July 15, 2003 Agenda 7) "- CLAYT i ~ !. Eng. Man, ces Cc d~ 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 Ext.4 FAX (519) 6314297 March 24, 2004 .-, _ r~'""' 17 ,I" /",,> f/.,r~ \. ¡ r=» ¡ '\.\.,/ j (I ' " ., " ',.,'0' ì I \. \ \ ) i t r:"=""! ~0U U Mr. Peter T. Mitches President & Chief Engineer Peter T. Mitches & Associates Limited 350 Ridout Street South London, Ontario N6C 3Z5 ~\:t Dear Mr: Mitches: Re: Engineering Services Terrace Lodge Home for Seniors Please be advised that the County of Elgin has directed staff to proceed with renovations at Terrace Lodge Home for Seniors and that Peter T. Mitches & Associates be engaged to provide detailed engineering design for the following: Item 3 Description Staff Room Deficiency Room required because new laundry room will be displacing existing staff room. , Costs $30,000 Item 4 Description Laundry Room Deficiencv Reauired for compliance Costs $150,000 Item Descri tion Deficien Costs 5 Secured Adult Da Care Existin room will be used for staff room 15,000 Item , 13 Description Kitchen AC & Exhaust Deficiencv Not workina effectivelv. Costs $35,000 .....2 Mr. Peter T. Mitches President & Chief Engineer Peter T. Mitches & Associates Limited July 28, 2003 Page 2. We look forward to working with your firm on the above project. Yours truly, CW:kab CLAYTON D. WATTERS, BASc., P. Eng. MANAGER, ENGINEERING SERVICES ROBERT VERSTEEGEN Construction Technician IÄ>r' Ir~' r-"r,\ "'Yl f f J . \. I ,~ '\. ' I ' ~ ,,",,-u/,/ ).- ~\8JU!J CLAYTON WATTERS. B.A. Sc., P. Eng. Manager of Engineering Services PETER DUTCHAK, C.E.T. Technical Services Officer 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 Ext.4 FAX (519) 6314297 September 9, 2003 Municipality of DuttonlDunwich P. O. Box 329 Dutton, Ontario NOL 1JO Attention: Mr. Ken Loveland Clerk-Treasurer! Administrator Gentlemen: Re: Community Safety Zone Please b~ advised that the County of Elgin Council at their September 9th meeting had no objection to the establishment of the Community Safety Zone as per your request dated August 6, 2003. Currie Roadl Main Street (County Road #8) 499 meters each way from the cross walk and Main Street between Currie Road and Lions Road in the Municipality of DuttonlDunwich in the former Village of Dutton. County policy required that the municipatity be responsible for all costs associated with the implementation of this Community Safety Zone. If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our office. Yours truly, CW:kab CLAYTON D. WATTERS, B. A. Sc., P. Eng. MANAGER, ENGINEERING SERVICES SPECIAL MEETING ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 15TH, 2003 - 1:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3. Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 4. DELEGATION: Cathy Crane and Frances Ellett, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, to discuss compliance matters and options to meet compliance standards at Terrace Lodge 5. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 1) Terrace Lodge - Update 2 - ATTACHED (deferred from June 24 Council Meeting) 6. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole Council 7. Adjournment REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16, 2003 TERRACE LODGE - UPDATE 2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Introduction At the March 11, 2003 County Council meeting the following was adopted: "That staff be directed to report on options for the development of a long term plan for Terrace Lodge and report back to Council; and also, That a report outlining the costs and options to remedy the most pressing concerns (Le. improved ventilation and fire sprinkler systems be presented to Council; and also, That the report entitled "Engineering services for Terrace Lodge" from the Manager of Engineering Services dated February 12, 2003 be received and filed" Discussion A public meeting was held at the East Elgin Secondary School on May 10, 2003. Appendix A, which will be distributed at County Council, lists the public input, concerns and questions that were raised. The meeting was to be held at Terrace Lodge but with the SARS outbreak the meeting was moved to the high school in Aylmer. Since the meeting was held at the high school a bus was rented to transport any resident that was interested in attending the meeting. Several residents took advantage of this option. Advertisements were placed in the local newspapers in Elgin County, postings where placed in the three homes for the aged and also the public libraries in Elgin County. Fifty people listened to the consulting engineer discuss the seventeen separate projects that are proposed for the existing home. A public information meeting was also held on June 6, 2003 at Terrace Lodge for those residents and staff who were unable to attend the first meeting. Appendix B, which will be distributed at County Council, lists the public input, concerns and questions that were raised. The questions raised from the two meetings can be divided into three areas. Construction materials and practices, effect on people during the construction and the need for the project. Construction materials and practices will be researched to have as little of an impact on the residents and staff as possible. The effects on the residents and staff will be minimized by use of dust containment areas where work will be preformed. And finally the need for the project was identified into two areas, conformance to the compliance reports and, the life cycle of the present mechanical and electrical system nearing the end of its expected life. Appendix C contains a copy of the relevant pages of the annual review from the Compliance Advisor to illustrate the current compliance issues. Appendix D contains a copy of the relevant section of the MOH Environmental Services and Criteria for which the current compliance issues are based. Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 1 "c· REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16, 2003 TERRACE LODGE-UPDATE2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The following is a list of the proposed projects, that includes a description, deficiency, costs, comments, compliance reports and options. Issues dealino with comoliance reoorts and life evcle: Item 1 Description Main Floor Vinvl Reolacement Deficiencv Existina floor cracked - sanitation concerns Costs $140,000 Comments Sheet flooring is 25 years old, from the original building. Could be difficult to repair brittle floorina and ensure cracks are sealed. Compliance Reoort March 2003 Options Reoair individual cracks. Item Descri tion Deficienc Costs Comments Item 3 Description Staff Room Deficiency Room required because new laundry room will be displacing existing staff room. Costs $30 000 Comments A laundry room is required, compliance issue, therefore proposed staff room will be reauired for new laundrv room. Compliance Report Nil Options Move to proposed drop in center. This will require additional mechanical and electrical costs, therefore less costs than Adult Day Care room. Will improve efficiencv of staff. Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 2 .. \ REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16, 2003 TERRACE LODGE - UPDATE 2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Item 4 Description Laundrv Room Deficiencv Required for compliance Costs $150,000 Comments Present laundry room does not meet requirements because of the laundry and kitchen in same area. Areas in the rooms are not separate and cannot accommodate laundry requirements, so this can pose a microbiological contamination. Compliance plan to be submitted by April 2003 and corrective action bv October 2003. Compliance Report March 2003 ODtions Nil Item 5 DescriDtion Secured Adult Dav Care Deficiencv Existinq room will be used for staff room Costs $15,000 Comments Area reauired for East Elqin area patrons. Compliance Report Nil Options Do not move but this increases the cost for staff room. Require mechanical and electrical for new area. Item 6 Description Nursina Stations (4) Deficiency Class 'A' facilities have nurses stations closer to the residents rooms so they can observe the residents more effectivelv. Costs $120,000 Comments Nursing stations in each wing will better serve residents. Presently the station is located out of sight of the rooms. Thus making it more difficult to complete all paper work in timelv and efficient manner. Compliance Report Nil Options Have resident information on moveable carts or electronic data collectors to reduce staff time and increase productivity. Item 7 DescriDtion Secured Area Dinina Room Deficiency The residents in the secured area should be eating in a secured unit, where the risk of elopement is less. Compliance noted that the dining area is crowded and staff is encouraaed to transfer residents to dininq chairs when possible. Costs $200,000 Comments Nil Compliance Report Nil Options Nil .--- Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 3' REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16, 2003 TERRACE LODGE-UPDATE 2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Item 8 Description Lower North Door Entrv Deficiencv Security issue Costs $15 000 Comments Present lower north has limited ventilation so modifying the present door will imorove ventilation in secured area. Compliance Report Nil Options Install HVAC. Item 9 Description Card Access Svstem Deficiency Improve security for buildina Costs $30,000 Comments Improve security for residents and staff. Not as efficient as card access svstem. Compliance Report Nil. Options Do nothina. Item 10 Description Front Door Ooeners Deficiencv Security Costs $15.000 Comments Both doors open automaticallv and outside door is 25 years old. Compliance Reoort Nil Options Reoair as needed Item 11 Description Front Receotion Renovation Deficiencv Imorove access for residents Costs $30,000 Comments Access is poor for handicap residents Compliance Report Nil Options Do nothina. Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 4 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16,2003 TERRACE LODGE-UPDATE2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Item 12 Description Window replacement Deficiencv Seals broken Costs $150.000 Comments Windows installed in 1975. The windows will be replaced as the seals are broken. or as reauired. Compliance Report Nil Options Replace all windows durina renovation. More cost effective solution. Item 13 Descri ption Kitchen AC & Exhaust Deficiencv Not workina effectivelv. Costs $35,000 Comments No cooling in summer months. Very uncomfortable for staff who make the meals for the residents. Compliance Report Nil Options ReDlace as a sinale item rather than with comDlete buildina. Item 14 a) DescriDtion HVAC Deficiency Ventilation system is not adequate. Air condition only in dining area, front hallwav. All svstems are near end of life. Costs $505 000 Comments Ventilation is in the halls and special areas. Present system does not meet standards and is working inefficiently. Heating is electric, air condition is in a few areas noted above. Compliance ReDort Nil Options Replace when svstem fails. Item 14 b) Description Sprinkler Svstem Deficiencv Does not exist Costs $135,000 Comments Should complete when working on HVAC. In next few years anticipate all existina homes for the aoed will be reauired to install svstem. Compliance ReDort Nil Options Do nothino. Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 5 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16, 2003 TERRACE LODGE-UPDATE2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Item Descri tion Deficienc Costs Comments an obsolete control panel. Most systems are 14d Communication S stem Presentl communication stem is made u of five different s stems. $40 000 S stem is anti uated and not user friendl . Nil Do nothin . County Council toured the site, reviewed the public input and reports from staff and now a decision is required. The project can be divided into two parts. Some of the items are mandatory because they are indicated in the compliance reports. The County of Elgin has no choice but to complete these items in an orderly manner, deferring these issues is not an option. Secondly, some of the mechanical and electrical components are nearing the end of their expected life. These items can be delayed until each piece is not functioning but this sort of planning will only increase the costs and the negative effect on the residents and staff will be increased. If the County installs the HVAC, then a few years later installs the sprinkler system in the same area of the ceiling people will wonder what long-term plan was developed at the home. Consideration should be given to being proactive instead of reactive especially with regards to safety systems such as the fire alarm. There are also other issues that should be brought to the attention of County Council. If the project is accepted in its entirety it will require about two months to complete the engineering, tendering and acceptance by Council and then the project will consume approximately nine months for completion in other words, the project will be completed in its entirety within one year from Council's decision. The financing of this project will be from money borrowed through our banking arrangements. This will extend the financing on our present loan by an additional 2 years. The last issue is that this project is estimated at $1,760,000 plus contingency ($150,000) and engineering ($100,000) for a total cost of nearing $2,010,000. Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 6 " REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16, 2003 TERRACE LODGE-UPDATE2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Summary Any items dealing with compliance issues are mandatory and therefore must be undertaken, see Appendix C and D. These compliance items include; Item 1. Main Floor Vinyl Replacement ($140,000) and Item 4, the Laundry Room improvements ($150,000). Since the improvements for the laundry room will require relocating Item 3. Staff Room ($30,000) and Item 5. Secured Adult Daycare Area ($15,000), they become compliance issues through association. The remaining issues, not relating to compliance may be completed at County Council's discretion. The non-compliance items include: Item 2. Resident Room Lighting ($30,000), Item 6. Nurses Stations ($120,000), Item 7. Secured Dining Room ($200,000), Item 8. Lower North Door Entry ($15,000), Item 9. Card Access System ($30,000), Item 10. Front Door Openers ($15,000), Item 11. Front Reception Renovations ($30,000), Item 12. Window Replacement ($150,000), Item 13. Kitchen AC and Exhaust ($35,000), Item 14a) HVAC ($505,000), Item 14b) Sprinkler System ($135,000) Item 14c) Fire Alarm ($170,000) and Item 14d) Communication System ($40,000). Since each of these items can be seen as an individual project, there are options. Option A includes completion of all of the compliance items listed as well as the staff room and secured adult day care at a cost of $335,000, plus contingencies ($25,000) and engineering ($15,000) for a total of $ 375,000. Option B includes all compliance and non-compliance items with the exception Item 8. Lower North Door Entry and Item 13. Kitchen AC and Exhaust at a cost of $1,760,000 plus contingencies ($150,000) and engineering ($100,000) for a total of $ 2,010,000. These items are omitted from this option because they will be covered in the overall improvements. Conclusion After the public meeting and the information center, most of the residents, staff, and community are accepting of the project. This project will improve the comfort of the residents while they enjoy their golden years. The building will be more energy efficient and all the compliance issues dealing with the building infrastructure will be completed in an efficient and timely manner. Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 7 6ø;, , .. t- .,' REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNE 16,2003 TERRACE LODGE-UPDATE2 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Recommended Ootions Option 'A' That staff be directed to complete the items identified in Option A of this report that includes completion of all of the compliance items listed as well as the staff room and secured adult day care at a cost of $375,000 (including engineering and contingencies); and also, That Peter Mitches & Associates proceed with the detailed engineering design. OR Option 'B' That staff be directed to complete the items identified in Option B of this report that includes all compliance and non-compliance items with the exception * Item 8. Lower North Door Entry and * Item 13. Kitchen AC and Exhaust at a cost of $2,010,00 (including engineering and contingencies); and also, That Peter Mitches & Associates proceed with the detailed engineering design. * Note: Items 8 and 13 are not necessary if an HVAC system is installed. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED (roW ~ ~ APPROVED FOR 'BMISSION CLAYTON D. WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES MARK MCD CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 8 -, REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: JUNE 16, 2003 SUBJECT: TERRACE LODGE - UPDATE 2 APPENDIX C - Relevantpages of the annual review from the Compliance Advisor Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 31 ' ' REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: JUNE 16, 2003 SUBJECT: TERRACE LODGE - UPDATE 2 APPENDIX D - Relevant Section of the MOH Environmental Services and Criteria Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 32 ' REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: JUNE 16, 2003 SUBJECT: TERRACE LODGE - UPDATE 2 Terrace Loge Update 2 - Public Meetings Page 33 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Helen L. Notte, General Manager, Long-Term Care DATE: July 7, 2003 SUBJECT: Resident Personal Laundry Services INTRODUCTION: At its' June 24, 2003 meeting, Council directed that staff investigate the feasibility of having resident personal laundry handled off-site from Terrace Lodge. This report is provided for Council's information and direction. DISCUSSION: Council directed that staff investigate the feasibility of having a contractor assume responsibility to launder Terrace Lodge's residents' personal clothing, rather than continuing to provide this service on-site. The fact-finding was to assist in Council's continued discussions about the Lodge's in-house laundry facilities, in response to recent Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's compliance reports. The feasibility study was undertaken at all three homes. Residents, families, the Bargaining Agents and staff were provided with information about the fact-finding assignment. Discussions were held with London Hospital Linen Services Inc. (LHLSI), our current non-personal laundry services provider. The facts are: }> Estimated daily poundage of personal laundry at each of the Lodge and the Manor average between 200 and 240; the Villa 150. }> Resident personal laundry duties are assigned to our Housekeeping/laundry staff. The positions are not discrete. In 2003, 6.0 FTE's of housekeepingnaundry positions were approved to provide resident laundry services at our Homes. }> Outsourcing service plans need to be made within the parameters of the collective agreements. Any outsourced plan cannot "cause any employee to suffer reduced regular hours hours of work or a layoff." }> Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Standard Environmental Services 04.8 reads: "There shall be an effective system in place to collect soiled personal laundry and return clean clothing to residents' rooms within forty-eight hours of pick-up." }> LHLSI is not able to meet Ministry Standard 04.8. 1 ~ One (1) family member at the Lodge expressed concern about the additional wardrobe costs and the quality of service if the personal laundry was done outside of the Lodge. ~ In-house personal laundry services at Terrace Lodge require two (2) washing machines and two (2) dryers, all industrial type, at an approximate additional equipment capital cost of $50,000. This cost does not include costs to retrofit a central laundry space. At present, domestic washers and dryers are used in each of the resident care areas. The new Manor is equipped with industrial type equipment; the Villa has domestics. Staff searched by telephone to find qualified laundry contractors who would be able to meet or exceed Ministry Standard 04.8. Contact was made with four (4) companies in the short time that staff worked on this assignment. Information provided is summarized on Appendix 'A'. Time has not allowed for a full cost-benefit analysis of the possible opportunities. Staff are seeking direction from Council at this point. CONCLUSION: Council directed staff to explore the feasibility of having resident personal laundry transferred from Terrace Lodge to a contractor. A preliminary study was done; facts are presented for Council's review and continued direction. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council decide whether further exploration of an out-sourced resident personal laundry provider needs to be continued and staff be directed accordingly. THAT the residents, families, Bargaining Agents and staff of Terrace Lodge, Elgin Manor and Bobier Villa be advised about County Council's decision. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission J)~ elen L. Notte General Manager Long-Term Care Mark McDon Chief Administrative Officer 2 Resident Personal Laundry Services APPENDIX 'A' Company Information Provided Dearness Home for Aged 1. Currently provides resident personal laundry London services to other facilities. 2. 7-day/week operation. Meets Standard 04.8. 3. Unable to provide any estimation of costs at this time. Are prepared to provide a formal proposal. 4. Entry costs for County Homes is the purchase of laundry ,carts. No costing estimates have yet been done by staff. Laundry Company, St. 1. Cannot meet Standard 04.8. Weekday Mary's service only is available. 2. Representative was unable to provide cost estimates. 3. Company would require all County Homes' laundry business, including non-personals. This has implications for the County's current business arrangement with LHLSI. The County Homes' entry costs into this model would be the purchase price of all non- personal linens. Stratford General Hospital Contact made by staff. Information not yet available. Cost Linen Service 1. Can meet Standard 04.8. Brantford, Ontario 2. Estimated cost is $0.60 per pound. 3 .... . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL - FROM: Helen L. Notte, General Manager, Long-TermCäre DATE: July 14, 2003 SUBJECT: Movers INTRODUCTION: Three (3) moving companies have provided pricing for our move, to the new Elgin Manor. At its' July 14 meeting, the Building CQmmittee approved the lowest bidder. This report is being provided for County Council's information. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the County Purchasing Policy, moving companies were invited to provide pricing for our move into the new home. Results are: COMPANY PRICE* (*price includes GST) Campbell Bros $5,25320 1St Ship Movina $5,425.00 United Van Lines - $6,928.25* John Thompson Movers , Moving and other related relocation costs will be reimbursed by the Ministry Redevelopment Transition Fund to a maximum of $18,000 approximately. Staff orientation costs will also be reimbursed and are over and above the moving costs. Staff recommended that the Building Committee approve the moving contract to Campbell Bros. and that County Council be so advised. At its July 14th meeting, the Building Committee did approve the recommendation. CONCLUSION: Campbell Bros. submitted the lowest bid for moving services. At its July 14 meeting, the Building Committee approved: THAT Campbell Bros. be awarded the job of moving contents from the old to the new Elgin Manor at their quoted bid of $5,253.20, exclusive of applicable taxes, the costs to be allocated from the Manor's 2003 approved operating budget and recovered from the Ministry's Transition Fund. 1 This report is for County Council's information. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the July 14, 2003 report, 'Movers', be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ~£gf:dl~ General Manager Long-Term Care Mark Mc Chief Administrative Officer