03 - February 11, 2014 County Council Agenda Pkg. ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, February 11, 2014 9:00 A.M. ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes January 28, 2014 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Correspondence from Township of Southwold recommending alternate appointment to County Council (attached) 5thOath of Office and swearing in of an alternate member as administered by Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk 6th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 9:00 a.m. The Ventin Group Ltd. with PowerPoint presentation titled Architectural Services for POA Court and Elgin County Museum (attached) 9:15 a.m. Andrew Gray and Mary Lou McMillan, Elgin County Library with PowerPoint presentation Sites, 2013-2014 (attached) 9:30 a.m. Serge Lavoie, President, Southwest Economic Alliance with PowerPoint presentationThe Connected Region: CISCO Benchmarking The Grey County Experience see report from General Manager of Economic Development on Intelligent Region Project 7th MCommittee Of The Whole C 8th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 9th Council Correspondence 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 10th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 11th Closed Meeting Items (see separate agenda) 12th Recess 13th 2014 Budget Report from Director of Financial Services (attached) 14th Motion to Rise and Report 15th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 16th Consideration of By-Laws 17th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: Deputy Warden for February Councillor Wiehle Deputy Warden for March Councillor Mennill February 23 - 26, 2014 2014 ROMA/OGRA Combined Conference - (Fairmont Royal York Toronto) March 25, 2014 County Council Meeting 9:00 a.m. November 7, 2014 DRAFT COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, January 28, 2014 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:03 a.m. with all members present except Councillor McIntyre (regrets). Warden Marr in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the minutes of the meetings held December 10 & 12, 2013 and January 14, 2014 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF– None. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS Rural Initiatives Committee Minutes, January 9, 2014 – Councillor McWilliam Councillor McWilliam presented the minutes from the Rural Initiatives Committee meeting held on January 9, 2014, noting the discussion with the Ontario Beekeeper’s Association and the Elgin Federation of Agriculture. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the “Rural Initiatives Committee Minutes, dated January 9, 2014” presented by Councillor McWilliam be received and filed. - Carried. Elgin County Museum 2013 Annual Report – Councillor Jenkins Councillor Jenkins, County Council’s 2013 representative on the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee, introduced the Elgin County Museum’s 2013 Annual Report. The Elgin County Museum Curator outlined highlights of the museum’s 2013 activities. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the report titled “Elgin County Museum 2013 Annual Report” from Councillor Jenkins and the County Museum Curator dated January 3, 2014 be received and filed. - Carried. Library 2013 Food for Fines Campaign – Library Supervisor The Director of Community and Cultural Services updated Council on the success of the 2013 Food for Fines Campaign that benefited local charities. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT the report titled “Library 2013 Food for Fines Campaign” from the Library Supervisor dated January 10, 2014 be received and filed. - Carried. 2 Library Coordinator’s Election to President, Ontario Public Library Association – Director of Community and Cultural Services The director informed Council that the Library Coordinator has been elected to the position of President of the Ontario Public Library Association. This is a great accomplishment for the Library Coordinator and for Elgin County. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the report titled “Library Coordinator’s Election to President, Ontario Public Library Association” from the Director of Community and Cultural Services dated January 3, 2014 be received and filed. - Carried. 2013 Out-of-Province Travel – Director of Community and Cult ural Services The director presented the annual report detailing out-of-province travel by staff. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the report titled “2013 Out-of-Province Travel” from the Director of Community and Cultural Services dated January 3, 2014 be received and filed. - Carried. Proposed Location of New Shedden Library – Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented a report informing council that the Township of Southwold has decided that if a new library for Shedden is to proceed, it will go ahead as an addition to the Southwold Keystone Complex. No formal decisions have been made at this time. Funds are to come from the Rosy Rhubarb Committee. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the report titled “Proposed Location of New Shedden Library” from the Director of Community and Cultural Services dated January 3, 2014 be received and filed. - Carried. Land Ambulance Service Grant – Transfer Payment Agreement – Director of Engineering Services The director explained that in order to receive funding from the province for the provision of land ambulance services, the County must sign the Transfer Payment Agreement. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the report titled ‘Land Ambulance Service Grant – Transfer Payment Agreement’ from the Director of Engineering Services dated December 20, 2013 be approved; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign the agreement between the Province of Ontario and the County of Elgin. - Carried. 3 Approval to Award Tenders – Traffic Signal Replacement (Port Stanley) and Quaker Road Reconstruction (Sparta) – Deputy Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services explained that tenders have been issued for traffic signal replacement in Port Stanley and the Quaker Road reconstruction in Sparta. These projects are planned to be completed prior to the Victoria Day long weekend and in order to expedite these projects, staff is requesting permission to award these tenders in accordance with the County’s Purchasing Policy. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT staff award the following tenders according to the County’s Purchasing Policy and within budget allocations: (a) Traffic Signal Replacement – Port Stanley (b) Quaker Road Reconstruction – Sparta; and, THAT staff report back to Council with the results at the March 25, 2014 Council meeting. - Carried. Private Pay Companions – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented a report explaining a new policy regarding the use of Private Pay Companions by residents of the County’s three long-term care facilities. Moved by Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the policy titled "Private Pay Companions" from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services dated January 13, 2014 be approved. - Carried. Ministry of Labour – Safe at Work Ontario Inspection – Bobier Villa – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The report outlined the new “Handling and Administration of Hazardous Agents” and “Handling of Wastes Associated with Cytotoxic Drugs” policies as directed by the Ministry of Labour - Safe at Work Ontario Inspection. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT Council approve the draft policies “Handling and Administration of Hazardous Agents” and “Handling of Wastes Associated with Cytotoxic Drugs”. - Carried. Community Sector One-Time Minor Infrastructure Program Approval – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The report outlined funding provided by the South West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) to the County of Elgin Terrace Lodge Adult Day Program for improvements to the program area. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT Council accept the one-time funding to renovate the Adult Day Program kitchenette in the amount of $25,000; and, THAT Council forward a letter of appreciation for the Adult Day Program funding to the South West Local Health Integration Network. - Carried. 4 Homes – 2013/2014 One-Time Funding for Training and Development – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The report outlined one-time funding provided by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care for training and development of long-term care direct care staff. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT Council accept the one-time funding of $32,100 for training and development of staff; and, THAT Council forward a letter of appreciation to Minister Matthews for the one-time funding for training and capacity building of staff. - Carried. Victorian Order of Nurses Meals on Wheels Agreement Renewal – 2013/2014 – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented a report updating Council on the Elgin County Homes agreement renewal with the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) to provide Meals on Wheels to seniors in Central and East Elgin communities. Moved by Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the current price of Meals on Wheels remain $6.50 for the 2013-2014 contract year; and, THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the 2013/2014 Meals on Wheels agreement for the Victorian Order of Nurses. - Carried. Volunteer Palliative Care Services Agreement – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The report described volunteer palliative care services provided to residents of the County’s long-term care facilities by the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON), and recommended continuing this program on an on-going basis. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT Council approve the on-going agreement with the Victorian Order Nursing for volunteer palliative care services. - Carried. Nurse Call and Phone System Replacement - Bobier Villa – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director explained that the Bobier Villa nurse call and phone system have become obsolete and need to be replaced. KR Communications has been identified as the company that will best meet the needs of staff and residents. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT KR Communications be selected for the nurse call system replacement at a total price of $116,181, plus applicable taxes; and, THAT Council authorize staff to proceed with replacement of the telephone system at Bobier Villa through KR Communications at a proposed cost of $29,837 plus tax. - Carried. 5 South West Local Health Integration Network - Adult Day Program Redesign – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director explained that the South West Local Health Integration Network has increased the Elgin County Adult Day Program (ADP) base funding for 2014/15. This additional funding will provide the community with an additional day of programming at Bobier Villa which services West Elgin. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the County accept the additional base funding of $35,499 for the Adult Day Program. - Carried. Accommodations Policy and Modified Work Policy – Accessibility Coordinator The coordinator presented a report outlining changes that have been made to the Accommodations in the Workplace Policy (HR policy # 2.80.2) and the Transitional Work Assignments Policy (former Modified Work Policy - HR policy # 8.320). Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT changes to the policies titled “Accommodations in the Workplace, policy # 2.80.2” and “Transitional Work Arrangements, policy # 8.320” presented by the Accessibility Coordinator be approved as submitted. - Carried. Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) – Director of Financial Services The director presented a report outlining the total impact of Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund losses, net of uploads from both levels of government. The results determined that the County and its municipal partners are seeing a negative net impact as a result of reduced funding and increasing costs and that the rural grant component of the OMPF needs to be strengthened to eliminate this negative impact. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor McWilliam WHEREAS the Ontario Government understands the benefits rural communities offer in providing the province’s residents with affordable food and natural environments for health and recreation; AND WHEREAS the limited weighted assessed tax base, resulting from the 25% tax ratio on farmland and managed forest, limits the property tax revenue potential of rural communities; AND WHEREAS the combined benefit of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF), when taking into account the rising costs of social services and policing, has had a negative impact on Elgin County and its municipal partners of $5.0 million; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario strengthen the rural communities grant component of the OMPF to eliminate the negative impact of OMPF revenue loss/increasing costs; AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario/Minister of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Jeff Yurek MPP, Elgin’s municipal partners, and any other Ontario municipalities, individual or association as deemed appropriate. - Carried. 6 Ford Assessment Appeal – Director of Financial Services The director presented a report outlining that the reduced property assessment on the Ford plant will result in $0.6 million annually in reduced revenue for the County. The full assessment reduction will be phased-in over a four year period starting in 2009 resulting in $0.8 million performance in tax write-off funding for these past years. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the report titled “Ford Assessment Appeal” from the Director of Financial Services dated January 15, 2014 be received and filed. - Carried. Council recessed at 9:58 a.m. and reconvened at 10:20 a.m. 2014 Grant Requests – Director of Financial Services The director presented a report outlining the requests for funding from community groups in the amount of $334,076, including three new requests from The Arts & Cookery Bank, the Elgin County Railway Museum, and the Ontario Conservation Officers Association. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT a grant in the amount of $2500 for The Arts and Cookery Bank be approved in principle. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the 2014 grants including small incremental increases to existing grants, with the exception of the Elgin County Railway Museum and the Ontario Conservation Officers Association, be approved in principle as amended by Council and finally considered in conjunction with the 2014 operating budget. - Carried. Ten-Year Capital Plan – Director of Financial Services The director presented the plan, noting it called for the average capital investment of $13.1 million over the 2014-2023 time period. The plan provides key infrastructure improvements for the County, while being containable within council’s targeted levy increase. These key improvements include funding for Dexter Line relocation, a major renovation of Terrace Lodge, and new court and museum facilities. It was recommended that $1.0 million of surplus be used to establish a Capital Projects Reserve for any unforeseen future needs. Staff Direction – provide Council with an implementation plan and timeline for the permanent relocation of Dexter Line to be considered at the February 11, 2014 meeting. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the 2014 capital budget be approved in principle and finally considered in conjunction with the 2014 operating budget. - Carried. 7 CORRESPONDENCE Items for Consideration 1. Elizabeth Sebestyen, Acting Director, Ontario Works and Social Housing, St. Thomas – Elgin Ontario Works, giving full support to County Council to endorse the resolution from Michael Jacek, Senior Advisor, Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) Communications who is seeking support for the Development of a New Long-Term Federal Plan to Fix Canada’s Housing Crunch. 2. Terry Horner, CAO/Clerk, Township of Mulmur, with a resolution seeking support regarding the timing and loss of assessment/tax monies to Townships, Upper Tier Municipalities and School Boards. 3. Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) with information regarding the 2014 renewal of Elgin County’s annual membership. 4. Lorraine LeBlanc, Executive Director, Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin, with a resolution seeking support for a National Dementia Strategy. 5. Randy Pettapiece, MPP, Perth-Wellington, seeking support for private member’s resolution for implementation of a comprehensive, long-term solution to reform joint and several liability insurance for municipalities. 6. John Lessif, Chair, South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC), inviting Elgin County to rejoin SCOR EDC as a full contributing and active partner. 7. Highway 401 and Highway 4 Interchange Improvements: a) Tom Bradish, President, WmF Bradish & Sons Ltd., John Bradish, President, Mayfield Farms, Sher Helmer, Business Manager, Glan-R-Vest Farm Inc., with concerns over Highway 401 and Highway 4 Interchange Improvements and proposed alterations at Glanworth Drive. b) Jeff, John, Colin and Joanne Ferguson, Ferguson Bros. of St. Thomas Ltd., seeking support to keep Glanworth Drive and Tempo Road open. c) Steven McQueen, Jason Chyc and David Carr, Sylvite Agri-Service, with opposition to routing traffic onto Tempo Road and Highway 4 overpass which will create a safety risk for public and Sylvite staff. d) Brad Walker and Graham Hutton, Belmont Farm Supply Inc., regarding Highway 401 and Highway 4 Interchange Improvements. (addendum item) The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1: Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt WHEREAS, a stable and secure housing system that creates and maintains jobs and allows for a range of living options is essential to attracting new workers, meeting the needs of young families and supports seniors and our most vulnerable citizens; and, WHEREAS the high cost of housing is the most urgent financial issue facing Canadians with one in four people paying more than they can afford for housing, and mortgage debt held by Canadians now standing at just over $1.1 trillion; and, WHEREAS housing costs and, as the Bank of Canada notes, household debt, are undermining Canadians’ person financial security, while putting our national economy at risk; and, WHEREAS those who cannot afford to purchase a home rely on the short supply of rental units, which is driving up rental costs and making it hard to house workers in regions experiencing strong economic activity; and, 8 WHEREAS an inadequate supply of subsidized housing for those in need is pushing some of the most vulnerable Canadians on to the street, while $1.7 billion annually in federal investments in social housing have begun to expire; and, WHEREAS the stakes are especially high for Ontario’s municipal governments as housing responsibilities have already been downloaded (unlike other provinces and territories) and this is not sustainable on the property tax base; and, WHEREAS, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has launched a housing campaign, “Fixing Canada’s Housing Crunch”, calling on the federal government to increase housing options for Canadians and to work with all orders of government to develop a long-term plan for Canada’s housing future; and, WHEREAS FCM has asked its member municipalities to pass a council resolution supporting the campaign; AND WHEREAS, our community has continuing housing needs that can only be met through the kind of long-term planning and investment made possible by federal leadership; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that council endorses the FCM housing campaign and urges the Minister of Employment and Social Development to develop a long-term plan for housing that puts core investments on solid ground, increases predictability, protects Canadians from the planned expiry of $1.7 billion in social housing agreements and ensures a healthy stock of affordable rental housing for Canadians; and, BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to minister noted above, to Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to Joe Preston, MP, London- Middlesex-Elgin, and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #2: Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT correspondence Item #2 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #3: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT Council approves the annual AMO membership fee in the amount of $5,164.83. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #4: Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt WHEREAS Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are progressive, degenerative diseases of the brain that cause thinking and memory to become seriously impaired; and, WHEREAS Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias most often occur in people over the age of 65 but can strike adults at any age; and, WHEREAS Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias affect more than 500,000 Canadians currently and that this figure is projected to reach 1.1 million within a generation; and, WHEREAS Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias also takes their toll on hundreds of thousands of families and care partners; and, WHEREAS an estimated further three million Canadians face the burden and challenges of providing care for those suffering with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias; and, 9 WHEREAS there is no known cause or cure for this devastating illness; and, WHEREAS the cost related to the health care system is in the billions and only going to increase, at a time when our health care system is already facing enormous financial challenges; and, WHEREAS Canada, unlike many countries, does not have a national dementia strategy; and, WHEREAS there is an urgent need to plan and raise awareness and understanding about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias for the sake of improving the quality of life of the people it touches; and, WHEREAS Claude Gravelle, MP, Nickel Belt has introduced Bill C-356, An Act respecting a National Strategy for Dementia, as he works for broad, all party and non-partisan support for an issue that touches us all. His legislation calls for a national plan that includes the development of strategies in primary health care, in health promotion and prevention of illness, in community development, in building community capacity and care partner engagement, investments in research and other (advisory board, objectives, investment in research, and caregivers and more). NOW THEREFORE, the County of Elgin calls on all levels of government and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to adopt a national dementia strategy, and urges all citizens of our communities to become more aware and engaged concerning the far- reaching effects of this devastating disease. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #5: Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Elgin County Council supports the private member’s resolution introduced by Randy Pettapiece, MPP, Perth-Wellington which states: THAT, in the opinion of this House, the government should protect taxpayers from higher property taxes by implementing a comprehensive, long-term solution to reform joint and several liability insurance for municipalities by no later than June 2014, addressing the alarming rise in insurance premiums due to rising litigation and claim costs. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #6: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation’s invitation to Elgin County to rejoin SCOR EDC as a full contributing and active partner be received and filed; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer meet with the South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation to gather further information regarding the organization’s scope and membership fees. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #7: Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin supports the letters or concern from various local businesses regarding Highway 401 and 4 interchange improvements and proposed alterations at Glanworth; and, 10 THAT correspondence be sent to the Ministry of Transportation, the City of London and Jeff Yurek, MPP, Elgin-Middlesex-London to engage in dialogue and register the County’s and ratepayers’ objections. - Carried. Staff Direction – to contact the County of Middlesex and Middlesex Centre to determine their positions on this matter. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Dennis Purcell, Chair, Bancroft & Hastings Highlands Disaster Relief Committee, thanking Council for donation which assisted in their severe flooding relief efforts. 2. Hon. Brad Duguid, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, with an update on Ontario’s dealings with the Federal Government on a renewed Labour Market Agreement. 3. Paul Collins, President and CEO, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH), with media release from the South West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Board announcing their integration initiative of Complex Continuing Care (CCC) and rehabilitation services and the impact this will have at STEGH. 4. M. Casavecchia-Somers, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, Township of Malahide, with resolution urging reorganization of school boundaries as they relate to the Thames Valley District School Board French Immersion Accommodation Plan. 5. Melanie Knapp, Corporate Administrative & Accessibility Clerk, City of St. Thomas, advising of Mayor Heather Jackson’s appointment to the Green Lane Community Trust Fund for 2014. 6. Heather Jackson, Mayor, City of St. Thomas, announcing date for 2014 Charity Hockey Game between City of St. Thomas and County of Elgin – Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 7. J. W. Tiernay, Executive Director, OGRA Board of Directors, with Notice of Poll information for election of representative to the OGRA Board of Directors for the Southwest Zone with the vote to take place on Tuesday, February 25, 2014. 8. Andre Marin, Ombudsman Ontario, with Annual Report on Investigations of Closed Municipal Meetings. (Annual report available upon request) 9. Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus Newsletter. 10. AMO Communications – Land Use Planning and Appeals System Consultation. 11. Correspondence to Premier Wynne expressing disappointment regarding the distribution of the $100 million Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund from: a) The Municipality of East Ferris b) The Township of Malahide c) The Municipality of Bayham 12. Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (WOWC) Media Release titled “County of Lambton Warden Todd Case Acclaimed as Chair of WOWC”. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Correspondence Items #1 – 12 be received and filed. - Carried. 11 OTHER BUSINESS Statements/Inquiries by Members – None. Notice of Motion– None. Matters of Urgency – None. Closed Meeting Item Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Section 240.2 (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board – Cross Border Agreement for Ambulance Services – Director of Engineering Services. - Carried. The Director of Engineering Services presented the report on Cross Border Agreement for Ambulance Services. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT staff be authorized and directed to enter into and sign cross border billing agreements with relevant municipal partners for the delivery of land ambulance services commencing in 2014, according to the standard template agreement developed by the Regional Treasurer’s Group and accepted by the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus; and, THAT the 2014 budget be adjusted accordingly (net $28,000). - Carried. For the education of Council the Chief Administrative Officer provided an update on the status of negotiations regarding various cost apportionment programs. Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. BY-LAW Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT By-Law No. 14-02 “Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 28, 2014 Meeting” be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. 12 County Council 12 January 28, 2014 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT we do now adjourn at 11:38 a.m. and meet again on February 11, 2014 at the County Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. - Carried. Mark McDonald, Dave Marr, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 13 14 15 1.Team 16 5.1 Team Organization 17 18 2.Qualifications and Experience 19 20 Renewal Studies + Master Planning Don Jail Fanshawe College Markham Museum Windsor University 21 Sustainability Education Design University of Standards Guelph The Ventin Group A Guideline for 22 Infrastructure Renewal Hamilton Queens Park Old Toronto City Hall Don jail 23 Academic Buildings Western University Queens University Guelph University Don Jail Redevelopment 24 Performance Milton Huntsville Meaford Buenos Aires 25 Reclaiming Space St. Michael’s Cathedral Law Society of Upper Canada Detroit Baden 26 POA Courthouses Similar Projects from our Portfolio Chatham-Kent POA Courthouse, renovation & addition, Chatham Grey County POA Courthouse, Space Needs Assessment, Owen Sound Old County Hall (Toronto POA Courthouse) multiple renovation projects, Toronto Region of Waterloo POA Courthouse, renovation & addition, Kitchener Wellington County POA Courthouse, renovation & addition, Guelph 361 University Avenue, Provincial Courthouse, multiple projects, Toronto Brantford Provincial Courthouse, multiple restoration/renovation projects, Brantford Brockville Provincial Courthouse, addition, renovation and interim facility, Brockville Cobourg Provincial Courthouse, renovation & addition, Cobourg Dufferin County Provincial Courthouse, restoration/renovation, Orangeville Elgin County Provincial Courthouse, historic restoration, St. Thomas Hamilton Provincial Courthouse, multiple renovation projects, Hamilton Haldimand Administration of Justice Complex, Cayuga John Sopinka Family Courthouse, heritage elements inventory, Hamilton London Provincial Courthouse, Space Needs Assessment, London Napanee Provincial Courthouse, renovation & addition, Napanee Newmarket Family Courthouse, addition, Newmarket Owen Sound Provincial Courthouse – Space Needs Assessment, Owen Sound Welland Provincial Courthouse, addition, renovation & interim facility, Welland 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 control system to allow the Curator full control of the internal Museums & Archives Similar Projects from our Portfolio Elgin County Archives, St. Thomas Elgin County Museum, restorations, St. Thomas Annandale House Museum, N.H.S., addition, Tillsonburg Backus Heritage Museum, Port Rowan Castle Kilbride Museum, National Historic Site, Baden County of Lennox and Addington Museum and Archives, Napanee Dufferin County Museum and Archives, Rosemont Erchless Estate Museum, multiple projects, Oakville Fire Museum & Education Centre, master plan, Cambridge County of Lennox and Addington Museum and Archives, Napanee Fort Henry Visitor Centre, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kingston Joseph Brant Museum, feasibility study, Burlington Guelph Civic Museum, Guelph Holcim Visual Arts Gallery, Milton Ireland House Museum, Burlington Lawrence House, Suncor Centre for-the-Arts, Sarnia Leamington Arts & Cultural Centre, multiple projects, Leamington Lock 3 Museum and Interpretive Centre, St. Catharines Lynnwood Arts Centre, N.H.S., multiple projects, Simcoe Macauley Church Museum, condition assessment, Picton Mackenzie Hall Gallery, Windsor Markham Museum, Ward Collections Building, Markham Meaford Museum, renovation, Meaford Peel County Museum and Archives, Brampton Pierre Berton Discovery Centre, Kleinburg Pumphouse Museum and Arts Centre, restoration, conversion, Niagara-on-the-Lake 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Council Chambers Similar Projects from our Portfolio Ancaster Town Hall, renovation, Ancaster Chatham-Kent Civic Administration Building, renovation & addition, Chatham Clearview Township Administration Building, Stayner Clinton Town Hall, renovation, Clinton County of Lennox & Addington Administration Centre, addition, Napanee Grey County Administration Building, Space Needs Study, Owen Sound Halton Hills Civic Administration Building, Georgetown Hamilton City Hall Renaissance, Conservation Architect, Hamilton Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Administration Building, Hamilton - LEED® (at construction) Hanover Civic Administration Building, renovation & addition, Hanover Huntsville Town Hall, renovation and addition, Huntsville Kitchener City Hall, space planning and renovation, Kitchener Legislative Assembly of Ontario Building, multiple projects, Queen’s Park Milton Civic Centre, renovation and addition, Milton - LEED® Norfolk County Municipal Administration Building, multiple renovation projects, Simcoe Orangeville Town Hall, expansion, Orangeville Sarnia City Hall, space planning, Sarnia Shelburne Town Hall, expansion, Shelburne St. Thomas City Hall, addition and renovation, St. Thomas Stratford City Hall, multiple renovations including Council Chambers upgrades, Stratford Town of the Blue Mountains Administration Building, planning & schematic design, Thornbury Wellington County Administration Building, addition & multiple renovation projects, Guelph Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health Centres, Guelph and Orangeville - LEED® Wilmot Township Administration Building, Baden Woolwich Township Administration Building, renovation, Elmira Victoria County Administration Building, addition & renovation, Lindsay 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3.Understanding and Approach 57 Schedule *More time is currently available in 2014 than required for Phases 1.0 to 3.0; the actual allocation will be customized to match County preferences, and the scope of work, as they are determined. 58 59 60 Youth Internships At Community Access Sites, 2013-2014 38 61 What Do the Youth Interns Do? 39 62 About Me 40 63 Most FAQs and Lessons from this term Facebook 41 64 New Online Programs Instagram Google Drive Prezi Freegal 42 65 Training Sessions and # of Patrons 1000 951 900 800 700 600 # of Computer Training Sessions 500 451 Patrons assisted in total 400 300 200 100 0 43 66 Developing Youth Skills 44 67 Bully-Free Challenge In light of the increase in online bullying, Youth Internships at Community Access Sites has decided to develop a province-wide initiative to combat cyberbullying. Every Community Access Site in Ontario, and each branch of Elgin County Library, is a bully-free zone In addition, Youth Interns at each branch will be putting together informative posters that include the definition and examples of cyberbullying, as well as what you can do to prevent cyberbullying, and where you can go for help Each Youth Intern is also developing a short presentation on cyberbullying that will be shown at a cybercamp in February 45 68 Success Stories 46 69 Nicole West Lorne 47 70 Faith Straffordville/Port Burwell 48 71 Chantal Belmont 49 72 Kayla Aylmer 50 73 Contact Contact Information: Mary Lou, YI at CAS Manager -Email: mmcmillan@elgin-county.on.ca -Phone: (519) 631-1460 ext. 451 Email: agray@elgin-county.on.ca Phone: (519) 631-1460 ext. 151 Websites: http://elgincap.weebly.com www.elgincounty.ca/library Any Questions? 51 74 52 75 The Connected Region: CISCO Benchmarking The Grey County Experience 53 76 The CISCO Team Provides a worldly, knowledgeable and experienced independent third party view Energetic, focused, passionate Understands what rural and small town is about; able to place local reality and experience into world context The team made an immediate and positive connection with all stakeholders/vice versa 54 77 Project Management This is a project, it must be managed effectively! You cannot do this from the side of your desk Do your homework, understand the process Clarify Expectations Clarify Role Definition Resource it Monitor progress 55 78 Time Allocation Time required for prep and follow-up is substantial 2-3 weeks of prep, during and follow-up for stakeholder engagement 3-4 days for survey stage later Time keeper essential for interview itinerary Well planned itinerary –for effective and efficient use of time 56 79 Staffing Resource Essential to assign knowledgeable, well connected and energetic staff person to drive the process Staff must be freed up to assist the CISCO team with making connections, logistics, information, etc. Economic Development staff with their deep community and industry connections are invaluable Technical staff are key to providing area ICT context 57 80 Community Contacts Need a broad cross section of community – the broader and more inclusive the better Team-based approach to creating contact list This is a good test of your knowledge and community capacity building Initiative would benefit from having a private sector champion 58 81 Communications Thepre stakeholder visit messaging isa key to success We had “conversations” not interviews Messaging from knowledgeable and familiar staff opened doors, allayed anxieties and apathy Communicate early and often Follow-upas a courtesy How this fits with larger strategy 59 82 Observations Worldview of CISCO is critically important to quality of assessment and outcomes Stakeholders are hungry to share information, ideas, their reality and successes There are many successes Stakeholders get “it” – the value of and need for ubiquitous broadband 60 83 Observations The“rock stars” of the connected region begin to emerge: Health care providers Social service agencies Entrepreneurs – agriculture, ICT, mfg Libraries Educators -Georgian College, school boards 61 84 Benefits We learned a lot about our communities and ourselves – capacity, capabilities, issues, and successes – Invaluable! We broadened and strengthened community connections –great start for a longer term community engagement Process to date brings the reality to the theory – starts to really make sense; the process leads to much deeper understanding of what a connected region truly is 62 85 Concluding Remarks Confirms need for some form of government investment/engagement in bridging the broadband connectivity/capacity gap between what community knows it needs and what is currently and imminently available to them Community partners get it, they see the need and the value for competitive broadband connectivity, they are passionate and knowledgeable; yet the infrastructure iseither not available or not accessible 63 86 Concluding Remarks Connectivity is the pinch point in our drive for greater and sustainable prosperity; it is the barrier that is holding back innovation, investment and growth Content and application will not be an issue once we have competitive, accessible, ubiquitous connectivity 64 87 THANK YOU! 65 88 89 90 91 92 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SWEA Intelligent Region Project: Benchmarking and Community Engagement Phase This Memorandum of Understanding between the Southwest Economic Alliance (SWEA) and ___________________________________________ (Municipality) serves both as an Expression of Interest as well as a definition of the roles and responsibilities of the parties in the initiative known as the Benchmarking and Community Engagement Phase of the SWEA Intelligent Region Project. Description of the Project The Intelligent Region initiative has several components: Benchmarking each of the SWEA communities for their level of preparedness for the strategic application of broadband and ICT technologies to their local economies. Using the results of the benchmarking to develop a road map for broadband and ICT applications in the local community. This will include a high level of community engagement. Annual benchmarking under the framework of the Intelligent Community Forum. This will provide annual measurements for the scope and effectiveness of the community investments. The ultimate aim is to link all community benchmarks into a regional benchmark that will enable the region to be recognized internationally as an Intelligent Region. A communications plan designed to brand Southwestern Ontario and its individual communities as Smart, Connected and Intelligent Communities by promoting local success stories through traditional and social media. Timetable Total length of this phase of the project is 48 weeks. JCP field staff will be available to participating communities for up to 42 weeks. Based on receiving final confirmations from all partners by Feb. 28, 2014, SWEA anticipates hiring supervisory staff in March and placing JCP teams in participating communities beginning in April. 70 93 What SWEA will provide A standardized, community-based benchmarking process including community engagement, consultations, interviews and online surveys, conducted by Cisco Canada. A fully customized ICT Strategy report prepared by the Cisco Smart+Connected Communities unit. A region-wide ICT strategy report containing the findings from all participating municipalities. One to four field staff (depending on need and local conditions) under the Jobs Creation Partnership program, locally hired, working from municipal offices, to coordinate community engagement, the field interviews and online surveys. Each will work 30 hour weeks for up to 42 weeks. Field staff will also coordinate community engagement following the benchmarking to promote the benefits of the ICT strategic plan. All payroll related costs, as well as training, are supplied. Supervision and administration staff to oversee JCP workers and coordinate the program across the region. Communications staff to support and coordinate local and regional media coverage. Through its corporate and government partnerships, SWEA will cover all of the costs associated with the above noted resources and reports, with the exception of indirect costs as defined below. What the Municipality provides: A small steering committee of municipal staff to assist in facilitating the project. This should include IT staff as well as economic and community development personnel. A single mentor or liaison staff person to help guide the JCP staff. Work station(s) in a municipal office with access to telephone and internet. Access to a municipal cell phone and account for each member of the JCP team for the 42 week employment period or, in lieu, reimbursement of appropriate charges incurred on personal cell phone accounts. Km-based automobile allowance for local travel only. Access to complimentary meeting space to conduct consultations and town hall meetings, as required. 94 U, the Municipality is indicating its interest in participating in the By undertaking this MO project. The details in the MOU will form the basis of a final agreement to be negotiated between SWEA and the participating Municipalitybefore commencement of work. At the time the final agreement is signed, the Municipality must be a SWEA municipal member in good standing. It is understood that this MOU will be used to secure the corporate and government contributions needed to undertake the work described. If the necessary financial resources are not secured, the MOU will be void and no consequences, financial or otherwise, will ensue for either party. Dated ____________________________________ FOR THE MUNICIPALITY FOR SWEA (Name of Municipality) (Name & Title of Signing Authority)(Name & Title of Signing Authority) (Signature) (Signature) 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: January 27, 2014 SUBJECT: Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 INTRODUCTION: As per the County of Elgin's Procurement Policy section 10.1, an information report containing the details relevant to the exercise of delegated authority for all contracts awarded that exceed $15,000 including amendments and renewals is to be prepared and reported to Council. This report covers the period from September to December 2013. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin delegated authority to the Directors to award contracts as follows: Value Report Status Greater than $15,000 No report to Council required if within 10% of the but less than $50,000 approved budget allocation Greater than $50,000 No report to Council required if within approved but less than $100,000 budget Council also approved that an information report would be brought forward containing details of the award of contracts including amendments and renewals. The detailed report of the award of contracts is attached as Appendix A. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled “Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards, September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013” dated January 27, 2014 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Mike Hoogstra Mark G. McDonald Purchasing Coordinator Chief Administrative Officer Jim Bundschuh Director of Financial Services 102 APPENDIX A Purchases/Projects greater than $15,000 September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 Department Budget Project Supplier/Vendor Bid Price Allocation(HST extra) Homes & Senior Capital Three Maxi Move Lifts Arjohuntleigh $34,719.00 Services (Terrace Lodge) Homes & Senior Capital One Sara Plus Lift and Arjohuntleigh $33,598.76 Services two Alenti Lifts (Elgin Manor) Homes & Senior Capital One Rhapsody Bathing Arjohuntleigh $30,829.79 Services System (Bobier Villa) Engineering Capital John Deere Front Mount Huron Tractor $28,250.00 Tractor w/ Snow Blower (Terrace Lodge) Engineering Capital Two Water Heater Ambrose Plumbing $15,125.21 Tanks (Terrace Lodge) EngineeringCapital Dexter Line Watermain Port Burwell Water $50,962.33 ReplacementSupply System Information Capital Hewlett Packard Compugen $40,595.88 TechnologyComputers and Equipment Information Capital Microsoft Software Compugen $43,700.28 TechnologyLicenses 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 o o o 144 Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 14-03 A SCHEDULE Ratios PROPERTY CLASS 20142013 RESIDENTIAL/FARM1.00001.0000 MULTI-RESIDENTIAL2.34582.3458 FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.50000.5000 COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED1.63761.6376 COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND1.14631.1463 INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.22512.2251 INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND1.44631.4463 LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.83182.8318 LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.84071.8407 PIPELINES1.14461.1446 FARM0.25000.2500 MANAGED FORESTS0.25000.2500 145 Attachment I Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9 Schedule B: Current Operating 2014 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget Prior Operating RevenueExpenseNet Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under Percent By-Law 14-03 (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on y ExpenseLev CORPORATE ACTIVITIES 1) Taxes (28,252,615) 1,006,408 (27,246,207) (28,115,582) 27,919,493 754,679 (27,164,814) (81,393)0.3% 2) Interest Charges & Income (257,442) 176,362 (81,080) (70,341) 81,080 - (81,080) (0)0.0% 3) Social Services - St. Thomas - 3,051,000 3,051,000 3,052,708 2,842,400 2,842,400 208,600 -0.8% (348,834) 1,287,194 938,360 938,360 940,395 940,395 (2,035)0.0% 4) Health Unit 5) Grants - 811,865 811,865 812,865 - 318,576 318,576 493,289 -1.9% (188,262) 109,922 (78,341) (78,340) 188,263 136,212 (52,051) (26,290)0.1% 6) Rental Income 7) Property Assessment (138,732) 858,372 719,640 719,640 723,033 723,033 (3,393)0.0% (37,583) (1,733,317) (1,770,900) (1,770,900) 1,505,900 - (1,505,900) (265,000)1.0% 8) Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 9) Project Costs (836,150) 766,220 (69,930) 264,511 1,036,150 937,220 (98,930) 29,000 -0.1% (30,059,619) 7,340,433 (23,725,594) (24,247,080) 30,730,886 6,652,515 (24,078,371) 352,777 -1.3% 10) Corporate Departmental (3,036) 360,235 357,199 291,420 3,036 361,499 358,463 (1,265)0.0% 11) Warden and Council 12) Administrative Services (32,640) 504,814 472,174 446,265 32,640 505,267 472,627 (453)0.0% 13) Financial Services- 577,461 577,461525,624- 557,563 557,563 19,898 -0.1% 14) Human Resources 487,182(30,000) 467,731 30,000 552,560 522,560 (35,378)0.1% 15) Administrative Building(379,095) 863,188 484,093362,821373,713 838,675 464,962 19,131 -0.1% 16) Corporate Expenditures (1,000) 575,784 574,784 585,929 1,000 800,994 799,994 (225,211)0.8% 17) Eng'r & Land Div.(1,802,982)12,009,42310,206,44110,146,5131,711,10712,988,96211,277,855(1,071,414)4.0% 18) Homes (17,414,439) 21,977,775 4,563,336 3,886,873 17,468,539 22,150,181 4,681,642 (118,305)0.4% (71,304) 460,470 389,166 369,286 33,804 452,218 418,414 (29,248)0.1% 19) Museum & Archives 20) Library Services (223,339) 2,683,818 2,460,479 2,455,808 217,877 2,669,683 2,451,806 8,673 0.0% - 832,963 832,963 779,318 24,000 887,023 863,023 (30,060)0.1% 21) Information Technology 22) Provincial Offences(1,535,791) 1,462,148 (73,643)(66,005)1,557,308 1,493,788 (63,520) (10,123)0.0% 23) Collections(474,998) 453,735 (21,960)(21,263) 474,998 453,735 (21,263) - 0.0% 24) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. (6,079,876) 8,828,495 2,748,619 2,641,220 6,548,317 9,353,063 2,804,747 (56,127)0.2% (122,585) 1,296,118 1,173,533 1,158,854 73,329 1,278,275 1,204,946 (31,413)0.1% 25) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. (28,171,085) 52,886,425 25,232,522 24,029,697 28,549,668 55,343,485 26,793,817 (1,561,295)5.9% 26) Departmental (58,230,703) 60,226,858 1,506,929 (217,384) 59,280,554 61,996,000 2,715,446 (1,208,518) 27) Elgin County Levy Increase (1,063,431)1,063,431 4.0% Net Income 61,996,00060,343,985 1,652,015 (145,087) Memo: Levy 27,684,40326,620,972 146 M:\\Financial Services\\SummaryOperating Budget 06/02/2014 10:53 AM Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 14-03 SCHEDULE C PriorCurrent PROPERTY CLASS20132014% Change% Change Assessment TAX RATESTAX RATESTAX RATES RESIDENTIAL0.587603%0.584470%-0.53%3.9% MULTI-RESIDENTIAL1.378399%1.371050%-0.53%12.4% FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.293802%0.292240%-0.53%-2.8% COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED0.962259%0.957130%-0.53%0.6% COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND0.673569%0.669980%-0.53%8.2% INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.307475%1.300500%-0.53%6.7% INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND0.849850%0.845320%-0.53%14.6% LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.663974%1.655100%-0.53%4.1% LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.081601%1.075830%-0.53%2.5% PIPELINES0.672570%0.668980%-0.53%4.1% FARM 0.146901%0.146120%-0.53%11.6% MANAGED FORESTS0.146901%0.146120%-0.53%16.7% Definition: "Tax rate" means the tax rate to be levied against property expressed as a percentage, to six decimal places, of the assessment of the property. 147 Attachment II Ten Year Business Plan 201420152016201720182020202120222023 2019 ($ millions) 1) Prior Year Budgeted Municipal Position Ch (1.7)(1.6)(1.0)0.0 2.8 1.92.6 3.53.7 4.1 Muncipal Position Change Explanation 2)OMPF(0.3) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1)(0.1) 3)Social Service Prov. Upload0.30.1 0.10.1 4)Soc. Serv. Caseload&Cost/Cas(0.1) 5)Adjustment for Tax Appeals/Wr0.1 6)Payment-In-Lieu Toronto Greel (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1)(0.1) 8)Legal Disputes0.1(1.0) 9)Hospital Donation 0.50.3 10)Benefits(0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1)(0.1)(0.1)(0.1) 11)Wage Inflation(0.3) (0.3) (0.3) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4)(0.4)(0.4)(0.4) 12)Supplies Inflation(0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.7) (0.7)(0.7)(0.7)(0.7) 13)Revenue Increases0.50.6 0.60.6 14)Ambulance(0.1)0.1 15)Admin Building Space Needs(0.2) 16)Accessibility/Museum Grants2.0 (2.0) 17)Amortization(0.9)0.6- (0.1) 0.0 (0.1) (0.1)(0.5)(0.2)(0.2) 18)Service Level Changes(0.3) 19)Aylmer Library Lease(0.1) 20)Shoreline Broadband(0.1)0.1 21)Insurance(0.1) 22)Gas Tax(0.1) 23)Donations Spending(0.1)0.1 24)Provision for SCOR(0.0) 25)Efficiencies0.40.4 0.40.4 26)Total Changes(1.1) (0.5)(0.2)1.4 (2.2) (0.8) (0.5) (0.7) (0.4)(0.1) 27) Levy Increase4%1.1 4% 1 .14% 1.24% 1.34% 1.44% 1.44% 1.52% 0.92% 0 .92%0.6 28) Net Change in Muncipal Position(1.7) (1.0) 0.0 2.8 1.9 2.6 3.5 3.7 4.14.4 29) Starting Muncipal Position188.1 1 86.5 185.5 185.5 188.2 190.2 192.7 196.3 1 99.9204.1 30)Budgeted Change 31)Surplus/Deficit to Budget 32)Ending Muncipal Position186.5 1 85.5 185.5 188.2 190.2 196.3192.7 199.9 204.1208.4 33)Prior Business Plan185.7 1 85.5 186.3 189.6 191.6 198.3194.5 202.5 207.3 34)New Plan B/(W) Prior Plan$0.8$-$ (0.8)$ (1.4)$ (1.4)$ (1.8)$ (2.0)$ (2.6)$ (3.2) 35)Debt$-$-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$- 148 Attachment III COUNTY OF ELGIN Summary Proposed Capital 10 Year Plan Col 1Col 2Col 3Col 4Col 5Col 6Col 7Col 8Col 9Col 10Col 11 201420152016201720182014-2018 Total2019-2023 Total2014-2023 Average Capital Projects -- 1)Agriculture30,000 - - - -30,000-3,000 2) Administrative Building 650,000650,000 2,450,000 2,500,000 1,500,0007,750,0003,000,0001,075,000 -- 3) Eng'r & Land Div. 7,700,0008,087,0008,661,0008,787,0009,819,00043,054,00055,846,0009,890,000 Homes -- -- 4aiElgin Manor Dietary- 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,00075,000100,00017,500 4aiiElgin Manor Nursing & Personal Care34,198 20,000 10,000 10,000 210,000284,19850,00033,420 4aiiiElgin Manor Building & Property85,000 85,000 25,000 180,000 100,000475,0002,500,000297,500 4aivElgin Manor General & Admin- - - - 50,00050,000300,00035,000 4a)Elgin Manor119,198 120,000 55,000 210,000 380,000884,1982,950,000383,420 -- 4biTerrace Lodge Nursing & Personal Care82,46760,00060,00010,00012,000224,46760,00028,447 4biiTerrace Lodge Building & Property755,0004,260,00060,000160,000200,0005,435,000450,000588,500 4b)Terrace Lodge837,4674,320,000120,000170,000212,0005,659,467510,000616,947 -- 18ciBobier Villa Dietary----100,000100,000-10,000 4ciiBobier Villa Nursing & Personal Care106,000-20,00010,000100,000236,00050,00028,600 4ciiiBobier Villa Building & Property55,00025,00025,000145,000255,000505,0002,250,000275,500 4c)Bobier161,00025,00045,000155,000455,000841,0002,300,000314,100 -- 4) Homes 4,465,0001,117,665220,000535,0001,047,0007,384,6655,760,0001,314,467 -- 5) Museum & Archives -15,000---15,000-1,500 -- 6) Library Services 318,823507,583 315,541 327,758 340,4951,810,2001,869,246367,945 -- 7) Information Technology 167,300197,300 167,300 182,300 182,300896,500921,000181,750 -- 8) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. 289,500510,000 180,000 240,000 240,0001,459,5001,459,500291,900 -- 9) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. 3,500--8,500-12,00020,5003,250 -- -- 10) Elgin County 11,114,54813,594,12311,993,84112,580,55813,128,79562,411,86568,876,24613,128,811 11)Prior Year's Business Plan Spend10,728,35310,581,09313,270,31112,327,02813,738,24860,645,03368,691,23812,933,627 12)Use of Prior Year's Closed Project Surplus1,148,886750,0001,898,886189,889 13)Inflation Adjustment1,373,825137,382 New Plan (Higher)/Lower than Prior Adjusted Plan 14) (3,013,030)762,691 1,276,470 496,470 609,453 132,054 1,188,817132,087 149 M:\\Financial Services\\SummarySummaryCapital Budget05/02/2014 4:18 PM County of Elgin Attachment IV Balance Sheet and Reserve Budget Balance Sheet 201420152016201720182019-2023 Total ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal. Balance Sheet A1)Cash & Investments(4,109,872) 10,862,155 (4,629,489) 6,232,666 (1,932,841) 4,299,825 347,620 4,647,445 (1,032,553) 3,614,892 3,005,576 6,620,468 A2)Accounts Receivable48,433 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A3)Pre-Paids & Loans400,000 820,067 100,000 920,067 920,067 920,067 920,067 920,067 A4)TCA(479,691) 177,280,043 3,533,123 180,813,166 1,932,841 182,746,007 (87,991) 182,658,016 1,465,142 184,123,158 19,272,436 203,395,594 A5)WIP770,067 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 2,500,000 4,500,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 (4,000,000) 2,000,000 ATotal Assets(3,371,063) 192,962,266 (996,366) 191,965,899 0 191,965,900 2,759,628 194,725,528 1,932,589 196,658,117 18,278,012 214,936,129 B1)Accounts Payable1,388,047 (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) B2)Payroll, Remits & WSIB Accrual331,001 (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) B3)Debt - - - - - - BTotal Liabilities1,719,048(6,500,000) (6,500,000)- (6,500,000)--(6,500,000) (6,500,000)- (6,500,000)- C Municipal Position 186,462,266(1,652,015) (996,366) 185,465,899 0 185,465,900 2,759,628 188,225,528 1,932,589 190,158,117 18,278,012 208,436,129 Explanation of Municipal Position D1)In-Service Tangible Capital Assets (Net Book Value)(479,691) 177,280,043 3,533,123 180,813,166 1,932,841 182,746,007 (87,991) 182,658,016 1,465,142 184,123,158 19,272,436 203,395,594 D2)Work-In-Progress Tangible Capital Assets770,067 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 2,500,000 4,500,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 (4,000,000) 2,000,000 DTotal Tangible Capital Assets290,376 179,280,043 3,533,123 182,813,166 1,932,841 184,746,007 2,412,009 187,158,016 2,965,142 190,123,158 15,272,436 205,395,594 EReserve for Completion of WIP163,172 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 FAnticipated Tangible Capital Assets453,548 182,780,043 3,533,123 186,313,166 1,932,841 188,246,007 2,412,009 190,658,016 2,965,142 193,623,158 15,272,436 208,895,594 H TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS (544,857)213,687 (3,508,976) (4,053,833) (765,000) (4,818,833) (850,000) (5,668,833) (300,000) (5,968,833) 1,998,833 (3,970,000) I TOTAL CAPITAL RESERVES 981,167(270,000) (981,167) - - - - - - - - - JNet Capital Portion397,235183,216,352(957,020)182,259,3331,167,841183,427,1741,562,009184,989,1832,665,142187,654,32417,271,269204,925,594 K TOTAL OPERATING RESERVES 3,245,913(2,049,250) (39,346) 3,206,567 (1,167,841) 2,038,726 1,197,620 3,236,346 (732,553) 2,503,793 1,006,743 3,510,535 L Municipal Position 186,462,266(1,652,015) (996,366) 185,465,899 0 185,465,900 2,759,628 188,225,528 1,932,589 190,158,117 18,278,012 208,436,129 Capital Funds H1)Capital Fund Garage13,6875,143(5,143) - - - - - - - H5)Capital Fund Ambulance Bases200,000(550,000)200,000(350,000)200,000(150,000)150,000 - - - - - H6)Capital Fund Terrace Lodge (3,248,833)-(3,248,833)750,000(2,498,833)750,000(1,748,833)750,000(998,833)998,833 - H7)Capital Fund Admin Building (455,000)-(455,000)(1,715,000)(2,170,000)(1,750,000)(3,920,000)(1,050,000)(4,970,000)1,000,000(3,970,000) HCapital Funds213,687(544,857)(3,508,976)(4,053,833)(765,000)(4,818,833)(850,000)(5,668,833)(300,000)(5,968,833)1,998,833(3,970,000) Capital Reserves I1)Reserves Capital Projects230,000230,000(230,000) - - - - - I2)Reserves Terrace Lodge Renovations(500,000)751,167(751,167) - - - - - - - ICapital Reserves(270,000)981,167(981,167) - - - - - - - - - Operating Reserves K3)Reserves Donations Elgin(24,000)149,345149,345149,345149,345149,345149,345 K4)Reserves Donations Terrace(38,000)69,25669,25669,25669,25669,25669,256 K5)Reserves Donations Bobier(37,000)60,57260,57260,57260,57260,57260,572 K6)Reserves Donations Alma College Alumnae1,0006,3706,3706,3706,3706,3706,370 K7)Reserves Museum(2,000)899899899899899899 K8)Reserves Archives50086,18986,18986,18986,18986,18986,189 K9)Reserves Donations Library9,000129,988129,988129,988129,988129,988129,988 K10)Reserves Mill Rate Stabilization(1,943,750)2,624,183(27,346)2,596,837(1,155,841)1,440,9961,209,6202,650,615(724,602)1,926,0141,006,7432,932,756 K12)Reserves Strategic Planning-21,92321,92321,92321,92321,92321,923 K13)Reserves Tree Replanting-6,3796,3796,3796,3796,3796,379 K14)Reserves Performance Excellenc-15,87315,87315,87315,87315,87315,873 K15)Reserves Orthodonitics-19,51919,51919,51919,51919,51919,519 K16)Reserves Staff Training(12,000)43,951(12,000)31,951(12,000)19,951(12,000)7,951(7,951) - - K17)Reserves Woodlot(3,000)5,9505,9505,9505,9505,9505,950 K18)Reserves Police Services-5,5165,5165,5165,5165,5165,516 150 KOperating Reserves(2,049,250)3,245,913(39,346)3,206,567(1,167,841)2,038,7261,197,6203,236,346(732,553)2,503,7931,006,7433,510,535 Attachment VI Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9 Schedule B: Current Operating 2014 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget Prior Operating RevenueExpenseNet Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under Percent By-Law 14-03 (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on y ExpenseLev Departmental Warden and Council Warden-82,72082,72066,828-83,83383,833(1,113) Council(3,036)277,515274,479224,5913,036277,667274,631(152) 11) Warden and Council (3,036) 360,235 357,199 291,420 3,036 361,499 358,463 (1,265)0.0% Administrative Services Administrative Services1,200422,423423,623416,043(1,200)424,574425,774(2,151) Agriculture-48,55048,55030,221-46,85246,8521,698 Police Services Board(33,840)33,840--33,84033,840-- 12) Administrative Services (32,640) 504,814 472,174 446,265 32,640 505,267 472,627 (453)0.0% 577,461 557,563 19,898 -0.1% 13) Financial Services-577,461525,624-557,563 14) Human Resources 487,182(30,000) 467,731 30,000 552,560 522,560 (35,378)0.1% 15) Administrative Building(379,095) 863,188 484,093362,821373,713 838,675 464,962 19,131 -0.1% 16) Corporate Expenditures (1,000) 575,784 574,784 585,929 1,000 800,994 799,994 (225,211)0.8% Engineering & Land Division Engineering Services(1,682,982)11,885,25810,202,27610,133,2481,573,60712,851,12511,277,518(1,075,242) Land Division(120,000)124,1654,16513,266137,500137,8373373,828 17) Eng'r & Land Div.(1,802,982)12,009,42310,206,44110,146,5131,711,10712,988,96211,277,855(1,071,414)4.0% Homes 18aiiElgin Manor Program & Support (324,400)324,401 1 (1,820) 333,264 333,942 678 (677) 18aiiiElgin Manor Dietary (272,086)983,200 711,115 694,426 274,811 988,309 713,498 (2,383) 18aivElgin Manor Nursing & Personal Care (3,202,697)4,661,918 1,459,221 1,233,563 3,242,561 4,700,050 1,457,489 1,732 (1,755) 477,298 434,897 - 475,415 18avElgin Manor Housekeeping479,053475,4151,884 18aviElgin Manor Laundry - 180,841 180,841 177,068 - 177,775 177,775 3,066 - 519,609 424,602 - 484,106 18aviiElgin Manor Building & Property519,609484,10635,503 18aviiiElgin Manor General & Admin (2,575,517)853,371 (1,722,146) (1,746,215) 2,611,009 862,821 (1,748,189)26,042 18a)Elgin Manor(6,376,455) 8,002,394 1,625,939 1,216,520 6,461,646 8,022,417 1,560,772 65,167 (347,156) 12,747 21,909 370,963 (363) 18biiTerrace Lodge Program & Support359,902370,60013,110 18biiiTerrace Lodge Dietary (315,083)1,150,384 835,300 824,916 318,116 1,194,614 876,497 (41,197) 18bivTerrace Lodge Nursing & Personal C (3,552,832)5,055,947 1,503,115 1,377,130 3,589,270 5,068,225 1,478,955 24,160 18bvTerrace Lodge Housekeeping (1,950)470,904 468,954 471,916 - 509,405 509,405 (40,451) - 190,303 222,250 - 209,324 18bviTerrace Lodge Laundry190,303209,324(19,021) 18bviiTerrace Lodge Building & Property (90,504)419,677 329,173 348,861 8,004 396,328 388,324 (59,151) (2,435,594) (1,811,426) (1,866,527) 2,310,879 (1,690,494) 18bviiiTerrace Lodge General & Admin624,168620,385(120,932) 18bxTerrace Lodge Adult Day (246,930)246,930 (0) (13,327) 167,333 167,333 0 (0) 151 M:\\Financial Services\\SummaryOperating Budget 06/02/2014 10:58 AM Attachment VI Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9 Schedule B: Current Operating 2014 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget Prior Operating RevenueExpenseNet Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under Percent By-Law 14-03 (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on y ExpenseLev 18b)Terrace Lodge(6,990,048)8,518,2151,528,1671,387,1296,764,5658,536,2141,771,649(243,482) 18ciiBobier Villa Program & Support (210,180)220,825 10,645 24,504 228,073 228,519 446 10,199 (180,642) 555,646 553,431 182,376 557,194 18ciiiBobier Villa Dietary736,288739,570(1,548) 18civBobier Villa Nursing & Personal Care (2,091,909)3,135,040 1,043,131 946,115 2,137,060 3,156,251 1,019,190 23,940 (1,110) 304,819 289,256 - 308,872 18cvBobier Villa Housekeeping305,929308,872(4,054) 18cviBobier Villa Laundry - 144,152 144,152 155,309 - 143,819 143,819 333 - 342,497 337,226 - 323,154 18cviiBobier Villa Building & Property342,497323,15419,343 18cviiiBobier Villa General & Admin (1,478,759)487,099 (991,660) (1,035,944) 1,494,314 490,859 (1,003,455)11,795 (85,336) 0 (10,861) 121,917 0 18cxBobier Villa Adult Day85,336121,917(0) 18c)Bobier(4,047,936)5,457,1661,409,2311,259,0364,163,7415,512,9621,349,22160,010 - - Adult Day- 24,188 78,587 78,587 - - 18) Homes (17,414,439) 21,977,775 4,563,336 3,886,873 17,468,539 22,150,181 4,681,642 (118,305)0.4% Museums & Archives Museum(60,928)259,650198,722177,69423,428244,997221,569(22,847) Archives(10,376)200,820190,444191,59210,376207,221196,845(6,401) 19) Museum & Archives (71,304) 460,470 389,166 369,286 33,804 452,218 418,414 (29,248)0.1% (223,339) 2,683,818 2,460,479 2,455,808 217,877 2,669,683 2,451,806 8,673 0.0% 20) Library Services - 832,963 832,963 779,318 24,000 887,023 863,023 (30,060)0.1% 21) Information Technology 22) Provincial Offences(1,535,791) 1,462,148 (73,643)(66,005)1,557,308 1,493,788 (63,520) (10,123)0.0% 23) Collections(474,998) 453,735 (21,960)(21,263) 474,998 453,735 (21,263) - 0.0% Ambulance & Emergency Measures Ambulance Services(6,077,876)8,796,0922,718,2162,615,5766,546,3179,320,3602,774,044(55,828) Emergency Measures(2,000)32,40330,40325,6442,00032,70330,703(300) 24) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. (6,079,876) 8,828,495 2,748,619 2,641,220 6,548,317 9,353,063 2,804,747 (56,127)0.2% Economic Development, Tourism & Planning Economic Development(122,585)1,198,6541,076,0691,073,14073,3291,174,4791,101,150(25,081) Planning-97,46397,46385,715-103,796103,796(6,333) (122,585) 1,296,118 1,173,533 1,158,854 73,329 1,278,275 1,204,946 (31,413)0.1% 25) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. (28,171,085) 52,886,425 25,232,522 24,029,697 28,549,668 55,343,485 26,793,817 (1,561,295)5.9% 26) Departmental 152 M:\\Financial Services\\SummaryOperating Budget 06/02/2014 10:58 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Activities Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECASTZero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET/ ACTUALBudgetBudget 4000000Levy Town of Aylmer-3,289,112-3,289,112-3,289,1120.00% 4010000Levy Municip of Dutton/Dunwich-1,945,205-1,945,206-1,945,2050.00% 4020000Levy Municip of West Elgin-2,710,676-2,710,676-2,710,6760.00% 4030000Levy Municip of Bayham-3,003,121-3,003,121-3,003,1210.00% 4040000Levy Township of Malahide-4,418,842-4,418,841-4,418,8420.00% 4050000Levy Township of Southwold-3,130,603-3,130,603-3,130,6030.00% 4060000Levy Municip of Central Elgin-8,123,402-8,123,402-8,123,4020.00% Total Levy-26,620,960-26620962-26,620,9600.00% 4100000Supp Town of Aylmer-9,231-47,764-47,764417.46% 4110000Supp Municip of Dutton/Dunwich-23,112-17,353-17,353-24.92% 4120000Supp Municip of West Elgin-19,018-25,595-25,59534.58% 4130000Supp Municip of Bayham-123,518-58,659-58,659-52.51% 4140000Supp Township of Malahide-90,703-79,114-79,114-12.78% 4150000Supp Township of Southwold-24,48600-100.00% 4160000Supp Municip of Central Elgin-58,767-110,490-110,49088.01% Total Supplementary Taxes-348,834-338,976-338,976-2.83% 4400000PIL Town of Aylmer-11,724-11,981-11,9812.19% 4410000PIL Municip of Dutton/Dunwich-138,732-80,361-80,361-42.08% 4420000PIL Municip of West Elgin-37,583-37,321-37,321-0.70% 4430000PIL Municip of Bayham-90,082-72,890-72,890-19.09% 4440000PIL Township of Malahide-290,429-302,070-302,0704.01% 4450000PIL Township of Southwold-479,975-481,266-340,266-29.11% 4460000PIL Municip of Central Elgin-1,057-114,669-114,66910752.84% Total PILs-1,049,582-1,100,558-959,558-8.58% 4270000Capping Town of Aylmer0-18,60700.00% 4280000Capping Municip of Dutton/Dunw0-5,09000.00% 4290000Capping Municip of West Elgin034,10800.00% 4230000Capping Municip of Bayham0-8,41500.00% 4240000Capping Township of Malahide023,85300.00% 4250000Capping Township of Southwold0-46,57300.00% 4260000Capping Municip of Central Elgin043,12300.00% Total Capping022,40000.00% 5000000Tax w/o Town of Aylmer54,03151,27951,279-5.09% 5010000Tax w/o Municip of Dutton/Dunw43,65824,86924,869-43.04% 5020000Tax w/o Municip of West Elgin21,57378,61578,615264.41% 5030000Tax w/o Municip of Bayham59,12911,77111,771-80.09% 5040000Tax w/o Township of Malahide120,907188,416188,41655.84% 5050000Tax w/o Township of Southwold329,093-500,573329,0930.00% 5060000Tax w/o Municip of Central Elgin142,27868,13668,136-52.11% Total Tax Write-Offs770,669-77,487752,179-2.40% 06/02/20149:22 AM 153 M:\\Corporate\\Corporate Activities COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Activities Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECASTZero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET/ ACTUALBudgetBudget 5150000Tax Relief2,50002,5000.00% Net Tax Revenue-27,246,207-28,115,582-27,164,814-0.30% 4320000Interest Income-81,080-70,357-81,0800.00% 4370000Other Revenue0000.00% 4950000Gain on Sale of Asset0000.00% Total Interest & Other Revenue-81,080-70,357-81,0800.00% 5140000Social Housing1,605,6001,781,5971,397,000-12.99% 5220000Child Care/St. Thomas224,400204,617224,4000.00% 5230000Income Maint/St. Thomas1,221,0001,066,4931,221,0000.00% 5210000Admin Fee/St. Thomas0000.00% Total Social Services3,051,0003,052,7082,842,400-6.84% 5160000Health Unit938,360938,360940,3950.22% 5110000Grants56,86557,86563,57611.80% 5115000Project Grants755,000755,000255,000-66.23% Total Grants811,865812,865318,576-60.76% 4330000Rental Revenue-188,262-188,262-188,2630.00% 8000000Amortization109,922109,922136,21223.92% Net Rental Revenue-78,341-78,340-52,051-33.56% 5120000Property Assessments719,640719,640723,0330.47% 4210000Community Reinvestment-1,770,900-1,770,900-1,505,900-14.96% 4360000Project Revenue-836,150-11,150-1,036,15023.92% 5960000Project Costs766,220275,661937,22022.32% Net Project-69,930264,511-98,930 Other01600.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST-23,725,594-24,247,080-24,078,3711.49% 06/02/20149:22 AM 154 M:\\Corporate\\Corporate Activities COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Activities Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Ba se Amount (Out Net Project Cumulative dof)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameonReserve Request Revenue Cost Operating Projects 26401002Sanitech 2010(200,000)-(200,000)(1,000,000)-(200,000)(1,025,000)15,671 26401401Healthcare Partnership66,00066,00066,000-66,000-66,000 27101401Insurance Deductibles75,00075,00075,000-75,000-75,000 28301401Performance Excellence15,00015,00015,000-15,000-15,000 28401401Orthodontics2,0002,0002,000-2,000-2,000 29001401WSIB 856014 Admin160,000160,000160,000-160,000-160,000 29001402WSIB 856134 Terrace Lodge25,00025,00025,000-25,000-25,000 29001403WSIB 856136 Elgin Manor90,00090,00090,000-90,000-90,000 29001404WSIB 856135 Bobier Villa85,00085,00085,000-85,000-85,000 29001405WSIB Other Indemnity(11,150)141,150130,000130,000-130,000(11,150)141,150 26401302Legal Settlement-132,399132,399132,399-132,399-132,399 28151201Hospital Foundation Donation 3,500,000----250,000 28101201IPM Scholarship-50,000---5,000 26401403SCOR Membership30,00030,00030,000-30,000-30,000 26401404Shoreline Erosion Study75,00075,00075,000-75,000-75,000 26401405Broadband Initiative25,00025,00025,000-25,000-25,000 Capital Fund Ambulance Bases- Capital Fund Ambulance B-aF200,000200,000-- Capital Project Reserve- Capital Project ReserveF230,000-230,000-- Total Operations Pr 921,549(211,150) 710,399 3,460,399430,0001,140,399(1,036,150)1,192,220 Capital Projects 28001204Ambulance Base - Landscaping Dutton-74,000---72,660 ------ Total Capital Projec - - 74,000- - - 72,660- (211,150)921,549710,3993,534,399430,0001,140,399(1,036,150)1,264,880 155 M:\\Corporate\\Corporate ActivitiesCorporate ActivitiesProject Budget06/02/2014 9:24 AM Attachment V COUNTY OF ELGIN GRANTS 2014 (H)/L 2012 Budget201320142013 Grants 1)Shedden Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - - 2)Wallacetown Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - 3)Rodney-Aldborough Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - 4)Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 7,500 7,500 - )Elgin 4-H Association 22,000,000 5 (732) 6)Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre 4,653 5,385 - 7)Quad County Support Services 2,000 2,000 - 8)Seniors Picnic 2,500 2,500 - 9)Non-specific 5,000 5,000 - 10)Town Crier 2,000 2,000 (362) 11)Second Stage Housing 6,462 6,824 - 12)Elgin Community Nutrition Partnership 5,000 5,000 - 13)Elgin County Plowmen's Association 200 200 - 14)Ontario 911 Advisory Board 100 100 15)Tourism Signage Grants 4,950 5,550 (600) - 16)City Charity Hockey Game 1,000 1,000 17)The Arts & Cookery Bank 2,500 (2,500) 18)St. Thomas Elgin Public Arts Centre 2,517 (2,517) - 19)Elgin County Railway Museum - - 20)Ontario Conservation Officers Association - 21) Total Regular Grants 56,865 63,576 (6,711) 20)IPM Legacy Scholarship 5,000 5,000 - 500,000 21)St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital 750,000 250,000 22)Total Grants 811,865 318,576 493,289 M:\\Corporate\\Corporate Activities\\Corporate Activities Grants 29/01/2014 10:24 AM 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 COUNTY OF ELGIN Warden Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 0000.00% Total Revenue0000.00% 5300100Wages55,93253,12856,9951.90% Total Salary55,93253,12856,995 5400100Benefits4,0402,6264,0901.23% 5490100Benefits - Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit4,0402,6264,0901.23% 5500100Travel4,5002,3424,5000.00% 5505100Travel - Other0000.00% 5510100Development6,4993,7706,4990.00% 5600100Recognition7,7503,8977,7500.00% 5610100Memberships0000.00% 5630100Office Supplies038600.00% 5730100Expenses3,0001673,0000.00% 5750100Election Reception9993129990.00% 6090100Miscellaneous020000.00% Total Operations22,74811,07522,7480.00% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST82,72066,82883,8331.35% 05/02/201411:33 AM 172 M:\\Corporate\\Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN Council Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350110Recoveries-3,036-2,047-3,0360.00% Total Revenue-3036-2046.5-30360.00% 5300110Wages165,827158,122168,9781.90% Total Salary165,827158,122168,978 5400110Benefits28,24826,39428,7501.78% 5490110Benefits - Manulife42404240.00% Total Benefit28,67226,39429,1741.75% 5500110Travel6,9965,7006,9960.00% 5505110Travel - Other01,11100.00% 5510110Development36,99616,99631,996-13.51% 5600110Recognition083800.00% 5610110Memberships13,4197,31414,91911.18% 5630110Office Supplies1,50001,5000.00% 5650110Advertising90009000.00% 5660110Printing2,0001,6522,0000.00% 5760110Meals/Refreshments8,0047,2068,0040.00% 5860110Supplies39603960.00% 6080110Ties, Crests, Pens, Gifts7,3049387,3040.00% 6090110Miscellaneous5,5003665,5000.00% Total Operations83,01542,12179,515-4.22% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST274,479224,591274,6310.06% 05/02/201411:35 AM 173 M:\\Corporate\\Council COUNTY OF ELGIN Administrative Services Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350130Recoveries1,20001,2000.00% 4360130Project Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue1200012000.00% 5300130Wages326,258284,370329,0120.84% 5310130Vacation Pay01,56800.00% 5330130Vacation Hrs031,46600.00% 5370130Sick/Bereavement01,65800.00% Total Salary326,258319,062329,012 5400130Benefits57,77264,15558,1720.69% 5480130Benefits - STD0000.00% 5490130Benefits - Manulife21,09719,02920,093-4.76% Total Benefit78,86983,18578,266-0.76% 5240130Accessibility Committee01,37900.00% 5500130Travel4,0044,3844,0040.00% 5505130Travel - Other043800.00% 5510130Development7,8963,9647,8960.00% 5610130Memberships2,0961,3722,0960.00% 5620130Subscriptions9962679960.00% 5630130Office Supplies1,2964361,2960.00% 5880130Equipment5045805040.00% 5910130Special Projects5045005040.00% 6090130Miscellaneous047800.00% 0000.00% Total Operations17,29613,79717,2960.00% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST423,623416,043425,7740.51% 05/02/201411:47 AM 174 M:\\Administrative Services\\Administrative Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Agriculture Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 0000.00% Total Revenue0000.00% 0000.00% Total Salary000 0000.00% Total Benefit0000.00% 5850230Purchased Services42,90142,90741,203-3.96% 5930230Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fu2,6503142,6500.00% 5960230Project Costs3,00003,0000.00% 8000230Amortization Total Operations48,55043,22146,852-3.50% Other0-13,00000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST48,55030,22146,852-3.50% 05/02/201411:49 AM 175 Tab 13 - Page 4 of 5 M:\\Administrative Services\\Agriculture COUNTY OF ELGIN Agriculture Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 28Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Based on (A)ctual or Amount Net Project Cumulative (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request Revenue Cost Operating Projects -- - - - 29601301Tree Replanting3,0003,000 Woodlot3,000A(3,000)- - 3,000 Total Operations Pr 3,000- 3,000 3,000(3,000) --3,000 Capital Projects 29601402Vehicle KCCA30,00030,00030,000-30,000 - 30,000 ---- - - Total Capital Projec 30,000- 30,000 30,000 30,000- 30,000- 33,000-33,00033,000(3,000)30,000 33,000- 176 M:\\Administrative Services\\AgricultureAgricultureProject Budget05/02/2014 1:28 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Financial Services Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 0000.00% Total Revenue0000.00% 5300140Wages444,074368,651424,142-4.49% 5330140Vacation033,11100.00% 5370140Sick03,53300.00% Total Salary444,074405,295424,142 5400140Benefits77,40175,93176,020-1.78% 5490140Benefits - Manulife31,34525,62527,460-12.39% Total Benefit108,746101,556103,480-4.84% 5500140Travel2,0001,5152,0000.00% 5505140Travel - Other1,0005571,0000.00% 5510140Development7,0004,06213,60094.29% 5610140Memberships5,5003,5746,0009.09% 5630140Office Supplies3,6412,4993,6410.00% 5880140Equipment022400.00% 5920140Repairs/Maintenance50000-99.99% 5960140Project Costs4,0004,3200-100.00% 6090140Miscellaneous1,0001,8923,700270.01% Total Operations24,64118,64129,94121.51% Other013200.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST577,461525,624557,563-3.45% 05/02/20141:34 PM 177 M:\\Financial Services\\Financial Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Human Resources Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350160Recoveries0-82900.00% 4360160Project Revenue-30,000-31,416-30,0000.00% Total Revenue-30000-32244.95-300000.00% 5300160Wages386,970354,140398,9623.10% 5330160Vacation Hrs030,89000.00% 5370160Sick/Bereav05,02000.00% Total Salary386,970390,050398,962 5400160Benefits69,53671,45671,4942.82% 5490160Benefits - Manulife27,67727,78729,1045.16% Total Benefit97,21299,243100,5993.48% 5500160Travel3,4963,7333,4960.00% 5505160Travel - Other5007995000.00% 5510160Development3,6048133,6040.00% 5610160Memberships1,4961,0151,4960.00% 5620160Subscriptions3002343000.00% 5630160Office Supplies1,9041,7411,9040.00% 5640160Photocopy1,0001,7041,0000.00% 5650160Advertising1,00001,0000.00% 5880160Equipment034600.00% 5960160Project Costs19,00016339,000105.26% 6090160Miscellaneous7001357000.00% Total Operations33,00010,68353,00060.61% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST487,182467,731522,5607.26% 05/02/20141:37 PM 178 M:\\Human Resources\\Human Resources COUNTY OF ELGIN Human Resources Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Ba se d Amount on(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative (A)Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamectuReserve Request RevenueCost Contract Operating Projects 26701401Staff Training12,00012,000 21601403A(12,000)12,000- - 12,000 21601401Accessability Coordinato(30,000)(30,000)(30,000)-(30,000)(30,000)- 21601402Assessability Committee7,0007,0007,000-7,000 - 7,000 21601403Physical Demands Analysis20,00020,00020,000-20,000 - 20,000 Total Operations Pr 39,000(30,000) 9,000 9,000 (12,000)(3,000)(30,000)39,000 179 M:\\Human Resources\\Human ResourcesHuman ResourcesProject Budget05/02/2014 1:37 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Administration Building Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4330200Rental Revenue(379,095)(373,708)(373,713)-1.42% 4350200Recoveries - (2,720) - 0.00% 4370200Other Revenue - (718) - 0.00% Total Revenue(379,095)(377,146)(373,713)-1.42% 5300200Wages209,796186,365199,990-4.67% 5330200Vacation Hrs 15,635 - - 0.00% 5370200Sick/Bereav - 3,399 - 0.00% Total Salary209,796205,399199,990 5400200Benefits37,95138,19636,046-5.02% 5450200In-Lieu of Benefits - - - 0.00% 5490200Benefits - Manulife19,72314,55218,746-4.95% Total Benefit57,67452,74754,792-5.00% 5500200Travel11,01410,7099,014-18.16% 5505200Travel - Other - 1,057 - 0.00% 5510200Development4,0001,8253,500-12.50% 5850200Purchased Services200,000169,712190,000-5.00% 5880200Equipment6,000 - 5,000-16.67% 5920200Repairs/Maintenance20,00016,86118,000-10.00% 5940200Utilities150,000148,659150,0000.00% 5950200Property Taxes27,00024,95927,0000.00% 5960200Project Costs105,00040,040105,0000.00% 6090200Miscellaneous5,0002905,0000.00% 8000200Depreciation67,70467,71071,3805.43% Total Operations595,718481,821583,894-1.98% Other - - - 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST484,093362,821464,962-3.95% 05/02/20141:39 PM 180 M:\\Engineering Reports\\Administration Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Administration Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 as Amount ed (Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative onInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve Name(AReserve Request Revenue Cost Contract Operating Projects 26001401Heat pump replacement10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 26001402Miscellaneous professional services15,00015,00015,000-15,000 - 15,000 26001403Miscellaneous Maintenance10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 26601401Painting10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 ---- - - 26601402Building Improvements - Admin60,00060,00060,000-60,000 - 60,000 ---- - - ---- - - Total Operations Projects 105,000-105,000105,000 105,000- 105,000- Capital Projects 26601203Sanitary Sewer 100,000- - - - 97,252 26601204Lawn Sprinkler System-10,000-- - 10,000 26601303Washroom Renovations-80,000-- - 80,000 26601304Building Automation System Upgrades - Admin15,00015,00030,000-15,000 - 30,000 26601404Building improvements - Admin25,00025,00025,000-25,000 - 25,000 26601306Parking lot repairs-200,000-- - 198,350 26601307Miscellaneous capital projects360,000360,000430,000-360,000 - 399,821 26601406Museum Storage150,000150,000150,000-150,000 - 150,000 26601407Building Improve/Space Needs (Museum, POA, ED & Planning)100,000100,000100,000-100,000 - 100,000 Total Capital Projects 650,000-650,0001,125,000 650,000- 1,090,422- 181 M:\\Engineering Reports\\Administration BuildingAdministration BuildingProject Budget05/02/2014 1:47 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECASTZero Based Zero Base / ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350120Recoveries-1,0000-1,0000.00% 4360120Project Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue-1,0000-10000.00% Total Salary000 5470120Benefits Retiree0000.00% 5490120Benefits Retiree - Manul15,53910,30115,5390.00% Total Benefit15,53910,30115,5390.00% 5510120Development0000.00% 5600120Recognition12,50019,52312,5000.00% 5610120Memberships1,5001,8001,5000.00% 5640120Photocopy7,0003,6177,0000.00% 5650120Advertising 05100.00% 5680120Telephone/Fax37,50034,42337,5000.00% 5700120911 Emergency Respons0000.00% 5720120Postage/Courier19,50022,38522,42615.00% 5770120Legal & Professional158,800188,512333,800110.20% 5780120Audit21,50016,88721,5000.00% 5800120Insurance287,268299,864334,55316.46% 5810120Payroll Charges25,38023,85825,3800.00% 5830120Bank Charges 03700.00% 5850120Purchased Services 099900.00% 5860120Supplies1,800791,8000.00% 5940120Utilities - Hedge-22,500-39,320-22,5000.00% 6080120Bereavement Flowers/Do9,9962,1869,9960.00% 6090120Miscellaneous0726 Total Operations560,245575,628785,45540.20% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST574,784585,929799,99439.18% 06/02/20149:19 AM 182 M:\\Corporate\\Corporate COUNTY OF ELGIN Engineering Services Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4205170Project Rev - Prov0000.00% 4215170Project Rev - Fed-1,510,468-1,510,468-1,434,914-5.00% 4360170Project Revenue-72,509-78,066-38,688-46.64% 4370170Other Revenue-100,005-208,666-100,0050.00% Total Revenue-1,682,982-1,797,199-1,573,607-6.50% 5300170Wages288,388253,858285,122-1.13% 5310170Vacation Pay087600.00% 5330170Vacation Hrs026,00700.00% Total Salary288,388280,740285,122 5400170Benefits51,50250,61153,4883.86% 5490170Benefits - Manulife27,16625,43226,449-2.64% Total Benefit78,66876,04379,9371.61% 5500170Travel16,30013,44516,3000.00% 5505170Travel - Other2,0002,4782,0000.00% 5510170Development4,0001,8843,500-12.50% 5610170Memberships2,5001,6582,5000.00% 5630170Office Supplies2,5001,3942,5000.00% 5640170Photocopy2,0007461,000-50.00% 5880170Equipment3,0005,3253,0000.00% 5930170Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fu7,00011,3607,0000.00% 5940170Utilities Street Lights21,00023,86521,0000.00% 5960170Project Costs679,205617,774632,014-6.95% 6090170Miscellaneous7,0002,1843,500-50.00% 6310170Railway Protection55,00049,91455,0000.00% r3,005,9973,001,1443,044,7711.29% 6320170Maintenance/Lower Tie 7950170Loss on Sale/Writedown0103,408726,7030.00% 8000170Amortization7,710,7007,729,6397,965,2773.30% Total Operations11,518,20211,566,21812,486,0658.40% Other07,44700.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST10,202,27610,133,24811,277,51810.54% 06/02/20149:25 AM 183 M:\\Engineering Reports\\Engineering Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Engineering Services Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 a Amount Net Project Cumulative s(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameeReserve Request Revenue Cost Operating Projects 32051401Garage - Misc(38,687)25,000(13,687) Capital GarageA13,687(13,687)-(38,687)25,000 60901408road crack sealing and asphalt patches80,00080,00080,000-80,000-80,000 63201401Major Maintenance Projects200,000200,000200,000-200,000-200,000 63001401municipal drains (5 year average assessment total)185,000185,000185,000-185,000-185,000 62901406King George Lift Bridge Repairs30,00030,00030,000-30,000-30,000 62601402road sign replacements10,00010,00010,000-10,000-10,000 60901406Electrical Servicing Contract (Traffic Signals and Beacons)35,00035,00035,000-35,000-35,000 60901407Miscellaneous Consulting (i.e. Road Slope Stabilization)50,00050,00050,000-50,000-50,000 62901305Asset Management Funding0-----17,014 ------- - Total Operations Projects(38,687)615,000576,313576,31313,687590,000(38,687)632,014 Capital Projects 62201303Road 16 Resurfacing - Fingal, Road 20 east, MR10-70,000---67,604 60901302Union Road Slope Stabilization0-530,000---73,443 62901303Minor Bridge Repairs0-300,000---182,636 62001305Centennial Ave Rehabilitation0 1,610,000--- 1,610,000- 62001406Federal Gas Tax Funding(1,434,914)0(1,434,914)(1,434,914)-(1,434,914)(1,434,914)- 62101401Land Purchase$20,00020,00020,000-20,000-20,000 62001401Road 44 Rehabilitation (Hwy 3 to Rd 19) $1,800,0001,800,0001,800,000-1,800,000 1,800,000- 62001402Road 40 Rehabilitation (Hwy 3 to Glencolin Line)$600,000600,000600,000-600,000-600,000 62001403Road 45 Rehabilitation (Rd 4 to Rd 28)$775,000775,000775,000-775,000-775,000 62001404Road 5 PDST (Hwy 401 to Crinnan Line)$520,000520,000520,000-520,000-520,000 62001405Road 36 Reconstruction (Sparta)$450,000450,000450,000-450,000-450,000 62201401Road 76 West Lorne Resurfacing (MR1)$425,000425,000425,000-425,000-425,000 62201402Road 2 Resurfacing (Rd 8 to Ecker Drain)$235,000235,000235,000-235,000-235,000 Road 16 Resurfacing - Fingal, Road 20 east, MR1$85,00085,00085,000-85,000-85,000 62201403 62501401Road 45 Micro Surfacing (40 to 43) plus ditching$225,000225,000225,000-225,000-225,000 62501403Road 40 Micro Surfacing (Rd 42 to Road 45)$110,000110,000110,000-110,000-110,000 62501404Road 14 Micro Surfacing (Iona Bridge to Middlemiss Bridge)$265,000265,000265,000-265,000-265,000 62901401Middlemiss Bridge Rehab (1/2 Middlesex County)$200,000200,000200,000-200,000-200,000 60901401Chatham Street Slope Drainage$65,00065,00065,000-65,000-65,000 60901402Ferguson Line Slope Stabilization$60,00060,00060,000-60,000-60,000 60901403Bridge Street and Colbourne Traffic Signal Replacement$325,000325,000325,000-325,000-325,000 a$ 75,00075,000 75,000 - 75,000 - 75,000 62901402Bradley Creek Culvert Replacement - Engineering plus John St. curb rep 62901403Culvert Slip Linings 175,000$ 175,000 175,000 - 175,000 - 175,000 62601401Road Sign Replacements - West Elgin, Dunwich, Southwold425,000$ 425,000 425,000 - 425,000 - 425,000 60901404Guiderail Installations 192,000$ 192,000 192,000 - 192,000 - 192,000 60901405Permanent Traffic Counter Stations20,000$ 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 - 20,000 62201404Road 19 Resurfacing (Vienna to Straffordville)$540,000540,000540,000-540,000-540,000 62001407Dexter Line Relocation 500,000500,000500,000-500,000-500,000 Total Capital Projects (1,434,914)8,087,0006,652,0869,162,086 6,652,086-(1,434,914)10,020,683 Total Operating and Capital Projects Budgets(1,473,601)8,702,0007,228,3999,738,399 13,6877,242,086(1,473,601)10,652,698 184 M:\\Engineering Reports\\Engineering ServicesEngineering ServicesProject Budget06/02/2014 9:26 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Land Division Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4340220Fees-120,000-107,850-137,50014.58% Total Revenue-120000-107850-13750014.58% 5300220Wages61,66755,07062,6001.51% 5310220Vacation Hrs04,89600.00% 5350220Wages Land Committee15,60012,30015,8501.60% Total Salary77,26772,26678,450 5400220Benefits11,13710,78511,2741.23% 5450220Lieu3,5883,7313,6421.51% 5490220Benefits - Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit14,72514,51614,9171.30% 5500220Travel1,9811,8601,9810.00% 5505220Travel - Other0000.00% 5510220Development3,9963,1043,9960.00% 5610220Memberships7206607200.00% 5620220Subscriptions6004066000.00% 5630220Office Supplies14,1725,10814,2200.34% 5770220Legal & Professional10,00019,41822,250122.50% 6090220Miscellaneous2502,5532500.00% 8000220Amortization4544544540.00% Total Operations32,17333,56444,47138.23% Other077000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST4,16513,266337-91.91% 05/02/20142:01 PM 185 m:\\Engineering Reports\\Land Division COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Program Support Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040010P of Ont - PSS(281,107) (281,108) (285,335) 1.50% 435040010Recoveries(39,575) (39,597) (39,060) -1.30% 436040010Project Revenue(3,718) (2,049) (8,870) 138.56% Total Revenue(324,400) (322,754) (333,264) 0 530040010Wages193,393 167,975 187,515 -3.04% 530640010Project Wages- 1,639 5,913 0.00% Total Salary193,393 169,614 193,429 540040010Benefits47,828 45,397 47,875 0.10% 540640010Project Benefits- 410 2,957 0.00% 542040010Benefits- Prev Vac8,857 9,710 10,141 14.50% 543040010Vacation Pay11,270 9,493 9,953 -11.69% 545040010Lieu7,401 7,097 7,425 0.32% 547040010Sick/Bereavement3,290 3,652 3,819 16.08% 549040010Benefits - Manulife7,804 5,256 5,540 -29.01% Total Benefit86,451 81,016 87,711 1.46% 550040010Travel504 367 504 0.00% 550540010Travel - Other- --0.00% 551040010Development796107960.00% 585040010Purchased Services28,89458,86042,00045.36% 586040010Supplies4,5006,7344,5000.00% 588040010Equipment4,1428053,000-27.57% 596040010Project Costs3,718 ---100.00% 680040010Program Specific Raw F 3,5292,003 2,003 0.00% Total Operations44,556 70,304 52,803 18.51% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST (1,820)167885669.74% 186 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Program SupportElgin Manor Program Supportproposed budget05/02/2014 2:03 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Program Support Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Cumulative as(Out of)/ Net Current Net Project Project Reserve eInto Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NamedReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects - - - - - - 40011401Funded Exercise - EM(8,870)8,870 -0 - (8,870)-8,870 - - - - - - Total Operations Project 8,870(8,870) - 0 - (8,870)-8,870 187 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Program SupportElgin Manor Program SupportProject Budget05/02/2014 2:04 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Dietary Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420041010P of Ont - RF(254,257) (254,253) (258,152) 1.53% 435041010Recoveries(12,723) (12,727) (12,723) 0.00% 436041010Project Revenue(5,106) (5,106) (3,936) -22.91% Total Revenue(272,086) (272,086) (274,811) 0 530041010Wages436,679 431,653 444,754 1.85% 530641010Project Wages4,618 695 2,682 -41.92% Total Salary441,297 432,348 447,436 540041010Benefits128,631 113,901 118,930 -7.54% 540641010Project Benefits234 71 - -100.00% 541041010Vacation Pay2,076 2,323 2,437 17.36% 542041010Benefits- Prev Vac10,710 11,881 12,382 15.62% 543041010Vacation Hrs25,796 25,913 27,175 5.35% 545041010Lieu25,530 25,776 26,972 5.65% 545641010Lieu $$ - 95 100 0.00% 547041010Sick/Bereave4,744 4,813 5,021 5.83% 549041010Benefits - Manulife34,151 31,052 32,729 -4.16% Total Benefit231,872 215,825 225,746 -2.64% 550041010Travel504 139 504 0.00% 550541010Travel - Other - - - 0.00% 551041010Development1,5003391,5000.00% 585041010Purchased Services3,4983,0273,4980.00% 586041010Supplies23,61728,77223,6170.00% 588041010Equipment3,9971,5553,9970.00% 592041010Repairs/Maintenance6,0001,7906,0000.00% 596041010Project Costs3,9362963,9360.00% 681041010Raw Food266,980282,190270,8751.46% 681141010Raw Food - Non-Reside - 2311,2000.00% Total Operations310,032318,339315,1261.64% Other - - - 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 711,115 694,426 713,4980.34% 05/02/20142:06 PM 188 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Dietary Proposed Budget 2014 Cumulative B Amount Current Net Project Project as(Out of)/ Net Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost BudgetBudgetReserve NameeIntoRequest Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects - - - - - - 41011401New Staff Orientation2,6822,6822,682-2,682-2,682 41011402Other Training - EM- - - - - - - 41011403HINF Supplemental B(3,936)3,936 - - - (3,936)-3,936 Total Operations (3,936) 6,618 2,682 2,682 - 2,682(3,936)6,618 Capital Projects Kitchen Equipment Replacement- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Capital Proj - - - - - - - - 189 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor DietaryElgin Manor DietaryProject Budget05/02/2014 2:07 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042010P of Ont - NPC(2,880,728) (2,901,760) (2,934,926) 1.88% 420142010P of Ont - On Call Physician(15,000) (14,962) (15,000) 0.00% 435042010Recoveries - Supplies & Services(2,000) (1,740) (2,000) 0.00% 435542010Recoveries - Wages- --0.00% 436042010Project Revenue(304,969)(278,555)(290,635)-4.70% Total Revenue(3,202,697)(3,197,017)(3,242,561)0 530142010Wages - RN487,557440,692495,6991.67% 530742010Project Wages- RN58,63360,91577,81532.71% 530242010Wages - RPN386,636370,808387,6530.26% 530842010Project Wages - RPN92,32695,53377,601-15.95% 530342010Wages - HCA1,719,1181,700,4381,745,9841.56% 530942010Project Wages - HCA27,04523,84223,346-13.68% 530442010Wages - DON101,89289,958162,21659.20% 531042010Project Wages DON10,15017,90710,3431.90% 530542010Wages - WC50,32222,54225,538-49.25% Total Salary2,933,6802,822,6353,006,1942.47% 540142010Benefits RN94,23889,43593,536-0.74% 540742010Project Benefits - RN20,14411,90719,454-3.43% 541142010Vacation Pay - RN17,86222,61823,69432.65% 543142010Vacation Hrs - RN27,78230,29131,72114.18% 545142010Lieu - RN26,44026,23527,4653.88% 547142010Sick/Bereav - RN15,44035,67237,387142.15% 549142010Benefits Manulife - RN24,11123,55524,8272.97% 540242010Benefits - RPN115,88797,827102,302-11.72% 540842010Project Benefits - RPN23,08217,31620,169-12.62% 541242010Vacation Pay - RPN -7998390.00% 543242010Vacation Hrs - RPN31,77128,04929,414-7.42% 545242010Lieu - RPN17,26217,10917,8973.68% 546242010Top Up - RPN -9941,0000.00% 547242010Sick/Bereav - RPN9,7318,2168,592-11.71% 549242010Benefits Manulife - RPN35,62332,12033,854-4.96% 540342010Benefits- HCA542,493486,568460,962-15.03% 540942010Project Benefits - HCA6,7613,3855,068-25.05% 541342010Vacation Pay - HCA(22,638)(2,292)(2,405)-89.38% 543342010Vacation Hrs - HCA110,86894,79899,294-10.44% 543742010Vacation Hrs-6266560.00% 545342010Vacation Hrs - HCA113,094104,513109,344-3.32% 545042010Lieu $$- --0.00% 545742010Lieu $$592373390-34.11% 05/02/20142:08 PM 190 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 545842010Lieu $$6,8113,1253,244-52.38% 545942010Lieu $$2,3682,2642,3740.28% 546342010Top Up - HCA 1,172-1,2290.00% 547342010Sick/Bereav - HCA38,73539,17440,9595.74% 548342010STD - HCA - --0.00% 549342010Benefits Manulife - HCA117,204112,416118,4861.09% 540442010Benefits - DON22,26023,52724,61810.59% 541042010Project Benefits - DON2,5383,6792,5861.90% 543442010Vacation Hrs(new) - DON4,6715,8466,13231.29% 547442010Sick/Bereav - DON1,6882,5512,66157.63% 549442010Benefits Manulife - DON6,7127,1677,55412.55% 540542010Benefits - WC3,4716,8237,157106.22% 543542010Vacation Hrs - WC1853,0273,1761619.33% 545042010Benefits - WC (old)- --0.00% 547542010Benefit - Sick/Bereav- WC2,4011,1211,176-51.02% 549542010Benefits WC - Manulife5,7725,5005,7970.43% 542242010Benefits- Prev Vac13,78710,90211,349-17.68% 542342010Benefits- Prev Vac50,68859,60962,18922.69% Total Benefit1,489,8311,418,0171,446,146-2.93% 550042010Travel4956784950.00% 550542010Travel - Other 1,225--0.00% 551042010Development3,9983,3483,9980.00% 585042010Purchased Services19,17814,63919,1780.00% 586042010Supplies35,84534,29935,8450.00% 588042010Equipment11,4999,9828,999-21.74% 592042010Repairs/Maintenance9,3414,6169,3410.00% 596042010Project Costs86,36054,63298,16313.67% 682042010Medical Director30,63232,59930,6320.00% 683042010Incontinence41,05933,91141,0590.00% Total Operations238,407189,928247,7103.90% Other-0 -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 1,233,5631,459,221 1,457,489 -0.12% 05/02/20142:08 PM 191 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 B as Amount Net Project Cumulative ed(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameonReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - 42011322RPN Funding - EM(16,500)16,500--- (16,500)-13,675 s 6,018-6,0186,018-6,018 - 6,018 42011432LTCH Act/Regs Man.Team 42011429New Grad Initiative - EM(10,661)10,661--- (10,661)-10,661 42011436Outbreaks - EM------ - - 42011426Other Training - EM------ - - 42011498R.N.A.O. 2013/2014------ -5,000 42011422RPN Funding - EM(49,500)49,500--- (49,500)-49,500 42011421Lab Cost Recovery - EM(5,200)5,200----(5,200)5,200 42011431New Hire Orientation - EM-21,78721,78721,787-21,787 - 21,787 42011499Training Coordinator-12,92912,92912,929-12,929 - 12,929 42011401MDS RAI - EM(54,996)55,933937937-937(54,996)55,933 42011423Late Career - EM 2013/14(22,727)22,727--- (22,727)-22,727 42011438BSO Funding Nurses- EM(14,868)14,868--- (14,868)(0)14,868 $ 5,175(5,175)----(5,175)5,175 42011402HINF Supplemental Base 42011404HINF Funding Reimbursed (1,200)1,2636363-63(1,200)1,263 42011407HINF Supplemental Base $ 5,175(5,175)----(5,175)5,175 42011408HINF Supplemental Base $ 5,175(5,175)----(5,175)5,175 $ 5,175(5,175)----(5,175)5,175 42011409HINF Supplemental Base 42011439BSO Funding PSW - EM(15,084)15,084--- (15,084)-15,084 42011441Physiotherapy Services - E(67,500)67,500--- (67,500)-67,500 42011403One Time Funding Training 11,700(11,700) - -- (11,700)-11,700 Total Operations Proj 332,370(290,635) 41,735 41,735 - (290,635)41,735334,545 Capital Projects 42011202Nursing Equipment-9,271---(0) 42011203Lifts21,59921,59960,902-21,599 - 22,042 42011450Tub Replacements12,59912,59912,599-12,599 - 12,599 Misc---- - - ---- - - Total Capital Projects 34,198- 34,198 82,772 -34,198 - 34,641 192 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor NursingElgin Manor NursingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:10 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Housekeeping Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436043010Project Revenue-1,755-1,7550-100.00% Total Revenue-1755-17550-100.00% 530043010Wages257,555240,973262,4241.89% 530643010Project Wages - HSK7,13502,421-66.07% Total Salary264,689240,973264,845 540043010Benefits107,66792,50894,505-12.22% 540643010Project Stat/Combined - 3,21801,210-62.38% 541043010Vacation Pay 04,8015,0360.00% 542043010Benefits- Prev Vac 018,29019,0860.00% 543043010Vacation Hrs23,24916,92317,752-23.64% 545043010Lieu15,72316,14316,8807.36% 547043010Sick/Bereav4,3865,7706,01137.05% 549043010Benefits - Manulife22,95420,33921,437-6.61% Total Benefit177,197174,774181,9182.66% 550043010Travel25302530.00% 550543010Travel - Other0000.00% 551043010Development0000.00% 585043010Purchased Services6,9132,7184,400-36.35% 586043010Supplies22,50015,04518,000-20.00% 588043010Equipment5,5024034,000-27.30% 592043010Repairs/Maintenance2,0002,7392,0000.00% Total Operations37,16720,90528,652-22.91% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST477,298434,897475,415-0.39% 05/02/20142:11 PM 193 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Housekeeping Proposed Budget 2014 Cumulative se Amount Net Current Net Project Project Reserve d(Out of)/ Into FundingYear Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NameonReserve Request Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects - - - - - - 43011401New Hire Orientation - EM1,1041,1041,104-1,104 1,104- 43011402Floor Cleaning2,5282,5282,528-2,528 2,528- 43011403Other Training - EM- - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Operations 3,632-3,6323,632 3,632- 3,631- 194 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor HousekeepingElgin Manor HousekeepingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:12 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Laundry Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 457044010Valet- --0.00% Total Revenue- --0.00% 530044010Wages45,53943,04946,4151.92% Total Salary45,53943,04946,415 540044010Benefits10,3487,9518,315-19.65% 543044010Vacation Pay1,418 ---100.00% 545044010Lieu $$4,5563,1893,339-26.70% 547044010Benefit - Sick/Bereav -6927260.00% 549044010Benefits Manulife- --0.00% Total Benefit16,32211,83212,380-24.15% 585044010Purchased Services114,997119,888114,9970.00% 586044010Supplies2,7841,8502,7840.00% 592044010Repairs and Maintenanc 4491,200 1,200 0.00% Total Operations118,981 122,187 118,981 0.00% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 180,841 177,068177,775-1.70% 05/02/20142:13 PM 195 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Laundry Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2014 Based on Cumulative (A)ctual Amount Net Project Project or (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request Total Total Capital Projects 44011301New Washer 20,000-- - -20,000 - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - Total Capital Projec - - 20,000- - - 20,000- 196 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor LaundryElgin Manor LaundryProject Budget05/02/2014 2:14 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Building Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435045010Recoveries0-74200.00% 436045010Project Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue0-742.200.00% 530045010Wages46,69740,69347,3951.50% 533045010Vac Pay05,07600.00% 537045010Sick/Bereavement048800.00% 530645010Project Wages0000.00% Total Salary46,69746,25647,395 540045010Benefits13,1448,5248,918-32.16% 543045010Vacation Hrs0000.00% 549045010Benefits - Manulife5,4655,2095,4900.45% Total Benefit18,61013,73314,408-22.58% 550045010Travel960960.00% 550545010Travel - Other0000.00% 551045010Development0000.00% 585045010Purchased Services107,70270,508107,7020.00% 585145010Purchased Services - SP69,25458,86869,2540.00% 586045010Supplies0000.00% 588045010Equipment2,49702,4970.00% 592045010Repairs/Maintenance21,00113,66221,0010.00% 592145010Repairs/Maintenance - SP7,9994,0617,9990.00% 594045010Utilities193,754194,844193,7540.00% 596045010Project Costs52,00023,41120,000-61.54% 609045010Miscellaneous0000.00% Total Operations454,303365,354422,303-7.04% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST519,609424,602484,106-6.83% 05/02/20142:16 PM 197 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 se Amount Net Project Cumulative Reserve d(Out of)/ Into Net Funding ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NameonReserve Request Total Total Operating Projects -- -- - - 45011401Interior Painting - EM10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 45011402Misc. Professional Services - EM10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 -- -- - - Total Operations Projects- 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 2 0,000 - 20,000 Capital Projects 45011351Boiler Replacement25,00025,00050,000 -25,000 - 25,234 45011352Fencing Repairs10,00010,00025,000 -10,000 - 13,544 45011353Pumps & Equipment (STP)10,00010,00050,000 -10,000 - 19,279 45011450Main Electrical Feed30,00030,00030,000 -30,000 - 30,000 45011451Resident's Keys10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 -- -- - - Total Capital Projects 85,000-85,000165,000 -85,000 - 98,057 198 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor BuildingElgin Manor BuildingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:18 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Admin Proposed Budget 2013 Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420046010P of Ont - OA-173,900-128,881-142,456-18.08% 420146010P of Ont - Pay Equity-6,300-6,300-6,3000.00% 420546010Project Rev - Prov-339,996-339,996-339,9960.00% 435046010Recoveries-33,918-19,376-33,9180.00% 436046010Project Revenue-15,000-6,661-15,0000.00% 450046010Private-343,528-342,071-362,4445.51% 451046010Private - Basic Comp-1,017,460-1,021,040-1,030,2591.26% 452046010Semi-5,264-6,720-4,265-18.97% 453046010Semi - Basic Comp-34,766-46,638-26,604-23.48% 454046010Basic-592,772-611,743-628,4376.02% 455046010Respite-12,613-16,745-16,32929.46% 461546010General Store Sales0-297-5,0000.00% Total Revenue-2,575,517-2,546,469-2,611,0091.38% 530046010Wages169,680153,434172,2271.50% 530646010Project Wages0000.00% 533046010Vacation Pay016,45300.00% 537046010Sick/Bereavement02,51600.00% Total Salary169,680172,403172,2271.50% 540046010Benefits37,56232,06845,35620.75% 540646010Project Benefits0000.00% 545046010Lieu $$143031122.82% 546046010Top Up6,82700-100.00% 547046010Sick/Bereav17100-100.00% 549046010Benefits - Manulife22,99616,93117,845-22.40% Total Benefit67,57049,02963,232-6.42% 550046010Travel9114519110.00% 550546010Travel - Other3433193430.00% 551046010Development2,2521,8961,752-22.20% 560046010Recognition8009008000.00% 561046010Memberships8,2008,0288,2000.00% 562046010Subscriptions6004916000.00% 563046010Office Supplies5,0003,6524,500-10.00% 564046010Photocopy5,0042,4425,0040.00% 565046010Advertising1,400123800-42.86% 568046010Telephone/Fax9,5048,5159,5040.00% 572046010Postage/Courier6501,4126500.00% 575046010Petty Cash Over/Short01300.00% 585046010Purchased Services3,0046,4143,0040.00% 588046010Equipment1,0051,0491,0050.00% 591546010Special - General Store04,4935,0000.00% 592046010Repairs/Maintenance50405040.00% 596046010Project Costs41,0003,20249,00019.51% 609046010Miscellaneous5043345040.00% 682046010Medical Director0000.00% 685046010Reimbursed Supplies/Cl24,00023,64921,000-12.50% 800046010Amortization511,438511,439514,2790.56% Total Operations616,120578,822627,3611.82% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST-1,722,146-1,746,215-1,748,1891.51% 05/02/20142:19 PM 199 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Admin Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2014 Cumulative a Amount (Out Current Net Project Project Reserve sof)/ Into Net Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NameeReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 46011401Donations - EM(15,000)(15,000) Donations Elgi(15,000)nA15,000 - (15,000) - 46011402Staff Enrichment - EM2,000 2,000 2,000 Donations ElginA(2,000) - -2,000 nA(2,000) - -2,000 46011403Life Enrichment - EM2,000 2,000 2,000 Donations Elgi 46011404Miscellaneous Donations - EM10,000 10,000 10,000 Donations ElginA(10,000) - -10,000 46011405Furniture Replacement - EM10,000 10,000 10,000 -10,000 -10,000 46011406Interior Upgrades Donations - EM5,0005,000 Donations Elgi5,000nA(5,000) - -5,000 nA(20,000) - -20,000 46011407Exterior Upgrades Donations - EM20,000 20,000 20,000 Donations Elgi Total Operations Projects (15,000) 49,000 34,00034,000(24,000)10,000(15,000)49,000 Capital Projects - - -- - - 46011201Kitchen Equipment Replacement 55,000- -- -26,086 46011408Compliance Premium - EM(339,996)(339,996)(339,996)-(339,996)(339,996) - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - Total Capital Projects(339,996) - (339,996)(284,996) (339,996)-(339,996)26,086 200 M:\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor AdminElgin Manor AdminProject Budget05/02/2014 2:24 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Program Support Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040020P of Ont - PSS(312,342) (312,342) (317,039) 1.50% 435040020Recoveries(30,683) (30,708) (44,069) 43.63% 436040020Project Revenue(4,131) (3,557) (9,855) 138.56% Total Revenue(347,156) (346,606) (370,963) 0 530040020Wages205,447 203,007 201,290 -2.02% 530640020Project Wages- 2,846 6,570 0.00% Total Salary205,447 205,852 207,860 540040020Benefits61,338 54,288 59,240 -3.42% 540640020Project Benefits- 711 3,285 0.00% 541040020Vacation Pay- 1,636 1,716 0.00% 542040020Benefits- Prev Vac14,132 7,689 8,024 -43.22% 543040020Vacation Hrs8,524 7,377 7,723 -9.39% 545040020Lieu12,418 13,425 14,047 13.12% 546040020Top Up- 4,802 5,005 0.00% 547040020Sick/Bereave3,979 3,444 3,606 -9.37% 549040020Benefits - Manulife17,312 16,486 17,376 0.37% Total Benefit117,701 109,858 120,022 1.97% 550040020Travel500 199 500 0.00% 550540020Travel - Other- --0.00% 551040020Development700111200-71.43% 585040020Purchased Services24,31745,08636,41749.76% 586040020Supplies5,1064,1464,100-19.70% 592040020Repairs/Maintenance- --0.00% 588040020Equipment 1,966--0.00% 596040020Project Costs4,131 ---100.00% 609040020Miscellaneous- --0.00% 680040020Program Specific Raw F 1,2982,000 1,500 -25.00% Total Operations36,754 52,805 42,717 16.22% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST12,747 21,909(363)-102.85% 05/02/20142:26 PM 201 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Program Support Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 BAmount Net Project Cumulative a(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamesReserveRequestRevenueCost Operating Projects 40021401Funded Exercise - TL(9,855)9,855-(0)--(9,855)9,855 ---- - - Total Operations Projec 9,855(9,855) -(0) - (9,855)-9,855 202 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Program SupportTerrace Lodge Program SupportProject Budget05/02/2014 2:27 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Dietary Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420041020P of Ont - RF-282,503-282,504-286,8351.53% 435041020Recoveries-26,901-26,900-26,9010.00% 436041020Project Revenue-5,680-5,680-4,380-22.89% Total Revenue-315,083-315,083-318,1160 530041020Wages521,909495,771531,7151.88% 530641020Project Wages-2,4163,870978-140.47% Total Salary519,493499,641532,692 540041020Benefits121,221150,218156,90429.44% 540641020Project Benefits1,056376489-53.68% 543041020Vacation Hrs29,94734,84436,47621.80% 541041020Vacation Pay1,893203213-88.73% 542041020Benefits- Prev Vac14,75619,57120,41838.37% 545041020Lieu26,37829,70531,08217.83% 547041020Sick/Bereave11,79812,64213,18711.78% 549041020Benefits - Manulife69,18140,68242,879-38.02% 545641020Lieu $$31237339225.70% Total Benefit276,541288,615302,0399.22% 550041020Travel5021035020.00% 550541020Travel - Other0000.00% 551041020Development2,4972762,4970.00% 585041020Purchased Services2,4963,4872,4960.00% 586041020Supplies29,57026,97429,5700.00% 588041020Equipment4,0013,4664,0010.00% 592041020Repairs/Maintenance1,5007,0231,5000.00% 596041020Project Costs4,38004,3800.00% 681041020Raw Food309,403310,415313,7361.40% 681141020Raw Food - Non-Reside001,2000.00% Total Operations354,349351,743359,8821.56% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST835,300824,916876,4974.93% 05/02/20142:28 PM 203 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Dietary Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 se(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative dInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameonReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - 41021401New Hire Orientation - TL1,0671,0671,067-1,067 - 1,067 41021402Other Training - TL400400400-400 - 400 41021403LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams----- - - 41021404HINF Supplemental Base 4,380(4,380) - ---(4,380)4,380 ---- - - Total Operations Pr 5,847(4,380) 1,467 1,467 -1,467(4,380)5,847 Capital Projects 41021102Replace Kitchen Flooring-20,000-- - 17,558 ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - Total Capital Projec - - -20,000 - - - 17,558 Total Operating and Capital (4,380)5,8471,46721,467 -1,467(4,380)23,404 204 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge DietaryTerrace Lodge DietaryProject Budget05/02/2014 2:29 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042020P of Ont - NPC($3,170,035) ($3,193,423) ($3,241,261) 2.25% 420142020P of Ont - On Call Physician($15,000) ($14,962) ($15,000) 0.00% 435042020Recoveries - Supplies & Services ($941)($1,004) ($1,004) 0.00% 435542020Recoveries - Wages($0) - ($0) 0.00% 436042020Project Revenue($366,793) ($298,415) ($332,005) -9.48% Total Revenue($3,552,832) ($3,507,741) ($3,589,270) 0 530142020Wages - RN407,204$ 388,852$ 454,727$ 11.67% 530742020Project Wages - RN86,657$ 46,812$ 75,782$ -12.55% 530242020Wages - RPN495,288$ 475,442$ 461,439$ -6.83% 530842020Project Wages - RPN125,253$ 118,813$ 96,502$ -22.95% 530342020Wages - HCA1,882,418$ 1,894,339$ 1,855,449$ -1.43% 530942020Project Wages - HCA24,924$ 29,730$ 22,074$ -11.44% 530442020Wages - DON101,892$ 102,671$ 167,021$ 63.92% 531042020Project Wages - DON10,185$ 13,835$ 10,378$ 1.90% 530542020Wages - WC50,322$ 20,705$ 25,538$ -49.25% Total Salary3,184,142$ 3,091,200$ 3,168,909$ -0.48% 540142020Benefits - RN94,588$ 78,143$ 81,692$ -13.63% 540742020Project Benefits - RN27,276$ 9,732$ 21,590$ -20.84% 541142020Vacation Pay - RN8,372$ 12,129$ 12,699$ 51.68% 541242020Vacation Pay - RN- 1,482$ 1,554$ 0.00% 543142020Vacation Hrs - RN34,495$ 22,364$ 23,397$ -32.17% 545142020Lieu - RN17,897$ 20,626$ 21,584$ 20.60% 545742020Lieu $$672$ 562$ 588$ -12.50% 547142020Sick/Bereav - RN11,937$ 10,244$ 10,729$ -10.13% 547742020Benefit - Sick/Bereav - RN129$ 1,236$ 1,297$ 905.11% 549142020Benefits Manulife - RN27,665$ 19,040$ 20,068$ -27.46% 540242020Benefits - RPN151,080$ 124,720$ 130,309$ -13.75% $25,577-24.69% 540842020Project Benefits - RPN33,961$$27,420 543242020Vacation Hrs - RPN$36,727$28,811$30,204-17.76% 545242020Lieu - RPN$24,480$25,170$26,3177.50% 545842020Lieu $$$3,806$3,885$4,0526.47% 546242020Top Up - RPN$13,786$4,074$4,216-69.42% 547242020Sick/Bereav - RPN$12,574$13,773$14,41914.67% 547842020Benefit - Sick/Bereav RPN$2,556$2,703$2,8099.90% 548142020STD - RN -$5,233$5,4890.00% 548242020Sick/Bereav - RPN-($153)($161)0.00% 548842020STD 2/3 -$153$1610.00% 549242020Benefits Manulife - RPN$43,204$40,478$42,664-1.25% 540342020Benefits - HCA$553,708$549,694$562,4141.57% 540942020Project Benefits - HCA$12,716$5,938$6,814-46.42% 541342020Vacation Pay - HCA($6,035)$3,082$3,233-153.57% 543342020Vacation Hrs - HCA$95,596$101,772$106,64411.56% 05/02/20142:30 PM 205 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 543542020Vacation Hrs - WC$341$532$55863.36% 545342020Lieu - HCA$117,023$111,787$116,984-0.03% 545942020Lieu $$$902$2,313$2,425168.73% 546342020Top Up - HCA$1,024$1,571$1,64860.90% 547342020Sick/Bereav - HCA$45,551$52,853$55,28421.37% 548342020STD - HCA - --0.00% 549342020Benefits Manulife - HCA$150,242$138,436$145,912-2.88% 542242020Benefits- Prev Vac 1$9,328$14,402$15,00560.86% 542342020Benefits- Prev Vac 2$50,332$64,338$67,11933.35% 543742020Vac Hrs$780$2,752$2,887270.19% 543842020Vac Hrs$3,036$9,724$10,190235.61% 540442020Benefits - DON$25,393$27,084$28,34011.61% 541042020Project Stat/Combined - DON$5,092$2,953$5,1891.90% 543442020Vacation Hrs - DON$7,945$8,170$8,5047.04% 547442020Sick/Bereav - DON$388$804$844117.27% 549442020Benefits Manulife - DON$7,041$8,110$8,54821.40% 540542020Benefits - WC$516$4,176$4,381749.15% 547542020Sick/Bereav - WC-$1,174$1,2310.00% 549542020Benefits Manulife - WC$426$1,131$1,192179.63% Total Benefit$1,626,549$1,564,618$1,636,5970.62% 550042020Travel$2,002$492$1,002-49.95% 550542020Travel - Other-$274 -0.00% 551042020Development$3,504$1,843$2,004-42.81% 585042020Purchased Services$19,994$17,280$19,9940.00% 586042020Supplies$39,308$40,326$39,3080.00% 588042020Equipment$14,999$22,328$14,9990.00% 592042020Repairs/Maintenance$2,498$1,606$2,4980.00% 596042020Project Costs$86,642$62,879$106,60523.04% 609042020Miscellaneous- --0.00% 682042020Medical Director$30,683$34,056$30,6830.00% 683042020Incontinence$45,625$47,970$45,6250.00% Total Operations$245,255$229,053$262,7197.12% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST$1,503,115$1,377,130$1,478,955-1.61% 05/02/20142:30 PM 206 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 as Amount Net Project Cumulative e(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamedReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - 42021322RPN Funding - TL(18,225)18,225--- (18,225)-20,569 42021432LTCH Act/Regs Man.Tea-6,9946,9946,994-6,994 - 6,994 42021429New Grad Initiative - TL(29,329)29,329--- (29,329)-29,329 42021431New Hire Orientation - TL-10,16710,16710,167-10,167 - 10,167 42021422RPN Funding - TL(54,675)54,675--- (54,675)-54,675 42021436Outbreaks - TL----- - - 42021426Other Training - TL-3,3723,3723,372-3,372 - 3,372 42021421Lab Cost Recovery - TL(7,350)7,350----(7,350)7,350 42021498R.N.A.O. ------ - - 42021423Late Career - TL 2013/14 16,945(16,945) - - - - (16,945) 16,945 42021499Training Coordinator- 15,567 15,567 15,567 - 15,567 - 15,567 42021401MDS RAI - TL(60,000)60,000--- (60,000)-60,000 L 16,524(16,524) - - - - (16,524) 16,524 42021438BSO Funding Nurses- T 42021402HINF Supplemental Base 5,748(5,748) - - - - (5,748) 5,748 e 1,263(1,200) 63 63 - 63 (1,200) 1,263 42021404HINF Supplemental Bas 42021407HINF Supplemental Base 5,748(5,748) - - - - (5,748) 5,748 e 5,748(5,748) - - - - (5,748) 5,748 42021408HINF Supplemental Bas 42021409HINF Supplemental Base 5,748(5,748) - - - - (5,748) 5,748 42021440BSO Funding PSW - TL(16,764) 16,764 - - - - (16,764) 16,764 42021441Physiotherapy Services - 75,000(75,000) - - - - (75,000) 75,000 42021403One Time Funding Traini(13,000) 13,000 - - - - (13,000) 13,000 Total Operations Pr 368,168(332,005) 36,163 36,163 - (332,005)36,163370,511 Capital Projects 42021202Nursing Equipment-10,000-- - 10,000 42021203Lifts47,46747,467107,467-47,467 - 49,939 42021450Tub Replacements35,00035,00035,000-35,000 - 35,000 Total Capital Projec 82,467- 82,467 152,467 -82,467 - 94,939 207 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge NursingTerrace Lodge NursingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:31 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Housekeeping Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET - --0.00% 436043020Project Revenue(1,950)(1,950)--100.00% Total Revenue(1,950)(1,950)--100.00% 530043020Wages288,301267,885293,7021.87% 530643020Project Wages - HSK(13,883)1,238523-103.77% Total Salary274,418269,123294,225 540043020Benefits102,44485,60289,433-12.70% 540643020Project Stat/Combined - 649171262-59.72% 541043020Vacation Pay1141,4741,5461255.89% 542043020Benefits- Prev Vac11,86813,23713,81216.38% 543043020Vacation Hrs.24,71628,42129,78320.50% 545043020Lieu12,90413,81914,45812.05% 545643020Lieu $$129297687.18% 547043020Sick/Bereav7,8587,9228,2675.20% 549043020Benefits - Manulife 25,714-27,1030.00% Total Benefit160,566176,452184,76015.07% 550043020Travel252-2520.00% 550543020Travel - Other- --0.00% 551043020Development- --0.00% 585043020Purchased Services5,5702,4143,070-44.88% 586043020Supplies26,49924,67023,499-11.32% 588043020Equipment2,0032382,0030.00% 592043020Repairs/Maintenance1,5969701,5960.00% 609043020Miscellaneous- --0.00% Total Operations35,92028,29230,420-15.31% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 468,954 471,916 509,4058.63% 05/02/20142:32 PM 208 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Housekeeping Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 BAmount Net Project Cumulative a(Out of)/ Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamesInto Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - 43021401LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams785785785-785 - 785 ---- - - Total Operations Proje- 785 785 785 -785 - 785 209 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge HousekeepingTerrace Lodge HousekeepingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:33 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Laundry Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435044020Recoveries0000.00% 457044020Valet0000.00% Total Revenue0000 530044020Wages55,85964,89556,9311.92% Total Salary55,85964,89556,931 540044020Benefits12,01810,42211,451-4.72% 543044020Vacation Pay 05225470.00% 545044020Lieu $$5,5125,5195,7764.78% 547044020Benefit - Sick/Bereav259156164-36.58% 549044020Benefits Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit17,78916,61917,9390.84% 585044020Purchased Services109,000135,852127,80017.25% 586044020Supplies6,4044,2975,404-15.62% 592044020Repairs/Maintenance1,2515871,2510.00% Total Operations116,655140,736134,45515.26% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST190,303222,250209,32410.00% 05/02/20142:34 PM 210 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Building Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435045020Recoveries-8,004-11,784-8,0040.00% 436045020Project Revenue-82,500-82,5000-100.00% Total Revenue-90504-94283.5-8004-91.16% 530045020Wages46,69739,46047,3951.50% 533045020Vac Pay06,19900.00% 537045020Sick/Bereavement01,48400.00% 530645020Project Wages0000.00% Total Salary46,69747,14347,395 540045020Benefits9,1338,6549,055-0.86% 543045020Vacation Hrs0000.00% 549045020Benefits Manulife5,4925,2395,5220.55% Total Benefit14,62513,89314,577-0.33% 550045020Travel7486467480.00% 550545020Travel - Other013500.00% 551045020Development49504950.00% 585045020Purchased Services92,239100,06192,2390.00% 586045020Supplies5008005000.00% 588045020Equipment0000.00% 592045020Repairs/Maintenance15,80914,93615,8090.00% 594045020Utilities204,565236,817204,5650.00% 596045020Project Costs44,00028,71320,000-54.55% 684045020Cable0000.00% Total Operations358,356382,108334,356-6.70% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST329,173348,861388,32417.97% 05/02/20142:34 PM 211 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 BaAmount Net Project Cumulative Reserve se(Out of)/ Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NamedInto Request RevenueCost Contract Operating Projects -- -- - - 45021401Interior Painting - TL10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 45021402Exterior Painting - TL10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 Total Operations Proj 20,000-20,00020,000 -20,000 - 20,000 Capital Projects -- -- - - 45021124Building Automation System-15,000 -- - 5,711 45021208New Building--500,000 -- - 473,442 45021450Sidewalk (Front Circle) - TL15,00015,00015,000 -15,000 - 15,000 45021451Capital Maintenance in-lieu of Reno500,000500,000500,000e Lodge Reno RA(500,000) - - 500,000 45021452Washroom Upgrades240,000240,000240,000-240,000 - 240,000 45021355Hot Water Tank Replacement-30,000 -- - 30,000 -- -- - - Total Capital Projects 755,000-755,0001,300,000(500,000)255,000 1,264,153- 775,000-775,0001,320,000(500,000)275,000 1,284,153- 212 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge BuildingTerrace Lodge BuildingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:46 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Admin Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420046020P of Ont - OA-231,474-233,443-206,829-10.65% 420146020P of Ont - Pay Equity-2,196-2,196-2,1960.00% 420246020P of Ont - Structural Com-36,504-36,504-36,5040.00% 435046020Recoveries-33,796-13,645-33,7960.00% 436046020Project Revenue-120,157-119,118-8,000-93.34% 450046020Private-116,016-112,554-113,880-1.84% 451046020Private - Basic Comp-354,751-347,537-355,1790.12% 452046020Semi-64,976-116,768-62,774-3.39% 453046020Semi - Basic Comp-447,034-811,541-440,514-1.46% 454046020Basic-1,010,412-646,378-1,034,9752.43% 455046020Respite-18,278-17,020-16,232-11.20% Total Revenue-2,435,594-2,456,702-2,310,879-0 530046020Wages228,283203,314231,7111.50% 530646020Project Wages0000.00% 533046020Vac Pay020,39600.00% Total Salary228,283223,710231,711 540046020Benefits46,37039,98943,839-5.46% 540646020Project Benefits0000.00% 543046020Vacation Hrs0000.00% 547046020Sick/Bereav0000.00% 549046020Benefits Manulife19,12917,99018,961-0.87% Total Benefit65,49957,97962,800-4.12% 550046020Travel1,7292,8841,7290.00% 550546020Travel - Other7701,4207700.00% 551046020Development4,0002,0253,000-25.00% 560046020Recognition1,000233500-49.98% 561046020Memberships8,8019,1018,8010.00% 562046020Subscriptions8001,3638000.00% 563046020Office Supplies5,4965,6115,4960.00% 564046020Photocopy4,0004,5294,0000.00% 565046020Advertising1,6005991,100-31.25% 568046020Telephone/Fax18,00018,55718,0000.00% 572046020Postage/Courier7567677560.00% 575046020Petty Cash Over/Short0-1580 585046020Purchased Services3,2024,3333,2020.00% 588046020Equipment2,5032,6612,5030.00% 596046020Project Costs69,00042,83556,000-18.84% 609046020Miscellaneous1,002386502-49.88% 682046020Medical Director0000.00% 685046020Reimbursed Supplies/Cl17,49617,53615,996-8.57% 800046020Amortization190,231190,238202,7196.56% Total Operations330,386304,920325,874-1.37% Other03,56600.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST-1,811,426-1,866,527-1,690,494-6.68% 05/02/20142:47 PM 213 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Admin Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 B a s Amount e(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative Reserve dInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NameoReserve Request RevenueCost Contract Operating Projects 46021401Donations - TL(5,000)(5,000) Reserves Don(5,000)aA5,000 - (5,000) - 46021402Palliative Care Donations - TL(3,000) (3,000) (3,000) Reserves DonaA3,000 - (3,000) - aA(5,000) - - 5,000 46021403Staff Enrichment Donations - TL5,000 5,000 5,000 Reserves Don 46021404Palliative Care Donations - TL4,0004,000 Reserves Don4,000aA(4,000) - - 4,000 aA(4,000) - - 4,000 46021405Life Enrichment Donations - TL4,0004,000 Reserves Don4,000 46021406Misc Donations - TL5,0005,000 Reserves Don5,000aA(5,000) - - 5,000 46021407Bed Replacement Donations - TL15,00015,000 Reserves Don15,000aA(15,000) - - 15,000 46021408Furniture Replacement - TL10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 aA(10,000) - - 10,000 46021409Interior Upgrades Donations - TL10,00010,000 Reserves Don10,000 46021410Exterior Upgrades Donations - TL3,0003,000 Reserves Don3,000aA(3,000) - - 3,000 Total Operations Projec 56,000(8,000) 48,000 48,000 (38,000) 10,000 (8,000) 56,000 214 M:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge AdminTerrace Lodge AdminProject Budget05/02/2014 2:48 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Adult Day Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420048020Province of Ontario(231,430) (222,494) (145,615) -37.08% 437048020Other Revenue(15,500) (17,953) (21,719) 40.12% Total Revenue(246,930) (240,446) (167,333) -32.23% 530048020Wages83,910 92,402 87,814 4.65% Total Salary83,910 92,402 87,814 540048020Benefits33,568 23,070 24,414 -27.27% 542048020Benefits - Prev Vac0 5,138 0 0.00% 543048020Vacation0 3,232 0 0.00% 545048020Lieu $$0 4,475 0 0.00% 547048020Benefit - Sick/Bereav0 1,417 0 0.00% 549048020Benefits - Manulife198 5,239 202 2.40% Total Benefit33,765 42,571 24,616 -27.10% 550048020Travel200 2,367 1,850 824.94% 550548020Travel - Other0 000.00% 551048020Development5005995000.00% 563048020Office Supplies1,1501,050440-61.75% 565048020Advertising0 000.00% 585048020Purchased Services101,25450,03134,721-65.71% 586048020Supplies5,4508,7281,628-70.14% 588048020Equipment1,0008,657250-75.00% 609048020Miscellaneous2000140-30.01% 681048020Raw Food7,5008,7143,375-55.00% 686048020Building Occupancy12,00012,00012,0000.00% Total Operations129,25492,14754,903-57.52% Other0 0 00.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST (13,327)(0) -500.00%0 05/02/20142:49 PM 215 m:\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Program Support Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040030P of Ont - PSS(178,034) (178,035) (180,712) 1.50% 435040030Recoveries(29,792) (29,805) (41,744) 40.12% 436040030Project Revenue(2,355) (1,523) (5,617) 138.56% Total Revenue(210,180) (209,362) (228,073) 0 530040030Wages126,994 100,693 114,678 -9.70% 530640030Project Wages(9,517) 1,218 3,745 -139.35% Total Salary117,477 101,911 118,423 540040030Benefits34,984 31,746 34,023 -2.75% 540640030Project Benefits- 304 1,872 0.00% 542040030Benefits- Prev Vac(35) (263) (319) 805.84% 543040030Vacation Hrs8,868 11,727 12,299 38.69% 545040030Lieu5,169 3,440 3,589 -30.56% 546040030Top Up- 1,451 1,497 0.00% 547040030Sick/Bereav1,674 2,486 2,605 55.56% 549040030Benefits - Manulife8,326 7,940 8,369 0.51% Total Benefit58,987 58,832 63,935 8.39% 550040030Travel200 591 200 0.00% 550540030Travel - Other- 56 - 0.00% 551040030Development300 195 300 0.00% 585040030Purchased Services36,402 57,874 40,333 10.80% 586040030Supplies1,200 2,660 423 -64.75% 588040030Equipment- 3,023 1,000 0.00% 592040030Repairs/Maintenance- --0.00% 596040030Project Costs2,355 ---100.00% 609040030Miscellaneous- --0.00% F 1,352800 800 0.00% 680040030Program Specific Raw 800040030Amortization3,105 3,105 3,105 0.00% Total Operations44,362 68,856 46,161 4.06% Other- 4,268 -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST10,645 24,504446-95.81% 05/02/20142:52 PM 216 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Program Support Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 B as e d Amount Net Project Cumulative o(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamenReserveRequest Revenue Cost Operating Projects -- - - - - 40031401Funded Exercise - BV(5,617)5,617-(0)--(5,617)5,617 Total Operations Projects 5,617(5,617) -(0) - (5,617)-5,617 217 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Program SupportBobier Program SupportProject Budget05/02/2014 2:52 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Dietary Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420041030P of Ont - RF(161,025) (161,027) (163,496) 1.53% 435041030Recoveries(16,384) (16,379) (16,384) 0.00% 436041030Project Revenue(3,233) (3,236) (2,496) Total Revenue(180,642) (180,642) (182,376) 0 530041030Wages343,806 335,511 339,800 -1.17% 530641030Project Wages2,978 385 1,907 -35.98% Total Salary346,784 335,895 341,706 540041030Benefits94,844 90,353 81,642 -13.92% 540641030Project Benefits2,616 73 953 -63.56% 543041030Vacation Hrs17,064 18,649 19,556 14.60% 541041030Vacation Pay14,234 14,435 15,142 6.38% 542041030Benefits - Prev Vac(74) (0) (111) 49.65% 545041030Lieu17,315 21,438 22,433 29.56% 545641030Lieu $$ - 6 6 0.00% 546041030Top Up826 1,712 1,787 116.42% 547041030Sick/Bereave10,935 19,230 20,157 84.34% 549041030Benefits - Manulife21,799 21,519 22,681 4.05% Total Benefit179,559 187,414 184,247 2.61% 550041030Travel504 587 504 0.00% 550541030Travel - Other- --0.00% 551041030Development1,0041301,0040.00% 585041030Purchased Services2,5991,3682,5990.00% 586041030Supplies19,93015,39719,9300.00% 588041030Equipment1,500-1,5000.00% 592041030Repairs/Maintenance4,5033,3904,5030.00% 596041030Project Costs2,496 2,49664 681041030Raw Food177,409189,707179,8801.39% 681141030Raw Food - Non-Reside-1221,2000.00% Total Operations209,945210,763213,6171.75% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 555,646 553,431 557,1940.28% 05/02/20142:53 PM 218 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Dietary Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 BAmount Net Project Cumulative a(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamesReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - 41031401LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams878878878-878 - 878 41031402New Hire Orientation - BV820820820-820 - 820 41031403Other Training - BV1,1621,1621,162-1,162 - 1,162 e 2,496(2,496)----(2,496)2,496 41031404HINF Supplemental Bas Total Operations Pr 5,356(2,496) 2,860 2,860 -2,860(2,496)5,356 Capital Projects Kitchen Equipment---- - - ---- - - Total Capital Projec - - - - - - - - 219 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier DietaryBobier DietaryProject Budget05/02/2014 2:54 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042030P of Ont - NPC(1,844,222) (1,857,853) (1,901,040) 3.08% 420142030P of Ont - On Call Physician(15,000) (14,962) (15,000) 0.00% 435042030Recoveries - Supplies & Services(2,000) (8,754) (2,000) 0.00% 435542030Recoveries - Wages(103) - (103) 0.00% 436042030Project Revenue(230,584) (197,525) (218,917) -5.06% Total Revenue(2,091,909) (2,079,094) (2,137,060) 0 530142030Wages - RN377,621 322,584 383,845 1.65% 530742030Project Wages - RN35,277 34,304 43,724 23.95% 530242030Wages - RPN256,977 289,023 243,319 -5.32% 530842030Project Wages - RPN93,384 79,610 84,353 -9.67% 530342030Wages - HCA1,125,055 1,102,777 1,087,805 -3.31% 530942030Project Wages - HCA19,090 16,440 13,547 -29.04% 530442030Wages - DON55,148 58,372 105,894 92.02% 531042030Project Wages - DON7,325 9,224 7,464 1.90% Total Salary1,969,876 1,912,333 1,969,950 0.00% 540142030Benefits RN75,639 71,241 74,492-1.52% 540742030Project Benefits - RN12,577 5,288 10,931-13.09% 541142030Vacation Pay - RN7,279 6,324 6,609-9.20% 543142030Vacation Hrs - RN16,650 19,271 20,14621.00% 545142030Lieu - RN13,923 14,867 15,55211.70% 545742030Lieu $$267 896 937251.25% 546142030Top Up - RN- - 00.00% 547142030Sick/Bereav - RN25,347 19,542 20,491-19.16% 547742030Benefit - Sick/Bereav - RN- - 00.00% 549142030Benefits Manulife - RN17,680 16,973 17,8891.18% 540242030Benefits - RPN94,848 77,389 80,943-14.66% 540842030Project Benefits - RPN23,34612,15721,088-9.67% 541242030Vacation Pay - RPN9,45510,38810,89715.25% 543242030Vacation Hrs - RPN27,45620,03321,004-23.50% 545242030Lieu - RPN18,53116,17316,898-8.81% 545842030Lieu $$5,3027,3707,70545.33% 547242030Sick/Bereav - RPN22,30015,46216,161-27.53% 549242030Benefits Manulife - RPN17,20014,62915,419-10.35% 540342030Benefits - HCA272,677303,820309,40113.47% 540942030Project Benefits - HCA4,7732,2113,387-29.04% 541342030Vacation Pay - HCA33,26033,37335,0095.26% 543042030Benefits HCA (old)--00.00% 543342030Vacation Hrs - HCA90,22375,91979,570-11.81% 545342030Lieu - HCA53,82956,85859,47410.49% 545942030Lieu $$6611,0581,10967.91% 546342030Top Up - HCA8,05413,37213,99673.78% 547342030Sick/Bereav- HCA59,98655,26457,739-3.75% M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier NursingBobier Nursingproposed budget05/02/2014 2:55 PM 220 COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 548342030STD - HCA 1,126-1,1810.00% 548542030STD 2/3 - HCA -3753940.00% 549342030Benefits Manulife- HCA76,31373,08777,0330.94% 549542030Benefits WC - Manulife--00.00% 540442030Benefits - DON14,85516,01016,75512.79% 541042030Project Benefits - DON1,8311,9691,8661.91% 543442030Vacation Hrs - DON3,3213,3623,5266.17% 547442030Sick/Bereav - DON6352,2412,351270.52% 547842030Benefit - Sick/Bereav RPN -4454670.00% 548142030STD - RN - 3,3533,5170.00% 549442030Benefits Manulife - DON6,8027,2767,66912.76% 542242030Benefits- Prev Vac(84)0-11637.69% 542342030Benefits- Prev Vac(302)(0)-33310.05% Total Benefit1,014,632979,1201,031,1601.63% 550042030Travel8061,1328060.00% 550542030Travel - Other1981,1001980.00% 551042030Development2,5032,1062,5030.00% 585042030Purchased Services15,1488,28512,400-18.14% 586042030Supplies22,33626,41022,3360.00% 588042030Equipment3,9961,9656,49662.56% 592042030Repairs/Maintenance4,0013,9394,0010.00% 596042030Project Costs56,26741,51561,1238.63% 609042030Miscellaneous-124-0.00% 682042030Medical Director22,28222,04722,2820.00% 683042030Incontinence22,99525,13322,9950.00% Total Operations150,532133,756155,1403.06% Other-0 -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 946,1151,043,131 -2.30%1,019,190 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier NursingBobier Nursingproposed budget05/02/2014 2:55 PM 221 COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Ba se dAmount on(Out Net Project Cumulative (A)of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamectReserve Request RevenueCost Contract Operating Projects ---- - - 42031322RPN Funding - BV(12,198)12,198--- (12,198)-12,198 42031432LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams4,2934,2934,293-4,293 - 4,293 42031422RPN Funding - BV(36,594)36,594--- (36,594)-36,594 42031401MDS RAI - BV(39,996)39,996--- (39,996)-39,996 42031430New Grad Initiative 2014 (24,925)24,925--- (24,925)-24,925 42031436Outbreaks - BV----- - - 42031431New Hire Orientation - BV10,46810,46810,468-10,468 - 10,468 42031426Other Training - BV4,4124,4124,412-4,412 - 4,412 42031499Training Coordinator - BV9,3309,3309,330-9,330 - 9,330 42031421Lab Cost Recovery - BV(4,000)4,000----(4,000)4,000 4 17,772(17,772) - -- (17,772)-17,772 42031423Late Career - BV 2013/1 42031498R.N.A.O. ------ - - V 9,420(9,420)----(9,420)9,420 42031438BSO Funding Nurses - B 42031402HINF Supplemental Base 3,276(3,276)----(3,276)3,276 e 1,263(1,200)6363-63(1,200)1,263 42031404HINF Funding Reimburs 42031407HINF Supplemental Base 3,276(3,276)----(3,276)3,276 e 3,276(3,276)----(3,276)3,276 42031408HINF Supplemental Bas 42031409HINF Supplemental Base 3,276(3,276)----(3,276)3,276 42031439BSO Funding PSW - BV(9,552)9,552----(9,552)9,552 42031441Physiotherapy Services - 42,756(42,756) - -- (42,756)-42,756 42031403One Time Funding Traini(7,400)7,400----(7,400)7,400 Total Operations Pr 247,484(218,917) 28,567 28,567 28,567- (218,917)247,483 Capital Projects 42031124Nursing Call Upgrade91,00091,000149,000-91,000-143,759 42031202Nursing Equipment---- - - 42031203Tub Replacement-90,830-- - 4,551 42031204Lifts15,00015,00038,112-15,000 - 15,000 Misc---- -- Total Capital Projec 106,000- 106,000 277,942 - 106,000 - 163,310 222 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier NursingBobier NursingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:56 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Housekeeping Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436043030Project Revenue(1,110) (1,110) - Total Revenue(1,110)(1,110)--100.00% 530043030Wages167,615157,365170,7811.89% 530643030Project Wages - HSK1,783672646-63.76% 530943030Project Wages-11-0.00% Total Salary169,398158,048171,4271.20% 540043030Benefits54,64450,05951,982-4.87% 540643030Project Stat/Combined - 891130323-63.76% 540943030Project Stat/Combined - -2-0.00% 541043030Vacation Pay10,41011,63212,20217.21% 542043030Benefits- Prev Vac --(91)0.00% 543043030Vacation Hrs15,91716,16416,9496.48% 545043030Lieu10,38411,98112,54420.79% 545643030Lieu $$-54570.00% 547043030Sick/Bereav6,6269,3579,80047.90% 549043030Benefits - Manulife10,2049,70610,2300.26% Total Benefit109,077109,085113,9954.51% 550043030Travel-237-0.00% 550543030Travel - Other-6-0.00% 551043030Development- --0.00% 585043030Purchased Services5,1882,6493,688-28.91% 586043030Supplies19,01119,22218,011-5.26% 588043030Equipment3,0041,1181,500-50.07% 592043030Repairs/Maintenance251-2510.00% Total Operations27,45423,23323,450-14.58% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 304,819 289,256 308,8721.33% 05/02/20142:57 PM 223 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Housekeeping Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 B a s e Amount Net Project Cumulative d(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameoReserve Request RevenueCost Contract Operating Projects ---- - - 43031401Other Training - BV577577577-577 - 577 43031402LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams392392392-392 - 392 ---- - - Total Operations Proje 969- 969 969 -969 - 969 224 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier HousekeepingBobier HousekeepingProject Budget05/02/2014 2:57 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Laundry Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET Total Revenue0000.00% 530044030Wages60,26564,47052,649-12.64% 530644030Project Wages13001331.95% Total Salary60,39664,47052,782 540044030Benefits14,00610,97312,232-12.67% 545044030Lieu $$02,9203,0540.00% 549044030Benefits - Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit14,00613,89315,2869.14% 551044030Development0000.00% 585044030Purchased Services66,99574,28772,9958.96% 586044030Supplies1,9992,5731,9990.00% 588044030Equipment50405040.00% 592044030Repairs/Maintenance252862520.00% Total Operations69,75076,94675,7508.60% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST144,152155,309143,819-0.23% 05/02/20142:58 PM 225 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Laundry Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 28Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Based on (A)ctual or Amount Net Project Cumulative (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameAmountReserveRequest Revenue Cost Operating Projects -- - - - - 44031401Other Training - BV133133133-133 - 133 Total Operating Pro 133- 133 133 - 133 - 133 226 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier LaundryBobier LaundryProject Budget05/02/2014 2:58 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Building Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436045030Project Revenue- --0.00% Total Revenue- --0.00% 530045030Wages46,66843,38047,3641.49% 533045030Vac Pay 3,720--0.00% 530645030Project Wages- --0.00% 537045030Sick/Bereavement -22-0.00% Total Salary46,66847,12147,364 540045030Benefits9,4208,9459,359-0.65% 543045030Vacation Hrs- --0.00% 549045030Benefits - Manulife4,1633,9704,1850.51% Total Benefit13,58312,91513,543-0.29% 550045030Travel2522222520.00% 550545030Travel - Other- --0.00% 551045030Development96-960.00% 585045030Purchased Services63,30268,83863,3020.00% 586045030Supplies285402850.00% 588045030Equipment- --0.00% 592045030Repairs/Maintenance14,00015,85814,0000.00% 594045030Utilities163,316173,017163,3160.00% 596045030Project Costs40,00018,69620,000-50.00% 684045030Cable9965189960.00% Total Operations282,247277,190262,247-7.09% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST 342,497 337,226323,154-5.65% 05/02/20142:59 PM 227 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Ba se d on Amount Net Project Cumulative (A)(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamectuReserve Request RevenueCost Contract Operating Projects ---- - - 45031401Interior Painting - BV10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 45031402Misc. Professional Services - BV10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 ---- - - Total Operations Projec 20,000- 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 - 20,000 Capital Projects 45031352Floor Replacement - Resident Rooms5,0005,00025,000-5,000 - 16,544 45031355Misc---- - - 45031351Building Automation System - BV15,00015,00030,000-15,000 - 28,786 45031356Generator Replacement-400,000-- - 170,632 45031457Roof Repairs10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 45031458HVAC - VVT System25,00025,00025,000-25,000 - 25,000 Total Capital Projects- 55,00055,000490,000 -55,000 250,963- 228 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier BuildingBobier BuildingProject Budget05/02/2014 3:01 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Admin Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420046030P of Ont - OA-78,522-98,172-83,3566.16% 420146030P of Ont - Pay Equity-17,220-17,220-17,2200.00% 420246030P of Ont - Structural Com-62,412-62,412-62,4120.00% 435046030Recoveries-10,973-8,796-10,9730.00% 436046030Project Revenue-8,000-4,416-7,000-12.50% 450046030Private-207,256-218,321-229,51810.74% 451046030Private - Basic Comp-613,849-651,540-652,4136.28% 452046030Semi-10,226-6,992-8,784-14.10% 453046030Semi - Basic Comp-67,544-48,469-54,793-18.88% 454046030Basic-395,647-360,408-355,904-10.05% 455046030Respite-7,108-8,524-8,14014.52% 461546030General Store Sales00-3,8000.00% Total Revenue-1,478,759-1,485,269-1,494,3141.05% 530046030Wages125,800105,24696,427-23.35% 530646030Project Wages-12,6714,3130-100.00% Total Salary113,129109,55896,427-14.76% 540046030Benefits32,76429,61624,724-24.54% 541046030Vacation Pay3,8063,6353,798-0.21% 543046030Vacation Hrs9,45111,21811,76824.52% 545046030Lieu2,6622,4542,565-3.64% 547046030Sick/Bereav6122,4542,574320.70% 549046030Benefits - Manulife5,7725,5005,7970.43% Total Benefit55,06754,87851,227-6.97% 550046030Travel1,1961931,1960.00% 550546030Travel - Other30403040.00% 551046030Development3,0981,3302,098-32.28% 560046030Recognition5041375040.00% 561046030Memberships5,7405,7655,7400.00% 562046030Subscriptions200512000.00% 563046030Office Supplies5,0003,4544,000-20.00% 564046030Photocopy2,4002,3842,4000.00% 565046030Advertising800430300-62.50% 568046030Telephone/Fax6,0046,9326,0040.00% 572046030Postage/Courier7558207550.00% 575046030Petty Cash Over/Short03700.00% 585046030Purchased Services2,0002,5262,0000.00% 588046030Equipment2,0035191,503-24.96% 591546030Special - General Store0-1,8953,8000.00% 596046030Project Costs31,0004,66854,00074.19% 609046030Miscellaneous5004525000.00% 682046030Medical Director0000.00% 685046030Reimbursed Supplies/Cl10,0009,5009,500-5.00% 800046030Amortization247,398247,587248,4000.41% Total Operations318,903284,889343,2057.62% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST-991,660-1,035,944-1,003,4551.19% 05/02/20143:02 PM 229 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Admin Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 as(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative ReserveedInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NameoReserveRequest Revenue Cost Operating Projects 46031401Donations - BV(7,000)(7,000) Reserves Do(7,000)nA7,000-(7,000)- 46031402Staff Enrichment - BV2,0002,000 Reserves Do2,000nA(2,000)- - 2,000 nA(2,000)- - 2,000 46031403Life Enrichment - BV2,0002,000 Reserves Do2,000 46031404Miscellaneous Donations - BV10,00010,000 Reserves Do10,000nA(10,000)- - 10,000 46031405Furniture Replacement - BV10,00010,00010,000 -10,000 - 10,000 46031406Interior Upgrades Donations - BV10,00010,000 Reserves Do10,000nA(10,000)- - 10,000 nA(20,000)- - 20,000 46031407Exterior Upgrades Donations - BV20,00020,000 Reserves Do20,000 Total Operations Projects 54,000(7,000) 47,000 47,000 (37,000)10,000 (7,000) 54,000 230 M:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier AdminBobier AdminProject Budget05/02/2014 3:03 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Adult Day Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420048030Province of Ontario-81,436-88,492-103,19926.72% 437048030Other Revenue-3,900-8,018-18,719379.97% Total Revenue-85,336-96,510-121,9170 530048030Wages43,37147,94783,64992.87% Total Salary43,37147,94783,649 540048030Benefits16,03112,29322,03337.44% 545048030Lieu $$633,325126100.87% 549048030Benefits Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit16,09315,61822,15837.69% 550048030Travel75019600-20.00% 550548030Travel - Other0000.00% 551048030Development50005000.00% 563048030Office Supplies520970295-43.27% 565048030Advertising0000.00% 585048030Purchased Services14,4777,2667,073-51.15% 586048030Supplies2,2242,136828-62.79% 588048030Equipment1,0005,392250-75.00% 609048030Miscellaneous200194140-30.01% 681048030Raw Food1,7001,6071,92513.24% 686048030Building Occupancy4,5004,5004,5000.00% Total Operations25,87122,08416,110-37.73% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST0-10,86100.00% 05/02/20143:04 PM 231 m:\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Admin Adult Day Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4200480Province of Ontario00-78,5870.00% 4360480Donations0000.00% 4370480Other Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue00-78,5870 5630480Office Supplies001200.00% 5850480Purchased Services0078,4670.00% Total Operations0078,5870.00% Other024,18800.00% Total024,18800.00% 05/02/20143:05 PM 232 m:\\Homes Reports\\Admin Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Museum Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200240Province of Ontario-15,000-15,638-15,0000.00% o-5,500-5500-100.00% 4205240Province of Ontario - Pr 4215240Federal Funding - Projec-35,928-37,258-3,928-89.07% 4300240Grants-4,0000-4,0000.00% 4360240Project Revenue-500-540-5000.00% 4370240Other Revenue0-3,65500.00% 4375240Other Revenue - Gift Sh0-1,25900.00% 4380240Membership Revenue0000.00% 4390240Admissions0-49100.00% Total Revenue-60928-59389.99-23428-61.55% 5300240Wages113,932105,628115,6611.52% 5306240Project Wages5,1886,9295,1990.20% 5310240Vacation0000.00% 5330240Vacation Hrs07,50100.00% Total Salary119,120120,059120,860 5400240Benefits20,99521,16521,2701.31% 5406240Project Benefits 469650467-0.35% 5460240Subsidized Benefits0000.00% 5415240Project Benefits (Old)0000.00% 5490240Benefits - Manulife9,0468,6618,928-1.31% Total Benefit30,51030,47630,6650.51% 5500240Travel1,9987091,9980.00% 5505240Travel - Other054100.00% 5510240Development1,5003041,5000.00% 5610240Memberships30,50130,92430,5010.00% 5620240Publications50005000.00% 5630240Office Supplies5041,8755040.00% 5640240Photocopy50005000.00% 5650240Advertising3,5034,3403,5030.00% 5740240Curatorial20,00221,48620,0020.00% 5880240Equipment3,0002803,0000.00% 5910240Special - Events2,0041,0952,0040.00% 5915240Special - Gift Shop048900.00% 5920240Repairs/Maintenance5041075040.00% 5940240Utilities0000.00% 5960240Project Costs40,00023,03823,452-41.37% 6090240Miscellaneous504255040.00% 6500240Shipping2,0002622,0000.00% 6660240Website Maintenance0000.00% 6700240Acquisitions3,00003,0000.00% Total Operations110,02085,47593,472-15.04% Other01,07400.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST198,722177,694221,56911.50% 06/02/20149:35 AM 233 M:\\Cultural Services\\Museum COUNTY OF ELGIN Museum Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2014 as e Amount Cumulative d(Out of)/ Net Current Net Project Project Reserve oInto Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NamenReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 279013031812 Plaque Program- - - - -20,952 27901401Donations - Museum(500)2,5002,000 MuseumA(2,000)2,000-(500)2,500 27901402Summer Student (Canadian Museum Fu 5,667(3,928)1,7391,739 - 1,739(3,928)5,666 - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Operations Projects(4,428) 8,167 3,7393,739(2,000) (4,428)1,739 29,118 234 M:\\Cultural Services\\MuseumMuseumProject Budget05/02/2014 3:08 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Archives Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET c-5,876-5,965(5,876) 0.00% 4215185Federal Funding - Proje 4300185Grants00- 0.00% 4360185Project Revenue-1,500-2,456(1,500) 0.00% 4370185Other Revenue-3,000-2,827(3,000) 0.00% Total Revenue-10376-11247.77(10,376) 0.00% 5300185Wages113,932104,946117,153 2.83% 5306185Project Wages 214,48919,05619,391 33.84% 5316185Vacation Pay Project0417- 0.00% 5330185Vacation Hours08,534- 0.00% Total Salary128,421132,953136,545 5400185Benefits20,99521,18821,518 2.49% 5406185Stat/Combined02,0361,485 0.00% 5415185Project Benefits9000- -100.00% 5490185Benefits - Manulife5,9496,0576,370 7.08% Total Benefit27,84429,28129,372 5.49% 5500185Travel3,0003653,000 0.00% 5505185Travel - Other0392- 0.00% 5510185Development3,0002,9103,000 0.00% 5610185Memberships997976997 0.00% 5620185Publications9971,195997 0.00% 5630185Office Supplies50340503 0.00% 5640185Photocopy300289300 0.00% 5850185Purchased Services9971,358997 0.00% 5860185Supplies - Archival7,5008,6687,500 0.00% 5870185Furniture & Fixtures00- 0.00% 5880185Equipment4,5001,7464,500 0.00% 5910185Promotions2,0022,1932,002 0.00% 5920185Repairs/Maintenance503280503 0.00% 5960185Project Costs5,0004,408- -100.00% 6090185Miscellaneous5040504 0.00% 6640185Microfilming/Scanning/C11,50311,87711,503 0.00% 6660185Website Maintenance00- 0.00% 6700185Acquisitions3,2502,9863,250 0.00% 8000185Amortization001,748 0.00% Total Operations44,55639,68241,304 -7.30% Other0924-0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST190,444191,592196,8453.36% 05/02/20143:09 PM 235 M:\\Cultural Services\\Archives COUNTY OF ELGIN Archives Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2014 Based on Cumulative (A)ctual Amount Current Net Project Project or (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects 29401401 Donations - Archives(500)(500) Reserves Archives(500)A500 -(500) - 26251401 Donations - Alma College (1,000)(1,000) (1,000) Reserves Donations Alma CA1,000 -(1,000) - 29401402 Digitization15,00015,00015,000-15,000 -15,000 29401403 Student Wages(5,876)5,876 - -- -(5,876)5,876 - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - Total Operations Pr 20,876(7,376) 13,50013,500 15,0001,500 (7,376) 20,876 Capital Projects 58001401 Digital Reader Reader15,00015,00015,000-15,000 -15,000 Total Capital Projec 15,000- 15,00015,000 15,000- 15,000- M:\\Cultural Services\\ArchivesArchivesProject Budget05/02/2014 3:11 PM 236 COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200180Province of Ontario-116,739-116,739-116,7390.00% 4205180Province of Ontario - Pro-8,462-9,2000-100.00% 4215180Federal Funding - Projec0000.00% 4300180Grants0000.00% 4360180Project Revenue-63,142-49,708-66,1424.75% 4370180Other Revenue-34,996-26,286-34,9960.00% Total Revenue-223339.04-201932.75-217877-2.45% 5300180Wages1,363,2001,229,3501,389,2421.91% 5306180Project Wages243,30240,85738,552-10.97% 5310180Vacation050,69900.00% 5315180Project Wages0000.00% 5316180Vacation Pay097400.00% 5330180Vacation Hrs068,52800.00% 5360180Wages Subsidized0000.00% 5370180Bereavement016,72900.00% Total Salary1,406,5021,407,1361,427,794 5400180Benefits237,475242,916241,2921.61% 5406180Project Stat/Combined8,0902,6029,39016.07% 5416180Project Vac Benefits016900.00% 5450180Lieu 52,03249,61462,26819.67% 5460180Benefits Subsidized0000.00% 5490180Benefits - Manulife67,14364,59267,113-0.04% Total Benefit364,739359,893380,0634.20% 5500180Travel8,0007,3798,0000.00% 5505180Travel - Other4,0003,7414,0000.00% 5510180Development16,49610,08516,4960.00% 5610180Memberships2,0041,8762,0040.00% 5630180Office Supplies15,00011,67515,0000.00% 5640180Photocopy9,8986,5009,8980.00% 5650180Advertising9965739960.00% 5680180Telephone/Fax20,00418,85120,0040.00% 5760180Meals/Refreshments2,2801,9952,2800.00% 5870180Furniture & Fixtures6,9964,4776,9960.00% 5880180Equipment0000.00% 05/02/20144:51 PM 237 M:\\Cultural Services\\Library Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 5890180Lease Space358,016355,762351,214-1.90% 5920180Repairs/Maintenance5041,0285040.00% 5930180Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fu10,0007,16910,0000.00% 5960180Project Costs38,71241,22410,928-71.77% 6090180Miscellaneous2,4531,8702,4530.00% 6630180Periodicals/Newspapers15,68314,79416,1543.00% 6670180Electronic Resources27,13926,94034,63927.64% 6680180Programs11,99611,99611,9960.00% 8000180Amortization362,398362,775338,264-6.66% Total Operations912,576890,711861,826-5.56% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST2,460,4792,455,8082,451,806-0.35% 05/02/20144:51 PM 238 M:\\Cultural Services\\Library Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2014 Based on Amount Cumulative (A)ctual (Out of)/ Net Current Net Project Project or (F)ixed Into Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects 17201001Scott Sefton Book Project - Library-(15,000)- - (5,000)38 26801307Service Ontario----- - - 4,190 26801401Donations - Library(15,000)(15,000) Donations Library (15,000)RA15,000 - (15,000) - 26801403Cap Students Library(43,142)43,142--- - (43,142)43,142 26801404Cap Co-ordinator6,0006,000 Donations Library 6,000RA(6,000) - - 6,000 26801405Tune In Mennonite Radio2,5002,5002,500-2,500 - 2,500 26801406Dutton Lions Grant(3,000)3,000--- - (3,000)3,000 TotalOperationsPr(61,142)54,642(6,500)(21,500)9,0002,500(66,142)58,870 Capital Projects 58101303Port Stanley Renovations15,00015,00050,000-15,000 - 42,624 58101401Book Purchases - Library257,583257,583257,583-257,583 - 257,583 58101402Aylmer Furnishings200,000200,000200,000-200,000 - 200,000 58101403Accessability Reno - Belmont10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 58101405Accessability Reno - Dutton10,00010,00010,000-10,000 - 10,000 58101404Digital Reader15,00015,00015,000-15,000 - 15,000 Total Capital Projec 507,583- 507,583 542,583 - 507,583 - 535,207 239 M:\\Cultural Services\\Library ServicesLibrary ServicesProject Budget05/02/2014 3:45 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Information Technology Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350150Recoveries0-1,50200.00% 4360150Project Revenue0-20,171-24,0000.00% Total Revenue0-21673.61-240000.00% 5300150Wages281,632234,985296,8665.41% 5330150Vacation Hrs017,93900.00% Total Salary281,632252,925296,866 5400150Benefits51,37047,05053,9465.01% 5490150Benefits - Manulife23,52721,11724,8525.63% 5370150Sick/Bereavement03,79000.00% Total Benefit74,89671,95778,7975.21% 5500150Travel5,5434,4085,5430.00% 5505150Travel - Other1,1571,1771,1570.00% 5510150Development9,0005,6429,0000.00% 5620150Subscriptions1,0007101,0000.00% 5790150Consultant30,00033,17140,00033.33% 5860150Supplies3,3751,0143,3750.00% 5960150Project Costs5,00012,3720-100.00% 6110150Hardware09600.00% 6120150Support/Maintenance258,197253,946263,3612.00% 6130150Licenses0000.00% 8000150Depreciation163,162163,574187,92415.18% Total Operations476,434476,110511,3607.33% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST832,963779,318863,0233.61% 05/02/20143:46 PM 240 M:\\Information Technology\\Information Technology COUNTY OF ELGIN Information Technology Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2,0142,014 2,014 2,014 2,014 2,014 2,014 2014Rev2014Cost 2014 B a s e Amount Net Project Cumulative d(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameoReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - 57801407Central Elgin Support(24,000)-(24,000)(24,000)-(24,000)(24,000)- ---- - - Total Operations Proje -(24,000) (24,000) (24,000) - (24,000) (24,000) - Capital Projects 57801205Homes Scheduling Software30,00030,00060,000-30,000 - 35,029 57801401Hardware Replacement - IT72,30072,30072,300-72,300 - 72,300 57801402MDS RAI Funding15,00015,00015,000-15,000 - 15,000 57801403Photocopiers15,00015,00015,000-15,000 - 15,000 57801404Other Licences65,00065,00065,000-65,000 -65,000 Total Capital Projects- 197,300 197,300 227,300 197,300- 202,329- 241 M:\\Information Technology\\Information TechnologyInformation TechnologyProject Budget05/02/2014 3:47 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN POA Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4300135Grants(96,000) (90,593) (96,000) 0.00% 4340135Fines Revenue(1,428,545) (1,397,767) (1,445,063) 1.16% 4345135Parking Ticket Revenue(11,245) (8,289) (16,245) 44.46% 4370135Other Revenue- --0.00% Total Revenue(1,535,791)(1,496,649)(1,557,308)1.40% 5300135Wages238,536217,463256,6557.60% 5310135Vacation Pay-503-0.00% 5330135Vacation Hrs 15,588--0.00% 5370135Sick 3,639--0.00% Total Salary238,536237,192256,655 5400135Benefits39,94443,51646,22615.73% 5490135Benefits - Manulife20,02317,33217,748-11.36% Total Benefit59,96860,84963,9756.68% 5500135Travel3,1991,5203,1990.00% 5505135Travel - Other5002,1185000.00% 5510135Development1,5004001,5000.00% 5610135Memberships2005492000.00% 5630135Office Supplies15,3009,09415,3000.00% 5680135Telephone/Fax1,2971,2911,2970.00% 5770135Legal & Professional215,000210,550230,0006.98% 5830135Bank Charges14,30016,50114,3000.00% 5850135Purchased Services31,42719,66631,4270.00% 5870135Furniture & Fixtures2,7002,3602,7000.00% 1,0830.00% 5880135Equipment1,083 2,467 5960135Project Costs5,000- 5,0000.00% 5970135Municipal Partner Payme 456,932486,868 473,796 -2.69% 5965135Parking Ticket MPP10,053 7,519 14,553 44.76% 5971135Victim Fine Surcharge a287,153 325,603 287,153 0.00% 6090135Miscellaneous15,500 367 15,500 0.00% 6120135Support-ICON & Mailing32,001 33,388 32,001 0.00% 6860135Building Occupancy40,563 40,563 41,328 1.89% 8000135Amortization - - 2,321 0.00% Total Operations1,163,644 1,130,888 1,173,158 0.82% Other- 1,716 -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST(73,643)(66,005)(63,520)-13.75% 242 m:\\POA\\POAPOAproposed budget05/02/2014 3:49 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN POA Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 28Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Based on (A)ctual or Amount Net Project Cumulative (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding Description (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameAmountReserveRequest Total Total Contract Operating Projects 59601302 Interpretation Video link-5,000-- - 5,000 ---- - - ---- - - Total Operations Pr - --5,000 - --5,000 243 m:\\POA\\POAPOAProject Budget05/02/2014 3:51 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Collections Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4340145Revenue334,998267,921334,9980.00% 4350145Recoveries140,000166,767140,0000.00% Total Revenue474,998434,688474,9980.00% 5300145- --0.00% Total Salary- - - 5400145- --0.00% Total Benefit- --0.00% 5500145Travel(1,000) (1,000)-0.00% 5505145Travel - Other- --0.00% 5510145Development(800)(430)(800)0.00% 5630145Office Supplies(48)-(48)0.00% 5850145Purchased Services(210,787)(219,166)(210,787)0.00% 5970145Municipal Partner Payme (193,131)(241,100) (241,100) 0.00% Total Operations(453,735) (412,728) (453,735) 0.00% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST21,263 21,960 21,2630.00% 05/02/20143:52 PM 244 m:\\POA\\Collections COUNTY OF ELGIN Ambulance Proposed Budget 67962013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4200270Province of Ontario(4,343,956)(4,343,955)(4,454,651)2.55% 4360270Project Revenue- --0.00% 4310270City of St. Thomas - Amb (1,751,733)(1,733,920)(2,043,255)17.84% 4450270Intermunicipal Transfers- (48,410)-0.00% Total Revenue(6,077,876)(6,095,688)(6,546,317)7.71% 5300270Wages32,52828,35833,0171.51% 5330270Vacation Hrs 3,569--0.00% Total Salary32,52831,92733,017 5400270Benefits5,7115,7845,7911.39% Total Benefit5,7115,7845,7911.39% 5500270Travel500-5000.00% 5505270Travel - Other- --0.00% 5510270Development500-5000.00% 5610270Memberships6007006000.00% 5630270Office Supplies- --0.00% 5680270Telephone/Fax- --0.00% 5850270Purchased Serv. - Contr8,501,4238,405,6398,952,2845.30% 5920270Repairs/ Maintenance- --0.00% 5960270Project Costs- --0.00% 5970270Cross Border Payments- 76,529-0.00% 6090270Miscellaneous 13,3306556550.00% 8000270Amortization254,175253,635250,484-1.45% Total Operations8,757,8538,673,3049,281,5525.98% Other-249 -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST2,718,216 2,774,0442,615,576 2.05% 05/02/20143:53 PM 245 M:\\Engineering Reports\\Ambulance COUNTY OF ELGIN Ambulance Proposed Budget 2014 BAmount as(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative edInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameoReserveRequestRevenueCost Capital Projects 28001401Ambulance240,000240,000240,000-240,000 - 240,000 28001403Defibrulator Purchases270,000270,000270,000-270,000 - 270,000 Total Capital Projects- 510,000 510,000 510,000 - - 510,000 - 510,000 246 M:\\Engineering Reports\\AmbulanceAmbulanceProject Budget05/02/2014 4:00 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Emergency Measures Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4370210Other Revenue(2,000) - (2,000)0.00% Total Revenue(2,000) - (2,000)0.00% 5300210Wages16,93615,62617,1941.52% Total Salary16,93615,62617,194 5400210Benefits3,0703,1163,1121.35% Total Benefit3,0703,1163,1121.35% 5500210Travel149 - 1490.00% 5505210Travel - Other149 - 1490.00% 5510210Development8001,0458000.00% 5630210Office Supplies2002122000.00% 5650210Advertising1,000 - 1,0000.00% 5850210Purchased Services7,5003,7697,5000.00% 5860210Supplies500 - 5000.00% 5870210Furniture & Fixtures - - - 0.00% 5920210Repairs & Maintenance1,8003031,8000.00% 6090210Miscellaneous300281300-0.01% Total Operations12,3975,61012,3970.00% Other - 1,292 - 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST30,403 25,644 30,7030.99% 05/02/20144:01 PM 247 m:\\Engineering Reports\\Emergency Measures COUNTY OF ELGIN Economic Development Proposed Budget Total 2014% CHANGE 2013 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4205280Province of Ontario - Project Re(2,785) (2,689) (2,785) 0.00% n (5,387)(4,294) (4,294) 0.00% 4215280Federal Funding - Project Reve 4310280City of St. Thomas - Tourism (23,056) (38,871) - -100.00% 4350280Recoveries - (2,209) - 0.00% 4360280Project Revenue(80,450) (57,726) (54,250) -32.57% 4370280Other Revenue - Logo Items - - - 0.00% 4380280Membership Revenue (12,000)(10,900)(12,000)0.00% Total Revenue(122,585)(117,782)(73,329)-40.18% 5300280Wages378,192345,066395,1664.49% 5306280Project Wages 18,57113,08018,5800.05% 5316280Vaction Pay - 598 - 0.00% 5330280Vacation Hrs - 25,924 - 0.00% 5370280Sick/Bereav - 9,079 - 0.00% Total Salary396,763393,747413,746 5400280Benefits69,18970,13471,9584.00% 5406280Project Benefits 21,6791,1831,670-0.51% 5490280Benefits - Manulife25,36724,20926,0502.69% Total Benefit96,23595,52699,6783.58% 5500280Travel9,8009,8328,000-18.37% 5505280Travel - Other11,50011,73510,500-8.70% 5510280Development6,8507,9623,000-56.20% 5610280Memberships45,30043,54645,3000.00% 5620280Subscriptions2503102500.00% 5630280Office Supplies2,8503,0012,650-7.02% 5640280Printing/Communications 3,0002,710(0)-100.01% 5650280Advertising/Promotion150,213171,923143,379-4.55% 5660280Printing7,0001,3775,000-28.57% 5680280Telephone/Fax4,6004,8764,100-10.87% 5720280Postage/Courier9008500-44.44% 5850280Purchased Services51,00076,99750,200-1.57% 5910280Special Projects/Events41,50040,75230,000-27.71% 5930280Vehicle Maint/Costs2,9505822,9500.00% 5960280Misc Project Costs354,730330,184341,079-3.85% 6090280Miscellaneous3,5006,1392,393-31.63% 8000280Amortization9,7149,71411,75421.00% Total Operations705,657721,648661,055-6.32% Other (20,000) - - 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST1,076,069 1,101,1501,073,140 2.33% 05/02/20144:02 PM 248 M:\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\Economic Development COUNTY OF ELGIN Economic Development Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2014 Based on Cumulative (A)ctual Amount Net Current Net Project Project or (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 26851008 Tourism Member Signs(82,929) 252,191.28 169,263 161,718 - 169,263 (21,750) 9,552 26851307 Community Investment Plan10,000 10,000 20,000 - 10,000 -20,000 26851309 Greenbelt Funding- -- - -9,802 26851408EBRC Satellite offices213,150213,150213,150-213,150 213,150- 26851406Food Awareness15,00015,00015,000-15,000 -15,000 26851401Elgin Tour Guide(18,000)35,58517,58517,585-17,585(18,000)35,585 26851402Savour Elgin(9,500)22,29012,79012,790-12,790(9,500)22,290 26851403Arts Trail(5,000)15,70010,70010,700-10,700(5,000)15,700 26851404Students Tourism(7,079)20,25013,17113,171-13,171(7,079)20,250 - -- - - - - -- - - - Total Operations Proje 584,166(122,508) 461,659464,114 461,659- (61,329) 361,329 Capital Projects - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - Total Capital Projects- - - - - - - - 249 M:\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\Economic DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentProject Budget05/02/2014 4:04 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Planning Proposed Budget 2013Total 2014% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 5300290Wages82,39069,11183,6331.51% Total Salary82,39069,11183,633 5400290Benefits6,3784,7236,4671.40% 5490290Benefits - Manulife- --0.00% Total Benefit6,3784,7236,4671.40% 5500290Travel2,0004012,0000.00% 5505290Travel - Other-289-0.00% 5510290Development2,0007382,0000.00% 5610290Memberships7001,2617000.00% 5630290Office Supplies2,9961,3492,9960.00% 5870290Furniture & Fixtures- --0.00% 5960290Project Costs 7,747-5,0000.00% 6090290Miscellaneous1,000 1,000960.00% Total Operations8,69611,88013,69657.50% Other- - -0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST97,46385,715 103,7966.50% 05/02/20144:05 PM 250 M:\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\Planning COUNTY OF ELGIN Planning Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 28Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2014 Based on (A)ctual or Amount Net Project Cumulative (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameAmountReserveRequest Revenue Cost Operating Projects 26401402Master Cycling Plan5,0005,0005,000-5,000 - 5,000 ---- - - ---- - - Total Operations Pr 5,000- 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 - 5,000 251 M:\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\PlanningPlanningProject Budget05/02/2014 4:06 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Attachment VII Closed Projects As of December 31, 2013 Carry-Forward Projects Closed Projects Carry Surplus on Forward Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget DescriptionOpen/ CloseCum BudgetSpendBudget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP) Reserve Project # Corporate 28001203Dutton Ambulance Base Close776,000 799,744 (23,744) 799,744 (23,744) - - nOpen74,000 - 74,000 - - - 74,000 28001204Ambulance Base - Landscapi Total Corporate850,000799,74450,256799,744(23,744)-74,000 Information Technology 57801204Account Payable SoftwareClose50,00050,661(661)50,661(661) - - 57801215POA/Collections Close10,0009,2857159,285715 - - 57801301Hardware Replacement - ITClose72,30072,12317772,123177 - - 57801302MDS RAI FundingClose15,00041514,58541514,585 - - 57801303PhotocopiersClose15,0009,9625,0389,9625,038 - - 57801304Other LicencesClose65,00055,8909,11055,8909,110 - - 57801205Homes Scheduling SoftwareOpen30,00024,9715,029 - - 24,9715,029 Total Information Technology257,300223,30833,992198,33728,96324,9715,029 Engineering Services 60901301John Wise Line Slope RepairClose50,00011,23138,76911,23138,769 - - 60901303Culvert Slip Linings and StormClose260,000258,7761,224258,7761,224 - - 62001201Road 26 ReconstructionClose465,000392,83372,167392,83372,167 - - 62001204 Close1,561,939569,092992,847569,092992,847 - - eClose1,475,0001,309,371165,6291,309,371165,629 - - 62001301Road 18 Rehabilitation (plus r 62001302Road 45 Rehabilitation (Rd 73Close760,000682,59577,405682,59577,405 - - DClose230,000234,566(4,566)234,566(4,566) - - 62001303Road 5 PDST + McEachren 62101301Land PurchaseClose25,0001,19323,8071,19323,807 - - oClose285,000205,45679,544205,45679,544 - - 62201301Road 2 (RR tracks to Dunbor 62201302Road 8 Resurfacing (King StreClose340,000324,59215,408324,59215,408 - - 4Close135,000130,0644,936130,0644,936 - - 62501301Road 42 Micro Surfacing (Rd 62501302Road 45 Micro Surfacing - 2 LClose160,000142,18517,815142,18517,815 - - sClose155,000134,29420,706134,29420,706 - - 62501303Road 24 Microsurfacing 2 Lift 62501304Road 20 Micro Surfacing (FingClose165,000196,815(31,815)196,815(31,815) - - 62501305Road 31 Micro Surfacing - 2 LClose60,00056,5033,49756,5033,497 - - 62501306Road 5 FiberMAT (2 to Hwy 40Close35,00038,293(3,293)38,293(3,293) - - tClose110,00095,92314,07795,92314,077 - - 62501307Road 43 FiberMAT (Road 42 62601301Road Sign Replacements - CeClose420,000360,88859,112360,88859,112 - - nClose350,000333,40016,600333,40016,600 - - 62901201Glencolin Bridge Rehabilitatio 62901302King George Lift Bridge MechaClose50,00039,97310,02739,97310,027 - - 62901304Largie Bridge Replacement Close720,000507,837212,163507,837212,163 - - 60901302Union Road Slope StabilizationOpen530,000456,55773,443 - - 456,55773,443 62001305 Open1,610,000 1,610,000 - - - 1,610,000 - 62201303Road 16 Resurfacing - Fingal, Open70,0002,39667,604 - - 2,39667,604 J:\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2013 Proposed Budget\\Financial Services\\ClosedProjectsBudgetDetail05/02/201410:01 AM 252 COUNTY OF ELGIN Attachment VII Closed Projects As of December 31, 2013 Closed ProjectsCarry-Forward Projects Carry Surplus on Forward Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget DescriptionOpen/ CloseCum BudgetSpendBudget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP) Reserve Project # 62901303Minor Bridge RepairsOpen300,000117,364182,636 - - 117,364182,636 Total Engineering Services10,321,9396,602,1953,719,7446,025,8791,786,060576,3171,933,683 Library Services 58101202Bayham RenovationsClose35,00034,71828234,718282 - - 58101301Book Purchases - LibraryClose253,272254,813(1,541)254,813(1,541) - - 58101302Library Van ReplacementClose45,00030,64614,35430,64614,354 - - 58101303Port Stanley RenovationsOpen35,0007,37627,624 - - 7,37627,624 Total Library Services368,272327,55340,719320,17613,0967,37627,624 Archives 58001301Digital ReaderClose15,00013,9821,01813,9821,018 - - Total Archives15,00013,9821,01813,9821,018 - - Administrative Building 26601003Building Envelope Repairs - AdClose240,5004,512235,9884,512235,988 - - vClose800,00028,771771,22928,771771,229 - - 26601104Provision for Accessibility ele 26601206SignageClose10,0009,0639379,063937 - - nClose25,00021,0883,91221,0883,912 - - 26601305Building improvements - Admi 26601203Sanitary SewerOpen100,0002,74897,252 - - 2,74897,252 26601204Lawn Sprinkler SystemOpen10,000 - 10,000 - - - 10,000 26601303Washroom RenovationsOpen80,000 - 80,000 - - - 80,000 UOpen15,000 - 15,000 - - - 15,000 26601304Building Automation System 26601306Parking lot repairsOpen200,0001,650198,350 - - 1,650198,350 26601307Miscellaneous capital projectsOpen70,00028,91541,085 - - 28,91541,085 Total Administrative Building1,550,50096,7471,453,75363,4341,012,06633,313441,687 Ambulance 28001301AmbulanceClose240,000249,522(9,522)249,522(9,522) - - 28001302ERVClose60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 - - Total Ambulance300,000249,52250,478249,52250,478-- Tourism Services 26851305Tourism VanClose8,5008,1613398,161339 - - Total Tourism Services8,5008,1613398,161339 - - Terrace Lodge - Dietary 41021102Replace Kitchen FlooringOpen20,0001,22118,779 - - 1,22118,779 Total Terrace Lodge - Dietary20,0001,22118,779--1,22118,779 Bobier Villa - Dietary 41031301Additional Rolling Shelving (KitClose7,542 - 7,542 - 7,542 - - Total Bobier Villa - Dietary7,542-7,542-7,542 - - Elgin Manor - Nursing & Personal Care 42011202Nursing EquipmentClose19,2719,27110,0009,27110,000 - - 42011350Tub - EMClose31,22835230,87635230,876 - - J:\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2013 Proposed Budget\\Financial Services\\ClosedProjectsBudgetDetail05/02/201410:01 AM 253 COUNTY OF ELGIN Attachment VII Closed Projects As of December 31, 2013 Closed ProjectsCarry-Forward Projects Carry Surplus on Forward Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget DescriptionOpen/ CloseCum BudgetSpendBudget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP) Reserve Project # 42011203LiftsOpen49,30338,86010,443 - - 38,86010,443 Total Elgin Manor - Nursing & Personal Care99,80248,48351,3199,62340,87638,86010,443 Terrace Lodge - Nursing & Personal Care 42021202Nursing EquipmentOpen10,000 - 10,000 - - - 10,000 42021203LiftsOpen60,00057,5282,472 - - 57,5282,472 Total Terrace Lodge - Nursing & Personal Care70,00057,52812,472--57,52812,472 Bobier Villa - Nursing & Personal Care 42031124Nursing Call UpgradeOpen58,0005,24152,759 - - 5,24152,759 42031203Tub ReplacementOpen89,34686,2793,067 - - 86,2793,067 42031204LiftsOpen23,11223,112 - - - 23,112 - Total Bobier Villa - Nursing & Personal Care170,458114,63255,826--114,63255,826 Elgin Manor - Laundry 44011301New WasherOpen20,000 - 20,000 - - - 20,000 Total Elgin Manor - Laundry20,000-20,000---20,000 Elgin Manor - Building & Property 45011204Card Access & SecurityClose10,0007,7422,2587,7422,258 - - 45011205STP - PumpsClose10,00018,162(8,162)18,162(8,162) - - 45011214Miscellaneous capitalClose26,0009,11116,8899,11116,889 - - 45011354Exhaust System for Garage - EClose10,0007,6322,3687,6322,368 - - 45011351Boiler ReplacementOpen25,00024,766234 - - 24,766234 45011352Fencing RepairsOpen15,00011,4563,544 - - 11,4563,544 45011353Pumps & Equipment (STP)Open40,00027,83012,170 - - 27,83012,170 Total Elgin Manor - Building & Property136,000106,69929,30142,64713,35364,05215,948 Terrace Lodge - Building & Property 45021203Fire ProtectionClose176,500172,8123,688172,8123,688 - - 45021205Washroom UpgradesClose50,00047,4752,52547,4752,525 - - 45021206Wall ProtectionClose10,0008,9971,0038,9971,003 - - 45021352Tractor Replacement - TLClose30,00028,4061,59428,4061,594 - - 45021354Exhaust System for Garage - TClose10,0007,6322,3687,6322,368 - - 45021124Building Automation SystemOpen15,0004,64510,355 - - 4,64510,355 45021208New BuildingOpen500,00013,279486,721 - - 13,279486,721 45021355Hot Water Tank Replacement Open30,00025,7874,213 - - 25,7874,213 Total Terrace Lodge - Building & Property821,500309,033512,467265,32211,17843,711501,289 Bobier Villa - Building & Property 45031119Landscaping - Donations BVClose21,90021,76713321,767133 - - 45031203Kitchen HVAC ReplacementClose42,00041,89210841,892108 - - 45031204Insulate GarageClose10,0006,3533,6476,3533,647 - - 45031353Door Hardware Replacement (Close10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - - 45031354Sprinkler System/LandscapingClose40,00030,0469,95430,0469,954 - - J:\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2013 Proposed Budget\\Financial Services\\ClosedProjectsBudgetDetail05/02/201410:01 AM 254 COUNTY OF ELGIN Attachment VII Closed Projects As of December 31, 2013 Closed ProjectsCarry-Forward Projects Carry Surplus on Forward Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget DescriptionOpen/ CloseCum BudgetSpendBudget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP) Reserve Project # 45031355MiscClose10,0007,6322,3687,6322,368 - - 45031351Building Automation System - Open15,0001,21413,786 - - 1,21413,786 45031352Floor Replacement - Resident Open18,0008,4569,544 - - 8,4569,544 45031356Generator ReplacementOpen400,000229,368170,632 - - 229,368170,632 Total Bobier Villa - Building & Property566,900346,728220,172107,69126,209239,037193,963 Elgin Manor - General & Admin 46011102Wall Protection (Tiling)Close25,000 - 25,000 - 25,000 - - 46011103TelephonesClose10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - - 46011104Nursing Station Half DoorsClose5,000 - 5,000 - 5,000 - - 46011105Four Season RoomClose25,198 - 25,198 - 25,198 - - 46011201Kitchen Equipment ReplacemeOpen55,00028,91426,086 - - 28,91426,086 Total Elgin Manor - General & Admin120,19828,91491,284-65,19828,91426,086 Total Elgin County 9,334,45015,703,911 6,369,461 8,104,518 3,032,632 1,229,933 3,336,828 Replenish borrow from Future Years re: Centennial Road1,300,000 Homes Reallocation of Projects68,886 IT Reallocation of Projects30,000 Reduce 2014 Levy Increase900,000 Pull Ahead Dexter Line Land Purchases and Prep Work500,000 Remaining Surplus233,746 J:\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2013 Proposed Budget\\Financial Services\\ClosedProjectsBudgetDetail05/02/201410:01 AM 255 256 Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 14-03 A SCHEDULE Ratios PROPERTY CLASS 20142013 RESIDENTIAL/FARM1.00001.0000 MULTI-RESIDENTIAL2.34582.3458 FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.50000.5000 COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED1.63761.6376 COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND1.14631.1463 INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.22512.2251 INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND1.44631.4463 LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.83182.8318 LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.84071.8407 PIPELINES1.14461.1446 FARM0.25000.2500 MANAGED FORESTS0.25000.2500 257 Attachment I Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9 Schedule B: Current Operating 2014 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget Prior Operating RevenueExpenseNet Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under Percent By-Law 14-03 (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on y ExpenseLev CORPORATE ACTIVITIES 1) Taxes (28,252,615) 1,006,408 (27,246,207) (28,115,582) 27,919,493 754,679 (27,164,814) (81,393)0.3% 2) Interest Charges & Income (257,442) 176,362 (81,080) (70,341) 81,080 - (81,080) (0)0.0% 3) Social Services - St. Thomas - 3,051,000 3,051,000 3,052,708 2,842,400 2,842,400 208,600 -0.8% (348,834) 1,287,194 938,360 938,360 940,395 940,395 (2,035)0.0% 4) Health Unit 5) Grants - 811,865 811,865 812,865 - 318,576 318,576 493,289 -1.9% (188,262) 109,922 (78,341) (78,340) 188,263 136,212 (52,051) (26,290)0.1% 6) Rental Income 7) Property Assessment (138,732) 858,372 719,640 719,640 723,033 723,033 (3,393)0.0% (37,583) (1,733,317) (1,770,900) (1,770,900) 1,505,900 - (1,505,900) (265,000)1.0% 8) Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 9) Project Costs (836,150) 766,220 (69,930) 264,511 1,036,150 937,220 (98,930) 29,000 -0.1% (30,059,619) 7,340,433 (23,725,594) (24,247,080) 30,730,886 6,652,515 (24,078,371) 352,777 -1.3% 10) Corporate Departmental (3,036) 360,235 357,199 291,420 3,036 361,499 358,463 (1,265)0.0% 11) Warden and Council 12) Administrative Services (32,640) 504,814 472,174 446,265 32,640 505,267 472,627 (453)0.0% 13) Financial Services- 577,461 577,461525,624- 557,563 557,563 19,898 -0.1% 14) Human Resources 487,182(30,000) 467,731 30,000 552,560 522,560 (35,378)0.1% 15) Administrative Building(379,095) 863,188 484,093362,821373,713 838,675 464,962 19,131 -0.1% 16) Corporate Expenditures (1,000) 575,784 574,784 585,929 1,000 800,994 799,994 (225,211)0.8% 17) Eng'r & Land Div.(1,802,982)12,009,42310,206,44110,146,5131,711,10712,988,96211,277,855(1,071,414)4.0% 18) Homes (17,414,439) 21,977,775 4,563,336 3,886,873 17,468,539 22,150,181 4,681,642 (118,305)0.4% (71,304) 460,470 389,166 369,286 33,804 452,218 418,414 (29,248)0.1% 19) Museum & Archives 20) Library Services (223,339) 2,683,818 2,460,479 2,455,808 217,877 2,669,683 2,451,806 8,673 0.0% - 832,963 832,963 779,318 24,000 887,023 863,023 (30,060)0.1% 21) Information Technology 22) Provincial Offences(1,535,791) 1,462,148 (73,643)(66,005)1,557,308 1,493,788 (63,520) (10,123)0.0% 23) Collections(474,998) 453,735 (21,960)(21,263) 474,998 453,735 (21,263) - 0.0% 24) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. (6,079,876) 8,828,495 2,748,619 2,641,220 6,548,317 9,353,063 2,804,747 (56,127)0.2% (122,585) 1,296,118 1,173,533 1,158,854 73,329 1,278,275 1,204,946 (31,413)0.1% 25) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. (28,171,085) 52,886,425 25,232,522 24,029,697 28,549,668 55,343,485 26,793,817 (1,561,295)5.9% 26) Departmental (58,230,703) 60,226,858 1,506,929 (217,384) 59,280,554 61,996,000 2,715,446 (1,208,518) 27) Elgin County Levy Increase (1,063,431)1,063,431 4.0% Net Income 61,996,00060,343,985 1,652,015 (145,087) Memo: Levy 27,684,40326,620,972 258 M:\\Financial Services\\SummaryOperating Budget 06/02/2014 10:53 AM Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 14-03 SCHEDULE C PriorCurrent PROPERTY CLASS20132014% Change% Change Assessment TAX RATESTAX RATESTAX RATES RESIDENTIAL0.587603%0.584470%-0.53%3.9% MULTI-RESIDENTIAL1.378399%1.371050%-0.53%12.4% FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.293802%0.292240%-0.53%-2.8% COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED0.962259%0.957130%-0.53%0.6% COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND0.673569%0.669980%-0.53%8.2% INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.307475%1.300500%-0.53%6.7% INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND0.849850%0.845320%-0.53%14.6% LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.663974%1.655100%-0.53%4.1% LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.081601%1.075830%-0.53%2.5% PIPELINES0.672570%0.668980%-0.53%4.1% FARM 0.146901%0.146120%-0.53%11.6% MANAGED FORESTS0.146901%0.146120%-0.53%16.7% Definition: "Tax rate" means the tax rate to be levied against property expressed as a percentage, to six decimal places, of the assessment of the property. 259 CLOSED MEETING AGENDA February 11, 2014 Staff Report: 1) Purchasing Coordinator – Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (d) labour relations – Prosecution Services - Contract Renewal Negotiations 2) Chief Administrative Officer – Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Land Division Committee - Future Considerations (Revisited from March, 2011) 260