02 - February 24, 2021 Environmental Advisory Committee Agenda Package ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Wednesday, February 24, 2021 11:00 a.m. Meeting to be held electronically. Agenda 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Adoption of January 27, 2021 Minutes 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4. Environmental Advisory Committee Priorities – Updates a. Naturalized spaces north of the County Administration Building (Councillor Jones) b. Green Purchasing Initiatives Update (Sarah Emons) c. Outline of Official Plan Review and Roadside Vegetation Management (Rob Braam) 5. Correspondence 6. Date of Next Meeting 7. Adjournment Meeting:Environmental Advisory Committee Date: January 27, 2021 Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Webex Attendees: Tom Marks, Warden Grant Jones, Councillor, Chair Sally Martyn, Councillor, Vice-Chair Robert Braam, Community Member Sarah Emons, Community Member Michaela Lenz, Community Member Ray Price, Community Member Kim Smale, Community Member Staff: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Katherine Thompson, Supervisor of Legislative Services Carolyn Krahn, Legislative Services Coordinator DRAFT MINUTES 1.Call to Order th The Environmental Advisory Committee met this 27 day of January, 2021. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. Approval of Agenda The Committee approved the agenda as presented. 3.Adoption of December 2, 2020 Minutes Moved by: Sarah Emons Seconded by: Robert Braam Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted. Recorded Vote Yes No WardenMarks Yes CouncillorMartyn Yes MichaelaLenzYes RayPriceYes Rob Braam Yes KimSmaleYes Sarah Emons Yes CouncillorJones Yes 80 - Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 5. Environmental Advisory Committee Mandate – Establishing Priorities for 2021 The Chief Administrative Officer presented the following Council-supportedactions for the Committee in 2021: 1.Advise County Council on environmental policy and sustainable matters and programs to promote the protection, enhancement, and management of the County’s natural and built environment; Move to a paperless environment Look at ditches along roads as ecosystems Environmental Committee Members can participate in the 2021 Official Plan 5-year review/Natural Heritage System Study review public consultation process. Naturalized spaces north of the County Building Identify ways to increase habitats for local species (e.g. Bat boxes, etc.) 2. Research environmental sustainability practices to improve information available to County Council. Research best practices associated with sustainable green purchasing policy (in collaboration with Local Municipal Partners) The Committee agreed on the following action items to be completed in the next two (2) months: Robert Braam to research and compile information regarding sustainable development to submit as part of the public consultation for the 2021 Official Plan 5-year review/Natural Heritage System Study. Sara Emons, Councillor Martyn, and Ray Price to submit a report to County Council regarding green purchasing initiatives. The Committee to engage with the Director of Engineering Services to discuss roadside naturalization. Councillor Jones to speak with Betsy McClure regarding naturalized spaces north of the County Building. 6.Date of Next Meeting The Committee will meet again on February 24, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. 7. Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Sarah Emons RESOLVED THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:57 a.m. Recorded Vote Yes No WardenMarks Yes CouncillorMartyn Yes MichaelaLenzYes RayPriceYes Rob Braam Yes KimSmaleYes Sarah Emons Yes CouncillorJones Yes 8 0 - Motion Carried. Outline of Official Plan and Roadside Vegetation Management Landscape level assessment of natural heritage features and functionsIdentifies vegetation communities and significant areasNext steps and what actions will result from the studyClimate change action plan Elgin Natural Heritage Systems Study term goals and - In 2010, Elgin County Council embarked on a program to develop the County’s first ever Official Plan, a policy document that sets out longobjectives for how a community wishes to grow and developIt is the intent of the County to identify these corridors when a natural heritage system is developed in accordance with Section D1.2.1 of this PlanRehabilitating roadsides can make a significant difference in pollinator health and biodiversity Elgin County First Official Plan 2015 The local municipalities in Elgin County have policies in the local Official Plans to protect significant natural heritage features and areas. Local municipalities will be encouraged to continue to identify and protect provincially and locally significant natural heritage features and areas. Local Official Plans Draft for Southwold 2020 . land from basic natural County of severely processes ranges Elgin communities most been levels maintain now with to have high ecological zone air reduced biological others, life has in clean These required % . essential is and 18 resilient the Carolinian than of water below extremes the to fragmentation diverse, clean two many smaller across and areas soils, that “habitat these much cover some ” . in mean healthy functions % sizes 7 County, natural for between to than Elgin InareasecologicalOverall,lessfallingconversionneededcompromised Elgin Greenway Conservation Action Plan 2012 Nature can deliver up to a third of global carbon emission reductions needed by 2030 Benefits of Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Increase local biodiversityProvide habitat for native bees, butterflies, moths, insectsIncrease stormwater infiltration, form natural snow fenceEstablished prairies are more resistant to invasive speciesShows commitment and leadership Benefits of Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Lanark County