17 - October 22, 2019 County Council Agenda Package ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2019 – 9:00 A.M. ORDER DELEGATION: 9:00 A.M. OTHER BUSINESS LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: Accessible formats available upon request. 1 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNCIL MINUTES October 8, 2019 1.CALLTOORDER 2.ADOPTIONOFMINUTES 3.DISCLOSUREOFPECUNIARYINTERESTANDTHEGENERALNATURETHEREOF 4.PRESENTINGPETITIONS,PRESENTATIONSANDDELEGATIONS BrianMasschaele – RecipientoftheErlandLeeAwardofAppreciationfrom theFederatedWomen’sInstitutesofCanada(FWIC) 5.COMMITTEEOFTHEWHOLE 2 6.REPORTSOFCOUNCIL,OUTSIDEBOARDSANDSTAFF ProvincialPolicyStatementReview – ProposedPolicies – July2019 – ManagerofPlanning 2019FederalGasTaxTop-UpFunding – DirectorofEngineeringServices AdministrationBuildingCoolingTowerReplacement – Directorof EngineeringServices 3 ImperialRoadPortBruceBridgeReplacementSchedule B MunicipalClass EnvironmentalAssessmentDraftProjectFile – DirectorofEngineering Services 7.COUNCILCORRESPONDENCE ItemsforInformation(ConsentAgenda) 4 8.OTHERBUSINESS Statements/InquiriesbyMembers NoticeofMotion MattersofUrgency 9.CLOSEDMEETINGITEMS (b)personalmattersaboutanidentifiableindividual,includingmunicipalorlocalboard employees – (k) a position,plan,procedure,criteriaorinstructiontobeappliedtoanynegotiations carriedonortobecarriedonbyoronbehalfofthemunicipalityorlocalboard – (k) a position,plan,procedure,criteriaorinstructiontobeappliedtoanynegotiationsto becarriedonbyoronbehalfofthemunicipalityorlocalboard – 10.RECESS 11.MOTIONTORISEANDREPORT 5 – – – 12.MOTIONTOADOPTRECOMMENDATIONSFROMTHECOMMITTEEOFTHE WHOLE 13. CONSIDERATIONOFBY-LAWS By-law No. 19-38 – Confirming all Actions and Proceedings 14.ADJOURNMENT 6 7 October 15, 2019 Elgin County County Administration Building St. Thomas, Ontario Dear Warden McPhail and Members of County Council Elgin County is a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family; there is however a significant lack of resources, expert palliative care, and support for individuals and their families at the end-of-life. Caring for people in our community matters, right until the end. The Hospice of Elgin is requesting an opportunity to provide a deputation to County Council on October 22, 2019. The purpose of our presentation is to provide an update on the recent Hospice of Elgin provincial announcement and request support from Elgin County to help raise the necessary $9.5 million to build the Hospice. It is anticipated that our presentation will be supported through the attendance of the following community leaders and members of the Elgin Hospice Planning committee: Kate Dymock, Primary Health Services Director-West Elgin Community Health Centre Bill Denning, Denning Funeral Homes Dr. Anne Howe, Physician, East Elgin Family Health Team Shirley Biro, Community Leader and East Elgin Family Health Team, Board Chair Dr. Bob Jones- retired Family Physician Bill Graham- Community Leader and retired managing partner- Graham Scott Enns Linda Corriveau- Manager-Serenity House Hospice Cindy Webber- Executive Director- Hospice Outreach Programs of Elgin (HOPE) Richard Corneil, CEO- St. Joseph’s Health Care Society Laura Sherwood, Director of Hospice Partnerships, St. Joseph's Health Care Society Thank you for your consideration, Director of Hospice Partnerships, St. Joseph's Health Care Society 519-433-5192 8 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF October 22, 2019 Staff Reports – (ATTACHED) 9 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: CONCLUSION: 10 ® T Subdivision Plan Review Projection: NAD 83 UTM Zone 17. DISCLAIMER:This drawing is neither a legally recorded 11 map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: 12 Certificate for Cancellation of Consent “(45) Any owner of land or the owner’s agent duly authorized in writing may apply to the council or to the Minister, as the case may be, for a certificate cancelling a consent.” CONCLUSION: 13 14 15 Planning Act 16 Planning Act Condominium Act, 1998 17 Condominium Act, 1998 18 19 Planning Amendment Act, 2019 20 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: 2019 Phragmites Assessment on ElginCounty Road Allowance 21 CONCLUSION: 22 23 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: King George VI Lift Bridge Rehabilitation Project Construction Detour Plan 24 CONCLUSION: 25 26 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: 27 CONCLUSION: 28 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: 29 CONCLUSION: 30 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Ontario Health Teams Division (OHTD): Mental Health and Addictions Division (MHAD): Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions Strategy. Capacity Planning and Analytics Division (CPAD): 31 Emergency Health Services Division (EHSD): Public Health Modernization: Division Changes: CONCLUSION: 32 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: SURVEY: 33 advantages disadvantages barriers 34 DISTRIBUTION AND METHODOLOGY: 1.Purpose: 2.Design: 3.Who will be surveyed: 4.Sampling: 5.Potential Pitfalls: 6.Method of Collecting Data: Convenience sampling Targeted responses Likert scale 35 Survey Length: 7.Multiple Methods of Distribution: Community Activities/Events: Online Promotion: o o o o Print Copies: 8.Flexibility: 9.Timeline: 10.Evaluation: 36 CONCLUSION: 37 Appendix I Elgin County DRAFT 2020 –2022 Strategic Plan Strategic Priority Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin Goal To re-design how we To be the place where To make responsible respond to community need people want to live, work, financial decisions. in a creative, sustainable and play. way. Objectives We do this by focusing on: We do this by focusing on: We do this by focusing on: 1.Ensuring alignment of 1.Planning for and 1.Delivering mandated current programs and facilitating commercial, programs and services services to current industrial, residential, and efficiently and effectively community need agricultural growth 2.Ensuring we have the 2.Investing wisely in 2.Enhancing quality of place necessary tools, efficient and effective 3.Conserving our resources, and programs and services environment infrastructure to deliver 3.Exploring different ways programs and services of addressing community now and in the future need 4.Engaging with our community and other stakeholders 38 39 40 41 42 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: 43 CONCLUSION: 44 2019 Corporation of the County of Elgin Draft Committee By-Law 19-XX JULIE GONYOU, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER | CLERK 45 1.DEFINITIONS 4 2.PURPOSE 6 3.PRINCIPLES OF THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE BY-LAW 6 4.APPLICATION 7 5.INTERPRETING THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE BY-LAW 7 6.SUSPENSION OF RULES 8 7.CONFLICT OF INTEREST 8 8.MAJORITY VOTE 8 9.CREATING, AMENDING OR DISSOLVING A COMMITTEE 9 10.ACCOUNTABILITY 10 11.DUTIES OF COMMITTEES 11 12.COUNCIL COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 11 13.ANNUAL REPORT 12 14.COUNCIL COMMITTEE COMPOSITION 12 15.STANDING COMMITTEE COMPOSITION – SCHEDULE “A” 13 16.ADVISORY COMMITTEE 13 17.LEGISLATED COMMITTEES 13 18.AGENCIES AND BOARDS WITH COUNCIL APPOINTEES 14 19.SPECIAL PURPOSE (AD HOC) COMMITTEES 14 20.CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS 14 21.CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS – CRITERIA TO SERVE ON COMMITTEE 14 22.RETENTION OF APPLICATIONS TO SERVE ON COMMITTEES 15 23.DURATION OF CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS 15 24.CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 15 25.ROLE OF THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE CHAIR 16 26.ROLE OF THE WARDEN 16 27.ROLE OF COUNCILLORS NOT APPOINTED TO COMMITTEE 16 28.TERM OF APPOINTMENT 17 17 29.ATTENDANCE AND ABSENTEEISM 30.NEGLECT OF DUTIES 18 31.LOCATION AND SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES 18 32.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 18 33.COUNTY COA/CLERK SUPPORT 19 34.COMPENSATION 19 35.QUORUM20 36.MEETINGS 20 37.MEETING SCHEDULE 20 38.MOTIONS/CLAUSES LOST AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 20 39.NOTICE OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES 21 40.PREPARATION OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES AGENDAS 21 41.COUNCIL COMMITTEE AGENDA 21 42.OPEN/CLOSED MEETINGS 22 43.IMPROPER CONDUCT 22 143 46 44.COUNCIL COMMITTEES MINUTES 22 45.EFFECT 23 SCHEDULE A - STANDING COMMITTEES A-1 - TERRACE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 25 A-2 - PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 27 COMMITTEE A-3 - POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 29 A-4 - HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE 31 A-5 - COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE 33 SCHEDULE B - STEERING COMMITTEES B-1 - COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING COORDINATING 34 COMMITTEE B-2 - COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING ADVISORY 37 COMMITTEE SCHEDULE C - LEGISLATED COMMITTEES C-1 - RURAL INITIATIVES/PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 40 SCHEDULE D - AGENCIES AND BOARDS WITH COUNCIL 42 APPOINTEES Southwestern Public Health Board of Health City-County Liaison Committee Health Recruitment Partnership Committee Joint Elgin-Central Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee SWIFT Network Board of Directors St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre Community Leaders Cabinet Western Ontario Wardens Caucus Water Advisory Committee Green Lane Trust Committee SCHEDULE D – APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE Terrace Lodge Fundraising Committee SCHEDULE D – COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY BY-LAW Land Division Committee Emergency Management Program Committee Museum Advisory Committee 243 47 DRAFT Committee By-Law19-XX “A By-Law to Define the Mandate and Meeting Procedures for Committees Established by the Corporation of the County of Elgin” 343 48 1.Definitions “Act”Municipal Act, “AdHoc Committee” “Advisory Committee” “Alternate Member” “CAO/Clerk” “Chair” “Closed Session” “Committee” “Council” “County” “Delegation” “Ex Officio” 443 49 “Inaugural Meeting” “Legislated Committee” “Meeting” “Member” Municipal Elections Act “Minutes” “Open Meeting” “Pecuniary Interest” Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, Quasi-Judicial Board” “Quorum” “Secretary” “Standing Committee” “Steering Committee” 543 50 “Warden” NOTE: Alldefinitions are taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38, with no additions, deletions or corrections. 2.Purpose NOTE: Purposetaken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38, with no additions, deletions or corrections. 3.Principles of the Council Committee By-Law 643 51 NOTE: Principlestaken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38and applied to Committee Meetings. 4.Application NOTE: Applicationtaken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38, with no additions, deletions or corrections. 5.Interpreting the Council Committee By-Law Robert’s Rules of Order NOTE: Interpretationtaken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38and applied to Committee Meetings. 743 52 6.Suspension of Rules NOTE: Suspension of Rulestaken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38, with no additions, deletions or corrections. 7.Conflict of Interest Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990 NOTE: Conflict of Interest taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38, with no additions, deletions or corrections. 8.Majority Vote NOTE: Majority Vote taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38, with no additions, deletions or corrections. 843 53 9.Creating, Amending or Dissolving a Committee 943 54 NOTE: Creating, Amending or Dissolving a Committee –new section 10.Accountability Municipal Act NOTE: Accountability –new section 1043 55 NOTE: Accountability –taken from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38Section 35 minor word changes 11.Duties of Committees NOTE: Duties of Committees -Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38adapted 12.Council Committee Terms of Reference 1143 56 NOTE: Terms of Reference –taken directlyfrom Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38 Section 35 with no changes, additions or deletions. 13.Annual Report NOTE: Annual Report –new section 14.Council Committee Composition NOTE: Committee Composition –new section 1243 57 NOTE: Committee Composition –taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38without changes, additions or deletions. NOTE: Committee Composition –taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38 Section 38 without changes, additions or deletions. 15.Standing Committee Composition – Schedule “A” NOTE: Standing Committee Composition –new section 16.Advisory Committee Composition – Schedule “B” NOTE: Advisory Committee Composition –new section 17.LegislatedCommittees – Schedule “C” NOTE: Legislated Committee Composition –new section 1343 58 18.Agencies and Boards with Council Appointees – Schedule “D” NOTE: Agencies and Boards with Council Appointments –new section 19.Special Purpose (Ad Hoc) Committees NOTE: Special Purpose (Ad Hoc) Committees–new section 20.Citizen Appointments NOTE: Citizen Appointments –new section 21.Citizen Appointments – Criteria to Serve on Committee 1443 59 NOTE:Citizen Appointments –Criteria to Serve on Committee –new section 22.Retention of Applications to Serve on Committees NOTE: Retention of Applications to Serve on Committees –new section 23.Duration of Citizen Appointments NOTE: Duration of Citizen Appointments –new section 24.Chair and Vice Chair 1543 60 NOTE: Chair and Vice Chair –new section 25.Role of the Council Committee Chair NOTE: Role of the Council Committee Chair –new section 26.Role of the Warden NOTE: Role of the Warden –taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38 Section 38 27.Role of Councillors Not Appointed to Committee NOTE: Role of Councillors Not Appointed to Committee –taken directly from Council’s Procedural By-Law 18-38 Section 38 1643 61 28.Term of Appointment NOTE: Term of Appointment –Procedural By-Law 18-38 adapted 29.Attendance and Absenteeism NOTE:Attendance and Absenteeism –new section 1743 62 30.Neglect of Duties NOTE: Neglect of Duties –Procedural By-Law Section 38 31.Location and Schedule of Meetings of Committees NOTE: Location –new section 32.Public Participation at Committee Meetings 1843 63 NOTE: Public Participation at Committee Meetings –new section (a). Sections (b) – (i) taken directly from By-Law 18-38 with no changes. 33.County CAO/Clerk Support NOTE: County CAO/Clerk Support –new section –section 35 adapted 34.Compensation 1943 64 NOTE: Compensation –new section (consistent with Council compensation, Section 34) 35.Quorum NOTE: Quorum –ProceduralBy-Law Section 38 36.Meetings NOTE: Meetings –Procedural By-Law Section 34 (directly) 37.Meeting Schedule NOTE: Meeting Schedule –Procedural By-Law Section 11 amended. 38.Motions/ClausesLost at Committee Meetings NOTE: Motions/Clauses Lost atCommittee Meetings –Procedural By-Law Section 11 amended. 2043 65 39.Notice of Meetings of Committees NOTE: Notice –ProceduralBy-Law Section 11 amended. 40.Preparation of Council Committees Agendas NOTE: Preparation of Council Committee Agendas –new section 41.Council Committee Agenda 2143 66 42.Open/Closed Meetings NOTE: Open/Closed Meetings –Section 26(a) NOTE: Open Closed Meetings –Section 26(b) NOTE: Open Closed Meetings –Section 26 (f) 43.Improper Conduct NOTE: Improper Conduct –Section26 (a) 44.Council Committees Minutes 2243 67 NOTE: Minutes –Procedural By-Law Section 18 (d) adapted 45.Effect 2343 68 2443 69 Schedule A-1– Standing Committee – Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee Committee Name:Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Skills/Qualifications Membership/Composition Mandate: Principles: 2543 70 Objectives: Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 2643 71 Schedule A-2– Standing Committee – Provincial Offences Administration Building Committee Committee Name:Provincial Offences Administration Building Committee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Skills/Qualifications Membership/Composition Mandate: 2743 72 Principles: Objectives: Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 2843 73 Schedule A-3– Standing Committee – Policy Review Committee Committee Name:Policy Review Committee Terms of Reference Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Skills/Qualifications Membership/Composition Mandate: 2943 74 Objectives: Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 3043 75 Schedule A-4– Standing Committee – Human Resources Committee Committee Name:Human Resources Committee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Skills/Qualifications Membership/Composition Mandate: Objectives: Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: 3143 76 Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 3243 77 Schedule A-5– Standing Committee – Council Budget Committee Committee Name:Council Budget Committee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Skills/Qualifications Membership/Composition Mandate: Objectives: Review and assess budget principles, allocations and related financials, providing advice to the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Financial Services on the annual budget; To receive presentations from each department, as required, on financial matters; To evaluate the budgetary implications of proposals for new and substantially revised programs and services in advance of Council’s budget deliberations Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 3343 78 Schedule B -1 - Advisory Committee – Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinating Committee Committee Name:Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinating Committee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Safer Ontario Act (2018), The Council of every municipality shall prepare and, by resolution, adopt a community safety and well-being plan; … Municipal Council… shall establish an Advisory Committee. Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Chair committee meetings; Prepare agendas; Act as liaison between the Coordinating Committee and the Advisory Committee; and Facilitate work towards fulfillment of the mandate and development of the CSWB Plan for Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas. Skills/Qualifications 3443 79 Understanding and supporting the purposes and processes mandated by Bill 175; Guiding, facilitating and enabling all steps, measures and actions required to create and recommend for Municipal Councils’ approvals, an Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas Community Safety and Well-Being Plan; Providing to Municipal Councils timely reports on the status, and recommendations on the decisions required to support development of the Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Soliciting advice from the Advisory Committee and channeling that advice into the planning process and products that go before Municipal Councils for approval. Membership/Composition 2 Members of City of St. Thomas Council 2 Members of Elgin County Council (including Mayor, Town of Aylmer) Elgin Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Commander (or designate) Town of Aylmer Police Chief (or designate) City of St. Thomas Police Chief (or designate) Police Services Board Representation (Town of Aylmer, Elgin Group, City of St. Thomas) Municipal representation (City of St. Thomas, Town of Aylmer, County of Elgin Chief Administrative Officers or designates), other municipal staff as required. Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinator Recording Secretary Mandate: Safer Ontario Act) Compensation: Principles: Objectives: Directing and responding to the work of the Advisory Committee Participating on the Advisory Committee (ad hoc) Planning community engagement sessions (ad hoc) Ensuring the Advisory Committee recommendations are reviewed and evaluated Building on and/or establishing strong working partnerships with community members and organizations that can facilitate and enable effective community safety and well-being planning 3543 80 Receiving and responding to the requests for information about the CSWB Plan Assessing and determining from the information and data sources what the data will be used for, what is public facing and what is for internal use only Ensuring the plan is made publicly available Reporting back to the respective Council(s) and advocating for support for the Plan. Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 3643 81 Schedule B -2- Advisory Committee – Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee Committee Name:Community Safety and Well-Being AdvisoryCommittee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Safer Ontario Act (2018), The Council of every municipality shall prepare and, by resolution, adopt a community safety and well-being plan; … Municipal Council… shall establish an Advisory Committee. Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair 3743 82 Chair committee meetings; Prepare agendas; Act as liaison between the Advisory Committee and the Coordinating Committee; and Facilitate work towards fulfillment of the mandate and development of the CSWB Plan for Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas. Skills/Qualifications Represent an organization or sector as outlined in the mandate of Bill 175; Knowledge and information about the risks and vulnerable populations in Elgin County and City of St. Thomas; Lived experience with risk factors; Understanding of protective factors needed to address those risks; Experience developing effective partnerships in the County of Elgin, Town of Aylmer and City of St. Thomas; Experience with ensuring equity, inclusion and accessibility in community initiatives; A proven track record advocating for the interests of vulnerable groups; and The power and authority needed to make decisions and represent the expertise of their respective agencies or organizations. Membership/Composition Local Health Integration Network Mental and Physical Health Educational Services Social Services Custodial care of children and/or youth Member of Council or municipal administration Police And other prescribed members Mandate: Compensation: Principles: Objectives: 3843 83 Facilitate and enable community engagement and consultation sessions; Act as a resource for the Coordinating Committee; Provide data and information from their own agencies and organizations pertaining to priority risk factors, vulnerable groups and protective factors to reduce those risks; Ensure the engagement and creation of opportunities for involvement of people within Elgin County, Town of Aylmer and City of St. Thomas including culturally diverse populations; Work in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee in developing the focal points of the emerging community safety and well-being plan based on available data, evidence, community information and feedback, as well as core community capacity to address those factors; and Help the Coordinating Committee develop a plan for implementing the goals, directions and protective factors isolated in the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for Elgin- Aylmer and St. Thomas. Link toCouncil’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 3943 84 Schedule C-1 Legislated Committees – Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Committee Name:Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Committee Type: Reporting to: Enabling Legislation/ By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Department Linkage: Term of Appointment: Financial Impact: Meeting Frequency: Chair/Vice Chair Skills/Qualifications Membership/Composition Mandate: To promote the viability of agriculture and rural affairs in the County and throughout the Province; To examine issues such as, but not limited to: the challenges of the global economy on local agricultural practices; the viability of schools in rural communities; and, alternative sources of economic development in rural areas; To develop goals and objectives to improve and promote rural life; To demonstrate County Council’s commitment to delivering services to rural communities by recommending a budget to Council that will accomplish identified goals; To act as a Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) by providing information, perspective and recommendations to County Council on broad planning matters that may have an effect on the County and/or its local municipalities, as required from time to time; specifically, to review from time to time the 4043 85 provisions of the Official Plan and related policy, and recommend to Council general amendments thereto which would be in the best interests of the County of Elgin (this would include 5-year reviews of the Official Plan); to advise County Council on general planning and development issues of Council and/or local municipal significance; to report to County Council on proposed land use policy changes as introduced by the Province of Ontario; and to review and report on specific aspect(s) of a submitted application. Compensation: Link to Council’s Strategic Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Sub-Committees/Working Groups: Timeline for Completion of the Assigned Tasks: Council Review: 4143 86 Schedule D-1– Agencies and Boards with Council Appointees Committee Name:Board of Health Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:City-County Liaison Committee (formerly Dispute Resolution) Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:Health Recruitment Partnership Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:Joint Elgin-Central Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:SWIFT Network Board of Directors Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:Water Advisory Committee Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:Community Leaders Cabinet Lead Organization: Membership: Term: 4243 87 Committee Name:Green Lane Community Trust Committee Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:Waste Management Committee Lead Organization: Membership: Term: Committee Name:Western Ontario Wardens Caucus Lead Organization: Membership: Term: COUNCIL APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE: COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY BY-LAW 4343 88 CORRESPONDENCE – October 22, 2019 Items forConsideration – (Attached) 89 Re: Land Division Request for Reconsideration WHEREAS AND WHEREAS AND WHEREAS AND WHEREAS AND WHEREAS AND WHEREAS AND WHEREAS 90 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 91 CORRESPONDENCE – October 22, 2019 Items forInformation– (Attached) 92 October 15, 2019 Hello everyone, ould just like to take this time to thank you again for the grant funding I w and donations to the Ellis Sifton Pavilion. Please find attached the sign that was erected on the pavilion and pictures of the finished pavilion. Sorry I did not get the inside of the washrooms. Please share with your colleagues, staff and council. We are very appreciative of the support and happy to report that everyone at the fair commented on how wonderful it was to have washroom facilities on this side of the fairgrounds directly beside the grandstand and we have already booked the pavilion for an event for next year. Yes we are a small fair but our agricultural society takes care of the grounds and are proud of the fact that we do this on a volunteer basis. Without your help, this could not have been possible. Sincerely Kim Carder Fair Secretary 519-762-2737 Wallacetown Agricultural Society Celebrating159yearsin2019 www.wallacetownfair.ca 93 94 95 5”tall white lettering 3/8”thick mounted to clear pvc or acrylic backing 96 MBODF!TFSHFBOU!FMMJT!XFMMXPPE!TJGUPOHPME!EPOPST In recognition of a donation of Lance Sergeant Ellis Wellwood Sifton was born in Wallacetown, Ontario on October 12, 1891. He enlisted in $5000 or more October 1914 and first served as a battalion driver and The Wallacetown Agricultural Society is grateful to all who fought with the 18th Infantry Battalion at the Battle of Vimy have kindly donated to the building of this pavilion. Ridge in 1917 during World War I. Sifton was killed in action on April 9th, 1917 and posthumously was awarded the Victoria Cross, one of only 4 Canadian soldiers given HSFFO!MBOF!GVOE Wjdupsjb!Dsptt Pggjdjbm!Djubujpo GSFE!BOE!KPBOOF!HSPDI During the attack in enemy DPVOUZ!PG!FMHJO! trenches, Sergeant Sifton’s company was held up by machine gun fire. Having USJMMJVN!NVUVBM located the gun he charged it JOTVSBODF!DP/ single-handed, killing all the Tjgupo!Sftjefodf crew. A small enemy party advanced down the trench, but XFTU!FMHJO!NVUVBM he succeeded keeping these off till our men had gained the JOTVSBODF position. In carrying out this gallant act he was killed, but his Sifton was typified in the words of a poem conspicuous valour written by Rudyard Kipling undoubtedly saved many lives Sifton was a farmer in Wallacetown prior to volunteering and contributed largely to the “From little towns in a far land we came, for the St. Thomas Regiment. success of the The home is mostly recognised as “To save our honor and a world aflame, operation. the N. Welch Apple Orchard. “By little towns in a far land we sleep, SIFTON IS BURIED IN THE LICHFIELD CRATER CEMETARY NEAR NEUVILLE- SAINT-VAAST, FRANCE.“And trust these things we vow to you to keep.” 97 98 99 100 CLOSED MEETING AGENDA October 22, 2019 Staff Reports: Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board 101