10 - September 27, 2021 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Agenda Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee AGENDA Date: Monday, September 27, 2021 Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Elgin County Council Chambers/Virtual Hybrid In-person attendance for members of the public is currently restricted due to COVID-19. Members of the public can view the livestreamed meeting at www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin. 1. Call to Order 2.Review of Agenda 3. Adoption of Minutes: August 23, 2021 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5. Donation Update, Manager of Finance/Deputy Treasurer (to be circulated) 6. Media and Advertising Update a) October/November mini themed campaign 7. Donor Recognition a) Photos, Cards, Social Media 8. Fundraising Strategies a) Updated Legacy Giving Brochure b) Other Strategies: Events, Booths, Markets 9. New Business 10. Closed Session 1) Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Donor Outreach Update 11. Next Meeting 12.Adjournment Meeting: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Date: August 23, 2021 Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Council Chambers Attendees: Dominique Giguère, Deputy Mayor - Township of Malahide, Chair (in-person) Jim Jenkins, Community Member (in-person) Jamie Chapman, Community Member (in-person) Ruth Anne Perrin, Community Member (in-person) Kay Haines, Terrace Lodge Auxiliary (in-person) Staff: Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services (electronic) Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (in-person) Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer (in-person) Tanya Noble, Manager of Program Therapy Services (electronic) Carolyn Krahn, Legislative Services Coordinator (in-person) Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator (in-person) Regrets: Peter Barbour, Councillor – Town of Aylmer Richard Kisuule, Community Member Fiona Wynn, Councillor – Municipality of Central Elgin Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer DRAFT MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order rd The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee met this 23 day of August, 2021. The meeting was held in a hybrid in-person/electronic format with committee members and staff participating as indicated above. The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. 2. Review of Agenda Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that the agenda for the August 23, 2021 meeting be approved. - Motion Carried. 3. Adoption of Minutes – July 19, 2021 Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Jim Jenkins Resolved that the minutes from the meeting held on July 19, 2021 be approved. - Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 5. Donation Update The Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer presented an update on the status of donations outstanding, pledged and received for the Fundraising Committee as related to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign. Moved by: Kay Haines Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that the report titled “Fundraising Financial Update” from the Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 6. Media/Advertising Update a. August-September mini themed campaign The Committee reviewed the two (2) options for the “Back to School” themed advertisement (attached) for the local papers and social media, and they decided to go with Option #1. The ad features a picture of the ABBY system, one of the items in the September catalogue. Jamie Chapman suggested including more information on the ABBY system in the ads so that people have a better understanding of what it is, and the Committee agreed to include a link to a promotional video on the social media ads and in the online catalogue. The print ad will be updated to include a statement such as, “For more information on the ABBY system, please visit donatetoterracelodge.ca.” The Committee also discussed sending the advertisement to the German radio station. They had previously offered to translate and run regular ads related to the fundraising campaign. Councillor Giguère advised the Committee that the North Shore Beacon interviewed Shirley Carroll, mayor of the Residents’ Council, and published an article on the fundraising campaign earlier this month. 7. Donor Recognition a. Photos, Cards, Social Media Councillor Giguère provided an update on donor recognition. Staff are working on organizing another photo opportunity for donors. It will likely be scheduled for September. Work is also underway to get a TV monitor for the foyer in Terrace Lodge which would display donor names and photos. 8. Fundraising Strategies a. Legacy Giving The Committee reviewed a draft legacy giving brochure (attached) and endorsed the concept. Councillor Giguère will contact the Aylmer Express to see if they are willing to partner with the Campaign to design and print copies of the brochure. Once printed, the brochure would be placed in the lobby of Terrace Lodge and at the front office. A sign giving more information on legacy giving could be displayed with the brochures in the lobby. 9. New Business Ruth Anne Perrin shared a community question with the Committee. She was approached by a community member who asked how the prices in the fundraising catalogue were determined. The community member was concerned that the price for the stackable chairs was too high. Councillor Giguère explained that the prices were estimates only and that staff would source the best price at the time of purchase. Committee members were also invited to let the Chair know if any of the other prices seemed too high, and staff could adjust the figures on the website. 10. Closed Session Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Jamie Chapman RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Donor Outreach Update. - Motion Carried. 11. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin Seconded by: Kay Haines Resolved that we do now rise and report; and that the confidential report titled Donor Out Reach Update be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 12. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. 13. Adjourn Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Kay Haines Resolved that we do now adjourn at 11:11 a.m. to meet again on Monday, September 27 at 10:00 a.m. - Motion Carried. ___________________________________ _____________________________________ Julie Gonyou, Dominique Giguère, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Chair. 1 REPORT TO TERRACE LODGE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE FROM: Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer DATE: August 19, 2021 SUBJECT: Fundraising Financial Update RECOMMENDATION: THAT the August 19, 2021 report titled, Fundraising Financial Update, submitted by the Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer, be received and filed for the Committee’s information. INTRODUCTION/DISCUSSION/FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: This report is presented to the committee to provide an update on the status of total donations outstanding, pledged and received to date as well as total costs incurred as it relates to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign. Donations Received for Terrace Lodge Fundraising as atAugust 19, 2021 REVENUE (Donations to date) Received Outstanding Cash/Cheque 38,100 10,700 Credit Card 16,640 Donations Prior to Campaign Start 8,105 Pledges (Expected Value) 35,000 85,000 In Kind Services donated to the campaign - Total Donations 97,845 95,700 EXPENSESPaid Outstanding Fees (credit card)445 Fundraising Consultants 4,500 Signage 2,719 Meeting Room Rental 150 Advertising and Promotion 6,665 Total Expenses 14,479 - Total Donations towards campaign 179,066 -- 150 8,105 2,225 4,500 2,719 48,800 16,640 16,665 26,259 120,000 193,545 167,286 urrent costs have 2021 to 2025 Grand Totals - 2025 5,000 5,000 0.00% 5,000 - 2 2024 5,000 0.00% 5,000 5,000 890750 202315005000 8,140 30,000 30,000 27.13% 21,860 long term view of the campaign over the period 2021 to 2025. 750 890 202215005000 a 8,140 40,000 40,000 20.35% 31,860 Donations by Year of Pledged provides - 50%29% 2021 445 150 8.79% 8,105 1,500 1,219 6,665 9,979 48,800 16,640 40,000 113,545 103,566 ($225,000)($675,000) date campaign goal to date campaign In year, % of Expense to Donation RevenueEstimated Amounts are highlighted in Red they are expected to have a useful life longer than the current year. Reallocated Amounts are highlighted in Blue if % of Annual fundraising goal to (Donations to date) % of overall fundraising Donations Received for Terrace Lodge Fundraising as at REVENUE Cash/ChequeCredit CardDonations Prior to Campaign StartPledges (Expected Value)In Kind Services donated to the campaign Total Donations EXPENSES Fees (credit card)Fundraising ConsultantsSignageMeeting Room RentalAdvertising and Promotion Total Expenses Total Donations towards Supplemental reporting has been developed since the last reporting period that The chosen period aligns with pledges received and have been aligned in this budget based on their expected date of receipt. Some cbeen reallocated 3 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving ElginGrowing ElginInvesting in Elgin Ensuring alignment of Planning for and Ensuring we have the necessary current programs and facilitating commercial, tools, resources, and services with community industrial, residential, and infrastructure to deliver programs need. agricultural growth. and services now and in the future. Exploring different Fostering a healthy Delivering mandated programs ways of addressing environment. community need. and services efficiently and effectively. Enhancing quality of Engaging with our place. community and other stakeholders. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: None CONCLUSION: The reports presented are submitted to the Committee for their information, review and comment. All of which is Respectfully Approved for Submission Submitted Julie Gonyou Jennifer Ford Chief Administrative Officer Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer Uif!Dpngpsut!pg! 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To , please at giguere@elgin.ca the Fundraising Committee Dominique Giguère changing for seniors in our - ou can leave a legacy that will be Ylifecommunity for years to comelearn more about legacy giftscontact Chair, 548.888.6252 or d .” . This is l ____ r $ unty of Elgin Co to ensure that – discuss what you ge s % of my estate o Terrace Lod Next step1. Speak to your family and loved ones.2. Speak to your lawyer about drafting or revising your wilan essential step to protect your family’s future andyour assets are distributed according to your intentions.3. Include the appropriate wording in your will. This could be, “I bequeath to _____ 4. Contact us to let us know about your gift. It will give us the opportunity to thank you and, more importantly, tohope your gift will accomplish. Of course, we will respect your privacy and confidentiality. - the - es from of - vision is to ameniti ment, and much residents feel safe Terrace Lodge staff nhanced with rtable spaces, inviting equip favourite s we are on a journey to , modern and accessible a homelike, emotional ’ from a traditional medical ther onment e home: comfocourtyardrecreational more. Togecreate an inviting and stateart Home, where and comfortable, while enabling the excellent care and volunteers proudly provide. At Terrace Lodge, the move model tomodel of care.This means creating an envireveryone vision us help realize its also . It will ake Terrace Lodge feel like our legacy gift will help YTerrace Lodge to mhomeprovide the highest level of care to the seniors in our community, while providing you and your family with substantial tax and estate planningbenefits.