19-40 Council Committee By-law 2019 Corporation of the County of Elgin Committee By-Law 19-40 il "A By-Law to Define the Mandate and Meeting Procedures for Committees Established by the Corporation of the County of Elgin" JULIE GONYOU, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER I CLERK Table of Contents 1. DEFINITIONS 4 2. PURPOSE 6 3. PRINCIPLES OF THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE BY-LAW 6 4. APPLICATION 7 5. INTERPRETING THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE BY-LAW 7 6. SUSPENSION OF RULES 7 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 7 8. MAJORITY VOTE 8 9. CREATING,AMENDING OR DISSOLVING A COMMITTEE 8 10. ACCOUNTABILITY 10 11. DUTIES OF COMMITTEES 10 12. COUNCIL COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 10 13. ANNUAL REPORT 11 14. COUNCIL COMMITTEE COMPOSITION 11 15. STANDING COMMITTEE COMPOSITION-SCHEDULE "A" 12 16. ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12 17. LEGISLATED COMMITTEES 12 18. AGENCIES AND BOARDS WITH COUNCIL APPOINTEES 12 19. SPECIAL PURPOSE (AD HOC) COMMITTEES 12 20. CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS 13 21. CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS-CRITERIA TO SERVE ON COMMITTEE 13 22. RETENTION OF APPLICATIONS TO SERVE ON COMMITTEES 13 23. DURATION OF CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS 13 24. CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 14 25. ROLE OF THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE CHAIR 14 26. ROLE OF THE WARDEN 14 27. ROLE OF COUNCILLORS NOT APPOINTED TO COMMITTEE 14 28. TERM OF APPOINTMENT 14 29. ATTENDANCE AND ABSENTEEISM 15 30. LOCATION AND SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES 15 31. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 15 32. COUNTY COA/CLERK SUPPORT 16 33. COMPENSATION 17 34. QUORUM 17 35. MEETINGS 17 36. MEETING SCHEDULE 17 37. MOTIONS/CLAUSES LOST AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 17 38. NOTICE OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES 17 39. PREPARATION OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES AGENDAS 18 40. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AGENDA 18 41. OPEN/CLOSED MEETINGS 18 42. IMPROPER CONDUCT 18 Page 1 of 46 43. COUNCIL COMMITTEES MINUTES 19 44. EFFECT 19 SCHEDULE A-STANDING COMMITTEES A-1- TERRACE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 21 A-2- PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 23 COMMITTEE A-3- POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 25 A-4- HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE 27 A-5- COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE 29 SCHEDULE B-STEERING COMMITTEES B-1- COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING COORDINATING 30 COMMITTEE B-2- COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING ADVISORY 33 COMMITTEE SCHEDULE C -LEGISLATED COMMITTEES C-1- RURAL INITIATIVES/PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 36 SCHEDULE D -AGENCIES AND BOARDS WITH COUNCIL 38 APPOI NTEES SCHEDULE E—ADVERTISEMENT AND APPLICATION FORM FOR CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 40 SCHEDULE F—COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES/BOARDS/AGENCIES 43 APPENDIX I—COUNCIL APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE and ESTABLISHING BY-LAWS 45 Page 2 of 46 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 19-40 "TO DEFINE THE MANDATE AND MEETING PROCEDURES FOR COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, as amended, every municipality shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of Meetings; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law 18- 38, in order to make and establish rules and regulations under which Council and Committees of Council are to operate; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law 18-36 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee and to Repeal By-Law No. 15- 03"; and WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to adopt a By-Law to make and establish rules and regulations for the mandate and meeting procedures for Committees established by Council; and WHEREAS Council has established Committees that are comprised of members of the public, staff and Members of Council; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT this By-Law shall apply to Council's Committees and local boards where applicable. 2. THAT this By-Law comes into force and takes effect upon passing. 3. THAT any sections of By-Law 18-38 inconsistent with this By-Law be removed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2019. Julie G you Duncan cPha'I Chief Administrative Officer Warden Page 3 of 46 1. Definitions (a) In this By-Law: "Act" means the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, as amended from time to time. "Ad Hoc Committee" means a committee, sub-committee or similar entity of which at least 50 per cent of the Members are also Members of Council, appointed by Council to review and report on a specific issue. Once the final report is delivered and a resolution of Council is adopted concerning the specific issue, the Ad Hoc Committee is automatically dissolved. "Advisory Committee" means a committee, sub-committee or similar entity which provides recommendations, advice and information to Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Advisory Committee, to facilitate public input to County Council on programs and ideas to assist in enhancing the quality of life of the Community, in keeping with Council's Strategic Plan principles. "Alternate Member" means an authorized individual who, during the absence of the Member for whom that individual is an alternate, shall act in the place and stead of such member and perform such other duties as assigned. "CAO/Clerk" means the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk of the County or his or her designate, Clerk means the person duly appointed, by By-Law pursuant to Section 228 of the Act, as the Clerk of the County. "Chair" means the position of the person appointed to preside, or presiding at, a meeting, whether that person is the regular Chair or not. "Closed Session" means a meeting of Council or Committee that is not open to the public, pursuant to Section 239 of the Act or any successor provision thereto. "Committee" means any advisory or other committee created by Council, of which at least one Member is also a Member of Council, which is established under any Act with respect to the affairs or purposes of one or more municipalities. "Council" means the elected Mayors and/or Deputy Mayors or alternate of the County's constituent municipalities when they sit in a deliberative assembly. "County" means the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "Delegation" means to address Council or Committee at the request of the person wishing to speak. Page 4 of 46 "Ex Officio" means a member who has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in the proceedings of the meeting, and is not counted in determining the number required for a quorum or whether a quorum is present at a meeting. Ex-Officio can not attend a Committee meeting if by attending a minimum quorum of Council is created. "Inaugural Meeting" means the first meeting of Council after a regular election as set out in the Act. "Legislated Committee" means a statutory committee established under legislation. "Meeting" means an event wherein business is transacted for any regular or special purpose by Council or local board, or Committee or sub-Committee, of either of them, as the case may be, where, (a) a quorum of Members is present, and (b) Members discuss or otherwise deal with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of Council, local Board or Committee. "Member" means a person duly elected to hold office with the County of Elgin's constituent municipalities, pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, S.O. 1996 Chapter 32, as amended; or a person appointed by Council to a Committee. "Minutes" means a written Record of meetings of Council, and the Minutes are to include the events of the meeting, a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the Members, and related responses and decisions on issues. "Open Meeting" means a Meeting at which quorum of Members is present and they discuss or otherwise deal with a matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the relevant Council, local board, or Committee. "Pecuniary Interest" means an interest that has a direct or indirect financial impact for a Member, be it positive or negative, as defined under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990, c. M. 50, ss. 2, ss. 3. "Quasi-Judicial Board" means a local board or Committee that has been delegated Council's decision-making powers; for example, the Land Division Committee. "Quorum" means, in the case of Council, a majority of Members representing at least one-half of the lower-tier municipalities, pursuant to Section 237 of the Act. In the case of a Committee of Council, quorum is a majority of the whole number of Members of the Committee, including the Chair. "Secretary" means the person responsible for recording the Minutes of Council or Committee meetings, the preparation of the agenda and the preparation of any resulting correspondence, as designated by the CAO/Clerk. "Standing Committee" means a Committee established by Council, comprised entirely of Members of Council, to carry out duties on an ongoing basis, as specified by Council. Page 5 of 46 "Steering Committee" means any advisory body, roundtable or other body Council established to advise on specific areas of interest, with Members of the public and staff making up more than 50 per cent of the membership and Council Members or other elected officials making up the rest. "Warden" means the Warden of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in accordance with the Act, and the term is interchangeable with "Chair", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", and "Head of Council" for the purposes of conducting Committee meetings. 2. Purpose (a) This By-Law (referred to as Council Committee By-Law) establishes the meeting procedures and mandate for Council Committee meetings. 3. Principles of the Council Committee By-Law (a) The principles of openness, transparency and accountability to the public guide the County's decision-making process. In the context of Committee Meeting proceedings, this is accomplished by: (i) Ensuring the decision-making process is understood by the public and other stakeholders; (ii) Providing access to information and opportunities for input by the public and other stakeholders; (iii) Exercising and respecting individual and collective roles and responsibilities provided for in this By-Law and other statutory requirements; (iv) The protection of basic rights by recognizing the right of the majority to decide, the minority to be heard and individuals have the opportunity to participate. (b) The principles of parliamentary law governing Council and Committee Meetings include: (i) The majority of Members have the right to decide; (ii) The minority of Members have the right to be heard; (iii) All Members have the right to information to help make decisions, unless otherwise prevented by law; (iv) All Members have a right to an efficient Meeting; (v) All Members have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy; and Page 6 of 46 (vi) All Members have equal rights, privileges and obligations. 4. Application (a) The rules and regulations contained in this By-Law set out the rules of order for the dispatch of business in Committee Meetings and shall be observed in all proceedings of Committees appointed by Council. (b) Except as otherwise provided for in this By-Law, all Committees must conform to the rules governing the procedures of a meeting of Council as outlined in Council's procedural By-Law 18-28. (c) Where an applicable procedure is prescribed by the Council's Procedural By-Law refers to a Councillor, that reference is deemed to refer to any Council Member of a Council Committee. 5. Interpreting the Council Committee By-Law (a) In the event of conflict between this By-Law and a valid and binding statute, the provisions of the statute prevail. (b) A specific statement or rule in this By-Law has greater authority than a general one. (c) If there is a conflict between two or more rules in this By-Law, or if there is no specific rule on a matter, the Chair will rule. In making a ruling, the Chair may consult the CAO/Clerk, rely on previous rulings or practices, or refer to Robert's Rules of Order(Newly Revised). 6. Suspension of Rules (a) The rules and regulations contained herein that are discretionary and not mandatory under statute may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of Council or Committee Members present, with the exception of the following circumstances: (i) Where required by law; (ii) Contractual agreements binding the County; (iii) Amending this Procedural By-Law; and (iv) Quorum requirements. 7. Conflict of Interest (a) As required by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990, c. M.50, ss.2, ss.3, at the commencement of a Meeting, or prior to considering a Motion under New Business or at the first Meeting attended thereafter, a Member who was absent from any previous Meeting at which such matter was considered, such Page 7of46 Member shall disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary interest and state the general nature of such interest and it shall be recorded by the CAO/Clerk or recording secretary in the Minutes. (b) A Member shall file with the CAO/Clerk or recording secretary a written statement of any interest declared by the Member in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990 and its general nature, and the CAO/Clerk or recording secretary will make the disclosure publicly available and will maintain a registry of written statements of disclosure. (c) In the case of items to be discussed in a Closed Session Meeting, the Member declaring a pecuniary or other conflict of interest shall leave the Meeting and shall take no action to participate in, or influence, the vote of the other Members when said item is to be resolved by Council. 8. Majority Vote (a) Unless this By-Law states otherwise, a matter passes when a Majority of Members present vote in the affirmative. 9. Creating, Amending or Dissolving a Committee (a) Council may, at any time on Motion of a Member duly considered and agreed to by a majority vote, strike a Committee, Ad Hoc Committee and/or Steering Committee, as the case may be, which shall consider and report on any matter or perform any special service within the spheres of jurisdiction of Elgin County, pursuant to the Act. (b) Council may appoint an Ad Hoc Committee and/or Steering Committee if an issue must be addressed and it does not fall within the scope of management staff. (c) Council may create a new Committee in response to any of the following: (i) Requirements of applicable legislation or regulation (Federal, Provincial or Municipal By-Law); (ii) Changing priorities; (iii) To address significant public issues or trends; (iv) Where public input is deemed desirable; (v) Recommendation and report by staff; and (vi) Any other reason deemed appropriate by Council. (d) In creating a new Committee, Council shall have regard for the following: (i) Establishing a clearly defined mandate and terms of reference; (ii) Membership and quorum requirements/qualifications; (iii) Composition of the Committee; Page 8 of 46 (iv) Alignment with the Corporate Strategic Plan and other departmental goals and objectives; (v) The reporting relationship and frequency of progress reports; (vi) Public and financial considerations; (vii) Staff resources to be made available and the impacts on County departments; (viii) The need for any sub-Committees/working groups; and (ix) Defined timeline for completion of the assigned tasks. (e) Amendments to the mandate/terms of reference of a Committee may be initiated by Council, by resolution of the Committee or by a report and recommendation from staff. (f) The following factors may be considered by Council when amending a Committee's mandate/terms of reference: (i) Results of the Committee's annual report which measures progress against fulfilling the mandate; (ii) Impact of the change on the mandate/terms of reference; (iii) Continued relevance of the Committee's purpose/function; (iv) The degree of public interest; (v) Changes to the applicable legislation or regulations; (vi) Changing Council priorities or new issues at Council; (vii) Cost analysis and required resources; and (viii) Committee term. (g) The dissolving of a Committee may be triggered by any one of the following: (i) Expiration of the Committee term; (ii) Completion of the Committee's task or mandate; (iii) Effectiveness of the Committee's operations (e.g. frequency of meetings, amount of Committee business, number of cancelled meetings); (iv) Resolution of the issues that led to the creation of the Committee; (v) The legislative requirement for the Committee no longer exists; (vi) Merger with another Committee; (vii) Results of the Committee's annual report which measures progress against fulfilling the mandate; (viii) Changing Council priorities; (ix) Recommendations by the Committee by resolution; and (x) Report and recommendation by staff. (h) All Committees created by Council will be formally dissolved by a Council resolution that is implemented through amendments to this By-Law as necessary. Page 9 of 46 10. Accountability (a) Pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, except in the case of a Quasi-Judicial Board, or as otherwise provided for in a striking resolution or By-Law, Committees shall provide recommendations and advice to Council. (b) All Council Committees are accountable to County Council. (c) All Council Committees will report to County Council at least annually. (d) A Council Committee may provide reports or seek direction from Council at any time other than the annual report. (e) All decisions of Council Committees shall be in the form of recommendations to Council, except as otherwise explicitly provided by Council resolution and/or By- Law striking the Committee and shall be forwarded by the Secretary to the CAO/Clerk for inclusion in the County Council Meeting Agenda. (f) The powers and duties of established Council Committees shall be pursuant to this By-Law and Council's Procedural By-Law 18-38, giving direction but shall not include the decision-making authority of Council, pursuant to the Act. Except in the case of a Quasi-Judicial Board, or as otherwise explicitly provided for in this By- Law. 11. Duties of Committees (a) The general duties of Committees of Council shall be: (i) To report to Council from time to time, whenever desired by Council and as often as the interest of the County may require, on all matters concerned with the duties imposed on them respectfully, and to recommend such action by Council in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary; (ii) To cause to be prepared and introduced into Council all By-Laws as may be necessary to give effect to such of their reports or recommendations as are adopted by Council; (iii) To consider and report on any and all matters referred to them by Council and every such report shall be signed by the Chair submitting the same; (iv) To comply strictly with the transaction of all business to the rules prescribed in this By-Law. 12. Council Committee Terms of Reference (a) For every Committee, Ad Hoc Committee and/or Steering Committee established by Council, Council shall adopt terms of reference and these terms of reference shall be reviewed with each term of Council and prior to any new Committee appointments. Page 10 of 46 (b) The terms of reference adopted by Council must include the following: (i) Identification of Members as appointed including term or office for lay appointments if the term does not coincide with the term of Council; (ii) The mandate of such Committee, Ad Hoc Committee and/or Steering Committee; (iii) Specific duties, including delegated powers (if any); and (iv) Requirement for a term report to provide a status update on the activities and accomplishments of the Committee, Ad Hoc Committee and/or Steering Committee. 13. Annual Report (a) The mandate/terms of reference for a new or existing Committee shall include the requirement that the Committee report to Council annually by the end of November each year, either directly or through the appropriate Standing Committee, respecting the following matters: (i) A concise summary of the activities and accomplishments of the Committee during the current year; (ii) A summary of the Committee's focus areas for the following year; said focus areas to be aligned with Council's Strategic Plan and objectives; (iii) Any recommendations respecting proposed changes to the Committee's structure, composition or mandate/terms of reference. (b) The Annual Report shall provide a clear and concise summary of the committee's activities and future focus areas and shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) pages. 14. Council Committee Composition (a) Members of Council Committees will be appointed by Council by resolution. (b) Committee Composition is determined by County Council as established by approved Terms of Reference for each of Council's Committee. (c) The Warden shall recommend and Council shall appoint representatives from within their membership to various Committees/Boards/Agencies at their first Meeting in December of each year. (d) All members of Council shall be appointed to at least one position on any Committee, Local Board or Agency. (e) All Members of Council are equally eligible to serve on any Committee, Local Board or Agency. Page 11 of 46 (f) Any Member of Council or Committee may be placed on a Committee notwithstanding the absence of such Member at the time of being named on such Committee. 15. Standing Committee Composition —Schedule "A" (a) The composition and terms of reference for Standing Committees established by the County of Elgin are in accordance with Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming a part of this By-Law. (b) It is the responsibility of the Standing Committees to report to Council and all matters connected with their duties referred to them by Council and recommended such action as they deem necessary. 16. Advisory Committee Composition —Schedule "B" (a) The composition and terms of reference for Advisory Committees are in accordance with Schedule "B", attached hereto and forming a part of this By-Law. 17. Legislated Committees —Schedule "C" (a) The composition and terms of reference for Legislated Committees are in accordance with Schedule "C", attached hereto and forming a part of this By-Law. 18. Agencies and Boards with Council Appointees —Schedule "D" (a) The Committees to which Council makes appointments, but are not Committees of Council, is included in Schedule "D". These Committees are bound by the rules established by their governing body. 19. Special Purpose (Ad Hoc) Committees (a) Council may establish Special Purpose (Ad Hoc) Committees for special projects, upon the recommendation of Council, Committee of the Whole, or staff. (b) A Special Purpose (Ad Hoc) Committee must have a clear mandate and well- defined terms of reference that must include: (i) The Committee's mandate/terms of reference; (ii) The number of members; (iii) The composition of membership, including members of staff, if applicable; (iv) Reporting relationships; (v) Staff and other resources to be made available; and (vi) A start and finish date. Page 12 of 46 20. Citizen Appointments (a) When determined by Council or statute or legislation, as established by Terms of Reference for a Council Committee approved by Council, Members of the public will be eligible to serve on a Council Committee. (b) When Council decides to include members of the public on a Special Purpose (Ad Hoc) Committee, the Clerk will place an advertisement of the form and content set forth in Schedule E in the local newspaper and on the County's website inviting members of the public to apply to be a member of the Committee. 21. Citizen Appointments — Criteria to Serve on Committee (a) Citizen appointments to Committees listed in this By-Law must be at least 18 years or older, a landowner/business owner in the County of Elgin, and be one of the following: (i) A Canadian Citizen; or (ii) Permanent Resident, a person who has been given permanent resident status by immigrating to Canada but is not a Canadian Citizen, and has resided in Elgin County for at least one year; (iii) Appointees must maintain residence in the County of Elgin for the duration of their term on the Committee. 22. Retention of Applications to Serve on Committees (a) Applications from Members of the Public who are not appointed during the regular appointment process will be kept on file in the office of the CAO/Clerk for a period of one (1) year from the date of submission. (b) If a vacancy occurs on a Council Committee within one (1) year, the applicants who applied to serve on that Committee and were not appointed will be contacted and asked if they are still interested in serving. (c) The County CAO/Clerk will also re-advertise vacancy in the newspaper. 23. Duration of Citizen Appointments (a) Members of the public will be eligible to serve for a maximum time established by the approved Terms of Reference. (b) Renewed membership on a Committee is not automatic and any member of the public who wishes to serve for an additional term must submit an additional application form or provide a letter which includes the necessary information in order to be considered for reappointment. Page 13 of 46 24. Chair and Vice Chair (a) Each Council Committee must, at its first meeting each year, appoint a Chair and Vice Chair from Members of Council appointed to the Committee. (b) For the purposes of clarity, a Member of the Committee who served as Committee Chair or Vice Chair may be reappointed as Committee Chair or Vice Chair. (c) If a Committee is unable to appoint a Chair or Vice-Chair, Council will appoint the Chair or Vice-Chair. 25. Role of the Council Committee Chair (a) In addition to duties prescribed by the Council Procedural By-Law 18-38, the Chair will perform the following duties for a Council Committee: (i) If requested by Council, provide recommendations regarding the reappointment of Members of a Council Committee; and (ii) Assist the County CAO/Clerk to prepare any reports required by Council including the Annual Report. 26. Role of the Warden (a) The Warden shall be a Member ex-officio of all Committees of Council as required and may vote on all questions before the Committee and the ex-officio Member shall not be counted in the formation of Quorum. 27. Role of Councillors Not Appointed to Committee (a) Members of Council or Committee may attend the Meetings of any of its Committees, but shall not be allowed to vote, nor should they be allowed to take part in any discussion or debate, except with the permission of the Majority of Members of the Committee. 28. Term of Appointment (a) Terms of Appointment are included in Council Committee Terms of Reference, as approved by Council annually through review of this By-Law. (b) Unless specifically provided for in this By-Law or By-Law 19-41, such Committee, Ad Hoc Committee and/or Steering Committee shall dissolve as soon as the services for which that Committee was appointed are performed. (c) Unless Council specifically sets out in this By-Law, or unless legislation provides otherwise, the term of office for Member appointments to Committees, Ad Hoc Committees and/or Steering Committees shall coincide with the term of Council. Page 14 of 46 (d) Committee members will continue to serve on a Committee past the expiration of their term until they are replaced. (e) All Council memberships on all Committees end on November 30th of a municipal election year. (f) A non-statutory Council Committee shall not extend beyond the term of Council unless the newly elected Council conforms by resolution the continuance of the Committee. (g) Terms of Office and Memberships on external Boards/Commissions/Authorities or Quasi-Judicial Committees must be in accordance with this By-Law unless the term of office is established under statute or legislation. 29. Attendance and Absenteeism (a) The Committee Clerk will record the attendance of the Members in the minutes of the meeting. (b) Any member of a Committee who is absent, without cause acceptable to Council, for more than fifty percent (50%) of the meetings since their date of appointment will not be eligible for reappointment. (c) A member of a Committee of Council who intends to leave a meeting before the meeting is adjourned must inform the Chair of this intention either at the start of the meeting or prior to leaving. (d) Council may appoint a Member thereof to act on any Committee or at a Meeting thereof in lieu and during the absence of any Member thereof who is absent from the municipality or unable from illness to attend the Meeting(s) of such Committee, and the Member so appointed shall be deemed a Member of the Committee and entitled to act thereon, only during such absence or illness. 30. Location and Schedule of Meetings of Committees (a) The location and Meeting schedule of all Committees is determined by its Members, in accordance with each Committee's terms of reference and/or prescribed mandate. 31. Public Participation at Committee Meetings (a) All Council Committee Meetings that are open to the public and following the introduction of an agenda item and receiving comments from staff with questions from the Committee Members, Members of the public, if deemed appropriate by the Chair, may be invited to share their comments, views, suggestions and opinions. Page 15 of 46 (b) An individual may make a delegation at any Committee meeting related to an item of business on the agenda. Any person or groups of persons wishing to address the Committee is required to make the necessary arrangements through the CAO/Clerk, at least eight (8) days prior to the date of the Committee Meeting. Written delegation briefs shall be provided so that sufficient time will permit distribution to the Members of the Committee, prior to the said meeting. (c) Once a delegation has addressed the Committee, no further request on the same issue will be entertained until written information is produced to Members and there is agreement that another delegation is warranted. (d) No person or delegation shall be permitted to address the Committee on a subject not on the agenda, unless permission is granted on the consent of the Chair and on two-thirds majority of Members in support of such presentation. (e) A delegation shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes. Council or Committee may, by Motion, and with the support of the majority of its members lengthen the time for hearing of delegations. (f) A delegation consisting of more than five (5) persons shall be limited to two (3) speakers and to a total time limitation of fifteen (15) minutes for the delegation presentation. (g) No more than four (4) delegations shall be scheduled to address the Committee at any Meeting, unless permitted by the Chair. (h) Members of the Committee may ask questions of a delegation but shall not enter into debate with any representatives of such delegation. All questions to delegations shall be addressed through the Chair. No other person may ask any questions of the delegations, unless directed to do so by the Chair. (i) Should an individual wish to be provided with further Notice related to a matter addressed by a delegation before the committee, he or she is required to indicate this wish to the CAO/Clerk or recording secretary as part of his or her delegation request originally delivered. 32. County CAO/Clerk Support (a) The County CAO/Clerk or his or her delegate will provide administrative and other support, including meeting facilities and equipment, to allow a Standing Committee or Council Committee to fulfil its mandate in a non-voting capacity. (b) The County CAO/Clerk may appoint County employees to perform liaison functions between the County and a Council Committee. Page 16 of 46 33. Compensation (a) Any Council Member attending at any Meeting of a Committee as an appointed member, local Board or agency shall not be entitled to additional compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses. (b) Councillors appointed to a Council Committee shall be paid mileage at the same rate established for the use of personal vehicles for County business and any other eligible "out of pocket" expense that may occur. (c) Members of the Committee shall serve without remuneration, and no member shall directly or indirectly receive any profit from his/her position. 34. Quorum (a) A majority of all Members of the Committee shall constitute a Quorum. 35. Meetings (a) A Meeting of any Committee may be called by the Chair thereof whenever a Meeting is considered necessary by at least a majority of the Members of such Committee and it shall be his or her duty to call such meeting in writing. 36. Meeting Schedule (a) The Meeting schedule of all other Committees is determined by its Members, in accordance with each Committee's terms of reference and/or prescribed mandate. 37. Motions/Clauses Lost at Committee Meetings (a) Items rejected by any Committee must be reported to Council with a "negative recommendation", allowing Council the opportunity to discuss the item. (b) Motions that result in a tied vote at a Committee must be reported to Council, with no recommendation to allow Council the opportunity to discuss and make a decision. 38. Notice of Meetings of Committees (a) The agenda shall be considered as Notice of regular Meetings of Committees, and By-Law 07-29, being a By-Law to establish a policy respecting the manner in which Notice will be provided, as amended, shall be utilized in respect thereof. (b) The CAO/Clerk gives notice of a Meeting of Committee by: Page 17 of 46 (i) Providing the Committee with an agenda, and when required, a Closed Session Agenda, at least four (4) business days prior to a Committee meeting; (ii) Posting a Notice on the County's website. 39. Preparation of Council Committees Agendas (a) The CAO/Clerk and his or her staff are charged with providing guidance and recommendations to Council Committees related to municipal business. (b) The CAO/Clerk or his or her delegate, together with the Committee Chair, will prepare Committee Agendas. 40. Council Committee Agenda (a) The Agenda of every Committee will be structured as follows: (i) Meeting Called to Order; (ii) Approval of the Agenda; (iii) Confirmation of Minutes; (iv) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest; (v) Delegations; (vi) Briefings; (vii) Other Business; (viii) Correspondence; (ix) Date of Next Meeting; and (x) Adjournment 41. Open/Closed Meetings (a) Except as provided in Section 26(a), By-Law 18-38, all meetings of Council Committees shall be open to the public pursuant to the Act, S. 239 (1). (b) Persons may be excluded when Council or Committee is in Closed Meeting in accordance with Section 239 of the Act and Amendments thereto. As provided for in the Act, Council or a Committee may resolve to move into a session closed to the public in order to discuss matters related to one or more of the Closed Meeting Provisions detailed in the Act. (c) The provisions of Section 239 of the Act and Sections 26 (a) (b) and (c) of this By- Law apply to any and all Committees, despite Section 238 of the Act. 42. Improper Conduct (a) The Chair may expel any person for improper conduct at a Meeting, pursuant to the Act, 2001, S. 241 (2). Page 18 of 46 43. Council Committees Minutes (a) The Minutes of Council Committee Meetings shall consist of: (i) A record of the place, date and time of Meeting; (ii) The Name of the Chair, a record of all Members present at the meeting and the names of those Members who were absent; (iii) The reading, if requested, correction and adoption of the Minutes of prior Meetings; and (iv) All other proceedings of the Meeting without note or comment. (b) The CAO/Clerk or his or her designate shall ensure that a copy of the Minutes of each Meeting is delivered to each Member of Committee at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the commencement of the Meeting of Committee. (c) The CAO/Clerk shall keep a permanent copy of all Committee Minutes for public inspection. 44. Effect (a) This By-Law will come into force and take effect on the date of its passing. ENACTED THIS 26th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2019. Page 19 of 46 SCHEDULES A-F Page 20 of 46 Schedule A-1 —Standing Committee—Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE Elgin! w .f�,; Committee Name: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee Committee Type: Standing Committee Pursuant to By-Law 19-41, a Standing Committee is a Committee established by Council, comprised entirely of Members of Council,tc carry out duties on an ongoing basis, as specified by Council. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ By-Law 19-41 (Procedural By-Law), By-Law 19-40 (Council By-Law(if applicable) Committees By-Law) Staff Support: CAO/Clerk or designate, Director of Homes and Seniors Services, Director of Financial Services will be the senior staff resources for the Committee. Other County staff and consultants will attend meetings as technical support when required. Department Linkage: Administrative Services, Financial Services, Homes and Seniors Services (project support required by each department) Term of Appointment: 1 year, Members eligible for reappointment Financial Impact: Administrative Support(no additional resources required to support Committee) Meeting Frequency: Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis (approx.12) Meetings will be scheduled on an ad-hoc basis at the call of the Chair or when requested by staff. ChairNice Chair A chair will be elected from the membership of the Committee on an annual basis. Skills/Qualifications Candidates will be chosen to reflect an array of skills and experience in fields such as construction, architecture, accounting, finance, construction management and land use planning. Membership/Composition Elgin County Council shall appoint three (3) Members to the Committee. There will be a total of four(4) Members, including the Warden. One (1) Councillor will be appointed Chair of the Committee. Candidates will be recommended by the Warden and appointed by County Council. Mandate: The purpose of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee is to advise the County of Elgin staff on the design, construction, scope and schedule for the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment project,working within the budget approved by Elgin County Council. Principles: The activities of the Committee will reflect the following principles related to the Project: • The Project will meet the objectives and timelines of the County of Elgin Page 21 of 46 • The Project will be completed within budget • The financial implications related to the Project must be balanced with the opportunities related to construction of a Long Term Care Home intended to serve residents for the long-term • The process of completing the Project will encourage effective relationships, partnerships with others and community and staff involvement. Objectives: The primary objectives of the Committee are as follows: • To provide input,feedback and advice on the design and construction of the Project. • To advise on the best use of County resources. • To advise on the financial sustainability of the Project and the soundness of business decisions. Other matters that will contribute to the successful development, construction and operation of the Project. Link to Council's Strategic This project reflects Elgin County Council's commitment to Seniors Priorities: Services in Elgin County. [section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Plan] Reporting Requirements: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee shall report to County Council at least annually and may provide reports or seek direction from Council at any time other than the annual report. Sub-Committees/Working May be established as needed and as approved by County Groups: Council. Timeline for Completion of the Approximately 2022 Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Page 22 of 46 Schedule A-2— Standing Committee— Provincial Offences Administration Building Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE Elr C of L.y Committee Name: Provincial Offences Administration Building Committee Committee Type: Standing Committee Pursuant to By-Law 19-41, a Standing Committee is a Committee established by Council, comprised entirely of Members of Council,tc carry out duties on an ongoing basis, as specified by Council. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ By-Law 19-41 (Procedural By-Law), By-Law 19-40 (Council By-Law(if applicable) Committees By-Law) Staff Support: CAO/Clerk or designate, Director of Financial Services, Director of Engineering Services will be the senior staff resources for the Committee. Other County staff and consultants will attend meetings as technical support when required. Department Linkage: Administrative Services, Financial Services, Financial Services (project support required by each department) Term of Appointment: 1 year, Members eligible for reappointment Financial Impact: Administrative Support(no additional resources required to support Committee) Meeting Frequency: Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis (approx..12) Meetings will be scheduled on an ad-hoc basis at the call of the Chair or when requested by staff. ChairNice Chair A chair will be elected from the membership of the Committee on an annual basis. Skills/Qualifications Candidates will be chosen to reflect an array of skills and experience in fields such as construction, architecture, accounting, finance, construction management and land use planning. Membership/Composition Elgin County Council shall appoint three (3) Members to the Committee. There will be a total of four(4) Members, including the Warden. One(1) Councillor will be appointed Chair of the Committee. Candidates will be recommended by the Warden and appointed by County Council. Mandate: The purpose of the Provincial Offences Administration Building Committee is to advise the County of Elgin staff on the design, construction, scope and schedule for the Provincial Offences Administration Building project,working within the budget approved by Elgin County Council. Page 23 of 46 Principles: The activities of the Committee will reflect the following principles related to the Project: • The Project will meet the objectives and timelines of the County of Elgin • The Project will be completed within budget • The financial implications related to the Project must be balanced with the opportunities related to construction of a Court and Administration Facility intended to serve Elgin County residents for the long-term • The process of completing the Project will encourage effective relationships, partnerships with others and community and staff involvement. Objectives: The primary objectives of the Committee are as follows: • To provide input,feedback and advice on the design and construction of the Project. • To advise on the best use of County resources. • To advise on the financial sustainability of the Project and the soundness of business decisions. Other matters that will contribute to the successful development, construction and operation of the Project. Link to Council's Strategic This project reflects Elgin County Council's commitment to the Priorities: provision of Provincial Offences Act administrative services [section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Plan] Reporting Requirements: Provincial Offences Administration Building Committee shall report to County Council at least annually and may provide reports or seek direction from Council at any time other than the annual report. Sub-Committees/Working May be established as needed and as approved by County Groups: Council. Timeline for Completion of the December 1, 2019 Assigned Tasks: Council Review: n/a Page 24 of 46 Schedule A-3 —Standing Committee— Policy Review Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE s't ElginCouaL Committee Name: Policy Review Committee Terms of Reference Committee Type: Standing Committee Pursuant to By-Law 19-41, a Standing Committee is a Committee established by Council, comprised entirely of Members of Council,tc carry out duties on an ongoing basis, as specified by Council. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ By-Law 19-41 (Procedural By-Law), By-Law 19-40 (Council By-Law(if applicable) Committees By-Law) Staff Support: CAO/Clerk or designate will be the senior staff resources for the Committee. Other County staff and consultants will attend meetings as technical support when required. Department Linkage: All County Departments Term of Appointment: 1 year, Members eligible for reappointment Financial Impact: Administrative Support(no additional resources required to support Committee) Meeting Frequency: Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis (approx..4) Meetings will be scheduled on an ad-hoc basis at the call of the Chair or when requested by staff. ChairNice Chair A chair will be elected from the membership of the Committee on an annual basis. Skills/Qualifications Candidates will be chosen to reflect an array of skills and experience in policy development and general municipal service delivery. Membership/Composition Elgin County Council shall appoint three(3) Members to the Committee. There will be a total of four(4) Members, including the Warden. One(1) Councillor will be appointed Chair of the Committee. Candidates will be recommended by the Warden and appointed by County Council. Mandate: The Committee is responsible for strengthening Council's role in understanding and leading policy governance through the review of Council policies. County Council has delegated authority to the Policy Review Committee for the review of standard policies for which required changes are considered to be minor. This determination will be made by the Committee Chair. Page 25 of 46 Objectives: The primary objectives of the Committee are as follows: • To assist County Council with monitoring the policy guidelines of County Council and to facilitate Council's understanding of policy governance. • To review and recommend for approval to County Council new and/or revised governance policies as required or recommended, ensuring that documents: are in accordance with Council priorities; align with current organizational priorities; are effective in achieving their mandate; contain no grammatical or typographical errors; and contain no outdated references. • To review and recommend for approval to County Council new and/or revised operational policies at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer. • To review and recommend for approval to County Council the annual schedule for policy review to ensure an ongoing process of policy review. • To perform such additional tasks as may be delegated to the Committee by County Council from time to time. Link to Council's Strategic Section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Priorities: Plan Reporting Requirements: Policy Review Committee shall report to County Council at least annually and may provide reports or seek direction from Council at any time other than the annual report. Sub-Committees/Working May be established as needed and as approved by County Groups: Council. Timeline for Completion of the November 30, 2019 Assigned Tasks: Council Review: n/a Page 26 of 46 Schedule A-4—Standing Committee — Human Resources Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE ElginLc4 E Committee Name: Human Resources Committee Committee Type: Standing Committee Pursuant to By-Law 19-41, a Standing Committee is a Committee established by Council, comprised entirely of Members of Council,tc carry out duties on an ongoing basis, as specified by Council. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ By-Law 19-41 (Procedural By-Law), By-Law 19-40 (Council By-Law(if applicable) Committees By-Law) Staff Support: CAO/Clerk(or designate)and Director of Human Resources Department Linkage: Administrative Services Term of Appointment: 1 year, Members eligible for reappointment Financial Impact: No additional staff resources required Meeting Frequency: Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis. Meetings will be scheduled on an ad-hoc basis at the call of the Chair or when requested by staff. ChairNice Chair Warden serves as Chair Skills/Qualifications Candidates will be chosen to reflect an array of skills and experience in human resource management, recruitment,staff development and general municipal service delivery. Membership/Composition Elgin County Council shall appoint two (2) Members to the Committee. There will be a total of three (3) Members, including the Warden.The Warden will serve as the Chair of the Committee. Candidates will be recommended by the Warden and appointed by County Council. Mandate: The Human Resources Committee shall assist Council in fulfilling obligations relating to vacancies in senior-level positions ("CAO/Clerk and Directors"). Objectives: The Human Resources Committee shall review the recruitment process and be included on the hiring panel for vacancies for senior level positions("CAO/Clerk and Directors"). The Committee will recommend a final candidate for Council's consideration. The Human Resources Committee may be delegated other responsibilities by the Board. Link to Council's Strategic Staff Recruitment and Retention [section to be updated in 2020 to Priorities: align with Council's Strategic Plan] Reporting Requirements: Human Resources Committee shall report to County Council at least annually if any Meetings are held by the Committee. The Committee may provide reports or seek direction from Council at Page 27 of 46 any time other than the annual report. Sub-Committees/Working May be established as needed and as approved by County Groups: Council. Timeline for Completion of the n/a Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Page 28 of 46 Schedule A-5— Standing Committee— Council Budget Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE Committee Name: Council Budget Committee Committee Type: Standing Committee Pursuant to By-Law 19-41, a Standing Committee is a Committee established by Council, comprised entirely of Members of Council,tc carry out duties on an ongoing basis, as specified by Council. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ By-Law 19-41 (Procedural By-Law), By-Law 19-40 (Council By-Law(if applicable) Committees By-Law) Staff Support: CAO/Clerk(or designate) and Director of Finance, other staff as required Department Linkage: Administrative and Financial Services Term of Appointment: 1 year, Members eligible for reappointment Financial Impact: No additional staff resources required Meeting Frequency: 1 full-day meeting will be held in November and 1 full-day meeting will be held in December each year. Additional meetings may be scheduled on an as-needed basis at the discretion of the Chair. ChairNice Chair Warden Skills/Qualifications Financial experience preferred Membership/Composition Elgin County Council shall appoint three(3) Members to the Committee. There will be a total of four(4) Members, including the Warden.The Warden will serve as the Chair of the Committee. Candidates will be recommended by the Warden and appointed by County Council. Mandate: The Budget Committee is a Standing Committee of Council established to deliberate on the Budget, which includes the future Capital and Current Programs for the County of Elgin. Objectives: The Budget Committee shall: • Review and assess budget principles, allocations and related financials, providing advice to the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance on the annual budget; • To receive presentations from each department, as required, on financial matters; • To evaluate the budgetary implications of proposals for new and substantially revised programs and services in advance of Council's budget deliberations Link to Council's Strategic Section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Priorities: Plan Reporting Requirements: The Budget Committee will report to Council on an as-needed basis. Timeline for Completion of the Ongoing Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Page 29 of 46 Schedule B -1 -Advisory Committee— Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinating Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE ElgrnC ity Committee Name: Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinating Committee Committee Type: Advisory Committee Role: To provide recommendations, advice and information to Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Advisory Committee,to facilitate public input to County Council on programs and ideas to assist in enhancing the quality of life of the Community, in keeping with Council's Strategic Plan principles. Advisory committees shall not give direction to staff, nor shall Advisory Committees request,without the approval of Council,the preparation of any administrative reports, research or work assignments. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ Municipal Act, Safer Ontario Act(2018) By-Law(if applicable) The Government of Ontario has demonstrated its commitment to supporting communities through the development of the Provincial Approach to Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) (Provincial Approach), and this work will continue under the Strategy for a Safer Ontario (Strategy). As a result, the Province of Ontario's Bill 175, Safer Ontario Act(2018), mandates that: • The Council of every municipality shall prepare and, by resolution, adopt a community safety and well-being plan; • ... Municipal Council... shall establish an Advisory Committee. Staff Support: Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Department Linkage: Administration Term of Appointment: Term Coincides with that of Elgin County Council Financial Impact: Staff Resources Required Meeting Frequency: Approximately 1 meeting/month ChairNice Chair Coordinating Committee Chair is the CSWP Plan Coordinator. Role and Responsibility of Chair includes: • Chair committee meetings; • Prepare agendas; • Act as liaison between the Coordinating Committee and the Advisory Committee; and • Facilitate work towards fulfillment of the mandate and development of the CSWB Plan for Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas. Skills/Qualifications Members shall understand and support the CSWB purposes and processes mandated by Bill 175. Page 30 of 46 Executive Function: • Understanding and supporting the purposes and processes mandated by Bill 175; • Guiding, facilitating and enabling all steps, measures and actions required to create and recommend an Elgin- Aylmer-St.Thomas Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for Municipal Councils'approval; • Providing to Municipal Councils timely reports on the status, and recommendations on the decisions required to support development of the Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas Community Safety and Well-Being Plan • Soliciting advice from the Advisory Committee and channeling that advice into the planning process and products that go before Municipal Councils for approval. Membership/Composition Council shall appoint two Members of Elgin County Council (including the Mayor of Town of Aylmer)to the general Committee Membership, including: • 2 Members of City of St.Thomas Council • 2 Members of Elgin County Council (including Mayor, Town of Aylmer) • Elgin Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Commander(or designate) • Town of Aylmer Police Chief(or designate) • City of St.Thomas Police Chief(or designate) • Police Services Board Representation (Town of Aylmer, Elgin Group, City of St. Thomas) • Municipal representation (City of St.Thomas,Town of Aylmer, County of Elgin Chief Administrative Officers or designates), other municipal staff as required. • Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinator • Recording Secretary Mandate: The purpose of the Coordinating Committee is to engage the municipalities in a collaborative initiative to develop a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for all of Elgin County and the City of St.Thomas as per the Municipal mandate for same in Provincial Bill 175 (Safer Ontario Act). The Plan will represent Elgin County, the Town of Aylmer and the City of St.Thomas as a whole, but will reflect local needs and nuances specific to the respective Municipalities as appropriate. Compensation: n/a Principles: Members shall understand and support the CSWB purposes and processes mandated by Bill 175. Objectives: General responsibilities of Coordinating Membership include: • Directing and responding to the work of the Advisory Committee • Participating on the Advisory Committee(ad hoc) • Planning community engagement sessions (ad hoc) • Ensuring the Advisory Committee recommendations are reviewed and evaluated • Building on and/or establishing strong working partnerships with community members and organizations that can facilitate and enable effective community safety and well-being planning • Receiving and responding to the requests for information about the CSWB Plan Page 31 of 46 • Assessing and determining from the information and data sources what the data will be used for,what is public facing and what is for internal use only • Ensuring the plan is made publicly available • Reporting back to the respective Council(s) and advocating for support for the Plan. Link to Council's Strategic Section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Priorities: Plan. Reporting Requirements: Report to Advisory Committee and Municipal Councils as required. Sub-Committees/Working n/a Groups: Timeline for Completion of the December 31, 2020 Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Page 32 of 46 Schedule B -2 -Advisory Committee— Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE ElgmCo Lt Committee Name: Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee Committee Type: Advisory Committee Role: To provide recommendations, advice and information to Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Advisory Committee, to facilitate public input to County Council on programs and ideas to assist in enhancing the quality of life of the Community, in keeping with Council's Strategic Plan principles. Advisory committees shall not give direction to staff, nor shall Advisory Committees request,without the approval of Council,the preparation of any administrative reports, research or work assignments. Reporting to: Elgin County Council The Advisory Committee has no binding decision making authority or executive function in the context of the Municipal responsibilities outlined in Bill 175. The Advisory Committee will,with openness and transparency, share their subject matter expertise with the Coordinating Committee. Enabling Legislation/ Municipal Act, Safer Ontario Act(2018) By-Law(if applicable) The Government of Ontario has demonstrated its commitment to supporting communities through the development of the Provincial Approach to Community Safety and Well-Being (Provincial Approach), and this work will continue under the Strategy for a Safer Ontario (Strategy). As a result,the Province of Ontario's Bill 175, Safer Ontario Act(2018), mandates that: • The Council of every municipality shall prepare and, by resolution, adopt a community safety and well-being plan; • ... Municipal Council... shall establish an Advisory Committee. Staff Support: Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Department Linkage: Administration Term of Appointment: Term Coincides with that of Elgin County Council Financial Impact: Staff Resources Required Meeting Frequency: Approximately 1 meeting/month; meetings will be called at the discretion of the Chair. When possible, input and consultation of the Advisory Committee will take place in a virtual manner by engaging subject matters one on one,via electronic communication and feedback and/or via teleconference. Page 33 of 46 ChairNice Chair Coordinating Committee Chair is the CSWP Plan Coordinator. Role and Responsibility of Chair includes: • Chair committee meetings; • Prepare agendas; • Act as liaison between the Advisory Committee and the Coordinating Committee; and • Facilitate work towards fulfillment of the mandate and development of the CSWB Plan for Elgin-Aylmer-St. Thomas. Skills/Qualifications Members shall be selected and recruited on the basis of the following characteristics: • Represent an organization or sector as outlined in the mandate of Bill 175; • Knowledge and information about the risks and vulnerable populations in Elgin County and City of St. Thomas; • Lived experience with risk factors; • Understanding of protective factors needed to address those risks; • Experience developing effective partnerships in the County of Elgin,Town of Aylmer and City of St.Thomas; • Experience with ensuring equity, inclusion and accessibility in community initiatives; • A proven track record advocating for the interests of vulnerable groups; and • The power and authority needed to make decisions and represent the expertise of their respective agencies or organizations. Membership/Composition The Advisory Committee will be comprised of members who are identified to reflect a wide range of relevant knowledge, expertise and experience with cross-sectoral representation. Members will act in an advisory capacity to the Coordinating Committee, specific to the mandate of Bill 175, as it relates to the development of Elgin-Aylmer-St.Thomas' Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. The Advisory Committee must, at minimum, consist of the following members: • Local Health Integration Network • Mental and Physical Health • Educational Services • Social Services • Custodial care of children and/or youth • Member of Council or municipal administration • Police • And other prescribed members Mandate: The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to advise and inform the Coordinating Committee as they examine the County,Town of Aylmer and City of St.Thomas' principle risk factors,vulnerable groups and protective factors needed to reduce harms and enhance safety and well-being for all residents in the County of Elgin, Town of Aylmer and City of St. Thomas. Compensation: n/a Principles: Members shall understand and support the CSWB purposes and processes mandated by Bill 175. Page 34 of 46 Objectives: Members of the Advisory Committee,with the support of the Coordinating Committee, shall: • Facilitate and enable community engagement and consultation sessions; • Act as a resource for the Coordinating Committee; • Provide data and information from their own agencies and organizations pertaining to priority risk factors,vulnerable groups and protective factors to reduce those risks; • Ensure the engagement and creation of opportunities for involvement of people within Elgin County, Town of Aylmer and City of St. Thomas including culturally diverse populations; • Work in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee in developing the focal points of the emerging community safety and well-being plan based on available data, evidence, community information and feedback, as well as core community capacity to address those factors; and • Help the Coordinating Committee develop a plan for implementing the goals, directions and protective factors isolated in the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for Elgin-Aylmer and St.Thomas. Link to Council's Strategic Section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Priorities: Plan. Reporting Requirements: Report to Advisory Committee and Municipal Councils as required. Sub-Committees/Working n/a Groups: Timeline for Completion of the December 31, 2020 Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Page 35 of 46 Schedule C-1 Legislated Committees — Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE Elgin CO a t Committee Name: Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) Committee Type: Legislated Committee Statutory Committee established under the Planning Act. Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ Provincial Policy Statement, Planning Act, RSO 1990, Municipal By-Law(if applicable) Act,2001 Staff Support: Manager of Planning Department Linkage: Planning Term of Appointment: Term Coincides with that of Elgin County Council Financial Impact: Staff Resources Required Meeting Frequency: Approximately 1 meeting/month Chair/Vice Chair A chair will be elected from the membership of the Committee on an annual basis. Skills/Qualifications Experience with Boards/Commissions and Land Use Planning Preferred. Membership/Composition The Rural Initiatives Committee doubles as the"Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee"and was combined in 2016 in response to Bill 73 and changes to Development Charges Act and the Planning Act which required that all upper-tier and single-tier levels of municipal government establishes a Planning Advisory Committee. Three (3) Members of Council shall be appointed to the Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee. It is noted that a member of the Elgin Federation of Agriculture shall be invited to participate on the PAC as a citizen appointee in keeping with its status as a non-voting member of the Rural Initiatives Committee. Mandate: • To promote the viability of agriculture and rural affairs in the County and throughout the Province; • To examine issues such as, but not limited to:the challenges of the global economy on local agricultural practices;the viability of schools in rural communities; and, alternative sources of economic development in rural areas; • To develop goals and objectives to improve and promote rural life; • To demonstrate County Council's commitment to delivering services to rural communities by recommending a budget to Council that will accomplish identified goals; • To act as a PAC by providing information, perspective and recommendations to County Council on broad planning matters that may have an effect on the County and/or its local municipalities, as required from time to time; Page 36 of 46 specifically, to review from time to time the provisions of the Official Plan and related policy, and recommend to Council general amendments thereto which would be in the best interests of the County of Elgin (this would include 5-year reviews of the Official Plan);to advise County Council on general planning and development issues of Council and/or local municipal significance;to report to County Council on proposed land use policy changes as introduced by the Province of Ontario; and to review and report on specific aspect(s) of a submitted application. Compensation: n/a Link to Council's Strategic [section to be updated in 2020 to align with Council's Strategic Priorities: Plan] Reporting Requirements: Reports shall be delivered to Elgin County Council on an as- needed basis and at least once per year. Sub-Committees/Working n/a Groups: Timeline for Completion of the n/a—work completed on an as-needed basis Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Page 37 of 46 Schedule D-1 —Agencies and Boards with Council Appointees ElginC tin CV Committee Name: Board of Health Lead Organization: Southwestern Public Health Membership: 2 Members of Council, recommended by Warden, approved by Council Term: One(1)year Committee Name: City-County Liaison Committee(formerly Dispute Resolution) Lead Organization: Elgin County&City of St.Thomas Membership: 2 Members of Council, recommended by Warden, approved by Council+Warden Term: One (1)year Committee Name: Health Recruitment Partnership Lead Organization: Elgin County&City of St.Thomas Membership: 1 Member of Council, recommended by Warden, approved by Council Term: One (1)year Committee Name: Joint Elgin-Central Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee Lead Organization: Elgin County&Municipality of Central Elgin Membership: 1 Member of Council, recommended by Warden, approved by Council Term: One(1)year Committee Name: SWIFT Network Board of Directors Lead Organization: Western Ontario Wardens Caucus, SWIFT NETWORK Membership: 1 Member of Council, recommended by Warden, approved by Council Term: One(1) year Committee Name: St.Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre Lead Organization: Elgin County& City of St. Thomas Membership: 1 Member of Council, recommended by Warden, approved by Council Term: One (1)year Committee Name: Water Advisory Committee Lead Organization: Elgin County Membership: All of County Council Term: One (1)year Committee Name: Community Leaders Cabinet Lead Organization: City of St.Thomas/County Membership: Warden Term: One (1)year Page 38 of 46 Committee Name: Green Lane Community Trust Committee Lead Organization: Elgin County Membership: 1 Member of Council Term: One (1)year Committee Name: Waste Management Committee Lead Organization: Elgin County Membership: All of County Council Term: One(1) year Committee Name: Western Ontario Wardens Caucus Lead Organization: WOWC—Regional Municipal Partners Membership: Warden Term: One (1) year Page 39 of 46 Schedule E —Advertisement and Application form for Citizen Appointments to Boards and Committees 2020 - 2022 Application for EigmLount Citizen Appointments to Boards Progressive by Nature and Committees GET INVOLVED IN AN ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OR COMMITTEE Volunteering on a board or committee is a great way to share your ideas, expertise and enthusiasm with your local government. As a member, you will be able to provide advice to County Council and staff, and contribute to the development of policies, programs and initiatives that will help enhance Elgin County. Whatever your area of interest there is a board or committee that would benefit from your input and involvement. Residents and Business Owners of Elgin County are encouraged to apply for the following Boards or Committees: COMMITTEE #Vacancies Description of Roles, Responsibilities and Skills/Qualifications COMMITTEE #Vacancies Description of Roles, Responsibilities and Skills/Qualifications ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: Corporation of the County of Elgin do County CAO/Clerk 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 Fax: 519-633-7661 or e-mail to: cao(aelgin.ca ON OR BEFORE 4:30 P.M. [insert Date] Page 40 of 46 2020 - 2022 ElginCoun tyApplication for Citizen ... Progressive by Nature p p Appointments to Boards and Committees COMMITTEE &POSITION APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Address: Home Phone: Email Address: Are you a resident or business owner in Elgin County? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are you 18 years of age or older? ❑ Yes ❑ No QUESTIONNAIRE Why are you interested in becoming a member of[insert Committee/Board] Briefly describe your current and past community or volunteer involvement Briefly describe skills or experience relevant to [insert Committee/Board] What strengths will you bring to the [insert Committee/Board] Page 41 of 46 Additional Information Please attach any additional information/comments to the application form. I hereby consent to the release of my address and telephone number(s). ❑ Yes ❑ No I hereby understand that information on this form and any supplementary information provided as part of this application is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and is used to evaluate the qualifications of Citizen Appointees to Elgin County Committees or Boards and will become part of the public record. Direct inquiries to the CAO/Clerk at the address noted below. By submitting this form, applicants consent to discussion of their personal information at open meetings of Council. Applicant's signature: Date: Please return this application form to the attention of: Corporation of the County of Elgin c/o County CAO/Clerk 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Phone: 519-631-1460 Fax: 519-633-7661 e-mail: cao@elgin.ca Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 and will be used to evaluate the qualifications for citizen appointees to the County of Elgin Boards and Committees Page 42 of 46 SCHEDULE F—COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES/BOARDS/AGENCIES Committee Committee Appointed Members Date of Type Appointment A-1—Standing Terrace Lodge • Councillor Mennill December 13, Committee Redevelopment • Councillor French 2018 Committee • Councillor Purcell • Councillor Marks A-2—Standing Provincial Offences • Warden December 13, Committee Administration Building • Councillor Jones 2018 Committee • Councillor Mennill • Councillor Purcell A-3—Standing Policy Review Committee • Councillor Giguere December 13, Committee • Councillor French 2018 • Councillor Purcell A-4—Standing Human Resources • Warden December 13, Committee Committee • Councillor Mennill 2018 • Councillor Ketchabaw A-5—Standing Council Budget • Warden November 26, Committee Committee • Councillor 2019 Ketchabaw • Councillor Giguere • Councillor French B-1—Advisory Community Safety and • Councillor French November 26, Committee Well-Being Coordinating (as Mayor,Town 2019 Committee of Aylmer) • Councillor Martyn C-1—Legislated Rural Initiatives/Planning • Councillor December 13, Committees Advisory Committee Ketchabaw 2018 • Councillor Martyn • Councillor Giguere D-1—Agencies Southwestern Public • Councillor Jones December 13, and Boards with Health—Board of Health • Councillor Marks 2018 Council Appointees D-1—Agencies City-County Liaison • Warden December 13, and Boards with Committee • Councillor French 2018 Council • Councillor Appointees Ketchabaw D-1—Agencies Health Recruitment • Councillor Jones December 13, and Boards with Partnership 2018 Page 43 of 46 Committee Committee Appointed Members Date of Type Appointment Council Appointees D-1—Agencies Joint Elgin-Central Elgin • Councillor Martyn December 13, and Boards with Accessibility Advisory 2018 Council Committee Appointees D-1—Agencies SWIFT Network Board of • Councillor Marks March 12, 2019 and Boards with Directors Council Appointees D-1—Agencies St.Thomas Elgin Public • Councillor Giguere December 13, and Boards with Art Centre 2018 Council Appointees D-1—Agencies Water Advisory • Councillor French December 13, and Boards with Committee 2018 Council Appointees D-1—Agencies Community Leaders • Warden No appointment and Boards with Cabinet required Council Appointees D-1—Agencies Green Land Community • Councillor Jones December 13, and Boards with Trust Committee 2018 Council Appointees D-1—Agencies Waste Management • Committee of the December 13, and Boards with Committee Whole/Elgin 2018 Council County Council Appointees D-1—Agencies Western Ontario • Warden No appointment and Boards with Wardens Caucus required Council Appointees Page 44 of 46 m 0 Nzt a) 0) c0 d X a Z w EL U APPENDIX I-COUNCIL APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE AND RELEVANT BY-LAWS COUNCIL APPROVED TERMS OF REFERENCE: • Terrace Lodge Fundraising Committee Terms of Reference Approved by County Council on June 11, 2019. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY BY-LAW (included as a matter of reference) • Land Division Committee established by By-Law 19-02 (appointment By-Law) • Land Division Committee Procedures are established by By-Law 18-35 "Being a By-Law to Prescribe Procedures for Governing the Calling, Place and Proceedings of the Elgin County Land Division Committee." • Emergency Management Program Committee established by By-Law 18-37 • Museum Advisory Committee established by By-Law No. 16-03 Page 46 of 46