December 12, 2006 ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA~ DECEMBER 12TH, 2006 EVENING - 7:00 P.M. 1 st Call to Order - the Chief Administrative Officer shall preside (Procedural By-Law Section VIII) 2nd Receipt of Declaration of Acclamation to Office or Declaration of Election from Councillors [Section 232(4)] of the Municipal Act 3rd Declaration of Office by Councillors [Section 232(1)] of the Municipal Act - to be sworn in jointly 4th Election of Warden Candidates for Warden to Stand Prospective Candidates to Speak (in alphabetical order) Proceed with Election (Ballot or Resolution) 5th Administering and Signing of Declaration of Office 6th Gowning ih Presentation by Immediate Past Warden Paul Baldwin Chain of Office Lord Elgin Watch Gavel of Office 8th Warden's Address 9th Resolution to Destroy the Ballots (if needed) 10th Committee Appointments - recommendations from incoming Warden 11 th Other Business 12th Recess WARDEN'S RECEPTION LOWER LEVEL - COUNTY ADMINISTRA TION BUILDING FOLLOWING ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: START TIME FOR COUNTY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 14TH WILL BE 10:00 A.M.