11 - May 24, 2022 County Council Agenda Package TABLE OF CONTENTS Orders –Tuesday, May 24, 2022…………………………….………………………...3 Elgin County Council Minutes –May 10, 2022………………………………………4 Reports Index……………………………………………………………………………. 21 Report – Homes – Multi-Sector ServiceAccountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F……………………………………………………………………………….22 Report – Homes – Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19 and Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and Resident Absences During a Pandemic………………………………………………………………………………… 26 Report –Laundry and Linen Services for ElginCounty Homes –Contract Award.50 Report – New HR Policy: 2.170 Disconnecting from Work…………………………. 89 Report – Compensation and Pay Equity ReviewFinal Report –Non-Union Staff, Council, and Boards…………………………………………….....................................98 Report – Council and Outside Boards Remuneration and Expenses……………… 120 Report – 2021 Annual Report for Investments……………………………………….. 126 Report – 2022 Tax Ratio and Tax Rate Amendments……………………………….. 128 Report – Amendment to the Approved Format Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement…………………………………………………... 131 Report – Agenda Management Software RFP – Project Award……………………. 152 Report –Elgin/ Re:Public Urbanism -Amendment to Planning Services Agreement - Expansion of Scope of Services……………………………………… 186 Report – Approval of the Malahide Official Plan Amendment 20 File No.: MA OPA-01-22 Applicant: Township of Malahide………………………………………...192 Report –Parking By-Law Amendment –PortStanley……………………………….452 Report – Whites Station Operations Centre Antenna Communications Tower Structural Inspection……………………………………………………………………. 457 Report – Request to Install Prohibiting Engine Brake Signs – Village of Springfield………………………………………………………………………………...460 Report – Updated COVID-19 Measures………………………………………………. 466 Correspondence – Items for Consideration Index…………………………………… 485 Correspondence – Letter from Town of Aylmer……………………………………... 486 Correspondence –Letter from SCOR EDC…………………………………………..491 Closed Session Agenda –May 24, 2022…………………………………………….. 492 By-Law 22-22 – Elgin County Budget –Tax Ratios…………………………………. 493 By-Law22-23– Parking Amendment………………………………………………. 499 ORDERS OF THE DAY For Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 9:00 A.M. st 1Meeting Called to Order nd 2Adoption of Minutes –May 10, 2022 rd 3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General NatureThereof th 4 Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations th 5 Motion to Move Into “Committee of the Whole Council” th 6Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff th 7 Council Correspondence 1.Items for Consideration 2.Items for Information (Consent Agenda) th 8Other Business 1.Statements/Inquiries by Members 2.Notice of Motion 3.Matters of Urgency th 9Closed Meeting Items th 10 Recess th 11 Motion to Rise and Report th 12Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole th 13 Consideration of By-Laws th 14 Adjournment VIRTUAL MEETING: IN-PERSON PARTICIPATION RESTRICTED NOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin/ Accessible formats available upon request. Page 1 May10, 2022 ELGINCOUNTYCOUNCIL MINUTES May10,2022 th ElginCountyCouncilmetthis10dayofMay2022attheElginCountyAdministrationBuilding. Themeetingwasheldin-person. CouncilPresent:WardenMaryFrench DeputyWardenTomMarks CouncillorDuncanMcPhail CouncillorBobPurcell CouncillorGrantJones CouncillorSallyMartyn CouncillorDaveMennill CouncillorDominiqueGiguère CouncillorEdKetchabaw StaffPresent:JulieGonyou,ChiefAdministrativeOfficer MicheleHarris,DirectorofHomesandSeniorsServices BrianMasschaele,DirectorofCommunityandCulturalServices GeneDiMeo,ManagerofCorporateFacilities CarolynKrahn,InterimManagerofEconomicDevelopment & Tourism NatalieMarlowe,LibraryCoordinator JennaFentie,LegislativeServicesCoordinator DelanyLeitch,LegislativeServicesCoordinator 1.CALLTOORDER Themeetingconvenedat 9:00 a.m.withWardenFrenchinthechair. 2.ADOPTIONOFMINUTES Movedby:CouncillorKetchabaw Secondedby:CouncillorPurcell RESOLVEDTHATtheminutesofthemeetingheldonApril26, 2022beadopted. -MotionCarried. 3.DISCLOSUREOFPECUNIARYINTERESTANDTHEGENERALNATURETHEREOF None. 4.PRESENTINGPETITIONS,PRESENTATIONSANDDELEGATIONS 4.1 FutureofShortlineRailintheSouthCentralOntarioRegion TheSouthCentralOntarioRegionEconomicDevelopment Corporation presented anoverview ofregionalshortlinerailchallengesandopportunities. Movedby:CouncillorMennill Secondedby:CouncillorKetchabaw RESOLVEDTHATthepresentationtitled“FutureofShortlineRailintheSouth CentralOntarioRegion”fromtheSouthCentralOntarioRegionEconomic Development Corporationbereceivedandfiled. -MotionCarried. Page 2 May10, 2022 5.COMMITTEEOFTHEWHOLE Movedby:CouncillorJones Secondedby:CouncillorMartyn RESOLVEDTHATwedonowmoveintoCommitteeoftheWholeCouncil. -MotionCarried. 6.REPORTSOFCOUNCIL,OUTSIDEBOARDSANDSTAFF 6.1 Warden’sActivityReport(April)andCOVID-19Update – WardenFrench WardenFrenchpresentedthereportproviding a high-levelsummaryofthe County’sresponsetothepandemicaswellas a listofeventsandmeetings attendedandorganizedonbehalfofCountyCouncil. Movedby:DeputyWardenMarks Secondedby:CouncillorGiguère RESOLVEDTHATthereporttitled “Warden’sActivityReport(April)andCOVID-19 Update” datedMay 2, 2022fromWardenFrenchbereceivedandfiled. -MotionCarried. 6.2 2021AnnualLibraryPerformanceMeasurements – LibraryCoordinator TheLibraryCoordinatorpresentedthereportoutliningElginCountyLibrary performance statistics for2021. Movedby:CouncillorJones Secondedby:CouncillorMennill RESOLVEDTHATthereporttitled “2021AnnualLibraryPerformance Measurements” datedMay10, 2022fromtheLibraryCoordinatorbereceivedand filedforinformation,and THAT a copyofthe presentationbesubmittedtolocalmunicipalpartnerswithinthe CountyofElgin. -MotionCarried. 6.3Homes – AdministrationPolicyUpdates – ResidentRights,ResidentAbuse, MandatoryandCriticalIncidentReporting,RequestsandConcerns,Staff ReportingandWhistleBlowerProtection – DirectorofHomesandSeniors Services TheDirectorofHomesandSeniorsServicespresentedthereport recommendingthatCouncilapprovetheCountyofElginHomesandSeniors ServicesAdministrativePolicyManualupdatestoensurealignmentwithcurrent MinistryofLong-TermCarelegislation. Movedby:CouncillorMennill Secondedby:CouncillorMartyn RESOLVEDTHATthereporttitled“Homes – AdministrationPolicyUpdates – ResidentRights,ResidentAbuse,MandatoryandCriticalIncidentReporting, RequestsandConcerns,StaffReportingandWhistleBlowerProtection”dated May4,2022fromtheDirectorofHomesandSeniorsServicesbereceivedand filed;and THATCouncilapprovetheCountyofElginHomesandSeniorsServices AdministrativePolicyManualupdatestoensurealignmentwithcurrentMinistry ofLong-TermCarelegislation. Page 3 May10, 2022 -MotionCarried. 6.4ContractAward – CountyAdministrationBuilding – CouncilChambers & ReceptionUpgradesProject – ManagerofCorporateFacilities TheManagerofCorporateFacilitiespresentedtherecommending a tenderaward fortheCouncilChambersandreceptionupgradesproject. Movedby:DeputyWardenMarks Secondedby:CouncillorJones RESOLVEDTHATthereport“ContractAward - CountyAdministrationBuilding – CouncilChambers & ReceptionUpgrades”fromtheGeneralManagerof Engineering,PlanningandEnterprise/DeputyCAO,aspresentedbytheManager ofCorporateFacilities, bereceivedforinformation;and THATK&LConstruction(OntarioLtd).beawardedtheCountyAdministration Building – CouncilChambers & ReceptionUpgradesProject,TenderNo.2022-T09 at a totalpriceof$1,113,600.00(exclusiveofHST);and THATtheWardenandChiefAdministrativeOfficerbeauthorizedtosignthe respectivecontract. -MotionCarried. 7.COUNCILCORRESPONDENCE None. 8.OTHERBUSINESS 8.1Statements/InquiriesbyMembers None. 8.2 NoticeofMotion None. 8.3 MattersofUrgency None. 9.CLOSEDMEETINGITEMS In-CameraItem#1wasdeferredtotheMay24,2022CouncilMeeting. Movedby:CouncillorMcPhail Secondedby:CouncillorPurcell RESOLVEDTHATwedonowproceedinto closed meeting session inaccordancewith theMunicipal Act to discuss thefollowingmattersunderMunicipalActSection239(2): In-CameraItem#2 (a)thesecurityofthepropertyofthemunicipalityorlocalboard –SecurityofProperty In-CameraItem#3 (b)personalmattersaboutanidentifiableindividual,includingmunicipalorlocalboard employees – OrganizationalUpdate -MotionCarried. Page 4 May10, 2022 10.MOTIONTORISEANDREPORT Movedby:CouncillorMcPhail Secondedby:CouncillorMennill RESOLVEDTHATwedonowriseandreport. -MotionCarried. In-CameraItem#2 – SecurityofProperty Movedby:CouncillorJones Secondedby:CouncillorKetchabaw RESOLVEDTHATstaffproceedasdirected. -MotionCarried. In-CameraItem #3 – OrganizationalUpdate Movedby:DeputyWardenMarks Secondedby:CouncillorGiguère RESOLVEDTHATstaffproceedasdirected. -MotionCarried. 11.MOTIONTOADOPTRECOMMENDATIONSFROMTHECOMMITTEEOFTHEWHOLE Movedby:CouncillorJones Secondedby:CouncillorMennill RESOLVEDTHATwedonowadoptrecommendationsoftheCommittee of theWhole. -MotionCarried. 12.CONSIDERATIONOFBY-LAWS 13.1 By-LawNo.22-21 – ConfirmingallActionsandProceedings BEING aBy-LawtoConfirmProceedingsoftheMunicipalCouncilofthe CorporationoftheCountyofElginattheMay10, 2022Meeting. Movedby:CouncillorMartyn Secondedby:CouncillorMennill RESOLVEDTHATBy-LawNo.22-21 benowread a first,secondandthirdtime andfinallypassed. -MotionCarried. 13.ADJOURNMENT Movedby:CouncillorJones Secondedby:DeputyWardenMarks RESOLVEDTHATwedonowadjournat10:40a.m.tomeetagainonMay24, 2022at 9:00a.m. -MotionCarried. JulieGonyou,MaryFrench, ChiefAdministrative Officer.Warden. Fmhjo!Dpvouz Gvuvsf!pg!Tipsumjof!Sbjm!jo!uif! Tpvui!Dfousbm!Poubsjp!Sfhjpo Industrial Sites Along Rail Line Overview of ProjectEconomic Development Case•Project FundingAsk from Municipality Agenda 1)2)3)4) ncluding bridge repairs, cross tie replacements, and crossing e 2 will include expansion into Norfolk County if a significant business imeline: Over the next three years, gradual infrastructure upgrades will take January 2022: GIO Rail reinstated rail service from St. Thomas to Tillsonburg(Phase 1)Phascase can be madeTplace, iupgrades. Overview of Project••• Overview of Project vice: $1,450,000 ser ns suspended: $7,910,000 ai ne shortli 3 service rem by Year shortline yr for access to rail) ng locati - Total employees (FTE): 402Reported annual revenue loss if Reported annual logistics costs due to loss of ••• conomic Development Case Estimated Volume: 1,500 cars/ 7 businesses surveyedWorking with 4 businesses currently located along trackNew Businesses (re E Business Development Study:•Current Business Plans:••• 21 Number of Vacant Industrial Sites18 8 12 6240 51 Total Number of Industrial Sites1118 18 22 11245 914.49 Vacant Acreage68458.8 458.8 387.69 87.0553.02247.620 1,468.16 Total Acreage193.31609.71 609.71 665.14 155.3153.02247.62209.19 Total TillsonburgAylmerBayhamCentral ElginMalahide Updated December, 2020 Economic Development Case Industrial Sites Along Project Site MunicipalityNorfolk CountyOxford CountyElgin County -Elgin Industrial Sites along the Cayuga Line ed environmental sustainability of transportationes term infrastructure investment - Reduced car rate • LongIncreasSustainable and affordable logistics for businesses and supply chainsKey piece of Business Retention + Expansion and Business Attractionstrategi Economic Development Case Benefits:•••• $2,000 $45,000 $205,680$150,000$865,452 $1,460,000$3,907,000 $6,635,132 Cost Expenditure Item Tie ReplacementBridge InspectionBridge RepairsCrossing UpgradesProject AdministrationEnviron/Indig. Consultation, etc.Contingency (15%)Total Project Budget National Trade Corridor FundDiscussion with relevant Ministries See next slide ••• National FundingProvincial FundingMunicipal Funding Project Funding••• $150,000 (over 3 year life of project) • Letter of SupportFinancial Contribution Ask from Elgin County•• Elgin BayhamBayhamBayhamBayhamBayhamBayham MalahideMalahide Road Ownership Elliot Rd. Best Line Carter Rd. Green Line Somers Rd. Bayham Dr. College Line Culloden Rd. Springer Hill Rd. Road Crossing Elgin County ElginElginElginElginElginElgin – MalahideMalahideMalahide Central Elgin Road Ownership Line Rd. Rogers Rd. Walker Rd. Penhale Hacienda Rd. Glencolin Springwater Rd. Road Crossing Rail Crossings Elm St. (Count Rd. 53) John St. N. (County Rd. 73) Belmont Rd. (County Rd. 74) Springfield Rd. (County Rd. 40) Dpoubdu; —dqbotdipxAujmmtpocvsh/db Dpoubdu; .ljncfsmz/fbsmtAtdpssfhjpo/dpn —tifmcz/xppebmmAtdpssfhjpo/dpn Uibol!zpv" Dfqibt!Qbotdipx! Ljncfsmz!Fbsmt! Tifmcz!Xppebmm! SFQPSUT!PG!DPVODJM!BOE!TUBGG Nbz!35-!3133 Dpvodjm!Sfqpsut!—!BUUBDIFE Tubgg!Sfqpsut!—!BUUBDIFE Director of Homes and Seniors Services – Homes – Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F Director of Homes and Seniors Services – Homes – Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19 and Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and Resident Absences During a Pandemic Director of Homes and Seniors Services – Laundry and Linen Services for Elgin County Homes –Contract Award Director of Human Resources – New HR Policy: 2.170 Disconnecting from Work Director of Human Resources – Compensation and Pay Equity Review Final Report – Non- Union Staff, Council, and Boards Senior Financial Analyst – Council and Outside Boards Remuneration and Expenses Director of Finance – 2021 Annual Report for Investments Director of Finance – 2022 Tax Ratio and Tax RateAmendments Senior Counsel – Amendment to the Approved Format Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk – Agenda Management Software RFP – Project Award General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO – Elgin/Re:Public Urbanism – Amendment to Planning Services Agreement – Expansion of Scope of Services General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO – Approval of the Malahide Official Plan Amendment 20 File No.: MA OPA-01-22 Applicant: Township of Malahide General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO – Parking By-Law Amendment – Port Stanley General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO – Whites Station Operations Centre Antenna Communications Tower Structural Inspection General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO – Request to Install Prohibiting Engine Brake Signs – Village of Springfield Chief Administrative Officer – Updated COVID-19 Measures 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services EBUF;May 13, 2022 TVCKFDU; Homes – Multi-SectorService Accountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THAT the report titled: “Homes – Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F” datedMay 13, 2022 from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be received and filed; and THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to sign the “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F” for the period of April1, 2021 –March31, 2022. JOUSPEVDUJPO; TheCorporation of the County of Elgin has a current Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) in place with the Ontario Health West Regionfor adult day program services at Bobier Villa and Terrace Lodge.The agreementrequires the submission of a signed annual Declaration of Compliance – Schedule F. EJTDVTTJPO;! The Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) includes a schedule of reporting requirements for specific reports related to performance, occupancy, staffing, funding, compliance, etc. Schedule F, “Form of Compliance Declaration” relates to a declaration by the Chief Administrative Officer that the Health Service Provider has fulfilled its obligations under the MSAA during the applicable period. The reporting period is from April 1, 2021 – March31, 2022. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; It is imperative that staff ensure that the requirements of the Multi-SectorService Accountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F are met to support timely and appropriate funding. 2 BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;! MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; None. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT; The completed and signed Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) – Schedule F Form of Compliance Declaration for the St. Thomas-Elgin Adult Day Program shall be forwarded, as required, to the Ontario Health West Region within the required timelines. DPODMVTJPO; To the best of staff’s knowledge, the St. Thomas-Elgin Adult Day Program hassatisfied the requirements of Schedule F – Form of Compliance Declaration and recommend that this form be signed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Michele HarrisJulie Gonyou Director of Homes and Seniors Services Chief Administrative Officer TDIFEVMF!G!—!EFDMBSBUJPOPG!DPNQMJBODF EFDMBSBUJPO!PG!DPNQMJBODF Issued pursuant tothe MSAA effective April 1, 2021 Up;!Uif!Cpbse!pg!Ejsfdupst of the Ontario Health West Region Attn: Board Chair. Gspn;!Uif!Cpbse!pg!Ejsfdupst!(the “Board”) of the \[Dpvouz!pg!Fmhjo\] (the “HSP”) Ebuf;\[Nbz!35-!3133\] Sf;April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022(the “Applicable Period”) Unless otherwise defined in this declaration, capitalized terms have the same meaning as set out in the MSAA between the Ontario Health Regionand the HSP effective April 1, 2021. The Board has authorized me, by resolution dated \[Nbz!35-!3133\], to declare to you as follows: After making inquiries of the \[Njdifmf!Ibssjt-!Ejsfdups!pg!Ipnft!boe!Tfojpst!Tfswjdft!boe!Ebxo! Bebnt.Cvssjehf-!Bevmu!Ebz!Qsphsbn!Dppsejobups\] and other appropriate officers of the HSP and subject to any exceptions identified on Appendix 1 to this Declaration of Compliance, to the best of the Board’s knowledge and belief, the HSP has fulfilled, its obligations under the service accountability agreement (the “MSAA”) in effect during the Applicable Period. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the HSP has complied with: (i)Article 4.8 of the MSAA concerning applicable procurement practices; (ii)The Qvcmjd!Tfdups!Dpnqfotbujpo!Sftusbjou!up!Qspufdu!Qvcmjd!Tfswjdft!Bdu-!3121, and (iii)The Dpoofdujoh!Dbsf!Bdu; 2019 _______________________________ \[Kvmjf!Hpozpv\], \[Dijfg!Benjojtusbujwf!Pggjdfs\] TDIFEVMF!G!—!EFDMBSBUJPOPG!DPNQMJBODF Bqqfoejy!2!.!Fydfqujpot \[Please identify each obligation under the MSAA that the HSP did not meet during the Applicable Period, together with an explanation as to why the obligation was not met and an estimated date by which the HSP expects to be in compliance.\] 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services EBUF; May 17, 2022 TVCKFDU; Homes – Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19and Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and Resident Absences During a Pandemic SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THAT the report titled “Homes – Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19 and Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and ResidentAbsences During a Pandemic” datedMay 17,2022 be received and filed; and THAT Council approvethe amendments tothe “Homes Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and Resident Absences During a Pandemic” policy and the review/continuation of the Homes – Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19”; and THAT staff be directed toprovide an updated report to Council no later than ninety (90) days time, including, but not limited tosuch items as pandemic trends, scientific/medical evidence, updated ministry and public health guidance, resident and family council feedback, labour relations outcomes, and, policy and procedure revision recommendations. JOUSPEVDUJPO; Ministryof Long-Term Care(MLTC), Chief Medical Officer of Healthand public health guidance provide direction related to COVID-19 immunizationand testing for staff, students, support workers, volunteers,residents and essential caregivers/general visitors; and, guidance for visiting/absences within Long-Term Care Homes. EJTDVTTJPO;! InMarch, 2022, the Ministry of Long-Term Care shifted from a directive requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccination to a guidance-based approach to support long-term care homes with employer driven immunization policies. On March 22, 2022, Council approved updates tothe Homes Infection Controlpolicy 2.10 “Immunization – Staff COVID-19” and Administration policy 1.35 “Visitors and Absences During a Pandemic”requiring all persons(staff, students, volunteers, support 2 workers, general visitors and essential caregiver visitors) entering the County of Elgin Long-Term Care Homes to provide proof of being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (two doses)prior to entry. At that time, staff made a commitment to provide Council with an update on such items as pandemic trends, scientific/medical evidence, updated ministry and public health guidance, resident and family council feedback, labour relations outcomes, and, policy and procedure revision recommendations within sixty (60) days. In considering policy revision recommendations, staff considered the following factors: Ministry of Long-Term Care, Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health guidance continue to recommend that all Ontarians should be encouraged to get vaccinated, including receiving medically recommended boosters. This is particularly important for long-term care home (LTC) residents to ensure they have the greatest level of immune protection possible. The Ministry continues to work with the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health to monitor trends and will respond as needed if for example, a new variant emerges While the positive trends signal that the Omicron peak is behind us, it remains as critical as ever to maintain vigilance with infection prevention and control practices (IPAC) and other public health measures. This includes: o Ongoing support for up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination, including boosters through employer-led policies and best practices o Active screening for all individuals prior to entry to LTCHs o Surveillance testing o Use of appropriate personal protective equipment and masking for all individuals working at or visiting a long-term care home o IPAC audits completed every two weeks if not in outbreak, or weekly if in outbreak, and o Outbreak management practices, as directed by Public Health/legislation Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021Residents Bill of Rights o Right to a safe and secure home Potentialimpact of COVID-19 pandemic measures to resident quality of life Requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act o“employers have a duty to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker” Local and provincial statistics o As of May 12, 2022 – 161LTCHs in Ontario were in confirmed COVID-19 outbreakof which only 19 LTCHs had no resident cases o From March 23 – May 16, 2022, all three (3) of the County of Elgin Homes experienced suspect and/or confirmed COVID-19 outbreak(s) o Impact of outbreak(s)to residents and staff Staffing shortages during outbreak and/or related to community exposuresduring same timeframe 3 Supportive Resident and Family Council feedback regarding March 2022 policy updates Labour relations feedbackregarding March 2022 policy updates Southwestern Public Health consultation o Vaccination is our strongest defense against COVID-19 o Southwestern Public Health encourages all workplaces to develop or maintain workplace vaccination policies for employees o All businesses and organizations should encourage employees to obtain COVID-19 vaccination booster doses as suggested by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization As such, and after careful review of the above, staff policy recommendationhighlights (attached) include the following: COVID-19 Vaccinations No changes recommended for COVID-19vaccination policy requirements; continue: o Two (2) dose COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all staff, students, support workers, volunteers and visitors (essential caregivers and general visitors) to enter the Home o Encouraging COVID-19 vaccination booster doses for all residents, staff, students, support workers, volunteers and visitors o No vaccination requirement for visitors for outdoor visits or absences from the Home Screening, Testing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) o Daily rapid antigen testing (RAT) prior to all entry to the Home for all staff, students, support workers, volunteers and visitors; and, for visitors prior to outdoor visits and absences from the Home o Continue active screening to be completed prior to entry to the Home and prior to outdoor visits/absences from the Home o Masks and other PPE requirements as per public health/ministry recommendations Visiting, Absences and Outings – policy updates include: o Updated to align with the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 legislation o Minor wording and reference updates o Updates to outdoor masking requirements when physical distancing can be achieved GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; At the time of this report, there is a strong indication that many LTCH’s and other health care sectors intend to continue with some level of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination 4 policy; and, as such, afinancial impact has not been and is not anticipated to be realized. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuzboe!puifs tublfipmefst/ Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;! MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; The continuation of a two (2) dose vaccination requirementwill provide an extended level/timeframe of protection for the vulnerable residents of the three (3) County of Elgin Homesto monitor scientific evidenceand impact as the pandemic continues toevolve. Additionally,the attachedvisitors and resident absences during a pandemic policy providesresidents and families with socialization opportunities, outdoor visit and outing opportunities,and provides forpositive quality of life outcomesfor residents. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT; Updatesto the Homes “Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and Resident Absences During a Pandemic” and continuation of the “Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19” will beplaced on Surge learning for all staff and communicated at general staff meetings and electronically via a memo. Communications to labour partners will be completed electronically via memo. Communication to residentsand familieswill be done electronically via memo; and,in person viaresident and familycouncil meetings across the three (3) Homes. DPODMVTJPO; Recognizing the importance and value of monitoring scientific evidence as the pandemic continues to involve, there is acommitment by the Homes management staff 5 to continue to monitor trends as reported by the Ministry/Chief Medical Officer of Health/Public Healthand to review the immunization policy requirements of staff, students, support workers, volunteers and visitors accordingly to support Occupational Health and Safety of staff;safety of residents within the Residents Bill of Rights, Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (right to a safe and secure home) and the quality of life of residents. As such, staff recommend providing an updated report to council no later than ninety (90)days timeframeincluding, but not limited to, such items as pandemic trends, scientific/medical evidence, updated ministry and public health guidance, resident and family council feedback, labour relations outcomes/discussions, and, policy and procedure revision recommendations. At this time, considering the current state of the pandemic and ongoingevolving changes to community pandemic measures, it is imperative that vaccinationandvisiting and policy and procedures are supportive of resident, staff and visitor safety and well- being; and, as such, the attached policies and procedures continue to recommenda two-dose COVID-19 vaccination approach for council consideration. Additionally, the Homes “Infection Control Policy 2.10 – Immunization – Staff COVID-19 and Administration Policy 1.35 Visitors and Resident Absences During a Pandemic” policy updates align with the May 3, 2022, ministry guidance which continues to provide licensees the ability to impose vaccination requirements including proof-of-vaccination requirements. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Michele HarrisJulie Gonyou Director of Homes and Seniors Services Chief Administrative Officer HOMES AND SENIORS SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE NUMBER: 1.35 DEPARTMENT:Administration SUBJECT: Visitors andResident Absences During a Pandemic APPROVAL DATE:Tfqufncfs3131 REVISION DATE: Gfcsvbsz!3132<Pdupcfs 3132<!Kbovbsz!3133<!Nbsdi!3133<!Nbz!3133 Page 1 of 11 POLICY: Evsjoh!b!qboefnjd!)f/h/!DPWJE.2:*-!wjtjut!up!uif!Ipnf-!boe!bctfodft!gspn!uif!Ipnf-!xjmm!cf! hvjefe!cz!njojtusz!ejsfdujwft0hvjebodf!epdvnfout-!Gjyjoh!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf!Bdu-!3132boe!sfmbufe! mfhjtmbujpo-boe!mpdbm0sfhjpobm!qvcmjd!!!ifbmui!voju!!hvjebodf!!)jodmvejoh!!!dpotjefsbujpo!!up!mpdbm! ejtfbtf!usbotnjttjpo!boebdujwjuz*/ PURPOSE;! Up!qspwjef!pqqpsuvojujft!gps!wjtjupst!up!buufoe!uif!Ipnf-!boe!sftjefout!up!mfbwf!uif!Ipnf-!bt! qfsnjuufe-!xijmf!fotvsjoh!uif!tbgfuz!pg!sftjefout!boe!tubgg!evsjoh!b!qboefnjd/ Hvjejoh!Qsjodjqmft; Uijt!qpmjdz!jt!hvjefe!cz!uif!gpmmpxjoh!qsjodjqmft; Safety —Boz!bqqspbdi!up!wjtjujoh!nvtu!cbmbodf!uif!ifbmui!boe!tbgfuz!offet!pg!sftjefout- tubgg-!boe!wjtjupst-!boe!fotvsf!sjtlt!bsfnjujhbufe/ Emotional Well-Being —Bmmpxjoh!wjtjupst!jt!joufoefe!up!tvqqpsu!uif!fnpujpobm!xfmm.! cfjoh!pg!sftjefout!cz!sfevdjoh!boz!qpufoujbm!ofhbujwf!jnqbdut!sfmbufe!up!tpdjbmjtpmbujpo/ Equitable Access —Bmm!sftjefout!nvtu!cf!hjwfo!frvjubcmf!bddftt!up!sfdfjwf!wjtjupst- dpotjtufou!xjui!uifjs!qsfgfsfodft!boe!xjuijo!sfbtpobcmf!sftusjdujpot!uibu!tbgfhvbse sftjefout/ Flexibility —Uif!qiztjdbm0jogsbtusvduvsf!dibsbdufsjtujdt!pg!uif!ipnf-!jut!tubggjoh bwbjmbcjmjuz-!xifuifs!uif!ipnf!jtjo!bo!pvucsfbl!boe!uif!dvssfou!tubuvt!pg!uif!ipnf!xjui sftqfdu!up!qfstpobm!qspufdujwf!frvjqnfou!)QQF*!bsf!bmm!wbsjbcmft!dpotjefsfe!jo!uif efwfmpqnfou!pg!uijtqpmjdz/ Equality —Sftjefout!ibwf!uif!sjhiu!up!dipptf!uifjs!wjtjupst/!Jo!beejujpo-!sftjefout!boe0ps uifjs!tvctujuvuf!efdjtjpo.nblfst!ibwf!uif!sjhiu!up!eftjhobuf!dbsfhjwfst/ Wjtjupst!tipvme!dpotjefs!!uifjs!!qfstpobm!ifbmui!!boe!tvtdfqujcjmjuz!!up!uif!wjsvt!!jo!!efufsnjojoh! xifuifs!wjtjujoh!b!MUD!ipnf!jt!bqqspqsjbuf/!Gvsuifs-!Ipnft!xjmm!nbjoubjo!b!mjtu!pg!wjtjupst!uibu!jt! bwbjmbcmf!gps!tubgg!upbddftt/ HOMES AND SENIORS SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE NUMBER: 1.35 DEPARTMENT:Administration SUBJECT: Visitors andResident Absences During a Pandemic APPROVAL DATE:Tfqufncfs3131 REVISION DATE: Gfcsvbsz!3132<Pdupcfs 3132<!Kbovbsz!3133<!Nbsdi!3133 Page 2 of 11 PROCEDURE: 1.Short Stay AbsenceGuidelines: Bmm!tipsu!tubz!bctfodft!xjmm!cf!tvckfdu!up!njojtusz0mfhjtmbujwf!sfrvjsfnfout!boe0ps!qvcmjd!ifbmui ejsfdujpo/!Uijt!nbz!jodmvef!sfrvjsfnfout!gps!gsfrvfodz!pg!sbqje!uftujoh-!!QDS!uftujoh!!boe! jtpmbujpo/ Fttfoujbm!nfejdbm!ps!dpnqbttjpobuf!bctfodft!xjmm!cf!qfsnjuufe/ Bmm!sftjefout!nbz!mfbwf!uif!Ipnf“t!qspqfsuz!gps!b!tipsu!tubz!bctfodf!gps!tpdjbm!sfbtpot sfhbsemftt!pg!wbddjobujpotubuvt Epft!opu!jodmvef!pwfsojhiu!tubz-!xjui!uif!fydfqujpo!pg!b!tjohmf.ojhiu!fnfshfodz!sppn! wjtju Uif!Ipnf!sfrvftut!uibu!tipsu!tubz!bctfodft!cf!dpnnvojdbufe!up!uif!Ipnf!jo!bewbodf!pg uif!bctfodf/!Gps!b!sjtl!bttfttnfou!up!cf!dpnqmfufe-!ju!jt!sfdpnnfoefe0fodpvsbhfe!uijt dpnnvojdbujpo!jodmvef!uif!obuvsf!pg!uif!bctfodf-!uif!ebuf!pg!uif!bctfodf-!evsbujpo-!uif mpdbujpo)t*!xifsf!uif!sftjefou!xjmm!cf!hpjoh<!boe!uif!joejwjevbmt!uif!sftjefou!xjmm!cf joufsbdujoh!xjui Jg!uif!qmboofe!bctfodf!jt!effnfe!up!qvu!uif!sftjefou!bu!sjtl!gps!fyqptvsf-!uif!gbnjmz nfncfs0gsjfoe!xjmm!cf!fodpvsbhfe!up!nblf!bmufsobujwf!bssbohfnfout!gps!uif!tipsu!tubz bctfodf Gps!uiptf!sftjefout!dbqbcmf!pg!nbljoh!uifjs!pxo!efdjtjpot!sfhbsejoh!b!tipsu!tubz!bctfodf- uif!sftjefou!nvtu!bhsff!up!uifbctfodf Bmm!gbnjmz!nfncfst!ps!gsjfoet!nvtu!tfmg.tdsffo!gps!DPWJE.2:!tznqupnt!qsjps!!up!qjdljoh vq!uif!sftjefou/Jg!gbnjmz!nfncfst0gsjfoet!gbjm!uif!tfmg.tdsffo-!uif!pvujoh!nvtu!cf sftdifevmfe Ju!jt!sfdpnnfoefe0fodpvsbhfe!uibu!sftjefou!tpdjbm!bctfodft!bsf!mjnjufe!up!uiptf!xjui!gvmmz wbddjobufe)vq!up!ebuf*!buufoefft Gbnjmz!nfncfs)t*0gsjfoe)t*!bssjwjoh!bu!uif!Ipnf!xjmm!cf!bdujwfmz!tdsffofe!boe!sbqje boujhfo!uftufe!qsjps!up!uif!dpnnfodfnfou!pg!b!tipsu!tubzbctfodf Podf!uif!gbnjmz!nfncfs)t*0gsjfoe)t*!ibwf!qbttfe!bdujwf!tdsffojoh!boe!sbqje!uftujoh-!uif sftjefou!xjmm!cf!cspvhiu!up!uif!gspou!fousbodf0mpccz!cz!Ipnf!tubgg0uifwjtjups Boz!joejwjevbm!xip!jt!vobcmf!up!tipx!qsppg!pg!wbddjobujpo!boe!jt!!ubljoh!!uif!sftjefou!pvu xjmm!cf!sfrvjsfe!up!qbsujdjqbuf!jo!sbqje!boujhfo!uftujoh!xjui!b!ofhbujwf!sftvmu!qsjps!up!uif pvujoh/ Sftjefou!nvtu!qbtt!bdujwf!tdsffojoh!qsjps!up!mfbwjoh!uif!Ipnf!gps!b!tipsu!tubzbctfodf HOMES AND SENIORS SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE NUMBER: 1.35 DEPARTMENT:Administration SUBJECT: Visitors andResident Absences During a Pandemic APPROVAL DATE:Tfqufncfs3131 REVISION DATE: Gfcsvbsz!3132<Pdupcfs 3132<!Kbovbsz!3133<!Nbsdi!3133 Page 3 of 11 Sftjefou!nvtu!cf!qspwjefe!xjui!b!nfejdbm!nbtl!up!cf!xpso!bu!bmm!ujnft!xifo!pvutjef!pg uif!ipnf!)jgupmfsbufe* Nfejdbujpot!qspwjefe!bt!qfs!qibsnbdz!mfbwf!pg!bctfodfqpmjdz Sftjefout-!gbnjmz!boe!gsjfoet!bsf!up!cf!sfnjoefe!bcpvu!uif!jnqpsubodf!pg!qvcmjd!ifbmui nfbtvsft!jodmvejoh!qiztjdbm!ejtubodjoh-!iboe!izhjfof-!nbtl!fujrvfuuf-!sftqjsbupsz fujrvfuuf-!tpdjbm!djsdmft-!joepps!dbqbdjuz!mjnjut-fud/ Vqpo!sfuvso!up!uif!ipnf-!uif!sftjefou!nvtu!cf!bdujwfmz!tdsffofe!cvu!jt!opu!sfrvjsfe!up tfmg.jtpmbuf!)vomftt!boz!ijhi.sjtl!bdujwjuz0tznqupnt0lopxofyqptvsf!evsjoh!tipsu!tubz bctfodf* Boz!sftjefou!sfuvsojoh!gspn!b!tpdjbm-!nfejdbm-!boe0ps!dpnqbttjpobuf!bctfodf!xjmm!cf sfrvjsfe!up!dpnqmfuf!sbqje!uftujoh-!QDS!uftujoh!boe!jtpmbujpo!bt!qfs!njojtusz0mfhjtmbujwf sfrvjsfnfout!boe0ps!qvcmjd!ifbmuiejsfdujpo Uif!Ipnf!sftfswft!uif!sjhiu!up!dbodfm!boz!gvuvsf!sfrvftut!gps!tipsu!!tubz!bctfodft!tipvme ju!cf!effnfe!uibu!uif!sftjefou!boe0ps!uif!sftqpotjcmf!gbnjmz!nfncfs!bsf!opu!!gpmmpxjoh qvcmjd!ifbmui0njojtusz!tuboebset!xijdi!qpufoujbmmz!qvut!uif!sftjefou!bu!sjtl!gpsfyqptvsfvoujm! 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xfmm.cfjoh p Dpotjefs!uif!jnqbdu!pg!ejtdpoujovjoh!wjtjut!po!uif!sftjefou“t!dmjojdbm!boe fnpujpobm!xfmm.cfjoh p Sfgmfdu!boe!cf!qspqpsujpobuf!up!uif!tfwfsjuz!pg!uifopo.beifsfodf p Xifsf!uif!Ipnf!foet!b!wjtju!ps!ufnqpsbsjmz!qspijcjut!b!wjtjups-!tqfdjgjft!boz fevdbujpo0usbjojoh!uif!wjtjups!nbz!offe!up!dpnqmfuf!cfgpsf!wjtjujoh!uif!Ipnf bhbjo p Qspufdu!sftjefout-!tubgg!boe!wjtjupst!jo!uif!Ipnf!gspn!uif!sjtl!pg!DPWJE.2: Foejoh!b!Wjtju Ipnft!nbz!foe!b!wjtju!bgufs!sfqfbufe!opo.beifsfodf-!qspwjefe;! p Ipnf!ibt!fyqmbjofe!uif!bqqmjdbcmf!sfrvjsfnfou!up!uifwjtjups p Uif!wjtjups!ibt!cffo!hjwfo!tvggjdjfou!ujnf!boe!sftpvsdft!up!beifsf!up!uif sfrvjsfnfou!)f/h/!uifsf!jt!tvggjdjfou!tqbdf!up!qiztjdbmmzejtubodf* Ufnqpsbsjmz!Qspijcjujoh!b!Wjtjups Ipnft!ibwf!uif!ejtdsfujpo!up!ufnqpsbsjmz!qspijcju!b!wjtjups!jo!sftqpotf!up!sfqfbufe!boe gmbhsbou!opo.beifsfodf!xjui!uif!Ipnf“t!wjtjups!qpmjdz/!Jo!fyfsdjtjoh!uijt!ejtdsfujpo- Ipnft!tipvme!dpotjefs!xifuifs!uifopo.beifsfodf; p Dbo!cf!sftpmwfe!tvddfttgvmmz!cz!fyqmbjojoh!boe!efnpotusbujoh!ipx!uif!wjtjups!dbo beifsf!up!uifsfrvjsfnfout p Jt!xjuijo!sfrvjsfnfout!uibu!bmjho!xjui!jotusvdujpo!jo!njojtusz0qvcmjd!ifbmui ejsfdujpo!boe!hvjebodf!jo!uijtqpmjdz p Ofhbujwfmz!jnqbdut!uif!ifbmui!boe!tbgfuz!pg!sftjefout-!tubgg!boe!puifs!wjtjupst!jo! 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uif!sftjefou“t!dbsf!offet!uibu!jt!sfgmfdufe!jo!uif!qmbo!pg!dbsf<!bwbjmbcjmjuz!pg!b eftjhobufe!dbsfhjwfs-!fjuifs!ufnqpsbsz!)f/h/!jmmoftt*!ps!qfsnbofou/!!Tvdi!dibohft!jo! eftjhobujpo!tibmm!cf!gps!vshfou!offet0sfbtpot!boe!tibmm!cf!bqqspwfe!cz!b!nbobhfs!pg uifIpnf p Uif!Ipnf!tipvme!fotvsf!uifsf!jt!uif!bcjmjuz!gps!befrvbuf!qiztjdbm!ejtubodjoh cfuxffo!hspvqt!boe!qfstpot!)bt!sfrvjsfe*!boe!uibu!qvcmjd!ifbmui!nfbtvsft!bsf cfjohgpmmpxfe HOMES AND SENIORS SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE NUMBER: 1.35 DEPARTMENT:Administration SUBJECT: Visitors andResident Absences During a Pandemic APPROVAL DATE:Tfqufncfs3131 REVISION DATE: Gfcsvbsz!3132<Pdupcfs 3132<!Kbovbsz!3133<!Nbsdi!3133 Page 9 of 11 p Pof!fttfoujbm!wjtjups!nbz!cf!qfsnjuufe!jg!uif!Ipnf!jt!jo!pvucsfbl-!ps-!uif!sftjefou!jt tfmg.jtpmbujoh!ps!tznqupnbujd!qfoejoh!uif!ejsfdujpo!pg!mpdbm!qvcmjdifbmui p Xifsf!b!tvqqpsu!qfstpo!sfrvjsft!jnnfejbuf!bddftt!up!uif!Ipnf!jo!bo!fnfshfodz tjuvbujpo-!uif!Ipnf!epft!opu!offe!up!btl!gps!qsppg!pg!wbddjobujpotubuvt p Ipnft!bsf!sftqpotjcmf!gps!qspwjejoh!tvshjdbm0qspdfevsf!nbtlt-!hmpwft-!hpxot- boe!fzf!qspufdujpo!)j/f/!Gbdf!tijfme!ps!hphhmft*!gps!fttfoujbm!wjtjupst!btsfrvjsfe GeneralVisitors p B!hfofsbm!wjtjups!jt!b!qfstpo!xip!jt!opu!bo!fttfoujbm!wjtjups!boe!jtwjtjujoh; Up!qspwjef!opo.fttfoujbm!tfswjdft-!xip!nbz!ps!nbz!opu!cf!ijsfe!cz!uif Ipnf!ps!uif!sftjefou!boe0ps!uifjs!tvctujuvuf!efdjtjpo.nblfs<!boe0ps Gps!tpdjbm!sfbtpot!)f/h/!gbnjmz!nfncfs!ps!gsjfoet*!uibu!uif!sftjefou!ps!uifjs tvctujuvuf!efdjtjpo.nblfs!bttftt!bt!ejggfsfou!gspn!ejsfdu!dbsf-!jodmvejoh!dbsf sfmbufe!up!dphojujwf!tujnvmbujpo-!nfbojohgvm!dpoofdujpo-!boe!sfmbujpobm dpoujovjuz p Uif!Ipnf!tipvme!fotvsf!uifsf!jt!uif!bcjmjuz!gps!befrvbuf!qiztjdbm!ejtubodjoh cfuxffo!hspvqt!boe!qfstpot!)bt!sfrvjsfe*!boe!uibu!qvcmjd!ifbmui!nfbtvsft!bsf cfjoh!gpmmpxfe/ p Hfofsbm!wjtjupst!zpvohfs!uibo!25zfbst!pg!bhf!tipvme!cf!bddpnqbojfe!cz!bobevmu p Hfofsbm!wjtjupst!nbz!opu!cf!qfsnjuufe!jg!uif!Ipnf!jt!jo!pvucsfbl!ps!uif!sftjefou!jt tfmg.jtpmbujoh!ps!tznqupnbujd!ps!xifo!njojtusz!ejsfdujwft!mjnju!bddftt!pg!hfofsbm! 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Uif!qvsqptf!pg!uijt!qpmjdz!jt!up!pvumjof!Fmhjo!Dpvouz!Ipnft!fyqfdubujpot!boe!sfrvjsfnfout!xjui! sfhbset!up!DPWJE.2:!jnnvoj{bujpo!pg!tubgg-!tuvefou!qmbdfnfout-!tvqqpsu!xpslfst!boe wpmvouffst/! Fnqmpzfst!bdsptt!Dbobeb!ibwf!b!mfhbm!pcmjhbujpo!voefs!pddvqbujpobm!ifbmui!boe!tbgfuz!mfhjtmbujpo! up!qspwjef!uifjs!fnqmpzfft!xjui!tbgf!xpslqmbdft!boe!up!ublf!bmm!sfbtpobcmf!qsfdbvujpot!up!qspufdu! fnqmpzfft!gspn!hfuujoh!b!xpsl.sfmbufe!jmmoftt/! DPWJE.2:!jt!bo!bdvuf!sftqjsbupsz!jmmoftt!dbvtfe!cz!uif!tfwfsf!bdvuf!sftqjsbupsz!tzoespnf! dpspobwjsvt!3!)TBST.DpW.3*/!Ju!nbz!cf!dibsbdufsj{fe!cz!gfwfs-!dpvhi-!tipsuoftt!pg!csfbui-!boe! tfwfsbm!puifs!tznqupnt/!Btznqupnbujd!jogfdujpo!jt!bmtp!qpttjcmf/!Uif!sjtl!pg!tfwfsf!ejtfbtf! jodsfbtft!xjui!bhf!cvu!jt!opu!mjnjufe!up!uif!fmefsmz!boe!jt!fmfwbufe!jo!uiptf!xjui!voefsmzjoh! nfejdbm!dpoejujpot/! Bdijfwjoh!ijhi!jnnvoj{bujpo!sbuft!jo!Poubsjp“t!mpoh.ufsn!dbsf!ipnft!uispvhi!wbddjobujpo!jt! qbsu!pg!b!sbohf!pg!nfbtvsft!boe!bdujpot!uibu!dbo!ifmq!qsfwfou!boe!mjnju!uif!tqsfbe!pg!DPWJE.2:! jo!ipnft/!Wbddjobujpo!bhbjotu!DPWJE.2:!ifmqt!sfevdf!uif!ovncfs!pg!ofx!dbtft-!boe-!nptu! jnqpsuboumz-!ifmqt!up!sfevdf!tfwfsf!pvudpnft!jodmvejoh!iptqjubmj{bujpot!boe!efbui!evf!up! DPWJE.2:!jo!cpui!sftjefout!boe!puifst!xip!nbz!cf!qsftfou!jo!b!mpoh.ufsn!dbsf!ipnf/! Ijhi!sbuft!pg!wbddjobujpo!jo!pvs!Ipnft!jt!jnqpsubou!up!qspufdu!bmm!qfstpo)t*!xip!mjwf-!xpsl!boe! wjtju!pvs!Ipnft!up!ifmq!sfevdf!uif!sjtl!pg!pvucsfblt!boe!uif!offe!up!jtpmbuf!sftjefout/!!Jtpmbujpo! jnqbdut!sftjefout“!bddftt!up!jo.qfstpo!tpdjbm!joufsbdujpo-!bdujwjujft-!boe!dpnnvobm!ejojoh/!!Uif! fggfdut!pg!jtpmbujpo!nbz!cf!hsfbufs!gps!sftjefout!xip!ibwf!efnfoujb!boe0ps!dphojujwf!jnqbjsnfou/! 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Nboebupsz!Wbddjobujpo! Fggfdujwf!Nbsdi!34-!3133-!bmm!fyjtujoh!boe!ofx!tubgg-!tuvefou!qmbdfnfout-tvqqpsu!xpslfst! boe!wpmvouffst!bsf!sfrvjsfe!up!qspwjef!qsppg!pg!cfjoh!gvmmz!wbddjobufe!)ibwjoh!sfdfjwfe!uxp! )3*eptft!pg!b!DPWJE.2:!wbddjof*<!ps-!qsppg!pg!b!wbmje!nfejdbm!dpousbjoejdbujpoqsjps!up foufsjoh!uif!Ipnf!up!xpsl-!usbjo!ps!wpmvouffs/ Joejwjevbmt!xip!dipptf!opu!up!tipx!qsppg!pg!wbddjobujpo!ps!wbmje!nfejdbm!dpousbjoejdbujpo! xjmm!opu!cf!qfsnjuufe!up!foufs!uif!Ipnf!up!xpsl-!usbjo!ps!wpmvouffs/! Joqbsuofstijq!xjui!Tpvuixftufso!Qvcmjd!Ifbmui-!Fmhjo!Dpvouz!Ipnft!xjmm!qspwjef!tvqqpsu!gps! DPWJE.2:!wbddjobujpo!up!tubgg!nfncfst!bt!qspufdujpo!gps!sftjefout!boe!tubgg-!boe!up!fotvsf! bqqspqsjbuf!tubggjoh!bwbjmbcjmjuzgps!sftjefou!dbsf/ BQQMJDBUJPO!PG!UIF!QPMJDZ;! 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DPWJE.2:!Hvjebodf!Epdvnfou!gps!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf!Ipnft!jo!Poubsjp-!Nbsdi!:-!3133 Nfnp!gspn!uif!Bttpdjbuf!Efqvuz!Njojtufs!pg!Ifbmui;!!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf!Qboefnjd Sftqpotf!Vqebuf!—!Nbsdi!:-!3133 Ejsfdujwf!$4-!DPWJE.2:!Hvjebodf!Epdvnfou!gps!MUDIt-!boe!Sbqje!Uftujoh!Nfshfe GBRt!—!Nbsdi!:-!3133 Bcpvu!DPWJE.2:!Wbddjoft!)Poubsjp!Njojtusz!pg!Ifbmui* DPWJE.2:!Wbddjof!Jogpsnbujpo!Tiffu!)Poubsjp!Njojtusz!pg!Ifbmui* ++cjmjohvbm++Cvjmejoh!Dpogjefodf!jo!Wbddjoft!\\Fohmjti^!boe!Bddspïusf!mb!dpogjbodf!á m“êhbse!eft!wbddjot!\\Gsfodi^!)Qvcmjd!Ifbmui!Poubsjp* Dpnnvojdbujoh!fggfdujwfmz!bcpvu!jnnvoj{bujpo;!Dbobejbo!Jnnvoj{bujpo!Hvjef )Hpwfsonfou!pg!Dbobeb* ++nvmujmjohvbm++!Dpspobwjsvt!ejtfbtf!)DPWJE.2:*;!Bxbsfoftt!sftpvsdft!)Hpwfsonfou pg!Dbobeb* DPWJE.2:!Jogp!)Jnnvoj{f!Dbobeb* ++cjmjohvbm++!DPWJE.2:!wbddjoft!boe!xpslqmbdf!ifbmui!boe!tbgfuz;!Mfbso!ipx!DPWJE. 2:dpwje!2:!wbddjoft!ifmq!qspufdu!zpv!boe!nblf!zpvs!xpslqmbdf!tbgfs!\\Fohmjti^!boe!Mft wbddjot!dpousf!mb!DPWJE.2:!fu!mb!tbouê!fu!mb!têdvsjuê!bv!usbwbjm;!Eêdpvwsf{!dpnnfou!mft IPNFT!BOE!TFOJPST!TFSWJDFT QPMJDZ!'!QSPDFEVSF!OVNCFS;!!3/21 EFQBSUNFOU;!!Jogfdujpo!Dpouspm TVCKFDU;!!Jnnvoj{bujpo!—!Tubgg!DPWJE.2: BQQSPWBM!EBUF;!Kvof!3132 SFWJTJPO!EBUF;!!Tfqufncfs!3132<Pdupcfs!3132 SFWJTJPO!EBUF;Kbovbsz!3133<!Nbsdi!3133 SFWJFX!EBUF;!!Nbz!3133 Qbhf!9!pg!9 wbddjot!dpousf!mb!DPWJE.2:dpwje!2:!dpousjcvfou!á!wpvt!qspuêhfs!fu!á!sfoesf!wpusf!mjfv!ef! usbwbjm!qmvt!têdvsjubjsf!\\Gsfodi^!)Poubsjp!Njojtusz!pg!Mbcpvs-!Usbjojoh!boe!Tljmmt! 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Dbsf* Poubsjp“t!epdupst!botxfs!DPWJE.2:!wbddjof!rvftujpot!)Poubsjp!Nfejdbm!Bttpdjbujpo* Uppmt!up!Cpptu!Wbddjof!Dpogjefodf!jo!MUD!Ufbnt!)Poubsjp!Dfousft!gps!Mfbsojoh- Sftfbsdi!boe!Joopwbujpo!jo!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf* Vqebuft!po!DPWJE.2:!)Obujpobm!Dpmmbcpsbujoh!Dfousf!gps!Joejhfopvt!Ifbmui* 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator EBUF;May 16, 2022 TVCKFDU;Laundryand Linen Services for Elgin County Homes – Contract Award SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THAT the contract for Laundry and Linen Services forElgin County Homes be awarded to Brite Healthcare Laundries / ProClean Canada for a two-year term; and THAT staff be authorized to extend the contract for an additional three (3) one-year terms, in accordance with section 7.6 of the Procurement Policy, subject to satisfactory performance during the initial two-year contract term; and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. JOUSPEVDUJPO; This report provides details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Laundry and Linen Services for the County’s three (3) Long-Term Care Homes (LTCH’s) and seeks Council’s approval toaward the contract. EJTDVTTJPO;! The current contract for Laundry and Linen Services is expiring and a new RFP was recentlyissued. The RFP document (2022-P16) is appended to this report as Attachment 1. Information that was advertised and posted on the County’s Bid Portal page https://elgincounty.bidsandtenders.caincluding RFP dates, proposals submitted and a complete plan takers list is appended to this report as Attachment 2. The Evaluation Committee (refer to Attachment 3), evaluated each proposal based on the following criteria: i)Understanding of requirements and clarity of response; ii)Demonstrated ability to provide the required services; iii)Quality control process; 2 iv)Sales/Service Support; v)Environmental initiatives and other innovations; vi)Experience and a proven track record in a LTCH environment; vii)Pricing / Total Overall Cost The firm selected by the Evaluation Committee is Brite Healthcare Laundries /ProClean Canada, our current provider.Their proposal was the highest scoring qualified proposal, offered the lowest overall cost and thus represented the best complete quality submission. All Proponents that submitted a proposal to the County will be advised of the contract award and will be offered a debriefing of their individual proposal submission. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; The new price per kilogram is ten percent (10%) higher than the current cost. It should be noted that the current price per kilogram has been fixed since the previous contract began in 2017. The new price per kilogram will be fixed for atwo-year term. This contract is valued at over $350,000 annually. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;! MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; None. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT; 3 None. DPODMVTJPO; As detailed above, the Evaluation Committee completed an evaluation and selection process in accordance with Request for Proposal No. 2022-P16 and subsequently the proposal submission from Brite Healthcare Laundries / ProClean Canada was deemed the successful qualified proponent and is recommended for award. Brite Healthcare Laundries / ProClean has been providing laundry services to the County for over fifteen years and continues to provide a quality product, has provided excellent service and delivery and demonstrated a thorough knowledge of infection control requirements within long-term care. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Michele Harris Julie Gonyou Director of Homes and Seniors Services Chief Administrative Officer Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 o Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 2 Attachment 2 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources EBUF;May 24, 2022 TVCKFDU;New HR Policy: 2.170 Disconnecting from Work SFDPNNFOEBUJPO;! THAT County Council approve HR Policy: 2.170 Disconnecting from Work; AND THAT thereport dated May 24, 2022from the Director of Human Resources be received and filed. JOUSPEVDUJPO; The Provincial government passed Bill 27, the “Working for Workers Act, 2021” on nd December 2, 2021. One of the key requirements of this Bill is that employers with more than 25 employees implement a Ejtdpoofdujoh!gspn!Xpsl policy, on or before nd June 2, 2022. EJTDVTTJPO;! IS!Qpmjdz!3/281!Ejtdpoofdujoh!gspn!Xpsl!was drafted byHR staffusingresources and advicefrom HR legal firms as well as in collaboration with surrounding municipalities. The draft policy has been reviewed and feedback from management teammembers hasbeen received and included within. An internal survey was released to management team members in order to source feedback relating to what challenges may currently exist for staff to disconnect from work outside of regular working hours. The survey data and additional collaboration will take place with management team in order to develop a set of standards or best-practicesin support of disconnecting from work. Standardizing things like out-of-office notifications, scheduling of meetings, and what constitutes an urgent matter or emergencyare some areas to be further clarified through management team collaboration. 2 The draft policy meets the legislated requirements of Bill 27. Once approved by Council, nd the policy will be posted for all staff to review and acknowledge on or before June 2, 2022. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; The policy does not have any new financial implications for the County. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ DPODMVTJPO; Any amendments directed by County Council will be incorporated into the draft policy nd before beingimplemented and communicated to staffon or before June 2, 2022 to meet legislative requirements. Approved for Submission All of which is Respectfully Submitted Amy Thomson Julie Gonyou Director of Human Resources Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Subject: Disconnecting from Work Policy Number: 2.170 Date Approved: nd Effective Date: June 2, 2022 Date Last Revision: Code: A Section: 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE The health and wellbeing of our employees is of the utmost importance to us, and we, the Corporation of the County of Elgin (the “County”), encourage and support our employees in prioritizing their own wellbeing. Disconnecting from work is important for an individual’s wellbeing, and helps employees achieve a healthy and sustainable work-life balance. To encourage and support our employees in balancing their professional and personal lives, whether working traditional hours in the workplace, remotely or flexibly, we have implemented this Disconnecting-from-Work Policy (the “Policy”) to encourage employees to disconnect from work outside of their normal working hours in accordance with applicable legislation and subject to this Policy. This Policy should be read alongside the County’s associated Human Resources policies, such as: 2.10 Hours of Work – Alternative Work Arrangement 2.160 Remote Work Program 2.80.2 Accommodations in the Workplace Section 6 – Statutory Holiday policies Section 7 – Vacation policies Section 8 – Health & Safety policies *as well as relevant Collective Agreement articles for CUPE, SEIU and ONA And any relevant and applicable legislation such as the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the Working for Workers Act, 2021, Bill 27) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1990, or other policy that may become applicable and/or relevant. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ SCOPE This policy applies to all employees, as defined by the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”), whether they are working onsite, remotely, or through an approved flexible work arrangement. For clarity, “employee” under this Policy means only those employees of the County who are considered employees under the ESA. DEFINITIONS Disconnecting form work: not engaging in work-related communications, including emails, telephone calls, video calls or the sending or reviewing of other messages, so as to be free from the performance of work. Normal working hours: as set out in each individual employee’s terms and conditions of employment. A normal work day varies by employee, position and/or department. Due to the nature of their position, some employees may be afforded flexibility in working hours and location, which may occasionally affect their normal working hours in a day. For example, an employee attends a personal appointment during their regular workday, but subsequently works past their normal end time to account for work time missed while attending the appointment. For the purposes of this policy, the employee’s normal work day would be considered extended accordingly. POLICY The County of Elgin recognizes that due to work-related pressures, the current landscape of work, or an employee’s work environment or location, employees may feel obligated or choose to continue to perform their work duties outside their normal working hours. It is expected that employees disconnect from work when not scheduled to work, if possible, and especially when on scheduled vacation or other approved leave. Employee health and wellbeing are priorities while on and off duty. The County is committed to increasing overall employee health and wellness and providing employees with a better work- life balance. In accordance with Bill 27, this policy has been established to support employee wellness, minimize excessive sources of stress related to work or workload, and ensure that employees have the ability to disconnect from their work outside their normal work day. 1.1In the ordinary course of business there will be situations when it is necessary to contact employees outside of an employee’s normal working hours, including but not limited to: (a)checking availability for scheduling; County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ (b)to fill in on short notice for an employee who has called in sick or is unavailable for work; (c)where unforeseeable circumstances may arise; (d)where an emergency may arise; (e)where employees voluntarily wish to communicate with one another for work-related purposes outside of their normal working hours; or (f)other business or operational reasons that require contact outside of an employee’s normal working hours 1.2Nothing in this Policy precludes the County or other employees of the County from contacting employees outside their normal working hours for circumstances as outlined above, or as otherwise required to meet operational needs, subject to any rights or other entitlements the receiving employee may have under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”). Employerbligations 1.3The County will take steps to ensure that all employees, regardless of their place of work, are: (a)informed of what their normal working hours are reasonably expected to be and are informed of the circumstances in which they will be expected to engage in work-related communications outside their normal working hours (b)able to take applicable meal, rest periods and hours free from work as required by law, applicable collective agreement or contract (c)able to take vacation or other leave entitlements as required by law, applicable collective agreement or contract and not be asked to perform work during this time (d)not contacted unnecessarily outside of normal working hours, including on County provided devices (e)able to work in a healthy and safe working environment. ns 1.4Leaders are responsible for knowing and respecting when their employees are disconnecting from work. There may be instances where Leaders are required to contact employees during periods of unscheduled time, but these instances will be County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ limited, if possible, to emergency situations. In general, Leaders will make reasonable efforts to reduce the amount of time employees are expected to work while unscheduled. Obligations 1.5Employees are responsible for making reasonable efforts to disconnect from work during unscheduled hours, and especially while on scheduled vacation and other approved leaves. 1.6The County expects all employees to comply with the following in the course of their work. Employees must: (a)ensure that they manage their own working time and consider their obligation as an employee, while working, to take reasonable care to protect their health and safety and that of their coworkers (b)co-operate fully with any appropriate and/or reasonable mechanism utilised by the County to record working time or update their working status (e.g. out-of-office messages), including when working remotely or flexibly (c)be mindful of coworkers’ working hours (e.g. by not routinely emailing or calling outside of normal working hours or expecting answers or responses outside of normal working hours) (d)comply with the County’s hours of work policy, including any requirements to obtain prior approval before performing overtime work (e)notify their supervisor or manager in writing of any meal, break or hours- free-from-work period which they are entitled to but were unable to use due to performing work for the County on a particular occasion, and why this occurred (f)speak with their supervisor or manager if they feel their workload is preventing them from being able to take meal, break or hours-free-from- work periods that they are entitled to. WorkingHours 1.7An employee’s normal working hours are as set out in their employment contract and/or applicable collective agreement. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 1.8Normal working hours for employees may vary. It is important to remember that all employees’ ability to disconnect from work is within the context of their own individual work schedules. 1.9Despite the establishment of normal working hours, all employees recognize that there may be busier periods or other circumstances where work must be completed outside of normal working hours. Communication County Employees working within a twenty-four-hour, seven day per week operation (24/7), may be scheduled to work a variety of shifts that may or may not overlap with co-workers and supervisors. As such, these employees may receive messages (including emails, voicemails, texts, etc.) when they are not working. 1.10Employees are not expected to respond to corporate communications outside of their normal working hours, with the exception of unforeseen circumstances, such as an emergency and/or applicable mandatory Ministry reporting obligation(s). Employees who do not respond to work-related communications outside of normal working hours will not face negative repercussions to their employment. 1.11Where possible, work-related communications should be checked or sent during normal working hours. Due to differing/non-standard work schedules within the County, some employees may send communications at times which are inopportune for other employees, such as evenings or weekends. The sender should consider the timing of their communication and potential for disturbance, and the recipient should understand that they will not be expected to respond until their working time recommences (or unless otherwise required and stipulated within the communication per the circumstances as outlined at sections 1.1 and 1.22) 1.12If a manager/supervisor sends communications outside applicable normal working hours and it requires immediate or prompt response, the response expectation should be set out in the communication. 1.13If an employee is not online or available during their normal working hours, it is expected that they will update their working status (i.e. set out-of-office notification, update voicemail indicating specific time away and whom to contact during the absence). Meetings 1.14Where possible, meetings should be scheduled during the County’s standard hours of operation, or normal working hours if the attendees have work schedules outside of the County’s standard hours of operation. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 1.15Those organizing meetings should be mindful of the time of those whom they are inviting to attend, and ensure that those invited will play an active role and have something to contribute to the matters being discussed. 1.16Effort should be made to not schedule meetings through standard break times, such as 12pm to 1pm for administrative staff. 1.17When meetings are scheduled outside of an employee’s regular working hours, effort should be made by the employee and their supervisor to schedule equivalent time off at an alternate time within the pay period. 1.18All employees are expected to take their allotted vacation entitlements as set out in their employment contract, HR Policy or respective collective agreement. 1.19Employees are expected to use all applicable tools to update their status and to ensure that impacted individuals are informed of their status indicating they are away from the office, including but not limited to: (a)Voicemail – desk and corporate cellular phone (if applicable) (b)Email out-of-office reply including specific days away and whom to contact during the absence 1.20All employees are expected and required to report any concerns or issues they may have which they feel is impacting their ability to disconnect-from-work. 1.21Employees should report such concerns or issues, in writing, to their immediate supervisor. If that is not appropriate or the matter cannot be resolved by doing so, employees should direct their concerns or issues to their department head or Human Resources. 1.22Employees will not be subject to reprisal for reporting such concerns as outlined above. PostingNotice 1.23The County shall provide a copy of this Policy to each employee within 30 calendar days of implementation. Should any changes be made to the Policy after its implementation, the County shall provide each employee a copy of the revised Policy within 30 days of the changes being made. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ 1.24The County shall provide a copy of this Policy to all new employees upon onboarding and within 30 calendar days of the employee commencing employment with the County. 1.25The County shall retain a copy of this and any revised version of this Policy for three years after it ceases to be in effect. Exceptions 1.26Select employees, including Directors and Managers, are required to be on-call or participate in a standby rotation in accordance with their terms of employment and/or position requirements. For the purpose of this policy, an employee on-call or standby does not have the ability to disconnect from work communications, related to the reasons for being placed on-call or standby. 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources and Stephanie Godby, Manager of Human Resources EBUF;May 24, 2022 TVCKFDU; Compensationand Pay EquityReview Final Report – Non-Union Staff, Council, and Boards SFDPNNFOEBUJPO;! THAT Staff Report entitled, Compensation and Pay Equity Review Final Report – Non- Union Staff, Council, and Boards, be received and filed; and THAT Council approve Option _____as outlined in the County of Elgin Elected Officials Remuneration Final Report; and THAT Council approve the proposed 2022 adjusted salary grid for implementation retroactive to January 1, 2022. JOUSPEVDUJPO; By resolution August 10, 2021, Council directed Human Resources staff to retain an externalconsultant to undertakea compensation and pay equity review of non-union staff, Council, and Boards. This process met the 2007 County Council direction to Human Resources staff to conduct a compensation review once in every term of Council to remain competitive and avoid potential spikes/gaps in compensation practices. The last non-union staff, Council, and Boards compensation review was completed in 2015-2016. Gallagher Benefit Services (Canada) Group Inc. was awarded the Request for Proposal (RFP 2021-P36) on November 23, 2021. And, on December 9, 2021, Council approved the County’s list of municipal market comparators to be utilized when determining th compensation compared at the 50percentile (per HR policy). Analysis of the County’s pay equity plan was done through this process to ensure compliance with the legislation. 2 EJTDVTTJPO;! Compensation reviewsareconsidered a component of an organization’s compensation philosophy, and are an industry best-practice to remain competitivefrom a market and equity perspective. The currenttrend facing organizations is with high job vacancies in most industries, including municipal government, the best workers have their pick of employment opportunities. Thus, the need to be competitive isofgreatsignificance with resignations and retirements currently exceeding qualified candidates to replace them, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. One method used to position organizations as an Fnqmpzfs!pg!Dipjdf is to ensure a total compensation package that is, at a minimum, reflective of market comparators. It is also important to ensure municipal councils and their boards are remunerated competitive to market. A study conducted in 2016 by the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) showed that limited remuneration and the level of commitment required to serve on council are both barriers to attracting younger and more diverse candidates to run for 1 municipal office. The objectives for this review was to analyzeexternal equity, or our market competitiveness for non-union positions, council and boards, as well as test for internal equity to ensure the County is pay equity compliant per legislation. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; The estimated annualized cost to the 2022 proposed salary ranges is $51,761, 0.82% increase to the current 2022 payroll; this cost excludes any payroll-basedbenefit costs. Finance indicates that the increase of costs including benefits will bring this total to an expected amount of $66,300. This will result in a 0.17% increase to the levy in 2022 and is manageable within the current year fluctuations of the operating budget. 1 Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO). Municipal Council Compensation in Ontario. AMCTO Report – March 2018. https://www.amcto.com/getattachment/a9e4b504-21c2-4378-bfab- ef4e1eb001c2/.aspx#:~:text=While%20levels%20of%20pay%20vary,less%20than%20%2440%2C000%2 0per%20year. 3 BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuizopx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuzboe!puifs tublfipmefst/ DPODMVTJPO; Compensation and pay equity reviews arebeneficial for recruiting and retaining top- talent,and support the County in becomingan Fnqmpzfs!pg!Dipjdf. Ensuring employee compensation and council/board remuneration reflects market competitiveness and flexibility will assist for future growth and organizational changes. BUUBDINFOUT;! CountyofElginElectedOfficials FinalReport CountyofElginNon-UnionMarketReviewFinalReport Approved for Submission All of which is Respectfully Submitted Julie Gonyou Stephanie Godby Chief Administrative Officer Manager of Human Resources Amy Thomson Director of Human Resources 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;JenniferFord, Directorof Financial Services/Treasurer EBUF;May 18,2022 TVCKFDU;2021 Annual Report for Investments SFDPNNFOEBUJPO;! THAT the2021 Annual Report for Investments,submitted by the Directorof Financial Services, bereceived and filed for information. JOUSPEVDUJPO; Section 8(1) of Ontario Regulation 438/97, issued under section 418(6) of the Nvojdjqbm! Bdu 2001, requires the Treasurer to produce and submit to Council an Annual Investment Report. EJTDVTTJPO;! Below is a chart summarizing the investments and applicable income by financial instrument for the year 2021. Jowftunfou!DbufhpszCbmbodf3132Bwfsbhf Efd!42.32JodpnfSbuf!pg! Sfuvso Bank-General Account$ 10,060,857$ 57,6630.57% -High Interest Savings Account-50,172- -Cash Account23,856,15851,9280.22% Guaranteed Investment Certificates6,000,000117,7481.96% Upubm%!4:-:28-126%388-6221/81& GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; All of the above investments are consistent with the restrictions outlined in Ontario Regulation 438/97, as amended, required for municipalities to follow. 2 BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuizopx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvsfggjdjfoumz!boe qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;!! MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; No impact DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! To support mandatory requirements of the Municipal Act. DPODMVTJPO; To be received and filed. Approved for Submission All of which is Respectfully Submitted Julie Gonyou Jennifer Ford Chief Administrative Officer Directorof Financial Services/Treasurer 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;JenniferFord, Directorof Financial Services/Treasurer EBUF;May 18,2022 TVCKFDU;2022 Tax Ratio and Tax Rate Amendments SFDPNNFOEBUJPO;! THAT Schedules A and C of the previous 2022 Budget By-law 22-15be amended to reflect the revised 2022 tax rates for the Small-Scale On-Farm Business second subclasses for the commercial and industrial property classes. THAT the necessary amended 2022 budget by-law be read for approval. JOUSPEVDUJPO; On March 8, 2022, Council was presented the 2022 Budget. At that time, two items were still undetermined: 1)The landfill property class still required a revenue neutral tax ratio to be establishedfor 2022, as per Section 10.2 (5) of Regulation 385/98. 2)Information from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) concerning the properties, and their assessedvalues, that were eligible for the second subclass of the Small-Scale On-Farm Business tax program. EJTDVTTJPO;! The 2022 revenue neutral Tax Ratio for the landfill class, as calculated by the provincial Online Property Tax Analysis (OPTA) system, did not change from the 2021 value of 33.402646. This value was previously approved in By-law 22-15 passed byCounty th Council March 8, 2022, and therefore does not need to be amended. Also, MPAC has now issued Special Assessment Notices (SANs) for the properties eligible for the second subclasses in the commercial and industrial classesfor the Small-Scale On-Farm program. The chart in the financial implications section summarizes the taxation changesbased upon the five SANs issued within Elgin County. 2 GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; Council’s decision to implement the second subclass for the commercial and industrial property classes for the Small-Scale On-Farm Business programwill reduce the overall commercial and industrial taxes raised. This reduction amounts to$1,679.46 ($2,239.30 to $559.84), or 75% of the previous taxes noted in the chart below. Bttfttnfou!DbufhpszBttfttnfou!QsfwjpvtBnfoefe WbmvfUbyftUbyft %% Commercial Small-Scale On-Farm Business87,600227.90 Commercial Taxable(87,600)911.59 Industrial Small-Scale On-Farm Business93,900331.94 Industrial Taxable(93,900)1,327.71 Upubmt-3-34:/4166:/95 This reduction will be absorbed by all property classes and will require the on average tax increase to be 1.6842% instead of the previous increase of 1.6799% noted in Bylaw 22-15representing a slight increase of .0043% to all rates. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuizopx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvsfggjdjfoumz!boe qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;!! MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; Minor 3 DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! We will share the amended Bylaw along with rates and ratios with our Local Municipal Partners to inform them for the next billing cycle. DPODMVTJPO; With the final information received from MPAC and OPTA, Council must now pass the Bylaw presented to finalize the rates and ratios for the 2022 Budget cycle. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Jennifer Ford Chief Administrative Officer Directorof Financial Services/Treasurer 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Nicholas Loeb, Senior Counsel Brian Lima, General Manager Engineering, Planning, and Enterprise (EPE)/ Deputy CAO EBUF;May 17, 2022 TVCKFDU;Amendment to the Approved Format Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; It is recommended that: 1.The within Report to Council, dated May 17, 2022, and entitled “Amendment to the Approved Format Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement” be received and filed; 2.County Council approve, effective May 24, 2022, the Approved Format Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement attached hereto as Appendix “A”. JOUSPEVDUJPO; The purpose of this Report to Council is toseek approval and authorization for an amendment to the approved format of the Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement that staff present to telecommunication service providers interested in providing services in Elgin County. CBDLHSPVOE!BOE!EJTDVTTJPO;! On March 23, 2021 County Council approved a specialized Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement for use when telecommunications installations are made in County right of ways. Prior to the March 23, 2021 approvalof a specialized agreement, a Road User Agreementhad been employed on a ‘one-off’ basis for telecommunications installations that served to only authorize a single project. 2 Utilizing a specialized agreement for telecommunications installations creates a significant efficiency as entering into one agreement withthe County enables the completion of multiple projects under the terms and conditions of this umbrella agreement. Once the agreement is in-force, the provider needs only to apply for permits or provide notification for its additional projects / works, as set out in the agreement. On May 25, 2021 a minor amendment to the March 23, 2021 standard format was approvedby Council, lowering theamount of discretionary blanket securityrequired from the service provider. On February 8, 2022 County Council authorized the use of a modified version of the Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement. This modified version was presentedfollowing negotiations that included, and required, comprehensive review of recent CRTC decisionswith an interested telecommunication service provider.The principles from those decisions were used to update the agreement. The most significant areas of modification tothe agreementthat werepresented to Council on February 8, 2022, were with regard to fee structures, allocation of cost for municipally-initiated relocation of telecommunication equipment; and, clarifying when notifications, permits or municipal consent are necessary. Pursuant to County Council direction, the modified version presented to County Council on February 8, 2022 was offered as an option to those telecommunications service providers with an existing agreement. There was no requirementto ‘switch’ to modified form of agreement. County staff are seeing an increasing number of telecommunication service providers operating in the area and believe that the modified form of the Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement presented to Council in February, 2022 is the most appropriate version to utilize moving forward as a standard agreement. Approving theversion enclosed as Appendix ‘A’ will treat all telecommunication service providers equitably. As such, County staff present this report and enclosed, amended approved formatfor Council’s consideration. It is acknowledged that as the CRTC issues decisionswith regard to Municipal Access Agreements, periodicrevisionsto the approved formatmay still prove necessary in the future. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; The Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road UserAgreement establishes the framework for completion of installation projects in County roadallowances, including financial arrangements. Amendments toAppendix “A” as compared to the initial approved format include the deletion of fees related to preparation of the Agreement and ongoing contract administration. The deletion of these fees is expected to have negligible budgetary impact. 3 BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boe Fotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm- ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-!boe sftpvsdft-!boe offe/bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfou!xbztGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz pg!beesfttjoh!dpnnvojuzfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe offe/ Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pgqsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft fggjdjfoumz!boe!fggfdujwfmz/ Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvsqmbdf/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;!None MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; None. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT; None DPODMVTJPO; Staff presents a proposed amended format to the Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement. Approved for Submission All of which is Respectfully Submitted Julie Gonyou Prepared By: Chief Administrative Officer Nicholas Loeb, Senior Counsel Reviewed By: Brian Lima, General Manager Engineering, Planning, and Enterprise (EPE)/ Deputy CAO UFMFDPNNVOJDBUJPOT!FRVJQNFOU!DPOTFOU!boe!SPBE! VTFSBHSFFNFOU ebz!pg!-!3133!)uif Uijt!Bhsffnfou!nbef!fggfdujwfuif! ”FggfdujwfEbuf•*/ C!F!U!X!F!F!O; DPSQPSBUJPO!PG!UIF!DPVOUZ!PGFMHJO )ifsfbgufs!uif!#Dpvouz#* PG!UIF!GJSTU!QBSU .boe!— YYYYY )ifsfbgufs!uif!#Dpnqboz#* PG!UIF!TFDPOE!QBSU XIFSFBT; B/Uif!Dpnqboz!jt!b!”Dbobejbo!dbssjfs•!bt!efgjofe!jo!uif!Ufmfdpnnvojdbujpot!Bdu-!T/D/ 2::4-!d/49!)”Ufmfdpn!Bdu•*!ps!”ejtusjcvujpo!voefsubljoh•!bt!efgjofe!jo!uif Cspbedbtujoh!Bdu-!T/D/!2::2-!d/22!)dpmmfdujwfmz-!b!”Dbssjfs•*!boe!jt!tvckfdu!up!uif kvsjtejdujpo!pg!uif!Dbobejbo!Sbejp.ufmfwjtjpo!boe!Ufmfdpnnvojdbujpot!Dpnnjttjpo )uif!”DSUD•*< C/Jo!psefs!uppqfsbufbt!b!Dbssjfs-uif!Dpnqboz!sfrvjsftupdpotusvdu-nbjoubjoboepqfsbuf jut!Frvjqnfou!jo-!po-!pwfs-!voefs-!bdsptt!ps!bmpoh!)”Xjuijo•*!uif!ijhixbzt-!tusffut- spbe!bmmpxbodft-!mboft-!csjehft!ps!wjbevdut!xijdi!bsf!voefs!uif!kvsjtejdujpo!pg!uif Dpvouz!)dpmmfdujwfmz-!uif!”Sjhiut.pg.Xbz•!ps!”SPXt•*< D/Qvstvbouuptfdujpo!54!pg!uif UfmfdpnBdu-uif!Dpnqboz!sfrvjsftuifDpvouz“tdpotfou up!dpotusvdu!jut!Frvjqnfou!Xjuijo!uif!SPXt!boe!uif!Dpvouz!jt!xjmmjoh!up!hsbou!uif Dpnqboz!b!opo.fydmvtjwf!sjhiu!up!dpotusvdu!xjuijouif!SPXtqspwjefe!uibu!ju!tibmm!opu voevmz!joufsgfsf!xjui!uif!qvcmjd!vtf!boe!fokpznfou!pg!uif!SPX!ps!puifs!qvcmjd!qmbdf- jodmvejoh!boz!sjhiut!ps!qsjwjmfhft!qsfwjpvtmz!dpogfssfe!ps!dpogfssfe!bgufs!uif!Fggfdujwf ebuf!cz!uif!Dpvouz!po!Uijse!Qbsujft!up!vtf!ps!bddftt!uif!SPXt< OPX!UIFSFGPSF!jo!dpotjefsbujpo!pg!uif!nvuvbm!ufsnt-!dpoejujpot!boe!dpwfobout!dpoubjofe! 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Fssps!tufnt!gspn!hspvoe!npwfnfou!ps!xpsl!ps!bdujwjujft!dbssjfe!pvu!czb!Uijse!Qbsuz-!ps! cz-!ps!po!cfibmg!pg-uif!Dpvouz/Jg!ju!jt!efufsnjofe!uibu!uif!dpoejujpot!pg!uif!nvojdjqbm! sjhiu.pg.xbz!ibwf!dibohfe-!uif!qbsujft!bhsff!up!cf!sfbtpobcmf-!jodmvejoh!xjui!sftqfdu!up!uif! bmmpdbujpo!pg!ejsfdu!dptut!tufnnjoh!gspn!uif!dibohf/ 8/SFMPDBUJPO!PGFRVJQNFOU 8/2 Dpvouz!Sfrvftu/Xifsf!uif!Dpvouz!sfrvjsft!boe!sfrvftut!uif!Dpnqboz!up!sfmpdbuf!jut! Frvjqnfou!gps!b!cpob!gjef!nvojdjqbm!qvsqptf-!uif!Dpvouz!tibmm!opujgz!uif!Dpnqboz!jo! xsjujoh!boe-!uif!Dpnqboz!tibmm!dpnqmfuf!uif!sfrvftufe!sfmpdbujpo!xjuijo!ojofuz!):1*!ebzt-! ibwjoh!sfhbse!up!uif!obuvsf!pg!uif!sfmpdbujpo!sfrvjsfe-!uif!Dpnqboz!tibmm!dpnnfodf!xpsl! up!sfmpdbuf!jut!Frvjqnfouxjuijo!b!Sjhiu.!pg.Xbz/ 8/3 Bmmpdbujpo!pg!Dptu/!Uif!sftqpotjcjmjuz!gps!uif!dptut!jodvssfe!jo!sfmpdbujoh!uif!Dpnqboz“t! Frvjqnfou!ps!qfsgpsnjoh!tvdi!xpsl!sfgfsfodfe-!xifsf!uif!Dpvouzibt!nbef!b!sfrvftu!up! uif!Dpnqboz!up!sfmpdbuf!jut!Frvjqnfou!bt!tfu!pvu!bcpwf!xjmm-!gps!uif!qvsqptft!pg!uijt! Bhsffnfou-!cf!cbtfe!vqpo!uif!gpmmpxjoh!dibsu!boe!jodmvef!bmm!bttpdjbufe!dptut!)mbcpvs-! nbufsjbmt-!eftjhofud/*bt!xfmm!bt!efqsfdjbujpo-!cfuufsnfou!boe!sfdpwfsz!pg!dptut;! Zfbs)t*!BgufsQfsdfoubhf!pg! Sfmpdbujpo Jotubmmbujpo!pg! 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Jojujbmt 24 boz!djsdvntubodft!cf!sftqpotjcmf!ps!mjbcmf!up!uif!Dpnqboz-!jut!dpousbdupst-!bhfout-!ps! dvtupnfst!gps!boz!ebnbhf!ps!mpttft!jo!dpotfrvfodf!uifsfpg-!vomftt!evf!up!uif!ofhmjhfodf! pg!uif!Dpvouz!ps!uiptf!gps!xipn!bu!mbx!ju!jt!sftqpotjcmf/! 22/3 Dpnqboz!Joefnojuz/!Uif!Dpnqboz!ifsfcz!sfmfbtft-!joefnojgjft-!dpnqmfufmz!ipmet! ibsnmftt-!boe!bhsfft!up!efgfoe!uif!Dpvouz-!jut!Dpvodjmmpst-!pggjdfst-!fnqmpzfft-!mfhbm! dpvotfm-!bhfout!boe!dpousbdupst-!gspn!boe!bhbjotu!boz!boe!bmm!tvjut-!kvehnfout-!dmbjnt-! efnboet-!fyqfotft-!bdujpot-!dbvtft!pg!bdujpo-!evujft-!bttfttnfout-!gfft-!qfobmujft-! mjbcjmjujft-!mpttft!boe!dptut!xijdi!uif!Dpvouz!boe!jut!tvddfttpst!boe!bttjhot!nbz!bu!boz! ujnf!ps!ujnft!ifsfbgufs!cfbs-!tvtubjo-!ps!tvggfs-!bt!b!sftvmu!pg!uif!Frvjqnfou-!jodmvejoh! xjuipvu!mjnjubujpo-!jut!qmbdfnfou-!jotubmmbujpo-!dpotusvdujpo-!sfdpotusvdujpo-!jotqfdujpo-! nbjoufobodf-!vtf-!pqfsbujpo-!bmufsbujpo-!fombshjoh-!sfqbjs-!sfqmbdfnfou-!sfmpdbujpo!boe0ps! sfnpwbm/ 22/4 DpvouzBdlopxmfehfnfou/UifDpvouzifsfczbdlopxmfehftuibujujt!sftqpotjcmf!gpsjut! ofhmjhfodf!boe!uif!ofhmjhfodf!pg!uiptf!gps!xipn!ju!jt!sftqpotjcmf!gps!bumbx/ 22/5 DpvouzJoefnojuz/UifDpvouzifsfczsfmfbtft-joefnojgjft-dpnqmfufmz!ipmet!ibsnmftt- boe!bhsfft!up!efgfoe!uif!Dpnqboz-!jut!pggjdfst-!fnqmpzfft-!mfhbm!dpvotfm-!bhfout!boe! dpousbdupst-!gspn!boe!bhbjotu!boz!boe!bmm!tvjut-!kvehnfout-!dmbjnt-!efnboet-!fyqfotft-! bdujpot-!dbvtft!pg!bdujpo-!evujft-!bttfttnfout-!gfft-!qfobmujft-!mjbcjmjujft-!mpttft!boe!dptut! xijdiuif!Dpnqboz!boejuttvddfttpstboebttjhotnbzbubozujnf!ps!ujnftifsfbgufscfbs-! tvtubjo-!tvggfs-!cf!qvu!up!ps!jodvs!cz!sfbtpo!pg!jut!ofhmjhfodf!boe!uif!ofhmjhfodf!pg!uiptf! gps!xipn!ju!jt!sftqpotjcmf!bumbx/ 22/6 Op!mjbcjmjuz-!cpui!Qbsujft/!Opuxjuituboejoh!boz!puifs!qspwjtjpo!jo!uijt!Bhsffnfou-!ofjuifs! Qbsuz!tibmm!cf!mjbcmf!up!boz!qfstpo!jo!boz!xbz!gps!tqfdjbm-!jodjefoubm-!joejsfdu-!dpotfrvfoujbm-! fyfnqmbsz-!ps!qvojujwf!ebnbhft-!jodmvejoh!ebnbhft!gps!qvsf!fdpopnjd!mptt!ps!gbjmvsf!up! sfbmj{ffyqfdufe!qspgjut-!ipxtpfwfs!dbvtfe-!ps!dpousjcvufe!up-!jo!dpoofdujpo!xjui!uijt! Bhsffnfou!boe!uif!qfsgpsnbodf!ps!opo.qfsgpsnbodf!pg!jut!pcmjhbujpot!ifsfvoefs 22/7 Tvswjwbm/!Uifpcmjhbujpo!pg!b!Qbsuzupjoefnojgz-efgfoeboetbwfibsnmfttuifpuifsQbsuz! tibmm!tvswjwf!uif!ufsnjobujpo!ps!fyqjsz!pg!uijtBhsffnfou/ 23/FOWJSPONFOUBMMJBCJMJUZ 23/2/Dpvouz!opu!sftqpotjcmf/!Uif!Dpvouz!jt!opu!sftqpotjcmf-!fjuifs!ejsfdumz!ps!joejsfdumz-!gps! boz!ebnbhf!up!uif!obuvsbm!fowjsponfou!ps!qspqfsuz-!jodmvejoh!boz!ovjtbodf-!usftqbtt-! ofhmjhfodf-!ps!jokvsz!up!boz!qfstpo-!ipxtpfwfs!dbvtfe-!bsjtjoh!gspn!uif!qsftfodf-!efqptju-! ftdbqf-ejtdibshf-mfbl-tqjmm!ps!sfmfbtf!pg!bozIb{bsepvtTvctubodfjodpoofdujpoxjuiuif! 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Jojujbmt 26 27/OPUJDF 27/2 Nfuipe!pg!Opujdf/!Boz!opujdf!sfrvjsfe!nbz!cf!tvggjdjfoumz!hjwfo!cz!qfstpobm!efmjwfsz!ps-! jgpuifsuibouifefmjwfsz!pg!bopsjhjobmepdvnfou-!cz!gbdtjnjmfusbotnjttjpops!fmfduspojd!)f. nbjm*!usbotnjttjpo-!upfjuifsQbsuz!bu!uif!gpmmpxjohbeesfttft; Up!uif!Dpvouz; Dpsqpsbujpo!pg!uif!Dpvouz!Fmhjo 561!Tvotfu!Esjwf Tu/!Uipnbt-!Poubsjp!!O6S!6W2! \\JOTFSU!DPNQBOZ^ 27/3 Efmjwfsz!pg!Opujdf/!Boz!opujdf!hjwfo!qvstvbou!up!Tfdujpo!27/2!tibmm!cf!effnfe!up!ibwf! cffosfdfjwfe!po!uifebuf!po!xijdijuxbtefmjwfsfejo!qfstpo-!ps-jgusbotnjuufe!cz!gbdtjnjmf ps!fmfduspojd!usbotnjttjpoevsjoh!uif!sfhvmbs!cvtjoftt!ipvst!pg!uif!Qbsuz!sfdfjwjoh!uif! opujdf-!po!uif!ebuf!ju!xbt!usbotnjuufe-!ps-!jg!usbotnjuufe!cz!gbdtjnjmf!pvutjef!sfhvmbs! cvtjoftt!ipvst!pg!uif!Qbsuz!sfdfjwjoh!uif!opujdf-!po!uif!ofyu!sfhvmbs!cvtjoftt!ebz!pg!uif! 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FMHJO jo!uif!qsftfodf!pg; Ebuf;!!!-! Nbsz!Gsfodi-!Xbsefo Ebuf;! Kvmjf!Hpozpv-!Dijfg!Benjojtusbujwf!Pggjdfs Xf!ibwf!uif!bvuipsjuz!up!cjoe!uif!Dpsqpsbujpo TJHOFE-!TFBMFE!BOE!EFMJWFSFE \\DPNQBOZ^ jo!uif!qsftfodf!pg; Ebuf;!!!- Qfs; Ujumf; Ebuf;!!!- Qfs; Ujumf; J0Xf!ibwf!uif!bvuipsjuz!up!cjoe!uif!Dpsqpsbujpo Jojujbmt 29 TDIFEVMF!#B#! Gfftboe!Dibshft Ufmfdpnnvojdbujpo!Frvjqnfou!Dpotfou!boe!Spbe!Vtfs!Bhsffnfou Cz.MbxGff0DibshfBnpvou 32.27Nvojdjqbm!Dpotfou%311/11,!%1/360n 32.27Spbe!Qfsnju%311/11!up!%511/11! TDIFEVMF!#C#! Qfsnjut!sfrvjsfe!cz!uif!Dpvouz! Ufmfdpnnvojdbujpo!Frvjqnfou!Dpotfou!boe!Spbe!Vtfs!Bhsffnfou MC Notification No Permit or WORK ACTIVITY RP only Notification Road occupation that causes no disruption to traffic or X pedestrian flow to perform Work Work that requires oversize or overweight vehicles X Road Occupancy that involves the temporary closure of a X vehicle travel lane, parking lane to perform Work Emergency Work with no Excavation, no utilization of trees and X or other municipal infrastructure as a support structure 1 Any installation of Equipment that requires Excavation in the ROW, including: the installation of buried Equipment crossing a road; the installation of new Above-ground Plant; the relocation of buried Equipment or Above-ground X X Equipment; the replacement of existing Above-ground Equipment with equipment that is significantly larger; and the installation of buried Service Drops that cross a road or a break a hard surface of the ROW. The installation of aerial Equipment (excluding aerial Service X Drops) Tree trimming on ROWs X The replacement of existing above-ground Equipment without adding more Equipment or significantly increasing its size (pole X replacements excluded) The installation of buried Service Drops that do not cross a road X or break the hard surface of a ROW Pulling cable through existing underground duct X The installation of or repair to aerial Service Drops X The maintenance, testing and repair of Equipment where there X is minimal physical disturbance or changes to the ROW Any other Work activity agreed to by the Municipality X Jojujbmt 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Katherine Thompson, of Services/DeputyClerk Mike Hoogstra, Purchasing Coordinator EBUF;May 16, 2022 TVCKFDU;AgendaManagement Software RFP – Project Award SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THATtheprovisionofservicesassociatedwith theAgendaManagementSystem, RequestforProposal2022-P05submissionreceivedfromeSCRIBESoftware Ltd. in the amountof$25,900(annual cost),be awarded;and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the supporting agreement. JOUSPEVDUJPO; The County of Elgin recently invited proposals from Software Firms who possess the requisite technical skills to provide an agenda management software solution for the County. This report provides background information along with the details regarding the procurement process undertaken regarding the Request for Proposaland seeks Council’s approval to award the contract. EJTDVTTJPO;! Aspartofthe2022Budgetprocess,CountyCouncil authorizedstaff todraftand issue a RequestforProposal forAgendaManagementSoftware.ElginCounty Administrativestaff support approximately163Council,Committee, ExecutiveLeadershipTeam,andManagementTeammeetingsayear with agenda and minutes creation.Agenda ManagementSoftwarewillstreamlinetheagendaand minutescreationprocessand significantlyreducetheamountoftimeAdministrative Servicesstaffspendoncompilingthese agendasand minutes.Thissoftware will also improvethe experience formembersofthepublicandmediawhoareaccessing CouncilandCommitteeagendas,minutes,andtime-stampedmeetingvideos.These materialswillbeuploadedinto anattractiveandeasyto navigatepublicportallocated on theCountyofElgin’swebsite. 2 addition,CountyCouncilwillhaveaccesstoagendasandotherrelevant documentsthrougha passwordprotectedportalthatwillbe accessible from anywhereusinga varietyof devices. Request for Proposal 2022-P05 (refer to Attachment 1)was published on March 16, 2022, seeking an experienced Software Firmto provide an agenda management software solution for the County. Information that was advertised and posted on the County’s Bid Portal page https://elgincounty.bidsandtenders.caincluding RFP dates, proposals submitted and list of registered firms is attached to this report as Attachment 2. The Evaluation Committee (refer to Attachment 3), utilized a “two-part submission method” procurement process in which proposals were received as two separate submissions. The first submission consisting of technical and qualitative information was opened and evaluated based on the following criteria: i)Proponent Experience, Profile and Portfolio; ii)Approach, Process and Workplan; iii)Proponent’s Service Level Agreement Materials; iv)Cyber Securityand methods to ensure security; v)References; vi)Innovation / Concepts / Options The second submission consisting of the corresponding price information was opened only for those firms that achieved the minimum score,and evaluated only after the technical submission had been evaluated in accordance with the requirements of the RFPdocument. The software firm selected by the Evaluation Committee is eSCRIBE Software Ltd. based in Markham, ON. The proposal submitted by eSCRIBE Software was the highest scoring qualified proposal and thus represented the best complete quality submission. This firm has successfully completed over 165 agenda management software implementations across Ontario including the Municipality of West Elgin and the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich (who entered into an agreement with eScribe in March 2022). The neighbouring municipalities of Oxford County, the Municipality of Chatham- Kent and Norfolk County also use eScribe for meeting management. eScribe is a cloud-based software and data is hosted in Canada. All backups and intellectual property belong to the County and can be requested for download at any time. eScribe takes precautions and is insured against privacy breaches, unauthorized access of private information, and network security incidents. 3 All Proponents that submitted a proposal to the County will be advised of the contract award and will be offered a debriefing of their individual proposal submission. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; The total cost for implementing the new Agenda Management Software solution is summarized below: BnpvouEftdsjqujpo $25,900Software and Support Fee (Annual Cost) The total approvedbudget for this project is $30,000.The term of the contract is three (3)years and Subscription Fees will increase from the previous year’s Subscription Fees by five percent (5%). BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT; Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuizopx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvsfggjdjfoumz!boe qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; None DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! None 4 DPODMVTJPO; As detailed above, the Evaluation Committee completed theevaluation and selection process in accordance with the Request for Proposal and subsequently the proposal submission from eSCRIBE Software Ltd.was deemed the successful qualified proponent and is recommended for award. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Katherine Thompson Chief Administrative Officer Services/Deputy Clerk Mike Hoogstra Purchasing Coordinator Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o Attachment 1 o o o o o Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 2 Attachment 2 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning EBUF;May 6, 2022 TVCKFDU;Approval of the Malahide Official Plan Amendment 20 File No.: MAOPA-01-22 Applicant: Township of Malahide SFDPNNFOEBUJPO;! THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin modify and approvethe Official PlanAmendment No. 20tothe Township of Malahide Official Planas adopted by By-law21-95, andas detailed in the attached decision; and THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the requirements of the Qmboojoh!Bdu. JOUSPEVDUJPO; This report is intended to provide County Council with information required to consider granting approval to the above noted official planamendmentwhich was submittedto the County of Elgin for approval on December 23, 2021 (attached for referencealong with the recommended decision). In accordance with Section 17 of the Qmboojoh!Bdu, the County as approval authority is required to make a decisionin which it may approve, modify, or refuse to approve an official plan. If the County fails to decidewithin 120days after the official planis received, any person or public body may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal. EJTDVTTJPO;! On December 16, 2021 the Council of the Township of Malahideadopted Official Plan Amendment No. 20constitutingthe Township’s statutory five-year review and update to their Official Plan.The amendment wasdeveloped in accordance with the Qmboojoh!Bdu, the Provincial Policy Statement, and the County of Elgin Official Plan andcontains goals, objectives and policies established primarily to manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic, built and natural environment of the Township including policies and measures to ensure the adequate provision of affordable housing, the protection of agricultural resources,and a description of the measures and procedures for informing and obtaining the views of the public in respect of various Qmboojoh!Bdu processes. County staff have had the opportunity to review the statutory record submitted by the Township, as required by the Qmboojoh!Bdu, andare of the opinion that all statutory requirements have been met by the Townshipincludingthe requirements for public consultation. Further, County staff have had the opportunity to review the amendmentitself for conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement and the County Official Plan. Subsequently, after thatreview, a meeting washeld withtownship staff and their consultant team to review and discuss potential modifications to the amendment. This discussion centred around one particular amendmentto Section 2.1.6 of the Plan which would permit the consideration of smaller agricultural lot sizes for reduced / non- mechanized Mennonite and Amish farming operations. Concerns over the inclusion of this provision in the amendment were raised by the County’s previous Manager of Planning,as policies regarding the land division in agricultural areas arestrictlylimited by the Provincial Policy Statement, and subsequently the County Official Plan, noneof which explicitly permit such considerations. Subsequently this office undertook additional review and analysis to confirm the previous position put forward by County staff, including a recent meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, and Rural Affairs. At that meeting the Province confirmed that the proposal to permit smaller lot sizes for reduced / non-mechanized Mennonite and Amish farming operations would not comply with the Provincial Policy Statement, and further raised concerns regarding issues ofoverallcommunity equity, noting that there may be possible legal implications to policies such as this,and noting that not all Mennonites practice their faith in the same manner, and that the County’s Land Division Committeewould most certainly be faced with difficulties in assessing when it would be appropriate to permit a smaller lot size. County staff concur with the assessment provided by the Province and advised township staff of the proposal to remove the proposed amendment to Section 2.1.6.No other modifications to the amendment areproposed. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; None. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pgqsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; This Official Plan will impact the Township of Malahide.If County Council approves this amendment, the Townshipwill not be required to undertake another update to their Official Plan for a period of five years. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! The Notice of Decision will be sent to the Townshipand anyone prescribed under the Planning Act. DPODMVTJPO; Based on the analysis contained in the Discussion section of this report, it is in the opinion of staff that Council may grant approval to the Township of MalahideOfficial PlanAmendment No. 20, as modified, as the amendment: Is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement; Conforms to the policies of theCounty Official Plan; and Represents good planning and is in the public interest. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Paul Hicks Julie Gonyou Acting Manager of Planning Chief Administrative Officer Brian Lima, General Managerof Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO o o o o o o o o o o o o o adopted the official plan shall, in ial interest listed in section 2; and If an official plan is in effect in a municipality, the council of the municipality that The council shall revise the plan no less frequently than, (1) conforms with provincial plans or does not conflict with them, as the case may be;has regard to the matters of provincis consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3 (1). 2015, c. 26, s. 24 (1).10 years after it comes into effect as a new official plan; andevery five years thereafter, unless the plan has been replaced by another new official plan. 2015, c. 26, s. 24 (1). Updating official plan26 accordance with subsection (1.1), revise the official plan as required to ensure that it,(a)(b)(c)Same(1.1)(a)(b)Same 1 an respectively, ithin Malahide the Ontario average, 33% and 14% of people 9.5% of people report n esult of the large number . There is a significant ; in comparison, less than 1% of o the large Amish and Mennonite While immigrants make up a smallerpercentage of the population inMalahide tha roughly two thirds (66%) ofimmigrants in Malahide are fromMexico immigrants are from Mexico across allof Ontario.Due tpopulations wapproximately report that they are of German andDutch ethnic origin significantly higher than the provincialaverages of 9% and 4% respectively.Likely as a rof agricultural workers in theMunicipality, their ethnic origins as Mexican inMalahide, compared to 2.5% inOntario difference when considering genderwhere 10.4% of men report Mexicorigins compared to 8.6% of women.This is likely due to the commonsituation where the father of a familywill live in Canada and send moneyback to the rest of his family living inMexico. Quick Facts: seholds Value 2020 - Construction 63,875,200 $15,148,250$14,786,000$14,718,835$10,846,955$10,759,437$14,324,500$17,339,500$20,090,500$30,091,220$26,708,400$28,393,300$ 20% of all hou compared to 10% for the Starts New Housing 273426182123212543372230 Total Permits . 164155170154126169178181246223239 173 Total Building Permit Values 2009 five (5) or more people 2 e Currently only 11% of Malahide residents work within themunicipality and 46% of residents work elsewherewithin Elgin County. 43% of residents report working ina different County or Census Division.There are significant differences from the provincialaverages for the number of small households and largehouseholds in Malahide. Approximately 16% ofhouseholds in Malahide have 1 person, compared to 26%across all of Ontario. Conversely, haveprovince Year Tabl Quick Facts: 200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020 3.101 3.150 3.130 3.257 3.077 3.246 3.086 Persons Per Unit 3,613 3,383 3,854 3,056 2,7202,950 2,808 Dwellings 1 9,390 9,540 9,0709,820 11,450 11,860 10,780 Population 2 45 20062011201620192029203920 2 95 84 135 150 385 140 390 450220 400 2,455 Population 31 71 2643 48 1 44 125 123127 144 784 Dwellings AvonLyonsKingsmill CornerOrwellSummers CornersSouth GoreLutonMount SalemCalton Copenhagen Hamlets: 2 95 30 375 170 625 670 890 1,518 5,177 9,820 Population 1 10 3054 120 164 285 485 200 1,632 3,065 Dwellings 4 3 Springfield Port BruceEastNorth WestSouth MalahideVillagesAylmer Suburban AreasRural Areas . ; lson Street Ne ( , not preferred the facility currently has – he east. Class 2 agricultural , there is a municipal drain south of rural residential lands; a livestock ; Main Street) -H-1 Has access to two municipal roadsand running through the northeast corner of the lotWould round out corner of the settlement area, lot is currently located partially within the settlement area. Class 1 prime agricultural landlands have the highest quality and quantity of groundwaterWould extend the settlement area boundary east, development would extend closer towards livestock facility to tlandsfacility is located approximately 200m to the east of the eastern limit of Lots would continue strip development along Ron McNeil Line, lots would continue development slightly closer to the livestock facilities to the east and north eastto have frontage on an arterial roadThe lands are part of a parcel which is currently mostly within the settlement area and is zoned as VR14 residential dwellings within approx.. 280m fronting 3 Residential lots 40 unit residential subdivision 2-Ron McNeil LineRounding out Settlement Area to match existing VR zoning Rounding out Settlement AreaExtend settlement area to the east h and Mary Smit V Group Holdings Inc.John 45 SF1SF2SF3SFSF 22 & 12 PLAN 120 NorthwestSouth Dorchester CON 12 PT;LOT 7EastCON 12 S PT LOT 5NortheastCON PT LOT 5SouthwestSoutheastMalahide CON 9 N PT LOTS 21 through southern . Lands along the water Space for potential its floodway cuts Business District under consideration 3.6ha parcel. , one large parcel approximately entral , the lands are on the planned route the lands The Simpson Creek runs across . es dential, commercial as well as future urban Include high profile property at the corner of Springfield and Ron McNeil, as well as an undeveloped parcel that could attract a larger retail use.Round out the Cnorth side of Ron McNeil Line to mirror the designation on the south side. Would extend the settlement area boundary further south, closer to the municipal servicportion of are currently used for agricultural field crops.Comprised of two parcels on the west side of Springfield Road37ha, and smaller resigrowth.The Simpson Drain and these landsfor municipal water services, and have access to the existing sanitary services.The Simpson Drain cuts through the lands, the lands tie into adjacent undeveloped lands and provides additional opportunites for access to these lands; there are no livestock facilities nearby; would round out the settlement area. Springfield urban Central residential uses - Extend settlement area to the south along RoadArea with integrated industrialand commercial usesExtend the Central Business District east along RonMcNeil LineRound out the Business District west along the north side of Ron McNeil LineRound out the settlement area for future growth 74 18.9 SF6SF7SF8SF9SF10 LOT 20 s n o i s West u 51124 Ron l c 2- n o SouthCON 9 S PT South EastCON 9 PT LOT 21 PT LOT 22EastCON 12 PLAN 120 PT LOT 5West5110McNeil LineNortheast C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C s n o i s u l c n o C lies ress rea to . site water services and will therefore be the focus of - PublicPublicPublicPublic Water PrivatePrivate itary Public nicipal sewage and individual on PrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate San ent and intensification opportunities; unit developm - ourage the use of partially serviced (municipal water and individual sewage) unless to address failed services, or to add Existing servicing scenarios in the settlement areas:DiscThe Village of Springfield is serviced by muThe Township will provide municipal sewage services and municipal water services in a manner that is financially viable, comp infilling and rounding out of development;growth within the Municipality. The Township will endeavor to extend municipal water services to the Springfield settlement aallow for future multiwith all regulatory requirements; and protects human health and the natural environment Springfield (V)Port Bruce (V)Orwell (H)Copenhagen (H)Suburban AreasOthers g) 1 of 1 Page Official Plan Township of Malahide APPENDIX: A Recommended Policy Changes Recommended Policy Changes Township of Malahide Official Plan 9 1 , to of ounty 1 Page Official Plan Planning Act year review. Any modifications to the - plan whereas the Township of Malahide Township of Malahide ill generate a demand for approximately 800 Recommended Policy Changes necessary, the Plan shall be amended accordingly. approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing following: . The Plan became operative following the last update to the review of the Official Plan in accordance with Section 26 of the the Proposed Language ear It constitutes an upper tier review shall be assessed to determine whether any issues of conformity arise and replace with County of Elgin Official Plan was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing o the Malahide Official Plan and, if . The last review of the Plan was the following new section: ing Act County of Elgin first ever Official Plan Review 2018, the Township initiated a five y Delete Section 1.5 1.5 In Plannon September 25, 2013. Population projections have been updated with the population now expected to reach 11,860 by the year 2045. The increased population wnew dwellings by the same year.Create 1.6 Theand came into effect on October 9, 2013Township of Malahide Official PlanOfficial Plan constitutes a lower tier plan. As such, this Official Plan is required, under the conform with the County of Elgin Official Plan. In the event of a conflict between official plans, the CPlan prevails to the extent of such conflict. In all other respects, this Plan remains in full force and effect.The County of Elgin Official Plan is currently the subject of a fiveCounty Plan arising from thiswith respect t the current situation for Change e population projections Rational the most recent provides an update and reflectsacknowledges the hierarchy of the County of Elgin -and -Official Plan Official Plan Review in accordance , in 2009 in order to ensure the Planning Act Current Policy Language approved in 2003. Population projections were undertaken at Official Plan Review 1..0 Introduction to the Plan 1.5 The Township undertook a Five Yearwith Section 26 of the document was consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and changes that had occurred through Provincial legislation since the Official Plan was this time to determine the need for any additional growth lands. The projected population by the year 2029 is 10604 based on extrapolation of recent growth rates.n/a 9 1 of 2 Page Planning Act Official Plan sing; , is required to have regard to Township of Malahide Planning Act ces and the mineral resource base; Recommended Policy Changes ll facilities, services and matters to which this Act being of the Province and its municipalities; - ted approval regulated or required under the t are of high quality, safe, accessible, attractive and vibrant; rela - Proposed Language red by the Act. These matters are as follows: d efficient use of communication, transportation, sewage and water services law, the approval of a plan of subdivision or condominium, the granting of a - designed, - ordination of planning activities of public bodies; - (i)is well(ii)encourages a sense of place, and(iii)provides for public spaces tha promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable, to support public transit and to be the following new section: interest;and waste management systems;applies;facilities;oriented to pedestrians; Matters of Provincial Interest (a)the protection of ecological systems, including natural areas, features and functions;(b)the protection of the agricultural resources of the Province;(c)the conservation and management of natural resour(d)the conservation of features of significant architectural, cultural, historical, archaeological or scientific(e)the supply, efficient use and conservation of energy and water;(f)the adequate provision an(g)the minimization of waste;(h)the orderly development of safe and healthy communities;(h.1) the accessibility for persons with disabilities to a(i)the adequate provision and distribution of educational, health, social, cultural and recreational(j)the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable hou(k)the adequate provision of employment opportunities;(l)the protection of the financial and economic well(m)the co(n)the resolution of planning conflicts involving public and private interests;(o)the protection of public health and safety;(p)the appropriate location of growth and development;(q)the (r)the promotion of built form that,(s)the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to a changing climate. Create 1.7The Township, in carrying out its responsibilities under the These matters of provincial interest are further elaborated upon in the Provincial Policy Statement. They shall be a consideration by the Township in the evaluation of any amendment to this Plan, any amendment or variance to the Zoning Byconsent, permission or any other planning Planning Act for Change e a level of policy in dealing with planning related Rational Council with sets out the matters for which the Township mustprovides -have regard to in reviewing any planning relatedapplications and issues governed by the -issues Current Policy Language n/a 9 1 by that of Given 3 day farm d uses to - anticipate Page Official Plan usual conditions p and Land Division ality over the next 25 9,820 people residing PPS) now directs units between 2019 and 2029, subject to the : term population forecasts - Township of Malahide s r year long a - e y Recommended Policy Changes Land Division otherwise required and utilized by modern 5 2 o t 2045, there will be a demand for approximately 800 new p - year and 20 u stances where family members wish to continue a livelihood - r the Township would be completed as part of that exercise f o The Provincial Policy Statement 2020 ( Proposed Language es of this nature may be permitted Section 2.1.6 understanding its present and future land use needs in the face of t to all other applicable policies of this Plan. at the end of ional 2,040 new residents. for the Development Charges (DC) Study prepared by Watson & Associates (2019), text for additional housing options and opportunities in the Township to maintain housing satisfied that the resulting smaller parcels could continue to function as independent and established the following new section: he average household size is expected to continue to decline. Together, these trends will continue Population and Housing Create 1.8 The Township remains committed to the changing community demographics.meet projected needs for a time horizon timelinesit was determined that growth projections foand utilized as part of the Official Plan review and update. Based on the DC study, in the Township of Malahide in 2019. The 10a steady growth of approximately 0.9% annually, ultimately reaching a population of 10,780 by 2029. The population is expected to increase to 11,450 by the year 2039.Current projections indicate that there will be demand for 327 new dwelling and an additional 230 dwellings between 2029 and 2039. The demand will increase by an additional 241 dwellings to 2045. In total for the period 2019dwellings with an additWhile there is expected to be a modest increase in the growth rate for the Municipyears, tto fuel the needattainability and diversity.Add the following In the Township of Malahide, it is acknowledged that a number of agricultural holdings are operated as independent and viable farm parcels by Amish and Mennonite families accustomed to an absence of, or otherwise greatly reduced level of, the mechanizationoperators managing large acreages. In such cases, the creation of smaller farm lots provides for the separation of operational farms and the recognition of existing conditions. The severance of farms heldthe Amish and Mennonite communities presents challenges in applying official plan policies which do not take into account or acknowledge the nuances of a typical Amish or Mennonite farm operation and the benefits of permitting a smaller farm size in inin agriculture. It would be unreasonable to expect a rigid application of a minimum farm parcel size in such cases where the splitting of agricultural lands is proposed. Accordingly, if the TownshiCommittee areviable agricultural operations, severancbeing imposed and subjec for Change e with respect to minimum farm ity l i Rational maining flexib reflects the latest population and housing projectionsacknowledges the unique and diverse farm -to the year 2045.-community in Malahide, and the desirability ofreparcel size where the division or splitting ofagricultural parcels is proposed - ute to large farms into law. The creation of agricultural parcels of - Current Policy Language for the type of agricultural uses common for the area; the ate from the minimum lot size prescribed in the Zoning By Land Division Both the retained and severed parcel shall be for agriculturalpurposes and comply with the following: the lots are of a sizeappropriate size of the parcels are sufficiently large to permit making changes tothe type of farming; compliance with the M.D.S. formula I; and thatboth parcels are viable agricultural units or will contribagricultural viability by means of farm consolidation;Building improvements or new construction on the undersized parcelshall be for farming purposes; Agricultural Resources a)b) n/a 2.0 Resource Policies 2.1 2.1.6It is a policy of this Plan to discourage the subdividing of smaller holdings and to encourage continued farm use. The enforcement of this policy and stipulation of a minimum lot size for agricultural uses will be detailed in the Zoning Byland which devilaw will be permitted subject to the following policies: 9 1 site - of 4 law, and a - Page and The Township Official Plan law to Prohibit - By Municipal Act he all prevent normal farm practices that under t Township of Malahide passed Recommended Policy Changes - y proceeding called to resolve such complaints under the lots are not zoned for residential purposes, an amendment . Nothing in this Plan sh at an uch s Proposed Language l of animal waste. Lands shall be sufficiently large to provide adequate participate . Where fering measures, sound attenuation, security fencing and other site improvements cant Lots law shall be required. - Farm acknowledges that in agricultural areas, agricultural uses and normal farm practices be - to - Existing VaAnimal Kennels Right Create the following new section:2.1.8Existing vacant lots (i.e. lots of record) may be used for the purposes of a single unit dwelling provided they are capable of being serviced by an adequate and potable water supply and an approved onsanitary waste disposal system.to the Zoning By Create the following new section:2.1.10Animal kennels shall be permitted subject to appropriate measures being taken to eliminate or effectively mitigate any adverse impacts on neighbouring land uses, to ensure the safety of neighbouring residents and to ensure the proper disposaspace for outdoor exercise areas and provide adequate buffering from neighbouring properties. Animal minimum separation distance from neighbouring dwellings shall be prescribed. Maximum noise levels at the property line, and other sound mitigation measures, may also be regulated. Site plan control shall apply to ensure adequate bufare undertaken and satisfactorily maintained. A license to operate shall be obtained from the Township.2.1.11 Keeping of Exotic Animals The keeping of exotic animals shall be the Keeping of Exotic Animals in the Township of Malahideregulations thereto.Create the following new section:2.1.12The Township promoted and protected in a way that balances the needs of the agricultural community with provincial health, safety and environmental concerns. are conducted in a manner consistent with proper and acceptable customs and standards. remains committed to upholding the principle of normal farm practice when addressing complaints with respect to noise, odours and dust and similar nuisances brought against the farming community. Accordingly, the Township may Farming and Food Production Protection Act for Change e wide prohibition on the - animals applied to lots of record as per Section Rational inforcing policy as set out in the not provides direction on the use and development ofMDS I is provides further direction and clarification forreinforces a municipalprovides re -existing lots of record- of the Plan-permitting animal kennels in agricultural areas-keeping of exotic -Provincial Policy Statement 2020 regarding thepromotion and protection of normal farm practices(Section Current Policy Language n/an/an/an/a 9 1 /or the of 5 maximum Page . A Official Plan he case of the main such that the second dwelling law and in accordance with - will not be permitted. Township of Malahide Recommended Policy Changes existing sanitary waste disposal system serving the ; ; law - m the balance of the lot Proposed Language complying MDS I setback that already exists in t - site water supply and - as the case may be : lowing new section: on in its entirety Second Dwelling Units in dwelling on the lot 3 shall not further contravene a non be situated within or in close proximity to the clustering of existing farm buildings and structures and be of a size and design to render it clearly accessory and secondary to the main dwelling Create the fol 2.1.1A second dwelling unit shall be permitted within a single detached dwelling unit or within an accessory building situated on the same lot subject to the provisions of the Zoning byrequirements of the Ontario Building Code. Where a second dwelling unit is located within an accessory building, the building shalla)the mab)floor area shall be stipulated in the Zoning Byc)be serviced by the existing onmain dwelling;d)be subject to the Minimum Distance Separation (MDS I) requirementsunitdwelling.A severance of the second dwelling unit fro Delete Secti from uses unit dwelling e appropriately ar policies of the cessory ed; for Change e of existing institutional y (Section 4.1.5) only addresses permanent ; - \[Section 16(3)\] permits the Rational second dwelling units in designated ; on a farm parcel or on an existing residential lot Planning Actcurrent OP policplanning inquiries (and several applications) havea severance to sever the second dwellingunduly onerous requirement for an official planproposed expansions -establishment of a second dwelling unit in a singledetached dwelling or within an accessory building.The Act does not distinguish between agriculturalareas or settlement areas as to where seconddwelling units may be permitt-and permitssettlement areas-been received by the Township expressing interest inhaving a secondof record-the lot is not permitted by the PPS and thisprohibition is stated in the interests of greater clarity.-amendment in cases where an expansion to anexisting institutional use is proposed.-(or any existing use for that matter) Plan - context of Section institutional uses such as churches, specific fashion consistent with their low building - Current Policy Language Land UseSeveral small scale be zoned in a site Agriculture Resources cemeteries and schools exist within the Agriculture designation. These existing uses typically serve local rural populations and do not usually create land use conflicts with adjacent agricultural uses. These uses willcoverage to lot area ratio. However, further expansion of these smallscale institutional uses beyond the existing zoned areas will only be considered by Official Plan Amendment in the2.1.2.4. n/a2. 9 1 the of 6 its removal Page Guidelines on Official Plan and tted for up to 20 years law shall be required in - variety of uses may qualify Township which clearly specifies - . occupancy of the dwelling Township of Malahide (Publication 851) authored by the Ministry of wing general criteria shall apply: period. Recommended Policy Changes nder, neighbouring agricultural operations; from the farm operation. A pproval Proposed Language along with an agreement with the farm diversified uses will be evaluated in consultation with the - Planning Act be permitted subject to the a large to accommodate the dwelling and its required services. Measures will be taken, residential use, upon no longer being required for their intended occupants. The lands - the same time supplement income law; may - exist with agriculture without conflict. The follo - Farm Diversified Uses - ure, Food and Rural Affairs. farm diversified uses provided such uses are related to agriculture, supportive of agriculture or are - Zoning By Granny Flats a)such uses shall be located on a farm property which is actively used for agricultural purposes;b)such uses shall be clearly secondary to the principal agricultural use of the lands;c)such uses shall be limited in size and lot coverage as more specifically defined and regulated in thee)such usesd)such uses shall be compatible with, and shall not hi Delete Section 2.1.4 in its entiretyAdd the following new section:2.1.4 OnThe Township acknowledges the importance to the agricultural community of enabling farm operators to diversify while at as onable to coProposals to establish onAgricult Create the following new section:3.9 for family members provided such units are designed to be portable and removed from the lands, or readily converted to nonshall be sufficiently if necessary, to ensure compatibility with neighbouring uses. A Temporary Use Byaccordance with the terms and conditions with respect to, amongst other matters,or conversion to other uses at the end of the prescribed - flexibility law. - farm diversified farm diversified - conforming and- an amendment to to add the (Section 39) under a for Change anges will be required. e ally address law Planning Act - regarding size and height of farm e the Township with greater law will be required - Rational provide for temporary accommodation teria l provid conforming uses. The Planning Act - ranny flats or garden suites are not specifically PPS does not specificexisting crirecommended policy regarding onKettle Creek Conservation Authority has providedcomments from the Catfish Creek CA and Longpointglikely to be continued interest by property owners in -nonacknowledges that all uses zoned to their existingco-related commercial and industrial uses isappropriately addressed in the Zoning ByNumerical values should be generally avoided in theOfficial Plan-uses wilwhen assessing the types of uses permitted and thestandards applying to such uses the Zoning Bynecessary standards applying to onuses-written comments (dated Dec 15, 2020 and receivedon Feb 17, 2021) advising of some changes. Afurther review of these ch-Region CA are still pending-addressed in the Official Plan although they arerecognized in the temporary use by-the ability to for family members residing on the same lot in bothagricultural and settlement areas law. - related commercial and - law. In order to differentiate - he Zoning By ssed in Section 3.0 of the Plan, Council characteristic of the farm buildings in the area. Current Policy Language scale uses addre - Such uses shall generally not exceed 557 m² (6000 ft²) in groundfloor area;Such uses shall not exceed two (2) storeys in height; andSuch uses will be Secondary Uses and Agricultural Related UsesIn accordance with Section, secondary uses will be In accordance with Section, farm a)b)c) permitted as of right on farm properties. Permitted uses and sizes of such uses will be clearly defined in tthrough an amendment to the Zoning Byfrom largeshall use the following criteria to define scale: Natural Heritage Resources 3.0 General Land Use Policies 9 1 tier - of shall 7 Page Official Plan the area has not been cordingly: employment uses by means of an - e review provided Township of Malahide ng, assembling and storage. Recommended Policy Changes or other employment purposes and are proposed - - number subsequent sections ac - : Proposed Language : s the following employment purposes, an amendment to the Plan in accordance with a - . Small Scale or employment purposes over the long term and the need for the conversion shall be justified. s and subject to is an identified need for the conversion and the land is not required for employment purposes include warehousing, processing, manufacturi proposed uses would not adversely affect the overall viability of the employment area; and the following new section and re xisting or planned infrastructure and public service facilities are available to accommodate the over the long run.eproposed uses.or industrial uses permitted through a sitegeneral, industrial uses shall be encouraged to be located in designated settlement areas and may a)there b)the c) The following policies apply to small Create 3.4.1 Conversion of Employment AreasWhere lands are designated for industrial, commercialto be converted to noncomprehensive review as set out in the Provincial Policy Statement shall be required. The lands shall not be required fThe conversion of employment areas to a designation that permits nonamendment to the Plan may be permitted outside a comprehensividentified as provincially significant through a provincial plan exercise or as regionally significant by a regional economic development corporation working together with affected upper and singlemunicipaliti e Amend the section as follow 4.3 Industrial aspects of it the conversion of for Change e required to contain all Rational the new policy would perm -employment areas outside a comprehensive reviewsubject to sufficient planning justification beingprovided and as now permitted under the PPS 2020(Section flexibility in the policy language, do not think it was the intent of the policy that small scale industrial uses are industrial production including warehousing, processing, manufacturing, assembling and storage. scale industrial uses located - dustrial uses permitted through a Current Policy Language signated settlement areas and shall include Small Scale l uses primarily serving the industrial area, a caretaker's - sitepolicies of the Plan. In general, industrial uses shall be encouraged to be located in dewarehousing, processing, manufacturing, assembling and storage. In addition, certain other compatible uses may be permitted, including truck terminals, commercial uses accessory to an industrial use and commerciaresidence that is structurally attached to the industrial use, and compatible public or institutional uses. Employment Areas The following policies apply to small Industrial 9 1 of 8 Page Official Plan . Such uses acilities and in the Village of Springfield Township of Malahide ring, processing, assembling, repairing, iving space is structurally attached to the ral economies found within the Township. The Recommended Policy Changes 6 Compatibility Between Industrial F - Proposed Language the loss of enjoyment of normal use of adjoining residential properties or other ed on a site specific basis outside of these areas, in accordance with Section 2.1 of Large Scale & in their entirety, and replace with the following: on, collaborate with, and benefit the existing agricultumay be permittthis Plan.land shall be for industrial purposes including manufactuwholesaling, warehousing, storage, and trucking. Those uses involving manufacturing, processing and fabricating operations generating noise, odour, vibrations and particulate emissions at levels likely to result in sensitive land uses, should be buffered with appropriate separation distances determined by the Commercial uses accessory to an industrial use shall be permitted as well as an accessory living space for a caretaker or security guard provided such lindustrial use. The Township of Malahide supports the development of large scale industrial uses which rely Delete Section 3.4.4 Industrial for Change e Rational Section will need to be revised to describe where the industrial designation is located if it is not part of the Springfield Settlement Area he Village of ons at levels likely to trial purposes including Compatibility Between Industrial 6 - or security guard provided such living space is Current Policy Language Large Scale industrial uses which rely on, collaborate with, and benefit the scaleexisting agricultural economies found within the Township. The Springfield. Such uses may be permitted on a site specific basis outside of these areas, in accordance with Section 2.1 of this Plan.primary use of land shall be for indusmanufacturing, processing, assembling, repairing, wholesaling, warehousing, storage, and trucking. Those uses involving manufacturing, processing and fabricating operations generating noise, odour, vibrations and particulate emissiresult in the loss of enjoyment of normal use of adjoining residential properties or other sensitive land uses, should be buffered with appropriate separation distances determined by the Ministry of the order to ensure land use compatibility. Commercial uses accessory to an industrial use shall be permitted as well as an accessory living space for a caretakerstructurally attached to the industrial use. Employment Areas The Township of Malahide supports the development of large Industrial 9 1 of 9 will designed - Page Official Plan are balanced with style setting. a creatively ; - would have the of restricted covenants in from industrial uses law; - lands lying east of Dorchester impacts lated sales will be permitted. Township of Malahide in the industrial park rs), for development ;cted. The Township shall encourage lands lying generally north of Talbot Line Recommended Policy Changes there will be some law and may be included as - may be used for the purposes of an integrated rporated into the Zoning By combination of uses Proposed Language Road (Aylmer East Area), and The ined in the Zoning By dustrial uses, including offices and certain re and recognising the fact that l park subject to the following criteria: are not typical of a residential subdivision Based Industrial Park based industrial uses. - - residentia - the following new section: wide range of in rovisions will be conta residential usesexist whichthe building used exclusively for industrial purposes or uses accessory theretoPproperty deeds to minimize conflicts between industrial uses and residential uses, and performancestandards for industrial uses shall be incodevelopment proposals which demonstrate unique and innovative features, and are designed toprovide thoughtful integration of residential and industrial uses in a subdivision (a)Development of the subject lands shall take place in a manner whereby industrial (b)The floor area of the main building used for residential purposes shall be less than the floor area ofc)A e)A high degree of site design and amenity will be expe Create 3.4.5 Home (Highway No. 3) and west of HaciendaRoad and south of Ron McNeil Line (west of Kingsmill Cornemix of homeoutward appearance of a typical residential subdivision.industrial in ghway No. 401 to permit the for Change based industrial park e - Rational a new designation is introduced -development of a homefollowing on a similar theme as the SilvermoonInnovation Park lying adjacent to Hithe Municipality of Thames Centre Current Policy Language 3.4 Employment Areas 9 e 1 h t of f 0 o 1 : e ) t 2 a , designated , which 1 d 4 p Page Official Plan u shall. under no t s a l ection s e h t e c numbered 3.9. n Line, in Part Lot - i . s d e subsequent v Lyons o . Notwithstanding this position, the r of law to establish minimum separation p - p auction house establishment a n side Township of Malahide s a e r (which is to be re be permitted areas of the Township north A 2 Recommended Policy Changes y1 c and i l o3.8. P items for sale in the auction shall only c Road i f ; i c e 51570 Lyons Line and zoned to permit a p Proposed Language S by case basis; Putnam - e t i S 3 r and storage of 1 o side of f demonstration by the proponent, based on the supporting documentation s west - ard on a case , municipal address oor display ce with all applicable Federal regulations, and shall be registered or licensed by Health inistry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has taken the position that facilities s, power and water requirements (sustainable private services) and increased traffic on local the outd 10 South n new subsection a l P l Specific Policy Area No. a Supporting documentation from the proponent including, but not necessarily limited to, a planningjustification report, odour and dust impact assessment, light impact assessment, transportationimpact study and hydrogeological studyA clear and definitivenoted in part a), that the proposed facility is compatible with neighbouring properties and land uses.Where land use compatibility is not capable of being established, such facilities circumstances, be permitted;distances from neighbouring residential and/or institutional uses, and the application of a maximumlot coverage standSite plan control shall apply and an agreement shall be entered into and registered on title to thesatisfaction of the Township;Cannabis Production and Processing Facilities shall be located, designed and operated inaccordanCanada. i 3 Cannabis Production and Processing Facilities c 1 i . f 9 a)b)c)d)e) f Insert the following new section following 3.7 and renumber the 3.8The Ontario Mpurposes within the meaning of the Provincial Policy StatementTownship remains cognizant of the profound and significant land use planning issues associated with Cannabis growing and harvesting facilities. These issues include, but are not limited to, light pollution, odour impactroads.3.8.1 LocationsCannabis Production and Processing Facilities 3.8.2 PoliciesCannabis production and processing facilities shall only be permitted within the locations described in 3.8.1 subject to the following:Insert the OInsert the following new subsection following 3.The lands situated on the Concession may include are The c i t its f i c e p S e the intent and t i S r s cannabis o f s e i c i l o for Change p e d e v o r p p a intended to provide direction on the y l Rational s Auctions (51570 Lyons Line) to permit an s u . a o i e vr e A r y p c i d l d o MBPC had originally recommended, in a a new section several cases are currently before the courts or Chatham Kent Official Plan permita request by Civic Planning Solutions on behalf of -Memorandum dated July 24, 2019, -regulation of cannabis operations resulting fromseveral inquiries received by the Municipality sincethe Federal government issued sweeping approvalsfor the industry-awaiting final disposition, the outcome of which mayrequire further review and refinement of the policies.-AP-Shackeltonexpansion of the existing auction establishment. use is considered to be consistent with purpose of this Official Plan, but additional applicationwill be required under the planning act to permiexpansionFurther discussion of the policy language is required ss Current Policy Language n/a3.8 Specific Policy Area3.8 Specific Policy Area 9 e 1 of 1 1 Page Official Plan there is , townhouse , duplex, triplex, fourplex Township of Malahide nce with the minimum distance separation bility to meet intensification and re a diversity of housing types capable of Recommended Policy Changes dwellings valuated, and : semi detached Proposed Language ay be identified or the expansion of a settlement area boundary dwellings in order to ensu two unit , to read as follows 1 apartment dwellings nt over the long term, are financially viable over their life cycle, and protect public law. - 4.4.2. there are no reasonable alternatives which avoid prime agricultural areas; andthere are no reasonable alternatives on lower priority agricultural lands in primeagricultural areas; . iii. Notwithstanding policy, adjustments of settlement area boundaries may be permitted sufficient opportunities to accommodate growth and to satisfy market demand are not availablthrough intensification, redevelopment and designated growth areas to accommodate theprojected needs over the identified planning horizon;developmehealth and safety and the natural environment;1.the lands do not comprise specialty crop areas;2.alternative locations have been eformulae; andor close to the settlement area are mitigated to the extent feasible.redevelopment targets established by the Township;sufficient reserve infrastructure capacity to service the lands. multiple unit Residential c)in prime agricultural areas: a)b)the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available are suitable for thed)the new or expanding settlement area is in compliae)impacts from new or expanding settlement areas on agricultural operations which are adjacenta)there would be no net increase in land within the settlement areas;c)prime agricultural areas are addressed in accordance with c), d) and e); andd)the settlement area to which lands would be added is appropriately serviced and allowed only at the time of a comprehensive review and only where it has been demonstrated that:outside a comprehensive review provided:single detached and designation will be dependent on the availability of services and will be specified and regulated by the Zoning By A new settlement area m4.1.4.5 . Create the following new subsections:Revise Section 4.4.2 for Change e Rational the new policy would mirror the policies in the PPS -which permit the expansion of settlement boundariesat the time of a comprehensive review, andadjustments to settlement area boundaries outside acomprehensive review subject to sufficient planningjustification being provided as now permitted underthe PPS 2020 (Section and encourage a greater variety of dwelling types o unit ces and will be specified and law. - Current Policy Language Residential primary use of land shall be for single detached dwellings, twdwellings and multiple unit dwellings in order to ensure a diversity of housing types capable of meeting the needs of the community. The dependent on the availability of serviregulated by the Zoning By 4.0 Settlement Areas 4.1 General4.4 Village of Springfield4.4.2 9 1 of 2 1 law unless - Page Official Plan the following criteria: should give consideration to, to ndary uses, as permitted, will be Township of Malahide Recommended Policy Changes wherever possible, - , public parks and open space; off street parking, Proposed Language : The lot frontage, lot depth, and lot size of any lots proposed to be Section 4.4.2 detached and two - adjacent and surrounding lots. In no case shall lots be created or otherwise amended or a variance granted. law. - to read as follows: law is consistent in size and shape, - be compatible with Proposals for new single Lot frontage, depth and sizeused or created for residential purposes shall be appropriate to the development beingproposed and anddwelling units constructed which do not conform to the provisions of the Zoning Bythe Zoning By a) should target a gross density of twenty (20) units per hectare and shall meet Revise Section Revise Section to read as follows:4.residential uses in accordance with repair, storage and small scale manufacturing uses. These secoregulated by the Zoning By cy consisten for Change e Rational reference to Section 4.5.1 should read Section 4.4.2 Allow greater flexibility and not prescribe with existing lot sizes. - law is - unit dwellings in the - street parking, repair, storage and lots. In no case shall lots be created law unless the Zoning By - detached and two - law. - and size: The lot frontage, lot depth, and lot Current Policy Language Proposals for new single Lot frontage, depthsize of any lots proposed to be used or created for residentialpurposes shall be appropriate to the development beingproposed and consistent in size and shape, wherever possible,to adjacent and surroundingor dwelling units constructed which do not conform to theprovisions of the Zoning Byotherwise amended or a variance granted. a) twenty (20) units per hectare and shall meet the following criteria: 4.4.3 Central Business District4.5.1, public parks and open space; off small scale manufacturing uses. These secondary uses, as permitted, will be regulated by the Zoning By 9 1 of 3 and do 1 marks in s, establish which use Page the Official Plan which addresses intent for urban designation Future Urban Growth : Growth plan for the lands Urban Township of Malahide Recommended Policy Changes year supply of vacant, unconstrained land . The Future 25 residential dwellings and other sensitive comprehensive . 8.2.3 Unexpected Situations exists within the municipal infrastructure. Proposed Language mendments or revisions to the Act, Policy or Guideline as the case ional servicing report shall be prepared which demonstrates that the , including community facilities, parks and open space; Future Urban Growth compatible with preparation of a to accommodate the expected type of growth based on population, e. : There is less than a The A funct effect on environmental features. : Future Urban Growth will be zoned to allow a limited range of uses based on : Springfield in this plan Justified and suitable to occur at some point in the future Land Needsdesignated household and/or employment projections within Springfield.Servicing Strategyproposed development can be provided with municipal water and sewage services, and thatuncommitted reserve capacityLand Use Planningthe proposed land use mixcompatibility between different land uses and development at different densities, roadalignment, and the a)b)c) development this intent, while ensuring that development does not occur until such time as the necessary background studies and justification are completed and a coordinated plan is prepared supports the vision forthe nature of their existing usdesignation provided they arenot contribute to land use conflicts.following conditions must be satisfied: Lands designated Prior to permitting new development within lands designated Future Urban Growth, the Create the following new section:4.4.4 Future Urban Growth Create the following new section:8.2.3 Unexpected SituationsWhere a situation or circumstance arises not specifically addressed or anticipated by the policies of this Plan, the general intent and purpose of the Plan shall be determining factors and benchestablishing general conformity with the Plan.Create the following new section after 8.2.4 References to Statutes, Policies and GuidelinesWhere any Act, Provincial Policy or Guideline (or portion of any Act, Provincial Policy or Guideline) enacted or published by the Province of Ontario is referred to in this Plan, such references shall be interpreted as referring to any and all subsequent amay be. The - for Change o the community. It is also e t supply of residential land. Rational new Future Urban Growth designation for a to be added to the land supply. to development, an Official Plan Amendment esponding to the amount of land that is lands which have been reallocated to Springfield provides some flexibility in dealing with land useprovides clarification on references to Provincial Create lands which are envisioned to be developed for urban uses over the long term, but are not anticipated to be developed in the short to medium term. These lands are corrrecommended for removal from unserviced, or partially serviced, hamlets within the Township. lands are recommended to be reallocated to municipal water services tanticipated that if and when full municipal services are extended to Springfield, then the demand for housing will increase significantly, and maintain these lands within the Settlement Area Boundary will help maintain sufficienThe lands would permit existing uses and nonintensive agricultural uses but would prohibit livestock facilities and other intensive agricultural uses which may produce negative impacts on nearby sensitive land uses. Prior would be required to comprehensively plan these lands for urban land uses including, residential, commercial, institutional, and parks and open space. Applicants will be required to justify the need for the lands -situations which may not be specifically addressedbut are still capable of maintaining the intent andpurpose of the Plan-doctrine Current Policy Language Implementation 4.4 Village of Springfield 8.0 8.2 Interpretation 9 1 of 4 1 Page Official Plan neighbouring uses; with the following: Township of Malahide Recommended Policy Changes ructure shall comply with the relevant policies of this - conforming Uses and replace - Proposed Language ed as conforming uses in the Zoning By The use does not constitute a danger, nuisance, or a blight with respect to neighbouring uses byvirtue of its operating characteristics including noise and traffic generation;Any proposed extension or enlargement of the use shall not be detrimental toAny change of use is compatible with the quality and character of neighbouring uses;Where a building or structure is located on lands subject to natural hazards, any reconstruction,extension or enlargement of the building or stPlan. a)b)c)d) Delete Section 8.4.2 and Section 8.9 Non 8.4.2 Conforming UsesSome existing uses of land may not be recognized or permitted under the land use designations and policies of this Plan. To prevent undue hardship and protect the land use rights of the owner, such uses may be zon for Change ies of the plan e Rational conforming use polic - simplifies and consolidates the conforming use andsimilar policies are in effect in the Southwest -non- law in accordance with their - Current Policy Language conforming Uses - Non ions and notwithstanding the land use policies and designations, The zoning will not allow any change of use which will be detrimentalto adjacent complying uses;The use does not constitute a danger or a nuisance to surroundinguses by the traffic, noise, odours, dust or visual impact which the usemay generate;Where the use is discontinued, rezoning may only take place if thenew use is more compatible with or is in accordance with the policiesand the spirit and intent of this Plan. a)b)c) 8.4.2Some uses of land existing at the date of adoption of this Plan may not satisfy all the land use policies set out in the Plan. In response to these situatsuch uses may be zoned in the Zoning Bypresent use provided that: 9 1 of 5 1 t may be conforming - age, lighting, Page Official Plan proposed extension or enlargement with Township of Malahide law; - conforming use or is more compatible with - Recommended Policy Changes quired where warranted, including improvements to sight ng area; conforming use; - law; - Proposed Language ed on the following considerations: conforming use and the - law. While such uses should cease to exist in the long term, i bas - es and utilities shall be adequate or be made adequate. Planning Act uses shall be protected, where deemed necessary, by landscaping; buffering or quirements of the Zoning By ing uses than the existing non Conforming Uses - There are compelling and supportable reasons and justification to warrant an extension orenlargement of the use;The change in use is similar to the existing nonneighbourThe proposed extension or enlargement will not unduly aggravate the situation created by theexistence of the use particularly in regard to neighbouring uses, the applicable policies of this Planand the reThe proposed extension or enlargement is in appropriate proportion to the size of the nonuse as it existed on the date of passing of the Zoning ByThe characteristics of the nonregard to noise, vibration, fumes, smoke, dust, odour, lighting, traffic generation or any other sitefeatures shall not add significantly to the incompatibility of the use with the surrounding area;Neighbouringscreening; appropriate setbacks for buildings and structures; devices and measures to reducenuisances; and by regulations for alleviating adverse impacts caused by outside storsigns and other similar devices. Such provisions and regulations shall be applied as conditions to theproposed extension or enlargement and may also be extended to the established use in order toimprove its compatibility with the surroundiTraffic and parking conditions in the vicinity shall not be adversely affected. Traffic hazards shall bekept to a minimum by the appropriate design of ingress and egress points to and from the site.Additional traffic safety measures may be reconditions especially in proximity to traffic intersections;Adequate provisions shall be made for parking and loading facilities where deemed necessary ordesirable;Existing or proposed servic conforming use under any circumstances. - a)b)c)d)e)f)g)h)i) 8.4.3 NonExisting uses of land which do not satisfy the requirements of Section 8.4.2 shall not be recognized as conforming uses in the Zoning Bydesirable to permit their extension, enlargement or conversion to a new use. Permission to extend, enlarge or convert such uses shall be considered by the Committee of Adjustment or Council in accordance with the provisions of the The Committee of Adjustment or Council shall not be obligated to grant permission to replace or repair a non conforming use - for Change conforming use is capable - e sfies all the criteria listed. Rational sions provide for a degree of flexibility in although not common, the non -proviinstances where the nonof continuing without disruption or conflict withneighbouring conforming uses. One example wouldbe an existing single detached dwelling on a lotaddition on the detached garage. In order to preventundue hardship, the Committee could consider anapplication for permission to extend the garageprovided, amongst other matters, it is satisfied theextension sati - law, - - he Official Plan ter conformity with Plan in the Zoning By law. - law provided they comply with - law, the land uses would be legal - ther natural disaster, may be king and loading facilities including the design ations in this Plan. Current Policy Language conforming uses which have been destroyed or uses. Any extension, enlargements or changes of non - Conforming Uses Existing land uses which do not conform with the policies of the Where an existing use is discontinued, new uses of land on these Where it is not appropriate or desirable to recognize existing land Legal nonPrior to granting permission to repair or replace a non - conforming conforming use, Council may enter into agreement with the owner The size and siting of the building or structure;The mitigating of any adverse environmental impacts such asodours, dust, noise, drainage;The lighting and landscaping of the site including the provision ofbuffer planting;The provision of parof entrances and exits to the site. Policies -- conforming use under any circumstances. - c) NonCouncil shall not be obligated to grant permission to replace or repair a)b)d) sites as permitted uses in the Zoning Bypolicies a, b, c, of subsection 8.4.2 of this Plan. In addition, uses which conform to the policies and land use designations of tshall also be permitted on these sites.sites which do not conform to the policies and land use designations of the Official Plan may be permitted if they are in greathe Plan than the previous uses. All such new uses will be subject to an appropriate amendment to the Zoning Byuses which do not conform with the Officialsuch uses shall be zoned in accordance with the designations and policies of the Official Plan. Provided these land uses legally exist at the date of the passage of the Zoning Bynonconforming uses will be subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, and the policies of this Plan.partially destroyed by fire, flood or oreplaced or repaired provided that written permission is received from Township Council, and, in the case of areas designated as Hazard Lands, Flood Fringe or Floodway, in accordance with the policies for those land use designconforming use and in order to minimize the detrimental effects of the nonas to: non 9 ct 1 of 6 1 Page Official Plan to consider minor f the subject lands and Planning Act noted criteria are satisfied or are capable - law are maintained; Township of Malahide - Recommended Policy Changes law. Applications shall be evaluated by the Committee in law would be unreasonable, undesirable or would impose - - Proposed Language s minor; whether the variance iwhether the general intent and purpose of this Plan and the County Plan is maintained;whether the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Bywhether the variance is desirable for the appropriate use and development oneighbouring lands;whether compliance with the Zoning Byundue hardship;whether the variance would result in a substantial detriment, hazard or nuisance that would detrafrom the enjoyment or use of neighbouring lands. a)a)b)c)d)e) Delete Section 8.4.3 Committee of Adjustment and replace with the following:8.4.4 Minor Variances and PermissionThe Township shall appoint a Committee of Adjustment pursuant to the variances and permissions to the Zoning Byaccordance with the following:In granting applications for minor variances or permissions, conditions may be imposed where the Committee deems it advisable to ensure the intent of the aboveof being satisfied. and Planning Act for Change e Section 45 of the Rational -minor variance or permission by the Committee ofAdjustment underthe ability to impose conditions law. - Current Policy Language Committee of Adjustment Township Council shall appoint a Committee of Adjustment pursuant 8.4.3The to the Planning Act, to deal with minor variances to its Zoning By 9 1 of - 7 1 Planning Page Official Plan Township of Malahide Recommended Policy Changes and regulations thereto. - ake additional measures to increase public awareness Planning Act Proposed Language Impacts , to inform the public of emerging planning issues, to facilitate access g, the Township; changes in policy, legislation and guidelines of other levels of engagement Impact Study (E.I.S.) related information and to convene non - Topographic SurveyServicing ReportHydrogeological ReportLand Use CompatibilityGeotechnical ReportEnvironmentalTraffic Impact StudyConceptual Stormwater Management PlanTree Survey and Preservation PlanArcheological AssessmentNatural Heritage AssessmentNatural HazardsNoise AnalysisVibration AnalysisOdours, Dust and Nuisance Cultural Heritage Impact AnalysisBuilt Heritage ImpactsRecord of Site Conditions (RSC)Planning Justification Report for informing the public of matters requiring approval under the Act. Where significant public interest Delete Section 8.5 and replace with the following:8.5 Amendments and Public Consultation8.5.1 AmendmentsAmendments to this Plan shall be considered in response to changing or evolving circumstances and conditions within, or affectingovernment which may have a bearing on existing uses or the future development of the Township and in direct response to applications advanced by landowners and developers. Where a person or public body requests an amendment to the Plan, the Township may require additional information and supporting documentation that it considers necessary to make a decision on the request over and above what is required by the Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, supporting documentation may include any or all of the following:8.5.2 Public ConsultationThe Township shall comply with the minimum notification and circulation requirements of the Actor concern is apparent, the Township may undertand opportunities for to planningmeetings where considered appropriate. Planning for Change e ations thereto. The value of including Rational complete application and regul simplifies and consolidates 4 sections of the Plana list of supporting documentation is included to -into 2 sections. Notification and circulationrequirements will be in accordance with the Actspecific timelines is not apparent insofar as thesemay be subject to change at any time-provide proponents with the information required tosubmit a Current Policy Language 8.5 Amendments, Notice Requirements, Public Participation and Appeals 9 1 of ted. 8 1 Page consultation Official Plan - y any additional information required. The law amendment, plan of subdivision or Township of Malahide - where development of such plans would not Recommended Policy Changes omprise lots having substantially less frontage and/or f subdivision, the Township may, in accordance with the Planning Act law to create new lots where it can be demonstrated that any - Proposed Language law and where development would be detrimental to and not in - law requiring applicants to consult with the Municipality in accordance with the - laws - , adopt a part lot control by g applications for an Official Plan and/or Zoning By Consultation - Pre 8.5.3Prior to filincondominium, consent, or minor variance or permission, the proponent shall arrange a premeeting with the Township to review the application and identifTownship may pass a byPlanning Act.Create the following new subsections:8.6.2 Deeming ByThe Township may deem plans of subdivision (or parts thereof) more than eight years of age not to be plans of subdivision within the meaning of the be in conformity with this Plan or where such plans carea than required by the Zoning Bykeeping with neighbouring uses.8.6.3 Part Lot ControlWhere lands comprise part of a registered plan oPlanning Actconditions appropriate to the creation and development of such lots are capable of being implemen for Change e law \[Section 50(5)(7)\] Rational - ection 50(4)\] recognizes the deeming provision of the Planningrecognizes the part lot control provisions of the -Act \[S-Planning Act and the ability of Council to pass a partlot control by Current Policy Language 8.6 Plans of Subdivision/Condominium .9 - 1 of 9 he by 1 Planning Upon the Page Official Plan law. - ce, or for law shall reference the area - ; area; be permitted by the by conforming uses, buildings and structures Township of Malahide - law adopted in accordance with the - Recommended Policy Changes law, the uses, buildings and structures that were - following: Proposed Language subsections: laws - law cannot be continued as legally non - ay be permitted in all land use designations with the exception of lands designated as The Township shall, as a condition of site plan approval, require the design of facilities having cations to permit the temporary use of land, the Township shall have regard to the following 1.3 maintenance to permit year round access;structures removed (where deemed appropriate) upon the lapsing of the period stipulated in tlaw or upon the lapsing of any extension period that may be granted.permanent dwelling, or where a travel trailer is permitted for use as a site offiaccommodation for a caretaker or watchman during a construction project, satisfactory assurancesthat the mobile home or travel trailer will be removed upon completion of construction.regard for accessibility for persons with disabilities in accordance with the Planning Act. . Such uses m a)proposed buildings and structures and changes to the lands affected;b)existence of adequate and approved services where requiredc)satisfactory and approved vehicular access to a public road of reasonable construction andd)compatibility with adjacent and surrounding uses;e)effect on possible and probable future uses in the immediatef)land use and constraints as set out in this Plan;g)satisfactory assurances that the land will be returned to its previous state and all buildings andh)where a mobile home is permitted for temporary residential accommodation pending completion of a8.16. Delete Section 8.15 and replace with the 8.15 Temporary Use ByThe temporary use of land, buildings and structures may be authorized by the Township, for renewable periods of up to three years, through a temporary use byActaffected and specify the duration of time for which the use will expiration of the time period(s) authorized by the bypermitted under the byFor applicircumstances and criteria:Create the following new - law, - for Change \[Section 39(1)\], temporary e Rational Planning Act laws may be passed for any purpose which is - laws to those which permit either mobile homes or - herwise prohibited by the Zoning By the current Official Plan policies limit temporary useunder the considered appropriate to pass temporary use by -bytravel trailers;-use byot-laws for all uses (subject to the recommendedcriteria, not just confining them to certain residentialuses. . - Upon law cannot - law, the uses, - law, Council will - ion is effected by law expires; - compatible with adjacent land uses; law pursuant to the Planning Act. - laws may also be extended indefinitely, at conforming uses, buildings and structures - - laws may be passed to allow land, buildings laws may be passed for temporary periods -- emporary residential accommodation pending laws - a proposal for a Temporary Use By Current Policy Language public road allowance. laws in accordance with the Planning Act, and the applicable - The Township Council may, from time to time, pass Temporary Temporary Use ByTemporary Use ByIn evaluating A mobile home for tthe completion of a permanent dwelling;A mobile home or travel trailer to be used as a site office, or foraccommodation for a caretaker or watchman during a largeconstruction project.That the proposed unit is temporary in nature and will not bedifficult to terminate when the authorizing byThat the proposed unit is not inThat parking required by the proposed unit will be provided onsite; andThat the proposed unit will be located as close to the existingdwellings or dwelling as possible and so that it does not directlyfront on a Policies Temporary Use BySite Plan Control a)b)a)b)c)d) Use Bypolicies of this Plan.and structures to be zoned for temporary uses for renewable periods of up to three years. These bythe discretion of Council, providing that each extensan appropriately approved bythe expiration of the time period(s) authorized by the bybuildings and structures that were permitted under the bybe continued as legally nonthe length of which shall be determined by Township council, but not to exceed three years, to allow the establishment of:consider the following evaluation criteria: 18 of 1 Page Changes Mapping APPENDIX: B Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Recommended Mapping Changes Township of Malahide Official Plan Review Village Settlement Areas 1 18 of 2 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes haha haha 8 35.5 ha6.229.89.693. Expansion: ha ha of greenfield lands 2 . 166.1 ha11 existing lots, and75.6Residential: Central Business District: Industrial:Home Based Industrial: Future Urban Growth: Minor adjustments, TBD342 Village Settlement Areas 1 Village of Springfield Current Area:Vacant Lands:Recommended Areas for Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 3 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Bruce 191.2 han/a53.9 ha137.3 ha Village of Port Village Settlement Areas 1 1.1 Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 4 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Settlement Areas ha 37.6 han/a28.6 ha9.1 Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Avon Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 5 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Settlement Areas 20.9 han/a11.2 ha10.1 ha Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Calton Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 6 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Settlement Areas 94.1 han/a32.8 ha61.4 ha Hamlet of Copenhagen Hamlet 2 1.2 Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 7 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes on decision for esidential R Consider Settlement Areas Based Industrial Park is one of three - Residential Park: - 30.0 han/a6.8 han/a30.0 ha mmended Settlement Area as a final Hamlet ecommended Areas to 2 Hamlet of Kingsmill Corners Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:RIndustrialRecommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area:Note: the Homelocations recommended for consideration and further discussion. It has not shown as part of the Recothe location and size of such a designation will only be made following further consultation with Council, Staff, and the public. 18 of 8 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Settlement Areas 80.5 han/a3.7 ha76.8 ha Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Luton Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 9 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Settlement Areas 59.0 han/a (approximately 3.6 ha to be added to due to minor adjustments to the boundary to reflect current conditions and parcel fabric)7.6 ha51.4 ha Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Lyons Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 10 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes esidential R Settlement Areas 81.3 han/a20.9 ha60.4 ha Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Mount Salem Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 11 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes Settlement Areas ha 45.4 ha4.6 ha40.8 Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Orwell Current Area:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 12 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes Expansion: Settlement Areas 33.2 han/a2.9 ha30.4 ha Hamlet 2 Hamlet of South Gore Current Area:Recommended Areas for Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 13 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes Settlement Areas 48.1 han/an/a48.1 Hamlet 2 Hamlet of Summers Corners Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 14 Page Official Plan Township of Malahide Recommended Mapping Changes Removal: Settlement Areas n/an/a51.0 ha Suburban 3 Aylmer North Suburban Area Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Recommended Area: 18 of 15 Page Official Plan Township of Malahide Recommended Mapping Changes for he public. Removal: Consider on the location and size of Settlement Areas decision Based Industrial Park is one of three - Suburban Area final Residential Park: A - East n/a26.0 han/a109.5 ha Suburban ecommended Areas to 3 Aylmer Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:RIndustrialRecommended Areas for Recommended Area:Note: the Homelocations recommended for consideration and further discussion. such a designation will only be made following further consultation with Council, Staff, and t 18 of 16 Page Official Plan Township of Malahide Recommended Mapping Changes s Suburban Area Settlement Areas Suburban Area South & West n/an/a6.8 han/a8.9 ha99.3 ha Suburban 3 Aylmer Aylmer South Suburban AreaCurrent Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area:Aylmer West Current Area:Recommended Areas for Expansion:Recommended Areas for Removal:Recommended Area: 18 of 17 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes ed E Location Recommend D C B A : route h crosses it route for the possible General Industrial possible : unicipal water services. Areas : expand in the future, would require Location: 5.8 ha municipal water services.municipal water services.municipal water services. 21.9 ha162.6 ha21.4 ha21.2 ha Sites available sanitary services, on the route of No decision on a preferred location or size hasbeen made.All of the selected location are located on ornear exiting municipal sanitary servicesAll locations are located on the for municipal water services Candidate Sites Site is constrained by a drain which crosses it and limits the size of potential industrial uses, haspossibleLocated adjacent to existing industrial park, potential to small extension to municipal water and sanitary services.Large site with lots of potential for future expansion, would require a small extension to sanitary services, on the extension of mSmaller site with an existing farm dwelling, and drain limiting future expansion to the north, has available sanitary services, on the route of possibleSite is constrained by a drain whicand limits the size of potential industrial uses, has available sanitary services, on the route of possible Industrial Site E)Site A)Site B)Site C)Site D) Areas are Recommended for Consideration ecommended 4 Recommended Areas to Consider for Industrial Designation 5 R AlternativeOther 18 of 18 Page Township of Malahide Official Plan Recommended Mapping Changes Option A Based Industrial Park - Recommended Location Home Springfield extension of municipal water residential Areas ha possible 13.3 agricultural uses : : Up to North: existing EastSouth: trucking service business, agricultural field cropsWest: agricultural field cropsSanitary: municipal sanitary sewerWater: services Industrial ossible Area:ervices Adjacent Land Uses: 5 Option A) South of P S 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO EBUF;May 6, 2022 TVCKFDU;Parking By-Law Amendment – Port Stanley SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THAT the report titled, “Parking By-Law Amendment – Port Stanley” from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated May 24, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT By-Law 20-05, “being a consolidated By-Law for the regulation of traffic including parking on County roads” be amended to establish two (2) hour limited parking where parking ispermitted within the following road sections: Bridge Street (CR 4), from the westproperty limits of Carlow Road to the east limits of Colborne Street, being a distance of 290 metres. Colborne Street (CR 4), from the south limit of Bridge Street to the north limit of Warren Street, being a distance of 1,140 metres. Joseph Street (CR 23), from the east limits of Colborne Street to the east limits of East Road, being a distance of 280 metres. JOUSPEVDUJPO0!EJTDVTTJPO;! The County of Elgin has received a resolution from the Municipality of Central Elgin (attached) requesting that the County approve the establishment of a two (2) hour parking time limitrestrictionupon various County roads within the Village of Port Stanleyas follows for the purposes of harmonization and consistency with provisions of paid parking: Bridge Street (CR 4) Colborne Street (CR 4) Joseph Street (CR 4) County Staff do not have any concerns with the proposed request and typically support local municipal partners in their parking requests along County roads. In order to facilitate thisrequest a new schedule of the parking by-law has been prepared to identify two (2) hour restricted parking zones. 2 GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; It is anticipated that the requesting municipality will fund the costs of the required signage supply and installation, therefore the County will not realize any financial implications as a result. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuizopx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvsfggjdjfoumz!boe qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; None. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! A copy of this report and Council’s resolution shall be sent to the Municipality of Central Elgin. DPODMVTJPO; The County has received a request from the Municipality of Central Elgin to establish two (2)hour restricted parkingalong three County roads within the Village of Port Stanley where parking is permitted.Staff supports the request and has made the necessary revisions to the parking by-law. 3 All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Brian Lima, General Manager of Chief Administrative Officer Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Peter Dutchak Manager of Transportation Services 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Brian Lima, General Manager Engineering, Planning, and Enterprise (EPE) – Deputy CAO EBUF;May 17,2022 TVCKFDU; Whites Station Operations Centre Antenna Communications TowerStructural Inspection SFDPNNFOEBUJPO;! THAT the report titled, “Whites Station Operations Centre Antenna Communications Tower Structural Inspection” from the General Manager Engineering, Planning, and Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, datedMay17, 2022 be received and filed. JOUSPEVDUJPO; The purpose of this report is to provide Council with asummary of therecently completed structuralinspectionundertaken on the County’s Whites Station Operations Centreantenna communication tower. The inspectionwas undertaken by WesTower CommunicationsLtd.in accordancewith the requirements of CSA/CSA S37-18 standard. EJTDVTTJPO;! The County of Elgin retained the services of WesTowerCommunicationsLtd. (hereinafter referred to as WesTower) to perform astructural inspection of the County’s 76.2 meter (250 foot) tall antenna communication tower located at Whites Station Operation Centre.The inspection focused on identifyingthe ability of the tower to meet the strength and serviceability requirements of the CSA/CSA S37-18 standard. In addition, ananalysis wascompleted to determine the structural adequacy of adding additionaltelecommunications equipment. As per the structural analysisreportfindings, the existing tower no longer satisfiesthe structural requirements of the standard CSA S37-18. Furthermore, the tower constructed in 1965 was also deemed to have reachedthe end of its serviceablelife. WesTower also determined that there are anumber of undersized structural componentsthatcannot be reasonably and/oreconomically reinforced to meet the 2 strength requirements of the standard. Theytherefore determined that the tower is not capable of supporting any additionalloading or equipment. There were a number of‘immediate’ deficiencies identifiedthat the County of Elgin is activelyaddressingnecessary tosatisfy the minimumstandard safety requirements needed to maintain interim ongoing operation of the tower.Once completed, the correction of these deficiencies is expected to extend the service life of the tower by an estimated 5 to 7 years. The analysis further recommendedthat the long-term viability of the radio service from this location would be best addressed by replacing the existing tower with a new CSA S37-18 conforming tower, with anestimated replacement cost in the range of $150,000 to $200,000. GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; A cost of$2,700.00 (exclusive of HST) was invoiced to theCounty of Elgin forthe services of WesTower Communications Ltd, to undertake the structural analysisof the Antenna Communications Tower and provide a reportinaccordance with the requirements of CSA/CSA S37-18 standard. A number of ‘immediate’ deficiencies were identifiedin the report, theCounty of Elgin retained WesTower to address these items and a cost of $19,385.00 (exclusive of HST). These deficiencies, whenaddressed, will satisfy the minimum safety requirementsofthe tower for its current use. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!upefmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pgqsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ 3 Beejujpobm!Dpnnfout;!O0B MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; The Municipality of Central Elginleases the Whites Station Operations Centre from the Countyand will be notified of any work to be undertaken on the communications tower. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! N/A DPODMVTJPO; The County of Elgin retained the services of WesTowerCommunications Ltd. to perform astructural inspectionon the County’s 76.2 meter (250 foot) tall antenna communication tower located at theWhites Station Operation Centre. A detailed analysis was also undertaken to determine the structural adequacy ofthe current tower to support additional telecommunications equipment loading. As per the structural inspectionreport findings, the existing tower does not satisfy the structural requirements of the standard CSA S37-18, and was also determined not to be capable of supportingadditional telecommunications equipmentloading. A number of ‘immediate’ deficiencies were also identified that the County of Elgin is currently working to resolveas soon as possible. These items, oncecompleted, will satisfy the minimumstandardsafety requirements of the tower. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Brian LimaJulie Gonyou General Manager Engineering, Chief Administrative Officer Planning, and Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Eugenio DiMeo Manager of Corporate Facilities 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO EBUF;May 6, 2022 !TVCKFDU;Request to Install Prohibiting Engine Brake Signs – Village of Springfield SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THAT the report titled “Request to Install Prohibiting Engine Brake Signs – Village of Springfield” from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated May 24, 2022, be received and filed. JOUSPEVDUJPO;! The County of Elgin has received a resolution from the Township of Malahide (attached) requesting: THAT Elgin County Council conduct a truck study count to inform on volume of truck traffic entering and exiting the Village of Springfield on Elgin Road 52, Elgin Road 49 and Elgin Road 40; AND THAT Elgin County Council install prohibiting engine brake signage on Elgin Road 52, Elgin Road 49 and Elgin Road 40 entering the Village of Springfield, and Elgin Road 48 entering the Hamlet of Lyons. This report will discuss this request and its implications. EJTDVTTJPO;! The County of Elgin has received a resolution from theTownship of Malahiderequesting truck traffic data on County roads within the Village of Springfield as well as the installation of signage prohibiting truck engine brake use on the County roads entering the Village of Springfield and the Hamlet of Lyons. 2 Usvdl!Usbggjd!Ebub!.!Tqsjohgjfme Data collected in 2021 within the Village of Springfield is presented in the table below. The data illustrates an above average percentage of truckuseas compared to other similar County roads. It is presumed that this truck traffic volume emanates from local commercial industry as well as truck traffic utilizing Imperial Road (CR 73) and Putnam Road (CR 47) on either side of the Village of Springfield where truck traffic is recorded to be approximately 10% to 15% of the total daily traffic. Average truck traffic use along County roads is approximately 5%. Average # County County Road Daily % Trucks Road #Name TrafficTrucks Daily 40 Springfield Road 998 7.5 75 49 Whittaker Road 586 8.4 49 52 Ron McNeil Line 2017 11.5 232 A mapillustrating total weekday truck traffic on Elgin County roads, taken from the Transportation Master Plan - Phase One Report is attached to this report for Council’s information. Qspijcjujoh!Fohjof!Csblf!Vtf!Tjhobhf The Township of Malahide has also requested that signage prohibiting truck engine brake use be installedon roads entering the Village of Springfield and the Hamlet of Lyons. Some communities across Ontario have implemented such signage as a courtesy request to truck drivers in an attempt to reduce traffic noise. The County has received similar requests in the past, anddoes not recommend installation of such signs on County roads for the following reasons: Such signage is not included within any Ontario Traffic Manual nor recognized in any regulation. Therefore, there is no enforcement mechanism available and such signage provides a courtesy request message only. The County typically refrains from installing non-standard road signage in order to limit sign pollution and provide messaging to drivers that assist in their driving task. The use of engine brakes servesas a supplement to the vehicle’s braking system and are permitted by law. Engine brakes can provide faster, steadier, and more efficient braking performance and reduce wear on engines, tires and brakes. There are thirty-five (35) communities across Elgin Countythatare similar in nature and in order to be consistent, could qualify for such signage. Installing consistent signage across the County may translate into approximately 100 such signs needing to beinstalled. 3 GJOBODJBM!JNQMJDBUJPOT; None. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT;! Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ MPDBM!NVOJDJQBM!QBSUOFS!JNQBDU; None. DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! A copy of this report and Council’s resolution shall be sent to the Township of Malahide. DPODMVTJPO; The County has received a request from the Township of Malahide to provide truck traffic data for the Village of Springfield and request the installation of prohibited engine brake use in two of their communities. This report provides truck traffic data as requested and provides information as to why the use of engine brake prohibition signage is not recommended. 4 All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Brian Lima, General Manager of Chief Administrative Officer Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Peter Dutchak Manager of Transportation Services 5 3132!Xfflebz!Upubm!Usvdl!Usbggjd!po!Fmhjo!Dpvouz!Spbet 1 SFQPSU!UP!DPVOUZ!DPVODJM GSPN;Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer EBUF; May 17, 2022 TVCKFDU; Updated COVID-19 Measures SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT; THAT the report titled “Updated COVID-19 Measures” dated May17, 2022 from the Chief Administrative Officer be received and filed; and THAT County Council support theongoing implementation of the COVID-19 Vaccine Verification Policy No. 8.390 for a minimum of 90 days. QVSQPTF;! On March 22, 2022, County Council was provided with an update regarding the County’s ongoing response to COVID-19. As the Province of Ontario began gradually easing public health measures, the County of Elgin followed the guidance of the Province and Southwestern Public Health (SWPH)to ease health and safety measures at its facilities in a way that was measured and ensured the safety of employees, residents and members of the public. On March 22, 2022 Council supported the ongoing implementation of the COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Policy No. 8.390 for a minimum of 60 days, and the extension of active (online) screening for employees and volunteers attending County facilitiesfor 30 days. The Province of Ontario has now eased the majority of public health measures. The requirement to wear face coverings in select high-risk settings such as public transit, 1 hospitals, and Long-Term Care Facilities remains in place until June 11, 2022. This report provides an update on current COVID-19 protocols and health and safety measures in place at County facilities (except Long-Term Care Homes). Additionally, the County of Elgin continues to be guided in its ongoing response to COVID-19 by Southwestern Public Health’s Qvcmjd!Ifbmui!Qsjodjqmft!gps!Mjwjoh!xjui! DPWJE.2:!boe!Qspufdujoh!uif!Nptu!Wvmofsbcmf!Djuj{fot;!Tpvuixftufso!Qvcmjd!Ifbmui! 2 Sfdpnnfoebujpot!gps!Dpnnvojujft-!Cvtjofttft!boe!Pshboj{bujpot. 1 https://covid-19.ontario.ca/public-health-measures 2 https://www.swpublichealth.ca/en/resourcesGeneral/COVID-19-Resources/2022-04-11-SWPH-Public- Health-Recommendations-for-Community.pdfLast updated on April 11, 2022 2 The County of Elgin, with the assistance of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation in Ontario to ensurethat County health and safety practices, policies, and precautionsare in alignment with Provincial and Public Health recommendations and requirements. JOUSPEVDUJPO;! Dpvouz!DPWJE.2:!Qspupdpmt0Qpmjdjft! COVID-19 ProtocolRecommendations/Notes Active ScreeningTheactive (online) screening tool used by employees and volunteers has been simplified and amended to align with SWPH recommendations – Tdsffojoh! Fnqmpzfft!boe!Qbuspot.The screening tool continues toprovide direction on self- isolation requirements and will ensure employees stay home when sick or when they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Sfdpnnfoebujpo;! The ongoing need for screening by staff and volunteers will be re-evaluated in 90 days. Screening PatronsAs of March 21, screening of patrons is no longer required. This practice was eliminated at the County Administration Building in favour of information posted to promote self-screening of patrons. Capacity Limits/ Physical DistancingThe Province has liftedcapacity limits in all indoor public settings and SWPH “encourages physical distancing of 2 metres where feasible”. Physical distancing and capacity limits continue to bemaintained as much as possible. Sfdpnnfoebujpo; It is recommended that Capacity Limits and Physical Distancing measures that are currently in place in County facilities be maintained and re-evaluated in 90days. Face Coverings/MasksAs of March 21, 2022, face coverings/masks were nolonger be required in most public places. Staff working in County facilities, with the exception of Provincial Offences 3 Administration and Long-Term Care, are encouraged but not required to wear a mask. Safety PlanAs of March 21, 2022, safety plans are no longer required under the Reopening Ontario Act. SWPH advises that safety plans remain a good strategy to ensure employers are meeting their obligation to protect employees’ health and safety. TheCounty’s safety plan for non-Homes staff has beenupdated. Cleaning, Disinfecting and Hand Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of high- Hygienetouch surfaces and common areas is ongoing. VaccinationSWPH encourages all workplaces to develop or maintain vaccination policies for employees. Additionally, SWPH encourages all businesses and organizations to encourage employees to obtain COVID-19 vaccine booster doses as suggested by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. While provincial proof of vaccination requirements for patrons entering businesses and organizations have been lifted, businesses and organizations may voluntarily continue to choose to require proof of vaccination. Sfdpnnfoebujpo; It is recommended that COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Policy No 8.390 remain in place for an additional 90 days. BMJHONFOU!XJUI!TUSBUFHJD!QSJPSJUJFT; 4 Tfswjoh!FmhjoHspxjoh!FmhjoJowftujoh!jo!Fmhjo Fotvsjoh!bmjhonfou!pgQmboojoh!gps!boeFotvsjoh!xf!ibwf!uif dvssfou!qsphsbnt!boegbdjmjubujoh!dpnnfsdjbm-ofdfttbsz!uppmt- tfswjdft!xjui!dpnnvojuzjoevtusjbm-!sftjefoujbm-sftpvsdft-!boe offe/boe!bhsjdvmuvsbm!hspxui/jogsbtusvduvsf!up!efmjwfs qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft opx!boe!jo!uif!gvuvsf/ Fyqmpsjoh!ejggfsfouGptufsjoh!b!ifbmuiz xbzt!pg!beesfttjohfowjsponfou/ Efmjwfsjoh!nboebufe dpnnvojuz!offe/ qsphsbnt!boe!tfswjdft Foibodjoh!rvbmjuz!pg fggjdjfoumz!boe Fohbhjoh!xjui!pvs qmbdf/ fggfdujwfmz/ dpnnvojuz!boe!puifs tublfipmefst/ DPNNVOJDBUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! Staff will receive communications regarding the extension of the Vaccination Verification Policy and Active (online) Screening requirements. DPODMVTJPO; Since March 2020, many prevention and mitigation strategies have been undertaken by the County of Elgin to limit the spread of COVID-19. While the COVID-19 health emergency is ending, the recommendations included in this report support a cautious and gradual approach to resuming normalcy. Staff remain committed to reviewing existing measures on an ongoing basis. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer Subject: COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Policy Policy Number: 8.390 Date Approved: September 14, 2021 Date Last Revision: \[not applicable\] Code: L Section: 8 ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Background The Corporation of the County of Elgin has an obligation under Provincial legislation to take all necessary precautions reasonable in the circumstances to protect the health and safety of its workforce and members of the public from the hazard of COVID-19, and is committed to providing excellent service to our community and to building trust and confidence in local government. A key element to ensuring this protection is putting in place a program requiring that all employees (excluding Long-Term Care Home Staff), Members of County Council and Council appointed Committees, staff of contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Corporation and performing work in County facilities and/or buildings, interns, students, and volunteers are fully immunized against COVID-19 or regularly tested for COVID-19. The County of Elgin considers vaccinations to be fundamental to the protection of individuals and the community. This policy is in line with Public Health guidance and supports the direction that vaccines provide a high level of protection against COVID-19 and related variants. Getting both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and any subsequent recommended boosters is the best defense against the virus, including variants. The Province of Ontario announced that beginning September 22, 2021, proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required to access certain public settings and facilities. This policy aims to achieve full vaccination amongst those to whom the policy applies in alignment with provincial directives and subject to limited exceptions in accordance with the Human Rights Code (Ontario). Vaccination, in combination with health and safety precautions, have been identified by Public Health as the single most effective means of reducing the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace and in our community. Individuals who are unvaccinated are at higher risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19 in our workplace and in the community. In addition to the current health and safety precautions (personal protective equipment, daily health screening, mandatory masking, social distancing, hand hygiene, enhanced cleaning, etc.), which will be maintained and 1 revised in accordance with Public Health guidance, the County of Elgin requires all active employees (excluding Long-Term Care Home Staff), staff of contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Corporation and performing work in County facilities and/or buildings, volunteers, interns, and students on placements to select one of the following options: Vaccination with proof of vaccination Not vaccinated, but in progress to complete vaccination Mandatory rapid testing is required until proof of full vaccination is provided in accordance with vaccine administration guidelines. Not vaccinated due to a medical accommodation Physician or Nurse Practitioner note is required. Mandatory rapid testing is required three (3)times per week with 48 hours between testing and test will be provided by employer. Not vaccinated Mandatory rapid testing is required three (3) times per week with 48 hours between testing, as well as completion of an education program. These conditions will be required to occur outside of working hours, at the expense of the employee. Decline attestation Mandatory rapid testing is required three (3) times per week with 48 hours between testing, as well as completion of an education program. These conditions will be required outside of working hours, at the expense of the employee. The policy is indefinite in nature to address the risks and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, noting the duration of the pandemic is unknown. The policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and amended as required as new information, data, and Public Health guidance regarding the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. -Term Care Homes (Elgin Manor, Terrace Lodge, or Bobier Villa), mandatory proof of vaccination is required, subject to proof of a medical reason(s) or requirement for Ontario Human Rights Code accommodation. Employees at Elgin County Long-Term Care Homes are required to comply with the Infection Control 2.10 Immunization Staff COVID-19 Policy, which includes further requirements mandated by the Minister of Long-Term Care, Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Province of Ontario, or other regulatory or legislative authority. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy is to provide guidelines pertaining to the expectations and requirements the County of Elgin has of employees, Members of County Council 2 and Members of Council appointed Committees, volunteers, contractors, and students (interns and students on placements), with respect to COVID-19 and vaccinations. 3.0 Legislative Framework Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.1 Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.19 Human Rights Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. M.56 4.0 Applicability This policy applies to: County of Elgin employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, and casual staff; Members of Elgin County Council and Members of Council appointed Committees required to enter a County facility and/or building; Staff of contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Corporation and performing work in County facilities and/or buildings; Volunteers; and Interns and students on placements. This policy does not apply to employees, student placements and volunteers working at Elgin Manor Long-Term Care Home, Bobier Villa Long-Term Care Home or Terrace Lodge Long-Term Care Home, who are governed by policies and procedures mandated by the Minister of Long-Term Care, Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Province of Ontario, or other regulatory or legislative authority. All new or rehired County of Elgin employees, including returning Seasonal and Student employees, are required to be fully vaccinated, including any required vaccine boosters, against COVID-19 as a condition of hire by the County of Elgin. The County of Elgin also reserves the right to amend this policy as the County determines to be appropriate or required. 5.0 Definitions Attestation of a medical reason(s) of Ontario Human Rights Code reason(s) means a written statement that sets out that the person cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19. COVID-19 - a virus belonging to a large family called coronavirus which includes the virus that causes the common cold and more severe disease such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARs) and 3 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-COV). The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2. Educational Program - an educational program that has been approved by and/or provided by the County of Elgin and addresses the following learning components: How COVID-19 vaccines work Vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines Benefits of vaccination against COVID-19 Risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19 Possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination Employees means County of Elgin employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, and casual staff. Fully Vaccinated means having received the full series of COVID-19 vaccine or a combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by Health Canada; and having received the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days ago. Individuals means Members of Elgin County Council and Members of Council appointed Committees required to enter a County facility and/or building; Staff of contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Corporation and performing in County facilities, and buildings; Volunteers; and Interns and students on placements. Proof of Medical Exemption - written proof of a medical reason, provided by a physician or nurse practitioner in the extended class that sets out: (i) a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and (ii) the effective time-period for the medical reason. Proof of Vaccination - documentation issued by the Ontario Ministry of Health, other province or territory or international equivalent indicating individual immunization status against the COVID-19 virus. Vaccine - for the purposes of this Policy, a Vaccine is defined as a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against SARS-CoV-2. Vaccines approved by Health Canada are as follows: Pfizer-Biotech COVID-19 vaccine Moderna COVID-19 vaccine Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine 4 6.0 Continued Compliance with All Health and Safety Precautions Unless a legislated or regulatory exemption applies, all County of Elgin employees are expected and required to continue to comply with all applicable health and safety measures to reduce the hazard of COVID-19, including but not limited to compliance with established workplace access controls (e.g. screening), wearing a mask or face covering, using provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), maintaining appropriate physical distancing and self-monitoring of potential COVID-19 symptoms when at work or otherwise engaged in County business. The applicable Health and -19 Safety Plan. 7.0 Responsibilities All levels of management are responsible for the administration of this Policy. Management/Supervisors are expected to: Lead by example; Submit proof of their vaccination status and meet the requirements outlined in this policy; Ensure employees have submitted proof of their vaccination status, as outlined in this policy; Ensure employees complete any required education or training about COVID-19, including regarding vaccinations and safety protocols; and, Continue to enforce workplace precautions that limit the spread of COVID-19 virus. Employees are expected to: Continue to follow all health and safety policies and protocols to ensure personal safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19 before and after vaccination; Submit proof of vaccination status, Rapid Antigen Test results or an approved exemption, and meet the requirements outlined in this policy; Follow direction provided by the employer in cases where Rapid Antigen Testing identifies a positive case including completion of a laboratory-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test; Complete any required Educational Program or training about COVID-19, including regarding vaccinations and safety protocols; Adhere to any additional mandates or directives or reporting requirements from provincial or federal authorities; and, If additional booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are required, ensure subsequent doses are also received. Individuals are expected to: Continue to follow all health and safety policies and protocols to ensure personal safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19 before and after vaccination; Submit proof of vaccination status, Rapid Antigen Test results or an approved exemption, and meet the requirements outlined in this policy; 5 Follow direction provided by the County of Elgin in cases where Rapid Antigen Testing identifies a positive case including completion of a laboratory-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test; Adhere to any additional mandates or directives or reporting requirements from provincial or federal authorities; and, If additional booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are required, ensure subsequent doses are also received. All County employees are required to create and foster a work environment free from harassment and disrespectful behaviour, as outlined in HR Policy 2.80 Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Program and HR Policy 2.80.1 Commitment to a Civil Workplace Environment and Workplace Interactions. 8.0 Procedure County of Elgin employees, including full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, and casual staff employees; and Members of Elgin County Council and Members of Council appointed Committees required to enter a County facility and/or building; Staff of contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Corporation and performing in County facilities, and buildings; Volunteers; and Interns and students on placements (collectively individuals will be required to select one of the following options and the following procedure(s) will apply: 8.1 Vaccination with proof of vaccination The County of Elgin requires all employees and individuals to whom the policy applies to disclose their COVID-19 vaccination status through a confidential Vaccine Declaration Form. The only acceptable proof of vaccination is the receipt or other documentation provided by the Ministry of Health/Public Health, or equivalent out-of-province health body to the person who was vaccinated. Employees must disclose their vaccination status to the County of Elgin in accordance with the established process by no later than Wednesday, September 22, 2021. Individuals must disclose their vaccination status to the County prior to entering a County facility and/or building. 8.2 Not vaccinated, but in progress to complete vaccination Employees and individuals who, by Friday, October 22, 2021, disclose that they have not received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine (or a single dose in the case of a single dose vaccine series), but have disclosed they are in progress to complete vaccination must participate in mandatory Rapid Antigen Testing three (3) times per week with 48 hours between testing, until proof of full vaccination is provided; 6 Employees and individuals must provide verification of the negative test result in a manner that enables the County of Elgin to confirm the results at its discretion; and, Rapid Antigen Testing will be available onsite at no charge for those employees and individuals who have scheduled their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination in accordance with vaccine administration guidelines. Rapid Antigen Tests will be supplied by the County for employees and individuals who have scheduled their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. 8.3 Not vaccinated due to a medical accommodation Provide Proof of Medical Exemption; Employees and individuals must participate in mandatory Rapid Antigen Testing three (3) times per week with 48 hours between testing, until proof of full vaccination is provided; Employees and individuals must provide verification of the negative test result in a manner that enables the County of Elgin to confirm the results at its discretion; and, Rapid Antigen Tests will be supplied by the County for employees and individuals who have submitted the required documentation for medical exemption from receiving the vaccination. If an employee has a medical reason for not being vaccinated now or in the future, it is the responsibility to contact HR to provide a letter to take to their attending physician (included as Appendix 1); each case will be considered on its own facts, in accordance with any applicable legal obligations under the Human Rights Code. The County will require Proof of Medical Exemption that sets out at least the following: That the employee or individual cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19; and The general nature of the medical reason why the employee or individual cannot be vaccinated and confirmation that this is a genuine medical condition and not simply the preference or self-evaluation; and, The effective time period for the medical reason (i.e., permanent or time-limited). This medical information received is to be submitted to and retained by HR in a confidential file. The County will work with the employee or individual to determine whether and how they may be accommodated, as required, in accordance with the Human Rights Code (Ontario). Without limitation, such measures for employees may include changes to work assignments, work location, as well as regular paid Rapid Antigen Testing. note: These conditions may also be increased following further consultation with Public Health 7 8.4 Not vaccinated The following conditions will be required to occur outside of working hours for employees: Employees who, by Friday, October 22, 2021, disclose that they have not received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine (or a single dose in the case of a single dose vaccine series), or who have not disclosed their vaccination status as required, shall attend mandatory education on the benefits of vaccination; Employees and individuals must participate in mandatory Rapid Antigen Testing three (3) times per week with 48 hours between testing, until proof of full vaccination is provided; by means as determined appropriate by the County of Elgin, in consultation with Public Health, until such time as they are considered fully immunized; Employees and individuals must provide verification of the negative Rapid Antigen Test result in a manner that enables the County of Elgin to confirm the results at its discretion. In cases where testing identifies a positive case, employees will be directed to stay home utilizing sick time or unpaid/personal time until verification in a manner that enables the County of Elgin to confirm their ability to return to work is provided prior to attending the workplace in accordance with the County of Elgin COVID-19 Safety Plan and individuals will not be permitted to enter County buildings and/or facilities; and, Employees must undertake mandatory training/Educational Program (*) outside of working hours. (*) Mandatory training/Educational Program sessions addresses the following: How COVID-19 vaccines work; Vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines; The benefits of vaccination against COVID-19; The risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19; and, Possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. note: These conditions may also be increasing following further consultation with Public Health 8.5 Decline attestation The following conditions will be required to occur outside of working hours for employees: After Friday, October 22, 2021, employees and individuals must participate in rapid antigen testing conducted at interval frequency/location(s) and/or by means, as determined appropriate by the County of Elgin, in consultation with Public Health, until such time as they are considered fully immunized; 8 Employees and individuals must provide verification of the negative Rapid Antigen Test result in a manner that enables the County of Elgin to confirm the results at its discretion; If an employee or individual has chosen not to be vaccinated, without Proof of Medical Exemption (noted above), the employee shall pay for each Rapid Antigen Test. The time required to receive a Rapid Antigen Test will be unpaid time/personal time for the employee or individual, and mileage will not be paid if travel is required to receive the test; and, Employees must undertake mandatory training/Educational Program (*). (*) Mandatory training/Education Program sessions outside of working hours which addresses the following: How COVID-19 vaccines work; Vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines; The benefits of vaccination against COVID-19; The risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19; and, Possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. note: These conditions may also be increasing following further consultation with Public Health The County of Elgin reserves the right to require Rapid Antigen Testing of any employee or individual at any time. Additional details regarding the implementation of this policy will be available in the COVID-19 Safety Plan. 9.0 Accommodations Employees requiring any further Ontario Human Rights Code accommodations under this policy may request accommodations by advising their Supervisor/Manager/Director. Individuals requiring any further Ontario Human Rights Code accommodations under this policy may request accommodations by advising HR (vaccineinfo@elgin.ca). The County of Elgin is committed to fulfilling its obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code. 10.0 Inactive Employees Inactive employees who are on a leave of absence are not required to comply with s.8.0 so long as they remain on a leave of absence. Employees must comply with this policy prior to returning to work. HR will send information to inactive employees. 11.0 COVID-19 Screening Regardless of vaccination status, all active employees, Members of County Council or Council appointed Committees, staff of contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Corporation and 9 performing work in County facilities and/or buildings, volunteers, interns, and students on placements shall: a.)Complete daily screening for COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending any County facilities and/or buildings; b.)Be tested for COVID-19 where persons fail screening (provincial COVID-19 self-assessment or County of Elgin COVID-19 self-assessment, or County facility active screening) and be restricted from entering the County building and/or facility; and c.)Provide verification in a manner that enables the County of Elgin to confirm their ability to return to work or enter the County building and/or facility prior to attending the workplace in accordance with the County of Elgin COVID-19 Safety Plan. 12.0 Collection of Information and Privacy Considerations The County of Elgin will maintain vaccination disclosure information, including documentation verifying receipt of a vaccination series approved by Health Canada or the World Health Organization, in accordance with privacy principles and any applicable legislation including the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). This information will be retained by Human Resources (HR), and will only be used to the extent necessary for implementation of this policy, for administering health and safety protocols, and infection and prevention control measures in the workplace. Employees or individuals may also be required to disclose their vaccination status by law or to otherwise give effect to this policy, including, but not limited to, situations where employees or individuals are directed to stay home as a result of the daily screening tool in order to comply with the clearance criteria to return to the office (e.g. after experiencing symptoms, a COVID-19 exposure, or a travel quarantine exemption) or enter a County and/or facility. 13.0 New or Rehired Employees All new or rehired employees must provide the required proof of vaccination to HR prior to commencing their employment, engagement, assignment, or placement. This policy shall form one of the conditions of employment which new employees accept as part of an offer of employment into such positions. Individuals can download copies of their vaccination documentation at this link: covid19.ontariohealth.ca. If the individual has a red and white health card, call 1-833-943-3900. 14.0 Ongoing Monitoring and Assessment of COVID-19 Workplace Safety Measures The County of Elgin will continue to closely monitor its COVID-19 risk mitigation strategy and the evolving health information and context, to ensure that it continues to optimally protect the health and safety of its employees in the workplace, volunteers, contractors, students, elected officials and the public that they serve. To that end, and in consultation with Public Health and occupational 10 health and safety resources, the County will continue to assess other available workplace risk mitigation measures. If it is determined that additional precautions are necessary, the County of Elgin may decide to deploy new measures (including at an individual level) to protect employees, volunteers, contractors, students, and elected officials and the public from COVID-19, and may amend this policy accordingly and/or communicate the required precautions to impacted employees. 15.0 Consequences of Non-Compliance with Policy Employees who fail to comply with this policy will be subject to progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination. 16.0 Provincial Legislation The County of Elgin has a legal duty under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to take reasonable precautions to protect workplace health and safety, including hazards posed by infectious disease such as COVID-19 and associated variants. 17.0 Training All employees and individuals to whom this policy applies will have this policy shared with them on, or as soon as possible following, the effective date of this policy. All new employees, Council appointed Committee Members, staff of contractors, consultants, volunteers, interns and students on placements will have the policy shared with them prior to commencement of first day of employment or entering a County building and/or facility, where possible. Employees and individuals will be required to acknowledge that they have read and understood the policy. Any questions about this policy can be directed to vaccineinfo@elgin.ca 18.0 Policy Implementation Implementation of this policy will be in accordance with applicable Council and/or Corporation by- laws, policies and procedures, legislation, and collective agreement provisions. 11 APPENDIX 1 - MEDICAL EXEMPTION FOR COVID-19 VACCINATION LTC HOMES County of Elgin LTC Homes staff, contractors (including those providing direct care and/or having direct interaction with long-term care home residents), students and volunteers are required to be fully compliant with the applicable COVID-19 Vaccination policy and to report their vaccine status to the Human Resources (HR) Department. Individuals who have a medical contraindication to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (an allergist/immunologist-confirmed severe allergy or anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or to any of its components that cannot be mitigated; a diagnosed episode of myocarditis/pericarditis after receipt of an mRNA vaccine), as outlined by the National Advisory Committee on Immunizations (NACI) are required to have their treating Physician or Nurse Practitioner complete the information below and submit to HR. The medical exemption is not considered valid until reviewed and accepted by HR. Please submit completed forms in confidence to VaccineInfo@elgin.ca. Employee Consent Last Name: First Name: Employee ID#: Job Title: Department: Supervisor: Phone #: Email Address: I, hereby authorize my treating physician or nurse practitioner to release the information on this form to the County of Elgin Human Resources Department. By signing and submitting this form, I understand that the request for medical exemption to COVID-19 vaccination will require a review and approval process by the Human Resources Department. Signature: Date: 12 Physician or Nurse Practitioner Attestation I attest that based on my knowledge of my patient and the information available to me, (please print name) has a documented medical reason for exemption from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in relation to a condition outlined on page 3 of this document. Name: CPSO or CNO#: Address: STAMP Phone Fax Signature of Physician or Nurse Date 13 County of Elgin Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ Employee Last Name: First Name: The following conditions are the only absolute medical exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine as expressed by the National Advisory Committee on Immunizations (NACI) as of July 22, 2021. Please indicate which medical condition applies to your patient, as well as the effective time period for the medical reason (i.e. permanent or time-limited). SevereReaction(includingmyocarditis/pericarditis),severeallergic reaction,oranaphylaxisafterapreviousdoseofanmRNAvaccine: Individualswhohaveadocumentedsevereoranaphylacticreactiontoa previousdoseofanmRNAvaccineshouldnotreceiveadditionaldosesofan mRNAvaccine. SevereAllergicReactionorAnaphylaxistoanycomponentsofanmRNA Vaccine:Individualswhohaveadocumentedsevereoranaphylacticreaction tooneormoremRNAvaccinecomponentsshouldnotreceiveanmRNA vaccine.Pleaseconfirmwhichcomponentyourpatientisallergicto,andthe typeofreactionexperienced: Potential Allergen Vaccine Product Description of Allergic Reaction (vaccine or container) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 (i.e. Polyethylene Vaccine glycol (PEG)) Moderna COVID-19 (i.e. PEG Vaccine Tromethamine (trometamol or Tris)) *Reference: NACI Recommendations on the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines: Contraindications and Precautions ReportofAdverseEventFollowingImmunization(AEFI)Submitted AEFInotsubmitted.PleasecompleteandsubmitanAEFIFormorprovidean explanationwhyanAEFIwillnotbesubmitted. Patienthasbeenreferredtoanallergistorspecialistrelatedtotheirdocumented County of Elgin Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________ contraindicationtobeingfullyvaccinatedforCOVID-19. ** Effective Time Period for the Medical Reason Listed Above: ___________________________________ DPSSFTQPOEFODF!—!Nbz!35-!3133! Jufnt!gpsDpotjefsbujpo!—!)Buubdife* 1.Letter from the Town of Aylmer andpress release from theAylmer-Malahide Museum and Archivesrequesting consideration for a fundraising challenge in support of the Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives’ move to a new facility. 2.Letter from the South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) requesting a letter of support and financial commitment to the revitalization of the Cayuga Sub Division Line. May 16, 2022 Elgin County Members of Council Members of Council, As you are aware SCOR EDC and partners have undertaken a shortline rail project that will seek to revitalize the Cayuga Sub Division Line that runs through the southern portion of the region. This track is approximately 27 miles long and runs from St Thomas through Elgin County, through Oxford County (Till- sonburg) and into Norfolk County. This line serves several businesses that are mainly in the agricultural, manufacturing and logistics sectors. These businesses are each an integral part of the sector supply chain for this region and the prov- ince. In addition to the businesses along the line that rely on rail there are a number of industrial properties along the line for future development. SCOR EDC has signed a Letter of Intent with GIO Rail (a shortline rail operator) and the Town of Tillsonburg for this pro- ject. This collaborative group has made application to the National Trade Corridor Fund (NTCF) for support to upgrade the rail line’s infrastructure. These upgrades will prolong the life of the rail line and increase weight and speed capacity to better align with nearby Class 1 lines and maximize car volume. Overall, this project will cost approximately $8 million over a 3-year timespan. If approved, the NTCF will fund 50% of the $6.6 million of eligible project costs. GIO Rail will cover the majority of remaining eligible project costs as well as the entirety of ineli- gible costs. However, we now require support from affected municipalities in order to cover a portion of remaining costs as well as to demonstrate regional support and secure NTCF funding. Due to the competitive nature of the fund the pro- gram an application must demonstrate regional support for the project; both in principle and in actual financial support. We are requesting a letter of support from Elgin County as well as a financial commitment of $150,000 over the three- year time frame of the project. The bulk of these costs will go to address crossings and track upgrades. We will also be requesting the same amount from Oxford County and have presented there as well. We will be approaching Norfolk County with an ask of a lesser amount as the track into Norfolk is slated for a phase two of the project. th At our May 10presentation Council members raised a question regarding availability of rolling stock to serve the pro- ject and the customers along the line. President of GIO Rail Inc. has assured as that while that may have been an issue in the past there is current ample rolling stock to serve current and future business along the Cayuga Line. We strongly believe that this project will support current businesses as well as the supply chain within the sectors they operate. Collectively these businesses employ over 400 people, and have a combined revenue of over $1 billion dollars. Additionally, restoring efficient and reliable rail service along the Cayuga Subdivision will act as a regional economic development asset, attracting new investment and opportunity. Kind regards, Alison Warwick SCOR EDC Chair South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOREDC) 4 Elm Street, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0C4, P: 519-842-6333 www.scorregion.com www.scorbusinessportal.com DMPTFE!NFFUJOH!BHFOEB Nbz!35-!3133 Tubgg!Sfqpsut; 1)Ejsfdups!pg!Ivnbo!Sftpvsdft– Municipal Act Section 239 (2) )c*!qfstpobm nbuufst!bcpvu!bo!jefoujgjbcmf!joejwjevbm-!jodmvejoh!nvojdjqbm!ps!mpdbm!cpbse fnqmpzfft– Organizational Update 2)Dijfg!Benjojtusbujwf!Pggjdfs – Municipal Act Section 239 (2))b*!uif!tfdvsjuz!pg!uif qspqfsuz!pg!uif!nvojdjqbmjuz!ps!mpdbm!cpbse – Security of Property (VERBAL) 3)Dijfg!Benjojtusbujwf!Pggjdfs!– Municipal Act Section 239 (2) )l*!b!qptjujpo-!qmbo- qspdfevsf-!dsjufsjb-!ps!jotusvdujpo!up!cf!bqqmjfe!up!boz!ofhpujbujpot!dbssjfe!po!ps!up cf!dbssjfe!po!cz!ps!po!cfibmg!pg!uif!nvojdjqbmjuz!ps!mpdbm!cpbse – Financial Services (VERBAL) DPVOUZ!PG!FMHJO Cz.Mbx!Op/!33.33 #CFJOH!B!CZ.MBX!UP!BNFOE!CZ.MBX!33/26CFJOH!B!CZ.MBXUP!QSPWJEF!GPS UIF!BEPQUJPO!PG!UIF!3133!CVEHFU!PGUIF!DPSQPSBUJPO!PG!UIF!DPVOUZ! PGFMHJO!BOE!UP!FTUBCMJTI!UIF!3133!UBY!SBUJPT-!BOE!UP!FTUBCMJTI!UIF! 3133!UBY!SBUFT!GPS!UIF!DPVOUZDPOTUJUVFOU!NVOJDJQBMJUJFT• WHEREAS Section 289 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for thepurposes of the upper-tier municipality; and, WHEREAS Section 308(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of an upper-tier municipality shall in each year establish the tax ratios for that year for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(7) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality establish for each property class, a single tax ratio for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(15-18) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality may opt to have certain optional property classes apply within the County; and, WHEREAS Section 308.1 (5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that an upper-tier municipality that intends to apply a tax ratio of less than 0.25 to the farm property class for a tax year shall pass a by-law in the year to establish the tax ratio for that year for the farm property class; and, WHEREAS Section 22 of Regulation 282/98 made underthe Assessment Act,has givenmunicipalities the option to reduce the property tax rate on qualifying value-added activities that occur on farms as part of the farming business to 75 per cent lower than the industrial or commercial tax rates that would otherwise apply; and, WHEREAS Section 10.2 (5) 2 of Regulation 385/98 made under the Municipal Act, determines the calculation by which a transition ratio is applied for the landfill property class for taxation years subsequent to 2017; and, WHEREASprior to 2017,the local municipally owned landfill sites in DuttonDunwich and West Elgin did not pay property tax to the County; and, WHEREAS the transition ratio set out in Section 10.2.(5)2 of Regulation 385/98 results in a tax burden to these local municipalities that warrants relief; WHEREAS it is necessary to apply the revenue neutral landfill ratio/tax rate; and, WHEREAS Section 107(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 s.,provides thatCouncilmaymake grantsto any person, groupor body Council deems in the interest of the municipality. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1.THAT the large industrial class be chosen as an optional property class. 2.THAT the optional 75% reduction in the Small-Scale On-Farm Business Sub- Class tax ratio be implementedfor the first subclass and newly adopted second subclass forthe commercial and industrial property classes to a total of $50,000 per subclass. 3.THAT the municipalities of DuttonDunwich and West Elgin be granted relief on the full portion of the County property taxes on the landfills that these municipalities use for local resident waste. 4.THATthe 2022 tax ratios for the County of Elgin set out on Schedule “A”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 5.THATthe 2022 budget of the County of Elgin set out on Schedule “B”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, which incorporates estimates for revenue and for expenditures be approved and adopted by Council. 6.THATthe 2022 tax rates for the assessment in each property class set out in Schedule “C”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 7.THAT the 2022 ten-year capital plan,set out in Schedule “D” attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted byCouncil. TH READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24DAY OF MAY 2022. Julie Gonyou,Mary French, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 22- 2022 SCHEDULE A Ratios PROPERTY CLASSCurrentPrior Residential1.0000001.000000 Farmland Awaiting Dev.0.5000000.500000 New Multi-Residential1.0000001.000000 Multi-Residential1.9999001.999900 Commercial - Occupied1.6376001.637600 Commercial - Small Value Added Farm (1st 50K)0.4094000.409400 Commercial - Small Value Added Farm (2nd 50K)0.409400 Commercial - Vacant Land1.6376001.637600 Industrial - Occupied2.2251002.225100 Industrial - Small Value Added Farm (2nd 50K)0.5563000.556300 Industrial - Small Value Added Farm (1sr 50K)0.556300 Industrial - Vacant Land2.2251002.225100 Large Industrial - Occupied2.8318002.831800 Large Industrial - Vacant2.8318002.831800 Pipelines1.1446001.144600 Farm0.2300000.230000 Managed Forests0.2500000.250000 Landfill33.40264633.402646 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 22- SCHEDULE C Tax Rates /ğƌĭǒƌğƷĻķwğƷĻƭtƩźƚƩ—ĻğƩğǣwğƷĻLƓĭƩĻğƭĻ Residential0.624937%0.635462%1.68413% FarmlandAwaitingDev.0.312469%0.317731%1.68396% NewMultiResidential0.624937%0.635462%1.68413% MultiResidential1.249812%1.270860%1.68409% CommercialOccupied1.023397%1.040632%1.68411% CommercialSmallValueAddedFarm(1stSubclass)0.255849%0.260158%1.68421% CommercialSmallValueAddedFarm(2ndSubclass)0.260158%New CommercialVacantLand1.023397%1.040632%1.68411% IndustrialOccupied1.390547%1.413966%1.68415% IndustrialSmallValueAddedFarm(1stSubclass)0.347652%0.353507%1.68426% IndustrialSmallValueAddedFarm(2ndSubclass)0.353507%New IndustrialVacantLand1.390547%1.413966%1.68415% LargeIndustrialOccupied1.769697%1.799501%1.68410% LargeIndustrialVacant1.769697%1.799501%1.68410% Pipelines0.715303%0.727350%1.68411% Farm0.143736%0.146156%1.68378% ManagedForests0.156234%0.158865%1.68429% LandFill20.874557%21.226103%1.68409% DPVOUZ!PG!FMHJO Cz.Mbx!Op/!33.34 ”UP!BNFOE!UIF!TDIFEVMF!UP!CZ.MBX!OP/31.16! CFJOH!B!DPOTPMJEBUFECZ.MBX!GPS!UIF!SFHVMBUJPO!PG!USBGGJD JODMVEJOH!QBSLJOH!PO!DPVOUZ!SPBET• WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 210, of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the County ofElgin did pass By-Law No. 20- 05 forthe regulation of trafficincluding parking on County Roads; AND WHEREAS now pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section; AND WHEREAS said Table authorizes an upper-tier municipality to pass by-laws regulating parking and traffic on highways; AND WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to amend By-Law No. 20-05 to include a Schedule “D” to establish time-limited parking restrictions; AND WHEREAS it wasdeemed necessary and appropriate to amend Schedule “D” to By- Law No. 20-05 to limitparking to two (2) hour increments on sections of County Road #4 (Bridge Street), County Road #4 (Colborne Street) and County Road #23 (Joseph Street) in the Village of Port Stanley; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1.THAT By-Law No. 20-05beand is hereby amended to includea Schedule “D” Time Limited Parking; and 2.THAT Schedule “D” of By-Law No. 20-05 be and is hereby amended to includetime limited parking (two(2) hourlimit) onthe following sections: Bridge Street (CR 4), from the west property limits of Carlow Road to the east limits of Colborne Street, being a distance of 290 metres. Colborne Street (CR 4), from the south limit of Bridge Street to the north limit of Warren Street, being a distance of 1,140 metres. Joseph Street (CR 23), from the east limits of Colborne Street to the east limits of East Road, being a distance of 280 metres; and 3.THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the installation of appropriate signage indicating said Time Limited Parking Zones. th READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24 DAY OF MAY 2022. Julie Gonyou,Mary French Chief Administrative Officer.Warden