15 - July 12, 2022 County Council Agenda PackagecallUmmoii m� ,ailg n Progressive, by Nature TABLE OF CONTENTS Orders — Tuesday, July 12, 2022.............................................................. 2 Elgin County Council Minutes — June 28, 2022............................................. 3 ReportsIndex........................................................................................ 53 Report — Welcome Home Video Campaign ................................................ 54 Report — Parking By -Law Amendment — Port Stanley ..................................... 58 Report — Parking By -Law Amendment — Union Road ...................................... 63 Correspondence — Items for Consideration.................................................. 67 Correspondence — Request from Ministry of Transportation ............................ 68 Closed Session Agenda — July 12, 2022..................................................... 71 By -Law 22-31- Parking Amendment — Port Stanley ........................................ 72 By -Law 22-32 — Parking Amendment — Union Road ....................................... 73 1 /11100 lgr PF B°r gry ss we. bV l otur¢, ORDERS OF THE DAY For Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 9:00 A.M. Location: Masonic Centre of Elgin, 42703 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas ON 1St Meeting Called to Order 2°d Adoption of Minutes — June 28, 2022 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee of the Whole Council" 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence 1. Items for Consideration 2. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) — none. 8th Other Business 1. Statements/Inquiries by Members 2. Notice of Motion 3. Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 13th Consideration of By -Laws 14th Adjournment NOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: Accessible formats available upon request. z y. Elgin Pragresaive by Na ft a e gice] I►[d9111►IVYd9111►INI MINUTES June 28, 2022 Page 1 June 28, 2022 Elgin County Council met this 28th day of June 2022 at the Elgin County Administration Building. The meeting was held in a hybrid format with Councillors and staff participating as indicated below. Council Present: Deputy Warden Tom Marks (Council Chambers) Councillor Duncan McPhail (Council Chambers) Councillor Bob Purcell (Council Chambers) Councillor Grant Jones (Council Chambers) Councillor Sally Martyn (Council Chambers) Councillor Dave Mennill (Council Chambers) Councillor Dominique Giguere (Council Chambers) Councillor Ed Ketchabaw (Council Chambers) Regrets: Warden Mary French (previous notice provided) Staff Present: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer (Council Chambers) Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO (Council Chambers) Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services (Council Chambers) Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services (Council Chambers) Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources (Council Chambers) Stephen Gibson, County Solicitor (Council Chambers) Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (Council Chambers) Carolyn Krahn, Interim Manager of Economic Development and Tourism (Council Chambers) Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator (Council Chambers) Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning (virtual) 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. with Deputy Warden Marks in the chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 14, 2022 be adopted. Motion Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Martyn disclosed a conflict with Closed Session Item #3 — Property Matter. Councillor Martyn will not be present for the discussion of this item. 4. PRESENTING PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS 4.1 Population, Housinq and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs Analysis — Hemson Consulting Ltd. and Stantec Stefan Krzeczunowicz and Russell Mathews of Hemson Consulting Ltd. and Amelia Sloan of Stantec presented the final report detailing population, housing and employment forecasts and associated land needs analysis. Page 2 June 28, 2022 Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT the presentation titled "Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs Analysis" from Hemson Consulting Ltd. and Stantec be received and filed. Motion Carried. Deputy Warden Marks introduced Paul Clarke, new Planning Technician for the County of Elgin. 6�iTi]LTA ILTA 111a1:11:9ila1a4TA01I 10 Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole Council. Motion Carried. 6. REPORTS OF COUNCIL, OUTSIDE BOARDS AND STAFF 6.1 SCOR EDC Short Line Rail — Warden French The report will be presented following Council's consideration of the Closed Session agenda. 6.2 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment — 2022 Mid -Year Update — Councillor Purcell Councillor Purcell presented the report updating Council on the status of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project progress. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Terrace Lodge Redevelopment — 2022 Mid - Year Update" dated June 20, 2022 from Councillor Purcell, Chair of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.3 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Appointment — Councillor Giguere Councillor Giguere presented the report recommending that County Council appoint a new member to the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee. Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Appointment" dated June 21, 2022 from Councillor Giguere, Chair of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee be received and filed; and THAT County Council appoint Brigette Clark -Carmichael to sit on the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee for the remainder of 2022. Motion Carried. Page 3 June 28, 2022 6.4 HR Policy: 10.50 Mileage — Director of Human Resources The Director of Human Resources presented the report recommending that County Council approve an increase to the County's mileage reimbursement rate to mirror the current CRA rate. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT County Council approve the amended HR Policy: 10.50 Mileage -land THAT County Council approve the 2022 CRA recommended mileage rate of $0.61 per kilometer effective July 1, 2022; and THAT the report titled "HR Policy: 10.50 Mileage" from the Director of Human Resources dated June 28, 2022 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.5 HR Policv: 2.20 Dress Code — Director of Human Resources The Director of Human Resources presented the report recommending County Council approve an updated Dress Code policy for County of Elgin staff. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT County Council approve the amended HR Policy: 2.20 Dress Code; and THAT the report titled "HR Policy: 2.20 Dress Code" from the Director of Human Resources dated June 28, 2022 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.6 Consultant Agreement — Long -Term Care Transition Coordinator — Single Source Procurement — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The Director of Homes and Seniors Services presented the report recommending that Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign a consultant's agreement to appoint Gail Kaufman Carlin Consulting as the Long -Term Care Transition Coordinator for the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Consultant Agreement — Long -Term Care Transition Coordinator — Single Procurement" dated June 16, 2022 from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve the single source procurement of Gail Kaufman Carlin Consulting as Long -Term Care Transition Coordinator for the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project pursuant to a Consultant Agreement; and THAT County Council approve and authorize the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer to execute a Consultant's Agreement for the appointment of Gail Kaufman Carlin Consulting as the Long -Term Care Transition Coordinator for the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment project, such Agreement to be in the substantial form and content as attached to the report to Council. Motion Carried. Page 4 June 28, 2022 6.7 Homes — Long -Term Care Homes Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)— 2022-2023 Submission to Health Quality Ontario — Director of Homes and Seniors Services The Director of Homes and Seniors Services presented the report recommending that County Council approve the submission of the three (3) Quality Improvement Plans (QIPS) to Health Quality Ontario. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor McPhail RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Homes — Long -Term Care Homes Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) 2022-2023 Submission to Health Quality Ontario" dated June 15, 2022 from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be received and filed; and THAT Council approve submission of the three (3) Quality Improvement Plans (QIPS) to Health Quality Ontario. Motion Carried. 6.8 2022 Borrowina By -Law — Director of Financial Services The Director of Financial Services presented the report recommending that County Council enact a Borrowing By -Law to support the maintenance of our credit facility annually to ensure business continuity. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT the report titled "2022 Borrowing By -Law" dated June 22, 2022 from the Director of Financial Services be received and filed; and THAT the amended Borrowing By -Law for 2022 be read for approval Motion Carried. 6.9 2022-2025 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy — Interim Manager of Economic Development & Tourism The Interim Manager of Economic Development and Tourism presented the 2022 2025 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy for Council's endorsement. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the report titled "2022-2025 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy" dated June 20, 2022 from the Interim Manager of Economic Development & Tourism be received and filed; and THAT Council endorse the 2022-2025 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy as presented. Motion Carried. 6.10 Elain Countv Affordable Housina Summary — Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk The Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk provided a presentation outlining actions being undertaken by the County, its partners, and senior levels of government. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Jones Page 5 June 28, 2022 RESOLVED THAT the presentation titled "Elgin County Affordable Housing Summary" dated May 16, 2022 from the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.11 Council Chamber Renovations and September Meeting Dates — Legislative Services Coordinator The Legislative Services Coordinator presented the report recommending that County Council consent to changing the September 13, 2022 County Council meeting date to September 14, 2022, and to notify Council that all County Council and Land Division Committee meetings scheduled for July, August, and September 2022 will be held at the Masonic Centre of Elgin to accommodate the upcoming Council Chamber renovations. Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor McPhail RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Council Chamber Renovations and September Meeting Dates" dated June 23, 2022 from the Legislative Services Coordinator be received and filed; and THAT Elgin County Council consent to a change in the Council Meeting schedule for the first meeting in September from September 13, 2022 to September 14, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. with public notice issued; and THAT public notice be given advising of a change in location for all Council and Land Division Committee meetings for all meetings scheduled in July, August and September 2022. Motion Carried. 6.12 Traffic Signal Modernization — Contract Award — General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO, Manager of Transportation Services, and Purchasing Coordinator The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report that provides details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Traffic Signal Modernization. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the contract for Traffic Signal Modernization be awarded to Fortran Traffic Systems Inc. for a one-year term; and THAT staff be authorized to extend the contract for an additional four (4) one-year terms, in accordance with section 7.6 of the Procurement Policy, subject to satisfactory performance during the initial one-year contract term, pricing and budget approval; and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. Motion Carried. 6.13 Request to fill in the Bennett Municipal Drain — Pioneer Line, Village of Dutton — General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO and Manager of Transportation Services The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report detailing the request received from the Dutton & District Lions Page 6 June 28, 2022 Non -Profit Housing Inc. to fill in the Bennett Municipal Drain and provides options for the land owner under the Drainage Act. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Request to fill in the Bennett Municipal Drain — Pioneer Line, Village of Dutton" dated June 20, 2022 from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO and Manager of Transportation Services be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.14 Request to Extend Reduced Speed Zone — Village of Springfield — General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO and Manager of Transportation Services The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report detailing the letter received from the Township of Malahide requesting Elgin conduct speed and traffic counts on Ron McNeil Line at the west village limit in the Village of Springfield. The report recommends maintaining the current reduced speed zone limits and that the recently completed traffic study be forwarded to the OPP with a request to provide targeted speed enforcement. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Request to Extend Reduced Speed Zone — Village of Springfield" dated June 20, 2022 from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO and Manager of Transportation Services be received and filed; and THAT the Ontario Provincial Police be informed of the recent traffic study results and request that they deploy targeted enforcement activities as resources permit. Motion Carried. 6.15 Draft Plan Approval. Plan of Subdivision. Part of Lot 123. Concession North of the Talbot Road, Geographic Township of Bayham, County of Elgin; Applicant: CJDL Engineering Ltd.; Owner: 1985763 Ontario Ltd. File No. 34T- BY2101 — General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO, and Acting Manager of Planning The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO and the Acting Manager of Planning presented the report that provides County Council with information required in order to consider granting draft plan approval to the Plan of Subdivision proposed by CJDL Engineering Ltd, File No. 34T-BY2101. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants draft plan approval to the Draft Plan of Subdivision proposed by CJDL Engineering Ltd. File No. 34T-BY2101; and THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision subject to the conditions for final approval in accordance with the Planning Act. Motion Carried. Page 7 June 28, 2022 6.16 Elgin (County)/Execulink Telecom Inc. — Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement — General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO and Senior Counsel The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report that seeks Council's approval and authorization for the execution of a proposed Telecommunication Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement between Elgin County and Execulink Telecom Inc. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Elgin (County)/Execulink Telecom Inc. — Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement" dated June 17, 2022 from the Senior Counsel and General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve and authorize the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer to execute a proposed Telecommunications Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement as between Elgin (County) and Execulink Telecom Inc. substantially in the form and content attached to the Report to Council. Motion Carried. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Items for Consideration 7.1.1 Letter from the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) regarding the retention of Professional Engineers at Ontario Municipalities. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the letter from the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) dated June 13, 2022 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 7.1.2 Letter from Southwestern Public Health with notification of the possible need for additional funding levy in light of financial pressure brought about by the pandemic. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the letter from Southwestern Public Health dated June 15, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT staff be directed to make funds available should they be needed by Southwestern Public Health as detailed in the letter to County Council. Motion Carried. 7.2 Items for Information 1► rem OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members None. Page 8 June 28, 2022 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of Urgency The Chief Administrative Officer requested that Council consider an additional item of correspondence from Rick and Rose Robinson regarding parking in Port Stanley, as well as an additional legal matter to be considered in closed session. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT Council consider an additional item of correspondence from Rick and Rose Robinson dated June 14, 2022 regarding parking in Port Stanley; and THAT an additional legal matter be considered in closed session under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose — Legal. Motion Carried. Additional Correspondence — Item for Consideration 8.3.1 Letter from Rick and Rose Robinson regarding the recent establishment of a two-hour parking limit in Port Stanley. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT the correspondence regarding parking in Port Stanley received from Rick and Rose Robinson dated June 14, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT the letter from Rick and Rose Robinson be forwarded to the Municipality of Central Elgin for consideration; and further THAT a letter detailing Council's direction be sent to Rick and Rose Robinson. Motion Carried. CLOSED MEETING ITEMS Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2): In -Camera Item #1 (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Long - Term Care In -Camera Item #2 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Human Resources (Walk -On) 10 Page 9 June 28, 2022 In -Camera Item #3 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them; and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Property Matter In -Camera Item #4 (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Financial Services In -Camera Item #5 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them; and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Property Matter (Walk -On) In -Camera Item #6 (f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose - Legal Motion Carried. 10. MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT we do now rise and report. Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #1 — Lonq-Term Care Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #2 — Human Resources Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #3 — Property Matter Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. m Page 10 June 28, 2022 In -Camera Item #4 — Financial Services Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. Stephen Gibson, County Solicitor/Deputy Clerk acted as Clerk for In -Camera Item #5: In -Camera Item #5 — Property Matter Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #6 — Legal Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor Martyn RESOLVED THAT the report from the County Solicitor be received. Motion Carried. 11. REPORTS OF COUNCIL, OUTSIDE BOARDS AND STAFF — CONTINUED 11.1 SCOR EDC Short Line Rail —Warden French The General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report outlining recommendations received from the County Budget Committee regarding South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation's (SCOR EDC) request for funding of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period) in support of short line rail within the 2022-2024 budgets. County Council received a legal opinion that the funding requested by SCOR could be constituted as a violation of the prohibition against bonusing set forth by Section 106 in the Municipal Act. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor McPhail WHEREAS Council previously consented to providing a letter indicating its non - monetary support in principle for the short line rail project; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council hereby decline SCOR's request for funding in the amount of up to $150,000 over a three-year period. Motion Carried. 12. MOTION TO ADOPT RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12 Page 11 June 28, 2022 13. CONSIDERATION OF BY-LAWS 13.1 By -Law No. 22-28 — Borrowing By -Law BEING a By -Law to Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow from Time to Time to Meet Current Expenses and Other Qualifying Expenditures During the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022. Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 22-28 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. 13.2 By -Law No. 22-29 — Land Division Committee Secretary -Treasurer Appointment BEING a By -Law to appoint a Secretary -Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 22-29 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. 13.3 By -Law No. 22-30 — Confirming all Actions and Proceedings BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 28, 2022 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Martyn Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 22-30 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Motion Carried. fi[�e1B1119111d►1LTA 1:I►111 Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 1:08 p.m. to meet again on July 12, 2022 at 9:00 a. m. - Motion Carried. Julie Gonyou, Tom Marks, Chief Administrative Officer. Deputy Warden. 13 June 14, 2022 Elgin Council Rick & Rose Robinson 271 Colborne St., Port Stanley 519-641-8300 Yesterday afternoon we received a ticket for parking in front of our home. Something that we have done since moving here 42 years ago. I thought this couldn't be right. I submitted a dispute form to Central Elgin and received a reply Jason Dale, our By-law Manager. He explained that we had been ticketed under an Elgin County bylaw for parking over 5 hours. He also stated that the 2 hour limit was also coming shortly for all of Colborne St. I understand why Central Elgin initiated this undertaking. The BIA had a very simple request to initiate 2 hour parking along William Street. Council then added on William, Bridge and Main Street. They also included the first block of Colborne St north of the traffic lights. I don't have a problem with this as it's our business district. Get the customers in and get them out. They want to stay longer, Iut the paid lots. This motion was to put a stop to the so-called "beach dumping". We do not have a problem of "beach dumping" north on Colborne St. There are no retail business' along this stretch either. However, we do have a couple of marinas with customers that need to park for longer than 2, or 5 hours. It's pretty hard to go out on the lake for that short amount of time. With a quick stroke of the pen, and no forethought, you have caused a huge hardship for the people along this residential section of road. You have imposed a 2 hour parking limit extending 1140 mt. This includes a fiill kilometre of people's homes that need to park on the road frequently. Did any of You folks come down to Port and drive, or even walk along this section of road before passing this by- law? There are no retail business' along this stretch where a two hour limit would be beneficial. This two hour limit on Colborne St., north of Charlotte Street, needs to rescinded right away. In closing, 1 would like to ask you why all of a sudden you decided to enforce this 5 hour parking limit? Was it enforced equally all over Elgin County? Was it enforced in Belmont or Dutton as well? I real1v doubt it,/ 117 & RdstJRobinson 14 1tPraglress�ve by Nature ��V RECOMMENDATIONS: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Warden Mary French DATE: June 27, 2022 SUBJECT: SCOR Short Line Rail THAT County Council consider feedback from the Budget Committee and provide direction regarding SCOR's request for funding in the amount of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period) to inform its application to the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF). BUDGET COMMITTEE RESOLUTION: The Budget Committee approved the following resolution at its meeting held on June 24, 2022. WHEREAS at its meeting on May 24tn, 2022, Elgin County Council directed staff to prepare a follow-up report for presentation to the Budget Committee regarding South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation's (SCOR EDC) request for funding (up to $150,000 over a three (3) year period) and including an analysis of County infrastructure; and WHEREAS on May 25tn, 2022, the Warden sent a letter of support, in principle, to SCOR EDC for the short line rail project to revitalize the Cayuga Subdivision line, as directed by County Council; and WHEREAS following receipt of the letter sent to SCOR EDC on behalf of Elgin County Council, SCOR EDC requested that the Budget Committee, and by extension, Elgin County Council expedite its consideration of SCOR's request for funding in the amount of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period) to inform its application to the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) due on June 30tn 2022,-and WHEREAS on June 24tn, 2022, the Budget Committee considered the request for funding from SCOR EDC along with a staff report including background information and details of Crossing Images / Crossing Costs provided to the County by SCOR EDC; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED... W THAT the report presented to the Budget Committee be amended to include Committee discussion and direction and presented by the Warden to Elgin County Council at its meeting on June 28t", 2022, and THAT the Committee direct staff to seek a legal opinion from Elgin County Legal Services with respect to the funding request from SCOR EDC to ensure compliance with the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 for Council's review on June 28t", 2022, and THAT the Committee recommends that Elgin County Council authorize the Warden to send a letter of support as prescribed by the NTCF application guidelines to South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC), and to commit to funding the proposed Cayuga Subdivision Short Rail Line Revitalization Project for up to $150, 000 (over a three (3) year period), subject to NTCF funding approval, using the Growth Reserve, and FURTHER, THAT SCOR EDC be required to provide Elgin County Council with regular progress reports regarding this regionally significant project, not less than on a quarterly basis. PURPOSE: South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) has requested that the County of Elgin provide a letter of support and a financial contribution of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period) to support an application for funding under the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) to upgrade infrastructure of the Cayuga Subdivision Short Line Rail (SLR) serving Oxford, Elgin and Norfolk Counties. NTCF program provides up to a maximum of 50% of eligible project costs, therefore SCOR EDC is seeking funding from regional partners including the Counties of Oxford, Norfolk and Elgin to leverage the project. At its meeting on May 24t", 2022, County Council received a presentation from the SCOR EDC along with a request for funding and a letter of support. The following motion was passed by Elgin County Council on May 24t" 2022: RESOLVED THAT the Warden be directed to send a letter of support in principle to South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) for the short line rail project to revitalize the Cayuga Subdivision line, and THAT staff be directed to prepare a follow-up report for presentation to the Budget Committee regarding SCOR's request and including an analysis of County infrastructure, and THAT the Budget Committee, following its review of the report, prepare recommendations for County Council's consideration. ill Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw The Budget Committee met on June 24, 2022 to provide direction with respect to the provision of funding of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period) in support of SLR within the 2022-2024 budgets. After discussion at the Committee level, the Budget Committee directed that Elgin County Legal Services prepare a legal opinion for County Council's consideration regarding the funding request from SCOR EDC to ensure compliance with the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001. In the absence of legal counsel regarding compliance with the Municipal Act, 2001, the Committee is recommending Council consider authorizing the Warden to send a letter of support as prescribed by the NTCF application guidelines to South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC), and to commit to funding the proposed Cayuga Subdivision Short Rail Line Revitalization Project for up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period), subject to NTCF funding approval, using the Growth Reserve. The Committee also requested that staff provide additional detail regarding the Growth Reserve, specifically, anticipated funds available in the reserve at year end. Barring unforeseen circumstances, staff have identified $50,000 in surplus operating funds at the end of Q1, generated through efficiencies and/or additional sources of funding used to offset budgeted operating expenses. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: • Appendix I — SCOR EDC Presentation to Elgin County Council — May 24t", 2022 • Appendix II — Letter: Warden French's response to SCOR EDC, as directed by County Council on May 24t" 2022 • Appendix III — Crossing Images / Crossing Costs (provided by SCOR EDC) • Appendix IV — Letter of support from Oxford County ($150K) • Appendix V — Letter of support from Norfolk County ($15K) BACKGROUND: An overview of the CN Cayuga Subdivision Short Line Rail (SLR) project, as presented by SCOR EDC to Elgin County Council is attached as Appendix I. In January 2022, a rail operator (GIO Rail) reinstated SLR service for freight goods on the CN Cayuga Subdivision from St. Thomas to Tillsonburg (Phase 1). A number of required rail infrastructure upgrades (bridge repairs, at grade rail crossings, etc.) are required over the next three (3) years to ensure it is maintained in a good state of repair. GIO Rail advises that it plans to invest approximately 43% of the required funding to undertake the SLR upgrades. SLR infrastructure investment funding support `rJ is also being sought through the National Trade Corridor Fund and potential contributions from the province, private investment along the rail line, and benefitting municipalities. The positive economic, social and environmental impacts of SLR are substantial and were relayed to Elgin County Council as part of SCOR EDC's presentation to Council on May 24t", 2022. On June 22, 2022, Oxford County Council authorized a letter of support for a funding application to be submitted by SCOR EDC under the National Trade Corridors Fund for the Cayuga Subdivision Shortline Rail Revitalization Project, and approved a funding contribution of $150,000 over a three-year period ($50,000 per year x three (3) years). On June 21, 2022 Norfolk County Council also provided a letter of support for the funding application and approved a funding contribution of $15,000 over a three- year period ($5,000 per year x three (3) years) TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT: At the request of the County, SCOR EDC confirmed that a third -party condition assessment of all at grade rail crossings on County and local roads within Elgin County had not been completed. Instead, project estimates were prepared by GIO Rail Inc. based on similar grade upgrades. GIO Rail Inc. confirmed that they have a 10-year lease agreement with CN to operate along the track. Track upgrades are guided by the Transportation Canada Grade Crossing Standards can be found here: C`ail10('Ja3 C Z/eii /lal lla 11­1 S'2� J'E!21 II,f 1, /gVa�. "i � I!G `i`ill 1 Q2 SCOR EDC confirmed that, as part of the project preparation, an inventory of track crossings with accompanying images of the current state of the crossings has been developed. Each crossing was reviewed and assigned an approximate cost based on required upgrades (refer to Appendix 3). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Should SCOR EDC be successful in its application for funding through the National Trade Corridor Fund (NTCF), it is understood that SCOR EDC and the current SLR operator (GIO Rail) will pursue additional funding assistance (grants) from the province and other benefitting counties (including Elgin, Oxford and Norfolk Counties) to support infrastructure investments to the CN Cayuga Subdivision Line. The following was provided to County staff from SCOR EDC's Executive Director: The funding is a 50% matching funding. GIO rail will take on the bulk of the 50% of the partners end but we need to demonstrate business and municipal buy in both in terms of Letter of Support and cash value. Business partners will be contributing to the project and we will be asking the Counties (Elgin, Oxford and Norfolk) for a contribution as well. We would like to present to Elgin Council to 18 ask for a Letter of Support and a contribution of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period) to commit to the project. This project has been brought forward mid -year and was not previously identified in the 2022 Budget. Funding for this project is proposed to be sourced from the Growth Reserve, a stabilization reserve established by Council to be utilized for future capital expansion. The 2022-year end projected balance of the Growth Reserve is $588,000. Staff have identified $50,000 in surplus operating funds (barring any unforeseen circumstances) at the end of Q1, generated through efficiencies and/or additional sources of funding used to offset budgeted operating expenses that could be used to fund the 2022 portion of this request. The balance of this funding commitment could be considered as part of future budget processes. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: A legal opinion has been prepared by Elgin County's Legal Services team for consideration by County Council in Closed Session at its meeting on June 28, 2022. ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and current programs and services with community need. ® Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. CONVERSATION STARTERS: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ❑ Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. The following list of "conversation starters" was prepared by staff and presented to the Budget Committee at its meeting on June 24, 2022. These "conversation starters" are intended to address a number of questions that have been asked about this project that were not addressed as part of SCOR EDC's presentation to Elgin County Council. Topic I Questions I Notes/Comments `N Project Management / Is 100% of the "ask" for rail line $20,000 total (one-time) Overhead upgrades? from all partner contributions is earmarked to offset SCOR Administration / Project Management costs. Project Costs Should project costs exceed SCOR indicated that budgetary values, who pays the contribution towards difference? project cost exceedance may potentially be sought from partners in the future (as a last resort). Reimbursement of What if the project comes in Unspent funds will be Unused Funds under budget? returned within the 3- year period if rail operations cease. Revenue Sharing Is there an opportunity to SCOR indicated that recoup investment from future they had not revenue? contemplated this. Administration of Who is administering the funds? Oxford County will act as Funds the "banker" to administer financial transactions on behalf of SCOR for this project. Agreements Has NTCF detailed partnership Preliminary discussions requirements between GIO and have been held. It is SCOR? assumed that there would be a future funding agreement(s) that will detail partnership requirements. Project Management Who is leading the project? SCOR indicated that the Who will be preparing and project would be led, administering the RFP and an further stated pertaining to required rail that an RFP for the rail upgrades? line improvements would be administered and awarded by SCOR. Cost Estimates & When were project estimates Project cost estimates Price Escalation completed and does it have were developed within regard for price escalation? the last 6 months and does not account for rice escalation. Metrics of Success How will SCOR measure SCOR indicated that success? they will monitor the project to evaluate whether the investment was worthwhile through metrics associated with increase in rail usage, value per car, increased load capacity, development of lands along the rail, business retention along the line, volume of goods, etc. Precedent Setting? Does the provision of funding While some similarities for this project set a precedent? may be drawn to the Elgincentives program, several differences exist — notably: extent of funding, absence of agreement and formalized process for administering the funding, evaluation criteria, etc. Due Diligence & Risk How do we ensure Elgin County It is recommended that a is compliant with the Municipal legal review be Act, and limit risk exposure? undertaken by the County Solicitor. Elgin County will need to enter into future agreements which will have to be carefully vetted to limit exposure to risk. Ownership Who owns the rail line after the CN Rail will ultimately improvements are completed? retain full ownership of the line. Private Investment Have abutting property owners SCOR indicated that or businesses fronting the rail seven (7) local contributed to project costs? businesses have provided a letter of support and have made `A LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: Local Municipal Partners will be informed of project progress, when appropriate. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Should Council decide to support the recommendation(s) from the Budget Committee, a letter of support for the project will be sent to SCOR EDC by Warden French. CONCLUSION: This report serves as a summary of information received to date regarding the SLR program and seeks direction from Council with respect to SCOR EDC's funding request in the amount of up to $150,000 (over a three (3) year period). All of which is Respectfully Submitted Warden Mary French `�: Al a) U) M N U }, J CU ry O w S O O W LL El ■O T a) U a — O C: U •U) a 0 M m cm 0 0-0 O _ N .cm m +-% m U to U) }' U a) O m E T O U a) U •— m U — L CD- � N U) _O m O a) .m z cm U) a)O O U m > , O •tn N "- a)•m •� CD m +N O N 0) N C: 70 O _0� U m CD N E N a)O > � C) 0 • � CV O U to (6 a)O a) U -0 U) N (6 CY) m m 9.4 r I � f'LITI - wn Yr C IF4 IYr I ;4 I�r P Y mJ (,dl ry,l If LO V." I y y _ �fS i P Y Ld ii L> r11 I ��rJ It r W9 G v;. l: 5 RJ N r n, dJ n3 r ✓1 7 �r � r � e Y a� J�. J {. Cl r77 f� �..I Nt. � Ld"I r� I I �vN f . I r✓ �4Y n�1 rl 1 1 Vj �r 14f L YF > c, CO E 0- 0 0 cn cn M� W cn cn cn cn N O W U- cn N N O Q E N (o O O O O AVJ 1 A W ^r W 'r\ V/ M cn cn E U cn N 0 O N N N 70 N 0 Q N A, LJ (u L _O cu 0 cu U O a) L L N L cu L U O O V— E N (u E cn W N rl 00 W r1 (.fl N lqt O v -1 vw-1 � N rl N 'qt u1 01 N 00 00 t0 Ln N lfl � e n n r- m c�i (D � O M Oi Qi Ili ui r-� ai ON V�-1 w lfl w rr—I 111 N c 4-0 _ W 0 m -04-0 E 72 U O C E a--+ f6 N Sv 0 = Q m U G O X eta Z 0 w N V--1 Ln rl 00 W R* r-I co N V U Q Q 70 O C: m m U) L- N O Q U) U) U) N • to T O � � L- O }, U E U) (6 cm N j O U) a).� -0 (6 N E � C: m U) 0-_0 m � � •— N N L- N m a) cn � ate-+ N � 0 � U � a)J Cn a) cu L U U N ilia O U m L- -6--0 Q U) U) N .U) m m O .U) m Q W O a) N w U) .U) ■o T O U N N cm Q N a)(6 O M O 00 O O O O Ln M O l0 O O O O 1 �--I � 01 00 � r-4 0 1/)- 0 0 to V V 1 O L• � T aJ o +�•+ .E.., � .F O v XV C W M C on Q (3.) _ to _0 to _0 �O 0 � �+ O j— m m V a- w V N LL O cu Z 70 LL i O 70 i O U 70 m m O m Z LL. U) a) U) .C� G m _a) a) i w O L Q �--+ Q O :3 U Cn o �U L � cu �—j N C: J H U N O L T O ■N T L m N cY) L O 0 O 0 LO V— M E E E E E E G CO co W co W co ~ cu C 0 -a u = C L J O v a) N a O i C W V V 5 co(0 (D co V Q Ln C np N N N C W C C C C C W 4 W C: c c c V O M � � Mcr- cr- Ln 4� � C : C ate' OC J 4N C O O N 4+ C � Ca Ln i :3 O V u N O V O N �G ; °C o a) z a v a �- N 4j _ o v' v) E E w O m � ' Q N d �Y ns MFlpY by PJ,'M,o Alison Warwick Chair, SCOR EDC 4 Elm Street Tillsonburg, ON N4G OC4 May 24, 2022 Re: National Trade Fund Corridor Application — Revitalization of the Cayuga Sub Division Line Dear Chair Warwick, On behalf of Elgin County Council, please accept this letter of support for South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation's (SCOR EDC) application to the National Trade Corridor Fund for support to upgrade the infrastructure on the Cayuga Sub Division Line. This track runs through the Elgin municipalities of Bayham, Malahide, Aylmer, and Central Elgin, connecting them to St. Thomas, Oxford County, and Norfolk County and servicing a number of Elgin business along the line. As part of the 2020-2022 Elgin County Strategic Plan, Elgin County Council prioritized Growing Elgin which includes planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth. Not only will investing in rail line infrastructure increase the environmental sustainability of transportation, it will also play a key role in attracting investment to this region. SCOR EDC's application to the National Trade Corridor Fund, if approved, will help ensure that our local businesses have the infrastructure they need to transport their goods in an efficient and sustainable way. Sincerely, ;��, �,„f,,II(I Mary French Warden, Corporation of the County of Elgin KZy O U 3 ('.xcuvvinR lO St'x¢;¢;t Nanrg 011l t Rd(C., ty Rd 74) fCcuad C)wnex'st 1p fC¢; rd lnfr stxuctear¢. 1" tl;rtrrin '- (,- piny id yl" +fda l,:eal Total . TlnrA- vcarl care car3 ......,..... ......... ............ ....... 215 .. ........,.... Y Y 15000 140000 60000 Year2 6 6 moo Pen M1ale Rd gn tral Elgin (%) 0 N/A 3 Springvater Rd, (El gin C. my Rd Rogers S1,Rtl, my rd, 53) lJ—St. N.(C—ly Rd 73) -en 35) Ell,, M3lallide Elgin Elgin (F) 1 40, 000 N 0 N/A(C. (F) (R) tla Rtl. , 9 Spein gfi d dRd(C. my Rd 40) Walker Rtl MalaM1itle lgin Elgin MalaM1itle (F) (F) (F) 40, 000 N 0 N/A1 11 er Rd 12 L-ne MalaM1itle N 0 N% 140, 000 ollege 3 Springer R, I l Rtl. ullotlen Rd ,I,h,de OayM1am Elgin (F) N 0 N/A (F) rs Rtl OayM1am Oayd— (F) 40,000 (x) 0 N% 1 otnRtlne 19 E,yd—Or Oayd OayM1am Oayd— (F) 40,000 (%) 0 N% 1 (F) 15,000 140,000 601000 215,000 Ytarl j3,1 Total 1",.11" gency $3,5I0,I50 48 (Oxford Cou in Ly ,Gtowingstronger fofr June 23, 2022 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario Attention: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Dear Julie: RE: Support for SCOR EDC — National Trade Corridor Fund Application CORPORATE SERVICES 519. 539. 9800 1 1. 800. 700. 0394 21 Peeve Street, PO Box 1614 Woodstock, ON N4S '7Y3 oxfordcounfiy co This correspondence is to inform Elgin County Council that, at the regular meeting of County Council held on June 22, 2022, Council adopted recommendations contained in �'Z..eIII.�'),If::....I°'y.�'2......�.�.° 022 2,3 in response to SCOR EDC's request for a letter of support and a financial contribution of $150,000 for a funding application under the National Trade Corridor Fund (NTCF) for the purpose of upgrading infrastructure of the Cayuga Subdivision Short Line serving Oxford and Elgin Counties. The recommendations in the aforementioned report are as follows: "That County Council hereby authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a letter of support for a funding application to be submitted by South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) under the National Trade Corridors Fund, regarding the Cayuga Subdivision Short Line Rail Revitalization Project, as outlined in Report No. CS 2022-23; And further, that subject to approval of SCOR EDC's application for funding from the National Trade Corridors Fund, County Council approves a funding contribution of $150,000 to leverage the Cayuga Subdivision Short Line Rail Revitalization project, to be funded by the General Reserve; And further, that SCOR EDC be required to provide County Council with regular progress reports regarding this regionally significant project, not less than on a quarterly basis." As a municipal member of SCOR EDC, Oxford County Council is supportive of the potential economic, social and environmental impacts anticipated by proceeding with the proposed project, both within the County and the broader south central economic region; and in light of Oxford County's advocacy efforts that were initiated in 2017, documented as Oi ntaii k :'s &N:It Il....lii ne llvwa , :" there are locally supported strategies and initiatives for long- term viability of short line rails which demonstrate this project would benefit our region. Page 1 of 2 49 If you have any questions please contact the undersigned by phone at 519-539-9800 ext 3000 or by email m u en countyoxfor .ca. Yours truly, Michael Duben, B.A. LL.B. Chief Administrative Officer Page 2 of 2 50 Norfolk County Office of the Mayor June 21, 2021 SENT VIA E-MAIL TO: scor@scorregion.com and kimberly.earls@scorregion.com South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) Kimberly Earls, Executive Director 4 Elm Street Tillsonburg, ON N4G OC4 Dear Kimberly, Re: SCOR Regional Shortline Rail Project On behalf of the Council of the Corporation of Norfolk County, please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at the June 21, 2022, Council Meeting: THAT Report CS-22-128 SCOR Regional Shortline Rail Project be received as information, - AND THAT Council approve a letter of support related to this project as outlined in Attachment I, - AND THAT upon confirmation that funding for the entire project has been secured, a New Budget Initiative providing the requested grant in the amount of $5, 000 annually for three years be included in the Proposed 2023 Levy Supported Operating Budget for consideration, - AND FURTHER THAT the funding be provided from the tax levy. The Council of the Corporation of Norfolk County supports the SCOR Regional Shortline Rail Project as this endeavor includes the following benefits: 1. Long-term infrastructure investment 2. Increased environmental sustainability of transportation 3. Sustainable and affordable logistics for businesses and supply chains (reduced car rate) Page 1 of 2 51 4. Key piece of Business Retention + Expansion and Business Attraction strategies Please accept this as a letter of support for the SCOR Regional Shortline Rail Project from the Council of the Corporation of Norfolk. Should you have any questions regarding this matter or should you require additional information, please contact Teresa Olsen, Clerk at 519-426-5870 x. 1228, or email-,.C.,Ilir,Il<„ii�oirfollllcouii��.ca Yours truly, Kristal Chopp Mayor, Norfolk County cc: Norfolk County Council Page 2 of 2 52 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF July 12, 2022 Staff Reports —ATTACHED Interim Manager of Economic Development & Tourism — Welcome Home Video Campaign General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO — Parking By -Law Amendment — Port Stanley General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO — Parking By -Law Amendment — Union Road 53 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Carolyn Krahn Interim Manager of 0 Economic Development & Tourism Lindsey Duncan, Tourism Officer Pr'u1ressivebyNature Jessica Silcox, Corporate Communications & Engagement Coordinator Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO DATE: July 4, 2022 SUBJECT:Welcome Home Video Campaign RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Welcome Home Video Campaign" from the Interim Manager of Economic Development & Tourism, dated July 4, 2022 be received and filed as information. INTRODUCTION: 1 Economic Development and Tourism staff have created several Countywide, promotional videos over the years. However, it is important to keep our video content fresh and current, as this is an excellent way to portray Elgin's quality of life to residents, visitors, and investors alike. In 2021, staff retained a local videographer to create seven (7) short videos that feature each of the seven (7) Local Municipalities within Elgin County. These videos will be included in a summer -long video campaign, with the County featuring a different municipality each week. To kick-off the summer -long campaign, a County -wide video, featuring all Local Municipalities, will be premiered at the July 12t" County Council Meeting. DISCUSSION: Filmed during the pandemic in 2021, the theme of the campaign is "Welcome Home" and it is focused on the experiences that make a place feel like home. Over the past two (2) years, residents have used their homes in new and different ways. For many people, their homes became their office, their classroom, their shopping centre, and their entertainment destination. As the world opens up again, these videos are designed to encourage residents to re -explore their community and to feel a sense of pride for 54 2 live, work, and play. Watching these videos, residents will see familiar sites, V--V,.., w,.J establishments reminding them of why they chose Elgin County as their home. In addition to encouraging a sense of pride in residents, the campaign will also assist with Resident Attraction, Visitor Attraction, and Investor Attraction: 1. Resident Attraction Attracting residents is an important pillar of economic development. Through reaching the appropriate target market(s), these videos could help persuade individuals and/or families to move to Elgin County. 2. Visitor Attraction Through appropriate marketing, these videos have the power to attract visitors to experience the beauty that Elgin County has to offer. They can also help attract residents from one community in Elgin to visit a community they have not explored before. 3. Investor Attraction Investment in any shape or form is essential to growing Elgin County's local economy. By marketing these videos through relevant channels and to the appropriate investors, these videos can assist with portraying why Elgin is poised for development. Beginning July 12t", we will kick-off our "Welcome Home" campaign through our social media platforms. The social media campaign will begin with the Countywide video, and we will encourage residents and visitors to engage by asking them why they are proud to call Elgin County their home or why they consider Elgin County a home away from home. Coinciding with the social media campaign, a 30-second version of the Countywide video will play on CTV2 for a period of four (4) weeks. This video will encourage residents and visitors to come and explore Elgin County. Through our social media campaign, we hope to build resident pride. Building on this sense of pride, the "Come and Explore" video will encourage residents to explore their own backyards. The recent increase in the price of gas is anticipated to limit how many trips people are taking this summer and how far they are willing to go. This video will give people options to explore places closer to home. In addition to Elgin County residents, the CTV spot will also be shown in the Chatham -Kent, London, and Kitchener areas. As the travel and tourism 6.7 3 :mpts to recover from the pandemic, we need to encourage residents and .. Z1,.w. �,- to get back out there and explore Elgin County. Also beginning in July, the Local Municipal videos will be featured on our social media platforms. Each video will be featured for a period of one (1) week, and we will encourage local residents to let us know why they love their municipality. During this week, we will also highlight businesses and tourist attractions located in that municipality. Following each local video campaign, the video will be shared with the Local Municipality so that they can use it on their websites, share it on their social media, or play it at their local arenas and events. Throughout the marketing campaign, staff will measure resident engagement through the number of views, likes, and comments on each video. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Production and marketing costs associated with this project are contained within the Quality of Life/Place Promotion and Rural Development lines in the Economic Development and Tourism 2021/2022 budget. ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and current programs and services with community need. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ❑ Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. Prior to their release, County staff will share a draft video with the Local Municipal CAOs to ensure that the local videos capture what makes each municipality unique. Economic Development and Tourism staff will also visit the Local Municipal Councils to launch each local campaign. 0 The videos will be shared with the Local Municipalities, and together with the County's marketing campaign, these videos will encourage residents to explore their own municipality and visit neighbouring municipalities. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Staff will present the completed municipal videos to each Local Council. CONCLUSION: Economic Development and Tourism staff are excited to launch the "Welcome Home" video campaign at the July 12t" Council meeting and to share with Council for the first time the Countywide "Welcome Home" video. Supporting Council's goal to be the place where people want to live, work and play, these videos will highlight the unique Elgin experience and encourage a renewed sense of pride in residents. Looking into the future, the "Welcome Home" video series will continue to be a useful tool as staff attend tradeshows and events to promote Elgin County. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Carolyn Krahn Interim Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Lindsey Duncan Tourism Officer Jessica Silcox Corporate Communications & Engagement Coordinator Brian Lima General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise /Deputy CAO Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 1-Tj Prugressive by Nature RECOMMENDATIONS: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO DATE: July 4, 2022 SUBJECT: Parking By -Law Amendment — Port Stanley THAT the report titled, "Parking By -Law Amendment — Port Stanley" from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated July 12, 2022 be received and filed; and, THAT By -Law 20-05, "being a consolidated By -Law for the regulation of traffic including parking on County roads" be amended to establish two (2) hour limited parking between 10am and 5pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday; and within the following road sections: • Bridge Street (CR 4), from the west property limits of Carlow Road to the east limits of Colborne Street, being a distance of 290 metres. • Colborne Street (CR 4), from the south limit of Bridge Street to the north limit of Warren Street, being a distance of 1,140 metres. • Joseph Street (CR 23), from the east limits of Colborne Street to the east limits of East Road, being a distance of 280 metres. INTRODUCTION / DISCUSSION: The County of Elgin has received a resolution from the Municipality of Central Elgin (attached) requesting that the County approve the establishment of a two (2) hour parking time limit restriction applicable between 10am to 5pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday each week and upon various County roads within the Village of Port Stanley as follows: • Bridge Street (CR 4) • Colborne Street (CR 4) • Joseph Street (CR 4) County Staff do not have any concerns with the proposed request and typically support local municipal partners in their parking requests along County roads. In order to facilitate this request an amended schedule of the parking by-law has been prepared to identify two (2) hour restricted parking zones between 10am and 5pm on Friday through Monday each week. 58 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: It is anticipated that the requesting municipality will fund the costs of the required signage supply and installation, therefore the County will not realize any financial implications as a result. ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. A copy of this report and Council's resolution shall be sent to the Municipality of Central Elgin. CONCLUSION: The County has received a request from the Municipality of Central Elgin to establish two (2) hour restricted parking from 10am to 5pm, Friday to Monday each week and along three County roads within the Village of Port Stanley. Staff supports the request and has made the necessary revisions to the parking by-law for County Council's approval. RT1 �„ W1 VV,,,.,,% is Respectfully Submitted Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Peter Dutchak Manager of Transportation Services Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 3 Wo June 301h, 2022 Brian Lima General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Via email: blimaELGIN.ca RE: Further Revisions to County of Elgin Parking By-law Dear Mr. Lima: Please note that Central Elgin Council discussed amendments to Central Elgin Traffic By-law No. 2697 at their Regular Meeting of Council dated Monday, June 27th, 2022, and the following resolution was passed: THAT staff be directed to bring procedural requirements to amend Traffic By-law No. 2697 as follows: • Two (2) hr parking on Colonel Bostwick, Bridge St., Hetty St., Colborne St. and Joseph St. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays (10AM-5PM) • 285 Bridge St. parking lot paid parking on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays (10AM-5PM) AND THAT staff be directed to proceed with any permissible amendments as directed by Council pursuant to Section 2.5 of By-law No. 2697, if possible; AND THAT staff be directed to request Elgin County to make any permissible amendments as directed by Council pursuant to Section 2.5 of By-law No. 2697, if possible. Please feel free to contact staff should you have any questions. Kind Regards, Dianne Wilson Deputy Clerk/Records Management Coordinator C.C. P. Shipway, CAO/Clerk L. Perrin, Director of Asset Management & Development Services J. Dale, Manager of By-law Enforcement dwilsoncentralel�in.or� 519-631-4860 ext. 286 Prugressive by Nature RECOMMENDATIONS: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO DATE: July 4, 2022 SUBJECT: Parking By -Law Amendment — Union Road THAT the report titled, "Parking By -Law Amendment — Union Road" from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated July 12, 2022 be received and filed; and, THAT By -Law 20-05, "being a consolidated By -Law for the regulation of traffic including parking on County roads" be amended to establish a restricted parking area on Union Road as follows: • Union Road (CR 20) from 645m south of Talbot Line to 870m south of Talbot Line, on both the east and west side of Union Road INTRODUCTION / DISCUSSION: The County of Elgin has received a resolution from the Township of Southwold (attached) requesting that the County approve the establishment of a restricted parking area on both sides of Union Road and fronting the new Shedden soccer pitches. The Township of Southwold would like to encourage use of a new parking lot that serves the sport fields rather than having patrons using Union Road to parkhich poses potential safety risks. Staff fully supports this request and therefore recommends that the County's restricted parking by-law be amended to include this area. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: It is anticipated that the requesting municipality will fund the costs of the required signage supply and installation, therefore the County will not realize any financial implications as a result. 63 2 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. A copy of this report and Council's resolution shall be sent to the Township of Southwold. CONCLUSION: The County has received a request from the Township of Southwold to establish a restricted parking along Union Road south of the Village of Shedden. Staff supports the request and has made the necessary revisions to the parking by-law for County Council's approval. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Peter Dutchak Manager of Transportation Services Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 64 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD Report to Council MEETING DATE: June 27, 2022 PREPARED BY: Peter Kavcic, Director of Infrastructure and Development Services REPORT NO: ENG 2022-27 SUBJECT MATTER: Union Road - Request for No Parking Signs Recommendation: THAT Council recommend the County of Elgin amend its Traffic and Parking Regulation By-law to restrict parking on both sides of Union Road from 645m south of Talbot Line to 870m south of Talbot Line. Purpose: The purpose of the report is for Council to recommend to Elgin County to amend their by-law to incorporate a no parking zone along Union Road near the Shedden soccer fields. Background: Staff have noticed parents parking along Union Road during soccer games rather than using the Township parking lots. This poses a safety risk to all road users on Union Road because sight lines are constrained, and commuters are not able to see if soccer balls are kicked onto the road, or if a child chases that soccer ball. The Township has a new parking lot that parents can use to park their vehicles rather than parking along Union Road. M-7 ENG 2022-27 Union Road - Request for No Parking Signs Page 2 Staff are recommending that Council request Elgin County amend their Traffic and Parking Regulation By-law to incorporate a no parking zone along Union Road near the soccer fields as per the recommendation. The cost to supply the material and install the signs will be paid by the Township as per the Road Maintenance Agreement. Financial Implications: Township will be required to pay for material and labour to install the no parking sign. Strategic Plan Goals: The above recommendation helps the Township meet the Strategic Plan Goal of: ❑ Promoting residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial development by ensuring policies and services are in place to support growth in The Township of Southwold. ❑ Promoting a healthy, naturally beautiful, and community -oriented municipality by encouraging and supporting involvement of volunteer organizations wishing to provide cultural and recreational activities in the Township of Southwold. ❑X Providing improved transportation and a strong commitment to asset management with a goal of maintaining the Township's infrastructure in the promotion of public safety ❑ Exercising good financial stewardship in the management of Township expenditures and revenues. ❑ Promoting public engagement, transparent government, and strong communications with all members of the community across various mediums for the strengthening of civic participation. Respectfully Submitted by: Peter Kavcic, P.Eng. Director of Infrastructure and Development Services "Submitted electronically" Approved by: Jeff Carswell, CAO/Clerk "Approved electronically" CORRESPONDENCE — July 12, 2022 Items for Consideration — (Attached) Letter from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation requesting County Council pass a resolution supporting the removal of the Highway 3 Bypass Designation and confirmation that the County of Elgin, Municipality of Central Elgin, and the City of St. Thomas will plan and construct, as part of their local road network, the transportation improvements that will be needed to address future growth and development in the area. M-4 Ministry of Ministere des Transportation Transports Office of the Minister Bureau de la ministre 777 Bay Street, 51h Floor 777, rue Bay, 5e etage Toronto ON M7A 1Z8 Toronto ON M7A 1Z8 416 327-9200 416 327-9200 Ontario www.ontario.ca/transportation www.ontario.ca/transports April 4, 2022 107-2022-1382 Mary French Warden County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 Dear Ms. French: In 2019, the ministry received correspondence from your office which shared the motion by the County of Elgin planned to pass a Council Resolution that stated the county is not interested in pursuing any further the Highway 3 Transportation Needs Assessment Study from St. Thomas to Aylmer. Following a meeting between the ministry and the county in June 2020, it was agreed that the ministry should take the study to completion. The study has now been completed. It has identified future capacity issues on Highway 3 beginning within the next 10 years — specifically in the southbound direction on Centennial Avenue, and eastbound direction east of Centennial Avenue. The study identifies a bypass as a reasonable alternative to alleviate the capacity issues and support future development. The proposed alignment for the bypass would extend east from the St. Thomas Expressway and Centennial Avenue intersection to just east of Springwater Road (along the currently designated bypass alignment north of existing Highway 3). The bypass would connect to the existing Highway 3 at some point in the vicinity of Springwater Road. In June 2021, the Town of Aylmer requested abandonment of the proposed bypass lands, and MTO removed the designation along Highway 3 located between Springwater Road and Talbot Line in the Township of Malahide and in the Town of Aylmer, County of Elgin. The revocation Order -In -Council applies to PARTS 1 and 2, as shown on the Ministry of Transportation Plan P-4117-00, which is attached. 12 68 -2- In September 2020 the ministry received a resolution from the Municipality of Central Elgin requesting that the ministry discontinue the study and remove restrictions to the lands within the bypass corridor. The ministry is open to undertaking the next steps to remove the designation. To do this, the ministry will require a Council Resolution that indicates: Elgin County's support for the removal of the designation; and confirmation that the County of Elgin, Municipality of Central Elgin and the City of St. Thomas will plan and construct, as part of their local road network, the transportation improvements that will be needed to address future growth and development in the area. The ministry will continue to monitor Highway 3, make necessary operational improvements, and continue to apply our access management guidelines to preserve the existing corridor. Thank you for the opportunity to work with the county on this matter. Sincerely, Caroline Mulroney Minister of Transportation c. Mr. Brian Lima, P. Eng, County of Elgin M-*1 m �„ � ..M. o k CLOSED MEETING AGENDA July 12, 2022 Staff Reports: 1) Chief Administrative Officer — Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Contract Negotiations 2) Chief Administrative Officer — Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Organizational Update (walk-on) 71 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 22-31 "TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW NO.20-05 BEING A CONSOLIDATED BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC INCLUDING PARKING ON COUNTY ROADS AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 22-23" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 210, of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. 20-05 for the regulation of traffic including parking on County Roads; AND WHEREAS now pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, an upper -tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section; AND WHEREAS said Table authorizes an upper -tier municipality to pass by-laws regulating parking and traffic on highways; AND WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to amend By -Law No. 20-05 to include a Schedule "D" to establish time -limited parking restrictions; AND WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to amend Schedule "D" to By - Law No. 20-05 to limit parking to two (2) hour increments on sections of County Road #4 (Bridge Street), County Road #4 (Colborne Street) and County Road #23 (Joseph Street) in the Village of Port Stanley; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to further amend Schedule "D" to By -Law No. 20- 05 to indicate that the aforementioned two (2) hour parking limits are applicable between 10a.m. and 5p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT By -Law No. 20-05 be and is hereby amended to include a Schedule "D" Time Limited Parking; and 2. THAT Schedule "D" of By -Law No. 20-05 be and is hereby amended to include time limited parking (two (2) hour limit) applicable between 10a.m. and 5p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, on the following sections: Bridge Street (CR 4), from the west property limits of Carlow Road to the east limits of Colborne Street, being a distance of 290 metres. Colborne Street (CR 4), from the south limit of Bridge Street to the north limit of Warren Street, being a distance of 1,140 metres. Joseph Street (CR 23), from the east limits of Colborne Street to the east limits of East Road, being a distance of 280 metres; and 3. THAT By -Law 22-23 is hereby repealed; and 4. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the installation of appropriate signage indicating said Time Limited Parking Zones. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF JULY 2022. Julie Gonyou, Mary French Chief Administrative Officer. Warden 72 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 22-32 "TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW NO.20-05 BEING A CONSOLIDATED BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC INCLUDING PARKING ON COUNTY ROADS" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 210, of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. 20-05 for the regulation of traffic including parking on County Roads; AND WHEREAS now pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, an upper -tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section; AND WHEREAS said Table authorizes an upper -tier municipality to pass by-laws regulating parking and traffic on highways; AND WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to amend Schedule "B" to By - Law No. 20-05 to restrict parking on sections of County Road #20 (Union Road), in the Village of Shedden; AND WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to amend Schedule "B" to By - Law No. 20-05 to include these restrictions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Schedule "B" of By -Law No. 20-05 be and is hereby amended to include the following sections: Union Road (CR 20) from 645m south of Talbot Line to 870m south of Talbot Line on both the east and west side of Union Road. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the removal of appropriate signage indicating said No Parking Zones. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF JULY 2022. Julie Gonyou, Mary French Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 73