February 12, 2008 Agenda ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y. FEBRUARY 12. 2008 - 9:00 A.M PAGE # ORDER 1 st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes - for the meeting of January 22, 2008 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 2-6 9:00 A.M. Sandra Datars Bere, Director of Ontario Works and Social Housing St. Thomas - Elgin Ontario Works with the Ontario Works and Social Housing - 4th Quarter Report 7-8 9:15 A.M. Frank Lattanzio, Chairman, St. Thomas Heritage Tree Committee, presentation on heritage trees on Talbot Line (see report on page/3 ) 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 9-98 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff Director of Financial Services - 2008 Composite Budget (bring your binder that was mailed separately with you) 7th Council Correspondence - see attached 99-104 1) Items for Consideration 105-109 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11 th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 110-112 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: March 11, 2008 9:00 A.M. - County Council Meeting March 25, 2008 9:00 A.M. - County Council Meeting The 2008 County Budget By-Law will be presented at the next regular County meeting. (added February 12, 2008) ST. THOMAS ST. THOMAS - ELGIN ONTARIO WORKS 423 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P lei THE.CORPORATIONOFnlECl1YOf !Reporf No. OWEC01-OS! REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Sandra Datars Bere. Director of Ontario Works and Social Housing SJ. Thomas - Elgin Ontario Works MEETING DATE: January 15, 2008 SUBJECT: Ontario Works and Social Housing - 41h Quarter Report INTRODUCTION: This report reflects the activities of the Ontario Works Department in the 4th quarter, from October to December 2007. Specific information will be presented for each of the major program areas. DISCUSSION / REPORT: Income Maintenance: The Income Maintenance division of Ontario Works continues to provide support to individuals and families of the City of st. Thomas and Elgin County demonstrating positive role models to those in need and assist them in becoming self-sufficient members of our community. The Income Maintenance division encompasses a number of different programs geared to assisting vulnerable members of our community. Financial support is provided to individuals and families through our Income Support program. Our Special Programs support individuals in domiciliary hostels as well as those in need of our Homelessness programs. The Family Support Program assists recipients in obtaining support funds available to them. The Eligibility Review Program and the Consolidated Verification Process Program provide accountability to our municipality. The Income Maintenance caseload continues to rise, and is currently 11% higher than last year. With continuing uncertain economic times ahead, it may continue to climb. The staff of the Income Maintenance division of Ontario Works strives to maintain a high service level to our community while concurrently managing higher caseloads. The stabilization of staffing levels continues to be a concern as there has been significant staff turnover in the past year. The Service Delivery Model Technology utilized by the Ontario Works department and most significantly by the Income Maintenance division requires considerable training and has a long learning curve; this combined with the legislative knowledge component makes trained staff a valuable commodity. The Family Support program of the Income Maintenance Division continues to meet the targets set by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, assisting sole support parents in obtaining financial support for themselves and their children. This is an important function in the Ontario Works department as it decreases dependence on the social assistance network. The Eligibility Review Program and Consolidated Verification Process component of the Income Maintenance Division are designed to review the assistance provided to the individuals and families of our community to ensure that the correct amount of assistance is provided to eligible recipients in a timely manner. These programs provide accountability to the taxpayers of our municipality. Upcoming changes to the National Child Benefit Supplement, as well as the introduction of the Ontario Child Benefit will introduce new challenges to the Ontario Works department, as social assistance is restructured. These challenges as always, will be met will resolve and determination in the Income Maintenance Division as we provide quality service to our community of Sf. Thomas - Elgin. During this past quarter several staff members as well as the Supervisor of Income Maintenance had the opportunity to attend a Fall Training Seminar in Toronto. This training opportunity allowed the staff to connect with their counterparts from other municipalities and gather new perspectives on how to better serve the vulnerable population that the Ontario Works department interacts with day to day. The training serves an important purpose for staff as it allows them an occasion to renew and reflect with colleagues and bring back renewed passion to their role in the department. Employment: The Employment division participated in a number of training opportunities in professional development in this quarter. On October 2. 2007 the entire staff attended a session arranged through the employment division. The speaker for this session was a former client who talked about his life experience as a recovered addict and his experience on social assistance. This session was well received and staff were moved by the speaker's honest discussion of his experience with our office. On October 16, 2007 the Employment Team attended a workshop hosted by the City of Stratford with Ian Hill as the guest speaker. Mr. Hill discussed the topic of change in relation to personal change and motivating change in our clients. On October 30,2007 the Employment Team attended an OMSSA (Ontario Municipal Social Services Association) session on Clients Hobbled by Hidden Disabilities. This session was extremely useful and the information learned has directly effected some of the interactions and experiences we have with clients. The Innovations Fund which trains AZ Truck Drivers is now at seven clients who have either graduated, are working full time or are currently in the training program. 2 The Personal Support Worker and Hairdressing courses at the Adult Learning Centre currently have three and eight of our participants enrolled respectively. The Personal Support Worker course will be completed for this session in February 2008 and the Hairdressing Course in September 2008. The Employment Supervisor met with several representatives of local factories who could be experiencing layoffs in 2008. These meetings were held in an effort to provide information to be passed on to employees regarding our employment services. Child Care: The fall months for the Ontario Works Child Care Department included training new staff on the Ontario Child Care Management System (OCCMS). An up-graded version was installed in the latter part of the year and this resulted in several needed changes including standard reports for statistical data in the areas of Special Needs services and Recreation Camps for school aged children. The Early Learning Centre (ELC) completed construction of their new Child Care Centre at the intersection of Ron McNeil Line and Burwell Road and opened their doors in October as planned. The new centre created 96 new spaces, which filled much quicker than anticipated. The ELC Dalewood Centre is presently experiencing a wait list for some age groups. The demand for child care subsidy requests increased substantially in the 41h quarter with the opening of the new spaces at the ELC, Dalewood. In October, 13 families and 18 children were subsidized at the ELC Dalewood location through Best Start funding. County-wide we now serve a total of 46 children through the Best Start funding envelope. Development of the new Forest Ave Child Care Centre at the corner of Sunset Road and Shaw Valley Drive continues on schedule. This centre will accommodate 98 child care spaces in total and 24 of those spaces will be new Best Start spaces. This facility is on schedule to open in April of 2008. We anticipate the 24 new spaces will also be filled very quickly. The new Junior Kindergarten/Senior Kindergarten program opened by the YWCA, at Mary Street is doing well. The Belmont Next To Mom program began renovation planning on the Belmont Road location. This location will be licensed for 44 child care spaces. They currently have 30 licensed spaces. This is an area of the county that is underserved and the additional spaces are greatly needed. The Best Start Implementation committee meets regularly to continue the development and community collaboration in regard to present and future Hubs. The current operating Hubs are: West Elgin Parent Child Resource Centre; the Ontario Early Years Centre in st Thomas and the YWCA St Thomas Elgin. The latter two hubs were created with Best Start funding. Training for Early Childhood Education Teachers and Support staff along with training for Supervisor and Directors of Child Care programs has been developed with Best Start funds and is being coordinated through the Elgin Child Care Advisory Committee. 3 Social Housina: Canada-Ontario Affordable Housina ProClram update Rental & Supportive (capital! component: Council approved an amendment to the Contribution Agreement with Walter Ostojic & Sons Limited in December to allow for full payment, during construction, of the entire $828,000 in Affordable Housing Program funding. The original agreement required the City to flow the provincial funding share of $513,360 monthly over the 20-year affordabilily period, with the federal portion of $314,640 to be paid during construction. The amendment was necessitated by unforeseen additional legal costs and requirements under the Ontario Mortgage Housing Initiative (OMHI) component of the Affordable Housing Program. Only those projects with twelve units or fewer have the option of upfront funding. The 12-unit Walter Ostojic & Sons project on Steele Street is the only one of the four AHP-funded projects in St. Thomas and Elgin County which qualifies for the upfront funding option. The full AHP assistance has been secured on titie by the City. Meanwhile, the three other AHP projects (the Scott Street project, Caledonia Two in Dutton, and Heritage House in West Lome) are proceeding with construction and/or finalizing mortgage arrangements with OMHI. Homeownership component: Staff began receiving applications under the Homeownership Program on October 23,2007. To date, four applications have been received and approved for down payment assistance in the amount of $7,875. Funding is still available for another twenty home purchases. Of the four approved applications, home purchase prices ranged from $101,000 to a high of $143,000. Maximum home purchase price permitted under the Program is $150,000. Three of the approved home purchases were in SI. Thomas and one was in Bayham Township. Household incomes may not be higher than $55,900. 4 Corporation of City of St Thomas - Ontario Works Income Maintenance Case load Statistics Month Caseload City County Annual Case load Jan-05 878 639 239 Feb-05 903 649 254 Mar-05 905 657 248 895 Apr-05 883 652 231 May-05 837 629 208 Jun-05 823 638 185 872 Jul-05 810 637 173 Aug-05 816 626 190 Sep-05 805 618 187 851 Oct-05 800 598 202 Nov-05 814 591 223 Dec-05 853 571 282 844 Jan-06 885 611 274 Feb-06 881 606 275 Mar-06 893 617 276 886 Apr-06 857 583 274 May-06 841 572 269 Jun-06 800 536 264 860 Jul-06 788 533 255 Aug-06 788 533 255 Sep-06 787 537 250 836 Oct-06 749 514 235 Nov-06 759 523 236 Dec-06 795 552 243 819 Jan-07 829 583 246 Feb-07 863 599 264 Mar-07 892 623 269 861 Apr-07 870 608 262 May-07 874 605 269 Jun-07 848 590 258 863 Jul-07 841 577 264 Aug-07 868 591 277 Sep-07 882 610 272 863 Oct-07 882 610 272 Nov-07 925 644 281 Dec-07 939 655 284 876 876 CY Avg 12 # Months Current YTD QTR 819 YTD Avg 2006 844 YTD Avg 2005 872 YTD Avg 2004 930 YTDAvg 2003 1052 YTD Avg 2002 ~ You forwarded this message on 1/31/20083:49 PM. Attachments can contain viruses that may harm your computer. Attachments may not display correctly. Sandra Heffren From: Frank Lattanzio [frank.lattanzlo@gmall.com] Sandra Heffren Sent: Thu 1/31/2008 3:47 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: FW: Heritage Trees on Talbot Line In West Elgin Attachments: 0 C. Watters.docf34KBl Dear Ms. Heffren, Please find attached a copy of the letter sent to C. Watters requesting reconsideration of the removal of certain (total 8) notable trees along Talbot Line as part of Phase II Road Reconstruction. Further to this request the following Is a brief outline of my presentation to Council: 1. Introduction explaining a bit about the Heritage Trees Committee. (1 min.) 2. Our request for reconsideration of the removal of 8 (to follow) trees along Talbot Line (1 min.). 3. Power point Presentation (to be forwarded to you early next week) which consists of 16 sides. (3 min.) 4. Conclusion. Total presentation time will be approximately 6 minutes and then I would be open to questions. Early next week I will forward the Power Point presentation that consists of 16 sides only. Let me know If you have any questions. Thank you, Frank Lattanzio, Chair, Heritage Trees Committee. Heritage Tree Committee ST. THOMAS FIELD NATURALIST CLUB INC. P.O. Box 23009, St.Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A3 Clayton Watters, B.A. Sc., P. Eng. Director of Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Subject: Heritage Trees in the Rehabilitation Zone of Talbot Line Dear Clayton, It has come to the attention of the Elgin St. Thomas Heritage Tree Committee that as part of the second phase of the Talbot Line Rehabilitation Project, approximately seventy trees have been identified for removal within the ditch line. As the spokesman for the committee I wish to express my concern that although trees can cause visibility, drifting and shading issues, they are also a very important part of our ecological systems and natural heritage. They should only be removed judiciously and whenever possible should be preserved as part of that natural heritage. Please accept this letter as a request to reconsider the removal of some notable specimens along Talbot Line. As a foIIow up, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss this matter further and present a short list of heritage trees that are worth saving. I can be reached at the foIIowing: Telephone: 519-631-5204 EmaiI: frank.lattanzio@gmaiLcom Yours truly, Frank Lattanzio, Chairman, Elgin - St. Thomas Heritage Tree Committee. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF FEBRUARY 12. 2008 Councillor Reports - (ATTACHED) 10 Warden Sylvia Hofhuis, Chief Administrative Officer - Waste Management Seminar 12 Jim Mcintyre, Chair, Rural Initiatives Committee - Feasibility of Establishing a County Land Use Planning Function Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) 13 Manager of Road Infrastructure - Talbot Line Reconstruction - Tree Removals 16 Director of Engineering Services - Bucks Bridge Rehabilitation 18 Director of Engineering Services - Dexter Line Environmental Assessment - Phase 1 Update 25 Director of Information Technology - Revision to Policy 13.10 38 Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator - Designation of Alternate Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) 39 Director of Financial Services, Financial Analyst - Fees and Charges - Defaulted Fines 41 Financial Analyst, Director of Financial Services, Director of Engineering Services - Capital Projects Budget as of January 28, 2008 51 Director of Financial Services - 2008 Capital - Additional 2% 53 Director of Financial Services - 2008 Grant Requests Director of Financial Services - 2008 Budget Highlights - Update (this report included in Budget Binder) 6~.. , , . . . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Warden Sylvia Hofhuis and Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: January 23, 2008 SUBJECT: Waste Management Seminar CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: . To forge community partnerships . To provide innovative and collaborative quality service . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: On June 22nd, 2007 the County of Elgin, the City of St. Thomas, Municipal World and the Elgin CFDC jointly sponsored and arranged a one day symposium on sustainable solutions for Waste Management called "Trash Talkin"'. The Warden and CAO. are currently participating on the steering committee to help organize another symposium tentatively labeled "Trash Talkin' II". The purpose of this report is to seek Council's endorsement and financial commitment to participating in a sequel to the first seminar. DISCUSSION: The original symposium was rated very highly by the participants. The cross section of international, national and local speakers proved to be a winning formula for a very educational day. The steering committee is considering another symposium with a similar theme and some new guest speakers. In 2007 the County provided $2,500 towards the event which was funded through the Millrate Stabilization Reserve. In addition, some staff time was dedicated to organizing the symposium. CONCLUSION: Based on the success of the first seminar on waste management planning, the County has been approached to help sponsor and organize another event to be held in the Fall of 2008. - 2 - RECOMMENDATION: That Elgin County Council support and endorse a symposium on Waste Management in 2008 and provide $2,500 from the Millrate Stabilization Reserve as its financial contribution to the project. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ~boo",J- Chief Administrative Officer. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCil FROM: Jim Mcintyre, Chair Rural Initiatives Committee DATE: February 1, 2008 SUBJECT: Feasibility of Establishing a County land Use Planning Function CORPORATE GOAl/5) REFERENCED: . To forge community partnerships . To provide innovative and collaborative quality service . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: The following recommendation was passed at the February 1st, 2008 Rural Initiatives Committee meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That the Rural Initiatives Committee recommend to County Council that staff be directed to investigate the feasibility of establishing a County Land Use Planning function and report back to Council at the first opportunity. - Carried Unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Approved for Submission, ,~ /1(' ~"",Id )- Chief Administrative Officer cl ntyre ir Rural Initiatives Committee ,~. . ' . . . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Manager of Road Infrastructure DATE: January 8, 2007 SUBJECT: Talbot Line Reconstruction - Tree Removals CORPORATE GOALS: To build and maintain an efficient, affordable, effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth. INTRODUCTION: The Talbot Line reconstruction project is a four year, $15 million initiative that will improve 50 kilometres of Talbot Line between Talbotville and the County border with Chatham / Kent. Approximately $5.5 million of the total project cost will be utilizing Federal Gas Tax funds. In 2008, the road surface will be rehabilitated through Dutton / Dunwich, drainage facilities will be improved through West Elgin and engineering will commence through Southwold Township. As part of the 2008 work through West Elgin, numerous trees within the road allowance will be removed. The Elgin - St. Thomas Heritage Tree Committee has requested that eight (8) trees not be removed because of their historical or rarity significance. DISCUSSION: Before significant construction projects commence, staff hosts Public Information Meetings (PIM) in the affected community during the design stage to inform the local ratepayers of the proposed work and gather any local knowledge that may assist with the project. At the PIM held in West Elgin in December in the Hamlet of Eagle, staff was made aware of historically significant trees that are planned to be removed as part of the Talbot Line project. Subsequent to the public meeting, staff met with representatives of the Heritage Tree Committee at each heritage tree site proposed to be removed. Staff proposes to remove trees from the road allowance during reconstruction projects for a number of reasons to protect the roadway investment and for transportation safety purposes. The reasons are as follows: trees adjacent to high speed arterial roads present a physical hazard for motorists, they create maintenance activities, obscure sight lines, cause sub-surface damage to infrastructure, create snow drifting, obscure wildlife, deteriorate the road surface with shading and create wet and icy patches on the roadway. Trees are not permitted to be planted on County Road allowance property to eliminate these issues. When trees are removed from the County property, the tree trunks are offered to the adjacent landowner for their use. The Elgin - St. Thomas Heritage Tree Committee has identified eight (8) trees that the committee deems to be significant because of their rarity, health, age and historical importance and has requested for them to not be removed from the roadway. These trees are listed below: Survey Station Location Tree SDecies 4+360 Bur Oak 9+940 Northern Catalpa 14+280 Austrian Pine 14+300 Austrian Pine 15+980 Red Maple 16+025 Red Maple 16+300 Red Oak 16+980 American Elm Although these trees present a physical hazard for motorists, all locations are beyond the Safety Clear Zone Offset (4.0 metres) from the travelled roadway, therefore, the risk they present is reduced. These trees are within 5 to 8 metres from the edge of road and approximately 1.25 to 7.25 metres from the edge of shoulder. Staff has proposed to remove these trees for the reasons previously stated, however, Council may choose to accept those risks and allow these identified trees to remain. . CONCLUSION: Phase Two of the Talbot Line reconstruction project begins in West Elgin in 2008. As part of the proposed work a number of trees within the road allowance will be removed. The Elgin - St. Thomas Heritage Tree Committee has requested that eight (8) trees proposed to be removed remain. Although it is staff's preference to remove these trees from the right of way for various technical and safety reasons, Council may wish to assume those risks and allow these trees to remain because of their significance to the community. RECOMMENDATION: THAT all trees identified by staff within the Talbot Line road allowance that negatively impact the roadway and its use be removed. R'~ Peter Dutchak Manager, Road Infrastructure Approved for Submission c... Clayton Watters Director, Engineerin Services 4 . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters[ Director of Engineering Services DATE: January 21[ 2008 SUBJECT: Bucks Bridge Rehabilitation CORPORATE GOALS To build and maintain an efficient[ affordable[ effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth. INTRODUCTION The rehabilitation of Bucks Bridge on Ferguson Line in the Municipality of Central Elgin is included in the 2008 Capital Budget. The rehabilitation includes repairs to the deck[ new joints and barrier repairs. A public meeting will be held in order that the community can have input into the traffic disruptions that will be occurring. The meeting is scheduled for March 26[ 2008 at the County of Elgin Administration Building. DISCUSSION The County of Elgin will be hosting a public meeting to inform the community of the rehabilitation of Bucks Bridge on Ferguson Line in Central Elgin. The rehabilitation of the bridge will require the closure of the bridge for up to eight weeks. The proposed construction and safety of the workers requires the bridge to be closed. Staff will be advertising the meeting: in the local papers on two different occasions[ direct mailing to residents in the area and direct mailings to the municipalities of the upcoming meeting. Staff will be seeking from the community which is the most appropriate time to close the bridge to traffic. Since this is in the farming community[ staff must be cognisant of schedules in maintaining their income properties. Staff will be advertising the meeting: in the local papers on two different occasions[ direct mailing to residents in the area and direct mailings to the municipalities of the upcoming meeting. CONCLUSION Bucks Bridge in Central Elgin will be closed to traffic for up to eights weeks this summer to facilitate the rehabilitation of the bridge: deck rehabilitation, deck joints, concrete barriers and other ancillary items. Closing the bridge to traffic reduces the construction costs and time to complete the project. The community's input is required, so that a time for the rehabilitation of the bridge can be selected to minimize disruption to the road users and the agricultural community. The public information meeting will be held at the County Administration Building on March 26, 2008 from 7 till 9 pm. RECOMMENDATION That this report be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted Approved for mission _tJ{)JJ I- ~ Clayton D. Watters Director of Engineering Services Dona Chief Administrative Officer 4 . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: January 21, 2008 SUBJECT: Dexter Line Environmental Assessment - Phase 1 Update CORPORATE GOALS To build and maintain an efficient, affordable, effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth. INTRODUCTION The Lake Erie shoreline west of Port Bruce is eroding to the extent that Dexter Line is now getting closer to the top of the lake bank. As Council has seen the erosion along Lakeshore Line in the Municipality of Bayham, starting the process to relocate the road takes considerable time, requires extensive technical studies and involves the residents and all stakeholders in that area. Therefore, staff has started the process known as a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to find an acceptable route for Dexter Line along the north shore of Lake Erie. Staff has engaged consultants, with Council's approval, to complete relevant studies so that the County can be well prepared at the initial stages of publiC input. Staff is now at that stage were the first public meeting can be held, that meeting is scheduled for March 19,2008 at the Dexter Hall in Dexter. DISCUSSION The County of Elgin is now in a position to host the first meeting of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA). The first phase of the EA is to 'Identify the problem or the opportunity and discretionary public consultation', The identification and description of the problem or opportunity step will lead to the development of a clear understanding of the statement of the problem or opportunity, this has been completed. The second step, a discretionary public meeting, is important because this project will generate considerable public interest at the local, county and national level. It will involve consultations with local, provincial and federal governments and agencies. In preparation of the first publiC meeting for the EA staff has completed, with Council's approval, the following studies on Dexter Line west of Port Bruce: geotechnical investigation, slope stability assessment, shore line protection design and a topographical survey. These studies which are complete will form part of the environmental assessment. The Problem Statement, which has been approved by County Council, for the Class EA project helps to establish the parameters and scope for the assessment and consultation process. Based on initial project discussions and consultations and existing information, the following is the problem or opportunity statement for this EA: "The section of County Road 24 (Dexter Line) west of Port Bruce that is located near the Lake Erie shoreline (primarily Lots 1, 2 and 3, Concession 1, Township of Malahide. And Lots 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, Concession 1, Municipality of Central Elgin is subject to the natural hazards of shoreline erosion. A long term, cost effective solution is required that meet the needs of the County of Elgin and is consistent with the provisions of the Provincial Statement, 2005. The preferred solution should also be one that maintains an access road to the Port Bruce community from the west, which does not cross Catfish Creek. Preliminary studies indicate that the preferred solution will require the relocation of a portion of County Road 24 and / or shoreline protection. Road relocation will need to include provisions for local property access to the new road, and address the closure and disposition of the existing road section. Where shoreline protection is proposed consideration is required to minimize any possible adverse environmental impacts. A permanent access route will be needed to construct and maintain all erosion protection structures, pOSSibly requiring property or easement." Staff will be advertising the meeting: in the local papers on two different occasions, direct mailing to residents in the area and direct mailings to the municipalities of the upcoming meeting. CONCLUSION The project is similar to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment that was completed on Lakeshore Line, in the Municipality of Bayham for the County of Elgin. The added complication to this project is the requirement to complete the Federal Environmental Assessment. Potential solutions include work within the Lake Erie shoreline which involves the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. These two assessments while similar must be completed concurrently in order that time is not wasted completing the Ontario Municipal Class EA and then proceeding with the Canadian EA. The first public meeting will be held at the Dexter Hall in Dexter on March 19, 2008 from 7 till 9 pm. RECOMMENDATION That this report be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted MJJv4WK Clayton D. Watters Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission ;!:[~) - Chief Administrative Officer Elgin County Road 24 (Dexter Line) Relocation Project County of Elgin Class Environmental Assessment (Phase 1) PRELIMINARY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE A section of Elgin County Road 24 (Dexter Line) located In the Municipality of Central Elgin and the Township of Maiahlde, between Martyn Line and County Road 731n Port Bruce, will require relocation as a result of shoreline erosion. As the lake Erie shoreline conllnues to erode, it Is expected that a section of the existing road will become unsafe and have to be closed to traffic. Various alternatives are being considered to provide a long term solution to the problem. The Study Area for this project extends from lake Erie north to Include the section of County Road 24 between Martyn Line and County Road 73, plus alternative road alignments In an area bounded by lake Erie, County Road 36 on the west, Sparta Line to the north and County Road 73 to the east. The proposed project is being planned under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) procedure Is a planning process for projects that are recurring and usually similar in nature,limlted In scale, have a predictabie range of environmental effects and are responsive to mitigating measures. The current Phase 1 review Is Intended to Identify the scope of the problem and possibie alternatives. Public and regulatory agency input Is being requested. A PRELIMINARY PUBLIC MEETING will be heid on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19,2008, at 7:00 p.m., at DEXTER HAll,located at 44805 DEXTER LINE, Central Elgin. All local residents and any other persons with an Interest in this project are Invited to attend the Public Meeting. This Initial meeting is held to discuss the extent of the problem and possible solutions. Notice of further opportunities for public Input will be provided as the Class EA planning process proceeds. WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS are also Invited, and should be directed to John R. Spriet, P. Eng., at Sprlet Associates. Submissions should be received by FRIDAY, MARCH 28,2008 to be considered In the current phase of this project. For more information on this project, or to Inspect a copy of the Municipal Class Environmentai Assessment documentl contact Spriet Associates. John R. Sprlet, P. Eng., Project Engineer SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED 155 York Street, london, Ontario N6A 1A8 PHONE: FAX: E-MAil: 519-672-4100 519-433-9351 mall@sprlet.on.ca This NOTICE Issued February 4,2008 by the County of Elgin, proponent for the proposed project. Clayton Watters, P. Eng., Director of Engineering Services COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 PHONE: FAX: E-MAil: 519-631-1460, ext. 4 519-631-4297 cwatters@elgln-county.on.ca PROJECT INFORMATION FEBRUARY 2008 Elgin County Road 24 (Dexter Line) Relocation Project Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Phase 1) County of Elgin 1 CLASS EA PLANNING PROCESS As outlined in the ettached Public Meeting Notice, the Eigin County Road 24 (Dexter Line) Reiocation Project Is being plenned under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA). The current public consuitation program is part of Phase 1 of the Class EA process. Phase 11s Intended to identify and describe the problem that is to be addressed and outline possibie alternative soiutions to resoive the problem. As the project proceeds through the Class EA piannlng process towards a preferred solution, there wiil be furlher public notification and the opportunity to review project documentation and provide input. For the Ciass EA planning process, Elgin County is considered the 'Project Proponent'. Sprlet Associates, as Project Consultants, have been authorized by Elgin County to undertake the first phasa of the Ciass EA. 2 OVERVIEW OF THE PROBLEM The section of County Road 24 (Dexter Line) west of Pori Bruce that is iocated neer the lake Erie shoreline (primerlly lots 1 to 3, Con. 1, Township of Malahide, and lots 24 to 28, Con. 1, Munlcipaiity of Central Elgin) Is subject to the hazards of shoreline erosion. A long-term, cost-effective solution Is required that meets County of Elgin requirements and Is consistent with the Ontario Provincial Policy Statement, 2005, and other regulations. The preferred solution should also be one that provides an access road to the Pori Bruce community from the west and does not cross Catfish Creek (which Is subject to potential flooding). Preliminary studies Indicate that the preferred solution will require the relocation of a portion of County Road 24 and/or shoreline protect/on. Road relocation will need to inciude provisions for local property access to the new road, and address the closure and disposition of the existing road sect/on. Where shoreline protection Is proposed, consideration Is required to minimize any possible adverse environmental Impacts. A permanent access route will be needed to construct and maintain all erosion protection structures, possibly requiring property or easement acquisition. The Study Area for the problem Is primarily the section of County Road 24 that Is subject to shoreline erosion, plus potential alignments for a relocated road and lake Erie shoreline areas where erosion protection measures are needed to protect County Road 24. 3 ALTERNATIVES FOR CONSIDERATION The Municipal Class EA planning process Includes requirements on the type and range of alternatives that are to be considered. For example, the "Do Nothing" option requires consideration. The current preliminarv list of Alternatives Includes the following: 1A. Relocate County Road 24 and construct one shoreline groyne for road protection 1B. Relocate County Road 24 and construct a breakwall for road protection 2. Retain existing County Road 24 alignment and construct full shore protection 3. Relocate County Road 24 to an existing municipal roads (potential roads Include Martyn Line, Jamestown Line, Rush Creek Line) 4. Close County Road 24 west of Port Bruce to County Road 36 5. Do Nothing Not all of the alternatives listed are viable solutions. A subsequent phase of the Class EA will Include an evaluation of alternatives and provide a further opportunity for public consultation. SPRIET ASSOCIATES - 2008.02.04 - 2031821 F02.wpd 4 RECENT PROJECT ACTIVITIES As preparation for Ihe Class EA planning process, some lechnlcal sludles have been underlaken 10 delermlne Ihe extent and nalure of shoreline erosion, and Idenlify feasible solutions. More recenlly, It has also been determined that County Road 24 is also subject to slope stability concerns at a location just west of Port Bruce where there Is erosion from Catfish Creek. The following Is a brief outline of recent and ongoing project work. Shoreline Profection - Proposed Groyne Structure Shoreplan Engineering Limited has previouslyunderlaken an engineering review of possible shoreline erosion prolection measures. One approach being considered is conslructlon of a compact groyne slructure. A preliminary plan of a proposed groyne and related work has been submitted to the Mlnlstryof Nalural Resources for com ment. The proposed groyne slructure would be evaluated In the Class EA as pari of Allernatlve 1A. Geotechnical Assessment - Catfish Creek Slope near County Rd. 24 Golder Associates has prepared a draft reporl titled 'Geotechnical Assessment and Investigation, Catfish Creek Slope, Elgin County Road 24 (Dexter Line), County of Elgin, Ontario", dated June 15, 2007. This reporl provides an extensive geotechnical review of slope conditions along Catfish Creek for Ihe area near County Road 24. Monitoring Program - Shoreline Erosion Golder Associates, and Terraprobe L1miled, have compleled geolechnlcal reports on shoreline erosion conditions within paris of the sludy area. Golder Assoclales has also advised the County on a monitoring program for the shoreline. As pari of a monitoring program, Spriel Associates have recently completed an updated lopographic survey of Ihe shoreline 10 show the new top of bank localion since the initial shoreline survey in 2003. Relocation of Township of Malahide Watermain An existing Township of Malahide walermaln exlends along County Road 24. The Township of Malahide Waler and Waste Water Operations Manager has asked that Ihe Township be Included In the environmental assessment for County Road 24 relocation. There Is a concern that the watermaln would have 10 be relocated with the road. 5 CONSULTATION AND FUTURE STUDIES As indlcaled In the attached Public Meeting Notice, public Input Is requesled, and should be directed to eilher Ihe Counly of Elgin or Sprlet Assoclales. Wrltlen submissions can be sent by mall, fax or e-mail and will be included in the project documentation that will be available for public review during a subsequent pari of the Class EA planning process. Preliminary project information Is also being sent to regulalory agencies for com m ant. During the nexl phase of the Class EA the project alternatives will be Investigated in more detail. It is expected that a range of technlcai studies, from furlher engineering and geotechnical Investigations to an archaeological assessment and environmental Impact studywlll be required. Where needed, specific properly owners will be contacled by project consultants to obtain access 10 private properly for the purpose of obtaining study information. The information collected in these technical sludles will be made public during a future public consultation program. Any questions on project detalis should be direcled to either Clayton Wallers, Elgin County Director of Engineering Services, or John Sprlel, Project Engineer, at Sprlet Associates. SPRIET ASSOCIATES - 2008.02.04 - 2031821F02.wpd 2 rn " "U (j) ;u m ~ c -j ;0 :P 1J rn co m rn 0 0 ~ ~ 0 :ii 0 m f11 rn f} , :< '" 0 0 0 '" "11 <> OJ '" <> ,; .. 5! , '" 0 0 ~ ~ '" CO 'Y ;;: " OJ 0 '" i'2 " " 0 ::j Iii ~ OJ ~ :g ;;: Gl "U ;u 0 "U 0 rn m 0 m r !!1 Z 0 0 C z :<! ;U 0 :P 0 '" .. ;U m r 0 0 ~ 0 Z s: -0 c z ;0 0 0 ~ <- m 0 0 ); -I rn r rn ig 0 0 " ~ :r :P rn 0 m -= Z REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: AI Reitsma Director of Information Technology DATE: February 12, 2008 SUBJECT: Revision to Policy 13.10 CORPORATE GOAL/S) REFERENCED: 1. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: Policy 13.10 defines acceptable use for computer equipment, software, internet access and internet em ail. This report recommends a change to the policy to address the use of corporation wide "all users" email distribution list. DISCUSSION: The corporate email system, Microsoft Exchange, includes a system maintained distribution list, "all users", that allows a user to send an internal email to all corporate email accounts. An example of the user of the distribution list is when the Information Technology Department sends a notice of a system maintenance activity that will affect all users on the network. Recently several none work related, seemingly harmless emails have been distributed to "all users". As harmless as these emails may seem to be there is potential that, if this practice proliferates, system resources will be negatively affected. If sending em ails to "all users" becomes common practice, the email system could grind to a halt, disk space availability could be affected and negatively affect staff productivity. In order to avoid a potential problem, staff is recommending that Policy 13.10 be updated to include a clause within the "Unacceptable and inappropriate Internet and email use" section as follows: Sending emails to "all users" must receive prior authorization from a department director before being sent. CONCLUSION: Use of the "all users" distribution list has potential to affect systems operation and disk space availability if limits are not set to its use. For this reason staff is recommending a change to policy 13.10 to include a clause within the "Unacceptable and inappropriate Internet and email use" section as follows: Sending emails to "all users" must receive prior authorization from a department director before being sent. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Policy 13.10 - Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail be modified to include the following clause: Sending emails to "all users" must receive prior authorization from a department director before being sent. Within the Unacceptable and inappropriate Internet and email use section of the policy. Respectfully Submitted (J13~ AI Reitsma Director of Information Technology Approved for Submission ~O",I) Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin Section: 13 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Equipment, Software, Intemet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A I Page 1 of 10 Date Approved: July 24/01 D t L t R .. f b 12/08 --{ Oeleled: May '2/.7 a e as eVlslon: e ~-- POLICY STATEMENT AND PURPOSE The County of Elgin provides employees, elected officials, and other organizations and individuals with access to computer and network services including internet use and emaH for business purposes. Access to the Internet enables authorized users to research and obtain information relevant to County business; and to provide information to residents, potential residents, businesses and business prospects of the County of Elgin. This Policy outlines the County's expectations regarding computer usage and sets clear parameters for authorized users to ensure clarity surrounding the use of this corporate resource. Authorized users are expected to practice good judgment and to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and consideration of others, when using the County's network and services. All work undertaken shall be performed in an ethical and lawful manner, demonstrating integrity and professionalism by all users. SCOPE This policy applies to all authorized users of the County's computer and network services, including but not limited to: County employees and elected officials, (including temporary and contract employees, volunteers, students and interns) and other authorized organizations or individuals. ACCESS All authorized users have access to the County's network, including internet access and emaH. Deleted: J:\Con1mon"Human Re,OUfC\:5IHR Polky 1\lanual.[urren\ Polic\':-'IanuaIlSectioIl13 -Jnfonnation Te(h;\Ology\13.10-AcceptlbleUsc Policy fOI Computer Equipment, Softwurc,lntemetAccessandlnlcmetE- mail (Cum-nt).doc County of Elgin Section: 13 , , , , , , , , , , L Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A Date Approved: July 24101 ,,~-I Deleted: May 22107 Date Last Revision: Feb 12/08._ IPage20f10 Privacy The County of Elgin respects the privacy of employees. However, any electronic record created on a County computer or sent through the County network is considered to be the property of the County of Elgin. USAGE The primary use of the County's computer and network services is for business purposes. Limited, occasional or incidental use of the County's network for personal activities are acceptable, provided the privilege is not abused. Authorized users shall conduct email messaging in the same manner as they would other business correspondence, being mindful of the fact that email transmissions over the Internet are not secure and may be intercepted, and that email is subject to the provisions of The Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. Authorized users are responsible for all email sent from their individual user name, and should take appropriate precautions to ensure that their password is not shared with anyone, except within the terms of this policy. The following restrictions apply: . No information should be distributed on the Internet, which would not be distributed under the County's letterhead or logo. Material which is viewed, copied, downloaded or saved should be primarily related to County business. (Refer to auditing section of this policy) . Authorized users shall not install or run security programs or utilities which reveal weaknesses in the security of a system, whether internal or external to the County's network. Users shall not, in any way, attempt to access unauthorized! confidential information to which they have not been previously granted access. County of Elgin , , , , , , Acceptable Use Policy,' , Section: 13 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: , L Deleted: J:\('ommon'Jluman Re,OUfcc,IHR Policy l\lannalCurrent l'olicvl\lanuai'Section 13-lnformatiol1 Tech;lOlogy\13.IO - Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Equipment, Soflware,rntemetAccessandlmernetE- mail (Currentl.doc' For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A I Page 3 of 10 Date Approved: July 24101 ,,__ 1 Deleted: May 22107 Date Last Revision: Feb 12/08. ~ . Information which would not be distributed to members of the public such as draft reports, confidential information or information which is restricted under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy Act, etc., may not be entered on the Internet or sent by email unless it is properly protected, and its distribution has been properly authorized. . Employees must comply with copyright and licensing restrictions on any information which has been downloaded. . Any acquisition of goods or services must be in accordance with the County's Purchasing By-law. Authorized users may not offer goods or services over the Internet on the County's network for personal use, nor may they send "for sale or wanted to buy" messages on the Internet or by emaiL . Authorized users must abide by vendor license agreements. Use of applications andlor data is subject to the license agreement and may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the Vendor. . Data originating on the County network is owned by the County and may not be distributed outside the County without proper authorization from the owner or custodian of the data. Acceptable and appropriate Internet and email use includes but is not limited to: 1. Participating in professional, job-related research 2. Distributing work-related correspondence, minutes, agendas, reports, etc. 3. Communicating with staff, official bodies and vendors. 4. Responding to public inquiries. 5. Accessing job-related distance iearning opportunities. 6. Creating job-related information resources. 7. Participating in job-related list serves or mailing lists. 8. Communicating with staff, elected officials, and appropriate outside bodies such as other levels of government, businesses, County partners, citizen groups and residents. County of Elgin , , , , Acceptable Use Policy:' For Computer Equipml'nt, .~' Section: 13 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Deleted: J:\Common'Human RC5oufce,\HRPolicyl\lanuar.cUrTt'1l1 Poli,,'ManuahSection 13.lnformation Tcch;lO!q,')'\13.]0 - Acaplable Use Policy for Compulcr Eljuiplllcnt, Software, Intern.;t Ace.:-s. and Internet E- mail (Curre-ntl_doc Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Code - A I Page 4 of 10 Policy Number: 13.10 Date Approved: July 24/01 D t L t R .. F b 12/08 _1Deleled,May"/07 a e as eVISlon: e -- ,~ Unacceptable and inappropriate Internet and email use includes, but is not limited to the foJ/owing list. The only exception is in performance of work related matters as approved by Directors or their designates. 1. SendinQ emails to "all users" must receive prior authorization from a department. - - - i Formatted: Bullets and Numbering director before beinq sent. LParticipating in Internet Chat groups, or list serves that are not work related. LAccessing sites or transmitting material which violates any Canadian federal or provincial law or County by-law or directive, such as defamatory, discriminatory or obscene material, and sites or tools dedicated to computer/network hacking, or sites which in the opinion of management are inappropriate. LAccessing, displaying or storing (on the County's network) fraudulent, harassing or obscene em ail messages; or email messages, graphics or images which are offensive and conducive to a poisoned work environment. * LStoring games, game-related data, or personal web site material on any network Llnstallation and use of software and applications banned by Information Technology, including but not limited to: Kaza, Morpheus LimeWire, Donkey 2000, Bear Share, Gnutella, Nutella, iMesh, Blubster. Instant Messaging applications - AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), ICQ, NET, MSN or Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger Services. LDownloading or storing MP3 files. LSending chain letters and sending junk mail (spamming) or broadcast transmissions (I.e.) sending a single message to a large number or individual email addresses. LUsing Internet web-based email systems such as Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. from within the County's network. ~ Sending anonymous messages or accessing the Internet under another person's network identification without such person's permission. .:1.1cAllowing others who are not authorized users to access and utilize County equipment or software. J2.,.Sharing County account or passwords with any other person (including family members), except as authorized in writing by Directors. RMaking unauthorized copies of copyrighted software. It is the responsibility of individual departments to ensure they obtain the appropriate software licensing and the responsibility of authorized users to obtain appropriate licensing for home units. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy,' , , L Deleted: J:'.COnlmon'Hum:m " Re,ollrce,\IIR Policy l\fanualCurrenl I Polin' Manuai'S~diol1 13 - Inforrnntioll " Tec11;lology\13,IO-AcccplableU,e I Polley for Computer Equipment, Software, fntemd Access and lnltmel E- mnil(Curwnt).doc Section: 13 For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A Date Approved: July 24/01 D t L t R .. F b 12/08, ,1 Deleted: May 22107 a e as eVISlon: e _,' I Page 5 of 10 ~ Changing the configuration of County computers through the use of unauthorized' - - - i Fo,matted: Bullets and Numbering boot disks, circumventing County computer security measures, attempting to gain access to a County system for which proper authorization has not been given or probing the security at any computer site, internal or external to the County. ~Authorized users not logging off their computers at the end of each day or when leaving the workplace for any extended period. . Inadvertently accessing an inappropriate site or receiving an email with an unacceptable attachment, will not be considered a violation of this policy. Printing, saving or forwarding inappropriate material (except as properly authorized) shall be considered a violation of this policy. DEFINITIONS Access: gaining entry to a network provided by the County to its employees and other authorized users, on or outside County premises, including telework situations and where employees or authorized users are using the network for business purposes or for personal use in accordance with the provisions of this policy on their own time. Authorized Users: Persons using a computer or computer account in order to perform work in support of County business. Boot disks: Diskettes used to load a computer's operating system, or "boot up" the computer. Data: Any formalized representation of facts, concepts or instructions suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by a person or by automatic means. Instant Messaging: an internet communications service used to send and deliver messages and content immediately. To use the service, users must be iogged on to the server that hosts the instant messaging service, e.g. private chat room Internet: The internet is a world-wide collection of networks which is linked through a common communications protocol and which collection of networks is used as a common basis for communications for all types of applications. Use of the Internet specifically includes access to the World Wide Web (INWW). Deleted: J:',Common'Hurnan Resl1urcdHR Policy jl,laJlu~l Current Policyjl,lanual\Sectioll 1}.!nfoTll1atioll Te,;:hnoJogy\13.10 - Acn'ptable Use Policy forCOlllpllterE(]uipmcnt, SClftware,lntemetAcces,andlntemetE- mail (Currcnt).doc Human Resources Policy Manual Section: 13 ' , , , Subject: Acceptable Use Policy " For Computer Equipme'nt, , , L County of Elgin Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A Date Approved: July 24/01 D t L t R .. F b 12/08. ..{ Deleled: May..I07 a e as eVISlon: e ~ " IPage60f10 List serves: An automated mailing list distribution system that allows users to add or delete themselves from mailing lists without human intervention. Network: computers and computer systems which can communicate with each other and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, inciuding the internet, networks internal to an institution, as well as closed networks external to an institution. Telework: Work involving paid staff, undertaken away from the normal place of work, often known as working from home or telecommuting. Vendor License Agreement: Contract or other document delineating the terms of the software or data use arrangements with the seller/manufacturer. RELEVANT LEGISLATION: The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: The Purchasing By-law of the County of Elgin The Ontario Human Rights Code The Copyright Act The Criminal Code of Canada ADMINISTRATION: This policy is administered by the Information Technology Department AUDITING: All Authorized Users should be aware that the County's network creates records of every Internet site visited and every message sent by email. If abuse of the County's system, or contravention of this policy is suspected, Directors or their designates may request an audit of the Authorized user's operation of the system. COMPLIANCE: Failure to comply with this policy may result in appropriate discipline measures up to and including dismissal. CONTACT: For more information or procedures, contact Information Technology Department. Deleted: J:\Common'.HlIIl1an " ReSOUf(<,5\HR Policy ;I.{~nllalr1Jrre1l1 / Poljcy 1\lanuahSedioll 13 - Infonnarioll / Tech~ology\13.]Q ~ Acceptable Use I Polky for Computa Equipment, / Software, Internet Access and Internet E- I mm(Currenl).doc , L County of Elgin Section: 13 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Code - A Policy Number: 13.10 Date Approved: July 24/01 I Page 7 of 10 __ ....-{ Deleted: May 22107 Date Last Revision: Feb 12/0a ~ ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION RETENTION POLICY Policy Scope This policy governs the retention of electronic communications within the County of Elgin. For the purposes of this policy, electronic communications includes electronic mail, text messaging and voice mail which are defined as follows: Electronic mail: The transmission of typed messages andlor attached documents of unlimited length over an electronic telecommunications network that can be read and replied to using either a personal computer or hand-held device. Text messaging: The transmission of short, textual messages over a telecommunications network that can be read and replied to using a portable phone, pager, personal digital assistant, or other handheld device. Voice mail: The transmission of verbal messages sent over a telecommunications network stored in a private recording medium wherein the called party can later retrieve the messages. General Principles It is generally recognized that most electronic communications are temporary in nature and can be routinely discarded. However, on occasion these communications may also take on the properties of a record, thereby requiring active management under the County's records retention by-law. For the purposes of this policy, a record can be defined as recorded communications made or received in connection with official County business that are retained because they contain evidence which has a direct bearing upon the outcome of that business. The overlying principle in this policy is that decisions regarding retention of electronic communications and the extent to which they constitute a corporate record are at the discretion of the end-user. The end-user must assess if the communication's content affects the County's corporate interests and must decide if on-going retention is required to protect those interests. County of Elgin Section: 13 Deleted: J:\C'Onlrnon\.Humrm / Re;;ourct"s'lIR Policy :\1;mual'C'uTT.:1l1 I Polic\':\Ianual\$ec\ion 13 -Infonnalion / Tcch~o]o!,'y\13, 10 - Acceptable Use t Policy for('olllpul~rEquiplllent, , Software', Intern~IAccessand InltmetE- / mail (Clirr~nt).doc , L Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A Date Approved: July 24101 I Page 80f10 "f -1 Deleted: May 22/07 Date Last Revision: Feb 12/08. ~ A further principle of this policy is that electronic communications are not a record series of their own. Retention is determined by the content of the communication, not the format. For instance, an electronic communication pertaining to the outcome of a tender application should be retained and filed in the appropriate file folder for tender applications along with other records if the end-user determines that the communication has a binding impact on the outcome of the tender and if it could impact the corporation's interests in that tender. Methods of Retention Electronic communications, particularly electronic mail systems, are not storage mechanisms on their own. Back-up tapes produced by Information Technology are for disaster recovery purpose only and should not be viewed as a method of retention. "In- boxes" and "sent messages" folders are also not formal methods of retention and may be subject to culling upon notice by the Director of Information Technology. To ensure an electronic communication is retained, it must be filed. The following procedures are recommended for those electronic communications that require on-going retention: 1. For electronic mail, users are encouraged to create a permanent file folder within Outlook in which both sent messages and any in-bound messages of corporate interest can be filed. One simple approach is to establish a permanent folder each year within the "Cabinet" section of Outlook. This folder could be called "Permanent2006". It is recommended that a new file folder be created each year for future retrieval and retention review purposes. Alternatively, users can also establish a permanent folder within "Cabinet" that corresponds to a specific file code under the County's records retention policy. This should also be established on an annual basis. Using the example of tender applications, all messages pertaining to this subject which need to be retained can be filed in a folder called "F18-2006". County of Elgin Section: 13 Deleted: J:',Common\HI11l1un " Rc,ourC6'.HR Policy l\fulluulCurre1l1 I Polic".\lanual'Section J3-]nfoIIllatioll " Tcch~o]ogy\13,]Q - Accqllable U;c I Policy for Computer Equipnlcnt, " So~t\y~C, Internet Acees,; and Inkmct E- ! mall (CuITcnt).doc , '. Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Policy Number: 13.10 Code - A Date Approved: July 24/01 ~ --1 Deleted: May 22107 Date Last Revision: Feb 12/0a ~ I Page 9 of 10 2. Electronic mail messages can be transferred to Laserfiche (the County's electronic document management system) using the software's "snapshot" feature. The message can then be added to the appropriate electronic folder along with all other relevant documentation. This approach has the added benefit of immediately linking the content of messages with all other types of documentation in a manner that is much easier to search and that still has legal standing as evidence. The original message in Outlook can then be deleted given that Laserfiche preserves the "meta-data" behind that message for legal admissibility. Further guidance on how to use this feature can be obtained from the County's Information Technology Department. 3. Electronic communications can be printed and filed in the appropriate paper- based folder. In such cases, the electronic communication should also be maintained using one of the above methods in order to preserve meta-data for legal reasons. It is also possible to convert important voice mails and text messages into a permanent folder within Outlook and ultimately Laserfiche. Staff within Information Technology can provide further guidance on how to utilize this feature. Responsibility for Retention The sender of the electronic communication is responsible for ensuring proper retention of messages sent intra-County. All other copies are duplicates and may be deleted. Communications from outside of the County are the responsibility of the recipient. Previous responses to the same message should be deleted as further communications take place. Users should avoid retaining each stage of a forwarded message or response. Only the latest communication should be retained as long as it contains the message history. County of Elgin Section: 13 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Acceptable Use Policy,' , , L Deleted: J;\Con1mon\Human " ReS~1Ufo;e;'.HR Policy l\!allualCurrenl / Po]ity,\ianuai'Sectiolll3 -Infonnation / Tt;;;hnology\13.]Q. Acceptable {he I l'olicyforComputerEquipmwl, Soflware,InternetAccessandlntemetE. mill (Current).doc For Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail Code - A Policy Number: 13.10 Date Approved: July 24/01 Date Last Revision: Feb 12/0a ~. / -{ Deleted: May 22107 I Page 10 of 10 Electronic Mail Attachments Attachments should be retained or disposed of according to the content of the attachment itself, not the e-mail which transmits the attachment. Thus, attachments should be retained if they constitute a document which the recipient or the sender would ordinarily retain in the course of the County's business under the County's records retention policy. Electronic Communications as County Property Electronic communications sent or received on County equipment are the property of the County of Elgin and may be subject to inspection and review under the County's "Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail". This policy applies to the communications of current and former employees. Deleted: J:\C'ommon'Jluman ResourccslHR Policy :>.Ianua]'('urren\ PoljC\';\lanua]\Seclion13 -Infonnation Tcch;\o]og.yI13,IO-AcceptableUse PDlicyforComputerEquipment, Soft\yure, InlemN Access and Internet E- mail (C'urrent)_doc , , , , , , , , , L' HARLEY J. UNDERHILL Director of Human Resources 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ON N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7785 EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have received, read and understood the preceding Acceptable use Policy for Computer Equipment, Software, Internet Access and Internet E-mail for the Corporation of the County of Elgin (Human Resources Policy 13.10). Employee Name (please print) Department (please print) Signature of Employee Date , , , , , , , , , , L Deleted: J:\.colllmonIHunwn Re<;ources'HR Polk)' I\laJmalrurrent Policyi\Ianual\SCdioIl13 -Infonnulioll Technology\13.IO-Acceplab1eUs.: Policy for Computer Equipment, Software,lntemetAccessandfnternetE- mai}{Currenl).doc REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Larysa Andrusiak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator DATE: January 31,2008 SUBJECT: Designation of Alternate Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) CORPORATE GOAL/S) REFERENCED: To provide innovative and collaborative quality service To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: This report is a request to Council to designate the Director of Engineering as the Alternate Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) to increase the county's preparedness and resilience in Emergency Management. DISCUSSION I CONCLUSION: Currently, the County Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Notification Appendix, designates the CAO is the Alternate for the CEMC and vice versa. In an effort to broaden the base of trained individuals who can act in various capacities, it is proposed that the Director of Engineering receive the training required of a CEMC and to act in the capacity of Alternate CEMC. To receive CEMC training from Emergency Management Ontario one must be designated by the governing body as a CEMC or Alternate CEMC. RECOMMENDATION: That Council designate the Director of Engineering Services, as Alternate CEMC to allow him to obtain the required training with the goal of increasing the County's preparedness and resilience in Emergency Management. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission h",I~J Chief Administrative Officer cX~c- ~~co{<",~ Larysa ndruslak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger, Director of Financial Services Jennifer Ford, Financial Analyst DATE: January 28, 2008 SUBJECT: Fees and Charges - Defaulted Fines CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: The County is responsible for collecting defaulted fines and has utilized different methods such as direct collections efforts by a County employee, a collection agency, and more recently a collections agreement with another municipality. Up to the present, the Municipalities, through their share of net revenues, have absorbed the cost of collecting without transferring any on to the defendant. DISCUSSION: Under the Provincial Offences Act once a ticket has moved into default, usually ninety (91) days, responsibility for collecting the fines moves away from the Court and becomes the responsibility of the County. The County is free from the constraints placed on the Court by the Ministry. As such, the County has the opportunity to add the cost of collections to the amount of the delinquent ticket. Section 391 (1) of the Municipal Act states "Without limiting sections 9, 10 and 11, those sections authorize a municipality to impose fees or charges on persons, (a) for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it;". The City of Ottawa has collected fees on top of delinquent fines for several years and has, in fact, been audited by the Ministry of the Attorney General. The Ministry did not have issue with this practice. The County is moving into an agreement with the Region of Durham and this may be an opportune time to consider collecting a fee on top of the fine amount. Council has already agreed to add the collection agency commission to the fine amount. Staff suggests that a percentage fee of 25% would be a reasonable charge to add to the amount owed by the defendant. See below for some examples of the fee: Fine Amount Collection County of Elgin Total to be Agency Fee Fee Collected $100 $16.90 $25.00 $141.90 $500 $84.50 $125.00 $709.50 $2,000 $338.00 $500.00 $2,838.00 By passing along costs, the responsibility passes from the taxpayers of the County to the defendants. CONCLUSION: The cost of collecting delinquent fines is now borne by the municipalities, and therefore the taxpayers, where the offences occurred. The Region of Durham has the processes to add and track additional fees that could be added to the amount owing on delinquent fines. Although permission is not required from the Ministry of the Attorney General, staff will advise them of Council's decision. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the cost of collecting delinquent fines be charged back to the defendant as a percentage of the fine; and, THAT the Fees and Charges By-Law be updated to include this fee; and, THAT staff report back to Council on the appropriateness of percentage selected; and, THAT the Ministry of the Attorney General be advised of the new charges. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ~~v~v Linda B. Veger ' Director of Financial Services rk G. McDonald Chie . . ra Ive Officer 6\!!;< , , , . . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jennifer Ford, Financial Analyst Linda Veger, Director of Financial Services Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: January 31, 200S SUBJECT: Capital Projects Budget as of January 2S, 200S CORPORATE GOAL REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability INTRODUCTION: In October 2007, the approved capital projects budget stood at $24,024,763 with a remaining project budget of $5,702,147. This report serves to further update Council on the status of capital projects to January 2S, 200S. Appendices A, B and C have been included for Council's information. DISCUSSION: Appendix A: This report outlines for Council the projects and their progress as of January 2S, 200S. Funding from government programs continues to be applied to their respective project budgets as payments are received. Budget Update: Project Budaet $ 24,024,763 Remaining Project Budget $ 5,702,146 Balance Forward - October 2007: Additional Funding Received since October 2007: JEPP Funding Hoidback 2006 Federal Gas Tax Revenue 2007 Rent - White Street Station 2,765 628,030 5,927 Total Projects 24,661,485 3,619,064 Appendix B: These projects have been taken from Appendix A and are listed as suggested projects for closure. All projects are 100% complete with no outstanding invoices and a brief explanation has been provided for variances over $10,000 to the original estimated budget. The surplus from the proposed closed projects amounts to $303,940 once the capital shortfall for 2007 has been covered. Appendix C: The projects listed in this report will be carried forward into 2008 and included in addition to the balance of the 2008 capital projects budget which has yet to be approved by Council. Some projects in this category are nearing completion but have outstanding hold backs and invoices to be paid and therefore cannot be closed at the time of this report. CONCLUSION: Staff recommend that projects listed in Appendix B be closed and that the remaining surplus of $303,940 be maintained in project 9000-07 Capital Surplus - 2007. Staff will bring forward a report with recommendations on the use of these surplus capital funds. RECOMMENDATION: THAT projects in Appendix B be closed and the surplus of $303,940 be added to project 9000-07 - Capital Surplus - 2007; and, THAT staff bring forth a report recommending the use of the surplus funds; and, THAT the report titled Capital Projects Budget as of January 28, 2008 and dated January 31,2008 be received and filed: Respectfully Submitted i1~~ J nmfe ord Financial Analyst ~~A~(J,(/v Linda Veger (J Director of Financial Services Approved for Submission ~c,DO",ld ) Chief Administrative Officer -------- ihrJch~, ' Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services .... f ,- " .5 .c ...... E " G> ,G> 0:: 2 D.. .s ~ III ~I 0 u co " '0 <( Gi "C " !ll .... " G> 2 D.. J!l t.l CIl '0' .. 0. z- _Jll C> '5. ...J8 W-c CIl u..~:g..... o a~ Cl 0.000. > <("" l- ::: ~<( Z g ~,~ _ ::l <:-c _ o.!ll c OU15[ O = III 0. <(q;<( CJ) (!) 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Veger, Director of Financial Services DATE: January 29, 2008 SUBJECT: 2008 Capital - Additional 2% CORPORATE GOAL'S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTIONIDISCUSSION: At the January 22, 2008 County Council meeting staff was directed to determine additional capital projects that could be completed if the proposed budget for capital was increased by approximately 2% - $123,000. Engineering staff suggest that the funds be directed to roads requiring thin cold mix overlay. The current cost is roughly $15,000 per kilometre. The $123,000 would equate to seven kilometres. The recommended project is: Road 8 - Currie Road (Aberdeen to Thames River) 6.72 km $126,000 If Council were to approve additional dollars over and above the 2%, the projects recommended are - thin cold mix overlay: Road 16 - Fingal Line (Fingal to St. Thomas) 9.7 km Road 9 - Duff Line (Currie Road to 14) 9.0 km for a grand total of $478,000 to complete the above three projects. $182,000 $170,000 If Council were to approve $500,000, the above three projects would be replaced with resurfacing Calton Line (Road #45) between Plank Road (Road #19) and the Elgin/Norfolk townline (Road #55). CONCLUSION: An increase of 2% to the capital budget would allow for an additional seven kilometres of thin cold mix overlay. Staff has also suggested projects with values greater than 2% for Council's consideration. RECOMMENDATION: As determined by Council. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Mark McDonald Chief Admin' (~J'J~~J Linda B, Veger Director of Financial Services cer COUNTY OF ELGIN GRANTS 2008 Budget 1 Shedden Agricultural Society 2 Wallacetown Agricultural Society 3 Rodney-Aldborough Agricultural Society 4 Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 5 Elgin 4-H Association 6 Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre 7 Quad County Support Services 8 Seniors Picnic 9 SI. Thomas - Elgin Art Gallery 10 Non-specific 11 Town Crier 12 Second Stage Housing 13 YWCA of SI. Thomas 14 Elgin Community Nutrition Partnership 15 Elgin County Plowmen's Association 16 Med Quest Pilot Project 17 SI. Thomas Elgin General Hosp. Foundation 18 Thames Valley Children's Centre 19 Dutton Medical Centre 20 Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital 21 Plowmen's Association 22 Ontario 911 Advisory Board 23 Make-A-Wish Southwestern Ontario 24 Dutton/Dunwich Chamber of Commerce 25 Balaclava School Total 2007 Grants 4,500 4,500 4,500 7,500 2,000 4,500 2,000 2,500 10,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 10,000 33,000 142,000 2008 Grants 4,500 4,500 4,500 7,500 2,000 9,717 2,000 2,500 20,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 200 3,500 25,000 25,000 each year 07 and 08 250,000/year 2009 - 2012 - deferred 10,000 10,000 each year for three years 11,450 $1,144,962 over 10years. 67,000 set up as a loan to be recouped 100 Council - September 11, 2007 No amount specified - mail out No amount specified - Earth Week Festival 2,500 Publication 136,967 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger, Director of Financial Services DATE: February 4, 2008 2008 Budget Highlights - Update SUBJECT: CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION/DISCUSSION Attached is the updated 2008 proposed budget. The changes from the last budget received by Council are as follows: Line 10 - Homes for Seniors Services - reduction of 236,187. The Homes Directors carefully reviewed and reduced where possible. The benefit lines include a small increase and will be very close or may be slightly over budget by year end. Line 19 - Ambulance Services - the increase in staffing in St. Thomas, if approved in the budget, will not be realized until later in the year. The annual increase of 260,000 has been reduced by approximately one half. Line 23 - Grants - reduced 244,533 - The Hospital request of $1 million over four years could be deferred until 2009. This ties in with the recommendation to City of St. Thomas Council. The 2008 advance to the International Plowing Match committee (67,000) has been set up as a repayable loan and not a grant. Line 31 - Reserve for Terrace Lodge - increased by 100,000. To date, the County has very little set aside for this large project. Line 31 - Reserve for OMPF - reduced to -0-. The Province has not indicated whether or not it will continue with plans to reduce the OMPF. Line 31 - Reserve for International Plowing Match - 125,000 - as agreed by Council, 250,000 is to be directed to the plowing match. The second 125,000 will be included in the 2009 budget. These changes have reduced the proposed budget increase to 4.75%. As an example, a residential property assessed at $175,000 would see an increase in County taxes as follows: $175,000 X 2007 tax rate of .558016% $175,000 X 2008 estimated tax rate of .578150 Increase in County taxes $ 976,53 1,011.76 $ 35.23 CONCLUSION: The attached budget reflects changes since the January 16, 2008 draft. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled 2008 Proposed Budget Highlights - Update and dated February 4, 2008 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission '.! . ,/ /]~/~ .A.bI5Je-v Linda B. Veger v Director of Financial Services Ma . McDonald Chief Admin Ive Officer CORRESPONDENCE - FEBRUARY 12. 2008 Items for Consideration 1. Janet Beckett, City Clerk, City of Port Colborne, with a resolution supporting the findings of the 2007 FCM-McGiII Municipal Infrastructure Survey and petitioning the Federal and Provincial Governments to establish a national plan to eliminate the municipal infrastructure deficit. (ATTACHED) 2. Ginette Bertrand, Clerk, Corporation of the Township of Russell, with a resolution petitioning the Provincial Government to consider amending the forrnula used to calculate a municipality's debt capacity by excluding debts for public utilities. (ATTACHED) 3. Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, City of Waterloo, with a resolution supporting the CBC Broadcasting Corporation's request for federal funding to establish new regional CBC radio stations to provide local sustainable broadcasting of regional programming. (ATTACHED) 4. Hon. M. Aileen Carroll, Minister of Culture, with information concerning funding from the Government of Ontario's Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative for renewal of public infrastructure, including cultural infrastructure projects, in communities throughout Ontario. (ATTACHED) 5. Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator, City of Ottawa, with a resolution petitioning the provincial government for the authority to create a hotel room tax such that some of the municipal costs created by the tourism and hotel industries can be recouped. (ATTACHED) I ~.' .. Cd - .. PaR. T COlllOR.NE CITY OF PORT COLBORNE 66 CHARLOTTE STREET PORT COLBORNE, ON L3K 3C8 January 14t\ 2008. Municipalities of Ontario Dear Councils: City of Port Colborne Resolution Re FCM Report "Danaer Ahead the Loomina Collapse of Canada's Municipallnfrastructure" At its meeting of December 10th, 2007, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Port Colbome resolved as follows: "WHEREAS the 2007 FCM-McGiII Municipal Infrastructure Survey has estimated a $123.6 billion infrastructure deficit in 2007; AND WHEREAS Canada=s future prosperity, economic development, international competitiveness and overall quality of life is at stake if this infrastructure deficit remains unaddressed; AND WHEREAS governments need to acknowledge this looming crisis and to act immediately to address the problem by providing long-term financing based on established priorities for both the upgrade of existing infrastructure and the building of new infrastructure and through the development and implementation of new technologies, best practices and effective management; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the Council of the City of Port Colborne supports the findings of the 2007 FCM-McGill Municipal Infrastructure Survey and hereby petitions the Federal and Provincial Governments to establish a national plan to eliminate the municipal infrastructure deficit through the provision of equitable long-term funding strategies, to prepare the groundwork for effective management in the future and to undertake a comprehensive, national study, involving all three orders of government, to determine the size, scope and geographic characteristics of the municipal infrastructure deficit; AND FURTHER, that the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, John Maloney, M.P., P. Kormos M.P.P. and FCM be so advised and this resolution be distributed through AMO to all municipalities in Ontario for support. The above noted resolution is being circulated to all municipalities in Ontario and your favourable consideration of Council's request for support would be greatly appreciated. Janet Beckett City Clerk. City of Port Colborne Telephone: (905) 835-2900 Email: ianbeckett@citv.portcolbome.on.ca Fax: (905) 834-5746 I CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RUSSELL CORPORATION DU CANTON DE RUSSELL Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council - Janumy 21, 2008 Reunion ordinaire du conseil municipal - Ie 21 janvier 2008 ResolutionIResolution #10-2008 Moved bylPl'Opose par: Seconded by! Appnye par: Jamie Laurin LOlmine Oicaire Whereas Ontario municipalities are subject to a borrowing capacity based on 25% of their previous year taxation revenues; And Whereas the calculation of the debt capacity includes debts for public utilities such as watelworks and sanitary sewer; And Whereas the public utilities debts are reimbursed through user fees, which have no impact on the operation of a municipality's general fund; Therefore be it resolved that the Township of Russell hereby petitions the Provincial Government to consider amending the formula used to calculate a municipality's debt capacity by excluding debts for public utilities in order to allow a municipality to increase the financing of capital projects such as roads, bridges and other municipal infi'astmctures which are reimbursed through property taxes; and Be it also resolved that a request for support be forwarded to every municipality in Ontario and that they forward their suppOli to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Finance Minister, AFMO, AMO, OGRA and to the Township of Russell. CARRIED AS AMENDED I, Ginette Bertrand, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Russell, do hereby celiity that the above is a true copy of resolution 10-2008, which was adopted by the Council ofthe Corporation of the Township of Russell on the 21 sl day of January, 2008. Attendu que des municipalites ontariennes sont sujettes a une capacite de dette basee sur 25% des revenues de taxation de I' annee pnlcedente; Et attendu que Ie calcul des capacites de dette comprend les dettes pour les utilites publiques, telles que I' aqueduc et les egouts; Et attendu que les dettes d 'utilites sont remboursees a travers les fi'ais d'usagers qui n'ont aucun impact sur les operations du fonds general d'une municipalite; Qu'il soit resolu que la municipalite de Russell demande au gouvemement provincial de considerer apporter un amendement a la formule utilisee pour Ie calcul de la capacite de dettes pour une municipalite afin d'exclure les dettes des utilites publiques afin de pelmettre a une municipalite d'augmenter Ie financement des projets capitaux de chemins, ponts et autres infi'astmctures municipales dont Ie remboursement provient des taxes foncieres; et Qu'il soit resolu qu'une demande de support soit acheminee a toutes les municipalites ontariennes et que ledit support de chacune des municipalites soit achemine au Ministre des Affaires municipales, au Ministre des Finances, a I' AFMO, a I' AMO, a OGRA ainsi qu'a la municipalite de Russell, tel que recommande. APPUYE DANS SA FORME MODIFIEE J e, Ginette Bertrand, secretaire municipale de la corporation de canton de Russell, certifie que la presente est une copie conforme de la resolution 10-2008 qui a ete adoptee par Ie conseil de la municipalite de Russell Ie 21 janvier 2008. Tel.: 613 443-3066 717, rue Notre-Dame Street, Embrun ON KOA I WI www.rllssell.ca FAX: 613 443-1042 THE CITY OF I~ -=1 Waterloo RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WATERLOO January 14, 2008 RE: Canadian Broadcastina Corporation "WHEREAS the Federal Heritage Committee noted that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ("CBC") needs to do more in the area of local programming; AND WHEREAS the CBC is seeking increased federal funding to establish thirteen new regional CBC radio stations; AND WHEREAS Waterloo Region is one of the recommended designated areas; AND WHEREAS these Regional radio stations would be part of the CBC Radio One Network providing local morning and late afternoon programming created and broadcast locally; the remainder of the programming would be nationally produced and broadcast; AND WHEREAS a Waterloo Region CBC radio station would provide local broadcast morning and afternoon programs to tell local stories, focus on public affairs and inform debate on local issues to national and international media providing access to the country and the world. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo is supportive of a Waterloo Region CBC radio station which recognizes the Region as one of the fastest growing areas, with its own cultural, economic and educational identity, which as an under serviced area, should have increased access to local public broadcasting services providing distinct coverage of local and regional news, culture and public affairs; AND FURTHER that Waterloo City Council call on the Federal Government and Heritage Minister to include sustainable funding to ensure this service can be provided for the Region of Waterloo and other regional radio stations; AND FURTHER that this resolution be circulated to the Region of Waterloo Members of Parliament, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Heritage, the Chair of the CBC, the President of the CBC, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. AND THAT municipalities consider a motion in support of this initiative." For further information, please contact Susan Greatrix, City Clerk The Corporation of the City of Waterloo 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8 Telephone: 519-747-8705 Fax: 519-747-8510 E-mail: sqreatrlx(a)city.waterloo.on.ca Ministry of Culture Minister Mlnistere de la Culture ~~~ =-,,~ ".Em:!Ili:P" Ontario MinlsUe 5th Floor, Mowat Block 900 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 1L2 Tel: (416) 325.1660 Fax: (416) 325.1726 5e etage, edifice Mowat 900. rue Bay . Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1 L2 Tel: (416)325.1660 Telec: (416) 325.1726 JAN 3 0 2008 Dear Culture Partner: I am writing with information that I hope you will share with your membership. I would like to encourage community culture partners to work with their municipal council to discuss current cultural infrastructure projects so that council may consider applying for funding from the Government of Ontario's Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative. This initiative was announced last week by my colleague, the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal. This exciting initiative is a $300 million, one-time grant program that plays a large role in our government's plan to renew public infrastructure in communities throughout Ontario. The program aims to support as many local infrastructure projects as possible, including cultural infrastructure projects. Eligible projects must be construction-ready, meaning that all required studies and approval processes (such as environmental assessments) have been, or will soon be, completed to allow the project to proceed to tendering and construction. Please note that funding applications for this competitive process must be submitted to Infrastructure Ontario by February 15, 2008, and successful applicants will be announced no later than March 31. Everything you need to know about the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative, as well as details about the application process, is available online at www.infrastructureontario.ca. I hope that that you find this information helpful. Please accept my best wishes for a successful 2008. Yours truly, vp';/ // /) ';;::f {/~1. l aM61.f!( M. Aileen Carroll Minister ~ FeM 6"."'."'0 1/24/2008 12:39:59 PM PAGE 001/001 Fax Server (6ttawa Please Distribute to All Members of Council The Council of the City of Ottawa, at its meeting of 7 December 2007, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS the toul'ism and hotel industry Cl'eate new economic activity fOl' the city of Ottawa which is appreciated but at the same time creates new infl'astructm'e and servicing for the City of Ottawa; WHEREAS this incl'eased economic activity does not genel'ate much in the way of new income to the city because the PST, GST and corporate taxes which result fl'om tourism and hotel activity are not available to the city; the only tax that is available to the city is the property tax, BE IT RESOLVED the council petition the pmvincial govel'llment for the authol'ity to create a hotel mom tax such that some of the municipal costs created by the tourism and hotel industl'ies can be l'ecouped; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this petition be forwarded to the FCM and the AMO for distribution to theiI' membel's, City of Ottawa 110 Laurier Avenue Ottawa, ON KIP HI Attention: Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator Telephone: 613-580-2424, Ex!. 21837 Facshnile:613-580-9609 E-mail: dawn.whelan@ottawa.ca CORRESPONDENCE - FEBRUARY 12. 2008 Items for Information (Consent Aaenda) 1. Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin, endorsing the County of Elgin's resolution to maintain the Elgin County Court House as a functioning Court facility at it present location. (ATTACHED) 2. AMO Member Communication ALERT: 1) "AMO Supports FCM's Call for Intergovernmental Action on Housing and Homelessness" 2) "AMO's Pre-Budget Submission Seeks Continued Transformation of Fiscal Arrangements". (ATTACHED) AMO Member Communication FYI: 1) "AMO's Response to a Commentary in Recent Edition of the Financial Post". (ATTACHED) The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive, 1st Floof,St. Thomas,Ontario NSR SVl P:519.631.4860 F: 519.631.4036 m~__",~_""_",._",_"""""~",,,_~~,,~".W~__^M~_~'_'_"""'_''''''''~~~V_w~~~~_~,""^~'_'~'_'"'_"""'~'''_'''~'.''''''~~"__~"~__"""'''_'''''""''~,_"""""__"'_~_,~~"~~~,_~_w~,,~~."'~""'~,,_~,,~__~w._""'_~~...,, January 17th, 2008 Sylvia Hofhuis Warden County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive Sl. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 ~;(Nk~ n"i;, Dear Warden Hofhuis: Re: Elgin County Court House Please be advised that Council discussed your correspondence with respect to the above noted matter at their meeting dated Monday, January 14th, 2008 and the following resolution was passed: THAT: Correspondence received from The County of Elgin seeking support for their resolution to maintain the Elgin County Court House as a functioning Court facility in its present location be endorsed. CARRIED. If you have any questions or comments on this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me at the municipal office. Yours truly, ~y~ Dianne Wilson Deputy Clerk c.c. Ontario Realty Corporation Constituent Municipalities City of Sl. Thomas Bob de la Penotiere 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-98561 Fax: (416) 971-6191 E.mail: amo@amo.on.ca Assodalion of Munh:ipillitll"5 of Onl.1rlo MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT NO: OB/002 To the attention of the Clerk and Council January 23, 2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Petra Wolfbeiss, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9856 ext 329 AMO Supports FCM's Call for Intergovernmental Action on Housing and Homelessness I- ~ ~ W --J <( Toronto, Ontario, January 23, 2008 - The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) supports the position of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) that a national policy and funding framework is required to address chronic homelessness and the need for affordable housing in our communities. The FCM released its National Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness in Vancouver today which calls for greater federal funding to address Canada's affordable housing shortage and eliminate chronic homeless ness, "The Federal Government must put an end to the chronic uncertainty around affordable housing in this country and playa strong leadership role by committing to a long-term strategy working with provinces and municipalities as well as the community sector," said FCM President, Gord Steeves. "Ontario municipalities are struggling to manage housing services that were downloaded to municipalities in the 1990s, and declining federal investments in housing and homelessness programs is one of the most significant financial risks that Ontario's municipalities face today," said Doug Reycraft, President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. "Engaging the federal government in a national housing strategy is a priority for municipal governments in every part of Ontario." More than 100,000 people who need housing in Ontario sit on waiting lists - some for as long as twelve years. Addressing affordable housing and homelessness is a core component of poverty reduction and is directly related to positive health and education outcomes as well as vibrant and economically strong communities. In addition to the social costs of homelessness, the lack of affordable housing will continue to result in high costs in emergency and institutional response systems, including paramedic and police services, hospital and shelter expenses, criminal justice costs, and rehabilitation services. "The lack of a comprehensive, sustained strategy to address the pressures of affordable housing and chronic homelessness is an economic issue with consequences for every order of government," said Reycraft. "The commitment and cooperation of federal, provincial and municipal orders of government, is needed immediately to find solutions and help Canadians in need." This infonnation is available in the Policy Issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of Ahi. 1 M1 Municipalities of Ontario ' 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 [ Fax: (416) 971-6191 E.mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT NO: 08/003 To the attention of the Clerk and Council January 30, 2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Wilson, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9856 exl323 AMO's Pre-Budget Submission Seeks Continued Transformation of Fiscal Arrangements I-- -I Today AMO President, Doug Reycraft, presented AMO's 2008 Pre-Budget Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs in Guelph. A copy of AMO's 2008 Pre-Budqet Submission is linked to this Alert. The Submission builds on AMO's campaign for a new provincial-municipal fiscal relationship, It recognises the significant changes the Province has made in the last year to address long-standing inequities and seeks continued transformation to strengthen the competitiveness of Ontario's communities. A key milestone was reached last year when Premier McGuinty announced a timed, full upload of two entire, key social programs - the Ontario Disability Support Program and the Ontario Drug Benefits Program. This change will reduce the province's reliance on property tax revenues by $935 million a year by 2011. Despite these and other improvements in cost sharing arrangements, Ontarians continue to pay the highest property taxes in Canada, Highlights of the 2008 AMO submission include: . The need for further uploading of health and social service program costs; and . The need for additional investment in the municipal infrastructure that provides a foundation for the provincial economy. These costs/needs are shared by all municipalities and their respective property taxpayers. In addition, other matters that relate to different groups of municipalities were also raise, among them: . The need for additional provincial investment in Broadband to support communities, small business and industry; . The cost to municipalities of providing service to crown lands; . The need for the Province to address the "heads and beds" levy paid in lieu of property taxes for provincial institutions such as universities and hospitals - which has been frozen since 1987; and . The need for the Province to take back the costs of providing security services in provincial courts, AMO calls on the government to continue the transformation that will ensure a sustainable fiscal future for Ontario's communities into the 21st century. This infonnation is available in the Policy Issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of A IhcIIA Municipalities of Ontario _lIi"l. 1-1 td Msodiltion of MunidpaliliCi of Ontario 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-9856 [ Fax: (416) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca MEMBER COMMUNICATION FYI NO: 08-001 >- LL To the attention of the Clerk and Council January 30, 2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Pat Vanlni, AMO Executive Director (416) 971-9856 exl 316 AMO's Response to a Commentary in Recent Edition of the Financial Post Editor Financial Post Re: Municipal spending is out of control, Commentary, Tuesday January 29, 2008 Kevin Gaudet, Ontario Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, fails to compare apples to apples when he laments about the high cost of property taxes in Ontario. Ontario property taxpayers fund Provincial Government programs and services to an extent that would shock other Canadians. In fact almost half of every property tax dollar collected in Ontario flows through municipalities to pay for Provincial Government programs and services, such as education, social assistance, long-term care for seniors, public health, ambulance services, child care and social housing. According to Statistics Canada data, Ontarians pay approximately $237 more per person in property taxes than property tax payers in the rest of Canada. At the same time, the Ontario Government spends $258 less per person on health and social services programs than other provinces. There is a direct correlation between Ontario's high property taxes and the Ontario Government's unique reliance on property tax revenue. Ontario municipalities perform admirably in a direct dollar-for-dollar comparison of municipal costs for municipal services. Municipalities are currently working with the Ontario Government to develop a new fiscal relationship that considers affordability, sustain ability and the delivery of quality services. Success is vital to the quality of Ontario's environment, infrastructure, public services and prosperity. Signed by: Doug Reycraft Mayor of the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex and President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario This information is available in the Policy Issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.onca. 1-1 Association of A.. 1lt4IlIIII8 Municipalities of Ontario .1111__ CLOSED MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 12.2008 Staff Reports: (attached) 1) Director of Engineering Services - personal matters about an identifiable individual- CONFIDENTIAL - Lease 2) Chief Administrative Officer, Manager of Administrative Services - labour relations or employee negotiations - Tree CommissionerlWeed Inspector Services