09 - August 23, 2021 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Agenda Package
Terrace Lodge Redevelopment
Fundraising Committee
Date: Monday, August 23, 2021
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Elgin County Council Chambers/Virtual Hybrid
In-person attendance for members of the public is currently restricted due to COVID-19. Members of
the public can view the livestreamed meeting at www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin.
1. Call to Order
2.Review of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes: July 19, 2021
4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
5. Donation Update, Manager of Finance/Deputy Treasurer (to be circulated)
6. Media and Advertising Update
a) August-September mini themed campaign
7. Donor Recognition
a) Photos, Cards, Social Media
8. Fundraising Strategies
a) Legacy giving: draft brochure
9. New Business
10. Closed Session
1) Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual,
including municipal or local board employees – Donor Outreach Update
11.Next Meeting
Meeting: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee
Date: July 19, 2021
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Council Chambers
Attendees: Dominique Giguère, Deputy Mayor - Township of Malahide, Chair (in-person)
Jim Jenkins, Community Member (in-person)
Ruth Anne Perrin, Community Member (in-person)
Richard Kisuule, Community Member (electronic)
Kay Haines, Terrace Lodge Auxiliary (in-person)
Staff: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (in-person)
Tanya Noble, Manager of Program Therapy Services (electronic)
Carolyn Krahn, Legislative Services Coordinator (in-person)
Regrets: Peter Barbour, Councillor – Town of Aylmer
Jamie Chapman, Community Member
Fiona Wynn, Councillor – Municipality of Central Elgin
Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer
Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services
Jennifer Ford, Manager of Finance/Deputy Treasurer
1. Call to Order
The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee met this 19 day of July. The
meeting was held in a hybrid in-person/electronic format with committee members and staff
participating as indicated above. The meeting was called to order at 10:12 a.m.
2. Review of Agenda
Moved by: Jim Jenkins
Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin
Resolved that the agenda be approved.
Richard Kisuule Yes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne PerrinYes
Jim Jenkins Yes
Dominique Giguère Yes
50 0
- Motion Carried.
3. Adoption of Minutes – June 21, 2021
Moved by: Kay Haines
Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin
Resolved that the minutes from the meeting held on June 21, 2021 be approved.
Yes No Abstain
Richard KisuuleYes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne Perrin Yes
Jim Jenkins Yes
Dominique Giguère Yes
- Motion Carried.
4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
5. Donation Update
The Manager of Administrative Services presented an update on the status of donations
outstanding, pledged and received for the Fundraising Committee as related to the Terrace
Lodge Fundraising Campaign.
The Committee Chair explained that large pledges would be spread over the three (3) years of
the campaign for tracking purposes. Expenses will also be spread over the three (3) years, as
they are expected to be higher in the first year.
The Committee Chair announced that the campaign this year has raised a total of $113,000,
which is 50% of the 2021 target. The full campaign, including pledges for year two (2) and year
three (3), has raised a total of $193,000, which is 30% of the campaign target.
Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin
Seconded by: Richard Kisuule
Resolved that the report titled “Fundraising Financial Update” from the Manager of
Finance/Deputy Treasurer be received and filed.
Yes No Abstain
Richard KisuuleYes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne Perrin Yes
Jim JenkinsYes
Dominique Giguère Yes
50 0
- Motion Carried.
6. Media/Advertising Update
a. Posters
The Aylmer Express offered to print 100 copies of the promotional poster. The posters
will be distributed to Committee Members, who will post them in public spaces throughout
the community.
The Committee discussed using photographs of residents, instead of stock photos, in
future promotional materials. The Manager of Program Therapy Services will provide
resident photographs for the campaign.
b. Outreach to DeBrigj, translation of materials
Jamie Chapman has reached out to Mennonite Community Services to request their
assistance with translating the fundraising campaign poster into Low German. They have
asked for a formal letter outlining the request. Once the translation is complete, the
Committee will reach out to the Aylmer Express or other local printers to arrange for
7. Donor Recognition
a. Photos, Cards, Social Media
Committee Members posed for photographs with the donors in front of the fundraising
campaign sign at Terrace Lodge. The photographs will be used on the webpage and
social media to recognize donors.
More thank you cards will be sent out to donors this week. Staff are also working on a
media release recognizing donors. Now that long-term care homes are reopening to
visits, the Committee could consider installing a TV screen at Terrace Lodge, which
would feature photographs and names of donors. A permanent donor recognition
installation will be discussed towards the end of the campaign.
8. Fundraising Strategies
a. Legacy Giving
The Committee Chair has been working with the fundraising consultants to prepare
wording around legacy giving for use in an informational brochure. The Chair will send
Committee Members examples of legacy giving brochures for their consideration, and a
draft brochure will be presented at the next meeting.
9. New Business
10. Closed Session
Moved by: Jim Jenkins
Seconded by: Richard Kisuule
RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the
Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal
matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Donor
Outreach Update.
Richard Kisuule Yes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne Perrin Yes
Jim Jenkins Yes
Dominique Giguère Yes
50 0
- Motion Carried.
11. Motion to Rise and Report
Moved by: Jim Jenkins
Seconded by: Kay Haines
Resolved that we do now rise and report.
Yes No Abstain
Richard KisuuleYes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne Perrin Yes
Jim Jenkins Yes
Dominique Giguère Yes
50 0
- Motion Carried.
Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin
Seconded by: Richard Kisuule
Resolved that the confidential report titled Donor Out Reach Update be received and filed.
Yes No Abstain
Richard KisuuleYes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne Perrin Yes
Jim Jenkins Yes
Dominique GiguèreYes
50 0
- Motion Carried.
12. Next Meeting Date
Monday, August 23, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
13. Adjourn
Moved by: Kay Haines
Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin
Resolved that we do now adjourn at 11:18 a.m. to meet again on August 23, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Richard Kisuule Yes
Kay Haines Yes
Ruth Anne PerrinYes
Jim Jenkins Yes
Dominique GiguèreYes
50 0
-Motion Carried.
FROM: Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy
DATE: July 15, 2021
SUBJECT: Fundraising Financial Update
THAT the July 15, 2021 report titled, Fundraising Financial Update, submitted by the Manager of
Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer, be receiv
This report serves to provide an update on the status of donations outstanding, pledged and received
for the Fundraising Committee as it relates to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign.
Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin
Ensuring alignment of Planning for and Ensuring we have the necessary
current programs and facilitating commercial, tools, resources, and
services with community industrial, residential, and infrastructure to deliver programs
need. agricultural growth. and services now and in the
Exploring different Fostering a healthy
Delivering mandated programs
ways of addressing environment.
community need. and services efficiently and
Enhancing quality of
Engaging with our
community and other
Balanced to July 15, 2021
All of which is Respectfully
Approved for Submission
Julie Gonyou
Jennifer Ford
Chief Administrative Officer
Manager of Financial
Services/Deputy Treasurer