03 - February 12, 2019 County Council Agenda Package 1st Meeting Called to Order 2ndAdoption of Minutes – January 22, 2019 3rdDisclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the GeneralNature Thereof 4thPresenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 9:00 a.m. Elizabeth Sebestyn, Director of Social Services, Elgin St. Thomas Social Services – Orientation Presentation to Council 9:15a.m.Laura Woermke, Executive Director, St. Thomas Public Art Centre – St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre Community Report 2018 9:30 a.m.Paul Jenkins, Executive Director, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation – PowerPoint Presentation to Council PRESENTATION: 9:45 a.m. WardenMcPhail – Presentation of the Planning and Building Initiative Award in the Physical Infrastructure and Development Category from the Economic Developers Councilof Ontario. 1:00 p.m. Jim Bundschuh, Director of Financial Services – 2019 OperationalBudget 5th Motion to Move Into “Committee Of The Whole Council” 6thReports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7thCouncil Correspondence 1)Items for Consideration 2)Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8thOTHER BUSINESS 1)Statements/Inquiries by Members 2)Notice of Motion 3)Matters of Urgency 9thClosed Meeting Items 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12thMotion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 13thConsideration of By-laws 14thADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED Lunch and Learn – Alan Smith, Tourism NOTICE: February 24-27, 2019OGRA Conference March 12, 2019County Council Meeting COUNTYCOUNCILMINUTES Tuesday,January22, 2019 Accessible formatsavailableuponrequest. TheElginCountyCouncilmetthisdayattheAdministrationBuildingat 9:00a.m.withall memberspresent. WardenMcPhailintheChair. ADOPTIONOFMINUTES MovedbyCouncillorMennill SecondedbyCouncillorMarks THATtheminutesofthemeetingheldonJanuary8,2019beadopted. - Carried. DISCLOSUREOFPECUNIARYINTERESTANDTHEGENERALNATURETHEREOF - None DELEGATIONS OntarioFederationofAgriculture – ProducingProsperityinOntario – President,Elgin FederationofAgricultureandSeniorPolicyAnalyst, OntarioFederationofAgriculture Melissa Schneider,PresidentofElginFederationofAgriculture,andBenLeFort,SeniorPolicy AnalystforOntarioFederationofAgriculture, presented a PowerPointpresentationproviding informationontheimportanceofcreatinganadvocacycampaigntopromoteruralOntarioand theagri-food sector. FonsVandenbroek,Vice-PresidentofElginFederationofAgriculture,quickly spoke onbehalfof the Elgin Federationof Agricultureexplainingtheimportanceoftheprogram. MovedbyCouncillorMartyn SecondedbyCouncillorJones THATthePowerPointpresentationtitled“ProducingProsperityinOntario”fromtheOntario FederationofAgriculture’sSeniorPolicyAnalystandthePresidentofElginFederationof Agriculture, bereceivedandfiled. - Carried. OntarioFederationofAgriculture – FarmAssessmentsandTaxes(ElginFocused) – SeniorPolicyAnalyst, OntarioFederationofAgriculture BenLeFort,SeniorPolicyAnalystforOntarioFederationofAgriculture,presented a PowerPoint presentationprovidinginformationonthefarm assessments andtaxesandhowithasimpacted ElginCountyinthepastandwhattoexpectinthefuture. MovedbyCouncillorKetchabaw SecondedbyCouncillorJones THATthePowerPointpresentationtitled“Farm Assessments andTaxes”fromtheOntario FederationofAgriculture’sSeniorPolicyAnalyst,bereceivedandfiled. - Carried. Council recessedat9:58a.m.andreconvenedat10:07a.m. ElginBusinessResourceCentre – EBRC & CountyofElgin: A PerfectPartnership – GeneralManager,ElginBusinessResourceCentre Kevin Jackson,GeneralManagerfortheElgin Business Resource Centre,presented a PowerPointpresentationthathighlightedmany statistics depictingtheresultstheEBRChas achievedfrom2011to2018andrequested a renewaloffundingfortheEBRCintheamountof $190,000peryearforthreeyearscommencingMarch1,2019. MovedbyCouncillorMennill SecondedbyCouncillorFrench THATthePowerPoint presentationtitled “EBRC & CountyofElgin: A PerfectPartnership”from theEBRC’sGeneralManager,bereceivedandfiled. - Carried. MedavieEMSElginOntario – 2018AnnualReview – GeneralManager & EMSChief, MedavieHealthServices PaulineMeunier,GeneralManagerandEMSChiefforMedavieHealthServices, presented a PowerPointpresentationthatunderscoredthedifferent successes ofMedavieinElginCountyfor 2018. MovedbyCouncillorMarks SecondedbyCouncillorMartyn THATthePowerPointpresentation titled“2018AnnualReview”fromMedavieHealthServices GeneralManagerandEMSChief , bereceivedandfiled. - Carried. MovedbyCouncillorKetchabaw SecondedbyCouncillorMennill THATwedonowmoveintoCommitteeoftheWholeCouncil. - Carried. REPORTS FinalApprovalofPlanSubdivisionLittleCreekPhase 3 ManagerofPlanning TheManagerofPlanning,SteveEvans,presented a reporttoCounciladvisingthemthatthe finalapprovalfor a planofsubdivision(LittleCreekPhase3)intheMunicipalityofCentralElgin occurredonDecember19,2018. MovedbyCouncillorMarks SecondedbyCouncillorJones THAT the report titled “Final Approval for a Plan of Subdivision, Little Creek Phase 3” submitted by the Manager of Planning, dated December 19, 2018, be received and filed. - Carried. 2019EventsCalendarSupplementalSeniorFinancialAnalyst & ChairofElginCounty SpecialEventsCommittee TheSeniorFinancialAnalystandChairofElginCountySpecialEventsCommittee,Jennifer Ford,presented a reporttoCouncilthatprovidedcontextualinformationtoclarifyforCouncilthe benefitsandcostsofsupportingtheUnitedWay.ThisinformationwasrequestedbyCouncil duringtheJanuary8,2019CountyCouncilMeeting. MovedbyCouncillorFrench SecondedbyCouncillorGiguère WHEREASCountyCouncilsupportstheorganizationalbenefitscreatedthroughtheworkofthe SpecialEventsCommittee;and; WHEREASCountyCouncilsupportstheprinciplesofcommunityinvolvementandfundraising initiativesonbehalfofCountyCouncilprovidedthattheseinitiativesareundertakenin a transparentway; NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED, THAT the Special Events Committee eliminate draws for paid days off, gift card draws and work onlowering the fundraising cost ratio; and; THAT the Policy Review Committee draft a Special Events Committee Terms of Reference for Council’s consideration; and; THAT the report titled“2019 Events Calendar Supplemental” submitted by the Senior Financial Analyst and Chair of the Elgin County Special Events Committee, dated January 14, 2019, be received and filed. - Carried. LandDivisionCommitteeAppointments(4-YearTerms)LegislativeServicesCoordinator eServicesCoordinator,DanScheid,presented a reporttoCouncilinformingthem TheLegislativ oftheLandDivisionCommitteeAppointmentsspanningfromJanuary1,2019toDecember31, 2022. MovedbyCouncillorPurcell SecondedbyCouncillorJones THATBy-Law15-03titled“Being a By-LawtoAppoint a LandDivisionCommitteeandtoRepeal By-LawNo.11-02”berepealed;and; THATBy-Law19-02titled“Being a By-LawtoAppoint a LandDivisionCommitteeandtoRepeal By-LawNo.15-03”beenacted. - Carried. QuarterlyInformationReportContractAwardsOctober1,2018toDecember31,2018 PurchasingCoordinator ThePurchasingCoordinator,MikeHoogstra,presented a reporttoCouncilhighlightingthe detailsrelevant to the exercise of delegated authority for all contracts awarded that exceed $15,000 including amendments and renewals is to be prepared and reported to Councilbetween October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. MovedbyCouncillorMennill SecondedbyCouncillorMartyn THAT the report titled “Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards, October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018” from the Purchasing Coordinator, dated January 14, 2019,be received and filed. - Carried. TerraceLodgeRedevelopmentProjectUpdateDirectorofFinancialServicesand PurchasingCoordinator TheDirectorofFinancial Services, JimBundschuh,andthePurchasingCoordinator,Mike Hoogstra,presented a reporttoCouncilprovidingupdatesontheTerraceLodgeRedevelopment projectfollowingCouncil’sapprovaltoproceedwith a renovationandadditionoptionas consideredattheJanuary8,2019CountyCouncilMeeting. MovedbyCouncillorMarks SecondedbyCouncillorPurcell THAT the report titled “Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project Update” from the Director of Financial Services and the Purchasing Coordinator, dated January 11, 2019, be received and filed. - Carried. FarmTaxRatioDirectorofFinancialServices TheDirectorofFinancial Services, JimBundschuh,presented a reporttoCouncil discussing the FarmTaxRatiohistoryandreasoningbehindthecurrentratetohelpCouncilmake a decisionfor theFebruary12,2019BudgetReport. MovedbyCouncillorPurcell SecondedbyCouncillorMarks THAT staff be directed toprovide a report to County Council that considers farm tax ratios of .23, .24 and .25 for Council’s consideration at the February 12, 2019 meeting. - Carried. Councilrecessedat11:27a.m.andreconvenedat11:37a.m. DementiaCareinLong-TermCare(LTC)DirectorofHomes & SeniorServices TheDirectorofHomesandSeniors Services, MicheleHarris,provided a reporttoCouncilwhich discussed thediagnoses, causes, anddifferenttreatmentsregardingdementia. MovedbyCouncillorJones SecondedbyCouncillorMartyn THAT the report titled “Homes – Dementia Care in Long-Term Care (LTC)”by the Director of Homes and Seniors Services, dated January 15, 2019, be received and filed. - Carried. CouncilRemuneration -ChiefAdministrativeOfficer TheChiefAdministrativeOfficer,JulieGonyou,presented a reporttoCouncilregardingCouncil andWarden remuneration. MovedbyCouncillorMartyn SecondedbyCouncillorJones THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer titled “Council Remuneration” dated January 16, 2019 be received and filed; and; THAT staff be directed to provide a follow up report to County Council in regard to Council and Warden remuneration atan upcoming meeting of County Council. - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Items forInformation(ConsentAgenda) 1.AlzheimerSocietyElgin-St.ThomasInvitationtoMusicforMemories 2.St.Thomas & DistrictChamberofCommerceInvitationtotheStateoftheMunicipalities Luncheon 3.SouthwesternPublicHealth – CommitteeAppointmentsNotification MovedbyCouncillorJones SecondedbyCouncillorGiguère THATCorrespondenceItems#1 - 3 bereceivedandfiled. - Carried. CouncilRecessedforLunchat12:04p.m.andreconvenedat12:51p.m. OTHERBUSINESS Statements/InquiriesbyMembers TheDirectorofFinance asked for a datetobe picked fortheTerraceLodgeBuildingCommittee. th MeetingwillbeheldonMonday,February 4, 2019.Publicnoticewillbeprovided. TheWardenispresentingtotheMinistryofFinance – MinisterFidelionWednesday,January23, 2019andnotedthathewould discuss OMPFonbehalfofElgin’sconstituentmunicipalities,as wellastherising costs ofLongTermCare,EmergencyMedicalServicesandtheneedforstable andsustainablefundingsourcestoreduce theburdenonElgin’staxpayers. NoticeofMotion– None MattersofUrgency MovedbyCouncillorJones SecondedbyCouncillorKetchabaw THATbymotionoftheWarden, the SouthWesternIntegratedFibreTechnology(SWIFT)contract bediscussed asclosingmeetingitem#5 \[(i) a tradesecretor scientific, technical,commercial, financialorlabourrelationsinformation,suppliedinconfidencetothemunicipalityorlocalboard, which,ifdisclosed,couldreasonablybeexpectedtoprejudicesignificantlythecompetitive positionorinterferesignificantlywiththecontractualorothernegotiationsof a person,groupof persons,ororganization – Municipal Act Section239(2)\]. ClosedMeetingItems MovedbyCouncillorMartyn SecondedbyCouncillorMennill THATwedonowproceedintoclosedmeeting session inaccordancewiththeMunicipalActto discuss mattersunderMunicipal Act Section239 (2); In-CameraItem#1 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (VERBAL) In-CameraItem#2 (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them - Economic Development Corporation Considerations In-CameraItem #3 (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf ofthe municipality or local board – EBRC Satellite Office Contract In-CameraItem#4 (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board – Medavie EMS Contract Update In-Camera Item #5 (i) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization - SWIFT MovedbyCouncillorMennill SecondedbyCouncillorMarks THATwedonowriseandreport. - Carried. In-CameraItem#1Verbal MovedbyCouncillorMarks SecondedbyCouncillorGiguère THATtheverbalreportbereceived. - Carried. In-CameraItem #2 EconomicDevelopmentCorporationConsiderations MovedbyCouncillorKetchabaw SecondedbyCouncillor Jones THATstaffproceedasdirected. - Carried. In-CameraItem #3 EBRC Satellite Office Contract MovedbyCouncillorMartyn SecondedbyCouncillorMarks THATstaffproceedasdirected. - Carried. In-CameraItem #4 Medavie EMS Contract Update MovedbyCouncillorFrench SecondedbyCouncillorJones THATstaffproceedasdirected. - Carried. In-CameraItem#5 – SWIFT(Verbal) MovedbyCouncillorMartyn SecondedbyCouncillorMennill THATstaffproceedasdirected. - Carried. REPORTSCONTINUED: SatelliteOffices:ElginBusinessResourcesCentreContractChiefAdministrativeOfficer andGeneralManager,EconomicDevelopment TheChiefAdministrativeOfficer,JulieGonyou,andGeneralManager ofEconomicDevelopment, AlanSmithprovided a reporttoCouncilhighlightingthehistoryofsatelliteofficesinElginCounty undertheElgin Business ResourceCentretohelpCouncil make aninformeddecisiononfunding goingforward. MovedbyCouncillorMarks SecondedbyCouncillorKetchabaw THAT County Council withdrawsupplementary funding for the two satellite offices. Notice must be given by January 31, 2019 of a decision to withdraw funding. The availability of loans available through the CFDC will not change. Finding efficiencies in service delivery to include remote or in-person outreach will be the responsibility of the EBRC. - Carried. PRESENTATIONS 2019CapitalBudgetBrianLima,DirectorofEngineeringServices,and,JimBundschuh, DirectorofFinancialServices BrianLima, DirectorofEngineering Services, presented a PowerPointpresentationtoCouncil reviewingthe10yearplanfrom2019to2028.TheDirectorprovided a high-leveloverviewofthe differentprojectsthatwillneedtobecompleted,theprocessinvolvedinthecompletion process, andhowmuchmoneytheseprojectswill cost overvariousoptionsdependingonwhatroute Counciltakes. JimBundschuh,DirectorofFinancial Services, alsospoketothesamePowerPointpresentation providingbudgetaryexplanationtoCouncilontotalcostsofallprojectsandhighlightedthemajor projectsandtheirsubsequent costs. TheDirectoralsoprovided a detailedspreadsheetwithall costs forCounciltoreference. MovedbyCouncillorJones SecondedbyCouncillorMarks THATthe2019capitalbudgetbeapprovedinprincipalandfinallyconsideredinconjunctionwith the2019operatingbudget. - Carried. MotiontoAdoptRecommendationsoftheCommitteeoftheWhole MovedbyCouncillorMartyn SecondedbyCouncillorGiguère THATwedonowadoptrecommendationsoftheCommitteeOfTheWhole. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by CouncillorPurcell THAT By-law No. 19-02 “Being a By-law to Appoint a Land Division Committee and to Repeal By-law No. 15-03” be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by CouncillorJones Seconded by CouncillorMartyn THAT By-law No. 19-03 “Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 22, 2019 Meeting” be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT MovedbyCouncillorJones SecondedbyCouncillorMarks THATwedonowadjournat3:58p.m.tomeetagainonFebruary12, 2019attheCounty AdministrationBuildingCouncilChambersat9:00a.m. - Carried. JulieGonyou, DuncanMcPhail, ChiefAdministrative Officer. Warden. FROM:Warden Duncan McPhail DATE:February 1, 2019 SUBJECT:Warden Activity Report – January 2019 THAT the report from Warden McPhail titled “Warden Activity Report – January 2019” dated February 1, 2019 be received and filed. The purpose of this report is to provide County Council with a list of official functions that I attended as Warden in January 2019. January 2019 Meeting with Minister Yurek (January 9, 2019) Issues discussed include: Long Term Care, Port Bruce Bridge relief funding, Elgin County School Board Reform, Public Health funding, and Broadband. City-County – Current Initiatives Leaders Meetingwith Mayor Preston, County CAO and City Manager (January 15, 2019) Inter-municipalrelations – Middlesex County Meeting (January 8, 2019) Western Ontario Wardens Caucus – Dinner with 15 Wardens (January 17, 2019) and Annual General Meeting of Caucus including Chief Administrative Officers (January 28, 2019) Hosted a joint City-County Council and Senior Leadership meeting (January 23, 2019) Delegation with theMinister of Finance and MPP Yurek (January 23, 2019) Issues discussed include: Ontario Municipal Infrastructure Fund, Long Term Care and ambulance. Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference January 27-30, 2019. Delegation with the Minister of Education (January 28, 2019) Delegation with Ministers re: SWIFT and Economic Development (January 28, 2019) Ontario Library Association Conference – (January 30, 2019) Economic Development Corporations of Ontario Conference - (January 31, 2019) County Council as a whole is off to a productive start to the term. All of which is Respectfully Submitted, Duncan McPhail Warden, Elgin County Council FROM:Grant Jones, Deputy Warden Health Recruitment Partnership Council Representative DATE:February 1, 2019 SUBJECT:Health Recruitment Partnership – Committee Update THAT the report from Deputy Warden Jones titled “Committee Update – St. Thomas Health Recruitment Partnership” dated February 1, 2019 be received and filed. The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Health Recruitment Partnership(HRP). Many communities throughout Ontario have struggled with physician shortages and are working aggressively to recruit and retain physicians. In an effort to be competitive and encourage physicians to practice in our community, in 2010, Elgin Countypartnered with the City of St. Thomas to establisha Health Recruitment Partnership (“HRP”). This is a municipal incentive program that, when combined with private incentives that already exist for new physicians or physicians who are relocating their practice, has resulted in 20new physicians practicing in our community. Elgin-St. Thomas is designated as an by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Areas of high physician need are those areas of the province where physician supply does not meet local demand for their services. The approach used by the Ministry to identify these areas was evidence based with allowance for local circumstance and includes a combination of rurality (Rurality Index for Ontario “RIO” score), family physician to population ration and input from each Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) based on their knowledge of the community and local access needs. The City of St. Thomas is the administrator of the HRP on behalf of the County. The HRP’s Health Recruiter, Cheryl Fish, works on a part-time basis. The Health Recruiter is tasked with: -establishingand strengtheningconnections with prospective physicians and retiring physicians; -building networking opportunities with the broader medical community; -coordinatingorientation sessions for new physicians with many community agencies including the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), Southwestern Public Health, mental health agencies, etc.; -hostingevents throughout the year for medical students who are from Elgin-St. Thomas; - promotingElgin County and the City of St. Thomas as desirable communities for medical practitioners; -surveying and dialoguingwith existing physicians; -updatingjob opportunity links; and - assessingthe community for locum (temporary) placement opportunities. County’s contribution to this program in 2018 was$73,800. The 2019 contribution is forecasted to be $57,000. Funding is used for the following: -an incentive loan program for new physicians (*); -a scholarship program for County/City residents who are currently enrolled in a Canadian Medical School; -events, tradeshows; and -wages for part-time Health Recruiter. (*) physicians are eligible for aforgivableloan of up to $33,000 toset up their practice in Elgin and St.Thomas - its entirety must be repaid if the physician fails to practice in the community for a period of at least four (4) years. This Committee meets every six (6) weeks and City Manager and County Chief Administrative Officer attend as non-voting members. This Committee’s success in recruiting family doctors has been used as a model for neighbouring communities who are struggling with physician shortages in their communities. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Grant Jones Deputy Warden REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: CONCLUSION: County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Subject: Attendance Management System Policy Number: 9.30 Date Approved:October 1, 1987 Date Last Revision: February 12, 2019 Code: A Section: 9 ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMITMENTS The County of Elgin and its employees have a mutual interest and shared responsibilities for the maintenance of regular attendance and effective management of attendance. The County is committed to a healthy and safe working environment for all employees. When illness or disability prevents regular attendance the County will work cooperatively with all stakeholders to facilitate an early and safe return to work. The County is further committed to recognizing and responding to accommodation issues attending disability related absences. The County’s employees have an important responsibility to contribute to a safe and healthy workplace; and to provide their full cooperation to any initiatives directed at supporting, encouraging, and facilitating regular attendance. PURPOSE The purpose of the Attendance Management System is the following: a)To ensure all members of the County’s workforce community understand and meet their responsibilities with respect to attendance. b)To support all members of the County’s workplace community in maintaining a level of attendance consistent with the objectives and interests of the county in terms of delivering its services. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ c)To help County employees achieve optimum attendance at work by making every reasonable effort to provide accommodation, assistance, and rehabilitation. d)To respond to the facts of individual cases in passing through all the steps of the program. This programis not intended to be applied in a mechanical fashion which endeavours to have “one size fits all”, but to rely on objective evidence relating to the attendance. e)To provide guidance to management staff who are responsible for dealing with attendance issues. f)To enable the employer to conduct its operations in a safe, efficient and orderly manner. g)To maximize service delivery to the public. h)To be in compliance with the Employment Standards Act (ESA). ESA 2019 Sick Leave, Family Responsibility Leave, and Bereavement Leave Provisions are not included in the attendance management system. The quantum that falls within the ESA 2019 provisions can be considered both in the manageable and approved categories. ESA Job Protected Leaves, including but not limited to: Pregnancy/Parental Leave and Family Medical Leave are not included in the attendance management system. i)To manage attendance and absenteeism in a manner that recognizes and responds to the equality rights guarantees of employees where the interruption in the ability to provide regular attendance, or attendance consistent with norms attending disability issues. j)To ensure compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code; specifically the duty to accommodate where the employee’s inability to meet attendance expectations is caused by disability. Medical Time Loss Review (MTLR) The MTLR is an assessment to be pursued whenever in the course of the employee’s management in the Attendance Management System there is a need to determine whether a condition of disability is impacting the employee’s ability to meet the attendance benchmarks. The purposes of the MTLR are: 1.To determine if there is a disability issue. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 2.To assess the impact of the disability issue on a)An employee’s ability to provide regular attendance, and/or b)Employee’s ability to meet/perform all the regular duties and regular scheduling requirements when at work. 3.To identify any accommodation issues/needs attending the verification of a disability issue impacting attendance. Return to Work Medical Clearance The Return to Work Medical Clearance is an assessment to determine the employee’s ability to perform the essential duties of his/her regular job in a safe and predictable manner. MANAGEABLE ABSENCES: The purpose of the AMS policy is to encourage and support employees in maintaining attendance levels consistent with the “Manageable Attendance Rate” (MAR) defined in this policy. “Manageable Absences”, refers to absences that will be addressed through the steps of the AMS. Manageable absences include all absences or withdrawals of services except for approved absences or disability related absences which are s ubject to accommodation activity. "Culpable Or Blame Worthy Absences" will be addressed through progressive discipline. “MANAGEABLE ATTENDANCE RATE” (“MAR”) The Manageable Attendance Rate is exceeded whenever the employee’s rate of “Manageable Absences” as defined under this policy exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days in any 12 month period. “APPROVED ABSENCES”, absences falling within the definition of approved absences set out below are excluded from the definition of “Manageable Absences” and thus not included in evaluating the employees’ attendance against the benchmark of the “Manageable Absenteeism Rate”. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Approved Absences include: 1.Absent with Permission An approved absence in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement or County policy. 2.Compassionate Leave An approved absence due to the death of a family member, in accordance with provisions of the collective agreement or County policy. 3.Doctor's Appointment An absence where the employee requests leave to attend up to two physician or dental appointments, each no greater than one-half day in length or in accordance with provisions of the collective agreement or County policy. At the discretion of the Supervisor, a sick day or a part thereof may be used to attend an appointment with a specialist, as these are difficult to schedule. 4.Leave of Absence An approved unpaid leave of absence of one day to a maximum of five incidents per year. 5.Legal Strikes An absence resulting from unresolved formal contract negotiations. 6.Maternity Leave An approved absence for maternity leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act and based on the appropriate medical authorization. 7.Modified Work/Rehabilitation An approved absence for participation in a temporary modified work or rehabilitation program in accordance with established gradual return to work procedures. 8.Parental Leave An approved absence available to adoptive and/or natural fathers and/or mothers in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 9.Suspension An absence where an employee is instructed to be absent from scheduled working hours as a result of disciplinary action. 10. Temporary Lay-Off An absence resulting from the temporary unavailability of work. 11. Union Business An absence approved by the Corporation to engage in union related activities. 12. Vacations/Holidays An approved absence wherean employee does not report to work due to vacation or holidays in keeping with collective agreements and corporate policies. This includes, lieu statutory days, lieu overtime days, holidays (non-paid). 13. Witness/Jury Duty An approved absence to perform witness or jury duty activities, in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement or County policy. 14. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits An absence resulting from a work related injury or illness. These absences are not subject to the Attendance Management procedures. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES General Responsibilities Maintaining regular attendance is an important employment obligation of every employee. The County recognizes that employees may experience circumstances that unavoidably conflict with the obligation to attend work. Employees are expected to deliver the effort, information, and cooperation required to minimize the impact of absenteeism on the workplace. Employees are expected to make every effort to maintain a level of attendance that supports the County in delivering its commitments as a service provider. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Employee Responsibilities – Specific Employees who are absent from work shall: 1) Report all absences to the immediate supervisor, or equivalent designate, in the manner and time prescribed in the Attendance Management System and/or Collective Agreements and/or Short and Long Term Disability Plans and/or County Policies, and/or departmental procedures. 2) Make every effort to contact the immediate supervisor, or equivalent designate, prior to the start of the shift. 3) It is the employee’s responsibility to provide his/her immediate supervisor with the following information: - Reason for absence \[according to defined absence types\] - Expected date of return 4)Employees who fail to report an absence shall be recorded as absent without leave. 5)Employees will be required to maintain contact and provide functional abilityrelated documentation with the Manager/Supervisor as well as Human Resources regarding return to work possibilities. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 6)Documentation Obligations: The County or its designate may require input or documentation from individuals other than the employee in connection with managing and responding to issues attending the employee’s absence, in particular input and documentation from Medical Advisors. Employees are required to provide full cooperation in facilitating the County access to relevant documentation. 7)Employee’s General Duty to Cooperate: Employees are required to provide their full cooperation in response to any request for information, documentation, or other input in connection with absences. Such cooperation is necessary to enable the County to successfully address the employee needs and workplace needs that may attend an employee’s absence. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: 1)Pursue regular communications with employees reinforcing the importance of their regular attendance. 2)Secure and record any information or documentation from an absent employee that is required in accordance with this policy. 3)Be accountable for the attendance level within the groups you supervise. 4)Know and follow the procedures outlined in the attendance management system. 5)Ensure the consistent application of the attendance management system procedures within the groups they supervise. 6)Demonstrate due diligence in creating a healthy and safe work environment. 7)Manage employee absenteeism by regularly reviewing attendance records, identifying attendance issues, and addressing the attendance issues as per the AMS policy. 8)Create a supportive environment where by the employee is positively reinforced through the period of illness or disability. 9)Work with Human Resources to identify suitable accommodation activity to accommodate employees as required. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervisors shall: 1)Receivecallsfrom absent employees to: a.determine the anticipated length of absence and/or return date b.determine status of outstanding work,assignments, etc. to assess disposition c.express concern regarding employee's health 2)Ensure that all employees are aware of the designate to be reported to when absent. In identifying a designate, supervisors should select an equivalent or higher level of management. 3)Monitor and document all contacts from employees and note any revisions of expected date of return to work. 4)Notify Human Resources of absences expected to be, or in excess of, 3 working days and changes in return to work dates resulting from regular contact with absent employees. 5)Demonstrate due diligence in creating a healthy and safe work environment. 6)Create a supportive environment where by the employee is positively reinforced through the period of illness or disability. 7)Work with Management and Human Resources to identify suitable accommodation activity as required. DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES RESPONSIBILITIES: 1)Regularly review the corporate and departmentallevels of attendance. 2)Ensure that departmentheads are consistently managing the level of attendance within their departments in accordance with the attendance management system procedures. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: 1)Provide overall administration of the attendance management system, including providing timely attendance reports to Director of Human Resources and department management, and regularly inform management of the effectiveness of the attendance management system. 2)Support departmental management in the AMS process. 3)Human Resources will liaise with the employee, , the Supervisor, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, the Benefit Carriers, and any other persons necessary to assist with the administration of the Attendance Management System. 4)Monitor the overall health and welfare of all employees. While the emphasis is on preventive medicine, the Human Resources Department will arrange a consultation with a medical practitioner to assess an employeeregarding his/her ability to perform job duties in a safe and predictable manner and provide assistance to employees through the AMS. 5)Monitor the management of the AMS process to ensure that it is being administered consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD BENEFITS: All incidents/accidents which occur during the course of duty, no matter how minor, must be reported immediately to the supervisor or designate and appropriate incident/accident forms completed and forwarded immediately to Human Resources. RETURN TO WORK CLEARANCES: Employee Responsibility Report to Human Resources before returning from any absence exceeding time limits outlined in the Collective Agreements or County Policy Report to Human Resources before returning from any absence with limitations or restrictions Provide medical documentation regarding limitations or restrictions regarding the ability to perform regular duties in a safe and predictable manner Report to Human Resources before returning from any WSIB absence County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Supervisor Responsibility For all absencesof 5 working days or less due to Short Term Disability, refer employee to Human Resources when employee indicates that there are restrictions or limitations or when there are just concerns regarding the employee's ability to perform duties in a safe and predictable manner Ensure all employees returning from WSIB benefits have been cleared to return by Human Resources Human Resources For all absences due to Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits, notify WSIB of employee's return Review all absences exceeding 3 working days due to STD or LTD Review all absences of 3 working days or less where employee was referred by supervisor. ATTENDANCE INTERVIEW PROCEDURES: Interviews will not be required at Level 1 or 2, unless requested by the employee. A notice will be sent from the Human Resources Department to the supervisor, to inform them of the attendance. The Supervisor will provide a letter to the employee to inform him/her of the attendance concern. Interviews are not disciplinary proceedings. The intent and purpose, is to provide information and assistance to the employee regarding his/her attendance, responsibility to maintain an acceptable level of attendance, to identify and address any accommodation issues; and to clearly indicate that apersisting failure to meet attendance expectations would be a serious breach of their employment obligations and could result in frustration of the employment contract. At Level 1 and 2, a notice will be sent from the Human Resources Department to the supervisor, to inform them of the attendance. The Supervisor will provide a letter to the employee to inform him/her of the attendance concern. Where the employee believes that he/she is experiencing a disability issue impacting their ability to meet the “MAR”, the employee should advise their supervisor and request a meeting. A meeting will be held with the supervisor and Human Resources to discuss and assess the issue of disability and discuss any relevant accommodation issues that may arise. The meeting may result in a referral for a “Medical Time Loss Review” (MTLR). It is the employee’s responsibility to request a meeting. No notice will be sent when an employee's rate of manageable attendance is at or below 4 incidents or 10 days or less in any 12 month period. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ When an employee’s rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days in any 12 month period after Levels 1 and 2, the supervisor will notify the employee in writing that he/she should arrange an interview with the supervisor. This interview will be documented. If the employee has not contacted the supervisor within two weeks of the date of the first notice, the supervisor will send a follow-up letter. Should the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceed 4 incidents or 10days at any time within a 12 month period following the interview, the employee shall proceed to the next level. Should the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceed 4 incidents or 10 days between 12 and 24 months following an interview at any level of the AMS, the same level interview will be repeated. Should the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceed 4 incidents or 10 days after 24 months following an interview at any level of the AMS, the employee will re-enter the procedure at Level 1. At all stages of the AMS follow-up interviews, when an employee demonstrates improvement in meeting attendance expectations, the supervisor will: a)Commend the employee on his/her improvement. b)Emphasize the importance of meeting and maintaining attendance expectations. Except for level 1 and 2, all supervisors are required to document all actions taken through the various stages of AMS and forward them to the Human Resources Department for input into the data system. Following the return to work date after the absence that triggered the notice/interview the employee will begin a new 12 month period for the purpose of Attendance Management monitoring procedures. Note: The substantiation of disability issues and accommodation needs at any level willresult in a re-evaluation of the employee’s status in the context of the targeted manageable absenteeism rate and may affect the progressions through the levels. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE INTERVIEW GUIDELINES: 1. Stress that, after Levels 1 and 2, the interview results from him/her being identified as having a rate of manageable attendance that exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days. Subsequent interviews result whenever the employee’s rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days in any 12 month period. 2. Indicate to the employee that there is concern for the employee's health status and the Corporation wants to assist him/her in fulfilling corporate objectives by meeting attendance requirements. Outline the problem by: a) Showing the employee a copy of his/her attendance for the past 12 month period. b) Stating the Corporation's need and desire for every employee to be at work on each working day. 3.Encourage the employee to volunteer all relevant information regarding the cause and circumstances of the absence. This will assist the supervisor in identifying relevant strategies and supports to facilitate improved attendance. 4.Where the employee identifies medical issues that are potential disability issues, the supervisor with consult with Human Resources. Human Resources shall pursue inquiries directed at determining if there is a disability issue. If a disability issue is confirmed, the supervisor together with Human Resources will assess and implement the accommodation activity required. 5.Identify how the employee's absences affect his/her Department: a) Morale of fellow employees b) Effectiveness and productivity of the work group c) Quality of service to the public 6.Stress the need for improvement. Make the employee aware that an improvement in his/her attendance is expected. 7.Outline to the employee his/her options: a) Correct the problem on his/her own b) Ask for help County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 8.Offer assistance to the employee: a)Employee Assistance Program. Any employee who seeks assistance will be provided information about the County's Employee Assistance. b)Medical assistance through the Human Resources Department. 9.Inform the employee that his/her attendance will be monitored. 10. Advise the employee of the risks of his/her inability to maintain acceptable attendance. 11. Have the employee restate what you have explained to ensure that he/she understands. 12.Invite the employee to provide any input or comments that could assist in working together to improve attendance. 13. Document the Meeting - forward copy to Human Resources. Note: It may not be appropriate to discuss 5, 6, 7 and 10 where it is determined that disability related absences have resulted in the employee exceeding the “Manageable Absenteeism Rule” (MAR). EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATION: As previously stated, interviews are not intended to be disciplinary but rather a communication between the employee and management regarding attendance information and expectations, assistance available and potential outcomes. Should a unionized employee wish to have representation present at the interview, he/she may request it at any and all levels. Commencing at level 3, a union representative's attendance shall be invited by the supervisor/manager. It will be of value to include the union representative in interviews and assessments where disability issues are impeding attendance, given the multi-party responsibilities attending Accommodation issues. LEVELS Level 1 (Initial Concern Notice) An initial concern occurs when an employee's rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days within a 12 month period. A notice will be sent from the Supervisor to the County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ employee, to inform them of the attendance. No meeting is required unless the employee requests it. This notice is designed to inform the employee of the attendance. If the employee indicates that there is a medical condition for the attendance, the employee will be referred to the Human Resources Department for a “Medical Time Loss Review". A follow-up meeting will be held, no later than 3 months after the referral to the Human Resources Department, with the employee to review the outcome of the "Medical Time Loss Review" and agree on a plan of action. Level 2a (Further Concern Notice) A Level 2a notice will be sent from the Supervisor to the employee, to inform them of the attendance. No meeting is required unless the employee requests it. This notice shall be sent if the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days at any time within a 12 month period since the initial Level 1 notice or since medical intervention and establishment of an action plan. This notice is again designed to inform the employee of the continuing attendance concern. If the employee indicates that the attendance is due to a medical condition, the employee will be referred to the Human Resources Department for a "Medical Time Loss Review". A follow-up meeting will be held with the employee, no later than 3 months after the referral to Human Resources to review the outcome of the "Medical Time Loss Review" and agree on a plan of action. Level 2b (Follow Up Meeting) A Level 2b meeting shall be conducted three months after the Level 2a notice ONLY if the employee's rate of manageable attendance has not exceeded 4 incidents or 10 days since the Level 2a notice. The employee will be commended for his/her progress and reminded of the importance of satisfactory attendance. The employee will also be advised that if his/her manageable absences exceed 4 incidents or 10 days within 12 months of the Level 2a notice, then a Level 3a meeting will be held. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ The Level 2b meeting shall be conducted by the employee's supervisor, documented in a letter to the employee and recorded in the employee's file in the Human Resources Department. Level 3a (Advance Concern Meeting) A Level 3a meeting shall be conducted if the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days at any time within a 12 month period since the initial Level 2a meeting. The employee will be advised of the attendance, management's expectations regarding satisfactory attendance at work, offered assistance and advised of the possible outcome if there is no improvement. The employee should be asked if there is a medical condition causing the attendance. If the employee indicates that the attendance is due to a medical condition, the employee will be referred to the Human Resources Department for a "Medical Time Loss Review". A follow-up meeting will be held, no later than 3 months after the referral to Human Resources, with the employee to review the outcome of the "Medical Time Loss Review" and agree on a plan of action. The Level 3a meeting shall be conducted by the employee's Supervisor and Human Resources. All meetings occurring in this stage shall be documented in a letter to the employee and recorded in the employee's file in the Human Resources Department. Level 3b (Follow Up Meeting) A Level 3b meeting shall be conducted three months after the Level 3a meeting ONLYif the employee's rate of manageable attendance has not exceeded 4 incidents or 10 days since the Level 3a meeting. The employee will be commended for his/her progress and reminded of the importance of satisfactory attendance. The employee will also be advised that if his/her manageable absences exceed 4 incidents or 10 days within 12 months of the Level 3 a meeting, then a Level 4 meeting will be held. The Level 3b meeting shall be conducted by the employee's supervisor, documented in a letter to the employee and recorded in the employee's file in the Human Resources Department. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Level 4 (Final Warning) A Level 4 meeting shall be conducted if the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days at any time within a 12 month period since the initial Level 3a meeting or since medical intervention and establishment of an action plan. The employee will be advised of the attendance, management's expectations regarding satisfactory attendance at work, and the possible outcome if there is no improvement. The purpose of this meeting is to: a)Present the employee with his/her attendance record to date and to remind him/her of previous notices and/or discussions regarding the necessity of satisfactory attendance b) Explain to the employee the seriousness of the situation and stress that improvement must be shown quickly and dramatically in order to ensure continued employment c) Offer assistance if appropriate d) Advise the employee that termination of his/her employment will occur if improvement is not forthcoming If the employee indicates that the attendance is due to a medical condition, the employee will be referred to the Human Resources Department for a "Medical Time Loss Review". A follow-up meeting will be held, no later than 3 months after the referral to the Human Resources Department, with the employee to review the outcome of the "Medical Time Loss Review" and agree on a plan of action. The Level 4 meeting shall be conducted by the Department Head, Supervisor and Human Resources. A union representative shall also be invited to attend. This meeting will be documented in a letter to the employee and will be recorded in the employee's file in the Human Resources Department. Level 5 (Frustration of Contract) A Level 5 meeting shall be conducted if the employee's rate of manageable attendance exceeds 4 incidents or 10 days at any time within a 12 month period since the initial Level 4 meeting or since medical intervention and an action plan have been established. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this meeting is to: a)Present the employee with his/her attendance record to date. b) Advise the employee that he/she has not demonstrated the required improvement outlined in Level 4, resulting in frustration of his/her employment contract. The Level 5 meeting shall be conducted by the Department Head, Supervisor and Human Resources. A union representative shall also be invited to attend. This action will be documented in a letter presented to the employee and will be recorded in the employee's file in the Human Resources Department. Prior to the Level 5 meeting being held, Human Resources will review all cases to ensure that: a) Every reasonable effort has been made to accommodate the employee within the workplace; b) The employer has fulfilled its obligations under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code; c) The employee's attendance record illustrates an inability to meet attendance expectations. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPORTS: In order to assist management to identify and manage the attendance performance of their employees in a fair and consistent manner according to the procedures outlined, system reports will be generated and distributed to supervisors on a regular basis monthly. Overall administration and statistical monitoring of attendance is the responsibility of the Human Resources Department. It shall be responsible for producing employee and summary attendance reports. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Summary Reports As requested by the Supervisor/Manager the Human Resources Department will produce summary report data indicating: Number of employees Number of available work days Total manageable absences (severity and frequency) by absence type Average days lost and average incidents per employee by manageable and approved absences Total manageable absences as a percentage of the total available work days. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT: Purpose of Human Resources Department The primary purpose of the Human Resources Department in the Attendance Management System is to assist in ensuring that employees are receiving optimum medical care and to provide professional opinions and guidelines on health related issues to Employees, Supervisors and Personnel. Complete confidentiality of medical information as per medical ethics, will be maintained in all cases. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Role of the Human Resources Department for Absences in Excess of 3 Working Days For absences in excess of 3 working days, the Human Resources Department role is as follows: a)Confirm through medicaldocumentation provided by the employeethe anticipated length of the employee's absence; b)Ensure the absence from the workplace is medically required through the employees’ medical documentation; c)Review and/or obtain additional information to determine the appropriateness and ability of the employee and County in providing modified work. d)Develop a follow-up action plan to ensure ongoing communications with the employee. Role of the Human Resources Department in the "Return to Work" Medical Clearance If the employee is required to obtain "Return to Work" medical clearance, the employee must report to the Human Resources Department. The role of the Human Resources Department is to assist the employee to return to work in a safe and efficient manner by: a)Determiningtheemployee'sfunctionalabilitiesastheyrelatetohis/herposition; b)Ensuringthattheemployeeisfittoreturntoregularduties; c)Assistingindetermininganyfollow-upcarethatmaybeappropriate; d)Assessingtheemployee’scapabilityofperforminganypartofhis/herregularjobin a modifiedworkenvironment. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Role of the Human Resources Department in a "Medical Time Loss Review" At Level 4 of the AMS or at any previous time a medical condition for the attendance problem is declared, the employee may be requested to attend a "Medical Time Loss Review" assessment as arranged by Human Resources. The purpose of the Medical Time Loss Review is to: 1.Determine if there is a disability issue; 2.Assess the impact of the disability issue on the employee’s ability to provide regular attendance; or the employee’s ability to meet/perform all regular duties and regular scheduling demands; 3.Identify any accommodation issues/needs attending any disability issues substantiated. Following the MTLR, Human Resources will liaise with supervisors, employees and union to address any accommodation issues confirmed by the MTLR; to seek input and finalize an accommodation plan or activity; to confirm the significance of the MLTR results to the employee status in the AMS system. Information Provided by the Human Resources Department When an employee has been suitablyassessed as determined by Human Resources whether triggered by the "Return to Work Medical Clearance" or the "Medical Time Loss Review", supervisors can expect answers to the following: a)Is there a medical condition causing the attendance problem? (diagnosis information will not be provided) b)Is the medical condition permanent or temporary? c)Are there any limitations or restrictions that are temporary or permanent? d)What is the anticipated date for return to full regular duties? e)Has everything been done to facilitate the employee’s performance of his/her regular duties? County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ f)What modifications or adjustmentsto the duties or schedule are required to facilitate the employees’ ability to perform the essential duties of his/her job or other available jobs? g)What istheimpactofthisconditionontheemployee’sability/likelihoodtoattendwork in a predictable manner in the future? h)What initiatives are required to accommodate the impact of the disability issues on the employee’s ability to provide attendance consistent with the Manageable Attendance Targets? i)How should the employee, with the disability related absences and accommodation needs be managed under the Attendance Management System? Note: Complete confidentiality of medical information as per medical ethics, will be maintained in all cases. File No.: MA-OPA15-18 Date of Decision: 2019 Municipality: Township of Malahide Date of Notice: 2019 Subject Land: Part Lot 11, Concession 9Last Date of Appeal: 2019 Applicant: Zelinka Priamo NOTICE OF DECISION With respect to an Official Plan Amendment Section 17(35) and 21 of the Planning Act Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan Amendment The purpose of this Amendment is tochange the land use designation on part of Lot 11, Concession 9 Specific Policy Area No. 9for the Township of Malahide Official Plan. The change in designation will permit the establishment of a truck terminal on the east side of Imperial Road north of College Line. Decision On,Elgin County Council approved asmodified Amendment No. 15 to the Official Plan for the Township of Malahide as adopted by By-law No.18-75 on December 20, 2018. When and How to File an Appeal Who Can File an Appeal Any appeal to the Local Planning appeal tribunal must be filed with the County of Elgin no later Only individuals, corporations or public bodies than 20 days from the date of this notice as may appeal the decision of the County of Elgin to shown above as the last date of appeal. theLocal Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated The appeal should be sent to the attention of the association or group. However, an appeal may Manager of Planning, at the address shown be filed in the name of an individual who is a below and it must, member of the association or group on its behalf. (1) set out the specific part of the proposed No person or public body shall be added as a official plan amendment to which the appeal party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before applies, the plan was adopted, the person or public body (2) set out the reasons for the request for the made oral submissions at a public meeting or appeal, and written submissions to the council, or, in the (3) be accompanied by the fee prescribed under opinion of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, theLocal Planning Appeal Tribunal Act in the there are reasonable grounds to add the person amount of $300.00 payable by cheque to the or public body as a party. Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario. When the Decision is FinalMailing Address for Filing a Notice of Appeal The decision of the County of Elgin is final if a Notice of Appeal is not received on or before the County of Elgin last date for filing of a notice of appeal. Planning Department 450 Sunset Drive Other Related Applications: NA St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Submit notice of appeal to the attention of the Getting Additional Information Manager of Planning. Additional information about the application is available for public inspection during regular Telephone: (519) 631-1460 office hours at the County of Elgin at the address Fax: (519) 633-7661 noted below. DECISION With respect to the Official Plan for the Township of Malahide Subsection 17 (34) of the Planning Act I hereby modify and approve as modified, Official Plan Amendment No. 15 for the Township of Malahide as adopted by by-law 18-75, as follows: 1.Part 1 Section 3.8.99 in the middle of the paragraph. 2.Part 2 3. Dated at the County of Elgin this _______ day of _________________, 2019 _______________________________ Manager of Planning County of Elgin Applicant:Robin Ridge Estates Ltd.Date of Decision:2018 File No.:34-CD-CE1701Date of Notice:2018 Municipality:Central ElginLast Date of Appeal:2018 Subject Lands:Part of Lot 24, Concession 6Lapsing Date:2021 Geographic Township of North Dorchester, Municipality of Central Elgin ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF DECISION On Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Condominium Section 51 of the Planning Act ___________________________________________________________________________ Approval of a Draft Plan of Condominiumin respect of the subject lands noted above was given by the County of Elgin on . A copy of the conditions for final approval is attached. Council considered all written and oral submissions received on this application, the effect of which helped Council to make an informed decision. When and How to File an AppealHow to Receive Notice of Changed Conditions Notice to appeal the decision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunalmust be filed with the The conditions of an approval of draft plan of County of Elgin no later than twenty (20)days subdivision / condominium may be changed at from the date of this notice as shown above as any time before thefinal plan is given. the last date of appeal. You will be entitled to receive notice of any The Notice of Appeal should be sent to the changes to the conditions of approval of draft attention of the Planning Department, at the plan of subdivision / condominium if you have address shown below and it must,either, (1) set out the reasons for the appeal; and(1) made a written request to be notified of the decision to grantor refusalto grant (2) be accompanied by the fee prescribed under approval of draft plan of subdivision / the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act in the condominium; or amount of $300.00 payable by cheque to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario.(2) made a written request to be notified of changes to the conditions of approval of Who Can File anAppeal? the draft plan of subdivision / condominium. Only individuals, corporationsor public bodies may appeal the decision of the County of Elgin to Getting Additional Information the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. An appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association Additional information about the application is or group. However, a Notice of Appeal may be available for public inspection during regular filed in the name of an individual who is a member office hours at the County of Elgin at the of the association or group.address noted below. Right of Applicant or Public Body to Appeal Mailing Address for Request to be Notified Conditions County of Elgin The applicant or any public body may, at any time Planning Department before the final plan of subdivision / condominium 450 Sunset Drive is approved, appeal any of the conditions St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 imposed by the County of Elginto the Local Tele: (519) 631-1460 Planning Appeal Tribunalby filing with the Fax: (519) 633-7661 Manager of Planning a Notice of Appeal.E-mail: sevans@elgin.ca Applicant:Robin Ridge Estates Ltd.Date of Decision:2018 File No.:34-CD-CE1701Date of Notice:2018 Municipality:Central ElginLast Date of Appeal:2018 Subject Lands:Part of Lot 24, Concession 6Lapsing Date:2021 Geographic Township of North Dorchester, Municipality of Central Elgin ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The conditions of final plan of approval for registration of this Condominium as provided by the County of Elgin are as follows: __________________________________________________________________________________ No.Conditions __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.That this approval shall apply to the “red line revised” draft Plan ofCondominium (vacant land condominium 34CD-CE1701), prepared by Archibald, Gray & McKay Ltd. and certified by Juan Zapata OLS, dated February 16, 2017, showing a total of 40 units for residential detached dwellings and a common element area containing a paved roadway, visitor parking and landscaped areas. The Plan is located within the Municipality of Central Elgin, and comprises Part of Lot 24, Concession 6, and all of Block 31, Plan 33M-658, Geographic Township of North Dorchester in the Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin. 2.That the owner enters into a Condominium Agreement, pursuant to the authority of section 51 (26) of the Planning Act R.S.O 1990, as amended, with the Municipality of Central Elgin (Municipality) wherein the owner agrees to satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Municipality of Central Elgin respecting the conditions of approval set out herein, and the layingout and development of the site, the installation of facilities and services including roads, sanitary sewerage collection system, water distribution system, utilities, storm water management facilities and landscaping required for the development of the lands within the Plan. 3.That the agreement between the owner and the Municipality be registered against the lands to which it applies once the declaration and description have been registered. 4.That the street as shown as “common element” on the draft plan of condominium shall be named and new homes addressed to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 5.That the owner shall provide easements as may be required for access. utility, servicing, or drainage purposes in a form satisfactory to the Municipality or utility. 6.That the owner convey up to 5% of the land included in the plan to the Municipality for park or other public recreation purposes. Alternatively, the Municipality may require cash-in-lieu of all or a portion of the conveyance. 7.That the Agreement between the Owner and Municipality shall contain provisions requiring: (a)The owner,to include within the declaration, a statement informing the persons who first purchase a unit following draft plan approval and prior to registration, of all the approved development charges, including development charges for school purposes, relating to any such unit within the draft plan of condominium pursuant to section 59(4) of the Development Charges Act, 1997; Applicant:Robin Ridge Estates Ltd.Date of Decision:2018 File No.:34-CD-CE1701Date of Notice:2018 Municipality:Central ElginLast Date of Appeal:2018 Subject Lands:Part of Lot 24, Concession 6Lapsing Date:2021 Geographic Township of North Dorchester, Municipality of Central Elgin ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (b)All services, which in the opinion of the Municipality are necessary for the development of the lands within the Plan, such services being hereinafter called the “necessary services”, shall be in place before development begins; and (c)Notwithstanding (b), development may begin before all necessary services are in place if the Municipality is satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made to ensure that the necessary services shall be provided in a timely manner as development proceeds. Adequate arrangements shall include the passing of an area-specific development charge by-law pursuant to section 2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, and the entering into of a front-ending agreement under section 44 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, which by-law and agreement relate to the necessary services. 8.That prior to final approval, the Approval Authority is to be advised by the Municipality that this proposed draft Plan of Condominium conforms to the Zoning By-Law,as amended and the approved site plan. 9.That prior to final approval the Municipality shall confirm that there is uncommitted reserve sewage and water treatment capacity to service the development and that the proposed arrangements for storm water management are acceptable and can be assumed by the Municipality. 10.That the Owner is required to prepare an erosion and sediment control plan to the satisfaction of the Municipality prior to commencement of any development including grading and/or site alteration works upon the subject lands. 11.That the Owner shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining sediment and erosion controls on the subject lands until such time as the Municipality assumes the roads and associated services. 12.Prior to final approval and the registration of the declaration and description the owner shall ensure that the declaration being submitted for registration contains a statement mentioning the conditions of this draft approval. A copy of the draft declaration shall be provided to the Municipality for review prior to clearance of the final plan by the Municipality. 13.That the owner is advised to contact Bell Canada, prior to commencing any work within the Plan, to confirm that sufficient wire line communication / telecommunication infrastructure is currently available within the proposed development to provide communication / telecommunication service to the proposed development. In the event that such infrastructure is not available, the developer may be required to payfor the connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure. If the developer elects not to pay for such connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure, the developershall be required to demonstrate to the municipality that sufficient alternative communication/telecommunication facilities are available within the proposed development to enable, at a minimum, the effective delivery of communication / telecommunication services for emergency management services (i.e., 911 Emergency Services). Applicant:Robin Ridge Estates Ltd.Date of Decision:2018 File No.:34-CD-CE1701Date of Notice:2018 Municipality:Central ElginLast Date of Appeal:2018 Subject Lands:Part of Lot 24, Concession 6Lapsing Date:2021 Geographic Township of North Dorchester, Municipality of Central Elgin ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.That prior to final approval the Owner shall ensure that the requirements of Canada Post as set out below are satisfied: (a)The owner shall: (i)include in all offers of purchase and sale, a statement that advises the prospective purchaser that mail will be delivered via a community mail box; (ii)note the locations of the community mail box within the development; and (iii)notify affected homeowners of any established easements granted to Canada Post to permit access to the community mail box. (b)The owner further agrees to: (i)consult with Canada Post to determine suitable permanent locations for the community mail box, which locations shall be indicated by the developer on the appropriate servicing plans; (ii)prior to offering any units for sale, display a map on a wall of the sales office in a place readily accessible to potential homeowners that indicates the location of the community mail box within the development, as approved by Canada Post; (iii)provide a suitable and safe temporary site for a community mail box until curbs, sidewalks and final grading are completed at the permanent community mail box location; (iv)provide Canada Post with the excavation date for the first foundation / first phase as well as the date development work is scheduled to begin; (v)provide the expected installation date for the community mail box pad; and (vi)provide the following for the community mail box and to include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: any required walkway across the boulevard, per municipal standards; any required curb depressions for wheelchair access, with an opening of at least two metres (consult with Canada Post for detailed specifications); and a community mailbox concrete base pad per Canada Post specifications. 15.That the Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality shall include a clause that the Owner agrees to inform all Purchasers of residential lots by including a condition in all Purchase Agreements stating that the construction of additional public school accommodation is dependent upon funding approval from the Ontario Ministry of Education, therefore the subject community may be designated as a "Holding Zone" by the Thames Valley District School Board and pupils may be assigned to existing schools as deemed necessary by the Board. Applicant:Robin Ridge Estates Ltd.Date of Decision:2018 File No.:34-CD-CE1701Date of Notice:2018 Municipality:Central ElginLast Date of Appeal:2018 Subject Lands:Part of Lot 24, Concession 6Lapsing Date:2021 Geographic Township of North Dorchester, Municipality of Central Elgin ___________________________________________________________________________________________ “Holding Zone” is defined by a geographic boundary, within an attendance area (usually with high concentrations of new or imminent development), for which the Trustees have approved that students residing in it are to attend a specified school based on available capacity, until such time as long-term accommodation and related revised attendance areas can be established. 16.That prior to final approval, arrangements shall be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality for the relocation of any utilities that may be required as a result of the development of the subject lands, such relocation shall be undertaken at the expense of the Owner. 17.That prior to final approval, the County of Elgin is to be advised in writing by the Municipality how conditions 1 through 16 have been satisfied. 18.That prior to final approval the County of Elgin is to be advised in writing by Canada Post how condition 14has been satisfied. NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL 1.It is the applicant’s responsibility to fulfill the conditions of draft approval. 2.It is suggested that the applicant be aware of: (a)subsection 144 (1) of The Land Titles Act, which requires all new plans to be registered in a land titles system: and (b)subsection 144 (2) allows certain exceptions. 3.Inauguration, or extension of a piped water supply, a communal sewage system or a storm water management system, is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Environment under section 52 and section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources Act. 4.The Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parksmust be advisedimmediately should waste materials or other contaminantsbe discovered during the development of this plan of subdivision. 5.Clearance is required from the following: Donald Leitch, CAO / Clerk Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R5V1 Delivery Services Officer Delivery Planning Canada Post Corporation 955 Highbury Avenue London, ON N5Y1A3 Applicant:Robin Ridge Estates Ltd.Date of Decision:2018 File No.:34-CD-CE1701Date of Notice:2018 Municipality:Central ElginLast Date of Appeal:2018 Subject Lands:Part of Lot 24, Concession 6Lapsing Date:2021 Geographic Township of North Dorchester, Municipality of Central Elgin ___________________________________________________________________________________________ If the agency’s condition concerns a clause in the Condominium Agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to them. This will expedite clearance of the final plan. A copy of the agreement and declaration is also required by the County of Elgin. 6.All measurements on condominium final plans must be presented in metric units. 7.The final plan must be submitted digitally in AutoCAD (DWG) and Portable Document Format (PDF) with the appropriate citation from the Planning Act used. The AutoCAD (DWG) file must be consistent with the following standards: (a)Georeferenced to the NAD83 UTM Zone 17N coordinate system; (b)All classes of features must be separated into different layers; and (c)Each layer should be given a descriptive name so that the class of feature it contains is recognizable. 8.The final plan approved by the County of Elgin must include the following paragraph on all copies (3 mylars and 4 paper) for signature purposes: “Approval Authority Certificate Parts ________ & ________ approved and Part _____ exempted under section 9 of the Condominium Act and section 51 of the Planning Act, on this ______ day of _________________________, 20__. __________________________________ Manager of Planning” 9.The approval of this draft plan of condominium File No. 34CD-CE1701 will lapse on the ______ day of ____________________, 2022, pursuant to subsection 51(32) of the Planning Act, as amended. It is the responsibility of the owner to request an extension of the draft approval if one is needed. A request for extension should be made at least sixty (60)days before the approval lapses since no extension can be given after the lapsing date. The request should include the reasons why an extension is needed and a resolution in support of the extension from the Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin. 10.The final plan approved by the County of Elgin must be registered within thirty (30)days or the County may withdraw its approval under subsection 51 (59) of the Planning Act. Purpose: Policy: Procedure: - REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM:Rob Bryce,Directorof Human Resources DATE:February 1, 2019 SUBJECT:Council Remuneration RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT County Council direct staff on how to proceed with regards to remuneration for Council; and; THAT the report titled “Council Remuneration” dated February 2, 2019be received and filed. INTRODUCTION: In October 2016, County Council reiterated its desire to ensure that elected positions are compensated fairly for their time and expenses within a remuneration framework that is financially sustainable and reasonable given current practices for municipal council remuneration in Ontario. In light of recent changes to federal taxation for municipally elected positions, Council requested that staff review comparator data to determine the impact of such changesto the County’s compensation practice, if any,within our established comparator group for compensation purposes. This report providesthe outcomesof such review. DISCUSSION: Historically, Council has undertaken periodic reviews of Council remuneration. The last review was in 2016 and prior to that 2009. In the last review, Council retained an external advisor who reviewed market data compiled from comparator municipalities to address a variety of remuneration elements and presented recommendations to Council. A municipal comparator group of ten (10)western Ontario counties and two area cities was selected based on a defined set of criteria that included size and scope of services, geographic placement, and historic comparator considerations. Within the comparator group and across the municipal sector, a common practice of paying th at the 50percentile of the municipal comparator group was observed. Council adopted the th 50percentile as a reasonable pay target for elected positions having regard to the competitive pay market and the pay policy for the management and non-union group. The 2016 base salaries for the positions of Wardens and Councillorwere deemed to be competitive to the pay market when compared to the municipal comparator group and no wage adjustments were recommended or made at that time. The 2016 review also determined that eleven of the twelve comparators consider the Mayor/Warden as part-time position. All comparators deemed the Councillor role to be part- time. All comparators had a 1/3 tax free provision attributable to the base pay for Mayor/Warden and Councillorpositions. It should be noted that per diems were not common among the comparator group with only three of twelve comparators providing per diems ranging from $149.25 to $166.77. It was determined the County of Elgin’s health care and life insurance benefit offerings were competitive at that time as well. Per County Council’s direction, a recent survey ofour comparator grouphas concluded. While the survey did not consider all components of a compensation program,it has been determined that with the federal tax changes now in force, the wages of Elgin County Warden and Councillors areless competitive to the established comparator group. Survey information is shownbelow: CONCLUSION: The vast majority of comparator municipalities have responded to the federal government’s tax changes by grossing up wages for elected officials. Without such action being taken at Elgin County, the wages of Elgin County Warden and Councillors will be less competitive to the established comparator group and not reflect Council’s previously stated desire to compensate elected officials fairly for their time and expenses. All of which is Respectfully SubmittedApproved for Submission Rob Bryce Julie Gonyou DirectorofHuman Resources Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM:Rob Bryce, Director of Human Resources DATE:February 1, 2019 SUBJECT:2019 EmployeeBenefits Renewal RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council approve the negotiated renewal rate adjustments with Manulife Financial for the County of Elgin, effective March 1, 2019 INTRODUCTION: The annual employee benefits renewal report from our benefit consultants at Mosey and Moseyhas been receivedby staff.The report summarizes Mosey’sanalysis of the group benefits renewal action required by ManulifeFinancial, effective March 1, 2019. As part of the 2019 benefits renewal, Human Resources staff worked withMosey and Mosey to ensure that benefit coverage and associated underwriting costs continue to remain competitive. County staffis satisfied with the renewal as negotiated on our behalf by Mosey and Mosey with Manulife Financial and recommends renewal of this year’s employee benefits program with them. DISCUSSION: The County of Elgin’s employee group benefits program isunderwritten by Manulife Financial and AIG Insurance. The County of Elginiscombined with other member municipalities in order to provide benefits at the most competitive rates. Manulife Financial underwrites the Life, Long Term Disability (LTD), Health and Dental benefits. AIG underwrites the Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit only. The County wide consortiumrepresents a total of over$2.7millionin annual premiums. Annual premiums for the County of Elgin are approximately $1,270,884with the extended health and dental representing approximately 70%of total cost. The group benefit program for the County of Elgin is broken down into two main components, based on the underwriting arrangements that apply to each, as follows: Life Insurance and Long Term Disability: These are underwritten on a partially pooled, partially experience rated basis. The rating of these benefits takes into consideration the overall performance of the insurer’s pool, changes in employee demographicsand the claims experience for the overall consortium. As a result of 2017 marketing, life insurance rates are guaranteed until 2020; 2019 Long Term Disabilityratesare coming off rate guarantee after a two year freezeand are seeing an 18% increase at this renewal. Extended Health Care and Dental: These are underwritten on a fully experience-rated basisby Manulife.Rates are established based on the results generated by the premium and claims experience for a twelve month period eachyear(Nov – Oct) combined for all participating municipalities. Extended Health Care rates will decrease 3.8% and dental rates willincrease 2.0%. Extended Health Care being the highest cost benefit has various cost drivers. Typically, increased paramedical utilization and the impact of specialty drugs will contribute to escalating costs. Additionally, there is a stop loss pooling arrangement in place designed as added protection against the impact of catastrophic claims. Pooling costs have increased steadily over the years. In a September 2018 report, HR staff had shared with County Council that based on the first 9 months experience in the policy period, a renewal increase of 7.4% was projected. Following negotiations with the insurance carrier and the impact of the extendedhealth care experience resultsover the last quarter, renewal costsreflect an upward adjustment in overall premiums of 1.8% for the County of Elgin’s plan. This represents an additional annual cost over current rates of approximately $24,500 as outlined below: County of Elgin Current Proposed RenewalNegotiated Renewal MonthlyMonthlyRateMonthly Rate BenefitPremiumPremiumAdjustmentPremiumAdjustment Group Life$7,952$7,9520.0%$7,9520.0% AD&D$299$2990.0%$2990.0% Long Term Disability$19,776$24,02821.5%$23,33718.0% Total Pooled:$28,027$32,27915.2%$31,58812.7% Extended Health Care$54,957$55,6161.2%$52,867-3.8% Dental Care$21,031$22,5037.0%$21,4522.0% Total Experience Rated:$75,988$78,1192.8%$74,319-2.2% Total Overall: $104,015$110,398$105,907 8% PST$8,321$8,831$8,473 Overall Premium$112,336$119,2296.1%$114,3801.8% $ Adjustment Over Current$6,893$2,044 CONCLUSION: Human Resources staffissatisfied with the proposed renewal and recommends acceptance of the renewal rate adjustments with Manulife Financial effective March 1, 2019. A copy of thebenefit consultant’sreportwill be made available inthe County Human ResourcesOffice on the third floor, for review. All of which is RespectfullySubmitted Approved for Submission Rob Bryce Julie Gonyou Directorof Human ResourcesChief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: CONCLUSION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: PURPOSE: BACKGROUND: CONCLUSION: CORRESPONDENCE – February 12, 2019 Items forConsideration – (Attached) January 31, 2019 Ms. Julie Gonyou, CAO of Elgin County, My name is Jennifer Cripton and I am a paramedic who has been working in Elgin County for 10 years. I am writing to you as a paramedic and humanitarian looking to continue to transport and donate retired emergency vehicles to Nicaragua. I am hoping to add one or more retired Elgin ambulances to that number. To date, the charitable organization I work with, Operation Nicaragua, has delivered over 30 emergency vehicles in the last decade. Unfortunately, most of the firetrucks and ambulances the country did have were destroyed in past revolutions. The volunteer firefighters and paramedics who do their best to take care of their communities are left with deteriorating resources, often having to push-start the vehicles if they are not already in the shop for repairs. As I write this, 2 ambulances and a firetruck are being loaded on a ship in Fort Lauderdale to sail for 6 days to Nicaragua, where they will help paramedics and firefighters keep thousands of people safe. I will be traveling to Nicaragua in February of 2019 in order to ensure their arrival/delivery to their respective communities. I also continue to bring paramedic volunteers down from Canada to assist with training the local bomberos (firefighters) in basic first aid and CPR, and this has included other Elgin paramedics. I’m proud to say this has become an annual tradition, and I’d like to continue the trend. I hope you will consider assisting me in obtaining a retired vehicle from Elgin County, as it is such a privilege to be able to give the vehicles a second life. I have every intention of being there along the way for each vehicle, documenting the journey and further use in Nicaragua. Operation Nicaragua is a registered charity, founded in BC, but now includes Ontario. Please contact me for further details. I hope to be able to work with you in helping those that help others! Graciously, Jennifer Cripton Elgin St. Thomas EMS 519-872-7588 jennifer.cripton@memseo.com CORRESPONDENCE – February 12, 2019 Items forInformation– (Attached) London Heritage Awards nominees lfpress.com/news/local-news/blackfriars-bridge-info-tech-downtown-office-among- 2019-london-heritage-awards-nominees London Free Press - January 28, 2019 ADVOCACY AWARD NOMINEES Michael Baker historian, author, speaker, heritage advocate, former president of ACO London Jessie Gussack photographer and creator of popular local Victorian architecture Instagram account Sue Henson stained glass artisan and restorer Susan Jory heritage and community advocate, co-founder and co-chair of the Blackfriars Neighbourhood Association Don Menard heritage advocate, long-time ACO London volunteer, former president of ACO London John Nicholson architect and volunteer with heritage and city-building organizations including London Advisory Committee on Heritage, and London Society of Architects Mike Vanhoudt publisher of Old South News, featuring history of heritage buildings in the Old South neighbourhood Those are just some of the nominees for the 2019 London Heritage Award, which were announced Monday morning by the local chapter of the Architectural Conservancy Ontario (ACO London) and the Heritage London Foundation (HLF). Given out annually, the awards aim to recognize efforts in heritage conservation in the London and Middlesex County area. This year, organizers say they received a record 19 nominations for individuals, organizations and buildings in the area for the awards. at the historic Delta Armouries Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, in which recipients of the ACO London Heritage Scholarship and London property owners receiving heritage designation plaques will also be recognized. January 15, 2019 Michael Helfinger Intergovernmental Policy Coordination Unit th 900 Bay Street, Hearst Block, 7 floor Toronto, ON M6H 4L1 RE: EBR Registry # 013-4293 for input on the proposed Bill 66, Competitiveness Act, 2018 Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to protect and preserve Ontario farmlands and associated agricultural, natural, and cultural features of the countryside. OFT achieves this through direct land securement, stewardship, policy research and education to benefit all Ontarians. Thank you for the opportunity to submit feedback on the proposed Bill 66, Competitiveness Act, 2018. OFT has played an active stakeholder role in the development of policies that support a prosperous, sustainable and permanent farm sector, including those contained in the Growth Plan, Greenbelt Plan, and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. In an effort to continue working with the Province to develop responsible planning policies that support the agri-food sector, OFT has detailed its concerns regarding Schedule 10 of the proposed Bill 66, , in the following document. agri-food sector is a major economic engine for the province. In terms of job creation and economic growth, a 2018 report confirmed that the agri-food sector contributes over $39 Ontarians in the supply chain \[1\]. This contribution is overwhelmingly significant in rural areas, where roughly 12% of the GDP and 10% of rural jobs are attributed to the farm sector \[2\]. Ontario is also positioned favourably to attract agricultural and manufacturing investment because it is a global leader in the agri-food industry and houses one of the largest agri-food hubs in North America. This, in turn, generates growth in employment and GDP. OFT believes that, as currently written, the Open-for-Business Zoning By-law proposed within Schedule 10 of Bill 66 places the agri-food sector and its substantial economic benefits at an unacceptable level of risk. If adopted it will jeopardize the economic contributions of the agri- food sector and expose rural areas to greater economic vulnerability. As such, OFT recommends that Schedule 10 be removed from Bill 66. It is critical that all Acts that protect -food sector are retained in full and without exception. hƓƷğƩźƚ CğƩƒƌğƓķ ƩǒƭƷͲ ĭΉƚ ƓźǝĻƩƭźƷǤ ƚŅ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ {95w5Ͳ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ hb bЊD Ћ‘Њ ΛЎЊВΜ БЋЍΏЍЊЋЉ ĻǣƷ͵ ЎЋЏЎЍ ΋ źƓŅƚθƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ ΋ǞǞǞ͵ƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ Њ The following sections provide greater detail regarding Schedule s threats to the farm sector and suggests agri-food investment. Threats to the Farm Sector Schedule 10 of Bill 66 and the Open-for-Business Zoning By-law (OFB-ZBL) could open up for development farmland that is either currently protected (e.g. through the Greenbelt Plan) or is outside of projected municipal growth areas. This negatively impacts the agricultural sector in a number of ways. Schedule 10 of Bill 66: Threatens to pave over and permanently destroy productive farmland. Only 5% of the Canadian land base is prime agricultural land, the majority of which is in southern Ontari-food sector. Ontario is already losing 175 acres of farmland every day, a rate that could increase under the proposed OFB-ZBL. The loss of this land to non-agricultural uses is irreversible and -food investment potential. Risks farmland fragmentation and the dismantling of the agricultural system. A successful agri-food sector relies on a healthy farm sector, which requires access to a contiguous agricultural land base with a system of supportive infrastructure, agricultural services, distributors, and processors. This requirement is recognized by, and is being addressed through, ongoing municipal-level processes to implement the Agricultural System for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Development approvals outside of strategic growth areas that are delineated in Official Plans and in conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, Greenbelt Plan, etc. will fragment and destroy the systems required by the farm sector. As farmland and the agricultural system is fragmented by conflicting land uses, the viability of agricultural enterprises and the agri- food sector is reduced or eliminated. Will dramatically inflate farmland prices as speculation and land banking increases and further reduce affordability for farmers. Sustaining large swaths of contiguous, affordable farmland is crucial because land ownership provides the long-term, land use certainty that is required for farmers to make investments in their property and business. This contributes to a stronger agri-food sector and more attractive investment environment. Introduces conflicting land uses adjacent to land used for agricultural purposes. This disadvantages both producers and those on adjacent properties because of the nature of agricultural activity, which generates noise, odours, and dust, and involves the use of slow-moving farm machinery and hazardous materials. Ultimately, introducing incompatible land uses makes it more difficult for farmers to continue running financially hƓƷğƩźƚ CğƩƒƌğƓķ ƩǒƭƷͲ ĭΉƚ ƓźǝĻƩƭźƷǤ ƚŅ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ {95w5Ͳ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ hb bЊD Ћ‘Њ ΛЎЊВΜ БЋЍΏЍЊЋЉ ĻǣƷ͵ ЎЋЏЎЍ ΋ źƓŅƚθƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ ΋ǞǞǞ͵ƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ Ћ sustainable farm businesses, can interrupt normal farm practices, and can create conflict with neighbors. Re-introduces uncertainty around the permanent protection of land for agriculture and agribusiness. Uncertainty about the ongoing protection of land for agriculture discourages investment in agriculture and leads to a deterioration in the resource and the agricultural community associated with it. Given that the best agricultural land is largely located in areas experiencing growth pressures, this uncertainty and the resultant reluctance to invest in agribusiness, will weaken the agri-food sector. Furthermore, the lack of public consultation will result in farmers being unable to provide feedback, challenge decisions, and advocate for the ongoing viability of their business. change. Studies in Ontario indicate that the effects of climate change will be dramatically different across the province and that heat and water stress will likely have negative impacts on agricultural productivity \[3,4\]. The agricultural and natural lands threatened by the proposed OFB-ZBL help to offset these negative impacts by providing services including carbon storage and flood management. Re-introduced land use uncertainty would also -farm adaptive and mitigative technologies and practices. As currently proposed, the OFB-ZBL is unnecessary and does not appropriately solve the issues it seeks to address. Numerous studies report that there is already enough employment land designated for growth out to 2031 and beyond, meaning the provisions within the OFB-ZBL meant to open up land previously unavailable for development are unnecessary. For example, a 2017 Neptis Report notes that 85% or 87,440 ha of Designated Greenfield Area in the Greater Golden Horseshoe is unbuilt \[5\], and a 2017 study from Simcoe County indicated that across its 16 municipalities, there were 1,514 ha of excess employment lands to accommodate anticipated growth out to 2031 \[6\]. These planning horizons can be extended well beyond 2031 when growth is managed through intensification \[7\]. Existing planning resources, including Official Plans, already allow municipalities to respond to employment opportunities on currently designated lands and direct growth in a strategic and appropriate manner. Municipal polices are developed based on substantive amounts of work supported by public consultation and should not be pre-empted by the OFB- ZBL. The proposed OFB-ZBL disregards the importance and necessity of coordinated, comprehensive planning to maintain and protect the integrity of regional systems, hƓƷğƩźƚ CğƩƒƌğƓķ ƩǒƭƷͲ ĭΉƚ ƓźǝĻƩƭźƷǤ ƚŅ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ {95w5Ͳ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ hb bЊD Ћ‘Њ ΛЎЊВΜ БЋЍΏЍЊЋЉ ĻǣƷ͵ ЎЋЏЎЍ ΋ źƓŅƚθƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ ΋ǞǞǞ͵ƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ Ќ including the agricultural system. Current provincial policies address strategic planning processes at a regional level and should not be bypassed or undermined under any condition. While the OFT is opposed to the currently proposed Open-for-Business Zoning By-law we acknowledge that there are other actions that can be taken to improve the business environment in the province and attract investment in the agri-food sector, which include: Coordinating the actions of provincial ministries so they work as a team to facilitate appropriate development communications between government agencies and applicants Providing greater recognition and promotion of the agri-food sector as an economic engine in the province Promoting job creation and investment opportunities that recognize and support agricultural business potential in rural areas. Farmland is rural employment land and employment in one sector should not place jobs at risk in another, which is the current reality of Schedule 10 given the risks it will create for agricultural viability. Creating land-use certainty by using existing planning or policy tools to permanently protect critical sector resources including farmland and the agricultural system. The OFT is eager to work with the provincial government to achieve this vision. Thank you for this opportunity to share our recommendations and feedback on the proposed Bill 66, . We believe that Ontario has an opportunity to position itself as a national and global leader in strategies that blend environmental/farmland protection and economic growth and is capable of setting an example of how economic prosperity need not be at the expense of the environment. We invite discussion and welcome any questions you might have regarding our submission. We look forward to working with you further. Most Sincerely, Kathryn Enders Executive Director Ontario Farmland Trust hƓƷğƩźƚ CğƩƒƌğƓķ ƩǒƭƷͲ ĭΉƚ ƓźǝĻƩƭźƷǤ ƚŅ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ {95w5Ͳ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ hb bЊD Ћ‘Њ ΛЎЊВΜ БЋЍΏЍЊЋЉ ĻǣƷ͵ ЎЋЏЎЍ ΋ źƓŅƚθƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ ΋ǞǞǞ͵ƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ Ѝ References: \[1\] Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 2018. Agriculture Matters A Guide for Municipal Councillors and Staff. https://ofa.on.ca/resources/guide-for-municipal-councillors-and-staff/ \[2\] Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 2013. Economic Contribution of the Ontario Farm Sector 2013. https://ofa.on.ca/resources/economic-contribution-ontario-farm-sector-2013/ \[3\] Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources. N.d. Agriculture: in a changing climate. http://www.climateontario.ca/doc/factsheets/Agriculture-final.pdf \[4\] Tant & Reynolds. 2003. Impacts of Recent Climate Trends on Agriculture in Southwestern Ontario, Canadian Water Resources, 28 (1). \[5\] The Neptis Foundation. 2017. An update on the total land supply: even more land available for homes and jobs in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. http://www.neptis.org/sites/default/files/land_supply_briefs_2016/an_update_on_the_total_la nd_supply_even_more_land_available_for_homes_and_jobs_in_the_ggh.pdf \[6\] County of Simcoe. 2017. Phase 2 - Employment Land Budget 2017. https://www.simcoe.ca/dpt/pln/growth \[7\] The Neptis Foundation. 2013. Implementing the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe: Has the strategic regional vision been compromised? http://www.neptis.org/sites/default/files/growth_plan_2013/theneptisgrowthplanreport_final. pdf hƓƷğƩźƚ CğƩƒƌğƓķ ƩǒƭƷͲ ĭΉƚ ƓźǝĻƩƭźƷǤ ƚŅ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ {95w5Ͳ DǒĻƌƦŷͲ hb bЊD Ћ‘Њ ΛЎЊВΜ БЋЍΏЍЊЋЉ ĻǣƷ͵ ЎЋЏЎЍ ΋ źƓŅƚθƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ ΋ǞǞǞ͵ƚƓƷğƩźƚŅğƩƒƌğƓķƷƩǒƭƷ͵ĭğ Ў $260 $214 $191 $Millions $Millions $Millions Supporting Documents to the 2019BudgetPowerPoint Presentation: Attachment IExplanation of Taxes Attachment II Schedule A Ratios (subject to change) Schedule B Operating Budget Schedule C Tax Rates Attachment III Ten Year Business Plan Attachment IV Ten Year Capital Plan Attachment V Ten Year Balance Sheet & Reserves Attachment VIDepartmental Details Attachment VII2017Operating Performance Other- 4 - Other- - - Other- - - Other- - - Other- - - Other- - - Other- - - COUNTY OF ELGIN Administration Building Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4205200Prov of Ontario - Project Revenue(18,450)(19,250) - -100.00% 4330200Rental Revenue(415,827)(414,277)(520,542)25.18% 4350200Recoveries - (4,812) - 0.00% 4360200Project Revenue - (1,074) - 0.00% 4370200Other Revenue - - - 0.00% Total Revenue(434,277)(439,413)(520,542)19.86% 5300200Wages227,886195,545242,8356.56% 5330200Vacation Hrs - 16,984 - 0.00% 5370200Sick/Bereav - 3,250 - 0.00% Total Salary227,886215,780242,835 5400200Benefits40,40238,93143,1406.78% 5450200In-Lieu of Benefits - - - 0.00% 5460200Benefits Subsidized - 7,220 - 0.00% 5490200Benefits - Manulife28,61527,09731,0438.48% Total Benefit69,01773,24774,1837.48% 5500200Travel9,0347,1869,0340.00% 5505200Travel - Other2,5001,7552,5000.00% 5510200Development1,0005021,0000.00% 5850200Purchased Services220,000240,463244,40011.09% 5880200Equipment5,0003415,0000.00% 5920200Repairs/Maintenance23,00034,21128,46023.74% 5940200Utilities195,835201,655240,83522.98% 5950200Property Taxes30,90826,61132,8626.32% 5960200Project Costs105,00078,869105,0000.00% 6090200Miscellaneous5,0001,8155,0000.00% 7950200Loss on Sale/Writedown - - - 0.00% 8000200Depreciation96,81196,810126,24030.40% Total Operations694,088690,218800,33115.31% Other - - - 0.00% NET OPERATING COST556,713539,832596,8077.20% 01/02/20194:52 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Engineering Reports\\Administration Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST Zero Based Zero Base / ACTUAL Budget Budget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350120Recoveries(60,000)(59,704)(95,000)58.33% 4360120Project Revenue---0.00% Total Revenue(60,000)(59,704)(95,000)58.33% Total Salary--- 5470120Benefits Retiree---0.00% 5490120Benefits Retiree - Manulife7,8007,6037,8000.00% Total Benefit7,8007,6037,8000.00% 5510120Development---0.00% 5600120Recognition12,50010,20012,5000.00% 5610120Memberships23,47110,13923,4710.00% 5640120Photocopy7,000459(0)-100.00% 5650120Advertising -477-0.00% 5680120Telephone/Fax37,50030,45629,000-22.67% 5700120911 Emergency Response---0.00% 5720120Postage/Courier25,61018,66217,610-31.24% 5770120Legal & Professional160,471194,908230,77143.81% 5780120Audit21,50023,88428,93034.56% 5800120Insurance416,050412,463346,520-16.71% 5810120Payroll Charges25,38027,58725,8882.00% 5830120Bank Charges 12,50011,18612,5000.00% 5850120Purchased Services 5,0001,4775,0000.00% 5860120Supplies1,800---100.00% 5940120Utilities - Hedge-(4,941)-0.00% 6080120Bereavement Flowers/Donations5,0002,6675,0000.00% 6090120Miscellaneous-- Total Operations753,782739,625737,189-2.20% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST701,582687,523649,989-7.35% 04/02/201910:04 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Corporate\\Corporate COUNTY OF ELGIN Engineering Services Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUAL Budget Budget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4205170Project Rev - Prov(1,225,681)(1,134,337) (1,351,992)10.31% 4215170Project Rev - Fed(1,578,406)(1,578,406) (1,518,905)-3.77% 4360170Project Revenue(98,643)(101,316)(43,906)-55.49% 4370170Other Revenue(120,005)(129,118)(120,005)0.00% Total Revenue(3,022,734)(2,943,177) (3,034,808)0.40% 5300170Wages322,717285,511386,81719.86% 5310170Vacation Pay-1,884-0.00% 5330170Vacation Hrs-19,155-0.00% 5370170Sick/Bereavement -1,575-0.00% Total Salary322,717308,125386,817 5400170Benefits60,26656,71277,74829.01% 5460170Benefits Subsidized-517-0.00% 5490170Benefits - Manulife33,64624,77231,659-5.91% Total Benefit93,91282,002109,40716.50% 5500170Travel16,3007,15216,3000.00% 5505170Travel - Other3,5008083,5000.00% 5510170Development3,5001,5373,5000.00% 5610170Memberships3,3002,3413,3000.00% 5630170Office Supplies2,5003,8182,5000.00% 5640170Photocopy1,0009651,0000.00% 5870170Furniture & Fixtures-632-0.00% 5880170Equipment3,0001,0433,0000.00% 5930170Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fuel7,0005,2647,0000.00% 5940170Utilities Street Lights27,00021,10027,0000.00% 5960170Project Costs1,286,3711,232,880982,605-23.61% 6090170Miscellaneous3,5002,6253,5000.00% 6310170Railway Protection41,00020,17130,000-26.83% 6320170Maintenance/Lower Tier3,236,2373,238,6033,316,1012.47% 7950170Loss on Sale/Writedown36,18635,62664,69078.77% 8000170Amortization8,322,3498,322,3498,209,507-1.36% Total Operations12,992,74312,896,91412,673,503-2.46% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST10,386,63710,343,86410,134,919-2.42% 04/02/20191:18 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Engineering Reports\\Engineering Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Program Support Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420040010P of Ont - PSS(320,083)(320,034)(326,418)1.98% 435040010Recoveries(35,702)(34,288)(35,702)0.00% 436040010Project Revenue(9,322)(9,329)(9,548)2.42% Total Revenue(365,107)(363,651)(371,668)0 530040010Wages191,641189,177195,1111.81% 530640010Project Wages7,4589,2347,6382.42% Total Salary199,099198,410202,749 540040010Benefits52,50758,25758,81612.01% 540640010Project Benefits1,8641,4951,9102.42% 542040010Benefits- Prev Vac9,8749,99710,3574.89% 543040010Vacation Pay12,30013,15913,0776.31% 545040010Lieu8,8919,8489,95511.97% 545640010Project Lieu70494597638.76% 547040010Sick/Bereavement3,3514,9044,87445.46% 549040010Benefits - Manulife7,1566,8556,917-3.34% Total Benefit96,646105,461106,88110.59% 550040010Travel5041995040.00% 550540010Travel - Other190-1900.00% 551040010Development6062416060.00% 585040010Purchased Services52,62054,95152,6200.00% 586040010Supplies5,0006,5365,0000.00% 588040010Equipment3,0005373,0000.00% 596040010Project Costs2,0001,9842,0000.00% 680040010Program Specific Raw Food3,0002,5823,0000.00% Total Operations66,92067,03066,9200.00% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST(2,443)7,2514,882-299.86% 30/01/2019 3:32 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Dietary Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420041010P of Ont - RF(297,565)(304,513)(317,299)6.63% 435041010Recoveries(3,221)(3,377)(3,221)0.00% 436041010Project Revenue--(500)0.00% Total Revenue(300,786)(307,890)(321,020)0 530041010Wages470,915477,626476,5681.20% 530641010Project Wages1,4412,5621,84127.74% Total Salary472,356480,188478,409 540041010Benefits123,555133,541133,5938.12% 540641010Project Benefits36025846027.74% 541041010Vacation Pay624455460-26.34% 542041010Benefits- Prev Vac21,24018,71319,431-8.52% 543041010Vacation Hrs24,55623,59723,494-4.33% 545041010Lieu35,74329,61630,062-15.89% 545641010Lieu $$ 474348351-25.89% 547041010Sick/Bereave7,0839,1659,28931.15% 549041010Benefits - Manulife31,29230,29330,566-2.32% Total Benefit244,928245,985247,7051.13% 550041010Travel404118300-25.74% 550541010Travel - Other100 - 1000.00% 551041010Development600175500-16.67% 585041010Purchased Services3,4987703,4980.00% 586041010Supplies17,85723,72318,2142.00% 588041010Equipment3,9974,3173,9970.00% 592041010Repairs/Maintenance6,0005,0706,0000.00% 681041010Raw Food300,786311,045320,5206.56% 681141010Raw Food - Non-Resident1,2001,9041,2000.00% Total Operations334,442347,122354,3295.95% Other - - - 0.00% NET OPERATING COST750,940765,405759,4221.13% 30/01/2019 3:26 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042010P of Ont - NPC (3,177,669) (3,178,665) (3,260,636)2.61% 420142010P of Ont - On Call Physician(14,532)(14,527)(14,532)0.00% 42042010P of Ont - Other---0.00% 435042010Recoveries - Supplies & Services(2,468)(2,209)(2,468)0.00% 435542010Recoveries - Wages---0.00% 436042010Project Revenue(309,189)(319,314)(347,414)12.36% Total Revenue (3,503,858) (3,514,714) (3,625,050)3.46% 530142010Wages - RN468,645416,996470,0520.30% 530742010Project Wages- RN67,66019,668134,07598.16% 536142010Wages Other - RN---0.00% 530242010Wages - RPN419,477468,275476,39513.57% 530842010Project Wages - RPN78,25348,78424,511-68.68% 530342010Wages - HCA1,805,5151,834,0981,839,7641.90% 530942010Project Wages - HCA28,57584,99034,32620.12% 530442010Wages - DON170,152117,422144,896-14.84% 536442010Wages Other - DON---0.00% 530642010Project Wages DON53,77657,90612,109-77.48% 533642010VAC HRS - DON1,5001,3051,5000.00% 537642010Sick/Bereavement - DON20064200-0.02% 530542010Wages - WC---0.00% Total Salary3,093,7533,049,5093,137,8281.42% Total Benefit1,603,3541,573,7111,517,658-5.34% 550042010Travel49519400-19.19% 550542010Travel - Other300-3000.00% 551042010Development1,5001,7391,5000.00% 585042010Purchased Services19,17820,00519,1780.00% 586042010Supplies35,34542,55636,0522.00% 588042010Equipment8,9993,4017,000-22.21% 592042010Repairs/Maintenance8,0006105,000-37.50% 596042010Project Costs126,640102,410128,6571.59% 609042010Miscellaneous500-5000.00% 682042010Medical Director32,83237,99832,8320.00% 683042010Incontinence41,05946,52439,420-3.99% Total Operations274,848255,262270,839-1.46% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST1,468,0981,363,7681,301,275-11.36% 01/02/2019 11:07 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Housekeeping Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420343010P of Ont - Other---0.00% 436043010Project Revenue--(500)0.00% Total Revenue--(500)0.00% 530043010Wages275,248268,417265,191-3.65% 530643010Project Wages - HSK2,6051,1273,04316.81% Total Salary277,853269,544268,234 540043010Benefits99,085101,50988,430-10.75% 540643010Project Stat/Combined - HSK65110976116.81% 541043010Vacation Pay 4925165226.03% 542043010Benefits- Prev Vac 20,17818,38819,050-5.59% 543043010Vacation Hrs25,83819,82920,195-21.84% 545043010Lieu16,55215,77515,982-3.45% 545643010Lieu $$14315715911.10% 547043010Sick/Bereav5,8554,2714,329-26.06% 548043010Benefits - STD---0.00% 549043010Benefits - Manulife20,02614,78514,918-25.51% Total Benefit188,821175,339164,345-12.96% 550043010Travel---0.00% 550543010Travel - Other---0.00% 551043010Development---0.00% 585043010Purchased Services4,4003,5304,4000.00% 586043010Supplies16,80019,77717,1362.00% 588043010Equipment4,0003,6994,0000.00% 592043010Repairs/Maintenance2,0001,3832,0000.00% Total Operations27,19928,38827,5351.24% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST493,872473,271459,614-6.94% 30/01/2019 3:27 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Laundry Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 457044010Valet---0.00% Total Revenue---0.00% 530044010Wages49,91750,60862,21224.63% Total Salary49,91750,60862,212 540044010Benefits10,54011,18616,99561.25% 543044010Vacation Pay---0.00% 545044010Lieu $$3,0313,0833,1433.69% 547044010Benefit - Sick/Bereav ---0.00% 549044010Benefits Manulife---0.00% Total Benefit13,57114,26820,13848.39% 585044010Purchased Services114,000118,907119,2804.63% 586044010Supplies2,2842,6202,2840.00% 592044010Repairs and Maintenance1,2007221,2000.00% Total Operations117,484122,249122,7644.49% Other-1,281-0.00% NET OPERATING COST180,972188,405205,11313.34% 30/01/2019 3:29 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Building Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435045010Recoveries(40,000)(36,881)(40,000)0.00% 436045010Project Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue(40,000)(36,881)(40,000)0.00% 530045010Wages46,08343,52245,181-1.96% 533045010Vac Pay5,0506,3936,45027.72% 537045010Sick/Bereavement07775000.00% 530645010Project Wages0000.00% Total Salary51,13350,69252,132 540045010Benefits8,7699,12914,27562.80% 543045010Vacation Hrs---0.00% 549045010Benefits - Manulife6,6906,4656,523-2.49% Total Benefit15,45815,59420,79834.54% 550045010Travel96-960.00% 550545010Travel - Other---0.00% 551045010Development-5025000.00% 585045010Purchased Services100,702124,172105,0004.27% 585145010Purchased Services - SP79,25492,79081,0002.20% 586045010Supplies---0.00% 588045010Equipment2,497-2,4970.00% 592045010Repairs/Maintenance16,00114,83416,0010.00% 592145010Repairs/Maintenance - SP4,7049535,0006.29% 594045010Utilities244,000207,596230,000-5.74% 596045010Project Costs55,00018,22520,000-63.64% 609045010Miscellaneous---0.00% Total Operations502,254459,073460,094-8.39% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST528,845488,478493,023-6.77% 04/02/2019 2:47 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Admin Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420046010P of Ont - OA(115,279)(106,080)(85,731)-25.63% 420146010P of Ont - Pay Equity(6,300)(6,300)(6,300)0.00% 420546010Project Rev - Prov(339,996)(339,996)(339,996)0.00% 435046010Recoveries(33,018)(21,250)(30,314)-8.19% 436046010Project Revenue(15,000)(2,495)(15,000)0.00% 450046010Private(445,843)(461,888)(463,840)4.04% 451046010Private - Basic Comp(1,110,097)(1,126,235)(1,143,559)3.01% 452046010Semi(2,993)00-100.00% 453046010Semi - Basic Comp(21,988)00-100.00% 454046010Basic(664,662)(698,509)(736,222)10.77% 455046010Respite(16,204)(16,648)(14,702)-9.27% 461546010General Store Sales(5,000)(4,110)(5,000)0.00% Total Revenue(2,776,381)(2,783,512)(2,840,664)2.32% 530046010Wages210,473197,333221,5375.26% 530646010Project Wages5,0005,0000-100.00% 533046010Vacation Pay016,52511,0000.00% 537046010Sick/Bereavement01,5611,3280.00% Total Salary215,473220,419233,8658.54% 540046010Benefits32,50340,78139,94122.88% 540646010Project Benefits0000.00% 543046010Vacation 29200-100.00% 545046010Lieu $$0000.00% 546046010Top Up0000.00% 547046010Sick/Bereav1,48100-100.00% 548046010Benefits - STD02622710.00% 549046010Benefits - Manulife17,45617,54817,7061.43% Total Benefit51,73158,59157,91811.96% 550046010Travel7005227000.00% 550546010Travel - Other5005585000.00% 551046010Development1,2001,4951,2000.00% 560046010Recognition800620700-12.50% 561046010Memberships9,0289,0619,0280.00% 562046010Subscriptions6001826000.00% 563046010Office Supplies5,0003,9665,0000.00% 564046010Photocopy4,5042,3363,254-27.75% 565046010Advertising1,0506161,0500.00% 568046010Telephone/Fax9,5045,1376,000-36.87% 572046010Postage/Courier650214550-15.38% 575046010Petty Cash Over/Short0(21)00.00% 585046010Purchased Services4,0042,39415,824295.20% 588046010Equipment1,005811,0050.00% 591546010Special - General Store5,0006,0145,0000.00% 592046010Repairs/Maintenance504128400-20.63% 596046010Project Costs17,50010,00429,35667.75% 609046010Miscellaneous5043225040.00% 682046010Medical Director0000.00% 685046010Reimbursed Supplies/Clothing21,00023,77519,800-5.71% 795046010Loss on Sale/Writedown6,3816,3810-100.00% 800046010Amortization590,343590,343583,519-1.16% Total Operations679,778664,129683,9920.62% Other0000.00% NET OPERATING COST(1,829,398)(1,840,373)(1,864,889)1.94% 04/02/2019 2:50 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Elgin Manor\\Elgin Manor Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Program Support Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040020P of Ont - PSS(355,648)(355,594)(362,687)1.98% 435040020Recoveries(25,000)(21,413)(25,000)0.00% 436040020Project Revenue(9,047)(9,048)(14,152)56.43% Total Revenue(389,695)(386,055)(401,839)3.12% 530040020Wages216,619194,908220,5411.81% 530640020Project Wages7,23811,36411,32256.43% Total Salary223,857206,272231,8633.58% 540040020Benefits67,56457,33458,049-14.08% 540640020Project Benefits1,8091,8372,83056.43% 541040020Vacation Pay3,697---100.00% 542040020Benefits- Prev Vac11,23810,60810,990-2.21% 543040020Vacation Hrs10,0289,3689,555-4.71% 545040020Lieu11,13610,00210,213-8.29% 545640020Project Lieu7711,1891,17852.76% 546040020Top Up1,6307,5807,618367.29% 547040020Sick/Bereave3,9454,4844,39711.46% 549040020Benefits - Manulife21,17720,55020,735-2.09% Total Benefit132,994122,952125,564-5.59% 550040020Travel4002394000.00% 550540020Travel - Other150-1500.00% 551040020Development3502943500.00% 585040020Purchased Services44,00057,43644,0000.00% 586040020Supplies6,0007,7036,0000.00% 592040020Repairs/Maintenance---0.00% 588040020Equipment2,0003902,0000.00% 596040020Project Costs2,000-2,0000.00% 609040020Miscellaneous---0.00% 680040020Program Specific Raw Food2,0003,7032,0000.00% Total Operations56,90069,76456,9000.00% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST24,05612,93312,489-48.09% 30/01/2019 3:45 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Dietary Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420041020P of Ont - RF(330,628)(321,402)(352,555)6.63% 435041020Recoveries(13,853)(13,861)(13,853)0.00% 436041020Project Revenue(25,000)(26,190)(25,500)2.00% Total Revenue(369,481)(361,452)(391,908)6.07% 530041020Wages550,954552,204553,5380.47% 530641020Project Wages4,68811,8815,19310.79% Total Salary555,641564,085558,7320.56% 540041020Benefits131,179153,345151,36915.39% 540641020Project Benefits1,1721,1281,29810.79% 543041020Vacation Hrs28,26330,03931,0229.76% 541041020Vacation Pay1,7262,0362,05819.26% 542041020Benefits- Prev Vac19,90023,79024,64723.85% 545041020Lieu41,91936,91537,487-10.57% 547041020Sick/Bereave13,01911,16011,130-14.51% 549041020Benefits - Manulife33,72134,06134,3681.92% 545641020Lieu $$1,219929922-24.34% Total Benefit272,117293,402294,3018.15% 550041020Travel502-300-40.24% 550541020Travel - Other---0.00% 551041020Development1,497275800-46.57% 585041020Purchased Services4,4963,5404,4960.00% 586041020Supplies29,57026,49929,5700.00% 588041020Equipment4,0011,9924,0010.00% 592041020Repairs/Maintenance1,5003,7351,5000.00% 596041020Project Costs20,08020,66419,966-0.57% 681041020Raw Food344,481335,263366,4086.37% 681141020Raw Food - Non-Resident1,2003991,2000.00% Total Operations407,327392,368428,2415.13% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST865,604888,403889,3662.75% 30/01/20193:41 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042020P of Ont - NPC($3,464,789)($3,465,954)(3,562,757)2.83% 420142020P of Ont - On Call Physician($14,532)($14,527)(14,532)0.00% 435042020Recoveries - Supplies & Services($628)($6,405)(6,400)919.21% 435542020Recoveries - Wages($0)-(0)0.00% 436042020Project Revenue($336,038)($320,248)(369,057)9.83% Total Revenue($3,815,987)($3,807,134)(3,952,746)3.58% 530142020Wages - RN$ 372,052$ 406,191429,96315.57% 530742020Project Wages - RN$ 54,872$ 24,01093,15369.76% 530242020Wages - RPN$ 601,337$ 610,014668,84511.23% 530842020Project Wages - RPN$ 128,704$ 90,91672,334-43.80% 530342020Wages - HCA$1,983,781$2,091,3672,035,5272.61% 530942020Project Wages - HCA$ 27,648$ 60,05031,57914.22% 530442020Wages - DON$ 182,292$ 121,246209,62715.00% 530642020Project Wages - DON$ 16,106$ 28,41812,109-24.82% 533642020VAC HRS - DON$ 4,005$ 1,3054,0050.00% 537642020Sick/Bereavement - DON$ 2,003$ 642,0030.00% 530542020Wages - WC---0.00% Total Salary$3,372,799$3,433,5813,559,1455.52% Total Benefit$1,843,503$1,807,2111,839,216-0.23% 550042020Travel$ 1,002$ 2431,0020.00% 550542020Travel - Other-$ 10-0.00% 551042020Development$ 1,200$ 5541,2000.00% 585042020Purchased Services$ 19,994$ 19,94119,9940.00% 586042020Supplies$ 39,308$ 47,04640,0942.00% 588042020Equipment$ 10,000$ 9,01810,0000.00% 592042020Repairs/Maintenance$ 2,498$ 2,2832,000-19.94% 596042020Project Costs$ 147,239$ 140,432149,8771.79% 609042020Miscellaneous---0.00% 682042020Medical Director$ 32,883$ 31,26132,8830.00% 683042020Incontinence$ 45,625$ 57,34243,800-4.00% Total Operations$ 299,749$ 308,130300,8500.37% Other-$ 3,394-0.00% NET OPERATING COST$1,700,065$1,745,1821,746,4652.73% 01/02/201911:17 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Housekeeping Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET ---0.00% 436043020Project Revenue--(500)0.00% Total Revenue--(500)0.00% 530043020Wages304,381300,233309,7661.77% 530643020Project Wages - HSK-5224000.00% Total Salary304,381300,756310,1661.90% 540043020Benefits104,329102,32291,927-11.89% 540643020Project Stat/Combined - HSK-3021000.00% 541043020Vacation Pay5831,4231,439146.96% 542043020Benefits- Prev Vac21,36718,90019,580-8.36% 543043020Vacation Hrs.28,33030,95231,16710.01% 545043020Lieu18,55517,58217,903-3.51% 545643020Lieu $$-59550.00% 547043020Sick/Bereav7,0747,7137,7259.20% 549043020Benefits - Manulife24,03223,98924,2050.72% Total Benefit204,269203,244194,102-4.98% 550043020Travel252---100.00% 550543020Travel - Other---0.00% 551043020Development---0.00% 585043020Purchased Services3,0703,4473,0700.00% 586043020Supplies22,10024,03822,1000.00% 588043020Equipment2,0037282,0030.00% 592043020Repairs/Maintenance1,5961,4781,5960.00% 609043020Miscellaneous---0.00% Total Operations29,02129,69128,769-0.87% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST537,671533,691532,537-0.95% 30/01/20193:42 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Laundry Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435044020Recoveries-0-0.00% 457044020Valet---0.00% Total Revenue-0-0.00% 530044020Wages71,44869,81172,7051.76% Total Salary71,44869,81172,7051.76% 540044020Benefits14,45813,68113,921-3.72% 543044020Vacation Pay ---0.00% 545044020Lieu $$5,6994,8564,907-13.90% 547044020Benefit - Sick/Bereav---0.00% 549044020Benefits Manulife---0.00% Total Benefit20,15818,53718,828-6.60% 585044020Purchased Services130,000130,498132,6002.00% 586044020Supplies5,1525,3935,1520.00% 588044020Equipment---0.00% 592044020Repairs/Maintenance1,251-1,2510.00% Total Operations136,403135,891139,0031.91% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST228,009224,239230,5361.11% 30/01/20193:44 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Building Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420545020Provincial Project Revenue---0.00% 435045020Recoveries(4,700)(5,447)(4,700)0.00% 436045020Project Revenue---0.00% Total Revenue(4,700)(5,447)(4,700)0.00% 530045020Wages46,08343,20843,931-4.67% 533045020Vac Pay5,0506,7986,80034.65% 537045020Sick/Bereavement-1,4011,4000.00% 530645020Project Wages---0.00% Total Salary51,13351,40752,1321.95% 540045020Benefits8,9019,17914,33761.08% 543045020Vacation Hrs---0.00% 549045020Benefits Manulife6,7196,4996,558-2.41% Total Benefit15,62015,67820,89433.77% 550045020Travel7486117480.00% 550545020Travel - Other---0.00% 551045020Development4955025001.01% 585045020Purchased Services90,87595,20091,0000.14% 586045020Supplies5004765000.00% 588045020Equipment-495000.00% 592045020Repairs/Maintenance11,80915,82113,00010.09% 594045020Utilities250,000212,097235,036-5.99% 596045020Project Costs10,0005,38310,0000.00% Total Operations364,427330,139351,284-3.61% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST426,480391,777419,610-1.61% 04/02/20192:55 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Admin Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420046020P of Ont - OA(128,087)(136,722)(118,486)-7.50% 420146020P of Ont - Pay Equity(2,196)(2,196)(2,196)0.00% 420246020P of Ont - Structural Compliance(36,504)(36,504)(36,504)0.00% 435046020Recoveries(48,341)(29,372)(34,000)-29.67% 436046020Project Revenue(8,000)(1,295)(8,000)0.00% 450046020Private(128,477)(127,980)(128,542)0.05% 451046020Private - Basic Comp(419,499)(415,015)(422,159)0.63% 452046020Semi(102,891)(122,212)(121,546)18.13% 453046020Semi - Basic Comp(755,901)(891,636)(898,042)18.80% 454046020Basic(829,622)(723,750)(756,659)-8.79% 455046020Respite(14,113)(8,973)(9,644)-31.67% Total Revenue (2,473,633) (2,495,656) (2,535,779)2.51% Total Salary299,238264,276350,85117.25% Total Benefit126,82869,83369,655-45.08% 550046020Travel1,7296751,500-13.25% 550546020Travel - Other7705337700.00% 551046020Development2,5002,4612,000-20.00% 560046020Recognition5001,0155000.00% 561046020Memberships10,02510,05710,0250.00% 562046020Subscriptions8004398000.00% 563046020Office Supplies7,0006,8247,0000.00% 564046020Photocopy4,0001,3314,2506.25% 565046020Advertising1,6005971,000-37.50% 568046020Telephone/Fax7,9968,2217,9960.00% 572046020Postage/Courier7565357560.00% 575046020Petty Cash Over/Short-(168)- 585046020Purchased Services3,4663,38716,675381.12% 588046020Equipment2,5031,5122,000-20.10% 596046020Project Costs17,5009,89630,67475.28% 609046020Miscellaneous5023305020.00% 682046020Medical Director---0.00% 684046020Cable16,50016,15916,5000.00% 685046020Reimbursed Supplies/Clothing8,0003,2324,000-50.00% 795046020Loss on Sale/Writedown---0.00% 800046020Amortization236,981236,981251,3936.08% Total Operations323,128304,016358,34110.90% Other-270-0.00% NET OPERATING COST (1,724,438) (1,857,262) (1,756,931)1.88% 04/02/20192:54 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Adult Day Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420048020Province of Ontario(213,854)(254,033)(218,974)2.39% 436048020Project Revenue---0.00% 437048020Other Revenue(62,970)(25,348)(75,000)19.10% Total Revenue(276,824)(279,381)(293,974)6.20% 530048020Wages141,087141,342159,97913.39% 530648020Project Wages---0.00% Total Salary141,087141,342159,97913.39% 540048020Benefits54,79429,90455,7151.68% 540648020Project Benefits---0.00% 541048020Vacation Pay---0.00% 542048020Benefits - Prev Vac---0.00% 543048020Vacation-5,919-0.00% 545048020Lieu $$-10,580-0.00% 547048020Benefit - Sick/Bereav-2,100-0.00% 549048020Benefits - Manulife2486,4992688.10% Total Benefit55,04255,00255,9831.71% 550048020Travel688272504-26.71% 550548020Travel - Other100---100.00% 551048020Development5221,521354-32.18% 563048020Office Supplies420193306-27.14% 565048020Advertising---0.00% 585048020Purchased Services47,99848,61242,189-12.10% 586048020Supplies3,6063,3351,401-61.15% 588048020Equipment6,7145,8462,211-67.07% 596048020Project Costs---0.00% 609048020Miscellaneous200-24020.00% 681048020Raw Food8,44811,25618,807122.62% 686048020Building Occupancy12,00012,00012,0000.00% Total Operations80,69683,03678,012-3.33% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST1---100.00% 30/01/20193:39 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Terrace Lodge\\Terrace Lodge Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Program Support Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040030P of Ont - PSS(202,720)(202,688)(206,732)1.98% 435040030Recoveries(20,000)(16,862)(20,000)0.00% 436040030Project Revenue(11,880)(12,266)(14,048)18.25% Total Revenue(234,599)(231,816)(240,779)2.63% 530040030Wages117,506114,842119,6341.81% 530640030Project Wages9,50411,02511,23818.25% Total Salary127,010125,867130,8723.04% 540040030Benefits33,76536,03436,3047.52% 540640030Project Benefits2,3761,8892,81018.26% 541040030Vacation Pay8,79410,15010,50219.42% 542040030Benefits- Prev Vac---0.00% 543040030Vacation Hrs9,9885,3194,857-51.38% 545040030Lieu8,2808,9599,0419.19% 545640030Project Lieu6681,0641,05858.38% 546040030Top Up---0.00% 547040030Sick/Bereav3,5524,8384,92438.65% 549040030Benefits - Manulife6,5104,7594,802-26.25% Total Benefit73,93373,01174,2970.49% 550040030Travel2001152000.00% 550540030Travel - Other---0.00% 551040030Development3001003000.00% 585040030Purchased Services44,22843,80744,2280.00% 586040030Supplies4,4232,6854,4230.00% 588040030Equipment1,0005851,0000.00% 592040030Repairs/Maintenance---0.00% 596040030Project Costs2,0003,4782,0000.00% 609040030Miscellaneous---0.00% 680040030Program Specific Raw Food8003,9918000.00% 800040030Amortization3,1053,1053,1050.00% Total Operations56,05657,86656,0560.00% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST22,40024,92820,446-8.72% 30/01/20193:20 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Dietary Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420041030P of Ont - RF(188,458)(191,638)(200,956)6.63% 435041030Recoveries(20,024)(20,190)(20,024)0.00% 436041030Project Revenue--(500)0.00% Total Revenue(208,482)(211,829)(221,480)6.23% 530041030Wages378,171386,364353,745-6.46% 530641030Project Wages--4000.00% Total Salary378,171386,364354,145-6.35% 540041030Benefits83,789101,007101,88621.60% 540641030Project Benefits--1000.00% 543041030Vacation Hrs26,01023,09421,918-15.73% 541041030Vacation Pay17,37814,87715,448-11.11% 542041030Benefits - Prev Vac---0.00% 545041030Lieu22,00324,29724,50311.36% 545641030Lieu $$ 303---100.00% 546041030Top Up---0.00% 547041030Sick/Bereave16,00621,24821,90636.87% 549041030Benefits - Manulife27,20524,72224,944-8.31% Total Benefit192,694209,244210,7069.35% 550041030Travel5043395040.00% 550541030Travel - Other---0.00% 551041030Development5006095000.00% 585041030Purchased Services2,5993,9583,59938.47% 586041030Supplies19,93024,26420,3292.00% 588041030Equipment1,5002851,000-33.33% 592041030Repairs/Maintenance2,5031,6001,500-40.07% 681041030Raw Food208,482211,829220,9805.99% 681141030Raw Food - Non-Resident1,2001,1811,2000.00% Total Operations237,219244,065249,6135.22% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST599,603627,844592,983-1.10% 01/02/201910:55 AM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420042030P of Ont - NPC (1,999,705) (1,999,690) (2,045,804)2.31% 420142030P of Ont - On Call Physician(14,532)(14,527)(14,532)0.00% 435042030Recoveries - Supplies & Services(2,000)(1,665)(2,000)0.00% 435542030Recoveries - Wages(3,000)(2,218)(3,000)0.00% 436042030Project Revenue(296,181)(303,982)(362,598)22.42% Total Revenue (2,315,418) (2,322,081) (2,427,934)4.86% 530142030Wages - RN312,809314,813320,5982.49% 530742030Project Wages - RN48,1591,48688,72784.24% 530242030Wages - RPN282,691293,147287,7571.79% 530842030Project Wages - RPN95,959102,728102,6306.95% 530342030Wages - HCA1,161,7941,188,5461,177,3871.34% 530942030Project Wages - HCA38,02293,67243,88815.43% 530442030Wages - DON85,50083,099118,61138.73% 533642030VAC HRS - DON 2,5788702,5780.00% 537642030Sick/Bereavement - DON 645436450.00% 530642030Project Wages - DON9,05816,8008,286-8.52% Total Salary2,037,2152,095,2032,151,1075.59% Total Benefit959,6211,074,3511,104,15215.06% 550042030Travel8066668060.00% 550542030Travel - Other500105000.00% 551042030Development1,7539411,500-14.43% 585042030Purchased Services12,40013,99313,2006.45% 586042030Supplies22,33626,82622,9612.80% 588042030Equipment6,4965,5436,000-7.64% 592042030Repairs/Maintenance3,2513603,000-7.72% 596042030Project Costs85,97972,82883,213-3.22% 609042030Miscellaneous---0.00% 682042030Medical Director24,48221,24524,4820.00% 683042030Incontinence22,99526,30224,9668.57% Total Operations180,998168,714180,629-0.20% Other-1,139-0.00% NET OPERATING COST862,4161,017,3261,007,95416.88% \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes 04/02/2019 1:22 PM Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Nursingproposed budget COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Housekeeping Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436043030Project Revenue--(500) Total Revenue--(500)0.00% 530043030Wages182,461180,219183,0970.35% 530643030Project Wages - HSK--4000.00% 530943030Project Wages---0.00% Total Salary182,461180,219183,4970.57% 540043030Benefits45,53866,58566,36145.73% 540643030Project Stat/Combined - HSK--1000.00% 540943030Project Stat/Combined - HSK (Old)---0.00% 541043030Vacation Pay18,89718,18618,889-0.04% 542043030Benefits- Prev Vac ---0.00% 543043030Vacation Hrs13,27011,65411,401-14.09% 545043030Lieu13,97813,68113,941-0.26% 545643030Lieu $$---0.00% 547043030Sick/Bereav3,4784,3654,36525.48% 549043030Benefits - Manulife5,6487,3257,39130.85% Total Benefit100,809121,795122,44821.46% 550043030Travel---0.00% 550543030Travel - Other---0.00% 551043030Development---0.00% 585043030Purchased Services3,6882,9113,6880.00% 586043030Supplies18,01117,17718,0110.00% 588043030Equipment1,5002432,00033.33% 592043030Repairs/Maintenance251-2510.00% Total Operations23,45020,33123,9502.13% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST306,720322,344329,3957.39% 30/01/20193:10 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Laundry Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435044030Recoveries (72)---100.00% Total Revenue(72)---100.00% 530044030Wages60,82661,42060,388-0.72% 530644030Project Wages---0.00% Total Salary60,82661,42060,388-0.72% 540044030Benefits12,80211,94812,223-4.52% 540644030Project Benefits---0.00% 545044030Lieu $$2,1541,7871,852-14.02% 545644030Lieu $$---0.00% 549044030Benefits - Manulife---0.00% Total Benefit14,95513,73514,074-5.89% 551044030Development---0.00% 585044030Purchased Services74,10075,37675,5822.00% 586044030Supplies1,9992,4561,9990.00% 588044030Equipment504-5040.00% 592044030Repairs/Maintenance252-2520.00% Total Operations76,85577,83278,3371.93% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST152,565152,987152,8000.15% 04/02/20191:23 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Building Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435045030Recoveries(2,700)(3,684)(2,700)0.00% 436045030Project Revenue---0.00% Total Revenue(2,700)(3,684)(2,700)0.00% 530045030Wages46,07044,76045,730-0.74% 533045030Vac Pay5,0505,8275,85015.84% 530645030Project Wages---0.00% 537045030Sick/Bereavement -2375000.00% Total Salary51,12050,82452,0801.88% 540045030Benefits9,2469,54714,71159.12% 543045030Vacation Hrs---0.00% 549045030Benefits - Manulife4,8994,7594,802-2.00% Total Benefit14,14514,30619,51337.95% 550045030Travel2525352520.00% 550545030Travel - Other-10-0.00% 551045030Development96502500420.83% 585045030Purchased Services80,00085,47482,0002.50% 586045030Supplies2852672850.00% 588045030Equipment-8028000.00% 592045030Repairs/Maintenance14,0009,34114,0000.00% 594045030Utilities232,000169,570218,500-5.82% 596045030Project Costs30,00016,66035,00016.67% 684045030Cable9961,3951,25125.60% Total Operations357,629284,558352,588-1.41% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST420,193346,004421,4810.31% 04/02/20192:57 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Admin Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420046030P of Ont - OA(17,046)(14,696)(34,453)102.12% 420146030P of Ont - Pay Equity(17,220)(17,220)(17,220)0.00% 420246030P of Ont - Structural Compliance(62,412)(62,412)(62,412)0.00% 435046030Recoveries(15,000)(14,757)(15,000)0.00% 436046030Project Revenue(7,000)(5,107)(7,000)0.00% 450046030Private(299,997)(307,136)(311,186)3.73% 451046030Private - Basic Comp(762,228)(765,324)(780,316)2.37% 452046030Semi---0.00% 453046030Semi - Basic Comp---0.00% 454046030Basic(420,551)(416,786)(416,949)-0.86% 455046030Respite(8,073)(8,387)(9,104)12.77% 461546030General Store Sales(3,800)(6,094)(3,800)0.00% Total Revenue(1,613,326)(1,617,920)(1,657,440)2.73% 530046030Wages157,292151,010179,54014.14% 530646030Project Wages---0.00% Total Salary157,292151,010179,54014.14% 540046030Benefits27,60338,27039,98644.86% 541046030Vacation Pay1,5491,9181,92924.54% 543046030Vacation Hrs13,37013,82013,3830.10% 545046030Lieu---0.00% 547046030Sick/Bereav9,2131,8311,814-80.31% 549046030Benefits - Manulife6,9116,7756,836-1.08% Total Benefit58,64562,61463,9499.04% 550046030Travel7001297000.00% 550546030Travel - Other40054000.00% 551046030Development1,3009621,3000.00% 560046030Recognition5042105040.00% 561046030Memberships6,4406,4726,4900.78% 562046030Subscriptions2001822000.00% 563046030Office Supplies4,5003,4954,5000.00% 564046030Photocopy2,4005742,4000.00% 565046030Advertising7506167500.00% 568046030Telephone/Fax7,5046,4517,5040.00% 572046030Postage/Courier755227550.00% 575046030Petty Cash Over/Short-9-0.00% 585046030Purchased Services2,0406979,528367.04% 588046030Equipment1,0004981,0000.00% 591546030Special - General Store3,8007,2863,8000.00% 596046030Project Costs27,50019,43225,009-9.06% 609046030Miscellaneous50065000.00% 682046030Medical Director---0.00% 685046030Reimbursed Supplies/Clothing8,5003,1447,000-17.65% 795046030Loss on Sale/Writedown---0.00% 800046030Amortization277,927277,927292,9085.39% Total Operations346,721328,118365,2495.34% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST(1,050,668)(1,076,178)(1,048,702)-0.19% 04/02/20191:36 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Adult Day Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420048030Province of Ontario(123,686)(111,302)(140,492)13.59% 437048030Other Revenue(17,908)(19,295)(22,500)25.64% Total Revenue(141,594)(130,597)(162,992)0 530048030Wages78,40776,80897,84924.80% Total Salary78,40776,80897,849 540048030Benefits29,56714,60134,12315.41% 545048030Lieu $$1264,200126-0.04% 549048030Benefits Manulife---0.00% Total Benefit29,69318,80134,24915.34% 550048030Travel4001624297.25% 550548030Travel - Other58---100.00% 551048030Development315-285-9.52% 563048030Office Supplies319282255-20.06% 565048030Advertising---0.00% 585048030Purchased Services13,33716,03515,97519.78% 586048030Supplies2,8731,7741,200-58.23% 588048030Equipment5,9426,3612,010-66.17% 609048030Miscellaneous240502400.00% 681048030Raw Food5,5105,8266,0008.89% 686048030Building Occupancy4,5004,5004,5000.00% Total Operations33,49434,98930,894-7.76% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST(0)---100.00% 30/01/20193:21 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Bobier Villa\\Bobier Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Admin Adult Day Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200480Province of Ontario(50,272)(48,670)(49,956)-0.63% 4360480Donations00-0.00% 4370480Other Revenue0(1,602)-0.00% Total Revenue-50,272-50,272(49,956)-0 5630480Office Supplies3000--100.00% 5850480Purchased Services49,97250,27249,956-0.03% Total Operations50,27250,27249,956-0.63% Other00-0.00% NET OPERATING COST00-0.00% 30/01/20194:17 PM \\\\ECFILESERVER\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Homes Reports\\Admin Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Museum Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUAL Budget Budget 4200240Province of Ontario(15,000)(15,638)(15,000)0.00% 4205240Province of Ontario - Project---0.00% 4215240Federal Funding - Project Revenue(15,980)(6,075)(15,980)0.00% 4300240Grants---0.00% 4360240Project Revenue(500)(15,396)(500)0.00% 4370240Other Revenue-(3,701)-0.00% 4375240Other Revenue - Gift Shop-(3,972)(3,000)0.00% 4380240Other Revenue - Events & Education--(3,000)0.00% 4390240Admissions-(254)-0.00% Total Revenue(31,480)(45,036)(37,480)19.06% 5300240Wages143,793132,277146,8242.11% 5306240Project Wages8,8628,7368,8620.00% 5310240Vacation-4,644-0.00% 5330240Vacation Hrs-3,602-0.00% 5370240Sick/Bereavement-885-0.00% Total Salary152,654150,143155,6861.99% 5400240Benefits23,27822,62826,83015.26% 5406240Project Benefits 7981,234798-0.01% 5460240Subsidized Benefits---0.00% 5416240Project Benefits VacPay-366-0.00% 5450240Project Benefits 2---0.00% 5490240Benefits - Manulife9,5899,6619,166-4.41% Total Benefit33,66533,89036,7959.30% 5500240Travel1,9982431,9980.00% 5505240Travel - Other---0.00% 5510240Development1,5008031,5000.00% 5610240Memberships30,50130,32730,5010.00% 5620240Publications500-5000.00% 5630240Office Supplies5041,3365040.00% 5640240Photocopy5005405000.00% 5650240Advertising3,5033,0333,5030.00% 5740240Curatorial20,00220,67320,0020.00% 5880240Equipment3,0001,0583,0000.00% 5910240Special - Events & Education2,0044,8445,004149.70% 5915240Special - Gift Shop1,0002,2654,000300.00% 5920240Repairs/Maintenance5047575040.00% 5960240Project Costs9,700-9,7000.00% 6090240Miscellaneous504655040.00% 6500240Shipping2,0002,9392,0000.00% 6660240Website Maintenance---0.00% 6700240Acquisitions3,0002,4733,0000.00% Total Operations80,72071,35686,7207.43% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST235,559210,354241,7212.62% 04/02/20192:27 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Cultural Services\\Museum COUNTY OF ELGIN Archives Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4205185Provincial Funding - Project Revenue(5,000)---100.00% 4215185Federal Funding - Project Revenue(17,791)(17,525)(18,646)4.81% 4300185Grants---0.00% 4360185Project Revenue(1,000)(50,135)(1,000)0.00% 4370185Other Revenue(3,000)(1,874)(3,000)0.00% Total Revenue(26,791)(69,535)(22,646)-15.47% 5300185Wages118,091107,392124,4505.38% 5306185Project Wages41,28039,77835,924-12.98% 5316185Vacation Pay Project0928-0.00% 5330185Vacation Hours08,595-0.00% 5370185Sick/Bereavement 0796-0.00% Total Salary159,371157,489160,3730.63% 5400185Benefits21,57921,95931,64946.67% 5406185Stat/Combined3,7204,3583,273-12.01% 5415185Project Benefits00-0.00% 5416185Project Benefits - Vacation Pay 0674-0.00% 5490185Benefits - Manulife8,98810,65610,65618.55% Total Benefit34,28737,64745,57732.93% 5500185Travel8001,0198000.00% 5505185Travel - Other2,2007922,2000.00% 5510185Development2,7001,0002,7000.00% 5610185Memberships9971,2029970.00% 5620185Publications997349970.00% 5630185Office Supplies50305030.00% 5640185Photocopy6003546000.00% 5850185Purchased Services9976269970.00% 5860185Supplies - Archival7,5005,5307,5000.00% 5870185Furniture & Fixtures00-0.00% 5880185Equipment4,5002504,5000.00% 5910185Promotions2,0021,2592,0020.00% 5920185Repairs/Maintenance5033265030.00% 5960185Project Costs00-0.00% 6090185Miscellaneous5044475040.00% 6640185Microfilming/Scanning/Conservation6,5635,8836,5630.00% 6660185Website Maintenance00-0.00% 6700185Acquisitions3,2502,8493,2500.00% 8000185Amortization3,5183,5184,79036.16% Total Operations38,13425,08939,4063.34% Other00-0.00% NET OPERATING COST205,001150,690222,7118.64% 30/01/20194:36 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Cultural Services\\Archives COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based ACTUALBudgetZero Base Budget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200180Province of Ontario(116,739)(116,739)(116,739)0.00% 4205180Province of Ontario - Project Funding(4,250)(4,250)(4,250)0.00% 4215180Federal Funding - Project Revenue0.00% 4300180Grants0.00% 4360180Project Revenue(30,525)(34,487)(16,000)-47.58% 4370180Other Revenue(35,996)(31,570)(35,996)0.00% Total Revenue(187,510)(187,046)(172,985)-7.75% 5300180Wages1,551,0491,373,8541,586,4452.28% 5306180Project Wages0.00% 5310180Vacation46,1970.00% 5316180Vacation Pay0.00% 5330180Vacation Hrs84,3890.00% 5360180Wages Subsidized0.00% 5370180Bereavement9,9690.00% Total Salary1,551,0491,514,4091,586,4452.28% 5400180Benefits253,504257,111268,2835.83% 5406180Project Stat/Combined0.00% 5416180Project Vac Benefits0.00% 5450180Lieu 63,55056,30660,601-4.64% 5460180Benefits Subsidized6140.00% 5490180Benefits - Manulife66,21281,11078,60018.71% Total Benefit383,266395,141407,4836.32% 5500180Travel8,5006,3788,5000.00% 5505180Travel - Other4,0004,5484,0000.00% 5510180Development16,4967,32116,4960.00% 5610180Memberships2,0041,8492,0040.00% 5630180Office Supplies15,00014,31315,0000.00% 5640180Photocopy10,8988,58710,8980.00% 5650180Advertising9961539960.00% 5680180Telephone/Fax20,00421,07020,0040.00% 5760180Meals/Refreshments2,2801,9862,2800.00% 5870180Furniture & Fixtures6,9964,4816,9960.00% 5880180Equipment0.00% 5890180Lease Space426,516424,876434,1931.80% 5920180Repairs/Maintenance5042155040.00% 05/02/201911:12 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Cultural Services\\Library Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based ACTUALBudgetZero Base Budget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 5930180Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fuel10,0006,24614,00040.00% 5960180Project Costs15,00112,36014,539-3.08% 6090180Miscellaneous2,4531,3952,4530.00% 6630180Periodicals/Newspapers18,69814,34918,6980.00% 6670180Electronic Resources62,66063,04567,6607.98% 6680180Programs11,99626,82611,9960.00% 7950180Gain/Loss on Disposal of Assets0.00% 8000180Amortization306,068306,068317,1023.61% Total Operations941,071926,066968,3212.90% Other0.00% NET OPERATING COST2,687,8762,648,5702,789,2643.77% 05/02/201911:12 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Cultural Services\\Library Services Other- - - COUNTY OF ELGIN POA Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4300135Grants(80,000)(91,830)(80,000)0.00% 4340135Fines Revenue(1,429,142)(1,281,139)(1,459,142)2.10% 4345135Parking Ticket Revenue(10,150)(20,510)(10,150)0.00% 4370135Other Revenue---0.00% Total Revenue(1,519,293)(1,393,479)(1,549,293)1.97% 5300135Wages273,327261,338283,7203.80% 5310135Vacation Pay-680-0.00% 5330135Vacation Hrs-21,184-0.00% 5370135Sick-3,912-0.00% Total Salary273,327287,114283,7203.80% 5400135Benefits44,41551,59151,29215.48% 5490135Benefits - Manulife19,10622,41022,81319.40% Total Benefit63,52174,00174,10516.66% 5500135Travel2,9992,4442,9990.00% 5505135Travel - Other2,0002,6792,0000.00% 5510135Development1,5004161,5000.00% 5610135Memberships200-2000.00% 5630135Office Supplies15,3006,30515,3000.00% 5680135Telephone/Fax1,2971,5621,2970.00% 5750135Petty Cash Over/Short---0.00% 5770135Legal & Professional388,495301,849396,2652.00% 5830135Bank Charges21,30015,27621,3000.00% 5850135Purchased Services23,72730,91023,7270.00% 5870135Furniture & Fixtures2,700-2,7000.00% 5880135Equipment1,0833,5821,0830.00% 5960135Project Costs5,000-5,0000.00% 5970135Municipal Partner Payments205,879199,507135,008-34.42% 5965135Parking Ticket MPP9,13518,4599,1350.00% 5971135Victim Fine Surcharge and Dedicated Fines319,428295,384323,5451.29% 6090135Miscellaneous10,500(0)10,5000.00% 6120135Support-ICON & Mailing36,00125,72536,0010.00% 6860135Building Occupancy45,44646,401104,658130.29% 8000135Amortization ---0.00% Total Operations1,091,990950,4981,092,2180.02% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST(90,455)(81,866)(99,250)9.72% \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed 04/02/2019 2:43 PM Budget\\POA\\POAPOAproposed budget COUNTY OF ELGIN Collections Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4340145Revenue(379,743)(487,396)(395,443)4.13% 4350145Recoveries(94,936)(141,551)(98,861)4.13% Total Revenue(474,679)(628,948)(494,304)4.13% 5300145---0.00% Total Salary--- 5400145---0.00% Total Benefit---0.00% 5500145Travel1,000-1,0000.00% 5505145Travel - Other---0.00% 5510145Development800-8000.00% 5630145Office Supplies48-480.00% 5850145Purchased Services168,170187,754173,0762.92% 5970145Municipal Partner Payments287,493422,417301,7214.95% Total Operations457,511610,171476,6454.18% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST(17,168)(18,777)(17,658)2.86% 31/01/201911:29 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\POA\\Collections COUNTY OF ELGIN Ambulance Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200270Province of Ontario (4,997,376) (4,982,909) (5,099,163)2.04% 4205270Province of Ontario - Project Revenue(43,943)(43,943)--100.00% 4360270Project Revenue-(14,052)- 4310270City of St. Thomas - Ambulance (2,177,267) (2,170,812) (2,221,748)2.04% 4450270Intermunicipal Transfers(48,410)(1,185)(48,410)0.00% Total Revenue (7,266,996) (7,212,901) (7,369,321)1.41% 5300270Wages41,34933,11455,41334.01% 5330270Vacation Hrs-4,215- 5370270Sick/ Bereavement-636- Total Salary41,34937,96555,41334.01% 5400270Benefits7,1726,9599,52132.75% Total Benefit7,1726,9599,52132.75% 5500270Travel500-5,5001000.00% 5505270Travel - Other--- 5510270Development500-3,000500.00% 5610270Memberships600-6000.00% 5630270Office Supplies--- 5680270Telephone/Fax--- 5850270Purchased Serv. - Contractors9,508,4449,502,3959,705,9262.08% 5920270Repairs/ Maintenance--- 5960270Project Costs43,94343,943--100.00% 5970270Cross Border Payments76,52929,74276,5290.00% 6090270Miscellaneous500(14)5000.00% 7950270Loss on Sale/Writedown--69,681 8000270Amortization377,427375,341289,925-23.18% Total Operations10,008,4439,951,40710,151,6611.43% Other--- NET OPERATING COST2,789,9672,783,4292,847,2732.05% 05/02/201910:48 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Administrative Services\\Ambulance COUNTY OF ELGIN Emergency Measures Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4370210Other Revenue(2,000)(177)(2,000)0.00% Total Revenue(2,000)(177)(2,000)0.00% 5300210Wages19,6045,67582,580321.25% 5330210Vac Pay - 449 - 0.00% 5370210Sick/Bereavement - 95 - 0.00% Total Salary19,6046,21982,580 5400210Benefits3,4821,39514,619319.80% 5490210Benefits - Manulife - - 6,0000.00% Total Benefit3,4821,39520,619492.09% 5500210Travel149 - 1490.00% 5505210Travel - Other149 - 1490.00% 5510210Development8001,4962,800250.00% 5630210Office Supplies200 - 3,2001500.00% 5650210Advertising1,000 - 1,0000.00% 5850210Purchased Services7,50025,7117,5000.00% 5860210Supplies500805000.00% 5870210Furniture & Fixtures - - - 0.00% 5920210Repairs & Maintenance1,8008781,8000.00% 6090210Miscellaneous300 - 3000.00% Total Operations12,39728,16417,39740.33% Other - - - 0.00% NET OPERATING COST33,48335,601118,596254.20% 04/02/20192:59 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Administrative Services\\Emergency Measures COUNTY OF ELGIN Economic Development Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4200280Province of Ontario - - - 0.00% 4205280Province of Ontario - Project Revenue (35,068)(33,987)(64,068)82.70% 4215280Federal Funding - Project Revenue(5,600)(5,040)(5,600)0.00% 4300280Grants(30,000) - (30,000)0.00% 4350280Recoveries - (2,105) - 0.00% 4360280Project Revenue(173,072)(117,217)(84,128)-51.39% 4370280Other Revenue - Logo Items - - - 0.00% 4380280Membership Revenue (13,000)(16,480)(13,000)0.00% Total Revenue(256,740)(174,830)(196,796)-23.35% 5300280Wages358,631301,564367,6182.51% 5306280Project Wages 93,76686,65835,045-62.63% 5310280Vacation Pay - 2,256 - 0.00% 5316280Vaction Pay Project - 672 - 0.00% 5330280Vacation Pay - 20,251 - 0.00% 5336280Vacation Hrs - 4,803 - 0.00% 5370280Sick/Bereav - 15,039 - 0.00% 5376280Sick/Bereav Project - 900 - 0.00% Total Salary452,397432,143402,663-10.99% 5400280Benefits64,16959,580103,40361.14% 5406280Project Benefits 222,44818,2364,226-81.17% 5460280Benefits Subsidized - 5,677 - 0.00% 5490280Benefits - Manulife29,99624,27423,073-23.08% Total Benefit116,612107,767130,70212.08% 5500280Travel12,0009,49212,0000.00% 5505280Travel - Other12,0008,84812,0000.00% 5510280Development5,0005,3415,0000.00% 5610280Memberships8,78510,5908,7850.00% 5620280Subscriptions2002962000.00% 5630280Office Supplies2,6504,1702,6500.00% 5650280Advertising/Promotion133,916130,724143,9167.47% 5660280Printing1,0005241,0000.00% 5680280Telephone/Fax2,5002,7502,5000.00% 5720280Postage/Courier300 - 3000.00% 5850280Purchased Services54,00041,32254,0000.00% 5890280Leases2,4864,1273,85254.95% 5910280Special Projects/Events30,00036,78730,0000.00% 5930280Vehicle Maint/Costs1,4009721,4000.00% 5960280Misc Project Costs386,056341,242304,108-21.23% 6090280Miscellaneous3,0004,1153,0000.00% 8000280Amortization20,12020,1209,714-51.72% Total Operations675,413621,420594,425-11.99% Other - - - 0.00% NET OPERATING COST987,683986,500930,993-5.74% 05/02/201910:58 AM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\Economic Development COUNTY OF ELGIN Land Division Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Cost Attack ACTUAL Budget Implement ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4340220Fees(137,500)(155,750)(150,168)0.00% Total Revenue(137,500)(155,750)(150,168)0.00% 5300220Wages67,74063,69465,2490.00% 5330220Vacation Pay-359-0.00% 5370220Sick/Bereavement -97-0.00% 5310220Vacation Hrs-5,545-0.00% 5350220Wages Land Committee22,09016,97031,3300.00% Total Salary89,83086,66696,579 5400220Benefits12,64211,90514,2070.00% 5450220Lieu3,9374,4834,0120.00% 5460220Benefits Subsidized-985-0.00% 5490220Benefits - Manulife---0.00% Total Benefit16,57917,37218,2190.00% 5500220Travel1,9813,2212,9810.00% 5505220Travel - Other-1,015-0.00% 5510220Development3,9961,9903,9960.00% 5610220Memberships9601,0409600.00% 5620220Subscriptions9601189600.00% 5630220Office Supplies6,4727,1376,4720.00% 5770220Legal & Professional18,000-17,0000.00% 6090220Miscellaneous3,0003,2343,0000.00% 8000220Amortization---0.00% Total Operations35,36917,75435,3690.00% Other---0.00% NET OPERATING COST4,278(33,958)(1)0.00% 04/02/20194:35 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\Land Division COUNTY OF ELGIN Planning Proposed Budget 2018Total 2019% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4340290Planning & Process Fees(25,500)(46,000)(35,000)37.25% 4350290Recoveries - - -0.00% 4360290Project Revenue(9,039)(9,039) --100.00% Total Revenue(34,539)(55,039)(35,000)1.33% 5300290Wages88,74590,214 96,8629.15% 5310290Vacation Pay -397 -0.00% 5330290Vacation Pay - - -0.00% 5370290Sick/Bereavement -123 -0.00% Total Salary88,74590,734 96,862 5400290Benefits6,7616,672 15,410127.90% 5490290Benefits - Manulife - - 4,0000.00% Total Benefit6,7616,672 19,410187.06% 5500290Travel2,000600 2,0000.00% 5505290Travel - Other -434 -0.00% 5510290Development2,0001,475 2,0000.00% 5610290Memberships700 -80014.29% 5630290Office Supplies746477460.00% 5850290Purchased Services3,000 - 3,0000.00% 5870290Furniture & Fixtures - - -0.00% 5960290Project Costs81,61070,000 90,00010.28% 6090290Miscellaneous1,000400 1,0000.00% Total Operations91,05672,956 99,5469.32% Other - - -0.00% NET OPERATING COST152,024115,323 180,81718.94% 04/02/20194:26 PM \\\\ecfileserver\\Data\\Departments\\Common\\Finance\\Budget Development\\2019 Proposed Budget\\Economic Dev and Tourism\\Planning COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 19-04 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 2019BUDGET OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2019 TAX RATIOS, AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2019TAX RATES FOR THE COUNTY CONSTITUENT MUNICIPALITIES” WHEREAS Section 289 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the upper-tier municipality; and, WHEREAS Section 308(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of an upper-tier municipality shall in each year establish the tax ratios for that year for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(7) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality establish for each property class, a single tax ratio for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(15-18) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality may opt to have certain optional property classes apply within the County; and, WHEREAS the province, starting in 2017,is allowing greater flexibility in setting the vacancy/excess land reduction rate on commercial and industrial properties; and, WHEREAS the local municipally owned landfill sites in Dutton/Dunwich and West Elgin did not previously pay property tax to the County for these properties and the new landfill tax ratio would unfairly penalize the local municipalities; and, WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 s.107 provides thatCouncil maymake grantsto any body Council deems in the interest of the municipality. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1.THAT the large industrial class be chosen as an optional property class. 2.THAT the tax ratio on vacant/excessland commercial and industrial properties be set to the same ratio as the occupied classes; and, 3.THAT the municipalities of Dutton/Dunwich and West Elgin be granted relief on the full portion of the County property taxes on the landfills that these municipalities use for local resident waste. 4. THATthe 2019tax ratios for the County of Elgin set out on Schedule “A”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 5. THATthe 2019budget of the County of Elgin set out on Schedule “B”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, which incorporates estimates for revenue and for expenditures be approved and adopted by Council. 6. THATthe 2019tax rates for the assessment in each property class set out in Schedule “C”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. TH READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12DAY OF February2019. Julie Gonyou, Duncan McPhail, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. CLOSED MEETING AGENDA February 12, 2019 Staff Reports: