06-26 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 06-26 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 05-29' AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO " WHEREAS pursuant to Section 56 of the Planning Act, being Chapter P .13 of the Revised Statues of Ontario, 1990, as amended, an upper-tier municipality may by by-law constitute and appoint a land division committee composed of such persons, not fewer than three, as the council considers advisable. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin NOW THEREFORE enacts as follows 1. That a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee for the term January 1, 2007 to December 31,2010: Paul Ens Paul Faulds Duncan McPha Rien VanBrenk Bill Walters. the following remuneration 2. That the Members of the Land Division Committee be paid for attending meetings of the said Committee For attending a duly called meeting of the Committee, each Member shall be paid a per diem of $150.00, a) In addition to the above remuneration, the Chairman shall receive an additiona $250.00 per year to recognize the additional responsibilities of the position b) In addition to the above remuneration, each Member shall be paid the same rate for each kilometre necessarily traveled in attending such meetings as established by Council for the use of personal vehicles while on County business c) 3 Each Member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuneration, $60.00 for each application that the member investigates and $30.00 for all subsequent applications relating to the same parcel of land. This is to cover mileage and/or attendance at loca council meetings to discuss the applications the 4 For attending a convention/workshop, within the Province of Ontario, providing convention/workshop is relevant to the business of the Land Division Committee: Within a radius of 440 km (275 miles) of St. Thomas, the per diem rate, registration fee, approved expenses and standard mileage from St. Thomas to the convention/workshop site and return (see Schedule "A"), paid at the same rate established for the use of personal vehicles for County business a) Travel by air, rail, or vehicle, at the lowest quoted cost. The sum of up to twenty dollars ($20.00) will be allowed for travel to and from London if travel is by air or rail. b) Generally speaking, the use of a vehicle is to be restricted to points within a radius of 440 km (275 miles) of St. Thomas or to points not readily accessible by rail or air transportation. c) n order to reduce together to travel Whenever possible, persons are encouraged costs d) I C"l I - o s.... a> ..0 E2 ::J CO Co> -a> co- ::J a> 1:5"'C CO a> .J:: 0..... ......J:: "'C0 a>'- ..... .J:: 'E ~ = "'C "'C2 C C/) co= "'CC/) .- C CO 0 0..- C/) a> C/) ..0 a> C/) CO C/) .J::CO C/).J:: >-0. CO 0 "'C.J:: s.... C/) a>~ o.s.... o o~ 0- 'C 00 -c- .- ..... -c-c Y7a> -> o C a> 0 .....0 ~ a> E-:5 a>..... ._ CO "'C.J::C/) s........."'C a> C/) C o.>-a> <(CO::::: "'CCO .--... a> C/) ..... 0. a> C/) o CO a>.J:: s.... Eg- O.J:: .t::~ "'Cs.... m ~ s...._ ::J C ..00 E:;::; ._ C a> a> s.... > a> C ..00 o - CO a> .J:: .J:: C/)..... ..... - CO 2.J::C/) CO....."'C s.... C/) C ->-a> a> CO..... 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