March 13, 2007 Agenda ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y~ MARCH 13~ 2007 - 9:00 A.M. PAGE # ORDER 1 st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes - for the meeting of February 13, 2007 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 2-7 9:00 a.m. Paul Collins, President and CEO, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital and Allan Weatherall, Dir. Of Development, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation, with a request for funding for the redevelopment of the Hospital (see attachment) 8-19 9:30 a.m. Steve Speller, Brian Fife, Allan Millman, Directors, Elgin Plowmen's Association, requesting County to provide financial support for hosting the 2010 International Plowing Match (see attachment) Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff Council Correspondence - see attached 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statementsllnquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11 th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT 5th 20-58 6th 7th 59-67 68-78 8th I LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED I St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Working Together for Your Good Health 189 Elm Street, PO Box 2007 St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada N5P 3W2 Tel 519 631-2020 . Fax 519 631-1825 February 27, 2007 FF""" C"> ~ <'I!)07 t.l:3 ~: u w County Council Members County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas,ON N5R 5V1 Dear Council Members, The heart beat of our community is the hospital... an extraordinary place for St. Thomas and Elgin County... 24/7/365. The main part of the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH) opened in 1954 and has provided many generations of care, but will soon face critical needs. Major reconstruction has not taken place, and numerous areas of the building are outdated and inhibit effiCiency. The layout and design, built according to a traditional acute care model of services in the mid-1950s, are increasingly at odds with today's standards. Therefore, the main structure must undergo changes to keep pace with medical and technological advancements. Among the areas that will require redevelopment include: · Emergency Room - expansion and access improvement allowing for more effective patient response time and space for care -very busy area that accommodates many more than originally designed · Surgical Suites - which includes the Operating Rooms and Day Surgery Unit (approximately 85% of all surgery is done on an outpatient basis now) - expansion and access improvement - they are located in the1954 section and require modernization to accommodate newest equipment and allow best treatments · Mental Health -the Province will be expecting STEGH to implement a mental health program including 15 in-patient beds and out-patient programming - however, specific details are still required, including a firm time-frame and costing These much-needed physical changes will have a profound impact for years to come on the Hospital's long-term viability and thus the delivery of quality care to subsequent generations. While hospital 'operating costs' are funded primarily by the Ontario Government, it is increasingly recognized that a substantial portion of the funds required for equipment and redevelopment must be generated from within our community. In order to plan accordingly for what will ultimately be a multi-million dollar redevelopment, we are requesting Council to set aside $250,000 annuallv for the next four years to create a fund of $1 M that would be available commencing in 2012. In the interim, this money would be retained and invested by Council until such time as required by STEGH for the projects listed. Annually, well over 100,000 people are assisted by one of the services provided at STEGH. Residents of Elgin County should have health care services close to home but they cost great Our Core Values Compassion Respect Accountability Simplicity County Council Members 23 February 2007 2 amounts of money to deliver. The baby-boomers are now entering a time when they too will create increased pressure upon hospital based services. We hope Council sees the value in making the plans today for the very predictable health care needs of tomorrow. Lastly, there will always be pressure to acquire funds each year for the purchase of new or replacement equipment. Currently there is a need for a Digital Mobile C-Arm Fluoroscope; Digital Echocardiograph; 100 Watt Urology Laser; and a Digital Mammography Machine which fall under our 'Tools for Treatments' endeavour. We thank Council for its recent $50,000 commitment to acquire new beds with a total value of over $1 M. Yours sincerely, 0' I.. r 'Brien Board of Governors A. 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M ~ I 4lI .c: ig i g S $ a ~ ~ ~ N .... ~ ('II ~- :I ~ ! 10 &i ..... N i ,..: ~ rri .- .r .& ~ ..- tQ ~ N N ~ 0 I~ (,) ! I ..... "- i~ 0 0 ; $ 8 -g i! ~ <::) ) l. ~ ~ : ~ ~. II) t ~ s i N' i Q i ;1) ..... ~i 'lit s ~ l"\i ~1 1 - w .& oS i It 8 0 SI 8. ~ CI'l 0 - ~- ~ ~ U') It) I ~ ~ ..... .. f .... ,.. ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ I ('A" ~ f 1 i j i . Ii i 'U ~ 2 ~ -~ j J!: ~ ~ (ll CoO CI'l ~I '> ~ ~ >- ~ as \.': is'-; ~ & :.: i )( n j E W S "0 i g:. J i as .lit ~ ~ u. :- j ~ f ! ~ ! ~ 11 I l-- 'V...'.-...,.........,. 4V...v .~...... V.l.V 'Vf ......V.j, ..'~'i ..n..Io..... v ~ .L.<1_".~tl.""'.'! lJ 11...h)"'.".... ..,. 4....."'I.LJI J.,. "tW vv.. Ontario Plowmen's Association Combined Summary of 2006 INCOME-lPM ~ 2006 SHOW INCOME. OPA-2006 SHOW Admissions $ 509,541 SponsorshIp $ 17€,105 Celebration of Exoelief1ce 7,042 T ourisrn Grant 30.000 Churcil 1.a3~ IPM Hydro & Services 74,308 Donations 27,643 Exhibitor Passes 22,313 Interost lncom~ 1.543 Plowing Sponsorship- 12,140 Fundralsing 132,509 Competitor Entry Fee 10,005 Lounge income 70,614 Exhibitor Spaces 3&0.701 Miscellaneous In<;%)me 1,563 Exhibit SaNies's Misc, 3,041 Queen of 1t\e Furrow 4,950 Recovery of Expenses 9,675 RV Park 292.617 Souvenirf 75,107 Sponsorship \47,992 Tented City 13,795 TOTAL. INCOME L 1,29Ul,.l TOT Ai. INCOME J-. 709.8.11 EXPENSES -IPM EXPENSES. OPA Advertising $ '36.025 Advertiling & Martetiog $ 68,053 Entertainment 4C.96S Amortization of C~tlll As$e1s 12,134 Execu1ive J2.6S8 E.xhibitor Expenm 37,335 Fundraising 54,163 . Hydro 94,358 Horse Expense 825 InsufIMCel 50,681 Lounge 4B.975. Judges 19.745 Office Expense 10.781 Land Least 53,658 't{V Park-Hydro ~O7,925 PlOwmen EXP'Jnses 1.723 ~ental t:xpenN 63,154 Plowmen Prizes 48.953 $ecunty 50 ,431 ()Jeen Of the Furrow 9.955 Site Preparation 87,402 Senolal'thip$ 5.000 Souverurs 67.162 Sporisorship ex~m 36.035 T anted City ExponH' 20,606 Tn County 6,229 Tractgr Plrk 12,366 Tent Rental 132,169 Traffic 9.619 Tented City Expenses 103.535 transportation 11,'780 T .ltptlone 13lJ47 waste & Water ExpenH 48,351 Wages 27.S9O ~ TOTAL E~ENSES $ 845.959 TOT At. EXPENSES $ Sn,5&3 IPM NET INCOME .$ 45O.46J. OPA NET INCOME ~l 30.249 s . ., . ., ... ........:i.,.:..II'-.:.:.';~,.i"~~:.;..;;.......:.;~.._,..~.;.._".-""..., ,_. Ontario Plowmen's Association Combined Summary of 2006 IPM TO"fAlINCOME $ 1.~,4~5 ----I!29...J1i. $ 2.006,231 $ 845.959 _ ~1.j:L~ $ 1 ,525,522 ~te: Due to an trror in the hostir'lg Igrtemont $22,500 il'l exptnMI was moved to the OP.A operating budget from show .,,-expii'l'1I TOT.4l EXPENSES Note: Currently il>M 2006 Is in ntlgotia!:ion for loan forgiveneA in the amount of $100,000 and thus profit may change NET INCOME leSS PAlO TO OPol EXCESS PROFIT $ 480,715 .1.._ .400.000 .1 BO-r'S 9 '.- A.. -. V ~ \.1 U I L..;..... "* .;'1.~~ '&;".;l~' f V l ......V "" ~.....,..."...,._ . ~......",.t._.' .'" ......:......,;..... [----_.._--,..-~_.- i , I I I "-..--.-.....-.-... ..-.---.-- 2OOI'ntlImIIonII '1ow1l\9 ...h and Rural Expo fie"" CounIJ. Uetiawlf. OnWtrio, fII'rdt L.UM oAIIT~ INCOMI-IPM 2001 SHOW lHCOI8f . ... OPA ~0I"l. $ 1.870.00 A~ " Hls'lDnaIl S 23.82..32 SponsorIhip $ 146,869.00 Awards $ 11.47'-.00 IPM HytiI'O & SeI'VleeS $ 10,520.00 ee~~ $ 26.21000 ~ Pl1S&t& $ 26.565 00 Churc:tl $ 4,_.20 Gcvemmef1t GI'tlnt $ 50,000.00 County tnc:orn. S 5.348.40 Prize ~ $ 8.150.00 EdUCBtion S 10.815.00 EnUy F... $ 10,262.00 ExeeutMt S 33,_~. E'xtlibitln SpaON S 431,500.00 G..~ $ 8txUI14.03 C.....nts $ 20,000.00 HcrHa $ 18.00 Internt II'lClOtM $ 5,271.0$ ute StyIn S 117,... ~ IncoIM . 138,<<11.. l.i.Ir'dta oltlCt')m(j $ 11.311.00 PST~ $ 511.14 Pubidty tnecrM $ 8."1.. Queen of Funow S 1...15 IW PlIrk S 2$2...83 SoIoNInn $ 102.... ~ S ;07.100,01) TentH Oily $ 11.010.86 TOTAL IHC04d. S 1.~M TOTAL INCOME S 745,"'00 TOTAL INCOMe. 2QOS SHOW $ 2.542.100-" II . ... .."'",.._____.._._._~_._._.._...__--.....~ ..........-- o 0 , .,".. ..~. ,--- I I I L_ 2CGi ~tional ~ MIlich .nel RuN!lq)O ~ CountJ. u...... 0ntvI0. ProfIt &.oM AJlT~ EXPENSeS - , f M. A.ooommodations $ Antique & "Histericalf $ Awards & Banquets S Beautification S Capital p~ OPA $ ChUl'd'l SeMct $ CommuNeationt $ ~ , Educetion ~ S ~.~ S Flying FiIITMf$ S Gates $ ~ & Sefuty $ HOI'Q Plowing ~se S Plowing Com~ $ Lands $ Ufestyle.. $ LOIJn$Je $ lunches $ Pamng $ PST F.Jl.J*lsel S Pu~~ $ Queen of Furrow ~ $ RV Park $ Security. $ Swuvenil'l ExpenH $ Speciel Events $ Sponsorship ~ $ TentedCity~ $ T~rP~ $ T~mc $ W.gen Toun; $ IPM Insurance . R.~ c S TOTAL~!N8i$ $ , ,SEiO.OO ' 9.474.57 19.1t2.S7 11.883.02 7.&12.SJ6 23.821. 25...90 4.581.21 44.87$.23 51.00 44,513.86 8,900..00 13,120.08 3,R4.CC ....&42.32 85.045.23 14,210.84 8.800.03 11,411.51 2~.1OO.28 101,503..&2 18. 151.88 '34,608.2'- 21.81'.8$ 12i.fi1SI1.11 ti1,108.64 1...05 28,537.18 3.711.28 47,LWO.4e 8.312.08 1,002.30 1.MU01." SUMMARY OF 200S SHOW S 1.7ge.934.66 $ 745.968.00 TOT A1.INCOMII . 2.Sd.900.. $ 1.0ei8.307.N $ 615.793.00 TOTAl EXPENSeS $ 1.S8a.1oo." NeT INCOME $ NO.m." INCOME lESS liXPENSES: Ln' OPA HMUng F..: S 450,000.00 PRom TO L.OCAl. eoMMITTEE: S ..'0.7..... EXPENSES .,. OPA Advtnising $ Ai'noi1iution .~ C.;pitSl .6.$.,t $ ~bitor ~'.nse$ $ Hydro $ InSurance $ Judges $ PltlwrMI'i expenses $ P10rMMn Prizes :$ Queen ottM> Furrow $ RVP.k $ ScholarshipS $ ~p Elq:lenses $ Spriltg WorkthOP $ Totad City Ex;len15es $ W~ - IPM staff $ TOTAL EXPENSt:S 106,666.00 '3.668.00 38,~7<1 OC 96.7'CE.OC 42 418700 16,82700 4,304.00 "~,595.00 8..cs.100 1.748.00 6.000.00 31.900 00 5.214.00 190.739.00 1.1 02..00 $ 61$,793.0() I I t ~._~J il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :I I I MarkttiDg & Commw.U.catioui I Executive Marketing & PromotioIDl I Marketing " Promotions - CD'a Marketing & Promotions ' Kick Off I Marketio& & Promotions - PO$TttS Accommodations iI SQuvenirs SOUVtWrs Raffle I ":'undraising &: Sponsorship I ,'icketll & Gtltes lnfo!'matiotl Br.."Oths ;J . ~..''''..''''A''''''''' .. ""-lv....~.....l './ .....,J...~~I\. .... "'\~lo...... ,. ~ t)....v The Count, of Gre, International Plowln~ Match and Rural Expo 2004 For the Period April 19. rool to December 51. roo4 Committ~e IA~al Committee Executive 'l~hiDtal Services Executive Sanitation, Water & Waste Tented City Supply Signage Landscaping Secunty &: Eme~ncy StlrvlCe5 On-Site Communications TransportatioD Exteroal Site Tnmsponatiop Intei1W Transportation Airport Shuttle Parking Traffic Contro! , aod Use &. AequisitiOD .l.'ractor Park Family Ufestyles Executive Arts & Cr.dts Theatre Tent Fashion Food Demos Hostess &, Volunteers Qu.ilt Quilts Quilt Raffle Cookbook ---~--~.-.._--- Actual ..,.-....------ Revenues Expens" Surplus (Deficit) $114,706.28 $111,907.49 ${57.201.2l) S. $4 t 1.2 t $(411.21) $7,550.00 $40,048.52 $(32,498.52) $17S,108.91 $218,719.23 $(43,610.12) $7.768.56 $16,720.23 $(8,951.67) $40,063.37 $59,430.71 $(l9.~~6~! .34) S2,250.00 $60,875.08 $(58,625.08) $7,438.50 $38,881.72 $(31,443.22) $- $3,501.40 $(3,507.40) $7.'00,00 $9,1S7.31 $(1.657.31) $- $269.16 $(269.16) $w $12,761.5:2 $(12,761.52) $. $648.00 $(648,00) $1,001 .00 $2,261.89 $(1.260.89) 55,100.00 $10,757.96 $(.5,657.96) $~ $2,877.89 $(2.877 .89) $1.392.57 $1,898.S0 $(505.93) $15,161.00 $9,460.22 $5,700.78 $- $93.26 $(93.26) $.. $97.61 $(97.61) $18,613.75 :&19.301.62 $(687.87) $13,669.61 $9,166.40 $4,503.21 S7,782Z1 $- $7,782.27 $80.492.33 $46,883.44 $33,608,89 $.. $391.58 $(391.58) $204,1 '2.5.06 $312,349.46 $008,224.40) $40,300,49 $21.662.41 $18,638.08 $6.112.54 $1,791.77 $4,320.77 $12,362.95 $19.664.10 $(7,3Ql.lS) $3,327.29 $4,132.40 $(805 J 1) $149,862.82 $121.66901 $22,193.81 $2,688.80 $339.02 $2,349.78 $40,154.07 $26,275,80 $13,878.27 $543,653.06 S 17 .MS.!)! $525,805.05 $4,600.00 $3.167.90 $1,432,10 FINAL REPORT 116 -." -. -... .~ . .....,'...... .~to..u. ~.a.~. I v; .....V.L '.1!Hlt.I\LV rLVI'I'lIU:~.!~ ;) :..;)~UC .. KALJ:'H 14J 007 I' {;; ~e......,e s r 0;; l/(iII.,H'" Features Entertaimnent $. 52,277.55 $(2.277 .55) ..OUllgt $67,941.67 $31,188.95 $36,752.72 --PloWQ1eIll's Awards BanqllCt $14.137.37 $1S,234.56 $(1,147.19) Antiques $1,108.26 $16.061.25 $(14,952.99) Antiques Raftle $24,349.2S $7,093.12 $17,256.13 Plowing, St.aking Fields $- 52,313.01 $(2.313.01) Queen of the Furrow $.9,129.29 $15,164.73 $(5,335.44) Bands tmd Parades $220.00 $2,852.% $(2.632.46) Woodlot Tour $8,402.00 $8,402.00 s.. Exterual Operatiolll' Rural BeautUkwoll Contest $22,059.84 $21,480.16 $519.68 Rural Beautification Rame $1,815.00 $- $1.815.00 Education &, Schools $79.6S1.47 516,980.20 $62,671.27 Trailer Park $331,011.14 $119,919.72 $211,092.02 ]pM Lunches $4,030.43 $4,066.43 $(36.00) Evellu" Horses EXClCUUVC $129.60 $(129.60) SJ*iaJ EventS $35,076.00 $53.624.62 $( 18,548.62) Mach.ine$ in Motion $- S46,73 $(46.73) Apple Orcbard Tour $9~OO.OO $13,222.S4 $(4,022.84) Hone PlowinS $- $2.838.86 $(2,838.86) Add baCk capital expenditures deducted from eqWp01ftt ren!'W1l.l per cont:ract $15,000.00 Sub-Total: Local Com..,.i~ $2.l1J.~17.'~ Sl.6a4.43U~ J;53~.t~2~ Oatano Piowmeu's Associatie. Exhibitor space and bydro S604,959.98 $390,504.58 $214,455.40 Plowina competicon $11,'80.00 $81,817,49 $(64,231.49) Marketina $91,737.51 $(91,737.57) Queec of the Furrow 121,141.63 . S(21,74 1.63) Sub-Totah OFA S~2.5J9jL SS8~,80L27 -'36.738.ll. Total: OPA" Local Coansmrtee ~:L'7~r1Si .$3-:. $2.190.2~ ~68.921.64 OPA Share 51.372,078.77 $1,080.117.95 $291,960.82 OPA payment made.. Oct 5/04 :s.c152.()~9.8a) OPA Sbare .. OUtstaadia& ~ LcK:al Committet Share $1,372,078.77 $1,110,111.95 G61.960.J1 117 IPM 2004 '* a tI v ,.! ...~." ...yo ',1 I ..&.~;.... V l . -r... t.. .J.4. (.' tV. 6. J. V J. 'J"~.'\i\..lV rI,..V\".!!L" "1'\.'1)1)\., .. 1\tu...rn ---.. .=--- . - . . . ........... I . A'1l...\. ...'.1 ~ I t)! l L U .1 ONTARIO PLOWMEN' S ASSOC ~ RALPH .. . . Rural Expo 2003 - Lanark County IPM . f' Summary of Revenues and Expenses . For the Period May 1, 2000 to December 31, 2003 fit \. ............-------- Actual . -----~-------.. .. Surplus . Revenues Expenses (Deficit) . . . Agriculture . Machines in Motion 17,900.00 17,922.92 (22.92) . . Antique & Historical 38A66.95 58,016.87 (19,549.92) .. Conservation 8,204.60 8,204.60 0.00 . Horses 12,183.00 14,979.13 (2,796.13 ) . General 2,023.00 535.97 '1,487.03 . . Future of Agriculture 0.00 393.00 (393.00) . . Lands . Lands 84,884.49 130,255.38 (45,370.89) . Tractor park 7.540.39 8,314.44 (774.05) .. . .. Lifestyles . General 25,920.00 28,679.54 (2.759.54) . Artisans 19,861.43 27,448.01 (7,586.58) . Food 4,847.02 18,114.16 (13)267.14) . . Cookbooks 97,387.50 48,080,11 49)307.39 . . Hostess 10.011.53 7,159.39 2,852.14 . Quilting 6,455.00 7,589.59 (1)134.59) . . 111,015,25 76,795.04 34,220.2 I . Lounge . . Marketing . Marketing & Promotion 3621730.15 479,213.01 (116,482.86) . Website 35,600.00 52,271.81 (16,671.81) . . Rural Beautification 12,442,50 15,512.13 (3,069.63) . Accommodations 1,250.00 1,055.46 194.54 . r . .~ . . . . - -. -~.. ........... ';"I.~" '-.v IVf "~V.1. ~m 11\1\ lIJ n.l.n'l!\lti" ;') A:;~UC .. K\LPH Rural Expo 2003 - Lanark County IPM Summary of'Revenues and Expenses For the Period May 1,2000 to December 31, 2003 ---...---------- Actual ...-...-...-..-~...-.. Surplus Expenses (Deficit) Revenues Souvenir Committee 146,178,36 117,111.75 29,066.61 ( See Note S ) Securit;v / Police;' Emergency Services: Security 10,040.00 20,058.60 (1 O~O] 8.60) Fire 4,750.00 10.264.00 (5,514.00) Ambulance 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) Police 12,500.00 37,825.42 (25,325.42) Special Event.s Other 3,833.62 4,669.76 (836.14) Queen of the Furrow 21 )561.94 19,054.00 2,507.94 A wards Banquet ! 6,503.50 15,522.69 980.81 Bands & Parades 1,635.00 4A95.41 (2,860.41 ) Church Service 2,124.44 2,124.44 0.00 Arts & Culture 550.00 3AOO.OO (2,850.00) Dancing Tractors 3,670.00 3,000.00 670.00 Team Penning 2,300.00 2,800.00 (500.00) VIP Plowing 500.00 557.00 (57.00) Tented City Operations 187,639.69 340,718.90 (153,079.21) Landscaping 15,652.18 19,411.91 (3,759.73) Exhibits & Concessions 17,491.70 14)35.25 3.156.45 Health & Sanitation 26.090.00 68,598.03 (42,508.03) Trailer park 241,358.40 163,934.63 77,423.77 , . . . . I I- I I . .. . ,. II II .. . . .. . . . . . . . . a- . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . " . . . , .-- .. . - . ..'.... Mo...". ....../~'; .4-t.J .a..' c.."..... v.l.CI I U I ....LV A. \):,~.'U\~~, 1"4..VIlIllt:..' .' .'\.').".".' -. 1I\:\I.rn Rural Expo 2003 ... Lanark County IPM Summary of Revenues and Expenses For tbe Period May 1, 2000 to December 31, 2003 ----.....--..----- .A.ctual --------------- Surplus Reven ues Expenses (Deficit) Transportation Traffic & Shuttles Parking Sign committee VIP COlTlmittee 94,551.00 117,048.50 (21,497.50) 0.00 8,853.93 (8,853.93) 0.00 646.84 (646,84) 1.214.09 5,189.55 (3,975.46) 12,344.24 ]6,247.15 (3,902.91) T .... . . - 3.936,008.54 3,021,183.71 914,824.83 0.00 450.000.00 ( 450,000.00) ( - .. 3,936,008.54 3,47ls183.71 464.824.83 -.: '1 . ~-q _.....ill Ii -1 r.. =r; V olunteer Committee OPA Hosting Fee & Protit REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF March 13. 2007 Councillor Reports - (ATTACHED) 21 Councillor John R. Wilson, Rural Initiatives Committee Presentation to Minister Dombrowsky Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) 27 Tree Commissioner - Request for Funding to Hold Basal Area Workshop for Loggers and Residents of Elgin County 28 Director of Engineering Services - Sanitary Services to the Family and Children's Services Director of Engineering Services - Pioneer Museum Building at 32 Talbot Street (to be faxed out Friday) Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator - Request by County Fire Departments (to be faxed out Friday) 31 Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator - Ambulance Base Building Committee - Reactivation 34 Director of Financial Services - Tangible Capital Assets 39 Financial Analyst - Write-off 2006 Doubtful Accounts 41 Director of Financial Services - Director of Financial Services Statement on Convention Expenses 42 Director of Financial Services - Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses - County Council 43 Director of Financial Services - Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses - Outside Boards 44 Financial Analyst, Director of Financial Services, Director of Engineering Services - Capital Projects Budget as at February 22, 2007 Director of Senior Services BN,T/L,E/M - Meals on Wheels Annual Agreement Renewal (to be faxed out Friday) Director of Senior Services BN,T/L,E/M - Linen Services in Elgin County Homes Contract Award (to be faxed out Friday) 56 Director of Cultural Services, Assistant Archivist - Newsletter Naming Contest 57 Director of Cultural Services - Museum Advisory Committee Appointees "ELGIN COUNTY, AGRICULTURE AND RURAL LIFE" A BRIEF TO THE HONOURABLE LEONA DOMBROWSKY, M.P.P. AND MINISTER OF AGRICUL TURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS PRESENTED BY: ELGIN COUNTY'S RURAL INITIATIVES COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: JOHN R. WILSON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, 2007 - 10:00 A.M. ALGONQUIN ROOM MAIN MEZZANINE ROYAL YORK HOTEL 1 GOOD MORNING MADAME MINISTER: THANK YOU FOR AGREEING TO MEET WITH US THIS MORNING. YOU MIGHT RECALL THAT WE MET WITH YOU LAST YEAR AT THIS CONFERENCE TO DISCUSS THE INCOME CRISIS IN AGRICULTURE. WE ARE REPRESENTING ELGIN COUNTY AND HAVE FORMED A WORKING GROUP CALLED THE "RURAL INITIATIVES COMMITTEE". OUR MANDATE IS TO DRAW ATTENTION TO RURAL ISSUES AND TO PROMOTE THE VIABILITY OF AGRICULTURE IN ONTARIO, IN CANADA AND INDEED IN INTERNATIONAL CIRCLES. 2 FIRST OF ALL WE WISH TO COMMEND YOU ON YOUR GOVERNMENT'S FINANCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT LAST SPRING OF SEVERAL MILLION NEW DOLLARS TOWARDS THE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY IN ONTARIO. IN ADDITION, WE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE STRONGLY URGED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE A CAPITAL INFUSION INTO AGRICULTURE IN ONTARIO. WE ARE HERE TODAY, MADAME MINISTER, TO ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTINUE TO RECOGNIZE THE NEED TO ADDRESS THE INCOME CRISIS IN RURAL ONTARIO, TO CONTINUE TO URGE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO JOIN IN THE SOLUTION AND TO ANNOUNCE QUICKLY NEW STRATEGIES TO ENABLE THE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY TO MAKE A DECENT STANDARD OF LIVING. 3 AS WE NOTED IN LAST YEAR'S PRESENTATION, THE. AGRICULTURAL SECTOR NEEDS PREDICTABLE AND SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS, EFFECTIVE PRODUCTION INSURANCE POLICIES AND DEPENDABLE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. WE REALIZE THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS KEY TO MAKING THINGS HAPPEN IN A TIMELY MANNER. TO THAT END, WE IMPLORE YOU TO ADVOCATE STRONGLY WITH YOUR PROVINCIAL COUNTERPARTS ON BEHALF OF RURAL COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT CANADA. AN INVESTMENT IN AGRICULTURE IS AN INVESTMENT IN COMMUNITIES! 4 PARTICULARLY, WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY. AS YOU ARE AWARE, AN EXIT STRATEGY HAS BEEN PROPOSED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. WE WOULD APPRECIATE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO SUPPORT THAT STRATEGY WITH YOUR FEDERAL COUNTERPART. FOR YOUR INFORMATION, WE HAVE ATTACHED A PRESENTATION MADE BY THE ONTARIO MAYORS FOR THE FUTURE OF AGRICULTURE, TO MINISTER STRAHL THAT OUTLINES OUR POSITION ON THIS MATTER. AGAIN, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION AND LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING YOUR IDEAS AND STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS THESE IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS. WE ALSO WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR ADVICE ON HOW WE, AS A COMMITTEE, MAY APPROACH 5 THESE ISSUES OURSELVES FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OUR COMMUNITIES. JOHN R. WILSON, CHAIR ELGIN COUNTY'S RURAL INITIATIVES COMMITTEE. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rob Lindsay, Tree Commissioner DATE: 02 March 2007 SUBJECT: Request for Funding to hold Basal Area Workshop for Loggers and Residents of Elgin County INTRODUCTION: The Tree Commissioner wishes to hold a basal area workshop on April 12, 2007, at the Lake Whittaker Conservation Area. The goal of the workshop is to inform loggers and residents about basal area, use of a prism and how to determine basal area in a woodlot. DISCUSSION: The Tree Commissioner has held a preliminary planning meeting with two local Foresters to discuss topics, timing, location and cost associated with the workshop. This one-day workshop is being planned for April 1 ih, 2007 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Lake Whittaker Conservation Area. The workshop will cover the Woodlands Conservation By-Law 05-03, how to use a prism to determine basal area, the benefits of using Good Forestry in your woodlot and field trials. The estimated cost for this workshop would be $500.00 to cover the Forester's time to prepare and present the information. RECOMMENDATION: THAT funds from the Elgin County Woodlot Reserve, up to $500.00, be used to cover the cost of a Basal Area Workshop for loggers and residents of Elgin County. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Miti: 37- Chief Administrative Officer 4~~- Rob Lindsay Tree Commissioner REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: March 6, 2007 SUBJECT: Sanitary Services to the Family and Children Services. CORPORATE GOALS To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: The Family & Children Services of St. Thomas and Elgin has requested approval, letter attached, from the County of Elgin to share the sanitary sewer between the County of Elgin Administration Building and the Regional Mental Health Care Facility (RMHCF). DISCUSSION: Presently, the County of Elgin has its sanitary sewage transported from the Administration Building, on the west side of the building, to the pumping station at the Regional Mental Health Care Facility. At this time only the Administration Building uses the sanitary sewer transmission line. Family & Children Services (FCS) of St. Thomas and Elgin presently have a septic system that is in need of replacement. FCS is seeking approval from the County of Elgin to "consider entering into an agreement with FCS to share the sewer connection between the County Building and the Regional Mental Health Care Facility". Staff does not have objections to FCS using the sanitary transmission line between the Administration Building and the RMHCF. They indicated that they will complete a feasibility study to consider its viability with all other options. The only caveat to the request is for FCS to complete a study to ensure that the system can accommodate the additional loads to the RMHCF. It is staff's opinion that the present sewage line capacity is sufficient enough to handle these additional flows. CONCLUSION: The County of Elgin has a sanitary transmission line between the Administration Building and the Regional Mental Health Care Facility. Staff believes that the addition of FCS to the system could be accommodated. Before an agreement was executed, FCS will be asked to provide an analysis to verify the system would accommodate the additional flows. RECOMMENDATION: That a letter be forwarded to the Family and Children Services of St. Thomas and Elgin to indicate that the County of Elgin agrees in principle to the use of the sanitary transmission line by the Family and Children Services of St. Thomas and Elgin, provided that Family and Children Services complete a capacity analysis to ensure that capacity is available. Respectfully Submitted aow~1W, Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Director, Engineering Services Mark aid Chief Administra Ive Officer Family & Children's Services OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN CONTINUING'I'O c:nOWTOGETHER INC..AS THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN 410 Sunset Drive, SI. Thomas, Ontario N5R 3C7 Tel. (519) 631-1492 . Fax (519) 631-0596 . www.caselgin.on.ca ROD POTGIETER, Executive Director February 28, 2007 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, ON Attention: Clayton Watters Dear Mr. Watters Our Agency has approached the Ontario Realty Corporation to request approval to connect to the sewer system at the Regional Mental Health Care Facility on Sunset Drive. We have recently been advised by Gary Sirove, the asset manager responsible for the facility, that they would support our request. However, Mr. Sirove suggested that the connection would need to take place via the current connection at the County of Elgin building. We need to complete a feasibility study to determine if this is a viable solution for the replacement of our current septic system. However, without approval in principle from the County there. would be no need for us to begin this study. At this time we are seeking an indication from the County of Elgin that they would consider entering into an agreement with Family & Children's Services to share the sewer connection between the County Building and the Regional Mental Health Care Facility. Sincerely, 5:jJ~ Barry Westman Manager of Finance and Administration RECEIVED FEB 2 8 2007 A MEMBER OF THE ELGIN-ST. THOMAS UNITED WAY SERVICES REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: larysa Andrusiak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator DATE: March 5, 2007 SUBJECT: Ambulance Base Building Committee - Reactivation CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement. To provide innovative and collaborative quality service. INTRODUCTION: At the November 25, 2003 Council Meeting, Council approved the creation of the Ambulance Base Building Committee. This report seeks Council's approval to reactivate this committee to begin planning the new Aylmer/Malahide Ambulance Base and to request the appointment of one member of Council to this committee. DISCUSSION: At the March 14, 2006 Council Meeting, Council made the decision to direct staff to commence planning for the eventual construction of a new ambulance base on Terrace lodge property for consideration by Council. The final option to renew the existing Aylmer Ambulance Base lease expires as of December 31, 2008. To commence the planning of this new base, approval for the activation of the Ambulance Base Building committee is requested. As noted in the November 25, 2003 Council report, this committee was recommended as the structure of accountability and responsibility for the ambulance base building process. The Committee would be comprised of one member of Council with support as necessary from the Chief Administrative Officer, Ambulance & Emergency Mgt Coordinator, Director of Financial Services, Director of Engineering Services, Manager of Corporate Facilites, and Thames EMS. The appointment of one member of council is intended to facilitate efficiency of decision making. Council will be asked to approve major details such as floor plans, building design and budget. It is not anticipated that many changes will occur during the building process, however in dealing with committee approval for change orders, it is anticipated that quick response and decision will be critical in avoiding building delays which are costly and at county's expense. Of course, if Council wishes to add more members, that is their choice. The concern was the ability to get people together for meetings on short notice and it was thought this would be easier to facilitate with one member. This committee would report to Council regularly during the building process. The building process with responsibility and approval functions is outlined in the following manner: . Council sets the budget and approves of location . Council approves floor plans, building design and budget . Building Committee approves the awarding of contracts within established budget guidelines . Building Committee approves all change orders within established budget. It is envisioned that there would be close on-site supervision of the building by both Thames EMS, utilizing their ambulance base building experience, and by the Corporate Facilities Officer, and that both in tandem would have on-site decision making authority as necessary. CONCLUSION: To commence the planning for the new Aylmer/Malahide Ambulance Base it is requested that Council approve the reactivation of the Ambulance Base Building Committee. This committee provides accountability and lines of responsibility delegated by Council and would be comprised of a Council member supported as needed by 5 staff and Thames EMS. The committee would be expected to report to Council regularly. Council approval would be sought for ambulance base floor plans, building design and budget. RECOMMENDATION: That Council approve the reactivation of the Ambulance Base Building Committee comprised of one member of Council with support as needed from the Chief Administrative Officer, Ambulance Administrative Co-Ordinator, Director of Financial Services, Director of Engineering Services, Manager of Corporate Facilities and Thames EMS, and That Council delegate decision making authority to this committee to build the Aylmer/Malahide ambulance base within a budget, floor plan and building design to be approved by Council, and That the aforementioned committee report to Council on a regular basis, and That Council appoint Councillor committee. to the aforementioned Respectfully Submitted Mark G. McDona Chief Administrative Officer & ~Ju lary~Siak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger Director of Financial Services DATE: February 22,2007 SUBJECT: Tangible Capital Assets CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: Currently, municipalities prepare their financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GMP) established by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA). In 2002 PSAB recommended that municipalities should record and report assets in their financial statements along with information on the condition of those assets. In June 2006 the standard PS3150 was approved and municipalities have been given until 2009 to implement the changes. DISCUSSION: The steps to implementing a tangible capital asset (TCA) accounting system are: 1. Inventory 2. Valuation 3. Amortize 4. Manage classification, division of assets, aggregation estimated useful life capitalization threshold historical cost reproduction cost replacement cost appraisals units of output/service declining balance straight line residual value additions disposals writedowns budgets reporting The inventory will be extensive and includes the components of roads, homes, library, administration, ambulance, and capital work in progress. Staff will choose a capitalization threshold in consultation with the auditors. Too high a threshold and operations budgets may swing radically from year to year as major expenditures are expensed as repairs. Too low, and the effort to set up and maintain the accounting system could be too costly. Tangible capital assets are to be valued at historical cost. The cost of acquiring the asset is the price paid plus additional costs to put the asset into service. If actual cost cannot be determined, alternate valuation methods may be used: . deflated reproduction cost . deflated replacement cost . appraisal. . nominal value The final step to developing the initial value of the tangible capital assets is to determine the accumulated amortization (write down) to date and the annual amortization expense for subsequent fiscal periods. Amortization can be viewed as the amount the asset is "used up" in a one year period. There are a number of methods that can be utilized and more than one method can be used by the municipality depending on the type of asset and the useful life of that asset. Amortization becomes an expense charged to annual operations. While an asset is under construction, the costs are accumulated in a Capital Work-in- Progress account. When the asset is put into use, it moves into a TCA account and amortization begins. Once the initial work has been completed and the tangible capital assets have been set up and amortized accordingly, the ongoing maintenance of the accounts must start. Additions, disposals, and write-downs must be carefully tracked. The budgeting process will now consider the annual amortization expense. CONCLUSION: Training sessions are about to commence regarding the recording and reporting of tangible capital assets. Engineering Services has an inventory of County roads and is bringing forward a report recommending a method to complete the bridges inventory. It is difficult at this point to determine whether or not any budget dollars are required for 2007. RECOMMENDATION: That the report titled Tangible Capital Assets dated February 22, 2007 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted L~~ Director of Financial Services Approved for Submission h'd~ Chief Administrative Officer - - - - County of Elgin - - -- Tangible Capital Assets cl-W ~ Division of Assets . General Capital Assets . "Tangible capital assets that are not part of the Infrasturcture Class. Includes, but is not limited to Parks, Recreation facilities, Fire, EMS, Police, Waste Collection and Disposal, Landfill." Lj..j-tJ -w Steps to implement . Inventory oAssets as defined by PS3150 -pertaining to the County . Land . BUildings . Equipment and vehicles . Road networks . Information technology software & hardware . Furniture and fixtures . Historical treasures are not subject to capitalization cl-W -w PSAB3150 . Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) . June 2006 - accounting for tangible capital assets approved for local governments - PSAB3150 . Federal, provincial and territorial governments since April 2005. Lj..j-tJ --'-' Division of Assets . Infrastructure Assets . "Tangible capital assets are composed of linear assets and specific components, generally constructed or arranged in a continuous and connected network. Includes but is not limited to: Transportation infrastructure (Roads - including cycling lanes, bridges, tunnels, public transit rail line portion only, drainage systems). Utilities (telephone, gas and electrical) and Environmental Infrastructure (water delivery systems, waste water treatment, storm drainage systems)." Icl-W I-'-' Sampling of County Assets o Roads . Surface . Roadbed . Land under the road . Signs . Traffic signals . Guide rails . Posts . Street lights . Bridges . Chevrons 1 '-I-H-' ~ Sampling of County Assets - con'd . Homes o Beds o Kitchen equipment o Laundry equipment o Generator o Furnishings . Library o Books o Circulation desks . Etc., etc. !Q.W f-'-' Estimated Useful Life . Must be determined for each asset or class of asset. LJ-tt-l -w Valuation . Historical cost o Research invoices, reports - very time consuming for older assets . Deflated reproduction cost oTake the current cost of reproducing the asset in its same physical form and using an appropriate index, deflate the current cost to arrive at an estimated cost of the asset at the time of acquisition. I'-I-H-' f--Ll Aggregation . Some multiple assets will be counted as one asset o Books oOffice equipment oSigns o Etc. '-I-H-' --LJ Capitalization Threshold . Example o Land Capitalize o Land improvements $25,000 o Buildings $50,000 o Building improvements $50,000 o Construction in progress Capitalize o Machinery & equipment $5,000 o Vehicles $5,000 o Infrastructure $100,000 . Above is not definitive (example only) I'-I-H-' f--Ll Valuation - con'd . Deflated replacement cost o Take the current cost of replacing the asset in a different physical form but with the same productive capacity and using an appropriate index to deflate the current cost to arrive at an estimate of the cost at the time of acquisition. . Appraisal o Professional assessment of what the asset is currently worth and applying an inflation index to arrive at an approximation of the cost at the time of acquisition. 2 4+1-' --U Valuation . Asset valuations become part of the municipality's financial records and are subject to audit. o Important to involve the auditors to ensure the value of the assets are reasonable and acceptable. 4+1-' ---U Manage . Once initial inventory is set up all new additions, disposals, and write-downs must be carefully recorded. . A clearly defined audit trail must be set up. '-++f-' -LJ Ongoing - con'd . Staff will attend training sessions . Engineering has completed an inventory of roads. . Engineering will present a report detailing a method of completing the bridge inventory. . Staff continue to research implementing the Tangible Capital Asset requirements. '-++f-' ---U Amortization . Methods o Asset does not deteriorate (land) - do not amortize o Asset deteriorates based on volume of units produced - amortize using productive units of output o Asset deteriorates based on hours of service - amortize using service hours o Asset deteriorates based on years of service - straight-line method or declining-balance method. . The method(s) must be reviewed periodically to ensure it is a true reflection of capital comsumption. '-++f-' -LJ Ongoing . All of the above information including accounting, budgeting, costing and user fees is under ongoing review. More information will be available in the future. 3 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Lisa Terrio, Financial Analyst DATE: February 21,2007 SUBJECT: Write Off 2006 Doubtful Accounts CORPORATE GOALS REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: To request permission to write off the 2006 doubtful accounts for the Homes. DISCUSSION: The attached chart lists the 2006 uncollectible accounts receivable for all three Homes for Senior Services totalling $37,859.78. Over ninety percent of this total is for accounts prior to 2005. Financial Services and the Directors of Senior Services have worked together and exhausted all collection efforts for these accounts. Staff recommends that these uncollectible accounts be written off. Once written off, the Homes will recover 50% of the total basic accommodation from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. In 2006 Financial Services and the Directors of Senior Services established a collection policy and gained access to a collection agency if required. A more proactive approach to collections along with the availability of these resources has helped in lowering the number of overdue accounts and increasing our success at collecting those that do become overdue. RECOMMENDATION: That staff be directed to write off uncollectible accounts for the Homes for Senior Services in the amount of $37,859.78. Respectfully Submitted ttilM4n . . Terrio Financial Services Respectfully Submitted ~~~ Linda Veger Director of Finance Approved for Submission 1!fLald ~ Chief Administrative Officer ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT # 1450-000 January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006 Recovery From M.O.H. Home Amount For Write Ofts (50%) Elgin Manor 14,504.84 7,252.42 Terrace Lodge 18,076.80 9,038.40 Bobier Villa 5,278.14 2,639.07 Total 37,859.78 18,929.89 DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATEMENT ON CONVENTION EXPENSES FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, the following is an itemized statement of the conventions attended and expenses paid to each Member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year ending 31-Dec-06 2006 CONVENTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL FOR COUNCILOR ROMA/OGRA OSUM AMO OANHSS ACRO COUNCILOR ACRE, L. 1,736.29 0.00 1,317.39 0.00 0.00 $ 3,053.68 BALDWIN, P. 5,496.79 0.00 2,351.38 0.00 1,835.70 $ 9,683.87 FAULDS, P. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ HOFHUIS, S. 1,397.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 1,397.21 MciNTYRE, J 20.00 0.00 41.65 0.00 0.00 $ 61.65 ROCK, D. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ VOWEL, B. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ WARWICK, G. 1,797.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 1,797.91 WILSON, J. R. 1,376.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 1,376.06 TOTALS $ 11,824.26 $ $ 3,710.42 $ $ 1,835.70 $ 17,370.38 All figures include G.S.T. ROMAlOGRA RURAL ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ONTARIO SMALL URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF NON-PROFIT HOUSING FOR SENIORS AMO COUNTIES AND REGIONS OSUM AMO OANHSS ACRO All of which is respectfully submitted. Approved for submission. ,/~~ Linda B. Veger Director of Financial Services Mark G. c Chief Administrative Officer TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES March 13 Session, 2007 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is a statement of the remuneration, mileage, and expenses paid to each member of the Elgin County Council for the period of January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006. REMUNERATION and MILEAGE COUNCIL, COMMITTEES and OUTSIDE BOARDS ACRE BALDWIN FAULDS HABKIRK HOFHUIS MARKS MciNTYRE MENNILL ROCK VOWEL WARWICK WILSON TOTAL LYNN PAUL PAUL ROBERT SYLVIA TOM JAMES DAVID DAVID BONNIE GRAHAM JOHN 19,443.02 39,915.11 15,895.72 1,429.87 16,636.74 1,384.75 17,149.61 1,455.25 15,232.25 17,351.51 18,891.50 17,189.44 181,974.77 By-Law 05-12, By-Law 05-13 and By-Law 05-45. All of which is respectfully submitted. Approved for submission. JI~~ Linda B. Veger ~ Director of Financial Services Mark G. Chief Administrative Officer TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES March 13 Session, 2007 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is a statement of the remuneration, mileage, and expenses paid to persons appointed to Outside Boards for the period January 1, 2006 to December 31 , 2006 as authorized by the following By-Laws: LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE (By-Law 05-29) HENTZ McPHAIL SCHAFER SCHAPER WALTERS TOTAL PETER DUNCAN MATHEW KATHLEEN BILL 2,686.79 2,433.91 4,035.36 3,027.81 3,518.81 15,702.67 ELGIN ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT (COUNCIL RESOLUTION DECEMBER 14, 2005) MCINTYRE JAMES ROCK DAVID VOWEL BONNIE TOTAL 3 HRS 10 5 10 3+HRS MEETINGS o 880.00 o 440.00 o 880.00 TRAVEL 207.90 0.00 315.70 1,087.90 440.00 1,195.70 2,723.60 TOTAL 18,426.27 ALL which is respectfully submitted. Approved for submission. ~~~ Linda B. Veger Director of Financial Services ~aldJ Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jennifer Ford, Financial Analyst Linda Veger, Director of Financial Services Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: March 1/07 SUBJECT: Capital Projects Budget as at February 22, 2007 CORPORATE GOAL REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability INTRODUCTION: In November 2006, the approved capital projects budget stood at $16,857,563 with a remaining project budget of $6,015,674. This report serves to further update Council on the status of capital projects to end of February 22,2007. Appendices A, Band C have been included for Council's information. DISCUSSION: Appendix A: This report outlines for Council the projects as at February 22, 2007. Capital projects for 2007 which were recently approved by Council have not yet been added to this outline. Funding from government programs continues to be applied to their respective project budgets as payments are received. Budget Update: Previously reported balance: Capital Projects to Oct 31,2006 Approved changes and additions: Projects closed to cover museum General Store - Grant Bobier Villa COMRIF One funding - Sunset Drive Federal Medical Grant for Ambulance Central Elgin Rent - White's Station Transfer from Terrace Lodge Reserve Approved Changes Project Budget Remaining Project Budget $16,857,563 $6,015,674 40,469 23,800 398,064 54,178 69,317 26.096 $17,469,487 $4,027,852 Appendix B: These projects have been taken from Appendix A and are listed as suggested projects for closure. All projects are 100% complete and a brief explanation has been provided for variances over $10,000 to the original estimated budget. Additional items to Note: Archives Reserves were approved for use to cover the additional costs on the Museum Project as well as surplus' from other museum projects. These funds have been allocated as recommended with all grant money currently having been received on this project. In July 2006, Council approved that project 6220-06-05 be deferred until 2007. The budget from this project was to be used to subsidize expected deficits on the Gracey Drain Culvert, Graham Road Culvert, and various Hot Mix Resurfacing projects. As a result, $55,000 was moved from this project to cover these project deficits. In Sept 2006, Council approved an expected deficit on the Terrace Lodge flooring project project of $36,000 to be funded by the Terrace Lodge Reserve. Staff completed the project with a deficit of $26,096 which was covered by the reserve. The unused balance has been left in the Terrace Lodge reserve for future use. The surplus from the proposed closed projects amounts to $115,761 which will be added to project 9000-06 - Capital Surplus - 2006 Appendix C: The projects listed in this report will be carried forward into 2007 and added to the balance of the 2007 capital projects budget which was recently approved by Council. Some projects in this category are nearing completion but have outstanding holdbacks and invoices yet to be paid and therefore cannot be closed at the time of this report. The category of ongoing projects has been expanded to include Door and Wall Protection and Painting projects with a positive balance for each of the long term care facilities. Rent from Central Elgin for White's Station has been set aside for capital improvements and included in project 2660-05-01 - Garage. As a result, this project which was previously reported as completed has been moved to ongoing projects. CONCLUSION: Staff recommend that projects listed in Appendix B be closed and that the surplus be maintained in project 9000-06 Capital Surplus - 2006. Staff will bring forward a report with recommendations on the use of these surplus funds. RECOMMENDATION: THAT projects in Appendix B be closed and the surplus of $115,761 be added to project 9000-06 - Capital Surplus - 2006; and, THAT staff bring forth a report recommending the use of the surplus funds; and, THAT the report titled Capital Projects Budget as at February 22,2007 and dated March 1,2007 be received and filed: Respectfully Submitted j~ Financial Analyst cf!~~ Linda Veger Director of Financial Services (LM vb< Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services z - C) ...J W L1. o >- .... z ::) o (.) ..... Q Q C'l l/)~ .3C'l ra ~ en 1tI _ 2 <( f.) -g .~ Eu:."g ~""Q) ... 0 c. o II) c. u<(<( - (,) CIS a.. - C o (.) e E ~ e .~ (]) 'E.g 13 II) 2"0<(..... ~ c(J)ffi~'ffi.....> Q)cE(J)~Ee(])..... 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LL 0::: ~ o U 0) C ";:: Q) Q) o C C "<t "5> o 00 C ;; C">w t1:l ..... =: LLc ii 0::: Q) t1:l ~ E -a5 O~ 000::: U.E!! o"'Cc,Q. o t1:l 0 Q) Q) NO;; 0)0::: .: 0::: 0 "'C t C ID 2";:: Q) oen(;jlJJ~ ;:cCE::l Gl::lo::lU_ c.U)U...........~ E"<t.....~e~ Oo-g-g ~~.Q o 0 Q) Q) ::3 O:::O:::ZlJJC/) ... (.) III ... ... C o o ... .E "CC\I.........."<t ~9999 ::::SLO C">LO co "COOOO .cGloooo (.)0')00')0') (/)g~~~ X t1:l f- en t1:l C> "'C Q) LL , C o ~~ ~:: Nii c~ C Q) 00::: ;: Q) Glc- c.:.:J~ Eo~ 0..c.Q 0-::3 ...~C/) .E "CC"> ~9 ::::sco "Co Gl ' .cO (.)0 (/)~ co ...... o f- en ...... o Q) O[ a.. co ...... "0. t1:l o REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Manager of Cultural Services March 5th, 2007 DATE: SUBJECT: Newsletter naming contest CORPORATE GOAL'S) REFERENCED: To be recognized as a desired employer; To forge community partnerships. INTRODUCTION: This report informs County Council of the County newsletter's name. DISCUSSION: A contest was recently held among staff to name the County's newsletter, the first edition of which will be published in April. After a contest in which more than forty submissions were received, the winning entry is "Elgin County Matters" submitted by Alan Smith, Manager of Economic Development. As per Council's approval, he will receive an extra vacation day for his submission. CONCLUSION: The name of the County's newsletter will be "Elgin County Matters." RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received as information. Respectfully Submitted Approved for ~~ Brian Masschaele Manager of Cultural Services Mark . Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: DATE: Brian Masschaele, Manager of Cultural Services 23 February 2007 SUBJECT: Museum Advisory Committee Appointees CORPORATE GOAl(S) REFERENCED: To promote cultural services; To forge community partnerships. INTRODUCTION: The Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee held its first meeting of 2007. The report recommends officers and terms of office under the terms of By-law No. 05-44. DISCUSSION: The following are members of the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee: Mr. Bob Habkirk (on behalf of County Council), Mr. Perry Clutterbuck (on behalf of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association), Ms. Joan Mansell and Ms. Luella Monteith (on behalf of Women's Institutes), Bertha Vickerman (on behalf of lODE), Ms. Marie Nancarrow (at large member) and Ms. Carol Judd (on behalf of County museums). Members agreed at their inaugural meeting for 2007 held on February 21st to appoint the following as officers: Mr. Perry Clutterbuck, Chair Ms. Luella Monteith, Vice-Chair Ms. Marie Nancarrow, Secretary. Members also agreed to serve the following terms according to the by-law: One Year: Ms. Carol Judd and Ms. Bertha Vickerman; Two Years: Ms. Luella Monteith and Ms. Joan Mansell; Three Years: Mr. Perry Clutterbuck and Ms. Marie Nancarrow. Subsequent terms will then be for a three year period in order to ensure a "staggered" membership. The County Council appointee serves on annual basis. CONCLUSION: This report recommends officers and terms of office for the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Ms. Carol Judd and Ms. Bertha Vickerman be appointed to the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee for a one-year term beginning in 2007; THAT Ms. Luella Monteith and Ms. Joan Mansell be appointed to the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee for a two-year term beginning in 2007; THAT Mr. Perry Clutterbuck and Ms. Marie Nancarrow be appointed to the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee for a three-year term beginning in 2007; AND THAT Mr. Perry Clutterbuck be appointed as Chairperson, Ms. Luella Monteith be appointed as Vice-Chairperson and Ms. Marie Nancarrow be appointed as Secretary of the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee for 2007. Respectfully Submitted ~~ Manager of Library Services Approved for Submission ::!rfI::)- Chief Administrative Officer ~ CORRESPONDENCE - MARCH 13,2007 Items for Consideration 1. Township of Scugog, with a resolution petitioning the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Emergency Management Ontario and the Federal Government, to increase grants available for emergency preparedness purposes and reduce funding limitations. (ATTACHED) 2. Marg Emery, Member, Organizing Committee, Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command, requesting 300 County of Elgin pins for the delegates' welcome packages at the 2007 District "A" Spring Convention. (ATTACHED) 3. Victor A. Fedeli, Mayor and Peter Chirico, Deputy Mayor, City of North Bay, with a resolution petitioning the Province of Ontario to guarantee a minimum increase in the OMPF for 2007 and stability in funding. (ATTACHED) ATTENTION MUNICIPAL CEMCS: WHEREAS the Federal Government is responsible for grants for emergency planning and equipment through the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP); AND WHEREAS the funding formula and application process have not been revised for many years; AND WHEREAS the timelines outlined in the application process are based on a fiscal year whereas the Municipality operates on a calendar year; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs in 2002, through the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, petitioned the Federal Government to increase grants and reduce limitations through the JEPP process, with no resolve; AND WHEREAS all Municipalities must meet and maintain the emergency preparedness requirements outlined in the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O., 1990; AND WHEREAS changing weather patterns are resulting in more frequent and more violent storms; AND WHEREAS in 2006, many municipalities including the Township of Scugog incurred significant costs for the cleanup following these storms; AND WHEREAS funding is required, particularly by small, rural municipalities; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Scugog petitions the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services; Emergency Management Ontario and the Federal Government to revise the funding formula and application process for the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program to increase grants available for emergency preparedness purposes and reduce funding limitations; AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Honourable Bev Oda, MP, and Mr. John O'Toole, MPP, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, the Commissioner of Emergency Management Ontario, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, the Director of Durham Emergency Management Office, and to the Association of Municipalities for distribution to all CEMCs in Ontario for endorsement. Township of Scugog 181 Perry Street P.O. Box 780 Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A7 905-985-7346/905-985-9914 (fax) ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Ontario Provincial Command ION Marg Emery, Vice President, Ontario Command 14 Y2 Hillcrest Avenue, S1. Thomas, Ontario N 5P 2J8 519-633-0483 Fax: 519-633-2389 Work: 519-631-8188 e-mail: memery@sympatico.ca March 1, 2007 Sandra Heffren, Manager Administrative Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive S1. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 J 2007 Dear Sandy, Re: Roval Canadian Le2:ion. District "A" Sprin2: Convention hosted bv Zone A-7 Zone A-7, which comprises the six Legion branches in Elgin County (Port Burwell, Aylmer, Port Stanley, Rodney, West Lome and S1. Thomas), is pleased to have the honour of hosting the 2007 District "A" Spring Convention. District "A" covers a territory from Port Burwell in the east, north through London to Grand Bend and west to Windsor. The Convention will be held on April 20, 21 & 22, 2007 in S1. Thomas. All the members of the Zone are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to offer the members of District "A" a full weekend of hospitality and comradeship. Weare expecting up to 300 delegates plus their spouses and families. We are writing to ask the County to provide 300 County of Elgin pins for our delegates' welcome packages. Weare pleased to advise that Warden Acre has accepted our offer to bring greetings on behalf of the County of Elgin at our opening ceremonies and we look forward to having her with us. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my office at 631-8188. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to favourable reply. Sincerely ember, Organizing Committee Legion, District "A" Spring Convention ~~~ !~~ "':-. ..-:.... ~..( '. .~.;:-;: NORTH."BAY ONTARIO,CANADA just North Enough to be PERFECT The Corporation of the City of North Bay 200 Mcintyre St. East P.O. Box 360 North Bay, Ontario Canada P1 B 8H8 Office of the Mayor Tel: (705) 474-0400 Direct Line: (705) 474-0626, extension 517 Direct Fax: (705) 474-4925 E-Mail: mayor@cityofnorthbay.ca.&nt.i1;V.~I<<:~1f~ bt"W!M~ ~",:;_~,~>t~t~i ~.l!~ ~ 8 ti~ il n ~ It; 2 1 2007 n~ ~i ~Ii\~ ~ 11 bE.,~\}b<l d February 15,2007 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dnve ST. THOMAS, ON N5R 5Vl {t~.', Atln: He~~ The Province introduced the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) in March 2005 to replace the Community Reinvestment Fund. The impact on municipalities varied depending on their own unique circumstances and how they fit the new formulae, resulting in many winners and many losers. The City of North Bay was one of many municipalities that would see funding levels decrease as the Province phased in the transition from the CRF to the OMPF. Like you, we have been struggling with the OMPF. Our detailed studies have determined a formula solution that benefits both of our municipalities, as well as many others. We are asking for your support and we're confident that as you read the following paragraphs, you will agree that we've come up with a solution that can be immediately implemented by the Provincial Government. The level of funding has been maintained at a base level established as the CRF funding received in 2004. The 2004 CRF level of funding was based on Local Service Realignment costs for 2002. The Province did update the CRF to reflect 2004 level of costs and all municipalities received a one-time payment in 2005. Unfortunately the base level of funding was not adjusted upward and local taxpayers have had to absorb a larger level of Provincial health and social service costs. The City of North Bay has been objecting to the funding formulae for over two years and has made several suggestions which have been rejected by the Province. During the same period there have been several changes to the OMPF formulae which have benefited many municipalities but have not benefited the City of North Bay. The Province has added $168 million or 25% to the OMPF since 2005. Our Deputy Mayor made a presentation to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs - Pre-Budget Consultations on January 24, 2007. A copy of this presentation which was expanded upon in a City of North Bay budget presentation February 1, 2007, can be seen on our web site at www.cityofnorthbay.ca. We have recommended that the base level of funding that the Province has protected for all municipalities should reflect the adjusted 2004 CRF after the reconciliation to the 2004 level of Local Service Realignment costs confirmed by the province. We have also recommended that this base level of funding should be increased by an inflationary allowance to ensure that every municipality receives an increase from the 2005 level. We have attached a copy of a resolution passed unanimously by our City Council on Monday, February 5,2007. We have also attached a list of municipalities like yours that would benefit from this change to the OMPF. We have estimated that the additional cost to the Province for 2007 would be less than $50 million. This is less than the additional $56 million that was added to the funding levels in March 2006. It is also equal to the level of additional OMPF funding that the City of Toronto will receive in 2007 as a result of changes to the OMPF formulae since 2005. This additional funding would help to provide stability for 2007 and 2008 until the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal Service Delivery Review is completed and a new deal is announced and implemented. Again we ask that you join us by supporting this important resolution, one that brings fairness to communities like yours and ours. A copy of this letter is also being directed to your MPP., so we ask that you contact him/her and discuss this solution to our mutual problem. Yours truly, Peter Deputy Mayor City of North Bay 4~" NORf}{'~AY ONTARIO CANADA The Corporation of the City of North Bay 200 Mcintyre St. East PO. Box 360 North Bay, Ontario Canada P1 B 81-18 Tel: (705) 474-0400 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION Direct Line: (705) 474-0626, ext. 510 Fax Line: (705) 495-4353 E-mail: cathV.conrad@lcitvofnbrthbaV.ca 7 February 2007 Premier Dalton McGuinty Room 281, Main Legislative Building TORONTO, ON M7A1A4 Dear Sir: This is Resolution No. 2007-87 which was passed by Council at its Regular Meeting held Monday, February 5, 2007. . Resolution No. 2007-87: "WHEREAS the level of provincial unconditional funding from the Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) and the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) has remained at $16,611,000 since 2001; AND WHEREAS during the same period the City of North Bay's Operating Budget expenditures have increased by 30%; . AND WHEREAS during the same period the City of North Bay's tax levy has increased by 41.2%; AND WHEREAS while the Provincial share of funding for Operating Budget expenditures has dropped from 21.7% to 16.7%, the local tax levy share has increased from 56.5% to 61.3% during the same period; AND WHEREAS the transition from the CRF to the OMPF was scheduled to result in reductions in block funding from the Province; AND WHEREAS the province has chosen to defer the reductions by providing one-time funding to ensure the funding does not fall below the 2004 level; ~AND WHEREAS the 2004 CRF level of funding was based on a reconciliation of Local Services Realignment costs to 2002; AND WHEREAS the Province did complete a reconciliation to update Local Services Realignment costs to 2004 levels and reimbursed the City of North Bay the additional $970,000 to recognize the increased costs bringing the reconciled CRF funding for 2004 to $17,581,000; AND WHEREAS the citizens of North Bay have had to absorb the Local Services Realignment cost increases for 2003 and 2004 and inflationary increases since 2004; Premier Dalton McGuinty 7 February 2007 Page 2 AND WHEREAS the' Province has increased funding levels for the OMPFby $168 million or 25% since it was introduced in March 2005; AND WHEREAS the City of North Bay has not received any increase in OMPF funding; AND WHEREAS the Province, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the City of Toronto have embarked on a Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review to be completed in the spring of 2008; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of North Bay petition the Province of Ontario to guarantee a minimum increase in the OMPF for 2007 of $1,617,000, being the reconciled CRF Local Services Realignment costs for 2003 and 2004 totalling $970,000 and an inflationary increase of 3.7% totalling $647,000, thereby bringing the stable funding guarantee up to $18,228,000 in 2007; AND FURTHER THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance, the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Ms. Monique Smith, M.P.P. (Nipissing), the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities and Leaders of the Opposition Parties." Sincerely, J. f-D U a.fl Catherine Conrad, City Clerk. CMC/cjc Copy to: Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Northern Development & Mines Monique Smith, MPP (Nipissing) Association of Municipalities of Ontario Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities Howard Hampton, Leader of Opposition John Tory, Leader of Opposition W:\CLERK\RMS\F11\2007\OMPF\GENERAL\0001.doc f- 2 UJ ~ f- Cf) :) """') o ~ (9 2 o 2>- :)~ LLCO ....JI UJf- >0:: ::10 UJ2 Cf)LL ~O CO>- Of- 20 [2>- 0... CO -0 IW Cf)Cf) 0::0 UJo... 20 f-o:: ~o... 0...Cf) ....J~ ~ 0... o 2 :) ~ o 0:: ~ f- 2 o --oQ) ~ C (/) :Q ~ m C a. u ::J._ E 2{5-o .Q aJ 3l ..... C 0 .r;l t a. 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'<t th LO th th ; i I I --- .. -- -- -------j- -- -- -- I I I I I I I I -t--n~_- -- I i I I I I I I ~ W ~ ~ <( ~ U z ::::> :iE ~ W ::c I- a al LO .... ~ W ~ ~ <( ~ U z ::::> :iE '<t N N ~ a LL W I- <( :iE ~ ~ W ...J <( I- a I- ~ a LL W ~ :iE ~ ~ W 1--------- CORRESPONDENCE - MARCH 13. 2007 Items for Information (Consent Aaenda) 1. R. Bruce Mitchell, Senior Manager, Motor Fuels, Tobacco and Land Taxes Section, Tax Advisory Services Branch, acknowledging Council's resolution concerning licensing of municipal vehicles and exemption from payment of fuel tax. (ATTACHED) 2. Cynthia St. John, Chief Administrative Officer, Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit, with an update on the Board's 2007 budget and the County of Elgin's contribution to the 2007 budget. (ATTACHED) 3. Premier Dalton McGuinty acknowledging Council's resolution: 1) regarding the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund; 2) in support of the Town of New Tecumseth's resolution regarding the Banting Homestead. 4. Hon. Steve Peters, M.P.P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, with copy of correspondence to the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food concerning the exit strategy for tobacco farmers. (ATTACHED) 5. AMO 1 oath Annual Conference and Companion Program registration form. (ATTACHED) 6. Doug Reycraft, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, with a reminder to municipalities of the reporting requirements for 2006 funding under the Federal Gas Tax Agreement. (ATTACHED) Ministry of Finance Tax Advisory Services Branch 33 King Street West Oshawa ON L 1 H 8H5 Tel 905-433-6336 Fax 905-433-5952 Ministere des Finances Direction des services de conseils fiscaux 33, rue King Ouest Oshawa ON L 1 H 8H5 Tel 905-433-6336 T elec905-433-5952 ~ Ontario FEB - 7 2007 January 30, 2007 (f' ff"-' n',!'f'" i;Otii~ ~ '1 N ."'~~il\ij!"''iPiQ)!i,''?fiM= jUJ~~aUfi\jEQ; U ClUk tlli Ii t Mrs. S.J. Heffren Manager of Administrative Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mrs. Heffren: Re: Municipally-Owned Vehicles Fuel Tax Act T AS File # 06-4856 We have received from the Ministry of Transportation a copy of your letter requesting an exemption from licensing of municipal vehicles and exemption from the payment of fuel tax. The request for an exemption from fuel tax is a tax policy matter and we have now referred it to the Sales and Commodity Tax Policy Unit of the Corporate and Commodity Taxation Branch of the Ministry of Finance. Please accept my apologies for not acknowledging your query earlier. ftl/~or R. Bruce Mitchell Senior Manager Motor Fuels, Tobacco and Land Taxes Section Tax Advisory Services Branch Copy: S. Erry, Service Delivery Partnerships Branch, MTO www.trdJin.gov.on.ca ' elgin st.thomas health unit 99 Edward Street S1. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1 V8 Telephone: (519) 631-9900 Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-922-0096 Fax: (519) 633-0468 www.elginhealth.on.ca February 1, 2007 Mr. Mark McDonald Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 '11 6 2007 Dear Mark: Please be advised that at the January 10, 2007 meeting, the Board of Health of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit approved the Health Unit's 2007 budget with the following resolution: That the Board approve the 2007 budget in the amount of $5,117,823. This budget was passed recognizing the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care's budget restriction of a 5% increase. The decrease in municipal levies (25%) is as a result of the "funding shift" that the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care announced two years ago. Specifically, the Ministry of Health will fund 75% of public health unit budgets in 2007 as compared to 65% in 2006 and 55% in 2005. The County of Elgin's contribution to this 2007 budget is 59% of the municipal portion. The chart below illustrates the information above: 2007 BudQet Total Amount % of BudQet 2007 Budget County of Elgin City of St. Thomas Ministry of Health 5,117,823. 754,879. 524,577. 3,838,367. New Funding Split (75%/25%) 59% of 25% of overall budget 41 % of 25% of overall budget 100% of 75% of overall budget Please forward the County of Elgin levy in monthly installments. ...2 OL/lf/67 Col/c.y -r: LJL/.f}A VL6tfJt Page 2 Please also note that this budget amount does not include any additional West Nile Virus dollars required for the 2007 season. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care is now putting together the budget format for that program. To assist with your planning, please expect that the County of Elgin will require an amount similar to the 2006 season. Once the expectations are known, a West Nile virus budget will be forwarded to the Board of Health for approval with appropriate correspondence to you after that. Finally, we will forward an approved audited statement of our 2006 fiscal year once that work is completed - likely in April 2007. As of this writing, it is anticipated that there will be a surplus in 2006. If you have any questions Mark, please contact me at 631-3159, ext. 202. Cynthia St. John Chief Administrative Officer copy: Mary Ens, Accounting Supervisor, Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit The Premier of Ontario Le Premier ministre de l'Ontario Nj ..._" Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1 Edifice de l'Assemblee legislative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1A1 February 15, 2007 (, ,",c'n7 C~Ju 'GES Mrs. SJ. Heffren Manager of Administrative Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter informing me of council's resolution regarding the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund. I appreciate your keeping me updated on council's activities. I note that you have sent a copy of council's resolution to my colleague the Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance. I trust that the minister will also take council's views into consideration. Thank you again for the information. Yours truly, ~qjf~ Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honourable Greg Sorbara @ The Premier of Ontario Le Premier ministre de l'Ontario Edifice de l'Assemblee legislative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7 A 1 A 1 ltj "IIlDllD" Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1 February 28, 2007 r' , ,~ R' 2 "007 \i;\i:,~.h n:w tf". I "1\ ~ '''' Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Manager of Administrative Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter providing me with a copy of council's resolution in support of the resolution passed by the Town of New Tecumseth regarding the Banting Homestead. I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's activities. As this issue falls under the jurisdiction of the Honourable Caroline Di Cocco, Minister of Culture, I have sent her a copy of council's resolution. I trust that the minister will also take council's views into consideration. Thank you again for the information. Yours truly, (2qff~ Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honourable Caroline Di Cocco @ UM ~qpt~ ......,. Ontario Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin - Middlesex - London February 16, 2007 ~~'1'l/'P !g-""'" ~i~L ~_ s\'';?:;;~; "{Jr. [~~1" Honourable Chuck Strahl Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Sir John Carling Building 930 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON KIA OC5 FEB 2: 3 2007 GDUfiyTY OF ADMli~ISTRATIVE Sli ,i} iCES Dear Minister: I am writing to you today on behalf of tobacco farmers and the communities they live and do business in with the hope that your government will soon announce its strategy to assist tobacco farmers exit the industry if they so choose. As you are well aware, tobacco farmers have experienced a steady decline in their industry over the past several years and the situation has now come to the point where many farmers cannot sustain their operations. In 2005, in my then role as provincial Agriculture Minister, our government announced the $50 million program to assist farmers and their communities deal with their crisis. I believe it is now time for your government to do its part to assist farmers and their communities deal with the eventual end of the tobacco industry in Canada. This is not just a problem that the Province of Ontario must deal with because the existing tobacco farmers live and farm here. There are smokers from one coast to the other across this country and the burden of finding a solution to an exit strategy for our tobacco farmers should be shouldered by all of the provinces that have benefited from tobacco tax revenue. Please find enclosed some of the examples of correspondence my office has received from tobacco farmers, groups that represent them and municipal councils. Minister, I would appreciate your reviewing this matter and responding directly to the concerns expressed by those individuals who have contacted my office. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ~~ Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London Cc: Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 542 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON N5P 104 T - (519) 631-0666 Toll free - 1-800-265-7638 F - (519) 631-9478 TTY - (519) 631-9904 E - speters.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org VVWW".stevepeters.com pt;l 108th Annual Conference August 19 - 22,2007 Westin Ottawa Hotel & Ottawa Congress Centre 11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1 N 9H4 Phone: 613-560-7000 I Fax: 613-234-5396 /-rom Ontario ~f IHtfmicipafiiie., CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM (please type or print) Name Municipality Mailing Address Telephone E-mail Title Fax Payment MUST accompany registrations. FAX Credit Card Payments to 416-971-9372 PI d" t " " h" b I ease In Ica e re~ustratlon c olce eow: AMO MEMBERS Fee does not include GST Early Bird Regular On Site X Before After Aug 19-22 April 25 April 25 Full ReQistration 560.00 610.00 660.00 Full ReQ - No Banquet 500.00 550.00 610.00 1 Day - Monday 300.00 340.00 375.00 1 Day - Tuesday 300.00 340.00 375.00 Y2 Day - Wednesday 155.00 165.00 165.00 Companion* 250.00 270.00 270.00 Extra Banquet Tickets 110.00 Feclera!!Provincial Governments GST exempt Early Bird Regular On Site X Before After Aug 19-22 April 25 April 25 Full ReQistration 600.00 650.00 700.00 Full ReQ - No Banquet 525.00 575.00 630.00 1 Day - Monday 320.00 360.00 380.00 1 Day - Tuesday 320.00 360.00 380.00 Y2 Day - Wednesday 175.00 185.00 185.00 Companion * 260.00 280.00 280.00 Extra Banquet Tickets 110.00 Non-Members Fee does not include GST Early Bird Regular On Site X Before After Aug 19-22 April 25 April 25 Full ReQistration 700.00 750.00 800.00 Full ReQ - No Banquet 600.00 675.00 750.00 1 Day - Monday 350.00 400.00 400.00 1 Day - Tuesday 350.00 400.00 400.00 Y2 Day - Wednesday 195.00 205.00 205.00 Companion * 270.00 280.00 280.00 Extra Banquet Tickets 110.00 GST Registration# R106732944 * For companion registration please complete Companion Selection Form Summary of Charges: Registration Fee $ *Companion's Fee $ Extra Banquet $ GST (6%) $ TOTAL $ Payment Method: D Cheque D MasterCard D Visa Card Number: Expiration Date: m y Cardholder's Name (exactly as on card): Signature: Please make cheques payable to: Association of Municipalities of Ontario 393 University Avenue, Suite 1701, Toronto, ON, M5G 1 E6 Refund Policy: Cancellation MUST be made in writing before August 1,2007. An administration charge of $74.20 ($70.00 plus $4.20 GST) will apply Registration Inquiries: Nav Dhaliwal. ndhaliwal@amo.on.ca 1-877-426-6527 · 416-971-9856 ext. 330 Fax: 416-971-9372 Please note any special dietary requirements here: CAUCUS VOTING INSTRUCTIONS: Each delegate who is an elected municipal official is eligible to vote but MUST declare a Caucus when they submit this conference registration form. July 27, 2007 is the last date for changing Caucus for either the Monday Caucus Candidate Lunch or the Tuesday Board of Directors election. After July 27, changes to a declared Caucus are not permitted. Please indicate below which caucus you wish to participate in: D County D Large Urban D Northern D Regional/Single Tier D Rural D Small Urban AMO collects, uses and discloses the information requested to promote the interests of the municipal sector. It may also be shared with selected third parties to generate operating revenues for AMO. Under the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) some of the information may constitute personal information. By filling out this form you agree that all personal information provided by you. on the form may be collected, used and disclosed by AMO for all purposes described above. ';-~, ~ '" ~ ~ h 01) o h P-.i iZl ~ ~g ~.- ~ ctj 0.. ~8 .~ g 1) h ~ ~ o U o ~ ~ t- o o N 1) ...c:: ~ u ~ '" ~ ~ v - ::2 C) C) :.... ...c ....... ...c ....... '~ ...c ....... o C'l ....... Vl ::s OJ) ~ ~ v c:: o ~ c:: o Vl c:: '51; C) ..0 S cO :.... OJ) o :.... 0.. C) ...c ':-' E cO :.... OJ) o :.... 0... ,Vl c:: o vi '2 ~ 8.. '5 S b o ....... u 23 C)..o g ~ 2'"9 .C) <...:.. ........- c:: cO o...c U 0 t""'\ ~ 'V ....... ~--E -< ,- r--... ~ X ~ (=::i~ C) C) --E~ C c:: C) 0 Vl Vl C) C) :""v o..::;l .8'"0 v c:: o .8 u 'v v x c:: C) cO .;a ~ o 5 ~ '.p -< g. ...r:.: ....... o ('.l ....... IJ) ;j co ;j < .~ o ] ~ 0.. ,....; ::l o..::l . OJ)08aJ~ ,S ~ 0.. 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"'- $ Cj 0) :.::::: ~ I co <.0 :g r:: "I:"- 0 ~ r:: Cj ~ 0 ......... . cp cp ~ ~ G cp ~ ~ s:: ~ ....... cp ~ LP ~ .....:= ~ ~ ~ ~cp "S ..~ . a ~ s:: u "- ~ ....... a ~ ~ s:: c:..) ~ cp ~ '--~ ~ "---- ~cp ~ ":./) \..,. ~ cp a ~ ,...:~ G ~ a "S CU 0 ~ ~ ~ s:: ........ , "S << s:: ~ a ,,~ it: ...~ 0 CU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 , ~ ~ ~bi_ Association of Municipalities of Ontario OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT February 21, 2007 Lynn Acre Warden County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 FED 2 S 2007 Dear Warden Acre: ;. fluFI~ ~rt ~ ~ ~~'CIlf'k P~.lT.'.;; ,~" t4~lill!'ti~! filet '; ~[e;,5)~P.iflES. o "",1[;;!l1 ~!\D I am writing to you about the Federal Gas Tax Agreement. As you know, 2006 was the first full year of the Agreement's reporting requirements. As with anything new, several challenges were presented and eventually overcome. One challenge was the delay in receiving the second instalment of 2006 funding. The delay resulted because there were outstanding individual municipal reporting requirements for 2005 that had to be resolved before AMO could receive payment from the Government of Canada. The issue was resolved and municipalities received the remainder of 2006 funds early in January. AMO is committed to working with municipalities to ensure that this challenge does not arise again. Consequently, this letter is intended to remind municipalities of reporting requirements for 2006 funding. Each municipality signed an Agreement for Gas Tax funds setting out the terms and conditions for access to this important new source of revenue. By March 31st of each year of the Agreement, the Agreem~nt requires you to submit both an annual audit statement (a compliance report on the funds and terms of the Agreement) and annual expenditure report. One of your obligations is to ensure that these 2006 documents are provided to AMO by the March 31st 2007 deadline. Payment to you of the first of two instalments of 2007 funding is anticipated in July 2007. However, this payment will be delayed for those municipalities that have not submitted both the annual audit statement and annual expenditure report for 2006. AMO will only be able to process the July 2007 and subsequent instalment for those municipalities that have submitted both documents. AMO is obligated to implement all the conditions of the Agreement and you are encouraged to refresh your understanding of the provisions related to payment and event of default. All parties to the Agreement are pleased with the direction and the success of the program to date. The flexible framework has given municipalities the ability to set local priorities and invest accordingly. The back end reporting requirements are a critical tool in demonstrating accountability and transparency. I have full confidence municipalities will support the continued success of the program. Cof'~I) )0 Ll./iJA VLGiL 03/o!/Cfl . 393 University Ave., Suite 1701 Toronto ON MSG 1 E6 Canada I E-mail: amo~:mo~n:calww.;.mo 00 ca if i:tf!'. Tel: (416) 971-9856 I Fax: (416) 971-6191 I Toll-free in Ontario: 1-877-426-6527 . If you should have any questions, please contact Judy Dezell, Project Manager for the Federal Gas Tax at AMO at 416-971-9856 ext 306 or idezell@amo.on.ca. Sincerely, o~ C?a/f Doug Reycraft President c: Mark McDonald, CAO, County of Elgin IN-CAMERA AGENDA MARCH 13. 2007 Reports: (Attached) 1. Director of Human Resources - Potential DNA Arbitration Award (verbal) Administrative Services Department Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5V1 Phone: (519) 631-1460 Ext. 156 Fax: (519) 633-7661 County of Elgin www.elgin-county.on.ca Fax To: Warden Acre and Elgin County Councillors Call Group From: Mark G. McDonald mmcdonald@elgin-county.on.ca March 9, 2007 including cover sheet Fax: Phone: Re: Additional Items for Council Agenda of March 13, 2007 Date: Pages: CC: Comments: Deleaations: Staff Reports: 1. Director of Engineering Services - Pioneer Museum Building at 32 Talbot Street 2. Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator - Request by County Fire Departments 3. Directors of Senior Services TIL, ElM, BN - Meals on Wheels Annual Agreement Renewal 4. Directors of Senior Services TIL, ElM, BN - Linen Services in Elgin County Homes Contract Award Correspondence -Items for Information: (ATTACHED) 1. Fiona Nisbet, President, St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association, with invitation to the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. THE INFORMATION IN THIS FACSIMILE IS FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT ONLY. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, OR THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS IN TRANSMISSION, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: March 6, 2007 SUBJECT: Pioneer Museum Building at 32 Talbot Street CORPORATE GOALS To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: On Monday February 26, 2007 a flood occurred at 32 Talbot Street, the old Pioneer Museum, in St. Thomas. The flood was caused by a frozen pipe and or meter in the basement of the building. DISCUSSION: A City of St. Thomas employee called the County of Elgin on the morning of Monday February 26, 2007 to inform the County that there may be the possibility of flooding at the museum. Immediately, county staff went to investigate the situation. At that time City staff was in the process of shutting off the water to the building. The water was shut off at approximately 1 pm. At that time the water was approximately 120 cm deep in the basement, and only 5 cm below the electrical panel. For the remainder of the day staff remained at the scene to operate the pumps to reduce the water level. The next day, Tuesday, a plumbing contractor was on site to complete the pumping of the water and also to fix the broken water line inside the building. After pumping out the remaining water in the basement, it was found that pipes to the two oil tanks were leaking oil. It is assumed that a piece of debris damaged a rusty valve, which caused oil to leak out and sit on top of the water. Due to the presence of the 2 cm thick oil on top of the water a company that specializes in cleaning up oil contaminates was requested to remove the oil and water liquid. At that time, the Ministry of the Environment was notified of the situation and staff was informed to contact the Technical Standards Safety Authority (TSSA) spills action centre to report the oil spill. Since the spill occurred within the building, TSSA is involved (MOE would be involved if the. liquid escapes the building envelope). (/) The St. Thomas Fire Department investigated the site to ascertain whether the fuels could be ignited and or if there were any other dangers to the environment or humans. The fire department was in agreement with the actions of the County. The St. Thomas Environmental Department also became involved and were in agreement with the actions that County staff completed. A licensed contractor arrived on site late on Tuesday and completed the removal of the remaining contaminated liquids on Thursday. Another licensed contractor removed the oil tanks, which were cleaned by the licensed contractor (who removed the oil and water substance from the basement). The (TSSA) inspector met with County staff and later provided a written report to the County, which is to provide a written assessment to TSSA on the clean up of the spill. The site will be back to normal by March 9, 2007 and the estimated cost for this cleanup and mechanical repairs is $15,000. Staff is recommending that the funds for this project be allocated from the 2006 Anticipated Surplus Account. During the repairs, the area that froze was re-insulated to prevent this from re- occurring. CONCLUSION: A flood occurred at 32 Talbot Street in St. Thomas on February 26, 2007 and by Friday March 9, 2007 the building will have all the necessary repairs completed. The St. Thomas Fire Department, St. Thomas Environmental Services Department, Ministry of the Environment and the Technical Standards Safety Authority are all satisfied that the measures taken by the County of Elgin were reasonable for the circumstances and the actions were completed with a sense of urgency. (j) RECOMMENDATION: That this report, Pioneer Museum Building at 32 Talbot Street in St. Thomas dated March 6, 2007, be received and filed; and also, That the cost for this project be allocated from the 2006 Anticipated Surplus Account. Respectfully Submitted WvJ~ lw~ " Officer Clayton Watters Director, Engineering Services @ 6.. . . . , REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Larysa Andrusiak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator DATE: March 8, 2007 SUBJECT: Request by County Fire Departments CQRPORATE GOALfSl REFERENCED: To forge community partnerships To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement To provide innovative and collaborative quality service INTRODUCTION: A request was received to provide a letter from the County authorizing the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) data available from the Ministry of Health for county fire dispatch. DISCUSSION: A request was received from Fire Chief Sam Taylor dated March 8,2007. The correspondence indicated that County Fire Departments will be receiving Dispatch services from the Town of Tillsonburg starting June 1, 2007. The letter indicated that in striving to make improvements to the fire dispatch system, permission is requested from the County authorizing the Ministry of Health to share its GIS data of Elgin County with the Town of Tillsonburg Dispatch service. The correspondence also states that Tillsonburg is installing a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and the GIS data would allow for faster incident location identification and subsequent faster dispatch times. County Fire Chiefs and Tilllsonburg Dispatch have been in contact with the Ministry of Health, GIS Department, which has indicated they have no concerns sharing the data but that they require authority from the county to provide the GIS data to Tillsonburg Dispatch. County staff have no issues with this request. CONCLUSION: Correspondence was received requesting a letter from the County authorizing the Ministry of Health, GIS Department, to share GIS data of Elgin County with the Town of Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch. County Fire Departments will be receiving fire dispatch services from Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch as of June 1, 2007. (iJ RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council approve correspondence to the Ministry of Health, GIS Department, authorizing the sharing of Elgin County GIS data with the Town of Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch in the provision of fire dispatch services for Elgin County Fire Departments. Respectfully Submitted ofc c- ano\~ Lary:tdrusiak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator @ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Pat Vandevenne, Director of Senior Services, Bobier Villa Rhonda Roberts, Director of Senior Services, Terrace Lodge Melissa Lewis, Director of Senior Services, Elgin Manor DATE: March 8, 2007 SUBJECT: Meals on Wheels Annual Agreement Renewal CORPORATE GOALS REFERENCED: · To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability · To forge community partnerships · To provide innovative and collaborative quality service INTRODUCTION: Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge provide hot meals for the community Meals on Wheels programs through the VON Middlesex/Elgin and West Elgin Community Health Centre. DISCUSSION: The Homes have presented Meals on Wheels reports to Council in January and July of 2006, outlining current costs and a plan to move toward a cost-recovery model. The goal is a sustainable pricing plan, that keeps pace with current costs and yet is sensitive to the need to maintain accessible and affordable meals for seniors in the community. The Homes have made considerable progress and continue to meet and re-evaluate Meals on Wheels programs with VaN and WECHC. The current agreement expires in 2007 and the MOW agencies have requested to align renewal contracts with the provincial funding year of April 1 st. Through recent talks, a cost recovery increase of $0.50 per meal starting April 1, 2007 was established. With the VaN, this increase will be passed along to consumers, who will now pay $6.50 per meal, and Terrace Lodge and Elgin Manor will recover $6.00. With the WECHC, this increase will be absorbed by the health centre budget, and Bobier Villa will recover $6.00, while the consumer will pay the same price per meal of $6.00. CONCLUSION: The initial Meals on Wheels report of January 2006 to Council estimated that the Homes' cost of producing a meal was approximately $7.00, while the recovery for the Home was $4.45. Starting on April 1st of this year, the gap between costs and recoveries will be further reduced to $1.00 per meal. A progressive approach with partner agencies and incremental increases for community clients have enabled the Elgin County Homes to support seniors and sustain our budgets. (i) RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the Meals on Wheels agreement with VON Elgin/Middlesex and the West Elgin Community Health Centre for the period of January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission eJ~nlUM~. Pat Vandevenne, Bobier Villa Director of Senior Services l~uIlJoJl/1~ Rhonda Roberts, Terrace Lodge Director of Senior Services ~-- (/~~ Melissa Lewis, Elgin Manor Director of Senior Services (i) REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Pat Vandevenne, Director of Senior Services, Bobier Villa Rhonda Roberts, Director of Senior Services, Terrace Lodge Melissa Lewis, Director of Senior Services, Elgin Manor DATE: March 9, 2007 SUBJECT: Linen Services in Elgin County Homes Contract Award CORPORATE GOALS REFERENCED: · To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. · To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement. · To nurture and support dignified long-term care. INTRODUCTION: The contract to provide linen services for the Elgin County Homes is due for renewal. External contracts for linen services have been used in the Elgin County Homes since 1992 at Bobier Villa, 2003 at Elgin Manor and 1978 at Terrace Lodge. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In preparation for upcoming contract expiry, a delegation of representatives from the Homes and Financial Services toured several local linen providers May 27, 2005. At that time, one of the plants inspected was undertaking a major expansion to address space, infection control and processing issues identified in their existing establishment. With the current agreement expiring March 31,2007, a request for proposal document (RFP) was released by Financial Services, with a deadline for proposal receipt by February 14, 2007. Two proposals were received and have been subsequently reviewed by an evaluation committee convened February 22,2007. Satisfactory reference checks were completed as part of the request for proposal process. In order for the Elgin County Homes to be assured of a safe, high quality linen supply through an external service partnership, a subsequent follow-up visit was scheduled to visually inspect physical plant and processing procedures on February 28,2007. This secondary step was determined appropriate, as the requested public health inspection reports included in the request for proposals were not available from linen providers. g) While the costing for linen services is dependent upon many variables, including volumes, usage and weights, an estimate for comparison purposes of the proposed pricing is outlined below. Volumes for this estimate are based on actual usage in the Homes for the period of April 1 , 2005 to March 31, 2006 and proposed pricing. LINEN SERVICES Estimated Annual Contract Costs Linen Provider Bobier Villa Elgin Manor Terrace Lodge TOTAL LHLS 60,000 80,000 105,000 $245,000 Brite 38 000 50,000 61 ,000 $149,000 RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Warden and CAG be authorized to enter into a written agreement with Brite Linen Services to provide linen services to the three Elgin County Homes for a three- year period from April 1 ,2007 to March 31,2010 with pricing held firm, with the option to renew up to an additional two years with pricing not to exceed the C.P.I. factor. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ~~... ~t!'~ Sonia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator {2L1~{'N~ Pat Vandevenne, Bobier Villa Director of Senior Services cli1JJJ "7 Rhonda Roberts, Terr ce Lodge Director of Senior Services ~EI?;- e Issa eWIS, gin anor Director of Senior Services (j) St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association March 5, 2007 Dear St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association Member, Re: Notice of Annual General Medin!!: - St. Thomas - EI!!:in Tourist Association I am writing on behalf of the St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association Board of Directors to advise you of the following items of interest: 1. to invite you to attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Elgin County Museum located on the fourth floor of the Elgin County Administration Building at 450 Sunset Drive in St. Thomas. 2. to advise you of agenda items, which will include: Year in Review, Marketing Plan, By-law Changes (if any), Election of Officers and Financial Report. Any paid up 2007 member will be eligible to vote and stand for nomination. Please note, a full copy ofthe by-laws may be picked up at the STETA office at 545 Talbot Street, Lower Level, St. Thomas, should you require one prior to the meeting. The Board is eager to update our members on the activities of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association during the past year as well as share with you the proposed projects for the upcoming year. The business meeting will be followed by a light lunch so we would ask that you R.S.V.P. to the office at 631-8188 or toll free at 1-877-GO-ELGIN (1-877-463-5446) on or before April 03, 2007. We look forward to seeing you then and should you have questions regarding the above, feel free to contact Marg Emery at the office. )tcerelY,~, \ . \ I, L( .1 \ vv\.v--- r \J \ ~ ~\ Fiona Nisbet, President St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association Copies to: Elgin County Council Members and County Staff City of St. Thomas Council Members and City Staff Elgin County Municipalities and Staff P.O. Box 22042, 545 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6Al Telephone: 5196318188 Fax: 519631-3836 Web site: www.el!!intonrist.com Email: sightsee@elgintourist.com (i)