13 - August 13, 2019 County Council Agenda Package o o Planning Act Planning Act Planning Act Right-of-way widths for every type of County road are set out in Table 4. The right-or-way width for any public road may allow for the placement oftravel lanes, turning lanes, utilities, infrastructure, high occupancy vehicle lanes, sidewalks, paths, bicycle lanes, medians, streetscaping and landscaped boulevards, where appropriate. In addition to the road right-of-way widths set out in Table 4, the County may, without the need for an amendment to the Official Plan, require the dedication of lands to be used for daylight triangles, to provide sufficient sight distances and turning lanes to provide safe and appropriate access where major traffic generators intersect. In this regard, intersection improvements may be required as shown on Schedule B. Where additional land is required for intersection improvements, such land shall be dedicated wherever possible, in the course of approving plans of subdivision or condominium, consents or site plan agreements, without amendment to this Plan. As a condition of a development approval, land for road widenings shall be conveyed at no expense to the County in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act.As a general principle, required road widenings will be taken from both sides of the right-of-way.” The County of Elgin Roads Plan and Policies document(2009)will serveas the basis for the construction and design of roads that are under the jurisdiction of the County, including policies limiting direct access to County Roads where access is available by a local road.” sensitive land uses GPS!JNNFEJBUF!SFMFBTF ! Kvmz!:-!312: ! Xftufso!Poubsjp!Xbsefo“t!Dbvdvt!ijsft!Fyfdvujwf!Ejsfdups!pg!Fdpopnjd!Efwfmpqnfou! gps!Xftufso!Poubsjp! ! 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Ministry ofMinistère des Municipal AffairsAffaires municipales and Housinget du Logement Office of the MinisterBureau du ministre the 777 Bay Street, 17Floor777, rue Bay,17étage Toronto ON M5G 2E5Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel.:416585-7000Tél.:416585-7000 Mary Crosby For Chair John Hoos On behalf of PS Community Policing Committee July 9, 2019 Mayor Sally Martyn, Councillors & Staff Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Re: Port Stanley Crosswalks Mayor Martyn, Councillors & Staff, This letter is to formally request that County & Municipal staff along with Council work together to develop a crosswalk and/or traffic calming policy that can begin to be implemented in 2019 in Port Stanley, recognizing the need for refurbishment of existing crosswalks in a creative yet functional design as well as adding new crosswalks in strategic locations given the increase in development and subsequent increase in vehicle, pedestrian & bicycle traffic. Vehicles may have to continue to have the right of way yet with some ingenuity, they could be encouraged to slow down. There are currently 3 mid-block, unofficial crosswalks in Port Stanley, joining ends of sidewalks, which could use some fresh paint and perhaps some creativity in design to encourage drivers to stop even though vehicles have the right of way and to notify pedestrians of this. In addition, there are several other locations that should also be evaluated for all season effectiveness, as per the attachment. We recognize the need for financial and structural feasibility yet also recognize that these would go a long way in keeping vehicular, pedestrian and cycling traffic moving smoothly and safely on both County and Municipal roads while providing more interesting visual designs in the Village. Please add this to the July 22/19 agenda as correspondence for action. If a delegation is more impactful, that can be arranged as well. Thank you, Mary Crosby, Secretary Port Stanley Community Policing Committee Cc Julie Gonyou – County CAO Cc Brian Lima – County Engineer Cc Lloyd Perrin – Director of Physical Services Attachment Existing 3 mid-block crossings to refresh: 1.Carlow Rd, north end, where northwest sidewalk ends, to cross to east side sidewalk 2.Warren St, east of bridge, where south sidewalk ends, to cross to north side sidewalk 3.Colborne St, at Foodland, where east sidewalk ends, to cross to west side sidewalk Additional locations to be evaluated: 4.Carlow Rd, east side in front of condos, over to west side sidewalk 5.Warren St, at stop sign at Colborne St, to cross between north & south side sidewalks 6.Bridge St, at Bostwick St, to cross east/west across Bostwick St 7.Bridge St, at Bostwick St, to cross north/south across Bridge St 8.Bridge St, at Carlow, to cross north/south between train station & tourist office 9.George St, at William St, to cross east/west and north/south 10.William St, at Smith St (no sidewalks on Erie St but both Smith & Erie at William are concerns) 11.William St, at Lotus Lane, east/west between parking lot and Mackie’s (2 crossings w/signs in roundabout south of Lotus Lane are unused, west side one ends at guardrail) 12.Edith Cavell St, at Stanley Park, to cross north/south Mary Crosby For Chair John Hoos On behalf of PS Community Policing Committee July 9, 2019 Mayor Sally Martyn, Councillors & Staff Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Re: Port Stanley Signage and Speed Zones Mayor Martyn, Councillors & Staff This is to formally request that County Staff and Council work with Central Elgin Staff and Council in a review of all signage and speed zones, on both County & Municipal roads, to ensure that the most effective signage is in the best locations communicating the clearest, consistent messages within the Port Stanley settlement area. Signage observations: Be positive – ie indicate where to park rather than ‘no parking’, where possible Overnight parking - restrictions currently posted only on municipal boundaries-need one on Sunset Dr A signature/gateway sign on Union Road and Sunset Rd could serve as a good reminder of key items Possibly consolidate signs and improve the aesthetics of the Village Speed zone observations: Neighbourhood speed zones – basically everywhere except for Bridge, Carlow, Colborne & East Rd/Joseph St Make Warren St and every road south to the lake between Carlow and Colborne 40 kmh o Bridge St – now 40 kmh eastbound until Carlow Rd where it is 50 kmh to lights at Colborne change entire street to 40 kmh for consistency and safety o Carlow Rd – 50 kmh northbound until Community Safety zone for school which then ends a short distance before stop sign at Warren St extend Community Safety zone or 40 kmh zone to stop sign at a minimum or make road completely 40 kmh o Colborne – possibly reduce speed to 40 kmh starting at Warren St and south for safety o Joseph St (schoolhouse hill) – shape and slope of hill warrants a 40 kmh zone for safety, at least going downhill o East Rd – re-evaluate speed zones given residential development Subsequently, ‘40 kmh Ends’ signs could be removed Consider road narrowing options in strategic locations on Colborne, Carlow & East Road (ie attractive boulevard between lanes to naturally slow vehicle traffic and make pedestrian traffic safer) Please add this to the July 22/19 agenda as correspondence for action. If a delegation is more impactful, that can be arranged as well. Thank you, Mary Crosby, Secretary Port Stanley Community Policing Committee Cc Julie Gonyou – County CAO Cc Brian Lima – County Engineer Cc Lloyd Perrin – Director of Physical Services ).#/-).' $)2%#4/2 /& (5-!. 2%3/52#%3 SERVICE FEE GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY & CULTURAL SERVICES – SERVICE 2 FEE COMMUNITY & CULTURAL SERVICES - SERVICE 3 FEE COMMUNITY & CULTURAL SERVICES – ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICE 4 FEE LONG-TERM CARE HOMES SERVICE 5 FEE HUMAN RESOURCES LAND DIVISION SERVICE 6 FEE PLANNING APPLICATION FEES TOURISM FEES PROVINCIAL OFFENCES SERVICE 7 FEE Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees