08-18 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 08-18 'A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. THE TOWN OF AYLMER AND THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE FOR THE PROVISION OF WATER. SEWAGE AND STORM WATER SERVICES TO THE AMBULANCE BASE AT TERRACE LODGE" WHEREAS it is necessary to enter into an agreement with the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide to provide water, sewage and storm water services to the County of Elgin ambulance base located on the Terrace Lodge property. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Elgin, the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer and the Corporation of the Township of Malahide to authorize the connection to and provision of, certain potable water, sewage and storm water services to the County of Elgin owned and operated ambulance base located on Terrace Lodge property, Talbot Street East, in the Township of Malahide. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 10th DAY OF JUNE 2008. rk G. McDon , Chief Adminls rative Officer.