06 - March 24, 2020 County Council Agenda Package for Special Meeting 2 111,. 46011- 1 0000 /OF I or ElginCoui,,"I"Ity, Table of Contents SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING #2 FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2020 - 1:00 PM (Immediately Following Special Meeting #1) I. Orders — March 24, 2020 2 II. Minutes — March 10, 2020 3 III. Reports Index — March 24, 2020 22 IV. Report — Emergency Plan 23 V. Attachment — Pandemic Plan 24 VI. Report — COVID-19 (Financial Services) 66 VI I. Report — Delegation of Authority By-Law Report 67 VIII. By-Law— Elgin COVID-19 Delegating By-Law 68 111,. 46011- 1 0000 /OF I or ElginCoui,,"Ity, ORDERS OF THE DAY SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING #2 FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2020 - 1:00 PM (Immediately Following Special Meeting #1) ORDER 1St Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes — March 10, 2020 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4t" Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 5t" Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6t" Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 7t" Consideration of By-laws 8t" ADJOURNMENT TELECONFERENCE MEETING — IN-PERSON PARTICIPATION OPTIONAL NOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Attendance of the public in person is subject to compliance with orders of the Province of Ontario and social distancing guidelines. Please note at this time there is not an option for the public to call in to this meeting. COVID-19 NOTICE: Have you travelled outside Canada within the last 14 days? Or been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19? Do you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath? If yes ..... STOP. Please do not attend the meeting in person if you are unwell. Help prevent any potential spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. Accessible formats available upon request. tiy ...._ „ G %'� Page 1 March 10, 2020 Prmaess:Dve byWerre ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES March 10, 2020 Council Present: Warden Dave Mennill Deputy Warden Duncan McPhail Councillor Bob Purcell Councillor Grant Jones Councillor Sally Martyn Councillor Tom Marks Councillor Mary French Councillor Dominique Giguere Councillor Ed Ketchabaw Staff Present: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Brian Lima, Director of Engineering Services Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources Brian Masschaele, Director of Community & Cultural Services Alan Smith, General Manager of Economic Development Stephen Gibson, County Solicitor Jennifer Ford, Deputy Treasurer/Senior Financial Analyst Steve Evans, Manager of Planning (report only) Carolyn Krahn, Legislative Services Coordinator Sam McFarlane, Accessibility Coordinator (report only) Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator (report only) Lisa Czupryna, Senior Financial Analyst (report only) Jeff Lawrence, Tree Commissioner/Weed Inspector (report only) 1. CALL TO ORDER Elgin County Council met this 10t" day of March, 2020 in the Council Chambers, at the County Administration Building, St. Thomas at 9.00 a.m. with Warden Mennill in the chair. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Purcell Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on February 11, 2020 be adopted. - Motion Carried. Page 2 March 10, 2020 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 4. PRESENTING PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS 4.1 Retirement Recognition — Inspector Brad Fishleigh, OPP Detachment Commander Warden Mennill presented a certificate of retirement to Inspector Brad Fishleigh, OPP Detachment Commander and thanked him for 10 years of dedicated service to the County of Elgin. Inspector Brad Fishleigh thanked Council for their support. 5. HEARING OF APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL EXEMPTION FOR WOODLANDS CLEARING PURSUANT TO WOODLANDS CONSERVATION BY-LAW NO. 05-03 Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw WHEREAS, pursuant to Elgin By-Law 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By-Law), as amended, 1873828 Ontario Limited made Application for a Council Exemption to permit clearing of Woodlands on lands comprising Part of Lot 40, Southeast of the North Branch of Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold and County of Elgin as associated with an approved subdivision development thereon; AND WHEREAS the said Application for Council Exemption was objected to by Residents Jade Petty, Derek Howey, Kattie Usher and Sean Usher; AND WHEREAS Elgin County Council conducted a hearing in respect of the said Application and Objections thereto on March 10, 2020, and, in the course of such hearing, considered, among other things, the Application for Council Exemption No. 04- 19, Letters of Objection from the Objectors referred to above, the Report to County Council by Elgin Tree Commissioner Jeff Lawrence dated February 20, 2020, as well as oral comments from County Solicitor Stephen Gibson, Tree Commissioner Jeff Lawrence, and by or on behalf of the Objectors as well as any other person in attendance at such meeting and expressing a wish to speak to the said Application or Objections thereto; BE IT NOW RESOLVED THAT Elgin County Council permits and allows the Application, as submitted, subject to the terms and conditions set forth on Schedule "A" hereto. SCHEDULE "A" TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. In respect of any works to harvest, destroy, injure or clear trees as permitted by this decision, the Applicant shall comply strictly with all requirements of Elgin County By- Page 3 March 10, 2020 Law 05-03 (Woodlands Conservation By-Law), including but not limited to any and all notification and signage requirements. 2. The Applicant shall reforest 1.6 hectares of land within the area set forth on Map 1 hereto (which area is the same as that set forth on Schedule "G" to the Report to County Council by the Tree Commissioner as dated February 20, 2020), such reforestation to be accomplished by planting of 2800 trees of species and stock acceptable to the Tree Commissioner and to be completed on or before June 30, 2021. 3. In respect of the reforestation work required pursuant to item 2 above, (a) The Applicant shall utilize only site preparation and tree planting methods acceptable to the Tree Commissioner; and (b) Within 48 hours of such completion, the Applicant shall provide and deliver to the Tree Commissioner written notification of completion of tree-planting work as required in item 2 above as well as evidence that such work satisfied the species and stock requirements of such approved reforestation. 4. For the period of 5 years following the date of completion of tree-planting as required pursuant to item 2 above, the Applicant shall use best efforts, including Good Forestry and Conservation Practices, to achieve survival of at least 70% of the trees planted pursuant to item 2 above. 5. For the period of 5 years following the date of completion of tree-planting required pursuant to item 2 above but at all times upon at least 24 hours verbal notice, the Applicant shall grant and allow the Tree Commissioner free and unencumbered access to the lands upon which trees were planted pursuant to item 2 above to assess the survival rate of trees planted thereon, the efforts of the Applicant to achieve the target survival rate, and compliance with these terms and conditions. - Motion Carried. 6. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor French Resolved that we do now move into Committee of the Whole Council. - Motion Carried. 7. REPORTS OF COUNCIL, OUTSIDE BOARDS AND STAFF 7.1 Warden's Activity Report— February 2020 —Warden The Warden presented the report to County Council with a list of official functions attended in February 2020. Page 4 March 10, 2020 Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Purcell Resolved that the report titled "Warden's Activity Report — February 2020" from Warden Dave Mennill dated February 27, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.2 Elgin County Strategic Plan Endorsement— Warden The Warden presented the report regarding the 2020-2022 Elgin County Strategic Plan and seeks Council's endorsement of the plan as presented. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that Council endorse the "2020-2022 Elgin County Strategic Plan" as presented; and, that the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to provide a comprehensive follow up report which includes Council Actions, Staff Operational Plan and a general overview of Council's strategic planning process at the April 14, 2020 meeting of County Council. Motion Carried. 7.3 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment March 2020 Update —Councillor Purcell, Chair — Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee The Chair of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee presented a report sharing the following steps that the Steering Committee has taken in their careful planning for the success of the redevelopment of Terrace Lodge. Moved by: Councillor Marks Seconded by: Councillor French Resolved that the report titled "Terrace Lodge Steering Committee March 2020 Update" from Councillor Bob Purcell, Chair— Terrace Lodge Steering Committee dated March 10, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.4 Multi-Year Accessibility— 2019 Status Report —Accessibility Coordinator The Accessibility Coordinator presented the report regarding the Annual Accessibility Status Report on the progress of measures taken to implement the strategies outlined in the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Martyn Page 5 March 10, 2020 Resolved that the report titled "Multi-Year Accessibility Plan — 2019 Status Report" dated March 10, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.5 2021-2026 Multi Year Accessibility Plan Update — Accessibility Coordinator The Accessibility Coordinator presented the report regarding the 2021-2026 Multi Year Accessibility Plan Update. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the report titled "2021-2026 Multi Year Accessibility Plan Update" dated March 10, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.6 Public Release of Request for Proposal Scores — Director of Community and Cultural Services The Director of Community and Cultural Services presented the report outlining the County's procedures for providing proponent feedback in relation to proposals received for Request for Proposals (RFPs) where scoring results and not necessarily lowest price are used to determine the successful applicant. The report also outlined options that RFP proponents have to seek further information about scoring within the confines of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (M FI PPA). Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Martyn Resolved that the report titled "Public Release of Request for Proposal Scores" from the Director of Community and Cultural Services dated February 19, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried 7.7 Electronic Bidding — Purchasing Coordinator The Purchasing Coordinator presented additional information with respect to the bidding platform proposed by staff, along with options for Council's consideration. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the PowerPoint presentation titled "Electronic Bidding" dated March 10, 2020 be received; and, that the Procurement Policy be amended to include options with respect to electronic bidding and the continued acceptance of paper submissions; and, that options be presented to Council at an upcoming meeting. - Motion Carried. Page 6 March 10, 2020 7.8 Approval for Official Plan Amendment No. 18 — Manager of Planning The Manager of Planning presented the report providing County Council with information required in order to consider granting approval to the above noted Official Plan Amendment. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves Official Plan Amendment No.18 to the Township of Malahide Official Plan, File No. MA-OPA18-20; and, that staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the Planning Act. - Motion Carried. 7.9 Approval for Official Plan Amendment No. 25— Manager of Planning The Manager of Planning presented the report providing County Council with information required in order to consider granting approval to the above noted Official Plan Amendment. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Purcell Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves Official Plan Amendment No.25 to the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan, File No. BA-OPA25-20; and, that staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the Planning Act. - Motion Carried. 7.10 2019 Economic Development Department Highlights — General Manager of Economic Development The General Manager of Economic Development presented the report providing highlights and outcomes of the department's yearly activities. A detailed overview can be found in Appendix One. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the February 27, 2020, report titled, "2019 Economic Development Department: Highlights," submitted by the General Manager of Economic Development, be received and filed for information; and, that the General Manager of Economic Development be directed to prepare an interim report on departmental activities to be provided to County Council in July 2020. - Motion Carried. Page 7 March 10, 2020 7.11 Homes — Administration Policy 1.34 — Student Educational Placements & Orientation — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report regarding the Homes — Administration Policy 1.34 — Student Educational Placements & Orientation. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Martyn Resolved that Council approve the County of Elgin Homes and Seniors Services Administration Policy 1.34 — Student Educational Placements & Orientation; and, that the report titled "Homes —Administration Policy 1.34 — Student Educational Placements & Orientation" dated March 2, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.12 2020 Non-Union Economic Adjustment — Director of Human Resources The Director of Human Resources presented the report seeking County Council's approval to implement a 1.9% wage increase for non-union staff and Council in 2020. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that County Council approve a non-union economic adjustment of 1.9% effective the first full pay period of 2020; and, that the necessary by-law be prepared. - Motion Carried. 7.13 Amendments to Human Resources Policy 9.90 — Pregnancy and Parental Leave — Director of Human Resources The Director of Human Resources presented the report regarding Amendments to Human Resources Policy 9.90 — Pregnancy and Parental Leave. Moved by: Councillor French Seconded by: Councillor Martyn Resolved that Council approve the changes to HR Policy 9.90 Pregnancy and Parental Leave as attached. - Motion Carried. Page 8 March 10, 2020 7.14 HR Policy: 12.130 Exit Interview— Director of Human Resources The Director of Human Resources presented the report regarding HR Policy: 12.130 Exit Interview. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor McPhail Resolved that Council approve the new HR Policy: "12.130 Exit Interview" and updated Exit Interview procedure. - Motion Carried. 7.15 Contract Award— King George VI Lift Bridge Rehabilitation Contract No. 2020- T03 — Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report regarding the Contract Award — King George VI Lift Bridge Rehabilitation Contract No. 2020-T03. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Marks Resolved that Landform Civil Infrastructure Inc. be selected for the King George VI Bridge Rehabilitation Project, Tender No. 2020-T03 at a total price of $5,843,640.00 (inclusive of a $650,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of HST), and that the funding deficit be identified in the 2021 Capital Budget; and, that the provision of additional contract administration and inspection engineering services associated with the Rehabilitation of the King George IV Lift Bridge previously awarded to GM BluePlan Engineering Limited be increased in the amount of $270,000.00 (excluding HST); and, that the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contract. - Motion Carried. 7.16 St. George Street Bridge Deck Rehabilitation — Project Award — Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report providing details regarding the joint project between the City of St. Thomas and County of Elgin for the St. George Street Bridge rehabilitation; the Bridge is jointly owned by both municipalities. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw Resolved that the report titled St. George Street Bridge Deck Rehabilitation — Project Award, be received for information. - Motion Carried. Page 9 March 10, 2020 7.17 Contract Award — Kimble Bridge Replacement Contract No. 2020-T02 — Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report regarding the Contract Award — Kimble Bridge Replacement Contract No. 2020-T02. Moved by: Councillor French Seconded by: Councillor Purcell Resolved that Sterling Ridge Infrastructure Inc. be selected for the Kimble Bridge Replacement Project, Contract No. 2020-T02 at a total price of$495,500 inclusive of a $40,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, that projected surplus funds from the St. George Street Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $50,000 be reallocated towards the Kimble Bridge Replacement Project capital budget to offset a funding deficit; and, that the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contract. - Motion Carried. 7.18 Avon Drive (CR 37) — Boundary Road Agreement — Director of Engineering- Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report seeking Council's approval to enter into the new Avon Drive (CR 37) — Boundary Road Agreement. Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor French Resolved that the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contract. - Motion Carried. 7.19 Approval to Award Tender No. 2020-T09 — Wonderland Road Reconstruction — Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report requesting permission for staff to award one tender prior to the April 28, 2020 Council Meeting in an effort to expedite the project. Moved by: Councillor Purell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw Resolved that staff award Tender No. 2020-T09 —Wonderland Road Reconstruction according to the County's Purchasing Policy and within budget allocations; and, that the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contract; and, that staff report back to Council with the results at the April 28, 2020 Council meeting. - Motion Carried. Page 10 March 10, 2020 7.20 2020 Annual Repayment Limit — Director of Financial Services The Deputy Treasurer/Senior Financial Analyst presented the report regarding the 2020 Annual Repayment Limit (ARL). Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that the report titled "2020 Annual Repayment Limit" dated February 26, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.21 Council and Outside Board Remuneration and Expenses — Senior Financial Analyst The Senior Financial Analyst presented the report regarding remuneration, mileage, and expenses for Council and Outside Boards. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor McPhail Resolved that the Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for County Council for 2019 be received and filed by Council; and, that the Treasurer's Statement for Remuneration and Expenses for Outside Boards for 2019 be received and filed by Council; and, that the report titled "Council and Outside Boards Remuneration and Expenses" from the Senior Financial Analyst dated February 23, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.22 Landfill Revenue Neutral Tax Ratio — Director of Financial Services The Deputy Treasurer/Senior Financial Analyst presented the report regarding the Landfill Revenue Neutral Tax Ratio. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that Schedules A and C of the February 11, 2020 budget presentation be amended to reflect the revised landfill tax ratio and rates in-line with the provincially calculated revenue neutral ratio for landfills; and, that the necessary 2020 budget by-law be read for approval. - Motion Carried. Page 11 March 10, 2020 7.23 Approval Fees and Charges — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report regarding the fees and charges levied for administrative activities within each department to reflect cost recovery for material, activities and services. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that By-law 19-31, "A By-law to Provide a Schedule of Services and Activities Subject to Fees and Charges by the County of Elgin", passed on August 13, 2019, is hereby repealed; and, that the changes to fees and charges identified in red and the fees and charges listed in the attached by-law are approved and imposed for the associated commencing date of March 10, 2020. - Motion Carried. 7.24 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Update — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report providing details regarding the joint project between the City of St. Thomas, Town of Aylmer, County of Elgin, along with Police Services (City of St. Thomas Police, Town of Aylmer Police and Elgin Ontario Provincial Police) for the development of a joint Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan in accordance with the Police Services Act and Bill 175 — The Safer Ontario Act. There will be one (1)joint CSWB Plan, and it will include the following municipalities: City of St. Thomas, County of Elgin, Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich, Township of Southwold, Township of Malahide, and Municipality of West Elgin. The planning process will be led by Elgin County, the City of St. Thomas, and the Town of Aylmer. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor McPhail Resolved that the report titled "Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Update" from the Chief Administrative Officer dated February 26, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.25 Provincial Offences Part III Prosecutions Update — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report informing County Council of the implications of the Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act, 2017 regarding the downloading of responsibility for prosecuting Part III offences under the Provincial Offences Act from the Province. Part I I I matters are currently being prosecuted by the Ministry's Crown Attorney's office and will be transferred to municipalities. Page 12 March 10, 2020 Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the report titled "Provincial Offences Part III Prosecutions Update" from the Chief Administrative Officer dated March 3, 2020 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7.26 Service Delivery Review Progress Report No. 1 — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report to provide Council with an update on the Service Delivery Review (SDR) process to date, and to seek Council's endorsement, in principle, of the Project Charter and High Opportunity Areas proposed for review. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw Resolved that the report titled "Service Delivery Review Progress Report No.1" from the Chief Administrative Officer dated March 3, 2020 be received and filed., and, that Council endorse, in principle, the Project Charter provided by Strategy Corp Inc. as presented; and, that, without limiting the ultimate scope of the review process or recommendations thereof, Council acknowledge the High Opportunity Areas identified by the Management Team as presented. - Motion Carried. 8. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Items for Consideration (Consent Agenda) 1. Chair Martyn, Elgin Group Police Services Board with a letter to the Ministry of the Solicitor General requesting that a new member of the Elgin Group Police Services Board be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to Section 27 of the Police Services Act, as amended, as soon as possible noting that a vacancy has existed on the Board since July 26, 2019. 2. Lindsey Gray, Manager, Operations Unit, Public Safety Division, Ministry of the Solicitor General with a letter to Chair Martyn, Elgin Group Police Services Board regarding the provincial vacancy on the Elgin Group Police Services Board. 3. Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk/Records Management Coordinator, Municipality of Central Elgin with a letter requesting Elgin County Council to maintain continuing dialogue with the Hospice Steering Committee to look for creative financial and other in-kind measures to support the development of an Elgin hospice and continue to explore available sources of funding for the hospice, particularly when current funding commitments to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital are met in the near future, with the objective that in the future Page 13 March 10, 2020 Elgin County will not be the lone southwestern Ontario county without a hospice. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that the Warden be directed to send a letter to the local MPP, in support of the Elgin Group Police Services Board requesting that the Order in Council vacancy be filled as soon as possible, and, that Correspondence Items #1-3 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 8.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Warden Mennill with a letter to the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding Elgin County Council's support of the proposed development of affordable housing in the Town of Aylmer by Walter Otojic & Sons Ltd. 2. Jim Adams, Director of Housing Programs Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a letter regarding Elgin County Council's support for the Walter Otojic & Sons Ltd. proposal to develop affordable housing in the Town of Aylmer. 3. Douglas Browne, Chief of Emergency Management, Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, Ministry of the Solicitor General with a letter congratulating the municipality's efforts in achieving compliance in 2019. 4. Betsy McClure, Program Coordinator, Elgin Clean Water Program with a letter regarding the 2019 Year End Report. 5. Larry Martin, Chair, Board of Health, Southwestern Public Health with a letter regarding the Board's approval of the purchase of replacement HVAC units at our 1230 Talbot Street location in St. Thomas. 6. The Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a letter regarding the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), 2020. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that Correspondence Items #1-6 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. Page 14 March 10, 2020 9. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members None. 9.2 Notice of Motion None. 9.3 Matters of Urgency 9.3.1 The Chief Administrative Officer requested that an item be added to the Closed Meeting Agenda - Municipal Act Section 239 2(e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the municipality or local board- Port Bruce Bridge. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Purcell Resolved that the Port Bruce Bridge litigation/potential litigation item as requested by the Chief Administrative Officer be added to the agenda for the Closed Meeting. - Motion Carried. 9.3.2 The Chief Administrative Officer presented information about the Call for Community Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Rural Ontario Residential Broadband Project #1. On February 28, 2020, Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN) announced funding under the Next Generation Network Program (NGNP). CENGN will fund projects across Northern and Rural Ontario that demonstrate technology solutions that offer lower cost, higher performance residential broadband access for Northern and Rural Ontario communities. These technology projects will be funded for 3-6 months. They will be designed to test new technologies and solutions to improve high-speed internet access to Northern and Rural Ontario communities. CENGN will fund 50% of the expenses, and the technology applicant must be willing to fund up to 50% of the project. There is no cost to the host community participating in the project. The deadline for EOI submissions is March 13, 2020. One rural Ontario community, and a number of technology company applicants will be selected using the CENGN EOI evaluation process. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to prepare and submit an Expression of Interest. Motion Carried. Page 15 March 10, 2020 9.3.3 The Chief Administrative Officer recommended that a regular meeting of County Council be scheduled for April 14, 2020 at 9.00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw Resolved that a regular meeting of County Council be scheduled for April 14, 2020 at 9.00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Motion Carried. 10. CLOSED MEETING ITEMS Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor French Resolved that we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2). In-Camera Item #1 (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board- Philmore Bridge In-Camera Item #2 (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board- Port Bruce Bridge In-Camera Item #3 (k) - a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board -Transfer Payment Municipal Modernization Program In-Camera Item #4 (b) -personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; (d) labour relations or employee negotiations- Non-union and Council Benefits Plan recommended amendments In-Camera Item #5 (b) -personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees- Organizational Review (to be handed out at meeting) - Motion Carried. Page 16 March 10, 2020 11. RECESS None. 12. MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Purcell Resolved that we do now rise and report. - Motion Carried. In-Camera Item #1 - Philmore Bridge Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that the confidential report titled "Philmore Bridge" be received and filed; and, that the Warden be directed to send a follow-up letter to John Hueston; and, that a copy of the letter be included in the April 14, 2020 County Council Agenda. - Motion Carried. In-Camera Item #2 - Port Bruce Bridge Moved by: Councillor French Seconded by: Councillor Martyn Resolved that the County Solicitor proceed as directed. Motion Carried. In-Camera Item #3 - Transfer Payment Municipal Modernization Program Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to enter into the Transfer Payment Agreement to receive $125,000 from the Municipal Modernization Program; and, that By-Law 20-11 to authorize the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer to execute the Transfer Payment Agreement on behalf of Elgin County be enacted. - Motion Carried. Page 17 March 10, 2020 In-Camera Item #4 — Non-union and Council Benefits Plan recommended amendments Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor McPhail Resolved that County Council approve the confidential report entitled "Non-union and Council Benefits Plan recommended amendments"; and that, staff be directed to implement recommended plan adjustments; and, that staff be directed to present amended Human Resources Policies to County Council for consideration at a future date. - Motion Carried. In-Camera Item #5 — Organizational Review (to be handed out at meeting) Moved by: Councillor French Seconded by: Councillor Martyn Resolved that the Chief Administrative Officer proceed as directed. - Motion Carried. 13. MOTION TO ADOPT RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Motion Carried. 14. CONSIDERATION OF BY-LAWS 14.1 By-law 20-08 — 2020 Budget BEING a By-law to Provide for the Adoption of the 2020 Budget of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to Establish the 2020 Tax Ratios, and to Establish the 2020 Tax Rates for the County Constituent Municipalities. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor French Resolved that By-Law No. 20-08 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. Page 18 March 10, 2020 14.2 By-law 20-09 — Fees and Charges BEING a By-law to Provide a Schedule of Services and Activities Subject to Fees and Charges by the County of Elgin and to Repeal By-law No. 19-31. Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that By-Law No. 20-09 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. 14.3 By-law 20-10 — Land Division Committee Appointment BEING a By-law to Appoint a Land Division Committee and to Repeal By-law No.19-02. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that By-Law No. 20-10 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. 14.4 By-law 20-11 — Municipal Modernization Program Transfer Payment Agreement BEING a By-law to Approve a Transfer Payment Agreement for the Municipal Modernization Program with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Ontario as Represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to fund an Independent Third-Party Reviewer to Conduct a Service Delivery and Modernization Review and, further thereto, to Authorize the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer to Execute the said Transfer Payment Agreement on behalf of Elgin County. Moved by: Councillor French Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Resolved that By-Law No. 20-11 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. Page 19 March 10, 2020 14.5 By-law 20-12 — Confirming all Actions and Proceedings BEING a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 10, 2020 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that By-Law No. 20-12 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor French Seconded by: Councillor Jones Resolved that we do now adjourn at 12.11 p.m. to meet again on April 14, 2020 at the County Administration Building Council Chambers at 9.00 a.m. - Motion Carried. Julie Gonyou, Dave Mennill, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF March 24, 2020 Staff Reports — (ATTACHED) Community Emergency Management Coordinator— Repeal of the Elgin County Pandemic Plan, 2009 Director of Financial Services — COVID-19 Chief Administrative Officer— COVID-19 Delegation By-Law m m^"mxiwr EIgt-11CU"tuu�� REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Jeff Smith, Community Emergency Management Coordinator DATE: March 23, 2020 SUBJECT: Repeal of the Elgin County Pandemic Plan, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: THAT the County of Elgin Pandemic Plan, 2009, be repealed in its entirety. INTRODUCTION: As a result of the 2002 — 2004 SARS epidemic outbreak and in the midst of the 2009-2010 H1 N1 (Swine Flu) pandemic, Council passed a motion to adopt a Pandemic Plan on November 10, 2009. DISCUSSION: The Pandemic Plan, as written, made a number of assumptions based on the epidemic and pandemic thinking at the time. It was written in the middle of the H1 N1 pandemic. The conclusion of the H1 N1 pandemic outbreak in 2010 changed many previously held assumptions. Recognizing the need to deliver vital services to the citizens of Elgin County and the need to support our Local Municipal Partners, regardless of the source of the service interruption, the process of replacing outdated plans, such as the 2009 Pandemic Plan, began in November 2019. These outdated plans were replaced with an all-hazards approach to Continuity of Operations planning, beginning with staff training and planning templates. Once completed, an all-hazards Continuity of Operations Plan, with a Pandemic Plan as a hazard-specific appendix, will be published. With the County's Declaration of a State of Emergency, the County Control Group is managing the County's resources and response to the current pandemic, and operating under the provisions of the current Emergency Response Plan. CONCLUSION: The 2009 Pandemic Plan, as written, does not meet the needs of staff to continue to deliver vital services to our citizens and Local Municipal Partners. As such, staff are recommending to Council that the plan be repealed in its entirety. Staff are dedicated to completing the Continuity of Operations plan. This plan will include a pandemic planning appendix, incorporating lessons from the current COVID-19 influenza pandemic. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jeff Smith Julie Gonyou Community Emergency Management Coordinator Chief Administrative Officer f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of Vmwm'IP r ...... .....` nr . Ul ] fig, Progressive by Nature PANDEMIC PLAN (ALL DEPARTMENTS EXCLUDING THE LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES) Created by Meredith Goodwin, Emergency Manage ent Coordinator Date Approved November 10, 2009 (date V1.0 was approve Version Number V1.0 Revised b Approved By County Council Revision Date f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of Pandemic Plan History Version Date Aroved Revised B Summary of Approved No. pp Changes y By Pandemic Plan C►stribution Plan Distributed To Date Distributed Administrative Services —Chief Administrative Officer November 19, 2009 Human Resources- Director of Human Recourses November 19, 2009 Cultural Services- Director of Community & Cultural Services November 19, 2009 Financial Services- Director of Financial Services November 19, 2009 Information Technology- Manager of IT November 19, 2009 Engineering Services- Director of Engineering Services November 19, 2009 I lg r P;rr rrillr P(,'7ndernic PIF.7A Ir'E r A r ri V0,0 2 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of TABU OF CONTENTS Page 1. Definition of a Pandemic ...................................................................4 2. Goals of Pandemic Planning ...................................................................4 3. Planning Assumptions ...................................................................4 4. Steps to Pandemic Plan ...................................................................5 5. Pandemic Respose ...................................................................5 6. Structure and Functions ...................................................................6 7. Essential Staffing Plan ...................................................................6 S. Security ...................................................................8 9. Staff work Restrictions during a Pandemic ............................................8 10. Personal Protective Equipment and Handwashing ...............................8 11. Communications ...................................................................9 LIST OF APPENDICES A Elgin County Administrative Building Services........................................10 B Elgin County Administrative Building Critical Services ...........................20 C How to Access your Desktop via Citrix from Home.................................27 D Connection your Voicemail and Email from Home ..................................41 E Assessment Checklist .................................................................42 LIST OF ACRONYMS' WHO World Health Organization OHPIP Ontario Health Plan for Influenza Pandemic EOC Emergency Operations Centre CEMC Community Emergency Management Coordinator r P;rr rril ,r P(,,7 )d rrAic Ir 1c7 Cr'E r A ri Vr O 3 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 1. Definition of Pandemic The World Health Organization (WHO) defines influenza pandemic as a global epidemic of influenza and it occurs when a new influenza virus (i.e. an influenza virus subtype that is not circulating widely in human beings) emerges and starts spreading in a similar way to normal influenza - through coughing and sneezing. Because the virus is new, the human immune system will have little or no pre- existing immunity. People who contract pandemic influenza are thus likely to experience more serious disease than that caused by normal influenza. The words pandemic and epidemic are easily confused. To clarify, epidemic refers to a contagious, infectious or viral illness that spreads to many people in one geographic region that occurs in excess of the numbers of cases that would usually be expected. A pandemic refers to a contagious, infectious or viral illness that spreads, and may include millions of people in many areas across the globe. 2. Goals of Pandemic Planning: 1. To Maintain Critical Services during an Emergency/Pandemic 2. To Protect Employees 3. To Support Health Authorities 4. To Minimize Net Financial Impacts 3. Planning Assumptions: 1. A pandemic will affect the entire community. The County Administration Building will not be able to rely on the same level of support from staff, suppliers, or community services. 2. The Pandemic Plan must be coordinated with other organizations in the community and be consistent with the Ontario Health Plan for Influenza Pandemic (OHPIP) 3. The number of staff who provide services could be reduced as much as one third due to personal illness; family commitments. 4. Usual sources of supplies could be disrupted or unavailable. 5. Existing care protocol may need to be changed or adapted. 6. The County must provide communication to staff. 7. Ontario Health & Safety mandates a duty to provide reasonable precautions to protect workers. H lg r P;rr rrillr P("7ndernic pl("7A) lre ;iori Vr' '0 4 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 4. Steps to Pandemic Plan: 1. If there is a risk of a Pandemic in the County of Elgin the Emergency Control Group should meet to be informed of the situation (please refer to the Emergency Response Plan). If the pandemic escalates the Emergency Control Group should direct/implement the pandemic plan. Each Emergency Control Group position has an alternate. This team will be responsible for staff training in conjunction with the Public Health Unit and will be guided by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO). In a Pandemic the Emergency Control Group will utilize communication technologies that don't require a face to face meeting. 2. Only essential services and staff will be required. Critical services are identified within this plan. All critical services identified that can be completed at home shall be. (Critical Services see Appendix B) 3. Implement the surveillance system —to monitor pandemic-like illness for staff that are required to come into the office to complete critical services that cannot be completed at home. 5. Pandemic Response: 1. If the Pandemic is in the County: i. Conduct a Emergency Control Group meeting immediately ii. Activate the pandemic plan- this plan may be activated by the County CAO when and if the following occur; a) The County receives notification that a pandemic emergency has been declared by the Province; b) The County becomes aware that any municipal emergency plan has been activated due to a pandemic, which will likely impact the ability of the County to deliver core services in our community; c) Local cases or an outbreak of influenza impacts the ability of the County to maintain core services; d) The declaration of an pandemic emergency becomes probable. iii. All public accesses will be locked and staff/ tenants shall be monitored through the electronic access system. iv. Assess essentials stores/supplies of equipment necessary for pandemic. If staffs from non essential services are redeployed to the Long Term Care Facilities necessary equipment will be provided. v. Department Directors to notify department staff vi. At conclusion - Investigate and review outbreak vii. Maintain Critical Services- see 'AppendixB" H lg r P;rr rrillrP(,'7ndernic p1c"7A) lre ;iori V0,0 5 Ih e 0 U 11 Vty Of 6. Structure and Functions The flow chart below shows the Structure of the County of Elgin. The Homes and Senior Services have their own Pandemic Plan specific to Long Term Care. CWNIN COUNCM F-cwa ADMINISTRATIVE QFF7CER ADMINISTWNE COMMUNITYAW) HOW`$AND�0 K)PS ENGtNtERING HUMAN RfSO $EAVICES SERVICES SERVICES'TREE/1NEEIP FINANC�AL SERVICES URCES COL'TUAAL S'CAVICES AMOdANCLAND ACODUNTS PAYRO1.1,AND ECONOMIC i7l BOBIER VILLA EMERGENCY RECEIVABLE BENEFITS DEVELOPMENFAND MANAGEMENT HEAI-TH AND SAFETY TOURISM 1 —1 EiLk;IN MANOR ROADS BRANCH LIBRARIES i CWMS ins] TERRACE LODGE KJRCHASING MANAGEMENT i ARC4H—IVES RECRUiTMENTAND UVINCIL' ON MUSLUM LABOUR RELATIGPPS INFORMATION IECHN10L(X,Y 1 7. Essential Staffing Plan- See Appendices A & B Included in the Priority Task Templates are charts for each dept. which state the number of essential staff required to complete essential duties as well as a number of available staff for deployment. The majority of the critical services can and will be completed from home. Work from Home Recovery Team Procedures 1. If the primary site is affected, Director to instruct staff to resume operations from home 2. Director/IT support staff to ensure that staff has access to required dependencies at home 3. Director/IT support staff to maintain contact with staff 4. Resume operations Specific Additional Tasks County Warden (Head of Council) - Provide leadership and act as the primary community spokesperson - Take part in the Emergency Control Group Elgh"r P("7ndernic pl("7r) Ven';iori V0'0 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of County Chief Administrate Officer - Provide leadership and direction to ensure necessary work is completed - Ensure communication with community, council, staff and Emergency Operations Control Group members - Implement the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan when necessary Emergency Management Coordinator - Consult with Public Heath Unit regarding pandemic - Ensure communication with County and lower tier municipal CEMC's - Ensure communication with Emergency Control Group and Council Human Resources - Maintain a list of employees not working during pandemic - Maintain a list with employee skill sets - When required, match employees with required skill sets to vacant positions elsewhere in the County and transfer as needed - Monitor employee needs and implement any special arrangements that will assist in reducing absenteeism, especially for essential services Finance Department - Set up a financial tracking system for expenses directly related to a pandemic and provide direction to other departments - Review critical supplies and suppliers with departments and ensure alternate suppliers have been identified if required Information Technology - Ensure the technology and personnel are available to meet the increase demands and requirements for remote access to facilitate working from home - Ensure communications from the Emergency Operation Control Group get to their intended target audience in a timely manner - Ensure any Pandemic information/direction for staff will be posted on the Web Site 7.1 Non Essential Services During a Pandemic not all County services will be in operation and some departments will be temporarily shut down in order to decrease the risk of transmission. Only tasks listed in the priority tasks template should be completed until the risk of transmission decreases and services can resume. The following services will cease once the Pandemic Plan is activated: H lg r P;rr rrillr P("7ndernic pl("7r) lre ;iori Vr' '0 7 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of Administrative Services-Tree/ Weed commissioner, Planning, and Requests for information from the public for County records, Council/ Committee meetings Engineering Services- Severance Applications, New Construction Contracts, Cleaning Contract Financial Services- Non Critical Financial Reporting Human Resources- Training and Administration Community and Cultural Services- Economic Development and Tourism, Branch Libraries, Archives, and the County Museum Homes and Senior Services- Please see the County Homes Pandemic Plan Under the direction of a department director employees that are employed in a services rated as non critical might be deployed to assist with a service rated as critical, listed in either Appendix B or in the Long Term Care Facilities Pandemic Plan. 7.2 Control &Support Measures for Staff Each department will be responsible to maintain their own critical services. It will be important for the majority of the work to be completed from home in a pandemic to decrease the risk of exposure. See Appendix D for directions to connect to the County of Elgin email and citrix from home. It will be encouraged during a pandemic to send emails versus using the phones. Once the County has declared a pandemic emergency the phone messages will be changed to alert callers to send an email versus leaving a message. Please see Appendix D for directions to retrieve phone message. Issues with email/cirtix should be direction through email to"ithelp". If critical service cannot be completed from home, employees will be monitored using the current electronic access system, upon approval of department director. 8.0 Security Access to the building will be restricted to employees/tenants with electronic access to the building. All other exits/entrances will be locked down. 9.0 Staff— Work Restrictions during a Pandemic The Public Health Unit will determine the length of time an ill worker will be excluded from the workplace based on the epidemiology of the pandemic strain. Human Resources will review, in conjunction with the Public Health, any issues that arise regarding compliance with work exclusions. 10. Personal Protective Equipment and Handwashing Handwashing is the most important measure in preventing the spread of influenza. Proper handwashing techniques need to be reviewed with staff, H lg r P;rr rrillr P("7ndernic pl("7r) lre ;iori Vr' '0 8 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of volunteers, and visitors when they report to the screening station. Signage depicting proper handwashing techniques should be posted at all sinks, bulletin boards and resident/staff bathrooms. Waterless alcohol- based hand sanitizer should be readily available for use if hands are not visibly soiled. If hands are soiled handwashing with soap and water must be completed prior to using alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 11. Communications 1. All communications (media, community, staff) directed through the County Media Coordinator, appointed by the Emergency Control Group (see County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan). In a Pandemic media inquiries should be deferred to the local Public Health Unit. 2. Media and News Release inquiries will be deferred to the Warden/CAO as per policy. It is recommended that media inquiries specific to the Pandemic be deferred to the local Public Health Unit. 3. Key contacts- local Public Health Unit & Ministry of Health- will be in direct contact with the County CAO or designate. The Public Health Unit will communicate with the County through electronic Outbreak Alerts and newsletters. 4. Upon receipt of a Pandemic Alert from the Medical Officer of Health, Emergency Control Group should immediately meet at the Emergency Operations Centre(within the first 24 hours). 5. The Pandemic information is shared and the Pandemic Plan is initiated. 6. The Emergency Control Group shall meet regularly and more frequently as the level of Pandemic changes or new information is received. All meeting are documented. Emergency Control Group meetings can utilize communication technologies that don't require a face to face meeting. 7. Phone and email greetings will be changed to alert public of Pandemic status. 8. Pandemic information/direction for staff will be posted on the Web Site. Department heads shall share info with their staff as directed by the EOC. 9. Web site will have links to WHO; Public Health; Ministry of Health. H lg r P;rr rrillr P("7ndernic pl("7A) lre ;iori Vr' '0 9 in 0 0 E ro E 4� Lil 0) � O (U .02 4� (U C) ro m 4� -C .2 ro (U(U =3 CY, L CL. 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O? O? O? O? O? O? O? O? W W W W W W W W Ab �,�fld U) U) U) (U (U (U U :LJ 5 r C) 6. 4� ® 4- 0) " 0) V) 46 0) c c O .0 0 c — u (1) .2 u (1) .2 0) E- V) V) E 0 Q) Q) E " " v v -2 =, C) u (1) c t w u w 0 (1) �5 C), t 0) 0) Q) (1) (1) ro "o) 0) U c (1) C (1) c (f) E rca 00 E rca 00 LIJ V) LIJ LIJ LIJ U LIJ U 4- (U 0) U) (U U) 'E ■ 0 7i c 0 4- ru Z- ru ru ru ru 4" (U C: 0 4- C: C: 0 0 u E (U 0) u u 0 u LU < E 'd LU 4 U) 0 0 4-- 0) 4-- 0) 4-- 0) 0 U) 0 U) 0 U) 0 U) 0 a) U 0 a) U 0 a) U 0 a) U o 'd (u 'd (L) jd (L) jd■ (L) (U (U (L) (L) (L) 0) C)) C: C: U) C),U) C),U) u (1) C: C: LU LU LU LU C31., 0) 0 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0) LU LU LU LU f"Ihe 0 U 11 Vty Of Appendix C: How to Access Your Desktop via Citrix at Home Notice: The County of Elgin assumes no responsibility for damage that may be caused to a computer or computer data as a result of following these instructions These instructions are followed at the users own risk. These instructions assume that the home computer has a 32 bit Microsoft operating system installed on it (i.e. Microsoft XP or Microsoft Vista — Windows 7 has not been tested). It is also assumed that the internet browser being used is Microsoft Internet Explorer. 1. Open an internet browser (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer). 2. Browse to "'citrix.elgin-county.on.ca" 3. If the Citrix client is not installed on your computer then the following screen will appear. Notice the triangle with the exclamation mark and the text: "You do not have the Citrix Presentation Server Client installed on your system". If the Citrix client is already installed on your computer the warning will not appear. Proceed to step 16. JIM r "r'✓5,7t�i','i,F99n„<,r�v�,'�'ronikflN`'�"h�"�gfi5�'`�„k'�¢,�Fy,�;r,° „fif`�!4�1�;�367,'x,,,,, ,,,,;,ii ii � iiiiiiiiiiiiii/i ,,,i,,.,.,..,.,fix„ r; Eyrie 9yga� ,,,,i�,,,,,.,;,,,; ^�-.: ,File Edk Wrew_Fa+ra dRe ,1-lw HOP.... h, 1'2 v - ['�Edit _ api c ert - �se�et n'us' 1i J Web Interface Lag pn i ;4.P ge p Zools CiTRIX. Web Interface Log in W�„ Welcome User name: Please Ing in ------------------------- To log in,enter the credentials required,and then click Log.In. Password: If you do not know your hog in information,please contact your help desk or system administrator. nd--d oat.r..s.»> Message Center The Message Center displays any information or error messages that may occur. You do not have the Citrix Presentation Server Client installed on your system.after installation,you must restart your browses, Download the Citrix Presentation Server Client for 33 bit windows Other clients are available from the Citrix client download.site Internet l Protected Mode.9n CI,I©a% 4. If you do not have the Citrix client installed click on the "Download the Citrix Presentation Server Client for 32-bit Windows" link. H lg i P r .r ilyr P("7ndernic plF.7r lr'E i A'r ri l0'0 27 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 5. The following security warnings may appear: Do you ward tow mmn or rve this file' i to ' Name: ica32p,kg.msi �'� , Type: Mndovvs lnstaller Package,7,;2:1MB From: crkrhx.el in-couunty.onr.cai. F � � while files from the Internet can be useful,this file type can pcteritiallyr harm your computer. If you do not trust the source,do not run or sage this software. "that's the"isk Click the "'Run" button if the above warning appears. Do you waut to run this turnire? Names success Client for Citrix Publisher: aCitri s'' sm Ing 51IMoreo lions un oontiun It �� while files from the Tnternet can be useful, this file type can potentially harry your computer, only run software from publishers you trust. Vffiat°s the risk? Click the "'Run" button if the above warning appears. i P r i.r ilyr P("7nd",i.nic pl(.7r) Cre ;iori Cr'I'O 28 Ih e 0 U 11 Vty Of 6. The Select Language screen will appear. Select your language of choice and click OK. "Which language would you like to use during installation? ....................... E la ----_______-----------------____________--I 7. The following screen will appear, do not click on "'Cancel",, wait for the next screen to appear. gyp 'm'PROMPRI MENOMINEE Welcome to the Citrix Presentation Server Client Installation Wizard NI/ Mm" Please wait while the Installation Wizard prepares the Windows i or Installer. 29 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 8. Once the wizard prepares the installer the following screen will appear: %i Welcome to Citrix Presentation jServer Client. Setup � %/ It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs NOR before running this setup program. Click Cancel to quit the setup program,then close any programs you have running. Click Next to continue the installation. 11 HE WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under lava. �rvry , V"air ��.� Next Cancel Click on the "'Next" button. H lg i P r .r ilyr P("7ndernic pl(.7r) lre ;iori l0'0 30 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 9. Click the radio button to the left of"'I accept the license agreement"and the click on the "Next"' button. a License,A reemn)ent You musk accept the license agreement below to proceed. C.ITRL-1.4R)LICENSE AGREEMENT Use ofthis connponent is subject to the Citrix license covering the Citrix products)vrith w1u,ch you%vi1]l,be using,this c,oinponent.This coinponent is only licensed for use""rith sur-h,Citria products). CT'—code:EP—R—AI2490 ........................................................................ II accept the license areemen L I do not accept the license agreement .y NexkW> 31 f"Ih�D 0 Ul1 Vty Of 10.On the Select Client screen disable the installation of the "'Program Neighborhood Agent"and the "'Program Neighborhood". To disable these clients click on the down-arrow to the left of the client and select the option to not install the feature. i hl�������r�rrrrrrrrr�rrl�rrrrrr�rrrr�rrrr�rrrr�rrrrr.rrrr�r�rlrrlrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�r�r�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�r�r�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�r�r�r�rrrrr�rrrrrrr�r�rrr�rrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrr�rrrr�rrrr�rrrr�rrrrrr�rrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrUr�r�l�F�rr�rr�rrrr�rrrrrf�rrlalrrlrrrrrrl�� o, Select cfilent i Select the client or clients you wank to install. 9.... Citric Fresent:atian Server Client Web Client � - Program Neighborhaod Feature Descripatirvrm For seamless integration of published applications This client will be installed on the local hard drive with user desktops.Allows remote configuration. For intermediate and advanced users. Requires a Web browser on the client device. In addition to the disk space required by all clients,this client requires 2009B on your hard drive. Feature destination ED!11 g n� F�ek C Back___ H lg i P r .r it yr P("7ndern is pl(.7r) lre ;iori l0'0 32 f"Ih�D 0 Ul1 Vty Of If you have disabled the clients properly, the screen should appear as follows: r Select chile rrt Select the client or clients you wank to install. 19 Citric Presentatian Server Client Web Client Program Neighborhood Agent Feature Deschp urvrm For users who access published application sets This client will not be installed from the classic,full feature Program Neighborhood user interface. For advanced users. In addition to the disk space required by all clients,this client requires O B on your hard drive. Feature destination w exk w Ganl Once the client options have been properly selected click the "'Next" button. i P r .r it yr P("7ndern is pl(.7r) ire ;iori �0'0 33 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 11.Ensure that the checkbox beside "'Use machine name as client name" is checked and then click the "'Next" button. C tue nt tY'ammre Each client computer musk have a unique client name. Citrix Presentation Server uses this name to manage client printers and other system resources. I91 Use machine name as client name Client name: F 1 ,A] I X,P 34 f"Ihe 0 Ul1 Vty Of 12.Ensure that "'No" is selected on the "'Use Local Name and Password" screen then click the "'Next" button. Us,e LAP ffa me and Passwordll Would you like to use your local user name and password to log on to Citrix sessions from this computer"? Yes `ufi If your Administrator has enabled the single sign-on logon method,you may select Yes. If you choose No,then you may enable this feature at a later time by modifying your installation. Back Next> Canoel _-___ __aa__ �-__�-__-____ 35 f"Ihe 0 Ui1,fl:: Of 13.Click the "'Next" button on the Ready to install screen. r i Ready to install Click Next to begin Setup. Click Back to modify your selection,or Next to begin Setup. Installation Summary Name Client Details Action Citric;Presentation Server Client Enstall ograin Neighborhood Do not install Pfo_rarr Neighbofhood gent Do not install 'Web Client Install � Beck N�xk Cancel 36 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 14.The Updating System screen will appear. Wait until the update has completed. I at ng"system, Installing Citrix Presentation Server Client... �d��ancel aaa� H lgiri P r .r it yr P(,'7ndern is p1c7r) lre ;iori Vr ,O 37 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of 15.Once the update has completed the following screen will appear: o/ !Citric P rese,ntatioln Seer Client Click Finish to exit Setup. l l� �f V" y � � Finish . o.,tiu 1 II � Click the "'Finish" button to complete the installation. Once the installation has completed you should exit all browsers before attempting to access Citrix again. H lg i P r .r ilyr P(,'7ndernic PIF.7r) Ire ;iori I0,0 38 f"Ihe 0 U 11 Vty Of 16.If the Citrix client is present on your computer the login screen will appear as follows: m i nmor/✓�,�n�saa.unary+�ex�� �,ar� a�rr�am�ra�w^h�=ms�s - cs �u' c,r�s���;u. : ,�- F le ff lit VPm Inwon e, Taols Help m.r to r - " - - - conarb6wte aEdit P-tt.HLg cnmem �"Ilsele " m 61I � we nnae zcetayln z §+ -';peyt r _ „ dirRiX Web Interface Log lin Welcome User name: Please hog i'n To lag in,enter the credentials required,and then click Lag In. Password: .. If you do not know your log in i:nf rmation,please contact your help desk or system administrator. Ad--d lo',tio.n.a»} Message Center The Message Center displays any nfarmati m or error messages that may occur. done tpG InHemeE I protected Mode 0, 4�100% - Enter your network username and password and click the "'Log In" button. H lg i P r .r it yr P("7ndern is pl(.7r) lre ;iori lr'I'O 39 f"Ihe 0U11 Vt Of �}anl ,'.!f,';,"'llllt `[an 17.If you have logged in successfully a screen with a number of application icons will be presented: Re Edit View Favorites Tools_:Hdelp I'n Bur P Crontnbute Edit YJpost"te+6tDg c.orvert Select [ � 11"Xwll " � � ''` �•"_r4 Rai e. fo�t�"gtx�aVs citr�c,�ccess&"latt�orm ,� 9 _ CiTRIX Web Interfacepip r ApplicaMns, Welcome . 5�1 0 Citric Applications �u Trx ❑ Welcome to your personalized viewof your Crtrix applications.The Applications box contains icons for pMWMarx, Access Accpac the applications that you can use. Click an icon to launch an application. Click Refresh to view the 2003 latest applications Click Settings to change your settings. Click a folder icon to display its contents.. If you have problems using an application,please contact your help desk or system administrator for Accpac Adobe Adobe more information. FOR Contribute Dreamwueaver CHEQUE', C54 4 PRINTING Message Center The Message Center displays any information or error messages that may occur. CI'CA E:Copy Excel2003 Handbook GoldC,are Fnmagie Inmagic Archives ECPM Internet Kronos LaserFich:e 8 Explorer Microsoft Microsoft Nextrak project Visio 2003 Dane m Internet I Protected Mode On t 1009 To launch/start an application click once (don't double click) the application icon. H l;lll P r l.rlll yr P("7lldern c Ixl(.7r) Vel ;iorl l '0 40 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of Appendix D: Connecting to your Voicemail and Email from Home County of Elgin Email 1. Turn on computer, connect to Internet and open web browser. 2. In the address bar type (his://mail.elgin-county.on.ca/exchange). 3. You should see the Outlook Web Access login screen. Enter your username and password in the appropriate boxes. 4. Click the Log On button. Voicemail 1. Call the County Administration line 519-631-1460 2. Dial Extension "'300" You will receive a voice prompt, at that time dial your personal extension and enter your password H lg i P r .r ilyr P("7ndernic pl("7r) lre ;iori l0'0 41 f"Ihe 0 Ui1 Vty Of Appendix E: Assessment Checklist What is the nature of disruption? What is the impact on the facility? What is the impact on staff? What is the impact on service delivery? Has there been a damage assessment? What is the expected duration of the disruption? Has the reason for disruption and the estimated time of disruption been reported to management? H lg i P r .r it yr P(,'7ndernic PIF.7r) Ire ;iori Vr ,O 42 m Elg i�n" ssh"� M REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh — Director of Financial Services DATE: March 24, 2020 SUBJECT: COVID-19 RECOMMENDATION: THAT 30-day levy penalty relief be provided to the municipal partners for the March 31, 2020 tax instalment in recognition of the economic hardships the COVID-19 pandemic is creating. INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 will be imposing hardship on businesses, families and individuals as normal economic activity is restricted as the province and the entire global community attempt to slow the progression of the virus. DISCUSSION: Property taxes are a significant expenditure and many of our local municipal partners have or are considering providing tax penalty relief (interest and other penalties) to their residents. Malahide, Aylmer, Southwold and West Elgin are currently considering or have already implemented relief. As residents delay payments to our municipal partners, the municipal partners will begin to experience cashflow issues making it difficult for them to meet the March 31 levy payment to the County deadline. Penalty relief on the county levy of 30 days was reviewed with the local municipal treasurers to assist with their cashflows. CONCLUSION: It would be prudent to offer 30-day penalty relief on the March 31 levy instalment to the municipal partners to allow those with cashflow issues to delay payment 30 days without penalty. As the COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving crisis and ultimately 30 days may be insufficient, extensions beyond 30 days and further levy instalments should be considered by council at upcoming council meetings. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jim Bundschuh Julie Gonyou Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer ONION" ­ i°; m(''�a�i'1�f 1fwre REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk DATE: March 22, 2020 SUBJECT: COVID-19 Delegation By-Law RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Council of the County of Elgin receives the report from the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk dated March 22, 2020 titled COVID-19 Delegation By-Law, presented to Council in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic; and further THAT the Council of the County of Elgin considers approving By-Law No. 20-15 Being a By-law Authorizing the Delegation of Authority During a Declared State of Emergency. BACKGROUND — Declarations of State of Emergency: On March 17, 2020, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, at the recommendation of the Premier, declared that a state of emergency exists throughout the Province of Ontario relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 21, 2020, and pursuant to Section 4(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, the Warden of the Corporation of the County of Elgin declared that a state of emergency also exists within the County of Elgin relating to the said COVID-19 pandemic. LEGISLATION — Delegation of Power: Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 provides that a municipality may delegate its powers and duties to a person or body subject to the restrictions set out in the Act. PURPOSE: To help protect the health and safety of the residents of the County of Elgin during the COVID-19 pandemic, the County has suspended and/or restricted normal operations of several municipal programs and facilities as well as postponing and/or cancelling non-essential public meetings. The purpose of By-Law No. 20-15 is to allow Council to delegate temporarily its authority and powers to make decisions by elected Council to a body comprised of specified members of Council and the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk of the Corporation, subject to restrictions prescribed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the provisions in the By-law. CONCLUSION: In the event that Council and or its Committees is unable to act due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, COVID-19 Delegation By-law will be critical to ensure continuity of service. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO.: 20-15 Being a By-Law authorizing the delegation of authority during a declared state of emergency WHEREAS,on March 17,2020,and pursuant to section 7.0.1(b)of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act,the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario,at the recommendation of the Premier,declared that a state of emergency exists throughout the Province of Ontario relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; AND WHEREAS,on March 21,2020,and pursuant to section 4(1)of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act,the Warden of the Corporation of the County of Elgin declared that a state of emergency also exists in the County of Elgin relating to the said COVID- 19 pandemic; AND WHEREAS,to help protect the health and safety of the residents of the County of Elgin during the said COVID-19 pandemic,the Corporation of the County of Elgin has suspended and/or restricted normal operations of several municipal programs and facilities as well as postponing and/or canceling non-essential public meetings; AND WHEREAS Council of the County of Elgin is generally required to conduct its business in Meetings that are open to the public; AND WHEREAS,during the current state of emergency and in circumstances in which a quorum cannot be formed during a Meeting of Council,Council of the County of Elgin considers it to be in the best interests of the said County and its residents to delegate temporarily its authority and powers to make decisions by its elected Council to a body comprised of specified members of Council and senior administration of the Corporation,subject to restrictions prescribed by the Municipal Act,2001 and the provisions of this By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: Short Title 1. This By-Law may be referred to as the"COVID-19 Delegation By-Law". Interpretation 2. Unless otherwise stated: (a) a reference to a statute or regulation refers to a statute or regulation of the Province of Ontario; (b) a reference to a statute,regulation,or by-law refers to that enactment as it may be amended or replaced from time to time;and, (c) a reference to a section,paragraph,clause,or schedule is a reference to a section, paragraph,clause,or schedule of this By-Law. 3. The headings in this By-Law are for convenience only and do not form part of this By- Law. 4. If any part of this By-Law is determined to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,the invalid part is severed and the remainder continues to be valid. 5. The delegations of authority by this By-Law are in addition to delegations of authority established by other County By-Laws and otherwise at law. In the event of any inconsistency between this By-Law and any other County By-Law,then the provision that more effectively delegates authority prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. 6. This By-Law applies retrospectively to matters that were pending for a determination by Council prior to the enactment of this By-Law. 7. In this By-Law: (a) "By-Law"means this By-Law. (b) "CAO" means the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk appointed by the County. (c) "CEMC"means the Fire Training Officer/Community Emergency Management Coordinator appointed by the County. (d) "County" means the Corporation of the County of Elgin or the geographic area of the County of Elgin,as the context requires. (e) "County Engineer"means the County Engineer appointed by the County. (f) "County Solicitor"means the County Solicitor appointed by the County. (g) "Council"means the Council for the County. (h) "Delegated Authority Body"means a body comprised of the following individuals: (1) Warden; (2) Deputy Warden; (3) CAO; (4) Treasurer. (i) "Deputy Clerk" means the first appointed Deputy Clerk for the County within any current delegating and/or appointment By-Law for the County. (j) "Deputy Treasurer"means the first appointed Deputy Treasurer for the County within any current delegating and/or appointing By-Law for the County. (k) "Deputy Warden"means the Deputy Warden for the County. (1) "Director of Financial Services"means the Director of Financial Services appointed by the County. (m)"Director of Human Resources" means the Director of Human Resources appointed by the County. (n) "Mayor,Municipality of Central Elgin"means the Mayor for The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin. (o) "Member"means a member of the Delegated Authority Body. (p) "Warden"means the Warden for the County. Implementation 8. The delegation of powers contemplated hereunder shall take effect and be implemented only if and when Council cannot form a quorum of Members for any Meeting of Council by any procedure contemplated by By-Law 19-41(Procedural By- Law)and shall remain in effect and implemented until the next Meeting of Council at which a quorum can be formed. Delegation of Authority 9. Council hereby delegates its authority and powers under all provincial statutes and regulations to the Delegated Authority Body,subject to the restrictions established by Part II of the Municipal Act,2001 and by this By-Law. 10.The following rules apply to each exercise of authority delegated to the Delegated Authority Body pursuant to this By-Law: (a) Any decision of the Delegated Authority Body must be made at a meeting of such Body attended by at least three(3)of its Members or his or her alternate Member as set forth in section 12 below. (b) The decision by the Delegated Authority Body is by a majority of Members'votes. (c) In respect of each decision of the Delegated Authority Body,the Warden and Deputy Warden shall each have two(2)votes and the CAO and Treasurer shall each have one(1)vote. (d) Notwithstanding the rules set forth above,the Warden's votes must be among the majority of the Members'votes cast. (e) In the event of a tie vote,the Warden may cast a tie-breaking vote. (f) Any Member of the Delegated Authority Body may participate in any Meeting of such Body by electronic or other communication facilities in the fashion contemplated by By-Law 19-41(Procedural By-Law)and,by that participation,that Member shall count in forming a quorum of any such Meeting of and for such Body. 11.The Delegated Authority Body may pass County By-Laws related to exercises of authority as delegated by this By-Law. 12.Where a Member of the Delegated Authority Body is unable to participate in an exercise of authority delegated by this By-Law,then the office holder identified following the specified Member in each of the following items may participate in the specified Member's place: (a) Warden—Most Recent Past Warden Remaining On Council (Excluding Deputy Warden). (b) Deputy Warden—Mayor, Municipality of Central Elgin. (c) CAO—County Solicitor. (d) Treasurer—Deputy-Treasurer. 13.The CAO may establish procedures related to exercises of authority delegated by this By-Law and,furthermore,may publish minutes and other evidence of such exercises of authority. 14.Any exercise of authority delegated pursuant to this By-Law that contemplates a payment of money by the County is subject to the availability of an Approved Budget that can accommodate that payment. 1S. In exercising any authority delegated pursuant to this By-Law,the Delegated Authority Body shall consult with and receive legal advice from the County Solicitor;provided that, if and when the County Solicitor participates in the decisions of the Delegated Authority Body as a Member thereof,the requirement for consultation of the County Solicitor is waived. 16. In exercising any authority delegated pursuant to this By-Law,the Delegated Authority Body may consult with and receive advice from any informed employee,servant,or consultant of the County,including but not limited to the County Engineer,Director of Human Resources,and/or CEMC. 17.Any exercise of authority delegated pursuant to this By-Law that requires preparation of a document is conditional upon a requirement that such document be of a form and content acceptable to the County Solicitor.Each such document may be executed by any one member of the Delegated Authority Body and the CAO. Each By-Law enacted pursuant to section 11 hereof may be signed by the Warden and CAO. Repeal 18.This By-Law shall be automatically repealed upon the termination of the Declaration of a State of Emergency by the Province of Ontario as dated March 17,2020, including any extension or replacement thereof,and the Declaration of a State of Emergency by the Warden of the County of Elgin as dated March 21,2020, including any extension or replacement thereof,whichever is later. Effective Date 19.This By-Law comes into force and is effective on the date of its passing. READ A FIRST,SECOND,AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 24'day of March,2020. David Mennill,Warden Julie Gonyou,CAO/Clerk