06 - May 17, 2021 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Agenda Package Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee AGENDA Date: Monday, May 17, 2021 Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Virtual In-person attendance for members of the public is currently restricted due to COVID-19. Members of the public can view the livestreamed meeting at www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin. 1.Call toOrder 2.Review of Agenda 3.Adop tion of Minutes: April 26, 2021 4.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5.Donation Update, Manager of Finance/Deputy Treasurer (to be circulated) 6.Media and Advertising Update a)Themed Campaign Update (Spring) b)Website Updates c)Poster d)Elgin This Month 7.Adjusting Annual Targets 8.Upcoming Events 9.Fundraising Strategies a)Vi rtual 50/50 b)Grants 10.New Business 11.Closed Session 1)Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Donor Outreach Update 2)Muni cipal Act Section 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the – Grant Applications municipality or local board 12.Next Meeting 13.Adjournment Meeting: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Date: April 26, 2021 Time: 1:00 p.m. Location: Virtual Attendees: Dominique Giguère, Deputy Mayor - Township of Malahide, Chair Kay Haines, Terrace Lodge Auxiliary Jim Jenkins, Community Member Jamie Chapman, Community Member Ruth Anne Perrin, Community Member Richard Kisuule, Community Member Staff: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Jennifer Ford, Manager of Finance/Deputy Treasurer Megan Shannon, Legislative Services Coordinator Tanya Noble, Manager of Program Therapy Services Regrets: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services Peter Barbour, Councillor – Town of Aylmer Fiona Wynn, Councillor – Municipality of Central Elgin DRAFT MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order th The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee met this 26day of April. All members participated electronically. The meeting was called to order at 1:07 p.m. 2. Review of Agenda Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that the agenda be approved. Yes No Abstain Jamie Chapman Yes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique GiguèreYes 5 0 0 - Motion Carried. 3. Adoption of Minutes – March 15, 2021 Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Richard Kisuule Resolved that the minutes from the meeting held on March 15, 2021 be approved. Yes No Abstain Jamie Chapman Yes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique Giguère Yes 5 0 0 - Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 5. Donation Update The Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer provided an update regarding donations received to date by the campaign. 6. Media/Advertising Update Councillor Giguère provided an update regarding media/advertising. Councillor Giguère recognized the feature and ad in the Dorchester Sign Post for the campaign. Councillor Giguère thanked Jim Jenkins for coordinating the feature and donating the ad to promote the campaign. The Committee will continue to look for these opportunities to promote the campaign. Jamie Chapman suggested having the advertisement in Elgin This Month. Katherine will reach out to the local newspaper for contact information. Councillor Giguère mentioned that the themed ads in the Aylmer Express have begun these themed ads will increased campaign awareness. Each theme will run on a two-month cycle. Tanya Noble advised that she will include the ad in the upcoming County of Elgin Homes Newsletter. The Homes Newsletter is emailed and mailed to the residents and their families. Katherine will send the ad to Tanya. 7. Action Items, Follow-up a. Insert Utility Bills Richard Kisuule advised that he is waiting for a response from EPCOR and Sifton Homes regarding inserting campaign information into utility bills. Richard will provide an update at the next meeting. b. Donation Boxes Councillor Giguère advised the Committee that there would be a cost to produce the donation boxes. The Committee has to be mindful of this expense and merchants opting to use contactless form of payments instead as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Councillor Giguère suggested that the Committee invest in donation boxes later on in the campaign. Katherine advised that the donation boxes at local businesses are an option from a Financial Services perspective. c. Request for Donation from Malahide Township Councillor Giguère advised that the Township of Malahide will be waving the $150.00 fee for the meetings held at South Dorchester Community Hall for previous meetings. She thanked the generosity of Malahide Council. d. Website Updates Councillor Giguère mentioned that Katherine made changes to the website including adding a spring themed section to the catalogue to correspond with the Aylmer Express ads. e. Thank You Cards Update Councillor Giguère mentioned that she received smaller thank you cards from Aylmer Express. Committee members are asked to reach out to Councillor Giguère for these. 8. New Business a. Raffle 50/50 Online Councillor Giguère discussed the idea of having an online 50/50 raffle for the campaign. Katherine mentioned that there is a company that assists in creating and branding this. Katherine advised that staff can investigate the company further. Councillor Giguère advised that there would be a fee to initiate an online 50/50 raffle. Moved by: Jaime Chapman Seconded by: Richard Kisuule Resolved that the Committee pursue and initiate the process to use an online 50/50 raffle. YesNoAbstain Jamie ChapmanYes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique Giguère Yes 5 0 0 - Motion Carried. b. Campaign Progress Event Councillor Giguère discussed the idea of having an event at Terrace Lodge to share the campaign’s progress. The Committee would place a sticker on the heart of the sign at Terrace Lodge. The event would be an opportunity to thank all of the donors so far. The event would also generate media attention. Councillor Giguère advised that Aylmer Express is interested in having a donation cheque photo-op at the event. Jamie and Richard suggested that the Committee has the event when the campaign hits the $50,000 milestone. Jamie mentioned that reaching this milestone would create more excitement about the campaign’s progress. The Committee agreed to initiate the event to be held at a later date. Councillor Giguère will consult with McBain Signs about the sticker for the sign. 9. Closed Session Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that we do now move into Closed Session to discuss matters related Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Donor Outreach Update. Yes No Abstain Jamie Chapman Yes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique Giguère Yes 5 0 0 - Motion Carried. Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that we do now rise and report. Yes No Abstain Jamie Chapman Yes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique Giguère Yes 500 - Motion Carried. Moved by: Richard Kisuule Seconded by: Jamie Chapman Resolved that the confidential report titled Donor Out Reach Update be received and filed. Yes No Abstain Jamie Chapman Yes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique Giguère Yes 5 0 0 - Motion Carried. 10. Next Meeting Date Monday May 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. *Tentative* 11. Adjourn Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Ruth Ann Perrin Resolved that we do now adjourn at 2:17 p.m. to meet again on May 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Yes No Abstain Jamie Chapman Yes Richard Kisuule Yes Ruth Anne PerrinYes Jim JenkinsYes Kay Haines Dominique GiguèreYes 5 0 0 - Motion Carried. SPRING CAMPAIGN April 14: SPRING IS IN THE AIR With your help, the new courtyard at Terrace Lodge will be a place to enjoy the best of spring, full of life. April 28: SPRING IS IN THE AIR With your help, the new courtyard at Terrace Lodge will bring the wonder of nature closer for our residents to enjoy. May 12: SPRING IS IN THE AIR Your donations will help purchase accessible raised wood planters, a wonderful way for residents to enjoy the outdoors and participate in vegetable and flower gardening. May 26: THANK YOU!! Your donations to the {ƦƩźƓŭ źƭ źƓ ƷŷĻ ğźƩ campaign blitz will purchase two bird centres, bird seeds for a year, raised planters, benches, landscaping, bench shade cover, garden ornaments, and more. Visit our website to learn about the upcoming summer blitz. DRAFT SUMMER CAMPAIGN nd Items on wish list: 7 Outdoor tables (wheel chair accessible) and 60 chairs, 2 stainless steel BBQ, 2 gazebo, 12 benches With your help, we will make the courtyard a place where families can gather and enjoy a summer BBQ. Nothing says summer and comforts of home better than the smell of food cooking on the grill. Your donations will help us get the two BBQs we need in the courtyard. For our residents, the comforts of home in the summer means the ability to enjoy family time outdoors with accessible tables and seating. You can help. July 21: THANK YOU !! Your donations to our Summer BBQ campaign blitz, Terrace Lodge residents will be able to enjoy the best of outdoor celebrations with family and friends. 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