17 - August 9, 2022 County Council Agenda PackagecallUmmoii m� ,ailg n Progressive, by Nature If1ULG OF CONTENTS Orders — Tuesday, August 9, 2022............................................................. 2 Elgin County Council Minutes — July 26, 2022............................................. 3 ReportsIndex........................................................................................ 19 Report — Organizational Culture Initiative — Update & Draft HR Policy ................. 20 Report — December 2022 Council Meeting Date Change ................................. 47 Report — Traffic Study — Village of Port Stanley ............................................. 49 Report — Corporate Asset Management Plan ................................................ 55 Report — Centennial Avenue and Elm Line Roundabout Revised Landscaping 207 Options............................................................................................... . Report — Appointment of Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk (alternate) and 212 Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer .......................................... Correspondence — Items for Information...................................................... 215 Correspondence — Southwestern Public Health Annual Report 2021................. 216 Correspondence — TVDSB Accommodation Plan 2022................................... 223 Correspondence — Ministry of Infrastructure AHSIP Announcement Update........ 338 Correspondence — Long -Term Care Home Job Fair Poster ............................. 349 Closed Session Agenda — August 9, 2022................................................... 350 By -Law 22-37- Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (alternate) ............................ 351 By -Law 22-38 — Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer .......................................... 352 ay", callUmmoii m� ,ailg n Progressive, by Nature ORDERS OF THE DAY For Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 9:00 A.M. Location: Masonic Centre of Elgin, 42703 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas ON 1 St Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes — July 26, 2022 31d Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee of the Whole Council" 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence 1. Items for Consideration — none. 2. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th Other Business 1. Statements/Inquiries by Members 2. Notice of Motion 3. Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 13th Consideration of By -Laws 14th Adjournment NOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: Accessible formats available upon request. 0 Page 1 July 26, 2022 progry SSA'' by MINI e :IIce] 1►[d0111►11W019111►Eel lI MINUTES July 26, 2022 Elgin County Council met this 26th day of July 2022 at the Masonic Centre of Elgin, 42703 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas ON. The meeting was held in a hybrid format with Councillors and staff participating as indicated below. Council Present: Warden Mary French (Masonic Centre) Deputy Warden Tom Marks (Masonic Centre) Councillor Duncan McPhail (Masonic Centre) Councillor Bob Purcell (Masonic Centre) Councillor Grant Jones (Virtual) Councillor Sally Martyn (Virtual) Councillor Dave Mennill (Masonic Centre) Councillor Dominique Giguere (Masonic Centre) Councillor Ed Ketchabaw (Masonic Centre) Staff Present: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer (Masonic Centre) Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise/Deputy CAO (Masonic Centre) Stephen Gibson, County Solicitor (Virtual) Nicholas Loeb, Senior Legal Counsel (Virtual) Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer (Masonic Centre) Jeff Brock, Director of Information Technology Services (Masonic Centre) Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (Masonic Centre) Delany Leitch, Business Enterprise Facilitator (Masonic Centre) CALL TO ORDER The meeting convened at 9:02 a.m. with Warden French in the chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 12, 2022 be adopted. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 Motion Carried. U1 pill 01411:7:991a,xd11►1/e1:Yd1►111:1:1*1&I► DIN 1a:Krl:I►1:IMill 0►/e'llV1:7:11111:1:11:7x919 None. Page 2 July 26, 2022 4. PRESENTING PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS None. 5. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole Council. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 Motion Carried. 6. REPORTS OF COUNCIL, OUTSIDE BOARDS AND STAFF 6.1 Warden's Activity Report (June/July) and COVID-19 Update — Warden French Warden French presented the report summarizing her activities in June/July 2022 and the current status of COVID-19 in Elgin County. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor McPhail RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Warden's Activity Report (June/July) and COVID-19 Update" from Warden French dated, July 19, 2022 be received and filed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 Motion Carried. 6.2 Funding Challenge from Town of AVlmer Re: AVlmer-Malahide Museum and Archives — Recommendation from RIPA Committee — Councillor Ketchabaw Page 3 July 26, 2022 Councillor Ketchabaw presented the report detailing the recommendation from the RIPA Committee regarding the funding challenge from the Town of Aylmer in support of the Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Funding Challenge from the Town of Aylmer Re: Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives — Recommendation from RIPA Committee" dated July 15, 2022 from Councillor Ketchabaw, Chair of the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed; and THAT County Council consider the recommendation from the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee that Council provide a one-time donation of $10,000 to the Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives capital campaign. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 2 7 - Motion Defeated. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Funding Challenge from the Town of Aylmer Re: Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives — Recommendation from RIPA Committee" dated July 15, 2022 from Councillor Ketchabaw, Chair of the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 Motion Carried. 6.3 Restricted Acts of Council Durinq Election Period; Delegation of Authority to Chief Administrative Officer By -Law — Manager, Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk The Manager, Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk presented the report seeking approval and authorization for a by-law that will delegate authority to the Chief Administrative Officer the powers of Council that may be restricted by section 275 of the Municipal Act, 2001, during the upcoming election period. Page 4 July 26, 2022 Moved by: Councillor Giguere Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the within Report to Council, dated July 18, 2022, and entitled "Restricted Acts of Council During Election Period; Delegation of Authority to Chief Administrative Officer By -Law" be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve and authorize the delegation of authority By -Law No. 22-34, "Being A By -Law to Delegate Authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to Act in the Event that the Council's Actions Become Restricted Under Section 275 of the Municipal Act, 2001" Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 Motion Carried. 6.4 Wildflower Plot Design and Elgin County Native Species Plantings Guidelines — Manager, Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk The Manager, Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk presented the report seeking approval of the design for the Wildflower Plot at Elgin Manor Long Term Care Home, as recommended by the Environmental Advisory Committee and approval of the "Elgin County Native Species Planting Guidelines." Moved by: Councillor Jones Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Wildflower Plot Design and Native Species Plantings Guidelines" from the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk, dated July 19, 2022, be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve the design for the Wildflower Plot, as recommended by the Environmental Advisory Committee, and that the repurposing of an existing garden at Elgin Manor begin in the autumn of 2022; and THAT County Council approve the "Elgin County Native Species Plantings Guidelines". Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X Page 5 July 26, 2022 TOTAL 9 0 Motion Carried. 6.5 Investment Policy — Director of Financial Services/Treasurer The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report seeking approval for an Investment Policy that will ensure that the County remains in compliance with relevant Sections and Regulations as outlined in the Municipal Act by providing the framework for staff to utilize when making investment decisions on behalf of the County. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT the July 18, 2022, report titled "Investment Policy", submitted by the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, be received; and THAT Council approve the attached Policy entitled "Investment Policy 2022" as reviewed by the Budget Committee on July 12, 2022. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 - Motion Carried. 6.6 Council Authorization for Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) Submission — Director of Financial Services/Treasurer The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report seeking Council authorization for a submission to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) regarding the Terrace Lodge Rebuild project. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT the July 18th, 2022 report titled "Council Authorization for Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Submission," submitted by the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, be received by County Council, and THAT the By-law necessary to fulfill the OILC requirements be read and approved by Council, and THAT the Warden, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk and Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to sign the necessary attached documentation, including the finalized version of the Financing agreement, once received, in order to secure financing for the rebuild of the Terrace Lodge Long Term Care Home. Page 6 July 26, 2022 Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 - Motion Carried. 6.7 Revised Condition for Draft Plan Approval of Vacant Land Condominium. Part of Lot 37, East of John Street, Plan 164 (Town of Aylmer); Part of Lot 84, Concession South of Talbot Road (former Township of Malahide), Town of Aylmer, County of Elgin Applicant: Mike Pletch / Dillon Consulting Limited Owner: Jacob Hiebert File No.: 34CD-AY2102 — General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report providing Council with the necessary information to consider a minor revision to Condition No. 4 of the February 8, 2022 Decision regarding the approval of the above noted draft plan of condominium. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approve a minor revision to Condition No. 4 of the February 8, 2022 Decision regarding the approval of a Draft Plan of Condominium proposed by Dillon Consulting Ltd. in the Town of Aylmer, File No. 34CD-AY2102; and THAT staff be directed to prepare a new Decision to reflect the revisions to Condition No. 4 of the original, as well as a new decision lapsing date of July 12, 2025, in accordance with the date of Council's new Decision. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n X Central Elgin DeputyWarden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 9 0 - Motion Carried. 6.8 Centennial Avenue and Elm Line Roundabout Landscaping Options — General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO The General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise/Deputy CAO presented the report requesting Council feedback on the landscaping design for the centre of the roundabout at Centennial Avenue and Elm Line. Page 7 July 26, 2022 Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the report titled, "Centennial Avenue and Elm Line Roundabout Landscaping Options" from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated July 14, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT staff be directed to proceed with decorative landscaping as currently contemplated in the roundabout design prepared by BT Engineering Inc.; and THAT staff provide a follow-up report to Council regarding landscaping options associated with the decorative landscaping for the Centennial Avenue and Elm Line roundabout, reflecting Council's preference for a naturalized or hybrid landscaping plan that aligns with Council's Native Species Plantings Guidelines. Councillor Martyn left the meeting with notice. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. 6.9 Connectivity Advocacy Plan — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report seeking Council approval of the Connectivity Advocacy Plan as recommended by the Connectivity Committee. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer entitled "Connectivity Advocacy Plan", dated July 21, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT Council approve the Plan as recommended by the Connectivity Committee on July 20, 2022. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. Page 8 July 26, 2022 6.10 EMS Response Bags —Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report seeking Council authorization of an additional $22,316.80 in funding to augment the $16,000 previously budgeted in 2021 to support the replacement of sixteen (16) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) medical response bags. Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer titled "EMS Response Bags — Replacement' dated July 20th, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve an additional $22,316.80 in funding to augment the $16,000 previously budgeted in 2021 to support the replacement of sixteen (16) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) medical response bags. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. 6.11 Fire Training Officer Cost Sharinq Agreement — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report seeking Council approval and authorization for the form, distribution and execution of a Fire Training Officer Cost Sharing Agreement attached hereto as Appendix "A" (the "Agreement') with County of Elgin local municipal partners. Moved by: Deputy Warden Marks Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT 1. The within Report to Council, dated July 21, 2022, and entitled "Fire Training Officer Cost Sharing Agreement' be received and filed; 2. County Council approve the form of the Fire Training Officer Cost Sharing Agreement attached hereto as Appendix "A" subject to any clerical adjustments that may be required; 3. County Council authorize that County staff distribute the Fire Training Officer Cost Sharing Agreement to all local municipal partners. 4. Upon receipt of a duly executed agreement from the local municipal partners, County Council hereby authorizes the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer to execute the Fire Training Officer Cost Sharing Agreement. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n 10 Page 9 July 26, 2022 Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. 6.12 Community Emergency Management Support for Local Municipal Partners — Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report outlining recommendations regarding the precedent Agreement for the provision of Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Services to Elgin's Local Municipal Partners. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT County Council approve the precedent Agreement for the provision of Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Services to Elgin's Local Municipal Partners; and THAT the precedent Agreement for the provision of Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Services be circulated to Elgin's Local Municipal Partners for consideration; and THAT upon receipt of a duly executed agreement from interested Local Municipal Partners, County Council hereby authorizes the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer to execute the precedent Agreement for the provision of Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Services. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin DeputyWarden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Items for Consideration None. 7.2 Items for Information 7.2.1 Response from Inspector Mark Loucas, Elgin OPP, to the County's request for the Elgin OPP to conduct speed and traffic counts on Ron McNeil Line at the west village limit in the Village of Springfield. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Giguere m Page 10 July 26, 2022 RESOLVED THAT correspondence from Inspector Mark Loucas, Elgin OPP, regarding the County's request for the Elgin OPP to conduct speed and traffic counts on Ron McNeil Line at the west village limit in the Village of Springfield be received and filed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. 8. OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members None. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of UrgencV 8.3.1 Deputy Warden Marks commented on an influx of resident inquiries concerning traffic speed on Colborne Street and East Road in Port Stanley. Staff will bring forward a report to the next Council meeting outlining available traffic slowing measures. 9. CLOSED MEETING ITEMS Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2): In -Camera Item #1 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Contract Extension In -Camera Item #2 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees —Organizational Update In -Camera Item #3 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — Security of Property In -Camera Item #4 (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations 12 Page 11 July 26, 2022 carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Contract Negotiations In -Camera Item #5 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them, and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Property Matter (Walk -On) In -Camera Item #6 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Organizational Update (walk-on) In -Camera Item #7 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them, and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Property Matter (Walk -On) Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones X Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 8 0 - Motion Carried. Councillor Jones left the meeting following Closed Session. 10. MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT we do now rise and report. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X 13 Page 12 July 26, 2022 TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #1 — Contract Extension Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor McPhail RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #2 —Organizational Update Moved by: Deputy Warden Marks Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #3 — Security of Property Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X 14 Page 13 July 26, 2022 Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #4 — Contract Negotiations Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor McPhail RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #5 — Property Matter Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. In -Camera Item #6 —Organizational Update Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Purcell RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail I X 15 Page 14 July 26, 2022 Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. CAO Julie Gonyou left the meeting in advance of discussion of In -Camera Item #7. County Solicitor Steve Gibson acted as Clerk. In -Camera Item #7 — ProDerty Matter Moved by: Councillor McPhail Seconded by: Councillor Mennill RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. fiI LTA [9111IQ►ari7el Biel a2N*oli] LTA ILTA 1:11►IBUN IIf] Psa:Z9] LTA I1a:9di1LTA ILTA lIII a1:11 :901a1:I:ILTA10IC4:4 Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin DeputyWarden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. 16 Page 15 July 26, 2022 12. CONSIDERATION OF BY-LAWS 12.1 By -Law No. 22-34 — Regulation of Traffic— Delegation of Authority BEING a By -Law to delegate authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to act in the event that the Council's actions become restricted under Section 275 of the Municipal Act, 2001. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 22-34 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. 12.2 By -Law No. 22-35 — Borrowing BEING a By -Law to authorize the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation ("OILC") for financing of certain ongoing capital work(s) of Corporation of the County of Elgin (the "Municipality"); to authorize temporary borrowing from OILC to meet expenditures in connection with such capital work(s); and to authorize long-term borrowing for such capital work(s) through the issue of debentures to OILC. Moved by: Councillor Mennill Seconded by: Councillor McPhail RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 22-35 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 Motion Carried. 17 Page 16 July 26, 2022 12.3 By -Law No. 22-36 — Confirming all Actions and Proceedings BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 26, 2022 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Purcell Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 22-36 be now read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin Deputy Warden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 - Motion Carried. 14. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Deputy Warden Marks Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 12:22 p.m. to meet again on August 9, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Recorded Vote Yes No Abstain West Elgin Councillor Duncan McPhail X Dutton Dunwich Councillor Bob Purcell X Southwold Councillor Grant Jones Central Elgin Councillor Sally Mart n Central Elgin DeputyWarden Tom Marks X Malahide Councillor Dave Mennill X Malahide Councillor Dominique Gi uere X Ba ham Councillor Ed Ketchabaw X Aylmer Warden Mary French X TOTAL 7 0 - Motion Carried. Julie Gonyou, Mary French, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 18 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF August 9, 2022 Staff Reports —ATTACHED Director of Human Resources — Organizational Culture Initiative — Update & Draft HR Policy Manager of Administrative Services — December 2022 Council Meeting Date Change General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO — Traffic Study — Village of Port Stanley General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO — Corporate Asset Management Plan General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO — Centennial Avenue and Elm Line Roundabout Revised Landscaping Options Chief Administrative Officer— Appointment of Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk (alternate) and Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer `N REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Amy Thomson Director of Human Resources DATE: August 9, 2022 Prug1ressive by Nature SUBJECT: Organizational Culture Initiative — Update & Draft HR Policy RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT HR Policy 2.80 and 2.80.1 - Civility and Respect - Policy & Procedures against Harassment and Discrimination be approved as drafted by the County Management Team; and THAT previously approved HR Policies 2.80 (Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Policy & Procedure), 2.80.1 (Commitment to Civil Workplace Environment and Workplace Interactions), and associated appendices 2.80a and 2.80b, be replaced in entirety; and THAT the report titled "Organizational Culture Initiative — Update & Draft HR Policy" dated August 9, 2022 from the Director of Human Resources be received and filed. INTRODUCTION: As discussed with Council and the Budget Committee previously in 2019 and 2020, the County is undertaking work aimed at improving overall workplace health and wellness, in the form of organizational culture improvement initiatives. Improving corporate culture takes time and ongoing effort; therefore, we are planning over the long-term and a multi- faceted approach is needed. DISCUSSION: This report is to provide County Council an update on organizational culture work that is presently underway. Late in 2021, we initiated the `Respect Lives Here' program with consultant Sara Luther from Forward Working, as discussed in detail during the 2021 budget deliberations. The program is very much tailored to our organization and aligns with principles of organizational change and culture improvement. The primary phase of this program included engagement of the entire leadership team across the organization. Management team members have a significant impact on workplace culture; this is why the program started by specifically engaging leadership and identified key influencers. Leaders must set the example when it comes to acceptable workplace attitudes and behaviours. We completed four (4) 75-minute 2 sessions with Sara Luther, and through that engagement and the work of a smaller focus group of eight (8) volunteers, the attached Policy and Procedure have been developed. These two documents will replace the four dated policies listed within the recommendation. Given the collaborative efforts at developing these documents, we anticipate having better buy -in and adoption across the organization as we move forward through the training and implementation process. This work is toward the development of systems to support the culture that we want. Some additional organizational culture initiatives to date include- - Leadership training and development opportunities - Long-term Care Home specific facilitated sessions (Fall 2020, and Fall 2021) — additional sessions based on the Respect Lives Here program planned for early 2023 - Addition of mental health supports to existing benefit plans, providing options beyond psychologists to expand options for mental health support to staff and their covered family members - Homewood Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EFAP) provision with strong uptake and usage by staff; sharing of wellness resources throughout the pandemic Toxic culture and incivility in the workplace occur in part due to insufficient policies or resources to support leaders, lack of leadership training, and leadership allowance of detrimental behaviours. Once the appropriate leadership training and policies are in place to support leaders in consistently ensuring positive workplace behaviours and attitudes, we should gradually see improvement in areas of toxic culture as it will not be tolerated or allowed. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: All initiatives within approved 2022 budget parameters. `A 3 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ® Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ❑ Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. CONCLUSION: Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ® Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. Ultimately, our goal is to foster a safe and healthy work environment for all staff. This includes a psychologically safe workplace, and targeted initiatives will continue to be developed to maintain and further improve our corporate culture across all of our workplaces. Much work is left for us to do in the coming months and years, but we are proud of the work that the extended management team has accomplished so far! All of which is Respectfully Submitted Amy Thomson Director of Human Resources Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer `�: S/° ��IIIIOIIVuumu � m County of Elgin Progressive byNa""ure Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Civility & Respect Part A: Policy & Procedures Against Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Policy Number: 2.80 Date Approved: Date Last Revision: July 2022 Code: A Section: 2 Guided by the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, Elgin County has intentionally considered what we expect from each other to strive towards an inclusive and equitable workplace culture. To create an environment where how our people are treated is an ongoing priority, we have adopted expectations that are beyond the legislative requirements of no discrimination and harassment and instead set a high bar of investing in a foundation of respect and civility. We appreciate that a respectful environment is one where people feel valued for who they are, the work they contribute and the experiences they have with Elgin County. We know the importance of honouring differences, building trust and the power of standing in support of one another. We also strive to empower our people to believe that how they are treated is a critical factor in our collective success as an organization. This includes acknowledging that conflict will occur and that our culture encourages seeking support and speaking up in service of our valued relationships with each other and those we service. Elgin County prides itself on building a workplace environment where everyone commits to positive intent and understands there is shared accountability to address and resolve issues early and successfully. Working with us means that everyone matters. 23 // Comma)10 �11Yl�li,�;,�. �I Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination Part A I Policy PURPOSE....................................................................................................................................................... 0 Tableof Contents: ........................................................................................................................................ I 1. APPLICATION & SCOPE.......................................................................................................................... 2 2. COMMITMENT TO CONFLICT RESOLUTION..........................................................................................2 3. KEY LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK.............................................................................................................2 4. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (How we all contribute)............................................................................3 a. Everyone........................................................................................................................................... 3 b. Senior Leadership (CAO & Department Heads)................................................................................3 C. Management (Inclusive of all leadership positions).........................................................................4 d. Human Resources.............................................................................................................................4 e. Employees.........................................................................................................................................5 f. Other Stakeholders (Public/Contractors/Vendors, etc.)...................................................................5 5. DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................................................................6 6. TRAINING & EDUCATION (How we embed it in our culture)..............................................................13 7. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES....................................................................................................................13 rr lgrn a"ounty f"togrrsslve h""y Iatur III 24 Co/I p mm a)�11Y1('�li,�;,�. �I Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MlkI lye Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination .. f�f�LI lIO SCOPE This Policy applies to members of County Council, all employees of the County of Elgin and stakeholders that govern and/or interact with the County of Elgin. This includes, but may not be limited to, job applicants, volunteers, contractors, suppliers, vendors, service recipients (i.e., library patrons), clients (i.e., Long -Term Care Home Residents) and members of the public. (Collectively referred to as "stakeholders") The Scope of this Policy covers activities that are both work -related and can also extend to non - work -related activities (i.e., social media) that impacts the reputation and/or professional relationships of stakeholders. See the "Definitions" section for details on what constitutes "the workplace". ��II�I�I�I�II ��III III IIII�I Conflict will happen in our organization and between stakeholders. Normal and healthy conflict that is resolved quickly can build our relationships and strengthen our workplace culture. Unhealthy conflict or conflict that is not resolved in a timely manner can cause individual and collective harm. To encourage early resolution our Policy goes beyond the legal expectations of ensuring no discrimination or harassment and include incivility as behaviour that is not acceptable. We appreciate that there are barriers that delay or impede people from speaking up. This may include fear of reprisal, concern about reputation, worry about job security or not having sufficient knowledge about what support is available. Our commitment is to work to break these barriers down. As such, we ask that everyone step forward and help our organization become skilled in conflict resolution through our collective commitment to learn and grow together and live up to our respective roles and responsibilities. Please consult Part B: Conflict Resolution Process to understand our approach. 3 KEY' LEGISI.AlTIVE FRAMEWORK. Legislative Obligations Both the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) are laws that aim to address systemic mistreatment and set an expectation of the r" lgln Q,CkP: my PR'CkgB4';"a;"lve By I" atP:1P'k' `1. Co// p mm a)�11Y1('�li,�:,�. �I Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination employer's responsibilities. Reference to these laws is found throughout the Policy and Procedure as they create the legislative expectations of a workplace being free from discrimination and harassment. Specifically, the Ontario Human Rights Code addresses the demographics that have been historically marginalized in the categories of 1) employment (including job applicants), 2) services and facilities, 3) accommodations and 4) contracts. Further, the OHRC protects specifically individuals or groups based on a number of prohibited grounds (i.e., race, sex, disability). The OHRC has primacy over all other Ontario laws and contracts (i.e., collective bargaining). The Occupational Health and Safety Act applies only to workplaces. It establishes that "workplace harassment", "sexual harassment" and "violence" are hazards and create expectations of employer engagement and oversight. Both laws protect against reprisal. II. Intent vs. Impact When assessing an incident or pattern of conduct/behaviour that could be a breach of this Policy, it is necessary to determine what likely happened. However, the intent behind the conduct/behaviour is irrelevant in determining whether a breach occurred (i.e., the finding of incivility, harassment, discrimination). The focus is whether the behaviour or conduct had an adverse impact on others. It is important to note that unintentional behaviour where there is remorse can provide more non -punitive options for resolution as compared to intentional behaviour where harm was the motive. . ROLES & f~ :ESPONSif [i.i°i'l.ES "IlowwaUc,otf f t f( m "on • be aware of the expectations of behaviour as created by this Policy; • seek to understand if clarity of rights and responsibilities is required; • treat those covered by the Policy in a respectful manner and not engage in behaviour that would constitute a breach of this Policy; • fully participate in processes to resolve issues and action plans; and • maintain confidentiality related to investigations and do not engage in acts of reprisal • provide leadership in creating and maintaining a culture of respect and civility; Elgln Q,C;kPunty PR'CkgB4';"a;"lve By I" ctPure `1 Co/, p mm a)�11Yl�li,�;,�. �I Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MlkI lye Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination • actively promote and connect the expectations of this Policy with Elgin County's overall strategic priorities; • ensure a consistent approach to conflict resolution through the implementation of established Procedures and resources c. Management (Inclusive o "all leader,,ship positions • model respectful behaviour, set and enforce standards of appropriate workplace conduct; • have thorough knowledge of the Policy and Procedure; • seek opportunities to provide staff with education (informal and formal) regarding respect, civility, harassment, discrimination; • actively address incivility to help prevent escalation to incidents or complaints of harassment and discrimination, • address complaints/incidents of harassment/discrimination/reprisal involving anyone who is required to abide by this Policy; • seek guidance and/or assistance from Human Resources when assessing the application of this Policy to incidents/complaints to determine course of action and ensure a consistent approach; • if assuming investigation role, follow protocols as established by Human Resources and as outlined in the Procedure (Part B); • cooperate with investigations being conducted by Elgin County or external investigators; • where the Policy has been breached, actively oversee action plan to ensure inappropriate behaviours have ceased and resolution achieved and maintained; and • contact Human Resources if the Ministry of Labour is onsite for an inspection relating to allegations of workplace harassment d. Human Resources • Model respectful behaviour, set and enforce standards of appropriate workplace conduct; • Create, oversee, implement and advise on policies, procedures and related resources to help guide the organization with creating and maintaining a culture of respect and the prevention of incivility/harassment/discrimination; • create education and training opportunities for both management and staff and consider opportunities to promote respectful behaviour by patrons, contractors, vendors, suppliers; • provide unbiased advice and support to all levels of management and staff; PW /, p Comma)10 �11Yl�li,�;,�. �I Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination • advise and assist management to ensure approaches to addressing incivility/harassment/discrimination are consistent with this Policy and established procedures; • offer and provide mediation and/or coaching at appropriate stages; • undertake impartial, independent investigations when it is assessed Human Resources should be the lead; • retain and provide oversight to external consultants and/or investigators when deemed necessary; • share appropriate details of investigation results; • work with management to determine, where necessary, appropriate corrective actions to address policy breaches and ensure appropriate follow through on remedial actions; • review this Policy on an annual basis in consultation with the Joint Health and Safety Committee; • ensure current version of this Policy and Procedure is posted in all work locations; and • prepare and provide periodic reports and statistics regarding the use of the Policy to be reviewed by senior leadership as requested, or required by law e Ernplo.yees • know and understand rights and responsibilities under the Policy; • engage in respectful behaviours, be accountable and adapt behaviours that are appropriate for the workplace, including civility; • when negatively affected by comments or conduct of others, consult Procedure to understand options to resolve and available resources; • seek assistance from anyone in management and/or human resources (unionized members can also consult union rep at any time for guidance); • document details of incivility/harassment/discrimination that are experienced or witnessed; • co-operate in interventions and investigations to resolve issues; and • co-operate in resolution action plans • treat employees in a respectful manner and not engage in behaviour that would constitute a breach of this Policy; • if involved in a complaint, participate in any resolution processes; and • adhere to resolution outcomes determined to rectify the situation. 28 Co// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�: Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination DEFIN111FIONS Shared understanding of the language used in the Policy, or related terms is essential. Below are the key definitions related to our legislative obligations and Policy commitments. Please see link to the Ontario Human Rights Code Glossary of Terms in the Additional Resource section. Allegation An allegation is an unproven assertion or statement based on a person's perspective that the policy has been violated. Complaint A written or verbal report by an individual (complainant) alleging that they have experienced or witnessed conduct that would be a violation of this Policy. Depending on the nature of the complaint, Elgin County will determine the appropriate approach (i.e., coaching, mediation, staff meetings, investigation). Complainant The person alleging that discrimination or harassment occurred. There can be more than one complainant making the same or similar allegations. Conflict In the context of human interaction, it is the experience between two or more people where the interactions create, or result in, a difficult or challenging experience where at least one individual is impacted (disrespected, not heard, undervalued, frustrated). Conflict is normal and to be expected, especially as it can be caused unintentionally. However, it is the skills and commitment to resolve that will ensure it does not escalate and cause greater harm. Discrimination Discrimination is any practice or behaviour, whether intentional or not, which has a negative impact on an individual or group protected in the Ontario Human Rights Code (e.g., disability, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc.) by excluding, denying benefits, or imposing burdens upon them. Discrimination may arise as a result of direct differential treatment, or it may result from the unequal effect of treating individuals and groups in the same way. Either way, if the effect on the individual is to withhold or limit full, equal and meaningful access to goods, services, facilities, employment, housing accommodation or contracts available to other members of society and their membership in a prohibited ground was a factor, it is discrimination. (See definition of prohibited ground below) Duty to Accommodate W1 Co// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�: Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination The legal obligation to take steps to eliminate disadvantage caused by systemic, attitudinal, or physical barriers that unfairly exclude individuals or groups protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Failure to accommodate a person short of undue hardship is a form of discrimination. Employee For the purpose of this policy, the term employee includes job applicants, employees (part-time/full-time) or those on contract with Elgin County. Equal Treatment Equal treatment is treatment that brings about an equality of results and that may, in some instances, require different treatment. For example, to give all employees equal treatment in entering a building, it may be necessary to provide a ramp for an employee who requires the use of a wheelchair. Equity Fairness, impartiality, even-handedness. A distinct process of recognizing differences within groups of individuals and using this understanding to achieve substantive equality in all aspects of a person's life. (Source: Ontario Human Rights Commission, Glossary of terms Gender Identity Gender Identity is each person's internal and individual experiences of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person's gender may be the same as or different from their birth -assigned sex. Gender Expression Gender Expression is how a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person's chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender. Examples of harassment related to the ground of sex, sexual orientation, gender expression and/or gender identity include but are not limited to: • sexually suggestive or obscene remarks or gestures • use of homophobic or transphobic epithets, slurs or jokes • insults, comments that ridicule, humiliate or demean people because of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. • behaviour that polices and/or reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms • intrusive comments, questions or insults about a person's body, physical characteristics, gender -related medical procedures, clothing, mannerisms or other forms of gender expression. • negative stereotypical comments about an individual's physical characteristics or mannerisms and/or behaviours that reinforce traditional heterosexual gender norms • circulation or posting of homophobic, transphobic, sexist, derogatory or offensive signs, caricatures, graffiti, pictures, jokes or cartoons, display of pin-up calendars, objectifying images or other materials w ����III�IIIIIIII rr l��rr� a"�;r�:�r�t�r f.t�r��r,,;,i�aa� hy Iatur i' 19191 Co// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�; Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination • leering (suggestive staring) at a person's body, • unwelcome physical contact, • having to work in a sexualized environment (bragging about sexual prowess, or discussions about sexual activities), • exercising power over another person, making them feel unwelcome or putting them 'in their place' — regardless of whether the behaviour is motivated by sexual interest • spreading rumours about, "outing", or threatening to "out" someone • refusing to refer to a person by their self -identified name and personal proper pronoun • other threats, unwelcome touching, violence and physical assault Harassment Harassment is legally defined through both the Ontario Human Rights Code, referred to as "Code -based Harassment", and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, referred to as "Workplace (non -Code) Harassment". It is a form of discrimination if it is Code -based Harassment. Harassment may result from a single significant incident or a series of incidents. Harassment often involves a course or grouping of behaviours. However, a single serious incident of such behaviour that has a lasting harmful effect on an employee may also constitute harassment. Code -based Harassment Defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome based on one or more of the prohibited. The prohibited grounds include: race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex (including pregnancy, breast feeding), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status and disability. Examples of Code -based harassment that is based on a prohibited ground include, but are not limited to: • slurs or derogatory remarks; • threats; • inappropriate jokes, innuendos, name-calling, teasing, embarrassing practical jokes; • insulting gestures; • displaying pin-ups, pornography, racist, homophobic or other offensive materials; • use of electronic communications such as the internet and e-mail to harass; • actions that invade privacy; • spreading rumours that damage one's reputation; • refusing to work with another; • condescending or patronizing behaviour; • abuse of authority which undermines performance or threatens careers. rr lgrn a"ounty f"togrsslve h""y Iatur 195 Co/I p mm a)�11Y1('�li,�; Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MlkI lye Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination • unwelcome touching, physical assault or sexual assault (which can also be violations of Canada's Criminal Code). Workplace Harassment Defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Under this definition there is no requirement for a prohibited ground to be identified. Examples of workplace harassment include a pattern of: • frequent angry shouting/yelling or blow-ups • regular use of profanity and abusive language • verbal or e-mail threats (not including threats to exercise physical force which are covered by the workplace violence policy) • intimidating behaviours - slamming doors, throwing objects • targeting individual(s) in humiliating practical jokes, • excluding, shunning, impeding work performance • spreading gossip, rumours, negative blogging, cyber-bullying • retaliation, bullying, sabotaging • unsubstantiated criticism, unreasonable demands • frequent insults and/or name calling • public humiliation • communication that is demeaning, insulting, humiliating, mocking • intent to harm • a single, serious incident that has a lasting, harmful impact Workplace harassment does not include: • incivility • legitimate performance/probation management • appropriate exercise and delegation of managerial authority • operational directives/direction of workers or the workplace • other reasonable action(s) taken by management • a disagreement or misunderstanding • conflict between co-workers • work related change of location, co-workers, job assignment • appropriate discipline • rudeness unless it is extreme and repetitive • conditions in the workplace that generate stress (technological change, impending layoff, a new boss, friction with other employees, workload, etc.) r" lgln Q.C;kP. my I": rRCkgR4";"a;"lve By I" atPure J IIIII���III KYA M,�o// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�; Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination This policy is not intended to interfere with constructive feedback regarding performance or operational directives provided to employees by their supervisors, managers or directors. Racial Discrimination Harassment on the ground of race. It may also be associated with the grounds of colour, ancestry, where a person was born, a person's religious belief, ethnic background, citizenship or even a person's language. Racial harassment/discrimination can include: • racial slurs orjokes • ridicule, insults or different treatment because of your racial identity • posting/e-mailing cartoons or pictures that degrade persons of a particular racial group • name-calling because of a person's race, colour, citizenship, place of origin, ancestry, ethnicity or creed Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on the prohibited ground of sex under the Code. It is also prohibited under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Workplace sexual harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in the workplace because of sex/sexual orientation/gender identity/gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. It also includes making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome. Incident Incident is not legally defined, however crucial to the obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Elgin County adopts the City of Toronto's definition: An incident is an event or occurrence in which discriminatory and/or harassing behaviour is exhibited in the workplace. An incident includes situations where an individual knows or ought to have reasonably known that the behaviour is contrary to this policy. An incident may not have to be raised to management directly by a complainant (e.g., an employee vents to a manager about being mistreated by another employee. Although the employee is not formally "complaining", there may be sufficient information to create an obligation on the manager to inquiry and address the situation.) Incivility Incivility is not harassment and not defined by law. However, it is the first level of conduct that impacts a respectful environment. It is subtle or overt, deviant behaviour where intent can be ambiguous. It is characterized by rude, discourteous interactions that display a lack of regard for others. Examples of incivility include: • eye rolling • interrupting • skipping basic greetings • use of negative language I�� 33 M,�o// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�; Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination • belittling of opinions, experience, skills • arriving late • dismissiveness • taking credit for other people's work • not being prepared for meetings or • not being present during meetings (i.e., collaborative initiatives constantly checking phone or doing other work) • disrespectful sounds Mediation A confidential dispute resolution process, during which a neutral third party assists two or more parties to resolve conflict. It is a voluntary process where parties in dispute consent to meet with a trained mediator to determine whether the dispute can be resolved in a mutually satisfactory manner. Mediation discussions between parties are treated as private and confidential to the full extent permitted by law. Poisoned Work Environment This is a form of indirect Code -based harassment/discrimination. It occurs when comments or actions ridicule or demean a person or group creating real or perceived inequalities in the workplace. Pornography, pin-ups, offensive cartoons, insulting slurs or jokes, and malicious gossip (even when they are not directed towards a specific employee or group of employees) creating intolerable work conditions, have been found to "poison the work environment" for employees. Prohibited Grounds Refers to the list of grounds for which a person or group is protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code. The grounds include: • Race • ethic origin • sexual orientation • ancestry • citizenship • gender identity • place of origin • creed • gender expression • colour • sex (including • disability pregnancy) • age • Record of • Family status offences • marital status Under legislation, case law and this Policy, there are protections where there is a perception that one of the prohibited grounds applies or where someone is treated differently because of an association or relationship with a person identified by one of the above grounds. Reasonable Person Test 34 M,�o// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�; Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination This is an objective standard to measure whether a comment or conduct is discrimination or harassment. It considers what a reasonable person's reaction would have been under similar circumstances and in a similar environment. It considers the recipient's perspective and not stereotyped notions of acceptable behaviour. This standard is used to assess human rights complaints under this policy. Respondent The person who is alleged to be responsible for the discrimination or harassment. There can be more than one respondent in a human rights/harassment complaint. Sexual Orientation Refers to the sex/gender of those to whom one is sexually and romantically attracted. Categories of sexual orientation typically have included attraction to members of one's own sex/gender, attraction to members of another sex/gender, and attraction to people of more than one sex/gender. Witness An individual who may be able to provide information about workplace comments/conduct that are alleged to have violated this policy. Witnesses are not entitled to investigation results or complaint details unless the disclosure is necessary for the purpose of investigating allegations. Workplace Includes all locations where business or social activities of Elgin County are conducted, including all Elgin County locations, when employees are working from home, and on the premise of other locations. This Policy may apply to incidents that happen away from work (e.g., inappropriate social media posts, phone calls, a -mails or visits to an employee's home, incidents at luncheons, after work socials). Please review to Elgin County's Social Media Policy. Workplace Violence The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act defines workplace violence as, 1. the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker, 2. an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker, 3. a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker. Please review to Elgin County's Workplace Violence Policy and Procedure for information regarding rights and responsibilities. Elgin Q,C;kP: my PRCkgRC"s; lve Bey I" at Pur Co// p mm a)�11Yl�li,�:,�. �I Iu�n11111�In m R 4 a uv� by MMP,�rq� Civility & Respect — Policy and Procedures Against Harassment and Discrimination TRAINING & fm�DU IO w we embed it in ot , t ft We will undertake the responsibility of ensuring this Policy is known, understood and respected. A variety of training and education opportunities will be provided through various means and will evolve to meet the current needs of our organization. Our commitment is to regularly assess and solicit from our people to determine what will provide the greatest value. 7 ADD111FIONAL RESOURCES In addition to the training and education provided by our organization, stakeholders are encouraged to seek additional information to build knowledge around everyone's rights and responsibilities. The following are a selection of available resources: • Ontario Human Rights Commission (http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en) • Ontario Human Rights Commission, Glossary of Terms (http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/teaching-human-rights-ontario-guide-ontario- schools/appendix-l-glossary-human-rights-terms) • Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (http://www.sato.gov.on.ca/hrto) • Ontario Human Rights Legal Resource Center (http://www.hrrc.on.ca/en/welcome) • Ministry of Labour: Understanding Workplace Harassment (www.labour.gov.on.ca) • Ministry of Labour: Code of Practice (www.labour.gov.on.ca) KZy o ������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfl' err/ �� OIIIIOVuuumu"" �Progressive by Nature Subject: Policy Number: Date Approved: Date Last Revision: Code: Section: County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Conflict Resolution Procedure Part B: Policy and Procedures against Workplace Harassment & Discrimination 2.80.1 July 2022 A 2 Our Civility and Respect Policy & Procedures against Workplace Harassment and Discrimination establishes the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders. Specifically, the expectation of Elgin County's leadership team to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to creating and maintaining a culture of respect. The following Resolution Procedure ("the Procedure") provides an outline of the options to address and resolve conflicts that fall within the range of incivility, harassment and discrimination. These options start with how to engage in conflict early and informally and then the escalation of steps that are available, when necessary. Elgin County understands coming forward can be difficult when you experience and/or witness behaviours that fall short of our expectations. At anytime if you need information, advice or consultation, please reach out to the Human Resources department or a member of our leadership team. III County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfll Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature PART B I Conflict Re.sok,l br7 ProcedUres PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................................1 Tableof Contents: ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1. JURISDICTION........................................................................................................................................2 2. PRINCIPLES............................................................................................................................................3 a. Confidentiality...................................................................................................................................3 b. Protection Against Reprisal...............................................................................................................4 C. Reporting Options and Ongoing Support..........................................................................................4 3. OPTIONS TO RESOLVE CONFLICT..........................................................................................................5 a. Informal Options............................................................................................................................... 5 I. Consider seeking support and addressing concerns directly........................................................5 11. Intervention by Management/Human Resources........................................................................6 b. Formal Options..................................................................................................................................6 I. Mediation......................................................................................................................................6 11. Investigation.................................................................................................................................. 7 C. Addition Process Information...........................................................................................................8 1. Refusal to Investigate....................................................................................................................8 11. Complaints/incidents Involving the CAO and/or Department Heads...........................................9 Ill. Complaints/incidents Involving Human Resources..................................................................9 4. OUTCOMES OF POLICY BREACHES......................................................................................................10 5. TIME LIMITS........................................................................................................................................10 6. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES....................................................................................................................10 11.1RISE) K"1110 This Procedure can be triggered by incidents and/or complaints brought by those covered by this Policy. Disclosure may be written and/or verbal and through the person(s) who have experienced and/or witnessed the situation(s) giving rise to concern. Elgin County has a legal obligation to maintain a harassment and discrimination free workplace and will address complaints that are brought to the attention of anyone with supervisory Elgln Q,C;kP: my PR'CkgB4';"a;"lve By I" ctP:1P"k' 38 �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfl' Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature authority, or when those with supervisory authority have sufficient information regarding incidents, regardless of whether a complaint has been made. A complaint of discrimination or harassment under this Procedure does not limit or interfere with an individual's ability to access other complaint avenues, including: • application to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, • a complaint to the Ministry of Labour, • an application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board, • a civil suit or a criminal complaint, or • a grievance pursuant to the terms of an applicable collective agreement. Incivility is not considered workplace harassment nor covered by legislation. However, under this Policy, Elgin County has established a similar responsibility to address and resolve issues of incivility. PRINCIPLES The following key principles outline Elgin County's commitment to creating a fair and credible process to encourage our staff and other stakeholders to come forward as early as possible. a. Confldenliali�y Elgin County understands confidentiality is central to creating a safe environment for individuals to come forward with their concerns. Therefore, all persons involved with an incivility/harassment/discrimination incident and/or complaint, including complainants, respondents, support persons, witnesses, management, union/association representatives and investigators are expected to treat the matter as confidential. This includes communicating with others within, or associated with, Elgin County or external sources that could intentionally or inadvertently share details. This expectation extends to any time before, during or after an investigation or resolution of a harassment/discrimination complaint. The expectations of confidentiality do not impede the ability for an involved party to speak to their union, health care providers, family or consult with legal representation. rr lgIn CC linty PRCkgR4';"a;"Ive By I `ctur KD] �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfl' Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature Confidentiality is particularly key in formal investigations and additional information is provided below under "Formal Options (Investigations)". Elgin County may need to disclose information where required by law. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), complaint details, investigations, and results/reports produced under this Policy or Procedure are not considered to be occupational health and safety reports that are shared with joint health and safety committees. Therefore, to protect confidentiality, these documents are not to be shared with joint health and safety committees. b. Proteclion Against Reprisal Elgin County understands that one of the barriers to coming forward can be the fear of reprisal. Elgin County strictly prohibits any retaliation, either direct or indirect, against an individual for: exercising their rights under this Policy, initiating a complaint in good faith, investigating a complaint, being a decision maker in a complaint, participating as a witness in an investigation, being a respondent to a complaint, having been associated with, or representing a complainant, witness or respondent. If reprisal is substantiated, disciplinary action will be taken against the individual(s) who engaged in the reprisal. Appropriate discipline for a policy violation is not considered a reprisal. If an employee feels they are experiencing behaviours that amount to incivility, harassment or discrimination, they are encouraged to consult with anyone with supervisory authority and/or human resources. These staff all have a responsibility to take action to resolve and prevent harassment and discrimination, and to assist in issues of incivility. It can be difficult to make a complaint, and to have a complaint made against you. For employees, additional support/counselling is available through our Employee and Family Assistance Plan provider, Homewood Health. �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfl' Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature OPTIONS TO RESOLVE iLVE CONFLICT Several options to resolve concerns of incivility, harassment and discrimination are available to individuals protected under the Conflict Resolution Procedure. Informal approaches can foster early resolution and prevent escalation; particularly when concerns are raised promptly. However, formal approaches may be required where the allegations are of a serious nature and/or involve a member of management. All persons who believe that they have experienced or witnessed behaviours that could amount to incivility, harassment and/or discrimination should keep detailed notes about the issue(s) and confidentially preserve all relevant documentary or electronic records. a. Inf6rmal Options 1. Consider seeking support and addressing concerns directly If an employee is experiencing conduct that may amount to incivility, harassment or discrimination they are empowered to considered ways to intervene early and seek resolution. Elgin County acknowledges that doing so requires a level of knowledge and confidence in our organization's commitments. As such, seeking support when considering the options to engage to help facilitate resolution is encouraged. The triaging at this stage includes: • the employee considering if they can professionally, and in good faith, address the conduct or comments which have negatively impacted them directly with the person(s), involved and ask them to stop; • employees (including management) who are advised that their comments or conduct are unwanted and harmful are expected to cease such behaviour immediately and consider ways to repair the relationship (i.e. seek to understand, apology); • if the conduct does not stop, seek the assistance of management and/or human resources; and • if the conduct does not stop, keep a written record of the date, times and details of the conduct and your efforts to stop it. There are occasions were addressing the person responsible for the conduct may not be appropriate and individuals should seek the intervention of management and/or human resources. (i.e. allegations against someone in a more senior position). es �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfl' Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature Kev: The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires an investigation be conducted into all employee complaints/incidents of non -Code workplace harassment, sexual harassment, gender identity harassment, gender expression harassment and sexual orientation harassment. As such, informal options of resolution will not be deemed appropriate. IL Intervention by Management/Human Resources If an individual is unable to resolve the issue themselves or inappropriate behaviour continues after an informal intervention, the individual should seek assistance from any level of management and/or human resources to intervene to determine the appropriate process. Depending on the issues, the following informal processes may be available to assist in addressing the concerns and facilitating resolution: - One-on-one meetings; - Facilitated meeting with involved individuals; - Team -based coaching; - Training/education. Where disclosure of harassment and/or discrimination takes place with a member of management, management is expected to consult with Human Resources. b. Formal Options Mediation Where appropriate, Elgin County may offer to mediate the complaint at any point before, during or after an investigation. Mediation for workplace harassment complaints can only occur after an investigation has occurred. Participation in mediation is voluntary and each party to the mediation is entitled to have a "support person" (as defined in Step 5 below) attend the mediation. Where the mediator is of the opinion that the presence of the support person selected is inappropriate or that it may hinder the mediation process, the mediator will advise the relevant party who shall be entitled to select another support person provided that doing so does not hinder or unduly delay the mediation. All mediation discussions will be held on a confidential, without prejudice basis. Any settlement would have to be satisfactory to both parties and approved by the Director of Human Cy: �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irflr Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature Resources where appropriate. Parties will be required to sign confidential Minutes of Settlement. IL Investigation A formal workplace investigation may be required in the following circumstances: a. It is required by provincial legislation, specifically: • Allegations that could amount to workplace harassment (including sexual harassment) must be investigated as per the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act. b. Other options of informal resolution have been attempted and were unsuccessful. c. The issues are of a serious or/and systemic nature. If management receives a complaint or becomes aware of circumstances that ought to be investigated, they are expected to immediately consult with human resources to determine the appropriate process and allocation of responsibility (i.e. designated "investigator"). To determine whether the allegations require or warrant an investigation, details may be obtained through the submission of a written complaint and/or as documented by the person receiving the complaint. Where possible, internal Human Resources personnel will fulfil the investigation roles. However, there may be occasions where it is appropriate for an external consultant/investigator to be retained. All those responsible for investigations are expected to be unbiased, objective and apply a human -centric approach in completing the investigation. Confidentiality is crucial in investigations, which includes: • During an investigation, identifying information about any individual should not be disclosed unless the disclosure is necessary for the purpose of investigating, taking corrective action or is otherwise required by law. • All those involved in the investigation are not to advise anyone in the workplace or otherwise connected to the workplace and/or service provision about the investigation, or have any involvement in the investigation and/or the contents of an investigation interview and/or report. • All those involved in the investigation are not to ask individuals if they have participated w ����7111���111111 rr l��rr� a"�;r�:�r�t�r f.t�r��r,,;,i�aa� hy Ictur i' 43 �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irflr Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature in an investigation process or discuss any details about any investigation interviews. Workplace investigations will follow a series of steps as generally outlined below. Step Details Step 1 Obtain full details of the complaint from the person(s) bringing the allegations forward ("complainant(s)") and who those allegations are against ("respondents"). Step 2 Determine the scope of the investigation based on the applicable laws and Policy. Step 3 Communicate to the parties (complainant(s) and respondent(s)) the scope of the investigation and share the general investigation process and their rights/responsibilities during an investigation. Step 4 Determine/implement any interim measure. Step 5 Collect information through 1) conducting confidential, one-on-one interviews with the parties and witnesses (if any) and 2) obtaining/reviewing documentation. Parties may bring a support person (i.e. union rep., family member, but cannot be witnesses) as deemed appropriate by the investigator. Legal counsel will not be permitted. Step 6 Based on the information collected, determine: - the likely facts, and - whether those facts amount to a breach of Policy expectations Step 7 Based on the investigation outcomes, determine the appropriate resolution consultation with the HR/senior leadership and/or legal as required. Step 8 Share the outcome of the investigation and the resolution decisions (verbally and in writing) to the parties within 10 days of completing the investigation. Step 9 Ensure those responsible with the post -investigation plan is following through and resolution is achieved and maintained. Step 10 Ensure all investigation documents are stored electronically/centrally. Only the results letter will become part of an employee's file. Key: The Ministry of Labour's Code of Practice indicated investigations should be completed within 90 days. c. Additional Process Inftwmation 1. Refusal to Investigate �IUII rr lgrn a"bunty f"togrsslve h""y Iatur 44 �County of Elgin ,,p o������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfll Human Resources Policy Manual Progressive by Nature Elgin County may refuse to investigate where the complaint is frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process has occurred. These terms are defined as: Frivolous: a complaint that contains allegations that, even if true, are not a breach of this Policy. Vexatious: when the complaint has been the subject of a decision by an alternate complaint process that considered the same allegations, a reasonable offer to remedy was rejected and/or the complaint was filed to annoy, embarrass or harass the respondent. Abuse of Process: when an adequate remedy already exists or the complaints is engaging in improper action (fraud, deception, intentional misrepresentation) or is motivated to file out of malice or vindictiveness. Anonymous complaints or complaints with insufficient details may not trigger an investigation under this Policy. Please note this may be the case for submissions through our anonymous reporting hotline. However, other efforts may be made to address concerns where feasible. Further, allegations of incivility will not be investigated unless other informal options have been attempted and unsuccessful and it is deemed the only remaining process that can assist. IL Complaints/incidents Involving the CAO and/or Department Heads Complaints or incidents involving Senior leadership should be directed to the Director of Human Resources and/or to the CAO. Human Resources and/or the CAO may consult with legal to determine the appropriate course of action. Complaints or incidents involving the CAO should be directed to the Director of Human Resources who will share with the Warden, or it can be shared directly with the Warden. At this stage, the Warden will seek legal advice to determine the appropriate course of action. III. Complaints/incidents Involving Human Resources Complaints or incidents involving members of the Human Resources Department should be directed to the CAO. Consultation with legal may occur to determine the appropriate course of action. Elgln Q,C;kP: my PR'CkgB4';"a;"lve By I" ctPure J IIIII���III M�7 o ������p»�111111Irurw�6s�rlllNll///����Irfl' err/ �� OIIIIOVuuumu"" �Progressive by Nature 01111'COMES OF Pf LIC fff~ .fm CHES County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual It is important that all stakeholders understand that both intentional and unintentional comments and/or conduct can lead to a breach of this Policy. Thus, the objective of any resolution is to change behaviour, eliminate harassment, discrimination or reprisal, and ensure a culture of respect. There are often opportunities for individuals to learn and grow from these experiences. Thus, resolution can be non- punitive, such as apologies, educational initiatives, coaching and counseling, or resolution may result in disciplinary action, including suspensions or terminations. If the conduct involved non -employees (i.e., contractors/vendors etc.) remedial actions can include: restrictions on accessing premises, or impact to current or future business opportunities or ending a contractual relationship. Even when there are no breaches of the Policy found, there are still opportunities to repair relationships and seek to understand the conditions that created the conflict which can include the individuals involved, or organizational systems or practices. As such, there is no disciplinary action is taken when individuals come forward in good faith. 1I1E L@I [IIfw Elgin County strongly encourages and supports stakeholders coming forward as soon as possible. However, the time limit for the bringing a complaint under the Civility and Respect Policy is one year from the date of the last incident of alleged incivility, discrimination or harassment. There can be extenuating circumstances where this timeline is extended. This approach is consistent with the time limits for filing applications with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. Elgin County actively utilizes the "Respect Loop©" as a resource to help guide discussions on maintaining respect and resolving issues of conflict when they arise in a manner that acknowledges our shared responsibilities to ensure our values are the lived experiences of our stakeholders. Bsy Prug1ressive by Nature RECOMMENDATIONS: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services DATE: August 3, 2022 SUBJECT: December 2022 Council Meeting Date Change THAT the report titled "December 2022 Council Meeting Date Change" from the Manager of Administrative Services dated August 3, 2022, be received and filed for information; and THAT Elgin County Council consent to a change in the Council Meeting schedule for the second meeting in December from December 8, 2022 to December 7, 2022 at 9.00 a.m. with public notice issued. INTRODUCTION/DISCUSSION: The purpose of this report is to seek Council's consent to amend the 2022 County Council meeting schedule by changing the December 8, 2022 (Thursday) meeting of County Council to December 7, 2022 (Wednesday). The final meeting of the 2018-2022 County Council term will be held on November 8, 2022. The Inaugural Meeting of County Council for the 2022-2026 term will begin with the Warden's Election on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7.00 p.m., and, with Council's consent, will resume on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 9.00 a.m. Public notice will be issued advising of this change. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. efM 2 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Public notice will be issued. CONCLUSION: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ❑ Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. This report seeks Council's consent to amend the 2022 Council Meeting schedule by changing the December 8, 2022 meeting to December 7, 2022. Public notice will be provided of this change on the County website and social media platforms. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jenna Fentie Julie Gonyou Manager of Administrative Services Chief Administrative Officer 48 Prugressive by Nature RECOMMENDATION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO DATE: August 3, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Study — Village of Port Stanley THAT the report titled "Traffic Study — Village of Port Stanley" from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated August 3, 2022, be received and filed. INTRODUCTION: As directed by Council, staff completed a traffic study along County Roads between July 27t" and August 3rd, 2022 at nine (9) locations within the Village of Port Stanley. This report provides the traffic data results and discusses options for traffic calming measures on County roads within the village. DISCUSSION: Four County roads traverse through the Village of Port Stanley as follows: • Colbourne Street / Bridge Street (CR 4) Warren Street (CR 21) Carlow Road (CR 20) East Road / Joseph Street (CR 23) As directed by County Council, staff deployed radar traffic data collectors in strategic areas along these County roads and collected information between July 27t" and August 3rd. The attached map showcases the traffic counter locations and the summary data collected. In recent years a number of measures have been implemented in order to manage traffic within the Village. For example, the posted speed limit has been reduced along East Road from 80km/h, to 60km/h and finally to 50/km/h. A 40km/h reduced speed zone and Community Safety Zone has been established along Carlow Road south of Warren Street. Additionally, Pedestrian Crossings with rapid flashing beacons have been established on Colbourne Street, Warren Street and Carlow Road to provide pedestrians safe road crossing locations. Sidewalks currently exist along all County road sections with the exception of East Road (CR 23) where pedestrians utilize the paved shoulder designated as a bicycle lane in lieu of sidewalks. 11N 2 These County roads have functional classification definitions of being either an arterial or collector road since their primary purpose is to provide egress and connection to other urban centres and major transportation linkages for commuters and visitors. Speed management on sections of arterial and collector County roads through built-up settlement areas can be challenging. Most often the main road through a settlement area serves a dual purpose. Outside of the village, the County road provides high- speed travel over long distances in open roadside environments. When the road enters into built-up areas its function adds additional purposes such as to accommodate local access, pedestrians, on -street parking, and the posted speed limit reduces accordingly. However, it can be difficult to alter driver behaviour, in these shorter "multi -function" sections of County roads. Traffic calming is broadly defined as introducing mainly physical measures to restore the road to its intended use. On local roads whose primary purpose is to provide access to adjacent properties, traffic calming measures are intended to increase the motorist's awareness of the street's function, discourage "shortcutting" and minimize conflict with other road users. On collector and arterial roads through built-up areas, the primary role of the road is to move higher volumes of traffic often travelling to further destinations. Therefore, a balance must be struck so that the road's function is not compromised while maintaining road safety through these populated areas. In this regard, many traditional traffic calming tools are not appropriate for County roads. Most municipalities in Ontario including the County of Elgin reference the Transportation Association of Canada's — Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming to formulate their policies and govern their actions with respect to implementing traffic calming measures on roads under their jurisdiction. This manual provides examples of forty-six measures used in Canadian municipalities to either calm traffic or manage speeds, and identifies where they are appropriate, their benefits, implications and potential effectiveness. As previously mentioned, many identified traffic calming measures are not appropriate on County roads due to interference with the road's primary purpose. Examples of inappropriate measures include: vertical deflections (i.e. speed hump), horizontal deflections (i.e. chicane), roadway narrowing (i.e. curb extensions), or access restrictions (i.e. lane diverters or closures). All of these treatment types would potentially congest traffic, provide obstacles to commercial and emergency vehicles and promote local roads to be used as by-pass routes. Remaining treatments identified by the manual that may be appropriate on County roads include: pavement markings (e.g. on -road "sign"), enforcement (e.g. mobile radar photography speed enforcement) and education (e.g. speed display devices). PAVEMENT MARKINGS The manual provides five (5) pavement marking treatment measures as follows: converging chevrons, dragon teeth, full -lane transverse bars, on -road sign pavement markings and peripheral transverse bars. Of this list, only on -road "sign" pavement markings are identified as being suitable for urban arterial road sections. 3 On -road "sign" pavement markings provide information that would typically be shown to drivers through signage and are also painted on the roadway to provide a larger image, and one that is directly in the driver's line of sight. For example, "Max 50 km/h" can be painted in the centre of the driving lane at the beginning of a reduced speed zone. The advantages of this treatment are that it has no adverse effects to emergency vehicles, snow plowing, commercial vehicles or vehicle operation. However, pavement markings are not effective during winter weather conditions and require re -painting every 1 to 2 years. ENFORCEMENT County staff has a current practice of addressing speeding concerns received by residents. This practice is triggered by resident concerns, confirmed by county staff with the use of traffic radar counters and communicated to the OPP for their enforcement action. When a speeding complaint on a County road is received, staff deploys its radar traffic counters to the location and obtains detailed traffic data including volume, speeds and histograms. If the recorded data is found to be in excess of expected ranges, the traffic reports are sent to the OPP so that they may deploy targeted enforcement at these locations as they deem suitable and as resources permit. Residents who raised the original concern are notified of the findings and actions, specifically notice to the OPP. This current practice could be referred to as a "speed watch and targeted enforcement program" measure currently employed by the County informally and collaboratively with residents and the OPP. Other enforcement measures could include fixed or mobile speed enforcement which entails the use of radar photography in place of human law enforcement. EDUCATION Suitable education for traffic calming treatment measures identified in the manual include targeted education campaigns and speed display devices. The OPP currently have an ongoing annual public education and awareness program strategically deployed during times of the year and targeted to specific driver behaviours. A speed display device is an interactive sign that displays vehicle speeds as oncoming vehicles approach. Vehicle speed is captured using radar and can trigger the display board to show when vehicles approach at predetermined unsafe speeds. Two such display boards currently exist on Belmont Road (CR74) although these were purchased by community groups and are not owned by the County. Most importantly, temporary or permanent speed display device installations are limited in their effectiveness in the absence of enforcement. Drivers will quickly become immune to the device displays if there is no further perception of OPP enforcement and consequences. Costs per unit is approximately $5,000 and requires ongoing maintenance and management costs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Dependent upon direction from Council. 1.1 0 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and current programs and facilitating commercial, services with community industrial, residential, need. and agricultural growth. ® Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ❑ Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: �m COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ❑ Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. Traffic data collected during the study has been shared with the Elgin OPP Detachment so that they can deploy targeted enforcement as their resources permit. CONCLUSION: As directed by County Council, staff collected traffic data on County roads through the Village of Port Stanley between July 27t" and August 3rd. Collected traffic speed data was found to be within expected average ranges in most locations and slightly elevated along East Road and Carlow Road. Results of the traffic study have been shared with the OPP so that they may deploy targeted enforcement activities as their resources permit. A limited number of traffic calming measures are appropriate and recommended for use on County roads within built up areas without negatively altering the road's intended function and triggering negative implications. Pavement markings, enforcement and education are three categories of speed reduction measures appropriate for deployment on County roads within the Village of Port Stanley. Specifically, on -road "Maximum 50km/h" pavement markings placed on East Road south of Dexter Line and "Maximum 40km/h" on Carlow Road south of Warren Street may be installed to provide additional messaging to drivers. However, it should be noted that the County of Elgin has thirty - RYA 5 five (35) communities along County Roads with reduced speeds that could also receive similar treatment. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Peter Dutchak Manager of Transportation Services Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 53 N'o rt h Invererie Heights 1 Posted Speed: 80 Traffic Volume: 85th Percentile $753 Speed: 84 Average Speed: 76.49' Pasted Speed: 50 Traffic Volume: 2434 86th Percentile Speed: 75 Average Speed: 66.92 R., 85th Percentile Average Speed c i rchard Beach Sources: Esri, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Intermap and the GIS user community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Grimmonds Community Beach Legend 10 Counter Locations N 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometers 54 Prugressive by Nature RECOMMENDATIONS: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO DATE: August 3, 2022 SUBJECT: Corporate Asset Management Plan THAT the report titled "Corporate Asset Management Plan" from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated August 3, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT the Corporate Asset Management Plan be endorsed for submission to the Ministry of Infrastructure Ontario; and THAT staff be directed to proceed with the Plan as outlined in support of future budget developments. INTRODUCTION: Public infrastructure is central to our prosperity and our quality of life. The majority of public infrastructure in Canada is the responsibility of municipal government. Adequate municipal infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and underground water and sewage pipes are essential to economic development, citizen safety, and quality of life. Well maintained infrastructure is critical in sustaining a municipality as an attractive place to live and do business. Asset Management is the process of collecting a variety of data and information regarding municipality assets and infrastructure, and using all of that data and information to make the best long-term decisions in regards to building, operating, maintaining, renewing, replacing, and disposing of those assets. In December 2017, Ontario became the first Canadian province to pass regulation that requires municipalities to engage in asset management planning. Ontario Regulation 588/17 required all municipalities to prepare Council -endorsed Strategic Asset Management Policies by July 1, 2019, and implement Asset Management Plans using a phased approach from 2021-2024. The County remains on target to comply with this regulation. The County is now in the midst of a multi -year comprehensive Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP) development approach to improve its asset management 6.7 2 practices and processes. The County's latest updated CAMP prepared exclusively by staff focuses on the County's stormwater, sanitary, transportation, fleet, long-term care homes, and corporate facilities, and is presented to Council for endorsement. Future Plan updates will also incorporate the remaining County assets (library and cultural services, information technology, etc.). DISCUSSION: The County is responsible for provision of a diverse array of stormwater, sanitary, transportation, fleet, long-term care homes, and corporate facilities services which are dependent on approximately $1.38 Billion in supporting infrastructure assets. An integral component of ensuring reliable service is creating an effective approach to managing existing and future municipal assets. Effective asset management aims to manage assets in a way that balances levels of service, risk, and cost effectiveness throughout the entire asset lifecycle. Ultimately, adopting effective and comprehensive asset management strategies across the organization will support the long-term sustainability and efficiency while maintaining levels of service. The County produced its first Asset Management Plan in 2014 detailed the County's key objectives for asset management and focused only its transportation network, and established a baseline that the County has built upon in its latest updated Plan. The Plan was further updated by staff in 2019, following the collection of additional transportation focused asset information in order to recommend the best infrastructure investment decisions to Council. In December 2017, Ontario Regulation 588/17 (O.Reg.588/17), known as the Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure regulation was adopted by the provincial government to promote standardization and consistency in municipal asset management (Ontario, 2018). As of January 2018, this regulation required any municipality that is seeking provincial funding for projects to demonstrate how projects fit within an asset management plan in order to ensure that resources are allocated to projects that are of critical importance to the long-term planning of the municipality (Ontario, 2019). This also ensures that provincial infrastructure funding will be conditional on if municipalities have already explored all available financing and revenue generation options and that municipal infrastructure is following all relevant legislative requirements. O.Reg.588/17 requires municipal asset management plans to include: The current levels of service being provided by each asset class, including qualitative and technical Performance measures for each asset category including: a summary of the assets in the asset category, replacement cost of the assets, average age of the assets, information about the condition of the assets and the municipality's approach to condition assessment of the assets The future lifecycle activities that are needed to maintain the current levels of service for the following 10 years, which include a lifecycle analysis of the assets and the lifecycle activities that are required to maintain the current levels of service alation and employment forecasts for the municipality . proposed levels of service the infrastructure will provide to the municipality in the 10 years following the current levels of service • The proposed performance of each asset category for the following 10 years after the current performance of the infrastructure assets, which are established by the municipality through performance measures. • A financial strategy that includes: lifecycle management of the infrastructure assets over a 10-year period, a full lifecycle evaluation of the assets, an estimate of the annual costs for each of the 10 years of the lifecycle evaluation, the annual funding projected and a funding strategy for the lifecycle activities and the capital expenditure and operating costs of achieving the proposed levels of service • the asset management plan must be endorsed by the executive lead of the municipality, approved by the municipal council reviewed and updated every five years. The phase -in schedule for the implementation of O.Reg.588/17 is set across the following timeline: July 1, 2019: Deadline for municipalities to have completed a strategic asset management policy, which implements asset management planning in the budgeting, operations, maintenance and other municipal planning activities (Ontario, 2018). COMPLETE July 1, 2022: Deadline for municipalities to have a finalized and approved asset management plan for core assets (roads, bridges, water, wastewater and stormwater management systems) (Ontario, 2018). COMPLETE July 1, 2024: Deadline for municipalities to have an approved asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure assets (Ontario, 2018). In -Progress Corporate Asset Management Plan Summary The updated CAMP outlines the current state of asset management planning in the County of Elgin. It identifies the current practices and strategies that are in place to manage public infrastructure and makes recommendations where they can be further refined. Through the implementation of sound asset management strategies, Elgin County can ensure that public infrastructure is managed to support the sustainable delivery of municipal services. The CAMP includes the following asset categories: • Wastewater - Stormwater • Wastewater — Sanitary • Transportation (Roads and Bridges) • Fleet • Long Term Care • Corporate Facilities 3 1-TJ 0 The overall replacement cost of the asset categories included in the CAMP totals $1.38 billion. 96.5% of all assets analyzed in the CAMP are in good or better condition The development of a long-term, sustainable financial plan requires an analysis of whole lifecycle costs. The CAMP has used a combination of proactive lifecycle strategies to combine asset replacement where possible to determine the lowest cost option to maintain the current level of service. To meet capital replacement and rehabilitation needs for existing infrastructure, prevent infrastructure backlogs, and achieve long-term sustainability, the County's optimal annual capital requirement totals $18,711,824. Based on the forecasted 10-year capital budget, the County has identified approximately $12,719,805 annually towards these assets. As a result, there is currently an annual funding gap of $5,992,019. A financial strategy has been developed and incorporated into the 10-year capital plan in order to address the funding gap. With the development of the CAMP, the County of Elgin has achieved compliance with O. Reg. 588/17 to the extent of the requirements that must be completed by July 1, 2022. There are additional requirements concerning additional non -core assets, proposed levels of service and growth that must be met by July 1, 2025. The CAMP represents a snapshot in time and is based on the best available processes, data, and information at the County. Strategic asset management planning is an ongoing and dynamic process that requires continuous improvement and dedicated resources. Future Plan updates will also incorporate the remaining County services (i.e. library and cultural services, information technology, etc.). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. 58 5 ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: None. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. Consultation and communication are key elements of planned corporate asset management initiatives. The Asset Management Policy endorsed by Council in 2019 outlined annual reporting to Council on the Corporate Asset Management Plan progress. In addition, an Asset Management webpage on the County's website will be created providing access to a copy of the CAMP, provide an overview of asset management fundamentals, provide a copy of the Asset Management Policy, and provide access to other related documents. CONCLUSION: Asset management provides a mechanism for reliable, repeatable and transparent decision making. However, asset management is more than just a one-off project. To realize the full benefits of asset management, the principles should be systematically developed, embedded and integrated across all departments, and be continuously improved. Taking a holistic approach to asset management has clear benefits to the community and the County, including: Helping protect and enhance the quality of life in Elgin County by ensuring the best possible decisions regarding our assets. Aligning teams, processes and resources across the County towards common asset management objectives; RT1 0 Supporting evidence -based business cases for budgets and long-term financial forecasts; Driving longer term thinking and planning; and Supporting financial sustainability. Using consistent asset management guidelines and principles with an effort placed on continuous improvement will lead to an optimized balance between asset performance and asset risks that will create real value for Elgin County and its residents. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer � \ � . \. � \ © 4 «®% } w N CD QC? , C75 Q CL I � O _ Q LPL 0 c Q O to U c O' ao c ° w (1)i ra c �a m N V co E,,� a O J o U � O 75 IJ � � r g ���//fit N 6) ' LO , O Q-'; N Q i °n° c`o I E E E, Q (n U) =3 lL c6 N X co W o c I- _ C7 ui ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... m m co `o N �_ 0) U O_ Q O � .r (0 CL ao a) m o E E LO ! 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C s 3 a v 3 Q o u a . _ a Prugressive by Nature RECOMMENDATIONS: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO DATE: August 3, 2022 SUBJECT: Centennial Avenue and Elm Line Roundabout Revised Landscaping Options THAT the report titled "Centennial Avenue and Elm Line Roundabout Revised f Landscaping Options" from the General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO, dated August 3, 2022 be received and filed; and THAT Council provide direction with respect to its preferred landscaping option. INTRODUCTION: The County of Elgin is preparing to construct its very first roundabout at the intersection of Centennial Avenue and Elm Line. At its meeting on July 26, 2022, County Council considered three (3) options for landscaping the centre island of the roundabout. The options were; a naturalized pollinator garden, a decorative perennial garden and an artistic structure. Through deliberation Council requested staff explore two (2) additional options; a naturalized pollinator garden or as suggested by Council a "hybrid" manicured perennial garden, using native species of plants, and that feedback from the Environmental Committee also be sought. DISCUSSION: A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study has been completed in order to select a solution that best manages projected traffic demands at the existing offset intersection at Centennial Avenue and Elm Line. As a result of the study process, a roundabout has been selected and its detailed design is near completion. The proposed roundabout design will provide a 25-metre interior diameter that equates to an area of approximately 500 square metres of open space in the centre of the roundabout. A roundabout concept drawing for this intersection is provided below. FIRM 2 Many options exist for how the open space within the centre of the roundabout is restored. Each option comes with initial and ongoing maintenance costs. At Council's direction, staff has provided detailed explanations on the two (2) options below. Option 1 - Naturalized Habitat (Hydro -Seed Application) Estimated as the least expensive option and preferred by the County's Environmental Committee, this option will see the inscribed circle restored with topsoil and seed, using a locally sourced, native pollinator seed mixture. The seed would be applied using a hydroseeder, and fertilized paper mulch to stimulate rapid growth. In order to maintain sign visibility within the inscribed circle, and reduce chloride exposure, a buffer strip would be required around its perimeter (as shown in Figure 1). This buffer strip can be comprised of various materials, the most common being sod, which requires regular maintenance. Alternatively, the County could employ a low to no maintenance buffer strip of decorative stone, placed on landscape cloth. Staff also recommends that as part of this option, a sign be erected educating users of the pollinator garden. Doing so is anticipated to reduce resident concerns, and may encourage community participation. The following are estimated costs associated with this option: Estimated Capital Cost: $55,000 Estimated Annual Maintenance Costs: $12,000 (Sod Buffer — Regular Cutting and Deadfall Removal) or $1,000 (Stone Buffer— Weed Control as Required and Deadfall Removal). `IN 3 Option 2 — Hybrid Decorative Garden with Native Plantings This option was offered by Council as a hybrid solution, capturing the aesthetic benefits of a manicured garden (as shown in Figure 2), while retaining the environmental benefits of native pollinator plantings. The garden would consist of placed topsoil, a thick mulch bed for weed control and chloride protection then decorated with a variety of native plants. This option results in an increased capital cost due to material costs (potted plants) and the labour-intensive activities associated with plantings. Depending on the buffer strip selected in option one, a slightly increased or decreased maintenance cost should be expected. The change in maintenance cost is associated with yearly weeding and biannual mulch, "top -up" placement. Eventually the entire mulch bed would be replaced once it has exceeded its life expectancy. This option would provide a similar aesthetic to the previously offered perennial planting plan, added environmental benefits of pollinator plantings, and reduce/eliminate the chance of resident/user concerns over appearance. The following are estimated costs associated with this option: Estimated Capital Cost: $107,000 Estimated Annual Maintenance Costs: $1,000 (Yearly Weeding), additional ($500 Biannually for Mulch) $5,000 full mulch replacement in 10 +/- years `149 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The existing project budget includes sufficient funds to complete either landscape option as directed by Council. ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ® Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth ® Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. 0 `141V LOCAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: No Local Municipal Partner impact is expected from either option. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: �m CONCLUSION: Although gaining popularity in Europe, to staff's knowledge, a naturalized landscape in the roundabout would be the first of its kind in Ontario. Alternatively, a hybrid decorative garden would be more inline with other round -a -bouts, including both of the City's Roundabouts on Wellington Street, contributing to a consistent appearance within the broader community. Staff would be pleased to implement either option as directed by Council. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Lima, General Manager of Engineering, Planning, & Enterprise (EPE) / Deputy CAO Aaron Van Oorspronk Senior Engineering Design and Construction Technologist Approved for Submission Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 5 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer DATE: July 28, 2022 Prugfressive by Nature SUBJECT: Appointment of Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (alternate) and Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the report titled "Appointment of Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (alternate) and Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer", dated July 28, 2022, be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve and authorize By -Law 22-37 "Being a By -Law to Appoint a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (alternate) for the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to Repeal By -Law No. 21-43"; and, THAT County Council approve and authorize By -Law 22-38 "Being a By -Law to Appoint a Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer for the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to Repeal By -Law No. 21-44". INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this report to Council is to seek approval and authorization for updated By -Laws appointing a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (alternate) and a Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Proposed updates to the aforementioned By -Laws are statutory housekeeping matters to ensure that the appointment(s) of statutory officers for the corporation accurately reflects the operations of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. The Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. M. 25 (the "Act"), states that a municipality shall appoint a Clerk to carry out the duties described in section 228(1) of the Act. Section 228(2) of the Act also permits a municipality to appoint Deputy Clerks who have all the powers of the Clerk as may be required. `1AK i ne municipality last appointed a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (alternate) by By -Law Section 286(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. M. 25 (the "Act"), states that a municipality shall appoint a Treasurer who is responsible for handling all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner directed by the council of the municipality. Section 286(2) of the Act also permits a municipality to appoint Deputy Treasurers who have all the powers of the treasurer as may be required. The Municipality last appointed a Treasurer and a Deputy Treasurer by By -Law No. 21- 44. As a result of organizational changes, including the maternity leave of the current Deputy Clerk, these By -Laws need to be updated to ensure that statutory functions are fulfilled. Previous appointment by-laws named specific individuals to fill these statutory roles; however, it is recommended that going forward these statutory roles be tied to specific job titles in the organization ensuring continuity of operations regardless of the individuals that fill these positions. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implications. ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Serving Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of Growing Elgin ® Planning for and current programs and facilitating commercial, services with community industrial, residential, need. and agricultural growth. ❑ Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ❑ Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Additional Comments: None ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ❑ Enhancing quality of place. Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ❑ Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. 2 1149i LUUAL MUNICIPAL PARTNER IMPACT: �m COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: None. CONCLUSION: Staff are recommending updates to the By -Laws appointing the statutory officers of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and repealing existing By -Laws to avoid conflicting appointment By -Laws. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Julie Gonyou Chief Administrative Officer 3 I'sEl! CORRESPONDENCE — August 9, 2022 Items for Information — (Attached) 1. Southwestern Public Health Annual Report 2021. 2. Thames Valley District School Board Accommodation Plan 2022. 3. Jill Vienneau, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Infrastructure with an update regarding the Accelerated High Speed Internet Program (AHSIP) announcement. 4. Elgin County Long -Term Care Homes Job Fair Poster I'sN N C N N U S rr O` C p V O V T N U U O = 3 m O O T N � C U _ 3 0 ° C C � N O V Y E — m 3 0 U S O V 0 N C _ V Vi ° 0 -6 j O EL O _ N .N 3 N U a T O N u O ° ° n. -a o 6 O 0 Q O N N o p c T > O � ° T w M 6 a O N i N 3 O c N i N N > i N N N .>_ rNr O � O � N Q O Q V Q O N O O > •.. — O. 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L'Ontario offre I'acces a I'Internet haute vitesse a plus de communautes Attachments: BBFA Guideline 2,0.pdf This email originated from outside of your organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ministry of Infrastructure Broadband Strategy Division 777 Bay Street, 4th Floor, Suite 425 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Minist6re de ('Infrastructure Division des strategies pour 1'acces a large bande 777, rue Bay, 4 etage, Suite 425 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 Accelerated High Speed Internet Program (AHSIP) - Update Ontario Q I am pleased to reach out to you today, following the update that the Minister of Infrastructure, the Honourable Kinga Surma provided August 4, 2022 to municipal heads of council regarding the Accelerated High Speed Internet Program (AHSIP) announcement. The projects announced under the AHSIP process will be moving forward and your municipality is included in one or more of the project areas. As we work with the successful internet service providers to finalize their project agreements, I want you to be aware of next steps and what to expect over the coming weeks. I would like to note that the project areas are still being finalized. It is possible that your municipality is removed from the project area, but this is likely the result of another project occurring in your municipality, or there is already access to high-speed internet. However, there may still be underserved homes and businesses. The Ministry is using the best possible data to determine where are the remaining areas of underservice, and is also analyzing all technologies and business models to determine how best to reach these areas and meet the government's 2025 commitment. Support tools You may recall from previous discussions and town halls that Infrastructure Ontario is leading parts of the AHSIP process. To support your municipality and other stakeholders, they have established a Technical Assistance Team (TAT). This team is now in place and available to provide technical and administrative assistance to help municipalities carry out their role in supporting these projects, including permitting approvals to meet timelines under the Building Broadband Faster Act (BBFA). As part of implementation, Infrastructure Ontario is also developing an online tool called Broadband One Window (BOW). The BOW will enable internet service providers, municipalities, and other stakeholders to work collaboratively to review and approve permitting applications, share data and information and provide progress updates on project milestones. The BOW is required for all AHSIP projects and will enhance communication and collaboration amongst all organizations involved. Once onboarded to the BOW, municipalities can also use the platform to request assistance, including from the TAT. 338 It is important to note that internet service providers may already be in touch with municipal officials for government -funded broadband projects. This is the case because, prior to the completion of the AHSIP process, we already committed to over 190 unique broadband projects under other initiatives, including Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON), the Universal Broadband Fund (UBF), and Southwest Ontario Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) initiative. These are also designated broadband projects per the BBFA. However, they are not required to use BOW. For such projects, the same timeframes outlined in the BBFA apply, but municipalities can use their current permitting processes to issue approvals for projects. Next Steps In terms of what you can expect in the coming weeks, Infrastructure Ontario will be reaching out to your offices to share additional information on AHSIP, BOW, TAT, and a technical onboarding package. They will also be sending out a readiness questionnaire to gather more information about your municipality to ensure the government is ready to provide the right level of support, particularly through the BOW platform. Infrastructure Ontario will also work with your appropriate staff to schedule onboarding and BOW training sessions this summer. Once municipalities are set up on the BOW platform, they will be able to use the platform to: • Receive and respond to permit applications for municipal rights -of -way; • Share relevant infrastructure data to support designated broadband projects (10 may also be requesting relevant infrastructure data related to designated broadband projects), and • Monitor the status of AHSIP project(s) in their area, and other designated broadband projects that are using the BOW platform. As mentioned above, the TAT has been established to assist municipalities and other stakeholders to support activated related to AHSIP. They will provide technical and administrative assistance to municipalities regarding: • Support around rights -of -way permit application process and issues, approvals coordination and data sharing requests; • Early informal facilitation and coordination on disputes that may arise between broadband proponents and municipalities on rights -of -way permit applications; • Provide resources on related legislation, regulation and guidelines; and • Support navigation on the BOW platform. To get in touch with the TAT regarding the above areas you can e-mail TAT(a,infrastructureontario.ca. Following the launch of the BOW platform, you will be able to submit TAT support requests directly through the platform. Broadband Guideline The Ministry of Infrastructure and Infrastructure Ontario has also updated the Building Broadband Faster in Ontario Guideline (Version 2.0). This Guideline was first released in 2021 with input from municipalities, ministries, and other partners to expedite the delivery of designated high-speed internet projects. Since that time, the government passed the Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 which further reduces barriers, duplication and delays, including setting new timelines for municipalities to respond to municipal rights -of -way permits, municipal consent requests, and data sharing requirements to support the deployment of designated broadband projects. The attached updated version 2.0 reflects this new legislation and recent regulations are now in place. Together, these requirements and tools will help deliver provincially designated broadband projects faster by streamlining processes and removing barriers that may result in additional costs and delays. cic1; Contacting us If you have any general questions related to the onboarding process for the AHSIP projects, please contact 0ntarioConnects.Onboard ing @.infrastructureontario.ca. I also welcome you to contact the Broadband Strategy Division if you have general questions about the government's work and wish to speak with a ministry official. Please contact us at broad band Ponta rio.ca. We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively to achieve access to high-speed internet across Ontario by the end of 2025. Yours sincerely, Jill Vienneau Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Infrastructure Programme accelere d'Internet haute vitesse (PAIHV) — Mise a jour C'est avec plaisir que je communique avec vous aujourd'hui, apres la mise a jour que la ministre de I'Infrastructure, )'honorable Kinga Surma a fournie le 4 aout 2022 aux chefs des conseils municipaux concernant I'annonce du Programme accelere d'Internet haute vitesse (PAIHV). Les projets annonces en vertu du processus du PAIHV iront de I'avant et votre municipalite est incluse dans I'un des secteurs de projets ou plus. Comme nous travaillons avec les fournisseurs de service Internet choisis en vue de finaliser leurs accords de projet, je souhaite que vous soyez informes des prochaines etapes et ce a quoi vous attendre au cours des prochaines semaines. J'aimerais souligner que les secteurs de projets restent encore a finaliser. II est possible que votre municipalite soit retiree du secteur de projet, mais c'est probablement en raison d'un autre projet ayant lieu dans votre municipalite, ou parce qu'elle a deja acces a ('Internet haute vitesse. Cependant, it y a peut-titre encore des foyers ou des entreprises mal desservis. Le ministere utilise les meilleures donnees possibles afin de determiner ou les regions mal desservies restantes sont situees. Le ministere analyse egalement toutes les technologies et tous les modeles d'activites afin de deceler la meilleure fagon d'atteindre ces secteurs et de remplir 1'engagement du gouvernement quant a 2025. Outils de soutien Vous vous souviendrez peut-titre que fors de discussions et d'assemblees precedentes vous avez ete informe qu'Infrastructure Ontario dirige des parties du processus du PAIHV. Afin de soutenir votre municipalite et d'autres parties prenantes, une Equipe d'assistance technique a ete mise sur pied. Cette equipe est maintenant constituee et a votre disposition pour fournir de I'assistance technique et administrative afin d'aider les municipalites a s'acquitter de leur role en appuyant ces projets, notamment en facilitant les approbations afin de respecter les echeanciers en vertu de la Loi de 2021 sur la realisation acceleree de projets d7riternet a haut debit (LRAPIHD). Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre, Infrastructure Ontario developpe egalement un outil en ligne appele plateforme BOW pour les projets d'Internet a haut debit (plateforme BOW). La plateforme BOW permettra aux fournisseurs de service Internet, aux municipalites et a d'autres parties prenantes de travailler en collaboration pour examiner et approuver les demandes de permis, partager les donnees et les renseignements, et pour fournir des mises a jour sur 1'etat d'avancement des etapes du projet. La plateforme BOW est requise pour tous les projets du PAIHV et ameliorera la communication et la collaboration entre toutes les organisations ciit participantes. Une fois integrees a la plateforme BOW, les municipalites peuvent egalement ('utiliser pour demander de I'assistance, notamment de la part de 1'Equipe d'assistance technique. II convient de noter que les fournisseurs de services Internet peuvent deja contacter les representants elus pour des projets a haut debit finances par le gouvernement. En effet, avant 1'etablissement du processus du PAIHV, nous nous etions deja engages sur plus de 190 projets uniques a haut debit dans le cadre d'autres initiatives, notamment le programme ICON d'amelioration de la connectivite en Ontario, le Fonds pour la large bande universelle et le projet Southwest Ontario Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT). Des projets de large bande designes sont menes conformement a la Loi sur la realisation acceleree de projets d'Internet a haut debit. Cependant, ils ne sont pas tenus d'utiliser la plateforme BOW. Pour de tels projets, les mbmes delais enonces dans la Loi sur la realisation acceleree de projets d'Internet a haut debit s'appliquent, mais les municipalites peuvent utiliser leurs processus courants d'autorisation pour donner I'approbation sur des projets. Prochaines etapes Concernant ce a quoi vous pouvez vous attendre lors des prochaines semaines, Infrastructure Ontario communiquera avec vos bureaux pour communiquer des renseignements supplementaires sur le PAIHV, la plateforme BOW et 1'Equipe d'assistance technique, ainsi qu'un dossier d'integration technique. Its enverront egalement un questionnaire de preparation pour recueillir davantage de renseignements au sujet de votre municipalite afin d'assurer que le gouvernement soit pret a fournir le bon niveau de soutien, particulibrement par 1'entremise de la plateforme BOW. Infrastructure Ontario travaillera egalement avec les membres appropries de votre personnel afin de planifier le demarrage et les seances de formation sur la plateforme BOW pendant cet ete. Une fois que les municipalites seront configurees sur la plateforme BOW, elles pourront ('utiliser pour: • Recevoir des demandes de permis et y repondre relativement aux emprises municipales; • Partager des donnees d'infrastructure pertinentes pour appuyer les projets a haut debit designes (10 pourrait egalement demander des donnees d'infrastructure pertinentes des projets a haut debit designes); et • Surveiller 1'etat des projets du PAIHV dans leur secteur, et d'autres projets a haut debit designes qui utilisent la plateforme BOW. Comme cela a ete mentionne plus haut, 1'Equipe d'assistance technique a ete mise sur pied pour aider les municipalites et d'autres intervenants a appuyer des projets actives relatifs au PAIHV. Its offriront de I'assistance technique et administrative aux municipalites en ce qui a trait aux elements suivants : • Soutien dans le cadre du processus de demande de permis et de problbmes lies aux emprises, de la coordination des approbations et des demandes de partage de donnees; • Facilitation et coordination precoces au sujet de differends qui pourraient survenir entre les promoteurs de projets a haut debit et les municipalites concernant les demandes de permis d'emprises; • Fournitures de ressources en lien a la legislation, a la reglementation et aux lignes directrices; et • Soutien concernant la navigation sur la plateforme BOW. Pour communiquer avec I'Equipe d'assistance technique concernant les elements susmentionnes, vous pouvez envoyer un courriel a I'adresse TAT infrastructureontario.ca. Aprbs le lancement de la plateforme BOW, vous pourrez presenter des demandes de soutien auprbs de 1'Equipe d'assistance technique directement par la plateforme. Lignes directrices sur Ies projets a haut debit Le ministbre de ('Infrastructure et Infrastructure Ontario ont egalement actualise les lignes directrices sur la realisation acceleree de projets d'Internet a haut debit (Version 2.0). Ces lignes directrices ont ete publiees pour la premibre fois en 2021 avec la collaboration de municipalites, de ministeres et d'autres partenaires afin '4i1l d'accelerer la realisation de projets d'Internet a haut debit designes. Depuis lors, le gouvernement a adopte la Loi de 2022 pour un Ontario connecte qui reduit davantage les obstacles, la duplication et les retards, notamment en fixant de nouvelles echeances pour que les municipalites repondent aux demandes de permis d'emprises municipales, de consentement municipal et de partage des donnees pour appuyer le deploiement des projets a haut debit designes. La version 2.0 actualisee ci-jointe reflete cette nouvelle legislation et des reglements recents sont maintenant institues. Ensemble, ces exigences et outils permettront d'executer a 1'echelle provinciale des projets de haut debit designes plus rapidement en simplifiant les processus et en supprimant les obstacles qui pourraient entrainer des couts et des retards supplementaires. Communiquer avec nous Si vous avez des questions d'ordre general en lien au processus d'integration pour les projets du PAIHV, veuillez contacter OntarioConnects.Onboard ingaa,infrastructureontario.ca. Je vous invite egalement a contacter la Division des strategies pour I'acces a large bande si vous avez des questions d'ordre general au sujet du travail du gouvernement et que vous souhaitez parley a un fonctionnaire du ministere. Veuillez communiquer avec nous a I'adresse broadband(oiontario.ca. Nous avons hate de continuer a travailler en collaboration afin que nous atteignions I'acces a ('Internet haute vitesse partout en Ontario d'ici la fin de 2025. Cordialement, Jill Vienneau Sous-ministre adjointe, ministere de I' Infrastructure Confidentiality Warning: This e-mail contains information intended only for the use of the individual names above. If you have received this e-mail in error, we would appreciate it if you could advise us through the Minister's website at www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-infrastructure and destroy all copies of this message. Thank you. 814/22, 11:13 AM Ontario Bringing High -Speed Internet Access to More Communities i Ontario Newsroom NEWS RELEASE Ontario Bringing High -Speed Internet Access to More Communities Province helping to connect up to 266,000 unserved and underserved homes and businesses August 04, 2022 Infrastructure TORONTO — The Ontario government is bringing high-speed internet access to up to 266,000 unserved and underserved homes and businesses, marking another milestone in its plan to help connect every corner of the province by the end of 2025. "Our government is ensuring every community in Ontario has access to reliable high-speed internet," said Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure. "We are making tremendous progress towards building a stronger Ontario, where everyone will have access to health services, be able to work and learn online, participate in the agriculture sector, while also helping to createjobs and invest in the future of our province, today and for generations to come." The province has signed agreements with eight internet service providers to bring access to as many as 339 municipalities across Ontario, The internet service providers were selected through a two -stage competitive process and are part of Ontario's historic investment of nearly $4 billion to bring access to reliable high-speed internet across the province. "This competitive process is the first of its kind in Canada and has led to an unprecedented market response and commitment to deliver high-speed Internet connections to communities that have been left underserved until now," said Michael Lindsay, President and CEO of Infrastructure Ontario. "We at Infrastructure Ontario are proud to help create a connected, modern and competitive Ontario," The government has a plan to build Ontario's future with shovels in the ground for highways, hospitals, housing and high- speed internet infrastructure. Ontario's high-speed internet initiatives will help ensure that every home and business, in every community, can participate in today's economy. It will also help create the conditions for economic and fiscal growth, while protecting progress made. Quick Facts • The Ontario government has committed over $950 million to nearly 190 broadband, cellular and satellite projects to date, bringing faster internet access to over 375,000 homes and businesses across the province, and significantly improving cellular connectivity throughout Eastern Ontario. • In 2021, Ontario passed the Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 to help speed up construction of broadband projects. To build upon this legislation, the Ontario government passed the Getting Ontario Connected Act. 2022 which further reduces barriers, duplication and delays. • Expanding access to high-speed internet is part of Ontario Onwards: Ontario's COVID-19 Action Plan faro People -Focused Government, which includes more than 30 projects that are changing the way people and businesses interact with government. Quotes 343 hitps://news.ontado.ca/en/release/i002218/ontedo-bringing-high-speed-Intemel-access-to-more-communities 1/2 8/4122, 11:13 AM Ontario Bringing High -Speed Intemet Access to More Communities I Ontario Newsroom "Our government has made access to high-speed internet a priority for rural Ontario, and we're delivering on that commitment. Access to high-speed internet will help build Ontario and strengthen communities by helping families stay in touch, enabling them to access the supports they need, while providing a much -needed boost to the local economy. It's the type of critical infrastructure that will benefit the entire community." - Lisa Thompson Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Additional Resources • Ontario Increasing Access to High -Speed Internet Across the Province • Ontario Connects: making high-speed Internet accessible in every community • Historic investment Plan Ensures .Access to High -Speed Internet for All • Ontario sakes Next Step to Expand 'High=Speed Internet Access • 2022 Ontarlo Budget; Ontario's Plan to Build • Ontario Builds asap Media Contacts Hayley Cooper Office of the Honourable Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure Hayley.Cooper ,ontario.ca Sofia Sousa -Dias Communications Branch Sofsa.Sousa-DiastE�ontario.ca Accessibility Privacy Contact us © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2012-2022 344 https:l/news.ontado.ca/en/releasell002218lontario-bringing-high-speed-intemet-access-to-more-communities 212 814/22, 11:14 AM Ontario Increasing Access to High -Speed Internet Across the Province I Ontario Newsroom BACKGR®UNDER Ontario Increasing Access to High -Speed Internet Across the Province August 04, 2022 Infrastructure Ontario has committed nearly $4 billion to bring high-speed internet access to every corner of the province by the end of 2025. The following internet service providers will help connect up to 266,000 unserved and underserved homes and businesses in as many as 339 municipalities across Ontario. Municipalities, provincial funding, and the number of unnerved and underserved homes and businesses are subject to change based on final agreements. Project details: Internet Service Provider (ISP) Municipalities to Benefit (Subject to Change Based on Final Agreements) Estimated Total Provincial Funding Estimated Number of Unserved and erved Ho ern I Homes Businesses within Project Area Addington Highlands, Admaston/Bromley, Algonquin Highlands, Armour, Aurora, Bancroft, Beckwith, Belleville, Bonnechere Valley, Bracebridge, Brudenell, Lyndoch And Raglan, Burk's Falls, Callander, Carleton Place, Carling, Carlow/Mayo, Central Frontenac, Centre Hastings, Conmee, Deseronto, Dorion, Drummond/North Elmsley, Dysart et al, East Gwillimbury, Faraday, Fauquier-Strickland, French River, Georgina, Gillies, Greater Madawaska, Greater Napanee, Hastings Highlands, Havelock - Belmont -Methuen, Highlands East, Horton, Huntsville, Iroquois Falls, joly, Kenora, Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards, Killarney, King, Lake of Bays, Lanark Highlands, Limerick, Machar, Madawaska Valley, Madoc, Magnetawan, Marathon, Markham, Markstay-Warren, Marmora And $483.8 Bell Canada Up to 82,632 Lake, Mcdougall, Mckellar, Mcmurrich/Monteith, McNab/Braeside, Million Minden Hills, Mississippi Mills, Muskoka Lakes, Neebing, Newmarket, Niagara Falls, Niagara -on -the -Lake, Nipigon, Nipissing, North Algona Wilberforce, North Frontenac, O'Connor, Oliver Paipoonge, Parry Sound, Perry, Powassan, Prince, Red Rock, Renfrew, Richmond Hill, Ryerson, Sault Ste. Marie, Schreiber, Seguin, Shuniah, Sioux Narrows -Nestor Falls, South Frontenac, South River, St. Catharines, St. Charles, Stirling- Rawdon, Stone Mills, Strong, Sundridge, Terrace Bay, The Archipelago, Thorold, Thunder Bay, Timmins, Trent Lakes, Tudor And Cashel, Tweed, Tyendinaga, Vaughan, Welland, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Whitestone, Wollaston. it hitps:llnews.ontaria.ca/en/backgrounderl1002219/ontado-increasing-access-lo-high-speed-intemet-across the -province 1/4 8/4122, 11:14 AM Ontario Increasing Access to Highspeed Internet Across the Province I Ontario Newsroom Estimated Number of Unserved Estimated Internet Service Municipalities to Benefit (Subject to Change Based on Final Total and erserved Provider (ISP) Agreements) Provincial Ho Homes / Funding Businesses within Project Area Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, Bluewater, Brooke-Alvinston, Central Bragg Huron, Enniskillen, Goderich, Greater Sudbury, Lambton Shores, Morris- $69.0 Up to 9,507 Communications Turnberry, North Huron, Northern Bruce Peninsula, Petrolia, Plympton- Million Wyoming, South Bruce Peninsula, South Huron, Warwick, Admaston/Bromley, Alnwick/Haldimand, Armour, Brighton, Burlington, Cobourg, Cramahe, Deep River, East Ferris, Enniskillen, Halton Hills, Hamilton, Head, Clara and Maria, Joly, Kearney, Latchford, Laurentian Co eco g $74.3 Hills, Laurentian Valley, Milton, North Algona Wilberforce, North Bay, Up to 13,856 Connexion Oakville, Pembroke, Perry, Petawawa, Plympton-Wyoming, Point Edward, Million Port Hope, Quinte West, Sarnia, St. Clair, Strong, Temagami, Trent Hills, West Nipissing, Whitewater Region. Alberton, Atikokan, Blind River, Chapple, Coleman, Dawson, Dubreuilville, Elliot Lake, Emo, Fort Frances, Gauthier, Greenstone, Community Harley, Harris, Hilton, Hornepayne, Hudson, Huron Shores, James, 50,2 Network Jocelyn, Johnson, Kerns, Kirkland Lake, La Vallee, Laird, Macdonald, Up to 9,397 Partners Meredith and Aberdeen Additional, Matachewan, Morley, Nipigon, M Million Plummer Additional, Rainy River, Spanish, St. Joseph, Tarbutt, Temiskaming Shores, The North Shore, Thessalon, Wawa, White River. Ehltel Networks Chatsworth, Georgian Bluffs, Meaford, Owen Sound. $24.7 Up to 3,265 Inc. Million North Frontenac Adelaide -Metcalfe, London, Lucan Biddulph, Middlesex Centre, North $39.5 Telephone Up to 3,682 Middlesex, Strathroy-Caradoc. Million Company Oil; https://news.ontario.calentbackgrounderl1002219lontario-Increasing-access-to-high-speed-intemet-across-the-province 2/4 814/22, 11:14 AM Ontario Increasing Access to Highspeed Internet Across the Province I Ontario Newsroom Internet Service Provider(ISP) Municipalities to Benefit (Subject to Change Based on Final Agreements) Estimated Total Provincial Funding Estimated Number of Unserved and erved Ho ersI Homes Businesses within Project Area Adjala-Tosorontio, Admaston/Bromley, Ajax, Alfred And Plantagenet, Arnprior, Asphodel -Norwood, Barrie, Belleville, Bonnechere Valley, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Brampton, Brant, Brantford, Brock, Caledon, Cambridge, Casselman, Cavan Monaghan, Centre Hastings, Champlain, Clarence -Rockland, Clarington, Clearview, Collingwood, Cornwall, Douro- Dummer, East Hawkesbury, Essa, Georgian Bay, Grey Highlands, Grimsby, Haldimand County, Hamilton, Havelock -Belmont -Methuen, Hawkesbury, Horton, Huntsville, Innisfil, Kawartha Lakes, Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards, Kitchener, Laurentian Valley, Lincoln, London, Rogers Lucan Biddulph, Madawaska Valley, Mcnab/Braeside, Meaford, $171.0 Communications Middlesex Centre, Mississauga, Muskoka Lakes, New Tecumseth, Norfolk Million Up to 89,295 Canada Inc. County, North Algona Wilberforce, North Dumfries, North Glengarry, North Kawartha, North Middlesex, North Stormont, Orillia, Oro- Medonte, Oshawa, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Ottawa, Pelham, Peterborough, Pickering, Prince Edward County, Quinte West, Ramara, Renfrew, Russell, Scugog, Selwyn, Severn, South Glengarry, South Stormont, Springwater, St. Catharines, Stirling-Rawdon, Thames Centre, The Blue Mountains, The Nation, Thorold, Toronto, Trent Hills, Trent Lakes, Uxbridge, Wasaga Beach, Waterloo, Welland, Wellesley, West Lincoln, Whitby, Whitewater Region, Wilmot, Woolwich. Adelaide -Metcalfe, Amherstburg, Athens, Augusta, Aylmer, Bayham, Beckwith, Blandford-Blenheim, Brant, Brockton, Brockville, Brooke- Alvinston, Central Elgin, Central Frontenac, Central Huron, Chatham - Kent, Chatsworth, Dawn-Euphemia, Drummond/North Elmsley, Dutton/Dunwich, East Zorra-Tavistock, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Elizabethtown-Kitley, Enniskillen, Essex, Front ofYonge, Frontenac Islands, Gananoque, Greater Napanee, Grey Highlands, Hanover, Howick, Huron East, Huron-Kinloss, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kingston, Kingsville, Lakeshore, Lanark Highlands, Lasalle, Leamington, Leeds and Xplornet the Thousand Islands, London, Loyalist, Malahide, Mapleton, Meaford, $240.0 Communications Melancthon, Merrickville-Wolford, Middlesex Centre, Minden Hills, Minto, Million Up to 54,679 Inc. Montague, Mo rris-Tu rn berry, Newbury, North Dundas, North Grenville, North Kawartha, North Perth, North Stormont, Norwich, Oil Springs, Perth, Perth East, Perth South, Prescott, Rideau Lakes, Saugeen Shores, Selwyn, Smiths Falls, South Bruce, South Bruce Peninsula, South Dundas, South Frontenac, South Stormont, Southgate, Southwest Middlesex, South-West Oxford, Southwold, St. Clair, St, Marys, St. Thomas, Stone Mills, Stratford, Strathroy-Caradoc, Tay Valley, Tecumseh, Tillsonburg, Trent Lakes, Wellington North, West Elgin, West Grey, West Perth, Westport, Windsor, Woodstock, Zorra. Additional Resources • Ontario Bringing High -Speed Internet Access to More Communities 347 https://news.onlado.ca/entbackgrounder/1002219lontado-increasing-access-to-high-speed-intemet-across-the-province 3/4 8/4/22, 11:14 AM Media Contacts Ontario Increasing Access to Highspeed Internet Across the Province i Ontario Newsroom Hayley Cooper Office of the Honourable Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure Hayley.Coo per CZlontario.ca Sofia Sousa -Dias Communications Branch Sofia Sousa-Dias(@ontario.ca Accessibility Privacy Contact us © Queen's Printer For Ontario, 2012-2022 348 https://news.ontado.ca/en/hackgroundertl002219lontado-increasing-access-to-high-speed-intemet-across-the-province 4/4 We are hiring for PSWs, RPNs, RNs, and Dietary Aids/Cooks within each of our three Long -Term Care Homes with start rates between $25.82 and $35/hr. Please attend any one of the three Job Fair dates listed below for an IIIIIII Illilll lllllll IIIIIII Illilll Illi IIIIIII° IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII AUG 18TH 11am - 5pm Aylmer Old Town Hall 38 John St S, Aylmer AUG 18TH 8am - 2pm Masonic Centre 42703 Fruit Ridge Ln, St Thomas SEPT 15TH 10am - 4pm Dutton Community Centre 1 Scotland St, Dutton For full details. please visit: elgincounty.ca/careers CLOSED MEETING AGENDA August 9, 2022 Staff Reports: 1) Chief Administrative Officer — Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — Security of Property 2) Chief Administrative Officer — Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual — Organizational Update (walk-on) 3) General Manager of EPE/Deputy CAO — Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them, (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board — Property Matter (walk-on) 350 CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 22-37 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY CLERKS (ALTERNATE) FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 21-43" WHEREAS pursuant to section 228(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. M. 46, as amended ("Act"), a municipality may appoint a Deputy Clerk or Deputy Clerks who shall have all of the powers and duties of the Clerk under the said Act and any other Act; AND WHEREAS, by By -Law No. 21-43, Elgin County Council last appointed a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (Alternate) for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate that the aforementioned appointments be revised to accurately reflect current operations for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Manager of Administrative Services be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 2. THAT the County Solicitor be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk (alternate) of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 3. THAT the Manager of Human Resources be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk (alternate). 4. THAT By -Law No. 21-43 is hereby repealed. 5. THAT, where provisions of this By -Law are inconsistent with the provisions of any other By -Law, the provisions of this By -Law shall prevail. 6. THAT, this By -Law becomes effective on August 9, 2022. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th DAY OF AUGUST 2022. Julie Gonyou, Mary French, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 351 CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 22-38 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A TREASURER AND DEPUTY TREASURER FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 21- 44" WHEREAS pursuant to section 286(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. M. 46, as amended ("Act"), a municipality shall appoint a Treasurer who is responsible for handling all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in a manner directed by council of that municipality; AND WHEREAS, by By -Law No. 21-44, Elgin County Council last appointed a Treasurer for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS, pursuant to section 286(2) of the Act, a municipality may appoint a Deputy Treasurer or Deputy Treasurers who shall have all of the powers and duties of the Treasurer as may be required; AND WHEREAS, by By -Law No. 21-44, Elgin County Council last appointed a Deputy Treasurer for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate that the aforementioned appointments be revised to accurately reflect current operations for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 2. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Treasurer of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 3. THAT By -Law No. 21-44 is hereby repealed. 4. THAT, where provisions of this By -Law are inconsistent with the provisions of any other By -Law, the provisions of this By -Law shall prevail. 5. THAT, this By -Law becomes effective on August 9, 2022. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th DAY OF AUGUST 2022. Julie Gonyou, Mary French, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 352