April 08, 2008 Agenda ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y, APRIL 8, 2008 - 9:00 A.M. PAGE # ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes - for the meeting of March 25, 2008 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 2-26 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence - see attached 27-31 1) Items for Consideration 32-54 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 55 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: April 17, 2008 April 22, 2008 May 13, 2008 May 27,2008 5:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. - County-City Liaison Meeting - Valleyview 9:00 AM. - County Council Meeting 9:00 AM. - County Council Meeting 9:00 AM. - County Council Meeting REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF APRIL 8. 2008 Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) 3 Director of Senior Services - T/L - Ontario Long Term Care Association (OL TCA) - Focus LTC 8 Director of Senior Services - T/L - Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - LHIN - RPN Funding Announcement 12 Manager of Road Infrastructure, Purchasing Co-Ordinator - Capital Project- Engineering Services for Road Survey and Detailed Design of Talbot Line (Township of Southwold), Contract # 6200-06-03 (A) 14 Manager of Road Infrastructure, Purchasing Co-Ordinator - Capital Project - Talbot Line Surface Rehabilitation - DuttonlDunwich Contract # 6200-06-03 (8) 16 Human Resources Coordinator - Attendance Management 19 Chief Administrative Officer - In-House Review of Council's Workload 23 Chief Administrative Officer - Public-Private Partnership - Redevelopment of Former Manor Site 2 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL From: Rhonda L. Roberts-Director of Senior Services- Tl Date: March 27, 2008 Subject: Ontario long Term Care Association (Ol TCA) - Focus l TC CORPORATE GOALS: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability INTRODUCTION: The Ontario Long Term Care Association (OL TCA) represents for-profit long term care homes functioning in similar manner to that of the Ontario Association for Non-Profit Homes & Services for Seniors (OANHSS). An invitation has been extended to the County of Elgin Council members by a local member of OL TCA to participate in the 2008 "Focus LTC-Long Term Care Needs More Than A Band-Aid" campaign. DISCUSSION: The OL TCA campaign is an attempt to solicit the provincial government to increase operating funding by an additional $513 million to address unmet needs in nursing homes by providing increased staffing levels in all departments, improved incontinence care and additional dietician consultation. Operating funding increased in 2007 by $121 million, exclusive of the commitment to add 1,200 RPNs beginning in 2008. It is estimated that $58 million of the increase was required to maintain existing care levels and $25 million went to the increase in raw food funding. The remaining funding allowed for an additional 2.5 minute increase in care per resident per day. The rational for the additional funding would address several needs within the overall health care system such as increased staffing within the nursing department. Increased registered staff may provide for an ability to manage a higher acuity level within the Long Term Care Home thereby decreasing the need for emergency admissions. Increased Personal Support Workers (PSW) could also provide increased daily monitoring of the residents' overall health status. Increased activation staff would further enhance resident cognitive and physical stimulation resulting in optimal opportunities for achieving a desired level of quality of life. Improved infection control practices could be enhanced by increased housekeeping/laundry staff and maintenance services. 2 CONCLUSION: The proposed increase in funding would afford all long term care homes in Ontario the ability to increase daily nursing care to an average of 3.0 hours per resident per day, increased funds for incontinence products and higher staffing levels in dietary, housekeeping/laundry and maintenance. This proposed level of staff mirrors the amount of staffing and level of care the County of Elgin Homes currently provides which is an additional cost to the rate payers. The local OL TCA member long term care home has coordinated a meeting with the MPP on April 25, 2008 at 1 :45 p.m. at the local constituency office. County Council has been invited to participate and represent the County of Elgin Long Term Care Homes. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Long Term Care Association (OL TCA) - Focus LTC" be submitted for County consideration. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Su V!!YA,'Ob y{ivhfJ/ honda L. Roberts, Director of Senior Services - TL. 12 In./>0lh -0-( A4 A-t PatVandevenne, - Director of Senior Service - BV. j YOU CAN HELP Tell Government to provide the $513 million for the necessal)' additional staff and supplies in its upcoming budget. Remind them that this will also reduce the strain on hospital emergency rooms. Sign a postcard to your MPP at long term care homes, or send an e-postcard at www.oltca.com --- , .m~ 0 .,. DL TeA" am_ LONG"TEf'L\.1 CARE ASSDoATJOi\' The Passion Behind the Compassion LONG TERM CARE NEEDS MORE THAN A BAND-AID Tell Government to provide $513 million in its upcoming budget for the increased care, programs and services that residents require. THE PROBLEM More than 75,000 e[derly Ontarians and their families rely on the specialized care and support that long term care homes provide. Homes do their best but they can only do so much with the funding Government provides. This struggle is evident everywhere - from providing a daily average of 2.6 hours' of care when residents need on average at [east 3.0 hours' - to incontinence care, programs, activities, and dietary, housekeeping, and other services. Government funding that responds to a specific issue [eaves other substantial resident needs unmet. IT'S TIME FOR A REAL SOLUTION An increase of $513 million in operating funding in the 2008 provincial budget will begin making a real difference for residents now. Homes would be able to hire more Personal Support Workers (PSWs), activity aides and food service workers as well as registered nursing staff. Homes would be able to purchase more incontinence supplies and stop the four-year erosion in housekeeping, laundry and other services. As a result: . Average care levels would increase to 3.0 hours' per day. There would be more staff in the homes to help residents get dressed and go to the bathroom , / , . Average daily incontinence changes would increase from 3.5 to 5 (when needed) . There would be more weekend and evening programs . Dietician consultation time would increase and there would be more workers to prepare the increasingly specialized meals . There would be more time for clinical assessments . Housekeeping, maintenance and other valued services would be stabilized A SOLUTION FOR RESIDENTS IS A SOLUTION FOR ONTARIANS More PSWs to assist residents promotes early detection of health problems. More programs and activities maintain physical and mental well-being. Proper meals, appropriately prepared, maintain weight and strengthen immunity. Good housekeeping and maintenance contribute to infection control. This, along with more registered nursing care, means more care within homes and a reduced strain on hospital emergency rooms. * Based on hours \\'Orked DID YOU KNOW? . Every month, some 3,000 long term care residents visit a hospital emergency room. . 215,000 hospital days are lost yearly from patients waiting in hospital for placement in a long term care home. ci: 0.. ::2' ~ '" '" o ~ o :::s (/)0 0....., ~~ ~o z~ ~~ (5< ~~ ~~ o z o P=1 E ~ '" 0 ~ E """, Ct) .2>- '" '" "-' '" C ~ '" B E.,s c- ~ '" '" '" >..c o ~ lJ :J ~ 0 o C tJ 0 "'-0 o..c E '" 00; .)'l -fia3 ...c:-9 :!:::: V) S i'< -0 C '" 0 E "" '" C g~ o C u-2 E f1! '" '" _ u -0 ",' '" '" ~ 0- '5 0- 0-0.. '" :J ~ '" C-o o C := fQ OE t!= '" >0t) L[)"iU t,<;C Q) ..g -:S:u ",-0 -0 '" 05 C e '" o..~ o i'J ~ '" 1:: C '" '" E..c E:: ~.Q o"tr) lJ"" - -0 '" :J +->..0 .. Q) U) 10 ?2:E-:S "'~ o....~ ~ 0.. 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Roberts-Director of Senior Services-TL Date: March 27, 2008 Subject: Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - LHIN - RPN Funding Announcement CORPORATE GOALS: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability To provide innovative & collaborative quality service To recognize and seize opportunity for improvement INTRODUCTION: In May 2007, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care announced $57.7 million in annual funding across the long term care sector to create a new Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) complement by one (1) full time equivalent per home. Further communication outlining specific details of the new funding was received on March 26, 2008 from the South West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). DISCUSSION: The intent of the additional funding is to increase the nursing complement in all long term care homes which in turn builds on the HealthForceOntario (HFO) Health Human Resources Strategy and the Nursing Graduate Guarantee initiative. The County of Elgin homes have consistently maintained at higher ratio of registered staff, as allotted through the Nursing and Personal Care Envelope, in order to provide above standard quality care. The amount per long term care home, regardless of number of beds, is $47,000 annually. These funds are dedicated funds and therefore cannot be spent for any purpose other than the creation of a new full time RPN position in the home(s). If the funds are not used, they will be "clawed back" at year end. The annual salary plus benefits for an RPN is approximately $64,000. This represents a shortfall of $17,000 per home that would need to be absorbed over and above the approved 2008 budget if the County of Elgin entered in to the agreement with the LHIN. CONCLUSION: The County of Elgin Long Term Care Homes have an excellent reputation for providing quality nursing care to it's residents, delivered at a staffing level higher than industry average. Entering in to an agreement with the LHIN would add an additional RPN per home however, would only be partially subsidized through the funding agreement. 2 Given that the homes maintain a higher staffing level; an opportunity to engage in discussion with the LHIN is prudent to discuss options in utilizing the new funding. One possibility would be to request consideration of allowing the County of Elgin homes to utilize the new funding to offset existing labour costs, which exceed the current funding for the Nursing & Personal Care Envelope and is in turn incurred by the rate payers. In other words, under the terms of the proposed funding agreement, Elgin County receives no benefit; only those facilities with lower RPN complements may enjoy the new program. Why should Elgin County be penalized for being "ahead of the curve" in the care of residents? RECOMMENDATION: THAT staff arrange a meeting involving the Warden with the LHIN to request utilization of the New RPN funding to offset costs to maintain existing above standard staffing levels. Respectfully Submitted Approved for th,~tfJl~~ Director of Senior Services - TL. Mark McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. EJ:-l )0 ....... rJ I A N .#l.A...L..- Pat Vandevenne, Director of Senior Service - BV. South West LOCAL HEALTH INTEGRATION NETWORK RESEAU LOCAL D'INTEGRATION DES SERVICES DE SANTE du Sud-Ouest 201 Queens Avenue, Suite 700 London, ON N6A 1J1 Tel: 519672-0445 Toll-free: 1 866294-5446 Facsimile: 519 672-6562 201, avenue Queens, bureau 700 London, ON N6A 1J1 Tel: 519 672-0445 Numero sans frais : 1 866294-5446 Facsimile: 519 672-6562 March 19, 2008 IFIS Recipient # H13117 Rhonda Roberts Director of Seniors Services Terrace Lodge 475 Talbot Street East 49462 Talbot Line Aylmer ON N5H 3A5 Dear Ms, Roberts: RE: Registered Practical Nurse Funding for Long-Term Care Homes In May 2007, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care announced $57,7 million in annual funding for 1,200 new and permanent Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) positions in the long-term care (LTC) homes sector. Further to my em ail on February 29, 2008, I am pleased to confirm the first phase of the allocation which will ensure that each home receives funding to create one new full-time RPN position, Additional allocations will be confirmed shortly, The South West LHIN is pleased to advise that your home will receive $11,625 effective January 1, 2008 through to March 31, 2008 in new funding, annualizing to $46,500 in 2008/09, to support the creation of this new RPN position in your LTC home, You will have received this funding in your February 2008 payment notice, These funds are to be treated as an increase in funding within the Nursing and Personal Care (NPC) envelope, and are subject to the terms and conditions of your existing service agreement, The exception is that these funds are dedicated funds and therefore cannot be spent for any purpose other than the purpose stated above, You will be expected to account for the expenditure of these funds separately from other funds in the NPC envelope, The conditions of funding for this initiative are for the period of January 1, 2008 to the expiry of your current service agreement and are more specifically set out in PCA08-8 .. ./2 Registered Practical Nurse Funding for Long-Term Care Homes March 19, 2008 Page 2 the Amending Agreement attached as Schedule A. Please sign a copy of the Amending Agreement and return by fax to Michelle Hay at (519) 672-6562, or scanned to her at michelle.hay@lhins.on.ca by April 7, 2008. If the Amending Agreement is not signed and returned, further installments of the funding may not be advanced to you. The Ministry will be developing indicators related to this funding that may include Skin Integrity and Continence Care. Once developed, the Ministry will track the indicators through existing compliance functions. This investment builds on the HealthForceOntario (HFO) Health Human Resources Strategy, which aims to make Ontario the employer of choice for all health care providers. These positions will also contribute to the continuing success of HFO's Nursing Graduate Guarantee initiative, which provides the opportunity for all new Ontario nursing graduates (RPNs and Registered Nurses) to work full-time. It is anticipated that many homes will leverage this opportunity and recruit graduates of RPN programs. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff on your efforts and hard work in helping to improve the health care needs within the South West LHIN. If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Carolyn Ridley, Financial Analyst at 519-640-2581. Yours very truly, F Michael Barrett Senior Director, Performance, Contract and Allocation Encl. c. Cathy Crane, MOHLTC Compliance Mark McDonald, Chief Administration Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Manager of Road Infrastructure Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Co-Ordinator DATE: March 25, 2008 SUBJECT: Capital Project - Engineering Services for Road Survey and Detailed Design of Talbot Line (Township of Southwold), Contract # 6200-06-03 (A) Coroorate Goal Referenced To build and maintain an efficient, affordable, effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth. Introduction As part of the Capital Budget, Requests for Tenders were issued as per the County's Purchasing Policy and sealed bids were received until Wednesday, March 19,2008. The project entails Engineering Services and all other sub-consultant services for the preliminary design, detailed design and preparation of tender specifications for Talbot Line (also known as County Road #3) between Talbotville and lona Road in the Township of Southwold. Discussion / Conclusion Formal Tenders were retained and bids were received as follows: Com an S riet Associates London Limited Weslake Inc. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited Spriet Associates London Limited submitted the lowest bid for Engineering Services at a total price of $ 102,375.00 (including taxes). The bid includes Engineering Services and all other sub-consultant services for the preliminary design, detailed design and preparation of tender specifications for Talbot Line between Talbotville and lona Road in the Township of Southwold. The lowest bid is within the budget estimates. This project forms part of the Talbot Line Rehabilitation project scheduled over a four year period and to be completed in 2010. The total cost of the project is $15 million in which approximately one-third of the project is funded by the Move Ontario Provincial Grant and Federal Gas Tax Revenue with the remaining being funded by the County of Elgin. Recommendation THAT Spriet Associates London Limited be selected for Engineering Services and all other sub-consultant services for the preliminary design/ detailed design and preparation of tender specifications for Talbot Line (also known as County Road # 3) between Talbotville and Iona Road in the Township of Southwold/ at their quoted price of $ 102/375.00/ and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to enter into an agreement with Spriet Associates London Limited for Engineering Services for Talbot Line/ Contract # 6200-06-03 (A). Peter Dutdiak Manager of Road Infrastructure Approved W:. // i1fJW~fW> Clayton Watters Director/ En i dA es z!~w, 1:::ool~5 Sonia Beavers Purchasing Co-Ordinator Mar aid Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Manager of Road Infrastructure Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Co-Ordinator DATE: March 25, 2008 SUBJECT: Capital Project - Talbot Line Surface Rehabilitation - DuttonjDunwich Contract # 6200-06-03 (B) Coroorate Goal Referenced To build and maintain an efficient, affordable, effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth. Introduction As part of the Capital Budget, Requests for Tenders were issued as per the County's Purchasing Policy and sealed bids were received until Wednesday, March 19, 2008. The project entails the supply of all labour, equipment and materials to rehabilitate the surface of Talbot Line (Elgin County Road # 3, through the Municipality of DuttonjDunwich) using Cold In-Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM). The entire 14.775 km length will be recycled, creating 2-3.75m wide lanes of 0.25m wider than existing lanes. Discussion I Conclusion Formal Tenders were retained and bids were received as follows: Com an Roto Mill Services Limited Seele and Arnill Construction Lavis Contractin Com an Limited M.R. Dunn Contractors Limited $ $ Roto-Mill Services Limited submitted the lowest bid for the Talbot Line Surface Rehabilitation using CIREAM at a total price of $ 979,685.96 (including taxes). The bid includes all labour, material and equipment required to complete the project as specified in the Tender Document. The lowest bid is within the budget estimates. This project forms part of the Talbot Line Rehabilitation project scheduled over a four year period and to be completed in 2010. The total cost of the project is $15 million in which approximately one-third of the project is funded by the Move Ontario Provincial Grant and Federal Gas Tax Revenue with the remaining being funded by the County of Elgin. Recommendation THAT Roto Mill Services Limited be selected for the supply of all labour, material and equipment required for the Surface Rehabilitation of Talbot Line using CIREAM at their quoted price of $ 979,685.96 (including taxes); and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to enter into an agreement with Roto Mill Services Limited to complete the Surface Rehabilitation of Talbot Line, County Road # 3 using CIREAM, Contract # 6200-06-03 (B). ~ Peter Dutchak Manager of Road Infrastructure (fProve~; f()JJ~ 1]JJV) Clayton Watters Director, Engin rit:l~ ~ j~"C- ~ n ^,.<I ~ onia Beavers Purchasing Co-Ordinator REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Joanna DeBackere Human Resources Coordinator DATE: March 28, 2008 SUBJECT: Attendance Management CORPORATE GOAL/5) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: The Attendance Management Policy was introduced in September 1998 to reduce employee absenteeism and increase the effectiveness of the corporation. Since its introduction, it has received numerous changes with the input of bargaining units to make it a more workable and acceptable policy. The efficient and effective operation of the corporation is reliant upon staff working their scheduled shifts. DISCUSSION: Based on recent events in the media, staff have prepared the attendance statistics for The County of Elgin. Please see Attachment A for the 2006 and 2007 break down. Staff have broken the attendance down to Homes, Library and Administration staff. Four charts have been prepared. The 1st chart shows the average number of sick days paid and unpaid as well as short term disability days taken. The 2nd chart shows the average number of long term disability days taken. The 3fd chart shows the average number of WSIB days taken. The 4th chart is a summary of all the sick, STD, L TD & WSIB days missed. According to Statistics Canada, the health care industry had an average absence rate of 14.4 days per employee. The public administration sector had an average absence rate of 10.9 days per employee. The County of Elgin had an average absence rate in the 3 homes in 2006 of 13.5 days per employee and 15.6 days per employee in 2007. The County of Elgin libraries had an average rate of 7.1 days per employee in 2006 and 3.9 in 2007. The non-union administrative staff had an average absence rate of 2.9 days per employee in 2006 and 3.8 days per employee in 2007. In most areas, The County of Elgin is well below the industry average. CONCLUSION: Employee absenteeism is a costly issue facing all employers. The County of Elgin's Attendance Management Policy has demonstrated that it works by making employees more conscientious and accountable for their attendance and therefore reducing the amount of absences. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled Attendance Management dated March 28, 2008 be received and filed. Approved for Submission ~ \.. ~re Human Resources Coordinator 2006 Attachement A 2007 Average # of days missed per ee: Includes Incidental Sick Days Homes I~~ Library Administration 8.2 9.61 8.2 6.9 7.1 2.9 Average # of days missed per ee: Incidental Sick Days Homes I~~ Library Administration 11.8 11.81 12.1 11.4 3.9 3.8 Average # of days missed per ee: L TO Only Homes I~~ Library Administration 2.2 3'~1 o o Average # of days missed per ee: L TO Only Homes I~~ Library Administration 1.8 2'~1 2.7 o o Average # of days missed per ee: WSIB ONLY Average # of days missed per ee: WSIB ONLY Homes I~~ Library Administration 3.05 0.11 1.8 7.25 o o Homes I~~ Library Administration 2 0.11 1.4 4.6 o o Average # of days missed per ae: Sick. L TO & WSIB Homes I~~ Library Administration 13.5 131~1 17.1 7.1 2.9 Average # of days missed per ee: Sick, L TO & WSIB Homes I~~ Library Administration 15.6 14.71 13.5 18.7 3.9 3.8 Number of Employees 3 Homes 344 Terrace Lodge 132 Bobier Villa 89 Elgin Manor 123 library 31 Non-Union Administration 63 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: March 28, 2008 SUBJECT: In-house Review of Council's Workload CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: . To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability . To be recognized as a desired employer . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: One of the recommendations from the recently adopted survey on compensation for specific employees and Council is to conduct an in-house review of the workload of Council. This report recommends that Council commence gathering information on County commitments, to help determine the extent of the time involved in attending to County matters. DISCUSSION: Recommendation number five of Council's Compensation Review indicates a review of Council's workload is in order. Accordingly, to gain accurate information, each member of Council is being asked to track County commitments over a three-month period, commencing on May 1st, 2008. This would include any County meetings called for a specific purpose, committee meetings such as at the Board of Health, public meetings such as a proposed bridge repair and any sub-committee meetings such as a personnel committee at a local hospital, for example. Council will be given a specific form (attached) to track these responsibilities and a report will be provided following the tracking period. CONCLUSION: In an effort to more accurately determine Council's time commitments to County matters, each member of Council, except the Warden, is being asked to keep a record of time commitments related to County business. The results of this survey will be used as part of a review of Council's remuneration. RECOMMENDATION: THAT commencing on May 1st, 2008 County Councillors, using a specific tracking form, record their attendance at meetings related directly to County business for a three month period. All of which is respectfully submitted, ~) Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. --- >- w ~ ::l lJ) Cl <( 0 ...J ~ a:: 0 s: lJ) 0:: :;:;- 0 c ...J '<:; ...J 0. U Q) u. '" 0 Z ro ~ ::l Q) lJ) 7i 0 ~ X u W I- := Z <( 0 z := ~ :r: - W := i= .... w Cl W <( ~ 0.. ...J ~ 0 I- ~ ~e I/) Q) Cl" e ... .- ro 3ls: E~ o :> .- 0. -Q) .gO 0.1/) Cllll e Q) .- 0 "ew ..:!IllW 0"1- eel- .- Q)- ~ ~:t::= Q) ~lll:= (!! - ClO Q) I- e > o...-U ~ -", O::::>lXl c U-~ 0 cngcn Q) W:=.w () OZW ell Clol- 0. Z-I- rJ) -1-:= ~ I-U:= 0 ltlzo E :=iru ~ '" o ;, :>. c 0 rJ) rJ) Q) c '00 :J ..c ~ c :J 0 (.) ~ ..c ..... :J .~ ..... ell '"0 c Q) OJ t) U5 Q) c c 0 () u 1il ul OJ C ~ Q) E ,5 '"0 Q) > 0 > c Q) E "" >- E 0 ..... rJ) Q) Cil ~ E 'm C3 rJ) :c ..... Cil ..c ..... ~ t Q) Q) Cil () Cl 0:: :I: N - W W :2; ~ l- ll.. ...J ;: W ~ !;t 0 . - -c W Gl CI"C C .. .- '" ijiS ~~ o ::l .- Co - Gl .gO Cow CI'" C Gl .- 0 "C C W ::l "'W O"C I- C CI- :;:. Gl- z i:l:2; 0 "':2; i= ClO .:U a. "c' ii2 ::llll U -::> Oen en c_ W :.=.W 0 ZW (!) 01: z i=:2; i= U:2; W Zo W :2; ~U REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: March 28, 2008 SUBJECT: Public-Private Partnership - Redevelopment of Former Elgin Manor Site CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: . To nurture and support dignified long-term care . To forge community partnerships . To provide innovative and collaborative quality service . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: As Council is aware, the former Elgin Manor building has been demolished and plans are underway to construct a new seventy unit senior citizen complex by a company known as "INPARTNR INCORPORATED". The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the progress of this undertaking. DISCUSSION: According to Section 8 of the agreement, the County has the right to buy back the project at any time, within 1 0 years from the date of approved occupancy. Reasonable efforts have been taken to design the neW complex so that it can be later converted to long term care standards. In fact, Section 7.2 of the agreement indicates that the design process shall be conducted, in concert with the County, to ensure that it can be converted if deemed necessary by Council. The Homes' Directors and the Chief Administrative Officer have had meetings with the developer and suggestions have been made and implemented in this regard. Copies of the project design and a proposed building design converted to long term care standards will be provided at the Council meeting. The proprietor expects construction to begin in late April with a completion date of late November 2008. It is expected that full occupancy will take approximately three months to complete. CONCLUSION: The redevelopment of the former Elgin Manor site is progressing according to the terms of the public-private partnership agreement between the County of Elgin and INPARTNR Incorporated. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council's information. All of which is r Mark G. McDona' ,. Chief Administrative Officer. )------------.----------------------------------------------~.-~-.-.-.---...~:::::::::::-:--.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.-------.-.-'1 ! 12 7 ~ ^ --"_. i f .................. 1 i ........................ t ! 20 r- I ,..., /T J I ~._._._._~~.~ I ~16 15 ) i!. i cp} I 7 .~. ~ I v0 ..t C)I ~ 6. V I~'jf. '. ~_: Q::; : i I:\GS;;:! , , ,.li; I (-: 0 :;:,1 ",-, r ' _ ' I d\u~ ;:~I /;/,. 1'!! 1: ;ij,; ~; ~ ! ~ 1 I " 1 .2 ' '-;:T . " -rt-. 'c I l' -L > LL .' I ~~~t-I I! ~:~~~: lR;l~L~ ;~i<l~~~ i= 1.1 <::, , 16!!'!8J "';-. _ I ~ I ~~~;~, i'J"iW'l'.'i& . ,1Iir,- f' _ I j:' II!' ,"" I r ; ;!UJ: MP' ; ~ : 'lq U,..... -;- II ~ 'j; ,I i ',' +' ~""'~ ~~7'T 1- (Il I . , '~:_liIi . i ~ Jf.JI.,~" I ' !l... I I 11 ..! n'iRll ~' . \'CF' '~m!I I ! [;tT ~ : I,T, ! > t ,! . _ I '",1; rn; LL ; ~ I ! 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CORRESPONDENCE - April 8. 2008 Items for Consideration 1. Jack Morrison, Chair, Community Partnership Task Group, Vice Chair, Board of Directors, Beattie Haven Inc., requesting a letter of support from Council for their plan to build affordable housing for independent seniors in the Four Counties Area near Wardsville. (ATTACHED) 2. Amber Patrick, requesting the County help sponsor her for a trip to Sousa, Dominican Republic with Hero Holiday, a registered charitable organization involved in humanitarian relief projects. (ATTACHED) Beattie Haven RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 23328 Beattie Line, RR # 1 Wardsvllle, Onl., NOL 2NO Phone 519-693-4901 Fax 519-693-4279 A CHARITABLE, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Thursday, March 6,2008 i:~! (C~; (it~P i) '..:! County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas ONN5R 5Vl j<ll\P ",< fl ?oon ~L).\ ~ U L 0 Re: Request for Letter of Support to Detelmine Need for Senior's Housing to serve the County of Elgin Dear Warden and Members of Council: The Board of Beattie Haven Inc. has made a decision to build affordable housing for independent seniors in the Four Counties Area on our site near Wardsville, Ontario. If there is a demand and the project is financially feasible, we will go ahead with the next steps of preparing a business plan, site assessment, and preliminmy design. Seniors' housing in this area appears inadequate. Young retirees, whose leadership and involvement are needed in our rural communities, are leaving for larger centres. A quick survey of available housing stock reveals little appropriate to the taste and needs of the downsizing Baby Boomers (aged 55- 62), young seniors (63- 80), or older independent seniors (80+). Beattie Haven is applying to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for a seed grant to study the potential for affordable seniors housing on the 35-acre Beattie Haven site near Wardsville. Would the County of Elgin write a letter of SUPPOlt for carrying out this work? We will also approach your plaIUler for information to assess local housing need and demand. Beattie Haven Inc., a charitable non-profit home for seniors, opened its doors in 1966. Located at the juncture of Middlesex, Elgin, Lambton, and Chatham-Kent, Beattie Haven's mission is to enhance the physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being of seniors in the Four Counties Area. As life styles and needs change, so do our services which currently include housing, recreation, exercise, nutrition, wellness, enteltainment, and education. The Directors and staff of Beattie Haven started planning one yem' ago for the next 40 years. Our growing planning team of visionaries sees Beattie Haven as a hub of wellness, nourishing cuisine, and healthy active living. We want to build housing that seniors will clamour for, a community centre where people will go to visit friends and enjoy nature, exercise, and wellness activities. 03/tf/OS' (o(J,kv /0 1./lo"'M lo.E,U.:TJ trr'vA"IJtv'i."J...;L fl Beattie Haven currently provides supportive housing with a complete continuum of care: from independence to total care to a loving hospice. Nursing support is provided at the level required by our residents, caringly and seamlessly, but this comfortable home for 40 residents is no longer enough. The area needs staged housing where different styles of housing are co-located to meet the needs of retirees at different stages of their later years. Please help us move ahead by writing a letter of support that we can share with the Canada and Mortgage Housing Corporation. cancel~IY, 0 CW\ 1Jl t>~ ck M011'ison Chair, Conmmnity Partnership Task Group Vice Chair, Board of Du'ectors, Beattie Haven Inc. Objectives of Housing Development Project to Serve the Four Counties Area Objectives of Beattie Haven redevelopment are: 1. Develop partnerships in order to provide continuum of housing and services for seniors living in the four counties area served by Beattie Haven (25 kmdiameter) 2. Build affordable housing matched to the needs of our rural elders who are vital and active 3. Work with partners to provide services that meet the needs of seniors aging at home: Wellness centre, exercise studio, dining, social and educational activities 4. Participate in the revitalization of Wardsville and area Objectives of the proposed housing study are: Determine the housing gap in the area served by Beattie Haven: which age groups and housing types needed 5. Understand needs of healthy older adults: (aged 55- 62), young seniors (63- 80), or older independent seniors (80+). 6. Undertake a housing market study, develop a business plan, explore funding sources, draft a preliminary design, do a site assessment, and prepare a preliminary financial feasibility analysis. 7. Determine health and wellness supports to complement new housing (exercise, nutrition, recreation) 8. Explore infrastructure needs: sewer, water, parking, landscaping, food pn?duction and processing, energy generation and conservation. {.tf~ .".,',1 ;"l'\\! ('l\:;' i;i (<Pi! tl,.;UU); ~~,~ ,:"1,,I,Ul Amber Patrick 215 Brentwood Crescent Belmont ON, NOL lBO 519-644-0984 apatrick215@msn.com i"" ,~l ! ~ \.' 'n',,\ C,' 0 700B <.. u -" ,\ r\:,t~t\l\t"r:::l t\ ';h b'L:"j',-;n~j>.,,~. );j, Dear Warden Hofhuis, Hello! My name is Amber Patrick and I am 15 years old. I have lived in Belmont all my life and am cUlTently attending East Elgin Secondary School. This summer I am participating in a program called Hero Holiday. Hero Holiday is a program that allows people from all across Canada to participate in humanitarian relief projects. Last year, in only eleven days the participants in Hero Holiday were able to build an entire school with a fresh water line. They were also able to start building a medical clinic, clean through a dump that was inhabited by Haitian refugees, and care for children at a local orphanage (many who suffered from malnutrition). This year we will be setting similar goals and continuing many of the projects started last summer. Our main goal is to complete another school in a nearby town and continue working with local orphanages and building homes. My personal goal is to see first hand how two thirds of the world live, expand my world view and become an educator on world poverty by sharing my experiences. My plan is to start small. I am currently a member of Youth in Action (a group at East Elgin that fundraises for children in poverty) and next year I will be applying for President of this group. This experience will help me educate my school on how impOliant this issue is and how each individual can make a difference. The eleven-day trip to Sousa, Dominican Republic costs $2100. Half of this cost is a donation that goes directly towards these relief projects. The other half covers flights, accommodation and meals. I have been saving funds fi'om my pali time job as a LibralY CAP Student in Aylmer; however, I have been encouraged by the program and past students to fundraise for this wOlihwhile experience. Hero Holiday is a registered charitable organization and any non- family donations are eligible for a full tax receipt. For fuliher information about this program please visit the website at www.heroholidav.com or call me directly. I am writing you as Warden to see if the County of Elgin would be interested in sponsoring me. I intend on compiling a slideshow of my trip and would gladly share my experiences with you should you be interested. Thank you for taking the time to read my submission and I look forward to hearing from you should you consider my trip worthy of a donation. Please feel fi'ee to call me anytime regarding my plans. Sincerely, ~ 4u~~ Amber Patrick "We.- OiM"~eyfeeJ.; that" whcU: we.- lNVe.- ~ W jw;t c{/ cl..Yop Uvt'h.€/ ocecuv. 13 u.t tfthat" cl..Yop WCL,\-' VlOt Uvt'h.€/ ~ t'h.€/ ocect.t'\I wouLW be.- 'L0.w be.c<::w.w of that" ~ cl..Yop." - Moth.ev T eV'eMN o.:J 15/ jo f Cof/~j} TD uJ;U;}~4 ;fr!fV:j3 Amber Patrick 215 Brentwood Crescent Belmont ON, NOL lBO 519-644-0984 apatrick2l5@msn.com Emnlovment Exnerience Youth Community Access Program (CAP) Worker Sept. 2007-Present Aylmer Old Town Hall Library, Aylmer ON . Provide Internet and Computer Training to the community . Advertise CAP Program through information fairs throughout community Child Care Provider Private Home Residents, Belmont ON . Assure child's safety at all times . Provide nutritious meals and snacks 2006- Present Volunteer Experience Caterer at Lung Cancer Research Gala TiIlsonburg ON 2008 Youth Swimming Aide YMCA, St. Thomas ON 2006-2007 Girl Guide (Brownies Level) Leader Belmont ON 2005-2006 Education and Trainin!! East Elgin SecondalY School, Aylmer ON . Currently working towards Ontario Secondary School Diploma WHIMS Training . Elgin County Human Resources Department, St. Thomas ON Counsellor in Training (CIT) Program . Pearce Williams United Church Christian Centre, Fingal ON Bronze Medallion Swimming Course . YMCA, St. Thomas ON Red Cross Babysitting Course . London Public Library, London ON 2006- Present 2007 2007 2007 2005 Interests and Hobbies . East Elgin Track and Field Team, Swim Team . Youth In Action (VIA) Member at East Elgin . Girls and Boys Athletic Association (GABAA) Member at East Elgin Academic Acbievements . Top Female Physical Education Award (Grade 9) 2007 . Top Mathematics Award (Grade 9) 2007 . French Award (Grade 8) 2006 . Queen's University Book Award (Grade 8) 2006 . Grade Eight Valedictorian Davenport Public School 2006 . Female Academic Award (Grade 8) 2006 . Ontario Principal's Choice (OPC) Award for Student Leadership (Grade 6) 2004 CORRESPONDENCE - APRIL 8. 2008 Items for Information (Consent AQenda) 1. Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, announcing the release of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) allocations for 2008. (ATTACHED) 2. Steve Peters, M.P.P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, Press Release: 1) Fixing roads and bridges in Elgin-Middlesex-London; 2) Ontario invests in local infrastructure, jobs. (ATTACHED) 3. Grant Hughson, Membership and Fundraising Chair, and Denise Payne, Business Development Coordinator, North American Railway Hall of Fame, with an invitation to the Warden and Council Members to the official kick off to the "2008 Capital Campaign". (ATTACHED) 4. Margaret Trias, Senior Environmental Scientist, Hatch Ltd., with a Notice of Commencement of Environmental Screening for the proposed Gesner Wind Energy Project near Highgate, Ontario. (ATTACHED) 5. Honourable Peter Fonseca, Minister of Tourism, acknowledging Council's support of the City of Ottawa's resolution requesting provincial government support for the authority to create a hotel room tax. (ATTACHED) 6. AMO Member Communication ALERT, Budget Provides an Additional $1 Billion for Municipal Infrastructure. (ATTACHED) 7. Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors, with information concerning the impact for long term care residents due to the recent budget announcements. (ATTACHED) 8. Murray Segal, Deputy Attorney General, Ontario, with an update on the streamlining review of Provincial Offences Act proceedings. (ATTACHED) 9. Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with an announcement that the County would receive a capital grant from the province if Bill 35, the proposed Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 is enacted and the province's 2007-08 surplus exceeds $800 million. (ATTACHED) 10. Bryan Clarke, Chief Administrative Officer, Association of Ontario Road Supervisors, congratulating Peter Dutchak for his recent CRS certification and thanking the County for supporting this initiative. (ATTACHED) Ministry of Finance Office of the Minister Frost BUilding South 7 Queen's Park Cr Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Tel (416) 325-0400 Fax (416) 325-0374 \WIW.fln.ontarlo.ca Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Office of the Minister 777 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Tel (416) 585-7000 Fax (416) 585.8470 www.mah.ontarlo.ca ('~ t? Ontario R'I::~C;~t~~'~.'~W,~~~:~;'::tt MAR ~ ~ ~non March 13, 2008 ""(11 'WI'V (I'~ Ie' hil,i (/.;'.ti;"i. , l,.1 .>-,b'\,'\il't blY1l'.IlS"lf'A'\'IlI,J ~~~I"\!ll",!" i't..,..r.:.u.H;v H1 HVf.., Wi.: 1'f o;:~t,,-g Dear Heads of Council: We are pleased to announce the release of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) allocations for 2008, This release is a follow-up to the Stable Funding Guarantee announced on December 21, 2007, 2008 is the first year of the upload announced by the Premier last August. Effective January 1, 2008, the municipal share of the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program has been uploaded by the province. In 2009, the province will begin uploading the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), This upload of social programs is estimated to reduce costs to municipalities by over $900 million annually by the time it is fully implemented in 2011, For 2008, the OMPF will provide $870 million to 393 municipalities across the province, This is a $252 million or 41 per cent increase over the funding provided in 2004 under the previous program, Although municipalities delivering social programs will see their social program costs decrease, no municipality will receive less funding in 2008 than the funding identified on its 2008 Stable Funding Guarantee Notice, Municipalities eligibie for funding increases in 2008 will receive those additional amounts in accordance with the previously announced phase-in schedule, Under the OMPF phase-in schedule, increases in funding over payments received in 2004 are limited to $150 per household in 2008, and will not be limited after 2008. The OMPF is included in the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review (PMFSDR), The review's recommendations may result in changes to the program for future years, A key principle is that the OMPF remain responsive to changes in municipal circumstances and provincial support only be provided in respect of costs that are actually incurred by municipalities, As a result, 2008 will be a transition year for the OMPF, " Jcont'd Co hrd) TO: t11.4-J2.I( . / L1 " 1),4 v . 03 /~%R J) - 2 - The Deputy Ministers of Finance and Municipal Affairs and Housing will be providing further details on the 2008 OMPF grant parameters to your municipal Treasurers and Clerk-Treasurers shortly. This information and other supporting materials will be posted in both English and French on the Ministry of Finance website: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/budget/ompf/ http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/french/budget/ompf/ The Ontario government will continue to develop its partnership with municipalities, and work with you to build strong communities in a strong and prosperous Ontario. Sincerely, iJt <:,:",. Dwight Duncan Minister of Finance Jim Watson Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 03/28/2008 15:45 519-631-9478 STEVE PETERS MPP PAGE 05/08 Steve Peters M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London Ii Onl~lio PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release March 26, 2008 Fixing roads and bridges in Elgin-Middlesex-London Infrastructure funding aims to strengthen the Ontario economy ST, THOMAS - The Ontario government will invest $7,956,464 for repairs to roads and bridges in Elgin-Middlesex-London, MPP Steve Peters confirmed today. The funding will assist the Ontario eoonomy move forward by improving the infrastruoture families and businesses depend on. The 2008 Ontario bUdget will attempt to grow a stronger economy through a five-point plan that includes: . Infrastructure improvements In every municipality in Ontario, creating 10,000 jobs during construction; . A new, long-term skills training program for up to 20,000 Ontario workers; . Lower oosts for businesses, by eliminating the capital tax for manufacturers; · . Partnerships with forward-looking businesses to create jobs, through our Next Generation of Jobs Fund; . Support for research and development, to turn home-grown ideas into Ontario jobs. "I am pleased to confirm this funding," Peters said. "The prOVincial government is working to fix roads that connect our communities because families and goods need to get to where they're going quickly and effiolently." LOCAL FUNDING BREAKDOWN · County of Elgin, $3,097,386 . Town of Aylmer, $105,358 . Municipality of Bayham, $525,740 . Municipality of Central Elgin, $519,665 . Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich, $481,597 . Township of Malahlde, $956,539 . Township of Southwold, $554,447 . Muniolpality of West Eigin, $423,552 . Municipality of Thames Centre, $694,096 . City of Sl. Thomas, $598,084 QUICK FACTS · The almost $8 million aliotment is Elgin-Mlddlesex-London's share of $400 million the Onlario government is immediately Investing in roads and bridges in municipalities out<;ide Toronto, based on their share of Ontario's road network in rei at/on to population. /2... Conslhuoncy oOlee: 542 Talbot Street St Thomas, Ontario N5P 11:4 Tel: (519) 631-0666 FaK: (519) 631-9478 E-mail: speters.mJlP.co@liberal.ola.org Received Time Mar, 28, 2008 2:35PM No. 0344 03/28/2008 15:45 519-631-9478 STEVE PETERS MPP PAGE 06/08 Steve Peters M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London Ii OI'I1Mo PRESS RELEASE . This funding builds on the province's investment of $450 million in 2007-2008 for the Municipallnfrastruoture Investment Initiative, consisting of $300 million announced in the 2007 Fall Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review and the $150 million announced at the 2008 OGRNROMA Conference . This funding is also in addition to the proposed bill, the Investing in Ontario Act, which would direct a portion of provincial surpluses in excess of $800 million to munloipalities for capital needs. LEARN MORE Learn more about Ontario's Hiqhwav Proqram. Learn more about the 2008 Provincial Budqet. -30- For more Information oontaot: Craig Bradford, Communications Assistant, (519) 631.0666. Constituency onlce: 542 Talbot Street, St Thomas, Ontario H5P le4 Tel: [519J 831-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 E-mail: speters.mpP.co@lIberal.ola.org Received Time Mar. 28. 2008 2:35PM No. 0344 03/28/2008 15:45 519-631-9478 STEVE PETERS MPP PAGE 07/08 Steve Peters M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London Ii Ofr!~tkl BRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release March 28, 2008 Ontario invests in local infrastructure, jobs Provincial government aims to build stronger communities DORCHESTER - The Ontario government is investing in water, sewer and other municipal infrastructure projects, including $7,283,177 in Elgin-Middlesex-London, to help communities give families a good quality of life with real opportunities. Elgin-Middlesex-London MPP Steve Peters confirmed the funding at an event at the Municipality of Thames Centre administration office. The funding is part of the Ontario government's strategy through the Municipal Infrastructure Investmenllnilialive (Mill) to Improve infrastructure across the province with 243 local grants for work on water pipes, roads and bridges, sewers and community centres. Construction is expected to create nearly 6,700 new jobs when work begins later this year. Local projects to receive funding include: . Municipality of Thames Centre, $2,642,771 for the Dorchester Wastewater Sewer Extension . Township of Malahide, $1,261,000 for the replacement of the Dorchester Road Bridge . Township of Southwold, $200,00 for the replacement of the Hunter Hill Road and Culvert . Municipality of West Elgin, $1,236,150 for West Elgin Water System improvements . Town of Aylmer, $2,043,256 for a combined sewer and infrastructure improvement prOject Province-wide, these projects inciude: · 101 roads and bridges . 60 water and sewer . 42 community centres, libraries and arenas . 40 otller projects. Improving infrastructure is part of Ontario's five point pian to build a stronger economy. The government.s Budget, released earlier this week, also outlined investments in skills and training along with plans to lower business costs, support innovation and strengthen key industry-partnerships. "Investing in infrastructure not only builds healthy, vibrant communities, but also stimulates future Investments and job growth,' Peters said. "I am thrilled that these local projects were approved for funding as they will certainly improve the quality of life in those communities and throughout the region." /2... Oonstltuencv omce: 542 Talbot Street, St Thomas, Ontario N5P 104 Tol: [519J 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631"9478 E-mail: soeters.mOO.co@liberal.ola.org Received Time Mar. 28. 2008 2:35PM No, 0344 03/28/2008 15:45 519-531-9478 STEVE PETERS MPP PAGE 08/08 Steve Peters M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London ~ Onlrlrio RRESS REEEASE QUICK FACTS . Through the Municipallnfrastruotura Investment Initiative, municipalities had the opportunity to apply for help to fix roads, bridges, water and sewers, and oommunity recreational facilities . Under the Investing in Ontario Act, munioipalltles WOUld also receive a portion of provincial surpluses exoeeding $800 million for their infrastructure needs . About four million more people are expeoted to settle in Ontario in the next 25 years . Ontario has 16,525 kilo metres of provincial highway - enough to cross Canada twice. LEARN MORE Learn more about the 2008 Provincial Budaet. Read about the government's plan to improve public infrastruoture. -30- For more Information contact: Craig Bradford, Communicati~ns Assistant, (519) 6'31.0666. constltuencv omce: 542 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario H5P 1C4 Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 I-mall: speters.mpP.co@liberal.ola.oro Received Time Mar. 28. 2008 2:35PM No. 0344 OUR STATION. OUR HERITAGE. OUR FUTURE March 19, 2008 Att: Warden Sylvia Hofhuis and Members of Council County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Mtll~ 2 G 2008 Dear Warden Hofhuis and Members of Council The North America Railway Hall of Fame welcomes you and a guest to attend a gala evening at the station sponsored by Libro Financial. This gala is the official kick off to our "2008 Capital Campaign". Please find your enclosed invitation to this business casual event taking place May 1, 2008. 7:00 p.m. Meet and Greet 7:30 p.m. Presentations by North America Railway Hall of Fame membership committee 8:00 p.m. Tours of the station 9:00 p.m. Evening conclusion Your attendance is truly appreciated. We look forward to having you as our guest. Sincerely, Grant Hughson Membership and Fundraising Chair North America Railway Hall of Fame 1/ () 1f1Uj) /iU/t./ 'fU!.- Denise Payne () Business Developmen North America Ra' CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION 750 TALBOT STREET EAST P.O. BoX 20040 ST. THOMAS ON CANADA N5P 4H4 P.519.633.2535 F.519.633.3087 INFO@NARHF,ORG WWW.RAILWAYCAPITAL.CA A PROJECT OF NORTH AMERICA RAILWAY HALL OF FAME fjfu .N0JdIi Clnwtka !llailwmJ .1lcdlof 9at1W .~ itwite6iJOU ~ atWid a (jaLa.~ at.tfw S~ 9>f.ea6e. join U6 aJ ~ ~tfie.faundt, of O.wi 2()()8fupital&unpaign (9Wt SMww'J(9Wt~~(2.{j)(, f}~ fj~dm;.M.ay 1,?-()()8 7 :()() p.rn. &mada Scmtfwtn !llailwmJ St4fi<m, 7 5()fjaf&.t StJtm St. fjflwtttaJ, {9~ fR.S.V.fl519 6332535 / " / HATCH'" 4342 Queen Street P.O. Box 1001 Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6W1 Tel. 905 374 5200 + Fax: 905 3741157 + www.hatch.ca March 19, 2008 Warden Sylvia Hofhuis County of Elgin Administrative Building 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 -~J lJfJ) ":'>1.) l'/(d\ ;::, . 200B ~,~LGIN :.:;. t~ f"~ V ie ri:} Dear Warden Sylvia Hothuis: Gesner (Highgate) Wind Power Development Environmental Assessment Notice of Commencement for Environmental Screening Saturn Power Inc. is proposing to construct a 1 O-megawatt (MW) wind energy project consisting of up to six wind turbines on privately owned lands near Highgate, Ontario. Subject: The project is subject to a provincial environmental screening according to the Ontario Electricity Projects Regulation (O.Reg.116/01) of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This project will be eligible for federal funding under Natural Resources Canada's ecoENERGY for Renewable Power Program; therefore, it is also subject to a federal environmental screening under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Saturn Power Inc. has retained Hatch Ltd. to undertake the coordinated provincial and federal environmental screening. The screening process includes the identification of potential environmental impacts the project may have, along with the proposal of possible mitigating measures. The consideration of the input of potentially interested parties is integral to the successful completion of the process. Your comments, queries or information relevant to the proposed project would be greatly appreciated. Correspondence should be directed to Hatch Ltd. Margaret Trias, Senior Environmental Scientist 4342 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1001, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6Wl Phone (905) 374-5200 ext 5255; Fax (905) 374-1157; Email mtrias@hatch.ca For your information, attached is a copy of the Notice of Commencement which will be published in the Chatham Daily News and the Ridgetown Independent News on March 26, 2008.. A Public Information Centre (Open House) will be held in Highgate in spring or summer of 2008, where additional project information will be provided. The date and venue will be announced upon confirmation. Yours very truly, . ._ .~ pt-Margaret Trias, Senior Environmental Scientist MT:kjs Attachment - Notice of Commencement Gesner" Nocenvscreen^ AII-Letters.Doc "ViCIWorklngTogether v SAFHY (I Hatch 2006/03 ~ cc Doug Wagner, Saturn Power Inc. Trion Clarke, Hatch Ltd. Craig Newton, Ministry of the Environment Notice of Commencement Environmental Screening GESNER WIND ENERGY PROJECT Saturn Power Inc, is proposing to construct a 1 O-MW wind energy project consisting of up to six wind turbines near Highgate, Ontario, The study area for the proposed facility is shown on the map below, \ I Goodbrand Line HIGH GATE @ ~, MUlRKIRK ~Q~L~~'___________ Muirkirk Line ~ .;;{ 'e ,=1 McLean Line -------- I "-1f-H+ ';;;: '", ,0 ,S1 ,CD .g} ,=> ,::0 ,2 ,D- , , , " Gesner Line CJ co '" . ....... Teetzei Line ;c+ , ::0 I -.........~ : DUART '" Thomson Line 1_ - - - ~t~~Y-A~~a- - - - ~ - - - -1~- -1- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - . MeIers \ The project is subject to a provincial environmental screening according to the Ontario Electricity Projects Regulation (O,Reg, 116/01) of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, This project will be eligible for federal funding under Natural Resources Canada's ecoENERGY for Renewable Power Program; therefore, it is also subject to a federal environmental screening under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Saturn Power Inc, has retained Hatch Ltd, to undertake the coordinated provincial and federal environmental screening, Public consultation is an important component of the environmental screening process, Please address your comments or queries related to this proposed project to Hatch Ltd. Margaret Trias, Senior Environmental Scientist 4342 Queen Slreet , P,O, Box 1001, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6W1 Phone (905) 374-5200 Ext 5255 Fax (905) 374-1157 Email mtrias@hatch.ca A Public Information Centre will be held in Highgate in spring or summer 2008. The date and location will be announced. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and solely for the purpose of assisting Saturn Power Inc. in meeting environmental screening and local planning requirements. This material will be maintained on file for use during the study and may be included in project documentation. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. Ministry of Tourism Ministere du Tourisme 9th Floor, Hearst Block 900 Bay Street Toronto, ON M7A 2E1 Tel: (416)326-9326 Fax: (416) 326-9338 9~ stage, Edifice Hearst 900, rue Bay Toronto, ON M7A 2E1 Tel.: (416) 326-9326 Telee.: (416) 326-9336 ~~ ~:')- ~f~ ~,~ -,. Ontario Minister Ministre M!\R i2 3 2008 tOU1'~;~'{ ULG1N (\ nV'I'd,t~\T! {,-''/Ii}''.,' l~Cnl)I(r>,f:;r; {"'--"H~t',Hhj ! nt\ ~ ! t \_'" ~;~-,~ i v! J ~,'a M2008-11741 MAR 1 8 2008 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Manager of Administrative Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V} J Dear M~efffBil: ~ ThanGou for forwarding to me a copy of the resolution adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin requesting provincial government support for the authority to create a hotel room tax. At this time, the government is not considering a hotel tax for any municipalities in Ontario. In Ontario, destination marketing fees have been a successful tool for several destinations. A destination marketing fee is an industry-led levy charged by accommodation properties that volunteer to collect the fee. Typically, the funds raised through the fee are directed to a destination marketing organization and used to support tourism marketing and development. I invite partners in the County of Elgin to consider examples of where destination marketing fees are being successfully used and to decide what would work best in Elgin. Hotels in a number of Ontario cities, such as Toronto, Ottawa and Kingston, charge a three per cent destination marketing fee. Our government understands that many tourist accommodation operators in Ontario are still trying to recover from a downturn in tourism due to world events over the past few years, as well as the strong Canadian dollar and high prices for gasoline. Accordingly, my ministry supports the efforts of the Ontario tourism industry to seek industry-led solutions to support tourism promotion and development. For the fourth straight year, the province has waived the provincial sales tax on the destination marketing fee, which has benefited Ontario's tourism industry. I hope that this information is helpful. Please accept my best wishes for success in marketing the County of Elgin. Sincerely, tk?~~ Peter Fonseca Minister Co(l/~V /0 Ih__t10...511/1lI 03/.3 ;jot' 1/l MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT NO: 08/016 I- 0:: w -I <( ~bt. Msoddlion of Munkip.aliliC1- of Ontario 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Tel.: (416) 971-98561 Fax: (418) 971-6191 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca To the attention of the Clerk and Council March 25, 2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Wilson, AMO Senior Policy Advisor (416) 971-9856 exl 323 Budget Provides an Additional $1 Billion for Municipal Infrastructure Issue: Finance Minister Dwight Duncan today delivered the 2008-09 Provincial Budget. Background: The 2008 Provincial Budget, tabled in the Legislature today by Finance Minister Dwight Duncan contained a new $1 billion infrastructure investment package for municipalities including: . $400 million for municipal roads and bridges to be allocated based on a municipality's share of Ontario's road network in relation to population; . $497 million for public transit in the GTA; . $100 million in funding for repairs to 4,000 social housing units (announced on March 17th), This funding will be allocated to municipalities by the end of March 2008, The Budget also includes a two per cent social assistance rate increase for Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program recipients. Municipalities will be shielded from these costs until January 2009. In 2009, the 2 per cent rate increase will cost municipalities approximately $20 million. The municipal impact will be reduced in 2010 and 2011 when the ODSP benefits are fully uploaded, Other significant measures include: . $30 million over four years for rural broadband expansion; . An additional $30 million over four years for the Rural Economic Development (RED) program; . $16 million to fund 35 projects which connect designated municipal roads with provincial highways; . An acceleration of the Business Education Tax rate cuts for northern businesses. The rate cut will result in savings of more than $70 million and advances the full effect of the cut by 4 years; . Increasing the funding from $60 million in 2007-08 to $100 million in 2011-12, for the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation, . $1 billion over five years for a new Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant of up to $500 a year by 2010 for seniors with low and moderate incomes who own their homes; 1-2 Association of .4tlfe Municipalities of Ontario -- i - . $16 million over four years to enhance the Ontario Property and Sales Tax Credit program to ensure that senior couples receiving the guaranteed minimum level of income from governments receive the full benefit of these credits this year; and . Over $23 million in 2007-08 to support the development of source water protection plans in 19 Conversation Authorities across the province. Consistent with the recommendations of the Provincial Ombudsman, the government will introduce legislation that would place the onus on MPAC to prove the accuracy of property assessments that are appealed to the Assessment Review Board (ARB). The initiatives announced in today's budget continue the transformation of fiscal arrangements between the Province and municipal governments emerging from the current Provincial Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery review. Those changes have included: . The $935 million upload over four years of the costs of the provincial Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) program and the provincial Ontario Disability Support Programs (ODSP). This important milestone was announced by Premier McGuinty at the 2007 AMO Conference. . A $44 million Stable Funding Guarantee for the 2008 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) allocation. . The $450 million 2008 Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (Mill), which will be distributed to municipalities by March 31, 2008. . Bill 35, the Investing in Ontario Act, which if passed, would see municipal infrastructure benefit from any confirmed 2007-08 provincial budget surplus over an initial $600 million allocated to the provincial debt. This initiative could provide up to $2 billion in municipal infrastructure investment in 2008. AMO commends the government for its much needed infrastructure investments and the uploading of significant social service program costs. These initiatives combined with today's Budget speak to the objectives of the ongoing Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review. Through the Review AMO is seeking to: . secure sustainable, accountable, and transparent provincial-municipal fiscal arrangements; . ensure that investment in municipal infrastructure meets the current and future needs of Ontarians; and . improve the quality of municipally managed human services in Ontario. The Review's consensus-based report is expected in late June 2008. AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 445 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario and Canada's political system. I- 0:: w -I <( This information is available in the Policy Issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. Association of Atli. 2~2 Municipalities of Ontario . ... -- I - ~~ OANHSS t:;;; a ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF t.t,~ NON-PROFIT HOMES AND SERVICES ~~ FOR SENIORS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Not Much of A 'Revolution' For Long Term Care Home Residents Toronto, Ontario (March 25, 2008) - It will be one step forward and two steps back for long term care residents in today's budget. Long term care homes were seeking over $500 million more a year in operating funding in order to provide an acceptable and adequate level of care for residents. Instead, the Ontario government has allocated just $107 million over three years to hire 2,500 personal support workers and an unspecified amount for 2,000 nurses. "Earmarking money for specific positions forces homes to hire when they can't maintain the staff they already have. It becomes a shell game if homes are laying off at the same time as they are hiring," said Donna Rubin, CEO of the Ontario Association of Non- Profit Homes and Services for Seniors (OANHSS). Today's announcement means that the level of care in these homes will actually decline this year as inflation, wage adjustments and other operating costs outstrip the dollars toward new hires. As the funding shortfalls continue to mount, the situation will continue to deteriorate. "We're slipping backward, not moving forward, and that's bitterly disappointing for the 76,000 long term care residents in this province who were expecting more," said Rubin. "This is certainly not going to make Ontario a leader in helping its most vulnerable citizens. " In the not-for-profit sector, which includes municipal and charitable long term care homes and non-profit nursing homes, the supporting organizations are doing everything they can to address the situation. Charitable foundations and municipalities are topping up government funding by more than $150 million a year to maintain a level of care that the province has been unable to support. "But I don't know how long they can continue to make up the shortfall," Rubin warned. The budget also includes $278 million for 'various programs'. "This sounds like a big figure, but this funding will not flow directly to resident care," said Rubin. In December last year, OANHSS sent an open letter to George Smitherman, Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, in which it identified what it believes are the most important objectives to be achieved over the next four years. It said it would measure the government's progress by these benchmarks. (See attached letter.) Based on to day's budget, OANHSS members will be disillusioned about this government's real commitment to long term care. The lack of adequate funding means that Ontario will continue to lag behind other progressive jurisdictions in the level of care provided to those living in long term care homes. OANHSS acknowledges some positives in this budget for not-for-profit long term care, including a review of the property tax treatment of homes established under the Charitable Institutions Act. The Association was also pleased to see the broadening of the OSIFA infrastructure loan program to include social housing, the re-confirmation of the Aging At Home Strategy, funding to support the capital re-development of Band C homes, and the 2 per cent increase to the comfort allowance for long term care home residents. OANHSS is the provincial association representing not-for-profit providers of long term care, services and housing for seniors. Members include municipal and charitable long term care homes, non-profit nursing homes, seniors' housing projects and community service agencies. Member organizations operate over 27,000 long term care beds and over 5,000 seniors' housing units across the province. - 30- For further information, contact: Debbie Humphreys 416-553-7401 Robert Stephens PR POST 416-777-0368 ~~.~~i f2 ~::; ~;:) Ministry of the Attorney General Ministere du Procureur general MAR 3 1 200B <<"'''''\'' FLlj:.N Office of the Deputy Attorney General McMurtry-Scott Building 720 Bay Street 11 th Floor Toronto ON M5G 2K1 Cabinet du Sous-procureur general ('~ t > j,-F Ontario ,'r"~l'--ii', f;" -"'''1:',' "U,V!_!'I,::>;: i,\t.hH l~~l~tl j J"'~ 1;, -.". u"j:i, d}"V Edifice McMurtry-Scott 720, rue Bay 11' otage Toronto ON M5G 2K1 Tei: 416-326-2640 Fax: 416-326-4018 Tel.: 416-326-2640 Toloe,: 416-326-4018 Our Reference #: 008-00059 March 25,2008 Ms, Lynn Acre Warden County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Warden Acre: I am pleased to be writing to you with an update on the streamlining review of Provincial Offences Act proceedings and other recent initiatives to assist municipalities in the administration of local provincial offences courts. 1. Provincial Offences Act Streamlining As you are aware, in the fall of 2006 we established a provincial-municipal working group to conduct a collaborative review of Provincial Offences Act proceedings to find ways to improve the local delivery of justice services. Working group participants include representatives from Municipal Partners, municipal associations and several Ontario ministries. A list of participants is attached to this letter. The working group met regularly between October 2006 and November 2007 to discuss a wide range of proposals to improve service to the public, enhance municipal fine enforcement, simplify procedures and make better use of available resources. The working group has completed its review of proposals submitted by participants and is developing a consultation paper to document its proposed reforms. This paper will be shared with you and other interested parties in the near future to seek feedback prior to the submission of the working group's final recommendations to the Attorney General. Cof.l'.!J /tJ U€SA o'f/o.jo.f #- 2. Justice of the Peace Resources The Ministry has responded to municipal concerns about the availability of justices of the peace. Since October 2003, the Attorney General has announced the appointment of 113 full-time, presiding justices of the peace, including 30 additional justices of the peace announced in the 2007 Ontario budget. Effective January 1, 2007 all of the reforms to the justice of the peace system contained in the Access to Justice Act, 2006 were proclaimed in force. These reforms provide for the appointment of only full-time, presiding justices of the peace who can hear a broad range of matters, including trials in municipally administered courts. The reforms also allow retired justices of the peace to return to the bench to serve on a per diem basis. There are currently 28 per diem justices of the peace available for assignment by the Court to locations across the province. These per diem justices of the peace, together with the full-time appointments, provide the Ontario Court of Justice with maximum flexibility in its scheduling and will help to ensure that Ontario's courts have adequate resources to respond to changing workload pressures. 3. Administrative Monetary Penalties Administrative penalties regulations have been created under the City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the Municipal Act, 2001 in response to municipal requests for cost effective local option ticketing systems for parking infractions. These regulations give municipalities the option of establishing a parking regulation system outside the Provincial Offences Act, relieving pressure on municipally administered courts. 4. Case Processing In October 2007, the Ministry hosted a Provincial Offences Prosecutions Forum to provide provincial and municipal prosecutors with an opportunity to discuss a range of strategies and best practices for managing growing case loads. 5. Provincial Offences Act Appeals In December 2007, the Ministry completed a collaborative review of the administration of Provincial Offences Act appeals with Municipal Partners. The Ministry is currently reviewing a package of recommended improvements proposed by the provincial- municipal working group that conducted this review. 6. Fine Enforcement In addition to the proposals tabled during the Provincial Offences Act streamlining discussions, the Ministry has been working directly with Municipal Partners on several initiatives to immediately improve fine enforcement and administration. These initiatives include authorizing municipal requests to recover collection agency costs from fine defaulters, developing training to implement new financial reporting standards and establishing a policy for writing off defaulted fines that have been deemed uncollectible. 7. E-Ticketing The Ministry is working with Municipal Partners and enforcement agencies to implement e-ticketing initiatives across the province. These projects present significant opportunities to improve the production of offence tickets and the quality of information filed with the court. We look forward to continuing to work with our Municipal Partners to identify new ways to improve justice services while reducing the administrative burden on municipal courts. We welcome your feedback. Please contact Mr. Jeremy Griggs, Manager, Provincial Offences Act Unit at (613) 547-0484 or ieremv.oriQQs@ontario.ca with any comments or questions. I look forward to your responses to the upcoming Provincial Offences Act streamlining consultation paper. ~ Murray Segal Deputy Attorney General Attachment POA Streamlining Review - Working Group Members Robert Heuton Eldeen Murphy Terry Ringler Norman Scarratt Manager, Provincial Offences Office Manager, Provincial Offences Office Manager, Provincial Offences Office Director of Court Services, Provincial Offences Office City of Windsor City of Kingston City of North Bay Regional Municipality of York Jeremy Griggs (Chair) John David Hay Carol Mitchell Shellagh Stewart John Petrosonlak Rhona FlemingfAbl Lewis Manager, POA Unit, CrlmlnalfPOA Policy and Programs Branch Crown Attorney, West Region Provincial Prosecutor, Crown Attorney's Office, Central East Region Counsel, Corporate Services Branch Counsel, Ministry of Transportation Counsel Court Services Division Criminal Law Division Criminal Law Division Criminal Law Division Legal Services Division Policy Division Ralph Walton Donna Simmonds Director, Municipal Governance & Structures Branch Manager (A), Municipal Structures Policy Ministry 01 Finance Olll::@. (:llh~ LV! r' :i~H" ;:'(;"::11 ~1.1Id rg :::t.:r j Qucon's PG.'k G" ~o"::m:o 0",", W1A. 'Y7 "'tJ ('~Hi) 325'04.':':'~..i =ax (416'1325.037.(, ',V',V'NfiI'VTllo:rur:.H Ministry of Ulunii;lpal AHait's .and Hl;JI,J$in!;l Otr..;;e: Q1 lhr:;- !'.i'''j$~c' 77'1 8;:Jy' St(f.Cr To;"on~o. Of\ ~,~~G 2E5 il;'! (.di6j !:fU').7:')OC: fax (41e:I.::!!=.~'ro ',',','f,l{ rnah.c"laro ca f'\.. : ,....-.:> tJr Ontario March 31. 2008 Dear Heads of Council: On Marc h 18(". the Government of Ontario introduced Bill 35. the proposed Investing in Ontario Act. 2008. We are pleased to advise you that your municipaiily would receive a capital grant from the province il the biills enacted and the province's 2007-08 surpiU$ exceeds $800 miilion, Your municipality would have f[exibiiity and discretion to spend any grant provided on t\$ capital priorities. The accountabiiity provisions associated with these grants would require repo rting back to 1he province on how the lunds were used, ailowing for indapendeni audit, and providing for recovery 01 the funds should they not be used for capital purposes, Attached are details on how any 2007-08 surpiuses would be allocated to municipalities throughout Ontario to help address capital needs. The amount of any grant would not be known untii the province's 2007-08 surplus is determined in Pubiic Accounls. The Ministry of Treasury and Economics Act requires the province to release its PubiiC Accounts no later than 180 days 101l0wing the end of its fiscal period. Last year, the Public Accounts were I'e[eased on August 17, 2007. In addition to the $1 billion In municipal infrastructure investments recentiy announced by the pmvince, the proposed act wouid allow the government to further support munlclpalit[es In addressing their key capital priorities. In partnership with municipalities, the Ontario government i~ committed to building strong and prosperous communities throughout Ontario, Yours s[ncerely, Dwight Duncan Minister of Finance /1 ; / I-+-- /p lJ..J~ Jim Watson Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing c: The Honourable David Capian, Minister of Pl.blic Infrastructure Renewai Mr, Colin Andersen, Deputy Min[ster of Finance Mr, John S, Burkel Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Receivd Time Mar, 31. 2008 3:37PM No, 0378 Attachment 2007-08 Surplus Allocation Formula If enacted, the governmellt will use the regulation-making authority in the proposed act to provide municipalities with a portion of the 2007-08 surplus up to a maximum of $2 billion .- Sllould the surplus determined In Public Accounts exceed S800 million. If tho determined surplus exceeds S800 million, ttle first $600 million would be used to reduce the accumulated financial deficit. The mgulatlon would also specify the following basis tor allocating any determined portion of the surplus among ITlllnicipalities: · The govornment would use a per-capita allocation to distribute funding among single-tier municipalities and upper-tier geographic areas. . In areas with two-tier municipal systems, the per-capita share of available lunding for the geographic area would first be allocated between the upper-tier municipality and the collective lower-tier municipalities according to their respective shares ot capital expenditures over the past five years. The collective lower-tier portion would then be further distributed among the individual lower-tier municipalilies on a per-capita basis. · Population data used would be from the 2006 Census of Population, as reported by Statistics Canada. The municipal capital expenditure intormation used would be that provided by municipalities in their Financiallnforma11on Returns to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the years 2001 to 2005. The population and capital expenditure information will be that recorded as of March 31,2008. Received Time Mar, 31. 2008 3:37PM No, 0378 ASSOCIATION 01' ONTARIO ROAD SUPERVISORS PROMOTING KNOWLEDGE, PURSUING EXCELLENCE, ~, tl"" -,-,""'"' ", AJ}""" I"''!. fC~" ~~,< ~-\~~r~l iT~'-.1 R "r,~ l,,? ~_,-,,!J 'j,. b", ,,~, March 18, 2008 MAR 3 1 2008 "''1' 'V""''V' "'t ('1'1 \11.U,1IY Lt c ,\..11~ , "'''P'T ^ "I' '," -'''''Vle'''' illliitliJltH BII li\h; bb\ t~'-I County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attention: Warden Sylvia Hofhuis and Council Re: Peter Dutchak CRS Dear Warden and Council Members: On behalf of the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors (AORS), I would like to congratulate your employee, Peter Dutchak for his recent CRS certification. As well, thank you for supporting your employee and we encourage you to publicly acknowledge this achievement. AORS has been serving public works professionals since 1961. In 1996 AORS was granted - by Provincial Legislation - the exclusive right to use the designation 'Certified Road Supervisor' (CRS). The four levels of Certification - Associate, CRS, Intermediate and Senior - have mandatory experience and education criteria established by the AORS Education Committee and Certification Board. Certified individuals may publicize their credential by using initials after their names and we would certainly encourage your employee to do so. Certification is important for your Municipality because it increases corporate 'professionalism', accountability and morale. Certified Road Supervisors use their broad base of knowledge to make confident decisions and therefore serve Council and public more effectively. AORS is committed to the training and development of experienced, reliable and efficient personnel for the construction and maintenance of public roads in rural and urban municipalities across Ontario. Thank you again for supporting AORS and for helping us meet our objectives. Yours truly, 4a~ auL Bryan Clarke CRS-S Chief Administrative Officer cc. Peter Dutchak P,O, BOX 129, THORNOALE, ON NOM 2PO TEL: (519)461-1271 FAX: (519)461-1343 www.aors.on.ca CLOSED MEETING AGENDA APRIL 8. 2008 PRESENTATION: 1) Chief Administrative Officer - Section 240.2 (b) personal matters about identifiable individuals - Succession Planning and Senior Management Organizational Review - Confidential verbal discussion. Administrative Services Department Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive, SI. Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5V1 Phone: (519) 631-1460 Exl.156 Fax: (519) 633-7661 County of Elgin www.elgin-county.on.ca Fax To: Fax: Phone: Re: Warden Hofhuis and County Councillors Call Group #3 From: Mark G. McDonald mmcdonald@elgin-county.on.ca April 8, 2008 If) including cover sheet Additional Items for Council Agenda of April 8, 2008 Date: Pages: cc: Comments: Reports: - ATTACHED 1) Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator - Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base Contract Award 2) Chief Administrative Officer - Amending Agreement with INPARTNR Inc. Resolution: - ATTACHED 1) Rural Initiatives Committee - Resolution from Rural Initiatives Committee re: Infrastructure Funding Correspondence Items for Consideration: - ATTACHED 1) City of Ottawa, with a resolution requesting that the Province of Ontario pay a proportional share of MPAC costs related to education property taxes. THE INFORMATION IN THiS FACSIMILE IS FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT ONLY. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, OR THERE ARE PROBLEMS IN TRANSMISSION, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Ambulance Base Building Committee DATE: April 3, 2008 SUBJECT: Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base Contract Award CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement. To provide innovative and collaborative quality service. INTRODUCTION: On March 5, 2007 Council re-activated the Ambulance Base Building Committee for the purpose of planning for the construction of a new ambulance base on county owned Terrace Lodge property. The Committee is bringing forward to CouncilJhe Committee recommended floor plan and building design of the base and results of the Tender bids for the construction of the base for approval by County Council. DISCUSSION I CONCLUSION: The Committee has been working diligently over the past year - through MTO approvals for a separate emergency exit for ambulances from the base property, to fine-tuning the base floor plan to suit the site, to liaising with the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority regarding flood levels and resulting impact on the floor plan. A Request for Tender was issued according to County's Purchasing Policy and sealed bids were received until Wednesday, April 2, 2008 for the the supply of all labour, equipment and materials for the Construction of a Two Bay Ambulance Base located at theTerrace Lodge site. The County of Elgin received seven Formal Tenders. Four Tenders were non- compliant. Three compliant bids were received as follows: Company Bid lincludina taxes) H.I.R.A. Limited $ 547,809.68 Reid & DeLeye Contractors Limited $ 555,800.00 2095491 Ontario Inc ola Timm Conn $ 558,359.00 The bids include all labour, material and equipment required to complete the project as specified in the Tender Document. The Ambulance Base Building Committee recommends to Council that the H.I.R.A. bid not be accepted due to performance and completion issues related to prior County projects, including Elgin Manor. In the above regard, it is noted that the Request to Tender issued in respect of this project, in keeping with current procurement policies, specifically provides that the "lowest bid will not necessarily be accepted", further it allows the County to evaluate any Tender with regard to past performance. The Ambulance Base Building Committee further recommends that the bid be awarded to Reid & DeLeye Contractors Limited at the submitted bid for the construction of a two bay ambulance base at a total price of $555,800.00 including taxes. (The difference between the two lowest bids is $7,990.32). This bid is less than expected, as preliminary costing by SPH Engineering indicated a cost of approximately $615,000.00, not including taxes, for this project. This project was previously approved to be funded by the reserve for Financing - Ambulance Base Capital Fund. The following recommendation is put forth by the Ambulance Base Building Committee. RECOMMENDATION: That Reid & DeLeye Contractors Limited be selected for the supply of all labour, material and equipment required for the Construction of a Two Bay Ambulance Base located on County owned property adjacent to Terrace Lodge at the quoted price of $ 555,800.00. This will be funded by the reserve for Financing - Ambulance Base Capital Fund. That the Warden and Chief Administrative officer be directed and authorized to enter into an agreement with Reid & DeLeye Contractors Limited for the Construction of a Two-Bay Ambulance Base, Contract No. 2800-04-01. Attach floor plan and exterior building drawing. Respectfully Submitted tY' hn Wilson, Chair, Ambulance Base Building Committee Mark. Donald Chief Administrative Officer ",8 ~~ o '" n~! ~o() "'", ~~ ~~> w:od ~ I -t "~{Il f...~ ..... UtIj .2Z glCl "~~ ;~~ " Cl ~ 121 }1 . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~h~ ~o:;,?: wH~~ t., [f~ .:ill if.' :~i .,. "I Il.w If ~'<f I nil 8 "'""'1;" !is ~ a~~p i':~i':: S,... 111I;ll1l1jil!if i g 8;1 II ll'~' ~ ~ ill l!d!!!!11 ~ Iii IIlmll! II lldl!l!!!!ll! I I i81111" 0 , Ii 'I Ill'!' I,' I'!'! " ~ 5 ~ ~ ~~~ 0 0 0 ~ I'! il i1 il.il ~~ Ill' Il all !;, II l!1 ",1 " i ' III' 'I 'I ~ .11 "II I! 0 ! '! ' . !' I . , r --------------------------- l , @ ill"'I! , ~l! , lI~li!' n!l!l .!l!! IP (ID . r---- - I I I I I I I I I I I L______ ------, , , I , I 'I I Ii ! , I ------...1 ...,' < I I I I I , ! <ID I I I I I ' . I I ~-f------------ ~~ -- ----------i-J < 'r r-:-' /__J U i . ------1 I I , , I I , I I I I ______...1 Ill. @]'IFI Ill' < ~ lIt~,;f'I""" f!l8 ~~ !~ ~ !~ ,c ,~ " p Ii m ~, ~ m m I ~ 0 < ~:j~' m . Ii < :! . ~ 0 z q~~ 0 z ~~() 0 [ I :>-'" Z~~ I ~?:f::l [ ~ I 0 ~ 0 0 ::l ~ '" -+ [ ~g~ I "~ ~G~ ~ICl I o~ [ ~~t!1 [ ~~~ ~ Cl I ~ 12! 0 . . 0 o ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ o ^ ~~r ! 0 <;1' .~ ~ ~, ~o;!li! ~i'~~ 1,i~J ~'J. ~~ r. "I'" itl[~{ I ~~!J II ~.l! ~a, . ! REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: April 4, 2008 SUBJECT: Amending Agreement with INPARTNR Inc. CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: . To nurture and support dignified long-term care . To forge community partnerships . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: The original agreement with INPARTNR INC anticipated the redevelopment of the former Elgin Manor property as a Senior Citizen apartment complex with a maximum capacity of 60 residents, as indicated in Section 7.1 of the Agreement. The developers have planning approvals for up to 70 residents and have asked to amend the current arrangement to increase the capacity by 10 residents, by amending the pertinent clause. DISCUSSION: The County Solicitor and staff are in agreement with the proposed amendment. The sewage treatment plant has sufficient capacity to accept the additional usage and the extra accommodations will help reduce demand for this much needed type of accommodation. CONCLUSION: The proposed amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement with INPARTNR INC. is satisfactory. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Elgin County Council approve the attached Amending Agreement for the redevelopment of the former Elgin Manor property. All of which is res ectfully submitted, Mark G. Donald, Chief Adminis:iv 'cer. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN: INPARTNR INC. (hereinafter "Inpartm") Of the first part AND THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter "County") Of the second patt AND ELGIN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I (hereinafter "ELPI) Of the third patt WHEREAS by agreement dated August 18th, 2004 (the "Agreement") Inpattm Inc. agreed to purchase from the County those lands described as Patt of Lot 39 NOlth Talbot Road Concession, Geographic Township of Southwold in the Township of Southwold and County of Elgin designated as Patt 2 on Reference Plan II R -8197; AND WHEREAS Inpattm Inc. by agreement dated April 28th, 2006 did assign its interest in the aforesaid Agreement to ELPI with the consent of the County; AND WHEREAS the parties wish to atnend clause 7.1 of the original Agreement by increasing the maximum number of the senior's apartments to be constructed; 2 NOW THEREFORE the pmiies herein agree to the following amendments to the original Agreement: The aforesaid clause 7.1 of the original Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced with the following new provision: "7.1 Inpartm acknowledges its intention to construct not less than fifty (50) and not more than Seventy (70) senior's apartments on the subject Lands subsequent to the demolition requirements contained herein." All other terms and conditions in the aforementioned Agreement and assignment to remain unchanged. Dated this day of SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of ,2008 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Per: ) ) ) ) Per: ) Mark McDonald - C.A.O & Clerk ) I/we have authority to bind the Corporation Elgin Limited Pminership I Per: C. M. "Gus" Walters I have authority to bind the Partnership Inpartm Inc. Per: C. M. "Gus" Walters - President I have authority to bind the Pminership THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Sylvia Hofuuis - Warden RURAL INITIATIVES COMMITTEE Resolution on Infrastructure Fundinq Moved by Warden Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Warwick The Rural Initiatives Committee Recommends the following for consideration by Elgin County Council: THAT the Council of the County of Elgin formally acknowledge and thank the McGuinty Government for the recently announced investment in municipal infrastructure through additional funding; and, THAT Council especially appreciates the formula base to the funding and the unconditional nature of applying the funds to local roads and bridges needs; and, THAT Council recognize, in particular, the work of Local Member and Speaker of the House, Mr. Steve Peters, in advocating on behalf of rural Ontario; and further, THAT Council commend Mr. Peters who, using his considerable influence with former Cabinet colleagues and network of connections at Queen's Park, has obviously articulated the case for Rural Ontario in a convincing manner; and, THAT a letter be forwarded to the Premier and Mr. Peters thanking them for this much needed investment in Ontario's infrastructure needs. - Carried Unanimously. Jim Mcintyre, Chair. (6ttawa The Council of the City of Ottawa, at its meeting of 26 and 27 March 2008, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS the work of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation provides services to both municipal governments and the provincial government for the purpose of collecting property taxes; and WHEREAS Ontario municipalities pay for MP AC services and costs and the Province does not; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa request that the Province of Ontario pay a proportional share of MP AC costs related to education property taxes; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa communicate this request to MPAC Board of Directors, LUMCO, MARCO and AMO's Regional and Single Tier Caucus to solicit the support for this request. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa communicate this request to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for distribution to their membership. City of Ottawa 110 Laurier Avenue Ottawa, ON KIP 1Jl Attention: Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator Telephone: 580-2424, Ext. 21837 Facsimile: 580-9609 E-mail: dawn.whelan@.ottawa.ca DISCLAIMER This malerial is provided under contract as a paid seNice by the originating organization and does not necessarily ref/eel the view or positions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, officers, directors or agents.