20 - December 11, 2018 Inaugural Orders for Warden's Election ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 2018 Formal Attire Required EVENING 7:00 P.M. st 1 Call to Order the Chief Administrative Officer shall preside (Procedural By-Law Section 18) nd 2 Administering Oath of Office (all members simultaneously) rd 3Election of Warden Candidates for Warden to Stand Prospective Candidates to Speak (in alphabetical order) Proceed with Election (Ballot or Resolution) th 4 Administering and Signing of Declaration of Office th 5 Gowning th 6 Presentation by Most Recent Past Warden David Marr Chain of Office Lord Elgin Watch Gavel of Office th 7 th 8 Resolution to Destroy the Ballots (if needed) th 9 Other Business th 10 Recess LOWER LEVEL COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOLLOWING ADJOURNMENT th THURSDAY, December 13 Regular Council meeting at 9:00 A.M. (Business Attire)