02 - March 9, 2021 RIPA Committee Agenda Package Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday,March9, 2021 :00 P.M. Meeting to be held electronically. Agenda 1.Approval of Agenda 2.Approval of the Minutesfrom February 9, 2021 3.Community Grant Program Request 4.Official Plan Review – Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy 5.Recruitment/Committee Composition Discussion 6.Correspondence 7.Date of Next Meeting 8.Adjournment ESBGU!NJOVUFT Svsbm!Jojujbujwft0Qmboojoh!Bewjtpsz!Dpnnjuuff!Nffujoh Ebuf;!Gfcsvbsz!:-!3132! Mpdbujpo;!Fmhjo!Dpvouz!Benjojtusbujpo!Cvjmejoh-!561!Tvotfu!Esjwf-!Tu/!Uipnbt! se Benjojtusbujwf!Tfswjdft!Cpbsesppn-!4Gmpps Ujnf;3;41!Q/N/ Buufoefft;Members of the Rural Initiatives/Planning AdvisoryCommittee Dpvodjmmps!Fe!Lfudibcbx!)fmfduspojd* Dpvodjmmps!Tbmmz!Nbsuzo!)fmfduspojd*! )fmfduspojd* Ifbuifs!Efslt!)fmfduspojd* Xbsefo!Upn!Nbslt!)jo.qfstpo*! 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Sftpmwfe!uibu!uif!nffujoh!bekpvso!bu!5;14!Q/N/!up!nffu!bhbjo!poBqsjm32-3132/ Sfdpsefe!Wpuf ZftOp Zft Xbsefo DpvodjmmpsEpnjojrvfZft DpvodjmmpsNbsuzoZft IfbuifsEfsltZft DpvodjmmpsFeLfudibcbxZft 61 .Npujpo!Dbssjfe/ Chairman Ed Ketchabaw Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Members Corporation of the County of Elgin Community Grant Program 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear members of the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee: At the advice of Katherine Thompson, I am writing to you today to update you on the event we had planned for January to May of this year and which you very kindly had agreed to support with a grant of $3,194 under the auspices of the Elgin Community Grant Program. Firstly, on behalf of the Board and staff of the Port Stanley Festival Theatre, I would like to thank you for your support. The events of the last 12 months have left the theatre in a vulnerable position as Covid-19 restrictions have severely hampered our ability to operate. The cancelation of all events during the 2020/21 fiscal year resulted in a deficit position at the end of this previous summer season, and while federal wage subsidies and an operations reserve fund have allowed the organization to retain a small core of essential staff members, there is no question that we can use all the help we can find. The event in question, a series of monthly play readings, which we had intended to run during the January to May period of this year is unfortunately proving to be unviable at this time. We are already coming up to the end of February with the region currently designated in the Red Zone, a zone that does not allow live performance indoor audiences, and even when the Zone changes and restrictions ease, industry surveys suggest that audiences will be reluctant to return to live indoor performance venues until we move into the summer months. Our current plan would be to replace the original play reading series, which was to involve four separate readings, with a more condensed version. We are suggesting that the replacement event take place over a five-day period in late September and include several days of rehearsal culminating in three public readings of brand-new Canadian works. This mini “festival” of readings would be an ideal transition between a planned scaled down summer season and the fall rental programming that would follow. Our intent would be to hire two directors and six actors for the festival, and as such the existing budget would likely meet our requirements. Revenue would be down slightly as we would be staging three readings instead of four, but the condensed nature of the event would allow us to save on artist transportation and marketing costs. The original event was intended to bring audiences into a safe performance space and involve them in an intimate, pared-down, reading-based theatrical experience, and the intended replacement event would serve the same purpose, with the added benefit that it would also support the part of our strategic plan that drives the production of new works. It is our hope that the members of this committee can see their way to reassigning the funds they had set aside in order to support our original event in order to support this new initiative. In any case, whatever decision is reached, we thank you for your support both financial and moral in this difficult time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your time and attention. Yours sincerely Simon Joynes Artistic Director Port Stanley Festival Theatre simon@psft.ca Cell: (226)567-2430 Part II: Internal Roles/Responsibilities Official Plan Review Communications and Engagement Strategy Statutory - County Council – Role tensively. eeting(s); aking a decision; eriod, including communication to the public about what rights of appeal they have and the process for appeals; and nd an Open House (*) information session, notice of which must be given at least 20 days ahead of time (* A Special Meeting(*) of Council is held and is open to the public, along with hosting at least one (1) Public Meeting (*) aRequirement);A thorough examination of existing policies and proposed new policies is undertaken;Adequate information, including a copy of the proposed plan, is made available to the public in advance of the public mAny person or public body may provide written comments and/or speak at the public meeting about the proposed plan;Solicit and review of public/stakeholder feedback and consult with agencies, boards, authorities or commissions before mReview and adopt modifications to the Official Plan based on Community Feedback;Adopt policies and technical documents for inclusion in the Official Plan;Solicit public feedback on the Final Draft Official Plan;Issue “Notice of Decision”/approval of the new Elgin County Official Plan and provide notice of a twenty (20) day appeal pProvide Final Notice of Decision to adopt Official Plan ensuring this notice is publicly available and advertised ex As part of the Official Plan review, Elgin County Council is responsible for ensuring:–––––––––– RIPA Committee – Role 1.) Reviewing and providing feedback on the Communications and Engagement Strategy, for Council’s review and approval;2.) Reviewing Community/Stakeholder Feedback on a quarterly basis (or more frequently, if needed). This includes the review of the “What We Heard” updates as detailed in Part I of the Official Plan Review Communications and Engagement Strategy; and, 3.) Recommending modifications to the Official Plan for County Council’s consideration based on community input. The Official Plan provides a unique opportunity for the community to become involved in formulating a vision and direction for the County’s growth and development. The Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory (RIPA) Committee will play a fundamental role in encouraging interested citizens to bring forward their ideas and solutions to address the needs of the broader community through the Official Plan Review. The RIPA Committee will ensure citizens are engaged in meaningful ways through the Official Plan Review process by: County Staff – Role led by the Manager of Planning, including: Chief Administrative OfficerDirector of Engineering ServicesDirector of Community and Cultural ServicesDirector of FinanceSupervisor, Legislative Services Project Team ––––– gagement process, discuss resourcing needs, and determine next steps. hroughout the Official Plan Review process. The Project Team will meet at least once per Engagement Phase (more frequently if needed) to evaluate the enThe Manager of Planning will leverage department specific expertise and incorporate Project Team feedback t Planning impacts several County services and a number of senior leaders will be engaged in this process forming an Internal -- echnical Advisory Panel T Municipal Partners – will meet at least once per Engagement Phase (more frequently if needed) to discuss Role echnical Advisory Panel T Play a critical role in helping engage the public in the Official Plan ReviewLocal Planning Staff are invited to participate as part of a The major topics identified by the issues scoping report, review and evaluate any reports and proposed policy direction/drafts, and provide feedback. ocal Planning and Administration Staff Local Municipal Councils–L–– issued under making process. - Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) tier Official Plans. - and the PPS (2020)). t must ensure consistency with the i Planning Act, , the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing – Section 1 and conform or not conflict with any applicable provincial plans. This means that Council must ensure Role Planning Act MAH has 120 days to review the Official Plan amendment(s). There is no appeal process when the Minister of ith the partner ministries and provide a response on the draft changes within 90 days. rovince requires that Council will implement the PPS in the context of other planning objectives and local ach of the partner ministries to inform the Official Plan review. onsideration. The MMAH is the approval authority for upper eviewing any Official Plan changes. The Manager of Planning will meet with the Core team and representatives from As Council reviews the Official Plan, the that policies under the PPS are applied as an essential part of the land use planning decisionThe PPS contains policy directions on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. The Pcircumstances. (See MMAH has assembled a Core Team which involves representatives from each of the key Ministries which have a role in rMMAH on an as needed basis. MMAH will provide background information (information on recent legislative changes or guidelines developed) from eMMAH will be notified of all pubic meetings, reports and other updates as the process continues. At the time of the draft Official Plan amendments, these will be circulated to MMAH and they will coordinate a review wAfter County Council adopts the Official Plan, it is submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) for cThe approval authority (MMAH) may approve, approve as modified or refuse to approve all or part of the Official Plan. MMunicipal Affairs and Housing is the approval authority. ––––––––