01 - January 5, 2022 Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Agenda PackageRural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 5, 2022 9.00 A.M. Meeting to be held in-person/electronically. Agenda 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of the Minutes from December 3, 2021 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4. 2022 Community Grant Program Requests — Chief Administrative Officer and Manager of Administrative Services 5. Correspondence 6. Date of Next Meeting 7. Adjournment DRAFT MINUTES Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Date: December 3, 2021 Location: The meeting was held in a hybrid in-person/electronic format with Committee Members and staff participating as indicated below. Time: 1.00 P.M. Attendees: Members of the Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee Councillor Ed Ketchabaw, Chair (electronic) Councillor Sally Martyn (electronic) Councillor Dominique Giguere (in -person) Warden Tom Marks (in -person) Donna Lunn (in -person) Elgin County Staff Chief Administrative Officer, Julie Gonyou (in -person) General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise, Brian Lima (in -person) Manager of Administrative Services, Katherine Thompson (in -person) Legislatives Services Coordinator, Carolyn Krahn (in -person) 1. Call to Order The Rural Initiatives/Planning Advisory Committee met this 3rd day of December, 2021 at 1.04 P.M. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the agenda be approved as presented. - Motion Carried. 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted. - Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 5. Discussion Paper #4: Housing and Affordability — General Manager of Engineering, Planning and Enterprise The General Manager of Engineering, Planning and Enterprise presented an overview of Provincial and local policies that refer to affordable housing and what policies and tools have been implemented in surrounding areas. The General Manager of Engineering, Planning and Enterprise also discussed a range of planning and financial tools that are available to encourage the creation of affordable housing. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the discussion paper be approved as amended; THAT it be circulated to the Local Municipal Partners for their review and consideration; THAT feedback be gathered from the public and other stakeholder groups; and THAT this feedback be shared with the Committee and Council to help determine preferred options to encourage the creation of affordable housing. - Motion Carried. 6. Community Grant Program Final Report Summary — Manager of Administrative Services The Manager of Administrative Services presented for the Committee's consideration the final reports from the 2021 Community Grant Program Recipients. Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the November 15th, 2021, report titled, Community Grant Program Final Report Summary, submitted by the Manager of Administrative Services, be received and filed for information; and THAT the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee approve the eligibility of organizations for the 2022 Community Grant Program based on their submitted final reports. - Motion Carried. 7. 2022 Community Grant Program Allocations — Manager of Administrative Services The Manager of Administrative Services reviewed the 2022 Community Grant Program Request Summary, the 2022 Community Grant Program Evaluation Forms, and the timeline for the development of a report for Elgin County Council's consideration. Moved by: Warden Marks Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the report from the Manager of Administrative Services be received. - Motion Carried. 8. Correspondence None. 9. New Business None. 10. Date of Next Meeting The Committee will meet again on January 5, 2022 at 9.00 a.m. 11. Adjournment Moved by: Warden Marks Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the meeting adjourn at 2.09 P.M. - Motion Carried. Julie Gonyou, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Chair. 1 fff Prugressive by Nature RECOMMENDATION: REPORT TO RURAL INITIATIVES AND PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services DATE: December 21, 2021 SUBJECT: 2022 Community Grant Program Requests THAT the December 21, 2021, report titled, 2022 Community Grant Program Requests, submitted by the Chief Administrative Officer, be received and filed for information; and, THAT the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee consider the 2022 Community Grant Program funding requests as attached to this report; and, THAT the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee present the Community Grant Program recommendations to Council for consideration on January 11, 2022. INTRODUCTION: The Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee (RIPA) is responsible for considering grant requests made to Council through the Community Grant Program and providing recommendations to Council as to which organizations should be granted funding as part of the Council budget process. Council then considers these recommendations for implementation. The 2022 Community Grant Program application period opened on September 1, 2021 and closed on November 10, 2021. In total 19 applications were received for the 2022 intake period. DISCUSSION: On December 3, 2021, the RIPA Committee met to approve the Final Reports for 2021 funding allocations and to review and approve the scoring matrices for the 2022 intake 2 period. RIPA Members were also presented with a summary of 2022 funding requests at this meeting. Application packages were circulated for review and scores were due on December 15, 2021. After scores were received, they were combined and proposed funding allocations were calculated using a weighted formula. A weighted formula is used because funding requests exceed the budgeted amount for grant funding. In 2022 the proposed budget allocation for grants is $69,498 which is $3.51 per household. In total 19 grant requests were received, 18 of which were eligible. Total eligible funding requests for 2022 amount to $109,253. Please see the chart below for a summary of funding requests by stream - Community Grant Stream Number of Applicants Total Funding Request Community Services - Cultivate 6 $34,562 Community Services - Seed 1 $3,000 Festival and Event - Cultivate 11 $71,691 Festival and Event - Seed 1 $, (no[ ncluded in llII Si na e Grant 0 $0 Totals: 19 $109,253 Note: The $5,000 Festival and Event — Seed funding request is not included in the $109,253 total, as the sole application in this category did not meet the Community Grant Program criteria. The revised Community Grant Program that was approved in 2020, is divided into two streams — Community Services and Festivals and Events. These two streams are further divided into Cultivate (existing programs and events) and Seed (new programs and events) grants. Proposed allocations for 2022 Community Grant Program requests are attached to this report for the Committee's consideration. 3 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth. ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. The Committee will bring a report to County Council on January 11, 2022 with its Community Grant Program recommendations. Applicants, both successful and unsuccessful, will be notified. CONCLUSION: The County of Elgin has received 19 applications under the Community Grant Program. One (1) of these applications was deemed ineligible under the Community Grant Program criteria. The remaining 18 applications amount to a total grant request of $109,253. All grant requests are attached to this report for the Committee's consideration. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Katherine Thompson Manager of Administrative Services Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 0 c-I O N T O C N O C7 � N i N E N u v M m a l7 u v v E 0 c a =o N 0 o. 0 a v o L cu > O 00 $irn O Ol Boa c-i u m N C � in (B O � o OA CO a c O u U w L O 4- O Y Q co L a O N " N > c o' eC o 0 m N o O lo 0 o C ^ � \ CG c G O 0 a Yo x O o a n O o� O ._ N X O N m Ln O OO O Ln N w 8 Ln m Ln to N m 00 u .1 in .1 CO G u N v � Y p U Y (0 � N hA � � C u 4 O N O O O O1 o O W ZO 1. '����� _ >, u M (n U N U w Q �� tn In U &w 5 w Y d)In d �0���a �. % �.'� O N N w O O' O �. wy _ O a O _ E Q V E E E>> a w ++ Y Q L II.„II„. ICJ1 i. PY U U LL LL m .H to .H O zt 00 = Lr m o N N� m +' L) UT UT UT UT UT UT N 0 a w a c d E E 0 01 cr N rH to -Zt m -Zt O ` O rH -Zt w m N to w LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 ai 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C Y L 00 cu w 00 01 rl O N L? L N a a c LL O O O O O N N O O O O O to w O O N O O m Ln O O m N N r- a V) i/? 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