Our rabies informatiolrl Greater Madawaska Lanark Highlands Lanark Tay Valley United Municipality &ntral rontenac Wildlife Rabies Control Operations Eastern ar201 (Summer/Fall) North Stormont F ., 3 Dundas S\kwVi, i�t1 a Orth South S ,. Drummond/North Dundas �._ irrsstey ionta a �' ` P Unitedcrura t� of Leeds and Grenville d +ar b r rdinat a Augusta F Rideau Elizabethtown-Krtle Lakes r f Athens Brockville Leeds and Fronvot Booth the Thousand Yqffie Lennoxa d Frontenac- Islands i New `'Qrk Sate Addington � r Mone Mills l 0 O Helicopter/Handbaifing -July to October Twin Otter Baiting 1Z5 do I t l T his ramp should not E rell ors as a preci it dicator o r i or I :ions, nor KM as a guide, to navigation. Tha- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry ( NRF) shall not be liable in any way for the use of, or reliance upon, this nap or any lntouration on this snap- ueers's Printer for Ontario 2016 loge I of I Klifcfliff,�� eat (:,h and OdMay (4hWur'd P"c..'sources 'and ForcstMy c�!o Frew. 1, hi�vcrsily, F)N,,\ Builcfiri� MoTornigh, ON Mw memage has been amarre�,t ny uns v5parn OvIed sp,8",Iurlly sanftc,, provkled by 66 S/V2016 Felzauary 2014 Thuale iS CLIrrerl]y one typk e of vacdne bait, tlf° e aJltradite conta,ning. ONRAB", is U50d in Ont8rio for both fox strain and raccooi,, stra'in raNes coritrol. Exposure to the bail, is r-iQt hairrnfu I w people orp,ets� however, in the unlikely eve,,t that people or pets rQme in contacl with the Vaccine contairmJ in the bak, cor,rtactiri,g a doctor Qr vetorinarian as a precw.rticn is recornmendcd. Bait Ingredients Fl -,e baft forir`luas coat5 the blistpr F)ack contairing thie vaccine, I His k'Primula consists of vegetable based fatw�, wax, icing sijgal, Vrca#etable oil, arti'N;W n") arsl,,irr,,,al low flavuui, ar)d dark-cfa - olubl, d - greem) food grade r S e yr_ BlIster-Pack (Vaccine Carrier) (Ptra- Ute This is a polyvHyl chloride �PVQ blister pack (40 mirn x 22 rnrn x 10 rnrn) whidi vveigh,5 approxirrately 43 grams. Fhe blister pack is a vaal greer'i polyester fla,ckedl contairier with as hegat ­s&ailed lamir,,,ated polyester Edding, The body o(I ' he blister pack is ernbedded in the bait niatrix but the green lidding is exIaosed and Baas a blac+ vozrnrig label printed, on it, N W u T I in FEMI, M, ONRAB11 oral re6es vaccit.& Dascriptiori7 as recombinant live virus liq,&d vaccine V-dlume/bait1.6 j-01 real In tl"io lnl,l*ter pack Other inclusucxns: vaccrne stabikers Colc,,ur: r..)ade crart ge to Paie, Pir-Ill< Te,irget speciessk�,wik, fox, and naccocjn m Contact: Natalie Gorrrun, VRdlife F'eesezrck and Monjlurir-ic,� Secllon, 705-759.-1551 Dispwolbl-, en, (P ai irak�a uffta-lifer VaCCIF10 bad Ontarioxa/rab,ies Ontario 67 I I F90—IMM, MIJ A NF ME, Economic Development Action Plan Underway for Southwestern Ontario Guelph, ON, AUgUlSt 19, 2016— The Western Ontarlo,Wardens" Caucus is worldng on, an economic development strategy to grow the regionalleconorny. The strategic action plan vvill underlinethe region's commitment to working together and speaking with one unified, voice on,, critical econornk issues insouthwestern Onta6o. "A regional economic ,developmentactior) iplaaw!H explore the diverse needs of municipalities, iclenhfy corninnon themes and set prioriVes. VVewan't to focus cur r attention on jSSUes and solutions with the biggest, ii,iipact on econornic growth,"' said George Bridge, Chair of the V)estern Ontario Wardens' Caucus Econotnic (development Cornrniittee, A public request for proposal was issued earlier this yearand Lauren Milllier and MDB Insight,have been selected to move the project forward .. Over the next few months they will work closely Mth key er-onornic clevelopmen't representatives from each jurisdiction to clevek)p a three-year, strategic action, plan. A draft plan M3 be presented to the Wardens' Caucus later this year. M 2015 the Preinier ofOnta,ric, met with 0,* Western Ontodo'Wardens and asked the region to spleak with a single voice, on ec,()ncmJc issues, This approach has been Successful in Eastern Ontano, The WOWC have already been effective movingforward important regional goals, most recently, developing the SWIFT Network initiative, SWIFTaims to connect the region with a high-speed fibre intern�et netwo,& TMUMMR110-M The, Western Ontario Warden's Ca.UCLIS (WOWQ is a not4or-profit organization representing 15 upper and single tier municipallities in Soluthwestern Ontario, representirig more than 3 wililion residents, The W'OWC aims to enhance the prosperity and overall wellbeing of rural and small urban, communihes across the region, Caucu5 members work,col1lectlivelyto h1flUentO federal and; provincial legislation and programs through advoca,cy, research and analysis and education, For rviore nforn)ation, visit WWIN'WOWC "Cal Please contact: Warden George Bridge, Courity of Wellington T: 519,26L0093 E: georgeb@wellingtori.ca M Frorm SWIFT FT < i n fo @ sw iftne t wo r k. ca > Date; September 1., 2016 at 8:501:31 AM EDT To:, <mrnic:d,oniaIldL@eigiin-couiity.oii.ca> Subject: S" "[FTA Board of Directors SWIFT AppoiritS, Board of Urectors Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology Inc. Meld its first annual general meeting on August 26 and appointed the first full state of directors to its board, The meeting, foliows the anno,uncerrientfrorn the governments of Cana,da and Ontario of their investiment In the Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)project. Factor government willl contribution $90 milillon each towards building a holistic ultra-high speed fibre optic netwo rk for Southwestern 0 nta do and IN iagara Regi0n, Gerry Marshall, Warden of Sirn,coe County, was confirnned as Chair and Bev INAacDougall, Warden of the County of Lambton, was confirmed as Vice Chair, The, following representatives were confirmed as board members; Mitch Twolan —Wa:rden, Bruce County, Randy Hope— Mayor, Chatham-11(ont & Chalrof the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus; George Bridge — Warden, Wellington County; Arn, Maudsley -- Warden, Middlesex County; Roger Watt — Councillior, 1-luron County; David Mayberry — Wardlen, Oxford Cc unty; Allan Thompson — Mayor, Town of Coleclon; Don McCabe — President, Ontario Federa6o,n of,Ag6cWture, Ste p,hen Young— Manager, Information Technology Servicesjharne,>Valley District SChoo, I Boa rd; �Dr, MaryLynn West-Maynes — President & CEO, Georgian College; and Bill Van Wyck —President, The W.R,. Van Wyck Group, Limited Sonya Prichard (CA0, D,ufferin County), was confirnned as Treasurer and Deter Crockett (CAO,, Oxford County) was corrfirryied; as Secretary, The newly elected board got right to work after the annual general rneeUng and passed rrtolions, to; Hire staff and consultants to begin the request for proposal process with providers; Createa 5ta ke-hoIder co mim un icatiions pliant ,Create an indigenous engagement plan; Hire a legal teaml- Creaite a strategy for iincluding the, over 100,000 people corn rn unities, withlln, the region; and Create a plain to soiiCit local infant for locations of'SWIFT points of presenoe in the project area., "Ultra-high speed Internet connectivity is critical to rural economic development in Southwestern Ontario. The confirmation of this excellent inaugural board of directors takes us another step further in a project that M[l have a major impact on the region's current and future vitality," saiid Chair Gerry Marshall. M The SWIFT hiifiative is based on the principle that everyon,e in Scuthwestern Ontario des Qrves access to, high-speed Internet, regardless of the size of their cornmunity, their age, ediucation, or where they work. SWIFTwil] bUild an affordablP, open -access, ultra -hi ft -speed fibre-optic regional broadband networi( for everyone in Southwestern Ontaido and Niagara Reglon,'To find out roore intorniation, about Vie SWIF-F ilnitiatiive, pleaspvisit wuvw.sojIftnPtvoorI<,ca or contact: Gerry Marshall, Chalr—SWw IFTAdvlsiory Cornm1ttee, at chair@sojiftnetwo ork,ca or'705-726.r'91300 x 1225 Geoff Hogan, Technical Lead - SWIF`T Network, at Geoff -ho an@swwiftn twb ork.c:,a, or 519-375-6172 Thank you for optin lire to re(.e'jVe news about the SouthWestern, Integraled Fibre Technology project, We prorni5c nevvr to spam you and cru carr U15ASC.Fible frorn, this fist at any ,firne. For, more information about SWIFT please visit www.swiftnetwork.ca Copyright (0 20,16 Western Ontario'Olarden's Caixus Inc,, AH rights resprvpd, Our railing address is: We5tern Ontario Wa Men's CBLACUS Inc. S91-1) 9th A've East Owen Sound, ON NU 3F� Canada 70 87 JDhn SPmal Swett AyIniap ON N5H 2C3 Tuluphwe: 5 19-773,534A Fox 5 M773,5334 WWW.Mulchide.cq A proud tTaditio,n, a brightfijiture. . . ............ . ..... . Jennifer Reynaert Chief Administrative C fficer Town of Aylmer 46 Taibot Stret West Ayltner, ON' N5H 1 R Paul Shipway Dun Leitch ,C h lef A d'm i n istrative Off1 cer Munn lit of Central Elgin 450, Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V At its, regular meeting held on September, 1, 2016, the Council of The Cor poration of the Township of Malahlide considered a request received from Deputy Mayor Mike Wolfe to establish a local team to initiate a capital fundralsing campaign to, assist with the rebuilding of Terrace Lodge, Following some discussion on the matter, the Council Passed the fall owirig, Resolutiow THAT the i alahide To Councif doBs hereby support the creation of a Fundraising Team for the putpose of establishing a capital fundraising campaign to assist with the rebuilding, of Terrace Lod'ge, AND THA T'su ch undr ising To am b e co mpris,e d of repre, se n tdo Of tine Councils of the East Elgin municipalitles; A ND THA T Depoty Mayor Wolfe, b a app ointe I as the Town ship of Malahide "s representative to the Fundraising Team; 71 AND THA Tan invitation be forwarded to the Ton of Aylmer, the Municipality of Bayfoarn, and the Municipality of Central Elgin seakfng one Council member to participate on the Fundraising Team; AND THAT such Fundraising, Team, be Bch ,arged with the responsibility to do vel op a terms of re for nce for a "Terra ce Lodge Fundralsing CommIttee including but n of firnited to, recommending to the participating Municipal Councils the foliowing: the compositlon of the "Terrace Lodge Fundralsing, Committee", the desired fundraising goal for, the capdal campaign; the proce,sa.1aro gram for soficitfog donalions during the campaign pefiod,- and the establishment of any necessary administrative support, We look forward to hearing from YOU regarding YOU'r support''for the creation of a Fundralsing Team to assist with, the rebull, ing of Terrace Lodge, as welll as contact information for your Councflftunidp, epresentafive, If you requireany additional information regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned, Yours very trully', I E I I I M MGM WIN= MOMOUROMINZIFAM1009" Copy - County of Bgin— Mark McDonald 72 I. . .. ...... . 25MMIMMI, County of Elgin 460 Sunset Drive St. Thornas N N5�R 5V1 SEP o. 2016 Co'Cl U NTY OF E LG 1, N ADMINISTRAI IVE SCRVICES Attenbom Mayor & Members of Council 1 111 1 111 IMMERIUMMI 1 � I � I I � � I � S -1 ('X) b' I hJ � Af L dk t � N n 2,21 T I E T, C7 BI 2 i 4 7 OGRA has received numerous letters from municipalities, endorsing a resolution from the Township of South-West Oxford regarding ROMA's decision to end the OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference partnership. OGRA would:! like to, take, a moment to set the, rec,ord straight. The OGRA, IBoard of Drectorswas surprised and disappointed by ROMA's unilateral decision to revert Iba,ck to running a separate conference, thus ending a very productive, 11,7 year partnership that, served Ontario municipahties well. The Combined Conference, was a major success that strengthened both organizations., OGRA remains open, to, re- establish the Combined Conference partnership with ROMA because that is the best way for both organizations to serve the,ir municipal members. That said, we also w, ant to take a. moment to assure you that the 2017 OGRA Conference wIH continue to offer a diverse cutting edge program for our delegates, We can confirm that, 0 A number of world class keynote speakers have confirmed their attendlanGe, * The concurrent sessions Wil coverthe wide spectrum of municipal issues and wHI continue to, be both thought-provokong andapplicable to OGRA's municipal members: For the third consecutive year, OGRA will convene the Small Town Forum; OGRA's Emerging to Ncipal Leaders Forum wfll also be held for the third straight year; OGRA intends to hold a Ministers' Forurn and are in discussions w[th the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the scheduling of delegations during the 73 • conference. The fact that the *G&A Gonf6reince wiIII be, held later in February whien the legislature © sitting, wJ111 no doubt facifitate Provincial participation; • "The, trade show will be substantially enhanced; • AdditionW meals will be, indulded in the basic registration fee� and • Registration fees will be unchanged from 2016 rates. Should you or any members of youreouncil have any questlors, I would encourage to yolu con'tact us. On behalf ofthe OGRA Board of Directors, we hope to see you at the 2017 OGRA Conference in Toronto, February 26th — March 1 511201 --IpqpFp, qpqprrq txecutive uirector 74 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 16-22 "TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW NO. EG1 (16-11) BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 210, of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. EG1 (16-11) for the regulation of traffic; and, WHEREAS now pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, an upper -tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section; and, WHEREAS said Table authorizes an upper -tier municipality to pass by-laws regulating parking and traffic on highways; and, WHEREAS By -Law EG1 (16-11) has been previously amended through By -Law 16- 19; and, WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to amend the distance requirements of Schedule "A" Part "B" to By -Law No. EG1 (16-11) to restrict parking on a section of County Road #27 (Sparta Line) in Sparta. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Schedule "A" Part "B" of By -Law No. EG1 (16-11) be and is hereby amended by deleting the current language of Section 12.4 and inserting the following distance revision: 12.4 No Parking shall be permitted on the south side of County Road #27 (Sparta Line) from the southwest corner westerly 170 metres. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon erection of appropriate signage indicating said No Parking Zones. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2016. Mark G. McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer Warden 75 CLOSED MEETING AGENDA September 13, 2016 Staff Reports: 1) County Solicitor - Municipal Act Section 239.2 (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board and 239.2 (0 advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose — Road Allowance Agreement —Legal Instructions 2) Chief Administrative Officer & County Solicitor -Municipal Act Section 239.2 (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — Dexter Line Land Acquisitions - Status Update #9 (VERBAL) 3) Director of Engineering Services -Municipal Act Section 239.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — Ontario Clean Water Agency - New Lease Agreement 4) Chairman Bernie Wiehle, Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Building Cte. - Municipal Act Section 239.2 (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — Land Valuation & Acquisition for New Terrace Lodge Facility 5) Director of Financial Services -Municipal Act Section 239.2 (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — Court Facilities Negotiation (VERBAL) 76 lllllll1r /VOOO1 �cy ADDENDUM FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 - 9:00 A.M. REVISED Report from Director of Engineering Services titled "Assumption of Dexter Line". (Attached) 2. By -Law #16-23 "Being a By -Law to Amend By -Law No. 10-10, Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin". (Attached) 3. FYI Minutes of the Joint Special Council Meeting of the Town of Aylmer, Township of Malahide and County of Elgin held September 8, 2016. (Attached) 4. By -Law #16-24 "Being a By -Law to Support and Approve the Restructuring Proposal for the Annexation of the Elgin Innovation Centre Lands from the Corporation of the Township of Malahide to the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer". (Attached) y� iu�wnnU111�� � IAgin! REVISED REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: September 9, 2016 SUBJECT: Assumption of Dexter Line INTRODUCTION: Construction of the new Dexter Line is well underway and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2016. The newly constructed road is ready to be assumed as part of the public highway of the Elgin County road system. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In order to assume the reconstructed portion of Dexter Line as a public highway, the Road Consolidating By -Law 10-10 needs to be amended to reflect this change. Furthermore, the County insurance provider, Frank Cowan Company, will need to be advised of this change. The newly constructed Dexter Line crosses the boundary between the Municipality of Central Elgin and the Township of Malahide, across a "non -travelled" road allowance. The municipal boundary lies in the middle of this road allowance and therefore each municipality owns half of the road allowance. These small sections of property will need to be transferred to the County of Elgin so that they can be included in the Road Assumption By -Law and have been listed in the by-law schedule at this time. Formal requests and transfers of these small parcels will commence upon adoption of this report. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Road Consolidating By -Law 10-10 be amended to include the lands and premises hereinafter described: Part of Lot 23, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 24 & 29, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 24, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Parts 18, 20, 22 & 23, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 25, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 16, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 26, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 12 & 14, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 27 & 28, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 8 & 10, Plan 11 R-9880; 2 Part of Lot 28, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Yarmouth, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 6, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of a road allowance between the Geographic Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide in Concession 1, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin, designated as Part 4, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of a road allowance between the Geographic Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide in Concession 1, Township of Malahide, County of Elgin, designated as Part 25, Plan 11 R-9880; Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Malahide, Township of Malahide, County of Elgin, designated as Part 2, Plan 11 R-9880; and, THAT the Municipality of Central Elgin and the Township of Malahide be requested to transfer Parts 4 and 25 respectfully, as identified on Plan 11 R-9880 to form part of the newly constructed Dexter Line; and, THAT the County insurance provider, Frank Cowan Company, be informed of this change. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer 3 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 16-23 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 10-10, ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 11 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, an upper -tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section; and WHEREAS said Table authorizes an upper -tier municipality to pass by-laws regulating highways under its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS pursuant to Part 111, Section 27(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, a municipality may by by-law establish highways under its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. 10-10, thereby establishing a County Road System; and WHEREAS the description of certain roads included in the County Road System, previously established by by-law, have been affected by alterations to or assumption of certain roads of local municipalities. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the road shown as County Road on the Plan numbered 24-1 comprising Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this By -Law, is designated as an amendment to the County Road System of the County of Elgin and shall be included in the plan as a new road. 2. THAT the roads shown as County Roads on the plans numbered as in Paragraph 1, comprising Schedule "A" to this By -Law, shall be known by the numbers shown on the said plans and such numbers shall be used for all purposes of administration and accounting. 3. THAT the cost of constructing and maintaining the County Road System shall be met by the levying of a general annual rate upon any or all of the municipalities in the County not separated therefrom for municipal purposes. 4. THAT this By -Law shall come into force and take effect upon its passing and also be subject to the transfer of two road allowances currently owned by the Municipality of Central Elgin and the Township of Malahide, designated as instrument plans 11 R-9880 Part 4 and 11 R-9880 Part 25 respectively. 5. THAT By -Law No. 10-10 be and the same is hereby amended. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2016. Mark G. McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. Schedule "A" THE PLANS OR INSTRUMENTS NOTED BELOW IN THIS TABLE, BEING PART OF COUNTY ROAD # 24, KNOWN AS DEXTER LINE, IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN AND THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE, ARE ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Instrument/Plan Part Number Lot Concession Municipality D-703 15to21-15to21 I-II C.E. D-747 4 I MALA. D-765 21 I,II C.E. D-769 21to28-22to 23-1 to3 I -II -I C.E., MAL. D-863 26 I C.E. D-1063 lto3-28 I -I C.E., MAL D-1249 2,3 II C.E. D-1476 13,14 I,II C.E. I-24756 22 I C.E. I-27796 3,4 I C.E. I-38608 22 I C.E. I-94374 21 II C.E. I-116854 D-6314, D -6315,D-6316 3,4 I MAL. I-228695 IIR-1987 1 9 I C.E. I-233861 IIR-2104 2 10 II C.E. I-251042 13 II C.E. I-275985 IIR-2888 2 4 I MAL. I-282442 IIR-3015 2 13 II C.E. I-287062 IIR-3132 4 2 II C.E. I-287062 11 R-3159 1 2 II C.E. I-287062 IIR-3159 2 2 II C.E. I-295732 IIR-3418 2,4,6,8,10 3 II C.E. I-295733 IIR-3418 3,5,7,9 3 II C.E. I-300895 IIR-860 2,3 4 I C.E. I-319260 IIR-4394 3 12,13 I C.E. I-326687 IIR-4682 4 2 11 C.E. I-356764 11R-5687 6 12 I C.E. I-356766 11R-5687 1 12 II C.E. I-356872 11R-5687 3,4 12 I C.E. I-356930 11R-5687 5 12 I C.E. I-357980 11R-5687 2 12 I C.E. I-362099 11R-5935 3 7 II C.E. I-364168 11R-5989 6,7 6,7 XI C.E. I-362101 11R-5936 3 5 II C.E. I-362160 11R-5936 1,2 4,5 II C.E. I-362577 11R-5988 2 13 I C.E. I-362578 11R-5936 4,5 4,5 I C.E. I-362579 11R-5988 1 13 I C.E. I-362908 11 R-5987 1 8 II C.E. I-362909 11 R-5991 5 11 II C.E. I-362910 11R-5935 1,2 6,7 II C.E. I-362911 11R-5987 8 8 I C.E. I-362912 11R-5987 7 8 I C.E. I-362913 11R-5987 4 9,10 II C.E. I-362914 11 R-5991 11 10 I C.E. I-362915 11 R-5991 10,12 10 1 C.E. I-362916 11 R-5991 6,7,9 11 XI C.E. I-364164 IIR-6003 7,9 14 I C.E. I-364167 11 R-5991 1,2 10 II C.E. I-364169 11R-6003 2 14 II C.E. I-364171 11R-5935 6,7 6,7 I C.E. I-365004 11R-5987 5 9 I C.E. I-365005 11R-5987 2,3 8,9 II C.E. I-365006 11R-5991 13 10 I C.E. I-365255 11R-3015 1 13 II C.E. 1-365848 11 R-6003 1,3,5 14 II C.E. I-368971 11R-6202 2,3 3 II C.E. I-370361 11 R-6197 1 2 II C.E. I-370362 11R-6202 4 3,4 I C.E. I-371237 11 R-6202 1 3 II C.E. I-416491 11R-5935 4,5 7 II C.E. CT116021 IIR-9880 24 23 1 C.E IIR-9880 29 23 1 C.E. CT1173021IR-9880 18 24 1 C.E. CT116412 IIR-9880 20 24 1 C.E. CT116021 IIR-9880 22 24 1 C.E. CT116021 11R-9880 23 24 1 C.E. CT 116018 11R-9880 16 25 1 C.E. CT 116014 11R-9880 12 26 1 C.E. CT 116017 11R-9880 14 26 1 C.E. CT 116016 11R-9880 8 27,28 1 C.E. CT 116016 11R-9880 10 27,28 1 C.E. CT 116013 11R-9880 6 28 1 C.E. I IR-9880 4 Road Allowance 1 C.E. I IR-9880 25 Road Allowance 1 Mal. E461794 IIR-9880 2 1 1 Mal. Joint Special Council Meeting of the Town of Aylmer, Township of Malahide, and County of Elgin Thursday, September 8, 2016 — 7:00 p.m. Malahide Community Place 12105 Whittaker Road, Springfield The Councils of the Town of Aylmer, the Township of Malahide, and the County of Elgin, met in Joint Session at Malahide Community Place, 12015 Whittaker Road, Springfield, at 7:00 p.m. with the following present: Aylmer Council: Mayor G. Currie, Deputy Mayor M. French, Councillors S. Andrews, P. Barbour, B. A. Laur, A. Oslach, and T. McDonald. Malahide Council: Mayor D. Mennill, Deputy Mayor M. Wolfe, Councillors M. Widner, M. Moore, R. Cerna, M. Wales, and C. Glinski. Elgin County Council: Councillor G. Currie, Councillor D. Mennill, and Councillor M. Wolfe. Staff: Aylmer Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk J. Reynaert, Malahide Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk M. Casavecchia-Somers, Elgin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk M. McDonald, and Malahide Deputy Clerk D. Wilson. CALL TO ORDER: Malahide Mayor D. Mennill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed those in attendance. APPOINTMENT OF MEETING CHAIR: Moved by: M. Wolfe Seconded by: G. Currie THAT Malahide Mayor Dave Mennill be appointed as Chair for this Joint Special Council Meeting. Carried. 0 Malahide Mayor Dave Mennill assumed the position of Chair. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST and the General Nature thereof: No disclosures of pecuniary interests were declared. SPECIAL BUSINESS: The Chair advised that this meeting is a Joint Public Meeting between the Town of Aylmer, the Township of Malahide, and the County of Elgin. The purpose of the meeting is to receive input from members of the public and circulated agencies regarding the proposed transfer by annexation from the Township of Malahide to the Town of Aylmer of Part of Lot 83, Concession North of Talbot Road, designated as Part 1 on Plan 11 R-10052, known municipally as 516 John Street North, and commonly referred to as the Elgin Innovation Centre. The Chair asked the Aylmer CAO to provide an overview of the proposed annexation process and the draft Restructuring Proposal. The Aylmer CAO advised that currently a portion of the Elgin Innovation Centre (which is the former Imperial Leaf property) is located within the Town of Aylmer and a portion is located in the Township of Malahide. She advised that the portion in Aylmer has full municipal water and sewer services while the portion that is located in Malahide is not serviced. She indicated that the lack of water and sewer services in the Malahide portion has resulted in development constraints for the owners of the Elgin Innovation Centre. The Aylmer CAO advised that over the past year the Town of Aylmer and Township of Malahide Councils have discussed several options to resolve the current servicing issues. She confirmed that both Councils have agreed that the best alternative is to move the municipal boundary so that the entire Elgin Innovation Centre property is wholly located within the Town of Aylmer boundary. The Aylmer CAO advised that the proposed annexation must have triple majority support of the Restructuring Proposal which means the Town of Aylmer, the Township of Malahide, and the County of Elgin must all support the Restructuring Proposal. In order to expedite the matter, it was agreed to hold a Joint Meeting between Aylmer, Malahide, and Elgin County, for the purpose of receiving input from members of the public and circulated agencies regarding the proposed annexation. It was noted that the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide have previously discussed and agreed to specific terms for the proposed annexation. The terms of the agreement are outlined in the Draft Restructuring Proposal and copies are available to the public. The terms include specific details such as the new boundaries, the effective date, financial considerations, and any transitional provisions. 9 The Aylmer CAO advised that the next steps in the annexation process would be for each of the three Councils to pass a by-law to indicate their support for the annexation. Once the individual by-laws were passed a final Restructuring Proposal would be submitted for approval to the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. If the Minister concurs with the annexation then an Order would be issued pursuant to Ontario Regulation 204/03 and the Annexation would become official. The Chair Mayor Mennill asked the Malahide CAO to provide any comments received from the circulated agencies. The Malahide CAO indicated that the following correspondence and/or communication has been received to date: Fallon Burch, Consultation Coordinator, on behalf of the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, correspondence dated July 27, 2016, advising no concerns. Valerie George, Consultation Coordinator, on behalf of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, email received September 1, 2016, advising no concerns. Chief Greg Peters, of Delaware Nation (Moravian of the Thames), voicemail message received on September 2, 2016, advising no concerns. The Chair opened the meeting to the public for questions or comments regarding the proposed annexation process and the draft Restructuring Proposal and there were none. The Chair inquired if any Council Members have any questions or comments regarding the proposed annexation process and the draft Restructuring Proposal and there were none. Moved by: T. McDonald Seconded by: R. Cerna THAT the Restructuring Proposal for the lands described as Part Lot 83, Concession North of Talbot Road, located within the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-10052, be confirmed as presented; AND THAT such Restructuring Proposal be forwarded to each of the Councils of the Town of Aylmer, the Township of Malahide, and the County of Elgin, for their consideration and support. Carried. The Chair thanked everyone for their input and advised that all input would be forwarded to each of the three Councils for their consideration prior to them passing their respective by-laws. 10 ADJOURNMENT: Moved by: G. Currie Seconded by: M. Widner THAT the Joint Special Council Meeting of the Aylmer Town Council, the Malahide Township Council, and the Elgin County Council adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Carried. Original Signed by: Aylmer Mayor - G. Currie Original Signed by: Malahide Mayor - D. Mennill Original Signed by: Original Signed by: Deputy Clerk — J. Reynaert Original Signed by: Clerk - M. Casavecchia-Somers Original Signed by: Elgin County Warden - B. Wiehle Clerk - M. McDonald 11 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 16-24 "BEING A BY-LAW TO SUPPORT AND APPROVE THE RESTRUCTURING PROPOSAL FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE ELGIN INNOVATION CENTRE LANDS FROM THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE TO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AYLMER" WHEREAS Section 173 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, as amended, (hereinafter the "Act') provides the authority for municipalities to make a restructuring proposal to restructure municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Council of Township of Malahide, the Council of the Town of Aylmer, and the Council of the County of Elgin have considered the merits of a Restructuring Proposal to annex Part of Lot 83, Concession North of Talbot Road, located within the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 on Plan 11 R 10052 (hereinafter "annexed lands"), known municipally as 516 John Street North, and commonly referred to as the Elgin Innovation Centre; AND WHEREAS the annexation to the Town of Aylmer of the annexed lands will serve to facilitate the proper and orderly re -development of the annexed lands and the provision of services thereto in order to foster the current and future economic well-being of the Township of Malahide, the Town of Aylmer, and the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS notice of a public meeting for the purpose of public input was given by the Township of Malahide, the Town of Aylmer, and the County of Elgin, and a Joint Public Meeting was held on Thursday, September 8, 2016 to consult with the public on the Restructuring Proposal; AND WHEREAS comments were solicited at the Joint Public Meeting and three submissions were received by the Township of Malahide, but none were received by the Town of Aylmer or the County of Elgin regarding the Restructuring Proposal; AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin has deemed it appropriate in the circumstances to confirm its support of the Restructuring Proposal and to submit the Restructuring Proposal to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval and issuance of an Order to implement the Restructuring Proposal; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby confirms its support for the Restructuring Proposal, as attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming a part of this By- law. 2. THAT The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby authorizes the submission of the Restructuring Proposal to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval by the issuance of an Order in accordance with Section 173(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001. 3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2016. Mark G. McDonald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer. 12 Warden. Schedule "A" to By-law No. 16-24 Restructuring Proposal under Section 173 of the Municipal Act, 2001 The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer and The Corporation of the Township of Malahide 1. In this Proposal, "Annexed area" means the area comprised of the lands described in Schedule 'A' to this proposal; "Town" means The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer; and "Township" means The Corporation of the Township of Malahide. 2. (1) On January 1, 2017, the lands described in Schedule 'A' to this proposal are to be annexed to the Town. (2) All real property of the Township, including highway, street fixtures, waterlines, sewer mains, and any restrictive covenants running with the real property, located in the annexed area, vests to the Town on January 1, 2017. (3) Save and except for the property referred to and contemplated by Section 2 (2) above, all other Township assets located in the annexed area and all liabilities associated with Township jurisdiction over the annexed area up to and including December 31, 2016, shall remain the property and/or responsibility of the Township. (4) Despite subsection 2(2), any litigation commenced prior to January 1, 2017, with respect to the annexed area described in Schedule 'A' remains the obligations of the Township. The Town shall pay to the Township an amount equal to 40% of the municipal taxes that would otherwise have become owing to the Township by owners of properties located within the annexed area and for a period of 10 years following the effective date of restructuring, presuming the same assessment and tax rates as applicable to the annexed area in taxation year 2015. The Town and Township agree that such payment shall be in the amount of $17,784.00 and shall be paid by the Town to the Township on or before January 31, 2017. 4. All real property taxes, rates and charges levied, assessed or imposed under any general or special Act in the annexed area or on persons in respect of the annexed area which remain due and unpaid at the end of December 31, 2016 shall be deemed on January 1, 2017 to be real property taxes, rates and charges due and owing to the Town and the Town has the same power to collect and enforce payment of those taxes, rates and charges as the Township would have had if the annexed area had remained a part of the Township. (1) Prior to March 1, 2017, the Treasurer of the Township shall, in respect of the annexed area, prepare and furnish to the Treasurer of the Town a special tax roll showing all arrears of real property taxes, rates and charges that were levied, assessed or imposed in the annexed area or on persons in respect of the annexed area up to and including December 31, 2016. (2) Within 30 days from the day that the special tax roll is furnished under subsection (a) or by March 1, 2017, whichever is later, the Town shall pay to the Township an amount equal to the amount of the arrears of real property taxes, rates and charges mentioned in subsection (1). 13 For the purposes of the assessment rolls to be prepared for the Town and the Township for the purpose of taxation in 2017, the annexed area shall be deemed to be a part of the Town. (1) On January 1, 2017, the by-laws of the Town shall extend to the annexed area in Schedule 'A' and the by-laws of the Township shall cease to apply to such area except, (a) By-laws of the Township (i) that were passed under section 34 or 41 of the Planning Act or a predecessor of those sections; or (ii) that were passed under the Highway Traffic Act or the Municipal Act, 2001 or a predecessor of those Acts that regulate the use of the highways by vehicles and pedestrians and that regulate the encroachment or projection of buildings or any portion thereof upon or over highways, which shall remain in force and effect until repealed by the Council of the Town; (b) By laws passed under the Development Charges Act; (c) By-laws passed under section 45, 58 or 61 of the Drainage Act or a predecessor of those sections; and (d) By-laws of the Township conferring rights, privileges, franchises, immunities or exemptions that could not have been lawfully repealed by the Township. (2) The Official Plan of the Township insofar as it applies to the annexed area, and as approved under the Planning Act or a predecessor of that Act, becomes an official plan of the Town and shall remain in force until amended or repealed. (3) If the Township has commenced procedures to enact a by-law under any Act or to adopt an official plan or an amendment thereto under the Planning Act and that by-law, official plan or amendment applies to the annexed area and is not in force on January 1, 2017, the Council of the Town may continue the procedures to enact the by-law or adopt the official plan or amendment to the extent that applies to the annexed area. (1) If a dispute arises with respect to any issue relating to the interpretation of this Proposal or any subsequent Ministerial Order, any of the municipalities may refer the matter in dispute for resolution through mediation. The mediator shall be agreed upon by all parties. (2) If the dispute is not resolved through mediation or the parties cannot agree upon the selection of a mediator, then the matter may be referred to arbitration, to be conducted in accordance with the provision of the Arbitration Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 7, as amended, except as provided herein. (3) Where a dispute is referred to arbitration under subsection 8(2), the decision of the arbitrator shall be final. (4) If the Town and Township are parties to a mediation under subsection 8(1) or arbitration under subsection 8(2), the costs associated with the mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be shared equally between the municipalities. 14 SCHEDULE `A' to Restructuring Proposal under Section 173 of the Municipal Act, 2001 The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer and The Corporation of the Township of Malahide Description of the lands to be annexed from the Township of Malahide to the Town of Aylmer: That Part of Lot 83, Concession North of Talbot Road, located within the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 on Plan 11R-10052. i' MLands to be Annexed 15 I� i' MLands to be Annexed 15