12 - November 15, 2021 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Agenda PackageowwIwwa llir'lr'ac IIII d Il1' ll 11 lli��� en't � % ��,��111I1„"'; Illwww� LJ Ilia d ra IIII' IIII Ilia o Ilirn Ilir e e AG lww,IIIIllfw'111) A Progressive 4y Nature iirri y � 0 0 P. KA. lii iir Cou ri ty Cotxiriclii 111 Flylb rl 1. Call to Order 2. Review of Agenda 3. Adoption of Minutes: October 25, 2021 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5. Donation Update, Manager of Finance/Deputy Treasurer (to be circulated) 6. Media and Advertising Update a) Dominos Promo b) Christmas Campaign- 5 Upcoming Ads (circulated via email) 7. Donor Recognition a) Photos, Cards, Social Media 8. Fundraising Strategies a) Updated Legacy Giving Brochure: approve final mock-up b) Donations as gift: greeting card mock up, online form, instructions, organization c) Refresh website and online Christmas catalogue 9. Business Arising a) Updated Promotional Letter and Christmas Flyer (circulated via email) 10. New Business 11. Closed Session 1) Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees - Donor Outreach Update 12. Next Meeting 13. Adjournment In -person attendance for members of the public is currently restricted due to COVID-19. Members of the public can view the livestreamed meeting at .::.:� �:�eb c..k.:�,c ..i1]� ,lf ....g..iii.. ;.2.�..!„lf:�..ty „Ii�r.ii_i.�. Elgiln driio%//r1rrlr����%Illllllll/l/////%/j;Progressive by /Vature o/00 G Meeting: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Date: October 25, 2021 Time: 1:00 P.M. Location: Council Chambers/Webex Attendees: Dominique Giguere, Deputy Mayor - Township of Malahide, Chair (in -person) Jim Jenkins, Community Member (in -person) Richard Kisuule, Community Member (electronic) Ruth Anne Perrin, Community Member (in -person) Kay Haines, Terrace Lodge Auxiliary (in -person) Staff: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (in -person) Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer (in -person) Tanya Noble, Manager of Program Therapy Services (electronic) Carolyn Krahn, Legislative Services Coordinator (in -person) Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator (electronic) Regrets: Peter Barbour, Councillor — Town of Aylmer Jamie Chapman, Community Member Fiona Wynn, Councillor — Municipality of Central Elgin Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services (electronic) DRAFT MEETING MINUTES Call to Order The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee met this 251h day of October, 2021. The meeting was held in a hybrid in-person/electronic format with committee members and staff participating as indicated above. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. Review of Agenda Moved by: Richard Kisuule Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that the agenda for the October 25, 2021 meeting be approved. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X 3 OPP //�0 ,r Elgi-ln' Progressive by /Vature Domini ue Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. Adoption of Minutes — September 27, 2021 Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that the minutes from the meeting held on September 27, 2021 be approved. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 5. Donation Update The Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer presented an update on the status of donations outstanding, pledged and received for the Fundraising Committee as it relates to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign. The overall donations towards the campaign have increased $6,953 since the last report to the committee (report attached). The Committee reviewed the items that were purchased as part of the June -July Summer Campaign, and the items purchased from the August -September Lifelong Learning Campaign. The Chair clarified that a total of $200,000 has been pledged, however the campaign has only received $100,000. Some of the funds pledged are designated over the course of the three-year campaign. Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Kay Haines Resolved that the report titled "Fundraising Financial Update" from the Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer be received and filed. 511 Elgi-In, Progressive by /Vaturre Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Giguere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. Media/Advertising Update a. Proposal for Next Theme and Campaign Advertising Dates: Christmas The Committee discussed the theme and dates for the next campaign. Chair Giguere noted that due to time constraints in the fall and Christmas seasons, Aylmer Express suggested to only do a Christmas campaign, with six ads, beginning after Remembrance Day, on November 17, 2021. The report attached shows target items for the Christmas campaign, which will focus on the chapel, guest suite, lounge and lobby furniture, and dining room. Each advertisement will focus on a specific room, and the total cost for items is approximately $100,000. Chair Giguere will draft taglines for the ads, and working with Tanya Noble to obtain photos of each item for the campaign. Moved by: Kay Haines Seconded by: Richard Kisuule RESOLVED THAT the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee endorse the Christmas advertising campaign strategy as presented by the Chair. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 7 E. /FOR /�0 ,r Donor Recognition a. Photos, Cards, Social Media Elgi-ln' Progressive by /Vaturre Two Donor recognition photos were taken in October, and donors continue to be featured on social media, and in local newspapers. Work continues on donor thank -you cards. Jim Jenkins suggested considering a donor recognition wall at Terrace Lodge. The Chair suggested that a list of donors should be included in the annual report in January, which would be mailed to all donors. In addition, a display at Terrace Lodge featuring all campaign donors could be considered at the end of the three-year campaign. The Chair noted that only donors who have consented to their names being published would be featured in any donor recognition reports or displays. Fundraising Strategies a. Updated Legacy Giving Brochure Aylmer Express has consented to design and printing a legacy giving brochure. Chair Giguere also informed the committee that the Low German campaign poster is ready to be distributed. Chair Giguere thanked the Aylmer Express for the continued support of the campaign. b. Christmas Gift Cards The Committee discussed providing an option to donors to give a donation to the campaign as a Christmas gift. The Donations as Gifts Strategy is attached. Donors will have the option to have a greeting card sent directly to the recipient, or sent to the donor to give as a gift themselves. Once a donor selects that the item is to be given as a gift, one or two Committee members are needed to prepare the Christmas cards. Jim Jenkins suggested that there may be residents at Terrace Lodge that may be interested in being a part of the process. Tanya Noble will ask the recreation staff to see if there is a group, such as the Resident Council, that would be interested in being involved. Ruth Anne Perrin suggested that a Committee member could go in each week to assist with the process. Chair Giguere noted that the Aylmer Express agreed to design and print the card. Aylmer Express suggested creating one generic card that can also be used for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. The card or envelope can be customized with stickers relating to the occasion. Chair Giguere will send the Committee a draft card for review once available. Chair Giguere also noted that donation receipts can only be issued in the donor's name, not the gift recipient's name. Additionally, any donations received must be date -stamped. 9 Elgiln driio%//r1rrlr����%Illllllll/l/////%/j; // ! Progressive by iV iur G c. Refresh Website and Online Catalogue November 17 The Committee discussed refreshing the entire website to only include the items for the Christmas campaign for the remainder of the year. This strategy would allow donors to click on each room (lobby/lounge, dining room, guest suite, or chapel), rather than clicking on categories by dollar amount. Beginning in 2022, a brand-new catalogue will be launched with new items. Business Arising a. Bench Dimensions — Shades Building Project Tanya Noble noted that Michele Harris received an email from the architect which included an example of the bench from Barco Products, and shade structure from Limestone Trails. Tanya will circulate more information to the Committee. Tanya will also seek design specifications from the architect for the shed, in order for the Committee to consider the shed as a possible project for the local high school or a community group. b. Updated Promotional Letter Chair Giguere will circulate an updated promotional letter to the Committee for feedback. 10. New Business a. Committee Member Recruitment 2022 The Chair suggested waiting until January 2022 to determine whether any changes are needed to the Committee Terms of Reference, or whether recruitment of additional members is required. Any recommended changes will need to be provided to County Council for review and approval. 11. Closed Session Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Kay Haines RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Donor Outreach Update. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Elgi-In, Progressive by /Vature Domini ue Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 12. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Richard Kisuule Resolved that we do now rise and report. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin Seconded by: Kay Haines RESOLVED THAT the confidential report titled Donor Out Reach Update be received and filed. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 13. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the County Administration Building. Elgi-In, Progressive by /Vaturre 14. Adjournment Moved by: Kay Haines Seconded by: Jim Jenkins Resolved that we do now adjourn at 2:28 p.m. to meet again on November 15, 2021. Recorded Vote YES NO Kay Haines X Jim Jenkins X Richard Kisuule X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Motion Carried. Dominique Giguere, Chair. Prog?essive by Nature RECOMMENDATION: REPORT TO TERRACE LODGE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE FROM: Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer DATE: October 22, 2021 SUBJECT: Fundraising Financial Update 1 THAT the October 22, 2021 report titled, Fundraising Financial Update, submitted by the Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer, be received and filed for the Committee's information. INTRODUCTION/DISCUSSION/FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: This report is presented to the committee to provide an update on the status of total donations outstanding, pledged and received to date as well as total costs incurred as it relates to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign. The overall donations towards the campaign have increased by $6,953 since the last report to the committee. F ------------ -------- ------ --------- --- Octo ber 21 20,2 1 !- I ....................................................................... .. .... .... .... 1 ........ ............ ..... .. I REVENUE( iations to datO Cash/C�heque --Gred-it Card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -Donations-Prior to Carnpaign Start ............. ---------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ Pledges (Expected ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............................. ............... ............... .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... 'Total Donations ............... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0. Fees _(cre.dift card) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ............... Meeting_ Room Rental .. .. .. .. .. ..................... - ..... ..... .... -- -- AdIve r t i s i n g a n d Promotion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Total Expenses --------------- ...... ..... w a m a c M a E I— Q O J I C ^O^ CL �yW/ Lf AY W AE ^W CL 'm V! AY 1MM MI�M MM «wv WMn i � w. M� M, M +n � wM Me � M • M Wi M 1 0 0 Cc C 0 0 Ca 0 VY w x 0 A M ul) c 4a 0 0 to c 0 E v to �a 0 GNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the necessary current programs and facilitating commercial, tools, resources, and services with community industrial, residential, and infrastructure to deliver programs need. agricultural growth. and services now and in the future. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. Staff are actively working on an enhancement to the fundraising portal to enable payment of pledges by Cash or Cheque. Previously, this was only enabled to accept Credit Card payments by secure link to the pledgee. CONCLUSION: The reports presented are submitted to the Committee for their information, review and comment. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Jennifer Ford Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer TERRACE LODGE — FUNDRAISING DONATIONS AS GIFTS STRATEGY: PROPOSAL PROCESS: Donor side — online and on the paper form Donor will have a new option and section on the form: "This is a gift" If Donor selects option: "This is a gift" Donor enters name and address of the Recipient Donor selects: Send me the card OR Send the recipient the card PROCESS: Campaign side As soon as a "donation as gift" is received, a Committee member will mail the greeting card: -If to the donor, write nothing in the greeting card, insert thank you note on piece of paper -If to the recipient, personalize the greeting card with a thank you and mail We need one or two elves from the committee to look after this process! GREETING CARDS -Aylmer Express has agreed to design and print (250) -They will be generic and usable throughout the year -We can customize with stickers for the seasons / holiday / occasion (added when mailing) -The card will say something like: (COVER): The Gift of Comfort + Gift picture + Terrace Lodge campaign logo (inside): A gift toward the Comfort of Home campaign has been made in your name. You are making a difference in the lives of the Terrace Lodge residents. [back): link to campaign website + for more information NOTES Timeliness is key!! Receipt goes to donor — it cannot be issued to the recipient Cheques received at County or at TL must be stamped with dates received Watch for a donation divided in multiple small gifts. System will only allow one donation — one gift.