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18 - November 26, 2019 County Council Agenda Package
ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2019 – 9:00 A.M. ORDER Accessible formats available upon request. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (k) a position,plan,procedure,criteriaorinstructiontobeappliedtoanynegotiations carriedonortobecarriedonbyoronbehalfofthemunicipalityorlocalboard (c) a proposedorpendingacquisitionordispositionoflandbythemunicipalityorlocal board (b)personalmattersaboutanidentifiableindividual,includingmunicipalorlocalboard employees – (b)personalmattersaboutanidentifiableindividual,includingmunicipalorlocalboard employees (k) a position,plan,procedure,criteriaorinstructiontobeappliedtoanynegotiations carriedonortobecarriedonbyoronbehalfofthemunicipalityorlocalboard – – 7 – – 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Asbestos in Buildings Policy Number: 8.60 Date Approved: September 11, 1991 Date Last Revisedion: March 11, 2003 Date Last Reviewed: Code: A Section: 8 ______________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: Occupational Health & Safety Act, Designated Substance – Asbestos Regulation 837 278/05 The purpose of this Policy is to protect County employees, contractors, residents and visitors to all County owned facilities from asbestos fibre exposure by: Ensuring all asbestos-containing materials in all County owned facilities Buildings are sealed to prevent any release of fibres and to minimize its disturbance. Monitoring the condition of asbestos containing materials and maintaining them in a good state of repair. Where asbestos-containing material(s) is present in County owned facilitiesbuildings: a)The locations will be identified and . The records will be maintained in the building. b)All insulating material on pipes and boilers will be treated as asbestos. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, b)The building will be inspected at least annually by a management and an employee … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.63cm + worker representative of the Joint Health & Safety Committee. Routine Joint Health Indent at:1.27cm and Safety Committee inspections will include inspection of known asbestos locations, and the reporting of any observable deteriorating material(s). c)The Department Head, in consultation with their JHSCthrough their appropriate Committee, will take measures to ensure repair, where periodic inspection reveals deterioration. 23 County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual d)Prior to contracting construction work that involves disturbance of asbestos: A report will be prepared that includes: Type of asbestos Drawings, plans, and specifications to indicate the asbestos locations of all asbestos-containing materials For each location, indicate whether the material is friable or non-friable In the case of friable sprayed-on material, for each location: i.If the material is known to be asbestos-containing material, the type of asbestos, if known, will be included, or Formatted ii.In any other case, a statement that the material will be treated as though it contains a type of asbestos other than chrysotile. The Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee and the County Human Resources Co-ordinator will be advised. e)Any repair, maintenance or removal work will be performed only by persons trained in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) Asbestos Regulation 837 278-05. All tasks involving the disturbance of asbestos-containing materials will be conducted only after appropriate controls in accordance with Regulation 278/05, including isolating and control of work area access, have been identified and implemented. Formatted: Indent: Left:1.27cm,Nobulletsornumbering f)Engineering Services shall be consulted prior to any work beginning that requires any type of building maintenance activity (e.g. drilling and cutting into building materials or entering into concealed ceiling spaces). Formatted:Font:+Body(Calibri),Condensed by 0.15 pt Formatted: Indent: Left:1.27cm,Right: 0 cm,Nobullets g)Access to areas that contain friable asbestos-containing material (e.g. above false ornumbering,Hyphenate,Tabstops:Notat-2.54cm + ceilings, mechanical and electrical rooms, tunnels) shall be controlled and accessible -1.27cm + 2.03cm + 3.3cm + 10.67cm + 12.95cm only to authorized personnelnal approved by Engineering Services. Formatted:Font:+Body(Calibri),Condensed by 0.15 pt Formatted: Indent: Left:1.27cm,Right: 0 cm,Nobullets h)Asbestos removal or repair operations will be conducted in occupied spaces, where ornumbering,Hyphenate,Tabstops:Notat-2.54cm + possible, outside of normal hours of operation. Only Elgin County employees and/or -1.27cm + 2.03cm + 3.3cm + 10.67cm + 12.95cm contractors authorized by Engineering Services will be allowed to enter the asbestos work site. Formatted:Font:+Body(Calibri),Condensed by 0.15 pt Formatted: Indent: Left:1.27cm,Right: 0 cm,Nobullets e)i)Where possible and practical, asbestos-containing material will not be purchased by the ornumbering,Hyphenate,Tabstops:Notat-2.54cm + County of Elgin. -1.27cm + 2.03cm + 3.3cm + 10.67cm + 12.95cm f)j)Asbestos work shall be classified Type 1, 2 or 3, and shall be conducted in accordance with the OHSA Regulation. 24 County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 cm,Hanging:1.5cm,Tab g)Records of the locations, any inspections, and/or repairs will be kept on site. Copies of stops:1.5cm,Left the records and any results of asbestos sampling will be forwarded to the County Human Resources Co-ordinator, and the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee. k) 25 26 27 Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 o o o o o 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Transportation Impact Study – Imperial Road (Elgin County 73) From Glencolin Line to College Line, Elgin County 54 55 56 57 58 59 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 60 61 62 63 Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Melanie Knapp, Corporate Administrative & Accessibility Clerk t. (519) 631.1680 x4125 f. (519) 633.9019 e. mknapp@stthomas.ca 545 Talbot St., P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario, N5P 3V7 October 10, 2019 Grand River Conservation Authority Attn: Martin Keller Via Email: mkeller@grandriver.ca Re:Lake Erie Source Water Protection Committee Appointment Dear Mr. Keller: Please be advised that the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas passed the following resolution on October 7th, 2019: “THAT: Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas concur with the reappointment of Lloyd Perrin to the Lake Erie Source Water Protection Committee.” If you have any questions, please contact myself at the information above. Sincerely, Melanie Knapp Corporate Administrative & Accessibility Clerk c/c Maria Konefal, City of St. Thomas mkonefal@stthomas.ca Elizabeth VanHooren, KCCA elizabeth@kettlecreekconservation.on.ca Cathy Saunders, City of London csaunder@london.ca Julie Gonyou, County of Elgin cao@elgin.ca Kathy Bunting, County of Middlesex kbunting@middlesex.ca Jennifer Reynaert, Town of Aylmer jreynaert@town.aylmer.on.ca Michelle Casavecchia-Somers, Township of Malahide mcasavecchia@malahide.ca Don Leitch, Municipality of Central Elgin dleitch@centralelgin.org Paul Shipway, Municipality of Bayham pshipway@bayham.on.ca Tena Michiels, Municipalityof Thames Centretmichiels@thamescentre.on.ca Lisa Higgs, Township of Southwold cao@southwold.ca Ann Wright, Municipality of Middlesex Centre wright@middlesexcentre.on.ca 91 92 93 Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Fund Development – Gift Acceptance Policy 102 o o o o o o 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 o 111 112 113 114 2019 Corporation of the County of Elgin Committee By-Law 19-40 JULIE GONYOU, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER | CLERK 115 1.DEFINITIONS 4 2.PURPOSE 6 3.PRINCIPLES OF THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE BY-LAW 6 4.APPLICATION 7 5.INTERPRETING THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE BY-LAW 7 6.SUSPENSION OF RULES 7 7.CONFLICT OF INTEREST 7 8.MAJORITY VOTE 8 9.CREATING, AMENDING OR DISSOLVING A COMMITTEE 8 10.ACCOUNTABILITY 10 11.DUTIES OF COMMITTEES 10 12.COUNCIL COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 10 13.ANNUAL REPORT 11 14.COUNCIL COMMITTEE COMPOSITION 11 15.STANDING COMMITTEE COMPOSITION – SCHEDULE “A” 12 16.ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12 17.LEGISLATED COMMITTEES 12 18.AGENCIES AND BOARDS WITH COUNCIL APPOINTEES 12 19.SPECIAL PURPOSE (AD HOC) COMMITTEES 12 20.CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS 13 21.CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS – CRITERIA TO SERVE ON COMMITTEE 13 22.RETENTION OF APPLICATIONS TO SERVE ON COMMITTEES 13 23.DURATION OF CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS 13 24.CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 14 25.ROLE OF THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE CHAIR 14 26.ROLE OF THE WARDEN 14 27.ROLE OF COUNCILLORS NOT APPOINTED TO COMMITTEE 14 28.TERM OF APPOINTMENT 14 15 29.ATTENDANCE AND ABSENTEEISM 30.LOCATION AND SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES 15 31.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 15 32.COUNTY COA/CLERK SUPPORT 16 33.COMPENSATION 17 34.QUORUM17 35.MEETINGS 17 36.MEETING SCHEDULE 17 37.MOTIONS/CLAUSES LOST AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 17 38.NOTICE OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES 17 39.PREPARATION OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES AGENDAS 18 40.COUNCIL COMMITTEE AGENDA 18 41.OPEN/CLOSED MEETINGS 18 42.IMPROPER CONDUCT 18 116 43.COUNCIL COMMITTEES MINUTES19 44.EFFECT19 SCHEDULE A - STANDING COMMITTEES A-1 - TERRACE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 21 A-2 - PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 23 COMMITTEE A-3 - POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 25 A-4 - HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE 27 A-5 - COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE 29 SCHEDULE B - STEERING COMMITTEES B-1 - COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING COORDINATING 30 COMMITTEE B-2 - COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING ADVISORY 33 COMMITTEE SCHEDULE C - LEGISLATED COMMITTEES C-1 - RURAL INITIATIVES/PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 36 SCHEDULE D - AGENCIES AND BOARDS WITH COUNCIL 38 APPOINTEES SCHEDULE E – ADVERTISEMENT AND APPLICATION FORM FOR CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 40 SCHEDULE F – COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES/BOARDS/AGENCIES 43 APPENDIX I – COUNCIL APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE and ESTABLISHING BY-LAWS 45 117 118 Municipal Act, 119 Municipal Elections Act Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 120 121 (b) (c) Robert’s Rules of Order Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 122 Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990 123 124 Municipal Act 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Safer Ontario Act (2018), 145 Safer Ontario Act) 146 147 Safer Ontario Act (2018), 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 \[insert Date\] 155 156 157 SCHEDULE F – COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES/BOARDS/AGENCIES Committee Committee Appointed Members Date of TypeAppointment A-1 – Standing Terrace Lodge December 13, Councillor Mennill Committee Redevelopment 2018 Councillor French Committee Councillor Purcell Councillor Marks A-2 – Standing Provincial Offences December 13, Warden Committee Administration Building 2018 Councillor Jones Committee Councillor Mennill Councillor Purcell A-3 – Standing Policy Review Committee December 13, Councillor Gigure Committee 2018 Councillor French Councillor Purcell A-4 – Standing Human Resources December 13, Warden CommitteeCommittee2018 Councillor Mennill Councillor Ketchabaw A-5 – Standing Council Budget November 26, Warden Committee Committee2019 Councillor Ketchabaw Councillor Gigure Councillor French B-1 –Advisory Community Safety and November 26, Councillor French CommitteeWell-Being Coordinating 2019 (as Mayor, Town Committee of Aylmer) Councillor Martyn C-1 – Legislated Rural Initiatives/Planning December 13, Councillor Committees Advisory Committee 2018 Ketchabaw Councillor Martyn D-1 – Agencies Southwestern Public December 13, Councillor Jones and Boards with Health – Board of Health 2018 Councillor Marks Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies City-County Liaison December 13, Warden and Boards with Committee 2018 Councillor French Council Councillor Appointees Ketchabaw D-1 – Agencies Health Recruitment December 13, Councillor Jones and Boards with Partnership 2018 158 Committee Committee Appointed Members Date of TypeAppointment Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies Joint Elgin-Central Elgin December 13, Councillor Martyn and Boards with Accessibility Advisory 2018 Council Committee Appointees D-1 – Agencies SWIFT Network Board of March 12, 2019 Councillor Marks and Boards with Directors Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies St. Thomas Elgin Public December 13, and Boards with Art Centre 2018 Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies Water Advisory December 13, Councillor French and Boards with Committee2018 Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies Community Leaders No appointment Warden and Boards with Cabinet required Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies Green Land Community December 13, Councillor Jones and Boards with Trust Committee2018 Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies Waste Management December 13, Committee of the and Boards with Committee2018 Whole/Elgin Council County Council Appointees D-1 – Agencies Western Ontario No appointment Warden and Boards with Wardens Caucus required Council Appointees 159 160 APPENDIX I – COUNCIL APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE AND RELEVANT BY-LAWS 161 162 163 164 165 Municipal Act, 2001S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, , Closed Session. 166 Municipal Elections Act, 1996S.O. Chapter32, Municipal Conflict of InterestAct 167 . 168 Robert’s Rules of Order 169 , 170 171 172 173 174 Municipal Conflict of Interest Act 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Municipal Conflict of InterestAct Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990Act 182 183 , Act, 2001, S. 184 185 Act; and, Act 186 . 187 ; Municipal Investigation of Closed Meetings 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 . 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 Municipal Act, 2001S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, , Closed Session. Municipal Elections Act, 1996S.O. Chapter32, 203 Municipal Conflict of InterestAct . 204 Robert’s Rules of Order 205 , 206 207 208 Municipal Conflict of Interest Act 209 210 211 212 213 Municipal Conflict of InterestAct Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990Act 214 215 , Act, 2001, S. 216 Act; and, Act 217 218 ; Municipal Investigation of Closed Meetings 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 Police Services Act. Police Services Act, 226 227 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 2019-40 Closing Date and Time: December 10, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. (local time) Issue Date: November 18, 2019 Corporation of the County of Elgin Financial Services 450 Sunset Drive nd 2 Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 228 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan INDEX DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS ................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS .................................................................................. 5 1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2Introduction and Background....................................................................................... 5 1.3 Proposal Format and Delivery ...................................................................................... 7 1.4 Designated Official ........................................................................................................ 8 1.5 Questions / Inquiries..................................................................................................... 8 1.6 Addenda ........................................................................................................................ 8 1.7 RFP Schedule of Events ................................................................................................. 9 1.8 Notice of No Response................................................................................................. 9 SECTION 2.0 - TERMS OF REFERENCE .................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Consultants Services and Responsibilities .................................................................. 12 2.3 Scope of Services......................................................................................................... 12 2.4 Preliminary Project Schedule ...................................................................................... 14 2.5 Reporting Schedule ..................................................................................................... 15 2.6 Deliverables ................................................................................................................. 15 2.7 Information Provided by the County .......................................................................... 15 SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 16 3.1 Proposal Submissions ................................................................................................. 16 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements ........................................................................... 16 3.3 Evaluation Process ...................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Evaluation Criteria ....................................................................................................... 18 3.5 Ratings ......................................................................................................................... 19 3.6 Presentation and Interview ........................................................................................ 20 SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 21 4.1 Rights of the County ................................................................................................... 21 4.2 Conflict of Interest ...................................................................................................... 22 4.3 Modified Proposals ..................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents ................................................................................... 22 4.5 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................. 22 4.6 Proposal Assignments................................................................................................. 22 4.7 Purchasing Policy ........................................................................................................ 23 4.8 Failure to Perform ....................................................................................................... 23 4.9 Agreement.................................................................................................................. 23 4.10 Insurance Requirements ............................................................................................. 23 4.11 Indemnification........................................................................................................... 24 4.12 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005................. 24 1 229 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 4.13 Disqualification............................................................................................................ 24 4.14 Record and Reputation ............................................................................................... 25 4.15 Proponent’s Costs....................................................................................................... 25 4.16 LegalMatters and Rights of the County ..................................................................... 26 4.17 Human Rights, Harassment and Occupational Health and Safety ............................ 27 4.18 Clarification ................................................................................................................. 27 4.19 Supplementary Information ....................................................................................... 27 4.20 Default / Non-Performance ........................................................................................ 27 SECTION 5.0 - FORM OF PROPOSAL .................................................................................................... 28 DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX A – SAMPLE AGREEMENT.................................................................................................. 29 RETURN ADDRESS LABEL..................................................................................................................... 32 Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinating Committee Terms of Reference …..… Attached Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee Terms of Reference ……………. Attached 2 230 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS The following definitions apply to the interpretation of the Request for Proposal Documents; 1.“Addenda or Addendum” means such further additions, deletions, modifications or other changes to any Request for Proposal Documents. 2.“Authorized Person” means; i.For a Proponent who is an individual or sole proprietor that person. ii.For a Proponent which is a partnership, any authorized partner of the Proponent. iii.For a Proponent which is a corporation: a)any officer of director of the corporation; and b)any person whose name and signature has been entered on the document submitted with the Request for Proposal, as having been authorized to participate in the completion, correction, revision, execution, or withdrawal of the submission, whether that person is or is not an officer or director. iv.For a Proponent that is a joint venture, the submission shall be signed by a person for and on behalf of each joint venture or, if they warrant that they have the authority vested in them to do so, one person so authorized may sign on behalf of all joint ventures. 3.“Collaboration” Individuals, agencies or organizations, working together for a common purpose; acknowledging shared responsibility for reaching consensus in the interest of mutual outcomes; contributing complementary capabilities; willing to learn from each other; and benefiting from diverse perspectives, methods and approaches to common problems. 4.“Community” refers to the citizens residing in City of St. Thomas, County of Elgin, Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold, and Municipality of West Elgin. 5.“Community Engagement” means the process of inviting, encouraging and supporting individuals, human services agencies, community-based organizations and government offices and services to collaborate in achieving community safety and well-being. 6.“Community Safety and Well-Being” means the ideal state of a sustainable community where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, opportunities to participate, and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income and social and cultural expression. 7.“Community Safety and Well-Being Planning” means multi-sector, collaborative efforts to identify local priority risks and implement evidence-based collaborative strategies to address these risks and increase protective factors that will make the community safer and healthier for all. 3 231 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 8.“County” refers to the Corporation of the County of Elgin and, for purposes of this Request for Proposal and in the event of singular reference to “County”, such reference, when context necessitates, implicitly include City of St. Thomas, Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Southwold, Township of Malahide, and Municipality of West Elgin (collectively the “associated municipalities”). 9.“Designated Official” refers to the Purchasing Coordinator for the County of Elgin. 10.“Prevention” means proactively implementing evidence-based situational measures, policies, or programs to reduce locally-identified priority risks to community safety and well-being. 11.“Proposal” means the Response in the form prescribed by this Request for Proposal Document and completed and submitted by a Proponent in response to and in compliance with the Request for Proposal. 12.“Proponent” means the legal entity submitting a proposal. 13.“Request for Proposal (RFP)” means the document issued by the County in response to which Proponents are invited to submit a proposal that will result in the satisfaction of the County’s objectives in a cost-effective manner. 14.“Risk Factors” refers to negative characteristics or conditions in individuals, families, communities or society that may increase social disorder, crime or fear of crime, or the likelihood of harms or victimization to persons or property. 15.“Successful Proponent” means the Proponent whose proposal has been approved by the County. 4 232 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS 1.1 Purpose Purpose The City of St. Thomas, Town of Aylmer, County of Elgin, along with Police Services (City of St. Thomas Police, Town of Aylmer Police and Elgin Ontario Provincial Police) are leading a proactive and collaborative approach towards the development of a Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan for our Community including the following municipalities: City of St. Thomas County of Elgin Town of Aylmer Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich Township of Southwold Township of Malahide Municipality of West Elgin The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to solicit proposals from qualified Proponents to develop a Community Safety and Well Being (CSWB) Plan in accordance with the Police Services Act for the aforementioned municipalities. The successful Proponent will possess the requisite technical skills to deal with the matters to be addressed in Section 2.3 “Scope of Services” andwill be required to work directly with municipal staff, the public and other agencies in a professional manner. The firm, in addition to technical qualifications, must exhibit skills such as timeliness, diplomacy, tact, strong communication ability and an understanding of the City of St. Thomas, County of Elgin and Elgin County’s seven (7) partner municipalities. 1.2 Introduction and Background Introduction On January 1, 2019, new legislative amendments to the Police Services Act, 1990 came into effect which mandate municipalities to prepare and adopt Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plans by January 1, 2021. Municipalities are required to work with community partners and carry out consultations during the planning process. CSWB plans are to take a holistic approach to reduce harm and victimization for all members of the community and to decrease the upward trends in demand for, and costs of, incident responses. 5 233 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan The benefits of creating a CSWB Plan are wide-ranging, and impact individuals, the broader community, and participating partner agencies and organizations: Enhanced communication and collaboration among sectors, agencies and organizations; Stronger families and improved opportunities for healthy child development; Healthier, more productive individuals that positively contribute to the community; Increased understanding of and focus on priority risks, vulnerable groups and neighbourhoods; Transformation of service delivery, including realignment of resources and responsibilities to better respond to priority risks and needs; Increased engagement of community groups, residents and the private sector in local initiatives and networks; Enhanced feelings of safety and being cared for, creating an environment that will encourage newcomers to the community; Increased awareness, coordination of and access to services for community members and vulnerable groups; More effective, seamless service delivery for individuals with complex needs; New opportunities to share multi-sectoral data and evidence to better understand the community through identifying trends, gaps, priorities and successes; and Reduced investment in and reliance on incident response. CSWB planning is a collaborative process to ensure the people in need of help receive the right response, at the right time, and by the right service provider, including: Identify risk factors in the community such as systemic discrimination and other social factors; that contribute to crime, victimization, addition, drug overdose, suicide, etc.; Identify which risk factors the community will treat as a priority; Identify strategies to reduce risk factors, including providing new services, changing services, improving integration and coordinating existing services in a different way; and Set out measurable outcomes. Additional details on the legislation requirements for the planning process can be found here: https://www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/Publications/MCSCSSSOPlanningFramework.html. Background Elgin County is a two-tier government comprised of seven (7) incorporated lower-tier municipalities (partner municipalities). The City of St. Thomas is a separated City (single-tier government) located within the geographic boundaries of Elgin County. The total population of Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas is 88,978 (2016 Census). Creating a safe, complete and healthy community represents a common goal for local municipalities and Community Safety and Well-Being Plans. The CSWB Plan will help to ensure that risks to community safety in areas such as mental health, addition, homelessness and housing concerns are addressed without the use of emergency resources. By bringing a number of sectors together, we as a community, 6 234 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan will increase our understanding of local risk factors, ensuring those in need of help are receiving the appropriate response from the providers best suited to support them. The CSWB Plan must fulfill the mandatory requirements of the Police Services Act for Community Safety and Well-Being Plans and ensure they are sufficiently flexible to allow each municipality to comply in a manner that best reflects its community, resources and existing working relationships with other stakeholders. The CSWB Plan must build on the levels of intervention for community safety and well- being that already exist in our Community. The CSWB Plan is intended to strengthen how we collaborate with our partners, police services and agencies on important issues that impact safety and well-being in our region. 1.3 Proposal Format and Delivery Proponents are required to submit one (1) original hardcopy and one (1) electronic copy of their proposal in a sealed envelope as described in section 3.0. All copies must be delivered to: Corporation of the County of Elgin nd Floor c/o Financial Services, 2 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5V1 Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 2019. Proposals received at 3:00 p.m. as shown on the time stamp in the Financial Services Department are “on time” and will be accepted. Proposals received at 3:01 p.m. or later, as shown on the time stamp in the Financial Services Department will be considered late, will be rejected and returned unopened to the respective Proponent. The time stamp in Financial Services Department is the official time for the deadline for submission. No other clock or source of time will be recognized when considering the submission date and time of proposals to Financial Services. All proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope as described in section 3.0 with the submission label as provided firmly affixed to the outside of the envelope or package. All envelopes or packages must have Proponent's name and address where indicated and envelopes must be sealed. Proposals will be officially opened after the closing time. Only the names ofthose Proponents submitting a proposal will be read out at the public proposal opening. No prices are to be read out, however, only once the award is made and approved by Council, the report recommending such award shall be a matter of public record, unless otherwise determined by Council. A Proponent may request that their proposal be withdrawn. Withdrawal shall only be allowed if the Proponent makes the request in writing and the request is delivered to the Designated Official before the RFP closing time. Proposals confirmed as withdrawn shall be returned unopened to the Proponent. The withdrawal of a proposal does not disqualify a Proponent from submitting another proposal prior to the closing time. 7 235 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan The County shall not be liable for any cost of preparation or presentation of proposals, and all proposals and accompanying documents submitted by the Proponent become the property of the County and will not be returned. There will be no payment to Proponents for work related to, and materials supplied in the preparation, presentation and evaluation of any proposal, nor for the Contract negotiations whether they are successful or unsuccessful. The County, its elected officials, employees and agents shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non-acceptance by the County of any proposal, or by reason of any delay in the acceptance of any proposal. 1.4 Designated Official For the purpose of this contract Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator for the County is the “Designated Official” and shall perform the following functions: releasing, recording, and receiving proposals, recording and checking of submissions; answering queries from perspective proponents, considering extensions of time, reviewing proposals received, ruling on those not completing meeting requirements and coordinating the evaluation of the responses. 1.5 Questions / Inquiries All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be directed through the Bidding System online by clicking on the “Submit a Question” button for this bid opportunity. All questions shall be submitted in writing with ample time before the deadline for submissions. Questions submitted through the bidding system are directed to the Designated Official. The deadline for submitting questions is December 3, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) No clarification requests will be accepted by telephone. Responses to clarification requests will be provided to all interested parties.Inquiries must not be directed to other County employees or elected officials. Directing inquiries to other than the Designated Official may result in your submission being rejected. 1.6 Addenda The Designated Official will issue changes to the RFP Documents, which may include amendments to the submission deadline or changes in the Scope of Work or Qualifications of Proponents, by addendum only. No other statement, whether oral or written, made by the County will amend the RFP Documents. The County will make every effort to issue all addenda no later than three (3) days prior to the closing date. The Proponent shall not rely on any information or instructions from the County or a County Representative except the RFP Documents and any addenda issued pursuant to this Section. 8 236 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan The Proponent is solely responsible to ensure that it has received all addenda issued by the County. Proponents may in writing seek confirmation of the number of addendum/addenda issued under this RFP from the Designated Official. All Proponents are advised that any Addenda issued will only be posted on the bidding system website: https://elgincounty.bidsandtenders.ca It is the sole responsibility of each Proponent to check the website for any and all Addenda that have been issued for this RFP. The Proponent shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda on the Form of Proposal – Declaration Form. Failure to complete the acknowledgement may result in rejection of the proposal. 1.7 RFP Schedule of Events The RFP process will be governed according to the following schedule. Although every attempt will be made to meet all dates, the County reserves the right to modify or alter any or all dates at its sole discretion by notifying all Proponents in writing at the address indicated in the completed RFP submitted to the County. Issue RFP: November 18, 2019 Last Date for Questions: December 3, 2019 RFP Close: December 10, 2019 *Dates noted above are an approximation only and are subject to change. 1.8 Notice of No Response If you are unable, or do not wish to provide a proposal, please complete a notice of no response form in the bidding system. It is important to receive a reply from all Proponents. 9 237 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan SECTION 2.0 - TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.1 Overview Creating safe, complete and healthy communities represents a common goal for the City of St. Thomas, County of Elgin and Elgin’s partner municipalities. CSWB Plans will help to ensure that risks to community safety in areas such as mental health, addition, homelessness and housing concerns are addressed without the use of emergency resources. Goals The goals of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan are to: Engage citizens, businesses, agencies and organizations in making Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas safer and healthier for all; Increase our understanding of local risk factors; Reduce demand for emergency response and acute care; Ensure individuals are receiving the right response at the right time by the right service provider; and Increase the reputation of our Communityas a safe and healthy community in which to live, work and play. Partners The following municipalities will take a proactive and collaborative approach towards the development of a joint CSWB Plan: City of St. Thomas County of Elgin Town of Aylmer Municipality of Bayham Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich Township of Southwold Township of Malahide Municipality of West Elgin Municipal government, police services and the community will work together to proactively address crime, victimization and community safety by bringing together a number of sectors to increase our understanding of local risk, ensuring those in need of help are receiving the appropriate response from the providers best suited to support them. 10 238 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Plan Flexibility The CSWB Plan must build on the levels of intervention for community safety and well-being that already exist in our Community. The CSWB Plan isintended to strengthen how we collaborate with our partners, police services and agencies on important issues that impact safety and well-being in our region. The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan must be flexible enough to allow each municipality to comply with the legislated requirements of the Police Services Act while ensuring flexibility exists to best reflect localized interests within its community, resources and existing working relationships with other stakeholders. Community and Partner Engagement Community partners are essential to the CSWB process to provide insight and expertise into the identification of issues and solutions. It is fortunate that as many as 22 local group planning tables exist in our community and are actively working to address some of these issues. The Community Safety Plan and Well-Being Plan must highlight and build upon the work of these groups. The voices of those with lived experience is also an important aspect of the engagement process ensuring that it is carried out in a manner that is transparent, respectful and purposeful. It is also required that consultation include outreach to members of the public including youth and members of racialized groups. Data Analytics The process of Community and Partner Engagement will be supported by data analytics that will aid the issue identification process and facilitate information sharing on key issues. Advisory Committee and Coordinating Committee In preparation of the CSWB Plan, Terms of Reference have been drafted for a multi-sectoral CSWB Plan Advisory Committee and Coordinating Committeeand includes representation from the following sectors: Health and Mental Health Services Education Services Community and Social Services Community and Social Services to Children or Youth Custodial Services to Children or Youth Municipal Council Member or Municipal Employee Police Service Board or Detachment Commander The Advisory Committee and Coordinating Committee have broad mandates to apply an interdisciplinary lens to known, emergency and anticipated community and system-level issues and will play an integral role in prioritizing and addressing issues and informing longer-term system planning priorities. 11 239 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 2.2 Consultants Services and Responsibilities The Proponent shall be required to demonstrate their qualifications and experience. The Proponent shall demonstrate that they havethe necessary foresight and ingenuity to approach this task with innovative ideas and is prepared to view the project from its broadest perspective to ensure that the end product is of the best long-term value to the Community. The successful Proponent shall be one who can demonstrate the above criteria as well as showing the capability of successfully accomplishing projects on time and on budget. At minimum, the consultant requires the following skill set: Experienced with program implementation processes, logic models, process mapping and evaluation; Experienced with both municipal service delivery as well as experience working with vulnerable sectors; Able to demonstrate clear methodology; Experienced with strategy development; Strong communication/facilitation and writing skills; An ability to adjust facilitation techniques to ensure the success of the process; Willing to address process issues with sensitivity towards all participants; and Be results oriented. 2.3 Scope of Services The Proponent will be required to: Support to all municipal Councils and staff to lead the CSWB Plan development process; Research and analyze community risks based on local data and anticipate issues and service gaps through enhanced data and knowledge sharing; Engagethe community and other agencies in the CSWB planning process and gather feedback while ensuring a multi-sectoral buy-in while meeting legislative requirements; o This will include hosting up to three (3) Public Information Centres to gatherfeedback (East Elgin area, City/Central Elgin area and West Elgin area) Convene and facilitate meetingswith leaders from organizations with system planning accountability and support the Coordinating Committee and Advisory Committee in their leadership roles and in identifying priorities, determining outcomes, selecting strategies, implementing the plan and evaluating performance; o Estimated number of meetings include bi-monthly meetings with the Advisory Committee – approximately five (5) meetings; and monthly meetings with the Coordinating Committee and/or Project Lead – approximately nine (9) meetings. o Up to three (3) facilitated sessions with a combination of representatives from the existing planning tables. 12 240 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Identify opportunities to align resources and efforts to collectively achieve impact on identified CSWB priorities; Use the CSWB Planning Framework (below) and establish a program logic model and develop evaluation tools; Develop a CSWB Plan which complies with the legislated requirements of the Police Services Act for partner municipalities that is customizable to suit local interests; o Present the draft CSWB Plan at one joint Elgin County / City Council meeting in September 2020. o Ensure the CSWB Plan delivers on the following objectives: Identify priority risk factors (e.g. systemic discrimination, social factors that contribute to crime, victimization, addition drug overdose and suicide); Identifying strategies to reduce the potential risk factors (e.g. developing new services, changing or coordinating existing services); and Set measurable outcomes. Identify a critical path and methodology to ensure successful implementation of the CSWB Plan; and Provide regular written updates to the Coordinating Committee and Advisory Committee; o 10-12 brief updates throughout the 12-month contract detailing CSWB Plan progress. CSWB Planning Framework The Proponent must ensure the CSWB Plan focuses on the following CSWB Planning Framework: (https://www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/Publications/MCSCSSSOPlanningFramework.html) 13 241 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan The Proponent must ensure that everyone involved in the planning process understands the following four (4) areas to ensure local plans are as efficient and effective as possible in making communities safer and healthier: 1.Social Development; 2.Prevention; 3.Risk Intervention; and 4.Incident Response. The Province has identified several critical success factors for a CSWB Planand the Proponent must endeavor to incorporate the following into the CSWB Plan: Strength-based leveraging existing resources, program and services in the community; Risk-focused planning rather than incident-driven action; Awareness and understanding to ensure all community members understand the benefit of, and the role in, this planning process; High-level commitment is required from individuals of influence to champion this cause; Effective partnerships to create meaningful integrated relationships across multiple sectors; Evidence and evaluation to use research and data to inform the planning process; and Cultural responsiveness to effectively interact with, and respond to, the needs of diverse groups of people within the community. 2.4 Preliminary Project Schedule The anticipated project schedule will be as follows: Priority Anticipated Dates & Activities Research, planning and on-boarding December – January 2020 Work with Coordinating Committee, Advisory January – March 2020 Committee and local planning tables/groups to establish priorities Community Engagement (online and print survey April& May 2020 & public engagement/information sessions) Develop draft CSWB Plan in collaboration with June & July 2020 Coordinating Committee and Advisory Committee Draft CSWB Plan review by Coordinating August 2020 Committee and Advisory Committee Presentation of Draft Plan September 2020 Final Plan development October 2020 Municipalities to seek Council approval for CSWB November 2, 2020* allows time for each Municipality to customize plan and ensure all municipal Councils have time Plans to review and approve prior to deadline. CSWB Plan distribution and postingDecember 2020 CONTRACT TERM Approximately 12 months 14 242 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 2.5 Reporting Schedule The reporting schedule will be as follows: Monthly summary reports shall be provided by Proponent to Advisory Committee and Coordinating Committee. Draft CSWB Plan shall be presented to the Advisory Committee and Coordinating Committee in August 2020. Final CSWB Plan development no later than November 2, 2020. 2.6 Deliverables The deliverables for this project are summarized below: Development of community engagement materials, surveys and presentation materials required as determined by the Coordinating Committee and Advisory Committee in partnership with the Proponent; and Development of draft and final Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. 2.7 Information Provided by the County The County will supply the following items (attached): Approved Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee and Coordinating Committee 15 243 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Proposal Submissions All proposal submissions must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the submission label as provided by the County affixed firmly to the outside of the envelope with all details completed as required on the label. The term envelope shall havethe same meaning as “package”. Failure to include the submission requirements may result in your proposal being disqualified. 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements The proposal envelope shall contain one (1) hard copy of the proposal with original signature(s) and one (1) electronic copy. The submission shall be no longer than fifteen (15) single sided pages (Arial 12 font or equivalent), excluding the Curricula Vitae. The proposal submissions must include at a minimum the following information and shall be submitted in the same sequence in order to be considered responsive. a)Section A: Overview A narrative demonstrating the firm’s understanding of the full scope of services, reasons why the Proponent is interested in taking on this project and its familiarity with the Community (City of St. Thomas, County of Elgin, Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold and Municipality of West Elgin). b)Section B: Implementation Plan / Work Program The Proponent shall provide a detailed work plan summarizing the approach and methodology for the specific tasks proposed. The work plan shall include resources necessary to meet the project objectives/scope of work/deliverables and shall indicate the tools and techniques that will be used to ensure the project remains on budget and schedule. The Proponent shall identify issues and risks associated with the project, including deviations to the project plan and how risks will be managed through the course of the project. c)Section C: Project Team – Own Personnel Identify the Project Team proposed for the assignment. For each member of the Project Team, confirm if the individual is a full-time, permanent employee of the Proponent and the estimated number of hours allocated to accomplish each task by staff person. Provide a complete company profile including the resumes and relevant experience (while employed by the proponent) of the proposed project manager. Provide confirmation that the individuals that will serve as the key personnel for the duration of the project assignment are available to work on this project. Provide prime consultant contact info for the Project Manager’s last two completed projects. 16 244 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan d)Section D: Project Team – Specialist Consultants Identify the other members of the Project Team proposed for the assignment. For each member of the Project Team, identify specific role/specialty, the individual responsible, and their specific experience as it pertains to this assignment. Describe the organization of the Project Team. Demonstrate the experience and capability of the members of the Project Team. Provide resumes for all members of the project team clearly indicating that the personnel have experience in the provision of the Scope of Services; identification of the personnel’s education qualifications, professional affiliations, years of experience in the field, and the number of years with the firm. It is important that your Project Team show a proven track record in designing and detailing similar facilities and show foresight in resolving problems before construction starts. Provide confirmation that the individuals that will serve as the key personnel for the duration of the project assignment are available to immediately commence on this project. e)Section E: Project Schedule Provide a comprehensive project timeline / schedule in the form of a Gantt chart (or equal) which identifies the proposed scheduling of all major project tasks as identified in the Terms of Reference including scheduling of all milestones and any scheduling dependency relationships between activities, tasks and/or phases of the project. Indicate any possible areas that have flexibility to provide time and cost savings. f)Section F: Client References Provide at least three (3) references the County may contact. References should be from sources of similar project experience relevant to the requirements of this project and include projects where various timelines and schedules were managed simultaneously and the timeline and budget were met to deliver a successful project. Where the budget and timeline were not met, include details regarding the challenges faced and the workarounds utilized in order to complete the project. g)Section G: Pricing / Fees Provide a breakdown of fees to be charged including meeting costs and all hourly and/or daily rates by individual. In addition, the response must include an upset limit which will be the maximum to be charged for project. Hourly/daily rates will be considered firm for a period of 12 months after the contract is signed. Fees for incidental disbursements such as mileage, photocopying, etc. must be clearly indicated. Proponents must also state the distance upon which mileage claims would be expensed. Meals are not an allowable expense. Your proposal must clearly state which services are not included in your financial proposal. The total estimated cost including disbursements for the work proposed shall be considered in the upset limit. Fees & expenses shall not include contingencies or HST. 17 245 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan h)Form of Proposal - Declaration Include a signed and completed copy of the Form of Proposal – Declaration. Failure to sign and return this form will result in non-acceptance of your submission. 3.3 Evaluation Process Each proposal will be evaluated on its clarity and the demonstratedunderstanding of the Project requirements, the services proposed and timeframes, as well as the proponent’s experience and the anticipated benefit to the County. A short list of firms may be created for purposes of an interview or presentation, should this be required. Proponents may be contacted to explain or clarify their proposals; however, they will not be permitted to alter information as submitted. An Evaluation Committee will be established from members of the County or any others as deemed necessary. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of all information provided by the Proponent. Each proposal will be reviewed to determine if the proposal is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the RFP. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem the proposal non-responsive. Selection of a proposal will be based on (but not solely limited to) the following criteria and any other relevant information provided by the Proponent at the time of submission as well as any additional information provided during subsequent meetings with the Proponent. In recognition of the importance of the procedure by which a Proponent may be selected, the following criterion outlines the primary considerations to be used in the evaluation and consequent awarding of this project (not in any order). The County reserves the right to evaluate and rank each submission using criterion noted. Actual scores will be confidential. The County reserves the right to request confidential references for any of the proponent's projects listed, as well as any of the proponent’s other projects, and factor the ratings from all references, whether completed or in progress. 3.4 Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated based on the following weighted evaluation factors: Maximum Rated Criteria Weight Points Previous experience on similar projects 20 Proponent Capabilities and Experience20 Submission Content 10 Evidence of budget and schedule control 10 18 246 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan References 10 Fees / Pricing / Total Overall Cost 30 TOTAL SCORE: 100 3.5 Ratings For consistency, the following table describes the characteristics attributable to particular scores between 0-10. 0 Unacceptable Did not submit information Very 1-2 Very poor to unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Minimally addressessome, but not all of the requirement of the criteria. 3 Unsatisfactory Lacking in critical areas Somewhat Addresses most of therequirements of the criteria to the minimum 4 Unsatisfactory acceptable level. Lacking in critical areas. Addresses most, but not all, of therequirements of thecriteria to the Somewhat 5 minimum acceptable level. May belackingin some areas that are not Satisfactory critical. Adequately meets most of the requirementsof thecriteria. Maybe 6 Satisfactory lacking in some areas that are not critical. 7 Good Meets all requirementsof the criteria. 8 Very Good Somewhat exceeds the requirements of the criteria. 9 Excellent Exceeds the requirements of the criteria in ways that are beneficial. Proposal exceeds the requirements of the criteria in superlativeways / 10 Outstanding very desirable. The lowest fee proposed shall be awarded the full amount of points available for the fee portion of the evaluation. All higher fees proposed shall be awarded points, rounded to the closest full point for the fee portion of the evaluation by the following: Lowest Fee ÷ Proposed Fee x Maximum Points = Total Cost Points. It should be emphasized that pricing is only one of the factors being considered in determining the most suitable Consultant. In submitting a proposal, the Proponent acknowledges the County’s right to accept other than the lowest priced proposal and expressly waives all rights for damages or redress as may exist in common law 19 247 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan stemming from the County’s decision to accept a proposalwhich is not the lowest price proposal, if it is deemed to be in the County’s best interest to do so. All qualified proposal submissions will be reviewed and evaluated. Additional information may be requested if necessary. Only the proposal response and Curricula Vitae requestedwill be evaluated. Proponents must include all relevant information in the required fifteen (15) page limit restriction. 3.6 Presentation and Interview The County may have the two highest scoring Proponents attend an interview to present the evaluation team with additional insight into the Proponent’s ability to meet the requirements as requested in the RFP. The County reserves the right to interview more or fewer than two Proponents based on the scoring results. Note- If the Owner elects to interview short listed proponents, the proposed Project Manager is requiredto attend. The interviews would be conducted by the representatives of the Evaluation Committee at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1. Senior staff members to be assigned to this project must be in attendance at the interview. Presentations shall follow this general format: Introduction of Proponents Project Team (5 minutes) Proponent Presentation of the Proposal (15 minutes) Questions from Interview Committee (10 minutes) Questions from Proponents (5 minutes) The Proponents will be notified of the final format and exact date and time for interviews / presentations in advance. For the interview portion of the evaluation (if required), the County will be using the rating criteria shown below and will evaluate each short-listed Proponent only. Interview Criteria and Weighting (Second Stage if required): Criteria Category Weighted Points Presentation 25 Response to Questions 10 Total Weighted Points 35 The score from the proposal evaluations and the Interview will be combined to determine an overall score. 20 248 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Rights of the County (Note: Reference to the “County” in this section implicitly includes all associated municipalities – See Definitions) The County is not liable for any costs incurred by the Proponent in the preparation of their response to the RFP or selection interviews, if required. Furthermore, the County shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non-acceptance by the County of any proposal or by reason of any delay in the award of the contract. The County reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part, that it feels most fully meets the selection criteria. Therefore, the lowest cost proposal, or any proposal may not necessarily be accepted. County staff shall evaluate all compliant proposals received by the closing time and make evaluations and recommendations for acceptance. The County reserves the right to request specific requirements not adequately covered in their initial submission and clarify information contained in the Request for Proposal. The County reserves the right to modify any and all requirements stated in the Request for Proposal at any time prior to the possible awarding of the contract. The County reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal at any time, without penalty or cost to the County. This Request for Proposal should not be considered a commitment by the County to enter into any contract. The County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent. If these negotiations are not successfully concluded, the County reserves the right to begin negotiations with the next selected Proponent. Proposals shall remain open and subject to acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days from closing date. In the event of any disagreement between the County and the Proponent regarding the interpretation of the provisions of the Request for Proposal, the Director of Financial Services or an individual acting in that capacity, shall make the final determination as to interpretation. No proposal shall be accepted from any person or Proponent who, has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding against the County or against whom the Countyhas a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding, without the prior approval of County Council. This applies whether the legal proceeding is related or unrelated to the subject matter of this RFP. 21 249 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 4.2 Conflict of Interest The Proponent declares that no person, firm or corporation with whom or which the Proponent has an interest, has any interest in this RFP or in the proposed contract for which this proposal is made. The Proponent further declares that no member of the Council of the County or any associated municipality and no officer or employee of the County or any associated municipality will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party, partner, shareholder, surety, or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any of the money to be derived there from. Should the Proponent feel that a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists; the Proponent must disclose this information to the County prior to the submission of a proposal. The County of Elgin may, at its discretion, delay any evaluation or award until the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the County, the County may allow a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest to exist if it is satisfied that there are adequate safeguards in place and if the County determines that it is in its best interests to do so. The County reserves the right to disqualify a proposal where the County believes a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists. 4.3 Modified Proposals In the event that a preferred proposal does not entirely meet the requirements of the County, the County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent, to arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement and to make any modifications to the proposal as are in the best interests of the County. 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents More than one proposal from an individual firm, partnership, corporation or association under the same or different names will not be considered. Collusion between Proponents will be sufficient for rejection of any proposals so affected. 4.5 Confidentiality The proposal must not be restricted by any statement, covering letter or alteration by the Proponent in respect of confidential or proprietary information. The County will treat all proposals as confidential. The County will comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and its retention by-law pursuant to the Municipal Act, in respect of all proposals. All Public Reports approved by the Council of the County will become public information. 4.6 Proposal Assignments The successful Proponent will not be permitted to assign or transfer any portion of the proposal as submitted or the subsequent agreement without prior written approval from the County. 22 250 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 4.7 Purchasing Policy Submissions will be solicited, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the County’s Purchasing Policy as amended from time to time. In submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the Proponent agrees and acknowledges that it has read and will be bound by the terms and conditions of the County’s Purchasing By-law. The Purchasing By-Law can be viewed on the County’s website, www.elgincounty.ca 4.8 Failure to Perform Failure to comply with all terms and conditions of this proposal, and failure to supply all documentation, as required herein, shall be just cause for cancellation of the award. The County shall then have the right to award this contract to any other Proponent or to re-issue this RFP. 4.9 Agreement A written agreement, prepared by the County shall be executed by the County and the successful Consultant. The complete proposal package submitted by the successful proponent, together with the entire Request for Proposal documents prepared by the County, shall form part of the Agreement (see attached sample of agreement in Appendix A). 4.10 Insurance Requirements Any agreement resulting from this RFP will contain at a minimum the following insurance requirements: a)Comprehensive general liability insurance including bodily injury and property damage liability, personal injury liability, completed operations liability, blanket contractual liability with a severability of interest and cross liability clause to a limit of no less than five million ($ 5,000,000) dollars in respect to any one occurrence.The above-mentioned policy shall be endorsed to include the County, and any associated municipalityas an Additional Insureds. b)Non-owned Automobile liability policy to a limit of no less than two million ($2,000,000)dollars. c)Professional Liability insurance covering all activities as described in the Proponent's proposal to a limit of no less than two million ($2,000,000) per claim and in the aggregate. d)The aforementioned policies of insurance shall contain or shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: be written with an insurer licensed to do business in Ontario; be non-contributing with, and will apply only as primary and not excess to any other insurance or self-insurance available to the County; contain an undertaking by the insurer to notify the County in writing not less than sixty (60) days before any material change in risk or cancellation of coverage. any deductible amounts shall be borne by the Proponent. 23 251 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan The Proponent shall provide proof of insurance upon execution of the Agreement. Proof of insurance shall be in the form of Certificates of Insurance, in form and detail satisfactory to the County, signed by an authorized representative of the insurer. The Proponent will make available the complete original copies of all applicable insurance policies for examination if required by the County. Certificates of Insurance evidencing renewal or replacement of policies shall be delivered to the County within fifteen (15) business days prior to the expiration or replacement of the current policies, without demand by the County. 4.11 Indemnification The successful Proponent shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and any associated municipality, including all respective officers, Councillors, Employees and volunteers from and against any liabilities, claims, expenses, demands, loss, cost, damages, suits or proceedings by whomsoever made, directly or indirectly arising directly or indirectly by reason of a requirements of this agreement save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the County and any associated municipality or any employees. 4.12 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005 The Proponent shall ensure that all its employees and agents receive training regarding accessibility as outlined in the Accessible Customer Service Standard (Ontario Regulation 429/07) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11). The Proponent is responsible to ensure that all of its employees, volunteers and others for which the Proponent is responsible are adequately trained. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Integrated Accessibility Standards, the County requires content created for the municipality that is to be posted on our website to be provided in a format which is compliant with WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements. As required under Section 14 of the regulation, any content published on our website after January 1, 2012 needs to be compliant with the WCAG requirements by the timelines set out in the Act. It is the successful Proponent’s responsibility to produce the required documents in an accessible format. Inaccessible documents will not beaccepted or posted on our website. 4.13 Disqualification The County may, in its sole discretion, disqualify a proposal or cancel its decision to make an award under this RFP, at any time prior to the execution of the Agreement by the county, if, the Proponent fails to cooperate in any attempt by the County to verify any information provided by the Proponent in its proposal; the Proponent contravenes one proposal per Person or Entity; the Proponent fails to comply with the laws of Ontario or of Canada, as applicable; the Proposal contains false or misleading information; the Proposal, in the opinion of the County, reveals a material conflict of interest; the Proponent misrepresents any information contained in its proposal. 24 252 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 4.14 Record and Reputation Without limiting or restricting any other right or privilege of the County and regardless of whether or not a proposal or a Proponent otherwise satisfies the requirements of this RFP, the County may disqualify any proposal from any Proponent, where; In the opinion of the County Solicitor or the Purchasing Coordinator for the County, the commercial relationship between the County and the Proponent has been impaired by the prior and/or current act(s) or omission(s) of each Proponent, including but not limited to: a)Litigation with the County; b)The failure of the Proponent to pay, in full, all outstanding accounts due to the County by the Proponent after the County has made demand for payment; c)The refusal to follow reasonable directions of the County or to cure a default under a contract with the County as and when required by the County or it’s representatives; d)The Proponent has previously refused to enter into an Agreement with the County after the Proponent’s proposal was accepted by the County; e)The Proponent has previously refused to perform or to complete performance of contracted work with the County after the Proponent was awarded the contract; f)Act(s) or omission(s) of the Proponent has resulted in a claim by the County under a bid bond, a performance bond, a warranty bond or any other security required to be submitted by the Proponent on an RFP within the previous five years. In the opinion of Elgin County, by its Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate, and following consultation and/or input from the associated municipalities there are reasonable grounds to believe that it would not be in the best interests of the County to enter into an Agreement with the Proponent, for reasons including but not limited to the conviction or finding of liability of or against the Proponent or its officers or directors and any associated entities under any taxation legislation in Canada, any criminal or civil law relating to fraud, theft, extortion, threatening, influence peddling and fraudulent misrepresentation, the Environmental Protection Act or corresponding legislation in other jurisdictions, any law regarding occupational health or safety or the Securities Act or related legislation. 4.15 Proponent’s Costs The Proponent shall bear all costs and expenses incurred by the Proponent relating to any aspect of its participation in this RFP process, including all costs and expenses related to the Proponent’s involvement in; the preparation, presentation and submission of its proposal; the Proponent’s attendance at the Proponent’s meeting; due diligence and information gathering processes; site visits and interviews; preparation of responses to questions or requests for clarification from the County; preparation of the Proponent’s own questions during the clarification process; and, agreement discussions. 25 253 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan The County is not liable to pay such costs and expenses or to reimburse or compensate a Proponent under any circumstances, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP Process, including the rejection of all proposals or the cancellation of the RFP, andincluding any negligence of the County in the conduct of the RFP process. 4.16 Legal Matters and Rights of the County This RFP is not an offer to enter into either a bidding contract (often referred to as “Contract A”) or a contract to carry out the project (often referred to as “Contract B”). Neither this RFP nor thesubmission of a proposal by a Proponent shall create any contractual rights or obligations whatsoever on either the Proponent or the County. The County may at its sole discretion change or discontinue this RFP process at any time whatsoever. The County may in its sole discretion enter into negotiations with any person, whether or not that person is a Proponent or a Short-Listed Proponent with respect to the work that is the subject of this RFP. The County may at its sole discretion decline to evaluate any proposal that in the County’s opinion is incomplete, obscure or does not contain sufficient information to carry out a reasonable evaluation. Without limiting the generality of the RFP, the County may at its sole discretion and at any time during the RFP process; reject any or all of the Proposals; accept any Proposal; if only one Proposal is received, elect to accept or reject it; elect not to proceed with the RFP; alter the timetable, the RFP process or any other aspect of this RFP; and cancel this RFP and subsequently advertise or call for new Proposals for the subject matter of this RFP. In addition to and notwithstanding any other term of this RFP, the County shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any claim or cause of action, whether based upon an action or claim in contract, warranty, equity negligence, intended conduct or otherwise, including any action or claim arising from the acts or omissions, negligent or otherwise of the County and including any claim for direct, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profit, loss of reputation, injury to property and bodily injury that results from the Proponents’ participation in the RFP process, including but not limited to; the disclosure of a Proponent’s confidential information; the costs of preparation of a Proponents Proposal, whether it is accepted, disqualified or rejected; any delays, or any costs associated with such delays, in the RFP process; any errors in any information supplied by the County to the Proponents; the cancellation of the RFP; and 26 254 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan the award of the contract to a Proponent other than the Proponent recommended by the Proposal Review Committee. 4.17 Human Rights, Harassmentand Occupational Health and Safety The Proponent shall be required to comply with the County’s policies regarding Human Rights, Harassment in the Workplace and Occupational Health and Safety. 4.18 Clarification The County may require the Proponent to clarify the contents of its proposal, including by the submission of supplementary documentation, or seek a Proponent’s acknowledgement of the County’s interpretation of the Proponent’s proposal. The County is not obliged to seek clarification of any aspect of a proposal. 4.19 Supplementary Information The County may, in its sole discretion, request any supplementary information whatsoever from a Proponent after the submission deadline including information that the Proponent could or should have submitted in its proposal prior to the submission deadline. The County is not obliged to request supplementary information from a Proponent. 4.20 Default / Non-Performance The County will reserve the right to determine “non-performance” or “poor quality” of service and further reserves the right to cancel any or all of this contract at any time should the Proponent’s performance not meet the terms and conditions of the RFP upon 30 days written notification to the Proponent. “Non-performance” shall mean the failure to meet the complete terms and conditions of this Contract including, but not limited to, the response time. In the event of such cancellation, the County retains the right to claim damages as a result of such default. If the County terminates the Contract, it is entitled to: a)withhold any further payment to the Proponentuntil the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Contract; and b)recover from the Proponent any loss, damage and expense incurred by the County by reason of the default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the Proponent). 27 255 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan SECTION 5.0 - FORM OF PROPOSAL DECLARATION I/We the undersigned authorized signing officer of the Proponent, HEREBY DECLARE that no person, firm or Corporation other than the one represented by the signature (or signatures) of proper officers as provided below, has any interest in the proposal. I/We further declare that all statements, schedules and other information provided in this proposal are true, complete and accurate in all respects to the best knowledge and belief of the Proponent. I/We declare that this proposal is made without connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other company, firm or persons making a proposal and is in all respects fair and without collusion for fraud. I/We further declare that no employee of the County is or will become interested, directly or indirectly as a contracting party or otherwise in the supplies, work or business to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any such supplies to be therein or in any of the monies to be derived there from. I/We further declare that the undersigned is empowered by the Proponent to negotiate all matters with the County or its representatives, relative to this proposal. I/We further declare that the agent listed below is hereby authorized by the Proponent to submit this proposal and is authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Proponent. I/We further agree in submitting this proposal, we recognize the County may accept any proposal in whole or in part, or elect to reject all proposals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA I/We have received and allowed for ADDENDA NUMBER _________________ in preparing my/our proposal. Insert #’s or “none” ____________________________________ Company Name ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Print Name NOTE: Failure to sign this page and return with your submission in the sealed envelope will result in non-acceptance of your submission. 28 256 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan APPENDIX A – SAMPLE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this ______ day of _________ 2019. - BETWEEN - CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Hereinafter called the "County" (of the first part) - AND – < CONSULTANT NAME > Address Hereinafter called the "Consultant” (of the second part) WHEREAS on (date), the County, on its own behalf and on behalf of associated municipalities as described below, issued Request for Proposal # (insert number) (if applicable and Addendum # (insert number) dated (date) for (enter the description of work)(the “RFP”); AND WHEREAS on (enter date of Consultant’s proposal)the Consultant submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the “proposal”); AND WHEREAS the County, on its own behalf, wishes to enter into an agreement with the Consultant for the services, as more particularly described in the RFP and the proposal, attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this Agreement (the “Services”); NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency whereof is acknowledged hereby by the parties, the parties hereto agree with each other as follows: 1.For purposes of this Agreement: “Associated Municipalities” or “associated municipalities” collectively refers to the City of St. Thomas, Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Southwold, Township of Malahide, and Municipality of West Elgin “County” refers to the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 2. The Consultant shall provide the Services pursuant to all the terms and specifications set out in Schedule “A”. If there should be any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of Schedule "A", the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. 29 257 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 3. The term of this Agreement shall commence . 4. If either party, acting reasonably, determines that the other party has failed to perform its obligationspursuant to this Agreement, then such party may terminate this Agreement upon giving at least thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. 5. The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the County and all associated municipalities, their elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines, costs (including legal costs), interest, or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever arising out of the negligence, errors, omissions, fraud or willful misconduct of the Consultant its officers, employees, agents and sub-consultants, or any of them, attributable to or connected with the performance, non-performance or purported performance of the Consultant obligations pursuant to this Agreement, except to the extent that same is attributable or caused by the negligence of the County and/or the associated municipalities, including their officers, employees and agents, or any of them. Further, this indemnity shall survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement and continue in full force and effect. 6. This Agreement together with its schedule constitutes the entire understanding between the parties. Any change, addition to, or waiver of the terms hereof must be specifically agreed upon, in writing, and signed by both parties. Failure on the part of either party to insist upon the strict observance of any of the terms and/or conditions herein shall not operate as a waiver of such party's right to require the future observance of any such terms or conditions. 7. This Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either party hereto without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement, all its covenants, promises and conditions shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns. 8. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without notice, for just cause which shall include, without limitation, dishonesty, fraud, willful deceit or failure to properly fulfill the obligations hereunder where such failure is not remedied within ten (10) days after notice of same is given. (Balance of page left blank intentionally) 30 258 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-40 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 9. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement. “Consultant’s name ___________________ Per: ____________________________ DATE Name:___________________________ Position:________________________ I have the authority to bind the corporation” “Corporation of the County of Elgin ___________________ Per:__________________________ DATE Name: Julie Gonyou Position: Chief Administrative Officer Per:___________________________ Name: Duncan McPhail Position: Warden We have the authority to bind the corporation” 31 259 RETURN ADDRESS LABEL Place this label on the front of the sealed envelope containing your proposal. FROM: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Contact: ________________________ DELIVER PROPOSAL TO: County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive nd 2 Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attn: Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator RFP No.: 2019-40 Description: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Closing Date: December 10, 2019 @ 3:00 p.m. (local time) Late proposals will NOT be accepted! 32 260 Terms of Reference Safer Ontario Act (2018) Safer Ontario Act) 261 262 Terms of Reference Safer Ontario Act (2018) 263 Safer Ontario Act (2018) 264 265 Improving Service Delivery and Efficiency Funding 266 Improving Service Delivery and Efficiency Funding Municipal Services Review Municipal Modernization Program Fund Municipal Modernization ProgramFund Program Eligibility 267 Program Approval Draft Request for Proposal – Elgin County Municipal Services Review Improving Service Delivery and Efficiency Funding – One-time funding 268 Improving Service Delivery and Efficiency Funding Municipal Modernization Program Fund. Improving Service Delivery and Efficiency Funding 269 270 271 272 Service Delivery Review for the Corporation of the County of Elgin REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 2019-4_ Closing Dateand Time: January XX, 2019 at3:00 p.m.(local time) Issue Date: ____________ Corporation of the County of Elgin Financial Services 450 Sunset Drive nd 2Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 273 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review INDEX 1 274 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS The following definitions apply to the interpretation of the Request for Proposal Documents; 1.“Addenda or Addendum” means such further additions, deletions, modifications or other changes to any Request for Proposal Documents. 2.“Authorized Person” means; i.For a Proponent who is an individual orsole proprietor that person. ii.For a Proponent which is a partnership, any authorized partner of the Proponent. iii.For a Proponent which is a corporation: a)any officer of director of the corporation; and b)any person whose name and signature has been entered on the document submitted with the Request for Proposal, as having been authorized to participate in the completion, correction, revision, execution, or withdrawal of the submission, whether that person is or is not an officer or director. iv.For a Proponent that is a joint venture, the submission shall be signed by a person for and on behalf of each joint venture or, if they warrant that they have the authority vested in them to do so, one person so authorized may sign on behalf of all joint ventures. 3.“County” refers to the Corporation of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 4.“Designated Official” refers to the Purchasing Coordinator for the County of Elgin. 5.“Proposal” means the Response in the form prescribed by this Request for Proposal Document and completed and submitted by a Proponent in response to and in compliance with the Request for Proposal. 6.“Proponent” means the legal entity submitting a proposal. 7.“Request for Proposal (RFP)” means the document issued by the County in response to which Proponents are invited to submit a proposal that will result in the satisfaction of the County’s objectives in a cost-effective manner. 8.“Successful Proponent” means the Proponent whose proposal has been approved by the County. 2 275 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS 1.1 Invitation to Proponents This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Corporation of the County of Elgin (the “County”) to prospective Proponents to submit proposals for Services Delivery Review (SDR) of the County of Elgin and its services, as further described in Section 2.4 – Scope of Services. To be considered, the Proponent must demonstrate that they have experience in modernizing service delivery and reducing further costs through service delivery reviews, development of shared services agreements with multiple stakeholders and making cost saving suggestions for local service delivery and operations in a municipal environment. The timeline for the project is expected to be for a period of approximately eight (8) months commencing in January 2020. Proponents should have a core contingent of qualified permanent staff who will provide the required level of professional and support services. To be considered, Proponents should be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient capacity, resources, skills, and will to meet the County’s needs. Proponents should have a minimum of five (5) years past experience, knowledge and familiarity of conducting an SDR in a municipal sector. Experience in operational service review in a municipal environment is mandatory. Section 2.4 – Scope of Services identifies the scope at a high-level which the successful Proponent will be expected to deliver. The successful Proponent will be requested to provide consulting services, as required, as the project progresses. Therefore, the County will, at its sole discretion, select the Proponent it deems is best positioned to support the County now and over the longer term of the project. Should local municipalities (within Elgin County) wish to use the same consultants to expand the review into their own internal operations, the consultant will provide additional services to be purchased under the same terms and conditions as per this RFP and be billed directly to the requesting municipality. 1.2 Proposal Format and Delivery Proponents are required to submit one (1) original hardcopy and one (1) electronic copy of their proposal in two separate envelopes as described in section 3.0. All copies must be delivered to: Corporation of the County of Elgin nd c/o Financial Services, 2 Floor 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on January XX, 2019. 3 276 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Proposals received at 3:00 p.m. as shown on the time stamp in the Financial Services Department are “on time” and will be accepted. Proposals received at 3:01 p.m. or later, as shown on the time stamp in the Financial Services Department will be considered late, will be rejected and returned unopened to the respective Proponent. The time stamp in Financial Services Department is the official time for the deadline for submission. No other clock or source of time will be recognized when considering the submission date and time of proposals to Financial Services. This is a sealed proposal. All proposals shall be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes as described in section 3.0 with the submission label as provided firmly affixed to the outside of the envelope or package. All envelopes or packages must have Proponent's name and address where indicated and envelopes must be sealed. Proposals will be officially opened after the closing time. Only the names ofthose Proponents submitting a proposal will be read out at the public proposal opening. No prices are to be read out, however, only once the award is made and approved by Council, the report recommending such award shall be a matter of public record, unless otherwise determined by Council. A Proponent may request that their proposal be withdrawn. Withdrawal shall only be allowed if the Proponent makes the request in writing and the request is delivered to the Designated Official before the RFP closing time. Proposals confirmed as withdrawn shall be returned unopened to the Proponent. The withdrawal of a proposal does not disqualify a Proponent from submitting another proposal prior to the closing time. The County shall not be liable for any cost of preparation or presentation of proposals, and all proposals and accompanying documents submitted by the Proponent become the property of the County and will not be returned. There will be no payment to Proponents for work related to, and materials supplied in the preparation, presentation and evaluation of any proposal, nor for the Contract negotiations whether they are successful or unsuccessful. The County, its elected officials, employees and agents shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non-acceptance by the County of any proposal, or by reason of any delay in the acceptance of any proposal. 1.3 Designated Official For the purpose of this contract Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator for the County is the “Designated Official” and shall perform the following functions: releasing, recording, and receiving proposals, recording and checking of submissions; answering queries from perspective proponents, considering extensions of time, reviewing proposals received, ruling on those not completing meeting requirements and coordinating the evaluation of the responses. 4 277 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review 1.4 Contract for Deliverables The selected Proponent will be required to enter into an agreement with the County for the provision of the Deliverables in the form included as Appendix A. It is the County’s intention to enter into the Agreement with only one (1) legal entity. 1.5 Term of Contract The term of the Agreement is to be for a period of approximately seven (7) months, with an option in favour of the County to extend the Agreement on the same terms and conditions for an additional term of up to four (4) months. 1.6 Questions / Inquiries All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be directed through the Bidding System online by clicking on the “Submit a Question” button for this bid opportunity. All questions shall be submitted in writing with ample time before the deadline for submissions. Questions submitted through the bidding system are directed to the Designated Official. The deadline for submitting questions is January 6, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). No clarification requests will be accepted by telephone. Responses to clarification requests will be provided to all interested parties. Inquiries must not be directed to other County employees or elected officials. Directing inquiries to other than the Designated Official may result in your submission being rejected. 1.7 Addenda The Designated Official will issue changes to the RFP Documents, which may include amendments to the submission deadline or changes in the Scope of Work or Qualifications of Proponents, by addendum only. No other statement, whether oral or written, made by the County will amend the RFP Documents. The County will make every effort to issue all addenda no later than three (3) days prior to the closing date. The Proponent shall not rely on any information or instructions from the County or a County Representative except the RFP Documents and any addenda issued pursuant to this Section. The Proponent is solely responsible to ensure that it has received all addenda issued by the County. Proponents may in writing seek confirmation of the number of addendum/addenda issued under this RFP from the Designated Official. All Proponents are advised that any Addenda issued will only be posted on the bidding system website: https://elgincounty.bidsandtenders.ca 5 278 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review It is the sole responsibility of each Proponent to check the website for any and all Addenda that have been issued for this RFP. The Proponent shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda on the Form of Proposal – Declaration Form. Failure to complete the acknowledgement may result in rejection of the proposal. 1.8 RFP Schedule of Events The RFP process will be governed according to the following schedule. Although every attempt will be made to meet all dates, the County reserves the right to modify or alter any or all dates at its sole discretion by notifying all Proponents in writing at the address indicated in the completed RFP submitted to the County. Issue RFP: TBD Last Date for Questions: January 6, 2019 RFP Close: January 13, 2019 Award of Contract: January 28, 2019 *Dates noted above are an approximation only and are subject to change. 1.9 Notice of No Response If you are unable, or do not wish to provide a proposal, please complete a notice of no response form in the bidding system. It is important to the County to receive a reply from all Proponents. 6 279 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review SECTION 2.0 - TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.1 Introduction The County of Elgin (the “County”) is an upper-tier municipality situated in the heart of southwestern Ontario along the north shore of Lake Erie and due south of Highway 401 in what can be best described as a rich agricultural zone complemented by industry. The County is an upper-tier municipality comprised of seven local municipalities covering an area of 460,000 acres, with a population of approximately 50,000 people. The County has undergone significant growth and development over the past 30 years. With population growth has come enhanced expectation from residents of the type and quality of municipal services. The County has attempted to balance access to services and financial realities to provide the best possible value to the public. However, over the past two years it has become increasingly apparent that the County is facing two distinct pressures that will impact services moving forward: Operations are impacted by a lack of capacity; and Provincial funding to municipalities will be reduced as part of a larger cost reduction and modernization initiative. Although there has always been a practice of resource sharing, partnerships and working collaboratively in the delivery of municipal services in the County (both informally and contractually), the County wishes to examine the delivery of services provided to ensure that they are provided in the most effective manner. To this end, the County of Elgin is seeking proposals from professional consultants to carry out a Service Delivery Review (SDR) of the following focus areas: Shared municipal services/resources(Part A) County operations(Part B) Human/Community Services (Part B) The successful firm(s) will possess the requisite technical skills to deal with the complex matters to be addressed in the tasks outlined in Section 2.4 – Scope of Services and will be required to work directly with the County and municipal staff, Council, public and stakeholders in a professional manner. The Proponent, in addition to technical qualifications, must exhibit such skills as time management, political acumen, strong communication ability (both written and verbal) and an understanding of municipal interests and a demonstrated history of working successfully as a team. The Consultant Project Team member(s) must possess: A thorough knowledge and understanding of service delivery review and demonstrated experience in conducting successful reviews; Demonstrated project management skills; Sufficient resources to meet the project timelines; 7 280 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Demonstrated experience in employee engagement and consultation; Strong communication skills (written and verbal); and In-depth understanding of municipal government. 2.2 Background A review of what services are provided, how they are provided and by whom is critical to ensure financial sustainability and public value into the future. To this end, staff propose engaging a consultant(s) through an RFP process to complete this work. This process is intended to ensure our services are being delivered in the most effective and efficient manner and to identify potential opportunities for improvements or enhancements. The SDR will improve the understanding of the services currently provided by the County and provide better information that will allow Council and staff to make informed, strategic choices regarding those services. The SDR will assist in exploring how municipal services will be delivered sustainably over the long term. The SDR is an opportunity to take a comprehensive look at what services are provided by the County and how those services are provided, and determine if there is a more effective and/or efficient way to deliver services. This service delivery review will include Long Term Care. The County of Elgin recently completed the first phase of their draft 2020-2022 Strategic Plan which identifies three (3) priority areas, including: Serving Elgin – to re-design how we respond to community need in a creative, sustainable way. Growing Elgin – to be the place where people want to live, work and play Investing in Elgin – to make responsible financial decisions. Elgin County Council is seeking input from the community on their draft 2020-2022 Strategic Plan and it is anticipated that a final Strategic Plan and operational plan will be available in early January 2020. 2.3 Goals and Objectives The SDR is to be an assessment of service levels and service provision to ensure the most efficient use of limited and likely declining resources. The expectation would be that any recommended changes to service levels and shared services/resource arrangements would result in enhanced public value through improvements in efficiency and modernization of service delivery. Key objectives to be considered in the review and recommendations in this process include: Lower costs while maintaining service access; Improved service efficiency and effectiveness; Streamlined and modernized service delivery; Clear lines of accountability and responsibilities; Ensuring long-term financial sustainability; and Maximizing public value. 8 281 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Through the completion of SDR, the successful Consultant will: Investigate and understand the current services and service delivery methods; Analyze and evaluate current services and delivery methods by: o Identifying mandatory versus discretionary areas o Identifying any duplication/overlap of activities o Identifying any services that have become redundant or irrelevant o Identifying services that are impacted by lack of capacity o Identifying any barriers to making effective and responsive infrastructure and service delivery decisions Assess and recommend opportunities to be more efficient and effective in the sustainable delivery of municipal services by: o Identifying opportunities for more efficient allocation of various service responsibilities and resources to address current capacity concerns o Identifying opportunities to reduce operating costs o Identifying additional revenue sources o Identifying opportunities for sharing resources/services o Identifying opportunities to discontinue services that no longer provide public value The completion of this project is in keeping with the County of Elgin Strategic Plan and the Provincial Mandate to improve efficiency and modernize services. 2.4 Scope of Services The project shall consist of three phases for each of Part A and Part B identified for review. Part A: Shared Service/ResourceDelivery Review Part A shall consist of a review of services/resources that are currently shared between the County and all or some municipalities and services/resources that could potentially be shared in the future. A preliminary list of shared services/resources is included in Exhibit 1. Part A of the project will be managed by a Working Group comprising the CAOs from each local municipality and the County (or their designates) with support from other staff as appropriate. Preliminary outcomes and findings will be included in the final report and shall be presented to Elgin County Council. Part B: County Operations and Community/Human Services Review 9 282 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Part B of the project shall be a review of County operations that are not part of the Shared Service/Resource Review. Long Term Care will be part of the review. This work shall be led by a County Service Review team consisting of representatives from each County department. Final reports and recommendations shall be presented to Elgin County Council. Phase 1: Project Initiation/Project Management Introduction A project initiation meeting will be held with the County of Elgin Chief Administrative Officer to confirm the overall scope of the project and to coordinate kick-off dates. Part A: Shared Service/ResourceDelivery Review Project kick-off meetings with the Working Group of municipal CAOs will be held to identify shared services, confirm scope of work, detailed work plan and project schedule. A preliminary list of shared services/resources is included in Exhibit I. Work with the Working Group and Steering Group will confirm the list of services for review. To ensure a successful project, the Working Group members shall ensure communications to all staff are a priority. The Consultant will be responsible for developing and executing a plan for municipal consultation through the project. Part B: County Operations and Community/Human Services Review Project kick-off meeting with the County Service Review Team will be held to confirm scope of work, detailed work plan and project schedule. Three (3) kick-off meetings will be held with County staff to providean overview of the project. A list of community agencies and stakeholders along with community partners is included in Exhibit II. Working with the County Service Review Team, the consultant will confirm the list of services for review. To ensure a successful project, the County Chief Administrative Officer and Service Review Team members shall ensure communications to all staff are a priority and shall also be responsible for all public communications. The Consultant will be responsible for developing and executing a plan for stakeholder consultation throughout the project. General Building on successful experiences in completing similar projects, it is expected the that the consultation 10 283 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review plans will identify the types of input/feedback that will be solicited, method for gaining that feedback (one-on-one interviews, surveys, focus groups, etc.) and will detail how the input/feedback will be incorporated into the project. The consultation plan is to be developed to demonstrate trust and transparency between all stakeholders for future change management. The consultation plans should also identify additional resources that may be required to execute the plan, including, but not limited to, staff resources, technology services, types of meeting locations, etc. Phase 2: Detailed Service Inventory For each service confirmed to be included in the review in Phase 1, a detailed profile is to be developed. Great care should be taken to ensure that the information being collected is consistent so as to provide valid comparisons and assessments. This will be especially important for financial information. The service profiles will include, at minimum, the following information: Description of the service and how the service is provided (in non-technical terms) What is the current level of service? Is the service or service standard legislated/discretionary/voluntary? Are there bylaws/policies affecting the service? Is it an external or internal service? Who is the customer? Is the service provided by municipal forces (union or non-union)/contractor/volunteers? Is the service critical/non-critical? Resources required to provide the service (funding, staffing, etc.) Outcomes (what do we want this service to accomplish) Part A: Shared Service/Resources Delivery Review A profile template is to be developed by the consultant and review and approved by the Working Group prior to the profiles being undertaken. Part B: County Operations and Community/Human Services Review A profile template is to be developed by the consultant and reviewed and approved by the County Service Review team prior to the profiles being undertaken. Phase 3: Development of Opportunities/Recommendations Following development of the profiles, analysis of the services is to be undertaken to identify opportunities to delivery the services in a more effective and/or efficient manner. It is expected that opportunities/recommendations may include, at minimum: Improving processes and performance 11 284 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Adjusting service levels (reductions and/or enhancements) Cost avoidance (operating costs and capital investments) New revenues Alternate service delivery models Identification of similarities across municipalities and opportunities for enhanced sharing services/resources Identification of partnerships Part A: Shared Service/ResourceDelivery Review Implementation plans for any opportunities identified through this project will first be presented to the Working Group and then to the Steering Committee members. Recommendations will then be presented to Elgin County Council and presented more broadly, at the direction of Elgin County Council. A report shall be prepared that includes service profiles, all analysis and opportunities/recommendations and shall be submitted for review and comment by the Working Group. Part B: County Operations and Community/Human Services Implementation plans for any opportunities identified through this project will be first presented to the County Services Review Team. Recommendations will then be presented to Elgin County Council. Following Council adoption and with direction from Council, three (3) presentation sessions will be provided to County staff. One consolidated report, encompassing all deliverables from the project, will be prepared and submitted for review and comment. All materials provided are to be in an electronic form. Meeting Summary The Consultant is to provide a meeting/consultation schedule and plan for Part A and Part B, to meet the requirements of each Phase, for review. Project Implementation Schedule The Consultant is to provide a project schedule and plan for review, which shall be part of the evaluation criteria. All Phases, including a final report shall be completed by June 1, 2020. Implementation recommendations for each municipal partner to be grouped based on: Immediate implementation (minimal, if any, impact on operating budget) Short-term implementation (could be implemented within the proposed 2021 operating budget – i.e. reallocation of proposed operating funds, no new additional funds required) Medium-term implementation (can be incorporated into the 2022 operating budget) Long-term implementation (requires additional study or consultation due to impacts on the existing service levels) 12 285 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Project Deliverables Deliverables for Phases It is important the project be initiated and completed as quickly as possible without negatively impacting the long-term results. Given the scope of the project and the importance of involving many stakeholders, it is likely the full project will take close to a year to complete. However, the RFP will require consultants to bring forward recommendations on a rolling basis (as is practical) rather than to wait for one (1) final report. Phase 1 – Deliverables for Parts A & B Detailed Work Plans Project Schedules Final Service Lists Consultation Plans Deliverables shall be provided separately for both parts A & B Phase 2 – Deliverables for Parts A & B Service Inventory Profiles for shared services and County services Phase 3 – Deliverables for Parts A & B Draft report detailing shared services including service profiles, all analysis and opportunities/recommendations Consolidated Draft Report, including service profiles, all analysis and opportunities/recommendations Final Reports (in accessible format and Word document) Presentations of findings and recommendations (as above) Presentations to theService Review Team, Elgin County Council and public meetings (provisional) Final Reports The final deliverable of the review will be reports to County Council and, if appropriate, member municipalities summarizing the short and long-term recommendations. It is expected that all reports will include similar information with respect to purpose, study design, and background information with respect to shared services/resources. 13 286 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review The final report to County Council, to be completed by June 1, 2020, must be organized to include the following: An executive summary Purpose of the report A study/design methodology describing who was involved, data sources and approach used for the research Background information pertinent to the work undertaken including identification of areas of duplication, overlap and fragmentation Findings on existing strengths, challenges, and gaps in the approach for implementing the recommendations Recommendations for action by the County of Elgin with respect to internal operations, community and human services, and shared services/resources and detailed implementation guidelines for each series of recommendations. The final report to the Working Group with respect to shared services/resources, to be completed by August 2020, must be organized to include: An executive summary Purpose of the report A study/design methodology describing who was involved, data sources and approach used for the research Background information pertinent to the work undertaken including identification of areas of duplication, overlap and fragmentation Findings on existing strengths, challenges, and gaps in the approach for implementing the recommendations Recommendations for action with respect to internal operations, community and human services, and shared services/resources and detailed implementation guidelines for each series of recommendations. Presentations Initial presentation to County staff Service Review Team (1) Initial presentation to member municipality CAO Working Group to explain the project and methodology Interim presentations of preliminary findings to Service Review Team and CAO Working Group and Elgin County Council (5) Final presentations of reports and strategy recommendations to Elgin County Council (1) Final presentation to County Staff (3) Additional Requirement(s) 14 287 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review The final deliverable provided by the consultant will be one (1) digital copy of each full report including the executive summary and appendices in PDF format. A draft of the full results must be provided for review and feedback no later than two weeks before contract end date. Regular updates on progress must be provided as per an agreed upon schedule. Deliverables/Responsibilities The Office of the CAO of the County of Elgin is the Project Lead and will oversee the general work of the consultant. The Project Lead will be the main point of contact for the consultant. For Part A of the workplan, interim reports, recommendations and implementation plan will be vetted by the CAO Working Group and will be shared more broadly at the discretion of each member of the Working Group. Dates for all meetings will be determined in consultation with the consultant upon contract award. In the proposal, the Proponent shall identify a project manager who will act as the primary contact with the County CAO and oversee the day-to-day operations of the project. The project manager and designate will oversee all project component tasks, quality control, adherence to project schedule, and organize meetings and interviews. Should there be sub-consultants, it will be the project manager’s responsibility to coordinate all works contributing to the agreed deliverables so that they form a coherent product. The proponent will need to demonstrate project management experience with a proven ability to work with a level of independence from municipal clients. Roles and Responsibilities of Project Lead: County of Elgin The Chief Administrative Officer will administer the project and budget and will be responsible for: Providing overall leadership, direction and management of the review Confirming the terms of reference at the start of the review Approving the consultant’s detailed work plan Monitoring the progress of the work of the consultant Considering changes to the scope of work as the review progresses Providing any County background documents, report, data, etc. Providing regular updates to County staff Providing regular updates to Elgin County Council Liaise with member municipalities and the consultant Giving the final approval for all deliverables with any feedback. Assumptions The proponent shall clearly identify all assumptions made in the preparation of the proposal. Additionally, the proponent is encouraged to outline other work considered essential to the successful completion of this project that was not identified in this RFP. 15 288 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review 2.5 Local Municipal Participation Should any local municipality wish to undertake an independent service review or have other services included in the review the Consultant will complete that work via an agreement directly with the municipality but shall offer the same terms and conditions as through the main review covered by this RFP. SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Proposal Submissions NOTE: This RFP template is a two-envelope submission style. A single envelope RFP can also be selected. All proposal submissions must be submitted in two separate envelopes with the submission labels as provided by the County of Elgin affixed firmly to the outside of each sealed envelope with all details completed as required on the labels. The term envelope shall have the same meaning as “package”. Both separately sealed envelopes shall be submitted at the same time. Any submissions which contain pricing information in Envelope 1 will be rendered informal and will be disqualified. All information related to fees and expenses must be submitted in Envelope 2 only. Failure to include the submission requirements may result in your proposal being disqualified. 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements – ENVELOPE 1 The first address label entitled “Technical Proposal” shall be firmly affixed to outside of envelope one. This envelope shall contain one (1) hard copy of the proposal with original signature(s) and one (1) electronic copy. The submission shall be no longer than fifteen (15) single sided pages (Arial 12 font or equivalent), excluding the Curricula Vitae. The proposal submissions must include at a minimum the following information and shall be submitted in the same sequence in order to be considered responsive. a)Section A: Overview A narrative demonstrating the firm’s understanding of the full scope of services, reasons why the Proponent is interested in taking on this project and its familiarity with the Community (City of St. Thomas, County of Elgin, Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold and Municipality of West Elgin). 16 289 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review b)Section B: Implementation Plan / Work Program The Proponent shall provide a detailed work plan summarizing the approach and methodology for the specific tasks proposed. The work plan shall include resources necessary to meet the project objectives/scope of work/deliverables and shall indicate the tools and techniques that will be used to ensure the project remains on budget and schedule. The Proponent shall identify issues and risks associated with the project, including deviations to the project plan and how risks will be managed through the course of the project. c)Section C: Project Team – Own Personnel Identify the Project Team proposed for the assignment. For each member of the Project Team, confirm if the individual is a full-time, permanent employee of the Proponent and the estimated number of hours allocated to accomplish each task by staff person. Provide a complete company profile including the resumes and relevant experience (while employed by the proponent) of the proposed project manager. Provide confirmation that the individuals that will serve as the key personnel for the duration of the project assignment are available to work on this project. Provide prime consultant contact info for the Project Manager last two completed projects. d)Section D: Project Team – Specialist Consultants Identify the other members of the Project Team proposed for the assignment. For each member of the Project Team, identify specific role/specialty, the individual responsible, and their specific experience as it pertains to this assignment. Describe the organization of the Project Team. Demonstrate the experience and capability of the members of the Project Team. Provide resumes for all members of the project team clearly indicating that the personnel have experience in the provision of the Scope of Services; identification of the personnel’s education qualifications, professional affiliations, years of experience in the field, and the number of years with the firm. It is important that your Project Team show a proven track record in designing and detailing similar facilities and show foresight in resolving problems before construction starts. Provide confirmation that the individuals that will serve as the key personnel for the duration of the project assignment are available to immediately commence on this project. e)Section E: Project Schedule Provide a comprehensive project timeline / schedule in the form of a Gantt chart (or equal) which identifies the proposed scheduling of all major project tasks as identified in the Terms of Reference including scheduling of all milestones and any scheduling dependency relationships between activities, tasks and/or phases of the project. Indicate any possible areas that have flexibility to provide time and cost savings. 17 290 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review f)Section F: Client References Provide at least three (3) references the County may contact. References should be from sources of similar project experience relevant to the requirements of this project and include projects where various timelines and schedules were managed simultaneously and the timeline and budget were met to deliver a successful project. Where the budget and timeline were not met, include details regarding the challenges faced and the workarounds utilized in order to complete the project. g)Form of Proposal - Declaration Include a signed and completed copy of the Form of Proposal – Declaration in envelope 1. 3.3 Financial Submission Requirements - ENVELOPE 2 The second address label entitled “Financial” shall be firmly affixed to the outside of envelope two. This envelope shall contain one (1) completed and executed hardcopy of the Price Form (electronic copy not required). Include per diem rates and any other fees on a separate sheet. Your proposal must clearly state which services are not included in your financial proposal. The Price Form and per diem rates shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separate from the Technical Requirements. The total estimated cost including disbursements for the work proposed shall be considered in the upset limit. Fees & expenses shall not include contingencies or HST. 3.4 Evaluation Process Each proposal will be evaluated on its clarity and the demonstrated understanding of the Project requirements, the services proposed and timeframes, as well as the proponent’s experience and the anticipated benefit to Elgin County. A short list of firms may be created for purposes of an interview or presentation, should this be required. Proponents may be contacted to explain or clarify their proposals; however, they will not be permitted to alter information as submitted. An Evaluation Committee will be established from members of the County of Elgin or any others as deemed necessary. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of all information provided by the Proponent. Each proposal will be reviewed to determine if the proposal is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the RFP. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem the proposal non-responsive. Selection of a proposal will be based on (but not solely limited to) the following criteria and any other relevant information provided by the Proponent at the time of submission as well as any additional information provided during subsequent meetings with the Proponent. 18 291 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review In recognition of the importance of the procedure by which a Proponent may be selected, the following criterion outlines the primary considerations to be used in the evaluation and consequent awarding of this project (not in any order). The County reserves the right to evaluate and rank each submission using criterion noted. Actual scores will be confidential. The Owner reserves the right to request confidential references for any of the proponent's projects listed, as well as any of the proponent’s other projects, and factor the ratings from all references, whether completed or in progress. The criteria below, outlines the broad specification for the proposed contract. The proposal submissions contained in Envelope 1 will provide the necessary information required to evaluate the submissions. The firms achieving a minimum score of 60/80 will be shortlisted and Envelope 2, (Financial) will be opened for consideration. 3.5 Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated based on the following weighted evaluation factors: a)First Phase Scoring (Envelope 1) Maximum Rated Criteria Weight Points Experience in Operational Service Review Pass/Fail Proponent should have a minimum of 5 years past experience, knowledge and familiarity of conducting a SDR in a municipal sector. Experience in operational service review in a municipal setting is mandatory PASS/FAIL (Mandatory) Proponent Capabilities and Experience 15 Previous experience in identification and engagement, research methods, data collection and analysis, report writing and design. Demonstrated knowledge of different levels of municipal operations and relationships and issues in general, and understanding of the economic/political context in the County of Elgin. Demonstrated experience producing well-written reports using plain language and accessible graphics. Extent to which Proponent possesses required credentials. Track record of Similar Projects Project Team and Experience 15 19 292 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Relevant and specific experience and skills of staff assigned including sub-consultants (if any) with demonstrated experience in Operational Service Review Clear organization of project team including definition of roles and reporting paths Clear definition of role and involvement of staff Appropriate allocation of staff time and resources corresponding to the project tasks, deliverables, and budget. Description of how team members will be involved in the consultation process Commitment of the proposed key team members Proponent experience and ability to support team as required Methodology and Approach 20 Demonstrated comprehension of the project intent, scope and challenges as outlined in the RFP. Understanding of objectives of the review. Proposed strategies/recommendations based on immediate actions/implementable in phases. Proposed methodology, approach, plans in achieving the project goals and objectives Insight into the problems, risks and opportunities likely to be encountered, and techniques to be used to address these. Clear statement of deliverables. Any value to be added, or costs to be controlled. Project Management 20 Approach to project management and the processes that the proponent will employ to address matters related to quality assurance to satisfy requirements of the review. Project management techniques to meet the project deadline on time and on budget Detailed work plan, including timelines, milestones and deliverables. Reasonableness of proposed schedule. Appropriate scheduling of meetings, adequate review periods, and constraints such as holidays. Clear schedule of activities Ability to anticipate and respond to challenges, issues, difficulties and domino effects, and to proactively prevent domino effects and enact preventative/corrective action plans. References10 TOTAL 80 20 293 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review b)Second Phase Scoring (Envelope 2) Fees/ Pricing / Total Overall Cost 20 Total Score 100 3.6 Ratings For consistency, the following table describes the characteristics attributable to particular scores between 0-10. 0 UnacceptableDid not submit information Very 1-2 Very poor to unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Minimally addresses some, but not all of therequirement of the criteria. 3 Unsatisfactory Lacking in critical areas Somewhat Addresses most of therequirements of the criteria to the minimum 4 Unsatisfactory acceptable level. Lacking in critical areas. Addresses most, but not all, of therequirements of the criteria to the Somewhat 5 minimum acceptable level. May belacking in some areas that are not Satisfactory critical. Adequately meets most of the requirements of the criteria. May be 6 Satisfactory lacking in some areas that are not critical. 7 Good Meets all requirements of the criteria. 8 Very Good Somewhat exceeds the requirements of the criteria. 9 Excellent Exceeds the requirements of the criteria in ways that are beneficial. Proposal exceeds the requirements of the criteria in superlative ways / 10 Outstanding very desirable. The firms achieving a minimum score of 60 will be shortlisted and Envelope 2, (Financial) will be opened for consideration. 3.7 Pricing Proponents shall submit their pricing information as per format provided. The proposal shall be detailed and provide the anticipated cost to complete the scope of work including disbursements. Rates must be provided in Canadian funds, inclusive of all applicable duties and taxes, except for HST, 21 294 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review which should be itemized separately. Rates quoted by the proponent must be all-inclusive and must include all labour and material costs, all travel and disbursement costs, all insurance costs, all costs of delivery to the County, and all other overhead, including any fees or other charges required by law. Evaluation of Pricing Cost is worth 20% of the total score for the purpose of proposal evaluation. Second Phase of Rating - The lowest fee proposed shall be awarded the full amount of points available for the fee portion of the evaluation. All higher fees proposed shall be awarded points, rounded to the closest full point for the fee portion of the evaluation by the following: Lowest Fee ÷ Proposed Fee x Maximum Points = Total Cost Points. It should be emphasized that pricing is only one of the factors being considered in determining the most suitable Consultant. In submitting a proposal, the Proponent acknowledges the County’s right to accept other than the lowest priced proposal and expressly waives all rights for damages or redress as may exist in common law stemming from the County’s decision to accept a proposal which is not the lowest price proposal, if it is deemed to be in the County’s best interest to do so. All qualified proposal submissions will be reviewed and evaluated. Additional information may be requested if necessary. Only the proposal response and Curricula Vitae requested will be evaluated. Proponents must include all relevant information in the required fifteen (15) page limit restriction. Rates Extension to other local municipalities (within Elgin County) Should local municipalities wish to use the same consultants to undertake a review of their own internal operations, the consultant will provide additional services to be purchased under the same terms as per this RFP and be billed directly to the requesting municipality. 3.8 Presentation and Interview The County may have the two highest scoring Proponents attend an interview to present the evaluation team with additional insight into the Proponent’s ability to meet the requirements as requested in the RFP. The County reserves the right to interview more or fewer than two Proponents based on the scoring results. Note- If the Owner elects to interview short listed proponents, the proposed Project Manager is required to attend. The interviews would be conducted by the representatives of the Evaluation Committee at the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1. Senior staff members to be 22 295 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review assigned to this project must attend the interview. Presentations shall follow this general format: Introduction of Proponents Project Team (5 minutes) Proponent Presentation of the Proposal (15 minutes) Questions from Interview Committee (10 minutes) Questions from Proponents (5 minutes) The Proponents will be notified of the final format and exact date and time for interviews / presentations in advance. For the interview portion of the evaluation (if required), the County of Elgin will be using the rating criteria shown below and will evaluate each short-listed Proponent only. Interview Criteria and Weighting (Second Stage if required): Criteria Category Weighted Points Presentation 25 Response to Questions 10 Total Weighted Points 35 The score from the proposal evaluations and the Interview will be combined to determine an overall score. 23 296 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Rights of the County The County is not liable for any costs incurred by the Proponent in the preparation of their response to the RFP or selection interviews, if required. Furthermore, the County shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non-acceptance by the County of any proposal or by reason of any delay in the award of the contract. The County reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part, that it feels most fully meets the selection criteria. Therefore, the lowest cost proposal, or any proposal may not necessarily be accepted. County staff shall evaluate all compliant proposals received by the closing time and make evaluations and recommendations for acceptance. The County reserves the right to request specific requirements not adequately covered in their initial submission and clarify information contained in the Request for Proposal. The County reserves the right to modify any and all requirements stated in the Request for Proposal at any time prior to the possible awarding of the contract. The County reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal at any time, without penalty or cost to the County. This Request for Proposal should not be considered a commitment by the County to enter into any contract. The County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent. If these negotiations are not successfully concluded, the County reserves the right to begin negotiations with the next selected Proponent. Proposals shall remain open and subject to acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days from closing date. In the event of any disagreement between the County and the Proponent regarding the interpretation of the provisions of the Request for Proposal, the Director of Financial Services or an individual acting in that capacity, shall make the final determination as to interpretation. No proposal shall be accepted from any person or Proponent who, has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding against the County or against whom the County has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding, without the prior approval of County Council. This applies whether the legal proceeding is related or unrelated to the subject matter of this RFP. 24 297 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review 4.2 Conflict of Interest The Proponent declares that no person, firm or corporation with whom or which the Proponent has an interest, has any interest in this RFP or in the proposed contract for which this proposal is made. The Proponent further declares that no member of the Council of the County of Elgin and no officer or employee of the County of Elgin will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party, partner, shareholder, surety, or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any of the money to be derived there from. Should the Proponent feel that a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists; the Proponent must disclose this information to the County of Elgin prior to the submission of a proposal. The County of Elgin may, at its discretion, delay any evaluation or award until the matter is resolved to the County of Elgin's satisfaction. The County of Elgin may allow a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest to exist if it is satisfied that there are adequate safeguards in place and if the County of Elgin determines that it is in its best interests to do so. The County of Elgin reserves the right to disqualify a proposalwhere the County of Elgin believes a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists. 4.3 Modified Proposals In the event that a preferred proposal does not entirely meet the requirements of the County, the County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent, to arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement and to make any modifications to the proposal as are in the best interests of the County. 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents More than one proposal from an individual firm, partnership, corporation or association under the same or different names will not be considered. Collusion between Proponents will be sufficient for rejection of any proposals so affected. 4.5 Confidentiality The proposal must not be restricted by any statement, covering letter or alteration by the Proponent in respect of confidential or proprietary information. The County will treat all proposals as confidential. The County will comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and its retention by-law pursuant to the Municipal Act, in respect of all proposals. All Public Reports approved by the Council of the County will become public information. 4.6 Proposal Assignments The successful Proponent will not be permitted to assign or transfer any portion of the proposal as submitted or the subsequent agreement without prior written approval from the County. 25 298 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review 4.7 Purchasing Policy Submissions will be solicited, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the County’s Purchasing Policy as amended from time to time. In submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the Proponent agrees and acknowledges that it has read and will be bound by the terms and conditions of the County’s Purchasing By-law. The Purchasing By-Law can be viewed on the County’s website, www.elgincounty.ca 4.8 Failure to Perform Failure to comply with all terms and conditions of this proposal, and failure to supply all documentation, as required herein, shall be just cause for cancellation of the award. The County shall then have the right to award this contract to any other Proponent or to re-issue this RFP. 4.9 Agreement A written agreement, prepared by the County shall be executed by the County and the successful Consultant. The complete proposal package submitted by the successful proponent, together with the entire Request for Proposal documents prepared by the County of Elgin, shall form part of the Agreement (see attached sample of agreement in Appendix A). 4.10 Insurance Requirements Any agreement resulting from this RFP will contain at a minimum the following insurance requirement: a)Comprehensive general liability insurance including bodily injury and property damage liability, personal injury liability, completed operations liability, blanket contractual liability with a severability of interest and cross liability clause to alimit of no less than fivemillion ($ 5,000,000) dollars in respect to any one occurrence.The above-mentioned policy shall be endorsed to include the County of Elgin as an Additional Insured. b)Non-owned Automobile liability policy to a limit of no less than two million ($2,000,000)dollars. c)Professional Liability insurance covering all activities as described in the Proponent's proposal to a limit of no less than two million ($2,000,000) per claim and in the aggregate. d)The aforementioned policies of insurance shall contain or shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: be written with an insurer licensed to do business in Ontario; be non-contributing with, and will apply only as primary and not excess to any other insurance or self-insurance available to Elgin County; contain an undertaking by the insurer to notify the County in writing not less than sixty (60) days before any material change in risk or cancellation of coverage. any deductible amounts shall be borne by the Proponent. 26 299 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review The Proponent shall provide proof of insurance upon execution of the Agreement. Proof of insurance shall be in the form of Certificates of Insurance, in form and detail satisfactory to the County, signed by an authorized representative of the insurer. The Proponent will make available the complete original copies of all applicable insurance policies for examination if required by the County. Certificates of Insurance evidencing renewal or replacement of policies shall be delivered to the County of Elgin within fifteen (15) business days prior to the expiration or replacement of the current policies, without demand by the County. 4.11 Indemnification The successful Proponent shall indemnify and hold harmless the County of Elgin, its officers, Municipal Council, Employees and volunteers from and against any liabilities, claims, expenses, demands, loss, cost, damages, suits or proceedings by whomsoever made, directly or indirectly arising directly or indirectly by reason of a requirements of this agreement save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the County or their employees. 4.12 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005 The Proponent shall ensure that all its employees and agents receive training regarding accessibility as outlined in the Accessible Customer Service Standard (Ontario Regulation 429/07) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11). The Proponent is responsible to ensure that all of its employees, volunteers and others for which the Proponent is responsible are adequately trained. 4.13 Disqualification The County may, in its sole discretion, disqualify a proposal or cancel its decision to make an award under this RFP, at any time prior to the execution of the Agreement by the county, if, the Proponent fails to cooperate in any attempt by the County to verify any information provided by the Proponent in its proposal; the Proponent contravenes one proposal per Person or Entity; the Proponent fails to comply with the laws of Ontario or of Canada, as applicable; the Proposal contains false or misleading information; the Proposal, in the opinion of the County, reveals a material conflict of interest; the Proponent misrepresents any information contained in its proposal. 27 300 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review 4.14 Record and Reputation Without limiting or restricting any other right or privilege of the County and regardless of whether or not a proposal or a Proponent otherwise satisfies the requirements of this RFP, the County may disqualify any proposal from any Proponent, where; In the opinion of the County Solicitor or the Purchasing Coordinator for the County, the commercial relationship between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Proponent has been impaired by the prior and/or current act(s) or omission(s) of each Proponent, including but not limited to: a)Litigation with the County; b)The failure of the Proponent to pay, in full, all outstanding accounts due to the County by the Proponent after the County has made demand for payment; c)The refusal to follow reasonable directions of the County or to cure a default under a contract with the County as and when required by the County or it’s representatives; d)The Proponent has previously refused to enter into an Agreement with the County after the Proponent’s proposal was accepted by the County; e)The Proponent has previously refused to perform or to complete performance of contracted work with the County after the Proponent was awarded the contract; f)Act(s) or omission(s) of the Proponent has resulted in a claim by the County under a bid bond, a performance bond, a warranty bond or any other security required to be submitted by the Proponent on an RFP within the previous five years. In the opinion of County Council or the Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate, there are reasonable grounds to believe that it would not be in the best interests of the County to enter into an Agreement with the Proponent, for reasons including but not limited to the conviction or finding of liability of or against the Proponent or its officers or directors and any associated entities under any taxation legislation in Canada, any criminal or civil law relating to fraud, theft, extortion, threatening, influence peddling and fraudulent misrepresentation, the Environmental Protection Act or corresponding legislation in other jurisdictions, any law regarding occupational health or safety or the Securities Act or related legislation. 4.15 Proponent’s Costs The Proponent shall bear all costs and expenses incurred by the Proponent relating to any aspect of its participation in this RFP process, including all costs and expenses related to the Proponent’s involvement in; the preparation, presentation and submission of its proposal; the Proponent’s attendance at the Proponent’s meeting; due diligence and information gathering processes; site visits and interviews; preparation of responses to questions or requests for clarification from the County; preparation of the Proponent’s own questions during the clarification process; and, agreement discussions. 28 301 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review The County is not liable to pay such costs and expenses or to reimburse or compensate a Proponent under any circumstances, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP Process, including the rejection of all proposals or the cancellation of the RFP, and including any negligence of the County in the conduct of the RFP process. 4.16 Legal Matters and Rights of the County This RFP is not an offer to enter into either a bidding contract (often referred to as “Contract A”) or a contract to carry out the project (often referred to as “Contract B”). Neither this RFP nor thesubmission of a proposal by a Proponent shall create any contractual rights or obligations whatsoever on either the Proponent or the County. The County may at its sole discretion change or discontinue this RFP process at any time whatsoever. The County may in its sole discretion enter into negotiations with any person, whether or not that person is a Proponent or a Short-Listed Proponent with respect to the work that is the subject of this RFP. The County may at its sole discretion decline to evaluate any proposal that in the County’s opinion is incomplete, obscure or does not contain sufficient information to carry out a reasonable evaluation. Without limiting the generality of the RFP, the County may at its sole discretion and at any time during the RFP process; reject any or all of the Proposals; accept any Proposal; if only one Proposal is received, elect to accept or reject it; elect not to proceed with the RFP; alter the timetable, the RFP process or any other aspect of this RFP; and cancel this RFP and subsequently advertise or call for new Proposals for the subject matter of this RFP. In addition to and notwithstanding any other term of this RFP, the County shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any claim or cause of action, whether based upon an action or claim in contract, warranty, equity negligence, intended conduct or otherwise, including any action or claim arising from the acts or omissions, negligent or otherwise of the County and including any claim for direct, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profit, loss of reputation, injury to property and bodily injury that results from the Proponents’ participation in the RFP process, including but not limited to; the disclosure of a Proponent’s confidential information; the costs of preparation of a Proponents Proposal, whether it is accepted, disqualified or rejected; any delays, or any costs associated with such delays, in the RFP process; any errors in any information supplied by the County to the Proponents; the cancellation of the RFP; and 29 302 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review the award of the contract to a Proponent other than the Proponent recommended by the Proposal Review Committee. 4.17 Human Rights, Harassment and Occupational Health and Safety The Proponent shall be required to comply with the County’s policies regarding Human Rights, Harassment in the Workplace and Occupational Health and Safety. 4.18 Clarification The County may require the Proponent to clarify the contents of its proposal, including by the submission of supplementary documentation, or seek a Proponent’s acknowledgement of the County’s interpretation of the Proponent’s proposal. The County is not obliged to seek clarification of any aspect of a proposal. 4.19 Supplementary Information The County may, in its sole discretion, request any supplementary information whatsoever from a Proponent after the submission deadline including information that the Proponent could or should have submitted in its proposal prior to the submission deadline. The County is not obliged to request supplementary information from a Proponent. 4.20 Default / Non-Performance The County will reserve the right to determine “non-performance” or “poor quality” of service and further reserves the right to cancel any or all of this contract at any time should the Proponent’s performance not meet the terms and conditions of the RFP upon 30 days written notification to the Proponent. “Non-performance” shall mean the failure to meet the complete terms and conditions of this Contract including, but not limited to, the response time. In the event of such cancellation, the County retains the right to claim damages as a result of such default. If the County terminates the Contract, it is entitled to: a)withhold any further payment to the Proponentuntil the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Contract; and b)recover from the Proponent any loss, damage and expense incurred by the County by reason of the default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the Proponent). 30 303 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review SECTION 5.0 - FORM OF PROPOSAL *To be included in Envelope ONE* 5.1 DECLARATION I/We the undersigned authorized signing officer of the Proponent, HEREBY DECLARE that no person, firm or Corporation other than the one represented by the signature (or signatures) of proper officers as provided below, has any interest in the proposal. I/We further declare that all statements, schedules and other information provided in this proposal are true, complete and accurate in all respects to the best knowledge and belief of the Proponent. I/We declare that this proposal is made without connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other company, firm or persons making a proposal and is in all respects fair and without collusion for fraud. I/We further declare that no employee of the Corporation of the County of Elgin is or will become interested, directly or indirectly as a contracting party or otherwise in the supplies, work or business to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any such supplies to be therein or in any of the monies to be derived there from. I/We further declare that the undersigned is empowered by the Proponent to negotiate all matters with the Corporation of the County of Elgin's representatives, relative to this proposal. I/We further declare that the agent listed below is hereby authorized by the Proponent to submit this proposal and is authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Proponent. I/We further agree in submitting this proposal, we recognize the County may accept any proposal in whole or in part, or elect to reject all proposals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA I/We have received and allowed for ADDENDA NUMBER _________________ in preparing my/our proposal. Insert #’s or “none” ____________________________________ Company Name ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Print Name *To be included in Envelope One* NOTE: Failure to sign this page and return with your submission in envelope one will result in non- acceptance of your submission. 31 304 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review SECTION 5.0 - FORM OF PROPOSAL *To be included in Envelope TWO* 5.2 FEE PROPOSAL PRICE FORM We hereby offer to perform the work outlined in the Request for Proposal. Task Project Tasks (2.4 – Scope of Services)Total Hours Total Cost No. 1 Phase 1: Project Initiation/Project Management (a)Deliverables for Part A $ (b) Deliverables for Part B $ 2 Phase 2: Detailed Service Inventory (a)Deliverables for Part A $ (b) Deliverables for Part B $ 3 Phase 3: Development of Opportunities/Recommendations (a)Deliverables for Part A $ (b) Deliverables for Part B $ 4Final Report to County Council$ 5 Presentations to Elgin County Council and $ Working Group 6Disbursements (if applicable)$ 7 Others (any other activities) $ PRICE $ HST $ TOTAL PRICE $ Optional Item 1.Rate of consultants (all costs included) – for any additional work that may be asked of the consultant on this project outside of the Scope of Work based on a 7.0 hour day for each task of the work plan. a.Per diem rate for consultant team member (please specify name) $_________ b.Per diem rate for attending additional meetings with project team members and additional presentations to Elgin County Council or with the public $________ Note 1.The total estimated cost including disbursements for the work proposed shall be considered the upset limit for this project. 2.Taxes to be applied to invoices as per applicable tax at the time that the work is completed. 32 305 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Effort Matrix (to be completed by the Proponent) Service Delivery Review Consultant: Assigned Staff: Hourly Rate ($/hr) Task Project Tasks/Project Activities Hours Total Task Total Task No. Hours Cost 1 Phase 1: Project Initiation/Project Management List activities for this task as appropriate for Part A List activities for this task as appropriate for Part B SUBTOTAL Task No. 1 2 Phase 2: Detailed Service Inventory List activities as appropriate for Part A List activities as appropriate for Part B SUBTOTAL Task No. 2 3 Phase 3: Development of Opportunities/Recommendations List activities as appropriate for Part A List activities as appropriate for Part B SUBTOTAL Task No. 3 4Final Report to County Council and Working Group SUBTOTAL Task No. 4 5 Presentation to County Council and Working Group List activities for this task as appropriate SUBTOTAL Task No. 5 6 Disbursement if applicable 7 Others (list any other activities) if applicable Total Hours (Staff Time) Hourly Rate Total Costs of Tasks per Staff 33 306 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review TOTAL FEES (excluding disbursements) $ TOTAL HOURS Hrs. Disbursements $ TOTAL COST (excluding HST) $ Include per diem rates and any other fees on a separate sheet and include in Envelope Two. Your proposal must clearly state which services are not included in your financial proposal. ____________________________________ Company Name ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Print Name *To be included in Envelope Two* NOTE: Failure to sign this page and return with your submission in envelope two will result in non- acceptance of your submission. 34 307 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review APPENDIX A – SAMPLE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this ______ day of _________ 2020. - BETWEEN - CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Hereinafter called the "County" (of the first part) - AND – < CONSULTANT NAME > Address Hereinafter called the "Consultant”(of the second part) WHEREAS on (date), the County issued Request for Proposal # (insert number) (if applicable and Addendum # (insert number) dated (date) for (enter the description of work)(the “RFP”); AND WHEREAS on (enter date of Consultant’s proposal)the Consultant submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the “proposal”); AND WHEREAS the County wishes to enter into an agreement with the Consultant for the services, as more particularly described in the RFP and the proposal, attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this Agreement (the “Services”); NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency whereof is acknowledged hereby by the parties, the parties hereto agree with each other as follows: 1. The Consultant shall provide the Services pursuant to all the terms and specifications set out in Schedule “A”. If there should be any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of Schedule "A", the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. 2. The term of this Agreement shall commence . 3. If either party, acting reasonably, determines that the other party has failed to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement, then such party may terminate this Agreement upon giving at least thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. 4. The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines, costs (including legal costs), interest, or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever arising out of the negligence, errors, omissions, fraud or willful misconduct of the Consultant its officers, 35 308 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review employees, agents and sub-consultants, or any of them, attributable to or connected with the performance, non-performance or purported performance of the Consultant obligations pursuant to this Agreement, except to the extent that same is attributable or caused by the negligence of the Owner, its officers, employees and agents, or any of them. Further, this indemnity shall survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement and continue in full force and effect. 5. This Agreement together with its schedule constitutes the entire understanding between the parties. Any change, addition to, or waiver of the terms hereof must be specifically agreed upon, in writing, and signed by both parties. Failure on the part of either party to insist upon the strict observance of any of the terms and/or conditions herein shall not operate as a waiver of such party's right to require the future observance of any such terms or conditions. 6. This Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either party hereto without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement, all its covenants, promises and conditions shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns. 7. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without notice, for just cause which shall include, without limitation, dishonesty, fraud, willful deceit or failure to properly fulfill the obligations hereunder where such failure is not remedied within ten (10) days after notice of same is given. 8. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement. “Consultant’s name ___________________ Per: ____________________________ DATE Name:___________________________ Position:________________________ I have the authority to bind the corporation” “The Corporation of the County of Elgin ___________________ Per:__________________________ DATE Name: Julie Gonyou Position: Chief Administrative Officer Per:___________________________ Name: Duncan McPhail Position: Warden We have the authority to bind the corporation” 36 309 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review EXHIBIT I – SHARED SERVICES/RESOURCES Service/Resource Provided by Provided to Agreement Full IT Support County Municipality of Bayham Yes and Municipality of Central Elgin Fire Training County Interested local In progress Officer/Community municipalities Emergency Management Coordinator Accessibility County All local municipalities Yes Compliance and Corporation of the County of Middlesex Land Division County All local municipalities Yes Committee Economic Development County Interested local Project-work municipalities completed with Council’s approval Human Resources County Interested local Ad hoc advice offered municipalitiesas requested GISTownship of Malahide Elgin County Yes Provincial Offences County On behalf of all partner Yes Administrationmunicipalities Traffic Data Collection CountyInterested local Ad hoc on a project by municipalities project basis Technical County Interested local Ad hoc advice provided Advice/Servicemunicipalities by County Engineer as requested Coordination of County 6/7 local municipalities Municipalities have Integrity Commissioner individual agreements Services with Integrity Commissioner Interlibrary Loan Reciprocal (St. Thomas) City of St. Thomas Yes Adult Day Program County Various Recipients Yes (LTCH) Meals on Wheels County Various Recipients Yes (LTCH) Stroke Program (LTCH) County Various Recipients Yes Diners Club (LTCH) County Various Recipients Yes Roads Maintenance County Local Municipal Yes Agreement Partners 37 310 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-XX Service Delivery Review Archives Records County Various Recipients Yes Transfers Phragmites County Local Municipal Yes Partners Emergency Medical County City of St. Thomas Yes Services Benefits Consortium County Local Municipal Yes Partners 38 311 RETURN ADDRESS LABEL – ENVELOPE 1 Place this label on the front of the sealed envelope (ENVELOPE 1) containing your proposal. FROM: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Contact: ________________________ DELIVER PROPOSAL TO: County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive nd 2 Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attn: Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator TECHNICAL PROPOSAL - ENVELOPE 1 RFP No.: 2019-XX Description: <Insert Project Name> Closing Date: <Insert Date> , 2019 @ 3:00 p.m. (local time) Late proposals will NOT be accepted! 39 312 RETURN ADDRESS LABEL – ENVELOPE 2 Place this label on the front of the sealed envelope (ENVELOPE 2) containing your proposal. FROM: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Contact: ________________________ DELIVER PROPOSAL TO: County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive nd 2 Floor, Financial Services St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attn: Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator FINANCIAL PROPOSAL - ENVELOPE 2 RFP No.: 2019-XX Description: <Insert Project Name> Closing Date: <Insert Date> , 2019 @ 3:00 p.m. (local time) Late proposals will NOT be accepted! 40 313 314 315 316 From: Josh Brick Date: November 19, 2019 at 3:29:50 PM EST To: Julie Gonyou Cc: Jennifer Reynaert; John Fishback Subject: Town of Aylmer Resolution 363-19 - Affordable Housing Support Resolution. Hi Julie, At their Regular Meeting on November 18, 2019 the Council of the Town of Aylmer passed the following resolution: Resolution No. 363-19 Moved by Councillor Barbour and seconded by Councillor Oslach: That Report CAO 73-19 entitled Affordable Housing Support Resolution for Walter Ostojic & Sons Ltd. be received for information; and, That the Council of the Town of Aylmer supports Walter Ostojic & Sons Ltd. in their development of the second building on Brown Street in Aylmer as an Affordable Housing Project, noting endorsement of a request for tax relief for the project; and further, That Council provides a copy of this resolution to the County of Elgin requesting support for this initiative. The motion is Carried. I have attached a copy of the reference material that was included with this Council Report. Best, Josh Brick Director of Legislative Services/ Clerk | Town of Aylmer 46 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, ON N5H 1J7 519-773-3164 Ext. 4911 | Fax 519-765-1446 jbrick@town.aylmer.on.ca | www.aylmer.ca 317 318 - - - 319 Capital Components Operating Component 320 321 322 323 Example: A unit receiving funding under the Rent Supplement stream cannot also housea rental household receiving funding under the Housing Allowance stream. Housing Services Act, 2011(e.g. demolition and replacement or repair of existing social housing units) Social housing redevelopment which involves building new affordable rental units/additions on social housing sites may be eligible(see “Rental Housing Component” for more details). Example: A project may receive Rental Housing funding to create 5 units; the SM may use Rent Supplement funding for those 5 units to providedeeper affordability. Example: A homeowner who previously received RRAP funding to repair their roof may be eligible to receive funding under IAH Ontario Renovates to install a ramp for greater accessibility. 324 Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 (“ 325 326 Rental Housing Component Housing ServicesAct, 2011. Apartment Townhouse (Row houses) 327 Municipal Act, 2001 Municipal Act, 2001. 328 329 330 331 Residential Tenancies Act 332 Municipal Act, 2001. Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 333 334 335 336 SMTip SMs may choose to provide a top-up to down payment assistance from their RLF for households with dependents. This is to provide additional support to potential purchasers who face more challenges to save for a down payment and who would need to spend more to buy a home with adequate space. Top-up funding amounts from an RLF would be determined by the SM, and would not count as part of the 10% average funding limit. 337 *Notional capital gains will be calculated based on the current fair market value of thehome at the time of repayment of the loan. Fair market value shallbe based on anindependent appraisal. 338 339 Home Repair Multi-Unit Rehabilitation - - - - 340 - - - - - - - - - - - 341 Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 Housing Services Act, 2011. Home Repair Multi-Unit Rehabilitation - - 342 The Ministry will be selecting a delivery agent to work on behalf of the province to deliver Ontario Renovates to remote communities in northern Ontario. Home Repair Multi-Unit Rehabilitation 343 Multi-Unit Rehabilitation Multi-Unit Rehabilitation Multi-Unit Rehabilitation Home RepairMulti- Unit Rehabilitation 344 Home Repair Home Repair Multi-Unit Rehabilitation Multi-Unit Rehabilitation 345 346 IAH (2014 Extension) Housing AllowanceShared Delivery Stream Reference Guide for Service Managers o o o o not not 347 Stacking permitted Initial PDFP PDFP updates 348 Direct Delivery Streams (Housing Allowance and Rent Supplement) Shared Delivery Stream (Housing Allowance) Housing Services Act, 2011 349 Housing Services Act, 2011 350 IAH (2014 Extension) Housing AllowanceShared Delivery StreamReference Guide for Service Managers 351 Appendix A: MinistryContacts Municipal Services Office – Central Municipal Services Office – Eastern Municipal Services Office – Western 352 Municipal Services Office – Northeastern Municipal Services Office – Northwestern Housing Programs Branch - Toronto 353 Appendix B – List of Designated Areas under the French Language Services Act 354 Appendix C: Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) Pre-screening Guidelines Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 1992 Regulations Designating Physical Activities 355 Appendix D: Maximum Household Income Level, 2014 th CMSMsIncomeat 60Percentile Greater Toronto Area**$85,800 City of Toronto- Regional Municipality of Durham- Regional Municipality of Halton- Regional Municipality of Peel- Regional Municipality of York- City of Brantford$76,200 City of Cornwall$69,700 City of Greater Sudbury$80,800 City of Hamilton$78,800 City of Kawartha Lakes$72,100 City of Kingston$80,400 City of London$75,800 City of Ottawa**$85,800 City of Peterborough$74,300 City of St. Thomas$75,700 City of Stratford$81,600 City of Windsor$76,000 County of Bruce$85,500 County of Dufferin**$85,800 County of Grey$72,400 County of Hastings$69,000 County of Huron$73,500 County of Lambton$79,700 County of Lanark$83,200 County of Lennox & Addington$75,600 County of Norfolk$78,500 County of Northumberland$78,400 County of Oxford$81,500 County of Renfrew$76,200 County of Simcoe**$85,800 County of Wellington**$85,800 District Municipality of Muskoka$76,900 Municipality of Chatham Kent$66,500 Regional Municipality of Waterloo**$85,800 Regional Municipality of Niagara$74,900 United Counties of Leeds & Grenville $79,600 United Counties of Prescott & Russell $85,800 Algoma DSSAB$60,300 Cochrane DSSAB$77,900 Kenora DSSAB$76,800 Manitoulin-Sudbury DSSAB$69,200 Nipissing DSSAB$73,000 Parry Sound DSSAB$69,500 Rainy River DSSAB$69,600 Sault Ste. Marie DSSAB$74,000 Thunder Bay DSSAB$76,400 Timiskaming DSSAB$63,300 ONTARIO**$85,800 *Based on Statistics Canada 2011 National Household Survey, indexed to 2013, rounded to the nearest hundred. thth ** In areas where 60income percentile is greater than the provincial level, the provincial level 60income percentile is used. 356 357 the 7Floor, Frost Building South7étage,Édifice Frost Sud 7 Queen's Park Crescent7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Telephone: 416-325-0400Téléphone: 416-325-0400 358 Original signed by 359 Ministry of FinanceMinistère des Finances Provincial-Local Division des relations provinciales- Finance Divisionmunicipales en matière de finances the 10Floor10étage 777 Bay Street777 rue Bay Toronto ON M5G 2C8Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2C8 Tel (416) 327-0264Tél. (416) 327-0264 Fax (416) 325-7644Téléc. (416) 325-7644 2020 OMPF Allocation Notice and Inserts 360 Treasurers/Clerk-Treasurers Page 2 A.2020 OMPF Allocation Notice and Inserts OMPF Allocation NoticeInsert 2020 Transitional Assistance Calculation Insert B.2020 OMPF Technical Guide 2020OMPF Technical Guide C.2020 Municipal Workbooks 2020 OMPF Workbook and the 2020 Northern and Rural Municipal Fiscal Circumstances IndexMFCI) Workbook 361 Treasurers/Clerk-Treasurers Page 3 2020 OMPF Technical Guide,OMPFAllocation Notices, 2020 Cash Flow Notice Original signed by 362 Treasurers/Clerk-Treasurers Page 4 363 Note: See line item descriptions on the following page. 364 Note: Grant components and Transitional Assistance are rounded up to multiples of $100. 365 Note: See line item descriptions on the following page. 366 Note: Grant components and Transitional Assistance are rounded up to multiples of $100. 367 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) 2020 Cash Flow Notice Scheduled for January 2020 Scheduled for April 2020 Scheduled for July 2020 Scheduled for October 2020 Not Applicable 368 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) 2020 Cash Flow Notice 369 Njojtusz!pg!Gjobodf POUBSJP!! NVOJDJQBM! QBSUOFSTIJQ! GVOE 3131!Ufdiojdbm!Hvjef 370 371 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1 2020 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund ................................................................................................ 2 2020 OMPF Grant Components ................................................................................................................. 3 I. Assessment Equalization Grant ........................................................................................................... 3 II. Northern Communities Grant ............................................................................................................ 4 III. Rural Communities Grant .................................................................................................................. 5 IV. Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant ............................................................................... 8 V. Transitional Assistance .................................................................................................................... 10 Implementation ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Municipal Workbooks .......................................................................................................................... 12 2020 Reporting Obligations ................................................................................................................. 12 Additional Information............................................................................................................................. 13 Appendices ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix A: Rural and Small Community Measure ............................................................................. 14 Appendix B: Farm Area Measure ......................................................................................................... 15 Appendix C: Summary of Rural Communities Grant Parameters ........................................................ 16 Appendix D: Northern and Rural Municipal Fiscal Circumstances Index ............................................. 17 Appendix E: Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant Parameters .......................................... 22 Appendix F: Data Sources .................................................................................................................... 23 Appendix G: Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 24 372 373 INTRODUCTION This guide outlines the grant parameters for the 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF). It is intended to provide a technical overview of the funding program. 2020 OVERVIEW The OMPF is the Province’s main general assistance grant to municipalities. The program primarily supports northern and rural municipalities across the province. Its objectives are to: recognize the challenges of northern and rural municipalities, while targeting funding to those with more challenging fiscal circumstances; support areas with limited property assessment; and assist municipalities that are adjusting to year-over-year funding changes. For 2020, the government is maintaining the OMPF structure as it was in 2019, while allowing for annual data updates and related grant parameter adjustments, in keeping with the program’s responsiveness to changing municipal circumstances. The Transitional Assistance component of the program is also remaining the same, and will continue to adjust as fewer municipalities require this funding. Consistent with prior years, Transitional Assistance will ensure that the 2020 funding guarantee for municipalities in northern Ontario will be at least 90 per cent of their 2019 OMPF allocation, and for municipalities in southern Ontario will be at least 85 per cent of their 2019 OMPF allocation. 2020 Minimum Levels of Support (Per Cent of 2019 OMPF Allocation) Northern Ontario 90% Southern Ontario 85% Municipalities with the most challenging fiscal circumstances will continue to have their funding enhanced up to 100 per cent of the prior year’s allocation. 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 1 374 2020 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP FUND All four core grant components of the 2020 OMPF are providing the same level of support as in 2019. As in prior years, Transitional Assistance will continue to adjust as fewer municipalities require this funding. As a result, the 2020 OMPF will provide a total of $500 million to 389 municipalities across the province through the following grant components and Transitional Assistance. I. Assessment Equalization Grant Component – $149 million Provides funding to municipalities with limited property assessment. II. Northern Communities Grant Component – $89 million Provides funding to all northern municipalities in recognition of their unique challenges. III. Rural Communities Grant Component – $150 million Provides funding to rural municipalities, including targeted funding for rural farming communities, in recognition of their unique challenges. IV. Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant Component – $89 million Provides additional, targeted funding to northern and rural municipalities based on their fiscal circumstances. V. Transitional Assistance – $23 million Ensures a guaranteed level of support to municipalities based on their 2019 OMPF allocation. 2 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 375 2020 OMPF GRANT COMPONENTS I. ASSESSMENT EQUALIZATION GRANT The Assessment Equalization Grant provides funding to single- and lower-tier municipalities with limited property assessment due to lower property values and/or limited non-residential assessment. To determine the grant amount, a total assessment differential (i.e., the total municipal assessment below the provincial median per-household threshold of $298,500) is calculated for each municipality. Single- and lower-tier municipalities receive funding based on the total assessment differential. Funding provided through this grant increases the further a municipality’s total weighted assessment per household is below the provincial median. Every $10,000 increment in a municipality’s total assessment differential results in an additional $30.10 in funding. Example 1.1 Municipality A: Weighted assessment per household: $200,000 Assessment per household below the $298,500 threshold: $298,500 – $200,000 = $98,500 Number of households: 2,000 Total assessment differential: $98,500 x 2,000 = $197,000,000 Grant Amount: $197,000,000 / $10,000 x $30.10 = $592,970 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 3 376 II. NORTHERN COMMUNITIES GRANT The Northern Communities Grant provides funding to all northern municipalities in recognition of the unique challenges they face. The grant is based on the number of households, and the per-household amount is $240. Example 2.1 Municipality A (Northern): Number of households: 1,300 Grant Amount: 1,300 x $240 = $312,000 4 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 377 III. RURAL COMMUNITIES GRANT The Rural Communities Grant recognizes the unique challenges of rural municipalities and particularly those of rural farming communities. The Rural Communities Grant provides funding to single- and lower-tier municipalities across the province based on the proportion of their population residing in rural areas and/or small communities, as measured by the Rural and Small Community Measure (RSCM). Funding provided through the Rural Communities Grant totals $150 million in 2020. This includes $15 million of targeted support to rural municipalities with the highest levels of farm land (i.e., where more than 70 per cent of land area is comprised of farm land). See the next section on the following page for details. Municipalities with an RSCM of 75 per cent or more receive $131 per household. Municipalities with an RSCM between 25 per cent and 75 per cent receive a portion of this funding on a sliding scale. For additional information on the RSCM, see Appendix A. Every 5 percentage point increase in the RSCM between 25 per cent and 75 per cent results in an additional $13.10 per household: Rural Communities Grant* 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75+ RSCM (%) Per-household 0.00 13.10 26.20 39.30 52.40 65.50 78.60 91.70 104.80 117.90 131.00 amount ($) Example 3.1 Municipality A: RSCM: 80% Number of households: 3,000 Grant Amount: 3,000 x $131 = $393,000 Municipality B: RSCM: 55% Number of households: 3,000 Grant Amount: 3,000 x $78.60 = $235,800 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 5 378 Rural municipalities where farm land represents more than 70 per cent of their land area Per-household funding provided through the Rural Communities Grant includes an enhancement for municipalities with the highest levels of farm land (i.e., where farm land represents more than 70 per cent of municipal land area), in recognition of their particular challenges. The Farm Area Measure (FAM) reflects the percentage of a municipality’s land area comprised of farm land (See Appendix B for further information on the FAM). Single- and lower-tier rural municipalities with a FAM of more than 70 per cent and an RSCM of 75 per cent or greater, receive funding according to the table outlined below. Every 2 percentage point increase in the FAM between 70 per cent and 90 per cent results in an additional $9 per household: Rural Communities Grant for Municipalities with a FAM of more than 70 Per Cent FAM (%) 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90+ Per-household 131 140 149 158 167 176 185 194 203 212 221 amount ($) Example 3.2 Municipality A (FAM < 70%): RSCM: 100% FAM: 50% Number of households: 3,000 Grant Amount: 3,000 x $131 = $393,000 Municipality B (FAM > 70%): RSCM: 100% FAM: 80% Number of households: 3,000 Grant Amount: 3,000 x $176 = $528,000 Municipality C (FAM > 90%): RSCM: 100% FAM: 93% Number of households: 3,000 Grant Amount: 3,000 x $221 = $663,000 6 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 379 Rural municipalities with an RSCM between 25 and 75 per cent Single- and lower-tier rural municipalities with a FAM of more than 70 per cent and an RSCM between 25 per cent and 75 per cent receive a portion of the funding according to their RSCM. The following table provides the per-household funding for a municipality with an RSCM of 50 per cent (see Appendix C for a summary of Rural Communities Grant parameters based on the RSCM and FAM). Rural Communities Grant for Municipalities with an RSCM of 50 Per Cent and a FAM of more than 70 Per Cent FAM (%) 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90+ Per-household 65.50 70.00 74.50 79.00 83.50 88.00 92.50 97.00 101.50 106.00 110.50 amount ($) Example 3.3 Municipality A: RSCM: 50% FAM: 80% Number of households: 3,000 Grant Amount: 3,000 x $88.00 = $264,000 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 7 380 IV. NORTHERN AND RURAL FISCAL CIRCUMSTANCES GRANT This grant is provided to municipalities eligible for funding through the Northern Communities Grant and/or Rural Communities Grant, both of which provide a fixed per-household funding amount to northern as well as single- and lower-tier rural municipalities. In addition to these fixed per-household amounts, the Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant provides targeted support in recognition that not all northern and rural municipalities have the same fiscal circumstances. The Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant provides targeted funding to eligible municipalities based on their relative fiscal circumstances, as measured by the Northern and Rural Municipal Fiscal Circumstances Index (MFCI). For additional details on the Northern and Rural MFCI, see Appendix D. See Appendix E for additional information on the Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant parameters. Northern and rural municipalities with an RSCM of 75 per cent or greater Northern municipalities, as well as single- and lower-tier rural municipalities with an RSCM of 75 per cent or greater, receive funding according to their MFCI as outlined in the table below. Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant Relatively positive Relatively challenging circumstances circumstances MFCI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per-household 0 10 20 30 40 60 90 130 170 220 285 amount ($) Example 4.1 Municipality A (Northern): MFCI: 7 Number of households: 1,200 Grant Amount: 1,200 x $130 = $156,000 8 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 381 Rural municipalities with an RSCM between 25 and 75 per cent Single- and lower-tier rural municipalities with an RSCM between 25 per cent and 75 per cent receive a portion of the per-household funding according to their RSCM. Per-Household Funding at MFCI 4 RSCM (%) 25 35 50 65 75 Per-household amount ($) 0 8 20 32 40 Example 4.2 Municipality A (Rural): MFCI: 4 RSCM: 65% Number of households: 1,200 Grant Amount: 1,200 x $32 = $38,400 Additional municipality-specific details are provided in the customized . 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 9 382 V. TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE Transitional Assistance is designed to assist municipalities in adjusting to year-over-year funding changes. This funding ensures that municipalities receive a guaranteed level of support based on their previous year’s OMPF allocation. In 2020, minimum funding guarantees have been maintained at 85 per cent for southern Ontario and 90 per cent for northern Ontario. This means that municipalities in southern Ontario will receive at least 85 per cent of their 2019 OMPF allocation and northern municipalities will receive at least 90 per cent of their 2019 OMPF allocation. These minimum levels of support will continue to be enhanced, up to 100 per cent, for eligible northern and rural municipalities across the province with more challenging fiscal circumstances, as measured by the Northern and Rural MFCI. 2020 Municipal Funding Levels Based on Northern and Rural MFCI MFCI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Northern Ontario (%) 90.0 90.0 90.0 91.5 93.0 94.5 96.0 97.5 99.0 100 100 Southern Ontario (%) 85.0 85.0 85.0 86.0 88.0 90.0 92.5 95.0 97.5 100 100 Example 5.1 Municipality A (Northern): 2019 OMPF allocation: $250,000 2020 minimum level of support for northern municipality: 90% MFCI: 8 2020 enhanced guaranteed level of support for MFCI 8: 99% 2020 guaranteed funding amount: $250,000 x 99% = $247,500 Sum of 2020 OMPF grants prior to Transitional Assistance: $180,000 2020 Transitional Assistance: $247,500 – $180,000 = $67,500 10 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 383 Example 5.2 Municipality B (Southern Rural): 2019 OMPF allocation: $350,000 2020 minimum level of support for southern municipality: 85% MFCI: 7 2020 enhanced guaranteed level of support for MFCI 7: 95% 2020 guaranteed funding amount: $350,000 x 95% = $332,500 Sum of 2020 OMPF grants prior to Transitional Assistance: $205,000 2020 Transitional Assistance: $332,500 – $205,000 = $127,500 Example 5.3 Municipality C (Southern Urban): 2019 OMPF allocation: $250,000 2020 minimum level of support for southern municipality: 85% MFCI: n/a 2020 guaranteed funding amount: $250,000 x 85% = $212,500 Sum of 2020 OMPF grants prior to Transitional Assistance: $125,000 2020 Transitional Assistance: $212,500 – $125,000 = $87,500 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 11 384 IMPLEMENTATION The OMPF is the Province’s main general assistance grant to municipalities. The Ministry of Finance calculates OMPF municipal allocations based on a defined set of data elements (see Appendix F). MUNICIPAL WORKBOOKS In order to assist municipalities in better understanding the 2020 program, the Ministry of Finance has developed a customized set of municipal workbooks for each municipality. These include: 1. 2. The workbooks provide municipality-specific details and are shared electronically with municipal treasurers and clerk-treasurers. 2020 REPORTING OBLIGATIONS Municipalities are required to submit their 2019 Financial Information Return (FIR) to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) by May 31, 2020. Municipalities are also required to submit their 2020 tax rates through the Online Property Tax Analysis (OPTA) system or to MMAH by September 30, 2020. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in the withholding of OMPF payments until these documents have been submitted. 12 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 385 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This Technical Guide and other 2020 OMPF supporting materials are posted online at: www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/ompf/2020 www.fin.gov.on.ca/fr/budget/ompf/2020 For additional information regarding 2020 OMPF allocations or for other general inquiries about the program, email your inquiry and contact information to: info.ompf@ontario.ca Municipal Services Offices at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Alternatively, municipalities may also contact their local Municipal Services Office of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) who can assist in directing their inquiry: Municipal Services Offices: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing CENTRAL: General Inquiry: (416) 585-6226 777 Bay Street, 13th Floor Toll Free: 1-800-668-0230 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Fax: (416) 585-6882 EASTERN: General Inquiry: (613) 545-2100 Rockwood House, 8 Estate Lane Toll Free: 1-800-267-9438 Kingston ON K7M 9A8 Fax: (613) 548-6822 NORTH (SUDBURY): General Inquiry: (705) 564-0120 159 Cedar Street, Suite 401 Toll Free: 1-800-461-1193 Sudbury ON P3E 6A5 Fax: (705) 564-6863 NORTH (THUNDER BAY): General Inquiry: (807) 475-1651 435 James St. S., Suite 223 Toll Free: 1-800-465-5027 Thunder Bay ON P7E 6S7 Fax: (807) 475-1196 WESTERN: General Inquiry: (519) 873-4020 659 Exeter Road, 2nd Floor Toll Free: 1-800-265-4736 London ON N6E 1L3 Fax: (519) 873-4018 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 13 386 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: RURAL AND SMALL COMMUNITY MEASURE The Rural and Small Community Measure (RSCM) represents the proportion of a municipality’s population residing in rural areas and/or small communities. This approach recognizes that some municipalities include a mix of rural and non-rural areas. The measure is based on Statistics Canada data and is calculated as follows: 1)Statistics Canada divides municipalities into small geographic areas, typically less than a few hundred residents. 2)These areas are classified by Statistics Canada as rural areas or small communities if they meet one of the following conditions: They have a population density of less than 400 per square kilometre; They have a population density of greater than 400 per square kilometre but cannot be grouped with other adjacent areas (each also with a population density of greater than 400 per square kilometre), to produce a total population concentration greater than 1,000; or They are not economically integrated with a population centre of greater than 10,000 (see table below). 3)The RSCM is determined by calculating the proportion of a municipality’s population residing in areas that are classified as either rural or a small community. OMPF calculations incorporate a minor adjustment to Statistics Canada’s classification of “small community”. This adjustment provides a transition between the small community and urban centre classification for areas with a population between 10,000 and 12,500 and is made on a sliding scale: Percentage of Area Population Included as a Small Community Area population 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 Percentage (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 14 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 387 APPENDIX B: FARM AREA MEASURE The Farm Area Measure (FAM) represents the percentage of a municipality’s land area comprised of farm land. The measure was introduced in the 2016 OMPF in response to feedback from some municipalities that the OMPF should recognize the variation in farm land across the province. The FAM is calculated as follows: Farm Land Area = Farm Area Measure Municipal Land Area A municipality’s FAM is determined using the following components: 1)Farm Land Area, which is equal to acres of land for properties in the farm property tax class, as of December 31st, 2018. a.The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) administers the application process for the farm property tax class, and is responsible for reviewing eligibility criteria before a property can be placed in the farm property tax class. These criteria include: The property must be assessed and valued as farm land by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). The farming business generates at least $7,000 in Gross Farm Income (GFI) per year. The farming business has a valid Farm Business Registration number from Agricorp or a valid exemption. The property is being used for a farming business by either the owner or tenant farmer or both. b.The acreage of properties in the farm property tax class is determined using the Ontario Parcel database. This database was developed in partnership between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), MPAC and Teranet Enterprises Inc., and provides information on the land area for each individual property or parcel of land in the province. 2)Municipal Land Area, which represents the number of acres of land in a municipality and reflects municipal boundaries as of January 1st, 2016. This measure is based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) from Statistics Canada and excludes bodies of water. 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 15 388 APPENDIX C: SUMMARY OF RURAL COMMUNITIES GRANT PARAMETERS The following table supports the Rural Communities Grant calculation for single- and lower-tier rural municipalities with an RSCM between 25 and 75 per cent and a FAM of 70 per cent or more. Rural Communities Grant Funding Levels Based on RSCM and FAM ($ per household) FAM (%) 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90+ RSCM (%) 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 26.20 28.00 29.80 31.60 33.40 35.20 37.00 38.80 40.60 42.40 44.20 50 65.50 70.00 74.50 79.00 83.50 88.00 92.50 97.00 101.50 106.00 110.50 65 104.80 112.00 119.20 126.40 133.60 140.80 148.00 155.20 162.40 169.60 176.80 75+ 131.00 140.00 149.00 158.00 167.00 176.00 185.00 194.00 203.00 212.00 221.00 16 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 389 APPENDIX D: NORTHERN AND RURAL MUNICIPAL FISCAL CIRCUMSTANCES INDEX The Northern and Rural Municipal Fiscal Circumstances Index (MFCI) measures a municipality’s fiscal circumstances relative to other northern and rural municipalities in the province. The Northern and Rural MFCI is determined based on six indicators. These indicators are classified as either primary or secondary to reflect their relative importance in determining a municipality’s fiscal circumstances. The indicators include: Primary Indicators Weighted Assessment Per Household Median Household Income Secondary Indicators Average Annual Change in Assessment (New Construction) Employment Rate Ratio of Working Age to Dependent Population Per Cent of Population Above Low-Income Threshold A municipality’s Northern and Rural MFCI is determined through three steps, as listed below and as described in more detail on the following pages. 1) Indicator Score — Each primary and secondary indicator is scored based on its relationship to the median for northern and rural municipalities. 2) Average Indicator Score — An average indicator score is calculated based on the average of both the primary and secondary indicators. 3) Northern and Rural MFCI — This index reflects a municipality’s fiscal circumstances relative to other northern and rural municipalities in the province and is based on the relative results of each municipality’s average indicator score. The Northern and Rural MFCI is measured on a scale from 0 to 10. A lower MFCI corresponds to relatively positive fiscal circumstances, whereas a higher MFCI corresponds to more challenging fiscal circumstances. As a result, an MFCI of 5 corresponds to fiscal circumstances similar to the median for northern and rural municipalities. Additional municipality-specific details are provided in the . 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 17 390 1. Indicator Score The indicator score has a range from -100 per cent to 100 per cent and reflects how the value of a municipality’s indicator compares to the median for northern and rural municipalities. Indicator Value Above Median An indicator value that is above the median will have a positive score, which is reflective of relatively positive fiscal circumstances. The indicator score is calculated based on the position of the municipality’s indicator value between the median and highest value for northern and rural municipalities. Indicator Value Below Median An indicator value that is below the median will have a negative score, which is reflective of more challenging fiscal circumstances. The indicator score is calculated based on the position of the municipality’s indicator data between the median and lowest value for northern and rural municipalities. For example, an indicator score of 25 per cent indicates that a data value is one quarter of the distance between the median and highest value, while an indicator score of -25 per cent indicates that a data value is one quarter of the distance between the median and lowest value. An indicator score of 0 per cent reflects the median for northern and rural municipalities. The following table outlines the median, highest and lowest values for each MFCI indicator. Illustrative examples of indicator score calculations are provided on the following page. MFCI Indicator Parameters Primary Indicators Lowest Median Highest Weighted Assessment per Household $47,000 $284,000 $797,000 Median Household Income $40,000 $69,000 $119,000 Secondary Indicators LowestMedian Highest Average Annual Change in Assessment (New Construction) -1.8% 1.0% 4.0% Employment Rate 30.0% 56.0% 75.0% Ratio of Working Age to Dependent Population 107.0% 170.0% 300.0% Per cent of Population Above Low-Income Threshold 66.0% 86.0% 96.0% 18 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 391 Example 1.1 Indicator: Median Household Income Lowest Value Median Value Highest Value $40,000$69,000$119,000 Example Municipality: Indicator Data Value = $54,500 A.Difference between Indicator Value and Median: $54,500 – $69,000 = -$14,500 Since the indicator value is below the median for northern and rural municipalities, the difference between the median and the lowest value for northern and rural municipalities is calculated. B.Difference between Median and Lowest Value: $69,000 – $40,000 = $29,000 C.Indicator Score = A / B: -$14,500 / $29,000 = -50% Example 1.2 Indicator: Ratio of Working Age to Dependent Population Lowest ValueHighest Value Median Value 107% 170%300% Example Municipality: Indicator Data Value = 235% A.Difference between Indicator Value and Median: 235% – 170% = 65% Since the indicator value is above the median for northern and rural municipalities, the difference between the median and the highest value for northern and rural municipalities is calculated. B.Difference between Median and Highest Value: 300% – 170% = 130% C.Indicator Score = A / B: 65% / 130% = 50% 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 19 392 2. Average Indicator Score The average indicator score summarizes a municipality’s overall results on all six indicators. A municipality’s average indicator score is based on both the primary and secondary indicator average, as shown below. Calculating Average Indicator Score Average Indicator Score = (Primary Indicator Average + Secondary Indicator Average) / 2 Primary Indicator Average: (A + B) / 2 A.Weighted Assessment Per Household indicator score B.Median Household Income indicator score Secondary Indicator Average: (C + D + E + F) / 4 C.Average Annual Change in Assessment (New Construction) indicator score D.Employment Rate indicator score E.Ratio of Working Age to Dependent Population indicator score F.Per Cent of Population Above Low-Income Threshold indicator score Example 2.1 Average Indicator Score A.Weighted Assessment per Household indicator score: 8% B.Median Household Income indicator score: -50% Primary Indicator Average: (8% + (-50%)) / 2 = -21% C.Average Annual Change in Assessment (New Construction) indicator score: -95% D.Employment Rate indicator score: 1% E.Ratio of Working Age to Dependent Population indicator score: 50% F.Per cent of Population Above Low-Income Threshold indicator score: -88% Secondary Indicator Average: (-95% + 1% + 50% + (-88%)) / 4 = -33% Average Indicator Score: (-21% + (-33%)) / 2 = -27% 20 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 393 3. Determination of Northern and Rural MFCI The Northern and Rural MFCI reflects a municipality’s fiscal circumstances relative to other northern and rural municipalities in the province. The Northern and Rural MFCI is measured on a scale of 0 to 10. A lower MFCI corresponds to relatively positive fiscal circumstances, while a higher MFCI corresponds to more challenging fiscal circumstances. A Northern and Rural MFCI of 5 corresponds to fiscal circumstances similar to the median for northern and rural municipalities. A municipality’s MFCI is determined based on the value of the average indicator score. The example below presents how average indicator scores are used to determine a municipality’s MFCI. Example 3.1 Average Indicator Score: -27% Northern and Rural MFCI: 8.0 Average Indicator Score Northern and Rural MFCI 012345678910 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 21 394 APPENDIX E: NORTHERN AND RURAL FISCAL CIRCUMSTANCES GRANT PARAMETERS The Northern and Rural MFCI is measured on a scale from 0 to 10. A lower MFCI corresponds to relatively positive fiscal circumstances, while a higher MFCI corresponds to more challenging fiscal circumstances. The following table provides details regarding the 2020 per-household funding levels under the Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant. Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant MFCI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2019 Per-household ($) 0 10 20 30 40 60 90 130 170 220 285 2020 Per-household ($) 0 10 20 30 40 60 90 130 170 220 285 Percentage Change (%) - - - - - - - - - - - The following table supports the Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant calculation for single- and lower-tier rural municipalities with an RSCM between 25 and 75 per cent. The table illustrates the per-household funding amount associated with a range of RSCM and MFCI values. Summary of MFCI Funding Levels Based on RSCM ($ per household) MFCI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RSCM (%) 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 18.00 26.00 34.00 44.00 57.00 50 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 45.00 65.00 85.00 110.00 142.50 65 0.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 32.00 48.00 72.00 104.00 136.00 176.00 228.00 75+ 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 90.00 130.00 170.00 220.00 285.00 22 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 395 APPENDIX F: DATA SOURCES OMPF Data Elements and Sources Data Year Source(s) Final 2018 Market Municipal Property Change Profile (MCP) Assessment Corporation Weighted Assessment and 2020 starting tax (MPAC) and municipal ratios tax rate bylaws PIL Weighted Assessment 2017 or 2018 Municipal FIR Number of Households 2019 MPAC Returned Roll Median Household Income 2016 Statistics Canada Rural and Small Community Measure 2016 Statistics Canada Per Cent of Population Above Low-Income 2016 Statistics Canada Threshold Ratio of Working Age to Dependent Population 2016 Statistics Canada Employment Rate 2016 Statistics Canada Average Annual Change in Assessment Online Property Tax 2014–2019 (New Construction)Analysis System (OPTA) Municipal Land Area 2016 Statistics Canada MPAC and Ontario Farm Land Area 2018 Parcel 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 23 396 APPENDIX G: DEFINITIONS Average Annual Change Measures the five-year (2014 – 2019) average annual change ina in Assessment municipality’s assessment, for example, as a result of new construction (New Construction) or business property closures, excluding the impact of reassessment. Average Indicator Score Summarizes a municipality’s overall results on all six indicators, based on both the primary and secondary indicator average. Employment RateStatistics Canada’s measure of number of employed persons, divided by persons aged 15 and over. Farm Area Measure Represents the percentage of a municipality’s land area comprised of (FAM) farm land. Farm Land Area Equal to the acres of land for properties in the farm property tax class, as of December 31st, 2018. The acreage of properties in the farm property tax class is determined using the Ontario Parcel database. HouseholdsMeasure of households based on the 2019 returned roll from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Includes the following classes: (1) Residential Unit (RU) - Permanent households; (2) Residential Dwelling Unit (RDU) - Seasonal households such as cottages; and (3) Farm Residential Unit (FRU) - Farmlands on which a farm residence exists. Indicator Score Reflects the position of a municipality’s indicator data value relative to other municipalities and has a range from -100 per cent to 100 per cent. A positive indicator score is reflective of relatively positive fiscal circumstances, while a negative score is reflective of more challenging fiscal circumstances. Median Household IncomeStatistics Canada’s measure of median income for all private households in 2015. Municipal Land Area Equal to the acres of land in a municipality and reflects municipal boundaries, as of January 1st, 2016. This measure is based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) from Statistics Canada and excludes bodies of water. 24 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 397 Minimum Funding The 2020 minimum guaranteed level of support based on 2019 OMPF Guarantee allocations. In 2020, minimum funding guarantees for municipalities in southern Ontario will be at least 85 per cent of their 2019 OMPF allocation. Northern municipalities will receive at least 90 per cent of their 2019 OMPF allocation. These minimum levels of support will be enhanced, up to 100 per cent, for northern and rural municipalities in the province with more challenging fiscal circumstances. Northern and Rural The Northern and Rural MFCI measures a municipality’s fiscal Municipal Fiscal circumstances relative to other northern and rural municipalities in the Circumstances Index province, and ranges from 0 to 10. A lower MFCI corresponds to (MFCI) relatively positive fiscal circumstances, whereas a higher MFCI corresponds to relatively more challenging fiscal circumstances. An MFCI of 5 corresponds to fiscal circumstances similar to the median for northern and rural municipalities. Per Cent of Population Reflects the Statistics Canada measure of the population in private Above Low-Income households above the low-income threshold for Ontario compared to the Threshold total population in private households. The measure is based on after-tax income, and the low-income threshold is based on half the median adjusted household income in 2015. Primary Indicators The Northern and Rural MFCI is determined based on six indicators which are classified as either primary or secondary to reflect their relative importance in determining a municipality’s fiscal circumstances. The primary indicators are weighted assessment per household and median household income. Property Tax Revenue Represents the municipal property tax revenue as reported in municipal Financial Information Return (Schedule 10, Line 0299). Ratio of Working Age to Statistics Canada’s measure of working age population (aged 15 to 64), Dependent Population divided by youth (aged 14 and under) and senior population (aged 65 and over). Rural and Small RSCM represents the proportion of a municipality’s population residing in Community Measure rural areas and/or small communities. This approach recognizes that (RSCM) some municipalities include a mix of rural and non-rural areas. The measure is based on Statistics Canada data from the 2016 Census. 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 25 398 Secondary IndicatorsThe Northern and Rural MFCI is determined based on six indicators, which are classified as either primary or secondary to reflect their relative importance in determining a municipality’s fiscal circumstances. The secondary indicators are average annual change in assessment (new construction), employment rate, ratio of working age to dependent population, and per cent of population above low-income threshold. Weighted Assessment Measures the size of the municipality’s tax base. Refers to the total Per Household assessment for a municipality weighted by the tax ratio for each class of property (including payments in lieu of property taxes retained by the municipality) divided by the total number of households. 26 2020 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 399 400 © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2019 ISSN 2369-6990 (PRINT) ISSN 2369-7008 (ONLINE) 401 Grants Ontario: Funding Opportunities Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Green Stream Description The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) is a cost-shared infrastructure funding program between the federal government, provinces and territories, and municipalities and other recipients. This program will see up to $30 billion in combined federal, provincial and other partner funding, under four priority areas, including Green infrastructure. The Green stream outcomes set by the federal government support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, enable greater adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change and climate-related disaster mitigation and ensure communities can provide clean air and safe drinking water. This intake of the Green stream will focus on bringing infrastructure investments to small communities across Ontario, focusing on improving water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. Deadline The completed application and supporting documentation must be submitted to TPON by 4:59:59 p.m. EDT on January 22, 2020. Late applications will not be accepted. Eligibility Requirements Eligible municipalities and First Nations with populations under 100,000 and Local Service Boards that own water, wastewater and/or stormwater infrastructure and serve populations under 100,000 are welcome to access the application in the Transfer Payment Ontario system on October 28, 2019. Conservation Authorities and not-for-profits that own water, wastewater or stormwater infrastructure will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact 1-877-424-1300 menu option #3 or ICIPGreen@ontario.ca in advance of submitting your application to discuss with Ministry staff. Please refer to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Green Stream Program Guidelines for assistance on submitting your application; required documents and other program information. Note: additional supporting documents can be uploaded in TPON after submitting your application form. In addition, applicants cannot make changes to the application after the deadline. However, as part of the review process, Ontario may seek clarification and supplementary information. 402 https://www.grants.gov.on.ca/GrantsPortal/en/OntarioGrants/GrantOpportunities/PRDR020120?view=print\[2019-11-15 3:37:49 PM\] Grants Ontario: Funding Opportunities The province will notify applicants if a project has been nominated for federal review. Please note that being nominated for federal approval does not deem a project to be successful for funding. Successful/unsuccessful applicants will be advised as soon as notification of federal approval has been provided to the Ministry. Program Guidelines Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Green Stream - Program Guide ICIP Green Stream 2019 Intake – Technical Schedule for Drinking Water ICIP Green Stream 2019 Intake – Technical Schedule for Wastewater and Stormwater ICIP Infrastructure Canada - Aboriginal Consultation and Environmental Assessment Smart Form Contacts If you have questions, please contact us by telephone at 1-877-424-1300 menu option #3 or by email at ICIPGreen@ontario.ca. Last updated: October 29, 2019 © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2009-2010 Important Notices LAST MODIFIED: OCTOBER 29, 2019 403 https://www.grants.gov.on.ca/GrantsPortal/en/OntarioGrants/GrantOpportunities/PRDR020120?view=print\[2019-11-15 3:37:49 PM\] 404 405 5ĻƦǒƷǤ aźƓźƭƷĻƩͲ {ƒğƌƌ .ǒƭźƓĻƭƭ {ƚǒƭΏƒźƓźƭƷƩĻ ķĻƭ tĻƷźƷĻƭ 9ƓƷƩĻƦƩźƭĻƭ ğƓķ wĻķ ğƦĻ wĻķǒĭƷźƚƓ ĻƷ ķĻ ƌğ wĽķǒĭƷźƚƓ ķĻƭ ŅƚƩƒğƌźƷĽƭ ğķƒźƓźƭƷƩğƷźǝĻƭ aźƓźƭƷƩǤ ƚŅ 9ĭƚƓƚƒźĭ 5ĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷͲ aźƓźƭƷļƩĻ ķǒ 5ĽǝĻƌƚƦƦĻƒĻƓƷ ĽĭƚƓƚƒźƨǒĻͲ WƚĬ /ƩĻğƷźƚƓ ğƓķ ƩğķĻ 56 Wellesley Street West 56, rue Wellesley Ouest 7th Floor 7e étage Toronto ON M7A 2E7 Toronto ON M7A 2E7 Telephone: 416-325-6927 Téléphone : 416 325-6927 Email: giles.gherson@ontario.ca Courriel: giles.gherson@ontario.ca mega site program 406 407 Reducing regulatory burdens to make everyday life easier and remove barriers to job creation and income growth Upebz-!Qsbcnffu!Tbslbsjb-!Bttpdjbuf!Njojtufs!pg!Tnbmm!Cvtjoftt!boe!Sfe!Ubqf!Sfevdujpo-! boopvodfe!b!qbdlbhf!pg!pwfs!91!qspqptfe!bdujpot!up!fmjnjobuf!voofdfttbsz!ps!pvuebufe!svmft! boe!tusfbnmjof!sfhvmbujpot!uibu!offe!vqebujoh/!Jg!qbttfe-!uif! -!bmpoh!xjui!sfhvmbupsz!dibohft-!xjmm!tjnqmjgz!boe!npefsoj{f!sfhvmbujpot!uibu!xf! offe-!xijmf!fmjnjobujoh!sfrvjsfnfout!uibu!bsf!pvuebufe!ps!evqmjdbujwf-!nbljoh!sfhvmbupsz! qspdfttft!npsf!fggjdjfou!gps!cvtjoftt!boecfuufs!gps!qfpqmf/!Uiftf!qspqptfe!dibohft!xjmm!mpxfs! uif!dptu!pg!epjoh!cvtjoftt!cz!nbljoh!ju!tjnqmfs!boe!difbqfs!up!dpnqmz!xjui!sfhvmbujpot-!xijmf! bmtp!nbljoh!ju!fbtjfs!up!joufsbdu!xjui!hpwfsonfou/!Uif!qspqptfe!dibohft!bmtp!tqfdjgjdbmmz! tvqqpsu!gppe!cboltboe!sfmjhjpvt!dibsjujft-!dpmmfhft-!vojwfstjujft!boe!tfojpst!!boe!sfjogpsdf! fowjsponfoubm!qspufdujpot/ #Nboz!sfhvmbujpot!bsf!jo!qmbdf!gps!hppe!sfbtpot-!mjlf!uiptf!uibu!qspufdu!ifbmui-!tbgfuz!boe!uif! fowjsponfou-#!tbje!Tbslbsjb/!#Cvu!bu!uif!tbnf!ujnf-!efdbeft!pg!hpwfsonfou!sfhvmbujpo!ibwf! sftvmufe!jo!svmft!uibu!bsf!evqmjdbujwf-!pvuebufe!ps!vodmfbs-!dbvtjoh!cvtjofttft!up!tqfoe!ujnf!boe! npofz!dpnqmzjoh!xjui!svmft!uibu!tjnqmz!dpvme!cf!cfuufs/!Xf(sf!fotvsjoh!uibu!Poubsjp(t! sfhvmbujpot!bsf!fggfdujwf-!ubshfufe-!dmfbs!boe!gpdvtfe!!xijmf!nbjoubjojoh!Poubsjp(t!ijhi! tuboebset/# Uijt!uipvhiugvm-!ubshfufe!bqqspbdi!qspqptft!up!sfevdf!sfhvmbupsz!cvsefot!bdsptt!tfwfsbm! tfdupst-!jodmvejoh!gbsnjoh-!usvdljoh-!dpotusvdujpo-!ifbmui!dbsf!boe!sftubvsbout/!Ju!xjmm!qspwjef! ejsfdu!cfofgjut!up!qfpqmf!jo!uifjs!fwfszebz!mjwft-!xijmf!bmtp!nbljoh!ju!fbtjfs!up!ep!cvtjoftt-! dsfbuf!kpct!boe!hspx!xbhft/!Gps!fybnqmf-!jg!qbttfe; 408 Uiftf!qspqptbmt!cvjme!po!pwfs!211!bdujpot!uibu!uif!hpwfsonfou!ibt!bmsfbez!ublfo!up!sfevdf! sfhvmbupsz!cvsefot/!#Cvtjofttft!xpvme!sbuifs!cf!gjmmjoh!pvu!uifjs!psefs!cpplt!uibo!gjmmjoh!pvu! hpwfsonfou!gpsnt-#!tbje!Tbslbsjb/ #!Poubsjp!jt!b!spmf!npefm!jo!sfevdjoh!uif!sfhvmbupsz!cvsefo!po!cvtjofttft/!J!bn!jnqsfttfe!cz! uif!hpwfsonfout!mfbefstijq!jo!nbljoh!sfhvmbujpo!npsf!bhjmf!cz!bqqmzjoh!b!tnbmm!cvtjoftt!mfot! boe!ubljoh!b!mjhiufs!upvdi!up!fogpsdjoh!sfhvmbujpot/!Xf!offe!up!ublf!uijt!bqqspbdi!bdsptt! 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