01 - February 7, 2022 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Agenda Package/11100 lgr PF B°r gry ss we. bV Notur¢, Corporation of the County of Elgin TERRACE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE AGENDA For Monday, February 7, 2022, 7:00 P.M. 15t Meeting Called to Order 2nd Approval of the Agenda 3rd Adoption of Minutes — November 15, 2021 4th Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5th Delegations - none. 6th Briefings 6.1 Donation Update — Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer (to be circulated) 7th Review of Terms of Reference and Recommendations to Council 8th Fundraising Strategies 2022 8.1 Review of Catalogue Wish List and Theme 8.2 Campaign Target 9th Review of Annual Report Draft 10th Other Business 11th Correspondence — none. 12th Closed Session 1) Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Donor Outreach Update 2) Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Committee Member Survey 13th Motion to Rise and Report 14th Date of Next Meeting 15th Adjournment VIRTUAL MEETING: IN -PERSON PARTICIPATION RESTRICTED NOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: I i i l�S:..www I ��fi ,.F u w� a:. r.. Ail/ sl „„ir 0 irrL„! rli 11'1i.(. Accessible formats available upon request. �000/ Progressive b,y Nature Meeting: Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Date: November 15, 2021 Time: 7:00 P.M. Location: Council Chambers/Webex Attendees: Dominique Giguere, Deputy Mayor - Township of Malahide, Chair (in -person) Jim Jenkins, Community Member (in -person) Ruth Anne Perrin, Community Member (in -person) Pete Barbour, Councillor — Town of Aylmer Jamie Chapman, Community Member Staff: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (in -person) Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer (in -person) Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services Tanya Noble, Manager of Program Therapy Services (in -person) Regrets: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Fiona Wynn, Councillor — Municipality of Central Elgin Kay Haines, Terrace Lodge Auxiliary Richard Kisuule, Community Member Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee met this 151h day of November, 2021. The meeting was held in a hybrid in-person/electronic format with committee members and staff participating as indicated above. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Review of Agenda Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that the agenda for the November 15, 2021 meeting be approved as presented. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X Jim Jenkins X Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X 3 0/000001 Progressive btu Nature Domini ue Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. Adoption of Minutes — October 25, 2021 Moved by: Jim Jenkins Seconded by: Pete Barbour Resolved that the minutes from the meeting held on October 25, 2021 be approved. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X Jim Jenkins X Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Giguere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 5. Donation Update The Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer presented an update on the status of total donations outstanding, pledged, and received to date as well as total costs incurred as it relates to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign. The overall donations towards the campaign have increased by $575 since the last report to the committee. Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin Seconded by: Jamie Chapman Resolved that the report titled "Fundraising Financial Update" from the Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer be received and filed. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X Jim Jenkins X C 7 E? 0000/0"!////%/ Progressive btu Nature Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Giguere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. Media/Advertising Update a. Dominos Promo Jamie Chapman provided an update to the Committee regarding the Dominos promotion opportunity. Dominos in Aylmer offered to assist with fundraising by offering $3- $5 from specific combos ordered on November 19, 2021 that will go towards the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising campaign. Additionally, in advance of November 19, 2021, Dominos distributed flyers in pizza boxes advertising the event. The flyer was distributed in both German and English. b. Christmas Campaign (5 upcoming ads) The Chair circulated the draft taglines/content for the ads to the Committee for approval. Once the ad is received, the Chair will circulate to the Committee to distribute various social media, etc. The Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk noted that staff can print hard copies for distribution in the Homes, Libraries, etc. Committee members can pick up the posters at Terrace Lodge or at the County Administration office. Donor Recognition a. Photos, Cards, Social Media The Chair will be preparing some outstanding donor thank -you cards and will include tax receipts and Christmas campaign flyers. Fundraising Strategies a. Updated Legacy Giving Brochure: approve final mock-up The Committee reviewed the final mock-up of the updated Legacy Giving brochure. The Committee consented to the design and content of the brochure. The Chair will give consent to Aylmer Express to print copies. Copies of the brochure will be available in Terrace Lodge and Elgin County Library branches, and possibly the St. Thomas Library. The Chair clarified that the ability to donate via Legacy Giving will be ongoing and not limited to the campaign timeline. The Director of Homes and Seniors Services asked whether it would be beneficial to have a pamphlet at local Funeral Homes in order to provide an option for donations. The Chair will follow-up with local Funeral Homes to discuss. �000100i©i1/1ff11.. �IProgressive b,y Nature b. Donations as Gifts: Greeting Card Mock -Up, Online Form, Instructions, Organization The Committee reviewed the greeting card design. The design of the card is useful for any holiday throughout the year. The Committee consented to the design and content of the card. The Aylmer Express will also be printing corresponding envelopes with the logo. The Committee discussed having the President of the Resident's Council sign the cards on behalf of the residents of Terrace Lodge. The Manager of Program and Therapy Services will work on a standardized message with the President of the Resident's Council. The Committee discussed refreshing the online form for giving donations as gifts to ensure that space for two addresses (donor and recipient) is included in the order form. c. Refresh Website and Online Christmas Catalogue The Committee discussed the online Christmas Catalogue, and the Chair noted that the website has been refreshed so that donors can view items needed by room location rather than by dollar amount. The Chair reminded the Committee that prices listed on the website are a ballpark price for the items, not the final cost of the item. Additionally, the facility has specific requirements for safety for the furnishings at the Home which would result in a potential higher cost for the items. 9. Business Arising a. Updated Promotional Letter and Christmas Flyer The Chair will circulate the promotional letter and the Christmas flyer to the Committee for their review. 10. New Business ►HM 11. Closed Session Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Donor Outreach Update. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X 0000/0"!////%/ Progressive btu Nature Jim Jenkins X Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 12. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by: Pete Barbour Seconded by: Jim Jenkins Resolved that we do now rise and report. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X Jim Jenkins X Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin Seconded by: Jamie Chapman RESOLVED THAT the confidential report titled Donor Out Reach Update be received and filed. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X Jim Jenkins X Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Motion Carried. 0000/0"!////%/ 13. Next Meeting Progressive btu Nature The next meeting will be held on January 17, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the County Administration Building and via Webex. 14. Adjournment Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin Resolved that we do now adjourn at 8:26 p.m. to meet again on January 17, 2022. Recorded Vote YES NO Pete Barbour X Jim Jenkins X Jamie Chapman X Ruth Anne Perrin X Dominique Gi uere X TOTAL 5 0 Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Motion Carried. Dominique Giguere, Chair. a'a:�o'essq a+e by Nakjrea RECOMMENDATION: REPORT TO TERRACE LODGE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE FROM: Jennifer Ford, Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer DATE: November 12, 2021 SUBJECT: Fundraising Financial Update 1 THAT the November 12, 2021 report titled, Fundraising Financial Update, submitted by the Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer, be received and filed for the Committee's information. INTRODUCTION/DISCUSSION/FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: This report is presented to the committee to provide an update on the status of total donations outstanding, pledged and received to date as well as total costs incurred as it relates to the Terrace Lodge Fundraising Campaign. The overall donations towards the campaign have increased by $575 since the last report to the committee. Donations Rye Lei red for Terrace Lodge Fundraising as at November 12, 2021 REVENUE (Oon ti ns to dote) Reced red Outs, tan in Cash/Cheque 41,928 10,700, Credit Card 25,380, Donations Prior to Cann all In Start ,105 Pledges (Expected Vallue), 45,150 85,000, IIIn Kind Donations 25 Total Donations 120�,5 95,700 EXPENSES Paid Outstanding Fees crediit card) 524 Fundraising Consultants 4,50,0, II Ina e 2,719 Meeting f o&m IF entall 150, Inn Kind Purchases 25 Advertising and RIr&motion 7,226 Total Expenses 15,244 - TotaI D,,o,nat,fo,nS Wwa rds wca m pai n 2,011,044 (N C7) 0 U,) U) lqt I u ) U,) rl,. N N 9 N U-) co C5, 6' r la, lzi, r 4, 10 4 U,) rl r4 Ln 0. Ln Rk LO Ln Lr) LO en 0 C') 0 0 C--) 4. m C5, N C--) C, C') 0 U,) C m Tt C ............... . e-n N 00 C--) U,) N 00 rq C5 � � Ln rq rq mt �D M t-i .LA"'! t-� N U) U-� ir-4 w-i rq C-4, vi, Cd, T-I" p q i ci 4mo m 0) m to C 6. LL E C: b4 C: 0 E �D =5 Lo 4-j -P 0 E 0 j 4- GO C: Q) CL- 4d 0 C o41 r 0 - "P cc 0 u E 0 0 0 0 00 m LW Q) m a Lo S CL C: +0 m U 0 Q) 4-J Q) m 4-1 4.1 1�- C:D IR C:D C:D m CY) 0 06 T-1 DO 00 N DO 0 0 0 4- 0 IR 0 0 b.0 E m u 0 0 IR 3 GNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the necessary current programs and facilitating commercial, tools, resources, and services with community industrial, residential, and infrastructure to deliver programs need. agricultural growth. and services now and in the future. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: IR•1z COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. Staff continue to review the fundraising portal pledge area as Cash or Cheque payments are received. CONCLUSION: The reports presented are submitted to the Committee for their information, review and comment. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Jennifer Ford Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Treasurer Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer e3•a6poja3eaaalolajeuo(3 4isin `a6po-1 aaeaaal 4e u6ieduae:) 6uisieapun:j awOH Jo s4JOJWo:) au4 uo uol4c?wjojui aaow aoj 02porl amijas, This gift will bring the Comforts of Home to the residents of Terrace Lodge, our local long-term care home being redeveloped in a state-of-the-art facility. 1107031IM—M %� fir,"N +, 4- 1 t, e w i N i%" %fir / O Na c)�r;r r4i f,% 0M E°m a N �0u� U ��� N J N > (6 % '�" 1 O (6 E (6 U U U -C �,; ' 0 U -0 C 0- Q 0 - O f2 � a �,a 0 > O 5 E��° 4F �Y , x wpp C O _ U y_ C _ N f2 O O C J%iG i, v U v� N C7 N O N r6 ¢°` r6 O O a- E -E v u�- N 7 - -0 .O O N E� N U Qj 4-N c �; G O O :+ E N U O_ � a)- N- 7 4- U O v) y N N O-+ N O 5 N E Ul ,,' „� U N M U U N O (6 v� 4- 0) N (6 �_' O _ � N�'IVu � '�ioi i ' M U :+ pl+ E C C pl C C 4 i O CIII N E O .�_ N N ' p I� fi �i �� 1'� �i + O '- p C 5 S C i 5') 4- 0> f2 Q V- N M .0 Id C N