06 - July 27, 2021 RIPA Committee Agenda Package - - - Stakeholder Discussions 2 s to external solving potential, and build community and create - The purpose of an Official Plan Review is to ensure it reflects the changing needs, opportunities and aspirations of the County, and that any changes to community vision/values, directions, policies and actions are reflected in the Official Plan. To get to Elgin County residents, employers and visitors, and how they want to see the County grow. We have developed a Public Engagement Strategy and its problemadvocates for the Official Plan. The Strategy is focused on ensuring public engagement is transparent, focused and accessible and will serve as a public engagement. 3 Stakeholder Discussion Guide We developed a which helped to focus our discussions We met virtually with seven stakeholder groups and all seven local municipalities between March 1 and June 25, 2021 We received written comments from six additional stakeholders groups and summarized their comments We have assembled a list of major stakeholders and community groups that have participated so far in the process, and we continue to add to that list We attended local Municipal Council Meetings for all seven of our local municipalities and the City of St. Thomas to introduce the project and connect with local residents. We also advertised on local municipal webpages, and we met virtually with all seven local municipalities. For our Stakeholder Discussions, we did the following: 4 , , s d n s e i l u n n o b e a i i o v i r , x t ounty o a e e c l C l v f issues e m b r i a o t t d needs and key ounty to be p y C a d d a a e the while supporting r Now is the time for one virtual and - on - d and responses es we heard through engagement the needs and expectations of are summarized in this report. cial Plan review. As part of the upcoming discussion papers, We would like to take this opportunity to thank stakeholders for taking the time to provide their feedback, either through onemeetings, or email correspondence. This feedback plays a critical role in ensuring the Official Plan review meets the community. We recognize the importance of providing you an overview of how feedback has been addressed. Below you will find tables on the main topics. Each table has a column highlighting the most prominent feedback themstakeholder comments, as well as a column with the corresponding responses and directions. Feedback in these tables was included when it was a theme heard from multiple stakeholders. A table with all of the stakeholder comments receiveis provided as an Appendix to this report (Appendix A). All recommended policy discussion papers, next steps Please note, that this is not the last opportunity to provide feedback on the Offiadditional feedback and engagement opportunities will be detailed. In the meantime you can always provide your feedback to us at any time! opreview@elgin.ca 6 , income - ies can be provided Participants highly rank tegies. , especially in regards to possible settlement ant to support development on partial or even tourism opportunities. w - expanding on the list of permitted on farm rentals or condominiums in the area. the need for development on full services who few very responders onsidered in the context of land use planning. seemed to favour c Some stakeholders believe that appropriate stud ability/housing prices should be the focus of new and existing s Stakeholders wanted to know if the County would be considering ncreased access to affordable housing options, particularly for aging there is limited diversity of housing types, with a focus on single ther vulnerable populations such as marginalized and low . O , and allowing additional agri (such as abattoirs) and protecting agriculturally related businesses and , and i response and through a rise in the number of consent applications for surplus farm should also be e importance of preserving agricultural lands Stakeholder responses primarily centered around the removal of red tape for agriculturally related usessystems. Discussions also centered around diversified usesthexpansionsdwellings. Participants founddetached dwellings. implementing minimum density targets and unit types to ensure diversity in housing and choice. It was noted that there are A wider range of affordneighbourhoodsc ommunitiesseniors Stakeholderhowever there were several no municipal services. to justify the ability to service lands with appropriate services (such as septic and well). Others believe that full services should be the focus of new development and municipalities need to account for this when developing local stra l a r u h t t l u w c o i r r g G A r o d f n g a n y i ts i c l e i i s v b r U a e d d S r e i o d ff i f n s Aa r t e d n v n i e a D n m g o i p m n t i r o c l s a e e u F t v o o en r H DOP 7 icy on n Strategy water stakeholder comments were related to Several Comments have also been received on the need to ensure that protect local agriculture and mitigate impact of future development have discussed the recent Elgin Natural Heritage System Many municipalities have asked about the population projection process and ultimately the land needs assessment. settlement expansions on existing agricultural uses, which may be incompatible. Several stakeholders Study from 2019 and the need to review and adopt the recommendations and mapping from the study into the County Official Plan.development and existing homeowners near the Lake Erie shoreline, and including polpermissions for flood control on private property. Other comments centered around inclusion of the Lake Erie Shoreline Protection Plan in to County policy. Sourceprotection, erosion hazards and additional wetland policies were also mentioned idiscussions. s d r a z s a n H o i l s a n r a u t p a x E N d d n n a a s e a g e a r t i A r t e n H e l a m r e u l t t t a e N S 8 partner several to understand how and underway municipalities approach this issue. Staff hope to develop options for the County to consider. The issue of development on full services vs. partial services has been raised by both the public municipalities. Provincial policy requires a hierarchy of servicing solutions. Research is other neighbouring 9 nd on farm into effect on May 1, 2020. In d any other Ministry documents and guidelines that The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) is a consolidated planning. It gives provincial policy direction on key land use planning issues that affect communities. The revised PPS came accordance with Section 3 of the Planning Act, all decisions on land use planning matters made on or after that date are required to be consistent with the PPS 2020. Staff will need to review the changes from the PPS 2020, anhave been updated or revised since the adoption of the last County OP, incorporate them into our document. Broad areas that will be reviewed include: climate change, indigenous consultation, agriculture adiversification, amongst others. 10 s water Protection, and comment addressed as part of this discussion. from the Conservation Authorities will also be Policies on Source and input on the recommendations from this report. Systems Strategy (2019) and provide their feedback opportunity to review the draft Elgin Natural Heritage 11 . and possible directions , and review current County policy, current density targets, housing types, strategies affordability ousing and previous h stemming from report on Housing and Affordability will be completed (September) which will look at recommendations provincial policy, development in other communities, The issue of housing and affordability is the most referenced issue by the public and stakeholders. A discussion 12 rough ors/trends and other te - development), reviewing and - er information that should be considered. As municipalities for feedback. partner The last update to the County growth forecasts was completed in 2011. Since that time, there have been a number of changes (e.g. legislation, policies, land use changes, approved development, etc.) and updates to statistical data (e.g. 2016 Census) and othassociated land need analysis are required to reflect current provincial and local policies, land use, statistical data, economic, demographic and social factrelevant considerations. This is intended to provide the County with the updated technical basis necessary for determining the adequacy of the current land supply, (including the extent to which forecasted growth can be accommodated thintensification and reestablishing updated intensification targets, and determining settlement areas to accommodate forecasted growth, and planning for the longerA draft report on Population and Housing Projections, Employment and Land Needs will be completed and circulated to the 13 The . e tabled Engage provide pportunity to o stakeholders acilitating numerous and , including f residents to the Official Plan review. This new , surveys, and the submit questions and connect with open houses to ill be using our new webpage platform raft of the Official Plan policy changes will thereafter d ependent on the extent of comments received at the October. This report will summarize all of the comments received through the consultation process and associated with the discussion papers, and may include potential changes as a result of the comments. Abe presented to Council at a public meeting in November, which will be advertised to allow for further public/stakeholder engagement necessary to satisfy Planning Act consultation requirements.Dproposed changes resulting from comments received. A final Official Plan amendment is anticipated to bbefore Council for its consideration and adoption in February, 2022. We wElginEngage Elgin website will be the main page for all information related digital platform can support a variety of onlineengagement activitiesvirtual engage with staff, additional feedback. 15 a c . n i g l e @ w e i v If you have e r any questions about how to engage further you can always contact us at p o Њ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў Џ А Б В ЊЉ ЊЊ ЊЋ ЊЌ ЊЍ ЊЎ ЊЏ ЊА ЊБ Ǟźƌƌ ЊВ ЋЉ ЋЊ ЋЋ ЋЌ ЋЍ ЋЎ ЋЏ ЋА Њ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў Џ А Б The objectives of this implementation guideline are to advise municipalities to plan for sewage and water services which maintain or enhance the quality of the environment while accommodating expected growth by: Planning for and directing development to areas where municipal water and sewage facilities are available,with sufficient uncommitted reserve capacity to service the proposed development or to areas where there has been a commitment to new services or the expansion of existing services (where services will be available at the time of development), in accordance with long- term planning as established through the principles of the Provincial Policy Statement; Using communal water and sewage services where multi-lot/unit development is considered for areas without full municipal services to ensure the long-term viability of the services through municipal responsibility to protect the environment and public health; and Determining, in the context of long-term planning and approved growth management objectives, that the consideration of development in areas without full municipal services is appropriate and site specific environmental and public health considerations are addressed. В o o o o o o ЊЉ ЊЊ ЊЋ ЊЌ ЊЍ ЊЎ ЊЏ ЊА ЊБ o o o o o ЊВ ЋЉ ЋЊ ЋЋ ЋЌ 1 - residential units or Hamlet Area based on the existing as a distinguishable cluster, with site waste water disposal and water supply systems - ual on available, as appropriate. the entire built up area the appropriate Conservation Authority and the Province, which includes an Conservation Authority (including, not limited to the following)valuate proposals to expand a Hamlet Area boundary based on the following criteria: y h the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change guidelines and in consultation with the c i l An adequate amount of potable water is available;A settlement servicing options assessment has been completed to the satisfaction of the County in consultation with investigation of development on communal drinking water and waste water systems;A servicing feasibility study has been completed to the satisfaction of the County in accordance witand surface water will be within acceptable limits; no new municipal water and waste water systems will be required for development. The longterm suitability of the area for individmust be demonstrated through a servicing feasibility study completed in accordance with Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change guidelines and approved by the County, in consultation with thethe population of the Hamlet Area will not exceed 600 people and is in keeping with the size and character of the particular Hamlet Area;it has been demonstrated that there is a need for the land included in the proposed expansion in the context of the supply of designated and available land to accommodate proposed growth in the County; o P l a i)ii)iii)i)ii)iii) p i c including, not limited to the following) i 6.6 Hamlet Areas Hamlet Areas have been designated on the basis that they contain a minimum of 25possess historical identity as a hamlet, with some form of commercial and public service The County shall evaluate proposals to amend this Plan to designate an additionalfollowing criteria: The County shall e( n u M r e h t y t O n : u A o x C i d k l n o e f r p o p Official Plan Policy Hamlet DefinitionServicing Requirements and Studies AN 2 up area; - and adequate systems land uses;built Ministry of the improve and extend effective - waste water treatment systems exist in ea and is compatible with existing support, enhance and sustain existing and future t plant shall adhere to the be a logical extension of the existing Rowan. There are also a number of private communal water be within acceptable limits; he review of development applications within designated Hamlet Area County. Climate Change guidelines which performance of these systems are recognized as a principally serving Resort Areas. The balance of the County is serviced by private wells including, not limited to the following) ( the expansion is a logical extension of the Hamlet Ardevelopmentavailability of potable water;a servicing feasibility study has been completed in accordance with theEnvironment andground and surface water willthe proposed servicing will be appropriate for the proposed densities andthe pattern of new development will vidual waste water disposal systems. The County will ensure that cost Services in Urban Areas iv)i)ii)iii)iv) 7.5.2 Land Use Policies Designation of a Hamlet Area does not mean that the Hamlet Area is suitable for further development. The following criteria shall be addressed in tboundaries:8.9 Water and Wastewater Services Municipal water systems exist in all six of the Urban Areas. The County intends tomunicipal water services throughout the Urban Areas. MunicipalSimcoe, Port Dover, Delhi, Waterford and Portsupply systems,and indifor water supply and waste water treatment are provided toresidents and businesses in the 8.9.1 The following shall be the policy of the County:a) The County shall ensure that both municipal water supply and waste watertreatment systems perform within permitted operating standards. Limitations onthe capacity or operatingconstraint to further development. The County shall continue to monitortreatment capacities and operational effectiveness of these municipal systems.b) Development in proximity to any waste water treatmenminimum separation distances and standards of the appropriate Ministry of theEnvironment and Climate Change Guidelines. Prior to the approval of anydevelopment of a sensitive land use in proximity to a waste water treatmentplant, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change shall be consulted,and its standards shall be satisfied. The County may, to deal with specificsituations, require separation distances that are greater than the minimum Servicing Requirements and Studies 3 ng effective s - , and satisfaction of the law - site water and/or - servicing systems (water and/or waste site individual on - d sanitary sewer systems, or those areas development shall be permitted in the ry. extension of services. Such unique circumstances would specific amendment to the Zoning By site waste water disposal systems; and - - standards set by the Ministc) All development in the Urban Areas shall be fully serviced by municipal pipedwater supply and waste water treatment systems, save and except forcircumstances outlined in Section 8.9.1 f) (Services in Urban Areas).Notwithstanding this, appropriateCourtland Urban Area on the basis of a municipal water system and privatewaste water disposal systems.d) In Urban Areas, priority shall be given to the development of land that ispresently serviced by watermains anthat can most easily be serviced, at minimal expense.e) Infilling of vacant areas within the Urban Areas which are already provided withfull municipal services is encouraged, and shall be a criterion when evaluatiproposed plans of subdivision and consents, with respect to the extension ofservices, utilities or the associated construction.f) In order to ensure the efficient use of land and municipal services in the UrbanAreas, development on individual onwater disposal) shall generally not be permitted. Exceptions will be considered inareas not serviced by municipal water and/or waste water sewer services on thebasis of a sitefollowing criteria:i) the development shall be minor in nature, constituting one or two singledetached residential lots;ii) the development shall be of an infilling nature in an area largelydeveloped and presently serviced by individual oniii) the development is proposed on land situated such that there are uniquecircumstances which would deter the rational, efficient, costand/or timely include topographic constraints and the absence of any feasible future users of municipal services, combined with excessive distances fromexisting services that would make future extension of serviceimpractical. However, excessive distance from existing services aloneshall not constitute a unique circumstance for the purposes of thisSection. 4 t permitted ment is tisfied that extension of municipal sal outside of Urban Areas. The installation means of waste water disposal in the Rural Area and the Hamlet hat a separate financial and maintenance agreement be executed form of servicing to ensure environmental protection. At the time of otential public health risks. 8.9.2 Services Outside of Urban Areas The following shall be the policy of the County:a) The primary Areas, is the septic tank and weeping tile system. It is anticipated that suchsystems or other private waste water disposal systems will continue to be theprincipal means of waste water dispoof septic systems is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.b) Municipal water and waste water systems shall generally not be provided toareas outside of Urban Areas. Council may considersanitary sewer or watermain services beyond the Urban Area but only to addressan existing waste water disposal or water quality problem that represents ahazard to public health and safety and provided that Council is satisfied thathere is positive public benefit from such action for residents of the County.c) The County and/or appropriate agency shall approve all new septic tank and tileor leaching bed systems. A servicing report may be required to identify the mostappropriateapproval of new lots, the County shall ensure that there is capacity for hauledwaste water at a municipal facility.d) Communal servicing systems to service new development shall not beexcept under specific circumstances outlined in this Plan. Communal servicingsystems may only be considered in an existing Hamlet Area or Resort Area toresolve existing servicing malfunctions, physical constraints and/or deficiencies,posing pe) The County shall not assume any communal servicing systems in the County,and shall generally not execute responsibility agreements in relation to suchsystems. However, in the event that execution of a responsibility agreerequired as a result of circumstances outlined in this Subsection, prior toexecuting the agreement, the County shall be satisfied with the design and economic sustainability of the system and shall require that certain securities beposted, and tbetween the owner of the system and the County.f) Holding tanks shall not be permitted for new development. Holding tanks willonly be permitted for existing development where the County is sathere is no other alternative to solving a deficiency with an existing septic system. 5 al has ssible if draft plan of subdivision or on if sufficient servicing capacity continues to exist. sewage system contingency area, and potable the processing of the planning application until capacity is lopment proponent may request an extension to fulfill the en the existing urban priority is given to reserving servicing capacity for infilling, Should a holding tank be permitted, the County shall ensure that appropriateprovisions are in place for disposal at an approved facility, or that there iscapacity for hauled waste water at a municipal facility.g) Any lot affected by an application for consent or plan of subdivision shall be sizedsuch that there is sufficient area for attenuation of nitrates, space for a buildingenvelope, sewage envelope,water supply.8.9.3 Servicing Allocation and Phasing The following shall be the policy of the County:a) When unallocated servicing capacity does not exist for a proposed development,the County shall defer available, or until a servicing agreement is in place to ensure that such capacitywill be available to service the development. Draft approved plans of subdivisionmay only proceed to registratib) The timing of development in the Urban Areas shall be managed so that:of land betwedevelopment area and the proposed development;ii) a compact form and pattern of development is maintained;iii) the provision of all municipal services, as appropriate, proceeds in aneconomically viable manner; andiv) first intensification and redevelopment.c) When conditions of development approval, draft plan approval or otherwise, arenot fulfilled within a reasonable time period for which development approvbeen granted, the County may not support the extension of developmentapproval and assign the servicing allocation to other developments or areas ofthe County, or hold the capacity in reserve. Prior to the lapsing of developmentapproval, the deveconditions of approval. Provided Council is satisfied with the merits of therequest for an extension of development approval, Council may choose to extendthe approval period. No extension is permicondominium approval has lapsed before the extension is given.d) Where a proposed development requires a pumping station to connect to the 6 Policies, serviced by service the development by plan of wing: facilities satisfy the requirements of facility is sufficient to disposal systems and individual wells or uses and activities which have been area uses and activities and which have been Servicing Options. individual wells or existing centralized water supply site private sewage - extension of such service is financially viable and complies with all acterized by a broad range of Health and the policies of Section 3.2, Environmental Resource development on centralized waste water and water supply facilities. as through infilling. Villages are settlements which are predominantly e Board of centralized water supply facility Prior to creating new lots for station is located within the urban area boundary. the uncommitted capacity of the existing centralized water supplyproposed development and thatregulatory requirements;The proposed development and associated onthe County and threlating to water quality and Section 5.5.3, Hierarchy of a)b) ividual private sewage disposal systems and by either i) the proposed pumping station, including any system redundanciesrequired to ensure continued operation, shall be constructed to thesatisfaction of the County;ii) the complete cost of the pumping station, including its design andengineering, consystem shall be the responsibility of the applicant;iii) that financial arrangements are in place to cover the cost of constructing,operating and maintaining the pumping station; andiv) the pumpinge) The County may insert a clause in the conditions of development approval,including conditions of draft plan approval, reflecting the policies of this Section. Villages Villages are settlements characterized by a broader range of landdeveloped in depth as wellindfacilitiesDevelopment within the Village designation will be by private sewageexpansion to an existingsubdivision, it shall be demonstrated that: Serviced Villages Serviced Villages are settlements chardeveloped or are proposed forThese Villages function as service centres for the surrounding rural y t n u o C d r o f x Official Plan Policy Village DefinitionVillage Servicing Serviced Village Definition O 7 ply facilities and which are isting services to provide centralized waste water and water supply ass Environmental Assessment process as part ordinated and cost effective growth. - implementation of service capacity and distribution and 3 will be required to satisfy the following conditions prior to the - roposed system; ater drainage and erosion control measures; redesignation over the planning period to a Serviced Village Section 5.5.3. details of the nature and capacities of the proposed centralized waste water and water supply facilities to be utilized; the identification of a settlement population level based on water supply levels and/or waste water treatment capacity; identification of the mechanisms by which any existing centralized waste water or water supply facilities will be integrated with the pthe identification of the location and land requirements necessary for service facilities such as treatment facilities, pumping stations and wells, to support the established settlement population level;identification of necessary storm wcosting of the proposed servicing for the whole settlement including existing and future development and any alternatives for servicing only part of the settlement; identification of phasing strategies for the collection system improvements to provide for co a)b)c)d)e)f)g) New development in the Serviced Villages shall be fully serviced byfacilities in accordance with Those settlements that currently do not have centralized waste water and water supdesignated as Serviced Villages on Schedule Conset of new development, other than specified in the exceptions above.In addition, any settlements proposed fordesignation will be required to satisfy the following requirements prior to the onset of new development, other than infilling: The preparation of a servicing strategy in accordance with the Clof the application for an Official Plan amendment which will include: 5.5 County Servicing Policy 5.5.1 Strategic Approach It is the strategic aim of County Council to: Prepare water supply and waste water master plans to service anticipated growth in a cost effective manner and to identify and establish priorities for new services or expansions to exdevelopment opportunities in each Area Municipality. Adopt a hierarchy of preferred servicing options as a guide for managing growth in settlements based on environmental, technical and financial factors. Full ServicesServicing Strategy PLAN FOR SERVICES SERVICING HIERARCHY 8 3 was developed having - he disposal of biosolids; ss Environmental Assessment process for the centralized water supply system consistent with Section iven growth pressures and physical or environmental constraints. The plan prepared by the County will address the following: program for the calculation, reporting and allocation of uncommitted reserve capacity of the quantity and quality of ground water resources; and ensions of servicing from a centralized water supply and waste water treatment facility consistent with unty water supply and waste water treatment master plans undertaken in accordance with the Class Develop a monitoringfor sewage and water facilities in the County to ensure the efficient use of existing servicing infrastructure.5.5.2 Waste Water and Water Supply Master Plans County Council will complete and maintain wastewater treatment and water supply master plans to provide for the servicing requirements of settlements. The waste water treatment master plan prepared by the County will address the following: environmental objectives and accommodate population and employment growth as projected by this Plan. The water supply master required to accommodate population and employment growth as projected by this Plan. CoEnvironmental Assessment requirements may result in the need to amend the policies of this Plan. Such amendments will be undertaken in conjunction with the Clamaster plans.5.5.3 Hierarchy of Servicing Options The County Growth Strategy as outlined in Section 4.2.2 and depicted on Schedule Cregard to existing servicing levels, the feasibility of expansions to existing systems and the potential for cost effective servicing level upgrades gCounty Growth Strategy is premised upon the following hierarchy of servicing options. New development will be evaluated according to the following hierarchy of servicing options: Sections,, and as applicable; TE WATER TREATMENT MONITORING OF SERVICING CAPACITY WAS WATER SUPPLY MASTER PLAN UPDATES SERVICING HIERARCHY 9 - he need for an amendment to velopment generating effluent in term provision of such services. PRIVATE - related capital works for nonlocal services may - a public or private operating authority. sized according to the level of development anticipated by the - r generally be approved and permitted in stages of orderly site sewage services and centralized water supply facilities, only residential sources shall be regulated by the County Sewer Use By - - . Development of more than five (5) lots or residential units may be rom non ater treatment systems. The County shall be responsible for the construction, operation and nsion of communal waste water or water supply facilities beyond the designated limits of Villages or ies will demonstrate that site conditions are suitable for the long site sewage and water services - Requests for the extension of servicing beyond the designated limits of Villages, Serviced Villages, Large Urban Centres and the Future Urban Growth designation will be permitted, without tthe Plan, for existing development subject to the policies set out in Sections, and, as applicable. These policies only apply to extensions of centralized waste water and water supply facilities. The exteServiced Villages is prohibited. The County of Oxford will own and be responsible for the planning and design of all centralized water supply and waste wmaintenance of all centralized water supply and waste water treatment systems and it may contract operation and maintenance functions to the Area Municipality or toDevelopment on centralized water supply and waste water treatment facilities will be in accordance with the following policies: New development shall be directed to areas that allow for extensions to existing water, sanitary sewerage and storm water systems in an economic and practical manner within the financial capabilities of the County or Area Municipality. New development willprogression from the termination of existing services. Growthbe financed through development charges. Sanitary and storm sewers will be sized or oveCounty and Area Municipality relative to the service area. Combined sanitary and storm sewers will not be permitted in any new development area. The nature or concentrations of waste water fLaw. The design of sanitary sewers should avoid the need for sewage pumping stations wherever possible. Prior to the approval of any development application for a nonresidential dequantities greater than 10,000 litres per day, that proposes the use of individual septic systems and/or wells, hydrogeological studies prepared in accordance with Provincial and County criteria will be required. These stud Development of more than five (5) lots or residential units shall not be permitted to be serviced by individual onpermitted to be serviced by individual on SERVICING HIERARCHY FOR EXTENSION OF SERVICES TO EXISTING DEVELOPMENT CENTRALIZED FACILITIES LOGICAL EXTENSIONS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT CAPABILITY RESTRICTIONS SYSTEM DESIGN PRIVATE SERVICES FOR NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 10 ipal term operation of - sting development within an pursuant to the Environmental settlement capability report and/or completion of an tly serve a community function and must demonstrate the potential to provide a level y criteria, demonstrating that site conditions are suitable for the long site sewage services. - where such development would constitute minor infilling or rounding out of exiexisting designated settlement. The approval of such development would be subject to confirmation of sufficient reserve capacity and review and approval of hydrogeological studies prepared in accordance with Provincial and Countindividual on 2.3.2 Growth Management Hierarchy The Growth Management Hierarchy shall consist of the following types of Settlement Areas: Establishment of a Settlement Area shall be in accordance with the following criteria: a) Urban Areas shall demonstrate the potential to accommodate future growth through population projections and must either have full municipal services or demonstrate the potential to provide full municipal services, through a master servicing component ofEnvironmental Assessment (EA), pursuant to the Environmental Assessment Act. b) Community Areas shall demonstrate the potential to accommodate future growth through population projections, must currenof service necessary to support future growth through a master servicing component of a Settlement Capability Report and/or completion of an Environmental Assessment (EA) Assessment Act. c) Hamlets in Agricultural Areas, in the context of the Growth Management Hierarchy shall include existing locally designated hamlets not identified as Urban Areas or Community Areas. It is assumed that municservices will not be provided in these areas and therefore future growth shall be commensurate with that level of service. y t n u o C x e s e l d d i Official Plan Policy Hamlets in Agricultural Areas M 11 opment beyond the Settlement Area mendment to this Plan unless such ns for the planning period. New lot creation in the services and the necessary infrastructure. the need to: protect agricultural land and natural resources; prevent land use her methods of servicing (partial services) may be permitted on an interim basis where economic vitality and protection of the natural environment are important components of the cal municipalities shall define the limits of Settlement Areas in their official plans. Where a Settlement Area cal municipalities shall develop Growth Management Strategies and Settlement Capability Studies as parts It is the goal of this Plan that future development within settlement areas proceed on the basis of full municipal services. Otproper justification is provided. Advancement within the Growth Management Hierarchy of this Plan, in keeping with the criteria established above, shall not require an aadvancement is deemed to alter the County Growth Management Strategy.2.3.5 General Policies The policies of this Plan are intended to promote communities that are diverse and have a sense of place. Lifestyle choice, Growth Management policies. Lands which are currently designated for development in local official plans are anticipated to be adequate to meet the growth projectioAgricultural Areas will only be permitted in accordance with Section 4.5.3. The policies are structured to ensure that the local municipalities have adequate opportunity to plan for growth while recognizing conflicts; and provide services commensurate with the level of growth anticipated. Growth shall be directed to the Settlement Areas conceptually identified on Schedule A. Lois not an incorporated municipality the limit of the Settlement Area shall be the urban development boundary established in the local Plan. Loof their official plans to rationalize the type, amount, location and timing of growth and development and to establish the basis for the provision of 2.3.6 Settlement Capability Study A Settlement Capability Study shall be prepared as part of a Comprehensive Review in support of the expansion of existing Settlement Areas. Expansion is deemed to be develboundary, established in the local official plan, as of the date of passing of this Plan. The Settlement Capability Study shall be completed to the satisfaction of the County in consultation with the Province and shall include the following: a) an analysis of the hydrology and hydrogeology of the area to determine the capability of surface andgroundwater resources to provide sufficient quantity and quality of water supply on a sustainable basis; 12 ment Capability Study as . Where partial municipal services are er supply and sewage disposal. The County encourages new g municipal, communal and private wells; term sustainability of the soil, hydrologic and hydrogeologic conditions to accept - s, as described in Section 2.3.2. Designated Hamlets in Agricultural Areas may e development on municipal water and sanitary sewer systems. Where local municipalities Sanitary Sewers and Water ment Areas ssment of surface drainage; Encouragdo not provide or demonstrate a strong potential to provide full municipal water and sewage treatment facilities, development other than infilling will require a Settleoutlined in Section 2.3.6;Encourage local municipalities with water and sanitary sewage systems to monitor treatment capacities and operational effectiveness and to provide such information to the County at least every five years;Encourage improvement of existing systems and the installation of new systems in Settlement Areas throughout the County, where technically and financially feasible; 1.4.5 a)b)c) b) an assessment of the impact of future development on existing groundwater quantity and quality and on existing sources of drinking water, includinc) an assessment of the longsewage effluent; d) an identification of any existing restrictions to future development; e) an assef) an assessment of the impact of new growth on the Natural System; g) an assessment of traffic and transportation services and needs; and h) an assessment of the existing servicing systems and their condition.2.3.8 Settle Urban Areas and Community Areas shall be the focus for future growth including residential, commercial and industrial development. These areas are characterized by a range of land uses and have full services or where warranted, partial serviceaccommodate a limited amount of the anticipated County growth and development.2.4 Physical Service & Utilities The County of Middlesex does not fund or maintain sanitary sewer or water systems in the County. The County does however, promote efficient and environmentally responsible development which is supportable on the basis of appropriate types and levels of watdevelopment to proceed on the basis of full municipal services. considered the supporting studies shall address all servicing optionsThe County shall: General Policies 13 to expansion in the development may permitted provided that s preferred servicing hierarchy: the County as a whole and other way of a comprehensive review. 4.5 and accepted servicing standards; s Agricultural, Estate Residential, development, subject to the following: l address the County Kent comprises an urban component and a rural component. - local official plan amendment, the County shall consider the need for such ng out in depth or minor extensions of existing development may be i) extension from existing municipal systemii) extension from existing communal systemiii) new municipal or communal systemiv) individual septic systems and private wells t Cooperate with local municipalities, the Province and other public and/or private partnersnegotiate innovative arrangements for the provision of water and sanitary sewage systems in the County;Require site specific development proposals to be accompanied by an evaluation of servicing options within the Settlement Areas. The evaluation shalEvaluate local municipality needs for assistance with respect to the provision of water and sanitary sewage systems in accordance with the Growth Management framework established in Section 2.3the new development is serviced in accordance with Section 2.andthe development complies with the Minimum Distance Separation Formula. n Hamlets in Agricultural Areas e d)e)f)a)b) K - 3.3.4 Where an approved local official plan permits development in designated hamlets, suchproceed. No further land shall be designated for development except byIn approving the context of the projected population growth for the local municipality andmatters deemed important by the County. Infilling, roundithere is no further outward expansion of the limits of existing 2.3.5 Community StructureThe community structure of Chatham The urban component includes Primary Urban Centres, Secondary Urban Centres, Suburban Residential, Hamlets and Rural Settlement areas. The Rural component include m a h t a h C f o y t i l a p i c i n u Official Plan Policy M 14 - ry sewage disposal to Kent will be directed - nts. Healthy communities in Kent. Healthy communities incorporate - through infilling and/or rounding out of the al Settlement Areas shall be limited to minor infilling. Land Use to this Official Plan. sufficiency and choice for all reside Kent, including intensification opportunities, will be - - Primary Urban Centres are the focal points where residential, tion and employment growth shall be directed to the Primary Urban Land Use to this Official Plan. Kent that: - being. The - ban Centres. Some new population and employment growth will also take place in the term financial well - Kent foster a thriving economy, protect and enhance their natural surroundings and celebrate their es to ensure that the Municipality develops in a compact, orderly and sustainable manner within its - Recreational Residential, Recreational, Rural Industrial, Highway Commercial Areas and Aggregate Resource areas. It is a goal of the Official Plan to guide the majority of growth to occur within the Urban Centre boundariability to fund and support a full range of uses, infrastructure and social services, which will lead to Chathamcommercial and industrial development will be directed in Chathamprinciples of safety, accessibility, diversity, selfChathamdiverse heritage. The majority of new population and employment growth in Chathamto the Primary UrSecondary Urban Centres, which are served by full municipal services. Growth in Hamlets that are serviced by municipal piped water supply and private sanitary sewage will beexisting development areas. In the privately serviced Rural Settlement Areas, development will be limited to minor infilling.It shall be the policy of Chatham2. The majority of new popula2. Population and employment growth shall also be permitted in the Secondary Urban Centres, as design Land Use to this Official Plan, shall be based on the adequacy of water supply and sanitaaccommodate the proposed development. Development in the Suburban Residential Areas shall be limited to infilling, pending full municipal services being made available. Development in the privately serviced Rur Urban development within Chathamencouraged to locate in fully serviced areas such as within the Primary and Secondary Urban Centre boundaries, and: a) Will occur in a planned, orderly, efficient and sustainable manner; 15 - at regular intervals e delineated on . or public service facilities are constructed to service rnment, institutional, business/professional office, estment; Kent that: - Land Use to this Official Plan. ral heritage and health/social service activities. y Urban Centres are the focal points for growth and public and private sector investment in Kent. They will have the highest concentration and intensity of uses in the Municipality, and will be - Municipality is comprised of seven Primary Urban Centres, which contain the majority of Chatham b) Will be in keeping with the available capacity of the infrastructure and public service facilities present to serve the development. Before any new infrastructure new development, consideration will be given to: i) The optimization of the use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities with the view to maximize iii) The use of green, environmentally friendly and sustainable infrastructure; and alternatives; iv) The presence of development interests, within the area to be serviced, who show intent to develop within a period of three years from the date of final approval. The Municipality will establish a development review process to be implementedcoincident and complementary to the review and update of the Official Plan which will occur at no less than five year intervals, in accordance with the policies of Section 6.5 of this Plan.2.3.6 Primary Urban Centres The residential, commercial, industrial and institutional development. They have full municipal services and have populations greater than 1,500. The PrimarChathamthe focus of residential, commercial, industrial, goveentertainment, cultural heritage and health/social services activities. It shall be the policy of Chatham The urban area boundaries of the designated Primary Urban Centres shall b Opportunities for major residential, commercial and industrial development shall be directed to the Primary Urban Centres where full municipal services are available Primary Urban Centres shall have the highest concentration and intensity of uses in the Municipality, and shall be the focus of residential, commercial, industrial, government, institutional, business/professional office, entertainment, cultu 16 - - Bothwell and law. As , recreational, - e encouraged. based businesses - Land Use to this Official Kent contains a number of Secondary 34 encouraged in the Secondary Urban - - density residential uses and commercial along the Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair shorelines shall also - protected. Chatham Kent to: - based recreational areas for residents and visitors to Chatham - and medium - nistry of Natural Resources, Provincially Significant Wetlands identified hatham Intensification, infill and/or development/redevelopment of vacant designated, brownfield, former institutional or underutilized sites and areas in transition in the Primary Urban Centres will b Development in the Primary Urban Centres shall be based on the efficient provision of water supply, sanitary sewerage, roads, parks, schools and other municipal services.2.3.7 Secondary Urban Centre Policies Secondary Urban Centres are compact rural communities consisting of fewer than 1,000 people, comprising some housing, commercial and industrial businesses and public use land. The unique character and cultural heritage value of these communities should be Urban Centres, which are either serviced or planned to be serviced, with full municipal piped water supply Pain Court (pending). Population and employment growth will be 2Centres that have full municipal services. These communities have been designated as Secondary Urban Centres. It shall be the objective of C Protect and preserve the unique character of Secondary Urban Centres, while providing opportunities for population and employment growth based on full municipal services. It shall be the policy of ChathamKent that: ThPlan. Secondary Urban Centres shall continue to function as service centres for the surrounding agricultural areas. Secondary Urban Centres locatedcontinue to function as key outdoor waterKent. In Secondary Urban Centres, lowindustrial and institutional uses shall be permitted based on full municipal services. Homewill also be permitted, subject to the policies of Section B.2.3.7 of this Plan and the Zoning Byexplained in Section B.2.Secondary Urban Centre. For lands located within or adjacent to the significant habitat of endangered or threatened species identified in consultation with the Mi 17 ment Kent and other approval - n along strips, and shall Kent to: - in Section 4 of this Plan will also apply. h adequate water supply and sanitary sewage ivate sewage disposal), development should be Kent to: - existing residential areas. It shall be the objective of Chatham density residential development has occurred along public roads in the fringe areas outside of - Kent contains a number of hamlets, such as Highgate, Erieau and Shrewsbury, which are serviced - Natural Heritage and Hazards Features, the policies contained hatham gencies. Series Development in Secondary Urban Centres will include infilling, the redevelopment of brownfield and former institutional sites and the logical building out of the urban areas through greenfield developbased on full municipal piped services, provided that such development satisfies the policies of this Plan and is compatible with the size and scale of the urban area. Development in Secondary Urban Centres shall occur in depth, rather thatake place by plan of subdivision. Road access shall be via internal local roads. Development in Secondary Urban Centres shall provide adequate stormwater management in accordance with Policy 2.4.9 of this Plan.2.3.8 Suburban Residential Area Policies Lowthe Primary Urban Centres such as Chatham and Blenheim. The Suburban Residential Area designation recognizes those Recognize existing Suburban Residential Areas adjacent to the Urban Centres and limit development to infilling. Suburban Residential Areas shall be serviced witdisposal services. Development proposals shall demonstrate the suitability of the site for the proposed method of water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the satisfaction of Chathama If municipal piped water and/or sanitary sewage service is available or a capital commitment has been made to make it available, residential development based on private services shall not be permitted.2.3.9 Hamlet Area Policies Cwith municipal piped water supply and private sewage disposal. Where hamlets are served by partial municipal services (municipal piped water supply and prlimited to infilling. It shall be the objective of Chatham 18 - viced Primary Kent that: nificant Wetlands identified - icies of Section B.2.3.8 of this Plan Land Use to this Official Plan. Kent to: - Kent. In hamlets, residential uses shall be - Land Use to this Official Plan. Kent and other approval agencies. - character and cultural heritage value of these privately serviced ic growth. It shall be the policy of Chatham ents and visitors to Chatham tion of Chatham scale commercial, recreational, industrial and institutional uses shall also be - ment areas that are serviced by private water supply and private sewage disposal Kent that: law. - - Kent contains a number of settlement areas that are serviced by private water supply and sanitary - Natural Heritage and Hazards Features, the policies contained in Section 4 of this Plan will also apply. . Hamlets shall continue to function as service centres for the surrounding agricultural areas. Hamlets Protect and preserve the unique character of established hamlets while providing opportunities for environmentally sustainable econom Existing hamlets that are serviced by municipal piped water supply and private sewage disposal shall 2located along the Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair shorelines shall also continue to function as key outdoor waterbased recreational areas for residprimarily low density. Smallpermitted. Homebased businesses will also be permitted, subject to the poland the Zoning By For lands located within or adjacent to the significant habitat of endangered or threatened species identified in consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Provincially SigSeries Development proposals in Hamlet Areas will be limited to infilling, redevelopment of brownfield and former institutional sites, and shall demonstrate the suitability of the site for the proposed method of sanitary sewage disposal to the satisfac 2.3.10 Rural Settlement Area Policies Chathamsewage services. The settlement areas typically comprise a small grouping of houses and businesses and have a population of less than 200 people. The hamlets and settlement areas should be protected by designating them as Rural Settlement Areas. Development should be limited to minor infilling. Major growth should be directed to fully serand Secondary Urban Centres. It shall be the objective of Chatham Protect and preserve the historic character of established Rural Settlement Areas. It shall be the policy of Chatham Historic settle 19 nt in , y sewage disposal Kent range from lagoons - Kent and other approval agencies. - s local service centres for the scale commercial, recreational, - density residential uses and small Kent to: - - Land Use, or significant nat within or adjacent to the significant habitat of endangered or threatened species n Rural Settlement Areas shall provide adequate stormwater management in law. - based businesses will also be permitted, subject to the policies of Section B.2.3.8 of this Plan - institutional uses. New development in Rural Settlement Areas shall be limited to minor Natural Heritage and Hazards Features, the policies contained in Section 4 of this Plan will also apply. Rural Settlement Areas shall be rural in nature and function aimmediately surrounding agricultural areas. The predominant use of land within the Rural Settlement Area designation shall be for existing lowindustrial andinfilling. Homeand the Zoning By For lands located identified in consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Provincially Significant Wetlands identified Series Rural Settlement Areas shall be serviced with adequate water supply and sanitarservices. Development proposals shall demonstrate the suitability of the site for the proposed method of water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the satisfaction of Chatham Development iaccordance with Policy 2.4.9 of this Plan.2.4.7 Wastewater Services Municipal sewage systems exist in the seven Primary Urban Centres (Chatham, Wallaceburg, RidgetownDresden, Blenheim, Tilbury and Wheatley). The Secondary Urban Centres comprise those communities that are currently serviced, or are planned to be serviced, by municipal sewage systems (i.e., Thamesville, Charing Cross, Merlin, Pain Court and Bothwell to activated sludge mechanical treatment plants. The Recreational Residential, Suburban Residential, Hamlet and Rural Settlement Areas, and developmethe Agricultural Areas, are serviced by private sewage disposal. It shall be the objective of Chatham 20 Kent Land - e municipal sewage treatment Kent and other approval agencies. - hatham s Official Plan. 2 Compatibility between Sewage Treatment and Sensitive - ar for sensitive land uses such as residential or institutional, regard ts and businesses in the Municipality. It shall be the policy of Chatham ly with all regulatory requirements; and effective and adequate sewage treatment is provided to support, enhance and - xtractive Industrial and Waste Management Areas that are serviced by private sewage disposal Enhancing Our Natural Surroundings of thi .8 Water Services Ensure that costsustain existing and future residenthat: All development and redevelopment in the Primary Urban Centres and all new development and redevelopment in the Secondary Urban Centres shall be connected to thsystem. Proposed development and redevelopment in Suburban Residential, Hamlet, Rural Settlement, Estate Residential, Recreational Residential, Mobile Home Park, Rural Industrial, Highway Commercial, Recreational, Ewill demonstrate the suitability of the site for the proposed method of sewage disposal based on the proposed lot size to the satisfaction of the Municipality of C Communal sewage services will be discouraged and will only be permitted if, in the opinion of the Municipality, no other alternatives are available and such services: (a) are financially viable and comp(b) protect human health and the natural environment. The protection of surface and groundwater resources will be in conformity with the policies of Section 4 The Municipality will maintain a capacity monitoring system for municipal sewage treatment systems. Use to this Official Plan. When considering appropriate buffer separation distances for development proposals near these facilities, in particul 2.4 Municipal water systems exist in the seven Primary Urban Centres, the five Secondary Urban Centres and the Hamlets. 21 - m such as , enhance and ent and redevelopment serviced by a private ill only be permitted if, in the opinion of the water supply utilize a lakebased surface water Kent to: - Kent that: - effective and adequate potable water supply is provided to support - me Park, Rural Industrial, Highway Commercial, Recreational, Aggregate Resources and he Secondary Urban Centres, Suburban Residential and Hamlet Areas shall be connected Bay and Pain Court, are serviced by the Chatham water system. Bothwell is currently serviced via Kent and other approval agencies. - The Rural Settlement Areas are served by private water supplies. Several communities, including Louisville, Mitchell'sthe West Lorne Water System in Middlesex County. Highgate and Ridgetown currently use groundwater as their water source; all other communities with municipal source. Substantial costs are involved in extending municipal piped water supply to new residential and nonresidential development, in addition to addressing operational issues with the existing water systefire flow, odour, potential contamination concerns and water haulage to rural areas during dry conditions. It shall be the objective of Chatham Ensure that costsustain existing and future residents and businesses in the Municipality. It shall be the policy of Chatham All development and redevelopment in the Primary Urban Centres and all new development and redevelopment in tto the municipal piped water supply system. Proposed development and redevelopment in Rural Settlement, Estate Residential, Recreational Residential, Mobile HoWaste Management Areas will be connected to the municipal piped water supply system if municipal water is available. If municipal water is not available, proposed developmwater supply will demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed supply to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Chatham Communal water services will be discouraged and wMunicipality, no other alternatives are available and such services: (a) can be sustained by the water resources on which they rely; (b) are financially viable and comply with all regulatory requirements; and (c) protect human health and the natural environment. 22 monitoring system for municipal water supply systems. - ing Our Natural Surroundings of this Official Plan. Enhanc The protection of surface and groundwater resources will be in conformity with the policies of Section 4 The Municipality will maintain a capacity Њ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Ќ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Ѝ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Џ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Џ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Џ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Џ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Џ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ А ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ А ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ А ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ А ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Б ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Б ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Б ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ Б ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ В ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ В ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ В ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ В ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ ЊЉ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ ЊЉ ͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵͵ ЊЊ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў Џ А Б В ЊЉ ЊЊ pp ppp ppp pppp