July 8, 2003 Agenda PAGE # ORDER ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y. JUL Y 8. 2003 - 9:00 A.M. Meeting Called to Order Adoption of Minutes - meeting of June 24, 2003 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff Council Correspondence - see attached 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 51 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 1-35 36-50 8th DATES TO REMEMBER August 17,18,19 &20, 2003 Association of Municipalities Annual Conference Fairmont Royal York Hotel - Toronto Annual Reports due for July 14, 2003 - St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Board - Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Board CORRESPONDENCE - Julv 8. 2003 Items for Consideration 1. Greg Farrant, Government Relations & Cornmunications Manager, Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters, with a resolution concerning the licensing component of Bill C-68 regarding the sentences and penalties associated with the use of firearms in the commission of a crime and the abolishment of the unworkable national firearms registry. (ATTACHED) 2. J.W. Jamieson, CAO/Deputy Clerk, County of Bruce, with a resolution requesting the senior levels of Government to take immediate action to show financial support to the livestock industry impacted by the cow testing positive to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. (ATTACHED) 3. Elaine Clark, Acting Clerk Administrator, Town of Ingersoll, with a resolution petitioning the Provincial Government to enact legislation prohibiting the possession or smoking or otherwise consuming tobacco products in a public place in the Province of Ontario. (ATTACHED) 4. Joe G. Pavelka, Chief Administrative Officer, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, with a resolution concerning the cost sharing arrangements for the POA revenues. (ATTACHED) 5. Robert C. Prowse, Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill, with a resolution concerning the Yellow/Green Fluorescent School Zone Signs, doubling of traffic violation fines in posted school zones and to amend criteria for Community Safety Zones. (ATTACHED) 6. Beverley A. Wright, President, St. Thomas & District Labour Council, requesting County Council appoint a member of Council to the St. Thomas & District Labour Council Health Care Committee. ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS & HUNTERS Ontario Conservation Centre P.o. Box 2800, 4601 Guthrie Drive Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8L5 Phone (705) 748-6324 Fax (705) 748-9577 Website: www.ofah.org E-mail address: ofah@ofah.org "",_i-'C'_ OFAR FILE: 401-5 June 17,2003 .'-.-.".' ,...r···· . :,,:,';i:~0" lJUN 20 2003 Mark McDonald County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 On December 5, 1995, Bill C-68, the federal government's gun control legislation received Royal Assent. The bm introduced a new firearms licensing system, a firearms registration system for long guns (ritles and shotguns), and increased fines and penalties for violations of the Act. While many groups in the outdoor conununity were originally opposed to the bill, it is the provision for a national firearms registry for long guns that has caused a major upheaval in the broader conununity and in Parliament. As of this writing, eight provinces, three territories, dozens of police associations and police chiefs across Canada, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the National Coalition of Provincial and Territorial Wildlife Federations, farmers, ranchers, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, and Members of Parliament from all parties have condemned the national long gun registry and the horrific costs associated with it. According to the federal government, the national long gun registry would cost Canadian taxpayers no more than $2 million. However, the December 2002 report by Canada's Auditor General contained a scathing indictment of the government's financial mismanagement of the system, which has cost $1 billion to date. According to the Justice Department's own consultant. the system will cost an additional $541 million before it is fully implemented and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has recently calculated the cost to be closer to $2 billion. This does not include the cost of operating the system once fully implemented, nor does it take into account the associated costs borne by other government departments, To put this into perspective, the money expended on the firearms registry for long guns. which does not work, eouId have funded 10,000 to 20,000 more police officers on the streets of Canadia.T1 cities; paid to have an MRI in every hospital and conununity across Canada; been used to fund major improvements to public transit in towns or cities across the country; or flowed to municipalities to repair or enhance sewers, water treatment facilities, roads and bridges. Over the past few weeks, six provinces have announced that they will not assist the federal government in making criminals out of otherwise law-abiding, regulated, licensed long gun owners, and will not prosecute for the nonregistration of long guns. Police chiefs from across Canada, including Toronto Police Chief, Julian Fantino, have stated emphatically that the system does not work and will not help them solve crimes. Chief Fantino has also noted that, at a time when greater threats to public safety in onr conununities exist, the government's defense of the firearms registry is suspect, .....2 2 ,0 CONSERVATION PLEDGE [ give my pledge, as a Canadian, to save and faithfully defend from waste, the natural resources of my Country - its soils and minerals, its air, water, forests, and wildlife. ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS AND HUNTERS June 17,2003 Page Two The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.), our 83,000 members and 645 affiliated clubs across Ontario support the mandatory licensing of fIrearms owners, and increased fInes and mandatory penalties for the use of a fIrearm in the commission of a crime. Equally, we strongly support the provincial and territorial governments across Canada that oppose the registration of long guns and are appalled at the waste of taxpayers' money that could have been better spent. Attached, please fInd a copy of a motion, which we respectfully ask that you put before your Council for consideration. If your Council votes in support of the motion, please forward a copy to the Honourable Wayne Easter, Solicitor General of Canada, the Honourable Martin Cauchon, Justice Minister and Attorney General of Canada, and the O.F.A.H. We would appreciate your consideration of this motion. Yours in Conservation, t!h¡~ Greg Farrant Government Relations & Communications Manager GF/jb Attach. cc: O.F.A.H. Board of Directors Michael A. Reader, O.F.A.H. Executive Director 3 MOTION TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS IN PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLED We, the undersigned, elected representatives of the County of Elgin, in the Province of Ontario, draw the attention of the House to the following: THAT, the federal government committed to the taxpayers of Canada that the National Firearms Registry for long gnns under Bill C-68 would cost no more than $2 million dollars; THAT, the Auditor General's Report submitted to Parliament on December 3, 2002 determined that the minimum cost of the federal firearms registry for long gnns will exceed $1 billion dollars; that a recent administrative review by a consultant for the Justice Department verified that the gnn registry will cost an additional $541 million before being fully implemented, and another $1 billion to operate; and that these spending estimates do not include the cost of associated programs; THAT, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has recently announced that they believe that the firearms registry for long gnns will cost the taxpayers of Canada at least $2 billion; THAT, the Auditor General of Canada deternñned that the Justice Department has consistently failed to provide both the Members of Parliament and the Anditor General with accurate information regarding cost overruns of the registry; THAT, the government has failed to provide any conclusive or verifiable evidence that the registration of long gnns is preventing crime or keeping gnns out of the hands of criminals; THAT, the money spent on the firearms registry for long gnns would have provided MRI's for every hospital in Canada, or provided for the hiring of at least 10,000 police officers; THAT, municipalities across Canada are in dire need offunding assistance to assist with the provision of local services including public transit, the maintenance of local infrastructure such as roads, bridges, sewers, hospitals, and local law enforcement; THAT, eight Provinces, three Territories, police associations, police chiefs and police officers across Canada have withdrawn their support of the firearms registry for long gnns; five recent public opinion polls have demonstrated that a majority of Canadian taxpayers support the abolition of the firearms registry in favor of spenàing on other national priorities; and that six provinces are refusing to prosecute charges associated with the firearms registry; THEREFORE, as elected representatives of the County of Elgin, we call upon Parliament to retain the licensing component of Bill C-68; to strengthen the sentencing and penalties associated with the use of a firearm in the commission of a crime; and abolish the unworkable national firearms registry for long guns and redirect the tax dollars being spent on the registry to programs in support of municipal infrastructure, health care, education, and local law enforcement. 4 B6/18/B3 22:B8:41 EST; ASSOCIATiOn OF?-> 1519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page BB2 JUN-18-03 WED 05:17 PM 260 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01 COlJNTY 01<' BRUCE Chicf Administl'l1livc Ol1ìecr ,I. Wayne Jamieson, A.M.C:r. r. O. Hox 70, 30 I'ark Street, Wall,ortoll, Ontario NOG 2VO (51?) 881-1291 I'' n:; (519) 881-1619 .hmc 12, 200.' AI ¡hc.l uno 1211', 2003 s\:ssion ol'lllC ßr~cc County Corporatc Services CommÍltce - Finance lll1d Property Division, till) IlJllowing resolLILion was adopted: WI I ER EAS the announcement of a cow testing positive with BoYhlC Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) I':ls [wd an inunL'"<ihlto negatiw impact on the 1ivestoek industry and rdated industries in all of rural Canmla AND WHEREAS the Jivcstoek industry is an important part ofilie Canadian economy; NOW 'I 11EIŒFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of ßrUcc encourage the senior levels of (ìnVCml11cnt 10 take immediate action to show financial support to mitigate the negative impact beillg felt hy implementing a BSE spccil'ic financial support program; AND TI fAT ¡he S(:11iw levels ofgoycnllTIcnt· be ùneol1l11ged to expeditiously work towards reinstuting the '~x port of becï to the United Stmes IInd othl'r countries; f\ NT> FUR'!'! IF.R 'n rAT the resolution be circulmed to the Ilo 1('urable Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of ('¡¡lIad", tht: ¡' onoun¡hlc 'r~l'I1ic Eves, Premier of Ontario and ¡¡I] Premiers throughout Canada, !Jonour¡)blo Lyk V~ndicC Minit.l~r or Agricllltllre, the Honourable I-Iclon Johns, Minister of Agriculture and Food, (,ctll Ml"s and Ml'l"s, the Assuciation ol'Munil'iralitics or Ontario, the Fedoration ofCal1udiun MUl1idpnlitic~, the Druce COllnty Cattlemcn's Associati<)l1, the Ontario Cattlemen's Association, the Cl1l1:1<1iun C!¡ltkmen's ASs0ciation and al] ll1unicipalitics within the Province ofOnlario. We WOLtld rcspcctfL,lIy urge your COllflcil's support on this urgent and critical issue. We would also rcqucML that you contact your local MP and MPP in tltis regard. Your, t(lIly, ,.. _, Q~ '. C('-'?:;>UR.-<:4.,'""'f./ þ"....~ 9. Jamie¡'on C'AO/fkl'LJIY Clerl¡ 5 t.::r..........--M.--"...-- --1 __ç!l'l!lkaIM__...~..·IM~.M.......II(a..-.r.üm1._ «ÞIII...-.riðat~ca-__ . ... "'_..~ -.. B6/24/B3 22:14:23 EST; ASSUCIATIun UF?-) 1 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 1'11'13 JUN-2~-03 TUE 05:18 PM 260 FAX NO, m 971 6191 p, 02 --- '---rOWN"OF INGERSOLL 1 &~ (JxI01'd Street, In¡J6Ir,¡)11. Q( UtrI<J N5C:<V5 Phono: (519) ~0120 Fax: (519) 4ß5..3543 IWMItnwn Inn.moll.on ~ .'"7'·,-""'..............u... J!1n,~ 20, 2003 I'll All MunicipJlj(ies; The Cuundl "flhe Corporation of the Town of Inge"I.1J, .Il ils regular m~,~ting of June 9, 2003, passcd ¡he t()llowil1g resolutions. PJease forward this rcsolution to your Council for U1cir cOl1sidcmlion Dl1d support. WmaHèA$lho Lcgisl£ltúlc l.fOnlur;() hu., a J'cspo!dùiHly lo promote the Ilealth of young pcrsons hyrustricting their flCeC¡;S to tobacco products ill light of the ¡isks a:'~"ciiLted with the use oft{)haCl'O products: ANO WIIi';REAS conclusive evidence implici.1tes thc Lise oftobaœo products in the il1ckkl1cc Ofl1l¡IllCrOll~ dcbili!8lil1g ¡1Ild filial diseases alìhting the hcalth of the rcsident~ of Ol1jarì~; AN ) WIIEIŒAS Section 3 (J) the Tobaèco ('ol1tl"ol Act, 1<)94,8.0, 1994, Chapter 10, as ;1/1wn<ll:'d, prohibits any person ¡¡-"Ill seIJing or ~upply tohaceo to a person who is Ics~ Ihan 19 YC¡11':i old; ANiI WIIEREAS it is not illcgaJ fur ¡¡ person under the age of]9 to possess or smoke Of olh,'¡wi"è l'OIlSUlne tobacco pn>òu,'ts in a pnblie pJace; NOW Tlm¡U;FORE bc it fl'SO\vc<llhal ¡he Town or Ingerson hereby pctitiolls the t'PYCflJmCnl Ii'r the Province ofOntl¡rio to CI1<!Ct kgisl:lliou prohihiting the possession or slYlo~ing or olhcrwi~c eon~nming tobacco products iu it Pllb!ic place in the Province of O¡¡tui'ÌiJ. Shon/d Yl111l' Council suppo¡,( ¡his rl'quest, we ask tl¡at it copy be lìnwardC<.! to your Member or P~ldiament, Memher of I'l'Ovinci;,¡\l'arIiamcnt, Minister ofJIcahh, f:"!l!1!!:t:. Elllinr. ('I~rk /\cting CJcrk Admini~tr(\tor Town of h,,~~r~oll 130 Oxthr,ìSt., 2nd f'Ioor Ingersoll, ON N5C 2V5 (519)4ib-!JJ:W Jinx; (5 j 9) ~85-3543 t~Inail: t:ç j, Ir~(!!;L01 YIl.j illi£.r;;.Q!J.,91},JiiJ , 6 ~;:-'._-:;;;"""'_-""'--- --:¡ -....~INo_..·~_.rQl1-----...,M~..O""'I...aøt\,iII ~~....._.í1to.n.~-....__ MUNICIPALITY OF CHATHAM..KENT 315 KINy STREET WEST· P.O. Box 640· CHATHAM, ONTARIO· N7M 5K8 - CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TELEPHONE: (519) 436-3241 FAX: (519) 436-3237 June 19, 2003 Mr. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin 480 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 JUN 25 200J Dear Mark: Re: Elqin Countv Charqes Filed in Chatham-Kent Enclosed is a copy of the report presented to Chatham~Kent Council on Monday, June 16, 2003. Council approved the following recommendations: "The Municipality of Chatham-Kent would like to thank the County of Elgin for the opportunity to enter into a partnership with respect to the cost sharing arrangements for the Provincial Offences Act revenue; and, "That the County of Elgin be advised that Chatham-Kent Council is content with, and does not want to pursue changes to the existing arrangements as originally organized and promised by the Attorney General." Therefore, based on the recommendations passed, we will not be resuming our previous discussions regarding a cost-sharing agreement. However, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for your co-operation to date. e G. Pavelka, P.Eng. hief Administrative Officer cc: Karen Dunn, Court Manager, Elgin County Provincial Offences Court Scott Praill, Director, Administrative & Governance Services, Chatham-Kent Shari Gabriele, Court Manager, Chatham-Kent Provincial Offences Court JP/sg Enclosure 7 www.city.chatham-kent.on.ca CHATHfu\1-KENT CALL CENTRE: (519) 360-1998 Ikm:lt- I c MUNICIPALITY OF CHATHAM-KENT STRATEGIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE AND GOVERNANCE SERVICES PROVINCIAL OFFENCES COURT TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: Shari Gabriele Manager, Provincial Offences Court DATE: April 3, 2003 SUBJECT: Elgin County Charges Filed in Chatham-Kent RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1. Chatham-Kent thank the County of Elgin for the opportunity to enter into a partnership with respect to the cost sharing arrangements for the Provincial Offences Act revenue, and 2. The County of Elgin be advised that Chatham-Kent Council is content with, and does not want to pursue changes to, the existing arrangement as originally organized and promised by the Attorney General. BACKGROUND Since the transfer in May 2000, Chatham-Kent Provincial Offences Court (POC) has been responsible for the processing of all tickets issued on the 401 corridor between the counties of Essex and Middlesex. Shortly after the transfer of the Chatham-Kent Provincial Offences Court, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) deployed 22 additional officers to the401 corridor between Essex and Middlesex Counties. The OPP had raised a number of concerns with the Ministry of Attorney General's Office regarding charges laid on the 401. Currently, an OPP officer patrols an area of the 401 from London to Windsor encompassing the counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Essex and Chatham-Kent An officer may lay three charges under the Provincial Offences Act (POA) in one day, each in a different area with each court date being scheduled for the same day. As an officer can only attend one trial at one county on one day this ultimately leads to cases being dismissed. a Elgin County Charges Filed in Chatham-Kent 2 The OPP were looking for an alternative for POA charges to be filed and sought one common courthouse. Under the Provincial Offences Act, a trial must be held in the same designation as the charge has been laid or in a designation with contiguous borders to the area the charge was laid. Geographically Chatham-Kent borders Middlesex, Elgin and Essex counties. It was therefore determined that Chatham-Kent was the ideal court for all charges laid to be filed. As of this time all tickets are filed in the Chatham-Kent Provincial Offences Court and all revenue is collected by the Chatham-Kent Provincial Offences Court for the charges laid by these 22 additional officers. COMMENTS Elgin County approached Chatham-Kent administration to share in the paid revenue from the tickets issued on the 401 corridor in Elgin County. Elgin County claimed Chatham-Kent had no rights to these revenues. Chatham-Kent administration was unable to locate documentation (attached # 1 & 2) to confirm the filing process in Chatham-Kent until March 2003. Based on locating the original documentation, Council should be aware that administration does not feel obligated to disburse these funds to Elgin County. The taxpayers of Chatham-Kent invested $965,000 in the court facility to accommodate the vision of the Province and OPP to improve court filing and attending processes. The Province did not outlinè any obligation to any other court region. ( Council should be aware that notification was received from Elgin County administration that its Council was approached on this issue (attached # 3) and a brief (attached # 4) was forwarded to the Ministry of Attorney General and the local Member of Provincial Parliament. In response to the correspondence from Elgin County administration, the Ministry of the Attorney General's office has replied noting that "impacted municipal partners have the authority to enter into local arrangements satisfactory to both parties regarding cost and revenue sharing" (attached # 5). Elgin County administration forwarded a copy of this letter with their response (attached #6) requesting that negotiations of a shared revenue agreement be resumed. OTHERS CONSULTED Several meetings have been held between Chatham-Kent administration and Elgin County to discuss this matter, and it is the position of the CAO that Chatham-Kent does not have to enter into an agreement with Elgin County. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Since June 2002, administration documented these funds and allocated funds to offset these costs of $120,000 in 2002. An additional $80,000 annually has been identified in the budget in the event an agreement with Elgin County was reached. At this time, the $200,000 will not be disbursed to Elgin County as initially anticipated. , 9 / ( \-.....-.- Elgin County Charges Filed in Chatham-Kent 3 Prepared by: / Q.1 A . ~.~~.~ t ari Gabriele Manager Provincial Offences Court Reviewed by: Mi hi ps General Manager Strategic and Development Se SG/js Attachments: Reviewed by: S J. Praill, CET, CMMIII Director Administrative & Governance Services Reviewed by: 1. Letter from Marc Garson. Director of Crown Operations, Ministry of the Attorney General's office (February 10, 2000) 2. Letter from Marc Garson, Director of Crown Operations, Ministry of the Attorney General's office (June 5, 2000) 3. Brief to Minister of Attorney General from Elgin County Council 4. Elgin County Council Report re: Provincial Offences Along 401 Corridor 5. Letter from Marc Garson, Director of Crown Operations, Ministry of the Attorney General's office (May 26, 2003) 6. Letter from Mark McDonald, CAO, County of Elgin (May 30, 2003) P:\RTC\IS\PROVINCIAL OFFENCES COURT\ELGIN COUNTY-INFORMATION REPORT,doc , 10 ~L/~~/~VVL ~nu i~.~~ rrtA 'i!:lVVoJ/ VV, ~. Fstr:l1:-DD 16:69 From-WEST REGIDNÀL PÇFICE f519661Z987 I-46B P.D2/D4 HZD .' . Minlstly of tho Aitom&y General WestRagiooalD1rec:IOta1o 1500ufta!1/lAvenua SUII4 20Z L.anðon ON NM5N6 To! (!19) 860-2400 Fax (619) 661-2887 Ministà/'D du procureur g6néraI Dlreclion générale de rouest 150. avert"" Duffsrfn Bureau 202 London ON N8A. 5N6 TM (519) 660-2400 TéIéc (519) 681-2l1li1 A+/o.chfY)~it 1 - - ® Ontario / ( \. Februa¡y 10, 2000 Mr. Bñan Knott Director of Legal Services Civic Centre, 315 King street West Chatham; ON N7M 51<8 Dear Mr. Knott: Rø; POA Part 1 As you know, throughout the last eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) months there have been a rash of motor vehicte accidents and fatalities on the stretch of Highway 401 bordering- Middlesex County and extending through and including Essex County_ ( More particularly. the vast majority of these fatal accidents have occurred along the -: ChathamIKent corñdor of the 401. As a result of these accidents and other notable issues, the Ontario ProvIncial Police approached this office with a view to establiShing more effective measures 10 address the needs for more visible police presence and more effective traffic management and prosecution of Provincial Offences Ad Part 1 offences on Highway 401. The Provincial Police raised a number of concerns with our office. the dominant one being the Inability of officers who patrol throughout numerous contIguous jurisdictions being able to attend for all court hearings that añse from their enforcement More particularly, because an officer may in a typical day patrol an area, which includes portions of Elgin, ChathamIKent and. Essex Counties. that particular offICer is often not available to appear at all three (3) jurisdictions when the matters ultimately añse formal. As a result. certain alleged offendeœ are able to have the charge dismissed solely due to the unavailability of the chargIng officer who is present in another County trying to address other charges. After a careful review of the Provincial Offences Act, thl!; office provided an opinion to the Provincial Police that a charging officer may have charges returnable in the County in which the charge is laid or in a contiguous County. It is noteworthy that ChathamIKent ha:> the unique position of baing COntiguous with Essex, Elgin and Middlesex Counties. .../2 c 11 ~~/~~/~vv~ LtlU L~:~4 rAA IgfUUO/UUI Feb:I~-nn 16'D8 From-WESTREGIOOAL OFFICE +5196612887 7-46B P.DS/Ot F-B2D Mr. Brian Knott Febf1Jary 10.2000 Page Two The Provincial Police also advised U5 of their anticipated incraase in complement as a re5ult of a recent government initiative whereby up to twenty-two (22) additional officers would be located along the affected portions of Highway 401 to enhance enforcement Although I am advised that these officers have yet to arrive, I have been made aware of an enhanced enforcement regime currently in place, which has seen an increase in Part 1 charges of 27% (for 1999 oVeF 1998 charge levels). Of course enhanced enforcement can be expected 10 lead to more compliance with the law, which in turn may lead to a leveling off in the rate of growth In charges. Accordingly, not only were we prepared to indicate to the Provincial Police our support for having all 401 offences returnable In one (1) County but were also . prepared to align our Provincial Prosecutorial resou~ to compliment such decision. Additionally this office sought out the support and direction of the office of the Regional Senior Justice of the Peace. Robert Ponton and was able to secure his clear support for this initiatlve_ More particularly, Regional Senior Justice of the Peace Ponton was prepared II> allocate an additional judicial complement to ChalhamlKent to ensure that the enhanced enforcement model and proposed contiguous charging model would reœive adequate judiCial capacity to allow this proposed model to be operational. As you would expect, changes in filing practices require. in addition to the support of the judiciary and the police, careful consultation with other justice stakeholders. Due to pending POA tran5fers to the impacted areas of Middlesex., Essex and Elgin, these areas, whose charge levels, and thus revenue collection. would be impacted, should also be consulted in addition to the current provincial court administrators. There is no doubt that the public requires both the Provincial Police and the Criminal Law Division to do its utmost to enhance public safety along Highway 401. We are contident that recent steps taken as outlined above will improve the existing situation by ensuring enhanced police visibility, enhance police presence at tñals for those persons charged with Part 1 offences, enhance prosecutorial and judicial resources to address this increase in charge volume and a commitment by all justice partners to do their utmost to reduce the unnecessary camage and injuries that result from many of these infractions. I trust that this information WIll assist you in going fOlWard and seeking out the necessary approvals you require to establish a facility which can properfy meet this enhanced charge volume and that will allow persons charged in this portion of the County to access their entitlement to justice in a fair and appropriate manner. .. .f3 1 2 LL/~~/ZUUL TtlU LZ:Z4 YAA -Fob:I.HD 15:D9 From-WEST REGIONAL.OFFICE +51999129B7 If!JUVIIUU/ T -4GB P - 04/D4 F-BZO . . Mr. Bñan Knott February 10, 2000 Page Three As always. both the Crown Attomey's office in Chatham and this office is prepared to assist you in any regard in ensuñng a smooth transfer of Part 1 pros8cutoñal responsibilities. Additionally, the Provincial Offences Aèf. Transfer Project is always available to assÎst you In all of the other aspects of preparing for the transfer as is the Court Services Division with regards to administrative matters. Please do not hesl1ate to contact me if you require any further Information. Yours truly, 7/¡ak h(}ÁS~/~ Marc A- Garson - Director of Crown Operations west Region MAG/ak cc: Regional Senior Justice Ebbs Regional Senior Justice of the Peace Ponton Inspector Burke Lynne Wagner Paul Bailey , L~ / r \, ( / ( \ ll/Z~/ZUUL ItlU ~~:,J rAA J."·DS~G( 11 :12 ,'" From-VlEST REGIoNAL OFFICE MinIstrY of the AU","C)' Gèneral WeM ~J"",,1 DiMotor->'" 1~ Oufførin AVen,," Sui1920;¡: l.c>oøon ON N6,A. 51>16 Tel (519)_00 Fax (SlS!) eð1-2387 Minister. du pro"""'u' général Di~ction génè~le de !"ouest 1öO. ewn\le Qufferln BureaU 201 1..0",1"" ON N6À ¡¡)IS Té! (5i9) 6ôl>-2<ØO TéJéCl",9)~1-2ÐBT June 5,2000 Mr. Brian Knott Municlpa.lity of çhatham-Kent Legal'Servlces Department. Cillie Centre P.O. Box 640 Chatham. ON N7M 5KS Df:lllr Mr. Knott i£!:JVV":;¡UVI +518661 zeST T-5e5 P.DZ/04 F-S61 AH o-Óì tîìe1'J-<c' 11 d Ontario ® Post-it" FiIX Note To L\ '" CQJDept. 7671 e¡ Dale From co. pnan~ It ptv;Jno. F..* Fax' RE: FilinQ of HT A Char<18S Alona the 401 ComQQr I acl<nowledge receipt of your letter dated May 23. 2000 outlining concerns that you have ,egamlng the above captioned matter. I wish to clarify the poInt you raIse In YQur letter regarding my role as "contaçt person" for the municipality on tI1é aÞOve captioned is;:;ues. Af¡. you recall, as a resIJIt of mass confusion around the i58ue of the filing of charges along the corridor. I agreed to bring an of tÌ1e parties together and further agreed to reduce to writing certain Issues so 85 to avoid confusion and miscommunication. It was not my Intention to b~come the official contact person for the Ministry on such Issues and 1 have always undêrstood that role to be the responsiþility of the provincial offences Act T ransf~r fro;er:;í. Nonetheless, 1 am always available to assIst any municipality on issues where I may be of assistance In this regard. Having regard to your concerns about hearing from staff Sgt. Elabbltt and about tM Issues surrounding the tenure of the new provindal Police Officers as well as charge vDlurne. I am adVIsed that as a resùltof your letter. St>!ltf Sgt. Babbitt attendBd personally and met with you on the ze1h dLt'/ of May. 2000 to discuss a number of thes~ issues. I further understand that he was not in a position at that tIme to provide yOU with writf.lm responses to the matters you sought out I have also had lengthy dlSC1lsslons with him regarding this matter and am prepared to advise as follOWS: ..12 14 ~~/ ,1 / ~UV~ UIU ~":.o::::~ 12/0S/2000 TlŒ 12:30 ~y1ð< tgJVV"'/VVI . Jun-Q,-DO !1:J2 . From-WEST REGIONAl. OFFIce +51 BsmBal T-5a5 . P .03/04 f-361 -2- 1. He indicates 1.0 me that a rough approximation of yearly charg~ that will be affected from both ¡::ssex !lnd Middlesex is apprOXimately seven hundred and eigoty {780} çharges on an annual basis. He also advises me "\hat tI'1e number of charges on an annual !»$is in the Chatham-Kent area Is epprt:lximatelY fourteen thovsand four hundred (14,400). Therefore It appears that the dec\$lon by the O.P.p. to continue the current filing practIce for 401 charges In those twO (2) counties reflec:ts approximatelY five per cent (5%) of the total number of charges current!y process~d by the Chatham-Kent municipality 8nd tnus is in fact a somewhat small percentage of total charges. Although he does J'IOt helVe the abilitY to predict wIth certainty the number of charges that the twenty-two new officers may lay. he indicates that there will be a sub9lantial (eg. greater than fifty percent (50%)) expected Increase in the current Chatham-Kent charge volume 0' approximatelY fourteen thousand four_hundred (14,400) charges. You must understand thø the numbels I have set forth fur you are rough estimates provided to me by staff Sgt. Babbitt and thErt I have no independent ability to c;onflrm or ensure the accuracy of these nymcers. I provide these to you as some guide posts in your planning. 2. staff Sgt. Babbitt furthar advised me that thesè twenty-two (22) offlcars are all beil19 assigned on a permanent basis. Although 1 appreciate that situations may change, I feel that your concem¡; about whether the officers am being assigned on a transitional basis or a permanent basis can b~ addressed by Staff Sgt. Babbitl's Indications to me in this regard. Having regard to your concerns aÞOut not hearing from Pardip Sedi of the POA Transfer ( project, I would urge you to contact her directly In this regard to follow up on such \ information. As yoU may kooW, she would have r",ceived a copy of your earlier letter ElS wen as a follow-uP e-mail request from me and I h¡¡r.te not received any information from her 5Înœ that time. I believe it would be in your best Interest to ensure a dirèc:l: link with her ami I will be pleased to assist yOU 10 th¡¡t regard should you not receive such infurmatíon after mal<.it1g this direct inquirY. , apologize for the delay in responding to the question¡; you pose but as you knOW. I have been away from the office anel h:¡lIe Qnly returned at the end of May and required some time to provide ýou with the infol1Tl3tion set forth. I continue to appreciate your f\'u$tration in trYing to secure such information and in as much as I have any control over information from the vañous parties. I apologize for the delay In the receipt of this fnfOflT1ation- As always, I have provided you with my dil'ect number as well as my call phone number should you require any elaþoration of these matters or Bny ollier additíon~1 information. .../3 ( "'- 1 5 ~~/~~/~uu~ ~nu ~~~ 12/05/2000 TUB 12:36v f~ " Jùn-Oß-DO 11:14 . froo-weST Re~IONAL O~FICE -3- \ tt\Jst the above Is satisfactory. Yours truly, 2~ Marc A. Garson DirectOr of Crown Operations West Region MAGfak cc: RSJP ponton RSJ EbbS Len Grtffiths. Director of Court operations paralp Bedi, peA Transfer projecl Sandra Tychsen. pOA Transfer projeGt InspeciorWayne Burke Staff Sergeant D.P. Babbitt J.G. Pavell<a, cAO. ¥:I vv't:/ VV I +5196512807 T-595 P.D4/04 '-S.1 16 ,~.- ~-- ~~~~ ~~ ,~ ~"""~-"" -~. ,-~~~., ~ ~~- ~~.'-" .~~-- ..~" .......~ A-Hach I'Y)U\-l tí 3 PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ALONG THE HIGHWAY 401 CORRIDOR A BRIEF TO THE MINISTER OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR ONTARIO SUBMITTED BY: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL APRIL 22ND, 2003 1 7 ( ( 1..1./ ~1:1/ ~UU.l HiLI 1..':::- 12/05/2000 TOE 12:j6J fg± " Jùn-DS-OO It ,14 , Fram-læST ¡¡eGION~L OFFICE -3- I trust the. above is satisfaG\Dry. Yours truly, 2~ Marc A. Garson Director of crown oper;rtions West Region MAG/Sk cc: RSJP ponton RSJ EbbS Len Gr1ffiths. Director of Court Ope~tìOI'\S pan:1lp Bedi. peA Transfer project sandra Tychsen. peA Transfer projeut InBpec1:orWayne Burke Staff Sergeant D.P. Babbitt J.G. Pavel!<a, CAO- 1£:[VV'J:rVVI .s¡ge61Z987 T-595 P_D4/D4 F-I'1 2 HONOURABLE MINISTER: BACKGROUND: AS YOU ARE AWARE, IN THE SPRING OF 2000, THE MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TRANSFERRED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PROCESSING OF PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACTIVITY ALONG THE 401 CORRIDOR TO THE CHATHAM-KENT PROVINCIAL OFFENCES OFFICE. IN CONNECTION WITH THAT TRANSFER, THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE ASSIGNED AN ADDITIONAL 22 OFFICERS TO THE 401 BETWEEN ESSEX AND MIDDLESEX COUNTIES. THE PURPOSE OF THIS BRIEF IS TO OUTLINE ELGIN COUNTY'S CONCERNS WITH THE METHOD IN WHICH THE ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY WAS MADE AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT DECISION FOR ELGIN COUNTY RATEPAYERS. UNILATERAL DECISION-MAKING - MR MINISTER, IT IS OUR CONTENTION THAT THE DECISION TO FORCE TRAFFIC ACTIVITY TO THE CHATHAM-KENT PROVINCIAL 1 8 · - '-. ~~- ~.~~-~ -~ .~ ~~~.... .~. ~~._.., ~ ~~~ .--.>~~ .~~~ . .~"'-''' ~~ 3 OFFENCES COURT WAS MADE WITHOUT CONSULTATION WITH SOME OF THE AFFECTED PARTIES, NAMELY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. OUR CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND HIS COUNTERPART AT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS WERE TOLD BY POA TRANSFER OFFICIALS THAT THE DECISION WAS ABOUT TO BE MADE AND THAT IT WAS BEYOND OUR CONTROL AND INFLUENCE_ OF COURSE, OUR OBJECTION, AND THAT OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS' ADMINISTRATOR, WAS SWIFT AND UNEQUIVOCAL. MUNICIPALITIES, ESPECIALLY THE ELGIN-ST. THOMAS CATCH- MENT AREA, WERE PREPARED TO ACCEPT, PROCESS AND ADMINISTER POA ACTIVITY ALONG THE 401 CORRIDOR - WE WERE EQUALLY ADAMANT THAT THE REVENUE BEING GENERATED IN OUR JURISDICTION BELONGED IN OUR COURT SERVICE AREA. c NEVERTHELESS, THE MINISTRY PRESSED ON AND CONSULTATION TOOK THE FORM OF A SINGLE PHONE CALL. WE BELIEVE THAT PROPER AND INFORMED CONSULTATION WOULD HAVE RESULTED IN A DIFFERENT ARRANGEMENT, ONE THAT WOULD HAVE SATISFIED ALL PARTIES. c j ~ 4 IMPLICATIONS OF THE DECISION: WE UNDERSTAND THAT THE DECISION TO CONSOLIDATE 401 POA ACTIVITY IN CHATHAM-KENT OCCURRED BEFORE ELGIN, MIDDLESEX AND ESSEX HAD TRANSFERRED THE POA FUNCTION. NOTWITHSTANDING THAT DECISION AND THE WAY IN WHICH IT WAS MADE, ELGIN COUNTY HAS ASKED CHATHAM-KENT TO TRACK THE NUMBER AND VALUE OF TICKETS ISSUED ALONG THE 401 IN ELGIN'S JURISDICTION. MR. MINISTER, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN KNOWING THAT FROM JULY 2001 TO SEPTEMBER 2002, FINES IN EXCESS OF $60P,000 HAVE BEEN ISSUED IN ELGIN'S CATCHMENT AREA OF THE 401 CORRIDOR. WE HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING THIS MATTER AND A METHOD OF RESTITUTION WITH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF AT CHATHAM-KENT FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. IN FACT A DRAFT AGREEMENT FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THOSE FUNDS, LESS ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS HAD BEEN FORMULATED. IN OTHER WORDS, ON A STAFF-TO-STAFF BASIS, WE HAD WORKED OUT AN ARRANGEMENT WHEREBY THE CHATHAM-KENT COURT COULD CONTINUE TO PROCESS POA ACTIVITY FROM THE ELGIN CATCHMENT AREA, RECOVER ITS COSTS AND DISBURSE THE REMAINING PROCEEDS TO ELGIN COUNTY. 2LJ 5 RECENTLY, CHATHAM-KENT STAFF FOUND CORRESPONDENCE FROM YOUR MINISTRY INDICATING THAT HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT CHARGES LAID BY THE ADDITIONAL 22 OFFICERS WERE TO BE FILED AT THE CHATHAM-KENT PROVINCIAL OFFENCES OFFICE. BY LOGICAL EXTENSION THEN, CHATHAM-KENT BELIEVES IT IS NOT LEGALLY ABLE TO DISBURSE FUNDS TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BECAUSE THE MINISTRY HAS DECREED OTHERWISE. OUR CASE: MR. MINISTER, THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH YOUR MINISTRY WHICH CLEARLY STATES THAT TICKETS ISSUED IN THE ELGIN "CATCHMENT AREA' SHALL C BE RETURNABLE TO THE ELGIN POA COURT. WE SUBMIT THAT THE HTA TICKETS ISSUED ALONG THE 401 IN ELGIN COUNTY ARE RETURNABLE IN OUR COURT. WE ALSO WONDER HOW A TICKET ISSUED IN ELGIN COUNTY CAN BE LEGALLY ENFORCED WHEN THAT TICKET IS CODED AND RETURNABLE IN ANOTHER JURISDICTION. FURTHERMORE, WE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT AT THE TIME THE DECISION WAS MADE THE COUNTY HAD NOT YET TRANSFERRED. WHY THEN, WHEN WE DID REACH AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTRY, WAS THIS NOT ADDRESSED IN OUR MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH OUR "PARTNERING MINISTRY"? ( , 21 ~ , 6 SUMMARY: MR. MINISTER WE ASK THAT YOU REVIEW THIS MATTER AND AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF POA REVENUE CAPTURED ALONG THE 401 CORRIDOR IN THE ELGIN CATCHMENT AREA TO ELGIN COUNTY. AS STATED EARLIER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT WISH TO CHANGE THE CURRENT ARRANGEMENT WITH CHATHAM-KENT, NOR DO WE WISH TO ALTER THE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PATTERNS OF THE O.P.P. WE WOULD ASK, HOWEVER, THAT YOUR MINISTRY DIRECT CHATHAM-KENT COURT TO RELEASE FUNDS THAT WERE COLLECTED IN ELGIN COUNTY ACCORDING TO A MUTUALLY AGREEABLE COVENANT BETWEEN THE TWO MUNICIPALITIES. 22 , AHo.chme-n-t4t if' REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCil ( FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: April 7, 2003 SUBJECT: PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ALONG THE 401 CORRIDOR INTRODUCTION: Council is aware, from several updates, that staff have been meeting with Administration at the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to reach an agreement on the disbursement of funds collected along the 401 in Elgin County. In fact, at the Administrative level. we had read and discussed a draft agreement for the disbursement of revenues received by Chatham-Kent July 2001. However, recently Chatham-Kent staff found correspondì;mce from the Ministry of the Attorney General which, they claim, does not give them legal authority to share these funds with another catchment area. DISCUSSION: c It should be emphasized that throughout the process Chatham-Kent staff have been very co-operative and accommodating. Information has been volunteered and there is an understanding that we should work together. Chatham-Kent staff now believe that they do not have the authority from the Attorney General to disperse fines collected along the 401 corridor back to the catchment area, from whence they came. That leaves Elgin with only one recourse, to approach the Minister of the Attorney General directly. Attached you will find a brief to the Minister of the Attorney General that staff believes should be presented to the Minister at the first available opportunity. Staff also suggests that the brief be forwarded to our local M.P.P., to ask for his support and assistance in resolving this matter. CONCLUSION: . While it may be practical to have the opp file all the charges in one Court (Chatham-Kent). it is unfair and in direct contravention of the MOU signed with the Ministry of the Attorney , \ ~. 2J: _ 6 . SUMMARY: MR. MINISTER WE ASK THAT YOU REVIEW THIS MATTER AND AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF POA REVENUE CAPTURED ALONG THE 401 CORRIDOR IN THE ELGIN CATCHMENT AREA TO ELGIN COUNTY. AS STATED EARLIER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT WISH TO CHANGE THE CURRENT ARRANGEMENT WITH CHATHAM-KENT, NOR DO WE WISH TO ALTER THE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PATTERNS OF THE O.P.P. WE WOULD ASK, HOWEVER, THAT YOUR MINISTRY DIRECT . CHATHAM-KENT COURT TO RELEASE FUNDS THAT WERE COLLECTED IN ELGIN COUNTY ACCORDING TO A MUTUALLY AGREEABLE COVENANT BETWEEN THE TWO MUNICIPALITIES. . 29 -- ---- -- ..- -. --.-". - - -- --- --- .. -- -- General, to retain all revenue from that enforcement activity. As such, a strategy for cost recovery is attached for Council's consideration. RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council endorse the attached brief to the Minister of the Attorney General on POA activity along the 401 corridor and engage the assistance of Mr- Steve Peters to help resolve the matter. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, Approved for Submission Mark Me Chief Administrative Officer. 24 JUN-04-2003 16:21 COUNTY OF ELGIN e5/30/20e3 12: 35 519-631-9478 STEVE ÆTERS rÆ'P AttornI!)' General Minister Respcnsible for N8tive Affairs The Hon. Norman W. Sterling PrtJCureur générsl tninistre dé/égué all)t Affaires autochton@s L'hon. Norman W. Sterling Ministl'Y of tne Atto/T'ley GeMt'ðl "1ItF100r 720 eay S~e.t TororHO ON MsG 2K1 T.'ephone: (d16) ; 26-4000 Facsimile: (416) 326·4016 MitÛ$té"re du Prncureur generat ". é!age 7Z0, rue Bay TQronto ON MOO 2K1 Téléph_: (41S) 32604C0D T~ü¡;-'{4J6 326·4016 \ , k· ) ~Jl\)Y' ~ \. . l // <\\u\v ,/ /'¡/ _/~ fJ-þ HArl 6 2003 His Worship Peter Ostojic Mayor City of St. Thomas 545 Talbot Street PO Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, ON N5P 3V7 Dear Mayor Ostojic: 1 519 633 7661 P.03/04 PAGE a1 A-fftlc!) me4 '"5 ( tii ~ on""", COpy Our Reference #: M03-02903 !F::~CIt:UVIE!D) ;~>\ î ì ~,l~?¡F --------------- ( , Thank you for you letter dated May 1, 2003, wherein you request a meeting to discuss the Provincial Offence A.ct (POA) revenUes generated fÌ'om Highway TrajJic Act violations that occur on Highway #401 within the boundaries of Elgin County but administered by Chatham-Kent. As you are ¡¡ware, the Transfer Agreement entered into under Part X of PO A authorizes the mUIÚcipality who administers and prosecutes offences commenced under the POA and to collect and enforce the fines imposed upon conviction. From the fines collected. the municipal partner is to remit the collected revenue in accordance with Part X of the POA and the Transfer Agreement, including remittance to serviced municipalities and other municipal partners in a timely manner. When a proceeding under the POA is commenced in a court service area. other than where the offence originated. ím acted munici aI partners have the authority to enter into loc:al arc sœments saúsfacto to both parties regarding cost and revenue sharin¡¡;. ere are er coun service areas where smùlar circumstances have resulted in the implementation oflocaJ arrangements, for example the City of Kitchener and the City of Guelph. The City ofKitchener administers offences that occur along the Highway #401 corridor located within the Guelph court service area. 25 .2 c . . . -- ---- -- ,,- _. --.-.- - --- --- ---- . --- -- General, to retain all revenue from that enforcement activity. As such, a strategy for cost recovery is attached for Council's consideration. RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council endorse the attached brief to the Minister of the Attorney General on POA activity along the 401 corridor and engage the assistance of Mr. Steve Peters to help resolve the matter. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, Approved for Submission Mark Mc Chief Administrative Officer. 23 - 0: (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631·1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 www.elgin-county.on.ca ( MARK G. McDONALD CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER May 30, 2003 A+tæhme~.: :f & 'Sí.flœ.-1852' Mr. Joe Pavelka, Chief Administrative Officer Municipality of Chatham - Kent P.O. Box 640, Civic Centre 315 King Street West CHATHAM, Ontario N7M 5K8 IL/ ' DearM~;~ I Re: Provincial Offence Act Revenues Generated from Elqin Area Hiqhwav 401 Charqes In light of the attached letter that we recently received from the Attorney General, please note that the Ministry is in favour of revenue and cost-sharing arrangements at a local level, and that we are not restricted by any previous arrangements. c Basically, the definitive word is that Chatham-Kent is permitted to share revenue with other municipal partners, and is encouraged to enter into agreements for such cost-sharing measures. In keeping with the Ministry's position we would be pleased to renew our previous discussions, which focused on the essential elements of a cost-sharing agreement. VVe look forv.¡ard to hearing f:-um you. Yours truly, Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. cc Sheri Gabriele, Court Manager Scott Praill, Director. Karen Dunn c 27 .~. . . JUH-04-2003 16:22 COUNTY OF ELGIN 1 519 633 7661 P.04/04 05/30/2003 12:35 519-631-9478 STEVE PETERS MPP PAGE 62 , -2- Revenue and cost sharing arrangemen!$ are more appropriately resolved at the local level ensuring that impacted municipal partners arrive at local solutions satisfactory to all. Thank you for writing. Sincerely, )5L; Norman W. Sterling Attorney General Minister Responsible for Native Affairs c:' . Mr: Steve Pet=, MPP Elgin-Middiesex-London ~ TOTAL P.04 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" Town of Richmond Hill " -, -- --'" ~ P.O. Box 300 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4C 4 Y5 (905) 771-8800 www.richmondhill.ca e~ 130 ~ June 19,2003 JUN 26 2003 Sandy Heffren, Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive 51. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 &, .,.,,,¡ t~~ti#)]'W i'lfii.:fi'D-Fii~iË@ ~"i"--.,.I'-!.I¡'¡",,, ,'Y".¡~ '<''''I",~ }?,I. ~_..."""".'!;JI Dear Ms. Heffren: Re: Yellow/Green Fluorescent School Zone Signs Richmond Hill Town Council, at Its meeting on June 9, 2003, approved the following resolution: "a) That Council ask the Minister of Transportation to amend the Highway Traffic Act to: i) replace the traditional blue and white School Zone signs with ones incorporating the use of yellow/green fluorescent micro prismatic vinyl sheeting, Ii) provide for the doubling of traffic violation fines within all posted school zones in Ontario; iii) amend the criteria for Community Safety Zones to exclude school zones as a means of reducing sign pollution and increasing the effectiveness of the Community Safety Zones in other target areas, such as, intersections with a high frequency of collisions, daycare centres, retirement facilities, etc. b) That the Region of York be requested to endorse the use of the yellow/green fluorescent school zone signs for all school zones on Regional roads and similarly request the Minister of Transportation to amend the Highway Traffic Act to permit their use; c) That a copy of Council's resolution be forwarded to the municipalities presently using the yellow/green fiuorescent school zone signs with a request that the Town of Richmond Hill's request to the Minister of Transportation for an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act be endorsed." (continued) 28 @@ P'«Utd ~ út ~~ P~ June 19, 2003 Page 2 In accordance with Council's directive, I am forwarding to your attention a copy of Council's resolution in this regard. I refer you to Recommendation c) regarding Richmond Hill's request to the Minister of Transportation for an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act. If you require further information please call Mr. Bruce Macgregor, Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works, at (905) 771-2527. /gc cc: Minister F. Klees, Minister of Transportation D. Kelly, Regional Clerk B. Macgregor, Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works Ontario Municipalities outlined in Appendix "A" o 29 - - - - Appendix 'A' Ontario Municipalities Using Fluorescent Yellow Green For School Zones Signs Anson, Hindon and Minden (Minden Hills) Avlmer Barrie Barrv's Bav (Madawasaka Vallev) Belleville Brockville . Burlinaton Campbellford (Trent Hills) . Cambridqe Central Huron .. Colborne (Cramahe - Northumberland Countv) East Gwillimburv Elqin Countv Forest (Lambton Shores) Fort Erie Gananoque Grev Countv Grimsbv . Gueloh Haldimand . Halton Hills Hamilton Harrow Villaae (Essex) Huron County Huron-Kinloss Kinqston Kitchener Lambton Countv Lincoln London Lindsav (Kawartha Lakes) Lucan Biddulph Middlesex County Mississauqa Niaaara on the Lake , Niaaara Reaion North Perth Oshawa Ottawa Oxford Countv . Peel Reqion Perth County 30 Appendix 'A' Ontario Municipalities Using Fluorescent Yellow Green For School Zones Signs Port Colborne Prescott Prince Edward Countv Quite West St. Catharines St. Thomas Severn Township . Six Nations of the Grand River South Bruce Stirling-Rawdon Stratford Greater Sudburv Thunder Bav Tillsonburq Toronto Trenton (now Quinte West) Warwick Waterloo Waterloo Reqion Weiland Wellington Countv West Lincoln Whitbv . Woodstock Woolwich 31 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL " " " .. " " " .. " .. " .. Town of Richmond Hill P.O. Box 300 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4C 4Y5 (905) 771-8800 www.richmondhill.ca e~ 190 ~ June 19, 2003 Honourable Frank Klees Minister of Transportation 3rd Floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A1Z8 Dear Minister Klees: Re: Yellow/Green Fluorescent School Zone Signs Richmond Hill Town Council, at its meeting on June 9, 2003, approved the following resolution: "a) That Council ask the Minister of Transportation to amend the Highway Traffic Act to: i) replace the traditional blue and white School Zone signs with ones incorporating the use of yellow/green fiuorescent micro prismatic vinyl sheeting, ii) provide for the doubling of traffic vio,lation fines within all posted school zones in Ontario; iií) amend the criteria for Community Safety Zones to exclude school zones as a means of reducing sign pollution and increasing the effectiveness of the Community Safety Zones in other target areas, such as, intersections with a high frequency of collisions, daycare centres, retirement facilities, etc. b) That the Region of York be requested to endorse the use of the yellow/green fluorescent school zone signs for all school zones on Regional roads and similarly request the Minister of Transportation to amend the Highway Traffic Act to permit their use; c) That a copy of Council's resolution be forwarded to the municipalities presently using the yellow/green fluorescent school zone signs with a request that the Town of Richmond Hill's request to the Minister of Transportation for an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act be endorsed," (continued) 32 @@ P'UUtd ~ ~ g~ P~ Honourable Frank Klees June 19, 2003 Page 2 Would you kindly ensure that Council's directive in Recommendation a) is addressed. If you require further information please call Mr. Bruce Macgregor, Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works, at (905) 771-2527. Igc cc: D. Kelly, Regional Clerk B. Macgre90r, Commissioner of Engineering and Pubiic Works Ontario Municipaiities outlined in Appendix "A" 33 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL * * * * * * * * * * * . * Town of Richmond Hill P.O. Box 300 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4C 4Y5 (905) 771-8800 www.richmondhill.ca ~130~ June 19, 2003 Mr. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk The Regional Municipality of York 17250 Yonge Street P.O. Box 147 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y6Z1 Dear Mr. Kelly: Re: Yellow/Green Fluoresc.ent School Zone Signs Richmond Hill Town Council, at its meeting on June 9, 2003, approved the following resolution: "a) That Council ask the Minister of Transportation to amend the Highway Traffic Act to: i) replace the traditionai blue and white School Zone signs with ones incorporating the use of yellow/green fluorescent micro prismatic vinyl sheeting, Ii) provide for the doubling of traffic vioiation fines within all posted school zones in Ontario; iii) amend the criteria for Community Safety Zones to exclude school zones as a means of reducing sign pollution and increasing the effectiveness of the Community Safety Zones in other target areas, such as, intersections with a high frequency of coilisions, daycare centres, retirement faciiities, etc. b) That the Region of York be requested to endorse the use of the yellow/green fluorescent school zone signs for all school zones on Regional roads and similarly request the Minister of Transportation to amend the Highway Traffic Act to permit their use; c) That a copy of Council's resolution be forwarded to the municipalities presentiy using the yellow/green fluorescent school zone signs with a request that the Town of Richmond Hill's request to the Minister of Transportation for an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act be endorsed." (continued) 34 @@ PIUUtd ~ iH- '8tMøt, P~ Mr. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk June 19, 2003 Page 2 Would you kindly ensure that Council's directive in Recommendation b) is addressed. If you require further information please call Mr. Bruce Macgregor, Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works, at (905) 771-2527. Igc cc: Minister F. Klees, Minister of Transportation B. Macgregor, Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works Ontario Municipalities outlined in Appendix "A" 35 CORRESPONDENCE - July 8. 2003 Items for Information - (Consent Aaenda) 1. Honourable John Manley, Minister of Finance, responding to Council's resolution requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to provide tax incentives to promote economic growth in Ontario. (ATTACHED) 2. Honourable Gar Knutson, M.P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, acknowledging Council's concern regarding: 1) the federal and provincial elections running concurrently with municipal elections; and 2) the proposed consolidation of Geriatric Psychiatry Services at the London site. (ATTACHED) 3. VON Great Community Walk, with registry information and entry forms for the event on Sunday, August 24,2003. (ATTACHED) 4. Jon Kanellakos, Communications Officer, Massimo Bergamini, Director of Communications, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, "Members' Advisory", re: 'Bridging the Gap' Municipal Leaders' Toolkit Now Available On-Line. (ATTACHED) 5. Steve Peters, M.P.P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, supporting Council's resolution urging the Provincial Government to take a leadership role in the fight against the West Nile Virus. 6. AMO Member Communication ALERT, "AMO Will Not Input Into Tax Referenda Proposal" (ATTACHED) 7. Malcolm Bates, Director, Emergency Health Services Branch, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, announcing the County of Elgin receiving a one-time funding assistance payment for SARS costs. (ATTACHED) 8. Honourable Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship, offering information and assistance of the Accessibility Advisory Council in regards to the Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the requirement that every municipality prepare an annual accessibility plan. (ATTACHED) 9. Diane Gagner, Chair, Western Ontario Smart Growth Panel and Mayor, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, with copies of the "Shape the Future: Western Ontario Smart Growth Panel Discussion Paper". (letter faxed June 27 - view discussion paper in Administrative Services Department) 10. Honourable James M. Flaherty, Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity & Innovation, acknowledging Council's resolution supporting an auto strategy. (ATTACHED) 36 Minister of Finance Ministre des Finances Ottawa, Canada KiA OG5 JUN 3 2003 JUN 6 2003 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County ofElgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffren: A copy of your December 13, 2002 letter in which you ask that the federal government participate in the Ontario government's initiatives for tax-free municipal Opportunity Bonds and Tax Incentive Zones was brought to my attention by Mr. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Let me first address the issue of providing a federal income tax exemption for interest on municipal bonds. As noted in the September 2002 Speech from the Throne, providing adequate assistance to municipalities is an important objective for the federal government. Budget 2003 reaffirms this commitment by providing an additional $3 billion in infrastructure support. This brings the federal government's recent investments in the nation's infrastructure to over $8 billion. The budget also provides an additional $320 million, over five years, to the Affordable Housing Initiative, bringing the total investment in this initiative to $1 billion by the end of2007-08. Further, the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program and the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative were each extended for an additional three years representing annual investments of$128 million and $135 million, respectively. The federal government believes that providing direct financial assistance is a more efficient way to assist municipalities than providing an income tax exemption on municipal bonds. In this respect, I would like to point out that studies in the U.S. show that the tax revenues forgone on municipal tax-free bonds typically exceed, by a considerable margin, the interest cost savings to the municipality. Turning to the tax incentive zone initiative, I would agree, as a general proposition, that lower taxes can be a factor in fostering investment and jobs. In this regard, the federal government's five-year tax reduction plan is significant, providing, in particular, a lowering of the general corporate income tax rate from 28 per cent in 2000 to 21 per cent in 2004. Taken together with announced provincial tax cuts, this provides that by 2006, the average corporate tax rate in Canada will be five percentage points Canadã 37 -2- lower than in the U.S. This will help considerably in making Canada the location of choice for new investment. There are, however, a number of issues of concern that arise with respect to tax incentive zones. First, it is not clear that the zone would be effective in attracting incremental investment into the region. It would be difficult to determine whether or not the industry would have located in the zone in any event. Second, even if the investment were incremental to the region, it may have resulted ftom a finn closing down in one part ofthe country and opening up in the zone, which would result in no net additional investment or jobs. Third, the new investment could result in unfair competition with existing businesses in the same industry. Given these considerations, I cannot support providing a federal income tax exemption for interest on Ontario Opportunity Bonds or federal participation in the Tax Incentive Zones initiative. I would like to thank you for taking the time to contact the government on these important issues. Please accept my best regards. Yours verytruIy, JQ~ John Manley c.c.: Mr. Steve Peters, M.P.P. 38 (jar 1(nutson, :M.P. Elgin - Middlesex - London OTTAWA OFFICE Room 832 Confederation Building House of Commons K1AQA6 Tel. (613) 990-7769 Fax (613) 996-0194 E-Mail: knutsg@parLgc.ca 'ill HOUSE OF COMMONS CANADA St. Thomas June 17 2003 JUN 1 9 2003 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffren, Thank you for forwarding my office copies of the County of Elgin's recent resolutions regarding federal and provincial elections running concurrently with municipal elections and senior levels of federal and provincial governments taking immediate action with respect to BSE. I appreciate being kept informed and up to date on the issues that concern the people in this riding. If this office can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~ The Hon. Gar Knutson, P.c., M.P. Elgin-Middlesex -London GK:alc .+. CONSTITUENCY OFFICE 499 Talbot St. St. Thomas, Ontario N5P1G3 Tel. (519)631-3921 1-800-265-7810 Fax (519) 631-8555 39 OTTAWA OFFICE Room 658 Confederation Building House of Commons K1AOA6 Tel. (613) 990-7769 Fax (613) 996-0194 <¡!¡ CONSTITUENCY OFFICE 499 Talbot St. St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1C3 Tel. (519) 631-3921 1-800-265-7810 Fax (519) 631-8555 HOUSE OF COMMONS OTTAWA,CANADA K1A OA6 ST. THOMAS June 20, 2003 ,,4 2003 Warden John Wilson County ofElgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5VI Dear Warden Wilson, Thank you for keeping me apprised of your position on the proposed consolidation of Geriatric Psychiatry Services at the London site of St. Joseph's Hospital Regional Mental Health Care. I appreciate the benefits of having excellent mental health services right here in the community. St. Thomas and Elgin County has come to rely on ready access to the services of the St. Thomas site of St. Joseph's Hospital Regional Mental Health Care. The Geriatric Psychiatric Program s.erves a very particular need for the community's elderly people. Elgin County was recently listed as being among the oldest communities in Canada, demographically speaking, and as such mental health services for this growing segment of society in the places that it lives is of great import. Secondly, the economy. of St. Thomas and Elgin County has benefited immensely trom the presence of the necessarily highly skilled and well paid work force in the community. Despite the fact that Hospitals, Asylums, Charities, and Eleemosynary Institutions are under provincial jurisdiction, as outlined by section 92 of the Constitution Act, 1867, Please keep me apprised of this important issue. Sincerely, /Þt The Honourable Gar Knutson, P.C., M.P. Secretary of State (CentrallEastern Europe and Middle East) Elgin-Middlesex-London .' GK:rlc THE HON. GAR KNUTSON, P.C., M.P. Elgjn·M¡ddlesex~London .+. 43 ; e a iþþ(j OUlVtþ& -~V ~ A." ~. ~ 'W'J ''Z;, çs \>-:.;ON % a «'" .,~ ~~ ~ "" ~Þ:: ~ ~ fØ ê$ ê3 ~ ~ o u > ~ Great I! Comm ity Wall\il',$ ~.§: ~\:J~ 2 km, 5 km or 10 km walk Sunday, August 24, 2003 Starting at 9:30 am 1 r~e"w,lke< w'lI re,,'"" complimentary VON Great Community Walk T-Shirt. be" w,lke< " ¡,",too to "Ie"d 2 a complimentary BBQ with live enteltainment at Springwater Conservation Area. . 3 The dollars that you raise will remain in Elgin County, enhancing services provided by VON. It's fun! ! ! !. 4 (T-shirts and barbeque meal tickets are available to non-walkers for a nominal fee) For more information, please call 1-519-637-6408 or 1-519-765-2999 or 1-800-201-0909. NewPL Q97.5 BX93 RBC Royal Bank Caifish Creek Conservation Authority Presstran Industries · · · · · Yurek Pharmacy Ltd. Canon Business Solutions Shelley McVittie G&M Howe and Sons Ltd. Valleyview Health Options County of Elgin Kilbank Metal Forming & Turning .Jewal International Waite's Printing Service Bill Fehr, CGA Williams Funeral Home Ltd. Envision Health and Rehabilitation Springfield Lions Club Streib Trucking Ltd. & Excavating Yt"JUr Caterers Dawne Hindley, Web Design Services · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Foundation Networks Nova Sales Port Stanley Food Market · · · ~ Federation of Canadian Municipalities Fédéra.tion <:anadienne des municipalités June 19, 2003 MEMBERS' ADVISORY Please distribute to all members of Council and Senior Staff 'BRIDGING THE GAP' MUNICIPAL LEADERS' TOOLKIT NOW AVAILABLE ON-LINE The next few months will be critical for Canadian communities as we strive to secure new resources to help meet growing needs. We will have to work hard to keep municipal issues at the top of the national agenda. At our annual conference in Winnipeg last month we launched a campaign called "Bridging the Gap" to do just that. FCM now wants to enlist every municipal leader to take our issues into their community and develop local alliances to support this national campaign. The Federation has developed a "municipal leaders' toolkit" to help you develop and run your own campaign. This toolkit is now available on the FCM web site at www.fcm.ca You can find it by clicking on the "Bridging the Gap" link. This will take you to a password-protected section of the site. USERNAME: FCM PASSWORD: campaign (Please note, for password use lower case only.) The "Bridging the Gap" toolkit will be kept up to date and expanded to meet your needs. You will find documents that you can download to adapt and use according to your particular circumstances and you will find useful background information. Over the next few weeks we will add other features to this site. We invite you to visit it often. The success of our efforts will depend to on the vigour of our local engagement. We hope this tool kit helps you in your efforts. For more information: Jon Kanellakos Communications Officer (613) 241-5221 ext.367 Massimo Bergamini Director, Communications (613) 241-5221 ext.247 42 Room 331 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A1A4 ~ Ontario Constituency Office: 542 Talbot Street 51. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1C4 Tel: (416) 325-7250 Fax: (416) 325-7262 Email: steve__peters-mpp @ontla;ola.org STEVE PETERS, M.P.P. ELGIN - MIDDLESEX - LONDON Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 Toll F(ee:1-800-265-7638 Email: steve_peters-mpp-co @ontla.ola.org JUN 2;,\ 2003 June 17, 2003 Honourable Tony Clement Minister of Health and Long-Term Care 10'h Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 2C4 Dear Minister: Please find enclosed a resolution from the County of Elgin that supports a resolution from the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit urging your government take a leadership role in the fight against West Nile virus. The resolution also recommends there should be a province-wide response which should be fully provincially funded. In addition, the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit board recommends the decision-making process for determining what specific steps should be taken in each jurisdiction be made at the local level. Minister, I would appreciate your reviewing this matter, promptly responding to the County of Elgin and forwarding a copy of your letter to my office. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, &~ Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London Cc: County of Elgin Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit 86/23/83 22:12:51 EST; ASSOCIATIon OF?-> 1 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 882 JUN-23-03 MON 05:29 PM 260 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01 / G·./("" Association of . (.'1 Municipalities , t' '. of Ontario ~t'I ~'~'r'2illl __N_ &'):'. ~~, ,.:i'~'\ ""j E' ,c"., ,,,,, \."~ ,.,J&\) "A"~"""'~~~J' . ~ f '..f"' X5ß h ·k'W~~ ~"'~""'I'}" < ~ ~ . r. ;~r~ ~"'..u.oIltll.'~~"'W'""'< "-"'''-"'~f ~~ Þ" .... --. - 393 Unlvcrs~y Aw",ue, SLlito 1701 Tcronlo, ON MC'G 1E6 TEi: (416) 971-Ð65G' fax: (416) 971-6191 ema,íl: 3'11o@'f1nlO.nlllnk:om.com To ¡'hû immediate i~ttentíon of the Clerk and Council June 23, 2003 Alert 03/035 AMO Will Not Input Into Tax Referenda Proposal I$$IH~: AMO has sent a letter to tilE! Premier reiterating its opposition to the Progressive COtl<'>crvativc Party's tax roferenda proposal. The: followinø is today's News Release. --._..~., -....... .,.-.,.---.---... ...~.... Tònmt'O, Ont., JUlie 2312003 - AMO's Board of Directors has told the Premier that it will not provide any input to the Progressive Conservative election proposal for røferenda on property tax increases or new taxes. In a letter to the Premier sont todHY, AMO President Ken Boshcoff explained the unanimous AMO Board positiQn that it would be inappropriate to consider any municipal input to the referenda proposal in advance of the outcome of a provincial election. AMO fonls strongly that the proposal is unworkable given the current municipal fiSCÐI sílu¡::¡tiol1 of absorbing downloaded program and service costs, with no new sourcos of rovenUé, If downloaded costs and any cost-shared programs were exempted From t~le roferenda requirement, the Province could shift more of its burc øn of expenditure to the property taxpayers. It is tJnusu¡:¡! for AMO to take such an ardent position on any party's platform, however AMO's membership is seriously concerned that such a proposal would signífiGantly worsen the financial pressures on municipal government and would loud to the erosion of local services, as has been demonstrated in such American statos as the State of California. This InfQlm,.tÍ<>n Is ClviJlI"ble tlìrolJ{Jl¡ AMO's websile et www.II1.(!IJ-Íf9.£!lE2!11. For fHore íl1form~t;on, pla¡¡so contact: Pat Vanini, Executive Director, AMO at 416-971"9856 ex!. 316 44 Ministry of Health And Long-Term Care Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée ® Ontario Emergency Health Services Branch 5700 Y onge Street, 6th Floor Toronto ON M2M 4K5 Direction des services de santé d'urgence 5700 rue Yange, 6e étage Toronto ON M2M 4K5 Telephone: (416) 327-7909 Facsimile: (416) 327-7879 Toll Free: (800) 461-6431 Téléphone: (416) 327-7909 Télécopieur: (416) 327-7879 Appels sans frais: (800) 461-6431 JUN 26 2003 June 17, 2003 Mark MacDonald Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Re: SARS One-Time Fundinq - County of Elqin Dear Mr. MacDonald: I am pleased to advise you that you will receive $1,768 in one-time funding for SARS extraordinary and incremental costs to address your claim covering the period of March 16 - April 30. This funding is to assist the health care providers in addressing operating pressures associated with the unexpected costs incurred as a result of SARS. A payment will be processed as part of your scheduled electronic direct deposit for July 17,2003. Should you require any further information or clarification, our Field Office would be pleased to assist you. Thank you. Sincerely, M1.~~ Malcolm Bates Director Emergency Health Services Branch 45 Ministry of Citizenship Minister Ministère des Affaires civiques Ministre 6e étage 400 avenue University Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tél.: (416) 325-6200 Téléc" : (416) 325-6195 IU ê,-,;h,~qp~ Ontario 6th Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7 A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 JUN 26 2003 June 2003 ¡;~ ,h¡¡?lj ,,,;,,,4:L~.r~ Dear Colleague: The Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) is Canada's most far-reaching and comprehensive legislation for people with disabilities. As you know, the sections of the ODA affecting municipalities were proclaimed on September 30, 2002, and require that every municipality in Ontario prepare an annual accessibility plan. These plans will provide a road map for all of us as we strive to make Ontario a more accessible province for our 1.9 million people with disabilities. I am writing to remind you that the first of these plans is to be made available to the public by September 30, 2003. Accessibility planning should be built into your business planning cycle. Aligning accessibility planning with key business priorities allows for a more thoughtful and efficient process. Planning strategically to improve accessibility is also planning for the future. As our population ages, the proportion of people with disabilities will also increase. Two decades ITom now, it is estimated that approximately 20 per cent of our population will have a disability. The ODA establishes the obligation to consult with people with disabilities in the preparation of your accessibility plan. This can be accomplished through your accessibility advisory committee or with people with disabilities in your community. Another very valuable resource for you is the Accessibility Advisory Council of Ontario that was established under the ODA to provide me with advice on the implementation of the act. The council is a knowledgeable group that represents a great breadth and depth of experience in accessibility issues and I know that members would be more than willing to meet with municipalities to provide the benefit oftheir expertise. My ministry's Accessibility Directorate has been working with municipalities, and other organizations with obligations under the ODA, since the act was passed into law. Among its many activities, the directorate has held meetings across the province, met individually with municipalities and prepared "A Guide to Municipal Accessibility Planning" and the "What is your Municipality's AQ -Accessibility Quotient", both of which are available on the Accessibility Ontario Web site along with a great number of other resources. The Web site address is: www.gov.on.ca/citizenship/accessibilitv/english/municipalities.htm .../2 46 -2- If you would like to meet with a member of the Accessibility Advisory Council, or if you would like to receive any information in alternate format please don't hesitate to contact staff at the: Accessibility Directorate Ontario, Ministry of Citizenship 3rd Floor, 400 University Ave., Toronto, ON M7A 2R9 Tel: (voice) 416-314-7541 Toll-free: 1-888-520-5828. TTY/TDD 416-326-0148 Toll-free: 1~888-335-6611 Fax: 416-314-7307 E-mail: ODA(a)mczcr.l!ov.on.ca Sincerely, ~t;,. - '"'- Carl DeFaria Minister c: The Honourable David Young Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Jeff Adams Chair Accessibility Advisory Council of Ontario 47 S Ontario G h mart rowt - ~ ¡;:>.~/ [JUN u:rom '·Western Ontario Smart Growth Panel c/o Smart Growth Secretariat 777 Bay Street, 16th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 June 2003 Dear Head of Council, f , On behalf of the western Ontario Smart. Growth panel, I am pleased to forward you copies of Shape the Future: Western Ontario Smart Growth Panel Discussion Paper. - This document summarizes the panel's draft advice for a long-tenn strategy to attract and manage growth in western Ontario. The Ontario government has asked that we seek public input on our recommendations before submitting our final advice later this summer. As part of this process, we are holding public consultations in Windsor (June 24), Stratford (June 25), Owen Sound (June 26) and London (July 2). Further details are posted on the Smart Growth Web site at www.smart!!fowth.!!:ov.on.ca. I invite you and other council members to attend the open houses. The western Ontario Smart Growth panel was appointed in August 2002 to advise the provincial government on ways to promote and manage future growth in our zone. Our panel compnses leaders ITom the municipal sector, business, agriculture, post-secondary education and the environment. While our perspectives are diverse, we have worked as a team in the best interests of western Ontario as a whole. In particular, we were asked to focus on suggesting ways to ensure that western Ontario's agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors can prosper in a global economy in ways complementary to the evolving nature of rural communities. After nearly a year of deliberation, we have developed draft advice that reflects our vision for h9W growth can be achieved in western Ontario over the next 30 years - in ways that build strong local economies, strong communities and a healthy environment. We have outlined six strategic directions for attracting and managing growth, planning and developing infrastructure, and protecting the environment and natural resources. In addition, our draft advice identifies specific recommendations for implementing the strategic directions. We recognize that this docwnent raises important questions that require further discussion and study. We look to you, other stakeholders and members of the public to help us answer these questions and are accepting written comments until Monday, July 14, 2~03. I encourage you to share this docwnent with your colleagues. It is also available on the Smart Growth Web site. Your input will help to shape the future of western Ontario. If you havè any questions, please contact me at (519) 436-3219. . 0 Smart Growth panel and of Chatham-Kent 48 ® Ontario iß, . siñärt Gm th ope t e uture Western Ontario Smart Growth Panel Discussion Paper Summer 2003 Minister of Enterprise, Opportunity & Innovation The Hon. James M. Flaherty ~ ~qp~ Ontario Ministre de I'Entreprise, des Débouchés et de /'Innovation L:hon. James M. Flaherty Hearst Block, Queen's Park Toronto ON M7 A 2E1 Telephone: (416) 325-6900 Facsimile: (416) 325-6918 www"ontario-canada.com Édifice Hearst, Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 2E1 Téléphone: (416) 325-6900 Télécopieur: (416) 325-6918 www.ontario-canada.com JUN 27 2003 JUN 2 02003 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffi-en Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffi-en: Thank you for your letter dated January 29th, 2003, addressed to my colleague, the Honourable Brad Clark, MPP, Minister of Labour, and forwarded to me on March 14th, 2003, by Mr. Steve Peters, MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London, regarding a resolution in support of an auto strategy. Like the Council of the County of Elgin, I am concerned about the future of this key Ontario industry. Its importance to the province's manufacturing sector is something our government recognises and takes seriously. As you may know, our government has been involved in a series of consultations with participants in the province's automotive industry during the past year, including hosting an automotive roundtable, a municipal roundtable and a meeting with key stakeholders. I am also an active member of the Canadian Automotive Partnership Council, where I have put forth views based on discussions I have had with major automotive municipalities. Through open dialogue with all stakeholders in the industry, we hope to find ways to build on Ontario's strengths as a key automotive jurisdiction, and highlight areas for development to improve the province's global competitiveness. This should lead to expanded investment in the automotive industry and new job growth. To facilitate this, our government recently announced an additional investment of $625 million over five years to enhance infi-astructure, skills and innovation capacity in the province. .../2 4~ -2- I invite the Council of the County of Elgin to join us to help maintain a strong automotive industry in Ontario. Thank you again for writing. Sincerel , ~.~ James . Flaherty c: The Honourable Brad Clark, MPP Minister of Labour Mr. Steve Peters, MPP, Elgin-Middlesex-London 50 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 2003 TO: Warden John R. Wilson and Elgin County Councillors FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Council Lunch on July 8, 2003 Lunch for the July 8th County Council meeting is being hosted by The Honourable Gar Knutson, M.P. for Elgin-Middlesex-London, to be held at The Kettle Creek Inn in Port Stanley.