01 - February 9, 2021 RIPA Committee Agenda Package Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday,February 9, 2021 2:30 P.M. Meeting to be held electronically. Agenda 1.Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of the Minutesfrom December 1, 2020 3.Community Grant Program Survey – Committee Review and Approval i.Draft Final Report Template ii.Draft Survey Questions iii.Draft Funding Agreement (Walk-on) 4.Community Grant Program – Committee Feedback 5.RIPA Committee Involvement in the Official Plan – 5 Year Review(Committee Discussion) 6.Correspondence 7.Date of Next Meeting 8.Adjournment DRAFT MINUTES Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Date: December 1, 2020 Location: Elgin County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas rd Administrative Services Boardroom, 3Floor Time:1:00 P.M. Attendees:Members of the Rural Initiatives/Planning AdvisoryCommittee Councillor Ed Ketchabaw (electronic) Councillor Sally Martyn (electronic) (electronic) Heather Derks (electronic) Warden Dave Mennill(electronic) Elgin County Staff Chief Administrative Officer, Julie Gonyou(in-person) Supervisor of Legislative Services, Katherine Thompson (electronic) Legislatives Services Coordinator, Carolyn Krahn(in-person) 1.Call toOrder st The Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee met this 1day of December, 2020 in the Administrative Services Boardroom, at the County Administration Building, St. Thomasat 1:00 P.M. Committee Membersjoined the meeting electronically. 2.Approval ofAgenda Moved by: Warden Mennill Seconded by:Councillor Martyn Resolved that the agenda be approved as presented. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 50 -Motion Carried. 3.Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Giguère Seconded by: Warden Mennill Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 50 -Motion Carried. 4.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 5.2021 Community Grant Program Requests The Chair confirmed that Committee members judged the applications according to the criteria set out in the Community Grant Packages. The Chief Administrative Officer presented information regarding proposed 2021 Community Grant allocations. Moved by:Warden Mennill Seconded by:Heather Derks RESOLVED THATthe funding request from the Port Stanley Optimists be denied; and THAT the funding allocation for 4H be increasedto $2,000. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueNo CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 41 -Motion Carried. Moved by: Councillor Seconded by: Warden Mennill RESOLVED THAT the surplus funds be distributed equally among the three (3) remaining Community Services applications – Second Stage Housing, STEAM Centre, and Multi Service Centre. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksNo CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 41 -Motion Carried. Moved by: Warden Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the application for the Dutton Night Market be rejectedas the application doesnot meet the grant program criteria; and THAT the funds be reallocated back into the Festival and Events Community Grant Program. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 50 -Motion Carried. Moved by: Warden Mennill Seconded by: Councillor RESOLVED THAT the funding allocation for the Plowmen’s Associationbe increasedto $250, and the VON Seniors Day in the Parkallocation be increasedto $1,500; and THAT the remaining allocations be adjusted to accommodate these increases. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 50 -Motion Carried. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor RESOLVED THAT the signage application be approved for the Periscope Playhouse in the amount of $300. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorSallyMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 50 -Motion Carried. 6.Correspondence The Chief Administrative Officer introduced the correspondence from Loyalist Township to the Prime Minister of Canada andPremier of Ontario regarding funding for community groups and serviceclubs affected by the pandemic. The Committee directed staff to determine whether the federal and provincial governments have announced funding for community groups and services clubs and to present further information to Council if necessary. 7.New Business The Chief Administrative Officer asked the Committee if they wished to request additional funds from County Council for a second in-take of the Community Grant Program in 2021.The Committee agreednot to request funding for a second in-take at this time and to reconsider in March 2021. The Committee agreed to ask applicants for feedback on the new grant program when the letters confirmingthe2021 funding allocations are sent out. The Committee will determine the 2021 meeting schedule at the first meeting of 2021. 8.Next Meeting Date The next meetingwill be called after the feedback from the applicants has been received in March or Aprilof 2021. 9.Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by:Councillor Mennill Resolved that the meeting adjourn at2:05 p.m. to meet again in March or April of2021. Recorded Vote YesNo WardenDaveMennillYes CouncillorDominiqueYes CouncillorMartynYes HeatherDerksYes CouncillorEdKetchabawYes 50 - Motion Carried. Community Grant Program (CGP) Final Report 2021 Background Organization:___________________________________________________ Primary Contact: Email: __________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Please tell us which grant you received (check one): Community Services – Seed Grant Community Services – Cultivate Grant Festival and Events – Seed Grant Festival and Events – Cultivate Grant How much funding did you receive from Elgin County in support of your program: $_______________ 1.)Please briefly describe the program/service/festival/event that was funded through the Community Grant Program (CGP). 2.)Please confirm how this funding was used (please select all that apply): Supplies Volunteer expenses Professional fees Direct Program Expenses Comments: 3.)Please confirm that the CGP funding was NOT used for the following: operating expenses (staffing/wages/benefits); capital projects; deficit reductions; or retroactive activity/program/event. I confirm that CGP was not used for the aforementioned items. I’m not sure. Please indicate which expenses you are unsure of, and provide an explanation in the comments section. Operating Expenses Capital Projects Deficit reductions Retroactive activity/program/event I cannot confirm that CGP was not used for the aforementioned items. Comments: 4.)Please briefly describe how successful your program/service/festival/event was. 5.)Please describe how successful you were in reaching your target audience (provide details if possible, i.e. number of participants). 6.)Please tell us whether your program/service/festival/event was successful targeting areas of the County facing greatest need or greatest inequities. 7.)Please describe how impactful your program/service/festival/event was (i.e. number of participants, user impact statements, etc.) 8.)Did your program/service/festival/event increase participation and engage persons with disabilities? Yes. Please tell us how in the comments section. No. Please tell us why you weren’t able to accomplish this in the comments section. Not sure. Please explain in the comments section. Comments: 9.)Please tell us whether your program/service/festival/event followed the schedule and key dates that you identified in your application. Please provide additional information/explanation if you made changes to the schedule and key dates. 10.)Please let us know how the CGP supported the following: Continued capacity of your organization; Contribution to the sector; and Your organization’s ability to achieve funding priorities and outcomes. Comments: 11.)Please attach a financial statement with actual program/service/festival/event costs. 12.)Please attach or detail all available metrics or statistics that you used to measure the success of your program. 13.)CULTIVATE ONLY: How successful were the changes you made to your program/service/festival/event? 14.)How likely is your organization to apply for CGP funding in 2021? Very likely Unlikely Not sure Other: ____________________________________________________________________ 15.) Optional – Please attach any supplemental information (e.g. organizational year end reports) to this application. Declaration: Authorized Signature(s) (two (2) needed if not incorporated): Name:_________________________________________ Position: _______________________________________ Signature:______________________________________ Name:_________________________________________ Position:_______________________________________ Signature:______________________________________ 1 Community Grant Program Draft Applicant Feedback Survey In 2020, County Council launcheda new Community Grant Program (CGP). The CGP invests in both established and emerging community programs and events that meet identified community need, build capacity and support Elgin County’s Strategic Plan 2020-2022. Through this program, organizations and services can apply for supplementary funds to strengthen their responsiveness, effectiveness and resilience. The CGP was designedby the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee (RIPA) to ensure the process as a whole is fair and unbiased, aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan including enhanced accountabilityand transparency. There are two (2) funding streams, each with their own application package: 1.) Community Services(cultivate and seed); and 2.) Festivals and Events(cultivate and seed). Survey Thank you for your submission to the CGP. Your feedback is important to us! The Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory (RIPA) Committee is surveying all recent applicants to assess the effectiveness of the new CGP. Feedback from those who filled out the applicationis very important to us and the RIPACommitteewill use your feedback and suggestions to inform any adjustments to the CGP before the next intake in September 2021. This survey will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. Community Grant Program General Questions:(confirm which stream, how much $ applied for, and the amount of time it took to fill out the application) 1.)Please tell us which Community Grant Program funding stream you applied for: o Community Services – SEED(new program or service) o Community Services – CULTIVATE (established program or service with some changes) o Festival and Events – SEED (new festival or event) o Festival and Events – CULTIVATE (established program or service with some changes) 2 2.)Approximatelymuch CGP funding did you request? o$1– 1,000 o$1,001 - $2,500 o$2,501 - $5,000 o$5,001 - $10,000 o Other: 3.)Eligible organizations may be eligible to apply for up to 50% of program, service or event expenses up to a maximum of $10,000. (please pick all that apply): o This is reasonable o I would like to be able to apply for more than 50% of funding o I would like to be able to apply for more than $10,000 of funding o Comments: o Skip 4.)How long did it take you to complete the application? o Less than 1 hour o Longer than 1 hour, but less than 2 hours o Longer than 2 hours o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: 1.)The new CGP includes Seed Grants and Cultivate Grants. Seed Grants provide funding for new programs or services and Cultivate Grants provide funding for established programs that are building on their success. I understood the difference between Seed Grants and Cultivate Grants. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 2.)When I filled out the application, it was clear to me that myorganization was eligible to apply based on the information provided. 3 o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 3.)I understood what program or service expenses were eligible for funding through the CGP. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 4.)The Community Grant Program guidance documents were helpful, clear and informative. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 5.)The financial information I was required to submit as part of my application was reasonable. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 6.)The amount of information requested about my organization to measure the success of the program or service was reasonable. 4 o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 7.)The 2021 intake for CGP opened on September 1, 2020and closed on November 10, 2020. The application intake period worked well for my organization. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 8.)I understand from the CGP guidance documents how proposals are evaluated by the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 9.)The evaluation of CGP proposals is fair and transparent. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o Comments/Suggestions for Improvement: o Skip 10.)Please share any additional feedback or considerations for the Committee while they review the Community Grant Program in the coming months. 5 o The CGP was great! I don’t have any suggested changesto the CGP o Comments: o Skip: \[survey end\] February 9, 2021 ulie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer J Review of CGP Allocation Process Community Grant Program (CGP) Committee Feedback Discussion of what worked/what didn’t work Options & Next Steps Consider feedback from Applicant Survey and revised process for Adjudication/Allocations (if necessary)Questions Discuss any outstanding items Agenda Community Grant Program Overview Priorities identified during the CGP redesign.Adjudication/Allocation Process Review of the Committee’s review process and funding allocation process. Considerations Staff recommendations Committee 9 December Council Reviews Recommendations 2021 - November 10 2022 Intake #1 CLOSES Key Dates 1 September 2022 Intake #1 OPENS 3 Council reviewed CGP allocations as recommended by the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee review of applications December 10, 2020• Elgin County Council Review Committee Review November 25, 2020• 0304 2021 Allocations – Timeline Feb/March 2021 Elgin County Council’s review of 2021 Budget - Intake #1 closed Mid• Intake #1 Closed November 10, 2020• 0205 2021 Budget & Committee Review of CGP Community Grant Program Successful and unsuccessful applicants notifiedApplicant Survey distributed Program materials posted to websitePrevious applicants notified Video posted to website as resource Survey & Funding Notifications March 2021•• Intake #1 Opened September 1, 2020••• 0106 4 REVIEW TODAY profit - Overview Annual requests for funding exceed available fundingThe aim of the program is to share available resources throughout the CountyCGP should be reviewed regularly to ensure applicants are treated fairly and consistentlyObtaining funding through the CGP is increasingly competitive. Elgin County is committed to providing modest levels of financial assistance (<$70K) through the County’s Community Grant Program (“CGP”) to qualifying nonCommunity Services organizations and Festivals and Events organizers. COMMITTEE REVIEW OF EVALUATION TOOLS AND ALLOCATION PROCESS 2022; - new evaluation tools to reduce Overview alignment with priorities identified in Council’s Strategic Plan 2020applicants are treated fairly and consistently;enhanced transparency and accountability, including subjectivity/bias In 2020, the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory (RIPA) Committee redesigned the Community Grant Program to ensure: Funding is not guaranteed, even if applicants satisfy the eligibility criteria and meet the objectives of the CGP. Submission of an application does not guarantee the organization will be awarded all or part of the grant request. Adjudication/Allocation Process & Feedback Process Developed Program Guides and Evaluation Tools to ensure alignment with objectives of the CGPDetailed objectives established by the Committee provide clarity around how funds should be allocatedDoes the evaluation matrix effectively translate strengths and weaknesses into a numeric rating? A key step in the CGP process is effectively allocating funds. This requires that the Committee objectively review the applications and work collaboratively to avoid bias while making transparent and fair recommendations to Council. Committee Members shared the goal of awarding the most deserving grantsCommittee Members must differentiate the best applications from comparatively weaker ones. using scoring matrix/matrices to avoids bias and “groupthink” – individually Workflow - stage review process that reflected the needs and - Process This was the first step to collecting objective reviews Committee screened applicants for eligibility criteria (pass/fail)Committee members reviewed applications ensure greater impartiality.Staff compiled the scores and the Committee distributed funds. Committee recommended allocations to County Council for approval The Committee defined a multipriorities of the CGP.How can the Committee improve the workflow? (next slide) 2021 Grant Allocation Workflow Council allocations meeting Report to Chairman - The 2020 meeting was only Part II (used average scores) Scoring - Allocations - Meeting Consensus Part I Part II – Adjudication Process - Individual Evaluations Committee Staff & Committee Applications & Evaluation Tools Considerations sent to Committee Applications Staff Receive important? specifically, whether it aligns with the goals – Consensus Meeting Why is a - In 2021, there was a significant discrepancy in individual scores for two applications with scores ranging from ~ 67 to 90. It is important to hear more from reviewers about each application. Encourages Committee Members to discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with each application of the CGP.Determines a “consensus score” for each application Considerations Consensus - Considerations Must be aware of unconscious biasCommittee Members should rely on the evaluation tools developed to ensure the process is as fair and unbiased as possible (lean on evaluation matrix/matrices and link conversations back to established criteria wherever possible).Ensure alignment with CGP Goals/Priorities along with the evaluation matrix/matrices can not only break through an impasse in Committee discussions, but can help the best applications filter to the top. Committee Members: In 2020, staff presented the Committee with an average score and recommended allocations. It is recommended that the Committee review individual scores and reach consensus scoring for eligible applications before allocating funds. 2020 Allocation Process – Committee Feedback “asks” = – “asks” now exceed funding by 1.4x and – Transition oversubscribed increasing impact. The Committee overhauled the CGP and evaluation tools to safeguard against real or perceived bias. We can’t lose sight of the importance of these tools.It used to be possible to fund all applications at “full” ask with some exceptions available funding.The program is now applicants have asked for 140% of available funds.Committee can’t operate under the old assumption that we’ll be able to make everyone happy. The Committee has to be more selective.This is a good thing! It makes the process more competitive and allows the Committee/Council to provide funding to more projects/services/events across the County – Transitioning from past practice to a new model can be difficult.Prior to the 2021 CGP allocations, Committee Members used a scoring tool in the past when evaluating proposals but did not directly use the scores when making decisions about allocations. A number of changes have happened over the past 5 years: Year - over - year based on: - over - Year – Allocations Scores/quality of application/impact of service/program/festival/event“Ask” Number of applications received for each funding streamAvailable money Allocations can vary significantly year driven decisions using the - Formulas Weighting Factor Total Score x Ask Part II: Allocations - Sum of Scores x Sum of Asks Total Weights X Available Funds Process In 2020, staff recommended that the Committee use average scores in a weighting formula to ensure Committee members were making dataevaluation tools prepared by the Committee and communicated to all applicants. This information was presented to the Committee to offer a starting point for discussion. Weighting FactorAllocation Calculation both funded @ – it can be an iterative process to arrive at the final allocations. – for a desired outcome has always been present it is virtually impossible to control process Preliminary Feedback particularly when assigning 100% funding to select applicants. – Allocations are at the Committee’s discretion Allocation calculations were presented to the Committee in 2020 as a “starting point” for all allocations since they incorporate scoringFor example: the impact on a $10,000 “ask” getting $6,000 “ask” is the same as a $500 “ask” getting $300 60% (assuming same evaluation score)Incorporating Committee scores and applying the allocation calculations is likely the fairest assessmentThe opportunity to manipulate thesince we must be transparent about allocations. Does the committee need to assess the “realism of the budget proposal” with greater scrutiny to safeguard against applicants who may inflate future asks? If so, what does this look like? Committee members want to be able to use their discretion, rather than using the allocations calculation in all instances One Committee member questioned the usefulness of allocation calculations, especially when applied to smaller “asks”Concern that applicants will increase their “ask” in future years to offset the funding formula. Staff Comments:Staff Comments: Staff Comments: During the 2021 CGP allocations meeting, Committee members identified the following concerns: applicability - Allocations Calculations 67%66%64%63%64%64%72%66%73%67% Percentage Allocation $958 $6,733$6,647$6,302$6,388$3,194$3,240$6,647$7,251 $47,359 Recommended Allocation 0.015820.015620.002250.014810.015010.007500.007610.015620.017040.11128 Weighting Factor $47,359 Funds Available $1,500$5,000$4,500 $10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$71,000 High scores resulted in a higher % allocation Applying the Allocation Calculations Ask (2020) 7877747374747784 83.4 694.4 Average Total Score total Festivals and EventsAylmer Mural Bayham BeachfestBayham EdisonfestCALIPSOPeriscope PlayhousePort Stanley TheatreShedden Ag Society Wallacetown AgRodney Ag 67%66%64%63%64%64%72%66%73%67% Percentage Allocation $958 $6,733$6,647$6,302$6,388$3,194$3,240$6,647$7,251 $47,359 - Recommended Allocation 0.015820.015620.002250.014810.015010.007500.007610.015620.017040.11128 Weighting Factor and scoring $47,359 Funds Available percent allocation based on available funds Same impact on “small ask” as “large ask” $1,500$5,000$4,500 $10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$71,000 Impact on smaller “ask” Ask (2020) 7877747374747784 83.4 694.4 Average Total Score total Festivals and EventsAylmer Mural Bayham BeachfestBayham EdisonfestCALIPSOPeriscope PlayhousePort Stanley TheatreShedden Ag Society Wallacetown AgRodney Ag 67%66%64%63%64%64%72%66%73%67% Percentage Allocation which resulted in $958 – $6,733$6,647$6,302$6,388$3,194$3,240$6,647$7,251 $47,359 Recommended Allocation 0.015820.015620.002250.014810.015010.007500.007610.015620.017040.11128 Weighting Factor 41% or $23,641 more funding was requested than was available.Scores were generally favourable most organizations receiving an average of 67% of their “ask”. •• $47,359 Funds Available $1,500$5,000$4,500 $10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$71,000 What else is evident? Ask (2020) 7877747374747784 83.4 694.4 Total Funding Available for Festivals and Events Average Total Score total Festivals and EventsAylmer Mural Bayham BeachfestBayham EdisonfestCALIPSOPeriscope PlayhousePort Stanley TheatreShedden Ag Society Wallacetown AgRodney Ag 67%66%64%63%64%64%72%66%73%67% Percentage Allocation $958 $6,733$6,647$6,302$6,388$3,194$3,240$6,647$7,251 $47,359 Recommended Allocation 0.015820.015620.002250.014810.015010.007500.007610.015620.017040.11128 Weighting Factor $47,359 Funds Available $1,500$5,000$4,500 $10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$71,000 Mean: 77 (average value of Committee Scores)Median: 77 (central number of scores)Mode: 74 (most frequently occurring) ••• Let’s look at the data Ask (2020) 7877747374747784 83.4 694.4 Average Total Score total 11 submissionsMinimum score: 73Maximum score: 84No outliers •••• Festivals and EventsAylmer Mural Bayham BeachfestBayham EdisonfestCALIPSOPeriscope PlayhousePort Stanley TheatreShedden Ag Society Wallacetown AgRodney Ag All high scores! Option 1: Applying the Allocation Calculations Allocations: Consensus: – – Identify consensus scoresIdentify funds for each funding stream ($ for Community Services and $ for Festivals and Events)Identify which organizations should receive 100% funding, if anyApply funding formula (weighting factor/allocation calculations) to remaining applications Part I 1.2.3.Part II 1. - of 65% impact - all others funded at Option 2: ) Note: 2021 allocations average for those not funded at 100% was 67%. Allocations: Consensus: – – Identify consensus scoresIdentify funds for each funding stream ($ for Community Services and $ for Festivals and Events)Identify which organizations, if any, should receive 100% funding (for example, 4 highimpact programs/services/festivals/events)Assign a percentage for all other eligible applications (for example, 4 highprograms/services/festivals/events funded at 100% and “ask” Part I 1.2.3.Part II 1. Council Review & Approval Committee recommendations are submitted to Council by the RIPA Chair. Recommendations • Chairman’s Report – Review of – Part II Committee meeting Part IIfunding allocations November 30, 2021 @ 1:00 pm Consensus Meeting • November - Review of – Part I Committee meeting Part IScoring 23, 2021 @ 1:00 pm Consensus Meeting • 2021 10 – - Recommended Adjudication/Allocation Process 7 th Staff to compile November 10Intake #1 closesStaff require daysapplications and send evaluation packages to Committee members Compile Applications •• Feedback Additional Comments/Concerns? Next Steps