06-27 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 06-27 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION TO THE FOR FUNDING ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS CORPORATION FROM THE RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT INITIATIVE FOR NEW ELIGIBLE CAPITAL PROJECTS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN THE MUNICIPALITY) AND TO APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ON SAID ELIGIBLE CAPITAL PROJECTS WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario), as amended, (the "Act") provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; and WHEREAS on September 19, 2006 the Province of Ontario announced an nvestment of $70 Million dollars for rural infrastructure as a one-time grant for rura nfrastructure initiatives to eligible Ontario municipalities and WHEREAS on behalf of the Province of Ontario, OIPC will be administering the Rural Infrastructure Investment Initiative to eligible Ontario municipalities for the purpose of new eligible rural infrastructure initiative projects and WHEREAS it is now deemed to be expedient to authorize for the municipal purposes of the Municipality the new capital projects described in Column (2) of Schedule "A" (individually a "Project", collectively the "Projects") attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this By-Law in the amount of the estimated expenditure set out in Column (3) of Schedule "A"; and WHEREAS OIPC has invited eligible Ontario municipalities desirous of obtaining funding pursuant to the Rural Infrastructure Investment Initiative in order to meet capital expenditures in connection with new eligible capital projects to make application to OIPC for such funding by completing and submitting an application on the form provided by OIPC (the "Application"); and to WHEREAS the eligible MUnicipality has submitted an Application to OIPC request funding for the ProjE?cts the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin NOW THEREFORE enacts as follows 1. The Municipality hereby confirms, ratifies and approves the completion by the Director of Financial Services of an Application and the submission by such authorized official of an Application, duly executed by such authorized official, to OIPC for the funding of the Projects(s) for the purposes of the Rural Infrastructure Investment Initiative in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $1 ,000,000 (the "Funding"). 2. (a) Construction of each Project in the amount of the respective estimated Authorized Expenditure set out in Column (3) of Schedule "A" is hereby approved and authorized; (b) anyone or more of the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to conclude contracts on behalf of the Municipality for the construction of the Projects(s) in accordance with the Municipality's usual protocol; (c) where applicable, the Director of Engineering Services of the Municipality wi forthwith make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish such information as in N Q) .J:: ..... - o C o ts ::J s.... ..... C/) C o o Q) .J:: ..... s.... .E ~ CO C/) C/) Q) o Q) C .~ C/) Q) o .~ Q) (/) 0> C 'C Q) Q) C 0> C W - o s.... o t5 ~ o Q) .J:: ..... - o c":-::' .Q~ .S $3 0.0 o .92., Q) e -:50. "'C.J:: C 0 CO ::J C/) C_ O 0 "'C~ .92 Q) 1::"E ~ 0 Q)"'C ..oC _CO -C ~O C/):;::; _0 C/) ~ w:o ..... o Q) .92., .J:: 0..... s.... 0 0...... 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